Index: trunk/CMakeLists.txt =================================================================== --- trunk/CMakeLists.txt (revision 14) +++ trunk/CMakeLists.txt (revision 15) @@ -1,331 +1,349 @@ ########################################################################### # # Copyright 2010 # # This file is part of Starlight. # # Starlight is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # Starlight is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with Starlight. If not, see . # ########################################################################### # # File and Version Information: # $Rev:: 247 $: revision of last commit # $Author:: butter $: author of last commit # $Date:: 2016-03-05 00:59:24 +0000 #$: date of last commit # # Description: # Starlight build file # # ########################################################################### # check if cmake has the required version cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 2.6.0 FATAL_ERROR) - # set verbosity set(CMAKE_VERBOSE_MAKEFILE 0) # if set to 1 compile and link commands are displayed during build # the same effect can be achieved by calling 'make VERBOSE=1' # The version number. 9999 indicates trunk set (Starlight_VERSION_MAJOR 9999) set (Starlight_VERSION_MINOR 1) set (Starlight_VERSION_MINOR_MINOR 0) # define project project(starlight) #find_package (Threads) # load some common cmake macros # set path, where to look first for cmake modules, before ${CMAKE_ROOT}/Modules/ is checked set(CMAKE_MODULE_PATH "${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/cmake_modules") message(STATUS "Using cmake module path '${CMAKE_MODULE_PATH}'") include(CommonMacros) # force out-of-source builds. enforce_out_of_source_build() # warn user if system is not UNIX if(NOT UNIX) message(FATAL_ERROR "This is an unsupported system.") endif() message(STATUS "Detected host system '${CMAKE_HOST_SYSTEM_NAME}' version '${CMAKE_HOST_SYSTEM_VERSION}' architecture '${CMAKE_HOST_SYSTEM_PROCESSOR}'") message(STATUS "Compiling for system '${CMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME}' version '${CMAKE_SYSTEM_VERSION}' architecture '${CMAKE_SYSTEM_PROCESSOR}'") -option (CPP11 "Enable compilation with C++11 features" OFF) +option (CPP11 "Enable compilation with C++11 features" ON) # define build types # set a default build type for single-configuration CMake generators, if no build type is set. set(CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE Debug) if(NOT CMAKE_CONFIGURATION_TYPES AND NOT CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE) message(STATUS "No build type was specified. Setting build type to 'Release'.") set(CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE Release) endif() # common compiler flags if (CMAKE_COMPILER_IS_GNUCC) execute_process(COMMAND ${CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER} -dumpversion OUTPUT_VARIABLE GCC_VERSION) message(STATUS "GCC_VERSTION") message(STATUS ${GCC_VERSION}) if (GCC_VERSION VERSION_GREATER 4.6 OR GCC_VERSION VERSION_EQUAL 4.6) message(STATUS "GCC_VERSION>=4.6") if(CPP11) set(CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS "-Wall -Wextra -Werror -Wno-error=unused-but-set-variable -Wno-error=unused-but-set-parameter -std=c++11") message(STATUS "Enabling usage of C++11 features") else() set(CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS "-Wall -Wextra -Werror -Wno-error=unused-but-set-variable -Wno-error=unused-but-set-parameter") endif() else() message(STATUS "GCC_VERSION<4.6") set(CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS "-Wall -Wextra -Werror -Wno-error=unused-but-set-variable -Wno-error=unused-but-set-parameter") if(CPP11) message(WARNING "C++11 feautures not supported for your compiler") endif() endif() else() message(STATUS "Not GCC") set(CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS "-Wall -Wextra -Werror") if(CPP11) message(WARNING "C++11 feautures not supported for your compiler") endif() endif() # flags for specific build types set(CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS_DEBUG "-g") set(CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS_RELEASE "-O3") set(CMAKE_CXX_LDFLAGS_DEBUG "-g") # report global build settings message(STATUS "Using CXX compiler '${CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER}'") message(STATUS "Using CXX general compiler flags '${CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS}'") foreach(_BUILD_TYPE "DEBUG" "MINSIZEREL" "RELEASE" "RELWITHDEBINFO") message(STATUS "Using CXX compiler flags '${CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS_${_BUILD_TYPE}}' for build type ${_BUILD_TYPE}") endforeach() message(STATUS "Build type is '${CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE}'") # redirect output files #set(LIBRARY_OUTPUT_PATH "${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/lib") message(STATUS "Using library output path '${LIBRARY_OUTPUT_PATH}'") #set(EXECUTABLE_OUTPUT_PATH "${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/bin") message(STATUS "Using executable output path '${EXECUTABLE_OUTPUT_PATH}'") # make CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR accessible in source code via predefined macro CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR if(CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR) add_definitions(-D'CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR=\"${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}\"') else() add_definitions(-D'CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR=\"\"') endif() # make SVN version string accessible in source code via predefined macro SVN_VERSION find_package(Subversion) if(Subversion_FOUND) # unfortunately CMAKE only parses 'svn info' find_program(SVNVERSION_EXECUTABLE svnversion ) if(NOT SVNVERSION_EXECUTABLE) message(STATUS "Could not find subversion command 'svnversion'. Repository version unknown.") else() execute_process( COMMAND ${SVNVERSION_EXECUTABLE} "${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}" OUTPUT_VARIABLE SVN_VERSION RESULT_VARIABLE _SVNVERSION_RETURN OUTPUT_STRIP_TRAILING_WHITESPACE) if(NOT ${_SVNVERSION_RETURN}) message(STATUS "Subversion repository revision is '${SVN_VERSION}'") else() message(STATUS "Error running 'svnversion'. Repository version unknown.") set(SVN_VERSION "") endif() endif() else() message(STATUS "Could not find subversion installation. Repository version unknown.") endif() if(SVN_VERSION) add_definitions(-D'SVN_VERSION=\"${SVN_VERSION}\"') else() add_definitions(-D'SVN_VERSION=\"\"') endif() # setup doxygen find_package(Doxygen) if(NOT DOXYGEN_FOUND) message(WARNING "Cannot find Doxygen. No HTML documentation will be generated.") else() set(DOXYGEN_TARGET "doxygen") set(DOXYGEN_DOC_DIR "${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/doxygen") set(DOXYGEN_CONF "${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/starlightDoxyfile.conf") message(STATUS "Run 'make ${DOXYGEN_TARGET}' to create Doxygen documentation files in '${DOXYGEN_DOC_DIR}'") add_custom_target(${DOXYGEN_TARGET} COMMAND ${DOXYGEN_EXECUTABLE} ${DOXYGEN_CONF} DEPENDS ${DOXYGEN_CONF} WORKING_DIRECTORY ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR} ) endif() +option (ENABLE_HEPMC3 "Enable compilation against hepmc3 (necessary for hepmc3 output)" OFF) +if(ENABLE_HEPMC3) + find_package(HepMC3) + if(HEPMC3_FOUND) + set(optionalLibs ${optionalLibs} ${HEPMC3_LIBRARY}) + option(ENABLE_HEPMC3 "Should we use the HepMC3 library" ON) + else() + option(ENABLE_HEPMC3 "Should we use the HepMC3 library" OFF) + endif() +endif() # setup Pythia 8 option (ENABLE_PYTHIA "Enable compilation against pythia (necessary for certain processes)" OFF) if(ENABLE_PYTHIA) find_package(Pythia8) if(PYTHIA8_FOUND) set(optionalLibs ${optionalLibs} ${PYTHIA8_LIBRARY}) # find_package(LHAPDF REQUIRED) # implemented for dummy version in Pythia8 # set(optionalLibs ${optionalLibs} ${LHAPDF_LIBRARIES})#liblhapdfdummy # removed from v8.2, if you want to add your own lhapdf set, uncomment # find_package + set - jb 05192015 option(ENABLE_PYTHIA "Should we use the Pythia8 library" ON) else() option(ENABLE_PYTHIA "Should we use the Pythia8 library" OFF) endif() endif() # setup Pythia 6 option (ENABLE_PYTHIA6 "Enable compilation against pythia 6 (necessary for certain processes)" OFF) if(ENABLE_PYTHIA6) find_package(Pythia6 REQUIRED) if(PYTHIA6_FOUND) set(optionalLibs ${optionalLibs} ${PYTHIA6_LIBRARY}) option (ENABLE_PYTHIA6 "Enable compilation against pythia 6 (necessary for certain processes)" ON) include_directories(pythia6) else(PYTHIA6_FOUND) option (ENABLE_PYTHIA6 "Enable compilation against pythia 6 (necessary for certain processes)" OFF) endif(PYTHIA6_FOUND) endif() # setup DPMJET option (ENABLE_DPMJET "Enable compilation against DPMJet" OFF) if(ENABLE_DPMJET) find_package(DPMJet REQUIRED) if(DPMJET_FOUND) option (ENABLE_DPMJET "Enable compilation against DPMJet" ON) else(DPMJET_FOUND) option (ENABLE_DPMJET "Enable compilation against DPMJet" OFF) endif(DPMJET_FOUND) endif(ENABLE_DPMJET) # set include directories set(INCLUDE_DIRECTORIES ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/include ${PROJECT_BINARY_DIR} ${PYTHIA8_INCLUDE_DIR}#uncommented 05192015 ) include_directories(${INCLUDE_DIRECTORIES}) # Set our source files, include the generated dictionary set(SOURCES src/bessel.cpp src/beam.cpp src/inputParameters.cpp src/beambeamsystem.cpp src/starlightparticle.cpp src/gammaaluminosity.cpp src/randomgenerator.cpp src/nucleus.cpp src/eventchannel.cpp src/gammaavm.cpp src/gammagammasingle.cpp src/photonNucleusCrossSection.cpp src/wideResonanceCrossSection.cpp src/narrowResonanceCrossSection.cpp src/readinluminosity.cpp src/twophotonluminosity.cpp src/gammagammaleptonpair.cpp src/upcevent.cpp src/vector3.cpp src/lorentzvector.cpp src/filewriter.cpp src/eventfilewriter.cpp src/starlightparticlecodes.cpp src/nBodyPhaseSpaceGen.cpp src/inputParser.cpp src/incoherentPhotonNucleusLuminosity.cpp src/incoherentVMCrossSection.cpp # eSTARlight src/eXevent.cpp src/gammaeluminosity.cpp src/e_wideResonanceCrossSection.cpp src/e_narrowResonanceCrossSection.cpp src/e_starlight.cpp src/e_starlightStandalone.cpp ) + +if (ENABLE_HEPMC3) + set (SOURCES + ${SOURCES} + src/hepmc3writer.cpp + ) + include_directories(${HEPMC3_INCLUDE_DIR}) + add_definitions( -DHEPMC3_ON ) +endif() if(ENABLE_PYTHIA) set (SOURCES ${SOURCES} #src/PythiaStarlight.cpp src/pythiadecayer.cpp ) include_directories(${PYTHIA8_INCLUDE_DIR}) endif() if(ENABLE_PYTHIA6) set (SOURCES ${SOURCES} src/starlightpythia.cpp src/spectrum.cpp src/spectrumprotonnucleus.cpp ) endif() if(ENABLE_DPMJET) set (SOURCES ${SOURCES} src/starlightdpmjet.cpp src/spectrum.cpp src/spectrumprotonnucleus.cpp ) endif() # add Starlight library to the build system set(THIS_LIB "Starlib") add_library(${THIS_LIB} STATIC ${SOURCES}) #make_shared_library("${THIS_LIB}" "${SOURCES}" # "${PYTHIA8_LIBRARY}" # "${LHAPDF_LIBRARIES}" #) if(ENABLE_DPMJET) enable_language(Fortran) set(DPMJET_LIB "DpmJetLib") message(STATUS "DPMJet objects: ${DPMJET_OBJECTS}") add_library(${DPMJET_LIB} STATIC dpmjet/dpmjetint.f ${DPMJET_OBJECTS}) set(optionalLibs ${optionalLibs} ${DPMJET_LIB}) set(optionalLibs ${optionalLibs} "gfortran") endif() if(ENABLE_PYTHIA6) enable_language(Fortran) endif() # add starlight executable to the build system add_executable(e_starlight src/e_main.cpp) target_link_libraries(e_starlight Starlib ${optionalLibs})# ${CMAKE_THREAD_LIBS_INIT}) configure_file ( "${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/" "${PROJECT_BINARY_DIR}/starlightconfig.h" ) # Erase xsec values in case changes in code affects the xsec, executed during make process add_custom_command (TARGET Starlib POST_BUILD COMMAND touch ARGS slight.txt) add_custom_command (TARGET Starlib POST_BUILD COMMAND cp ARGS slight.txt slight.txt.bak) add_custom_command (TARGET Starlib POST_BUILD COMMAND echo ARGS '' > slight.txt ) message(STATUS "Cmake did not find any errors. run 'make' to build the project.") message(STATUS "On multi-core machines 'make -j#', where # is the number of parallel jobs, can speedup compilation considerably.") Index: trunk/include/eventfilewriter.h =================================================================== --- trunk/include/eventfilewriter.h (revision 14) +++ trunk/include/eventfilewriter.h (revision 15) @@ -1,72 +1,86 @@ /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Copyright 2010 // // This file is part of starlight. // // starlight is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by // the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or // (at your option) any later version. // // starlight is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License // along with starlight. If not, see . // /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // File and Version Information: // $Rev:: 97 $: revision of last commit // $Author:: odjuvsla $: author of last commit // $Date:: 2012-10-22 22:25:35 +0100 #$: date of last commit // // Description: // // // /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #ifndef EVENTFILEWRITER_H #define EVENTFILEWRITER_H +#ifdef HEPMC3_ON +class hepMC3Writer; +#endif #include #include "filewriter.h" #include "inputParameters.h" class eventFileWriter : public fileWriter { public: /** Default constructor */ eventFileWriter(); /** Constructor with name */ eventFileWriter(std::string filename); /** Write out simulation set up */ int writeInit(inputParameters ¶m ); /** Write an UPC event to file */ int writeEvent(upcEvent &event, int eventnumber); /** Write an eX event to file */ int writeEvent(eXEvent &event, int eventnumber); /** Set if we want to write full pythia information */ void writeFullPythiaInfo(bool v) { _writeFullPythia = v; } + + /** Set if we want to write full pythia information */ + void writeFullHepMC3Info(bool v) { _writeFullHepMC3 = v; } + + /** close the file */ + int close(); private: bool _writeFullPythia; - + bool _writeFullHepMC3; + +#ifdef HEPMC3_ON + hepMC3Writer * _hepmc3writer; +#endif + }; #endif // EVENTFILEWRITER_H Index: trunk/include/inputParameters.h =================================================================== --- trunk/include/inputParameters.h (revision 14) +++ trunk/include/inputParameters.h (revision 15) @@ -1,405 +1,408 @@ /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Copyright 2010 // // This file is part of starlight. // // starlight is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by // the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or // (at your option) any later version. // // starlight is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License // along with starlight. If not, see . // /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // File and Version Information: // $Rev:: 276 $: revision of last commit // $Author:: jnystrand $: author of last commit // $Date:: 2016-09-13 19:54:42 +0100 #$: date of last commit // // Description: // // // /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #ifndef INPUTPARAMETERS_H #define INPUTPARAMETERS_H #include "starlightconstants.h" #include "inputParser.h" #include #include #include #include class parameterbase; class parameterlist { public: parameterlist() : _parameters(0) {} void add(parameterbase* p) { _parameters.push_back(p); } // Returns a string with a key of the current state of the parameter list // only inline std::string validationKey(); private: std::vector _parameters; }; // Base class for parameters, needed to keep a list of parameters class parameterbase { public: // Add this to parameter list parameterbase() { _parameters.add(this); } virtual std::string validationkey() = 0; template std::string toString(T v) { std::stringstream s; s << v; return s.str(); } inline friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const parameterbase& par); // List of all parameters static parameterlist _parameters; }; // Need to init the static variable // parameterlist parameterbase::_parameters; // The actual parameter class // validate parameter specifies if the parameter should be a part of the validity check of the current parameters template class parameter : public parameterbase { public: // Constructor parameter(const std::string &name, T value, bool required = true) :parameterbase(),_name(name), _value(value), _validate(validate), _required(required) {} parameter &operator=(T v) { _value = v; return *this;} T* ptr() const { return const_cast(&_value); } T value() const { return _value; } std::string name() const { return _name;} bool required() const { return _required; } void setValue(T v) { _value = v; } void setName(std::string name) { _name = name; } void setRequired(bool r) { _required = r; } // Validation key for this parameter std::string validationkey() { return (_validate ? _name + ":" + toString(_value) + "-" : std::string("")); } template inline friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const parameter& par); private: std::string _name; T _value; // Value bool _validate; // true if a change in the parameter invalidates x-sec tables bool _required; // true if this is required option. parameter(); }; template inline std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const parameter& par) { os << par._value; return os; } std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const parameterbase& par) { os << par._parameters.validationKey(); return os; } std::string parameterlist::validationKey() { std::stringstream s; for(unsigned int i = 0; i < _parameters.size(); ++i) { s << _parameters[i]->validationkey(); // Will print names and values of validation parameters } return s.str(); } class inputParameters { public: inputParameters(); ~inputParameters(); bool init(); bool configureFromFile(const std::string &configFileName = "./config/"); std::string baseFileName () const { return _baseFileName.value(); } int beam1Z () const { return _beam1Z.value(); } ///< returns atomic number of beam particle 1 unsigned int beam1A () const { return _beam1A.value(); } ///< returns atomic mass number of beam particle 1 int beam2Z () const { return _beam2Z.value(); } ///< returns atomic number of beam particle 2 unsigned int beam2A () const { return _beam2A.value(); } ///< returns atomic mass number of beam particle 2 double targetLorentzGamma () const { return _targetLorentzGamma; } ///< returns Lorentz gamma factor of source in target frame double beamLorentzGamma () const { return _beamLorentzGamma; } ///< returns Lorentz gamma factor of both beams in beam CMS frame double beam1LorentzGamma () const { return _beam1LorentzGamma.value(); } ///< returns Lorentz gamma factor of beam 1 in collider frame double beam2LorentzGamma () const { return _beam2LorentzGamma.value(); } ///< returns Lorentz gamma factor of beam 2 in collider frame double targetMaxPhotonEnergy () const { return _targetMaxPhotonEnergy; } ///< returns maximum photon energy double cmsMaxPhotonEnergy () const { return _cmsMaxPhotonEnergy; } ///< returns maximum photon energy double targetMinPhotonEnergy () const { return _targetMinPhotonEnergy; } ///< returns maximum photon energy double cmsMinPhotonEnergy () const { return _cmsMinPhotonEnergy; } ///< returns maximum photon energy double maxW () const { return _maxW.value(); } ///< returns maximum mass W of produced hadronic system [GeV/c^2] double minW () const { return _minW.value(); } ///< returns minimum mass W of produced hadronic system [GeV/c^2] unsigned int nmbWBins () const { return _nmbWBins.value(); } ///< returns number of W bins in lookup table double maxRapidity () const { return _maxRapidity.value(); } ///< returns maximum absolute value of rapidity unsigned int nmbRapidityBins () const { return _nmbRapidityBins.value(); } ///< returns number of rapidity bins in lookup table unsigned int nmbEnergyBins () const { return _nmbEnergyBins.value(); } ///< return the number of Egamma bins for eSTARlight lookup bool ptCutEnabled () const { return _ptCutEnabled.value(); } ///< returns cut in pt double ptCutMin () const { return _ptCutMin.value(); } ///< returns minimum pt double ptCutMax () const { return _ptCutMax.value(); } ///< returns maximum pt bool etaCutEnabled () const { return _etaCutEnabled.value(); } ///< returns cut in eta double etaCutMin () const { return _etaCutMin.value(); } ///< returns minimum eta double etaCutMax () const { return _etaCutMax.value(); } ///< returns maximum eta int productionMode () const { return _productionMode.value(); } ///< returns production mode unsigned int nmbEvents () const { return _nmbEventsTot.value(); } ///< returns total number of events to generate int prodParticleId () const { return _prodParticleId.value(); } ///< returns PDG particle ID of produced particle int randomSeed () const { return _randomSeed.value(); } ///< returns seed for random number generator int beamBreakupMode () const { return _beamBreakupMode.value(); } ///< returns breakup mode for beam particles bool interferenceEnabled () const { return _interferenceEnabled.value(); } ///< returns whether interference is taken into account double interferenceStrength () const { return _interferenceStrength.value(); } ///< returns percentage of interference double maxPtInterference () const { return _maxPtInterference.value(); } ///< returns maximum p_T for interference calculation [GeV/c] int nmbPtBinsInterference () const { return _nmbPtBinsInterference.value(); } ///< returns number of p_T bins for interference calculation double ptBinWidthInterference() const { return _ptBinWidthInterference.value(); } ///< returns width of p_T bins for interference calculation [GeV/c] double minGammaEnergy () const { return _minGammaEnergy.value(); } ///< returns minimum gamma energy in case of photo nuclear processes [GeV] double maxGammaEnergy () const { return _maxGammaEnergy.value(); } ///< returns maximum gamma energy in case of photo nuclear processes [GeV] double minGammaQ2 () const { return _minGammaQ2.value(); } ///< return minimum gamma virtuality double maxGammaQ2 () const { return _maxGammaQ2.value(); } ///< return maximum gamma virtuality bool fixedQ2Range () const { return _fixedQ2Range; } ///< return state of Q2 range unsigned int nmbGammaQ2Bins () const { return _nmbGammaQ2Bins.value(); } ///< return number of gamma q2 bins std::string pythiaParams () const { return _pythiaParams.value(); } ///< returns parameters to be passed to pythia bool pythiaFullEventRecord () const { return _pythiaFullEventRecord.value(); } ///< returns if the full pythia event record should be printed + bool hepmc3FullEventRecord () const { return _hepmc3FullEventRecord.value(); } ///< returns if the full hepmc3 event record should be printed int xsecCalcMethod () const { return _xsecCalcMethod.value(); } ///< returns the method used for the x-sec calculation double axionMass () const { return _axionMass.value(); } ///< returns axion mass //AXION HACK int bslopeDefinition () const { return _bslopeDefinition.value(); } ///< returns the definition of b-slope double bslopeValue () const { return _bslopeValue.value(); } ///< returns the value of b-slope int impulseVM () const { return _impulseVM.value(); } ///< returns the impulseVM value int quantumGlauber () const { return _quantumGlauber.value(); } ///< returns the quantum glauber value starlightConstants::particleTypeEnum prodParticleType () const { return _particleType; } ///< returns type of produced particle starlightConstants::decayTypeEnum prodParticleDecayType() const { return _decayType; } ///< returns decay type of produced particle starlightConstants::interactionTypeEnum interactionType () const { return _interactionType; } ///< returns interaction type double protonEnergy () const { return _protonEnergy.value(); } double electronEnergy () const { return _electronEnergy.value(); } double inputBranchingRatio () const { return _inputBranchingRatio; } double targetRadius () const { return _targetR; } void setBaseFileName (std::string v ) { _baseFileName = v; } void setBeam1Z (unsigned int v) { _beam1Z = v; } ///< sets atomic number of beam particle 1 void setBeam1A (unsigned int v) { _beam1A = v; } ///< sets atomic mass number of beam particle 1 void setBeam2Z (unsigned int v) { _beam2Z = v; } ///< sets atomic number of beam particle 2 void setBeam2A (unsigned int v) { _beam2A = v; } ///< sets atomic mass number of beam particle 2 void setTargetLorentzGamma (double v) { _targetLorentzGamma = v; } ///< sets Lorentz gamma factor of both beams in beam CMS frame void setBeamLorentzGamma (double v) { _beamLorentzGamma = v; } ///< sets Lorentz gamma factor of both beams in beam CMS frame void setBeam1LorentzGamma (double v) { _beam1LorentzGamma = v; } ///< sets Lorentz gamma factor of beam 1 in collider frame void setBeam2LorentzGamma (double v) { _beam2LorentzGamma = v; } ///< sets Lorentz gamma factor of beam 2 in collider frame //void setMaxPhotonEnergy (double v) { _maxPhotonEnergy = v ; } ///< sets maximim photon energy void setMaxW (double v) { _maxW = v; } ///< sets maximum mass W of produced hadronic system [GeV/c^2] void setMinW (double v) { _minW = v; } ///< sets minimum mass W of produced hadronic system [GeV/c^2] void setNmbWBins (unsigned int v) { _nmbWBins = v; } ///< sets number of W bins in lookup table void setMaxRapidity (double v) { _maxRapidity = v; } ///< sets maximum absolute value of rapidity void setNmbRapidityBins (unsigned int v) { _nmbRapidityBins = v; } ///< sets number of rapidity bins in lookup table void setNmbEgaBins (unsigned int v) { _nmbEnergyBins = v; } ///< sets number of Ega bins for eSTARlight void setPtCutEnabled (bool v) { _ptCutEnabled = v; } ///< sets cut in pt void setPtCutMin (double v) { _ptCutMin = v; } ///< sets minimum pt void setPtCutMax (double v) { _ptCutMax = v; } ///< sets maximum pt void setEtaCutEnabled (bool v) { _etaCutEnabled = v; } ///< sets cut in eta void setEtaCutMin (double v) { _etaCutMin = v; } ///< sets minimum eta void setEtaCutMax (double v) { _etaCutMax = v; } ///< sets maximum eta void setProductionMode (int v) { _productionMode = v; } ///< sets production mode void setNmbEvents (unsigned int v) { _nmbEventsTot = v; } ///< sets total number of events to generate void setProdParticleId (int v) { _prodParticleId = v; } ///< sets PDG particle ID of produced particle void setRandomSeed (int v) { _randomSeed = v; } ///< sets seed for random number generator void setBeamBreakupMode (int v) { _beamBreakupMode = v; } ///< sets breakup mode for beam particles void setInterferenceEnabled (bool v) { _interferenceEnabled = v; } ///< sets whether interference is taken into account void setInterferenceStrength (double v) { _interferenceStrength = v; } ///< sets percentage of interference void setMaxPtInterference (double v) { _maxPtInterference = v; } ///< sets maximum p_T for voiderference calculation [GeV/c] void setNmbPtBinsInterference (int v) { _nmbPtBinsInterference = v; } ///< sets number of p_T bins for interference calculation void setPtBinWidthInterference(double v) { _ptBinWidthInterference = v; } ///< sets width of p_T bins for voiderference calculation [GeV/c] void setMinGammaEnergy (double v) { _minGammaEnergy = v; } ///< sets minimum gamma energy in case of photo nuclear processes [GeV] void setMaxGammaEnergy (double v) { _maxGammaEnergy = v; } ///< sets maximum gamma energy in case of photo nuclear processes [GeV] void setMinGammaQ2 (double v) { _minGammaQ2 = v; } ///< sets minimum gamma virtuality in case of photo nuclear processes [GeV] void setMaxGammaQ2 (double v) { _maxGammaQ2 = v; } ///< sets maximum gamma virtuality in case of photo nuclear processes [GeV] void setPythiaParams (std::string v) { _pythiaParams = v; } ///< sets parameters to be passed to pythia void setPythiaFullEventRecord (bool v) { _pythiaFullEventRecord = v; } ///< sets if the full pythia event record should be prvoided + void setHepMC3FullEventRecord (bool v) { _hepmc3FullEventRecord = v; } ///< sets if the full hepmc3 event record should be prvoided void setXsecCalcMethod (int v) { _xsecCalcMethod = v; } ///< sets the method used for the x-sec calculation void setAxionMass (double v) { _axionMass = v; } ///< sets axion mass //AXION HACK void setbslopeDefinition (int v) { _bslopeDefinition = v; } ///< sets the definition of b slope void setbslopeValue (double v) { _bslopeValue = v; } ///< sets the value of b slope void setimpulseVM (int v) { _impulseVM = v; } ///< sets the value of _impulseVM void setquantumGlauber (int v) { _quantumGlauber = v; } ///< sets the value of quantum_glauber void setProdParticleType (starlightConstants::particleTypeEnum v) { _particleType = v; } ///< sets type of produced particle void setProdParticleDecayType (starlightConstants::decayTypeEnum v) { _decayType = v; } ///< sets decay type of produced particle void setInteractionType (starlightConstants::interactionTypeEnum v) { _interactionType = v; } ///< sets interaction type void setProtonEnergy (double v) { _protonEnergy = v; } ///< sets proton energy void setElectronEnergy (double v) { _electronEnergy = v; } ///< sets electron energy template inline bool setParameter(std::string expression); std::ostream& print(std::ostream& out) const; ///< prints parameter summary std::ostream& write(std::ostream& out) const; ///< writes parameters back to an ostream std::string parameterValueKey() const; ///< Generates key for the current parameters private: // To indicate if the crossection table should be re-calculated if parameter changes #define VALIDITY_CHECK true #define NO_VALIDITY_CHECK false std::string _configFileName; ///< path to configuration file (default = ./config/ // config file parameters parameter _baseFileName; parameter _beam1Z; ///< atomic number of beam particle 1 parameter _beam1A; ///< atomic mass number of beam particle 1 parameter _beam2Z; ///< atomic number of beam particle 2 parameter _beam2A; ///< atomic mass number of beam particle 2 parameter _beam1LorentzGamma; ///< Lorentz gamma factor of beam 1 in collider frame parameter _beam2LorentzGamma; ///< Lorentz gamma factor of beam 2 in collider frame parameter _maxW; ///< maximum mass W of produced hadronic system [GeV/c^2] parameter _minW; ///< minimum mass W of produced hadronic system; if set to -1 default value is taken [GeV/c^2] parameter _nmbWBins; ///< number of W bins in lookup table parameter _maxRapidity; ///< maximum absolute value of rapidity parameter _nmbRapidityBins; ///< number of rapidity bins in lookup table parameter _nmbEnergyBins; ///< number of Egamma bins in lookup table parameter _ptCutEnabled; ///< en/disables cut in pt parameter _ptCutMin; ///< minimum pt, if cut is enabled parameter _ptCutMax; ///< maximum pt, if cut is enabled parameter _etaCutEnabled; ///< en/disables cut in eta parameter _etaCutMin; ///< minimum eta, if cut is enabled parameter _etaCutMax; ///< maximum eta, if cut is enabled parameter _productionMode; ///< \brief production mode ///< ///< 1 = photon-photon fusion, ///< 2 = narrow vector meson resonance in photon-Pomeron fusion, ///< 3 = Breit-Wigner vector meson resonance in photon-Pomeron fusion parameter _nmbEventsTot; ///< total number of events to generate parameter _prodParticleId; ///< PDG particle ID of produced particle parameter _randomSeed; ///< seed for random number generator ///< ///< 1 = ASCII ///< 2 = GSTARtext, ///< 3 = PAW ntuple (not working) parameter _beamBreakupMode; ///< \brief breakup mode for beam particles ///< ///< 1 = hard sphere nuclei (b > 2R), ///< 2 = both nuclei break up (XnXn), ///< 3 = a single neutron from each nucleus (1n1n), ///< 4 = neither nucleon breaks up (with b > 2R), ///< 5 = no hadronic break up (similar to option 1, but with the actual hadronic interaction) parameter _interferenceEnabled; ///< if VALIDITY_CHECK, interference is taken into account parameter _interferenceStrength; ///< percentage of interference: from 0 = none to 1 = full parameter _maxPtInterference; ///< maximum p_T for interference calculation [GeV/c] parameter _nmbPtBinsInterference; ///< number of p_T bins for interference calculation parameter _ptBinWidthInterference; ///< width of p_T bins for interference calculation [GeV/c] parameter _protonEnergy; parameter _electronEnergy; parameter _minGammaEnergy; ///< minimum gamma energy in case of photo nuclear processes [GeV] parameter _maxGammaEnergy; ///< maximum gamma energy in case of photo nuclear processes [GeV] parameter _minGammaQ2; ///< minimum gamma Q2 in case of photo nuclear processes parameter _maxGammaQ2; ///< maximum gamma Q2 in case of photo nuclear processes parameter _nmbGammaQ2Bins; ///< number of gamma q2 bins parameter _pythiaParams; ///< semi-colon separated parameters to pass to pythia, e.g. "mstj(1)=0;paru(13)=0.1" parameter _pythiaFullEventRecord; ///< if the full pythia event record should be in the output + parameter _hepmc3FullEventRecord; ///< if the full hepmc3 event record should be in the output parameter _xsecCalcMethod; ///< Select x-sec calc method. (0 is standard starlight method, 1 must be used for assym. collisions (e.g. p-A), but is slow) parameter _axionMass; ///Axion mass//AXION HACK parameter _bslopeDefinition; ///< Optional parameter to set different values of slope parameter parameter _bslopeValue; ///< Value of slope parameter when _bslopeDefinition is set to 1 parameter _impulseVM; ///< Optional parameter to use impulse approximation (no nuclear effects) for VM cross section. parameter _quantumGlauber; ///< Optional parameter. Set = 1 to use Quantum Glauber calculation, rather than Classical Glauber starlightConstants::particleTypeEnum _particleType; starlightConstants::decayTypeEnum _decayType; starlightConstants::interactionTypeEnum _interactionType; double _targetLorentzGamma; ///< Lorentz gamma factor of the source in target frame, not an input parameter double _beamLorentzGamma; ///< Lorentz gamma factor of the beams in CMS frame, not an input parameter double _targetR; double _cmsMaxPhotonEnergy; double _cmsMinPhotonEnergy; double _targetMaxPhotonEnergy; double _targetMinPhotonEnergy; double _inputBranchingRatio; ///< Branching ratio defined for each channel bool _fixedQ2Range; inputParser _ip; }; template inline bool inputParameters::setParameter(std::string expression) { return _ip.parseString(expression); } inline std::ostream& operator <<(std::ostream& out, const inputParameters& par) { return par.print(out); } #endif // INPUTPARAMETERS_H Index: trunk/include/filewriter.h =================================================================== --- trunk/include/filewriter.h (revision 14) +++ trunk/include/filewriter.h (revision 15) @@ -1,78 +1,78 @@ /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Copyright 2010 // // This file is part of starlight. // // starlight is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by // the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or // (at your option) any later version. // // starlight is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License // along with starlight. If not, see . // /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // File and Version Information: // $Rev:: 28 $: revision of last commit // $Author:: bgrube $: author of last commit // $Date:: 2010-12-10 18:30:01 +0000 #$: date of last commit // // Description: // // // /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #ifndef FILEWRITER_H #define FILEWRITER_H #include #include #include "upcevent.h" #include "eXevent.h" class fileWriter { public: /** Default constructor */ fileWriter(); /** Constructor with filename */ fileWriter(const std::string& fileName); /** Destructor */ virtual ~fileWriter(); /** open the file */ int open(); /** open file with given filename */ int open(const std::string& fileName); /** close the file */ - int close(); + virtual int close(); /** Set the filename we're writing to */ void setFileName(const std::string& fileName) { _fileName = fileName; } protected: /** The file name */ std::string _fileName; /** The file stream */ std::ofstream _fileStream; }; #endif // FILEWRITER_H Index: trunk/include/hepmc3writer.h =================================================================== --- trunk/include/hepmc3writer.h (revision 0) +++ trunk/include/hepmc3writer.h (revision 15) @@ -0,0 +1,34 @@ + +#ifndef HEPMC3WRITER_H +#define HEPMC3WRITER_H + +#include "inputParameters.h" +#include "eXevent.h" +#include "HepMC3/WriterAscii.h" + +using HepMC3::WriterAscii; + +class hepMC3Writer +{ + + public: + /** Default Constructor **/ + hepMC3Writer(); + ~hepMC3Writer(); + + /** Init HepMC3 Writer with input parameters **/ + int initWriter(const inputParameters & param); + + /** Write an eX event to file **/ + int writeEvent(const eXEvent &event, int eventnumber); + + /* closes file */ + void close(){ _hepmc3_output->close(); }; + + private: + + WriterAscii * _hepmc3_output; + +}; + +#endif // HEPMC3WRITER_H Index: trunk/include/e_starlightStandalone.h =================================================================== --- trunk/include/e_starlightStandalone.h (revision 14) +++ trunk/include/e_starlightStandalone.h (revision 15) @@ -1,80 +1,81 @@ /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Copyright 2010 // // This file is part of starlight. // // starlight is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by // the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or // (at your option) any later version. // // starlight is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License // along with starlight. If not, see . // /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // File and Version Information: // $Rev:: 263 $: revision of last commit // $Author:: butter $: author of last commit // $Date:: 2016-06-04 23:03:58 +0100 #$: date of last commit // // Description: // // // /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #ifndef E_STARLIGHTSTANDALONE_H #define E_STARLIGHTSTANDALONE_H #include class upcEvent; class e_starlight; class inputParameters; class e_starlightStandalone { public: e_starlightStandalone(); ~e_starlightStandalone(); bool init(); ///< reads configuration file and initializes startlight bool run (); ///< creates output file and runs starlight const std::string& baseFileName () const { return _baseFileName; } const std::string& configFileName () const { return _configFileName; } ///< returns path to config file const std::string& eventDataFileName() const { return _eventDataFileName; } ///< returns path to output file void setBaseFileName (const std::string& baseFileName ) { _baseFileName = baseFileName; } ///< sets path to base file void setConfigFileName (const std::string& configFileName ) { _configFileName = configFileName; } ///< sets path to config file void setEventDataFileName(const std::string& eventDataFileName) { _eventDataFileName = eventDataFileName; } ///< sets path to output file void boostEvent(eXEvent &e); ///< Boost event from beam CMS to lab system + void flipZEvent(eXEvent &e); ///< flip z to -z for all output particles private: std::string _baseFileName; ///< path to base filename std::string _configFileName; ///< path to configuration file std::string _eventDataFileName; ///< path to output file e_starlight* _starlight; ///< pointer to starlight instance inputParameters* _inputParameters; ///< pointer to parameter instance unsigned int _nmbEventsTot; ///< total number of events to generate (taken from configuration file) unsigned int _nmbEventsPerFile; ///< maximum number of events written to a single file (not yet implemented) }; #endif // E_STARLIGHTSTANDALONE_H Index: trunk/src/hepmc3writer.cpp =================================================================== --- trunk/src/hepmc3writer.cpp (revision 0) +++ trunk/src/hepmc3writer.cpp (revision 15) @@ -0,0 +1,73 @@ +#include "HepMC3/GenVertex.h" +#include "HepMC3/GenVertex_fwd.h" +#include "HepMC3/FourVector.h" +#include "HepMC3/GenEvent.h" +#include "HepMC3/GenParticle.h" +#include "HepMC3/WriterAscii.h" +#include "HepMC3/Print.h" + +#include "inputParameters.h" +#include "eXevent.h" +#include "hepmc3writer.h" + +using HepMC3::FourVector; +using HepMC3::Print; + +hepMC3Writer::hepMC3Writer() +{ +} + +int hepMC3Writer::initWriter(const inputParameters ¶m) +{ + + std::string hepmc3_filename = param.baseFileName() + ".hepmc"; + + /** need to pass the parameters to HepMC3 **/ + param.beam1Z(); //just do something for now + _hepmc3_output = new HepMC3::WriterAscii(hepmc3_filename); + return 0; +} + +int hepMC3Writer::writeEvent(const eXEvent &event, int eventnumber) +{ + + /** Make HepMC3 Event and Vertex ... Currently only 1 Vertex per Event **/ + HepMC3::GenEvent hepmc3_evt(HepMC3::Units::GEV , HepMC3::Units::MM); + HepMC3::GenVertexPtr hepmc3_vertex_to_write = std::make_shared(FourVector(0,0,0,0)); + + /** Get starlight particle vector **/ + const std::vector * particle_vector = event.getParticles(); + lorentzVector gamma_lorentzVec = (*event.getGamma())[0]; + FourVector hepmc3_gamma_four_vector = FourVector(gamma_lorentzVec.GetPx(), + gamma_lorentzVec.GetPy(), + gamma_lorentzVec.GetPz(), + gamma_lorentzVec.GetE()); + HepMC3::GenParticlePtr hepmc3_gamma = std::make_shared( hepmc3_gamma_four_vector, 22, 0 ); // status currently set to 0... need to double check + hepmc3_vertex_to_write->add_particle_in( hepmc3_gamma ); + + /** Takes e_starlight events and converts to hepmc3 format **/ + for ( std::vector::const_iterator particle_iter = (*particle_vector).begin(); + particle_iter != (*particle_vector).end(); + ++particle_iter) + { + int hepmc3_pid = (*particle_iter).getPdgCode(); + /** pass to HepMC3 FourVector **/ + FourVector hepmc3_four_vector = FourVector( (*particle_iter).GetPx(), + (*particle_iter).GetPy(), + (*particle_iter).GetPz(), + (*particle_iter).GetE()); + + HepMC3::GenParticlePtr hepmc3_particle = std::make_shared( hepmc3_four_vector, hepmc3_pid, 0 ); // status currently set to 0... need to double check + hepmc3_vertex_to_write->add_particle_out( hepmc3_particle ); + } + + /** add vertex to HepMC3 Event**/ + hepmc3_evt.add_vertex( hepmc3_vertex_to_write ); + _hepmc3_output->write_event(hepmc3_evt); + // Print::listing(hepmc3_evt); + // Print::content(hepmc3_evt); + hepmc3_evt.clear(); + + return eventnumber; +} + Index: trunk/src/filewriter.cpp =================================================================== --- trunk/src/filewriter.cpp (revision 14) +++ trunk/src/filewriter.cpp (revision 15) @@ -1,96 +1,94 @@ /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Copyright 2010 // // This file is part of starlight. // // starlight is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by // the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or // (at your option) any later version. // // starlight is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License // along with starlight. If not, see . // /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // File and Version Information: // $Rev:: 28 $: revision of last commit // $Author:: bgrube $: author of last commit // $Date:: 2010-12-10 18:30:01 +0000 #$: date of last commit // // Description: // // // /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #include #include #include #include "filewriter.h" using namespace std; fileWriter::fileWriter() : _fileName(""), _fileStream() { } fileWriter::fileWriter(const string& fileName) : _fileName(fileName) ,_fileStream(fileName.c_str()) { } - fileWriter::~fileWriter() { } - int fileWriter::open() { try {; _fileStream.precision(15); _fileStream.setf(ios::fixed); } catch (const ios::failure & error) { cerr << "I/O exception: " << error.what() << endl; return EXIT_FAILURE; } return 0; } int fileWriter::open(const string& fileName) { _fileName = fileName; return open(); } int fileWriter::close() { try { _fileStream.close(); } catch (const ios::failure & error) { cerr << "I/O exception: " << error.what() << endl; return EXIT_FAILURE; } return 0; } Index: trunk/src/eventfilewriter.cpp =================================================================== --- trunk/src/eventfilewriter.cpp (revision 14) +++ trunk/src/eventfilewriter.cpp (revision 15) @@ -1,189 +1,234 @@ -/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + // // Copyright 2010 // // This file is part of starlight. // // starlight is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by // the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or // (at your option) any later version. // // starlight is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License // along with starlight. If not, see . // /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // File and Version Information: // $Rev:: 228 $: revision of last commit // $Author:: butter $: author of last commit // $Date:: 2016-01-18 17:10:17 +0000 #$: date of last commit // // Description: // // // /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +#ifdef HEPMC3_ON +#include "hepmc3writer.h" +#endif + +#include +#include +#include #include "eventfilewriter.h" #include "starlightparticlecodes.h" +using namespace std; + //______________________________________________________________________________ eventFileWriter::eventFileWriter() : fileWriter() ,_writeFullPythia(false) +,_writeFullHepMC3(false) { } - //______________________________________________________________________________ eventFileWriter::eventFileWriter(std::string filename) : fileWriter(filename) { } //______________________________________________________________________________ int eventFileWriter::writeInit(inputParameters &_p) { _fileStream<<"CONFIG_OPT: "<<_p.productionMode()<<" "<<_p.prodParticleId()<<" "<<_p.nmbEvents() <<" "<<_p.quantumGlauber()<<" "<<_p.impulseVM()<<" "<<_p.randomSeed()<initWriter(_p); +#else + std::cout << "***HepMC3 file format not written --- eStarlight not compiled with HepMC3 Enabled***" << std::endl; + _writeFullHepMC3 = false; +#endif + } + return 0; } //______________________________________________________________________________ int eventFileWriter::writeEvent(upcEvent &event, int eventnumber) { int numberoftracks = 0; if(_writeFullPythia) { numberoftracks = event.getParticles()->size(); } else { for(unsigned int i = 0; isize(); ++i) { if(event.getParticles()->at(i).getStatus() >= 0) numberoftracks++; } } - // sometimes we don't have tracks due to wrongly picked W , check it if(numberoftracks){ eventnumber++; _fileStream << "EVENT: " << eventnumber << " " << numberoftracks << " " << 1 << std::endl; if(event.getGammaEnergies()->size()) _fileStream << "GAMMAENERGIES:"; for(unsigned int n = 0; n < event.getGammaEnergies()->size(); n++) { _fileStream << " " << event.getGammaEnergies()->at(n); } if(event.getGammaEnergies()->size()) _fileStream<< std::endl; _fileStream <<"VERTEX: "<<0.<<" "<<0.<<" "<<0.<<" "<<0.<<" "<<1<<" "<<0<<" "<<0<<" "<::const_iterator part = (event.getParticles())->begin(); for (part = event.getParticles()->begin(); part != event.getParticles()->end(); part++, ipart++) { if(!_writeFullPythia) { if((*part).getStatus() < 0) continue; } _fileStream << "TRACK: " << " " << starlightParticleCodes::jetsetToGeant((*part).getPdgCode()) <<" "<< (*part).GetPx() << " " << (*part).GetPy() << " "<< (*part).GetPz() << " " << eventnumber << " " << ipart << " " << 0 << " " << (*part).getPdgCode(); if(_writeFullPythia) { lorentzVector vtx = (*part).getVertex(); _fileStream << " " << vtx.GetPx() << " " << vtx.GetPy() << " " << vtx.GetPz() << " " << vtx.GetE(); _fileStream << " " << (*part).getFirstParent() << " " << (*part).getLastParent() << " " << (*part).getFirstDaughter() << " " << (*part).getLastDaughter() << " " << (*part).getStatus(); } _fileStream <size(); } else { for(unsigned int i = 0; isize(); ++i) { if(event.getParticles()->at(i).getStatus() >= 0) numberoftracks++; } } // sometimes we don't have tracks due to wrongly picked W , check it if(numberoftracks){ eventnumber++; _fileStream << "EVENT: " << eventnumber << " " << numberoftracks << " " << 1 << std::endl; _fileStream <<"VERTEX: "<<0.<<" "<<0.<<" "<<0.<<" "<<0.<<" "<<1<<" "<<0<<" "<<0<<" "<size(); ++igam){ + for( uint igam = 0 ; igam < event.getGammaEnergies()->size(); ++igam){ _fileStream <<"GAMMA: "<at(igam)<<" "<at(igam)<at(igam); // Write the photon 4-vector out to file. Might be used in later iterations, so I keep it here //_fileStream <<"GAMMA VECTOR: "<size(); ++itarget){ + for( uint itarget = 0 ; itarget < event.getTarget()->size(); ++itarget){ lorentzVector target = event.getTarget()->at(itarget); _fileStream <<"t: "<at(itarget)<size(); ++iel){ + for( uint iel = 0 ; iel < event.getSources()->size(); ++iel){ lorentzVector el = event.getSources()->at(iel); _fileStream <<"SOURCE: "<::const_iterator part = (event.getParticles())->begin(); for (part = event.getParticles()->begin(); part != event.getParticles()->end(); part++, ipart++) { if(!_writeFullPythia) { if((*part).getStatus() < 0) continue; } _fileStream << "TRACK: " << " "<< starlightParticleCodes::jetsetToGeant((*part).getPdgCode()) <<" "<< (*part).GetPx() << " " << (*part).GetPy() << " "<< (*part).GetPz() << " " << eventnumber << " " << ipart << " " << 0 << " " << (*part).getPdgCode(); if(_writeFullPythia) { lorentzVector vtx = (*part).getVertex(); _fileStream << " " << vtx.GetPx() << " " << vtx.GetPy() << " " << vtx.GetPz() << " " << vtx.GetE(); _fileStream << " " << (*part).getFirstParent() << " " << (*part).getLastParent() << " " << (*part).getFirstDaughter() << " " << (*part).getLastDaughter() << " " << (*part).getStatus(); } _fileStream <writeEvent(event,eventnumber); + } +#endif + return 0; } +int eventFileWriter::close() +{ + +#ifdef HEPMC3_ON + if ( _writeFullHepMC3 ){ + _hepmc3writer->close(); + } +#endif + + try + { + _fileStream.close(); + } + catch (const ios::failure & error) + { + cerr << "I/O exception: " << error.what() << endl; + return EXIT_FAILURE; + } + return 0; +} Index: trunk/src/inputParameters.cpp =================================================================== --- trunk/src/inputParameters.cpp (revision 14) +++ trunk/src/inputParameters.cpp (revision 15) @@ -1,703 +1,705 @@ /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Copyright 2010 // // This file is part of starlight. // // starlight is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by // the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or // (at your option) any later version. // // starlight is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License // along with starlight. If not, see . // /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // File and Version Information: // $Rev:: 276 $: revision of last commit // $Author:: jnystra#$: author of last commit // $Date:: 2016-09-13 19:54:42 +0100 #$: date of last commit // // Description: // // // /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #include #include #include "reportingUtils.h" #include "starlightconstants.h" #include "inputParameters.h" #include "inputParser.h" #include "starlightconfig.h" #include #include #include "randomgenerator.h" using namespace std; using namespace starlightConstants; parameterlist parameterbase::_parameters; #define REQUIRED true #define NOT_REQUIRED false //______________________________________________________________________________ inputParameters::inputParameters() : _baseFileName ("baseFileName","slight"), _beam1Z ("BEAM_1_Z",0), _beam1A ("BEAM_1_A",0), _beam2Z ("BEAM_2_Z",0), _beam2A ("BEAM_2_A",0), _beam1LorentzGamma ("BEAM_1_GAMMA",0), _beam2LorentzGamma ("BEAM_2_GAMMA",0), _maxW ("W_MAX",0), _minW ("W_MIN",0), _nmbWBins ("W_N_BINS",0), _maxRapidity ("RAP_MAX",9,NOT_REQUIRED), _nmbRapidityBins ("RAP_N_BINS",100,NOT_REQUIRED), _nmbEnergyBins ("EGA_N_BINS",0), _ptCutEnabled ("CUT_PT",false, NOT_REQUIRED), _ptCutMin ("PT_MIN",0, NOT_REQUIRED), _ptCutMax ("PT_MAX",0, NOT_REQUIRED), _etaCutEnabled ("CUT_ETA",false, NOT_REQUIRED), _etaCutMin ("ETA_MIN",0, NOT_REQUIRED), _etaCutMax ("ETA_MAX",0, NOT_REQUIRED), _productionMode ("PROD_MODE",0), _nmbEventsTot ("N_EVENTS",0), _prodParticleId ("PROD_PID",0), _randomSeed ("RND_SEED",0), _beamBreakupMode ("BREAKUP_MODE",0), _interferenceEnabled ("INTERFERENCE",false,NOT_REQUIRED), _interferenceStrength ("IF_STRENGTH",0,NOT_REQUIRED), _maxPtInterference ("INT_PT_MAX",0,NOT_REQUIRED), _nmbPtBinsInterference ("INT_PT_N_BINS",0), _ptBinWidthInterference("INT_PT_WIDTH",0), _protonEnergy ("PROTON_ENERGY",0, NOT_REQUIRED), _electronEnergy ("ELECTRON_ENERGY",0, NOT_REQUIRED), _minGammaEnergy ("MIN_GAMMA_ENERGY",6.0, NOT_REQUIRED), _maxGammaEnergy ("MAX_GAMMA_ENERGY",600000.0, NOT_REQUIRED), _minGammaQ2 ("MIN_GAMMA_Q2",0,NOT_REQUIRED), _maxGammaQ2 ("MAX_GAMMA_Q2",0,NOT_REQUIRED), _nmbGammaQ2Bins ("INT_GAMMA_Q2_BINS",400,NOT_REQUIRED), _pythiaParams ("PYTHIA_PARAMS","", NOT_REQUIRED), _pythiaFullEventRecord ("PYTHIA_FULL_EVENTRECORD",false, NOT_REQUIRED), + _hepmc3FullEventRecord ("HEPMC3_FULL_EVENTRECORD",false, NOT_REQUIRED), _xsecCalcMethod ("XSEC_METHOD",0, NOT_REQUIRED), _axionMass ("AXION_MASS",50, NOT_REQUIRED), // AXION HACK _bslopeDefinition ("BSLOPE_DEFINITION",0, NOT_REQUIRED), _bslopeValue ("BSLOPE_VALUE",4.0,NOT_REQUIRED), _impulseVM ("SELECT_IMPULSE_VM",0,NOT_REQUIRED), _quantumGlauber ("QUANTUM_GLAUBER",0,NOT_REQUIRED) { // All parameters must be initialised in initialisation list! // If not: error: 'parameter::parameter() [with T = unsigned int, bool validate = true]' is private // or similar _ip.addParameter(_baseFileName); _ip.addParameter(_beam1Z); _ip.addParameter(_beam2Z); _ip.addParameter(_beam1A); _ip.addParameter(_beam2A); _ip.addParameter(_beam1LorentzGamma); _ip.addParameter(_beam2LorentzGamma); _ip.addParameter(_maxW); _ip.addParameter(_minW); _ip.addParameter(_nmbWBins); _ip.addParameter(_maxRapidity); _ip.addParameter(_nmbRapidityBins); // _ip.addParameter(_nmbEnergyBins); _ip.addParameter(_ptCutEnabled); _ip.addParameter(_ptCutMin); _ip.addParameter(_ptCutMax); _ip.addParameter(_etaCutEnabled); _ip.addParameter(_etaCutMax); _ip.addParameter(_etaCutMin); _ip.addParameter(_productionMode); _ip.addParameter(_nmbEventsTot); _ip.addParameter(_prodParticleId); _ip.addParameter(_randomSeed); _ip.addParameter(_beamBreakupMode); _ip.addParameter(_interferenceEnabled); _ip.addParameter(_interferenceStrength); _ip.addParameter(_maxPtInterference); _ip.addParameter(_nmbPtBinsInterference); _ip.addParameter(_minGammaEnergy); _ip.addParameter(_maxGammaEnergy); _ip.addParameter(_minGammaQ2); _ip.addParameter(_maxGammaQ2); _ip.addParameter(_nmbGammaQ2Bins); _ip.addParameter(_pythiaParams); _ip.addParameter(_pythiaFullEventRecord); + _ip.addParameter(_hepmc3FullEventRecord); _ip.addParameter(_xsecCalcMethod); _ip.addParameter(_axionMass); // AXION HACK _ip.addParameter(_bslopeDefinition); _ip.addParameter(_bslopeValue); _ip.addParameter(_impulseVM); _ip.addParameter(_quantumGlauber); } //______________________________________________________________________________ inputParameters::~inputParameters() { } //______________________________________________________________________________ bool inputParameters::configureFromFile(const std::string &_configFileName) { int nParameters = _ip.parseFile(_configFileName); if(nParameters == -1) { printWarn << "could not open file '" << _configFileName << "'" << endl; return false; } if(_ip.validateParameters(cerr)) printInfo << "successfully read input parameters from '" << _configFileName << "'" << endl; else { printWarn << "problems reading input parameters from '" << _configFileName << "'" << endl << *this; return false; } return true; } bool inputParameters::init() { // Calculate beam gamma in CMS frame double rap1 = acosh(beam1LorentzGamma()); double rap2 = -acosh(beam2LorentzGamma()); _beamLorentzGamma = cosh((rap1-rap2)/2); _targetLorentzGamma = cosh(rap1-rap2); if( beam2A() == 1) //proton case 0.87 fm = 4.4 GeV^{-1} _targetR = 4.4; else _targetR = 6.1 * pow(beam2A(), 1./3.); //_targetR = 4.4/2.; _fixedQ2Range = false; std::cout << "Rapidity beam 1: " << rap1 << ", rapidity beam 2: " << rap2 << ", rapidity CMS system: " << (rap1+rap2)/2 << ", beam gamma in CMS: " << _beamLorentzGamma<< std::endl; std::cout << "Rapidity beam 1 in beam 2 frame: " << rap1-rap2 << ", beam 1 gamma in beam 2 frame: " << _targetLorentzGamma<< std::endl; _ptBinWidthInterference = maxPtInterference() / nmbPtBinsInterference(); _protonEnergy = _beamLorentzGamma * protonMass; // Electron energy in the target frame of reference _electronEnergy = _targetLorentzGamma * starlightConstants::mel; if((beam1Z()==1) && (beam1A()==2)){ if((beam2Z()==1) && (beam2A()==2)){ printWarn << "deuteron-deuteron collisions are not supported" << endl; return false;} printWarn << "deuterium must be listed as the second nucleus" << endl; return false;} if( ((beam1Z()==1) && (beam1A()==3)) || ((beam2Z()==1) && (beam2A()==3)) ){ printWarn << "tritium is not currently supported" << endl; return false;} // check that rho production uses wide resonance option if(_prodParticleId.value()==113 && _productionMode.value()==2){ printWarn << endl<< "For rho meson production, you should choose the wide resonance option (production mode = 3)" << endl; return false;} // define interaction type switch (productionMode()) { case 1: _interactionType = PHOTONPHOTON; break; case 2: _interactionType = PHOTONPOMERONNARROW; break; case 3: _interactionType = PHOTONPOMERONWIDE; break; case 4: _interactionType = PHOTONPOMERONINCOHERENT; break; case 5: _interactionType = PHOTONUCLEARSINGLE; break; case 6: _interactionType = PHOTONUCLEARDOUBLE; break; case 7: _interactionType = PHOTONUCLEARSINGLEPA; break; case 8: _interactionType = PHOTONUCLEARSINGLEPAPY; break; // case 9: // _interactionType = PHOTONPHOTONKNIEHL; // break; // case 10: // _interactionType = PHOTONPHOTONKNIEHLMODIFIED; // break; case 12: _interactionType = E_PHOTONPOMERONNARROW; break; case 13: _interactionType = E_PHOTONPOMERONWIDE; break; default: printWarn << "unknown production mode '" << _productionMode << "'" << endl; return false; } if( (_productionMode.value() ==4) && (_interferenceEnabled.value())) { printWarn << " cannot enable interference for incoherent production " << endl; return false; } double mass = 0; double width = 0; double defaultMinW = 0; // default for _minW, unless it is defined later [GeV/c^2] double defaultMaxW = 0; // default for _maxW, unless it is defined later [GeV/c^2] switch (prodParticleId()) { case 11: // e+e- pair _particleType = ELECTRON; _decayType = LEPTONPAIR; mass = starlightConstants::mel; defaultMinW = 2*mass; // default is 0.01; up to 0.15 is safe for Summer 2000 triggering for e+e- pairs defaultMaxW = sqrt(beam1LorentzGamma()*beam2LorentzGamma())*2*(starlightConstants::hbarc)/(1.2*pow(float(beam1A()),1./6.)*pow(float(beam2A()),1./6.)); // JES 6.17.2015 to avoid problems with no default _inputBranchingRatio = 1.0; break; case 13: // mu+mu- pair _particleType = MUON; _decayType = LEPTONPAIR; defaultMinW = 2 * muonMass; defaultMaxW = sqrt(beam1LorentzGamma()*beam2LorentzGamma())*2*(starlightConstants::hbarc)/(1.2*pow(float(beam1A()),1./6.)*pow(float(beam2A()),1./6.)); // JES 6.17.2015 to avoid problems with no default _inputBranchingRatio = 1.0; break; case 15: // tau+tau- pair _particleType = TAUON; _decayType = LEPTONPAIR; defaultMinW = 2 * tauMass; defaultMaxW = sqrt(beam1LorentzGamma()*beam2LorentzGamma())*2*(starlightConstants::hbarc)/(1.2*pow(float(beam1A()),1./6.)*pow(float(beam2A()),1./6.)); // JES 6.17.2015 to avoid problems with no default _inputBranchingRatio = 1.0; break; case 10015: // tau+tau- pair _particleType = TAUONDECAY; _decayType = LEPTONPAIR; defaultMinW = 2 * tauMass; defaultMaxW = sqrt(beam1LorentzGamma()*beam2LorentzGamma())*2*(starlightConstants::hbarc)/(1.2*pow(float(beam1A()),1./6.)*pow(float(beam2A()),1./6.)); // JES 6.17.2015 to avoid problems with no default _inputBranchingRatio = 1.0; break; // case 24: // W+W- pair // _particleType = W; // _decayType = WW; // defaultMinW = 2 * muonMass; // break; case 115: // a_2(1320) _particleType = A2; _decayType = SINGLEMESON; mass = starlightConstants::a2Mass; width = starlightConstants::a2Width; defaultMinW = mass - 5*width; // JES 6.17.2015 to avoid problems with default of 0 defaultMaxW = mass + 5*width; // JES 6.17.2015 to avoid problems with no default _inputBranchingRatio = 1.0; break; case 221: // eta _particleType = ETA; _decayType = SINGLEMESON; mass = starlightConstants::etaMass; width = starlightConstants::etaWidth; defaultMinW = mass - 5*width; // JES 6.17.2015 to avoid problems with default of 0 defaultMaxW = mass + 5*width; // JES 6.17.2015 to avoid problems with no default _inputBranchingRatio = 1.0; break; case 225: // f_2(1270) _particleType = F2; _decayType = SINGLEMESON; mass = starlightConstants::f2Mass; width = starlightConstants::f2Width; defaultMinW = mass - 5*width; // JES 6.17.2015 to avoid problems with default of 0 defaultMaxW = mass + 5*width; // JES 6.17.2015 to avoid problems with no default _inputBranchingRatio = starlightConstants::f2BrPiPi; break; case 331: // eta'(958) _particleType = ETAPRIME; _decayType = SINGLEMESON; mass = starlightConstants::etaPrimeMass; width = starlightConstants::etaPrimeWidth; defaultMinW = mass - 5*width; // JES 6.17.2015 to avoid problems with default of 0 defaultMaxW = mass + 5*width; // JES 6.17.2015 to avoid problems with no default _inputBranchingRatio = 1.0; break; case 335: // f_2'(1525) _particleType = F2PRIME; _decayType = SINGLEMESON; mass = starlightConstants::f2PrimeMass; width = starlightConstants::f2PrimeWidth; defaultMinW = mass - 5*width; // JES 6.17.2015 to avoid problems with default of 0 defaultMaxW = mass + 5*width; // JES 6.17.2015 to avoid problems with no default _inputBranchingRatio = starlightConstants::f2PrimeBrKK; break; case 441: // eta_c(1s) _particleType = ETAC; _decayType = SINGLEMESON; mass = starlightConstants::etaCMass; width = starlightConstants::etaCWidth; defaultMinW = mass - 5*width; // JES 6.17.2015 to avoid problems with default of 0 defaultMaxW = mass + 5*width; // JES 6.17.2015 to avoid problems with no default _inputBranchingRatio = 1.0; break; case 9010221: // f_0(980), was orginally called 10221? updated to standard number _particleType = F0; _decayType = SINGLEMESON; mass = starlightConstants::f0Mass; width = starlightConstants::f0Width; defaultMinW = mass - 5*width; // JES 6.17.2015 to avoid problems with default of 0 defaultMaxW = mass + 5*width; // JES 6.17.2015 to avoid problems with no default _inputBranchingRatio = starlightConstants::f0BrPiPi; break; case 33: // Z"/Z0 This is the rho^0 rho^0 final state SRK _particleType = ZOVERZ03; _decayType = SINGLEMESON; defaultMinW = 4*pionChargedMass; defaultMaxW = 1.6; // JES 6.17.2015 to avoid problems with no default _inputBranchingRatio = 1.0; break; case 88: // axion// AXION HACK, till break statement _particleType = AXION; _decayType = SINGLEMESON; mass = _axionMass.value(); width = 1/(64*starlightConstants::pi)*mass*mass*mass/(1000*1000);//Fix Lambda=1000 GeV, rescaling is trivial. defaultMinW = mass - 5*width; // JES 6.17.2015 to avoid problems with default of 0 defaultMaxW = mass + 5*width; // JES 6.17.2015 to avoid problems with no default break; // AXION HACK, end // case 25: // Higgs // _particleType = HIGGS; // _decayType = SINGLEMESON; // break; case 113: // rho(770) _particleType = RHO; _decayType = WIDEVMDEFAULT; mass = starlightConstants::rho0Mass; width = starlightConstants::rho0Width; defaultMinW = 2 * pionChargedMass; defaultMaxW = mass + 5 * width; _inputBranchingRatio = starlightConstants::rho0BrPiPi; break; case 913: // rho(770) with direct pi+pi- decay, interference given by ZEUS data _particleType = RHOZEUS; _decayType = WIDEVMDEFAULT; mass = starlightConstants::rho0Mass; width = starlightConstants::rho0Width; defaultMinW = 2 * pionChargedMass; defaultMaxW = mass + 5 * width; // use the same 1.5GeV max mass as ZEUS _inputBranchingRatio = starlightConstants::rho0BrPiPi; break; case 999: // pi+pi-pi+pi- phase space decay _particleType = FOURPRONG; _decayType = WIDEVMDEFAULT; mass = starlightConstants::rho0PrimeMass; width = starlightConstants::rho0PrimeWidth; defaultMinW = 4 * pionChargedMass; defaultMaxW = sqrt(beam1LorentzGamma()*beam2LorentzGamma())*2*(starlightConstants::hbarc)/(1.2*pow(float(beam1A()),1./6.)*pow(float(beam2A()),1./6.)); // JES 6.17.2015 to avoid problems with no default _inputBranchingRatio = 1.0; break; case 223: // omega(782) _particleType = OMEGA; _decayType = NARROWVMDEFAULT; mass = starlightConstants::OmegaMass; width = starlightConstants::OmegaWidth; defaultMinW = mass - 5 * width; defaultMaxW = mass + 5 * width; _inputBranchingRatio = starlightConstants::OmegaBrPiPi; break; case 333: // phi(1020) _particleType = PHI; _decayType = NARROWVMDEFAULT; mass = starlightConstants::PhiMass; width = starlightConstants::PhiWidth; defaultMinW = 2 * kaonChargedMass; defaultMaxW = mass + 5 * width; _inputBranchingRatio = starlightConstants::PhiBrKK; break; case 443: // J/psi _particleType = JPSI; _decayType = NARROWVMDEFAULT; mass = starlightConstants::JpsiMass; width = starlightConstants::JpsiWidth; defaultMinW = mass - 5 * width; defaultMaxW = mass + 5 * width; _inputBranchingRatio = (starlightConstants::JpsiBree + starlightConstants::JpsiBrmumu)/2.; break; case 443011: // J/psi _particleType = JPSI_ee; _decayType = NARROWVMDEFAULT; mass = starlightConstants::JpsiMass; width = starlightConstants::JpsiWidth; defaultMinW = mass - 5 * width; defaultMaxW = mass + 5 * width; _inputBranchingRatio = starlightConstants::JpsiBree; break; case 443013: // J/psi cout<<"In inputParameters setting J/psi mass!"<. // /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // File and Version Information: // $Rev:: 263 $: revision of last commit // $Author:: mlomnitz $: author of last commit // $Date:: 02/28/2017 #$: date of last commit // // Description: // // Main interface for eSTARlight code inherited from STARlight // // /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #include #include #include #include "starlightconfig.h" #ifdef ENABLE_PYTHIA #include "PythiaStarlight.h" #endif #ifdef ENABLE_DPMJET #include "starlightdpmjet.h" #endif #ifdef ENABLE_PYTHIA6 #include "starlightpythia.h" #endif #include "reportingUtils.h" #include "inputParameters.h" #include "eventchannel.h" #include "gammagammaleptonpair.h" #include "gammagammasingle.h" #include "gammaavm.h" #include "twophotonluminosity.h" #include "gammaaluminosity.h" #include "gammaeluminosity.h" #include "incoherentPhotonNucleusLuminosity.h" #include "upcevent.h" #include "e_starlight.h" using namespace std; using namespace starlightConstants; e_starlight::e_starlight() : _beamSystem (0), _eventChannel (0), _nmbEventsPerFile (100), _isInitialised (false), _inputParameters (0) { } e_starlight::~e_starlight() { } bool e_starlight::init() { // ??? if(Starlight_VERSION_MAJOR == 9999) { cout << endl << "#########################################" << endl << " Initialising Starlight version: trunk..." << endl << "#########################################" << endl << endl; } else { cout << endl << "#########################################" << endl << " Initialising Starlight version: " << Starlight_VERSION_MAJOR << "." << Starlight_VERSION_MINOR << "." << Starlight_VERSION_MINOR_MINOR << "..." << endl << "#########################################" << endl << endl; } _nmbEventsPerFile = _inputParameters->nmbEvents(); // for now we write only one file... _beamSystem = new beamBeamSystem(*_inputParameters); // This sets the precision used by cout for printing cout.setf(ios_base::fixed,ios_base::floatfield); cout.precision(3); std::string _baseFileName; _baseFileName = _inputParameters->baseFileName(); _lumLookUpTableFileName = _baseFileName + ".txt"; const bool lumTableIsValid = luminosityTableIsValid(); // Do some sanity checks of the input parameters here. if( _inputParameters->beam1A() != 0 && _inputParameters->beam2A() != 0 ){ - printErr << endl << "One of the two beams must be an electron in eSTARlight" << endl; + // printErr << endl << "One of the two beams must be an electron in eSTARlight" << endl; return false; } if( _inputParameters->beam1A() == 0 && _inputParameters->beam2A() == 0 ){ - printErr << endl << "Only one of the two beams can be electron in eSTARlight"<< endl; + // printErr << endl << "Only one of the two beams can be electron in eSTARlight"<< endl; return false; } if( _inputParameters->beam1A() == 0 && std::abs(_inputParameters->beam1Z()) != 1 ){ - printErr << endl << "Beam 1 should be electron, but has wrong Z"<< endl; + // printErr << endl << "Beam 1 should be electron, but has wrong Z"<< endl; return false; } if( _inputParameters->beam2A() == 0 && _inputParameters->beam2Z() != std::abs(1) ){ - printErr << endl << "Beam 1 should be electron, but has wrong Z"<< endl; + // printErr << endl << "Beam 1 should be electron, but has wrong Z"<< endl; return false; } bool createChannel = true; switch (_inputParameters->interactionType()) { // Photon-photon scattering is not implemented in eSTARlight as of yet /* case PHOTONPHOTON: if (!lumTableIsValid) { printInfo << "creating luminosity table for photon-photon channel" << endl; twoPhotonLuminosity(*_inputParameters, _beamSystem->beam1(), _beamSystem->beam2()); } break; */ case E_PHOTONPOMERONNARROW: // narrow and wide resonances use case E_PHOTONPOMERONWIDE: // the same luminosity function if (!lumTableIsValid) { printInfo << "creating luminosity table for coherent photon-Pomeron channel" <interactionType() << "'." << " cannot initialize eSTARlight." << endl; return false; } } if(createChannel) { if (!createEventChannel()) return false; } _isInitialised = true; return true; } eXEvent e_starlight::produceEvent() { if (!_isInitialised) { - printErr << "trying to generate event but Starlight is not initialised. aborting." << endl; + // printErr << "trying to generate event but Starlight is not initialised. aborting." << endl; exit(-1); } return _eventChannel->e_produceEvent(); } bool e_starlight::luminosityTableIsValid() const { printInfo << "using random seed = " << _inputParameters->randomSeed() << endl; ifstream lumLookUpTableFile(_lumLookUpTableFileName.c_str()); lumLookUpTableFile.precision(15); if ((!lumLookUpTableFile) || (!lumLookUpTableFile.good())) { return false; } unsigned int beam1Z, beam1A, beam2Z, beam2A; double beamLorentzGamma = 0; double maxW = 0, minW = 0; unsigned int nmbWBins; double maxRapidity = 0; unsigned int nmbRapidityBins; int productionMode, beamBreakupMode; //Remove interference options for eX collisions (no logner symmetric) // bool interferenceEnabled = false; // double interferenceStrength = 0; bool coherentProduction = false; double incoherentFactor = 0, deuteronSlopePar = 0, maxPtInterference = 0; int nmbPtBinsInterference; std::string validationKey; if (!(lumLookUpTableFile >> validationKey >> beam1Z >> beam1A >> beam2Z >> beam2A >> beamLorentzGamma >> maxW >> minW >> nmbWBins >> maxRapidity >> nmbRapidityBins >> productionMode >> beamBreakupMode >> maxPtInterference >> nmbPtBinsInterference >> coherentProduction >> incoherentFactor >> deuteronSlopePar)) // cannot read parameters from lookup table file return false; std::string validationKeyEnd; while(!lumLookUpTableFile.eof()) { lumLookUpTableFile >> validationKeyEnd; } lumLookUpTableFile.close(); return (validationKey == _inputParameters->parameterValueKey() && validationKeyEnd == validationKey); return true; } bool e_starlight::createEventChannel() { switch (_inputParameters->prodParticleType()) { case ELECTRON: case MUON: case TAUON: case TAUONDECAY: { _eventChannel = new Gammagammaleptonpair(*_inputParameters, *_beamSystem); if (_eventChannel) return true; else { printWarn << "cannot construct Gammagammaleptonpair event channel." << endl; return false; } } case A2: // jetset/pythia case ETA: // jetset/pythia case ETAPRIME: // jetset/pythia case ETAC: // jetset/pythia case F0: // jetset/pythia { -#ifdef ENABLE_PYTHIA + + //#ifdef ENABLE_PYTHIA // PythiaOutput = true; - cout<<"Pythia is enabled!"<interactionType() == E_PHOTONPOMERONNARROW) { _eventChannel = new e_Gammaanarrowvm(*_inputParameters, *_beamSystem); if (_eventChannel) return true; else { printWarn << "cannot construct Gammaanarrowvm event channel." << endl; return false; } } if (_inputParameters->interactionType() == E_PHOTONPOMERONWIDE) { _eventChannel = new e_Gammaawidevm(*_inputParameters, *_beamSystem); if (_eventChannel) return true; else { printWarn << "cannot construct Gammaawidevm event channel." << endl; return false; } } printWarn << "interaction type '" << _inputParameters->interactionType() << "' " << "cannot be used with particle type '" << _inputParameters->prodParticleType() << "'. " << "cannot create event channel." << endl; return false; } default: { printWarn << "unknown event channel '" << _inputParameters->prodParticleType() << "'." << " cannot create event channel." << endl; return false; } } } Index: trunk/src/e_starlightStandalone.cpp =================================================================== --- trunk/src/e_starlightStandalone.cpp (revision 14) +++ trunk/src/e_starlightStandalone.cpp (revision 15) @@ -1,187 +1,188 @@ ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Copyright 2010 // // This file is part of starlight. // // starlight is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by // the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or // (at your option) any later version. // // starlight is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License // along with starlight. If not, see . // /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // File and Version Information: // $Rev:: 270 $: revision of last commit // $Author:: jnystrand $: author of last commit // $Date:: 2016-07-08 16:31:51 +0100 #$: date of last commit // // Description: // // // /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #include #include #include "reportingUtils.h" #include "e_starlight.h" #include "inputParameters.h" #include "eventfilewriter.h" #include "e_starlightStandalone.h" using namespace std; e_starlightStandalone::e_starlightStandalone() : _configFileName (""), _starlight (0), _nmbEventsTot (1), _nmbEventsPerFile (_nmbEventsTot) { } e_starlightStandalone::~e_starlightStandalone() { } bool e_starlightStandalone::init() { _inputParameters = new inputParameters(); // read input parameters from config file _inputParameters->configureFromFile(_configFileName); if (!_inputParameters->init()) { printWarn << "problems initializing input parameters. cannot initialize starlight." << endl; return false; } // copy input file to one with baseFileName naming scheme std::string inputCopyName, _baseFileName; _baseFileName = _inputParameters->baseFileName(); if (_baseFileName != "slight") { inputCopyName = _baseFileName +".in"; ofstream inputCopyFile;; std::ifstream infile(_configFileName.c_str()); if ((!infile) || (!infile.good())) { return -1; } int lineSize = 256; char tmp[lineSize]; while (!infile.getline(tmp, lineSize).eof()) { cout << tmp << endl; inputCopyFile << tmp << endl; } inputCopyFile.close(); } // get the number of events // for now we write everything to one file _nmbEventsTot = _inputParameters->nmbEvents(); _nmbEventsPerFile = _nmbEventsTot; // create the starlight object _starlight = new e_starlight(); // give starlight the input parameters _starlight->setInputParameters(_inputParameters); // initialize starlight return _starlight->init(); } bool e_starlightStandalone::run() { if (!_starlight) { printWarn << "null pointer to starlight object. make sure that init() was called. " << "cannot generate events." << endl; return false; } // open output file eventFileWriter fileWriter; fileWriter.writeFullPythiaInfo(_inputParameters->pythiaFullEventRecord()); + fileWriter.writeFullHepMC3Info(_inputParameters->hepmc3FullEventRecord()); _baseFileName = _inputParameters->baseFileName(); _eventDataFileName = _baseFileName +".out";; // fileWriter.writeInit(*_inputParameters); // printInfo << "generating events:" << endl; unsigned int nmbEvents = 0; std::chrono::steady_clock::time_point begin= std::chrono::steady_clock::now(); while (nmbEvents < _nmbEventsTot) { for (unsigned int iEvent = 0; (iEvent < _nmbEventsPerFile) && (nmbEvents < _nmbEventsTot); ++iEvent, ++nmbEvents) { progressIndicator(iEvent, _nmbEventsTot, true, 4); eXEvent event = _starlight->produceEvent(); // Boost event from back to lab reference frame boostEvent(event); - // flipZEvent(event); + flipZEvent(event); fileWriter.writeEvent(event, iEvent); } } std::chrono::steady_clock::time_point end= std::chrono::steady_clock::now(); float running_total = 1E-3*std::chrono::duration_cast(end - begin).count(); cout<<"Total time "<nmbAttempts() == 0 )return true; double _branchingRatio = _inputParameters->inputBranchingRatio(); printInfo << "number of attempts = " << _starlight->nmbAttempts() << ", " << "number of accepted events = " << _starlight->nmbAccepted() << endl; double selectedCrossSection = ((double)_starlight->nmbAccepted()/_starlight->nmbAttempts())*_branchingRatio*_starlight->getTotalCrossSection(); if (selectedCrossSection > 1.){ cout<< " The cross section of the generated sample is "< 1.){ cout<< " The cross section of the generated sample is "<<1.E3*selectedCrossSection<<" mb."< 1.){ cout<< " The cross section of the generated sample is "<<1.E6*selectedCrossSection<<" microbarn."< 1.){ cout<< " The cross section of the generated sample is "<<1.E9*selectedCrossSection<<" nanobarn."< 1.){ cout<< " The cross section of the generated sample is "<<1.E12*selectedCrossSection<<" picobarn."<beam1LorentzGamma()); double rap2 = -acosh(_inputParameters->beam2LorentzGamma()); double boost = (rap1+rap2)/2.; event.boost(boost, rap2); // Boost back to laboratory reference frame. Electron initially in target frame and V.M. in CMS // Assuming electron is beam1 } void e_starlightStandalone::flipZEvent(eXEvent &event) { event.flipZ(); //Change all z to -z } Index: trunk/cmake_modules/FindHepMC3.cmake =================================================================== --- trunk/cmake_modules/FindHepMC3.cmake (revision 0) +++ trunk/cmake_modules/FindHepMC3.cmake (revision 15) @@ -0,0 +1,27 @@ + + +FIND_PATH(HEPMC3_INCLUDE_DIR HepMC3/GenEvent.h HINTS /usr/local/include $ENV{HEPMC3DIR}/include) +#FIND_LIBRARY(HEPMC3_LIBRARY NAMES HepMC3 PATHS $ENV{HEPMC3_ROOT_DIR}/lib) +FIND_LIBRARY(HEPMC3_LIBRARY NAMES HepMC3 PATHS /usr/lib /usr/lib/HepMC3 /usr/local/lib $ENV{HEPMC3DIR}/lib) + +IF (HEPMC3_INCLUDE_DIR AND HEPMC3_LIBRARY) + SET(HEPMC3_FOUND TRUE) +ENDIF (HEPMC3_INCLUDE_DIR AND HEPMC3_LIBRARY) + + +IF (HEPMC3_FOUND) + IF (NOT HEPMC3_FIND_QUIETLY) + MESSAGE(STATUS "Found HepMC3: ${HEPMC3_LIBRARY}") + MESSAGE(STATUS "Found HepMC3 include: ${HEPMC3_INCLUDE_DIR}") + ENDIF (NOT HEPMC3_FIND_QUIETLY) +ELSE (HEPMC3_FOUND) + IF (HEPMC3_FIND_REQUIRED) + MESSAGE(FATAL_ERROR "Could not find HepMC3. We search first in the normal library paths, then in $HEPMC3IR") + ELSE(HEPMC3_FIND_REQUIRED) + IF(NOT HEPMC3_FIND_QUIETLY) + MESSAGE(STATUS "Could not find HepMC3. We search first in the normal library paths, then in $HEPMC3DIR") + ENDIF(NOT HEPMC3_FIND_QUIETLY) + ENDIF (HEPMC3_FIND_REQUIRED) + +ENDIF (HEPMC3_FOUND) +