diff --git a/CepGen/Cards/Handler.h b/CepGen/Cards/Handler.h
index ea1f331..20749c1 100644
--- a/CepGen/Cards/Handler.h
+++ b/CepGen/Cards/Handler.h
@@ -1,36 +1,36 @@
 #ifndef CepGen_Cards_Handler_h
 #define CepGen_Cards_Handler_h
 #include "CepGen/Parameters.h"
 namespace CepGen
   class Parameters;
   /// Location for all steering card parsers/writers
-  namespace Cards
+  namespace cards
     /// Generic steering card handler
     class Handler
         /// Build a configuration from an external steering card
         Handler() {}
         ~Handler() {}
         /// Retrieve a configuration from a parsed steering cart
         Parameters& parameters() { return params_; }
         /// Small utility to retrieve the extension of a filename
         ///  (naive approach)
         static std::string getExtension( const char* filename ) {
           const std::string file( filename );
           return file.substr( file.find_last_of( "." )+1 );
         /// List of parameters parsed from a card handler
         Parameters params_;
diff --git a/CepGen/Cards/LpairHandler.cpp b/CepGen/Cards/LpairHandler.cpp
index fc81d0c..9b886a8 100644
--- a/CepGen/Cards/LpairHandler.cpp
+++ b/CepGen/Cards/LpairHandler.cpp
@@ -1,217 +1,217 @@
 #include "CepGen/Cards/LpairHandler.h"
 #include "CepGen/Core/ParametersList.h"
 #include "CepGen/Core/Exception.h"
 #include "CepGen/Physics/PDG.h"
 #include "CepGen/StructureFunctions/StructureFunctions.h"
 #include "CepGen/StructureFunctions/LHAPDF.h"
 #include "CepGen/Processes/ProcessesHandler.h"
 #include "CepGen/Hadronisers/Pythia8Hadroniser.h"
 #include <fstream>
 namespace CepGen
-  namespace Cards
+  namespace cards
     const int LpairHandler::kInvalid = 99999;
     //----- specialization for LPAIR input cards
     LpairHandler::LpairHandler( const char* file ) :
       proc_params_( new ParametersList ),
       str_fun_( 11 ), hi_1_( { 0, 0 } ), hi_2_( { 0, 0 } )
       std::ifstream f( file, std::fstream::in );
       if ( !f.is_open() )
         throw CG_FATAL( "LpairHandler" ) << "Failed to parse file \"" << file << "%s\".";
       init( &params_ );
       //--- parse all fields
       std::unordered_map<std::string, std::string> m_params;
       std::string key, value;
       std::ostringstream os;
       while ( f >> key >> value ) {
         if ( key[0] == '#' ) // FIXME need to ensure there is no extra space before!
         setParameter( key, value );
         m_params.insert( { key, value } );
         if ( getDescription( key ) != "null" )
           os << "\n>> " << key << " = " << std::setw( 15 ) << getParameter( key )
              << " (" << getDescription( key ) << ")";
       //--- parse the process name
       auto proc = CepGen::ProcessesHandler::get().build( proc_name_, *proc_params_ );
       params_.setProcess( std::move( proc ) );
       //--- parse the structure functions code
       const unsigned long kLHAPDFCodeDec = 10000000, kLHAPDFPartDec = 1000000;
       if ( str_fun_ / kLHAPDFCodeDec == 1 ) { // SF from parton
         params_.kinematics.structure_functions = sf::Parameterisation::build( sf::Type::LHAPDF );
         auto sf = dynamic_cast<sf::LHAPDF*>( params_.kinematics.structure_functions.get() );
         const unsigned long icode = str_fun_ % kLHAPDFCodeDec;
         sf->params.pdf_code = icode % kLHAPDFPartDec;
         sf->params.mode = (sf::LHAPDF::Parameters::Mode)( icode / kLHAPDFPartDec ); // 0, 1, 2
         params_.kinematics.structure_functions = sf::Parameterisation::build( (sf::Type)str_fun_ );
       //--- parse the integration algorithm name
       if ( integr_type_ == "plain" )
         params_.integrator.type = Integrator::Type::plain;
       else if ( integr_type_ == "Vegas" )
         params_.integrator.type = Integrator::Type::Vegas;
       else if ( integr_type_ == "MISER" )
         params_.integrator.type = Integrator::Type::MISER;
       else if ( integr_type_ != "" )
         throw CG_FATAL( "LpairHandler" ) << "Unrecognized integrator type: " << integr_type_ << "!";
       //--- parse the hadronisation algorithm name
       if ( hadr_name_ == "pythia8" )
         params_.setHadroniser( new hadroniser::Pythia8Hadroniser( params_, ParametersList() ) );
       if ( m_params.count( "IEND" ) )
         setValue<bool>( "IEND", ( std::stoi( m_params["IEND"] ) > 1 ) );
       //--- check if we are dealing with heavy ions for incoming states
       HeavyIon hi1{ hi_1_.first, (Element)hi_1_.second }, hi2{ hi_2_.first, (Element)hi_2_.second };
       if ( hi1 )
         params_.kinematics.incoming_beams.first.pdg = hi1;
       if ( hi2 )
         params_.kinematics.incoming_beams.second.pdg = hi2;
       CG_INFO( "LpairHandler" ) << "File '" << file << "' succesfully opened!\n\t"
         << "The following parameters are set:" << os.str();
     LpairHandler::init( Parameters* params )
       // Process/integration/hadronisation parameters
       registerParameter<std::string>( "PROC", "Process name to simulate", &proc_name_ );
       registerParameter<std::string>( "ITYP", "Integration algorithm", &integr_type_ );
       registerParameter<std::string>( "HADR", "Hadronisation algorithm", &hadr_name_ );
       registerParameter<std::string>( "KMRG", "KMR grid interpolation path", &params_.kinematics.kmr_grid_path );
       // General parameters
       registerParameter<bool>( "IEND", "Generation type", &params->generation.enabled );
       registerParameter<bool>( "NTRT", "Smoothen the integrand", &params->generation.treat );
       registerParameter<int>( "DEBG", "Debugging verbosity", (int*)&Logger::get().level );
       registerParameter<int>( "NCVG", "Number of function calls", (int*)&params->integrator.ncvg );
       registerParameter<int>( "ITVG", "Number of integration iterations", (int*)&params->integrator.vegas.iterations );
       registerParameter<int>( "SEED", "Random generator seed", (int*)&params->integrator.rng_seed );
       registerParameter<int>( "NTHR", "Number of threads to use for events generation", (int*)&params->generation.num_threads );
       registerParameter<int>( "MODE", "Subprocess' mode", (int*)&params->kinematics.mode );
       registerParameter<int>( "NCSG", "Number of points to probe", (int*)&params->generation.num_points );
       registerParameter<int>( "NGEN", "Number of events to generate", (int*)&params->generation.maxgen );
       registerParameter<int>( "NPRN", "Number of events before printout", (int*)&params->generation.gen_print_every );
       // Process-specific parameters
       registerParameter<int>( "METH", "Computation method (kT-factorisation)", &proc_params_->operator[]<int>( "method" ) );
       registerParameter<int>( "IPOL", "Polarisation states to consider", &proc_params_->operator[]<int>( "polarisationStates" ) );
       // Process kinematics parameters
       registerParameter<int>( "PMOD", "Outgoing primary particles' mode", &str_fun_ );
       registerParameter<int>( "EMOD", "Outgoing primary particles' mode", &str_fun_ );
       registerParameter<int>( "PAIR", "Outgoing particles' PDG id", (int*)&proc_params_->operator[]<int>( "pair" ) );
       registerParameter<int>( "INA1", "Heavy ion atomic weight (1st incoming beam)", (int*)&hi_1_.first );
       registerParameter<int>( "INZ1", "Heavy ion atomic number (1st incoming beam)", (int*)&hi_1_.second );
       registerParameter<int>( "INA2", "Heavy ion atomic weight (1st incoming beam)", (int*)&hi_2_.first );
       registerParameter<int>( "INZ2", "Heavy ion atomic number (1st incoming beam)", (int*)&hi_2_.second );
       registerParameter<double>( "INP1", "Momentum (1st primary particle)", &params->kinematics.incoming_beams.first.pz );
       registerParameter<double>( "INP2", "Momentum (2nd primary particle)", &params->kinematics.incoming_beams.second.pz );
       registerParameter<double>( "INPP", "Momentum (1st primary particle)", &params->kinematics.incoming_beams.first.pz );
       registerParameter<double>( "INPE", "Momentum (2nd primary particle)", &params->kinematics.incoming_beams.second.pz );
       registerParameter<double>( "PTCT", "Minimal transverse momentum (single central outgoing particle)", &params->kinematics.cuts.central.pt_single.min() );
       registerParameter<double>( "MSCT", "Minimal central system mass", &params->kinematics.cuts.central.mass_sum.min() );
       registerParameter<double>( "ECUT", "Minimal energy (single central outgoing particle)", &params->kinematics.cuts.central.energy_single.min() );
       registerParameter<double>( "ETMN", "Minimal pseudo-rapidity (central outgoing particles)", &params->kinematics.cuts.central.eta_single.min() );
       registerParameter<double>( "ETMX", "Maximal pseudo-rapidity (central outgoing particles)", &params->kinematics.cuts.central.eta_single.max() );
       registerParameter<double>( "YMIN", "Minimal rapidity (central outgoing particles)", &params->kinematics.cuts.central.rapidity_single.min() );
       registerParameter<double>( "YMAX", "Maximal rapidity (central outgoing particles)", &params->kinematics.cuts.central.rapidity_single.max() );
       registerParameter<double>( "Q2MN", "Minimal Q² = -q² (exchanged parton)", &params->kinematics.cuts.initial.q2.min() );
       registerParameter<double>( "Q2MX", "Maximal Q² = -q² (exchanged parton)", &params->kinematics.cuts.initial.q2.max() );
       registerParameter<double>( "MXMN", "Minimal invariant mass of proton remnants", &params->kinematics.cuts.remnants.mass_single.min() );
       registerParameter<double>( "MXMX", "Maximal invariant mass of proton remnants", &params->kinematics.cuts.remnants.mass_single.max() );
     LpairHandler::store( const char* file )
       std::ofstream f( file, std::fstream::out | std::fstream::trunc );
       if ( !f.is_open() ) {
         CG_ERROR( "LpairHandler" ) << "Failed to open file \"" << file << "%s\" for writing.";
       for ( const auto& it : p_strings_ )
         if ( it.second.value )
           f << it.first << " = " << *it.second.value << "\n";
       for ( const auto& it : p_ints_ )
         if ( it.second.value )
           f << it.first << " = " << *it.second.value << "\n";
       for ( const auto& it : p_doubles_ )
         if ( it.second.value )
           f << it.first << " = " << *it.second.value << "\n";
       for ( const auto& it : p_bools_ )
         if ( it.second.value )
           f << it.first << " = " << *it.second.value << "\n";
     LpairHandler::setParameter( const std::string& key, const std::string& value )
       try { setValue<double>( key.c_str(), std::stod( value ) ); } catch ( std::invalid_argument& ) {}
       try { setValue<int>( key.c_str(), std::stoi( value ) ); } catch ( std::invalid_argument& ) {}
       //setValue<bool>( key.c_str(), std::stoi( value ) );
       setValue<std::string>( key.c_str(), value );
     LpairHandler::getParameter( std::string key ) const
       double dd = getValue<double>( key.c_str() );
       if ( dd != -999. )
         return std::to_string( dd );
       int ui = getValue<int>( key.c_str() );
       if ( ui != 999 )
         return std::to_string( ui );
       //if ( out = getValue<bool>( key.c_str() )  );
       return getValue<std::string>( key.c_str() );
     LpairHandler::getDescription( std::string key ) const
       if ( p_strings_.count( key ) )
         return p_strings_.find( key )->second.description;
       if ( p_ints_.count( key ) )
         return p_ints_.find( key )->second.description;
       if ( p_doubles_.count( key ) )
         return p_doubles_.find( key )->second.description;
       if ( p_bools_.count( key ) )
         return p_bools_.find( key )->second.description;
       return "null";
diff --git a/CepGen/Cards/LpairHandler.h b/CepGen/Cards/LpairHandler.h
index 6425106..bd5fc89 100644
--- a/CepGen/Cards/LpairHandler.h
+++ b/CepGen/Cards/LpairHandler.h
@@ -1,115 +1,114 @@
 #ifndef CepGen_Cards_LpairReader_h
 #define CepGen_Cards_LpairReader_h
 #include "CepGen/Cards/Handler.h"
 #include <unordered_map>
 using std::string;
 namespace CepGen
   class ParametersList;
-  namespace Cards
+  namespace cards
     /// LPAIR-like steering cards parser and writer
     class LpairHandler : public Handler
         /// Read a LPAIR steering card
         explicit LpairHandler( const char* file );
         /// Store a configuration into a LPAIR steering card
         void store( const char* file );
         template<class T> struct Parameter {
           Parameter( const char* key, const char* descr, T* value ) : key( key ), description( descr ), value( value ) {}
           std::string key, description;
           T* value;
         /// Register a parameter to be steered to a configuration variable
         template<class T> void registerParameter( const char* key, const char* description, T* def ) {}
         /// Set a parameter value
         template<class T> void setValue( const char* key, const T& value ) {}
         /// Retrieve a parameter value
         template<class T> T getValue( const char* key ) const {}
         void setParameter( const std::string& key, const std::string& value );
         std::string getParameter( std::string key ) const;
         std::string getDescription( std::string key ) const;
         static const int kInvalid;
         std::unordered_map<std::string, Parameter<std::string> > p_strings_;
         std::unordered_map<std::string, Parameter<double> > p_doubles_;
         std::unordered_map<std::string, Parameter<int> > p_ints_;
         std::unordered_map<std::string, Parameter<bool> > p_bools_;
         void init( Parameters* );
         std::shared_ptr<ParametersList> proc_params_;
         int str_fun_;
         std::string proc_name_, hadr_name_, integr_type_;
         std::pair<unsigned short,unsigned short> hi_1_, hi_2_;
     //----- specialised registerers
     /// Register a string parameter
     template<> inline void LpairHandler::registerParameter<std::string>( const char* key, const char* description, std::string* def ) { p_strings_.insert( std::make_pair( key, Parameter<std::string>( key, description, def ) ) ); }
     /// Register a double floating point parameter
     template<> inline void LpairHandler::registerParameter<double>( const char* key, const char* description, double* def ) { p_doubles_.insert( std::make_pair( key, Parameter<double>( key, description, def ) ) ); }
     /// Register an integer parameter
     template<> inline void LpairHandler::registerParameter<int>( const char* key, const char* description, int* def ) { p_ints_.insert( std::make_pair( key, Parameter<int>( key, description, def ) ) ); }
     /// Register a boolean parameter
     template<> inline void LpairHandler::registerParameter<bool>( const char* key, const char* description, bool* def ) { p_bools_.insert( std::make_pair( key, Parameter<bool>( key, description, def ) ) ); }
     //----- specialised setters
     template<> inline void LpairHandler::setValue<std::string>( const char* key, const std::string& value ) {
       auto it = p_strings_.find( key );
       if ( it != p_strings_.end() ) *it->second.value = value;
     template<> inline void LpairHandler::setValue<double>( const char* key, const double& value ) {
       auto it = p_doubles_.find( key );
       if ( it != p_doubles_.end() ) *it->second.value = value;
     template<> inline void LpairHandler::setValue<int>( const char* key, const int& value ) {
       auto it = p_ints_.find( key );
       if ( it != p_ints_.end() ) *it->second.value = value;
     template<> inline void LpairHandler::setValue<bool>( const char* key, const bool& value ) {
       auto it = p_bools_.find( key );
       if ( it != p_bools_.end() ) *it->second.value = value;
     //----- specialised getters
     /// Retrieve a string parameter value
     template<> inline std::string LpairHandler::getValue( const char* key ) const {
       const auto& it = p_strings_.find( key );
       if ( it != p_strings_.end() ) return *it->second.value;
       return "null";
     /// Retrieve a floating point parameter value
     template<> inline double LpairHandler::getValue( const char* key ) const {
       const auto& it = p_doubles_.find( key );
       if ( it != p_doubles_.end() ) return *it->second.value;
       return -999.;
     /// Retrieve an integer parameter value
     template<> inline int LpairHandler::getValue( const char* key ) const {
       const auto& it = p_ints_.find( key );
       if ( it != p_ints_.end() ) return *it->second.value;
       return 999;
     /// Retrieve a boolean parameter value
     template<> inline bool LpairHandler::getValue( const char* key ) const {
       const auto& it = p_bools_.find( key );
       if ( it != p_bools_.end() ) return *it->second.value;
       return true;
diff --git a/CepGen/Cards/PythonHandler.cpp b/CepGen/Cards/PythonHandler.cpp
index 83a7f77..a31b208 100644
--- a/CepGen/Cards/PythonHandler.cpp
+++ b/CepGen/Cards/PythonHandler.cpp
@@ -1,404 +1,404 @@
 #include "CepGen/Cards/PythonHandler.h"
 #include "CepGen/Core/Exception.h"
 #ifdef PYTHON
 #include "CepGen/Core/TamingFunction.h"
 #include "CepGen/Core/Exception.h"
 #include "CepGen/Core/ParametersList.h"
 #include "CepGen/Processes/ProcessesHandler.h"
 #include "CepGen/StructureFunctions/StructureFunctions.h"
 #include "CepGen/StructureFunctions/LHAPDF.h"
 #include "CepGen/StructureFunctions/MSTWGrid.h"
 #include "CepGen/StructureFunctions/Schaefer.h"
 #include "CepGen/Hadronisers/Pythia8Hadroniser.h"
 #include <algorithm>
 #  define PYTHON2
 namespace CepGen
-  namespace Cards
+  namespace cards
     //----- specialization for CepGen input cards
     PythonHandler::PythonHandler( const char* file )
       setenv( "PYTHONPATH", ".:..:Cards", 1 );
       std::string filename = getPythonPath( file );
       const size_t fn_len = filename.length()+1;
       //Py_DebugFlag = 1;
       //Py_VerboseFlag = 1;
 #ifdef PYTHON2
       char* sfilename = new char[fn_len];
       snprintf( sfilename, fn_len, "%s", filename.c_str() );
       wchar_t* sfilename = new wchar_t[fn_len];
       swprintf( sfilename, fn_len, L"%s", filename.c_str() );
       if ( sfilename )
         Py_SetProgramName( sfilename );
       Py_InitializeEx( 1 );
       if ( sfilename )
         delete [] sfilename;
       if ( !Py_IsInitialized() )
         throw CG_FATAL( "PythonHandler" ) << "Failed to initialise the Python cards parser!";
       CG_INFO( "PythonHandler" )
         << "Initialised the Python cards parser\n\t"
         << "Python version: " << Py_GetVersion() << "\n\t"
         << "Platform: " << Py_GetPlatform() << ".";
       PyObject* cfg = PyImport_ImportModule( filename.c_str() ); // new
       if ( !cfg )
         throwPythonError( Form( "Failed to parse the configuration card %s", file ) );
       PyObject* process = PyObject_GetAttrString( cfg, PROCESS_NAME ); // new
       if ( !process )
         throwPythonError( Form( "Failed to extract a \"%s\" keyword from the configuration card %s", PROCESS_NAME, file ) );
       //--- list of process-specific parameters
       ParametersList proc_params;
       fillParameter( process, "processParameters", proc_params );
       //--- type of process to consider
       PyObject* pproc_name = getElement( process, MODULE_NAME ); // borrowed
       if ( !pproc_name )
         throwPythonError( Form( "Failed to extract the process name from the configuration card %s", file ) );
       const std::string proc_name = get<std::string>( pproc_name );
       //--- process mode
       params_.kinematics.mode = (KinematicsMode)proc_params.get<int>( "mode", (int)KinematicsMode::invalid );
       auto proc = CepGen::ProcessesHandler::get().build( proc_name, proc_params );
       params_.setProcess( std::move( proc ) );
       //--- process kinematics
       PyObject* pin_kinematics = getElement( process, "inKinematics" ); // borrowed
       if ( pin_kinematics )
         parseIncomingKinematics( pin_kinematics );
       PyObject* pout_kinematics = getElement( process, "outKinematics" ); // borrowed
       if ( pout_kinematics )
         parseOutgoingKinematics( pout_kinematics );
       //--- taming functions
       PyObject* ptam = getElement( process, "tamingFunctions" ); // borrowed
       if ( ptam )
         parseTamingFunctions( ptam );
       Py_CLEAR( process );
       PyObject* plog = PyObject_GetAttrString( cfg, "logger" ); // new
       if ( plog ) {
         parseLogging( plog );
         Py_CLEAR( plog );
       //--- hadroniser parameters
       PyObject* phad = PyObject_GetAttrString( cfg, "hadroniser" ); // new
       if ( phad ) {
         parseHadroniser( phad );
         Py_CLEAR( phad );
       //--- generation parameters
       PyObject* pint = PyObject_GetAttrString( cfg, "integrator" ); // new
       if ( pint ) {
         parseIntegrator( pint );
         Py_CLEAR( pint );
       PyObject* pgen = PyObject_GetAttrString( cfg, "generator" ); // new
       if ( pgen ) {
         parseGenerator( pgen );
         Py_CLEAR( pgen );
       //--- finalisation
       Py_CLEAR( cfg );
       if ( Py_IsInitialized() )
     PythonHandler::parseIncomingKinematics( PyObject* kin )
       //--- retrieve the beams PDG ids
       std::vector<double> beams_pz;
       fillParameter( kin, "pz", beams_pz );
       if ( beams_pz.size() == 2 ) {
         params_.kinematics.incoming_beams.first.pz = beams_pz.at( 0 );
         params_.kinematics.incoming_beams.second.pz = beams_pz.at( 1 );
       //--- retrieve the beams longitudinal momentum
       std::vector<int> beams_pdg;
       fillParameter( kin, "pdgIds", beams_pdg );
       if ( beams_pdg.size() == 2 ) {
         params_.kinematics.incoming_beams.first.pdg = (PDG)beams_pdg.at( 0 );
         params_.kinematics.incoming_beams.second.pdg = (PDG)beams_pdg.at( 1 );
       double sqrt_s = -1.;
       fillParameter( kin, "cmEnergy", sqrt_s );
       fillParameter( kin, "kmrGridPath", params_.kinematics.kmr_grid_path );
       if ( sqrt_s != -1. )
         params_.kinematics.setSqrtS( sqrt_s );
       PyObject* psf = getElement( kin, "structureFunctions" ); // borrowed
       if ( psf )
         parseStructureFunctions( psf, params_.kinematics.structure_functions );
       std::vector<int> kt_fluxes;
       fillParameter( kin, "ktFluxes", kt_fluxes );
       if ( kt_fluxes.size() > 0 )
         params_.kinematics.incoming_beams.first.kt_flux = (KTFlux)kt_fluxes.at( 0 );
       if ( kt_fluxes.size() > 1 )
         params_.kinematics.incoming_beams.second.kt_flux = (KTFlux)kt_fluxes.at( 1 );
       std::vector<int> hi_beam1, hi_beam2;
       fillParameter( kin, "heavyIonA", hi_beam1 );
       if ( hi_beam1.size() == 2 )
         params_.kinematics.incoming_beams.first.pdg = HeavyIon{ (unsigned short)hi_beam1[0], (Element)hi_beam1[1] };
       fillParameter( kin, "heavyIonB", hi_beam2 );
       if ( hi_beam2.size() == 2 )
         params_.kinematics.incoming_beams.second.pdg = HeavyIon{ (unsigned short)hi_beam2[0], (Element)hi_beam2[1] };
     PythonHandler::parseStructureFunctions( PyObject* psf, std::shared_ptr<sf::Parameterisation>& sf_handler )
       int str_fun = 0;
       fillParameter( psf, "id", str_fun );
       sf_handler = sf::Parameterisation::build( (sf::Type)str_fun );
       switch( (sf::Type)str_fun ) {
         case sf::Type::LHAPDF: {
           auto sf = std::dynamic_pointer_cast<sf::LHAPDF>( params_.kinematics.structure_functions );
           fillParameter( psf, "pdfSet", sf->params.pdf_set );
           fillParameter( psf, "numFlavours", (unsigned int&)sf->params.num_flavours );
           fillParameter( psf, "pdfMember", (unsigned int&)sf->params.pdf_member );
           fillParameter( psf, "mode", (unsigned int&)sf->params.mode );
         } break;
         case sf::Type::MSTWgrid: {
           auto sf = std::dynamic_pointer_cast<mstw::Grid>( params_.kinematics.structure_functions );
           fillParameter( psf, "gridPath", sf->params.grid_path );
         } break;
         case sf::Type::Schaefer: {
           auto sf = std::dynamic_pointer_cast<sf::Schaefer>( params_.kinematics.structure_functions );
           fillParameter( psf, "Q2cut", sf->params.q2_cut );
           std::vector<double> w2_lims;
           fillParameter( psf, "W2limits", w2_lims );
           if ( w2_lims.size() != 0 ) {
             if ( w2_lims.size() != 2 )
               throwPythonError( Form( "Invalid size for W2limits attribute: %d != 2!", w2_lims.size() ) );
             else {
               sf->params.w2_lo = *std::min_element( w2_lims.begin(), w2_lims.end() );
               sf->params.w2_hi = *std::max_element( w2_lims.begin(), w2_lims.end() );
           PyObject* pcsf = getElement( psf, "continuumSF" ); // borrowed
           if ( pcsf )
             parseStructureFunctions( pcsf, sf->params.continuum_model );
           PyObject* ppsf = getElement( psf, "perturbativeSF" ); // borrowed
           if ( ppsf )
             parseStructureFunctions( ppsf, sf->params.perturbative_model );
           PyObject* prsf = getElement( psf, "resonancesSF" ); // borrowed
           if ( prsf )
             parseStructureFunctions( prsf, sf->params.resonances_model );
           fillParameter( psf, "higherTwist", (bool&)sf->params.higher_twist );
         } break;
         default: break;
     PythonHandler::parseOutgoingKinematics( PyObject* kin )
       PyObject* pparts = getElement( kin, "minFinalState" ); // borrowed
       if ( pparts && PyTuple_Check( pparts ) )
         for ( unsigned short i = 0; i < PyTuple_Size( pparts ); ++i )
           params_.kinematics.minimum_final_state.emplace_back( (PDG)get<int>( PyTuple_GetItem( pparts, i ) ) );
       PyObject* pcuts = getElement( kin, "cuts" ); // borrowed
       if ( pcuts )
         parseParticlesCuts( pcuts );
       // for LPAIR/collinear matrix elements
       fillLimits( kin, "q2", params_.kinematics.cuts.initial.q2 );
       // for the kT factorised matrix elements
       fillLimits( kin, "qt", params_.kinematics.cuts.initial.qt );
       fillLimits( kin, "phiqt", params_.kinematics.cuts.initial.phi_qt );
       fillLimits( kin, "ptdiff", params_.kinematics.cuts.central.pt_diff );
       fillLimits( kin, "phiptdiff", params_.kinematics.cuts.central.phi_pt_diff );
       fillLimits( kin, "rapiditydiff", params_.kinematics.cuts.central.rapidity_diff );
       // generic phase space limits
       fillLimits( kin, "rapidity", params_.kinematics.cuts.central.rapidity_single );
       fillLimits( kin, "eta", params_.kinematics.cuts.central.eta_single );
       fillLimits( kin, "pt", params_.kinematics.cuts.central.pt_single );
       fillLimits( kin, "ptsum", params_.kinematics.cuts.central.pt_sum );
       fillLimits( kin, "invmass", params_.kinematics.cuts.central.mass_sum );
       fillLimits( kin, "mx", params_.kinematics.cuts.remnants.mass_single );
     PythonHandler::parseParticlesCuts( PyObject* cuts )
       if ( !PyDict_Check( cuts ) )
         throwPythonError( "Particle cuts object should be a dictionary!" );
       PyObject* pkey = nullptr, *pvalue = nullptr;
       Py_ssize_t pos = 0;
       while ( PyDict_Next( cuts, &pos, &pkey, &pvalue ) ) {
         const PDG pdg = (PDG)get<int>( pkey );
         fillLimits( pvalue, "pt", params_.kinematics.cuts.central_particles[pdg].pt_single );
         fillLimits( pvalue, "energy", params_.kinematics.cuts.central_particles[pdg].energy_single );
         fillLimits( pvalue, "eta", params_.kinematics.cuts.central_particles[pdg].eta_single );
         fillLimits( pvalue, "rapidity", params_.kinematics.cuts.central_particles[pdg].rapidity_single );
     PythonHandler::parseLogging( PyObject* log )
       fillParameter( log, "level", (int&)Logger::get().level );
       std::vector<std::string> enabled_modules;
       fillParameter( log, "enabledModules", enabled_modules );
       for ( const auto& mod : enabled_modules )
         Logger::get().addExceptionRule( mod );
     PythonHandler::parseIntegrator( PyObject* integr )
       if ( !PyDict_Check( integr ) )
         throwPythonError( "Integrator object should be a dictionary!" );
       PyObject* palgo = getElement( integr, MODULE_NAME ); // borrowed
       if ( !palgo )
         throwPythonError( "Failed to retrieve the integration algorithm name!" );
       std::string algo = get<std::string>( palgo );
       if ( algo == "plain" )
         params_.integrator.type = Integrator::Type::plain;
       else if ( algo == "Vegas" ) {
         params_.integrator.type = Integrator::Type::Vegas;
         fillParameter( integr, "alpha", (double&)params_.integrator.vegas.alpha );
         fillParameter( integr, "iterations", params_.integrator.vegas.iterations );
         fillParameter( integr, "mode", (int&)params_.integrator.vegas.mode );
         fillParameter( integr, "verbosity", (int&)params_.integrator.vegas.verbose );
         std::string vegas_logging_output = "cerr";
         fillParameter( integr, "loggingOutput", vegas_logging_output );
         if ( vegas_logging_output == "cerr" )
           // redirect all debugging information to the error stream
           params_.integrator.vegas.ostream = stderr;
         else if ( vegas_logging_output == "cout" )
           // redirect all debugging information to the standard stream
           params_.integrator.vegas.ostream = stdout;
           params_.integrator.vegas.ostream = fopen( vegas_logging_output.c_str(), "w" );
       else if ( algo == "MISER" ) {
         params_.integrator.type = Integrator::Type::MISER;
         fillParameter( integr, "estimateFraction", (double&)params_.integrator.miser.estimate_frac );
         fillParameter( integr, "minCalls", params_.integrator.miser.min_calls );
         fillParameter( integr, "minCallsPerBisection", params_.integrator.miser.min_calls_per_bisection );
         fillParameter( integr, "alpha", (double&)params_.integrator.miser.alpha );
         fillParameter( integr, "dither", (double&)params_.integrator.miser.dither );
         throwPythonError( Form( "Invalid integration algorithm: %s", algo.c_str() ) );
       fillParameter( integr, "numFunctionCalls", params_.integrator.ncvg );
       fillParameter( integr, "seed", (unsigned long&)params_.integrator.rng_seed );
       unsigned int rng_engine;
       fillParameter( integr, "rngEngine", rng_engine );
       switch ( rng_engine ) {
         case 0: default: params_.integrator.rng_engine = (gsl_rng_type*)gsl_rng_mt19937; break;
         case 1: params_.integrator.rng_engine = (gsl_rng_type*)gsl_rng_taus2; break;
         case 2: params_.integrator.rng_engine = (gsl_rng_type*)gsl_rng_gfsr4; break;
         case 3: params_.integrator.rng_engine = (gsl_rng_type*)gsl_rng_ranlxs0; break;
       fillParameter( integr, "chiSqCut", params_.integrator.vegas_chisq_cut );
     PythonHandler::parseGenerator( PyObject* gen )
       if ( !PyDict_Check( gen ) )
         throwPythonError( "Generation information object should be a dictionary!" );
       params_.generation.enabled = true;
       fillParameter( gen, "treat", params_.generation.treat );
       fillParameter( gen, "numEvents", params_.generation.maxgen );
       fillParameter( gen, "printEvery", params_.generation.gen_print_every );
       fillParameter( gen, "numThreads", params_.generation.num_threads );
       fillParameter( gen, "numPoints", params_.generation.num_points );
     PythonHandler::parseTamingFunctions( PyObject* tf )
       if ( !PyList_Check( tf ) )
         throwPythonError( "Taming functions list should be a list!" );
       for ( Py_ssize_t i = 0; i < PyList_Size( tf ); ++i ) {
         PyObject* pit = PyList_GetItem( tf, i ); // borrowed
         if ( !pit )
         if ( !PyDict_Check( pit ) )
           throwPythonError( Form( "Item %d has invalid type %s", i, pit->ob_type->tp_name ) );
         PyObject* pvar = getElement( pit, "variable" ), *pexpr = getElement( pit, "expression" ); // borrowed
         params_.taming_functions->add( get<std::string>( pvar ).c_str(), get<std::string>( pexpr ).c_str() );
     PythonHandler::parseHadroniser( PyObject* hadr )
       if ( !PyDict_Check( hadr ) )
         throwPythonError( "Hadroniser object should be a dictionary!" );
       PyObject* pname = getElement( hadr, MODULE_NAME ); // borrowed
       if ( !pname )
         throwPythonError( "Hadroniser name is required!" );
       std::string hadr_name = get<std::string>( pname );
       //--- list of module-specific parameters
       ParametersList mod_params;
       fillParameter( hadr, "moduleParameters", mod_params );
       if ( hadr_name == "pythia8" )
         params_.setHadroniser( new hadroniser::Pythia8Hadroniser( params_, mod_params ) );
         throwPythonError( Form( "Unrecognised hadronisation algorithm: \"%s\"!", hadr_name.c_str() ) );
       auto h = params_.hadroniser();
       { //--- before calling the init() method
         std::vector<std::string> config;
         fillParameter( hadr, "preConfiguration", config );
         h->readStrings( config );
       { //--- after init() has been called
         std::vector<std::string> config;
         fillParameter( hadr, "processConfiguration", config );
         for ( const auto& block : config ) {
           std::vector<std::string> config_blk;
           fillParameter( hadr, block.c_str(), config_blk );
           h->readStrings( config_blk );
diff --git a/CepGen/Cards/PythonHandler.h b/CepGen/Cards/PythonHandler.h
index 3497746..272a230 100644
--- a/CepGen/Cards/PythonHandler.h
+++ b/CepGen/Cards/PythonHandler.h
@@ -1,71 +1,71 @@
 #ifndef CepGen_Cards_PythonHandler_h
 #define CepGen_Cards_PythonHandler_h
 #ifdef PYTHON
 #include <Python.h>
 #include "Handler.h"
 namespace CepGen
   namespace sf { class Parameterisation; }
   class ParametersList;
-  namespace Cards
+  namespace cards
     /// CepGen Python configuration cards reader/writer
     class PythonHandler : public Handler
         /// Read a standard configuration card
         explicit PythonHandler( const char* file );
         static PyObject* getElement( PyObject* obj, const char* key );
         static PyObject* encode( const char* str );
         static constexpr const char* MODULE_NAME = "mod_name";
         static constexpr const char* PROCESS_NAME = "process";
         static void throwPythonError( const std::string& message );
         static std::string getPythonPath( const char* file );
         template<typename T> bool is( PyObject* obj ) const;
         template<typename T> T get( PyObject* obj ) const;
         void fillLimits( PyObject* obj, const char* key, Limits& lim );
         void fillParameter( PyObject* parent, const char* key, bool& out );
         void fillParameter( PyObject* parent, const char* key, int& out );
         void fillParameter( PyObject* parent, const char* key, unsigned long& out );
         void fillParameter( PyObject* parent, const char* key, unsigned int& out );
         void fillParameter( PyObject* parent, const char* key, double& out );
         void fillParameter( PyObject* parent, const char* key, std::string& out );
         void fillParameter( PyObject* parent, const char* key, std::vector<int>& out );
         void fillParameter( PyObject* parent, const char* key, std::vector<double>& out );
         void fillParameter( PyObject* parent, const char* key, std::vector<std::string>& out );
         void fillParameter( PyObject* parent, const char* key, ParametersList& out );
         void parseIncomingKinematics( PyObject* );
         void parseOutgoingKinematics( PyObject* );
         void parseParticlesCuts( PyObject* );
         void parseLogging( PyObject* );
         void parseIntegrator( PyObject* );
         void parseGenerator( PyObject* );
         void parseTamingFunctions( PyObject* );
         void parseHadroniser( PyObject* );
         void parseStructureFunctions( PyObject*, std::shared_ptr<sf::Parameterisation>& sf_handler );
     template<> bool PythonHandler::is<int>( PyObject* obj ) const;
     template<> int PythonHandler::get<int>( PyObject* obj ) const;
     template<> unsigned long PythonHandler::get<unsigned long>( PyObject* obj ) const;
     template<> bool PythonHandler::is<ParametersList>( PyObject* obj ) const;
     template<> ParametersList PythonHandler::get<ParametersList>( PyObject* obj ) const;
     template<> bool PythonHandler::is<double>( PyObject* obj ) const;
     template<> double PythonHandler::get<double>( PyObject* obj ) const;
     template<> bool PythonHandler::is<std::string>( PyObject* obj ) const;
     template<> std::string PythonHandler::get<std::string>( PyObject* obj ) const;
diff --git a/CepGen/Cards/PythonTypes.cpp b/CepGen/Cards/PythonTypes.cpp
index 66361ff..ed2bde2 100644
--- a/CepGen/Cards/PythonTypes.cpp
+++ b/CepGen/Cards/PythonTypes.cpp
@@ -1,171 +1,170 @@
 #include "CepGen/Cards/PythonHandler.h"
 #include "CepGen/Core/ParametersList.h"
 #include "CepGen/Core/utils.h"
 #ifdef PYTHON
 #  define PYTHON2
 namespace CepGen
-  namespace Cards
+  namespace cards
     // typed retrieval helpers
     template<> bool
     PythonHandler::is<int>( PyObject* obj ) const
 #ifdef PYTHON2
       return ( PyInt_Check( obj ) || PyBool_Check( obj ) );
       return ( PyLong_Check( obj ) || PyBool_Check( obj ) );
     template<> int
     PythonHandler::get<int>( PyObject* obj ) const
 #ifdef PYTHON2
       return PyInt_AsLong( obj );
       return PyLong_AsLong( obj );
     template<> unsigned long
     PythonHandler::get<unsigned long>( PyObject* obj ) const
 #ifdef PYTHON2
       return PyInt_AsUnsignedLongMask( obj );
       if ( !PyLong_Check( obj ) )
         throwPythonError( Form( "Object \"%s\" has invalid type %s", key, obj->ob_type->tp_name ) );
       return PyLong_AsUnsignedLong( obj );
     template<> long long
     PythonHandler::get<long long>( PyObject* obj ) const
       return PyLong_AsLongLong( obj );
     template<> bool
     PythonHandler::is<double>( PyObject* obj ) const
       return PyFloat_Check( obj );
     template<> double
     PythonHandler::get<double>( PyObject* obj ) const
       return PyFloat_AsDouble( obj );
     template<> bool
     PythonHandler::is<std::string>( PyObject* obj ) const
 #ifdef PYTHON2
       return PyString_Check( obj );
       return PyUnicode_Check( obj );
     template<> std::string
     PythonHandler::get<std::string>( PyObject* obj ) const
       std::string out;
 #ifdef PYTHON2
       out = PyString_AsString( obj ); // deprecated in python v3+
       PyObject* pstr = PyUnicode_AsEncodedString( obj, "utf-8", "strict" ); // new
       if ( !pstr )
         throwPythonError( "Failed to decode a Python object!" );
       out = PyBytes_AS_STRING( pstr );
       Py_CLEAR( pstr );
       return out;
     template<> bool
     PythonHandler::is<ParametersList>( PyObject* obj ) const
       return PyDict_Check( obj );
     template<> ParametersList
     PythonHandler::get<ParametersList>( PyObject* obj ) const
       ParametersList out;
       PyObject* pkey = nullptr, *pvalue = nullptr;
       Py_ssize_t pos = 0;
       while ( PyDict_Next( obj, &pos, &pkey, &pvalue ) ) {
         const std::string skey = get<std::string>( pkey );
         if ( is<int>( pvalue ) )
           out.set<int>( skey, get<int>( pvalue ) );
         else if ( is<double>( pvalue ) )
           out.set<double>( skey, get<double>( pvalue ) );
         else if ( is<std::string>( pvalue ) )
           out.set<std::string>( skey, get<std::string>( pvalue ) );
         else if ( is<ParametersList>( pvalue ) )
           out.set<ParametersList>( skey, get<ParametersList>( pvalue ) );
         else if ( PyTuple_Check( pvalue ) || PyList_Check( pvalue ) ) { // vector
           PyObject* pfirst = PyTuple_GetItem( pvalue, 0 );
           PyObject* pit = nullptr;
           const bool tuple = PyTuple_Check( pvalue );
           const Py_ssize_t num_entries = ( tuple )
             ? PyTuple_Size( pvalue )
             : PyList_Size( pvalue );
           if ( is<int>( pfirst ) ) {
             std::vector<int> vec;
             for ( Py_ssize_t i = 0; i < num_entries; ++i ) {
               pit = ( tuple ) ? PyTuple_GetItem( pvalue, i ) : PyList_GetItem( pvalue, i );
               if ( pit->ob_type != pfirst->ob_type )
                 throwPythonError( Form( "Mixed types detected in vector '%s'", skey.c_str() ) );
               vec.emplace_back( get<int>( pit ) );
             out.set<std::vector<int> >( skey, vec );
           else if ( is<double>( pfirst ) ) {
             std::vector<double> vec;
             for ( Py_ssize_t i = 0; i < num_entries; ++i ) {
               pit = ( tuple ) ? PyTuple_GetItem( pvalue, i ) : PyList_GetItem( pvalue, i );
               if ( pit->ob_type != pfirst->ob_type )
                 throwPythonError( Form( "Mixed types detected in vector '%s'", skey.c_str() ) );
               vec.emplace_back( get<double>( pit ) );
             out.set<std::vector<double> >( skey, vec );
           else if ( is<std::string>( pfirst ) ) {
             std::vector<std::string> vec;
             for ( Py_ssize_t i = 0; i < num_entries; ++i ) {
               pit = ( tuple ) ? PyTuple_GetItem( pvalue, i ) : PyList_GetItem( pvalue, i );
               if ( pit->ob_type != pfirst->ob_type )
                 throwPythonError( Form( "Mixed types detected in vector '%s'", skey.c_str() ) );
               vec.emplace_back( get<std::string>( pit ) );
             out.set<std::vector<std::string> >( skey, vec );
           else if ( is<ParametersList>( pfirst ) ) {
             std::vector<ParametersList> vec;
             for ( Py_ssize_t i = 0; i < num_entries; ++i ) {
               pit = ( tuple ) ? PyTuple_GetItem( pvalue, i ) : PyList_GetItem( pvalue, i );
               if ( pit->ob_type != pfirst->ob_type )
                 throwPythonError( Form( "Mixed types detected in vector '%s'", skey.c_str() ) );
               vec.emplace_back( get<ParametersList>( pit ) );
             out.set<std::vector<ParametersList> >( skey, vec );
       return out;
diff --git a/CepGen/Cards/PythonUtils.cpp b/CepGen/Cards/PythonUtils.cpp
index b53a57d..32bca15 100644
--- a/CepGen/Cards/PythonUtils.cpp
+++ b/CepGen/Cards/PythonUtils.cpp
@@ -1,251 +1,251 @@
 #include "CepGen/Cards/PythonHandler.h"
 #include "CepGen/Core/ParametersList.h"
 #include "CepGen/Core/Exception.h"
 #include "CepGen/Core/utils.h"
 #ifdef PYTHON
 #include <string>
 #include <algorithm>
 #include <frameobject.h>
 #  define PYTHON2
 namespace CepGen
-  namespace Cards
+  namespace cards
     // Python API helpers
     PythonHandler::getPythonPath( const char* file )
       std::string s_filename = file;
       s_filename = s_filename.substr( 0, s_filename.find_last_of( "." ) ); // remove the extension
       std::replace( s_filename.begin(), s_filename.end(), '/', '.' ); // replace all '/' by '.'
       return s_filename;
     PythonHandler::throwPythonError( const std::string& message )
       PyObject* ptype = nullptr, *pvalue = nullptr, *ptraceback_obj = nullptr;
       // retrieve error indicator and clear it to handle ourself the error
       PyErr_Fetch( &ptype, &pvalue, &ptraceback_obj );
       // ensure the objects retrieved are properly normalised and point to compatible objects
       PyErr_NormalizeException( &ptype, &pvalue, &ptraceback_obj );
       std::ostringstream oss; oss << message;
       if ( ptype != nullptr ) { // we can start the traceback
         oss << "\n\tError: "
 #ifdef PYTHON2
             << PyString_AsString( PyObject_Str( pvalue ) ); // deprecated in python v3+
             << PyUnicode_AsUTF8( PyObject_Str( pvalue ) );
         PyTracebackObject* ptraceback = (PyTracebackObject*)ptraceback_obj;
         std::string tabul = "↪ ";
         if ( ptraceback != nullptr ) {
           while ( ptraceback->tb_next != nullptr ) {
             PyFrameObject* pframe = ptraceback->tb_frame;
             if ( pframe != nullptr ) {
               int line = PyCode_Addr2Line( pframe->f_code, pframe->f_lasti );
 #ifdef PYTHON2
               const char* filename = PyString_AsString( pframe->f_code->co_filename );
               const char* funcname = PyString_AsString( pframe->f_code->co_name );
               const char* filename = PyUnicode_AsUTF8( pframe->f_code->co_filename );
               const char* funcname = PyUnicode_AsUTF8( pframe->f_code->co_name );
               oss << Form( "\n\t%s%s on %s (line %d)", tabul.c_str(), boldify( funcname ).c_str(), filename, line );
               oss << Form( "\n\t%s issue in line %d", tabul.c_str(), ptraceback->tb_lineno );
             tabul = std::string( "  " )+tabul;
             ptraceback = ptraceback->tb_next;
       throw CG_FATAL( "PythonHandler:error" ) << oss.str();
     PythonHandler::encode( const char* str )
       PyObject* obj = PyUnicode_FromString( str ); // new
       if ( !obj )
         throwPythonError( Form( "Failed to encode the following string:\n\t%s", str ) );
       return obj;
     PythonHandler::getElement( PyObject* obj, const char* key )
       PyObject* pout = nullptr, *nink = encode( key );
       if ( !nink )
         return pout;
       pout = PyDict_GetItem( obj, nink ); // borrowed
       Py_CLEAR( nink );
       if ( pout )
         CG_DEBUG( "PythonHandler:getElement" )
           << "retrieved " << pout->ob_type->tp_name << " element \"" << key << "\" "
           << "from " << obj->ob_type->tp_name << " object\n\t"
           << "new reference count: " << pout->ob_refcnt;
         CG_DEBUG( "PythonHandler:getElement" )
           << "did not retrieve a valid element \"" << key << "\"";
       return pout;
     PythonHandler::fillLimits( PyObject* obj, const char* key, Limits& lim )
       PyObject* pobj = getElement( obj, key ); // borrowed
       if ( !pobj )
       if ( !PyTuple_Check( pobj ) )
         throw CG_FATAL( "PythonHandler:fillLimits" ) << "Invalid value retrieved for " << key << ".";
       if ( PyTuple_Size( pobj ) < 1 )
         throw CG_FATAL( "PythonHandler:fillLimits" ) << "Invalid number of values unpacked for " << key << "!";
       double min = get<double>( PyTuple_GetItem( pobj, 0 ) );
       lim.min() = min;
       if ( PyTuple_Size( pobj ) > 1 ) {
         double max = get<double>( PyTuple_GetItem( pobj, 1 ) );
         if ( max != -1 )
           lim.max() = max;
     PythonHandler::fillParameter( PyObject* parent, const char* key, bool& out )
       PyObject* pobj = getElement( parent, key ); // borrowed
       if ( !pobj )
       if ( !PyBool_Check( pobj ) )
         throwPythonError( Form( "Object \"%s\" has invalid type %s", key, pobj->ob_type->tp_name ) );
       fillParameter( parent, key, (int&)out );
     PythonHandler::fillParameter( PyObject* parent, const char* key, int& out )
       PyObject* pobj = getElement( parent, key ); // borrowed
       if ( !pobj )
       if ( !is<int>( pobj ) )
         throwPythonError( Form( "Object \"%s\" has invalid type %s", key, pobj->ob_type->tp_name ) );
       out = get<int>( pobj );
     PythonHandler::fillParameter( PyObject* parent, const char* key, unsigned long& out )
       PyObject* pobj = getElement( parent, key ); // borrowed
       if ( !pobj )
       if ( !is<int>( pobj ) )
         throwPythonError( Form( "Object \"%s\" has invalid type %s", key, pobj->ob_type->tp_name ) );
       out = get<unsigned long>( pobj );
     PythonHandler::fillParameter( PyObject* parent, const char* key, unsigned int& out )
       PyObject* pobj = getElement( parent, key ); // borrowed
       if ( !pobj )
       if ( !is<int>( pobj ) )
         throwPythonError( Form( "Object \"%s\" has invalid type %s", key, pobj->ob_type->tp_name ) );
       out = get<unsigned long>( pobj );
     PythonHandler::fillParameter( PyObject* parent, const char* key, double& out )
       PyObject* pobj = getElement( parent, key ); // borrowed
       if ( !pobj )
       if ( !is<double>( pobj ) )
         throwPythonError( Form( "Object \"%s\" has invalid type %s", key, pobj->ob_type->tp_name ) );
       out = get<double>( pobj );
     PythonHandler::fillParameter( PyObject* parent, const char* key, std::string& out )
       PyObject* pobj = getElement( parent, key ); // borrowed
       if ( !pobj )
       if ( !is<std::string>( pobj ) )
         throwPythonError( Form( "Object \"%s\" has invalid type %s", key, pobj->ob_type->tp_name ) );
       out = get<std::string>( pobj );
     PythonHandler::fillParameter( PyObject* parent, const char* key, std::vector<double>& out )
       PyObject* pobj = getElement( parent, key ); // borrowed
       if ( !pobj )
       if ( !PyTuple_Check( pobj ) )
         throwPythonError( Form( "Object \"%s\" has invalid type %s", key, pobj->ob_type->tp_name ) );
       for ( Py_ssize_t i = 0; i < PyTuple_Size( pobj ); ++i ) {
         PyObject* pit = PyTuple_GetItem( pobj, i ); // borrowed
         if ( is<double>( pit ) )
           out.emplace_back( get<double>( pit ) );
     PythonHandler::fillParameter( PyObject* parent, const char* key, std::vector<std::string>& out )
       PyObject* pobj = getElement( parent, key ); // borrowed
       if ( !pobj )
       if ( !PyTuple_Check( pobj ) )
         throwPythonError( Form( "Object \"%s\" has invalid type %s", key, pobj->ob_type->tp_name ) );
       for ( Py_ssize_t i = 0; i < PyTuple_Size( pobj ); ++i ) {
         PyObject* pit = PyTuple_GetItem( pobj, i ); // borrowed
         out.emplace_back( get<std::string>( pit ) );
     PythonHandler::fillParameter( PyObject* parent, const char* key, std::vector<int>& out )
       PyObject* pobj = getElement( parent, key ); // borrowed
       if ( !pobj )
       if ( !PyTuple_Check( pobj ) )
         throwPythonError( Form( "Object \"%s\" has invalid type", key ) );
       for ( Py_ssize_t i = 0; i < PyTuple_Size( pobj ); ++i ) {
         PyObject* pit = PyTuple_GetItem( pobj, i );
         if ( !is<int>( pit ) )
           throwPythonError( Form( "Object %d has invalid type", i ) );
         out.emplace_back( get<int>( pit ) );
     PythonHandler::fillParameter( PyObject* parent, const char* key, ParametersList& out )
       PyObject* pobj = getElement( parent, key ); // borrowed
       if ( !pobj )
       if ( !PyDict_Check( pobj ) )
         throwPythonError( Form( "Object \"%s\" has invalid type", key ) );
       out += get<ParametersList>( pobj );
diff --git a/CepGen/Core/FortranInterface.cpp b/CepGen/Core/FortranInterface.cpp
index c5f6f8a..b02d21b 100644
--- a/CepGen/Core/FortranInterface.cpp
+++ b/CepGen/Core/FortranInterface.cpp
@@ -1,66 +1,66 @@
 #include "CepGen/StructureFunctions/StructureFunctions.h"
 #include "CepGen/Physics/KTFlux.h"
 #include "CepGen/Physics/HeavyIon.h"
 #include "CepGen/Physics/ParticleProperties.h"
 #include "CepGen/Core/Exception.h"
 #ifdef __cplusplus
 extern "C" {
   /// Expose structure functions calculators to Fortran
   cepgen_structure_functions_( int& sfmode, double& xbj, double& q2, double& f2, double& fl )
     using namespace CepGen;
     sf::Type sf_mode = (sf::Type)sfmode;
     CG_DEBUG( "cepgen_structure_functions" ) << sf_mode;
     static auto& val = sf::Parameterisation::build( sf_mode )->operator()( xbj, q2 );
     f2 = val.F2;
     fl = val.FL;
   cepgen_kt_flux_( int& fmode, double& x, double& kt2, int& sfmode, double& mx )
     using namespace CepGen;
     static auto sf = sf::Parameterisation::build( (sf::Type)sfmode );
     return ktFlux(
       (KTFlux)fmode, x, kt2, *sf, mx );
   cepgen_kt_flux_hi_( int& fmode, double& x, double& kt2, int& a, int& z )
     using namespace CepGen;
     return ktFlux(
       (KTFlux)fmode, x, kt2, HeavyIon{ (unsigned short)a, (Element)z } );
   cepgen_particle_mass_( int& pdg_id )
     try {
-      return CepGen::ParticleProperties::mass( (CepGen::PDG)pdg_id );
+      return CepGen::part::mass( (CepGen::PDG)pdg_id );
     } catch ( const CepGen::Exception& e ) {
       exit( 0 );
   cepgen_particle_charge_( int& pdg_id )
     try {
-      return CepGen::ParticleProperties::charge( pdg_id );
+      return CepGen::part::charge( pdg_id );
     } catch ( const CepGen::Exception& e ) {
       exit( 0 );
 #ifdef __cplusplus
diff --git a/CepGen/Core/Generator.cpp b/CepGen/Core/Generator.cpp
index a402891..d132743 100644
--- a/CepGen/Core/Generator.cpp
+++ b/CepGen/Core/Generator.cpp
@@ -1,171 +1,170 @@
 #include "CepGen/Generator.h"
 #include "CepGen/Parameters.h"
 #include "CepGen/Version.h"
 #include "CepGen/Core/Integrator.h"
 #include "CepGen/Core/Exception.h"
 #include "CepGen/Core/Timer.h"
 #include "CepGen/Physics/PDG.h"
 #include "CepGen/Processes/GenericProcess.h"
 #include "CepGen/Event/Event.h"
 #include <fstream>
 #include <chrono>
 namespace CepGen
   volatile int gSignal;
   Generator::Generator() :
     parameters( std::unique_ptr<Parameters>( new Parameters ) ), result_( -1. ), result_error_( -1. )
     CG_DEBUG( "Generator:init" ) << "Generator initialized";
     try {
     } catch ( Exception& e ) {
     // Random number initialization
     std::chrono::system_clock::time_point time = std::chrono::system_clock::now();
     srandom( time.time_since_epoch().count() );
   Generator::Generator( Parameters* ip ) :
     parameters( ip ), result_( -1. ), result_error_( -1. )
     if ( parameters->generation.enabled
       && parameters->process() && parameters->numGeneratedEvents() > 0 ) {
       CG_INFO( "Generator" )
         << "Mean generation time / event: "
         << parameters->totalGenerationTime()*1.e3/parameters->numGeneratedEvents()
         << " ms.";
   Generator::numDimensions() const
     if ( !parameters->process() )
       return 0;
     parameters->process()->setKinematics( parameters->kinematics );
     return parameters->process()->numDimensions();
     parameters->process()->first_run = true;
     result_ = result_error_ = -1.;
   Generator::setParameters( Parameters& ip )
     parameters = std::unique_ptr<Parameters>( new Parameters( ip ) ); // copy constructor
     std::string tmp;
     std::ostringstream os; os << "version " << version() << std::endl;
     std::ifstream hf( "README" );
     if ( !hf.good() )
       throw CG_WARNING( "Generator" ) << "Failed to open README file.";
     while ( true ) {
       if ( !hf.good() ) break;
       getline( hf, tmp );
       os << "\n " << tmp;
     CG_INFO( "Generator" ) << os.str();
   Generator::computePoint( double* x )
-    double res = Integrand::eval( x, numDimensions(), (void*)parameters.get() );
+    double res = integrand::eval( x, numDimensions(), (void*)parameters.get() );
     std::ostringstream os;
     for ( unsigned int i = 0; i < numDimensions(); ++i )
       os << x[i] << " ";
     CG_DEBUG( "Generator:computePoint" )
       << "Result for x[" << numDimensions() << "] = { " << os.str() << "}:\n\t"
       << res << ".";
     return res;
   Generator::computeXsection( double& xsec, double& err )
     CG_INFO( "Generator" ) << "Starting the computation of the process cross-section.";
     xsec = result_;
     err = result_error_;
     if ( xsec < 1.e-2 )
       CG_INFO( "Generator" )
         << "Total cross section: " << xsec*1.e3 << " +/- " << err*1.e3 << " fb.";
     else if ( xsec > 5.e2 )
       CG_INFO( "Generator" )
         << "Total cross section: " << xsec*1.e-3 << " +/- " << err*1.e-3 << " nb.";
       CG_INFO( "Generator" )
         << "Total cross section: " << xsec << " +/- " << err << " pb.";
     // first destroy and recreate the integrator instance
     if ( !integrator_ )
-      integrator_ = std::unique_ptr<Integrator>( new Integrator( numDimensions(), Integrand::eval, parameters.get() ) );
+      integrator_ = std::unique_ptr<Integrator>( new Integrator( numDimensions(), integrand::eval, parameters.get() ) );
     else if ( integrator_->dimensions() != numDimensions() )
-      integrator_.reset( new Integrator( numDimensions(), Integrand::eval, parameters.get() ) );
+      integrator_.reset( new Integrator( numDimensions(), integrand::eval, parameters.get() ) );
     CG_DEBUG( "Generator:newInstance" )
       << "New integrator instance created\n\t"
       << "Considered topology: " << parameters->kinematics.mode << " case\n\t"
       << "Will proceed with " << numDimensions() << "-dimensional integration.";
     const int res = integrator_->integrate( result_, result_error_ );
     if ( res != 0 )
       throw CG_FATAL( "Generator" )
         << "Error while computing the cross-section!\n\t"
         << "GSL error: " << gsl_strerror( res ) << ".";
     parameters->addGenerationTime( parameters->process()->last_event->time_total );
     return parameters->process()->last_event;
   Generator::generate( std::function<void( const Event&, unsigned long )> callback )
     const Timer tmr;
     CG_INFO( "Generator" )
       << parameters->generation.maxgen << " events will be generated.";
     integrator_->generate( parameters->generation.maxgen, callback, &tmr );
     const double gen_time_s = tmr.elapsed();
     CG_INFO( "Generator" )
       << parameters->generation.ngen << " events generated "
       << "in " << gen_time_s << " s "
       << "(" << gen_time_s/parameters->generation.ngen*1.e3 << " ms/event).";
diff --git a/CepGen/Core/Integrand.cpp b/CepGen/Core/Integrand.cpp
index 2e4f9ad..f73e8fb 100644
--- a/CepGen/Core/Integrand.cpp
+++ b/CepGen/Core/Integrand.cpp
@@ -1,201 +1,201 @@
 #include "CepGen/Core/Timer.h"
 #include "CepGen/Core/Exception.h"
 #include "CepGen/Core/TamingFunction.h"
 #include "CepGen/Event/Event.h"
 #include "CepGen/Event/Particle.h"
 #include "CepGen/Physics/Kinematics.h"
 #include "CepGen/Physics/PDG.h"
 #include "CepGen/Processes/GenericProcess.h"
 #include "CepGen/Hadronisers/GenericHadroniser.h"
 #include "CepGen/Parameters.h"
 #include <sstream>
 #include <fstream>
 namespace CepGen
-  namespace Integrand
+  namespace integrand
     Logger::Level log_level;
     Timer tmr;
     eval( double* x, size_t ndim, void* params )
       log_level = Logger::get().level;
       std::shared_ptr<Event> ev;
       Parameters* p = static_cast<Parameters*>( params );
       if ( !p )
         throw CG_FATAL( "Integrand" ) << "Failed to retrieve the run parameters!";
       process::GenericProcess* proc = p->process();
       if ( !proc )
         throw CG_FATAL( "Integrand" ) << "Failed to retrieve the process!";
       // start the timer
       // prepare the event content prior to the process generation
       if ( proc->hasEvent() ) {
         ev = proc->event();
         if ( proc->first_run ) {
           CG_DEBUG( "Integrand" )
             << "Computation launched for " << p->processName() << " process "
             << "0x" << std::hex << p->process() << std::dec << ".\n\t"
             << "Process mode considered: " << p->kinematics.mode << "\n\t"
             << "  pz(p1) = " << p->kinematics.incoming_beams.first.pz << "\n\t"
             << "  pz(p2) = " << p->kinematics.incoming_beams.second.pz << "\n\t"
             << "  structure functions: " << p->kinematics.structure_functions;
           proc->first_run = false;
         } // passed the first-run preparation
       } // event is not empty
       // specify the phase space point to probe
       proc->setPoint( ndim, x );
       // from this step on, the phase space point is supposed to be set
       double integrand = p->process()->computeWeight();
       // invalidate any unphysical behaviour
       if ( integrand <= 0. )
         return 0.;
       // speed up the integration process if no event needs to be generated
       if ( !p->storage()
         && !p->taming_functions
         && !p->hadroniser()
         &&  p->kinematics.cuts.central_particles.size() == 0 )
         return integrand;
       // fill in the process' Event object
       // once the kinematics variables have been populated, can apply the collection of taming functions
       if ( p->taming_functions ) {
         if ( p->taming_functions->has( "m_central" )
           || p->taming_functions->has( "pt_central" ) ) {
           // build the kinematics of the central system
           Particle::Momentum central_system;
           for ( const auto& part : ev->getByRole( Particle::CentralSystem ) )
             central_system += part.momentum();
           // tame the cross-section by the reweighting function
           if ( p->taming_functions->has( "m_central" ) )
             integrand *= p->taming_functions->eval( "m_central", central_system.mass() );
           if ( p->taming_functions->has( "pt_central" ) )
             integrand *= p->taming_functions->eval( "pt_central", central_system.pt() );
         if ( p->taming_functions->has( "q2" ) ) {
           integrand *= p->taming_functions->eval( "q2", -ev->getOneByRole( Particle::Parton1 ).momentum().mass() );
           integrand *= p->taming_functions->eval( "q2", -ev->getOneByRole( Particle::Parton2 ).momentum().mass() );
       if ( integrand <= 0. )
         return 0.;
       // set the CepGen part of the event generation
       if ( p->storage() )
         ev->time_generation = tmr.elapsed();
       // event hadronisation and resonances decay
       if ( p->hadroniser() ) {
         double br = -1.;
         if ( !p->hadroniser()->run( *ev, br, p->storage() ) || br == 0. )
           return 0.;
         integrand *= br; // branching fraction for all decays
       // apply cuts on final state system (after hadronisation!)
       // (watch out your cuts, as this might be extremely time-consuming...)
       if ( p->kinematics.cuts.central_particles.size() > 0 ) {
         for ( const auto& part : ev->getByRole( Particle::CentralSystem ) ) {
           // retrieve all cuts associated to this final state particle
           if ( p->kinematics.cuts.central_particles.count( part.pdgId() ) == 0 )
           const auto& cuts_pdgid = p->kinematics.cuts.central_particles.at( part.pdgId() );
           // apply these cuts on the given particle
           if ( !cuts_pdgid.pt_single.passes( part.momentum().pt() ) )
             return 0.;
           if ( !cuts_pdgid.energy_single.passes( part.momentum().energy() ) )
             return 0.;
           if ( !cuts_pdgid.eta_single.passes( part.momentum().eta() ) )
             return 0.;
           if ( !cuts_pdgid.rapidity_single.passes( part.momentum().rapidity() ) )
             return 0.;
       // store the last event in the parameters for its usage by the end user
       if ( p->storage() ) {
         p->process()->last_event = ev;
         p->process()->last_event->time_total = tmr.elapsed();
         CG_DEBUG( "Integrand" )
           << "[process 0x" << std::hex << p->process() << std::dec << "] "
           << "Individual time (gen+hadr+cuts): " << p->process()->last_event->time_total*1.e3 << " ms";
       // a bit of useful debugging
       if ( CG_EXCEPT_MATCH( "Integrand", debugInsideLoop ) ) {
         std::ostringstream oss;
         for ( unsigned short i = 0; i < ndim; ++i )
           oss << Form( "%10.8f ", x[i] );
         CG_DEBUG( "Integrand" )
           << "f value for dim-" << ndim << " point ( " << oss.str() << "): "
           << integrand;
       return integrand;
diff --git a/CepGen/Event/Particle.cpp b/CepGen/Event/Particle.cpp
index 40a8306..69e0fa4 100644
--- a/CepGen/Event/Particle.cpp
+++ b/CepGen/Event/Particle.cpp
@@ -1,264 +1,264 @@
 #include "CepGen/Event/Particle.h"
 #include "CepGen/Physics/PDG.h"
 #include "CepGen/Core/Exception.h"
 #include "CepGen/Core/utils.h"
 #include "CepGen/Physics/Constants.h"
 namespace CepGen
   Particle::Particle() :
     id_( -1 ), charge_sign_( 1 ),
     mass_( -1. ), helicity_( 0. ),
     role_( UnknownRole ), status_( Status::Undefined ), pdg_id_( PDG::invalid )
   Particle::Particle( Role role, PDG pdgId, Status st ) :
     id_( -1 ), charge_sign_( 1 ),
     mass_( -1. ), helicity_( 0. ),
     role_( role ), status_( st ), pdg_id_( pdgId )
     if ( pdg_id_ != PDG::invalid )
   Particle::Particle( const Particle& part ) :
     id_( part.id_ ), charge_sign_( part.charge_sign_ ),
     momentum_( part.momentum_ ), mass_( part.mass_ ), helicity_( part.helicity_ ),
     role_( part.role_ ), status_( part.status_ ),
     mothers_( part.mothers_ ), daughters_( part.daughters_ ),
     pdg_id_( part.pdg_id_ )
   Particle::operator<( const Particle& rhs ) const
     return id_ >= 0
         && rhs.id_ > 0
         && id_ < rhs.id_;
   Particle::thetaToEta( double theta )
     return -log( tan( 0.5*theta*M_PI/180. ) );
   Particle::etaToTheta( double eta )
     return 2.*atan( exp( -eta ) )*180.*M_1_PI;
     if ( pdg_id_ == PDG::invalid )
       return false;
     if ( momentum_.p() == 0. && mass_ == 0. )
       return false;
     return true;
   Particle::computeMass( bool off_shell )
     if ( !off_shell && pdg_id_ != PDG::invalid ) { // retrieve the mass from the on-shell particle's properties
-      mass_ = ParticleProperties::mass( pdg_id_ );
+      mass_ = part::mass( pdg_id_ );
     else if ( momentum_.energy() >= 0. ) {
       mass_ = sqrt( energy2() - momentum_.p2() );
     //--- finish by setting the energy accordingly
     if ( momentum_.energy() < 0. ) { // invalid energy
       momentum_.setEnergy( sqrt( momentum_.p2() + mass2() ) );
   Particle::setMass( double m )
     if ( m >= 0. )
       mass_ = m;
   Particle::addMother( Particle& part )
     mothers_.insert( part.id() );
     CG_DEBUG_LOOP( "Particle" )
       <<  "Particle " << id() << " (pdgId=" << part.integerPdgId() << ") "
       << "is the new mother of " << id_ << " (pdgId=" << (int)pdg_id_ << ").";
     part.addDaughter( *this );
   Particle::addDaughter( Particle& part )
     const auto ret = daughters_.insert( part.id() );
     if ( CG_EXCEPT_MATCH( "Particle", debugInsideLoop ) ) {
       std::ostringstream os;
       for ( const auto& daugh : daughters_ )
         os << Form( "\n\t * id=%d", daugh );
       CG_DEBUG_LOOP( "Particle" )
         << "Particle " << role_ << " (pdgId=" << (int)pdg_id_ << ") "
         << "has now " << daughters_.size() << " daughter(s):"
         << os.str();
     if ( ret.second ) {
       CG_DEBUG_LOOP( "Particle" )
         << "Particle " << part.role() << " (pdgId=" << part.integerPdgId() << ") "
         << "is a new daughter of " << role_ << " (pdgId=" << (int)pdg_id_ << "%4d).";
       if ( part.mothers().find( id_ ) == part.mothers().end() )
         part.addMother( *this );
   Particle::setMomentum( const Momentum& mom, bool offshell )
     momentum_ = mom;
     if ( !offshell && mom.mass() > 0. )
       mass_ = momentum_.mass();
   Particle::setMomentum( double px, double py, double pz, double e )
     momentum_.setP( px, py, pz );
     setEnergy( e );
     if ( fabs( e-momentum_.energy() ) > 1.e-6 ) // more than 1 eV difference
       CG_ERROR( Form( "Energy difference: %.5e", e-momentum_.energy() ) );
   Particle::energy() const
     return ( momentum_.energy() < 0.
       ? std::hypot( mass_, momentum_.p() )
       : momentum_.energy() );
   Particle::setEnergy( double e )
     if ( e < 0. && mass_ >= 0. )
       e = std::hypot( mass_, momentum_.p() );
     momentum_.setEnergy( e );
   Particle::setPdgId( short pdg )
     pdg_id_ = (PDG)abs( pdg );
     switch ( pdg_id_ ) {
       case PDG::electron: case PDG::muon: case PDG::tau:
         charge_sign_ = -pdg/abs( pdg ); break;
         charge_sign_ = pdg/abs( pdg ); break;
   Particle::setPdgId( const PDG& pdg, short ch )
     pdg_id_ = pdg;
     switch ( pdg_id_ ) {
       case PDG::electron: case PDG::muon: case PDG::tau:
         charge_sign_ = -ch; break;
         charge_sign_ = ch; break;
   Particle::integerPdgId() const
-    const float ch = ParticleProperties::charge( pdg_id_ );
+    const float ch = part::charge( pdg_id_ );
     if ( ch == 0 )
       return static_cast<int>( pdg_id_ );
     return static_cast<int>( pdg_id_ ) * charge_sign_ * ( ch/fabs( ch ) );
   Particle::dump() const
     std::ostringstream osm, osd;
     if ( !primary() ) {
       osm << ": mother(s): ";
       unsigned short i = 0;
       for ( const auto& moth : mothers_ ) {
         osm << ( i > 0 ? ", " : "" ) << moth;
     const ParticlesIds daughters_list = daughters();
     if ( daughters_list.size() > 0 ) {
       osd << ": id = ";
       unsigned short i = 0;
       for ( const auto& daugh : daughters_list ) {
         osm << ( i > 0 ? ", " : "" ) << daugh;
     CG_INFO( "Particle" )
       << "Dumping a particle with id=" << id_ << ", role=" << role_ << ", status=" << (int)status_ << "\n\t"
       << "Particle id: " << integerPdgId() << " (" << pdg_id_ << "), mass = " << mass_ << " GeV\n\t"
       << "Momentum: " << momentum_ << " GeV\t" << "(|P| = p = " << momentum_.p() << " GeV)\n\t"
       << " p⟂ = " << momentum_.pt() << " GeV, eta = " << momentum_.eta() << ", phi = " << momentum_.phi() << "\n\t"
       << "Primary? " << yesno( primary() ) << osm.str() << "\n\t"
       << numDaughters() << " daughter(s)" << osd.str();
   Particle::etaToY( double eta_, double m_, double pt_ )
     const double m2 = m_*m_, mt = std::hypot( m_, pt_ );
     return asinh( sqrt( ( ( mt*mt-m2 )*cosh( 2.*eta_ )+m2 )/ mt*mt - 1. )*M_SQRT1_2 );
   operator<<( std::ostream& os, const Particle::Role& rl )
     switch ( rl ) {
       case Particle::UnknownRole:   return os << "unknown";
       case Particle::IncomingBeam1: return os << "i.beam 1";
       case Particle::IncomingBeam2: return os << "i.beam 2";
       case Particle::OutgoingBeam1: return os << "o.beam 1";
       case Particle::OutgoingBeam2: return os << "o.beam 2";
       case Particle::Parton1:       return os << "parton 1";
       case Particle::Parton2:       return os << "parton 2";
       case Particle::Parton3:       return os << "parton 3";
       case Particle::Intermediate:  return os << "hard pr.";
       case Particle::CentralSystem: return os << "central";
     return os;
   CMEnergy( const Particle& p1, const Particle& p2 )
     if ( p1.mass()*p2.mass() < 0.
       || p1.energy()*p2.energy() < 0. )
       return 0.;
     return sqrt( p1.mass2()+p2.mass2() + 2.*p1.energy()*p2.energy() - 2.*( p1.momentum()*p2.momentum() ) );
   CMEnergy( const Particle::Momentum& m1, const Particle::Momentum& m2 )
     if ( m1.mass()*m2.mass() < 0.
       || m1.energy()*m2.energy() < 0. )
       return 0.;
     return sqrt( m1.mass2()+m2.mass2() + 2.*m1.energy()*m2.energy() - 2.*( m1*m2 ) );
diff --git a/CepGen/Event/Particle.h b/CepGen/Event/Particle.h
index d76ec6b..298206a 100644
--- a/CepGen/Event/Particle.h
+++ b/CepGen/Event/Particle.h
@@ -1,346 +1,346 @@
 #ifndef CepGen_Event_Particle_h
 #define CepGen_Event_Particle_h
 #include "CepGen/Physics/ParticleProperties.h"
 #include <set>
 #include <map>
 #include <vector>
 namespace CepGen
   /// A set of integer-type particle identifiers
   typedef std::set<int> ParticlesIds;
   /// Kinematic information for one particle
   class Particle {
       /// Internal status code for a particle
       enum class Status {
         PrimordialIncoming = -9,
         DebugResonance = -5,
         Resonance = -4,
         Fragmented = -3,
         Propagator = -2,
         Incoming = -1,
         Undefined = 0,
         FinalState = 1,
         Undecayed = 2, Unfragmented = 3
       /// Role of the particle in the process
       enum Role {
         UnknownRole = -1,
         IncomingBeam1 = 1, IncomingBeam2 = 2,
         OutgoingBeam1 = 3, OutgoingBeam2 = 5,
         CentralSystem = 6,
         Intermediate = 4,
         Parton1 = 41, Parton2 = 42, Parton3 = 43
        * Container for a particle's 4-momentum, along with useful methods to ease the development of any matrix element level generator
        * \brief 4-momentum for a particle
        * \date Dec 2015
        * \author Laurent Forthomme <laurent.forthomme@cern.ch>
       class Momentum {
           /// Build a 4-momentum at rest with an invalid energy (no mass information known)
           /// Build a 4-momentum using its 3-momentum coordinates and its energy
           Momentum( double x, double y, double z, double t = -1. );
           /// Build a 4-momentum using its 3-momentum coordinates and its energy
           Momentum( double* p );
           // --- static definitions
           /// Build a 3-momentum from its three pseudo-cylindric coordinates
           static Momentum fromPtEtaPhi( double pt, double eta, double phi, double e = -1. );
           /// Build a 4-momentum from its scalar momentum, and its polar and azimuthal angles
           static Momentum fromPThetaPhi( double p, double theta, double phi, double e = -1. );
           /// Build a 4-momentum from its four momentum and energy coordinates
           static Momentum fromPxPyPzE( double px, double py, double pz, double e );
           /// Build a 4-momentum from its transverse momentum, rapidity and mass
           static Momentum fromPxPyYM( double px, double py, double rap, double m );
           // --- vector and scalar operators
           /// Scalar product of the 3-momentum with another 3-momentum
           double threeProduct( const Momentum& ) const;
           /// Scalar product of the 4-momentum with another 4-momentum
           double fourProduct( const Momentum& ) const;
           /// Vector product of the 3-momentum with another 3-momentum
           double crossProduct( const Momentum& ) const;
           /// Add a 4-momentum through a 4-vector sum
           Momentum& operator+=( const Momentum& );
           /// Subtract a 4-momentum through a 4-vector sum
           Momentum& operator-=( const Momentum& );
           /// Scalar product of the 3-momentum with another 3-momentum
           double operator*=( const Momentum& );
           /// Multiply all 4-momentum coordinates by a scalar
           Momentum& operator*=( double c );
           /// Equality operator
           bool operator==( const Momentum& ) const;
           /// Human-readable format for a particle's momentum
           friend std::ostream& operator<<( std::ostream& os, const Particle::Momentum& mom );
           Momentum& betaGammaBoost( double gamma, double betagamma );
           /// Forward Lorentz boost
           Momentum& lorentzBoost( const Particle::Momentum& p );
           // --- setters and getters
           /// Set all the components of the 4-momentum (in GeV)
           void setP( double px, double py, double pz, double e );
           /// Set all the components of the 3-momentum (in GeV)
           void setP( double px, double py, double pz );
           /// Set the energy (in GeV)
           inline void setEnergy( double e ) { energy_ = e; }
           /// Compute the energy from the mass
           inline void setMass( double m ) { setMass2( m*m ); }
           /// Compute the energy from the mass
           void setMass2( double m2 );
           /// Get one component of the 4-momentum (in GeV)
           double operator[]( const unsigned int i ) const;
           /// Get one component of the 4-momentum (in GeV)
           double& operator[]( const unsigned int i );
           /// Momentum along the \f$x\f$-axis (in GeV)
           inline double px() const { return px_; }
           /// Momentum along the \f$y\f$-axis (in GeV)
           inline double py() const { return py_; }
           /// Longitudinal momentum (in GeV)
           inline double pz() const { return pz_; }
           /// Transverse momentum (in GeV)
           double pt() const;
           /// Squared transverse momentum (in GeV\f${}^2\f$)
           double pt2() const;
           /// 4-vector of double precision floats (in GeV)
           const std::vector<double> pVector() const;
           /// 3-momentum norm (in GeV)
           inline double p() const { return p_; }
           /// Squared 3-momentum norm (in GeV\f${}^2\f$)
           inline double p2() const { return p_*p_; }
           /// Energy (in GeV)
           inline double energy() const { return energy_; }
           /// Squared energy (in GeV\f${}^2\f$)
           inline double energy2() const { return energy_*energy_; }
           /// Squared mass (in GeV\f${}^2\f$) as computed from its energy and momentum
           inline double mass2() const { return energy2()-p2(); }
           /// Mass (in GeV) as computed from its energy and momentum
           /// \note Returns \f$-\sqrt{|E^2-\mathbf{p}^2|}<0\f$ if \f$\mathbf{p}^2>E^2\f$
           double mass() const;
           /// Polar angle (angle with respect to the longitudinal direction)
           double theta() const;
           /// Azimutal angle (angle in the transverse plane)
           double phi() const;
           /// Pseudo-rapidity
           double eta() const;
           /// Rapidity
           double rapidity() const;
           void truncate( double tolerance = 1.e-10 );
           /// Rotate the transverse components by an angle phi (and reflect the y coordinate)
           Momentum& rotatePhi( double phi, double sign );
           /// Rotate the particle's momentum by a polar/azimuthal angle
           Momentum& rotateThetaPhi( double theta_, double phi_ );
           /// Apply a \f$ z\rightarrow -z\f$ transformation
           inline Momentum& mirrorZ() { pz_ = -pz_; return *this; }
           /// Compute the 3-momentum's norm
           void computeP();
           /// Momentum along the \f$x\f$-axis
           double px_;
           /// Momentum along the \f$y\f$-axis
           double py_;
           /// Momentum along the \f$z\f$-axis
           double pz_;
           /// 3-momentum's norm (in GeV/c)
           double p_;
           /// Energy (in GeV)
           double energy_;
       /// Human-readable format for a particle's PDG code
       friend std::ostream& operator<<( std::ostream& os, const PDG& pc );
       /// Human-readable format for a particle's role in the event
       friend std::ostream& operator<<( std::ostream& os, const Particle::Role& rl );
       /// Compute the 4-vector sum of two 4-momenta
       friend Particle::Momentum operator+( const Particle::Momentum& mom1, const Particle::Momentum& mom2 );
       /// Compute the 4-vector difference of two 4-momenta
       friend Particle::Momentum operator-( const Particle::Momentum& mom1, const Particle::Momentum& mom2 );
       /// Compute the inverse per-coordinate 4-vector
       friend Particle::Momentum operator-( const Particle::Momentum& mom );
       /// Scalar product of two 3-momenta
       friend double operator*( const Particle::Momentum& mom1, const Particle::Momentum& mom2 );
       /// Multiply all components of a 4-momentum by a scalar
       friend Particle::Momentum operator*( const Particle::Momentum& mom, double c );
       /// Multiply all components of a 4-momentum by a scalar
       friend Particle::Momentum operator*( double c, const Particle::Momentum& mom );
       //----- static getters
       /// Convert a polar angle to a pseudo-rapidity
       static double thetaToEta( double theta );
       /// Convert a pseudo-rapidity to a polar angle
       static double etaToTheta( double eta );
       /// Convert a pseudo-rapidity to a rapidity
       static double etaToY( double eta_, double m_, double pt_ );
       /// Build using the role of the particle in the process and its PDG id
       /// \param[in] pdgId PDG identifier
       /// \param[in] role Role of the particle in the process
       /// \param[in] st Current status
       Particle( Role role, PDG pdgId, Status st = Status::Undefined );
       /// Copy constructor
       Particle( const Particle& );
       inline ~Particle() {}
       /// Comparison operator (from unique identifier)
       bool operator<( const Particle& rhs ) const;
       /// Comparison operator (from their reference's unique identifier)
       //bool operator<( Particle *rhs ) const { return ( id < rhs->id ); }
       // --- general particle properties
       /// Unique identifier (in a Event object context)
       int id() const { return id_; }
       //void setId( int id ) { id_ = id; }
       /// Set the particle unique identifier in an event
       void setId( int id ) { id_ = id; }
       /// Electric charge (given as a float number, for the quarks and bound states)
-      float charge() const { return charge_sign_ * ParticleProperties::charge( pdg_id_ ); }
+      float charge() const { return charge_sign_ * part::charge( pdg_id_ ); }
       /// Set the electric charge sign (+-1 for charged or 0 for neutral particles)
       void setChargeSign( int sign ) { charge_sign_ = sign; }
       /// Role in the considered process
       Role role() const { return role_; }
       /// Set the particle role in the process
       void setRole( const Role& role ) { role_ = role; }
        * Codes 1-10 correspond to currently existing partons/particles, and larger codes contain partons/particles which no longer exist, or other kinds of event information
        * \brief Particle status
       Status status() const { return status_; }
       /// Set the particle decay/stability status
       void setStatus( Status status ) { status_ = status; }
       /// Set the PDG identifier (along with the particle's electric charge)
       /// \param[in] pdg PDG identifier
       /// \param[in] ch Electric charge (0, 1, or -1)
       void setPdgId( const PDG& pdg, short ch = 0 );
       /// Set the PDG identifier (along with the particle's electric charge)
       /// \param[in] pdg_id PDG identifier (incl. electric charge in e)
       void setPdgId( short pdg_id );
       /// Retrieve the objectified PDG identifier
       inline PDG pdgId() const { return pdg_id_; }
       /// Retrieve the integer value of the PDG identifier
       int integerPdgId() const;
       /// Particle's helicity
       float helicity() const { return helicity_; }
       /// Set the helicity of the particle
       void setHelicity( float heli ) { helicity_ = heli; }
       /// Particle mass in GeV/c\f${}^2\f$
       /// \return Particle's mass
       inline double mass() const { return mass_; };
       /// Compute the particle mass
       /// \param[in] off_shell Allow the particle to be produced off-shell?
       /// \note This method ensures that the kinematics is properly set (the mass is set according to the energy and the momentum in priority)
       void computeMass( bool off_shell = false );
       /// Set the particle mass, in GeV/c\f${}^2\f$
       /// \param m Mass in GeV/c\f${}^2\f$
       /// \note This method ensures that the kinematics is properly set (the mass is set according to the energy and the momentum in priority)
       void setMass( double m = -1. );
       /// Particle squared mass, in GeV\f${}^2\f$/c\f${}^4\f$
       inline double mass2() const { return mass_*mass_; };
       /// Retrieve the momentum object associated with this particle
       inline Momentum& momentum() { return momentum_; }
       /// Retrieve the momentum object associated with this particle
       inline Momentum momentum() const { return momentum_; }
       /// Associate a momentum object to this particle
       void setMomentum( const Momentum& mom, bool offshell = false );
        * \brief Set the 3- or 4-momentum associated to the particle
        * \param[in] px Momentum along the \f$x\f$-axis, in GeV/c
        * \param[in] py Momentum along the \f$y\f$-axis, in GeV/c
        * \param[in] pz Momentum along the \f$z\f$-axis, in GeV/c
        * \param[in] e Energy, in GeV
       void setMomentum( double px, double py, double pz, double e = -1. );
       /// Set the 4-momentum associated to the particle
       /// \param[in] p 4-momentum
       inline void setMomentum( double p[4] ) { setMomentum( p[0], p[1], p[2], p[3] ); }
       /// Set the particle's energy
       /// \param[in] e Energy, in GeV
       void setEnergy( double e = -1. );
       /// Get the particle's energy, in GeV
       double energy() const;
       /// Get the particle's squared energy, in GeV\f${}^2\f$
       inline double energy2() const { return energy()*energy(); };
       /// Is this particle a valid particle which can be used for kinematic computations?
       bool valid();
       // --- particle relations
       /// Is this particle a primary particle?
       inline bool primary() const { return mothers_.empty(); }
       /// Set the mother particle
       /// \param[in] part A Particle object containing all the information on the mother particle
       void addMother( Particle& part );
       /// Get the unique identifier to the mother particle from which this particle arises
       /// \return An integer representing the unique identifier to the mother of this particle in the event
       inline ParticlesIds mothers() const { return mothers_; }
        * \brief Add a decay product
        * \param[in] part The Particle object in which this particle will desintegrate or convert
        * \return A boolean stating if the particle has been added to the daughters list or if it was already present before
       void addDaughter( Particle& part );
       /// Gets the number of daughter particles
       inline unsigned int numDaughters() const { return daughters_.size(); };
       /// Get an identifiers list all daughter particles
       /// \return An integer vector containing all the daughters' unique identifier in the event
       inline ParticlesIds daughters() const { return daughters_; }
       // --- global particle information extraction
       /// Dump all the information on this particle into the standard output stream
       void dump() const;
       /// Unique identifier in an event
       int id_;
       /// Electric charge (+-1 or 0)
       short charge_sign_;
       /// Momentum properties handler
       Momentum momentum_;
       /// Mass, in GeV/c\f${}^2\f$
       double mass_;
       /// Helicity
       float helicity_;
       /// Role in the process
       Role role_;
       /// Decay/stability status
       Status status_;
       /// List of mother particles
       ParticlesIds mothers_;
       /// List of daughter particles
       ParticlesIds daughters_;
       /// PDG id
       PDG pdg_id_;
   /// Compute the centre of mass energy of two particles (incoming or outgoing states)
   double CMEnergy( const Particle& p1, const Particle& p2 );
   /// Compute the centre of mass energy of two particles (incoming or outgoing states)
   double CMEnergy( const Particle::Momentum& m1, const Particle::Momentum& m2 );
   //bool operator<( const Particle& a, const Particle& b ) { return a.id<b.id; }
   // --- particle containers
   /// List of Particle objects
   typedef std::vector<Particle> Particles;
   /// List of particles' roles
   typedef std::vector<Particle::Role> ParticleRoles;
   /// Map between a particle's role and its associated Particle object
   typedef std::map<Particle::Role,Particles> ParticlesMap;
diff --git a/CepGen/Generator.h b/CepGen/Generator.h
index 3520ac3..b2afd73 100644
--- a/CepGen/Generator.h
+++ b/CepGen/Generator.h
@@ -1,122 +1,122 @@
 #ifndef CepGen_Generator_h
 #define CepGen_Generator_h
 #include <sstream>
 #include <memory>
 #include <functional>
  * \mainpage Foreword
  * This Monte Carlo generator was developed as a modern version of the LPAIR code introduced
  * in the early 1990s by J. Vermaseren *et al*\cite Baranov:1991yq\cite Vermaseren:1982cz. This latter allows to
  * compute the cross-section and to generate events for the \f$\gamma\gamma\to\ell^{+}\ell^{-}\f$
  * process in the scope of high energy physics.
  * Soon after the integration of its matrix element, it was extended as a tool to compute and
  * generate events for any generic 2\f$\rightarrow\f$ 3 central exclusive process.
  * To do so, the main operation performed here is the integration of the matrix element (given as a
  * subset of a GenericProcess object) over the full available phase space.
 /// Common namespace for this Monte Carlo generator
 namespace CepGen
-  namespace Integrand
+  namespace integrand
      * Function to be integrated. It returns the value of the weight for one point
      * of the full phase space (or "event"). This weights includes the matrix element
      * of the process considered, along with all the kinematic factors, and the cut
      * restrictions imposed on this phase space. \f$x\f$ is therefore an array of random
      * numbers defined inside its boundaries (as normalised so that \f$\forall i<\mathrm{ndim}\f$,
      * \f$0<x_i<1\f$.
     double eval( double*, size_t, void* );
   class Event;
   class Integrator;
   class Parameters;
    * This object represents the core of this Monte Carlo generator, with its
    * capability to generate the events (using the embedded Vegas object) and to
    * study the phase space in term of the variation of resulting cross section
    * while scanning the various parameters (point \f${\bf x}\f$ in the
    * multi-dimensional phase space).
    * The phase space is constrained using the Parameters object given as an
    * argument to the constructor, and the differential cross-sections for each
    * value of the array \f${\bf x}\f$ are computed in the \a f-function defined
    * outside (but populated inside) this object.
    * This f-function embeds a GenericProcess-inherited object which defines all the
    * methods to compute this differential cross-section as well as the in- and outgoing
    * kinematics associated to each particle.
    * \author Laurent Forthomme <laurent.forthomme@cern.ch>
    * \date Feb 2013
    * \brief Core of the Monte-Carlo generator
   class Generator {
       /// Core of the Monte Carlo integrator and events generator
       /// Core of the Monte Carlo integrator and events generator
       /// \param[in] ip List of input parameters defining the phase space on which to perform the integration
       Generator( Parameters *ip );
       /// Dump this program's header into the standard output stream
       void printHeader();
       /// Feed the generator with a Parameters object
       void setParameters( Parameters& ip );
       /// Remove all references to a previous generation/run
       void clearRun();
        * Compute the cross section for the run parameters defined by this object.
        * This returns the cross section as well as the absolute error computed along.
        * \brief Compute the cross-section for the given process
        * \param[out] xsec The computed cross-section, in pb
        * \param[out] err The absolute integration error on the computed cross-section, in pb
       void computeXsection( double& xsec, double& err );
       /// Integrate the functional over the whole phase space
       void integrate();
       /// Last cross section computed by the generator
       double crossSection() const { return result_; }
       /// Last error on the cross section computed by the generator
       double crossSectionError() const { return result_error_; }
       //void terminate();
       /// Generate one single event given the phase space computed by Vegas in the integration step
       /// \return A pointer to the Event object generated in this run
       std::shared_ptr<Event> generateOneEvent();
       /// Launch the generation of events
       void generate( std::function<void( const Event&, unsigned long )> callback = {} );
       /// Number of dimensions on which the integration is performed
       size_t numDimensions() const;
       /// Compute one single point from the total phase space
       /// \param[in] x the n-dimensional point to compute
       /// \return the function value for the given point
       double computePoint( double* x );
       /// Physical Parameters used in the events generation and cross-section computation
       std::unique_ptr<Parameters> parameters;
       /// Vegas instance which will integrate the function
       std::unique_ptr<Integrator> integrator_;
       /// Cross section value computed at the last integration
       double result_;
       /// Error on the cross section as computed in the last integration
       double result_error_;
diff --git a/CepGen/Hadronisers/Pythia8Hadroniser.cpp b/CepGen/Hadronisers/Pythia8Hadroniser.cpp
index ca6afb6..b188eda 100644
--- a/CepGen/Hadronisers/Pythia8Hadroniser.cpp
+++ b/CepGen/Hadronisers/Pythia8Hadroniser.cpp
@@ -1,464 +1,464 @@
 #include "CepGen/Hadronisers/Pythia8Hadroniser.h"
 #include "CepGen/Parameters.h"
 #include "CepGen/Physics/Kinematics.h"
 #include "CepGen/Physics/Constants.h"
 #include "CepGen/Physics/PDG.h"
 #include "CepGen/Core/ParametersList.h"
 #include "CepGen/Core/Exception.h"
 #include "CepGen/Core/utils.h"
 #include "CepGen/Event/Event.h"
 #include "CepGen/Event/Particle.h"
 #include "CepGen/Version.h"
 namespace CepGen
   namespace hadroniser
 #ifdef PYTHIA8
     momToVec4( const Particle::Momentum& mom )
       return Pythia8::Vec4( mom.px(), mom.py(), mom.pz(), mom.energy() );
     Pythia8Hadroniser::Pythia8Hadroniser( const Parameters& params, const ParametersList& plist ) :
       GenericHadroniser( "pythia8", plist ),
 #ifdef PYTHIA8
       pythia_( new Pythia8::Pythia ), lhaevt_( new LHAEvent( &params ) ),
       full_evt_( false ), offset_( 0 ), first_evt_( true ), params_( &params )
 #ifdef PYTHIA8
       pythia_->setLHAupPtr( (Pythia8::LHAup*)lhaevt_.get() );
       pythia_->settings.parm( "Beams:idA", (short)params.kinematics.incoming_beams.first.pdg );
       pythia_->settings.parm( "Beams:idB", (short)params.kinematics.incoming_beams.second.pdg );
       // specify we will be using a LHA input
       pythia_->settings.mode( "Beams:frameType", 5 );
       pythia_->settings.parm( "Beams:eCM", params.kinematics.sqrtS() );
       for ( const auto& pdgid : params.kinematics.minimum_final_state )
         min_ids_.emplace_back( (unsigned short)pdgid );
 #ifdef PYTHIA8
       pythia_->settings.writeFile( "last_pythia_config.cmd", false );
     Pythia8Hadroniser::readString( const char* param )
 #ifdef PYTHIA8
       if ( !pythia_->readString( param ) )
         throw CG_FATAL( "Pythia8Hadroniser" ) << "The Pythia8 core failed to parse the following setting:\n\t" << param;
 #ifdef PYTHIA8
       if ( pythia_->settings.flag( "ProcessLevel:all" ) != full_evt_ )
         pythia_->settings.flag( "ProcessLevel:all", full_evt_ );
       if ( seed_ == -1ll )
         pythia_->settings.flag( "Random:setSeed", false );
       else {
         pythia_->settings.flag( "Random:setSeed", true );
         pythia_->settings.mode( "Random:seed", seed_ );
       switch ( params_->kinematics.mode ) {
         case KinematicsMode::ElasticElastic: {
           pythia_->settings.mode( "BeamRemnants:unresolvedHadron", 3 );
         } break;
         case KinematicsMode::InelasticElastic: {
           pythia_->settings.mode( "BeamRemnants:unresolvedHadron", 2 );
         } break;
         case KinematicsMode::ElasticInelastic: {
           pythia_->settings.mode( "BeamRemnants:unresolvedHadron", 1 );
         } break;
         case KinematicsMode::InelasticInelastic: default: {
           pythia_->settings.mode( "BeamRemnants:unresolvedHadron", 0 );
         } break;
       if ( !pythia_->init() )
         throw CG_FATAL( "Pythia8Hadroniser" )
           << "Failed to initialise the Pythia8 core!\n\t"
           << "See the message above for more details.";
       throw CG_FATAL( "Pythia8Hadroniser" )
         << "Pythia8 is not linked to this instance!";
     Pythia8Hadroniser::setCrossSection( double xsec, double xsec_err )
 #ifdef PYTHIA8
       lhaevt_->setCrossSection( 0, xsec, xsec_err );
     Pythia8Hadroniser::run( Event& ev, double& weight, bool full )
       //--- initialise the event weight before running any decay algorithm
       weight = 1.;
 #ifdef PYTHIA8
       if ( !full && !pythia_->settings.flag( "ProcessLevel:resonanceDecays" ) )
         return true;
       //--- switch full <-> partial event
       if ( full != full_evt_ ) {
         full_evt_ = full;
       // convert our event into a custom LHA format
       lhaevt_->feedEvent( ev, full, params_->kinematics.mode );
       //if ( full ) lhaevt_->listEvent();
       // launch the hadronisation / resonances decays, and update the event accordingly
       ev.num_hadronisation_trials = 0;
       while ( true ) {
         if ( ev.num_hadronisation_trials++ > max_trials_ )
           return false;
         //--- run the hadronisation/fragmentation algorithm
         if ( pythia_->next() ) {
           //--- hadronisation successful
           if ( first_evt_ && full ) {
             offset_ = 0;
             for ( unsigned short i = 1; i < pythia_->event.size(); ++i )
               if ( pythia_->event[i].status() == -12 ) // skip the incoming particles
             first_evt_ = false;
       // update the event content with Pythia's output
       updateEvent( ev, weight, full );
       return true;
       throw CG_FATAL( "Pythia8Hadroniser" ) << "Pythia8 is not linked to this instance!";
 #ifdef PYTHIA8
     Pythia8Hadroniser::addParticle( Event& ev, const Pythia8::Particle& py_part, const Pythia8::Vec4& mom, unsigned short role ) const
       Particle& op = ev.addParticle( (Particle::Role)role );
       op.setPdgId( static_cast<PDG>( abs( py_part.id() ) ), py_part.charge() );
       op.setStatus( py_part.isFinal()
         ? Particle::Status::FinalState
         : Particle::Status::Propagator );
       op.setMomentum( Particle::Momentum( mom.px(), mom.py(), mom.pz(), mom.e() ) );
       op.setMass( mom.mCalc() );
       lhaevt_->addCorresp( py_part.index()-offset_, op.id() );
       return op;
     Pythia8Hadroniser::updateEvent( Event& ev, double& weight, bool full ) const
       for ( unsigned short i = 1+offset_; i < pythia_->event.size(); ++i ) {
         const Pythia8::Particle& p = pythia_->event[i];
         const unsigned short cg_id = lhaevt_->cepgenId( i-offset_ );
         if ( cg_id != LHAEvent::invalid_id ) {
           //----- particle already in the event
           Particle& cg_part = ev[cg_id];
           //--- fragmentation result
           if ( cg_part.role() == Particle::OutgoingBeam1
             || cg_part.role() == Particle::OutgoingBeam2 ) {
             cg_part.setStatus( Particle::Status::Fragmented );
           //--- particle is not what we expect
           if ( p.idAbs() != abs( cg_part.integerPdgId() ) ) {
             CG_INFO( "Pythia8Hadroniser:update" ) << "LHAEVT event content:";
             CG_INFO( "Pythia8Hadroniser:update" ) << "Pythia event content:";
             CG_INFO( "Pythia8Hadroniser:update" ) << "CepGen event content:";
             CG_INFO( "Pythia8Hadroniser:update" ) << "Correspondence:";
             throw CG_FATAL( "Pythia8Hadroniser:update" )
               << "Event list corruption detected for (Pythia/CepGen) particle " << i << "/" << cg_id << ":\n\t"
               << "should be " << abs( p.id() ) << ", "
               << "got " << cg_part.integerPdgId() << "!";
           //--- resonance decayed; apply branching ratio for this decay
           if ( p.particleDataEntry().sizeChannels() > 0 ) {
             weight *= p.particleDataEntry().pickChannel().bRatio();
             cg_part.setStatus( Particle::Status::Resonance );
         else {
           //----- new particle to be added
           const unsigned short role = findRole( ev, p );
           switch ( (Particle::Role)role ) {
             default: break;
             case Particle::OutgoingBeam1: {
               ev.getByRole( Particle::OutgoingBeam1 )[0].setStatus( Particle::Status::Fragmented );
               if ( abs( p.status() ) != 61 )
             } // no break!
             case Particle::OutgoingBeam2: {
               ev.getByRole( Particle::OutgoingBeam2 )[0].setStatus( Particle::Status::Fragmented );
               if ( abs( p.status() ) != 61 )
             } // no break!
           // found the role ; now we can add the particle
           Particle& cg_part = addParticle( ev, p, p.p(), role );
           for ( const auto& moth_id : p.motherList() ) {
             if ( moth_id <= offset_ )
             const unsigned short moth_cg_id = lhaevt_->cepgenId( moth_id-offset_ );
             if ( moth_cg_id != LHAEvent::invalid_id )
               cg_part.addMother( ev[moth_cg_id] );
               cg_part.addMother( addParticle( ev, pythia_->event[moth_id], p.p(), role ) );
             if ( !p.isFinal() ) {
               if ( p.isResonance() || p.daughterList().size() > 0 )
                 cg_part.setStatus( Particle::Status::Resonance );
                 cg_part.setStatus( Particle::Status::Undefined );
     unsigned short
     Pythia8Hadroniser::findRole( const Event& ev, const Pythia8::Particle& p ) const
       for ( const auto& par_id : p.motherList() ) {
         if ( par_id == 1 && offset_ > 0 )
           return (unsigned short)Particle::OutgoingBeam1;
         if ( par_id == 2 && offset_ > 0 )
           return (unsigned short)Particle::OutgoingBeam2;
         const unsigned short par_cg_id = lhaevt_->cepgenId( par_id-offset_ );
         if ( par_cg_id != LHAEvent::invalid_id )
           return (unsigned short)ev.at( par_cg_id ).role();
         return findRole( ev, pythia_->event[par_id] );
       return (unsigned short)Particle::UnknownRole;
   // Custom LHA event definition
 #ifdef PYTHIA8
-  const double LHAEvent::mp_ = ParticleProperties::mass( PDG::proton );
+  const double LHAEvent::mp_ = part::mass( PDG::proton );
   const double LHAEvent::mp2_ = LHAEvent::mp_*LHAEvent::mp_;
   LHAEvent::LHAEvent( const Parameters* params ) :
     LHAup( 3 ), params_( params )
     addProcess( 0, 1., 1., 1.e3 );
     if ( params_ ) {
       setBeamA( (short)params_->kinematics.incoming_beams.first.pdg, params_->kinematics.incoming_beams.first.pz );
       setBeamB( (short)params_->kinematics.incoming_beams.second.pdg, params_->kinematics.incoming_beams.second.pz );
   LHAEvent::setCrossSection( int id, double xsec, double xsec_err )
     setXSec( id, xsec );
     setXErr( id, xsec_err );
   LHAEvent::feedEvent( const Event& ev, bool full, const KinematicsMode& mode )
     const double scale = ev.getOneByRole( Particle::Intermediate ).mass();
-    setProcess( 0, 1., scale, Constants::alphaEM, Constants::alphaQCD );
+    setProcess( 0, 1., scale, constants::alphaEM, constants::alphaQCD );
     const Particle& part1 = ev.getOneByRole( Particle::Parton1 ), &part2 = ev.getOneByRole( Particle::Parton2 );
     const Particle& op1 = ev.getOneByRole( Particle::OutgoingBeam1 ), &op2 = ev.getOneByRole( Particle::OutgoingBeam2 );
     const double q2_1 = -part1.momentum().mass2(), q2_2 = -part2.momentum().mass2();
     const double x1 = q2_1/( q2_1+op1.mass2()-mp2_ ), x2 = q2_2/( q2_2+op2.mass2()-mp2_ );
     unsigned short quark1_id = 0, quark2_id = 0;
     unsigned short quark1_pdgid = part1.integerPdgId(), quark2_pdgid = part2.integerPdgId();
     const Pythia8::Vec4 mom_part1( hadroniser::momToVec4( part1.momentum() ) ), mom_part2( hadroniser::momToVec4( part2.momentum() ) );
     if ( !full ) {
       // incoming partons
       addCorresp( sizePart(), part1.id() );
       addParticle( quark1_pdgid, -2, quark1_id, 0, 0, 0, mom_part1.px(), mom_part1.py(), mom_part1.pz(), mom_part1.e(), mom_part1.mCalc(), 0., 0. );
       addCorresp( sizePart(), part2.id() );
       addParticle( quark2_pdgid, -2, quark2_id, 0, 0, 0, mom_part2.px(), mom_part2.py(), mom_part2.pz(), mom_part2.e(), mom_part2.mCalc(), 0., 0. );
     else { // full event content (with collinear partons)
       const bool inel1 = ( mode == KinematicsMode::InelasticElastic || mode == KinematicsMode::InelasticInelastic );
       const bool inel2 = ( mode == KinematicsMode::ElasticInelastic || mode == KinematicsMode::InelasticInelastic );
       Pythia8::Vec4 mom_iq1 = mom_part1, mom_iq2 = mom_part2;
       unsigned short colour_index = 501, quark1_colour = 0, quark2_colour = 0;
       //FIXME select quark flavours accordingly
       if ( inel1 ) {
         quark1_pdgid = 2;
         quark1_colour = colour_index++;
         mom_iq1 = hadroniser::momToVec4( x1*ev.getOneByRole( Particle::IncomingBeam1 ).momentum() );
       if ( inel2 ) {
         quark2_pdgid = 2;
         quark2_colour = colour_index++;
         mom_iq2 = hadroniser::momToVec4( x2*ev.getOneByRole( Particle::IncomingBeam2 ).momentum() );
       //--- flavour / x value of hard-process initiators
       setIdX( part1.integerPdgId(), part2.integerPdgId(), x1, x2 );
       // incoming valence quarks
       quark1_id = sizePart();
       addCorresp( quark1_id, op1.id() );
       addParticle( quark1_pdgid, -1, 0, 0, quark1_colour, 0, mom_iq1.px(), mom_iq1.py(), mom_iq1.pz(), mom_iq1.e(), mom_iq1.mCalc(), 0., 1. );
       quark2_id = sizePart();
       addCorresp( quark2_id, op2.id() );
       addParticle( quark2_pdgid, -1, 0, 0, quark2_colour, 0, mom_iq2.px(), mom_iq2.py(), mom_iq2.pz(), mom_iq2.e(), mom_iq2.mCalc(), 0., 1. );
       // outgoing valence quarks
       if ( inel1 ) {
         const Pythia8::Vec4 mom_oq1 = mom_iq1-mom_part1;
         addParticle( quark1_pdgid, 1, quark1_id, quark2_id, quark1_colour, 0, mom_oq1.px(), mom_oq1.py(), mom_oq1.pz(), mom_oq1.e(), mom_oq1.mCalc(), 0., 1. );
       if ( inel2 ) {
         const Pythia8::Vec4 mom_oq2 = mom_iq2-mom_part2;
         addParticle( quark2_pdgid, 1, quark1_id, quark2_id, quark2_colour, 0, mom_oq2.px(), mom_oq2.py(), mom_oq2.pz(), mom_oq2.e(), mom_oq2.mCalc(), 0., 1. );
     // central system
     for ( const auto& p : ev.getByRole( Particle::CentralSystem ) ) {
       const auto mothers = p.mothers();
       unsigned short moth1_id = 1, moth2_id = 2;
       if ( !full ) {
         moth1_id = moth2_id = 0;
         if ( mothers.size() > 0 ) {
           const unsigned short moth1_cg_id = *mothers.begin();
           moth1_id = pythiaId( moth1_cg_id );
           if ( moth1_id == invalid_id ) {
             const Particle& moth = ev.at( moth1_cg_id );
             if ( moth.mothers().size() > 0 )
               moth1_id = pythiaId( *moth.mothers().begin() );
             if ( moth.mothers().size() > 1 )
               moth2_id = pythiaId( *moth.mothers().rbegin() );
           if ( mothers.size() > 1 ) {
             const unsigned short moth2_cg_id = *mothers.rbegin();
             moth2_id = pythiaId( moth2_cg_id );
             if ( moth2_id == invalid_id ) {
               const Particle& moth = ev.at( moth2_cg_id );
               moth2_id = pythiaId( *moth.mothers().rbegin() );
       const Pythia8::Vec4 mom_part( p.momentum().px(), p.momentum().py(), p.momentum().pz(), p.momentum().energy() );
       addCorresp( sizePart(), p.id() );
       addParticle( p.integerPdgId(), 1, moth1_id, moth2_id, 0, 0, mom_part.px(), mom_part.py(), mom_part.pz(), mom_part.e(), mom_part.mCalc(), 0., 0., 0. );
     setPdf( quark1_pdgid, quark2_pdgid, x1, x2, scale, 0., 0., false );
     return true;
   LHAEvent::setEvent( int )
     return true;
   LHAEvent::setProcess( int id, double xsec, double q2_scale, double alpha_qed, double alpha_qcd )
     LHAup::setProcess( id, xsec, q2_scale, alpha_qed, alpha_qcd );
   unsigned short
   LHAEvent::cepgenId( unsigned short py_id ) const
     for ( const auto& py_cg : py_cg_corresp_ )
       if ( py_cg.first == py_id )
         return py_cg.second;
     return invalid_id;
   unsigned short
   LHAEvent::pythiaId( unsigned short cg_id ) const
     for ( const auto& py_cg : py_cg_corresp_ )
       if ( py_cg.second == cg_id )
         return py_cg.first;
     return invalid_id;
   LHAEvent::addCorresp( unsigned short py_id, unsigned short cg_id )
     py_cg_corresp_.emplace_back( py_id, cg_id );
   LHAEvent::dumpCorresp() const
     std::ostringstream oss;
     oss << "List of Pythia <-> CepGen particle ids correspondance";
     for ( const auto& py_cg : py_cg_corresp_ )
       oss << "\n\t" << py_cg.first << " <-> " << py_cg.second;
     CG_INFO( "LHAEvent:dump" ) << oss.str();
diff --git a/CepGen/IO/ExportHandler.h b/CepGen/IO/ExportHandler.h
index dcf77a8..20e9422 100644
--- a/CepGen/IO/ExportHandler.h
+++ b/CepGen/IO/ExportHandler.h
@@ -1,59 +1,59 @@
 #ifndef CepGen_Export_ExportHandler_h
 #define CepGen_Export_ExportHandler_h
 #include <iostream>
 namespace CepGen
   class Event;
   class Parameters;
   /// Location for all output generators
-  namespace OutputHandler
+  namespace output
      * \brief Output format handler for events export
      * \author Laurent Forthomme <laurent.forthomme@cern.ch>
      * \date Sep 2016
     class ExportHandler
         /// All types of output available for export
         enum OutputType {
           HepMC, ///< HepMC ASCII format
           LHE ///< LHEF format
         /// Human-readable output name
         friend std::ostream& operator<<( std::ostream& os, const OutputType& type ) {
           switch ( type ) {
             case HepMC: return os << "HepMC ASCII";
             case LHE: return os << "LHEF";
           return os;
         /// \brief Class constructor
         /// \param[in] type Requested output type
         explicit ExportHandler( const OutputType& type ) :
           type_( type ), event_num_( 0. ) {}
         virtual ~ExportHandler() {}
         /// Initialise the handler and its inner parameterisation
         virtual void initialise( const Parameters& ) = 0;
         /// Set the process cross section and its associated error
         virtual void setCrossSection( double xsec, double err_xsec ) {}
         /// Set the event number
         void setEventNumber( const unsigned int& ev_id ) { event_num_ = ev_id; }
         /// Writer operator
         virtual void operator<<( const Event& ) = 0;
         /// Type of output requested
         OutputType type_;
         /// Event index
         unsigned int event_num_;
diff --git a/CepGen/IO/HepMCHandler.cpp b/CepGen/IO/HepMCHandler.cpp
index e8b1948..c9d7990 100644
--- a/CepGen/IO/HepMCHandler.cpp
+++ b/CepGen/IO/HepMCHandler.cpp
@@ -1,134 +1,133 @@
 #include "CepGen/IO/HepMCHandler.h"
 #include "CepGen/Parameters.h"
 #include "CepGen/Core/Exception.h"
 #include "CepGen/Event/Event.h"
 #include "CepGen/Physics/Constants.h"
 #ifdef LIBHEPMC
 #  include "HepMC/GenVertex.h"
 #  include "HepMC/GenParticle.h"
 namespace CepGen
-  namespace OutputHandler
+  namespace output
     HepMCHandler::HepMCHandler( const char* filename, const ExportHandler::OutputType& type ) :
       ExportHandler( type )
 #ifdef LIBHEPMC
 #  ifdef HEPMC_VERSION3
       , output_( new HepMC::WriterAscii( filename ) ),
 #  else
       , output_( new HepMC::IO_GenEvent( filename ) ),
 #  endif
       event_( new HepMC::GenEvent() )
     HepMCHandler::operator<<( const Event& evt )
       fillEvent( evt );
 #ifdef LIBHEPMC
 #  ifdef HEPMC_VERSION3
       output_->write_event( *event_ );
 #  else
       output_->write_event( event_.get() );
 #  endif
     HepMCHandler::setCrossSection( double xsect, double xsect_err )
 #ifdef LIBHEPMC
 #  ifdef HEPMC_VERSION3
       xs_->set_cross_section( xsect, xsect_err );
-      event_->add_attribute( "AlphaQCD", HepMC::make_shared<HepMC::DoubleAttribute>( Constants::alphaQCD ) );
-      event_->add_attribute( "AlphaEM", HepMC::make_shared<HepMC::DoubleAttribute>( Constants::alphaEM ) );
+      event_->add_attribute( "AlphaQCD", HepMC::make_shared<HepMC::DoubleAttribute>( constants::alphaQCD ) );
+      event_->add_attribute( "AlphaEM", HepMC::make_shared<HepMC::DoubleAttribute>( constants::alphaEM ) );
 #  else
       xs_.set_cross_section( xsect, xsect_err );
-      event_->set_alphaQCD( Constants::alphaQCD );
-      event_->set_alphaQED( Constants::alphaEM );
+      event_->set_alphaQCD( constants::alphaQCD );
+      event_->set_alphaQED( constants::alphaEM );
 #  endif
     HepMCHandler::fillEvent( const Event& evt )
 #ifdef LIBHEPMC
       // general information
       event_->set_cross_section( xs_ );
       event_->set_event_number( event_num_ );
       event_->weights().push_back( 1. ); // unweighted events
       // filling the particles content
       const HepMC::FourVector origin( 0., 0., 0., 0. );
       Particles part_vec = evt.particles();
       int cm_id = 0, idx = 1;
 #  ifdef HEPMC_VERSION3
       HepMC::GenVertexPtr v1 = HepMC::make_shared<HepMC::GenVertex>( origin ),
                           v2 = HepMC::make_shared<HepMC::GenVertex>( origin ),
                           vcm = HepMC::make_shared<HepMC::GenVertex>( origin );
 #  else
       HepMC::GenVertex* v1 = new HepMC::GenVertex( origin ),
                        *v2 = new HepMC::GenVertex( origin ),
                        *vcm = new HepMC::GenVertex( origin );
 #  endif
       for ( unsigned int i = 0; i < part_vec.size(); ++i ) {
         const Particle part_orig = part_vec.at( i );
         HepMC::FourVector pmom( part_orig.momentum().px(),
                                 part_orig.energy() );
 #  ifdef HEPMC_VERSION3
         HepMC::GenParticlePtr part = HepMC::make_shared<HepMC::GenParticle>( pmom, part_orig.integerPdgId(), (int)part_orig.status() );
 #  else
         HepMC::GenParticle* part = new HepMC::GenParticle( pmom, part_orig.integerPdgId(), (int)part_orig.status() );
         part->suggest_barcode( idx++ );
 #  endif
         const ParticlesIds moth = part_orig.mothers();
         switch ( part_orig.role() ) {
           case Particle::IncomingBeam1: { v1->add_particle_in( part ); } break;
           case Particle::IncomingBeam2: { v2->add_particle_in( part ); } break;
           case Particle::OutgoingBeam1: { v1->add_particle_out( part ); } break;
           case Particle::OutgoingBeam2: { v2->add_particle_out( part ); } break;
           case Particle::Parton1:       { v1->add_particle_out( part ); vcm->add_particle_in( part ); } break;
           case Particle::Parton2:       { v2->add_particle_out( part ); vcm->add_particle_in( part ); } break;
           case Particle::Parton3:       { v2->add_particle_out( part ); vcm->add_particle_in( part ); } break;
           case Particle::Intermediate:  { cm_id = i; continue; } break;
           case Particle::CentralSystem:
           default: {
             if ( moth.size() == 0 ) continue;
             if ( *moth.begin() == cm_id ) vcm->add_particle_out( part );
               throw CG_FATAL( "HepMCHandler:fillEvent" )
                 << "Other particle requested! Not yet implemented!";
           } break;
       event_->add_vertex( v1 );
       event_->add_vertex( v2 );
       event_->add_vertex( vcm );
 #  ifndef HEPMC_VERSION3
       event_->set_beam_particles( *v1->particles_in_const_begin(), *v2->particles_in_const_begin() );
       event_->set_signal_process_vertex( *v1->vertices_begin() );
       event_->set_beam_particles( *v1->particles_in_const_begin(), *v2->particles_in_const_end() );
 #  endif
diff --git a/CepGen/IO/HepMCHandler.h b/CepGen/IO/HepMCHandler.h
index e783477..0d739a6 100644
--- a/CepGen/IO/HepMCHandler.h
+++ b/CepGen/IO/HepMCHandler.h
@@ -1,67 +1,66 @@
 #ifndef CepGen_IO_HepMCHandler_h
 #define CepGen_IO_HepMCHandler_h
 #include "CepGen/IO/ExportHandler.h"
 #ifdef LIBHEPMC
 #  include "HepMC/Version.h"
 #  ifndef HEPMC_VERSION_CODE // HepMC v2
 #    include "HepMC/IO_GenEvent.h"
 #    include "HepMC/SimpleVector.h"
 #  else // HepMC v3+
 #    define HEPMC_VERSION3
 #    include "HepMC/WriterAscii.h"
 #    include "HepMC/FourVector.h"
 #  endif
 #  include "HepMC/GenEvent.h"
 #include <memory>
 namespace CepGen
-  namespace OutputHandler
+  namespace output
      * \brief Handler for the HepMC file output
      * \author Laurent Forthomme <laurent.forthomme@cern.ch>
      * \date Sep 2016
     class HepMCHandler : public ExportHandler
         /// Class constructor
         /// \param[in] filename Output file path
         /// \param[in] type Output type
         HepMCHandler( const char* filename, const ExportHandler::OutputType& type = ExportHandler::HepMC );
         void initialise( const Parameters& params ) override {}
         /// Writer operator
         void operator<<( const Event& ) override;
         void setCrossSection( double, double ) override;
         /// Clear the associated HepMC event content
         void clearEvent();
         /// Populate the associated HepMC event with a Event object
         void fillEvent( const Event& );
 #ifdef LIBHEPMC
 #  ifdef HEPMC_VERSION3
         /// Writer object (from HepMC v3+)
         std::unique_ptr<HepMC::WriterAscii> output_;
         /// Generator cross section and error
         HepMC::GenCrossSectionPtr xs_;
 #  else
         /// Writer object (from HepMC v<3)
         std::unique_ptr<HepMC::IO_GenEvent> output_;
         /// Generator cross section and error
         HepMC::GenCrossSection xs_;
 #  endif
         /// Associated HepMC event
         std::shared_ptr<HepMC::GenEvent> event_;
diff --git a/CepGen/IO/LHEFHandler.cpp b/CepGen/IO/LHEFHandler.cpp
index 7429b69..19f44e3 100644
--- a/CepGen/IO/LHEFHandler.cpp
+++ b/CepGen/IO/LHEFHandler.cpp
@@ -1,252 +1,252 @@
 #include "CepGen/IO/LHEFHandler.h"
 #include "CepGen/StructureFunctions/StructureFunctions.h"
 #include "CepGen/Event/Event.h"
 #include "CepGen/Physics/Constants.h"
 #include "CepGen/Parameters.h"
 #include "CepGen/Version.h"
 namespace CepGen
-  namespace OutputHandler
+  namespace output
     LHEFHandler::LHEFHandler( const char* filename ) :
       ExportHandler( ExportHandler::LHE )
 #if defined ( HEPMC_LHEF )
       , lhe_output_( new LHEF::Writer( filename ) )
 #elif defined ( PYTHIA_LHEF )
       , pythia_( new Pythia8::Pythia ), lhaevt_( new LHAevent )
 #if defined ( PYTHIA_LHEF )
       lhaevt_->openLHEF( filename );
 #if defined ( PYTHIA_LHEF )
       if ( lhaevt_ )
         lhaevt_->closeLHEF( false ); // we do not want to rewrite the init block
     LHEFHandler::initialise( const Parameters& params )
       std::ostringstream oss_init;
         << "<!--\n"
         << "  ***** Sample generated with CepGen v" << version() << " *****\n"
         << "  * process: " << params.processName() << " (" << params.kinematics.mode << ")\n";
       if ( params.kinematics.mode != KinematicsMode::ElasticElastic ) {
           << "  * structure functions: " << params.kinematics.structure_functions->type << "\n";
         if ( !params.hadroniserName().empty() )
             << "  * hadroniser: " << params.hadroniserName() << "\n";
         << "  *--- incoming state\n";
       if ( params.kinematics.cuts.initial.q2.valid() )
           << "  * Q2 range (GeV2): "
           << params.kinematics.cuts.initial.q2.min() << ", "
           << params.kinematics.cuts.initial.q2.max() << "\n";
       if ( params.kinematics.mode != KinematicsMode::ElasticElastic
         && params.kinematics.cuts.remnants.mass_single.valid() )
           << "  * remnants mass range (GeV/c2): "
           << params.kinematics.cuts.remnants.mass_single.min() << ", "
           << params.kinematics.cuts.remnants.mass_single.max() << "\n";
         << "  *--- central system\n";
       if ( params.kinematics.cuts.central.pt_single.valid() )
           << "  * single particle pt (GeV/c): "
           << params.kinematics.cuts.central.pt_single.min() << ", "
           << params.kinematics.cuts.central.pt_single.max() << "\n";
       if ( params.kinematics.cuts.central.energy_single.valid() )
           << "  * single particle energy (GeV): "
           << params.kinematics.cuts.central.energy_single.min() << ", "
           << params.kinematics.cuts.central.energy_single.max() << "\n";
       if ( params.kinematics.cuts.central.eta_single.valid() )
           << "  * single particle eta: "
           << params.kinematics.cuts.central.eta_single.min() << ", "
           << params.kinematics.cuts.central.eta_single.max() << "\n";
       if ( params.kinematics.cuts.central.pt_sum.valid() )
           << "  * total pt (GeV/c): "
           << params.kinematics.cuts.central.mass_sum.min() << ", "
           << params.kinematics.cuts.central.mass_sum.max() << "\n";
       if ( params.kinematics.cuts.central.mass_sum.valid() )
           << "  * total invariant mass (GeV/c2): "
           << params.kinematics.cuts.central.mass_sum.min() << ", "
           << params.kinematics.cuts.central.mass_sum.max() << "\n";
         << "  **************************************************\n"
         << "-->";
 #if defined ( HEPMC_LHEF )
       lhe_output_->headerBlock() << oss_init.str();
       //params.dump( lhe_output_->initComments(), false );
       LHEF::HEPRUP run = lhe_output_->heprup;
       run.IDBMUP = { (int)params.kinematics.incoming_beams.first.pdg, (int)params.kinematics.incoming_beams.second.pdg };
       run.EBMUP = { (double)params.kinematics.incoming_beams.first.pz, (double)params.kinematics.incoming_beams.second.pz };
       run.NPRUP = 1;
       run.XSECUP[0] = params.integrator.result;
       run.XERRUP[0] = params.integrator.err_result;
       run.XMAXUP[0] = 1.;
       run.LPRUP[0] = 1;
       lhe_output_->heprup = run;
 #elif defined ( PYTHIA_LHEF )
       oss_init << std::endl; // LHEF is usually not beautifully parsed as a standard XML...
       lhaevt_->addComments( oss_init.str() );
       lhaevt_->initialise( params );
       pythia_->settings.mode( "Beams:frameType", 5 );
       pythia_->settings.mode( "Next:numberCount", 0 ); // remove some of the Pythia output
       pythia_->settings.flag( "ProcessLevel:all", false ); // we do not want Pythia to interfere...
       pythia_->setLHAupPtr( lhaevt_.get() );
     LHEFHandler::operator<<( const Event& ev )
 #if defined ( HEPMC_LHEF )
       LHEF::HEPEUP out;
       out.heprup = &lhe_output_->heprup;
       out.XWGTUP = 1.;
       out.XPDWUP = std::pair<double,double>( 0., 0. );
       out.SCALUP = 0.;
-      out.AQEDUP = Constants::alphaEM;
-      out.AQCDUP = Constants::alphaQCD;
+      out.AQEDUP = constants::alphaEM;
+      out.AQCDUP = constants::alphaQCD;
       out.NUP = ev.numParticles();
       for ( unsigned short ip = 0; ip < ev.numParticles(); ++ip ) {
         const Particle part = ev.at( ip );
         out.IDUP[ip] = part.integerPdgId(); // PDG id
         out.ISTUP[ip] = (short)part.status(); // status code
         out.MOTHUP[ip] = std::pair<int,int>( ( part.mothers().size() > 0 ) ? *part.mothers().begin()+1 : 0, ( part.mothers().size() > 1 ) ? *part.mothers().rbegin()+1 : 0 ); // mothers
         out.ICOLUP[ip] = std::pair<int,int>( 0, 0 );
         out.PUP[ip] = std::vector<double>( { { part.momentum().px(), part.momentum().py(), part.momentum().pz(), part.energy(), part.mass() } } ); // momentum
         out.VTIMUP[ip] = 0.; // invariant lifetime
         out.SPINUP[ip] = 0.;
       lhe_output_->eventComments() << "haha";
       lhe_output_->hepeup = out;
 #elif defined ( PYTHIA_LHEF )
       lhaevt_->feedEvent( 0, ev );
     LHEFHandler::setCrossSection( double xsect, double xsect_err )
 #if defined ( PYTHIA_LHEF )
       lhaevt_->setCrossSection( 0, xsect, xsect_err );
     // Define LHA event record if one uses Pythia to store the LHE
 #if defined ( PYTHIA_LHEF )
     LHEFHandler::LHAevent::LHAevent() : LHAup( 3 )
     LHEFHandler::LHAevent::initialise( const Parameters& params )
       setBeamA( (short)params.kinematics.incoming_beams.first.pdg, params.kinematics.incoming_beams.first.pz );
       setBeamB( (short)params.kinematics.incoming_beams.second.pdg, params.kinematics.incoming_beams.second.pz );
       addProcess( 0, params.integrator.result, params.integrator.err_result, 100. );
     LHEFHandler::LHAevent::addComments( const std::string& comments )
       osLHEF << comments;
     LHEFHandler::LHAevent::setCrossSection( unsigned short proc_id, double xsect, double xsect_err )
       setXSec( proc_id, xsect );
       setXErr( proc_id, xsect_err );
     LHEFHandler::LHAevent::feedEvent( unsigned short proc_id, const Event& ev, bool full_event )
       const double scale = ev.getOneByRole( Particle::Intermediate ).mass();
-      setProcess( proc_id, 1., scale, Constants::alphaEM, Constants::alphaQCD );
+      setProcess( proc_id, 1., scale, constants::alphaEM, constants::alphaQCD );
       const Particle& ip1 = ev.getOneByRole( Particle::IncomingBeam1 ), &ip2 = ev.getOneByRole( Particle::IncomingBeam2 );
       const Particles& op1 = ev.getByRole( Particle::OutgoingBeam1 ), &op2 = ev.getByRole( Particle::OutgoingBeam2 );
       const double q2_1 = -( ip1.momentum()-op1[0].momentum() ).mass2(), q2_2 = -( ip2.momentum()-op2[0].momentum() ).mass2();
       const double x1 = q2_1/( q2_1+op1[0].mass2()-ip1.mass2() ), x2 = q2_2/( q2_2+op2[0].mass2()-ip2.mass2() );
       setIdX( ip1.integerPdgId(), ip2.integerPdgId(), x1, x2 );
       short parton1_pdgid = 0, parton2_pdgid = 0;
       for ( const auto& part : ev.particles() ) {
         short pdg_id = part.integerPdgId(), status = 0, moth1 = 0, moth2 = 0;
         switch ( part.role() ) {
           case Particle::Parton1:
           case Particle::Parton2: {
             if ( part.role() == Particle::Parton1 )
               parton1_pdgid = part.integerPdgId();
             if ( part.role() == Particle::Parton2 )
               parton2_pdgid = part.integerPdgId();
             if ( !full_event )
             status = -2; // conserving xbj/Q2
           } break;
           case Particle::Intermediate: {
             if ( !full_event )
             status = 2;
             if ( pdg_id == 0 )
               pdg_id = ev.at( *part.mothers().begin() ).integerPdgId();
           } break;
           case Particle::IncomingBeam1:
           case Particle::IncomingBeam2: {
             if ( !full_event )
             status = -9;
           } break;
           case Particle::OutgoingBeam1:
           case Particle::OutgoingBeam2:
           case Particle::CentralSystem: {
             status = (short)part.status();
             if ( status != 1 )
           } break;
           default: break;
         if ( full_event ) {
           const auto& mothers = part.mothers();
           if ( mothers.size() > 0 )
             moth1 = *mothers.begin()+1;
           if ( mothers.size() > 1 )
             moth2 = *mothers.rbegin()+1;
         const Particle::Momentum& mom = part.momentum();
         addParticle( pdg_id, status, moth1, moth2, 0, 0, mom.px(), mom.py(), mom.pz(), mom.energy(), mom.mass(), 0. ,0., 0. );
       setPdf( parton1_pdgid, parton2_pdgid, x1, x2, scale, 0., 0., true );
diff --git a/CepGen/IO/LHEFHandler.h b/CepGen/IO/LHEFHandler.h
index 5e6eb1c..5acf548 100644
--- a/CepGen/IO/LHEFHandler.h
+++ b/CepGen/IO/LHEFHandler.h
@@ -1,71 +1,70 @@
 #ifndef CepGen_Export_LHEFHandler_h
 #define CepGen_Export_LHEFHandler_h
 #include "CepGen/IO/ExportHandler.h"
 #include "CepGen/IO/HepMCHandler.h"
 #ifndef LIBHEPMC
 # ifndef PYTHIA8
 #  pragma message( "HepMC/Pythia8 are not linked to this instance!" )
 # endif
 # ifndef HEPMC_VERSION3
 #  ifdef PYTHIA8
 #   include "Pythia8/Pythia.h"
 #   define PYTHIA_LHEF 1
 #  else
 #   pragma message( "HepMC v3 or Pythia8 are required for the LHEF export!" )
 #  endif
 # else
 #  include "HepMC/LHEF.h"
 #  define HEPMC_LHEF 1
 # endif
 namespace CepGen
   class Event;
-  namespace OutputHandler
+  namespace output
      * \brief Handler for the LHE file output
      * \author Laurent Forthomme <laurent.forthomme@cern.ch>
      * \date Sep 2016
     class LHEFHandler : public ExportHandler
         /// Class constructor
         /// \param[in] filename Output file path
         explicit LHEFHandler( const char* filename );
         ~LHEFHandler() override;
         void initialise( const Parameters& ) override;
         /// Writer operator
         void operator<<( const Event& ) override;
         void setCrossSection( double, double ) override;
 #if defined ( HEPMC_LHEF )
         /// Writer object (from HepMC)
         std::unique_ptr<LHEF::Writer> lhe_output_;
         LHEF::HEPRUP run_;
 #elif defined ( PYTHIA_LHEF )
         std::unique_ptr<Pythia8::Pythia> pythia_;
         struct LHAevent : Pythia8::LHAup
           explicit LHAevent();
           void initialise( const Parameters& );
           void setCrossSection( unsigned short, double, double );
           void feedEvent( unsigned short proc_id, const Event& ev, bool full_event = false );
           bool setInit() override { return true; }
           bool setEvent( int ) override { return true; }
           void addComments( const std::string& );
         std::unique_ptr<LHAevent> lhaevt_;
diff --git a/CepGen/Physics/Constants.h b/CepGen/Physics/Constants.h
index 0c971c6..5182da7 100644
--- a/CepGen/Physics/Constants.h
+++ b/CepGen/Physics/Constants.h
@@ -1,22 +1,21 @@
 #ifndef CepGen_Physics_Constants_h
 #define CepGen_Physics_Constants_h
 #include <math.h>
 namespace CepGen
   /// List of physical constants useful that may be used for the matrix element definition
-  namespace Constants
+  namespace constants
     /// Electromagnetic coupling constant \f$\alpha_{\rm em}=\frac{e^2}{4\pi\epsilon_0\hbar c}\f$
     constexpr double alphaEM = 1./137.035;
     /// Strong coupling constant \f$\alpha_{\rm QCD}\f$
     constexpr double alphaQCD = 0.1184; // at the Z pole
     /// Conversion factor between GeV\f${}^2\f$ and barn
     constexpr double GeV2toBarn = 0.389351824e9; // 1.e4*(197.3271**2);
     constexpr double sconstb = 2.1868465e10; // 1.1868465e10;
diff --git a/CepGen/Physics/FormFactors.cpp b/CepGen/Physics/FormFactors.cpp
index 1a1d42b..34689b7 100644
--- a/CepGen/Physics/FormFactors.cpp
+++ b/CepGen/Physics/FormFactors.cpp
@@ -1,55 +1,55 @@
 #include "CepGen/Physics/FormFactors.h"
 #include "CepGen/Core/Exception.h"
 #include "CepGen/Physics/ParticleProperties.h"
 #include "CepGen/Physics/PDG.h"
 #include "CepGen/StructureFunctions/SuriYennie.h"
 namespace CepGen
-  const double FormFactors::mp_ = ParticleProperties::mass( PDG::proton );
+  const double FormFactors::mp_ = part::mass( PDG::proton );
   const double FormFactors::mp2_ = FormFactors::mp_*FormFactors::mp_;
     return FormFactors( 1.0, 1.0 );
   FormFactors::protonElastic( double q2 )
     const double GE = pow( 1.+q2/0.71, -2. ), GE2 = GE*GE;
     const double GM = 2.79*GE, GM2 = GM*GM;
     return FormFactors( ( 4.*mp2_*GE2 + q2*GM2 ) / ( 4.*mp2_ + q2 ), GM2 );
   FormFactors::protonInelastic( double q2, double mi2, double mf2, sf::Parameterisation& sf )
     const double xbj = q2 / ( q2 + mf2 - mi2 );
     switch ( sf.type ) {
       case sf::Type::ElasticProton:
         CG_WARNING( "FormFactors" ) << "Elastic proton form factors requested! Check your process definition!";
         return FormFactors::protonElastic( q2 );
       case sf::Type::SuriYennie: {
         sf::SuriYennie suriyennie, sy = (sf::SuriYennie)suriyennie( xbj, q2 );
         return FormFactors( sy.F2 * xbj * sqrt( mi2 ) / q2, sy.FM ); //FIXME
       } break;
       default: {
         sf = sf( xbj, q2 );
         sf.computeFL( xbj, q2 );
         return FormFactors( sf.F2 * xbj / q2, -2.*sf.F1( xbj, q2 ) / q2 );
       } break;
   operator<<( std::ostream& os, const FormFactors& ff )
     os << Form( "Form factors: electric: Fe = %.3e ; magnetic: Fm = %.3e", ff.FE, ff.FM ).c_str();
     return os;
diff --git a/CepGen/Physics/KTFlux.cpp b/CepGen/Physics/KTFlux.cpp
index c2fe582..fcfef07 100644
--- a/CepGen/Physics/KTFlux.cpp
+++ b/CepGen/Physics/KTFlux.cpp
@@ -1,103 +1,103 @@
 #include "CepGen/Physics/KTFlux.h"
 #include "CepGen/Physics/FormFactors.h"
 #include "CepGen/Physics/ParticleProperties.h"
 #include "CepGen/Physics/HeavyIon.h"
 #include "CepGen/Physics/GluonGrid.h"
 #include "CepGen/StructureFunctions/StructureFunctions.h"
 #include "CepGen/Core/Exception.h"
 namespace CepGen
   const double KTFluxParameters::kMinKTFlux = 1.e-20;
-  const double KTFluxParameters::kMP = ParticleProperties::mass( PDG::proton );
+  const double KTFluxParameters::kMP = part::mass( PDG::proton );
   const double KTFluxParameters::kMP2 = KTFluxParameters::kMP*KTFluxParameters::kMP;
   ktFlux( const KTFlux& type, double x, double kt2, sf::Parameterisation& sf, double mx )
     double flux = 0.;
     const double mp2 = KTFluxParameters::kMP2;
     switch ( type ) {
       case KTFlux::P_Photon_Elastic: {
         const double x2 = x*x;
         const double q2min = x2*mp2/( 1.-x ), q2 = q2min + kt2/( 1.-x );
         // electromagnetic form factors
         const auto& ff = FormFactors::protonElastic( q2 );
         const double ela1 = ( 1.-x )*( 1.-q2min/q2 );
         //const double ela3 = 1.-( q2-kt2 )/q2;
-        flux = Constants::alphaEM*M_1_PI*( 1.-x )/q2*( ela1*ff.FE + 0.5*x2*ff.FM );
+        flux = constants::alphaEM*M_1_PI*( 1.-x )/q2*( ela1*ff.FE + 0.5*x2*ff.FM );
       } break;
       case KTFlux::P_Photon_Inelastic_Budnev: {
         const double mx2 = mx*mx, x2 = x*x;
         const double q2min = ( x*( mx2-mp2 ) + x2*mp2 )/( 1.-x ), q2 = q2min + kt2/( 1.-x );
         const double xbj = q2 / ( q2+mx2-mp2 );
         // structure functions
         auto& str_fun = sf( xbj, q2 );
         str_fun.computeFL( xbj, q2 );
         const double f_D = str_fun.F2/( q2+mx2-mp2 )* ( 1.-x )*( 1.-q2min/q2 );
         const double f_C = str_fun.F1( xbj, q2 ) * 2./q2;
-        flux = Constants::alphaEM*M_1_PI*( 1.-x )/q2*( f_D+0.5*x2*f_C );
+        flux = constants::alphaEM*M_1_PI*( 1.-x )/q2*( f_D+0.5*x2*f_C );
       } break;
       case KTFlux::P_Gluon_KMR: {
         flux = kmr::GluonGrid::get()( log10( x ), log10( kt2 ), 2.*log10( mx ) );
       } break;
         throw CG_FATAL( "GenericKTProcess:flux" ) << "Invalid flux type: " << type;
     if ( flux < KTFluxParameters::kMinKTFlux )
       return 0.;
     return flux;
   ktFlux( const KTFlux& type, double x, double kt2, const HeavyIon& hi )
     double flux = 0.;
     switch ( type ) {
       case KTFlux::HI_Photon_Elastic: {
         const double r_a = 1.1*std::pow( hi.A, 1./3 ), a0 = 0.7, m_a = hi.A*KTFluxParameters::kMP;
         const double q2_ela = ( kt2+x*x*m_a*m_a )/( 1.-x ), cons = sqrt( q2_ela )/0.1973;
         const double tau = cons*r_a, tau1 = cons*a0;
         // "Realistic nuclear form-factor" as used in STARLIGHT
         const double ff1 = 3.*( sin( tau )-tau*cos( tau ) )/pow( tau+1.e-10, 3 );
         const double ff2 = 1./( 1.+tau1*tau1 );
         const double ela1 = pow( kt2/( kt2+x*x*m_a*m_a ), 2 );
         const double ela2 = pow( ff1*ff2, 2 )/*, ela3 = 1.-( q2_ela-kt2 )/q2_ela*/;
         const unsigned int z = (unsigned short)hi.Z;
-        flux = Constants::alphaEM*M_1_PI*z*z*ela1*ela2/q2_ela;
+        flux = constants::alphaEM*M_1_PI*z*z*ela1*ela2/q2_ela;
       } break;
         throw CG_FATAL("GenericKTProcess:flux") << "Invalid flux type: " << type;
     if ( flux < KTFluxParameters::kMinKTFlux )
       return 0.;
     return flux;
   operator<<( std::ostream& os, const KTFlux& type )
     switch ( type ) {
       case KTFlux::P_Photon_Elastic:
         return os << "elastic photon from proton";
       case KTFlux::P_Photon_Inelastic:
         return os << "inelastic photon from proton";
       case KTFlux::P_Photon_Inelastic_Budnev:
         return os << "inelastic photon from proton (Budnev)";
       case KTFlux::P_Gluon_KMR:
         return os << "elastic gluon from proton (KMR)";
       case KTFlux::HI_Photon_Elastic:
         return os << "elastic photon from HI";
       case KTFlux::invalid: default:
         return os << "unrecognized flux (" << (int)type << ")";
diff --git a/CepGen/Physics/ParticleProperties.cpp b/CepGen/Physics/ParticleProperties.cpp
index 9560e6a..fd4a1a7 100644
--- a/CepGen/Physics/ParticleProperties.cpp
+++ b/CepGen/Physics/ParticleProperties.cpp
@@ -1,154 +1,153 @@
 #include "CepGen/Physics/ParticleProperties.h"
 #include "CepGen/Physics/PDG.h"
 #include "CepGen/Core/Exception.h"
 namespace CepGen
-  namespace ParticleProperties
+  namespace part
     mass( const PDG& pdg_id )
       switch ( pdg_id ) {
         case PDG::electron:     return 0.510998928e-3;
         case PDG::muon:         return 0.1056583715;
         case PDG::tau:          return 1.77682;
         case PDG::down:         return 0.0048;
         case PDG::up:           return 0.0023;
         case PDG::strange:      return 0.095;
         case PDG::charm:        return 1.29;
         case PDG::bottom:       return 4.18;
         case PDG::top:          return 172.44;
         case PDG::electronNeutrino:
         case PDG::muonNeutrino:
         case PDG::tauNeutrino:  return 0.;
         case PDG::gluon:
         case PDG::photon:
         case PDG::pomeron:      return 0.;
         case PDG::Z:            return 91.1876;
         case PDG::W:            return 80.385;
         case PDG::piPlus:       return 0.13957018;
         case PDG::piZero:       return 0.1349766;
         case PDG::KPlus:        return 0.49368;
         case PDG::DPlus:        return 1.86962;
         case PDG::Jpsi:         return 3.0969;
         case PDG::proton:       return 0.938272046;
         case PDG::neutron:      return 0.939565346;
         case PDG::Upsilon1S:    return 9.46030;
         case PDG::Upsilon2S:    return 10.02326;
         case PDG::Upsilon3S:    return 10.3552;
         case PDG::rho770_0:     return 0.77526;
         case PDG::rho1450_0:    return 1.465;
         case PDG::rho1700_0:    return 1.720;
         case PDG::h1380_1:      return 1.38619;
         case PDG::eta:          return 0.547862;
         case PDG::invalid:
           return -1.;
     charge( const PDG& pdg_id )
       switch ( pdg_id ) {
         case PDG::proton: case PDG::diffractiveProton:
           return +1.;
         case PDG::electron: case PDG::muon: case PDG::tau:
           return -1.;
         case PDG::down: case PDG::strange: case PDG::bottom:
           return -1./3;
         case PDG::up: case PDG::charm: case PDG::top:
           return +2./3;
         case PDG::W:
           return +1.;
         case PDG::piPlus: case PDG::KPlus: case PDG::DPlus:
           return +1.;
           return 0.;
     charge( int id )
       const short sign = id / abs( id );
       return sign * charge( (PDG)abs( id ) );
     unsigned short
     colours( const PDG& pdg_id )
       switch ( pdg_id ) {
         case PDG::top: return 3;
         default: return 1;
     width( const PDG& pdg_id )
       switch ( pdg_id ) {
         case PDG::Jpsi:      return 92.9e-6; //FIXME
         case PDG::Z:         return 2.4952;
         case PDG::W:         return 2.085;
         case PDG::Upsilon1S: return 54.02e-6;
         case PDG::Upsilon2S: return 31.98e-6;
         case PDG::Upsilon3S: return 20.32e-6;
         case PDG::rho770_0:  return 0.150; // PDG
         case PDG::rho1450_0: return 0.400; // PDG
         case PDG::rho1700_0: return 0.250; // PDG
           CG_WARNING( "ParticleProperties:width" )
             << "Particle " << pdg_id << " has no registered width.";
           return -1.;
   operator<<( std::ostream& os, const PDG& pc )
     switch ( pc ) {
       case PDG::electron:         return os << "e± ";
       case PDG::electronNeutrino: return os << "ν_e ";
       case PDG::muon:             return os << "µ±  ";
       case PDG::muonNeutrino:     return os << "ν_µ  ";
       case PDG::tau:              return os << "τ±  ";
       case PDG::tauNeutrino:      return os << "ν_τ  ";
       case PDG::gluon:            return os << "gluon";
       case PDG::photon:           return os << "ɣ ";
       case PDG::Z:                return os << "Z";
       case PDG::W:                return os << "W± ";
       case PDG::piPlus:           return os << "π±  ";
       case PDG::piZero:           return os << "π⁰\t";
       case PDG::KPlus:            return os << "K± ";
       case PDG::DPlus:            return os << "D± ";
       case PDG::rho770_0:         return os << "ρ(770)₀  ";
       case PDG::rho1450_0:        return os << "ρ(1450)₀  ";
       case PDG::rho1700_0:        return os << "ρ(1700)₀  ";
       case PDG::h1380_1:          return os << "h(1380)₁ ";
       case PDG::eta:              return os << "η meson";
       case PDG::omega782:         return os << "ω(782) ";
       case PDG::Jpsi:             return os << "J/ψ ";
       case PDG::phi1680:          return os << "ɸ(1680) ";
       case PDG::Upsilon1S:        return os << "Υ(1S) ";
       case PDG::Upsilon2S:        return os << "Υ(2S) ";
       case PDG::Upsilon3S:        return os << "Υ(3S) ";;
       case PDG::proton:           return os << "proton";
       case PDG::diffractiveProton:return os << "diffr.proton";
       case PDG::neutron:          return os << "neutron";
       case PDG::pomeron:          return os << "IP";
       case PDG::reggeon:          return os << "IR";
       case PDG::down:             return os << "d";
       case PDG::up:               return os << "u";
       case PDG::strange:          return os << "s";
       case PDG::charm:            return os << "c";
       case PDG::bottom:           return os << "b";
       case PDG::top:              return os << "t";
       case PDG::invalid:          return os << "[...]";
     return os;
diff --git a/CepGen/Physics/ParticleProperties.h b/CepGen/Physics/ParticleProperties.h
index 44aba8e..5c3ac96 100644
--- a/CepGen/Physics/ParticleProperties.h
+++ b/CepGen/Physics/ParticleProperties.h
@@ -1,33 +1,33 @@
 #ifndef CepGen_Physics_ParticleProperties_h
 #define CepGen_Physics_ParticleProperties_h
 namespace CepGen
   enum class PDG;
-  namespace ParticleProperties
+  /// All useful properties about particles
+  namespace part
     /** \brief Mass of a particle, in GeV/c\f${}^2\f$
      * \param pdg_id PDG identifier
     double mass( const PDG& pdg_id );
     /** \brief Electric charge of a particle, in \f$e\f$
      * \param[in] pdg_id PDG id
     double charge( const PDG& pdg_id );
     /** \brief Electric charge of a particle, in \f$e\f$
      * \param[in] id integer PDG id
     double charge( int id );
     /** \brief Colour factor for a given particle
      * \param[in] pdg_id PDG id
     unsigned short colours( const PDG& pdg_id );
     /** \brief Total decay width of an unstable particle, in GeV
      * \param[in] pdg_id PDG id
     double width( const PDG& pdg_id );
diff --git a/CepGen/Processes/Fortran/KTStructures.h b/CepGen/Processes/Fortran/KTStructures.h
index 2601df2..39f2732 100644
--- a/CepGen/Processes/Fortran/KTStructures.h
+++ b/CepGen/Processes/Fortran/KTStructures.h
@@ -1,76 +1,76 @@
 #ifndef CepGen_Processes_Fortran_KTStructures_h
 #define CepGen_Processes_Fortran_KTStructures_h
 namespace CepGen
   /// Collection of common blocks for Fortran kT-processes
-  namespace KTBlock
+  namespace ktblock
     /// General physics constants
     struct Constants {
       double m_p; ///< Proton mass
       double units; ///< Conversion factor GeV\f${}^2\to\f$ barn
       double pi; ///< \f$\pi\f$
       double alpha_em; ///< Electromagnetic coupling constant
     /// Generic run parameters
     struct Parameters {
       int icontri; ///< Kinematics mode
       int iflux1; ///< Type of kT-factorised flux for first incoming parton
       int iflux2; ///< Type of kT-factorised flux for second incoming parton
       int imethod; ///< Computation method for matrix element
       int sfmod; ///< Structure functions modelling
       int pdg_l; ///< Central system PDG id
       int a_nuc1; ///< First beam mass number
       int z_nuc1; ///< First beam atomic number
       int a_nuc2; ///< Second beam mass number
       int z_nuc2; ///< Second beam atomic number
       double inp1; ///< First beam momentum, in GeV/c
       double inp2; ///< Second beam momentum, in GeV/c
     /// Kinematics properties of the kT-factorised process
     struct KTKinematics {
       double q1t; ///< Transverse momentum of the first incoming parton
       double q2t; ///< Transverse momentum of the second incoming parton
       double phiq1t; ///< Azimutal angle of the first incoming parton
       double phiq2t; ///< Azimutal angle of the second incoming parton
       double y1; ///< First incoming parton rapidity
       double y2; ///< Second incoming parton rapidity
       double ptdiff; ///< Central system pT balance
       double phiptdiff; ///< Central system azimutal angle difference
       double m_x; ///< Invariant mass for the first diffractive state
       double m_y; ///< Invariant mass for the second diffractive state
     /// Phase space cuts for event kinematics
     struct Cuts {
       int ipt; ///< Switch for cut on single particle transverse momentum
       int iene; ///< Switch for cut on single particle energy
       int ieta; ///< Switch for cut on single particle pseudo-rapidity
       int iinvm; ///< Switch for cut on central system invariant mass
       int iptsum; ///< Switch for cut on central system transverse momentum
       int idely; ///< Switch for cut on rapididty difference
       double pt_min; ///< Minimal single particle transverse momentum
       double pt_max; ///< Maximal single particle transverse momentum
       double ene_min; ///< Minimal single particle energy
       double ene_max; ///< Maximal single particle energy
       double eta_min; ///< Minimal single particle pseudo-rapidity
       double eta_max; ///< Maximal single particle pseudo-rapidity
       double invm_min; ///< Minimal central system invariant mass
       double invm_max; ///< Maximal central system invariant mass
       double ptsum_min; ///< Minimal central system transverse momentum
       double ptsum_max; ///< Maximal central system transverse momentum
       double dely_min; ///< Minimal rapidity difference for central system
       double dely_max; ///< Maximal rapidity difference for central system
     /// Single event kinematics
     struct Event {
       int nout; ///< Number of particles in central system
       int pdg[10]; ///< PDG ids of all particles in central system
       double pc[10][4]; ///< 4-momenta of all particles in central system
       double px[4]; ///< 4-momentum of first outgoing proton state
       double py[4]; ///< 4-momentum of second outgoing proton state
diff --git a/CepGen/Processes/FortranKTProcess.cpp b/CepGen/Processes/FortranKTProcess.cpp
index 9124417..fc14e33 100644
--- a/CepGen/Processes/FortranKTProcess.cpp
+++ b/CepGen/Processes/FortranKTProcess.cpp
@@ -1,166 +1,166 @@
 #include "CepGen/Processes/FortranKTProcess.h"
 #include "CepGen/Processes/Fortran/KTStructures.h"
 #include "CepGen/Core/ParametersList.h"
 #include "CepGen/StructureFunctions/StructureFunctions.h"
 #include "CepGen/Event/Event.h"
 #include "CepGen/Physics/KTFlux.h"
 #include "CepGen/Physics/Constants.h"
 #include "CepGen/Physics/PDG.h"
 extern "C"
-  extern CepGen::KTBlock::Constants constants_;
-  extern CepGen::KTBlock::Parameters params_;
-  extern CepGen::KTBlock::KTKinematics ktkin_;
-  extern CepGen::KTBlock::Cuts kincuts_;
-  extern CepGen::KTBlock::Event evtkin_;
+  extern CepGen::ktblock::Constants constants_;
+  extern CepGen::ktblock::Parameters params_;
+  extern CepGen::ktblock::KTKinematics ktkin_;
+  extern CepGen::ktblock::Cuts kincuts_;
+  extern CepGen::ktblock::Event evtkin_;
 namespace CepGen
   namespace process
     FortranKTProcess::FortranKTProcess( const ParametersList& params, const char* name, const char* descr, std::function<void( double& )> func ) :
       GenericKTProcess( params, name, descr, { { PDG::photon, PDG::photon } }, { PDG::muon, PDG::muon } ),
       pair_( params.get<int>( "pair", 13 ) ),
       method_( params.get<int>( "method", 1 ) ),
       func_( func )
       constants_.m_p = GenericProcess::mp_;
-      constants_.units = Constants::GeV2toBarn;
+      constants_.units = constants::GeV2toBarn;
       constants_.pi = M_PI;
-      constants_.alpha_em = Constants::alphaEM;
+      constants_.alpha_em = constants::alphaEM;
       mom_ip1_ = event_->getOneByRole( Particle::IncomingBeam1 ).momentum();
       mom_ip2_ = event_->getOneByRole( Particle::IncomingBeam2 ).momentum();
       registerVariable( y1_, Mapping::linear, cuts_.cuts.central.rapidity_single, { -6., 6. }, "First central particle rapidity" );
       registerVariable( y2_, Mapping::linear, cuts_.cuts.central.rapidity_single, { -6., 6. }, "Second central particle rapidity" );
       registerVariable( pt_diff_, Mapping::linear, cuts_.cuts.central.pt_diff, { 0., 50. }, "Transverse momentum difference between central particles" );
       registerVariable( phi_pt_diff_, Mapping::linear, cuts_.cuts.central.phi_pt_diff, { 0., 2.*M_PI }, "Central particles azimuthal angle difference" );
       // feed phase space cuts to the common block
       cuts_.cuts.central.pt_single.save( (bool&)kincuts_.ipt, kincuts_.pt_min, kincuts_.pt_max );
       cuts_.cuts.central.energy_single.save( (bool&)kincuts_.iene, kincuts_.ene_min, kincuts_.ene_max );
       cuts_.cuts.central.eta_single.save( (bool&)kincuts_.ieta, kincuts_.eta_min, kincuts_.eta_max );
       cuts_.cuts.central.mass_sum.save( (bool&)kincuts_.iinvm, kincuts_.invm_min, kincuts_.invm_max );
       cuts_.cuts.central.pt_sum.save( (bool&)kincuts_.iptsum, kincuts_.ptsum_min, kincuts_.ptsum_max );
       cuts_.cuts.central.rapidity_diff.save( (bool&)kincuts_.idely, kincuts_.dely_min, kincuts_.dely_max );
       // feed run parameters to the common block
       params_.icontri = (int)cuts_.mode;
       params_.imethod = method_;
       params_.sfmod = (int)cuts_.structure_functions->type;
       params_.pdg_l = pair_;
       // incoming beams information
       params_.inp1 = cuts_.incoming_beams.first.pz;
       params_.inp2 = cuts_.incoming_beams.second.pz;
       const HeavyIon in1 = (HeavyIon)cuts_.incoming_beams.first.pdg;
       if ( in1 ) {
         params_.a_nuc1 = in1.A;
         params_.z_nuc1 = (unsigned short)in1.Z;
         if ( params_.z_nuc1 > 1 ) {
           event_->getOneByRole( Particle::IncomingBeam1 ).setPdgId( (PDG)in1 );
           event_->getOneByRole( Particle::OutgoingBeam1 ).setPdgId( (PDG)in1 );
         params_.a_nuc1 = params_.z_nuc1 = 1;
       const HeavyIon in2 = (HeavyIon)cuts_.incoming_beams.second.pdg;
       if ( in2 ) {
         params_.a_nuc2 = in2.A;
         params_.z_nuc2 = (unsigned short)in2.Z;
         if ( params_.z_nuc2 > 1 ) {
           event_->getOneByRole( Particle::IncomingBeam2 ).setPdgId( (PDG)in2 );
           event_->getOneByRole( Particle::OutgoingBeam2 ).setPdgId( (PDG)in2 );
         params_.a_nuc2 = params_.z_nuc2 = 1;
       // intermediate partons information
       params_.iflux1 = (int)cuts_.incoming_beams.first.kt_flux;
       params_.iflux2 = (int)cuts_.incoming_beams.second.kt_flux;
       if ( (KTFlux)params_.iflux1 == KTFlux::P_Gluon_KMR )
         event_->getOneByRole( Particle::Parton1 ).setPdgId( PDG::gluon );
       if ( (KTFlux)params_.iflux2 == KTFlux::P_Gluon_KMR )
         event_->getOneByRole( Particle::Parton2 ).setPdgId( PDG::gluon );
       ktkin_.q1t = qt1_;
       ktkin_.q2t = qt2_;
       ktkin_.phiq1t = phi_qt1_;
       ktkin_.phiq2t = phi_qt2_;
       ktkin_.y1 = y1_;
       ktkin_.y2 = y2_;
       ktkin_.ptdiff = pt_diff_;
       ktkin_.phiptdiff = phi_pt_diff_;
       ktkin_.m_x = MX_;
       ktkin_.m_y = MY_;
       //--- compute the event weight
       double weight = 0.;
       func_( weight );
       return weight;
       // outgoing beam remnants
       PX_ = Particle::Momentum( evtkin_.px );
       PY_ = Particle::Momentum( evtkin_.py );
       // express these momenta per nucleon
       PX_ *= 1./params_.a_nuc1;
       PY_ *= 1./params_.a_nuc2;
       // intermediate partons
       const Particle::Momentum mom_par1 = mom_ip1_-PX_, mom_par2 = mom_ip2_-PY_;
       event_->getOneByRole( Particle::Parton1 ).setMomentum( mom_par1 );
       event_->getOneByRole( Particle::Parton2 ).setMomentum( mom_par2 );
       event_->getOneByRole( Particle::Intermediate ).setMomentum( mom_par1+mom_par2 );
       // central system
       Particles& oc = event_->getByRole( Particle::CentralSystem );
       for ( int i = 0; i < evtkin_.nout; ++i ) {
         Particle& p = oc[i];
         p.setPdgId( evtkin_.pdg[i] );
         p.setStatus( Particle::Status::FinalState );
         p.setMomentum( Particle::Momentum( evtkin_.pc[i] ) );
diff --git a/CepGen/Processes/GamGamLL.cpp b/CepGen/Processes/GamGamLL.cpp
index 52c0661..5edfe56 100644
--- a/CepGen/Processes/GamGamLL.cpp
+++ b/CepGen/Processes/GamGamLL.cpp
@@ -1,1149 +1,1149 @@
 #include "CepGen/Processes/GamGamLL.h"
 #include "CepGen/Event/Event.h"
 #include "CepGen/Core/Exception.h"
 #include "CepGen/Physics/Constants.h"
 #include "CepGen/Physics/FormFactors.h"
 #include "CepGen/Physics/PDG.h"
 #include "CepGen/Processes/ProcessesHandler.h"
 namespace CepGen
   namespace process
     GamGamLL::Masses::Masses() :
       MX2_( 0. ), MY2_( 0. ), Ml2_( 0. ),
       w12_( 0. ), w31_( 0. ), dw31_( 0. ), w52_( 0. ), dw52_( 0. )
     GamGamLL::GamGamLL( const ParametersList& params ) :
       GenericProcess( "lpair", "pp → p(*) ( ɣɣ → l⁺l¯ ) p(*)" ),
       n_opt_( params.get<int>( "nopt", 0 ) ),
       pair_( params.get<int>( "pair", 0 ) ),
       ep1_( 0. ), ep2_( 0. ), p_cm_( 0. ),
       ec4_( 0. ), pc4_( 0. ), mc4_( 0. ), w4_( 0. ),
       p12_( 0. ), p1k2_( 0. ), p2k1_( 0. ),
       p13_( 0. ), p14_( 0. ), p25_( 0. ),
       q1dq_( 0. ), q1dq2_( 0. ),
       s1_( 0. ), s2_( 0. ),
       epsi_( 0. ),
       g5_( 0. ), g6_( 0. ), a5_( 0. ), a6_( 0. ), bb_( 0. ),
       gram_( 0. ),
       dd1_( 0. ), dd2_( 0. ), dd3_( 0. ), dd4_( 0. ), dd5_( 0. ),
       delta_( 0. ),
       g4_( 0. ), sa1_( 0. ), sa2_( 0. ),
       sl1_( 0. ),
       cos_theta4_( 0. ), sin_theta4_( 0. ),
       al4_( 0. ), be4_( 0. ), de3_( 0. ), de5_( 0. ),
       pt4_( 0. ),
       jacobian_( 0. )
       GenericProcess::setEventContent( {
         { Particle::IncomingBeam1, PDG::proton },
         { Particle::IncomingBeam2, PDG::proton },
         { Particle::Parton1, PDG::photon },
         { Particle::Parton2, PDG::photon }
       }, {
         { Particle::OutgoingBeam1, { PDG::proton } },
         { Particle::OutgoingBeam2, { PDG::proton } },
         { Particle::CentralSystem, { (PDG)pair_, (PDG)pair_ } }
       } );
     unsigned int
     GamGamLL::numDimensions() const
       switch ( cuts_.mode ) {
         case KinematicsMode::ElectronProton: default:
           throw CG_FATAL( "GamGamLL" )
             << "Process mode " << cuts_.mode << " not (yet) supported! "
             << "Please contact the developers to consider an implementation.";
         case KinematicsMode::ElasticElastic:
           return 7;
         case KinematicsMode::ElasticInelastic:
         case KinematicsMode::InelasticElastic:
           return 8;
         case KinematicsMode::InelasticInelastic:
           return 9;
     GamGamLL::setKinematics( const Kinematics& kin )
       GenericProcess::setKinematics( kin );
       masses_.Ml2_ = event_->getByRole( Particle::CentralSystem )[0].mass2();
       w_limits_ = cuts_.cuts.central.mass_single;
       if ( !w_limits_.hasMax() )
         w_limits_.max() = s_;
       // The minimal energy for the central system is its outgoing leptons' mass energy (or wmin_ if specified)
       if ( !w_limits_.hasMin() )
         w_limits_.min() = 4.*masses_.Ml2_;
       // The maximal energy for the central system is its CM energy with the outgoing particles' mass energy substracted (or wmax if specified)
       w_limits_.max() = std::min( pow( sqs_-MX_-MY_, 2 ), w_limits_.max() );
       CG_DEBUG_LOOP( "GamGamLL:setKinematics" )
         << "w limits = " << w_limits_ << "\n\t"
         << "wmax/wmin = " << w_limits_.max()/w_limits_.min();
       q2_limits_ = cuts_.cuts.initial.q2;
       mx_limits_ = cuts_.cuts.remnants.mass_single;
       CG_DEBUG_LOOP( "GamGamLL" )
         << "Optimised mode? " << n_opt_;
       jacobian_ = 0.;
       w4_ = mc4_*mc4_;
       // sig1 = sigma and sig2 = sigma' in [1]
       const double sig = mc4_+MY_;
       double sig1 = sig*sig,
              sig2 = sig1;
       CG_DEBUG_LOOP( "GamGamLL" )
         << "mc4 = " << mc4_ << "\n\t"
         << "sig1 = " << sig1 << "\n\t"
         << "sig2 = " << sig2;
       // Mass difference between the first outgoing particle
       // and the first incoming particle
       masses_.w31_ = masses_.MX2_-w1_;
       // Mass difference between the second outgoing particle
       // and the second incoming particle
       masses_.w52_ = masses_.MY2_-w2_;
       // Mass difference between the two incoming particles
       masses_.w12_ = w1_-w2_;
       // Mass difference between the central two-photons system
       // and the second outgoing particle
       const double d6 = w4_-masses_.MY2_;
       CG_DEBUG_LOOP( "GamGamLL" )
         << "w1 = " << w1_ << "\n\t"
         << "w2 = " << w2_ << "\n\t"
         << "w3 = " << masses_.MX2_ << "\n\t"
         << "w4 = " << w4_ << "\n\t"
         << "w5 = " << masses_.MY2_;;
       CG_DEBUG_LOOP( "GamGamLL" )
         << "w31 = " << masses_.w31_ << "\n\t"
         << "w52 = " << masses_.w52_ << "\n\t"
         << "w12 = " << masses_.w12_;;
       const double ss = s_+masses_.w12_;
       const double rl1 = ss*ss-4.*w1_*s_; // lambda(s, m1**2, m2**2)
       if ( rl1 <= 0. ) {
         CG_WARNING( "GamGamLL" ) << "rl1 = " << rl1 << " <= 0";
         return false;
       sl1_ = sqrt( rl1 );
       s2_ = 0.;
       double ds2 = 0.;
       if ( n_opt_ == 0 ) {
         const double smax = s_+masses_.MX2_-2.*MX_*sqs_;
         map( x(2), Limits( sig1, smax ), s2_, ds2, "s2" );
         sig1 = s2_; //FIXME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
       CG_DEBUG_LOOP( "GamGamLL" )
         << "s2 = " << s2_;
       const double sp = s_+masses_.MX2_-sig1,
                    d3 = sig1-w2_;
       const double rl2 = sp*sp-4.*s_*masses_.MX2_; // lambda(s, m3**2, sigma)
       if ( rl2 <= 0. ) {
         CG_DEBUG( "GamGamLL" ) << "rl2 = " << rl2 << " <= 0";
         return false;
       const double sl2 = sqrt( rl2 );
       double t1_max = w1_+masses_.MX2_-( ss*sp+sl1_*sl2 )/( 2.*s_ ), // definition from eq. (A.4) in [1]
              t1_min = ( masses_.w31_*d3+( d3-masses_.w31_ )*( d3*w1_-masses_.w31_*w2_ )/s_ )/t1_max; // definition from eq. (A.5) in [1]
       // FIXME dropped in CDF version
       if ( t1_max > -q2_limits_.min() ) {
         CG_WARNING( "GamGamLL" ) << "t1max = " << t1_max << " > -q2min = " << ( -q2_limits_.min() );
         return false;
       if ( t1_min < -q2_limits_.max() && q2_limits_.hasMax() ) {
         CG_DEBUG( "GamGamLL" ) << "t1min = " << t1_min << " < -q2max = " << -q2_limits_.max();
         return false;
       if ( t1_max < -q2_limits_.max() && q2_limits_.hasMax() )
         t1_max = -q2_limits_.max();
       if ( t1_min > -q2_limits_.min() && q2_limits_.hasMin() )
         t1_min = -q2_limits_.min();
       // t1, the first photon propagator, is defined here
       t1_ = 0.;
       double dt1 = 0.;
       map( x(0), Limits( t1_min, t1_max ), t1_, dt1, "t1" );
       // changes wrt mapt1 : dx->-dx
       dt1 *= -1.;
       CG_DEBUG_LOOP( "GamGamLL" )
         << "Definition of t1 = " << t1_ << " according to\n\t"
         << "(t1min, t1max) = (" << t1_min << ", " << t1_max << ")";
       dd4_ = w4_-t1_;
       const double d8 = t1_-w2_, t13 = t1_-w1_-masses_.MX2_;
       sa1_ = -pow( t1_-masses_.w31_, 2 )/4.+w1_*t1_;
       if ( sa1_ >= 0. ) {
         CG_WARNING( "GamGamLL" ) << "sa1_ = " << sa1_ << " >= 0";
         return false;
       const double sl3 = sqrt( -sa1_ );
       // one computes splus and (s2x=s2max)
       double splus, s2max;
       if ( w1_ != 0. ) {
         const double inv_w1 = 1./w1_;
         const double sb = masses_.MX2_ + 0.5 * ( s_*( t1_-masses_.w31_ )+masses_.w12_*t13 )*inv_w1,
                      sd = sl1_*sl3*inv_w1,
                      se =( s_*( t1_*( s_+t13-w2_ )-w2_*masses_.w31_ )+masses_.MX2_*( masses_.w12_*d8+w2_*masses_.MX2_ ) )*inv_w1;
         if ( fabs( ( sb-sd )/sd ) >= 1. ) {
           splus = sb-sd;
           s2max = se/splus;
         else {
           s2max = sb+sd;
           splus = se/s2max;
       else { // 3
         s2max = ( s_*( t1_*( s_+d8-masses_.MX2_ )-w2_*masses_.MX2_ )+w2_*masses_.MX2_*( w2_+masses_.MX2_-t1_ ) )/( ss*t13 );
         splus = sig2;
       // 4
       double s2x = s2max;
       CG_DEBUG_LOOP( "GamGamLL" )
         << "s2x = s2max = " << s2x;
       if ( n_opt_ < 0 ) { // 5
         if ( splus > sig2 ) {
           sig2 = splus;
           CG_DEBUG_LOOP( "GamGamLL" )
             << "sig2 truncated to splus = " << splus;
         if ( n_opt_ < -1 )
           map( x(2), Limits( sig2, s2max ), s2_, ds2, "s2" );
           mapla( t1_, w2_, x(2), sig2, s2max, s2_, ds2 ); // n_opt_==-1
         s2x = s2_;
       else if ( n_opt_ == 0 )
         s2x = s2_; // 6
       CG_DEBUG_LOOP( "GamGamLL" )
         << "s2x = " << s2x;
       // 7
       const double r1 = s2x-d8, r2 = s2x-d6;
       const double rl4 = ( r1*r1-4.*w2_*s2x )*( r2*r2-4.*masses_.MY2_*s2x );
       if ( rl4 <= 0. ) {
         CG_DEBUG_LOOP( "GamGamLL" )
           << "rl4 = " << rl4 << " <= 0";
         return false;
       const double sl4 = sqrt( rl4 );
       // t2max, t2min definitions from eq. (A.12) and (A.13) in [1]
       const double t2_max = w2_+masses_.MY2_-( r1*r2+sl4 )/s2x * 0.5,
                    t2_min = ( masses_.w52_*dd4_+( dd4_-masses_.w52_ )*( dd4_*w2_-masses_.w52_*t1_ )/s2x )/t2_max;
       // t2, the second photon propagator, is defined here
       t2_ = 0.;
       double dt2 = 0.;
       map( x(1), Limits( t2_min, t2_max ), t2_, dt2, "t2" );
       // changes wrt mapt2 : dx->-dx
       dt2 *= -1.;
       // \f$\delta_6=m_4^2-m_5^2\f$ as defined in Vermaseren's paper
       const double tau = t1_-t2_,
                    r3 = dd4_-t2_,
                    r4 = masses_.w52_-t2_;
       CG_DEBUG_LOOP( "GamGamLL" )
         << "r1 = " << r1 << "\n\t"
         << "r2 = " << r2 << "\n\t"
         << "r3 = " << r3 << "\n\t"
         << "r4 = " << r4;
       const double b = r3*r4-2.*( t1_+w2_ )*t2_;
       const double c = t2_*d6*d8+( d6-d8 )*( d6*w2_-d8*masses_.MY2_ );
       const double t25 = t2_-w2_-masses_.MY2_;
       sa2_ = -0.25 * r4*r4 + w2_*t2_;
       if ( sa2_ >= 0. ) {
         CG_WARNING( "GamGamLL" )
           <<  "sa2_ = " << sa2_ << " >= 0";
         return false;
       const double sl6 = 2.*sqrt( -sa2_ );
       g4_ = -r3*r3/4.+t1_*t2_;
       if ( g4_ >= 0. ) {
         CG_WARNING( "GamGamLL" ) << "g4_ = " << g4_ << " >= 0";
         return false;
       const double sl7 = 2.*sqrt( -g4_ ),
                    sl5 = sl6*sl7;
       double s2p, s2min;
       if ( fabs( ( sl5-b )/sl5 ) >= 1. ) {
         s2p = 0.5 * ( sl5-b )/t2_;
         s2min = c/( t2_*s2p );
       else { // 8
         s2min = 0.5 * ( -sl5-b )/t2_;
         s2p = c/( t2_*s2min );
       // 9
       if ( n_opt_ > 1 )
         map( x( 2 ), Limits( s2min, s2max ), s2_, ds2, "s2" );
       else if ( n_opt_ == 1 )
         mapla( t1_, w2_, x( 2 ), s2min, s2max, s2_, ds2 );
       const double ap = -0.25*pow( s2_+d8, 2 )+s2_*t1_;
       CG_DEBUG_LOOP( "GamGamLL" )
         << "s2 = " << s2_ << ", s2max = " << s2max << ", splus = " << splus;
       if ( w1_ != 0. )
         dd1_ = -0.25 * ( s2_-s2max ) * ( s2_-splus ) * w1_; // 10
         dd1_ =  0.25 * ( s2_-s2max ) * ss * t13;
       // 11
       dd2_ = -0.25 * t2_*( s2_-s2p )*( s2_-s2min );
       CG_DEBUG_LOOP( "GamGamLL" )
         << "t2    = " << t2_ << "\n\t"
         << "s2    = " << s2_ << "\n\t"
         << "s2p   = " << s2p << "\n\t"
         << "s2min = " << s2min << "\n\t"
         << "dd2   = " << dd2_;;
       const double yy4 = cos( M_PI*x( 3 ) );
       const double dd = dd1_*dd2_;
       p12_ = 0.5 * ( s_-w1_-w2_ );
       const double st = s2_-t1_-w2_;
       const double delb = ( 2.*w2_*r3+r4*st )*( 4.*p12_*t1_-( t1_-masses_.w31_ )*st )/( 16.*ap );
       if ( dd <= 0. ) {
         CG_DEBUG_LOOP( "GamGamLL" )
           << std::scientific
           << "dd = " << dd << " <= 0\n\t"
           << "dd1 = " << dd1_ << "\t"
           << "dd2 = " << dd2_ << std::fixed;
         return false;
       delta_ = delb - yy4*st*sqrt( dd )/ ap * 0.5;
       s1_ = t2_+w1_+( 2.*p12_*r3-4.*delta_ )/st;
       if ( ap >= 0. ) {
         CG_DEBUG_LOOP( "GamGamLL" )
           <<  "ap = " << ap << " >= 0";
         return false;
       jacobian_ = ds2 * dt1 * dt2 * 0.125 * M_PI*M_PI/( sl1_*sqrt( -ap ) );
       CG_DEBUG_LOOP( "GamGamLL" )
         << "Jacobian = " << std::scientific << jacobian_ << std::fixed;
       gram_ = ( 1.-yy4*yy4 )*dd/ap;
       p13_ = -0.5 * t13;
       p14_ =  0.5 * ( tau+s1_-masses_.MX2_ );
       p25_ = -0.5 * t25;
       p1k2_ = 0.5 * ( s1_-t2_-w1_ );
       p2k1_ = 0.5 * st;
       if ( w2_ != 0. ) {
         const double inv_w2 = 1./w2_;
         const double sbb = 0.5 * ( s_*( t2_-masses_.w52_ )-masses_.w12_*t25 )*inv_w2 + masses_.MY2_,
                      sdd = 0.5 * sl1_*sl6*inv_w2,
                      see = ( s_*( t2_*( s_+t25-w1_ )-w1_*masses_.w52_ )+masses_.MY2_*( w1_*masses_.MY2_-masses_.w12_*( t2_-w1_ ) ) )*inv_w2;
         double s1m = 0., s1p = 0.;
         if ( sbb/sdd >= 0. ) {
           s1p = sbb+sdd;
           s1m = see/s1p;
         else {
           s1m = sbb-sdd;
           s1p = see/s1m;
         } // 12
         dd3_ = -0.25 * w2_*( s1p-s1_ )*( s1m-s1_ ); // 13
       else { // 14
         const double s1p = ( s_*( t2_*( s_-masses_.MY2_+t2_-w1_ )-w1_*masses_.MY2_ )+w1_*masses_.MY2_*( w1_+masses_.MY2_-t2_ ) )/( t25*( s_-masses_.w12_ ) );
         dd3_ = -0.25 * t25*( s_-masses_.w12_ )*( s1p-s1_ );
       // 15
       //const double acc3 = (s1p-s1_)/(s1p+s1_);
       const double ssb = t2_+0.5 * w1_-r3*( masses_.w31_-t1_ )/t1_,
                    ssd = sl3*sl7/t1_,
                    sse = ( t2_-w1_ )*( w4_-masses_.MX2_ )+( t2_-w4_+masses_.w31_ )*( ( t2_-w1_)*masses_.MX2_-(w4_-masses_.MX2_)*w1_)/t1_;
       double s1pp, s1pm;
       if ( ssb/ssd >= 0. ) {
         s1pp = ssb+ssd;
         s1pm = sse/s1pp;
       else { // 16
         s1pm = ssb-ssd;
         s1pp = sse/s1pm;
       // 17
       dd4_ = -0.25 * t1_*( s1_-s1pp )*( s1_-s1pm );
       //const double acc4 = ( s1_-s1pm )/( s1_+s1pm );
       dd5_ = dd1_+dd3_+( ( p12_*( t1_-masses_.w31_ )*0.5-w1_*p2k1_ )*( p2k1_*( t2_-masses_.w52_ )-w2_*r3 )
                         -delta_*( 2.*p12_*p2k1_-w2_*( t1_-masses_.w31_ ) ) ) / p2k1_;
       return true;
       if ( !pickin() || jacobian_ == 0. ) {
         CG_DEBUG_LOOP( "GamGamLL" )
           << "Pickin failed! Jacobian = " << jacobian_;
         return false;
       const double re = 0.5 / sqs_;
       ep1_ = re*( s_+masses_.w12_ );
       ep2_ = re*( s_-masses_.w12_ );
       CG_DEBUG_LOOP( "GamGamLL" )
         << std::scientific
         << " re = " << re << "\n\t"
         << "w12_ = " << masses_.w12_
         << std::fixed;
       CG_DEBUG_LOOP( "GamGamLL" )
         << "Incoming particles' energy = " << ep1_ << ", " << ep2_;
       p_cm_ = re*sl1_;
       de3_ = re*(s2_-masses_.MX2_+masses_.w12_);
       de5_ = re*(s1_-masses_.MY2_-masses_.w12_);
       // Final state energies
       const double ep3 = ep1_-de3_,
                    ep5 = ep2_-de5_;
       ec4_ = de3_+de5_;
       if ( ec4_ < mc4_ ) {
         CG_WARNING( "GamGamLL" )
           << "ec4_ = " << ec4_ << " < mc4_ = " << mc4_ << "\n\t"
           << "==> de3 = " << de3_ << ", de5 = " << de5_;
         return false;
       // What if the protons' momenta are not along the z-axis?
       pc4_ = sqrt( ec4_*ec4_-mc4_*mc4_ );
       if ( pc4_ == 0. ) {
         CG_WARNING( "GamGamLL" ) << "pzc4 is null and should not be...";
         return false;
       const double pp3 = sqrt( ep3*ep3-masses_.MX2_ ), pt3 = sqrt( dd1_/s_ )/p_cm_,
                    pp5 = sqrt( ep5*ep5-masses_.MY2_ ), pt5 = sqrt( dd3_/s_ )/p_cm_;
       CG_DEBUG_LOOP( "GamGamLL" )
         << "Central system's energy: E4 = " << ec4_ << "\n\t"
         << "               momentum: p4 = " << pc4_ << "\n\t"
         << "         invariant mass: m4 = " << mc4_ << "\n\t"
         << "Outgoing particles' energy: E3 = " << ep3 << "\n\t"
         << "                            E5 = " << ep5;
       const double sin_theta3 = pt3/pp3,
                    sin_theta5 = pt5/pp5;
       CG_DEBUG_LOOP( "GamGamLL" )
         << std::scientific
         << "sin_theta3 = " << sin_theta3 << "\n\t"
         << "sin_theta5 = " << sin_theta5
         << std::fixed;
       if ( sin_theta3 > 1. ) {
         CG_WARNING( "GamGamLL" )
           << "sin_theta3 = " << sin_theta3 << " > 1";
         return false;
       if ( sin_theta5 > 1. ) {
         CG_WARNING( "GamGamLL" )
           << "sin_theta5 = " << sin_theta5 << " > 1";
         return false;
       double ct3 = sqrt( 1.-sin_theta3*sin_theta3 ),
              ct5 = sqrt( 1.-sin_theta5*sin_theta5 );
       if ( ep1_*ep3 < p13_ )
         ct3 *= -1.;
       if ( ep2_*ep5 > p25_ )
         ct5 *= -1.;
       CG_DEBUG_LOOP( "GamGamLL" )
         << "ct3 = " << ct3 << "\n\t"
         << "ct5 = " << ct5;
       if ( dd5_ < 0. ) {
         CG_WARNING( "GamGamLL" )
           <<  "dd5 = " << dd5_ << " < 0";
         return false;
       // Centre of mass system kinematics (theta4 and phi4)
       pt4_ = sqrt( dd5_/s_ )/p_cm_;
       sin_theta4_ = pt4_/pc4_;
       if ( sin_theta4_ > 1. ) {
         CG_WARNING( "GamGamLL" )
           << "st4 = " << sin_theta4_ << " > 1";
         return false;
       cos_theta4_ = sqrt( 1.-sin_theta4_*sin_theta4_ );
       if ( ep1_*ec4_ < p14_ )
         cos_theta4_ *= -1.;
       al4_ = 1.-cos_theta4_;
       be4_ = 1.+cos_theta4_;
       if ( cos_theta4_ < 0. ) be4_ = sin_theta4_*sin_theta4_/al4_;
       else                    al4_ = sin_theta4_*sin_theta4_/be4_;
       CG_DEBUG_LOOP( "GamGamLL" )
         << "ct4 = " << cos_theta4_ << "\n\t"
         << "al4 = " << al4_ << ", be4 = " << be4_;
       const double rr  = sqrt( -gram_/s_ )/( p_cm_*pt4_ );
       const double sin_phi3 =  rr / pt3,
                    sin_phi5 = -rr / pt5;
       if ( fabs( sin_phi3 ) > 1. ) {
         CG_WARNING( "GamGamLL" )
           << "sin(phi_3) = " << sin_phi3 << " while it must be in [-1 ; 1]";
         return false;
       if ( fabs( sin_phi5 ) > 1. ) {
         CG_WARNING( "GamGamLL" )
           << "sin(phi_5) = " << sin_phi5 << " while it must be in [-1 ; 1]";
         return false;
       const double cos_phi3 = -sqrt( 1.-sin_phi3*sin_phi3 ),
                    cos_phi5 = -sqrt( 1.-sin_phi5*sin_phi5 );
       p3_lab_ = Particle::Momentum( pp3*sin_theta3*cos_phi3, pp3*sin_theta3*sin_phi3, pp3*ct3, ep3 );
       p5_lab_ = Particle::Momentum( pp5*sin_theta5*cos_phi5, pp5*sin_theta5*sin_phi5, pp5*ct5, ep5 );
       const double a1 = p3_lab_.px()-p5_lab_.px();
       CG_DEBUG_LOOP( "GamGamLL" )
         << "Kinematic quantities\n\t"
         << "cos(theta3) = " << ct3 << "\t" << "sin(theta3) = " << sin_theta3 << "\n\t"
         << "cos( phi3 ) = " << cos_phi3 << "\t" << "sin( phi3 ) = " << sin_phi3 << "\n\t"
         << "cos(theta4) = " << cos_theta4_ << "\t" << "sin(theta4) = " << sin_theta4_ << "\n\t"
         << "cos(theta5) = " << ct5 << "\t" << "sin(theta5) = " << sin_theta5 << "\n\t"
         << "cos( phi5 ) = " << cos_phi5 << "\t" << "sin( phi5 ) = " << sin_phi5 << "\n\t"
         << "a1 = " << a1;
       if ( fabs( pt4_+p3_lab_.px()+p5_lab_.px() ) < fabs( fabs( a1 )-pt4_ ) ) {
         CG_DEBUG_LOOP( "GamGamLL" )
           << "|pt4+pt3*cos(phi3)+pt5*cos(phi5)| < | |a1|-pt4 |\n\t"
           << "pt4 = " << pt4_ << "\t"
           << "pt5 = " << pt5 << "\n\t"
           << "cos(phi3) = " << cos_phi3 << "\t"
           << "cos(phi5) = " << cos_phi5 << "\n\t"
           << "a1 = " << a1;
         return true;
       if ( a1 < 0. ) p5_lab_[0] = -p5_lab_.px();
       else           p3_lab_[0] = -p3_lab_.px();
       return true;
     GamGamLL::computeOutgoingPrimaryParticlesMasses( double x, double outmass, double lepmass, double& dw )
-      const double mx0 = mp_+ParticleProperties::mass( PDG::piZero ); // 1.07
+      const double mx0 = mp_+part::mass( PDG::piZero ); // 1.07
       const double wx2min = pow( std::max( mx0, mx_limits_.min() ), 2 ),
                    wx2max = pow( std::min( sqs_-outmass-2.*lepmass, mx_limits_.max() ), 2 );
       double mx2 = 0., dmx2 = 0.;
       map( x, Limits( wx2min, wx2max ), mx2, dmx2, "mx2" );
       CG_DEBUG_LOOP( "GamGamLL" )
         << "mX^2 in range (" << wx2min << ", " << wx2max << "), x = " << x << "\n\t"
         << "mX^2 = " << mx2 << ", d(mX^2) = " << dmx2 << "\n\t"
         << "mX = " << sqrt( mx2 ) << ", d(mX) = " << sqrt( dmx2 );
       dw = sqrt( dmx2 );
       return sqrt( mx2 );
       if ( !GenericProcess::is_point_set_ ) return;
       const Particle& p1 = event_->getOneByRole( Particle::IncomingBeam1 ),
                      &p2 = event_->getOneByRole( Particle::IncomingBeam2 );
       ep1_ = p1.energy();
       ep2_ = p2.energy();
       //std::cout << __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ << ":" << w_limits_ << "|" << q2_limits_ << "|" << mx_limits_ << std::endl;
       switch ( cuts_.mode ) {
         case KinematicsMode::ElectronProton: default:
           CG_ERROR( "GamGamLL" ) << "Case not yet supported!"; break;
         case KinematicsMode::ElasticElastic:
           masses_.dw31_ = masses_.dw52_ = 0.; break;
         case KinematicsMode::InelasticElastic: {
           const double m = computeOutgoingPrimaryParticlesMasses( x( 7 ), p1.mass(), sqrt( masses_.Ml2_ ), masses_.dw31_ );
           event_->getOneByRole( Particle::OutgoingBeam1 ).setMass( m );
-          event_->getOneByRole( Particle::OutgoingBeam2 ).setMass( ParticleProperties::mass( p2.pdgId() ) );
+          event_->getOneByRole( Particle::OutgoingBeam2 ).setMass( part::mass( p2.pdgId() ) );
         } break;
         case KinematicsMode::ElasticInelastic: {
           const double m = computeOutgoingPrimaryParticlesMasses( x( 7 ), p2.mass(), sqrt( masses_.Ml2_ ), masses_.dw52_ );
-          event_->getOneByRole( Particle::OutgoingBeam1 ).setMass( ParticleProperties::mass( p1.pdgId() ) );
+          event_->getOneByRole( Particle::OutgoingBeam1 ).setMass( part::mass( p1.pdgId() ) );
           event_->getOneByRole( Particle::OutgoingBeam2 ).setMass( m );
         } break;
         case KinematicsMode::InelasticInelastic: {
           const double mx = computeOutgoingPrimaryParticlesMasses( x( 7 ), p2.mass(), sqrt( masses_.Ml2_ ), masses_.dw31_ );
           event_->getOneByRole( Particle::OutgoingBeam1 ).setMass( mx );
           const double my = computeOutgoingPrimaryParticlesMasses( x( 8 ), p1.mass(), sqrt( masses_.Ml2_ ), masses_.dw52_ );
           event_->getOneByRole( Particle::OutgoingBeam2 ).setMass( my );
         } break;
       MX_ = event_->getOneByRole( Particle::OutgoingBeam1 ).mass();
       MY_ = event_->getOneByRole( Particle::OutgoingBeam2 ).mass();
       masses_.MX2_ = MX_*MX_;
       masses_.MY2_ = MY_*MY_;
       CG_DEBUG_LOOP( "GamGamLL" )
         << "sqrt(s) = " << sqs_ << " GeV\n\t"
         << "m(X1) = " << MX_ << " GeV\t"
         << "m(X2) = " << MY_ << " GeV";
       // compute the two-photon energy for this point
       w4_ = 0.;
       double dw4 = 0.;
       map( x( 4 ), w_limits_, w4_, dw4, "w4" );
       mc4_ = sqrt( w4_ );
       CG_DEBUG_LOOP( "GamGamLL" )
         << "Computed value for w4 = " << w4_ << " → mc4 = " << mc4_;
       if ( !orient() )
         return 0.;
       if ( jacobian_ == 0. ) {
         CG_WARNING( "GamGamLL" ) << "dj = " << jacobian_;
         return 0.;
       if ( t1_ > 0. ) {
         CG_WARNING( "GamGamLL" ) << "t1 = " << t1_ << " > 0";
         return 0.;
       if ( t2_ > 0. ) {
         CG_WARNING( "GamGamLL" ) << "t2 = " << t2_ << " > 0";
         return 0.;
       const double ecm6 = w4_ / ( 2.*mc4_ ),
                    pp6cm = sqrt( ecm6*ecm6-masses_.Ml2_ );
-      jacobian_ *= dw4*pp6cm/( mc4_*Constants::sconstb*s_ );
+      jacobian_ *= dw4*pp6cm/( mc4_*constants::sconstb*s_ );
       // Let the most obscure part of this code begin...
       const double e1mp1 = w1_ / ( ep1_+p_cm_ ),
                    e3mp3 = masses_.MX2_ / ( p3_lab_.energy()+p3_lab_.p() );
       const double al3 = pow( sin( p3_lab_.theta() ), 2 )/( 1.+( p3_lab_.theta() ) );
       // 2-photon system kinematics ?!
       const double eg = ( w4_+t1_-t2_ )/( 2.*mc4_ );
       double pg = sqrt( eg*eg-t1_ );
       const double pgx = -p3_lab_.px()*cos_theta4_-sin_theta4_*( de3_-e1mp1 + e3mp3 + p3_lab_.p()*al3 ),
                    pgy = -p3_lab_.py(),
                    pgz = mc4_*de3_/( ec4_+pc4_ )-ec4_*de3_*al4_/mc4_-p3_lab_.px()*ec4_*sin_theta4_/mc4_+ec4_*cos_theta4_/mc4_*( p3_lab_.p()*al3+e3mp3-e1mp1 );
       CG_DEBUG_LOOP( "GamGamLL" ) << "pg = " << Particle::Momentum( pgx, pgy, pgz );
       const double pgp = sqrt( pgx*pgx + pgy*pgy ), // outgoing proton (3)'s transverse momentum
                    pgg = sqrt( pgp*pgp + pgz*pgz ); // outgoing proton (3)'s momentum
       if ( pgg > pgp*0.9 && pgg > pg )
         pg = pgg; //FIXME ???
       // angles for the 2-photon system ?!
       const double cpg = pgx/pgp, spg = pgy/pgp;
       const double stg = pgp/pg;
       const int theta_sign = ( pgz>0. ) ? 1 : -1;
       const double ctg = theta_sign*sqrt( 1.-stg*stg );
       double xx6 = x( 5 );
       const double amap = 0.5 * ( w4_-t1_-t2_ ),
                    bmap = 0.5 * sqrt( ( pow( w4_-t1_-t2_, 2 )-4.*t1_*t2_ )*( 1.-4.*masses_.Ml2_/w4_ ) ),
                    ymap = ( amap+bmap )/( amap-bmap ),
                    beta = pow( ymap, 2.*xx6-1. );
       xx6 = 0.5 * ( 1. + amap/bmap*( beta-1. )/( beta+1. ) );
       xx6 = std::max( 0., std::min( xx6, 1. ) ); // xx6 in [0., 1.]
       CG_DEBUG_LOOP( "GamGamLL" )
         << "amap = " << amap << "\n\t"
         << "bmap = " << bmap << "\n\t"
         << "ymap = " << ymap << "\n\t"
         << "beta = " << beta;
       // 3D rotation of the first outgoing lepton wrt the CM system
       const double theta6cm = acos( 1.-2.*xx6 );
       // match the Jacobian
       jacobian_ *= ( amap+bmap*cos( theta6cm ) );
       jacobian_ *= ( amap-bmap*cos( theta6cm ) );
       jacobian_ /= amap;
       jacobian_ /= bmap;
       jacobian_ *= log( ymap );
       jacobian_ *= 0.5;
       CG_DEBUG_LOOP( "GamGamLL" ) << "Jacobian = " << jacobian_;
       CG_DEBUG_LOOP( "GamGamLL" )
         << "ctcm6 = " << cos( theta6cm ) << "\n\t"
         << "stcm6 = " << sin( theta6cm );
       const double phi6cm = 2.*M_PI*x( 6 );
       // First outgoing lepton's 3-momentum in the centre of mass system
       Particle::Momentum p6cm = Particle::Momentum::fromPThetaPhi( pp6cm, theta6cm, phi6cm );
       CG_DEBUG_LOOP( "GamGamLL" ) << "p3cm6 = " << p6cm;
       const double h1 = stg*p6cm.pz()+ctg*p6cm.px();
       const double pc6z = ctg*p6cm.pz()-stg*p6cm.px(), pc6x = cpg*h1-spg*p6cm.py();
       const double qcx = 2.*pc6x, qcz = 2.*pc6z;
       // qcy == QCY is never defined
       const double el6 = ( ec4_*ecm6+pc4_*pc6z ) / mc4_,
                    h2  = ( ec4_*pc6z+pc4_*ecm6 ) / mc4_;
       CG_DEBUG_LOOP( "GamGamLL" ) << "h1 = " << h1 << "\n\th2 = " << h2;
       // first outgoing lepton's 3-momentum
       const double p6x = cos_theta4_*pc6x+sin_theta4_*h2,
                    p6y = cpg*p6cm.py()+spg*h1,
                    p6z = cos_theta4_*h2-sin_theta4_*pc6x;
       // first outgoing lepton's kinematics
       p6_cm_ = Particle::Momentum( p6x, p6y, p6z, el6 );
       CG_DEBUG_LOOP( "GamGamLL" ) << "p6(cm) = " << p6_cm_;
       const double hq = ec4_*qcz/mc4_;
       const Particle::Momentum qve(
         pc4_*qcz/mc4_ // energy
       // Available energy for the second lepton is the 2-photon system's energy with the first lepton's energy removed
       const double el7 = ec4_-el6;
       CG_DEBUG_LOOP( "GamGamLL" )
         << "Outgoing kinematics\n\t"
         << " first outgoing lepton: p = " << p6_cm_.p() << ", E = " << p6_cm_.energy() << "\n\t"
         << "second outgoing lepton: p = " << p7_cm_.p() << ", E = " << p7_cm_.energy();;
       // Second outgoing lepton's 3-momentum
       const double p7x = -p6x + pt4_,
                    p7y = -p6y,
                    p7z = -p6z + pc4_*cos_theta4_;
       // second outgoing lepton's kinematics
       p7_cm_ = Particle::Momentum( p7x, p7y, p7z, el7 );
       //p6_cm_ = Particle::Momentum(pl6*st6*cp6, pl6*st6*sp6, pl6*ct6, el6);
       //p7_cm_ = Particle::Momentum(pl7*st7*cp7, pl7*st7*sp7, pl7*ct7, el7);
       q1dq_ = eg*( 2.*ecm6-mc4_ )-2.*pg*p6cm.pz();
       q1dq2_ = ( w4_-t1_-t2_ ) * 0.5;
       const double phi3 = p3_lab_.phi(), cos_phi3 = cos( phi3 ), sin_phi3 = sin( phi3 ),
                    phi5 = p5_lab_.phi(), cos_phi5 = cos( phi5 ), sin_phi5 = sin( phi5 );
       bb_ = t1_*t2_+( w4_*pow( sin( theta6cm ), 2 ) + 4.*masses_.Ml2_*pow( cos( theta6cm ), 2 ) )*pg*pg;
       const double c1 = p3_lab_.pt() * ( qve.px()*sin_phi3  - qve.py()*cos_phi3   ),
                    c2 = p3_lab_.pt() * ( qve.pz()*ep1_ - qve.energy() *p_cm_ ),
                    c3 = ( masses_.w31_*ep1_*ep1_ + 2.*w1_*de3_*ep1_ - w1_*de3_*de3_ + p3_lab_.pt2()*ep1_*ep1_ ) / ( p3_lab_.energy()*p_cm_ + p3_lab_.pz()*ep1_ );
       const double b1 = p5_lab_.pt() * ( qve.px()*sin_phi5  - qve.py()*cos_phi5   ),
                    b2 = p5_lab_.pt() * ( qve.pz()*ep2_ + qve.energy() *p_cm_ ),
                    b3 = ( masses_.w52_*ep2_*ep2_ + 2.*w2_*de5_*ep2_ - w2_*de5_*de5_ + p5_lab_.pt2()*ep2_*ep2_ ) / ( ep2_*p5_lab_.pz() - p5_lab_.energy()*p_cm_ );
       const double r12 =  c2*sin_phi3 + qve.py()*c3,
                    r13 = -c2*cos_phi3 - qve.px()*c3;
       const double r22 =  b2*sin_phi5 + qve.py()*b3,
                    r23 = -b2*cos_phi5 - qve.px()*b3;
       epsi_ = p12_*c1*b1 + r12*r22 + r13*r23;
       g5_ = w1_*c1*c1 + r12*r12 + r13*r13;
       g6_ = w2_*b1*b1 + r22*r22 + r23*r23;
       const double pt3 = p3_lab_.pt(), pt5 = p5_lab_.pt();
       a5_ = -( qve.px()*cos_phi3 + qve.py()*sin_phi3 )*pt3*p1k2_
             -( ep1_*qve.energy()-p_cm_*qve.pz() )*( cos_phi3*cos_phi5 + sin_phi3*sin_phi5 )*pt3*pt5
             +( de5_*qve.pz()+qve.energy()*( p_cm_+p5_lab_.pz() ) )*c3;
       a6_ = -( qve.px()*cos_phi5 + qve.py()*sin_phi5 )*pt5*p2k1_
             -( ep2_*qve.energy()+p_cm_*qve.pz() )*( cos_phi3*cos_phi5 + sin_phi3*sin_phi5 )*pt3*pt5
             +( de3_*qve.pz()-qve.energy()*( p_cm_-p3_lab_.pz() ) )*b3;
       CG_DEBUG_LOOP( "GamGamLL" )
         << "a5 = " << a5_ << "\n\t"
         << "a6 = " << a6_;
       // END of GAMGAMLL subroutine in the FORTRAN version
       const Particle::Momentum cm = event_->getOneByRole( Particle::IncomingBeam1 ).momentum()
                                   + event_->getOneByRole( Particle::IncomingBeam2 ).momentum();
       // INFO from f.f
       const double gamma = cm.energy() / sqs_, betgam = cm.pz() / sqs_;
       //--- kinematics computation for both leptons
       p6_cm_.betaGammaBoost( gamma, betgam );
       p7_cm_.betaGammaBoost( gamma, betgam );
       //--- cut on mass of final hadronic system (MX/Y)
       if ( mx_limits_.valid() ) {
         if ( ( cuts_.mode == KinematicsMode::InelasticElastic
             || cuts_.mode == KinematicsMode::InelasticInelastic )
           && !mx_limits_.passes( MX_ ) )
           return 0.;
         if ( ( cuts_.mode == KinematicsMode::ElasticInelastic
             || cuts_.mode == KinematicsMode::InelasticInelastic )
           && !mx_limits_.passes( MY_ ) )
           return 0.;
       //--- cut on the proton's Q2 (first photon propagator T1)
       if ( !cuts_.cuts.initial.q2.passes( -t1_ ) )
         return 0.;
       //--- cuts on outgoing leptons' kinematics
       if ( !cuts_.cuts.central.mass_sum.passes( ( p6_cm_+p7_cm_ ).mass() ) )
         return 0.;
       //----- cuts on the individual leptons
       if ( cuts_.cuts.central.pt_single.valid() ) {
         const Limits& pt_limits = cuts_.cuts.central.pt_single;
         if ( !pt_limits.passes( p6_cm_.pt() ) || !pt_limits.passes( p7_cm_.pt() ) )
           return 0.;
       if ( cuts_.cuts.central.energy_single.valid() ) {
         const Limits& energy_limits = cuts_.cuts.central.energy_single;
         if ( !energy_limits.passes( p6_cm_.energy() ) || !energy_limits.passes( p7_cm_.energy() ) )
           return 0.;
       if ( cuts_.cuts.central.eta_single.valid() ) {
         const Limits& eta_limits = cuts_.cuts.central.eta_single;
         if ( !eta_limits.passes( p6_cm_.eta() ) || !eta_limits.passes( p7_cm_.eta() ) )
           return 0.;
       //--- compute the structure functions factors
       switch ( cuts_.mode ) { // inherited from CDF version
         case KinematicsMode::ElectronProton: default: jacobian_ *= periPP( 1, 2 ); break; // ep case
         case KinematicsMode::ElasticElastic:          jacobian_ *= periPP( 2, 2 ); break; // elastic case
         case KinematicsMode::InelasticElastic:        jacobian_ *= periPP( 3, 2 )*( masses_.dw31_*masses_.dw31_ ); break;
         case KinematicsMode::ElasticInelastic:        jacobian_ *= periPP( 3, 2 )*( masses_.dw52_*masses_.dw52_ ); break; // single-dissociative case
         case KinematicsMode::InelasticInelastic:      jacobian_ *= periPP( 3, 3 )*( masses_.dw31_*masses_.dw31_ )*( masses_.dw52_*masses_.dw52_ ); break; // double-dissociative case
       //--- compute the event weight using the Jacobian
-      return Constants::GeV2toBarn*jacobian_;
+      return constants::GeV2toBarn*jacobian_;
     GamGamLL::fillKinematics( bool )
       const Particle::Momentum cm = event_->getOneByRole( Particle::IncomingBeam1 ).momentum() + event_->getOneByRole( Particle::IncomingBeam2 ).momentum();
       const double gamma  = cm.energy()/sqs_, betgam = cm.pz()/sqs_;
       Particle::Momentum plab_ip1 = Particle::Momentum( 0., 0.,  p_cm_, ep1_ ).betaGammaBoost( gamma, betgam );
       Particle::Momentum plab_ip2 = Particle::Momentum( 0., 0., -p_cm_, ep2_ ).betaGammaBoost( gamma, betgam );
       p3_lab_.betaGammaBoost( gamma, betgam );
       p5_lab_.betaGammaBoost( gamma, betgam );
       //----- parameterise a random rotation around z-axis
       const int rany = ( rand() >= 0.5 * RAND_MAX ) ? 1 : -1,
                 ransign = ( rand() >= 0.5 * RAND_MAX ) ? 1 : -1;
       const double ranphi = ( 0.5 * rand()/RAND_MAX )*2.*M_PI;
       Particle::Momentum plab_ph1 = ( plab_ip1-p3_lab_ ).rotatePhi( ranphi, rany );
       Particle::Momentum plab_ph2 = ( plab_ip2-p5_lab_ ).rotatePhi( ranphi, rany );
       p3_lab_.rotatePhi( ranphi, rany );
       p5_lab_.rotatePhi( ranphi, rany );
       p6_cm_.rotatePhi( ranphi, rany );
       p7_cm_.rotatePhi( ranphi, rany );
       /*if ( symmetrise_ && rand() >= .5*RAND_MAX ) {
       //----- incoming protons
       event_->getOneByRole( Particle::IncomingBeam1 ).setMomentum( plab_ip1 );
       event_->getOneByRole( Particle::IncomingBeam2 ).setMomentum( plab_ip2 );
       //----- first outgoing proton
       Particle& op1 = event_->getOneByRole( Particle::OutgoingBeam1 );
       op1.setMomentum( p3_lab_ );
       switch ( cuts_.mode ) {
         case KinematicsMode::ElasticElastic:
         case KinematicsMode::ElasticInelastic:
           op1.setStatus( Particle::Status::FinalState ); // stable proton
         case KinematicsMode::InelasticElastic:
         case KinematicsMode::InelasticInelastic:
           op1.setStatus( Particle::Status::Unfragmented ); // fragmenting remnants
           op1.setMass( MX_ );
       //----- second outgoing proton
       Particle& op2 = event_->getOneByRole( Particle::OutgoingBeam2 );
       op2.setMomentum( p5_lab_ );
       switch ( cuts_.mode ) {
         case KinematicsMode::ElasticElastic:
         case KinematicsMode::InelasticElastic:
           op2.setStatus( Particle::Status::FinalState ); // stable proton
         case KinematicsMode::ElasticInelastic:
         case KinematicsMode::InelasticInelastic:
           op2.setStatus( Particle::Status::Unfragmented ); // fragmenting remnants
           op2.setMass( MY_ );
       //----- first incoming photon
       Particle& ph1 = event_->getOneByRole( Particle::Parton1 );
       ph1.setMomentum( plab_ph1 );
       //----- second incoming photon
       Particle& ph2 = event_->getOneByRole( Particle::Parton2 );
       ph2.setMomentum( plab_ph2 );
       Particles& central_system = event_->getByRole( Particle::CentralSystem );
       //----- first outgoing lepton
       Particle& ol1 = central_system[0];
       ol1.setPdgId( ol1.pdgId(), ransign );
       ol1.setMomentum( p6_cm_ );
       ol1.setStatus( Particle::Status::FinalState );
       //----- second outgoing lepton
       Particle& ol2 = central_system[1];
       ol2.setPdgId( ol2.pdgId(), -ransign );
       ol2.setMomentum( p7_cm_ );
       ol2.setStatus( Particle::Status::FinalState );
       //----- intermediate two-lepton system
       event_->getOneByRole( Particle::Intermediate ).setMomentum( p6_cm_+p7_cm_ );
     GamGamLL::periPP( int nup_, int ndown_ )
       CG_DEBUG_LOOP( "GamGamLL" )
         << " Nup  = " << nup_ << "\n\t"
         << "Ndown = " << ndown_;
       FormFactors fp1, fp2;
       formFactors( -t1_, -t2_, fp1, fp2 );
       CG_DEBUG_LOOP( "GamGamLL" )
         << "u1 = " << fp1.FM << "\n\t"
         << "u2 = " << fp1.FE << "\n\t"
         << "v1 = " << fp2.FM << "\n\t"
         << "v2 = " << fp2.FE;
       const double qqq = q1dq_*q1dq_,
                    qdq = 4.*masses_.Ml2_-w4_;
       const double t11 = 64. *(  bb_*( qqq-g4_-qdq*( t1_+t2_+2.*masses_.Ml2_ ) )-2.*( t1_+2.*masses_.Ml2_ )*( t2_+2.*masses_.Ml2_ )*qqq ) * t1_*t2_, // magnetic-magnetic
                    t12 = 128.*( -bb_*( dd2_+g6_ )-2.*( t1_+2.*masses_.Ml2_ )*( sa2_*qqq+a6_*a6_ ) ) * t1_, // electric-magnetic
                    t21 = 128.*( -bb_*( dd4_+g5_ )-2.*( t2_+2.*masses_.Ml2_ )*( sa1_*qqq+a5_*a5_ ) ) * t2_, // magnetic-electric
                    t22 = 512.*(  bb_*( delta_*delta_-gram_ )-pow( epsi_-delta_*( qdq+q1dq2_ ), 2 )-sa1_*a6_*a6_-sa2_*a5_*a5_-sa1_*sa2_*qqq ); // electric-electric
       const double peripp = ( fp1.FM*fp2.FM*t11 + fp1.FE*fp2.FM*t21 + fp1.FM*fp2.FE*t12 + fp1.FE*fp2.FE*t22 ) / pow( 2.*t1_*t2_*bb_, 2 );
       CG_DEBUG_LOOP( "GamGamLL" )
         << "t11 = " << t11 << "\t"
         << "t12 = " << t12 << "\n\t"
         << "t21 = " << t21 << "\t"
         << "t22 = " << t22 << "\n\t"
         << "=> PeriPP = " << peripp;
       return peripp;
     GamGamLL::map( double expo, const Limits& lim, double& out, double& dout, const std::string& var_name_ )
       const double y = lim.max()/lim.min();
       out = lim.min()*pow( y, expo );
       dout = out*log( y );
       CG_DEBUG_LOOP( "GamGamLL:map" )
         << "Mapping variable \"" << var_name_ << "\"\n\t"
         << "limits = " << lim << "\n\t"
         << "max/min = " << y << "\n\t"
         << "exponent = " << expo << "\n\t"
         << "output = " << out << "\n\t"
         << "d(output) = " << dout;
     GamGamLL::mapla( double y, double z, int u, double xm, double xp, double& x, double& d )
       const double xmb = xm-y-z, xpb = xp-y-z;
       const double c = -4.*y*z;
       const double alp = sqrt( xpb*xpb + c ), alm = sqrt( xmb*xmb + c );
       const double am = xmb+alm, ap = xpb+alp;
       const double yy = ap/am, zz = pow( yy, u );
       x = y + z + ( am*zz - c / ( am*zz ) ) / 2.;
       const double ax = sqrt( pow( x-y-z, 2 ) + c );
       d = ax*log( yy );
     GamGamLL::formFactors( double q1, double q2, FormFactors& fp1, FormFactors& fp2 ) const
       const double mx2 = MX_*MX_, my2 = MY_*MY_;
       switch ( cuts_.mode ) {
         case KinematicsMode::ElectronElectron: default: {
           fp1 = FormFactors::trivial(); // electron (trivial) form factor
           fp2 = FormFactors::trivial(); // electron (trivial) form factor
         } break;
         case KinematicsMode::ProtonElectron: {
           fp1 = FormFactors::protonElastic( -t1_ ); // proton elastic form factor
           fp2 = FormFactors::trivial(); // electron (trivial) form factor
         } break;
         case KinematicsMode::ElectronProton: {
           fp1 = FormFactors::trivial(); // electron (trivial) form factor
           fp2 = FormFactors::protonElastic( -t2_ ); // proton elastic form factor
         } break;
         case KinematicsMode::ElasticElastic: {
           fp1 = FormFactors::protonElastic( -t1_ ); // proton elastic form factor
           fp2 = FormFactors::protonElastic( -t2_ ); // proton elastic form factor
         } break;
         case KinematicsMode::ElasticInelastic: {
           fp1 = FormFactors::protonElastic( -t1_ );
           fp2 = FormFactors::protonInelastic( -t2_, w2_, my2, *cuts_.structure_functions );
         } break;
         case KinematicsMode::InelasticElastic: {
           fp1 = FormFactors::protonInelastic( -t1_, w1_, mx2, *cuts_.structure_functions );
           fp2 = FormFactors::protonElastic( -t2_ );
         } break;
         case KinematicsMode::InelasticInelastic: {
           fp1 = FormFactors::protonInelastic( -t1_, w1_, mx2, *cuts_.structure_functions );
           fp2 = FormFactors::protonInelastic( -t2_, w2_, my2, *cuts_.structure_functions );
         } break;
     // register process and define aliases
     REGISTER_PROCESS( lpair, GamGamLL )
     REGISTER_PROCESS( gamgamll, GamGamLL )
diff --git a/CepGen/Processes/GenericProcess.cpp b/CepGen/Processes/GenericProcess.cpp
index 7f3f719..a003f82 100644
--- a/CepGen/Processes/GenericProcess.cpp
+++ b/CepGen/Processes/GenericProcess.cpp
@@ -1,228 +1,228 @@
 #include "CepGen/Processes/GenericProcess.h"
 #include "CepGen/Core/Exception.h"
 #include "CepGen/Event/Event.h"
 #include "CepGen/Physics/ParticleProperties.h"
 #include "CepGen/Physics/Constants.h"
 #include "CepGen/Physics/FormFactors.h"
 #include "CepGen/Physics/PDG.h"
 namespace CepGen
   namespace process
-    const double GenericProcess::mp_ = ParticleProperties::mass( PDG::proton );
+    const double GenericProcess::mp_ = part::mass( PDG::proton );
     const double GenericProcess::mp2_ = GenericProcess::mp_*GenericProcess::mp_;
     GenericProcess::GenericProcess( const std::string& name, const std::string& description, bool has_event ) :
       name_( name ), description_( description ),
       first_run( true ),
       s_( -1. ), sqs_( -1. ),
       MX_( -1. ), MY_( -1. ), w1_( -1. ), w2_( -1. ),
       t1_( -1. ), t2_( -1. ),
       has_event_( has_event ), event_( new Event ),
       is_point_set_( false )
     GenericProcess::GenericProcess( const GenericProcess& proc ) :
       name_( proc.name_ ), description_( proc.description_ ),
       first_run( proc.first_run ),
       s_( proc.s_ ), sqs_( proc.sqs_ ),
       MX_( proc.MX_ ), MY_( proc.MY_ ), w1_( proc.w1_ ), w2_( proc.w2_ ),
       t1_( -1. ), t2_( -1. ), cuts_( proc.cuts_ ),
       has_event_( proc.has_event_ ), event_( new Event( *proc.event_.get() ) ),
       is_point_set_( false )
     GenericProcess::operator=( const GenericProcess& proc )
       name_ = proc.name_; description_ = proc.description_;
       first_run = proc.first_run;
       s_ = proc.s_; sqs_ = proc.sqs_;
       MX_ = proc.MX_; MY_ = proc.MY_; w1_ = proc.w1_; w2_ = proc.w2_;
       cuts_ = proc.cuts_;
       has_event_ = proc.has_event_; event_.reset( new Event( *proc.event_.get() ) );
       is_point_set_ = false;
       return *this;
     GenericProcess::setPoint( const unsigned int ndim, double* x )
       x_ = std::vector<double>( x, x+ndim );
       is_point_set_ = true;
       if ( CG_EXCEPT_MATCH( "Process:dumpPoint", debugInsideLoop ) )
     GenericProcess::x( unsigned int idx ) const
       if ( idx >= x_.size() )
         return -1.;
       return x_[idx];
     GenericProcess::setKinematics( const Kinematics& cuts )
       cuts_ = cuts;
       if ( !isKinematicsDefined() )
         throw CG_FATAL( "GenericProcess" ) << "Kinematics not properly defined for the process.";
       // at some point introduce non head-on colliding beams?
       Particle::Momentum p1( 0., 0.,  cuts_.incoming_beams.first.pz ), p2( 0., 0., -cuts_.incoming_beams.second.pz );
       // on-shell beam particles
-      p1.setMass( ParticleProperties::mass( cuts_.incoming_beams.first.pdg ) );
-      p2.setMass( ParticleProperties::mass( cuts_.incoming_beams.second.pdg ) );
+      p1.setMass( part::mass( cuts_.incoming_beams.first.pdg ) );
+      p2.setMass( part::mass( cuts_.incoming_beams.second.pdg ) );
       setIncomingKinematics( p1, p2 );
       sqs_ = CMEnergy( p1, p2 );
       s_ = sqs_*sqs_;
       w1_ = p1.mass2();
       w2_ = p2.mass2();
       CG_DEBUG( "GenericProcess" ) << "Kinematics successfully prepared! sqrt(s) = " << sqs_ << ".";
     GenericProcess::dumpPoint() const
       std::ostringstream os;
       for ( unsigned short i = 0; i < x_.size(); ++i ) {
         os << Form( "  x(%2d) = %8.6f\n\t", i, x_[i] );
       CG_INFO( "GenericProcess" )
         << "Number of integration parameters: " << x_.size() << "\n\t"
         << os.str() << ".";
     GenericProcess::setEventContent( const IncomingState& ini, const OutgoingState& fin )
       if ( !has_event_ )
       //----- add the particles in the event
       //--- incoming state
       for ( const auto& ip : ini ) {
         Particle& p = event_->addParticle( ip.first );
-        p.setPdgId( ip.second, ParticleProperties::charge( ip.second ) );
-        p.setMass( ParticleProperties::mass( ip.second ) );
+        p.setPdgId( ip.second, part::charge( ip.second ) );
+        p.setMass( part::mass( ip.second ) );
         if ( ip.first == Particle::IncomingBeam1
           || ip.first == Particle::IncomingBeam2 )
           p.setStatus( Particle::Status::PrimordialIncoming );
         if ( ip.first == Particle::Parton1
           || ip.first == Particle::Parton2 )
           p.setStatus( Particle::Status::Incoming );
       //--- central system (if not already there)
       const auto& central_system = ini.find( Particle::CentralSystem );
       if ( central_system == ini.end() ) {
         Particle& p = event_->addParticle( Particle::Intermediate );
         p.setPdgId( PDG::invalid );
         p.setStatus( Particle::Status::Propagator );
       //--- outgoing state
       for ( const auto& opl : fin ) { // pair(role, list of PDGids)
         for ( const auto& pdg : opl.second ) {
           Particle& p = event_->addParticle( opl.first );
-          p.setPdgId( pdg, ParticleProperties::charge( pdg ) );
-          p.setMass( ParticleProperties::mass( pdg ) );
+          p.setPdgId( pdg, part::charge( pdg ) );
+          p.setMass( part::mass( pdg ) );
       //----- define the particles parentage
       const Particles parts = event_->particles();
       for ( const auto& p : parts ) {
         Particle& part = event_->operator[]( p.id() );
         switch ( part.role() ) {
           case Particle::OutgoingBeam1:
           case Particle::Parton1:
             part.addMother( event_->getOneByRole( Particle::IncomingBeam1 ) );
           case Particle::OutgoingBeam2:
           case Particle::Parton2:
             part.addMother( event_->getOneByRole( Particle::IncomingBeam2 ) );
           case Particle::Intermediate:
             part.addMother( event_->getOneByRole( Particle::Parton1 ) );
             part.addMother( event_->getOneByRole( Particle::Parton2 ) );
           case Particle::CentralSystem:
             part.addMother( event_->getOneByRole( Particle::Intermediate ) );
           default: break;
       //----- freeze the event as it is
       last_event = event_;
     GenericProcess::setIncomingKinematics( const Particle::Momentum& p1, const Particle::Momentum& p2 )
       if ( !has_event_ )
       event_->getOneByRole( Particle::IncomingBeam1 ).setMomentum( p1 );
       event_->getOneByRole( Particle::IncomingBeam2 ).setMomentum( p2 );
       if ( !has_event_ )
         return true;
       // check the incoming state
       bool is_incoming_state_set =
         ( !event_->getByRole( Particle::IncomingBeam1 ).empty()
        && !event_->getByRole( Particle::IncomingBeam2 ).empty() );
       // check the outgoing state
       bool is_outgoing_state_set =
         ( !event_->getByRole( Particle::OutgoingBeam1 ).empty()
        && !event_->getByRole( Particle::OutgoingBeam2 ).empty()
        && !event_->getByRole( Particle::CentralSystem ).empty() );
       // combine both states
       return is_incoming_state_set && is_outgoing_state_set;
     operator<<( std::ostream& os, const GenericProcess& proc )
       return os << proc.name().c_str();
     operator<<( std::ostream& os, const GenericProcess* proc )
       return os << proc->name().c_str();
diff --git a/CepGen/Processes/PPtoFF.cpp b/CepGen/Processes/PPtoFF.cpp
index ab21577..671338f 100644
--- a/CepGen/Processes/PPtoFF.cpp
+++ b/CepGen/Processes/PPtoFF.cpp
@@ -1,378 +1,378 @@
 #include "CepGen/Processes/PPtoFF.h"
 #include "CepGen/Event/Event.h"
 #include "CepGen/Physics/Constants.h"
 #include "CepGen/Physics/FormFactors.h"
 #include "CepGen/Physics/PDG.h"
 #include "CepGen/Core/Exception.h"
 #include <iomanip>
 #include "CepGen/Processes/ProcessesHandler.h"
 namespace CepGen
   namespace process
     PPtoFF::PPtoFF( const ParametersList& params ) :
       GenericKTProcess( params, "pptoff", "ɣɣ → f⁺f¯", { { PDG::photon, PDG::photon } }, { PDG::muon, PDG::muon } ),
       pair_( params.get<int>( "pair", 0 ) ),
       method_( params.get<int>( "method", 1 ) ),
       y1_( 0. ), y2_( 0. ), pt_diff_( 0. ), phi_pt_diff_( 0. )
       registerVariable( y1_, Mapping::linear, cuts_.cuts.central.rapidity_single, { -6., 6. }, "First outgoing fermion rapidity" );
       registerVariable( y2_, Mapping::linear, cuts_.cuts.central.rapidity_single, { -6., 6. }, "Second outgoing fermion rapidity" );
       registerVariable( pt_diff_, Mapping::linear, cuts_.cuts.central.pt_diff, { 0., 50. }, "Fermions transverse momentum difference" );
       registerVariable( phi_pt_diff_, Mapping::linear, cuts_.cuts.central.phi_pt_diff, { 0., 2.*M_PI }, "Fermions azimuthal angle difference" );
       if ( (PDG)pair_ == PDG::invalid )
         throw CG_FATAL( "PPtoFF:prepare" )
           << "Invalid fermion pair selected: " << pair_ << "!";
       const PDG pdg_f = (PDG)pair_;
-      mf_ = ParticleProperties::mass( pdg_f );
+      mf_ = part::mass( pdg_f );
       mf2_ = mf_*mf_;
-      qf_ = ParticleProperties::charge( pdg_f );
-      colf_ = ParticleProperties::colours( pdg_f );
+      qf_ = part::charge( pdg_f );
+      colf_ = part::colours( pdg_f );
       CG_DEBUG( "PPtoFF:prepare" )
         << "Produced particles (" << pdg_f << ") "
         << "with mass = " << mf_ << " GeV, "
         << "and charge = " << std::setprecision( 2 ) << qf_ << " e";
       CG_DEBUG( "PPtoFF:mode" )
         << "matrix element computation method: " << method_ << ".";
       //     matrix element computation
       //--- central partons
       const Particle::Momentum q1t( qt1_*cos( phi_qt1_ ), qt1_*sin( phi_qt1_ ), 0. );
       const Particle::Momentum q2t( qt2_*cos( phi_qt2_ ), qt2_*sin( phi_qt2_ ), 0. );
       CG_DEBUG_LOOP( "PPtoFF" ) << "q(1/2)t = " << q1t << ", " << q2t << ".";
       //--- two-parton system
       const Particle::Momentum ptsum = q1t+q2t;
       const Particle::Momentum ptdiff( pt_diff_*cos( phi_pt_diff_ ), pt_diff_*sin( phi_pt_diff_ ), 0. );
       //--- outgoing fermions
       const Particle::Momentum p1_cm = 0.5*( ptsum+ptdiff ), p2_cm = 0.5*( ptsum-ptdiff );
       //     a window in single particle transverse momentum
       const Limits& pt_limits = cuts_.cuts.central.pt_single;
       if ( !pt_limits.passes( p1_cm.pt() ) || !pt_limits.passes( p2_cm.pt() ) )
         return 0.;
       //     a window in transverse momentum difference
       if ( !cuts_.cuts.central.pt_diff.passes( fabs( p1_cm.pt()-p2_cm.pt() ) ) )
         return 0.;
       //     a window in rapidity distance
       if ( !cuts_.cuts.central.rapidity_diff.passes( fabs( y1_-y2_ ) ) )
         return 0.;
       //     auxiliary quantities
       // transverse mass for the two fermions
       const double amt1 = std::hypot( p1_cm.pt(), mf_ ), amt2 = std::hypot( p2_cm.pt(), mf_ );
       const double alpha1 = amt1/sqs_*exp( y1_ ), beta1  = amt1/sqs_*exp( -y1_ ),
                    alpha2 = amt2/sqs_*exp( y2_ ), beta2  = amt2/sqs_*exp( -y2_ );
       CG_DEBUG_LOOP( "PPtoFF" )
         << "Sudakov parameters:\n\t"
         << "  alpha(1/2) = " << alpha1 << ", " << alpha2 << "\n\t"
         << "   beta(1/2) = " << beta1 << ", " << beta2 << ".";
       const double x1 = alpha1+alpha2, x2 = beta1+beta2;
       if ( x1 <= 0. || x1 > 1. || x2 <= 0. || x2 > 1. )
         return 0.; // sanity check
       //     additional conditions for energy-momentum conservation
       const double s1_eff = x1*s_-qt1_*qt1_, s2_eff = x2*s_-qt2_*qt2_;
       const double invm = sqrt( amt1*amt1 + amt2*amt2 + 2.*amt1*amt2*cosh(y1_-y2_) - ptsum.pt2() );
       CG_DEBUG_LOOP( "PPtoFF" )
         << "s(1/2)eff = " << s1_eff << ", " << s2_eff << " GeV²\n\t"
         << "central system's invariant mass = " << invm << " GeV.";
       if ( ( cuts_.mode == KinematicsMode::ElasticInelastic
           || cuts_.mode == KinematicsMode::InelasticInelastic )
         && ( sqrt( s1_eff ) <= ( MY_+invm ) ) )
         return 0.;
       if ( ( cuts_.mode == KinematicsMode::InelasticElastic
           || cuts_.mode == KinematicsMode::InelasticInelastic )
         && ( sqrt( s2_eff ) <= ( MX_+invm ) ) )
         return 0.;
       //     four-momenta of the outgoing protons (or remnants)
       const Particle::Momentum& ak1 = event_->getOneByRole( Particle::IncomingBeam1 ).momentum(),
                                &ak2 = event_->getOneByRole( Particle::IncomingBeam2 ).momentum();
       CG_DEBUG_LOOP( "PPtoFF" )
         << "incoming particles: p(1/2) = " << ak1 << ", " << ak2 << ".";
       const double px_plus  = ( 1.-x1 )*M_SQRT2*ak1.p(),
                    px_minus = ( MX_*MX_ + q1t.pt2() )*0.5/px_plus;
       const double py_minus = ( 1.-x2 )*M_SQRT2*ak2.p(),
                    py_plus  = ( MY_*MY_ + q2t.pt2() )*0.5/py_minus;
       CG_DEBUG_LOOP( "PPtoFF" )
         << "px± = " << px_plus << ", " << px_minus << "\n\t"
         << "py± = " << py_plus << ", " << py_minus << ".";
       PX_ = Particle::Momentum( -q1t.px(), -q1t.py(), ( px_plus-px_minus )*M_SQRT1_2, ( px_plus+px_minus )*M_SQRT1_2 );
       PY_ = Particle::Momentum( -q2t.px(), -q2t.py(), ( py_plus-py_minus )*M_SQRT1_2, ( py_plus+py_minus )*M_SQRT1_2 );
       CG_DEBUG_LOOP( "PPtoFF" )
         << "First remnant:  " << PX_ << ", mass = " << PX_.mass() << "\n\t"
         << "Second remnant: " << PY_ << ", mass = " << PY_.mass() << ".";
       if ( fabs( PX_.mass()-MX_ ) > 1.e-6 )
         throw CG_FATAL( "PPtoFF" ) << "Invalid X system mass: " << PX_.mass() << "/" << MX_ << ".";
       if ( fabs( PY_.mass()-MY_ ) > 1.e-6 )
         throw CG_FATAL( "PPtoFF" ) << "Invalid Y system mass: " << PY_.mass() << "/" << MY_ << ".";
       //     four-momenta of the outgoing l^+ and l^-
       const Particle::Momentum p1 = p1_cm + alpha1*ak1 + beta1*ak2;
       const Particle::Momentum p2 = p2_cm + alpha2*ak1 + beta2*ak2;
       CG_DEBUG_LOOP( "PPtoFF" )
         << "unboosted first fermion:  " << p1 << ", mass = " << p1.mass() << "\n\t"
         << "          second fermion: " << p2 << ", mass = " << p2.mass() << ".";
       p_f1_ = Particle::Momentum::fromPxPyYM( p1_cm.px(), p1_cm.py(), y2_, mf_ );
       p_f2_ = Particle::Momentum::fromPxPyYM( p2_cm.px(), p2_cm.py(), y1_, mf_ );
       CG_DEBUG_LOOP( "PPtoFF" )
         << "First fermion:  " << p_f1_ << ", mass = " << p_f1_.mass() << "\n\t"
         << "Second fermion: " << p_f2_ << ", mass = " << p_f2_.mass() << ".";
       if ( fabs( p_f1_.mass()-mf_ ) > 1.e-4 )
         throw CG_FATAL( "PPtoFF" ) << "Invalid fermion 1 mass: " << p_f1_.mass() << "/" << mf_ << ".";
       if ( fabs( p_f2_.mass()-mf_ ) > 1.e-4 )
         throw CG_FATAL( "PPtoFF" ) << "Invalid fermion 2 mass: " << p_f2_.mass() << "/" << mf_ << ".";
       //     matrix elements
       double amat2 = 0.;
       //     How matrix element is calculated
       if ( method_ == 0 ) {
         //     Mendelstam variables
         //const double shat = s_*x1*x2; // approximation
         const double shat = ( q1t+q2t ).mass2(); // exact formula
         //const double mll = sqrt( shat );
         const double that1 = ( q1t-p1 ).mass2(), that2 = ( q2t-p2 ).mass2();
         const double uhat1 = ( q1t-p2 ).mass2(), uhat2 = ( q2t-p1 ).mass2();
         const double that = 0.5*( that1+that2 ), uhat = 0.5*( uhat1+uhat2 );
         amat2 = onShellME( shat, that, uhat );
         CG_DEBUG_LOOP( "PPtoFF:onShell" )
           << "that(1/2) = " << that1 << " / " << that2 << "\n\t"
           << "uhat(1/2) = " << uhat1 << " / " << uhat2 << "\n\t"
           << "squared matrix element: " << amat2 << ".";
       else if ( method_ == 1 ) {
         const double t1abs = ( q1t.pt2() + x1*( MX_*MX_-mp2_ )+x1*x1*mp2_ )/( 1.-x1 ),
                      t2abs = ( q2t.pt2() + x2*( MY_*MY_-mp2_ )+x2*x2*mp2_ )/( 1.-x2 );
         const double z1p = alpha1/x1, z1m = alpha2/x1,
                      z2p = beta1 /x2, z2m = beta2 /x2;
         CG_DEBUG_LOOP( "PPtoFF:offShell" )
           << "z(1/2)p = " << z1p << ", " << z2p << "\n\t"
           << "z(1/2)m = " << z1m << ", " << z2m << ".";
         amat2 = offShellME( t1abs, t2abs, z1m, z1p, z2m, z2p, q1t, q2t ) * pow( x1*x2*s_, 2 );
       //     unintegrated photon distributions
       const std::pair<double,double> fluxes
         = GenericKTProcess::incomingFluxes( x1, q1t.pt2(), x2, q2t.pt2() );
       CG_DEBUG_LOOP( "PPtoFF" )
         << "Incoming photon fluxes for (x/kt2) = "
         << "(" << x1 << "/" << q1t.pt2() << "), "
         << "(" << x2 << "/" << q2t.pt2() << "):\n\t"
         << fluxes.first << ", " << fluxes.second << ".";
       //     factor 2.*pi from integration over phi_sum
       //     factor 1/4 from jacobian of transformations
       //     factors 1/pi and 1/pi due to integration over
       //       d^2 kappa_1 d^2 kappa_2 instead d kappa_1^2 d kappa_2^2
-      const double g_em = 4.*M_PI*Constants::alphaEM*qf_*qf_;
+      const double g_em = 4.*M_PI*constants::alphaEM*qf_*qf_;
       const double aintegral = amat2 * colf_ * ( g_em*g_em )
                              * 1. / pow( 4.*M_PI*( x1*x2*s_ ), 2 )
                              * fluxes.first*M_1_PI * fluxes.second*M_1_PI * 0.25
-                             * Constants::GeV2toBarn;
+                             * constants::GeV2toBarn;
       return aintegral*qt1_*qt2_*pt_diff_;
       // randomise the charge of the outgoing fermions
       short sign = ( drand() > 0.5 ) ? +1 : -1;
       //     first outgoing fermion
       Particle& of1 = event_->getByRole( Particle::CentralSystem )[0];
       of1.setPdgId( of1.pdgId(), sign );
       of1.setStatus( Particle::Status::FinalState );
       of1.setMomentum( p_f1_ );
       //     second outgoing fermion
       Particle& of2 = event_->getByRole( Particle::CentralSystem )[1];
       of2.setPdgId( of2.pdgId(), -sign );
       of2.setStatus( Particle::Status::FinalState );
       of2.setMomentum( p_f2_ );
     PPtoFF::onShellME( double shat, double that, double uhat ) const
       CG_DEBUG_LOOP( "PPtoFF:onShell" )
         << "shat: " << shat << ", that: " << that << ", uhat: " << uhat << ".";
       //     on-shell formula for M^2
       const double ml4 = mf2_*mf2_, ml8 = ml4*ml4;
       const double term1  =  6. *ml8,
                    term2  = -3. *ml4 *that*that,
                    term3  = -14.*ml4 *that*uhat,
                    term4  = -3. *ml4 *uhat*uhat,
                    term5  =      mf2_*that*that*that,
                    term6  =  7.* mf2_*that*that*uhat,
                    term7  =  7.* mf2_*that*uhat*uhat,
                    term8  =      mf2_*uhat*uhat*uhat,
                    term9  =          -that*that*that*uhat,
                    term10 =          -that*uhat*uhat*uhat;
       return -2.*( term1+term2+term3+term4+term5
                   +term6+term7+term8+term9+term10 )/( pow( ( mf2_-that )*( mf2_-uhat ), 2) );
     PPtoFF::offShellME( double t1abs, double t2abs, double z1m, double z1p, double z2m, double z2p, const Particle::Momentum& q1, const Particle::Momentum& q2 ) const
       //     Wolfgang's formulae
       const double z1 = z1p*z1m, z2 = z2p*z2m;
       const double eps12 = mf2_+z1*t1abs, eps22 = mf2_+z2*t2abs;
       const Particle::Momentum ak1 = ( z1m*p_f1_-z1p*p_f2_ ), ak2 = ( z2m*p_f1_-z2p*p_f2_ );
       const Particle::Momentum ph_p1 = ak1+z1p*q2, ph_m1 = ak1-z1m*q2;
       const Particle::Momentum ph_p2 = ak2+z2p*q1, ph_m2 = ak2-z2m*q1;
       const Particle::Momentum phi1(
         ph_p1.px()/( ph_p1.pt2()+eps12 )-ph_m1.px()/( ph_m1.pt2()+eps12 ),
         ph_p1.py()/( ph_p1.pt2()+eps12 )-ph_m1.py()/( ph_m1.pt2()+eps12 ),
         1./( ph_p1.pt2()+eps12 )-1./( ph_m1.pt2()+eps12 )
       const Particle::Momentum phi2(
         ph_p2.px()/( ph_p2.pt2()+eps22 )-ph_m2.px()/( ph_m2.pt2()+eps22 ),
         ph_p2.py()/( ph_p2.pt2()+eps22 )-ph_m2.py()/( ph_m2.pt2()+eps22 ),
         1./( ph_p2.pt2()+eps22 )-1./( ph_m2.pt2()+eps22 )
       const double dot1 = phi1.threeProduct( q1 )/qt1_, cross1 = phi1.crossProduct( q1 )/qt1_;
       const double dot2 = phi2.threeProduct( q2 )/qt2_, cross2 = phi2.crossProduct( q2 )/qt2_;
       CG_DEBUG_LOOP( "PPtoFF:offShell" )
         << "phi1 = " << phi1 << "\n\t"
         << "phi2 = " << phi2 << "\n\t"
         << "(dot):   " << dot1 << " / " << dot2 << "\n\t"
         << "(cross): " << cross1 << " / " << cross2 << ".";
       //     six terms in Wolfgang's formula for
       //     off-shell gamma gamma --> l^+ l^-
       const unsigned short imat1 = 1, imat2 = 1;
       const unsigned short itermLL = 1, itermTT = 1, itermLT = 1, itermtt = 1;
       const double aux2_1 = itermLL * ( mf2_ + 4.*z1*z1*t1abs ) * phi1.energy2()
                            +itermTT * ( ( z1p*z1p + z1m*z1m )*( dot1*dot1 + cross1*cross1 ) )
                            +itermtt * ( cross1*cross1 - dot1*dot1 )
                            -itermLT * 4.*z1*( z1p-z1m ) * phi1.energy() * q1.threeProduct( phi1 );
       const double aux2_2 = itermLL * ( mf2_ + 4.*z2*z2*t2abs ) * phi2.energy2()
                            +itermTT * ( ( z2p*z2p + z2m*z2m )*( dot2*dot2 + cross2*cross2 ) )
                            +itermtt * ( cross2*cross2 - dot2*dot2 )
                            -itermLT * 4.*z2*( z2p-z2m ) * phi2.energy() * q2.threeProduct( phi2 );
       //     convention of matrix element as in our kt-factorization
       //     for heavy flavours
       const double amat2_1 = aux2_1*2.*z1*q1.pt2()/( q1.pt2()*q2.pt2() ),
                    amat2_2 = aux2_2*2.*z2*q2.pt2()/( q1.pt2()*q2.pt2() );
       //     symmetrization
       CG_DEBUG_LOOP( "PPtoFF:offShell" )
         << "aux2(1/2) = " << aux2_1 << " / " << aux2_2 << "\n\t"
         << "amat2(1/2), amat2 = " << amat2_1 << " / " << amat2_2 << " / " << ( 0.5*( imat1*amat2_1 + imat2*amat2_2 ) ) << ".";
       return 0.5*( imat1*amat2_1 + imat2*amat2_2 );
     // register process and define aliases
     REGISTER_PROCESS( pptoll, PPtoFF )
     REGISTER_PROCESS( pptoff, PPtoFF )
diff --git a/CepGen/Processes/PPtoWW.cpp b/CepGen/Processes/PPtoWW.cpp
index 4ccf458..96eddfe 100644
--- a/CepGen/Processes/PPtoWW.cpp
+++ b/CepGen/Processes/PPtoWW.cpp
@@ -1,393 +1,393 @@
 #include "CepGen/Processes/PPtoWW.h"
 #include "CepGen/Event/Event.h"
 #include "CepGen/Physics/Constants.h"
 #include "CepGen/Physics/FormFactors.h"
 #include "CepGen/Physics/PDG.h"
 #include "CepGen/Core/Exception.h"
 #include <assert.h>
 #include "CepGen/Processes/ProcessesHandler.h"
 namespace CepGen
   namespace process
-    const double PPtoWW::mw_ = ParticleProperties::mass( PDG::W );
+    const double PPtoWW::mw_ = part::mass( PDG::W );
     const double PPtoWW::mw2_ = PPtoWW::mw_*PPtoWW::mw_;
     PPtoWW::PPtoWW( const ParametersList& params ) :
       GenericKTProcess( params, "pptoww", "ɣɣ → W⁺W¯", { { PDG::photon, PDG::photon } }, { PDG::W, PDG::W } ),
       method_( params.get<int>( "method", 1 ) ),
       pol_state_( (Polarisation)params.get<int>( "polarisationStates", 0 ) ),
       y1_( 0. ), y2_( 0. ), pt_diff_( 0. ), phi_pt_diff_( 0. )
       registerVariable( y1_, Mapping::linear, cuts_.cuts.central.rapidity_single, { -6., 6. }, "First outgoing W rapidity" );
       registerVariable( y2_, Mapping::linear, cuts_.cuts.central.rapidity_single, { -6., 6. }, "Second outgoing W rapidity" );
       registerVariable( pt_diff_, Mapping::linear, cuts_.cuts.central.pt_diff, { 0., 500. }, "Ws transverse momentum difference" );
       registerVariable( phi_pt_diff_, Mapping::linear, cuts_.cuts.central.phi_pt_diff, { 0., 2.*M_PI }, "Ws azimuthal angle difference" );
       switch ( pol_state_ ) {
         case Polarisation::LL: pol_w1_ = pol_w2_ = { 0 }; break;
         case Polarisation::LT: pol_w1_ = { 0 }; pol_w2_ = { -1, 1 }; break;
         case Polarisation::TL: pol_w1_ = { -1, 1 }; pol_w2_ = { 0 }; break;
         case Polarisation::TT: pol_w1_ = pol_w2_ = { -1, 1 }; break;
         case Polarisation::full: pol_w1_ = pol_w2_ = { -1, 0, 1 }; break;
       CG_DEBUG( "PPtoWW:mode" )
         << "matrix element computation method: " << method_ << ".";
       //     matrix element computation
       //const double stild = s_/2.*(1+sqrt(1.-(4*pow(mp2_, 2))/s_*s_));
       // Inner photons
       const double q1tx = qt1_*cos( phi_qt1_ ), q1ty = qt1_*sin( phi_qt1_ ),
                    q2tx = qt2_*cos( phi_qt2_ ), q2ty = qt2_*sin( phi_qt2_ );
       CG_DEBUG_LOOP( "PPtoWW:qt" )
         << "q1t(x/y) = " << q1tx << " / " << q1ty << "\n\t"
         << "q2t(x/y) = " << q2tx << " / " << q2ty << ".";
       // Two-photon system
       const double ptsumx = q1tx+q2tx,
                    ptsumy = q1ty+q2ty,
                    ptsum = sqrt( ptsumx*ptsumx+ptsumy*ptsumy );
       const double ptdiffx = pt_diff_*cos( phi_pt_diff_ ),
                    ptdiffy = pt_diff_*sin( phi_pt_diff_ );
       // Outgoing leptons
       const double pt1x = ( ptsumx+ptdiffx )*0.5, pt1y = ( ptsumy+ptdiffy )*0.5, pt1 = std::hypot( pt1x, pt1y ),
                    pt2x = ( ptsumx-ptdiffx )*0.5, pt2y = ( ptsumy-ptdiffy )*0.5, pt2 = std::hypot( pt2x, pt2y );
       if ( cuts_.cuts.central_particles.count( PDG::W ) > 0
         && cuts_.cuts.central_particles.at( PDG::W ).pt_single.valid() ) {
         const Limits pt_limits = cuts_.cuts.central_particles.at( PDG::W ).pt_single;
         if ( !pt_limits.passes( pt1 ) || !pt_limits.passes( pt2 ) )
           return 0.;
       // transverse mass for the two leptons
       const double amt1 = sqrt( pt1*pt1+mw2_ ),
                    amt2 = sqrt( pt2*pt2+mw2_ );
       //     a window in two-boson invariant mass
       const double invm = sqrt( amt1*amt1 + amt2*amt2 + 2.*amt1*amt2*cosh( y1_-y2_ ) - ptsum*ptsum );
       if ( !cuts_.cuts.central.mass_sum.passes( invm ) )
         return 0.;
       //     a window in transverse momentum difference
       if ( !cuts_.cuts.central.pt_diff.passes( fabs( pt1-pt2 ) ) )
         return 0.;
       //     a window in rapidity distance
       if ( !cuts_.cuts.central.rapidity_diff.passes( fabs( y1_-y2_ ) ) )
         return 0.;
       //     auxiliary quantities
       const double alpha1 = amt1/sqs_*exp( y1_ ), beta1  = amt1/sqs_*exp( -y1_ ),
                    alpha2 = amt2/sqs_*exp( y2_ ), beta2  = amt2/sqs_*exp( -y2_ );
       CG_DEBUG_LOOP( "PPtoWW:sudakov" )
         << "Sudakov parameters:\n\t"
         << "  alpha1/2 = " << alpha1 << " / " << alpha2 << "\n\t"
         << "   beta1/2 = " << beta1 << " / " << beta2 << ".";
       const double q1t2 = q1tx*q1tx+q1ty*q1ty, q2t2 = q2tx*q2tx+q2ty*q2ty;
       const double x1 = alpha1+alpha2, x2 = beta1+beta2;
       const double z1p = alpha1/x1, z1m = alpha2/x1,
                    z2p = beta1 /x2, z2m = beta2 /x2;
       CG_DEBUG_LOOP( "PPtoWW:zeta" )
         << "z(1/2)p = " << z1p << " / " << z2p << "\n\t"
         << "z(1/2)m = " << z1m << " / " << z2m << ".";
       if ( x1 > 1. || x2 > 1. )
         return 0.; // sanity check
       const double ak10 = event_->getOneByRole( Particle::IncomingBeam1 ).energy(),
                    ak1z = event_->getOneByRole( Particle::IncomingBeam1 ).momentum().pz(),
                    ak20 = event_->getOneByRole( Particle::IncomingBeam2 ).energy(),
                    ak2z = event_->getOneByRole( Particle::IncomingBeam2 ).momentum().pz();
       CG_DEBUG_LOOP( "PPtoWW:incoming" )
         << "incoming particles: p1: " << ak1z << " / " << ak10 << "\n\t"
         << "                    p2: " << ak2z << " / " << ak20 << ".";
       //     additional conditions for energy-momentum conservation
       const double s1_eff = x1*s_-qt1_*qt1_, s2_eff = x2*s_-qt2_*qt2_;
       CG_DEBUG_LOOP( "PPtoWW:central" )
         << "s(1/2)_eff = " << s1_eff << " / " << s2_eff << " GeV^2\n\t"
         << "diboson invariant mass = " << invm << " GeV";
       if ( ( cuts_.mode == KinematicsMode::ElasticInelastic
           || cuts_.mode == KinematicsMode::InelasticInelastic )
         && ( sqrt( s1_eff ) <= ( MY_+invm ) ) )
         return 0.;
       if ( ( cuts_.mode == KinematicsMode::InelasticElastic
           || cuts_.mode == KinematicsMode::InelasticInelastic )
         && ( sqrt( s2_eff ) <= ( MX_+invm ) ) )
         return 0.;
       //const double qcaptx = pcaptx, qcapty = pcapty;
       //     four-momenta of the outgoing protons (or remnants)
       const double px_plus  = ( 1.-x1 )*fabs( ak1z )*M_SQRT2,
                    px_minus = ( MX_*MX_ + q1t2 )*0.5/px_plus;
       const double py_minus = ( 1.-x2 )*fabs( ak2z )*M_SQRT2, // warning! sign of pz??
                    py_plus  = ( MY_*MY_ + q2t2 )*0.5/py_minus;
       CG_DEBUG_LOOP( "PPtoWW:pxy" )
         << "px± = " << px_plus << " / " << px_minus << "\n\t"
         << "py± = " << py_plus << " / " << py_minus << ".";
       PX_ = Particle::Momentum( -q1tx, -q1ty, ( px_plus-px_minus )*M_SQRT1_2, ( px_plus+px_minus )*M_SQRT1_2 );
       PY_ = Particle::Momentum( -q2tx, -q2ty, ( py_plus-py_minus )*M_SQRT1_2, ( py_plus+py_minus )*M_SQRT1_2 );
       CG_DEBUG_LOOP( "PPtoWW:remnants" )
         << "First remnant:  " << PX_ << ", mass = " << PX_.mass() << "\n\t"
         << "Second remnant: " << PY_ << ", mass = " << PY_.mass() << ".";
       /*assert( fabs( PX_.mass()-MX_ ) < 1.e-6 );
       assert( fabs( PY_.mass()-MY_ ) < 1.e-6 );*/
       //     four-momenta squared of the virtual photons
       const double ww = 0.5 * ( 1.+sqrt( 1.-4.*mp2_/s_ ) );
       // FIXME FIXME FIXME /////////////////////
       const Particle::Momentum q1(
         q1tx, q1ty,
         +0.5 * x1*ww*sqs_*( 1.-q1t2/x1/x1/ww/ww/s_ ),
         +0.5 * x1*ww*sqs_*( 1.+q1t2/x1/x1/ww/ww/s_ ) );
       const Particle::Momentum q2(
         q2tx, q2ty,
         -0.5 * x2*ww*sqs_*( 1.-q2t2/x2/x2/ww/ww/s_ ),
         +0.5 * x2*ww*sqs_*( 1.+q2t2/x2/x2/ww/ww/s_ ) );
       CG_DEBUG_LOOP( "PPtoWW:partons" )
         << "First photon*:  " << q1 << ", mass2 = " << q1.mass2() << "\n\t"
         << "Second photon*: " << q2 << ", mass2 = " << q2.mass2() << ".";
       //const double q12 = q1.mass2(), q22 = q2.mass2();
       //     four-momenta of the outgoing W^+ and W^-
       p_w1_ = Particle::Momentum( pt1x, pt1y, alpha1*ak1z + beta1*ak2z, alpha1*ak10 + beta1*ak20 );
       p_w2_ = Particle::Momentum( pt2x, pt2y, alpha2*ak1z + beta2*ak2z, alpha2*ak10 + beta2*ak20 );
       CG_DEBUG_LOOP( "PPtoWW:central" )
         << "First W:  " << p_w1_ << ", mass = " << p_w1_.mass() << "\n\t"
         << "Second W: " << p_w2_ << ", mass = " << p_w2_.mass() << ".";
       //assert( fabs( p_w1_.mass()-event_->getByRole( Particle::CentralSystem )[0].mass() ) < 1.e-6 );
       //assert( fabs( p_w2_.mass()-event_->getByRole( Particle::CentralSystem )[1].mass() ) < 1.e-6 );
       //     Mendelstam variables
       //const double shat = s_*x1*x2; // ishat = 1 (approximation)
       const double shat = ( q1+q2 ).mass2(); // ishat = 2 (exact formula)
       const double that1 = ( q1-p_w1_ ).mass2(), that2 = ( q2-p_w2_ ).mass2();
       const double uhat1 = ( q1-p_w2_ ).mass2(), uhat2 = ( q2-p_w1_ ).mass2();
       CG_DEBUG_LOOP( "PPtoWW" )
         << "that(1/2) = " << that1 << " / " << that2 << "\n\t"
         << "uhat(1/2) = " << uhat1 << " / " << uhat2 << ".";
       //const double mll = sqrt( shat );
       const double that = 0.5*( that1+that2 ), uhat = 0.5*( uhat1+uhat2 );
       //     matrix elements
       double amat2 = 0.;
       //     How matrix element is calculated
       CG_DEBUG_LOOP( "PPtoWW" )
         << "matrix element mode: " << method_ << ".";
       //     matrix element for gamma gamma --> W^+ W^-
       //     (Denner+Dittmaier+Schuster)
       //     (work in collaboration with C. Royon)
       if ( method_ == 0 )
         amat2 = onShellME( shat, that, uhat );
       //     off-shell Nachtmann formulae
       else if ( method_ == 1 )
         amat2 = offShellME( shat, that, uhat, phi_qt1_+phi_qt2_, phi_qt1_-phi_qt2_ );
       if ( amat2 <= 0. )
         return 0.;
       //     unintegrated photon distributions
       const std::pair<double,double> fluxes
         = GenericKTProcess::incomingFluxes( x1, q1t2, x2, q2t2 );
       CG_DEBUG_LOOP( "PPtoWW:fluxes" )
         << "Incoming photon fluxes for (x/kt2) = "
         << "(" << x1 << "/" << q1t2 << "), "
         << "(" << x2 << "/" << q2t2 << "):\n\t"
         << fluxes.first << ", " << fluxes.second << ".";
       //     factor 2.*pi from integration over phi_sum
       //     factor 1/4 from jacobian of transformations
       //     factors 1/pi and 1/pi due to integration over
       //       d^2 kappa_1 d^2 kappa_2 instead d kappa_1^2 d kappa_2^2
       const double aintegral = amat2 / ( 16.*M_PI*M_PI*( x1*x2*s_ )*( x1*x2*s_ ) )
                              * fluxes.first*M_1_PI * fluxes.second*M_1_PI * 0.25
-                             * Constants::GeV2toBarn;
+                             * constants::GeV2toBarn;
       /*const double aintegral = amat2 / ( 16.*M_PI*M_PI*x1*x1*x2*x2*s_*s_ )
                              * fluxes.first*M_1_PI * fluxes.second*M_1_PI
-                             * Constants::GeV2toBarn * 0.25;*/
+                             * constants::GeV2toBarn * 0.25;*/
       return aintegral*qt1_*qt2_*pt_diff_;
       // randomise the charge of the outgoing leptons
       short sign = ( drand() > 0.5 ) ? +1 : -1;
       //     first outgoing lepton
       Particle& ow1 = event_->getByRole( Particle::CentralSystem )[0];
       ow1.setPdgId( ow1.pdgId(), sign );
       ow1.setStatus( Particle::Status::Undecayed );
       ow1.setMomentum( p_w1_ );
       //     second outgoing lepton
       Particle& ow2 = event_->getByRole( Particle::CentralSystem )[1];
       ow2.setPdgId( ow2.pdgId(), -sign );
       ow2.setStatus( Particle::Status::Undecayed );
       ow2.setMomentum( p_w2_ );
     PPtoWW::onShellME( double shat, double that, double uhat )
       const double mw4 = mw2_*mw2_;
       const double term1 = 2.*shat * ( 2.*shat+3.*mw2_ ) / ( 3.*( mw2_-that )*( mw2_-uhat ) );
       const double term2 = 2.*shat*shat * ( shat*shat + 3.*mw4 ) / ( 3.*pow( mw2_-that, 2 )*pow( mw2_-uhat, 2 ) );
       const double auxil_gamgam = 1.-term1+term2;
       const double beta = sqrt( 1.-4.*mw2_/shat );
-      return 3.*Constants::alphaEM*Constants::alphaEM*beta / ( 2.*shat ) * auxil_gamgam / ( beta/( 64.*M_PI*M_PI*shat ) );
+      return 3.*constants::alphaEM*constants::alphaEM*beta / ( 2.*shat ) * auxil_gamgam / ( beta/( 64.*M_PI*M_PI*shat ) );
     PPtoWW::offShellME( double shat, double that, double uhat, double phi_sum, double phi_diff )
-      const double e2 = 4.*M_PI*Constants::alphaEM;
+      const double e2 = 4.*M_PI*constants::alphaEM;
       double amat2_0 = 0., amat2_1 = 0., amat2_interf = 0.;
       for ( const auto lam3 : pol_w1_ )
         for ( const auto lam4 : pol_w2_ ) {
           double ampli_pp = amplitudeWW( shat, that, uhat, +1, +1, lam3, lam4 );
           double ampli_mm = amplitudeWW( shat, that, uhat, -1, -1, lam3, lam4 );
           double ampli_pm = amplitudeWW( shat, that, uhat, +1, -1, lam3, lam4 );
           double ampli_mp = amplitudeWW( shat, that, uhat, -1, +1, lam3, lam4 );
           amat2_0 += ampli_pp*ampli_pp + ampli_mm*ampli_mm + 2.*cos( 2.*phi_diff )*ampli_pp*ampli_mm;
           amat2_1 += ampli_pm*ampli_pm + ampli_mp*ampli_mp + 2.*cos( 2.*phi_sum  )*ampli_pm*ampli_mp;
           amat2_interf -= 2.*( cos( phi_sum+phi_diff )*( ampli_pp*ampli_pm+ampli_mm*ampli_mp )
                               +cos( phi_sum-phi_diff )*( ampli_pp*ampli_mp+ampli_mm*ampli_pm ) );
       return e2*e2*( amat2_0+amat2_1+amat2_interf );
     PPtoWW::amplitudeWW( double shat, double that, double uhat, short lam1, short lam2, short lam3, short lam4 )
       //--- first compute some kinematic variables
       const double cos_theta = ( that-uhat ) / shat / sqrt( 1.+1.e-10-4.*mw2_/shat ),
                    cos_theta2 = cos_theta*cos_theta;
       const double sin_theta2 = 1.-cos_theta2,
                    sin_theta = sqrt( sin_theta2 );
       const double beta = sqrt( 1.-4.*mw2_/shat ), beta2 = beta*beta;
       const double inv_gamma = sqrt( 1.-beta2 ), gamma = 1./inv_gamma,
                    gamma2 = gamma*gamma, inv_gamma2 = inv_gamma*inv_gamma;
       const double invA = 1./( 1.-beta2*cos_theta2 );
       //--- per-helicity amplitude
       // longitudinal-longitudinal
       if ( lam3 == 0 && lam4 == 0 )
         return invA*inv_gamma2*( ( gamma2+1. )*( 1.-lam1*lam2 )*sin_theta2 - ( 1.+lam1*lam2 ) );
       // transverse-longitudinal
       if ( lam4 == 0 )
         return invA*( -M_SQRT2*inv_gamma*( lam1-lam2 )*( 1.+lam1*lam3*cos_theta )*sin_theta );
       // longitudinal-transverse
       if ( lam3 == 0 )
         return invA*( -M_SQRT2*inv_gamma*( lam2-lam1 )*( 1.+lam2*lam4*cos_theta )*sin_theta );
       // transverse-transverse
       if ( lam3 != 0 && lam4 != 0 )
         return -0.5*invA*( 2.*beta*( lam1+lam2 )*( lam3+lam4 )
                           -inv_gamma2*( 1.+lam3*lam4 )*( 2.*lam1*lam2+( 1.-lam1*lam2 ) * cos_theta2 )
                           +( 1.+lam1*lam2*lam3*lam4 )*( 3.+lam1*lam2 )
                           +2.*( lam1-lam2 )*( lam3-lam4 )*cos_theta
                           +( 1.-lam1*lam2 )*( 1.-lam3*lam4 )*cos_theta2 );
       return 0.;
     // register process and define aliases
     REGISTER_PROCESS( pptoww, PPtoWW )
diff --git a/CepGen/StructureFunctions/CLAS.cpp b/CepGen/StructureFunctions/CLAS.cpp
index c309680..fb448d5 100644
--- a/CepGen/StructureFunctions/CLAS.cpp
+++ b/CepGen/StructureFunctions/CLAS.cpp
@@ -1,220 +1,220 @@
 #include "CepGen/StructureFunctions/CLAS.h"
 #include "CepGen/Physics/PDG.h"
 #include "CepGen/Physics/Constants.h"
 #include "CepGen/Event/Particle.h"
 #include "CepGen/Core/Exception.h"
 namespace CepGen
   namespace sf
       Parameters params;
       params.mode = Parameters::proton;
       params.mp = mp_;
-      params.mpi0 = ParticleProperties::mass( PDG::piZero );
+      params.mpi0 = part::mass( PDG::piZero );
       // SLAC fit parameters
       params.c_slac = { { 0.25615, 2.1785, 0.89784, -6.7162, 3.7557, 1.6421, 0.37636 } };
       // CLAS parameterisation
       params.x = { { -0.599937, 4.76158, 0.411676 } };
       params.b = { { 0.755311, 3.35065, 3.51024, 1.74470 } };
       params.alpha = -0.174985;
       params.beta = 0.00967019;
       params.mu = -0.0352567;
       params.mup = 3.51852;
       Parameters::Resonance r0;
       r0.amplitude = 1.04;
       r0.mass = 1.22991;
       r0.width = 0.106254;
       r0.angular_momentum = 1;
       params.resonances.emplace_back( r0 );
       Parameters::Resonance r1;
       r1.amplitude = 0.481327;
       r1.mass = 1.51015;
       r1.width = 0.0816620;
       r1.angular_momentum = 2;
       params.resonances.emplace_back( r1 );
       Parameters::Resonance r2;
       r2.amplitude = 0.655872;
       r2.mass = 1.71762;
       r2.width = 0.125520;
       r2.angular_momentum = 3;
       params.resonances.emplace_back( r2 );
       Parameters::Resonance r3;
       r3.amplitude = 0.747338;
       r3.mass = 1.95381;
       r3.width = 0.198915;
       r3.angular_momentum = 2;
       params.resonances.emplace_back( r3 );
       return params;
       Parameters params = standard_proton();
       params.mode = Parameters::neutron;
       params.c_slac = { { 0.0640, 0.2250, 4.1060, -7.0790, 3.0550, 1.6421, 0.37636 } };
       return params;
       Parameters params = standard_proton();
       params.mode = Parameters::deuteron;
       params.c_slac = { { 0.47709, 2.1602, 3.6274, -10.470, 4.9272, 1.5121, 0.35115 } };
       params.x = { { -0.21262, 6.9690, 0.40314 } };
       params.b = { { 0.76111, 4.1470, 3.7119, 1.4218 } };
       params.alpha = -0.24480;
       params.beta = 0.014503;
       Parameters::Resonance r0;
       r0.amplitude = 0.74847;
       r0.mass = 1.2400;
       r0.width = 0.12115;
       r0.angular_momentum = 1;
       params.resonances.emplace_back( r0 );
       Parameters::Resonance r1;
       r1.amplitude = 0.011500;
       r1.mass = 1.4772;
       r1.width = 0.0069580;
       r1.angular_momentum = 2;
       params.resonances.emplace_back( r1 );
       Parameters::Resonance r2;
       r2.amplitude = 0.12662;
       r2.mass = 1.5233;
       r2.width = 0.084095;
       r2.angular_momentum = 3;
       params.resonances.emplace_back( r2 );
       Parameters::Resonance r3;
       r3.amplitude = 0.747338;
       r3.mass = 1.95381;
       r3.width = 0.198915;
       r3.angular_momentum = 2;
       params.resonances.emplace_back( r3 );
       return params;
     CLAS::CLAS( const Parameters& params ) :
       Parameterisation( Type::CLAS ), params_( params )
     CLAS::operator()( double xbj, double q2 )
       std::pair<double,double> nv = { xbj, q2 };
       if ( nv == old_vals_ )
         return *this;
       old_vals_ = nv;
       const double mp2 = params_.mp*params_.mp;
       const double w2 = mp2 + q2*( 1.-xbj )/xbj;
       const double w_min = params_.mp+params_.mpi0;
       if ( sqrt( w2 ) < w_min ) {
         F2 = 0.;
         return *this;
       F2 = f2slac( xbj, q2 );
       std::pair<double,double> rb = resbkg( q2, sqrt( w2 ) );
       F2 *= ( rb.first+rb.second );
       return *this;
     CLAS::f2slac( double xbj, double q2 ) const
       if ( xbj >= 1. )
         return 0.;
       const double xsxb = ( q2+params_.c_slac[6] )/( q2+params_.c_slac[5]*xbj );
       const double xs = xbj*xsxb;
       double f2 = 0.;
       for ( unsigned short i = 0; i < 5; ++i )
         f2 += params_.c_slac[i]*pow( 1.-xs, i );
       if ( params_.mode == Parameters::deuteron && xbj > 0. )
         f2 /= ( 1.-exp( -7.70*( 1./xbj-1.+params_.mp*params_.mp/q2 ) ) );
       return f2 * pow( 1.-xs, 3 ) / xsxb;
     CLAS::resbkg( double q2, double w ) const
       const double mp2 = params_.mp*params_.mp, mpi02 = params_.mpi0*params_.mpi0;
       const double coef = 6.08974;
       double wth = params_.mp+params_.mpi0;
       if ( w < wth )
         return std::make_pair( 0., 0. );
       if ( w > 4. )
         return std::make_pair( 1., 0. );
       const double w2 = w*w;
       double qs = pow( w2+mp2-mpi02, 2 )-4.*mp2*w2;
       if ( qs <= 0. ) return std::make_pair( 1., 0. );
       qs = 0.5 * sqrt( qs )/w;
       const double omega = 0.5*( w2+q2-mp2 )/params_.mp;
       const double xn = 0.5*q2/( params_.mp*omega );
       const double bkg2 = ( w > params_.b[3] )
         ? exp( -params_.b[2]*( w2-params_.b[3]*params_.b[3] ) )
         : 1.;
       double f2bkg = (    params_.b[0] )*( 1.-exp( -params_.b[1]*( w-wth ) ) )
                    + ( 1.-params_.b[0] )*( 1.-bkg2 );
       f2bkg *= ( 1.+( 1.-f2bkg )*( params_.x[0]+params_.x[1]*pow( xn-params_.x[2], 2 ) ) );
       double etab = 1., etad = 1.;
       if ( params_.mode != Parameters::deuteron && q2 <= 2. && w <= 2.5 ) {
         etab = 1.-2.5*q2*exp( -12.5*q2*q2-50.*( w-1.325 )*( w-1.325 ) );
         etad = 1.+2.5*q2*exp( -12.5*q2*q2 );
       f2bkg *= etab;
       double f2resn = 0.;
       for ( unsigned short i = 0; i < params_.resonances.size(); ++i ) {
         const Parameters::Resonance& res = params_.resonances[i];
         const double ai = ( i == 0 )
           ? etad * ( res.amplitude + q2*std::min( 0., params_.alpha+params_.beta*q2 ) )
           : res.amplitude;
         const double dmi = ( i == 2 )
           ? res.mass * ( 1.+params_.mu/( 1.+params_.mup*q2 ) )
           : res.mass;
         double qs0 = pow( dmi*dmi+mp2-mpi02, 2 )-4.*mp2*dmi*dmi;
         if ( qs0 <= 0. )
         qs0 = 0.5*sqrt( qs0 )/dmi;
         int ji = 2*res.angular_momentum;
         const double dg = 0.5*res.width*pow( qs/qs0, ji+1 )*( 1.+pow( coef*qs0, ji ) )/( 1.+pow( coef*qs, ji ) );
         f2resn += ai*dg/( ( w-dmi )*( w-dmi )+dg*dg );
       f2resn *= 0.5*( 1.-params_.b[0] )*bkg2/params_.mp*M_1_PI;
       return std::make_pair( f2bkg, f2resn );
diff --git a/CepGen/StructureFunctions/ChristyBosted.cpp b/CepGen/StructureFunctions/ChristyBosted.cpp
index 9d1fc4e..264b6f4 100644
--- a/CepGen/StructureFunctions/ChristyBosted.cpp
+++ b/CepGen/StructureFunctions/ChristyBosted.cpp
@@ -1,284 +1,284 @@
 #include "CepGen/StructureFunctions/ChristyBosted.h"
 #include "CepGen/Physics/PDG.h"
 #include "CepGen/Event/Particle.h"
 #include "CepGen/Core/Exception.h"
 namespace CepGen
   namespace sf
     ChristyBosted::ChristyBosted( const Parameters& params ) :
       Parameterisation( Type::ChristyBosted ), params_( params )
     ChristyBosted::resmod507( char sf, double w2, double q2 ) const
-      const double mpi = ParticleProperties::mass( PDG::piZero ), mpi2 = mpi*mpi,
-                   meta = ParticleProperties::mass( PDG::eta ), meta2 = meta*meta;
+      const double mpi = part::mass( PDG::piZero ), mpi2 = mpi*mpi,
+                   meta = part::mass( PDG::eta ), meta2 = meta*meta;
       const double w = sqrt( w2 );
       const double xb = q2/( q2+w2-mp2_ );
       double m0 = 0., q20 = 0.;
       if ( sf == 'T' ) { // transverse
         m0 = 0.125;
         q20 = 0.05;
       else if ( sf == 'L' ) {
         m0 = params_.m0;
         q20 = 0.125;
       else {
         CG_ERROR( "ChristyBosted" ) << "Invalid direction retrieved! Aborting.";
         return 0.;
       const double norm_q2 = 1./0.330/0.330;
       const double t = log( log( ( q2+m0 )*norm_q2 )/log( m0*norm_q2 ) );
       //--- calculate kinematics needed for threshold relativistic B-W
       // equivalent photon energies
       const double k   = 0.5 * ( w2 - mp2_ )/mp_;
       const double kcm = 0.5 * ( w2 - mp2_ )/w;
       const double epicm  = 0.5 * ( w2 +    mpi2 - mp2_ )/w, ppicm  = sqrt( std::max( 0.,  epicm* epicm -   mpi2 ) );
       const double epi2cm = 0.5 * ( w2 + 4.*mpi2 - mp2_ )/w, ppi2cm = sqrt( std::max( 0., epi2cm*epi2cm - 4*mpi2 ) );
       const double eetacm = 0.5 * ( w2 +   meta2 - mp2_ )/w, petacm = sqrt( std::max( 0., eetacm*eetacm -  meta2 ) );
       std::array<double,7> width, height, pgam;
       for ( unsigned short i = 0; i < 7; ++i ) {
         const Parameters::Resonance& res = params_.resonances[i];
         width[i] = res.width;
         //--- calculate partial widths
         //----- 1-pion decay mode
         const double x02 = res.x0*res.x0;
         const double partial_width_singlepi = pow( ppicm /res.pcmr(    mpi2 ), 2.*res.angular_momentum+1. )
                                             * pow( ( res.pcmr(    mpi2 )*res.pcmr(    mpi2 )+x02 )/( ppicm *ppicm +x02 ), res.angular_momentum );
         //----- 2-pion decay mode
         const double partial_width_doublepi = pow( ppi2cm/res.pcmr( 4.*mpi2 ), 2.*( res.angular_momentum+2. ) )
                                             * pow( ( res.pcmr( 4.*mpi2 )*res.pcmr( 4.*mpi2 )+x02 )/( ppi2cm*ppi2cm+x02 ), res.angular_momentum+2 )
                                             * w / res.mass;
         //----- eta decay mode (only for S11's)
         const double partial_width_eta = ( res.br.eta == 0. ) ? 0. :
                                               pow( petacm/res.pcmr(   meta2 ), 2.*res.angular_momentum+1. )
                                             * pow( ( res.pcmr(   meta2 )*res.pcmr(   meta2 )+x02 )/( petacm*petacm+x02 ), res.angular_momentum );
         // virtual photon width
         pgam[i] = res.width * pow( kcm/res.kcmr(), 2 ) * ( res.kcmr()*res.kcmr()+x02 )/( kcm*kcm+x02 );
         width[i] = ( partial_width_singlepi * res.br.singlepi
                    + partial_width_doublepi * res.br.doublepi
                    + partial_width_eta * res.br.eta ) * res.width;
         //--- resonance Q^2 dependence calculations
         if ( sf == 'T' )      height[i] = res.A0_T*( 1.+res.fit_parameters[0]*q2/( 1.+res.fit_parameters[1]*q2 ) )/pow( 1.+q2/0.91, res.fit_parameters[2] );
         else if ( sf == 'L' ) height[i] = res.A0_L/( 1.+res.fit_parameters[3]*q2 )*q2*exp( -q2*res.fit_parameters[4] );
         height[i] = height[i]*height[i];
       //--- calculate Breit-Wigners for all resonances
       double sig_res = 0.;
       for ( unsigned short i = 0; i < 7; ++i ) {
         const Parameters::Resonance& res = params_.resonances[i];
         const double mass2 = res.mass*res.mass, width2 = width[i]*width[i];
         const double sigr = height[i]*res.kr()/k*res.kcmr()/kcm/res.width * ( width[i]*pgam[i] / ( pow( w2-mass2, 2 ) + mass2*width2 ) );
         sig_res += sigr;
       sig_res *= w;
       //--- non-resonant background calculation
       const double xpr = 1./( 1.+( w2-pow( mp_+mpi, 2 ) )/( q2+q20 ) );
       if ( xpr > 1. ) return 0.; // FIXME
       double sig_nr = 0.;
       if ( sf == 'T' ) { // transverse
         const double wdif = w - ( mp_ + mpi );
         if ( wdif >= 0. ) {
           for ( unsigned short i = 0; i < 2; ++i ) {
             const double expo = params_.continuum.transverse[i].fit_parameters[1]
                               + params_.continuum.transverse[i].fit_parameters[2]*q2
                               + params_.continuum.transverse[i].fit_parameters[3]*q2*q2;
             sig_nr += params_.continuum.transverse[i].sig0 / pow( q2+params_.continuum.transverse[i].fit_parameters[0], expo ) * pow( wdif, i+1.5 );
         sig_nr *= xpr;
       else if ( sf == 'L' ) { // longitudinal
         for ( unsigned short i = 0; i < 1; ++i ) {
           const double expo = params_.continuum.longitudinal[i].fit_parameters[0]
                             + params_.continuum.longitudinal[i].fit_parameters[1];
           sig_nr += params_.continuum.longitudinal[i].sig0
                     * pow( 1.-xpr, expo )/( 1.-xb )
                     * pow( q2/( q2+q20 ), params_.continuum.longitudinal[i].fit_parameters[2] )/( q2+q20 )
                     * pow( xpr, params_.continuum.longitudinal[i].fit_parameters[3]+params_.continuum.longitudinal[i].fit_parameters[4]*t );
       return sig_res + sig_nr;
       Parameters params;
       params.m0 = 4.2802;
       params.continuum.transverse = { {
         Continuum::Direction( 246.06, { { 0.067469, 1.3501, 0.12054, -0.0038495 } } ),
         Continuum::Direction( -89.360, { { 0.20977, 1.5715, 0.090736, 0.010362 } } )
       } };
       params.continuum.longitudinal = { {
         Continuum::Direction( 86.746, { { 0., 4.0294, 3.1285, 0.33403, 4.9623 } } )
       } };
       { //--- P33(1232)
         Resonance p33;
         p33.br = Resonance::BR( 1., 0., 0. );
         p33.angular_momentum = 1.;
         //p33.x0 = 0.15;
         p33.x0 = 0.14462;
         p33.mass = 1.2298;
         p33.width = 0.13573;
         p33.fit_parameters = { { 4.2291, 1.2598, 2.1242, 19.910, 0.22587 } };
         p33.A0_T = 7.7805;
         p33.A0_L = 29.414;
         params.resonances.emplace_back( p33 );
       { //--- S11(1535)
         Resonance s11_1535;
         s11_1535.br = Resonance::BR( 0.45, 0.1, 0.45 );
         s11_1535.angular_momentum = 0.;
         s11_1535.x0 = 0.215;
         s11_1535.mass = 1.5304;
         s11_1535.width = 0.220;
         s11_1535.fit_parameters = { { 6823.2, 33521., 2.5686, 0., 0. } };
         s11_1535.A0_T = 6.3351;
         s11_1535.A0_L = 0.;
         params.resonances.emplace_back( s11_1535 );
       { //--- D13(1520)
         Resonance d13;
         d13.br = Resonance::BR( 0.65, 0.35, 0. );
         d13.angular_momentum = 2.;
         d13.x0 = 0.215;
         d13.mass = 1.5057;
         d13.width = 0.082956;
         d13.fit_parameters = { { 21.240, 0.055746, 2.4886, 97.046, 0.31042 } };
         d13.A0_T = 0.60347;
         d13.A0_L = 157.92;
         params.resonances.emplace_back( d13 );
       { //--- F15(1680)
         Resonance f15;
         f15.br = Resonance::BR( 0.65, 0.35, 0. );
         f15.angular_momentum = 3.;
         f15.x0 = 0.215;
         f15.mass = 1.6980;
         f15.width = 0.095782;
         f15.fit_parameters = { { -0.28789, 0.18607, 0.063534, 0.038200, 1.2182 } };
         f15.A0_T = 2.3305;
         f15.A0_L = 4.2160;
         params.resonances.emplace_back( f15 );
       { //--- S11(1650)
         Resonance s11_1650;
         s11_1650.br = Resonance::BR( 0.4, 0.5, 0.1 );
         s11_1650.angular_momentum = 0.;
         s11_1650.x0 = 0.215;
         s11_1650.mass = 1.6650;
         s11_1650.width = 0.10936;
         s11_1650.fit_parameters = { { -0.56175, 0.38964, 0.54883, 0.31393, 2.9997 } };
         s11_1650.A0_T = 1.9790;
         s11_1650.A0_L = 13.764;
         params.resonances.emplace_back( s11_1650 );
       { //--- P11(1440) roper
         Resonance p11;
         p11.br = Resonance::BR( 0.65, 0.35, 0. );
         p11.angular_momentum = 1.;
         p11.x0 = 0.215;
         p11.mass = 1.4333;
         p11.width = 0.37944;
         p11.fit_parameters = { { 46.213, 0.19221, 1.9141, 0.053743, 1.3091 } };
         p11.A0_T = 0.022506;
         p11.A0_L = 5.5124;
         params.resonances.emplace_back( p11 );
       { //--- F37(1950)
         Resonance f37;
         f37.br = Resonance::BR( 0.5, 0.5, 0. );
         f37.angular_momentum = 3.;
         f37.x0 = 0.215;
         f37.mass = 1.9341;
         f37.width = 0.380;
         f37.fit_parameters = { { 0., 0., 1., 1.8951, 0.51376 } };
         f37.A0_T = 3.4187;
         f37.A0_L = 1.8951;
         params.resonances.emplace_back( f37 );
       return params;
     ChristyBosted::Parameters::Resonance::kr() const
       return 0.5 * ( mass*mass-mp2_ ) / mp_;
     ChristyBosted::Parameters::Resonance::ecmr( double m2 ) const
       if ( mass == 0. ) return 0.;
       return 0.5 * ( mass*mass+m2-mp2_ ) / mass;
     ChristyBosted::operator()( double xbj, double q2 )
       std::pair<double,double> nv = { xbj, q2 };
       if ( nv == old_vals_ )
         return *this;
       old_vals_ = nv;
       const double w2 = mp2_ + q2*( 1.-xbj )/xbj;
-      const double w_min = mp_+ParticleProperties::mass( PDG::piZero );
+      const double w_min = mp_+part::mass( PDG::piZero );
       if ( sqrt( w2 ) < w_min ) {
         F2 = 0.;
         return *this;
       // modification of Christy-Bosted at large q2 as described in the LUXqed paper
       const double q21 = 30., q20 = 8.;
       const double delq2 = q2 - q20;
       const double qq = q21 - q20;
-      const double prefac = 1./( 4.*M_PI*M_PI*Constants::alphaEM ) * ( 1.-xbj );
+      const double prefac = 1./( 4.*M_PI*M_PI*constants::alphaEM ) * ( 1.-xbj );
       double q2_eff = q2, w2_eff = w2;
       if ( q2 > q20 ) {
         q2_eff = q20 + delq2/( 1.+delq2/qq );
         w2_eff = mp2_ + q2_eff*( 1.-xbj )/xbj;
       const double tau = 4.*xbj*xbj*mp2_/q2_eff;
       const double sigT = resmod507( 'T', w2_eff, q2_eff );
       const double sigL = resmod507( 'L', w2_eff, q2_eff );
-      F2 = prefac * q2_eff / ( 1+tau ) * ( sigT+sigL ) / Constants::GeV2toBarn * 1.e6;
+      F2 = prefac * q2_eff / ( 1+tau ) * ( sigT+sigL ) / constants::GeV2toBarn * 1.e6;
       if ( q2 > q20 )
         F2 *= q21/( q21 + delq2 );
       if ( sigT != 0. )
         Parameterisation::computeFL( q2_eff, xbj, sigL/sigT );
       return *this;
diff --git a/CepGen/StructureFunctions/FioreBrasse.cpp b/CepGen/StructureFunctions/FioreBrasse.cpp
index a5d3d9d..937a0b5 100644
--- a/CepGen/StructureFunctions/FioreBrasse.cpp
+++ b/CepGen/StructureFunctions/FioreBrasse.cpp
@@ -1,97 +1,97 @@
 #include "CepGen/StructureFunctions/FioreBrasse.h"
 #include "CepGen/Core/Exception.h"
 #include "CepGen/Core/utils.h"
 #include "CepGen/Physics/PDG.h"
 #include "CepGen/Physics/ParticleProperties.h"
 #include "CepGen/Physics/Constants.h"
 #include <complex>
 namespace CepGen
   namespace sf
       Parameters p;
       p.s0 = 1.14;
       p.norm = 0.021;
       p.resonances.emplace_back( Resonance{ -0.8377, 0.95, 0.1473, 1.0, 2.4617, 3./2. } ); // N*(1520)
       p.resonances.emplace_back( Resonance{ -0.37, 0.95, 0.1471, 0.5399, 2.4617, 5./2. } ); // N*(1680)
       p.resonances.emplace_back( Resonance{ 0.0038, 0.85, 0.1969, 4.2225, 1.5722, 3./2. } ); // Δ(1236)
       p.resonances.emplace_back( Resonance{ 0.5645, 0.1126, 1.3086, 19.2694, 4.5259, 1. } ); // exotic
       return p;
       Parameters p;
       p.s0 = 1.2871;
       p.norm = 0.0207;
       p.resonances.emplace_back( Resonance{ -0.8070, 0.9632, 0.1387, 1.0, 2.6066, 3./2. } ); // N*(1520)
       p.resonances.emplace_back( Resonance{ -0.3640, 0.9531, 0.1239, 0.6086, 2.6066, 5./2. } ); // N*(1680)
       p.resonances.emplace_back( Resonance{ -0.0065, 0.8355, 0.2320, 4.7279, 1.4828, 3./2. } ); // Δ(1236)
       p.resonances.emplace_back( Resonance{ 0.5484, 0.1373, 1.3139, 14.7267, 4.6041, 1. } ); // exotic
       return p;
     FioreBrasse::FioreBrasse( const Parameters& params ) :
       Parameterisation( Type::FioreBrasse ), params( params )
     FioreBrasse::operator()( double xbj, double q2 )
       std::pair<double,double> nv = { xbj, q2 };
       if ( nv == old_vals_ )
         return *this;
       old_vals_ = nv;
       const double akin = 1. + 4.*mp2_ * xbj*xbj/q2;
-      const double prefactor = q2*( 1.-xbj ) / ( 4.*M_PI*Constants::alphaEM*akin );
+      const double prefactor = q2*( 1.-xbj ) / ( 4.*M_PI*constants::alphaEM*akin );
       const double s = q2*( 1.-xbj )/xbj + mp2_;
       double ampli_res = 0., ampli_bg = 0., ampli_tot = 0.;
       for ( unsigned short i = 0; i < 3; ++i ) { //FIXME 4??
         const Parameters::Resonance& res = params.resonances[i];
         const double sqrts0 = sqrt( params.s0 );
         std::complex<double> alpha;
         if ( s > params.s0 )
           alpha = std::complex<double>( res.alpha0 + res.alpha2*sqrts0 + res.alpha1*s, res.alpha2*sqrt( s-params.s0 ) );
           alpha = std::complex<double>( res.alpha0 + res.alpha1*s + res.alpha2*( sqrts0 - sqrt( params.s0 - s ) ), 0. );
         double formfactor = 1./pow( 1. + q2/res.q02, 2 );
         double denom = pow( res.spin-std::real( alpha ), 2 ) + pow( std::imag( alpha ), 2 );
         double ampli_imag = res.a*formfactor*formfactor*std::imag( alpha )/denom;
         ampli_res += ampli_imag;
         const Parameters::Resonance& res = params.resonances[3];
         double sE = res.alpha2, sqrtsE = sqrt( sE );
         std::complex<double> alpha;
         if ( s > sE )
           alpha = std::complex<double>( res.alpha0 + res.alpha1*sqrtsE, res.alpha1*sqrt( s-sE ) );
           alpha = std::complex<double>( res.alpha0 + res.alpha1*( sqrtsE - sqrt( sE-s ) ), 0. );
         double formfactor = 1./pow( 1. + q2/res.q02, 2 );
         double sp = 1.5*res.spin;
         double denom = pow( sp-std::real( alpha ), 2 ) + pow( std::imag( alpha ), 2 );
         ampli_bg = res.a*formfactor*formfactor*std::imag( alpha )/denom;
       ampli_tot = params.norm*( ampli_res+ampli_bg );
       CG_DEBUG_LOOP( "FioreBrasse:amplitudes" )
         << "Amplitudes:\n\t"
         << " resonance part:  " << ampli_res << ",\n\t"
         << " background part: " << ampli_bg << ",\n\t"
         << " total (with norm.): " << ampli_tot << ".";
       F2 = prefactor*ampli_tot;
       return *this;
diff --git a/CepGen/StructureFunctions/SigmaRatio.cpp b/CepGen/StructureFunctions/SigmaRatio.cpp
index 0aa297b..ec4aa98 100644
--- a/CepGen/StructureFunctions/SigmaRatio.cpp
+++ b/CepGen/StructureFunctions/SigmaRatio.cpp
@@ -1,104 +1,104 @@
 #include "CepGen/StructureFunctions/SigmaRatio.h"
 #include "CepGen/Physics/PDG.h"
 #include "CepGen/Physics/ParticleProperties.h"
 #include <math.h>
 #include <iostream>
 namespace CepGen
   namespace sr
-    const double Parameterisation::mp_ = ParticleProperties::mass( PDG::proton );
+    const double Parameterisation::mp_ = part::mass( PDG::proton );
     const double Parameterisation::mp2_ = Parameterisation::mp_*Parameterisation::mp_;
     Parameterisation::theta( double xbj, double q2 ) const
       return 1.+12.*( q2/( q2+1. ) )*( 0.125*0.125/( 0.125*0.125+xbj*xbj ) );
       Parameters out;
       out.q2_b = 0.34;
       out.lambda2 = 0.2*0.2;
       out.a = { { 0.0485, 0.5470,  2.0621, -0.3804,   0.5090, -0.0285 } };
       out.b = { { 0.0481, 0.6114, -0.3509, -0.4611,   0.7172, -0.0317 } };
       out.c = { { 0.0577, 0.4644,  1.8288, 12.3708, -43.1043, 41.7415 } };
       return out;
     E143::E143( const Parameters& param ) :
       params_( param )
     E143::operator()( double xbj, double q2, double& err ) const
       const double u = q2/params_.q2_b;
       const double inv_xl = 1./log( q2/params_.lambda2 );
       const double pa = ( 1.+params_.a[3]*xbj+params_.a[4]*xbj*xbj )*pow( xbj, params_.a[5] );
       const double pb = ( 1.+params_.b[3]*xbj+params_.b[4]*xbj*xbj )*pow( xbj, params_.b[5] );
       const double th = theta( xbj, q2 );
       const double q2_thr = params_.c[3]*xbj + params_.c[4]*xbj*xbj+params_.c[5]*xbj*xbj*xbj;
       // here come the three fits
       const double ra = params_.a[0]*inv_xl*th + params_.a[1]/pow( pow( q2, 4 )+pow( params_.a[2], 4 ), 0.25 )*pa,
                    rb = params_.b[0]*inv_xl*th + ( params_.b[1]/q2+params_.b[2]/( q2*q2+0.3*0.3 ) )*pb,
                    rc = params_.c[0]*inv_xl*th + params_.c[1]*pow( pow( q2-q2_thr, 2 )+pow( params_.c[2], 2 ), -0.5 );
       const double r = ( ra+rb+rc ) / 3.; // R is set to be the average of the three fits
       // numerical safety for low-Q²
       err = 0.0078-0.013*xbj+( 0.070-0.39*xbj+0.70*xbj*xbj )/( 1.7+q2 );
       if ( q2 > params_.q2_b )
         return r;
       return r * 0.5 * ( 3.*u-u*u*u );
       Parameters out;
       out.lambda2 = 0.2*0.2;
       out.b = { { 0.0635, 0.5747, -0.3534 } };
       return out;
     R1990::R1990( const Parameters& param ) :
       params_( param )
     R1990::operator()( double xbj, double q2, double& err ) const
       err = 0.;
       return ( params_.b[0]+theta( xbj, q2 )/log( q2/params_.lambda2 )
              + params_.b[1]/q2
              + params_.b[2]/( q2*q2+0.09 ) );
     CLAS::operator()( double xbj, double q2, double& err ) const
       // 2 kinematic regions:
       //  - resonances ( w < 2.5 )
       //  - DIS ( w > 2.5 )
       const double w2 = mp2_ + q2*( 1.-xbj )/xbj, w = sqrt( w2 );
       const double xth = q2/( q2+2.5*2.5-mp2_ ); // xth = x( W = 2.5 GeV )
       const double zeta = log( 25.*q2 );
       const double xitmp = ( w < 2.5 ) ? theta( xth, q2 ) : theta( xbj, q2 );
       const double tmp = 0.041*xitmp/zeta + 0.592/q2 - 0.331/( 0.09+q2*q2 );
       if ( w < 2.5 )
         return tmp * pow( ( 1.-xbj )/( 1.-xth ), 3 );
       return tmp;
     SibirtsevBlunden::operator()( double xbj, double q2, double& err ) const
       err = 0.;
       return 0.014*q2*( exp( -0.07*q2 )+41.*exp( -0.8*q2 ) );
diff --git a/CepGen/StructureFunctions/StructureFunctions.cpp b/CepGen/StructureFunctions/StructureFunctions.cpp
index 272bbfc..5152df0 100644
--- a/CepGen/StructureFunctions/StructureFunctions.cpp
+++ b/CepGen/StructureFunctions/StructureFunctions.cpp
@@ -1,90 +1,90 @@
 #include "CepGen/StructureFunctions/StructureFunctions.h"
 #include "CepGen/Physics/PDG.h"
 #include "CepGen/Physics/ParticleProperties.h"
 #include "CepGen/Core/Exception.h"
 #include "CepGen/Core/utils.h"
 #include <iostream>
 namespace CepGen
   namespace sf
-    const double Parameterisation::mp_ = ParticleProperties::mass( PDG::proton );
+    const double Parameterisation::mp_ = part::mass( PDG::proton );
     const double Parameterisation::mp2_ = Parameterisation::mp_*Parameterisation::mp_;
     Parameterisation::F1( double xbj, double q2 ) const
       if ( xbj == 0. || q2 == 0. ) {
         CG_ERROR( "StructureFunctions:F1" )
           << "Invalid range for Q² = " << q2 << " or xBj = " << xbj << ".";
         return 0.;
       const double F1 = 0.5*( ( 1+4.*xbj*xbj*mp2_/q2 )*F2 - FL )/xbj;
       CG_DEBUG_LOOP( "StructureFunctions:F1" )
         << "F1 for Q² = " << q2 << ", xBj = " << xbj << ": " << F1 << "\n\t"
         << "(F2 = " << F2 << ", FL = " << FL << ").";
       return F1;
     Parameterisation::computeFL( double xbj, double q2, const sr::Parameterisation& ratio )
       double r_error = 0.;
       computeFL( xbj, q2, ratio( xbj, q2, r_error ) );
     Parameterisation::computeFL( double xbj, double q2, double r )
       const double tau = 4.*xbj*xbj*mp2_/q2;
       FL = F2 * ( 1.+tau ) * ( r/( 1.+r ) );
     Parameterisation::description() const
       std::ostringstream os;
       os << type;
       return os.str();
     operator<<( std::ostream& os, const Parameterisation& sf )
       os << sf.description();
       if ( sf.old_vals_ != std::pair<double,double>() )
         os << " at (" << sf.old_vals_.first << ", " << sf.old_vals_.second << "): "
            << "F2 = " << sf.F2 << ", FL = " << sf.FL;
       return os;
   /// Human-readable format of a structure function type
   operator<<( std::ostream& os, const sf::Type& sf )
     switch ( sf ) {
       case sf::Type::Invalid:             return os << "[INVALID]";
       case sf::Type::Electron:            return os << "electron";
       case sf::Type::ElasticProton:       return os << "elastic proton";
       case sf::Type::SuriYennie:          return os << "Suri-Yennie";
       case sf::Type::SzczurekUleshchenko: return os << "Szczurek-Uleshchenko";
       case sf::Type::FioreBrasse:         return os << "Fiore-Brasse";
       case sf::Type::ChristyBosted:       return os << "Christy-Bosted";
       case sf::Type::CLAS:                return os << "CLAS";
       case sf::Type::BlockDurandHa:       return os << "BDH";
       case sf::Type::ALLM91:              return os << "ALLM91";
       case sf::Type::ALLM97:              return os << "ALLM97";
       case sf::Type::GD07p:               return os << "GD07p";
       case sf::Type::GD11p:               return os << "GD11p";
       case sf::Type::Schaefer:            return os << "LUXlike";
       case sf::Type::MSTWgrid:            return os << "MSTW (grid)";
       case sf::Type::LHAPDF:              return os << "LHAPDF";
     return os;
diff --git a/test/TestProcess.h b/test/TestProcess.h
index f846601..a4be21a 100644
--- a/test/TestProcess.h
+++ b/test/TestProcess.h
@@ -1,44 +1,43 @@
 #ifndef CepGen_Processes_TestProcess_h
 #define CepGen_Processes_TestProcess_h
 #include "CepGen/Processes/GenericProcess.h"
 #include "CepGen/Core/Functional.h"
 namespace CepGen
-  namespace Process
+  namespace process
     /// Generic process to test the Vegas instance
     template<size_t N>
     class TestProcess : public GenericProcess
         TestProcess() :
           GenericProcess( "test", ".oO TEST PROCESS Oo.", false ),
           funct_( "1./(1.-cos(x*_pi)*cos(y*_pi)*cos(z*_pi))", { { "x", "y", "z" } } ) {}
         TestProcess( const char* formula, std::array<std::string,N> args ) :
           GenericProcess( "test", Form( ".oO TEST PROCESS (%s) Oo.", formula ), false ),
           funct_( formula, args ) {}
         ProcessPtr clone() const override { return ProcessPtr( new TestProcess<N>( *this ) ); }
         void addEventContent() override {}
         /// Number of dimensions on which to perform the integration
         unsigned int numDimensions() const override { return N; }
         /// Generic formula to compute a weight out of a point in the phase space
         double computeWeight() override {
           std::array<double,N> args;
           std::copy_n( x_.begin(), N, args.begin() );
           return funct_.eval( args );
         /// Dummy function to be called on events generation
         void fillKinematics( bool ) override { return; }
         Functional<N> funct_;
diff --git a/test/cepgen-ascii.cpp b/test/cepgen-ascii.cpp
index 64e4ef1..11d48fa 100644
--- a/test/cepgen-ascii.cpp
+++ b/test/cepgen-ascii.cpp
@@ -1,86 +1,85 @@
 #include "CepGen/Cards/PythonHandler.h"
 #include "CepGen/Cards/LpairHandler.h"
 #include "CepGen/IO/HepMCHandler.h"
 #include "CepGen/IO/LHEFHandler.h"
 #include "CepGen/Generator.h"
 #include "CepGen/Core/Exception.h"
 #include "CepGen/Event/Event.h"
 #include <iostream>
 using namespace std;
 // we use polymorphism here
-std::shared_ptr<CepGen::OutputHandler::ExportHandler> writer;
+std::shared_ptr<CepGen::output::ExportHandler> writer;
 void storeEvent( const CepGen::Event& ev, unsigned long )
   if ( !writer )
     throw CG_FATAL( "storeEvent" ) << "Failed to retrieve a valid writer!";
   *writer << ev;
  * Main caller for this Monte Carlo generator. Loads the configuration files'
  * variables if set as an argument to this program, else loads a default
  * "LHC-like" configuration, then launches the cross-section computation and
  * the events generation.
  * \author Laurent Forthomme <laurent.forthomme@cern.ch>
 int main( int argc, char* argv[] ) {
   if ( argc < 2 )
     throw CG_FATAL( "main" )
       << "No config file provided!\n\t"
       << "Usage: " << argv[0] << " config-file [format=lhef,hepmc] [filename=example.dat]";
   CepGen::Generator mg;
   // Steering card readout
   CG_DEBUG( "main" ) << "Reading config file stored in \"" << argv[1] << "\"";
-  const string extension = CepGen::Cards::Handler::getExtension( argv[1] );
+  const string extension = CepGen::cards::Handler::getExtension( argv[1] );
   if ( extension == "card" )
-    mg.setParameters( CepGen::Cards::LpairHandler( argv[1] ).parameters() );
+    mg.setParameters( CepGen::cards::LpairHandler( argv[1] ).parameters() );
   else if ( extension == "py" )
-    mg.setParameters( CepGen::Cards::PythonHandler( argv[1] ).parameters() );
+    mg.setParameters( CepGen::cards::PythonHandler( argv[1] ).parameters() );
     throw CG_FATAL( "main" ) << "Unrecognized card format: ." << extension;
   // Output file writer definition
   const string format = ( argc > 2 ) ? argv[2] : "lhef";
   const char* filename = ( argc > 3 ) ? argv[3] : "example.dat";
   if ( format == "lhef" )
-    writer = std::make_shared<CepGen::OutputHandler::LHEFHandler>( filename );
+    writer = std::make_shared<CepGen::output::LHEFHandler>( filename );
   else if ( format == "hepmc" )
-    writer = std::make_shared<CepGen::OutputHandler::HepMCHandler>( filename );
+    writer = std::make_shared<CepGen::output::HepMCHandler>( filename );
     throw CG_FATAL( "main" ) << "Unrecognized output format: " << format;
   // CepGen run part
   // We might want to cross-check visually the validity of our run
   CG_INFO( "main" ) << mg.parameters.get();
   // Let there be cross-section...
   double xsec = 0., err = 0.;
   mg.computeXsection( xsec, err );
   writer->initialise( *mg.parameters );
   writer->setCrossSection( xsec, err );
   // The events generation starts here!
   mg.generate( storeEvent );
   return 0;
diff --git a/test/cepgen-root.cxx b/test/cepgen-root.cxx
index aac9a87..3fe755d 100644
--- a/test/cepgen-root.cxx
+++ b/test/cepgen-root.cxx
@@ -1,114 +1,114 @@
 #include "CepGen/Cards/PythonHandler.h"
 #include "CepGen/Cards/LpairHandler.h"
 #include "CepGen/Generator.h"
 #include "CepGen/Event/Event.h"
 #include <iomanip>
 #include <iostream>
 #include "TreeInfo.h"
 #include "abort.h"
 // ROOT includes
 #include "TFile.h"
 #include "TTree.h"
 #include "TLorentzVector.h"
 using namespace std;
 std::unique_ptr<ROOT::CepGenRun> run;
 std::unique_ptr<ROOT::CepGenEvent> ev;
 void fill_event_tree( const CepGen::Event& event, unsigned long ev_id )
   //if ( ev_id % 10 == 0 )
   //  cout << ">> event " << ev_id << " generated" << endl;
   if ( !ev || !run )
   ev->gen_time = event.time_generation;
   ev->tot_time = event.time_total;
   ev->np = 0;
   //cout << event.particles().size() << endl;
   ev->momentum.reserve( event.particles().size() );
   for ( const auto& p : event.particles() ) {
     const CepGen::Particle::Momentum m = p.momentum();
     ev->momentum[ev->np].SetPxPyPzE( m.px(), m.py(), m.pz(), p.energy() );
     ev->rapidity[ev->np] = m.rapidity();
     ev->pt[ev->np] = m.pt();
     ev->eta[ev->np] = m.eta();
     ev->phi[ev->np] = m.phi();
     ev->E[ev->np] = p.energy();
     ev->m[ev->np] = p.mass();
     ev->pdg_id[ev->np] = p.integerPdgId();
     ev->parent1[ev->np] = ( p.mothers().size() > 0 ) ? *p.mothers().begin() : -1;
     ev->parent2[ev->np] = ( p.mothers().size() > 1 ) ? *p.mothers().rbegin() : -1;
     ev->status[ev->np] = (int)p.status();
     ev->stable[ev->np] = ( (short)p.status() > 0 );
     ev->charge[ev->np] = p.charge();
     ev->role[ev->np] = p.role();
   run->num_events += 1;
  * Generation of events and storage in a ROOT format
  * @author Laurent Forthomme <laurent.forthomme@cern.ch>
  * @date 27 jan 2014
 int main( int argc, char* argv[] ) {
   CepGen::Generator mg;
   if ( argc < 2 )
     throw CG_FATAL( "main" ) << "Usage: " << argv[0] << " input-card [filename=events.root]";
-  const std::string extension = CepGen::Cards::Handler::getExtension( argv[1] );
+  const std::string extension = CepGen::cards::Handler::getExtension( argv[1] );
   if ( extension == "card" )
-    mg.setParameters( CepGen::Cards::LpairHandler( argv[1] ).parameters() );
+    mg.setParameters( CepGen::cards::LpairHandler( argv[1] ).parameters() );
   else if ( extension == "py" )
-    mg.setParameters( CepGen::Cards::PythonHandler( argv[1] ).parameters() );
+    mg.setParameters( CepGen::cards::PythonHandler( argv[1] ).parameters() );
   mg.parameters->generation.enabled = true;
   CG_INFO( "main" ) << mg.parameters.get();
   //----- open the output root file
   const char* filename = ( argc > 2 ) ? argv[2] : "events.root";
   std::unique_ptr<TFile> file( TFile::Open( filename, "recreate" ) );
   if ( !file )
     throw CG_FATAL( "main" ) << "Failed to create the output file!";
   AbortHandler ctrl_c;
   //----- start by computing the cross section for the list of parameters applied
   double xsec, err;
   mg.computeXsection( xsec, err );
   //----- then generate the events and the container tree structure
   std::unique_ptr<TTree> ev_tree( new TTree( "events", "A TTree containing information from the events produced from CepGen" ) );
   run.reset( new ROOT::CepGenRun );
   run->xsect = xsec;
   run->errxsect = err;
   run->litigious_events = 0;
   run->sqrt_s = mg.parameters->kinematics.sqrtS();
   ev.reset( new ROOT::CepGenEvent );
   ev->create( ev_tree.get() );
   // launch the events generation
   try {
     mg.generate( fill_event_tree );
   } catch ( const CepGen::Exception& ) {}
   CG_INFO( "main" ) << "Events written on \"" << filename << "\".";
   return 0;
diff --git a/test/cepgen.cpp b/test/cepgen.cpp
index 9cd8999..a46fee4 100644
--- a/test/cepgen.cpp
+++ b/test/cepgen.cpp
@@ -1,74 +1,74 @@
 //--- steering cards
 #include "CepGen/Cards/PythonHandler.h"
 #include "CepGen/Cards/LpairHandler.h"
 #include "CepGen/Generator.h"
 #include "CepGen/Core/Exception.h"
 //--- necessary include to build the default run
 #include "CepGen/Processes/GamGamLL.h"
 #include "CepGen/Physics/PDG.h"
 #include "abort.h"
 #include <iostream>
 using namespace std;
  * Main caller for this MC generator.
  *  * loads the configuration files' variables if passed as an argument,
  *    or a default LPAIR-like configuration,
  *  * launches the cross-section computation and the events generation.
  * \author Laurent Forthomme <laurent.forthomme@cern.ch>
 int main( int argc, char* argv[] ) {
   //--- first start by defining the generator object
   CepGen::Generator gen;
   if ( argc < 2 ) {
     CG_INFO( "main" ) << "No config file provided. Setting the default parameters.";
     //--- default run: LPAIR elastic ɣɣ → µ⁺µ¯ at 13 TeV
     CepGen::ParametersList pgen;
     pgen.set<int>( "pair", (int)CepGen::PDG::muon );
     gen.parameters->setProcess( new CepGen::process::GamGamLL( pgen ) );
     gen.parameters->kinematics.mode = CepGen::KinematicsMode::ElasticElastic;
     gen.parameters->kinematics.cuts.central.pt_single.min() = 15.;
     gen.parameters->kinematics.cuts.central.eta_single = { -2.5, 2.5 };
     gen.parameters->generation.enabled = true;
     gen.parameters->generation.maxgen = 1e3;
   else {
     CG_INFO( "main" ) << "Reading config file stored in " << argv[1] << ".";
-    const std::string extension = CepGen::Cards::Handler::getExtension( argv[1] );
+    const std::string extension = CepGen::cards::Handler::getExtension( argv[1] );
     if ( extension == "card" )
-      gen.setParameters( CepGen::Cards::LpairHandler( argv[1] ).parameters() );
+      gen.setParameters( CepGen::cards::LpairHandler( argv[1] ).parameters() );
 #ifdef PYTHON
     else if ( extension == "py" )
-      gen.setParameters( CepGen::Cards::PythonHandler( argv[1] ).parameters() );
+      gen.setParameters( CepGen::cards::PythonHandler( argv[1] ).parameters() );
       throw CG_FATAL( "main" ) << "Unrecognized steering card extension: ." << extension << "!";
   //--- list all parameters
   CG_INFO( "main" ) << gen.parameters.get();
   AbortHandler ctrl_c;
   try {
     //--- let there be a cross-section...
     double xsec = 0., err = 0.;
     gen.computeXsection( xsec, err );
     if ( gen.parameters->generation.enabled )
       //--- events generation starts here
       // (one may use a callback function)
   } catch ( const CepGen::RunAbortedException& e ) {
     CG_INFO( "main" ) << "Run aborted!";
   return 0;
diff --git a/test/test_distributions.cxx b/test/test_distributions.cxx
index 3d95514..589666c 100644
--- a/test/test_distributions.cxx
+++ b/test/test_distributions.cxx
@@ -1,63 +1,63 @@
 #include "CepGen/Cards/PythonHandler.h"
 #include "CepGen/Generator.h"
 #include "CepGen/Event/Event.h"
 #include "CepGen/Core/Exception.h"
 #include "Canvas.h"
 #include "TH1.h"
 #include <sstream>
 using namespace std;
 void produce_plot( const char* name, TH1* hist )
   CepGen::Canvas c( name, "CepGen Simulation" );
   hist->Draw( "hist" );
   c.Prettify( hist );
   c.Save( "pdf" );
 unique_ptr<TH1D> h_mass, h_ptpair, h_ptsingle, h_etasingle;
 void process_event( const CepGen::Event& ev, unsigned long event_id )
   const auto central_system = ev.getByRole( CepGen::Particle::CentralSystem );
   const auto pl1 = central_system[0].momentum(), pl2 = central_system[1].momentum();
   h_mass->Fill( ( pl1+pl2 ).mass() );
   h_ptpair->Fill( ( pl1+pl2 ).pt() );
   h_ptsingle->Fill( pl1.pt() );
   h_etasingle->Fill( pl1.eta() );
 int main( int argc, char* argv[] )
   CepGen::Generator mg;
   if ( argc < 2 )
     throw CG_FATAL( "main" ) << "Usage: " << argv[0] << " [input card]";
-  mg.setParameters( CepGen::Cards::PythonHandler( argv[1] ).parameters() );
+  mg.setParameters( CepGen::cards::PythonHandler( argv[1] ).parameters() );
   h_mass = unique_ptr<TH1D>( new TH1D( "invm", ";Dilepton invariant mass;d#sigma/dM (pb/GeV)", 500, 0., 500. ) );
   h_ptpair = unique_ptr<TH1D>( new TH1D( "ptpair", ";Dilepton p_{T};d#sigma/dp_{T} (pb/GeV)", 500, 0., 50. ) );
   h_ptsingle = unique_ptr<TH1D>( new TH1D( "pt_single", ";Single lepton p_{T};d#sigma/dp_{T} (pb/GeV)", 100, 0., 100. ) );
   h_etasingle = unique_ptr<TH1D>( new TH1D( "eta_single", ";Single lepton #eta;d#sigma/d#eta (pb)\\?.2f", 60, -3., 3. ) );
   CG_INFO( "main" ) << "Process name: " << mg.parameters->processName() << ".";
   mg.generate( process_event );
   const double weight = mg.crossSection()/mg.parameters->generation.maxgen;
   h_mass->Scale( weight, "width" );
   h_ptpair->Scale( weight, "width" );
   h_ptsingle->Scale( weight, "width" );
   h_etasingle->Scale( weight, "width" );
   produce_plot( "dilepton_invm", h_mass.get() );
   produce_plot( "dilepton_ptpair", h_ptpair.get() );
   produce_plot( "singlelepton_pt", h_ptsingle.get() );
   produce_plot( "singlelepton_eta", h_etasingle.get() );
   return 0;
diff --git a/test/test_event_writer.cpp b/test/test_event_writer.cpp
index 90639e7..6846bbf 100644
--- a/test/test_event_writer.cpp
+++ b/test/test_event_writer.cpp
@@ -1,30 +1,30 @@
 #include "CepGen/IO/HepMCHandler.h"
 #include "CepGen/Physics/PDG.h"
 #include "CepGen/Event/Event.h"
 using namespace std;
 using namespace CepGen;
 int main() {
-  OutputHandler::HepMCHandler writer( "example.dat" );
+  output::HepMCHandler writer( "example.dat" );
   writer.setCrossSection(1., 2.);
   Event ev;
   Particle p1( Particle::IncomingBeam1, PDG::proton );
   p1.setMomentum( 1., -15., 100. );
   p1.setStatus( Particle::Status::Incoming );
   Particle p2( Particle::IncomingBeam2, PDG::electron );
   p2.setMomentum( 10., 5., 3200. );
   p2.setStatus( Particle::Status::Incoming );
   writer << ev;
   return 0;
diff --git a/test/test_pythoncfg_parser.cpp b/test/test_pythoncfg_parser.cpp
index 8817255..701b4bd 100644
--- a/test/test_pythoncfg_parser.cpp
+++ b/test/test_pythoncfg_parser.cpp
@@ -1,22 +1,22 @@
 #include "CepGen/Cards/PythonHandler.h"
 #include "CepGen/Core/Exception.h"
 #include <string>
 #include <iostream>
 using namespace std;
 main( int argc, char* argv[] )
   if ( argc < 2 )
     throw CG_FATAL( "main" ) << "One argument required!";
   try {
-    CepGen::Cards::PythonHandler py( argv[1] );
+    CepGen::cards::PythonHandler py( argv[1] );
     CG_INFO( "main" ) << py.parameters();
   } catch ( CepGen::Exception& e ) {
   return 0;