Index: applgrid/trunk/src/appl_igrid.cxx =================================================================== --- applgrid/trunk/src/appl_igrid.cxx (revision 1752) +++ applgrid/trunk/src/appl_igrid.cxx (revision 1753) @@ -1,1950 +1,1949 @@ - // appl_igrid.cxx // grid class - all the functions needed to create and // fill the grid from an NLO calculation program. // // Copyright (C) 2007 Mark Sutton ( // $Id: appl_igrid.cxx, v1.00 2007/10/16 17:01:39 sutt #include #include #include #include #include "appl_igrid.h" #include "appl_grid/appl_grid.h" #include "appl_grid/appl_timer.h" #include "hoppet_init.h" #include "threadManager.h" #include "TFile.h" #include "TObject.h" #include "TObjString.h" #include "TH3D.h" #include "TVectorT.h" #include "Splitting.h" #include "TFileString.h" // splitting function code // pdf reweighting // bool igrid::m_reweight = false; // bool igrid::m_symmetrise = false; // variable tranformation parameters double appl::igrid::transvar = 5; bool appl::igrid::threads_disabled = true; static int ithread = 0; std::string label( int i ) { char lab[64]; std::sprintf( lab, "thread-%d", i ); return lab; } appl::igrid::igrid() : threadManager( label(ithread++) ), mfy(0), mfx(0), m_parent(0), m_Ny1(0), m_y1min(0), m_y1max(0), m_deltay1(0), m_Ny2(0), m_y2min(0), m_y2max(0), m_deltay2(0), m_yorder(0), m_Ntau(0), m_taumin(0), m_taumax(0), m_deltatau(0), m_tauorder(0), m_Nproc(0), m_transform(""), // m_transvarlocal(m_transvar), m_transvar(transvar), m_reweight(false), m_symmetrise(false), m_optimised(false), m_weight(0), m_fg1(0), m_fg2(0), m_fsplit1(0), m_fsplit2(0), m_fsplit12(0), m_fsplit22(0), m_alphas(0), m_weights(0), m_taufilledmin(-1), m_taufilledmax(-1), m_y1filledmin(-1), m_y1filledmax(-1), m_y2filledmin(-1), m_y2filledmax(-1) { // std::cout << "igrid() (default) Ntau=" << m_Ntau << "\t" << fQ2(m_taumin) << " - " << fQ2(m_taumax) << std::endl; } // standard constructor appl::igrid::igrid(int NQ2, double Q2min, double Q2max, int Q2order, int Nx, double xmin, double xmax, int xorder, std::string transform, int Nproc, bool disflag ): threadManager( label(ithread++) ), mfy(0), mfx(0), m_parent(0), m_Ny1(Nx), m_Ny2( disflag ? 1 : Nx ), m_yorder(xorder), m_Ntau(NQ2), m_tauorder(Q2order), m_Nproc(Nproc), m_transform(transform), // m_transvarlocal(m_transvar), m_transvar(transvar), m_reweight(false), m_symmetrise(false), m_optimised(false), m_weight(0), m_fg1(0), m_fg2(0), m_fsplit1(0), m_fsplit2(0), m_fsplit12(0), m_fsplit22(0), m_alphas(0), m_DISgrid(disflag), m_weights(0), m_taufilledmin(-1), m_taufilledmax(-1), m_y1filledmin(-1), m_y1filledmax(-1), m_y2filledmin(-1), m_y2filledmax(-1) { // std::cout << "igrid::igrid() transform=" << m_transform << std::endl; init_fmap(); if ( m_fmap.find(m_transform)==m_fmap.end() ) throw exception("igrid::igrid() transform " + m_transform + " not found\n"); mfx = m_fmap.find(m_transform)->second.mfx; mfy = m_fmap.find(m_transform)->second.mfy; double ymin1 = fy(xmax); double ymax1 = fy(xmin); m_y1min = ymin1 ; m_y1max = ymax1 ; m_y2min = ymin1 ; m_y2max = ymax1 ; if ( m_DISgrid ) m_y2min = m_y2max = 1; if ( m_Ny1>1 ) m_deltay1 = (m_y1max-m_y1min)/(m_Ny1-1); else m_deltay1 = 0; if ( m_Ny2>1 ) m_deltay2 = (m_y2max-m_y2min)/(m_Ny2-1); else m_deltay2 = 0; double taumin=ftau(Q2min); double taumax=ftau(Q2max); m_taumin = taumin; m_taumax = taumax; if ( m_Ntau>1 ) m_deltatau = (taumax-taumin)/(m_Ntau-1); else m_deltatau = 0; if ( m_Ny1-1second.mfx; mfy = m_fmap.find(m_transform)->second.mfy; m_weight = new SparseMatrix3d*[m_Nproc]; for( int ip=0 ; ipstart_thread(); } void _setlimits( int& _min, int& _max, const int _mint, const int _maxt ) { if ( _mint<=_maxt ) { if ( _min==-1 || _min>_mint ) _min = _mint; if ( _max==-1 || _max<_maxt ) _max = _maxt; } } // read from a file appl::igrid::igrid(TFile& f, const std::string& s) : threadManager( label(ithread++) ), mfy(0), mfx(0), m_parent(0), m_Ny1(0), m_y1min(0), m_y1max(0), m_deltay1(0), m_Ny2(0), m_y2min(0), m_y2max(0), m_deltay2(0), m_yorder(0), m_Ntau(0), m_taumin(0), m_taumax(0), m_deltatau(0), m_tauorder(0), m_Nproc(0), m_transform(""), // m_transvarlocal(m_transvar), m_transvar(transvar), m_reweight(false), m_symmetrise(false), m_optimised(false), m_weight(0), m_fg1(0), m_fg2(0), m_fsplit1(0), m_fsplit2(0), m_fsplit12(0), m_fsplit22(0), m_alphas(0), m_weights(0), m_taufilledmin(-1), m_taufilledmax(-1), m_y1filledmin(-1), m_y1filledmax(-1), m_y2filledmin(-1), m_y2filledmax(-1) { // std::cout << "igrid::igrid()" << std::endl; // get the name of the transform pair TFileString _tag = *(TFileString*)f.Get((s+"/Transform").c_str()); m_transform = _tag[0]; init_fmap(); if ( m_fmap.find(m_transform)==m_fmap.end() ) throw exception("igrid::igrid() transform " + m_transform + " not found\n"); mfx = m_fmap.find(m_transform)->second.mfx; mfy = m_fmap.find(m_transform)->second.mfy; // delete _transform; // retrieve setup parameters TVectorT* setup=(TVectorT*)f.Get((s+"/Parameters").c_str()); // f.GetObject((s+"/Parameters").c_str(), setup); // NB: round integer variables to nearest integer // in case (unlikely) truncation error during // conversion to double when they were stored m_Ny1 = int((*setup)(0)+0.5); m_y1min = (*setup)(1); m_y1max = (*setup)(2); m_Ny2 = int((*setup)(3)+0.5); m_y2min = (*setup)(4); m_y2max = (*setup)(5); m_yorder = int((*setup)(6)+0.5); m_Ntau = int((*setup)(7)+0.5); m_taumin = (*setup)(8); m_taumax = (*setup)(9); m_tauorder = int((*setup)(10)+0.5); m_transvar = (*setup)(11); m_Nproc = int((*setup)(12)+0.5); m_reweight = ((*setup)(13)!=0 ? true : false ); m_symmetrise = ((*setup)(14)!=0 ? true : false ); m_optimised = ((*setup)(15)!=0 ? true : false ); m_DISgrid = ( setup->GetNoElements()>16 && (*setup)[16]!=0 ) ; delete setup; // std::cout << "igrid::igrid() read setup" << std::endl; // create grids m_deltay1 = (m_y1max-m_y1min)/(m_Ny1-1); m_deltay2 = (m_y2max-m_y2min)/(m_Ny2-1); m_deltatau = (m_taumax-m_taumin)/(m_Ntau-1); // int rawsize=0; // int trimsize=0; m_weight = new SparseMatrix3d*[m_Nproc]; for( int ip=0 ; iptrim(); // delete storage histogram delete htmp; // DON'T trim on reading unless the user wants it!! // he can trim himself if need be!! // rawsize += m_weight[ip]->size(); // m_weight[ip]->trim(); // trim the grid and do some book keeping // trimsize += m_weight[ip]->size(); } /// now calculate the actual limits of this grid // static double _ctime = 0; setlimits(); if ( !threads_disabled ) this->start_thread(); } void appl::igrid::setlimits() { if ( m_weight ) { // struct timeval _tstart = appl_timer_start(); for ( int i=0 ; iempty() ) continue; _setlimits( m_taufilledmin, m_taufilledmax, _weight->xmin(), _weight->xmax() ); _setlimits( m_y1filledmin, m_y1filledmax, _weight->ymin(), _weight->ymax() ); _setlimits( m_y2filledmin, m_y2filledmax, _weight->zmin(), _weight->zmax() ); } } } } // constructor common internals void appl::igrid::construct() { // Initialize histograms representing the weight grid for( int ip=0 ; ipWrite(); // write the name of the transform pair TFileString("Transform",m_transform).Write(); TVectorT* setup=new TVectorT(20); // a few spare (*setup)(0) = m_Ny1; (*setup)(1) = m_y1min; (*setup)(2) = m_y1max; (*setup)(3) = m_Ny2; (*setup)(4) = m_y2min; (*setup)(5) = m_y2max; (*setup)(6) = m_yorder; (*setup)(7) = m_Ntau; (*setup)(8) = m_taumin; (*setup)(9) = m_taumax; (*setup)(10) = m_tauorder; (*setup)(11) = m_transvar; (*setup)(12) = m_Nproc; (*setup)(13) = ( m_reweight ? 1 : 0 ); (*setup)(14) = ( m_symmetrise ? 1 : 0 ); (*setup)(15) = ( m_optimised ? 1 : 0 ); (*setup)(16) = ( m_DISgrid ? 1 : 0 ); setup->Write("Parameters"); int igridsize = 0; int igridtrimsize = 0; for ( int ip=0 ; ipsize(); igridsize += m_weight[ip]->size(); // trim it so that it's quicker to copy into the TH3D m_weight[ip]->trim(); igridtrimsize += m_weight[ip]->size(); TH3D* h=m_weight[ip]->getTH3D(hname); h->SetDirectory(0); h->Write(); delete h; // is this dengerous??? will root try to delete it later? I guess not if we SetDirectory(0) } #if 0 // std::cout << _name << " trimmed" << std::endl; std::cout << _name << "\tsize=" << igridsize << "\t-> " << igridtrimsize; if ( igridsize ) std::cout << "\t( " << igridtrimsize*100/igridsize << "% )"; std::cout << std::endl; #endif d.pop(); } void appl::igrid::fill(const double x1, const double x2, const double Q2, const double* weight) { // find preferred vertex for low end of interpolation range int k1=fk1(x1); int k2=fk2(x2); int k3=fkappa(Q2); double u_y1 = ( fy(x1)-gety1(k1) )/deltay1(); double u_y2 = ( fy(x2)-gety2(k2) )/deltay2(); double u_tau = ( ftau(Q2)-gettau(k3))/deltatau(); double fillweight, fI_factor; // cache the interpolation coefficients so only // have to calculate each one once // NB: a (very naughty) hardcoded maximum interpolation order // of 16 for code simplicity. double _fI1[16]; double _fI2[16]; double _fI3[16]; for( int i1=0 ; i1<=m_yorder ; i1++ ) _fI1[i1] = fI(i1, m_yorder, u_y1); for( int i2=0 ; i2<=m_yorder ; i2++ ) _fI2[i2] = fI(i2, m_yorder, u_y2); for( int i3=0 ; i3<=m_tauorder ; i3++ ) _fI3[i3] = fI(i3, m_tauorder, u_tau); double invwfun = 1/(weightfun(x1)*weightfun(x2)); for( int i3=0 ; i3<=m_tauorder ; i3++ ) { // "interpolation" loop in Q2 for( int i1=0 ; i1<=m_yorder ; i1++ ) { // "interpolation" loop in x1 for( int i2=0 ; i2<=m_yorder ; i2++ ) { // "interpolation" loop in x2 fI_factor = _fI1[i1] * _fI2[i2] * _fI3[i3]; if ( m_reweight ) fI_factor *= invwfun; for( int ip=0 ; ip "; (*m_weight[ip])(k3+i3, k1+i1, k2+i2) += fillweight; // std::cout << (*m_weight[ip])(k3+i3, k1+i1, k2+i2) << ")"; // m_weight[ip]->print(); // m_weight[ip]->fill_fast(k3+i3, k1+i1, k2+i2) += fillweight/wfun; } // std::cout << std::endl; } } } } void appl::igrid::fill_phasespace(const double x1, const double x2, const double Q2, const double* weight) { int k1=fk1(x1); int k2=fk2(x2); int k3=fkappa(Q2); // std::cout << "appl::igrid::fill_phasespace() k: " << k1 << " " << k2 << " " << k3 << std::endl; // std::cout << "\tweights: "; // for ( int ip=0 ; ipsize() << std::endl; // for ( int ip=0 ; ip=1 && fscale_factor!=1 ) { m_fsplit1 = new double**[Ntau()]; if ( isSymmetric() ) m_fsplit2 = m_fsplit1; else m_fsplit2 = new double**[Ntau()]; if ( nloop==2 ) { m_fsplit12 = new double**[Ntau()]; if ( isSymmetric() ) m_fsplit22 = m_fsplit12; else m_fsplit22 = new double**[Ntau()]; } } // alphas table m_alphas = new double[Ntau()]; // allocate tables for ( int i=0 ; i=1 && fscale_factor!=1 ) { m_fsplit1[i] = new double*[n_y1]; for ( int j=0 ; jpdf() ); // set up pdf grid, splitting function grid // and alpha_s grid // for ( int itau=m_Ntau ; itau-- ; ) { for ( int itau=0 ; itaum_taufilledmax ) continue; double tau = gettau(itau); double Q2 = fQ2(tau); double Q = std::sqrt(Q2); // alpha_s table m_alphas[itau] = alphas(rscale_factor*Q)*invtwopi; // std::cout << itau << "\ttau " << tau // << "\tQ2 " << Q2 << "\tQ " << Q // << "\talphas " << m_alphas[itau] << std::endl; #if 0 int iymin1 = m_weight[0]->ymin(); int iymax1 = m_weight[0]->ymax(); if ( isSymmetric() ) { int iymin2 = iymin1; int iymax2 = iymax1; } else { int iymin2 = m_weight[0]->zmin(); int iymax2 = m_weight[0]->zmax(); } #endif // grid not filled for iyiymax so no need to // consider outside this range // y1 tables for ( int iy=n_y1 ; iy-- ; ) { if ( iym_y1filledmax ) continue; double y = gety1(iy); double x = fx(y); double fun = 1; if ( m_reweight ) fun = weightfun(x); if ( scale_beams ) { x *= beam_scale; if ( x>=1 ) { for ( int ip=0 ; ip<13 ; ip++ ) m_fg1[itau][iy][ip]=0; if ( nloop>=1 && fscale_factor!=1 ) { for ( int ip=0 ; ip<13 ; ip++ ) m_fsplit1[itau][iy][ip] = 0; if (nloop==2) for ( int ip=0 ; ip<13 ; ip++ ) m_fsplit12[itau][iy][ip] = 0; } continue; } } pdf0->evaluate(x, fscale_factor*Q, m_fg1[itau][iy]); double invx = 1/x; for ( int ip=0 ; ip<13 ; ip++ ) m_fg1[itau][iy][ip] *= invx; if ( m_reweight ) for ( int ip=0 ; ip<13 ; ip++ ) m_fg1[itau][iy][ip] *= fun; // splitting function table if ( nloop>=1 && fscale_factor!=1 ) { double PLO[13]; for ( int ip=13 ; ip-- ; ) PLO[ip] = 0; splitting( x, fscale_factor*Q, PLO, 1 ); /// PLO x pdf for ( int ip=13 ; ip-- ; ) m_fsplit1[itau][iy][ip] = PLO[ip]*invx; if ( m_reweight ) for ( int ip=13 ; ip-- ; ) m_fsplit1[itau][iy][ip] *= fun; if (nloop>1) { // splitting( x, fscale_factor*Q, m_fsplit12[itau][iy], 1 ); placeholder for hoppet call double P2LO[13]; for ( int ip=13 ; ip-- ; ) P2LO[ip] = 0; double PNLO[13]; for ( int ip=13 ; ip-- ; ) PNLO[ip] = 0; splitting( x, fscale_factor*Q, P2LO, 11 ); /// PLO x PLO x pdf splitting( x, fscale_factor*Q, PNLO, 2 ); /// PNLO x pdf for ( int ip=0 ; ip<13 ; ip++ ) m_fsplit12[itau][iy][ip] = 0.5*logf*(beta0*(logf - 2*logr)*PLO[ip] + logf*P2LO[ip] - 2*PNLO[ip] )*invx ; if ( m_reweight ) for ( int ip=0 ; ip<13 ; ip++ ) m_fsplit12[itau][iy][ip] *= fun; } } } } if ( initialise_hoppet ) hoppet_init::assign( pdf1->pdf() ); if ( ( !isSymmetric() && !isDISgrid() ) || ( pdf1 && pdf1!=pdf0 ) ) { for ( int itau=0 ; itaum_taufilledmax ) continue; double tau = gettau(itau); double Q2 = fQ2(tau); double Q = std::sqrt(Q2); /// alpha_s table has already been filled /// m_alphas[itau] = alphas(rscale_factor*Q)*invtwopi; // y2 tables // for ( int iy=iymin2 ; iy<=iymax2 ; iy++ ) { for ( int iy=n_y2 ; iy-- ; ) { if ( iym_y2filledmax ) continue; double y = gety2(iy); double x = fx(y); double fun = 1; if (m_reweight) fun = weightfun(x); if ( scale_beams ) { x *= beam_scale; if ( x>=1 ) { for ( int ip=0 ; ip<13 ; ip++ ) m_fg2[itau][iy][ip]=0; if ( nloop>=1 && fscale_factor!=1 ) { for ( int ip=0 ; ip<13 ; ip++ ) m_fsplit2[itau][iy][ip] = 0; if (nloop==2) for ( int ip=0 ; ip<13 ; ip++ ) m_fsplit22[itau][iy][ip] = 0; } continue; } } pdf1->evaluate(x, fscale_factor*Q, m_fg2[itau][iy]); double invx = 1/x; for ( int ip=0 ; ip<13 ; ip++ ) m_fg2[itau][iy][ip] *= invx; if ( m_reweight ) for ( int ip=0 ; ip<13 ; ip++ ) m_fg2[itau][iy][ip] *= fun; // splitting functions if ( nloop>=1 && fscale_factor!=1 ) { double PLO[13]; for ( int ip=13 ; ip-- ; ) PLO[ip] = 0; splitting( x, fscale_factor*Q, PLO, 1 ); /// PLO x pdf for ( int ip=13 ; ip-- ; ) m_fsplit2[itau][iy][ip] = PLO[ip]*invx; if ( m_reweight ) for ( int ip=13 ; ip-- ; ) m_fsplit2[itau][iy][ip] *= fun; if (nloop > 1) { //splitting( x, fscale_factor*Q, m_fsplit22[itau][iy], 1 ); double P2LO[13]; for ( int ip=13 ; ip-- ; ) P2LO[ip] = 0; double PNLO[13]; for ( int ip=13 ; ip-- ; ) PNLO[ip] = 0; splitting( x, fscale_factor*Q, P2LO, 11 ); /// PLO x PLO x pdf splitting( x, fscale_factor*Q, PNLO, 2 ); /// PNLO x pdf for ( int ip=0 ; ip<13 ; ip++ ) m_fsplit22[itau][iy][ip] = 0.5*logf*(beta0*(logf - 2*logr)*PLO[ip] + logf*P2LO[ip] - 2*PNLO[ip] )*invx ; if ( m_reweight ) for ( int ip=0 ; ip<13 ; ip++ ) m_fsplit22[itau][iy][ip] *= fun; } } } } // loop over itau } // isSymmetric() } #if 0 void igrid::pdfinterp(double x, double Q2, double* f) { int k1=fk1(x); int k3=fkappa(Q2); double u_y1 = ( fy(x)-gety1(k1) )/deltay1(); double u_tau = ( ftau(Q2)-gettau(k3))/deltatau(); // double rint = 0.; for ( int i=0 ; i<13 ; i++ ) f[i]=0.; double fI_factor; for( int i3=0 ; i3<=m_tauorder ; i3++ ) { // interpolation loop in Q2 // double fI3 = fI(i3, m_tauorder, u_tau); for( int i1=0 ; i1<=m_yorder ; i1++ ) { // interpolation loop in x1 // double fI1 = fI(i1, m_yorder, u_y1); fI_factor=fI(i1, m_yorder, u_y1) * fI(i3, m_tauorder, u_tau); for ( int ip1=0 ; ip1<13 ; ip1++ ) { f[ip1] += fI_factor*m_fg1[k3+i3][std::abs(k1+i1)][ip1]; } } } double fun = weightfun(x); if ( m_reweight ) for ( int ip1=0 ; ip1<13 ; ip1++ ) f[ip1] /= fun; } #endif // takes pdf as the pdf lib wrapper for the pdf set for the convolution. // takes genpdf as a function to form the generalised parton distribution. // alphas is a function for the calculation of alpha_s (surprisingly) // lo_order is the order of the calculation, ie for inclusive, or two jets, // it's O(alpha_s) (ie lo_order=1) and for 3 jet it would be O(alpha_s^2) // (ie lo_order=2) // nloop is the number of loops, ie for the leading order component it is // 0, for the nlo component, interestingly it is also 0, since the leading order // grids are seperate from the nlo grids, if nloop=1 then we must be calculating // {r,f}scale_factor ie f*mu then *scale_factor=f // splitting, is the splitting function double appl::igrid::convolute(NodeCache* pdf0, NodeCache* pdf1, appl_pdf* genpdf, double (*alphas)(const double& ), int lo_order, int _nloop, double rscale_factor, double fscale_factor, double Escale) { // m_transvar = m_transvarlocal; if ( pdf1==0 ) pdf1 = pdf0; m_conv_param.pdf0 = pdf0; m_conv_param.pdf1 = pdf1; m_conv_param.alphas = alphas; m_conv_param.lo_order = lo_order; m_conv_param._nloop = _nloop; m_conv_param.Escale = Escale; m_conv_param.rscale_factor = rscale_factor; m_conv_param.fscale_factor = fscale_factor; m_conv_param.genpdf = genpdf; m_conv_param.dsigma = 0; m_conv_param.dsigmaNLO = 0; m_conv_param.dsigmaNNLO = 0; double dsigma = 0; double dsigmaNLO = 0; double dsigmaNNLO = 0; #ifndef PDFTHREAD //char name[]="appl_grid:igrid::convolute(): "; // static const double twopi = 2*M_PI; // static const int nc = 3; // //TC const int nf = 6; // static const int nf = 5; // static double beta0=(11.*nc-2.*nf)/(6.*twopi); //const bool debug=false; // double alphas_tmp = 0.; // double _alphas = 1.; // double alphaplus1 = 0.; // do the convolution // if (debug) std::cout<trim(); } // size += m_weight[ip]->xmax() - m_weight[ip]->xmin() + 1; size++; } // grid is empty if ( size==0 ) return 0; int nloop = std::fabs(_nloop); setuppdf( alphas, pdf0, pdf1, nloop, rscale_factor, fscale_factor, Escale); #endif if ( threads_disabled ) convolute_internal(); else process(); dsigma = m_conv_param.dsigma; dsigmaNLO = m_conv_param.dsigmaNLO; dsigmaNNLO = m_conv_param.dsigmaNNLO; return dsigma; } void appl::igrid::convolute_internal() { // struct timeval mytimer = appl_timer_start(); int lo_order = m_conv_param.lo_order; int _nloop = m_conv_param._nloop; int nloop = std::fabs(_nloop); double rscale_factor = m_conv_param.rscale_factor; double fscale_factor = m_conv_param.fscale_factor; appl_pdf* genpdf = m_conv_param.genpdf; // static const double twopi = 2*M_PI; // static const int nc = 3; // //TC const int nf = 6; // static const int nf = 5; // static double beta0=(11.*nc-2.*nf)/(6.*twopi); // const bool debug=false; double dsigma = 0.; //, xsigma = 0.; double dsigmaNLO = 0.; //, xsigma = 0.; double dsigmaNNLO = 0.; //, xsigma = 0.; // std::cout << "conv_internal: \t" << name() << " m_Nproc: " << m_Nproc << std::endl; int size=0; for ( int ip=0 ; ipempty() << std::endl; if ( m_weight[ip]->empty() ) continue; if ( !m_weight[ip]->trimmed() ) { /// std::cerr << "igrid::convolute() naughty, naughty!" << std::endl; m_weight[ip]->trim(); } // size += m_weight[ip]->xmax() - m_weight[ip]->xmin() + 1; size++; } // grid is empty if ( size==0 ) return; #ifdef PDFTHREAD double (*alphas)(const double& ) = m_conv_param.alphas; NodeCache* pdf0 = m_conv_param.pdf0; NodeCache* pdf1 = m_conv_param.pdf1; double Escale = m_conv_param.Escale; // double _alphas = 1.; // double alphaplus1 = 0.; // do the convolution // if (debug) std::cout<empty() << std::endl; if ( m_weight[ip]->empty() ) continue; if ( !m_weight[ip]->trimmed() ) { /// std::cerr << "igrid::convolute() naughty, naughty!" << std::endl; m_weight[ip]->trim(); } size += m_weight[ip]->xmax() - m_weight[ip]->xmin() + 1; } // grid is empty if ( size==0 ) return; setuppdf( alphas, pdf0, pdf1, nloop, rscale_factor, fscale_factor, Escale); #endif double* sig = new double[m_Nproc]; // weights from grid double* H = new double[m_Nproc]; // generalised pdf double* HA = 0; // generalised splitting functions double* HB = 0; // generalised splitting functions double* HA2 = 0; // generalised splitting functions at NNLO double* HB2 = 0; // generalised splitting functions at NNLO double* HAB = 0; // generalised splitting functions at NNLO if ( nloop>=1 && fscale_factor!=1 ) { HA = new double[m_Nproc]; // generalised splitting functions HB = new double[m_Nproc]; // generalised splitting functions if (nloop == 2 ) { HA2 = new double[m_Nproc]; // generalised splitting functions at NNLO HB2 = new double[m_Nproc]; // generalised splitting functions at NNLO HAB = new double[m_Nproc]; // generalised splitting functions at NNLO } } // cross section for this igrid //char name[]="appl_grid:igrid::convolute(): "; static const double twopi = 2*M_PI; static const int nc = 3; //TC const int nf = 6; static const int nf = 5; static double beta0=(11.*nc - 2.*nf)/(6.*twopi); static double beta1=(34.*nc*nc - 3.*(nc-1./nc)*nf - 10.*nc*nf)/(6.*twopi); double alphas_tmp = 0.; double _alphas = 1.; double alphaplus1 = 0.; double alphaplus2 = 0.; m_conv_param.dsigma = 0; m_conv_param.dsigmaNLO = 0; m_conv_param.dsigmaNNLO = 0; // loop over the grid // for ( int itau=0 ; itautrimmed(itau,iy1,iy2) ) continue; bool nonzero = false; // basic convolution order component for either the born level // or the convolution of the nlo grid with the pdf for ( int ip=0 ; ipevaluate( m_fg1[itau][iy1], m_fg2[itau][iy2], H ); // do the convolution double xsigma=0.; if ( m_parent && m_parent->subproc()!=-1 ) { int ip=m_parent->subproc(); xsigma+= sig[ip]*H[ip]; } else { for ( int ip=0 ; ip= 0 ) dsigma += _alphas*xsigma; // now do the convolution for the variation of factorisation and // renormalisation scales, proportional to the leading order weights if ( nloop>=1 ) { // renormalisation scale dependent bit if ( rscale_factor!=1 ) { // nlo relative ln mu_R^2 term double logr2 = std::log(rscale_factor*rscale_factor); double fac = alphaplus1*twopi*lo_order*logr2*xsigma; dsigmaNLO += fac*beta0; if (nloop>1) { dsigmaNNLO += fac*_alphas*( beta1 + 0.5*beta0*beta0*(1+lo_order)*logr2 ); // dsigmaNNLO += alphaplus2*twopi*((beta01*lo_order*log(rscale_factor*rscale_factor) + // (0.5*beta0*beta0*lo_order*(1+lo_order)*logr2*logr2 )*xsigma; } } // factorisation scale dependent bit // nlo relative ln mu_F^2 term if ( fscale_factor!=1 ) { genpdf->evaluate( m_fg1 [itau][iy1], m_fsplit2[itau][iy2], HA); genpdf->evaluate( m_fsplit1[itau][iy1], m_fg2 [itau][iy2], HB); xsigma=0.; /// setting this to 0 ??? maybe this is ok because we have already used it for the rscale part if ( m_parent && m_parent->subproc()!=-1 ) { int ip=m_parent->subproc(); xsigma += sig[ip]*(HA[ip]+HB[ip]); } else { for ( int ip=0 ; ip1 ) { double logr2 = std::log(rscale_factor*rscale_factor); dsigmaNNLO -= fac*(1+beta0*logr2*lo_order*_alphas); /// plus the double splitting function components ... /// PDFA2 PDFB0 alphas2 +PDFA1 PDFB1 alphas2 + PDFA0 PDFB2 alphas2 genpdf->evaluate( m_fsplit12[itau][iy1], m_fg2[itau][iy2], HA2 ); genpdf->evaluate( m_fg1[itau][iy1], m_fsplit22[itau][iy2], HB2 ); genpdf->evaluate( m_fsplit1[itau][iy1], m_fsplit2[itau][iy2], HAB ); double fac2 = 0; if ( m_parent && m_parent->subproc()!=-1 ) { int ip=m_parent->subproc(); fac2 += sig[ip]*( HA2[ip] + HB2[ip] + HAB[ip] ); } else { for ( int ip=0 ; iptrimmed() ) { // std::cout << "igrid::convolute() naughty, naughty!" << std::endl; m_weight[ip]->trim(); } size += m_weight[ip]->xmax() - m_weight[ip]->xmin() + 1; } // grid is empty if ( size==0 ) return 0; setuppdf( alphas, pdf0, pdf1, nloop, rscale_factor, fscale_factor, Escale); if ( threads_disabled ) amc_convolute_internal(); else process(); return m_conv_param.dsigma; } void appl::igrid::amc_convolute_internal() { int lo_order = m_conv_param.lo_order; // int _nloop = m_conv_param._nloop; // int nloop = std::fabs(_nloop); // double rscale_factor = m_conv_param.rscale_factor; // double fscale_factor = m_conv_param.fscale_factor; appl_pdf* genpdf = m_conv_param.genpdf; static const double eightpisquared = 8*M_PI*M_PI; double alphas_tmp = 0.; double dsigma = 0.; //, xsigma = 0.; double _alphas = 1.; double* sig = new double[m_Nproc]; // weights from grid double* H = new double[m_Nproc]; // generalised pdf double* HA = 0; // generalised splitting functions double* HB = 0; // generalised splitting functions // if ( nloop==1 && fscale_factor!=1 ) { // HA = new double[m_Nproc]; // generalised splitting functions // HB = new double[m_Nproc]; // generalised splitting functions // } // cross section for this igrid // loop over the grid // for ( int itau=0 ; itautrimmed(itau,iy1,iy2) ) continue; bool nonzero = false; // basic convolution order component for either the born level // or the convolution of the nlo grid with the pdf for ( int ip=0 ; ipevaluate( m_fg1[itau][iy1], m_fg2[itau][iy2], H ); // do the convolution double xsigma=0.; for ( int ip=0 ; ip& keep ) { /// save the old grids int Nproc = m_Nproc; SparseMatrix3d** w = m_weight; /// resize m_Nproc = keep.size(); m_weight = new SparseMatrix3d*[m_Nproc]; /// copy across the grids we want to save for ( unsigned ip=0 ; ip " << ip << std::endl; m_weight[ip] = w[keep[ip]]; /// move across the processes we want to keep w[keep[ip]] = 0; /// now flag as 0 } for ( int ip=0 ; ipxmax() << " - " << m_weight[ip]->xmin() << "\tx1 " << m_weight[ip]->ymax() << " - " << m_weight[ip]->ymin() << "\tx2 " << m_weight[ip]->zmax() << " - " << m_weight[ip]->zmin(); // is it empty? if ( m_weight[ip]->xmax()-m_weight[ip]->xmin()+1 == 0 ) { if ( firstdebug && firstempty ) std::cout << "\tempty" << std::endl; firstempty = false; firstdebug = false; continue; } firstdebug = false; // m_weight[ip]->print(); // m_weight[ip]->yaxis().print(fx); // std::cout << "initial ip=" << ip // << "\tm_y2min=" << m_y2min << "\tm_y2max=" << m_y2max // << "\tm_y1min=" << m_y1min << "\tm_y1max=" << m_y1max // << std::endl; // m_weight[ip]->print(); // find actual limits // y1 optimisation int ymin1 = m_weight[ip]->ymin(); int ymax1 = m_weight[ip]->ymax(); if ( ymin1m_Ny1-1 ) y1setmax = m_Ny1-1; double _min = gety1(y1setmin); double _max = gety1(y1setmax); m_Ny1 = Nx1; m_y1min = _min; m_y1max = _max; m_deltay1 = (m_y1max-m_y1min)/(m_Ny1-1); // y2 optimisation // double oldy2min = m_y2min; // double oldy2max = m_y2max; if ( isOptimised() ) { // add a bit on each side y2setmin -= extrabins; y2setmax += extrabins; } else { // not optimised yet so add the order to the // max filled grid element position also y2setmin -= extrabins; y2setmax += m_yorder+extrabins; } if ( y2setmin<0 ) y2setmin = 0; if ( y2setmax>=m_Ny2 ) y2setmax = m_Ny2-1; // m_Ny2 = y2setmax-y2setmin+1; _min = gety2(y2setmin); _max = gety2(y2setmax); m_Ny2 = Nx2; m_y2min = _min; m_y2max = _max; m_deltay2 = (m_y2max-m_y2min)/(m_Ny2-1); std::cout << "\t-> " << y1setmin << " - " << y1setmax << " : " << y2setmin << " - " << y2setmax << std::endl; // tau optimisation // double oldtaumin = m_taumin; // double oldtaumax = m_taumax; // add a bit on each side if ( isOptimised() ) { // add a bit on each side tausetmin--; tausetmax++; } else { // not optimised yet so add the order to the // max filled grid element position also tausetmax += m_tauorder+1; tausetmin -= 1; } if ( tausetmin<0 ) tausetmin = 0; if ( tausetmax>=m_Ntau-1 ) tausetmax = m_Ntau-1; _min = gettau(tausetmin); _max = gettau(tausetmax); m_Ntau = NQ2; m_taumin = _min; m_taumax = _max; m_deltatau = (m_taumax-m_taumin)/(m_Ntau-1); // std::cout << "done ip=" << ip << std::endl; } #endif // now create the new subprocess grids with optimised limits for ( int ip=0 ; ipempty() ) { if ( m_weight[ip]->empty() ) { delete m_weight[ip]; m_weight[ip] = new SparseMatrix3d( *g.m_weight[ip] ); } else if ( m_weight[ip]->compare_axes( *g.m_weight[ip] ) ) (*m_weight[ip]) += (*g.m_weight[ip]); else { throw exception("igrid::operator+=() grids do not match"); } } } } return *this; } std::ostream& appl::igrid::header(std::ostream& s) const { // s << "interpolation orders: x=" << g.yorder() << "\tQ2=" << g.tauorder() << std::endl; s << "\t x: [ " << std::setw(2) // << Ny1() << " ;\t" << std::setw(7) << fx(y1max()) << " - " << std::setw(7) << std::setprecision(6) << fx(y1min()) << "\t : " // << Ny2() << " ;\t" << std::setw(7) << fx(y2max()) << " - " << std::setw(7) << std::setprecision(6) << fx(y2min()) << Ny1() << " :\t " << std::setw(7) << std::setprecision(6) << fx(y1max()) << " - " << std::setw(7) << std::setprecision(6) << fx(y1min()) << "\t : " << Ny2() << " :\t " << std::setw(7) << std::setprecision(6) << fx(y2max()) << " - " << std::setw(7) << std::setprecision(6) << fx(y2min()) << "\t : " << "\t( order=" << yorder() << " ) ]"; s << "\t Q2: [ " << Ntau() << " :\t " << std::setw(7) << std::setprecision(6) << fQ2(taumin()) << " - " << std::setw(7) << std::setprecision(6) << fQ2(taumax()) << "\t( order=" << tauorder() << " - reweight " << ( m_reweight ? "on " : "off" ) << ") ]"; return s; } std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& s, const appl::igrid& g) { return g.header(s); } void appl::igrid::run_thread() { lock_proc(); mprocessing = false; unlock_proc(); while( true ) { // std::cout << "thread " << this << " " << mname << " waiting ... " << std::endl; /// supend immediately suspend(); if ( mterminate ) break; // std::cout << "thread " << this << " " << mname << " running ... " << std::endl; // struct timeval mytimer = appl_timer_start(); /// put the actual convoluting steps in here /// once round the colbolution step, it puts itself to /// sleep again if ( parent()->calculation()==grid::AMCATNLO ) amc_convolute_internal(); else convolute_internal(); // std::printf("thread done: param: %lf internal\n", m_conv_param.dsigma ); /// after starting the processing step, the calling thread must /// wait for all the threads to finish // double mytime = appl_timer_stop(mytimer); // std::printf("thread done: param: %lf internal time %lf ms\n", m_conv_param.dsigma, mytime ); /// signal computation has finished // std::cout << "thread " << this << " " << mname << " done [" << mytime << " ms" << "]" << std::endl; } suspend(false); } Index: applgrid/trunk/src/appl_grid.cxx =================================================================== --- applgrid/trunk/src/appl_grid.cxx (revision 1752) +++ applgrid/trunk/src/appl_grid.cxx (revision 1753) @@ -1,2954 +1,2953 @@ // appl_grid.cxx // grid class - all the functions needed to create and // fill the grid from an NLO calculation program. // // Copyright (C) 2007 Mark Sutton ( // $Id: appl_grid.cxx, v1.00 2007/10/16 17:01:39 sutt $ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "appl_grid/appl_pdf.h" #include "appl_grid/appl_timer.h" #include "appl_grid/Directory.h" #include "appl_grid/appl_grid.h" #include "appl_grid/generic_pdf.h" #include "appl_grid/lumi_pdf.h" #include "appl_igrid.h" #include "Cache.h" #include "TFileString.h" #include "TFileVector.h" #include "TFile.h" #include "TObjString.h" #include "TVectorT.h" #include "amconfig.h" #include "Splitting.h" /// in case of non c++11 compliant compilation, define /// some c++11 type replacemant functions #if __cplusplus <= 199711L // #warning Not using C++11 compilation - using substitute functions namespace std { int stoi( const std::string s ) { return atoi(s.c_str()); } std::string to_string( int i ) { char a[16]; sprintf( a, "%d", i ); return a; } std::string to_string( double f ) { char a[178]; sprintf( a, "%lf", f ); return a; } } #endif template std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& s, const std::vector& v) { for ( unsigned i=0 ; iobsbin m_obs_bins=new TH1D("referenceInternal","Bin-Info for Observable", Nobs, obsmin, obsmax); m_obs_bins->SetDirectory(0); m_obs_bins->Sumw2(); /// grrr root is so rubbish - not scaling errors properly m_obs_bins_combined = m_obs_bins; /// check to see if we require a generic pdf from a text file, and /// and if so, create the required generic pdf // if ( m_genpdfname.find(".dat")!=std::string::npos ) addpdf(m_genpdfname); // else if ( m_genpdfname.find(".dat")!=std::string::npos ) addpdf(m_genpdfname); if ( contains(m_genpdfname, ".dat") || contains(m_genpdfname, ".config") ) addpdf(m_genpdfname); findgenpdf( m_genpdfname ); construct(Nobs, NQ2, Q2min, Q2max, Q2order, Nx, xmin, xmax, xorder, m_order, m_transform); } appl::grid::grid(int Nobs, const double* obsbins, int NQ2, double Q2min, double Q2max, int Q2order, int Nx, double xmin, double xmax, int xorder, std::string genpdfname, int leading_order, int _nloops, std::string transform ) : m_leading_order(leading_order), m_order(_nloops+1), m_run(0), m_optimised(false), m_trimmed(false), m_normalised(false), m_symmetrise(false), m_transform(transform), m_genpdfname(genpdfname), m_cmsScale(0), m_dynamicScale(0), m_applyCorrections(false), m_documentation(""), m_type(STANDARD), m_read(false), m_subproc(-1), m_bin(-1), m_genwithpdf("") { // Initialize histogram that saves the correspondence obsvalue<->obsbin m_obs_bins=new TH1D("referenceInternal","Bin-Info for Observable", Nobs, obsbins); m_obs_bins->SetDirectory(0); m_obs_bins->Sumw2(); /// grrr root is so rubbish - not scaling errors properly m_obs_bins_combined = m_obs_bins; /// check to see if we require a generic pdf from a text file, and /// and if so, create the required generic pdf // if ( m_genpdfname.find(".dat")!=std::string::npos ) addpdf(m_genpdfname); if ( contains(m_genpdfname, ".dat") || contains(m_genpdfname, ".config") ) addpdf(m_genpdfname); findgenpdf( m_genpdfname ); construct(Nobs, NQ2, Q2min, Q2max, Q2order, Nx, xmin, xmax, xorder, m_order, m_transform ); } appl::grid::grid(const std::vector& obs, int NQ2, double Q2min, double Q2max, int Q2order, int Nx, double xmin, double xmax, int xorder, std::string genpdfname, int leading_order, int _nloops, std::string transform ) : m_leading_order(leading_order), m_order(_nloops+1), m_run(0), m_optimised(false), m_trimmed(false), m_normalised(false), m_symmetrise(false), m_transform(transform), m_genpdfname(genpdfname), m_cmsScale(0), m_dynamicScale(0), m_applyCorrections(false), m_documentation(""), m_type(STANDARD), m_read(false), m_subproc(-1), m_bin(-1), m_genwithpdf("") { if ( obs.size()==0 ) { std::cerr << "grid::not enough bins in observable" << std::endl; std::exit(0); } // double* obsbins = new double[obs.size()]; // for ( unsigned i=0 ; iobsbin m_obs_bins=new TH1D("referenceInternal","Bin-Info for Observable", obs.size()-1, &obs[0] ); m_obs_bins->SetDirectory(0); m_obs_bins->Sumw2(); /// grrr root is so rubbish - not scaling errors properly // delete[] obsbins; m_obs_bins_combined = m_obs_bins; /// check to see if we require a generic pdf from a text file, and /// and if so, create the required generic pdf // if ( m_genpdfname.find(".dat")!=std::string::npos ) addpdf(m_genpdfname); if ( contains(m_genpdfname, ".dat") || contains(m_genpdfname, ".config") ) addpdf(m_genpdfname); findgenpdf( m_genpdfname ); construct( obs.size()-1, NQ2, Q2min, Q2max, Q2order, Nx, xmin, xmax, xorder, m_order, m_transform); } appl::grid::grid(const std::vector& obs, std::string genpdfname, int leading_order, int _nloops, std::string transform ) : m_leading_order(leading_order), m_order(_nloops+1), m_run(0), m_optimised(false), m_trimmed(false), m_normalised(false), m_symmetrise(false), m_transform(transform), m_genpdfname(genpdfname), m_cmsScale(0), m_dynamicScale(0), m_applyCorrections(false), m_documentation(""), m_type(STANDARD), m_read(false), m_subproc(-1), m_bin(-1), m_genwithpdf("") { if ( obs.size()==0 ) { std::cerr << "grid::not enough bins in observable" << std::endl; std::exit(0); } // double* obsbins = new double[obs.size()]; // for ( unsigned i=0 ; iobsbin m_obs_bins=new TH1D("referenceInternal","Bin-Info for Observable", obs.size()-1, &obs[0] ); m_obs_bins->SetDirectory(0); m_obs_bins->Sumw2(); /// grrr root is so rubbish - not scaling errors properly // delete[] obsbins; m_obs_bins_combined = m_obs_bins; /// check to see if we require a generic pdf from a text file, and /// and if so, create the required generic pdf // if ( m_genpdfname.find(".dat")!=std::string::npos ) addpdf(m_genpdfname); if ( contains(m_genpdfname, ".dat") || contains(m_genpdfname, ".config") ) addpdf(m_genpdfname); findgenpdf( m_genpdfname ); for ( int iorder=0 ; iorderIsZombie()) { std::cout << std::endl; delete gridfilep; throw exception( std::string("grid::grid() cannot open file: zombie ") + filename ); } // TFile gridfile(filename.c_str()); // gDirectory->cd(dirname.c_str()); // std::cout << "pwd=" << gDirectory->GetName() << std::endl; // gDirectory->cd(dirname.c_str()); // std::cout << "pwd=" << gDirectory->GetName() << std::endl; // Directory d(dirname); // d.push(); TFileString* _tagsp = (TFileString*)gridfilep->Get((dirname+"/Tags").c_str()); if ( _tagsp==0 ) { std::cout << std::endl; throw exception( std::string("grid::grid() cannot get tags: ") + filename ); } TFileString _tags = *_tagsp; // TFileString _tags = *(TFileString*)gridfile.Get("Tags"); m_transform = _tags[0]; m_genpdfname = _tags[1]; std::string _version = _tags[2]; // std::cout << "tags:: transform: " << m_transform << "\tpdfname: " << m_genpdfname << "\tdoc: " << m_documentation << std::endl; if ( _tags.size()>3 ) m_documentation = _tags[3]; std::cout << "\t: applgrid version " << _version; if ( _version != m_version ) std::cout << " (transformed to " << m_version << ")"; /// encoded pdfset used for the generation if ( _tags.size()>4 ) { std::string tmp = _tags[4]; if ( tmp.find(":")!=std::string::npos ) { m_genwithpdf = tmp.substr(0,tmp.find(":")); m_genwithipdf = std::stoi(tmp.substr(tmp.find(":")+1,std::string::npos)); } else { m_genwithpdf = tmp; m_genwithipdf = 0; } std::cout << "\t: grid generated with " << m_genwithpdf << " : set " << m_genwithipdf; } // check it has the correct version // if ( _version > m_version ) { // throw exception(cerr << "incorrect version " << _version << " expected " << m_version ); // } // m_version = _version; std::cout << std::endl; if ( getDocumentation()!="" ) std::cout << getDocumentation() << std::endl; bool added = false; if ( m_genpdfname=="basic" ) { added = true; m_genpdfname = "basic.config"; if ( contains(m_genpdfname, ".dat") || contains(m_genpdfname, ".config") ) addpdf(m_genpdfname); findgenpdf( m_genpdfname ); } // std::cout << "Tags=" << _tags << std::endl; // std::cout << "grid::grid() use transform " << m_transform << std::endl; // read state information // hmmm, have to use TVectorT since TVector // apparently has no constructor (???) TVectorT* setup=(TVectorT*)gridfilep->Get((dirname+"/State").c_str()); m_run = (*setup)(0); m_optimised = ( (*setup)(1)!=0 ? true : false ); m_symmetrise = ( (*setup)(2)!=0 ? true : false ); m_leading_order = int((*setup)(3)+0.5); m_order = int((*setup)(4)+0.5); if ( setup->GetNoElements()>5 ) m_cmsScale = (*setup)(5); else m_cmsScale = 0; if ( setup->GetNoElements()>6 ) m_normalised = ( (*setup)(6)!=0 ? true : false ); else m_normalised = true; if ( setup->GetNoElements()>7 ) m_applyCorrections = ( (*setup)(7)!=0 ? true : false ); else m_applyCorrections = false; int n_userdata = 0; if ( setup->GetNoElements()>10 ) n_userdata = int((*setup)(10)+0.5); // std::vector _ckmsum; std::vector > _ckm2; std::vector > _ckm; /// check whether we need to read in the ckm matrices if ( setup->GetNoElements()>8 && (*setup)(8)!=0 ) { std::cout << "grid::grid() read ckm matrices" << std::endl; /// try 13x13 squared ckm matrix TVectorT* ckm2flat=(TVectorT*)gridfilep->Get((dirname+"/CKM2").c_str()); if ( ckm2flat ) { if ( ckm2flat->GetNrows()>0 ) { // _ckm2 = std::vector >(14, std::vector(14) ); _ckm2 = std::vector >(13, std::vector(13) ); for ( int ic=0 ; ic<13 ; ic++ ) { for ( int id=0 ; id<13 ; id++ ) _ckm2[ic][id] = (*ckm2flat)(ic*13+id); } // for ( int ic=0 ; ic<14 ; ic++ ) _ckm2[13][ic] = 0; // for ( int ic=0 ; ic<14 ; ic++ ) _ckm2[ic][13] = 0; } } /// now try usual 3x3 matrix TVectorT* ckmflat=(TVectorT*)gridfilep->Get((dirname+"/CKM").c_str()); if ( ckmflat ) { if ( ckmflat->GetNrows()>0 ) { _ckm = std::vector >(3, std::vector(3) ); for ( int ic=0 ; ic<3 ; ic++ ) { for ( int id=0 ; id<3 ; id++ ) _ckm[ic][id] = (*ckmflat)(ic*3+id); } } } } if ( setup->GetNoElements()>9 ) m_type = (CALCULATION)int( (*setup)(9)+0.5 ); else m_type = STANDARD; // std::cout << "appl::grid() reading grid calculation type: " << _calculation(m_type) << std::endl; // std::cout << "appl::grid() normalised: " << getNormalised() << std::endl; /// check to see if we require a generic pdf from a text file, and /// and if so, create the required generic pdf (or lumi_pdf for amcatnlo) // if ( m_genpdfname.find(".dat")!=std::string::npos ) addpdf(m_genpdfname); // std::cout << "appl::grid() requested pdf combination " << m_genpdfname << std::endl; if ( !added && contains(m_genpdfname, ".config") ) { /// decode the pdf combination if appropriate // find out if we have one combination per order or one overall std::vector namevec = parse( m_genpdfname, ":" ); std::string label = dirname+"/Combinations"; for ( unsigned i=0 ; i because TVectorT has no constructor!!! /// I ask you!! what's the point of a template if it doesn't actually instantiate /// it's pathetic! TVectorT* _combinations = (TVectorT*)gridfilep->Get( label.c_str() ); label += "N"; /// add an N for each order, N-LO, NN-LO etc if ( _combinations==0 ) throw exception( std::string( "grid::grid() cannot read pdf combination " ) + namevec[i] ); std::vector combinations(_combinations->GetNoElements()); for ( unsigned ic=0 ; icgetckmsum().size() << std::endl; // set the ckm matrices if ( _ckm.size()>0 ) setckm( _ckm ); else if ( _ckm2.size()>0 ) setckm2( _ckm2 ); delete setup; // std::cout << "grid::grid() read setup" << std::endl; // Read observable bins information // gridfile.GetObject("obs_bins", m_obs_bins ); m_obs_bins = (TH1D*)gridfilep->Get((dirname+"/reference_internal").c_str()); if ( m_obs_bins ) { m_obs_bins_combined = (TH1D*)gridfilep->Get((dirname+"/reference").c_str()); m_obs_bins_combined->SetDirectory(0); if ( run() ) m_obs_bins_combined->Scale(run()); /// for ( int i=0 ; iGetNbinsX ; i++ ) m_obs_bins_combined->SetBinContent( i+1, m_obs_bins_combined->GetBinContent( i+1, run(i) ) ); } else { m_obs_bins = (TH1D*)gridfilep->Get((dirname+"/reference").c_str()); m_obs_bins_combined = m_obs_bins; } m_obs_bins->SetDirectory(0); if ( run() ) m_obs_bins->Scale(run()); /// for ( int i=0 ; iGetNbinsX ; i++ ) m_obs_bins->SetBinContent( i+1, m_obs_bins->GetBinContent( i+1, run(i) ) ); m_obs_bins->SetName("referenceInternal"); if ( m_normalised && m_optimised ) m_read = true; /// std::cout << "grid::grid() read obs bins" << std::endl; /// also calculate maximum, values for Q2 and y=ln(1/x) /// for hoppet initialisation double _Q2max = 0; double _xmin = 2; // always bigger than 1 for( int iorder=0 ; iorder0 ) m_Qmax = std::sqrt(_Q2max); if ( _xmin>0 && _xmin<2 ) m_ymax = std::log(1/_xmin); // std::cout << "Qmax " << m_Qmax << std::endl; // std::cout << "ymax " << m_ymax << std::endl; // d.pop(); /// bin-by-bin correction labels TFileString* correctionLabels = (TFileString*)gridfilep->Get((dirname+"/CorrectionLabels").c_str()); if ( correctionLabels ) { for ( unsigned i=0 ; isize() ; i++ ) { m_correctionLabels.push_back( (*correctionLabels)[i] ); // copy the correction label } } /// bin-by-bin correction values TFileVector* corrections = (TFileVector*)gridfilep->Get((dirname+"/Corrections").c_str()); if ( corrections ) { for ( unsigned i=0 ; isize() ; i++ ) { m_corrections.push_back( (*corrections)[i] ); // copy the correction histograms m_applyCorrection.push_back(false); } } /// now read in vector of bins to be combined if present TVectorT* _combine = (TVectorT*)gridfilep->Get((dirname+"/CombineBins").c_str()); if ( _combine!=0 ) { // std::cout << "read in " << _combine->GetNrows() << " entries in combine" << std::endl; m_combine = std::vector(_combine->GetNrows(),0); for ( unsigned i=_combine->GetNrows() ; i-- ; ) m_combine[i] = int((*_combine)(i)); if ( m_combine.size() ) combineReference(); } // std::cout << "grid::grid() read from file Nobs = " << Nobs_internal() << std::endl; // std::cout << "read grid" << std::endl; /// read in the user data if ( n_userdata ) { TVectorT* userdata=(TVectorT*)gridfilep->Get((dirname+"/UserData").c_str()); m_userdata.clear(); for ( int i=0 ; iClose(); delete gridfilep; double tstop = appl_timer_stop( tstart ); unsigned usize = size(); struct timeval tstart2 = appl_timer_start(); trim(); double tstop2 = appl_timer_stop( tstart2 ); std::cout << "appl::grid() read grid, size "; if ( usize>1024*10 ) std::cout << usize/1024./1024. << " MB"; else std::cout << usize/1024. << " kB"; std::cout << "\tin " << tstop << " ms"; std::cout << "\ttrim in " << tstop2 << " ms" << std::endl; std::cout << "appl::grid::weights " << run() << std::endl; } appl::grid::grid(const grid& g) : m_obs_bins(new TH1D(*g.m_obs_bins)), m_leading_order(g.m_leading_order), m_order(g.m_order), m_run(g.m_run), m_optimised(g.m_optimised), m_trimmed(g.m_trimmed), m_normalised(g.m_normalised), m_symmetrise(g.m_symmetrise), m_transform(g.m_transform), m_genpdfname(g.m_genpdfname), m_cmsScale(g.m_cmsScale), m_dynamicScale(g.m_dynamicScale), m_applyCorrections(g.m_applyCorrections), m_documentation(g.m_documentation), m_ckmsum(g.m_ckmsum), /// need a deep copy of the contents m_ckm2(g.m_ckm2), /// need a deep copy of the contents m_ckm(g.m_ckm), /// need a deep copy of the contents m_type(g.m_type), m_read(g.m_read), m_bin(-1), m_genwithpdf("") { m_obs_bins->SetDirectory(0); m_obs_bins->Sumw2(); m_obs_bins_combined = m_obs_bins; if ( g.m_obs_bins_combined != g.m_obs_bins) { m_obs_bins_combined = new TH1D(*g.m_obs_bins_combined); m_obs_bins_combined->SetDirectory(0); } /// check to see if we require a generic pdf from a text file, and /// and if so, create the required generic pdf // if ( m_genpdfname.find(".dat")!=std::string::npos ) addpdf(m_genpdfname); if ( contains(m_genpdfname, ".dat") || contains(m_genpdfname, ".config") ) addpdf(m_genpdfname); findgenpdf( m_genpdfname ); for ( int iorder=0 ; iordersetparent( this ); } } } // Initialize histogram that saves the correspondence obsvalue<->obsbin // constructor common internals void appl::grid::construct(int Nobs, int NQ2, double Q2min, double Q2max, int Q2order, int Nx, double xmin, double xmax, int xorder, int order, std::string transform ) { // std::cout << "appl::grid::construct() m_order " << m_order << "\tNobs " << Nobs << std::endl; if ( m_order!=order ) std::cerr << "appl::grid::construct() order mismatch" << std::endl; for ( int iorder=0 ; iorderNproc()); m_grids[iorder][iobs]->setparent( this ); } } // std::cout << "appl::grid::construct() return" << std::endl; } // number of subprocesses int appl::grid::subProcesses(int i) const { if ( i<0 || i>=m_order ) { std::stringstream s; s << "grid::subProcess(int i) " << i << " out of range [0-" << m_order-1 << "]"; throw exception( s.str() ); } return m_grids[i][0]->SubProcesses(); } /// access the transform functions for the appl::igrid so that the /// igrid can be hidden double appl::grid::transformvar() { return igrid::transformvar(); } double appl::grid::transformvar(double v) { return igrid::transformvar(v); } // add a single grid void appl::grid::add_igrid(int bin, int order, igrid* g) { if ( !(order>=0 && order=0 && binsetparent(this); if ( g->transform()!=m_transform ) { std::cerr << "grid::add_igrid() transform " << m_transform << " does not match that from added igrid, " << g->transform() << std::endl; m_transform = g->transform(); } } appl::grid::~grid() { for( int iorder=0 ; iorderSetDirectory(0); m_obs_bins->Sumw2(); m_obs_bins_combined = m_obs_bins; // copy the state m_leading_order = g.m_leading_order; m_order = g.m_order; m_run = g.m_run; m_optimised = g.m_optimised; m_trimmed = g.m_trimmed; for ( int iorder=0 ; iordersetparent( this ); } } return *this; } double integral( TH1D* h ) { double d = 0; for ( int i=0 ; iGetNbinsX() ; i++ ) d += h->GetBinContent(i+1); return d; } appl::grid& appl::grid::operator*=(const double& d) { for( int iorder=0 ; iorderScale( d ); if(getReference()!=getReference_internal()) getReference_internal()->Scale( d ); combineReference(true); return *this; } void hprint( TH1D* h ) { for ( int i=1 ; i<=h->GetNbinsX() ; i++ ) std::cout << h->GetBinContent(i) << " "; std::cout << std::endl; } /// this is messed up - how can we apply "per bin" normalisations /// it we have specified more actual bins and are combining them /// a-posteriori ? /// Fixme: at some point *remove* the bin combining functionality /// it is far too much of a pain to maintain appl::grid& appl::grid::operator*=(const std::vector& v) { /// don't do anything if the scale vector is not the correct size if ( v.size() != size_t(Nobs_internal()) ) return *this; for( int iorder=0 ; iorderGetNbinsX() ; i++ ) { int ih=i+1; getReference()->SetBinContent( ih, getReference()->GetBinContent(ih)*v[i] ); getReference()->SetBinError( ih, getReference()->GetBinError(ih)*v[i] ); } #endif for ( int i=0 ; iGetNbinsX() ; i++ ) { int ih=i+1; // std::cout << "v[" << i << "] = " << v[i] << std::endl; getReference_internal()->SetBinContent( ih, getReference_internal()->GetBinContent(ih)*v[i] ); getReference_internal()->SetBinError( ih, getReference_internal()->GetBinError(ih)*v[i] ); } combineReference(true); return *this; } double appl::grid::fx(double x) const { if ( m_order>0 && Nobs_internal()>0 ) return m_grids[0][0]->fx(x); else return 0; } double appl::grid::fy(double x) const { if ( m_order>0 && Nobs_internal()>0 ) return m_grids[0][0]->fy(x); else return 0; } appl::grid& appl::grid::operator+=(const appl::grid& g) { m_run += g.m_run; m_optimised = g.m_optimised; m_trimmed = g.m_trimmed; if ( Nobs_internal()!=g.Nobs_internal() ) throw exception("grid::operator+ Nobs bin mismatch"); if ( m_order!=g.m_order ) throw exception("grid::operator+ different order grids"); if ( m_leading_order!=g.m_leading_order ) throw exception("grid::operator+ different order processes in grids"); for( int iorder=0 ; iorderAdd( g.getReference() ); getReference_internal()->Add( g.getReference_internal() ); combineReference(true); return *this; } /// check grids match bool appl::grid::operator==(const appl::grid& g) const { bool match = true; if ( Nobs_internal()!=g.Nobs_internal() ) match = false; if ( m_order!=g.m_order ) match = false; if ( m_leading_order!=g.m_leading_order ) match = false; for( int iorder=0 ; iordercompare_axes( *g.m_grids[iorder][iobs] ) ); } return match; } // fill the appropriate igrid with these weights void appl::grid::fill(const double x1, const double x2, const double Q2, const double obs, const double* weight, const int iorder) { int iobs = m_obs_bins->FindBin(obs)-1; // std::cout << "grid::fill() iobs " << iobs << "\tobs=" << obs << std::endl; if ( iobs<0 || iobs>=Nobs_internal() ) { // cerr << "grid::fill() iobs out of range " << iobs << "\tobs=" << obs << std::endl; // cerr << "obs=" << obs << "\tobsmin=" << obsmin() << "\tobsmax=" << obsmax() << std::endl; return; } // std::cout << "iobs=" << iobs << "\tobs=" << obs; // for ( int i=0 ; iGetBinLowEdge(iobs+1) << "\t- " << std::setprecision(5) << std::setw(6) << getReference()->GetBinLowEdge(iobs+2) << "\t"; m_grids[iorder][iobs]->print(s); } } return s; } /// get the required pdf combinations from those registered void appl::grid::findgenpdf( std::string s ) { std::vector names = parse( s, ":" ); if ( names.size()==unsigned(m_order) ) for ( int i=0 ; i& combinations ) { // std::cout << "addpdf() in " << std::endl; /// parse names, if they contain .dat, then create the new generic pdfs /// they will be added to the pdf std::map automatically std::vector names = parse( s, ":" ); unsigned imax = unsigned(m_order); /// check to see whether we have a different pdf for each order if ( names.size()!=imax ) { if ( names.size()==1 ) imax = 1; else { std::stringstream s_; s_ << "requested " << m_order << " pdf combination but given " << names.size(); throw exception( s_.str() ); } } // std::cout << "imax " << imax << std::endl; /// loop through all the required pdfs checking whether they exist already, /// if not (from thrown exception) then create it, otherwise, don't need to /// do anything for ( unsigned i=0 ; iremoveDuplicates(); // latex( *lp, "duff" ); } // try { // appl_pdf::getpdf(names[i]); // , false); // } // catch ( appl_pdf::exception e ) { // std::cout << "creating new lumi_pdf " << names[i] << std::endl; // new lumi_pdf(names[i], combinations); // // std::cout << "created" << names[i] << std::endl; // } } } } void appl::grid::setckm2( const std::vector >& ckm2 ) { for ( int i=0 ; isetckm2(ckm2); } void appl::grid::setckm( const std::vector >& ckm ) { for ( int i=0 ; isetckm(ckm); } void appl::grid::setckm( const std::vector& ckm ) { std::vector > _ckm(3, std::vector(3,0) ); for ( unsigned i=0 ; isetckm(_ckm); } void appl::grid::setckm( const double* ckm ) { std::vector > _ckm(3, std::vector(3,0) ); for ( unsigned i=0 ; i<9 ; i++ ) _ckm[i/3][i%3] = ckm[i]; for ( int i=0 ; isetckm(_ckm); } const std::vector >& appl::grid::getckm() const { return m_genpdf[0]->getckm(); } const std::vector >& appl::grid::getckm2() const { return m_genpdf[0]->getckm2(); } // void appl::grid::setuppdf(void (*pdf)(const double&, const double&, double* ) ) { } // void grid::pdfinterp(double x, double Q2, double* f) { } // set the rewight flag of the internal grids bool appl::grid::reweight(bool t) { for( int iorder=0 ; iorderreweight(t); } return t; } bool exists( const std::string& filename ) { struct stat sb; if ( stat( filename.c_str(), &sb)==0 ) return true; // && S_ISREG(sb.st_mode )) else return false; } // dump to file void appl::grid::Write(const std::string& filename, const std::string& dirname, const std::string& pdfname) { std::cout << "appl::grid::Write() " << filename << "\tdirname " << dirname << "\tpdfname " << pdfname << std::endl; if ( exists( filename ) ) { std::string filename_save = filename + "-save"; if ( std::rename( filename.c_str(), filename_save.c_str() ) ) std::cerr << "could not rename grid file " << filename << std::endl; } if ( pdfname!="" ) shrink( pdfname, m_genpdf[0]->getckmcharge() ); // std::cout << "grid::Write() writing to file " << filename << std::endl; TFile rootfile(filename.c_str(),"recreate"); // std::cout << "pwd=" << gDirectory->GetName() << std::endl; Directory d(dirname); d.push(); // std::cout << "pwd=" << gDirectory->GetName() << std::endl; // write the name of the transform pair and the // generalised pdf TFileString _tags("Tags"); _tags.add(m_transform); _tags.add(m_genpdfname); _tags.add(m_version); if ( m_documentation!="" ) _tags.add( m_documentation ); if ( m_genwithpdf!="" ) _tags.add( m_genwithpdf + ":"+std::to_string(m_genwithipdf) ); _tags.Write(); std::cout << "genwith pdf " << m_genwithpdf << " : " << m_genwithipdf << std::endl; // TH1D* _transform = new TH1D("Transform", m_transform.c_str(), 1, 0, 1); // _transform->Write(); // TH1D* _genpdfname = new TH1D("GenPDF", m_genpdfname.c_str(), 1, 0, 1); // _genpdfname->Write(); // std::cout << "state std::vector=" << std::endl; // state information TVectorT* setup=new TVectorT(12); // add a few extra just in case (*setup)(0) = m_run; (*setup)(1) = ( m_optimised ? 1 : 0 ); (*setup)(2) = ( m_symmetrise ? 1 : 0 ); (*setup)(3) = m_leading_order ; (*setup)(4) = m_order ; (*setup)(5) = m_cmsScale ; (*setup)(6) = ( m_normalised ? 1 : 0 ); (*setup)(7) = ( m_applyCorrections ? 1 : 0 ); if ( m_genpdf[0]->getckmsum().size()==0 ) (*setup)(8) = 0; else (*setup)(8) = 1; (*setup)(9) = (int)m_type; (*setup)(10) = m_userdata.size(); setup->Write("State"); if ( (*setup)(8) == 1 ) { /// no longer write out squared ckm matrix - just use the 3x3 TVectorT* ckmflat = new TVectorT(9); const std::vector >& _ckm = m_genpdf[0]->getckm(); for ( int ic=0 ; ic<3 ; ic++ ) { for ( int id=0 ; id<3 ; id++ ) (*ckmflat)(ic*3+id) = _ckm[ic][id]; } ckmflat->Write("CKM"); } /// encode the pdf combination if appropriate if ( contains( m_genpdfname, ".config" ) ) { // find out if we have one combination per order or one overall std::vector namevec = parse( m_genpdfname, ":" ); /// now write out all the ones we need std::string label = "Combinations"; for ( unsigned i=0 ; i(m_genpdf[i])->restoreDuplicates(); lumi_pdf* lpdf = dynamic_cast(m_genpdf[i]); std::cout << "lumi_pdf: " << lpdf->name() << "\t processes " << lpdf->Nproc() << "\n"; // std::cout << "lumi pdf: " << *lpdf << std::endl; lumi_pdf lpdf_tmp(*lpdf); lpdf_tmp.restoreDuplicates(); // std::cout << "lumi pdf: " << *lpdf << std::endl; // std::cout << "lumi pdf: " << lpdf_tmp << std::endl; // std::vector combinations = dynamic_cast(m_genpdf[i])->serialise(); std::vector combinations = lpdf_tmp.serialise(); TVectorT* _combinations = new TVectorT(combinations.size()); for ( unsigned ic=0 ; icWrite( label.c_str() ); std::cout << "writing " << m_genpdf[i]->name() << std::endl; label += "N"; /// add an N for each order, N-LO, NN-LO etc !!!! ARGH!!! Need to be more general !!! } } // std::cout << "grids Nobs = " << Nobs_internal() << std::endl; untrim(); int untrim_size = size(); trim(); int trim_size = size(); std::cout <<"grid::Write()" << "size(untrimmed)=" << untrim_size/1024 << " kB" << "\tsize(trimmed)=" << trim_size/1024 << " kB" << " (" << 0.1*int(trim_size*1000./untrim_size) << "%)" << std::endl; // internal grids for( int iorder=0 ; iordersize(); m_grids[iorder][iobs]->write(name); // trim_size += m_grids[iorder][iobs]->size(); } } // d.pop(); // std::cout << "reference" << std::endl; TH1D* reference = 0; TH1D* reference_internal = 0; if ( m_obs_bins_combined != m_obs_bins ) { reference = (TH1D*)m_obs_bins_combined->Clone("reference"); reference->SetDirectory(0); reference_internal = (TH1D*)m_obs_bins->Clone("reference_internal"); reference_internal->SetDirectory(0); } else { reference = (TH1D*)m_obs_bins->Clone("reference"); reference->SetDirectory(0); } /// grrr, what is this? This whole normalisation issue is a real pain - /// we need to address this - but how to do it in a backwards compatible way? /// will need to check the grid version and do things differently probably // std::cout << "normalised() " << getNormalised() << "\tread " << m_read << std::endl; // if ( !getNormalised() || m_read ) if ( run() ) reference->Scale(1/double(run())); if ( run() ) { reference->Scale(1/double(run())); if ( reference_internal ) reference_internal->Scale(1/double(run())); } // if ( run() ) reference->Scale(1/double(run())); #if 0 double hmin = reference->GetBinContent(1); double hmax = reference->GetBinContent(1); for ( int i=1 ; i<=reference->GetNbinsX() ; i++ ) { std::cout << "reference " << i << " " << reference->GetBinContent(i) << std::endl; if ( hminGetBinContent(i) ) hmin = reference->GetBinContent(i); if ( hmax>reference->GetBinContent(i) ) hmax = reference->GetBinContent(i); } reference->SetMinimum(hmin); reference->SetMaximum(hmax); #endif reference->Write(); delete reference; if ( reference_internal ) { reference_internal->Write(); delete reference_internal; } // std::cout << "corrections" << std::endl; /// correction histograms if ( m_corrections.size()>0 ) { /// Fixme: should add the labels to the actual corrections rather than save separately /// write labels TFileVector* corrections = new TFileVector("Corrections"); for ( unsigned i=0 ; iadd( m_corrections[i] ); corrections->Write("Corrections"); /// write actual corrections TFileString correctionLabels("CorrectionLabels"); for ( unsigned i=0 ; i0 ) { TVectorT* _combine = new TVectorT(m_combine.size()); for ( unsigned i=m_combine.size() ; i-- ; ) (*_combine)(i) = m_combine[i]+0.5; /// NB: add 0.5 to prevent root double -> int rounding errors _combine->Write( "CombineBins" ); } /// now write out the user data if ( m_userdata.size() ) { TVectorT* userdata=new TVectorT(m_userdata.size()); // add a few extra just in case for ( unsigned i=0 ; iWrite("UserData"); } d.pop(); rootfile.Close(); } void appl::grid::disable_threads(bool b) { appl::igrid::disable_threads(b); } bool duff() { appl::grid::disable_threads(true); return true; } // takes pdf as the pdf lib wrapper for the pdf set for the convolution. // type specifies which sort of partons should be included: std::vector appl::grid::vconvolute(void (*pdf)(const double& , const double&, double* ), double (*alphas)(const double& ), int _nloops, double rscale_factor, double fscale_factor, double Escale ) { return vconvolute( pdf, 0, alphas, _nloops, rscale_factor, fscale_factor, Escale ); } std::vector appl::grid::vconvolute(void (*pdf1)(const double& , const double&, double* ), void (*pdf2)(const double& , const double&, double* ), double (*alphas)(const double& ), int _nloops, double rscale_factor, double fscale_factor, double Escale ) { - + NodeCache cache1( pdf1 ); NodeCache cache2; cache1.reset(); NodeCache* _pdf1 = &cache1; NodeCache* _pdf2 = 0; if ( pdf2!=0 && pdf1!=pdf2 ) { cache2 = NodeCache( pdf2 ); cache2.reset(); _pdf2 = &cache2; } // struct timeval _ctimer = appl_timer_start(); double Escale2 = 1; if ( Escale!=1 ) Escale2 = Escale*Escale; std::vector hvec; hvec.clear(); /// explicit clear just in case double invNruns = 1; if ( (!m_normalised) && run() ) invNruns /= double(run()); // TH1D* h = new TH1D(*m_obs_bins); // h->SetName("xsec"); #ifdef HAVE_HOPPET // check if we need to use the splitting function, and if so see if we // need to initialise it again, and do so if required #if 0 for ( int ig=0 ; iggetx1min() << " (" << std::log(1/m_grids[ig][iobs]->getx1min()) << ")" << "\t x1max " << m_grids[ig][iobs]->getx1max() << " (" << std::log(1/m_grids[ig][iobs]->getx1max()) << ")" << "\t x2min " << m_grids[ig][iobs]->getx2min() << " (" << std::log(1/m_grids[ig][iobs]->getx2min()) << ")" << "\t x2max " << m_grids[ig][iobs]->getx2max() << " (" << std::log(1/m_grids[ig][iobs]->getx2max()) << ")" << "\t Q2min " << m_grids[ig][iobs]->getQ2min() << "\t Q2max " << m_grids[ig][iobs]->getQ2max() << std::endl; } } } #endif if ( fscale_factor!=1 || m_dynamicScale ) { if ( pdf2==0 || pdf1==pdf2 ) { /// fixed and shared between /// all instances of the grid static double Qmax = 26000; /// hmmm is this correct ??? static double ymax = 12; // double _xmin = xmin(); // double _ymax = std::log(1/_xmin); double _ymax = ymax; bool restart_hoppet = false; /// Qmax limit needs to be recalulated if ( m_cmsScale>Qmax ) { if ( hoppet ) restart_hoppet = true; Qmax = m_cmsScale; } /// ymax limit needs to be recalculated if ( _ymax>ymax ) { if ( hoppet ) restart_hoppet = true; double dymax = (_ymax - ymax); /// NB: this 0.1 is just dy from hoppet init - would be better to caluclate the values and set this in hoppet init double iy = dymax/0.1; std::cout << "appl::grid changing hoppet yrange " << ymax << "\t" << iy << "\t" << (0.1+int(iy)*0.1) << std::endl; /// make sure that we are on a dy integer multiple if ( int(iy)!=iy ) ymax += 0.1+int(iy)*0.1; else ymax += int(iy)*0.1; } if ( hoppet && restart_hoppet ) { std::cout << "appl::grid deleting old hoppet" << std::endl; delete hoppet; hoppet = 0; } if ( hoppet == 0 ) { std::cout << "appl::grid initialising hoppet" << std::endl; // double Qmax = 15000; // double ymax hoppet = new appl::hoppet_init( Qmax, ymax ); } bool newpdf = hoppet->compareCache( pdf1 ); if ( newpdf ) hoppet->fillCache( pdf1 ); } } #endif std::string label; if ( _nloops>=m_order ) { std::cerr << "too many loops for grid: " << _nloops << " > " << nloops() << " " << std::endl; return hvec; } /// NB: in the following code, the return values is stored in a class variable that /// must be accessed when each convolution has finished since the convolution /// itself might not be happening in this thread if ( m_type==STANDARD ) { static bool first = true; if ( first && m_dynamicScale ) std::cout << "** grid::vconvolute() emulating dynamic scale **" << std::endl; // std::cout << "standard convolution" << std::endl; if ( _nloops==0 ) label = "lo "; else if ( _nloops==1 ) label = "nlo "; else if ( _nloops==2 ) label = "nnlo "; else if ( _nloops==-1 ) label = "nlo only "; else if ( _nloops==-2 ) label = "nnlo only "; for ( int iobs=0 ; iobsGetBinCenter(iobs+1); dynamic_factor = var/m_dynamicScale; // if ( first ) std::cout << "grid::vconvolute() bin " << iobs << "\tscale " << var << "\tdynamicScale " << m_dynamicScale << "\t scale factor " << dynamic_factor << std::endl; } /// now do the convolution proper // std::cout << iobs << "\tnloops " << _nloops << std::endl; if ( _nloops==0 ) { /// leading order cross section if ( subproc()==-1 ) { m_grids[0][iobs]->convolute( _pdf1, _pdf2, m_genpdf[0], alphas, m_leading_order, 0, dynamic_factor*rscale_factor, dynamic_factor*fscale_factor, Escale); } else { /// fixme: for the subproceses, this is technically incorrect - the "LO" contribution /// includes the scale dependent "NLO" terms that are proportional to the LO /// coefficient functions - it could use the strict "LO" part without the scale /// dependent parts using order "0" rather than order "1" but see the comment /// for the "NLO only" contribution. The reason for this is that the subprocesses /// can be different for LO and NLO, so this NLO part with "LO coefficients", /// can have different subprocesses from the actual NLO part, so the correct /// LO/NLO separation is only guaranteed for the full convolution, and not by /// subprocess m_grids[0][iobs]->convolute( _pdf1, _pdf2, m_genpdf[0], alphas, m_leading_order, 1, dynamic_factor*rscale_factor, dynamic_factor*fscale_factor, Escale); } } else if ( _nloops==1 ) { // next to leading order cross section // std::cout << "convolute() nloop=1" << std::endl; // leading order contribution and scale dependent born dependent terms m_grids[0][iobs]->convolute( _pdf1, _pdf2, m_genpdf[0], alphas, m_leading_order, 1, dynamic_factor*rscale_factor, dynamic_factor*fscale_factor, Escale); // std::cout << "dsigma_lo=" << dsigma_lo << std::endl; // next to leading order contribution // double dsigma_nlo = m_grids[1][iobs]->convolute(pdf, m_genpdf, alphas, m_leading_order+1, 0); // GPS: the NLO piece must use the same rscale_factor and fscale_factor as // the LO piece -- that's the convention that defines how NLO calculations // are done. m_grids[1][iobs]->convolute( _pdf1, _pdf2, m_genpdf[1], alphas, m_leading_order+1, 0, dynamic_factor*rscale_factor, dynamic_factor*fscale_factor, Escale); // std::cout << "dsigma_nlo=" << dsigma_nlo << std::endl; } else if ( _nloops==-1 ) { label = "nlo only"; - // nlo contribution only if ( subproc()==-1 ) { m_grids[0][iobs]->convolute( _pdf1, _pdf2, m_genpdf[0], alphas, m_leading_order, -1, dynamic_factor*rscale_factor, dynamic_factor*fscale_factor, Escale); m_grids[1][iobs]->convolute( _pdf1, _pdf2, m_genpdf[1], alphas, m_leading_order+1, 0, dynamic_factor*rscale_factor, dynamic_factor*fscale_factor, Escale); } else { /// fixme: this is technically incorrect - the "LO" component contains the /// scale dependent NLO contribution dependent on the LO coefficient /// functions. This part is difficult to include for individual /// subprocesses, since different subprocesses can be present /// at LO and NLO, so speifying subprocess X at NLO does not /// neccessarily correspond to subprocess X at LO, so adding the /// subprocesses - so these terms are only strict LO And NLO when /// *not* specifying subprocess m_grids[1][iobs]->convolute( _pdf1, _pdf2, m_genpdf[1], alphas, m_leading_order+1, 0, dynamic_factor*rscale_factor, dynamic_factor*fscale_factor, Escale); } } else if ( _nloops==2 ) { // FIXME: not implemented completely yet - no scale variation // return hvec; label = "nnlo "; // next to next to leading order contribution // NB: NO scale dependendent parts so only muR=muF=mu - m_grids[0][iobs]->convolute( _pdf1, _pdf2, m_genpdf[0], alphas, m_leading_order, 2); + m_grids[0][iobs]->convolute( _pdf1, _pdf2, m_genpdf[0], alphas, m_leading_order, 2, dynamic_factor*rscale_factor, dynamic_factor*fscale_factor, Escale ); // next to leading order contribution - m_grids[1][iobs]->convolute( _pdf1, _pdf2, m_genpdf[1], alphas, m_leading_order+1, 1); + m_grids[1][iobs]->convolute( _pdf1, _pdf2, m_genpdf[1], alphas, m_leading_order+1, 1, dynamic_factor*rscale_factor, dynamic_factor*fscale_factor, Escale ); // next to next to leading order contribution - m_grids[2][iobs]->convolute( _pdf1, _pdf2, m_genpdf[2], alphas, m_leading_order+2, 0); + m_grids[2][iobs]->convolute( _pdf1, _pdf2, m_genpdf[2], alphas, m_leading_order+2, 0, dynamic_factor*rscale_factor, dynamic_factor*fscale_factor, Escale ); } else if ( _nloops==-2 ) { // next to next to leading order contribution - m_grids[2][iobs]->convolute( _pdf1, _pdf2, m_genpdf[2], alphas, m_leading_order+2, 0); + m_grids[2][iobs]->convolute( _pdf1, _pdf2, m_genpdf[2], alphas, m_leading_order+2, 0, dynamic_factor*rscale_factor, dynamic_factor*fscale_factor, Escale ); } else { std::stringstream s_; s_ << "invalid value for nloops " << _nloops; throw grid::exception( s_.str() ); } // double deltaobs = m_obs_bins->GetBinLowEdge(iobs+2)-m_obs_bins->GetBinLowEdge(iobs+1); // hvec.push_back( invNruns*Escale2*dsigma/deltaobs ); } /// wait on convolution results and combine the values from the different igrids // std::cout << "vconvolute:: nloops " << _nloops << std::endl; if ( _nloops==0 ) { /// LO only for ( int iobs=0 ; iobsready() ) dsigma = m_grids[0][iobs]->xsec(); double deltaobs = m_obs_bins->GetBinLowEdge(iobs+2)-m_obs_bins->GetBinLowEdge(iobs+1); hvec.push_back( invNruns*Escale2*dsigma/deltaobs ); // printf("iobs %d xsec raw: %lf %lf \n", iobs, dsigma, invNruns*Escale2*dsigma/deltaobs ); } } else if ( _nloops==1 || ( _nloops==-1 && subproc()==-1 ) ) { /// NLO only or overall NLO only part for ( int iobs=0 ; iobsready() ) { dsigLO = m_grids[0][iobs]->xsec(); dsigNLO = m_grids[0][iobs]->xsecNLO(); } if ( m_grids[1][iobs]->ready() ) dsigNLO += m_grids[1][iobs]->xsec(); double dsigma = dsigLO + dsigNLO; double deltaobs = m_obs_bins->GetBinLowEdge(iobs+2)-m_obs_bins->GetBinLowEdge(iobs+1); hvec.push_back( invNruns*Escale2*dsigma/deltaobs ); // printf("iobs %d xsec raw: %lf %lf \n", iobs, dsigma, invNruns*Escale2*dsigma/deltaobs ); } } else if ( _nloops==-1 && subproc()!=-1 ) { /// NLO only suboprocess only for ( int iobs=0 ; iobsready() ) dsigma = m_grids[1][iobs]->xsec(); double deltaobs = m_obs_bins->GetBinLowEdge(iobs+2)-m_obs_bins->GetBinLowEdge(iobs+1); hvec.push_back( invNruns*Escale2*dsigma/deltaobs ); } } else if ( _nloops==2 ) { /// NNLO only suboprocess only for ( int iobs=0 ; iobsready() ) dsigLO = m_grids[0][iobs]->xsec(); if ( m_grids[1][iobs]->ready() ) dsigNLO = m_grids[1][iobs]->xsec(); if ( m_grids[2][iobs]->ready() ) dsigNNLO = m_grids[2][iobs]->xsec(); double dsigma = dsigLO + dsigNLO + dsigNNLO; double deltaobs = m_obs_bins->GetBinLowEdge(iobs+2)-m_obs_bins->GetBinLowEdge(iobs+1); hvec.push_back( invNruns*Escale2*dsigma/deltaobs ); // printf("iobs %d xsec raw: %lf %lf \n", iobs, dsigma, invNruns*Escale2*dsigma/deltaobs ); } } else if ( _nloops==-2 ) { /// NNLO only for ( int iobs=0 ; iobsready() ) dsigma = m_grids[2][iobs]->xsec(); double deltaobs = m_obs_bins->GetBinLowEdge(iobs+2)-m_obs_bins->GetBinLowEdge(iobs+1); hvec.push_back( invNruns*Escale2*dsigma/deltaobs ); } } first = false; } else if ( m_type==AMCATNLO ) { // std::cout << "amc@NLO convolution " << _nloops << std::endl; if ( _nloops==0 ) label = "lo "; else if ( _nloops==1 ) label = "nlo "; else if ( _nloops==-1 ) label = "nlo only"; else if ( _nloops==-2 ) label = "nlo_w0 "; else if ( _nloops==-3 ) label = "nlo_wR "; else if ( _nloops==-4 ) label = "nlo_wF "; for ( int iobs=0 ; iobsamc_convolute( _pdf1, _pdf2, m_genpdf[3], alphas, m_leading_order, 0, rscale_factor, fscale_factor, Escale ); } else if ( _nloops==1 || _nloops==-1 ) { /// this is the amcatnlo NLO calculation (without FKS shower) /// Next-to-leading order contribution // Scale independent contribution m_grids[0][iobs]->amc_convolute( _pdf1, _pdf2, m_genpdf[0], alphas, m_leading_order+1, 0, rscale_factor, fscale_factor, Escale ); // Renormalization scale dependent contribution if ( rscale_factor!=1 ) { m_grids[1][iobs]->amc_convolute( _pdf1, _pdf2, m_genpdf[1], alphas, m_leading_order+1, 0, rscale_factor, fscale_factor, Escale ); } // Factorization scale dependent contribution if ( fscale_factor!=1 ) { m_grids[2][iobs]->amc_convolute( _pdf1, _pdf2, m_genpdf[2], alphas, m_leading_order+1, 0, rscale_factor, fscale_factor, Escale ); } /// Add the LO contribution if we want full NLO /// rather than specific NLO contribution only if ( _nloops==1 ) { /// this is the amcatnlo NLO calculation (without FKS shower) /// work out how to call from the igrid - maybe just implement additional /// convolution routines and call them here m_grids[3][iobs]->amc_convolute( _pdf1, _pdf2, m_genpdf[3], alphas, m_leading_order, 0, rscale_factor, fscale_factor, Escale ); } } else if ( _nloops==-2 ) { /// Only the convolution from the W0 grid m_grids[0][iobs]->amc_convolute( _pdf1, _pdf2, m_genpdf[0], alphas, m_leading_order+1, 0, rscale_factor, fscale_factor, Escale ); } else if ( _nloops==-3 ) { /// Only the convolution from the WR grid m_grids[1][iobs]->amc_convolute( _pdf1, _pdf2, m_genpdf[1], alphas, m_leading_order+1, 0, rscale_factor, fscale_factor, Escale ); } else if ( _nloops==-4 ) { /// Only the convolution from the WF grid m_grids[2][iobs]->amc_convolute( _pdf1, _pdf2, m_genpdf[2], alphas, m_leading_order+1, 0, rscale_factor, fscale_factor, Escale ); } else { std::stringstream s_; s_ << "invalid value for nloops " << _nloops; throw grid::exception( s_.str() ); } // double deltaobs = m_obs_bins->GetBinLowEdge(iobs+2)-m_obs_bins->GetBinLowEdge(iobs+1); // hvec.push_back( invNruns*Escale2*dsigma/deltaobs ); } /// wait on convolutions if ( _nloops==0 ) { /// LO only for ( int iobs=0 ; iobsready() ) dsigma = m_grids[3][iobs]->xsec(); double deltaobs = m_obs_bins->GetBinLowEdge(iobs+2)-m_obs_bins->GetBinLowEdge(iobs+1); hvec.push_back( invNruns*Escale2*dsigma/deltaobs ); // printf("iobs %d xsec raw: %lf %lf \n", iobs, dsigma, invNruns*Escale2*dsigma/deltaobs ); } } else if ( _nloops==1 || _nloops==-1 ) { /// NLO only or overall NLO only part double logF2 = 0; double logR2 = 0; if ( rscale_factor!=1 ) logR2 = std::log(rscale_factor*rscale_factor); if ( fscale_factor!=1 ) logF2 = std::log(fscale_factor*fscale_factor); for ( int iobs=0 ; iobsready() ) dsig0 = m_grids[0][iobs]->xsec(); double dsigma = dsig0; if ( _nloops==1 ) { if ( m_grids[3][iobs]->ready() ) dsigB = m_grids[3][iobs]->xsec(); dsigma += dsigB; } if ( rscale_factor!=1 ) { if ( m_grids[1][iobs]->ready() ) dsigR = m_grids[1][iobs]->xsec(); dsigma += dsigR*logR2; } if ( fscale_factor!=1 ) { if ( m_grids[2][iobs]->ready() ) dsigF = m_grids[2][iobs]->xsec(); dsigma += dsigF*logF2; } double deltaobs = m_obs_bins->GetBinLowEdge(iobs+2)-m_obs_bins->GetBinLowEdge(iobs+1); hvec.push_back( invNruns*Escale2*dsigma/deltaobs ); // printf("iobs %d xsec raw: %lf %lf \n", iobs, dsigma, invNruns*Escale2*dsigma/deltaobs ); } } else if ( _nloops==-2) { /// NLO only suboprocess only for ( int iobs=0 ; iobsready() ) dsigma = m_grids[0][iobs]->xsec(); double deltaobs = m_obs_bins->GetBinLowEdge(iobs+2)-m_obs_bins->GetBinLowEdge(iobs+1); hvec.push_back( invNruns*Escale2*dsigma/deltaobs ); } } else if ( _nloops==-3) { /// NLO only suboprocess only double logR2 = 0; if ( rscale_factor!=1 ) logR2 = std::log(rscale_factor*rscale_factor); for ( int iobs=0 ; iobsready() ) dsigma = m_grids[1][iobs]->xsec(); dsigma *= logR2; double deltaobs = m_obs_bins->GetBinLowEdge(iobs+2)-m_obs_bins->GetBinLowEdge(iobs+1); hvec.push_back( invNruns*Escale2*dsigma/deltaobs ); } } else if ( _nloops==-4) { /// NLO only suboprocess only double logF2 = 0; if ( fscale_factor!=1 ) logF2 = std::log(fscale_factor*fscale_factor); for ( int iobs=0 ; iobsready() ) dsigma = m_grids[2][iobs]->xsec(); dsigma *= logF2; double deltaobs = m_obs_bins->GetBinLowEdge(iobs+2)-m_obs_bins->GetBinLowEdge(iobs+1); hvec.push_back( invNruns*Escale2*dsigma/deltaobs ); } } } else if ( m_type == SHERPA ) { // std::cout << "sherpa convolution" << std::endl; if ( _nloops==0 ) label = "lo "; else if ( _nloops==1 ) label = "nlo "; else if ( _nloops==-1 ) label = "nlo only"; for ( int iobs=0 ; iobsconvolute( _pdf1, _pdf2, m_genpdf[0], alphas, m_leading_order, 0, 1, 1, Escale); } else if ( _nloops==1 ) { label = "nlo "; // next to leading order cross section // leading order contribution and scale dependent born dependent terms // will eventually add the other nlo terms ... m_grids[0][iobs]->convolute( _pdf1, _pdf2, m_genpdf[0], alphas, m_leading_order, 0, rscale_factor, fscale_factor, Escale); m_grids[1][iobs]->convolute( _pdf1, _pdf2, m_genpdf[1], alphas, m_leading_order+1, 0, rscale_factor, fscale_factor, Escale); } else if ( _nloops==-1 ) { label = "nlo only"; // next to leading order cross section // leading order contribution and scale dependent born dependent terms m_grids[1][iobs]->convolute( _pdf1, _pdf2, m_genpdf[1], alphas, m_leading_order+1, 0, rscale_factor, fscale_factor, Escale); } } /// wait on convolutions if ( _nloops==0 ) { for ( int iobs=0 ; iobsready() ) dsigma = m_grids[0][iobs]->xsec(); double deltaobs = m_obs_bins->GetBinLowEdge(iobs+2)-m_obs_bins->GetBinLowEdge(iobs+1); hvec.push_back( invNruns*Escale2*dsigma/deltaobs ); } } else if ( _nloops==1 ) { for ( int iobs=0 ; iobsready() ) dsigLO = m_grids[0][iobs]->xsec(); if ( m_grids[1][iobs]->ready() ) dsigNLO = m_grids[1][iobs]->xsec(); double dsigma = dsigLO + dsigNLO; double deltaobs = m_obs_bins->GetBinLowEdge(iobs+2)-m_obs_bins->GetBinLowEdge(iobs+1); hvec.push_back( invNruns*Escale2*dsigma/deltaobs ); } } else if ( _nloops==-1 ) { for ( int iobs=0 ; iobsready() ) dsigma = m_grids[1][iobs]->xsec(); double deltaobs = m_obs_bins->GetBinLowEdge(iobs+2)-m_obs_bins->GetBinLowEdge(iobs+1); hvec.push_back( invNruns*Escale2*dsigma/deltaobs ); } } } /// now combine bins if required ... std::vector applied(m_corrections.size(),false); /// apply corrrections on the *uncombined* bins if ( getApplyCorrections() ) applyCorrections(hvec, applied); else { for ( unsigned i=m_corrections.size() ; i-- ; ) if ( getApplyCorrection(i) ) applied[i] = applyCorrection(i,hvec); } /// combine bins if required if ( m_combine.size()!=0 ) { combineBins( hvec ); /// apply additional corrrections on the *combined* bins /// NB: Only apply those that have not already been applied if ( getApplyCorrections() ) applyCorrections(hvec, applied); else { for ( unsigned i=m_corrections.size() ; i-- ; ) if ( getApplyCorrection(i) && !applied[i] ) applied[i] = applyCorrection(i,hvec); } } /// check all corrections have been applied correctly if ( getApplyCorrections() ) { unsigned appliedcorrections = 0; for ( unsigned i=applied.size() ; i-- ; ) if ( applied[i] ) appliedcorrections++; if ( appliedcorrections!=applied.size() ) throw grid::exception( "correction vector size does not match data " ); } else { unsigned Ncorrections = 0; unsigned appliedcorrections = 0; for ( unsigned i=m_corrections.size() ; i-- ; ) { if ( getApplyCorrection(i) ) { Ncorrections++; if ( applied[i] ) appliedcorrections++; } } if ( appliedcorrections!=Ncorrections ) throw grid::exception( "correction vector size does not match data " ); } // double _ctime = appl_timer_stop(_ctimer); // std::cout << "grid::convolute() " << label << " convolution time=" << _ctime << " ms" << std::endl; cache1.stats(); if ( cache2.ncalls() ) cache2.stats(); return hvec; } TH1D* appl::grid::convolute(void (*pdf)(const double& , const double&, double* ), double (*alphas)(const double& ), int _nloops, double rscale_factor, double fscale_factor, double Escale ) { return convolute( pdf, 0, alphas, _nloops, rscale_factor, fscale_factor, Escale ); } /// a dirty hack to tell the sub grid it should only /// use a single subprocess std::vector appl::grid::vconvolute_subproc(int subproc, void (*pdf)(const double& , const double&, double* ), double (*alphas)(const double& ), int _nloops, double rscale_factor, double Escale ) { /// set the subprocess index - this is tested by the /// igrid convolution m_subproc = subproc; std::vector xsec = vconvolute( pdf, 0, alphas, _nloops, rscale_factor, rscale_factor, Escale ); m_subproc = -1; return xsec; } double appl::grid::vconvolute_bin(int bin, void (*pdf)(const double& , const double&, double* ), double (*alphas)(const double&) ) { /// set the subprocess index - this is tested by the /// igrid convolution m_bin = bin; std::vector xsec = vconvolute( pdf, alphas ); m_bin = -1; return xsec[bin]; } TH1D* appl::grid::convolute(void (*pdf1)(const double& , const double&, double* ), void (*pdf2)(const double& , const double&, double* ), double (*alphas)(const double& ), int _nloops, double rscale_factor, double fscale_factor, double Escale ) { // int nbins = m_obs_bins->GetNbinsX(); TH1D* h = 0; if ( m_combine.size() ) { // nbins = m_combine.size(); std::vector limits(m_combine.size()+1); int i=0; limits[0] = m_obs_bins->GetBinLowEdge(i+1); for ( unsigned ib=0 ; ibGetBinLowEdge(i+1); } h = new TH1D("xsec", "xsec", m_combine.size(), &limits[0] ); h->SetDirectory(0); } else { h = new TH1D(*m_obs_bins); h->SetName("xsec"); h->SetDirectory(0); } std::vector dvec = vconvolute( pdf1, pdf2, alphas, _nloops, rscale_factor, fscale_factor, Escale ); for ( unsigned i=0 ; iSetBinContent( i+1, dvec[i] ); h->SetBinError( i+1, 0 ); } return h; } TH1D* appl::grid::convolute_subproc(int subproc, void (*pdf)(const double& , const double&, double* ), double (*alphas)(const double& ), int _nloops, double rscale_factor, double Escale ) { TH1D* h = new TH1D(*m_obs_bins); h->SetName("xsec"); std::vector dvec = vconvolute_subproc( subproc, pdf, alphas, _nloops, rscale_factor, Escale ); for ( unsigned i=0 ; iSetBinContent( i+1, dvec[i] ); h->SetBinError( i+1, 0 ); } return h; } void appl::grid::optimise(bool force, int extrabins ) { if ( !force && m_optimised ) return; m_optimised = true; m_read = false; std::cout << "grid::optimise() " << std::endl; for ( int iorder=0 ; iorderoptimise(extrabins); } } m_obs_bins->Reset(); } void appl::grid::optimise(int NQ2, int Nx) { optimise(NQ2, Nx, Nx); } void appl::grid::optimise(int NQ2, int Nx1, int Nx2) { m_optimised = true; m_read = false; for ( int iorder=0 ; iorderoptimise(NQ2, Nx1, Nx2); } } m_obs_bins->Reset(); } // redefine the limits by hand void appl::grid::redefine(int iobs, int iorder, int NQ2, double Q2min, double Q2max, int Nx, double xmin, double xmax ) { if ( iorder>=m_order ) { std::cerr << "grid does not extend to this order" << std::endl; return; } if ( iobs<0 || iobs>=Nobs_internal() ) { std::cerr << "observable bin out of range" << std::endl; return; } if ( iorder==0 ) { std::cout << "grid::redefine() iobs=" << iobs << "NQ2=" << NQ2 << "\tQmin=" << std::sqrt(Q2min) << "\tQmax=" << std::sqrt(Q2max) << "\tNx=" << Nx << "\txmin=" << xmin << "\txmax=" << xmax << std::endl; } igrid* oldgrid = m_grids[iorder][iobs]; // m_grids[iorder][iobs]->redefine(NQ2, Q2min, Q2max, Nx, xmin, xmax); m_grids[iorder][iobs] = new igrid(NQ2, Q2min, Q2max, oldgrid->tauorder(), Nx, xmin, xmax, oldgrid->yorder(), oldgrid->transform(), m_genpdf[iorder]->Nproc()); m_grids[iorder][iobs]->setparent( this ); delete oldgrid; } void appl::grid::setBinRange(int ilower, int iupper, double xScaleFactor) { if ( ilower>=0 && iupper GetBinLowEdge(ilower+1); double upper = getReference()->GetBinLowEdge(iupper+2); setRange( lower, upper, xScaleFactor ); } } /// Fixme: need to fix this so that if the m_combine vector has values /// then the range of this vector is also modified /// and then the combined reference recalculated: /// at the moment, if the range is changed, the combine vector /// needs to be recalculated and reset by hand void appl::grid::setRange(double lower, double upper, double xScaleFactor) { std::cout << "grid::SetRange() " << lower << " " << upper << std::endl; std::vector used; std::vector limits; std::vector contents; std::vector errors; m_combine = std::vector(0); /// get the occupied bins // int Nbins = 0; double last = 0; for ( int i=1 ; i<=m_obs_bins->GetNbinsX() ; i++ ) { double bin = m_obs_bins->GetBinCenter(i); if ( bin>lower && binGetBinLowEdge(i) ); contents.push_back( m_obs_bins->GetBinContent(i) ); errors.push_back( m_obs_bins->GetBinError(i) ); // std::cout << "keep bin " << i << " : " << m_obs_bins->GetBinLowEdge(i) << " - " << m_obs_bins->GetBinLowEdge(i+1) << std::endl; last = m_obs_bins->GetBinLowEdge(i+1); used.push_back(true); } else { // std::cout << "skip bin " << i << " : " << m_obs_bins->GetBinLowEdge(i) << " - " << m_obs_bins->GetBinLowEdge(i+1) << std::endl; used.push_back(false); } } int firstbin = 0; int lastbin = 0; for ( unsigned i=0 ; iGetNbinsX() << std::endl; /// copy the range of the reference histogram if ( limits.size()>0 ) limits.push_back( last ); else { throw grid::exception( "new range does not include any bins" ); } if ( xScaleFactor!=1 ) { for ( unsigned i=0 ; iGetTitle(), h->GetName(), limits.size()-1, &(limits[0]) ); for ( int i=0 ; iGetNbinsX() ; i++ ) { m_obs_bins->SetBinContent( i+1, contents[i] ); m_obs_bins->SetBinError( i+1, errors[i] ); } std::cout << "after combine: " << m_obs_bins->GetNbinsX() << std::endl; /// copy the igrids for the observable bins in the range igrid** grids[appl::MAXGRIDS]; /// save old grids for ( int iorder=0 ; iorderGetNbinsX(); for ( int iorder=0 ; iorderGetNbinsX() ; igrid++ ) { if ( used[igrid] ) m_grids[iorder][iobs++] = grids[iorder][igrid]; else delete grids[iorder][igrid]; } } m_obs_bins_combined = m_obs_bins; delete h; } /// methods to handle the documentation void appl::grid::setDocumentation(const std::string& s) { m_documentation = s; } void appl::grid::addDocumentation(const std::string& s) { if ( m_documentation.size() ) m_documentation += s; else setDocumentation(s); } /// methods to handle bin-by-bin corrections /// add a correction as a std::vector void appl::grid::addCorrection( std::vector& v, const std::string& label, bool ) { // std::cout << "addCorrections(vector) " << v.size() << " " << m_obs_bins->GetNbinsX() << std::endl; if ( v.size()==unsigned(m_obs_bins->GetNbinsX()) || v.size()==unsigned(m_obs_bins_combined->GetNbinsX()) ) { m_corrections.push_back(v); m_correctionLabels.push_back(label); m_applyCorrection.push_back(false); // std::cout << "appl::grid::addCorrection(vector) now " << m_corrections.size() << " corrections" << std::endl; } } /// add a correction by histogram void appl::grid::addCorrection(TH1D* h, const std::string& label, double scale, bool ) { TH1D* hobs = 0; if ( h->GetNbinsX()==m_obs_bins->GetNbinsX() ) hobs = m_obs_bins; else if ( h->GetNbinsX()==m_obs_bins_combined->GetNbinsX() ) hobs = m_obs_bins_combined; if ( hobs ) { for ( int i=1 ; i<=h->GetNbinsX()+1 ; i++ ) { if ( std::fabs(h->GetBinLowEdge(i+1)*scale-hobs->GetBinLowEdge(i+1))>1e-10 ) { std::cerr << "bins " << h->GetBinLowEdge(i+1) << " " << hobs->GetBinLowEdge(i+1) << std::endl; std::cerr << "grid::addCorrection(TH1D* h): bin mismatch, not adding correction" << std::endl; return; } } std::vector v(h->GetNbinsX()); for ( int i=0 ; iGetNbinsX() ; i++ ) v[i] = h->GetBinContent(i+1); if ( label=="" ) addCorrection(v, h->GetName()); else addCorrection(v, label); } else { std::cerr << "grid::addCorrection(TH1D* h): bin mismatch, not adding correction" << std::endl; } } // find the number of words used for storage int appl::grid::size() const { int _size = 0; for( int iorder=0 ; iordersize(); } return _size; } /// apply corrections to a std::vector void appl::grid::applyCorrections(std::vector& v, std::vector& applied) { if ( applied.size()!=m_corrections.size() ) throw grid::exception( "wrong number of corrections expected" ); for ( unsigned i=m_corrections.size() ; i-- ; ) { std::vector& correction = m_corrections[i]; if ( applied[i] || v.size()!=correction.size() ) continue; /// correction applied already or wrong size for ( unsigned j=v.size() ; j-- ; ) v[j] *= correction[j]; applied[i] = true; } // std::cout << "grid::applyCorrections(vector) done" << std::endl; } /// apply correction to a std::vector bool appl::grid::applyCorrection(unsigned i, std::vector& v) { if ( i>=m_corrections.size() ) throw grid::exception( "correction index out of range" ); std::vector& correction = m_corrections[i]; if ( v.size()!=correction.size() ) return false; /// wrong size for ( unsigned k=v.size() ; k-- ; ) v[k] *= correction[k]; return true; } /// do a deep comparison of all the different sub processes - if any /// are the same, then remove them void appl::grid::shrink(const std::string& name, int ckmcharge) { std::cout << "appl::grid::shrink()" << std::endl; std::string label[3] = { "LO", "NLO", "NNLO" }; std::string genpdfname=""; std::vector > keep(m_order); bool found = false; /// loop over orders for( int iorder=0 ; iorder > pdf_combinations; pdf_combinations.reserve( Nobs_internal() ); // std::cout << "appl::grid::shrink() observable bins " << Nobs_internal() << std::endl; /// ... for each observable bin ... for( int iobs=0 ; iobs > same; std::set duplicates; std::set empty; for ( int i=0 ; iSubProcesses() ; i++ ) { if ( duplicates.find(i)!=duplicates.end() ) continue; // std::pair< std::map< int, std::vector >, bool> itr = // same.insert( std::map< int, std::vector >::value_type( i, std::vector() ) ); // // if ( itr->second==false ) std::cerr << "OH SHIT!!!" << std::endl; int isize = ig->weightgrid(i)->size(); if ( isize==0 ) { empty.insert(i); continue; } // std::cout << i << " : "; keep[iorder].push_back( i ); std::vector vec; found = true; for ( int j=i+1 ; jSubProcesses() ; j++ ) { if ( duplicates.find(j)!=duplicates.end() ) continue; if ( empty.find(j)!=empty.end() ) continue; int jsize = ig->weightgrid(j)->size(); if ( jsize==0 ) { empty.insert(j); continue; } // std::cout << "\t" << j << ":" << jsize; if ( (*ig->weightgrid(i)) == (*ig->weightgrid(j)) ) { // std::cout << "!"; vec.push_back(j); duplicates.insert(j); } } // std::cout << std::endl; same.insert( std::map< int, std::vector >::value_type( i, vec ) ); } if ( same.empty() ) continue; // for ( int ik=0 ; ikname() << std::endl; lumi_pdf* _pdf = 0; if ( m_genpdf[iorder]->name().find(".config")!=std::string::npos ){ _pdf = dynamic_cast(m_genpdf[iorder]); if ( _pdf ) std::cout << "read lumi pdf: " << *_pdf << std::endl; } else { std::cerr << __FUNCTION__ << "\tpdf not found:" << m_genpdf[iorder]->name() << std::endl; return; } std::vector combinations; int i=0; std::map< int, std::vector >::iterator itr = same.begin(); std::map< int, std::vector >::iterator iend = same.end(); while ( itr!=iend ) { std::vector& v = itr->second; // std::cout << "\t" << i++ << "\tproc: " << itr->first << ":" << sizeitr->second << "\t" << itr->second << " ( " << (*_pdf)[itr->first] << " )" << std::endl; // std::cout << "\t" << i << "\tproc: " << itr->first << ":" << sizeitr->second << "\t" << (*_pdf)[itr->first] << std::endl; // for ( unsigned iv=0 ; iv c(2); c[0] = i; c[1] = 0; const combination& comb = (*_pdf)[itr->first]; for ( unsigned ic=0 ; ic::iterator eitr = empty.begin(); // std::set< int>::iterator eend = empty.end(); // std::cout << "\tempty: " << empty.size() << " sub-processes"; // while ( eitr!=eend ) std::cout << " " << (*eitr++); // std::cout << std::endl; lumi_pdf newpdf( "newpdf.config", combinations, 0 ); pdf_combinations.push_back( newpdf.serialise() ); // std::cout << newpdf << std::endl; if ( found ) break; } bool common = true; for ( unsigned ipdf=1 ; ipdf0 ) { if ( pdf_combinations[ipdf]!=pdf_combinations[ipdf-1] ) { std::cout << "pdfs " << ipdf << " and " << ipdf-1 << " don't match" << std::endl; // << lumi_pdf("duff.config", pdf_combinations[ipdf]) common = false; } } } /// create the actual lumi_pdfs from these combinations if ( common && pdf_combinations.size()>0 ) { pdf_combinations[0].push_back(ckmcharge); lumi_pdf lpdf( name+label[iorder]+".config", pdf_combinations[0]); std::cout << << std::endl; lpdf.write( ); if ( genpdfname.size() ) genpdfname += ":"; genpdfname += name+label[iorder]+".config"; } } std::cout << "appl::grid::shrink() genpdfname " << genpdfname << std::endl; // if ( addpdf(m_genpdfname) ) findgenpdf( m_genpdfname ); /// horray!! here we have the optimised pdf combinations written out, so now we /// to delete the duplicated (or empty) grids ... /// loop over the igrids, telling each grid which processes to keep for( int iobs=0 ; iobsshrink( keep[iorder] ); } } /// ... and need to replace the genpdf with these new ones m_genpdfname = genpdfname; addpdf( m_genpdfname ); findgenpdf( genpdfname ); std::cout << "appl::grid::shrink() new " << "\t" << m_genpdf[0]->name() << ":" << m_genpdf[0]->size() << "\t" << m_genpdf[1]->name() << ":" << m_genpdf[1]->size() << std::endl; } void appl::grid::combineReference(bool force) { // std::cout << "grid::combineReference() " << m_obs_bins->GetNbinsX(); if ( m_combine.empty() ) return; if ( force ) { if ( m_obs_bins_combined ) { if ( m_obs_bins_combined!=m_obs_bins ) delete m_obs_bins_combined; m_obs_bins_combined = 0; } } // std::cout << "\tcombine " << m_obs_bins_combined << " " << m_obs_bins << std::endl;; if ( m_obs_bins_combined && m_obs_bins_combined!=m_obs_bins) return; std::vector hvec( m_obs_bins->GetNbinsX(), 0 ); std::vector hvece( m_obs_bins->GetNbinsX(), 0 ); for ( int i=m_obs_bins->GetNbinsX() ; i-- ; ) { hvec[i] = m_obs_bins->GetBinContent( i+1 ); hvece[i] = m_obs_bins->GetBinError( i+1 ); } combineBins( hvec ); combineBins( hvece, 2 ); std::vector limits(m_combine.size()+1); int i=0; limits[0] = m_obs_bins->GetBinLowEdge(i+1); for ( unsigned ib=0 ; ibGetBinLowEdge(i+1); } /// need to make this a class variable set to 0 so we don't /// recalculate this every time, only if m_combine changes TH1D* h = new TH1D("reference", "xsec", m_combine.size(), &limits[0] ); h->SetDirectory(0); for ( unsigned i=0 ; iSetBinContent( i+1, hvec[i] ); h->SetBinError( i+1, hvece[i] ); } m_obs_bins_combined = h; // std::cout << " -> " << m_obs_bins->GetNbinsX() << std::endl; } void appl::grid::combineBins(std::vector& hvec, int power ) const { /// now combine bins if required ... if ( m_combine.size()!=0 ) { /// need to go through, scaling by bin width, adding and then dividing by bin width again /// in the TH1D* version, will need to recalculate the bin limits to create the new histogram std::vector _hvec(m_combine.size(),0); unsigned nbins = 0; unsigned i=0; for ( unsigned ic=0 ; ichvec.size() ) throw grid::exception( "too many bins specified for rebinning" ); double sigma = 0; double width = 0; for ( int ib=0 ; ibGetBinLowEdge(i+2)-m_obs_bins->GetBinLowEdge(i+1); if ( power==1 ) sigma += hvec[i]*deltaobs; if ( power==2 ) sigma += (hvec[i]*deltaobs*hvec[i]*deltaobs); width += deltaobs; } if ( power==1 ) _hvec[ic] = sigma/width; if ( power==2 ) _hvec[ic] = std::sqrt(sigma)/width; } hvec = _hvec; } } std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& s, const appl::grid& g) { s << "==================================================" << std::endl; // s << "appl::grid version " << g.version() << "\t(" << g.subProcesses(0) << " initial states, " << g.Nobs_internal() << " observable bins)" << std::endl; std::string basis[5] = { "-LO, ", "-NLO, ", "-NNLO, ", "-Xtra0", "-Xtra1" }; std::string order[appl::MAXGRIDS]; for ( int i=0 ; iy coordinate transform: " << g.getTransform() << std::endl; s << "genpdf in use: " << g.getGenpdf() << std::endl; s << "--------------------------------------------------" << std::endl; s << "Observable binning: [ " << g.Nobs_internal() << " bins : " << g.obsmin() << ", " << g.obsmax() << " ]" << std::endl; // for( int iorder=0 ; iorderGetBinLowEdge(iobs+1) << "\t- " << std::setprecision(5) << std::setw(5) << g.getReference()->GetBinLowEdge(iobs+2) << "\t"; s << " " << *(g.weightgrid(iorder,iobs)) << std::endl; } } s << std::endl; return s; } void appl::grid::replaceBin( int iobs, grid& g ) { std::cout << "replace bin " << iobs << std::endl; for ( int iorder=0 ; iordersetparent( this ); } #endif std::cout << "fixing reference: " << iobs << std::endl; getReference_internal()->SetBinContent(iobs+1, g.getReference_internal()->GetBinContent(iobs+1) ); getReference_internal()->SetBinError(iobs+1, g.getReference_internal()->GetBinError(iobs+1) ); /// grrr, is this correct - why, why, why, why why o why can't we /// just use the correct binning in the first place !!! combineReference(true); } static bool no_threads = duff();