Version 10 vs 19
Version 10 vs 19
Content Changes
Content Changes
Here we demonstrate an example of photon-induced events in Herwig.
==Using the Les Houches Event Handler==
To start, create a new work directory:
mkdir photon_induced
cd photon_induced
Next, download below input/config/analysis files in your work directory.
1. MadGraph configure script: this is a script for generating a sample of unweighted yy > ll events with MadGraph.
2. MadGraph parameter and run cards: parameter space and run statistics for the MadGraph run.
{F1993058} {F1993056}
3. Rivet analysis and plot setup: Rivet analysis, to be run alongside the Herwig setup.
{F1993057} {F1993059}
4. Herwig Input files: the main Herwig input file.
Once the files are downloaded, please have a look at ****. It can be run by:
chmod +x
[sudo] ./
Once it is done, you should be able to see a new directory named "yyll" that contains the requited unweighted sample in **yyll/Events/run_01/unweighted_events.lhe.gz**.
We are now set to sun Herwig using these samples. Run
Herwig read
It should generate a run file called ****. Now execute
Herwig run -N 10000
The last part asks Herwig to run this simulation for 10000 events only. After this is done, you should be able to see several files generated in your work directory. This will generate a number of files in your work directory:
- **LesHouches.log**: contains the details of each produced event, for the first 10 events (can be changed to include any number of events). The details include incoming/outgoing/intermediate particles and their kinematics. This is useful information to check what is actually going on under the hood.
- **LesHouches.out**: Statistics for the event handler, including the number of valid events (subtracting vetoed/scrapped events) and a list of sub-process categories with their event count and cross-section.
- **LesHouches.tex**: A list of publications, relevant to your Herwig setup, which you should cite if you are making use of this specific simulation.
- **LesHouches.yoda**: Specific results, according to the Rivet analysis you called.
To produce the plots, execute
rivet-mkhtml LesHouches.yoda -o plots
where the **-o** flag allows you to choose an output directory. Have a look at the generated plot by double-clicking on **plots/index.html**. If you are not happy with the statistics, you can improve them by running more events. This might take longer to run, but you improve your run-time by multi-threading your simulation:
Herwig run -N 100000 -j 5
Here, the **-j** flag tells Herwig to split this simulation into 5 parallel positions, each running 20000 events. The results will be saved in 5 different sets:
You can combine these by
yodamerge LesHouches-*.yoda -o LesHouches-ALL.yoda
==Using Matchbox==
Another way of performing this simulation is by using Herwig's Matchbox module, which handles the matrix element generation internally. To try this, download the following input file in your work directory
Have a look inside this file and try to understand the structure and the commands. You can run it by
Herwig read
Herwig run -N 1000000 -j5
yodamerge yyll-Matchbox-*.yoda -o yyll-Matchbox-ALL.yoda
Now, try to plot LesHouches and Matchbox results together:
rivet-mkhtml LesHouches-ALL.yoda:"Les Houches" Matchbox-ALL.yoda:"Matchbox" -o ALL-plots
**:"Les Houches"** and **:"Matchbox"** are optional tags for the plots. You can either include them or not. Have a look at the results by running **ALL-plots/index.html**.
== Exercise ==
1- Change the configurations in *** file:
read Matchbox/
# read Matchbox/
# read Matchbox/
Uncomment each line separately to change the parton shower setting from Default (Angularly-ordered) to Dipole and then turn it off and produce yoda files. Plot them together and check the difference.
2 - Herwig-7.3 supports a full QCD+QED+EW parton shower. You can control the parton shower meta by adding the command
set /Herwig/Shower/ShowerHandler:Interactions ALL # options are QCD QED QEDQCD EWOnly ALL
Alternate between these options in both Les Houches and Matchbox runs and plot them against each other and observe the differences.
Here we demonstrate an example of photon-induced events in Herwig.
==Using the Les Houches Event Handler==
To start, create a new work directory:
mkdir photon_induced
cd photon_induced
Next, download below input/config/analysis files in your work directory.
1. MadGraph configure script: this is a script for generating a sample of unweighted yy > ll events with MadGraph.
2. MadGraph parameter and run cards: parameter space and run statistics for the MadGraph run.
{F1993058} {F1993056}
3. Rivet analysis and plot setup: Rivet analysis files, to be run alongside the Herwig setup.
{F1993057} {F1993059}
4. Herwig Input files: the main Herwig input file.
Once the files are downloaded, please have a look at ****. It can be run by:
chmod +x
[sudo] ./
Once it is done, you should be able to see a new directory named "yyll" that contains the requited unweighted sample in **yyll/Events/run_01/unweighted_events.lhe.gz**. Also, you should see a **** library file appearing in your work directory.
Note: **** includes the command
which allows **Rivet** to find a custom-made analysis. If you close your terminal at any point, remember to run this command to set up the environment variables correctly.
We are now set to sun Herwig using these samples. Run
Herwig read
It should generate a run file named ****. Now execute
Herwig run -N 10000
The last part asks Herwig to run this simulation for 10000 events only. After this is done, you should be able to see several files generated in your work directory. This will generate a number of files in your work directory:
- **LesHouches.log**: contains the details of each produced event, for the first 10 events (can be changed to include any number of events). The details include incoming/outgoing/intermediate particles and their kinematics. This is useful information to check what is actually going on under the hood.
- **LesHouches.out**: Statistics for the event handler, including the number of valid events (subtracting vetoed/scrapped events) and a list of sub-process categories with their event count and cross-section.
- **LesHouches.tex**: A list of publications, relevant to your Herwig setup, which you should cite if you are making use of this specific simulation.
- **LesHouches.yoda**: Specific results, according to the Rivet analysis you called.
To produce the plots, execute
rivet-mkhtml LesHouches.yoda -o plots
where the **-o** flag allows you to choose an output directory. Have a look at the generated plot by double-clicking on **plots/index.html**. If you are unhappy with the statistics, you can improve them by running more events. This might take longer to run, but you improve your run-time by multi-threading your simulation:
Herwig run -N 100000 -j 5
Here, the **-j** flag tells Herwig to split this simulation into 5 parallel positions, each running 20000 events. The results will be saved in 5 different sets:
You can combine these by
yodamerge LesHouches-*.yoda -o LesHouches-ALL.yoda
==Using Matchbox==
Another way of performing this simulation is by using Herwig's Matchbox module, which handles the matrix element generation internally. First, we try this with an LEP collider simulation with incoming photonic beams and then for an LHC simulation, using photon PDFs. In both cases, we assume 13 TeV incoming beams.
Download the following input file in your work directory
Look inside this file and try to understand the structure and the commands. You can run it by
Herwig read
Herwig run -N 1000000 -j5
yodamerge LEP-Matchbox-yyll-*.yoda -o LEP-Matchbox-ALL.yoda
Now, try to plot LesHouches and Matchbox results together:
rivet-mkhtml LesHouches-ALL.yoda:"Les Houches" LEP-Matchbox-ALL.yoda:"LEP Matchbox" -o ALL-plots
**:"Les Houches"** and **:"Matchbox"** are optional tags for the plots. You can either include them or not. Have a look at the results by running **ALL-plots/index.html**.
Now, repeat the same steps for the following LHC setup file:
Herwig read
Herwig run -N 100000 -j5
yodamerge LHC-Matchbox-yyll-*.yoda -o LHC-Matchbox-ALL.yoda
Finally you can plot all your simulations together
rivet-mkhtml LesHouches-ALL.yoda:"Les Houches" LEP-Matchbox-ALL.yoda:"LEP Matchbox" LHC-Matchbox-ALL.yoda:"LHC Matchbox" -o ALL-plots
and compare the results. Note that the statistics chosen for this run are significantly lower than the previous run. This is because this is a much more complex simulation and will need more computation time. If possible, you can use more cores (e.g. -j10) to speed this up or incorporate higher statistics.
== Exercise ==
1- Change the configurations in **** and **** files:
read Matchbox/
# read Matchbox/
# read Matchbox/
Uncomment each line separately to change the parton shower setting from Default (Angularly-ordered) to Dipole and then turn it off and produce .yoda files. Plot them together and check the difference. Does the choice of shower algorithm drastically affect the simulation results?
2 - Herwig-7.3 supports a full QCD+QED+EW parton shower. You can control the parton shower meta by adding the command
set /Herwig/Shower/ShowerHandler:Interactions ALL # options are QCD QED QEDQCD EWOnly ALL
Alternate between these options in both Les Houches and Matchbox runs and plot them against each other and observe the differences.
3 - Replace The default PDFs in the **** file to **CT14qed_proton** by changing
cd /Herwig/Partons
set HardLOPDF:PDFName LUXlep-NNPDF31_nlo_as_0118_luxqed
set HardNLOPDF:PDFName LUXlep-NNPDF31_nlo_as_0118_luxqed
set ShowerLOPDF:PDFName LUXlep-NNPDF31_nlo_as_0118_luxqed
set ShowerNLOPDF:PDFName LUXlep-NNPDF31_nlo_as_0118_luxqed
set MPIPDF:PDFName LUXlep-NNPDF31_nlo_as_0118_luxqed
set RemnantPDF:PDFName LUXlep-NNPDF31_nlo_as_0118_luxqed
cd /Herwig/Partons
set HardLOPDF:PDFName CT14qed_proton
set HardNLOPDF:PDFName CT14qed_proton
set ShowerLOPDF:PDFName CT14qed_proton
set ShowerNLOPDF:PDFName CT14qed_proton
set MPIPDF:PDFName CT14qed_proton
set RemnantPDF:PDFName CT14qed_proton
and re-generate the plots. Observer the effects of changing the PDFs. You can choose from any viable photon PDFs.
Here we demonstrate an example of photon-induced events in Herwig.
==Using the Les Houches Event Handler==
To start, create a new work directory:
mkdir photon_induced
cd photon_induced
Next, download below input/config/analysis files in your work directory.
1. MadGraph configure script: this is a script for generating a sample of unweighted yy > ll events with MadGraph.
2. MadGraph parameter and run cards: parameter space and run statistics for the MadGraph run.
{F1993058} {F1993056}
3. Rivet analysis and plot setup: Rivet analysis files, to be run alongside the Herwig setup.
{F1993057} {F1993059}
4. Herwig Input files: the main Herwig input file.
Once the files are downloaded, please have a look at ****. It can be run by:
chmod +x
[sudo] ./
Once it is done, you should be able to see a new directory named "yyll" that contains the requited unweighted sample in **yyll/Events/run_01/unweighted_events.lhe.gz**. Also, you should see a **** library file appearing in your work directory.
Note: **** includes the command
which allows **Rivet** to find a custom-made analysis. If you close your terminal at any point, remember to run this command to set up the environment variables correctly.
We are now set to sun Herwig using these samples. Run
Herwig read
It should generate a run file callnamed ****. Now execute
Herwig run -N 10000
The last part asks Herwig to run this simulation for 10000 events only. After this is done, you should be able to see several files generated in your work directory. This will generate a number of files in your work directory:
- **LesHouches.log**: contains the details of each produced event, for the first 10 events (can be changed to include any number of events). The details include incoming/outgoing/intermediate particles and their kinematics. This is useful information to check what is actually going on under the hood.
- **LesHouches.out**: Statistics for the event handler, including the number of valid events (subtracting vetoed/scrapped events) and a list of sub-process categories with their event count and cross-section.
- **LesHouches.tex**: A list of publications, relevant to your Herwig setup, which you should cite if you are making use of this specific simulation.
- **LesHouches.yoda**: Specific results, according to the Rivet analysis you called.
To produce the plots, execute
rivet-mkhtml LesHouches.yoda -o plots
where the **-o** flag allows you to choose an output directory. Have a look at the generated plot by double-clicking on **plots/index.html**. If you are not unhappy with the statistics, you can improve them by running more events. This might take longer to run, but you improve your run-time by multi-threading your simulation:
Herwig run -N 100000 -j 5
Here, the **-j** flag tells Herwig to split this simulation into 5 parallel positions, each running 20000 events. The results will be saved in 5 different sets:
You can combine these by
yodamerge LesHouches-*.yoda -o LesHouches-ALL.yoda
==Using Matchbox==
Another way of performing this simulation is by using Herwig's Matchbox module, which handles the matrix element generation internally. To try thiFirst, we try this with an LEP collider simulation with incoming photonic beams and then for an LHC simulation, using photon PDFs. In both cases, dwe assume 13 TeV incoming beams.
Download the following input file in your work directory
Have a lookLook inside this file and try to understand the structure and the commands. You can run it by
Herwig read
Herwig run -N 1000000 -j5
yodamerge yyllLEP-Matchbox-yyll-*.yoda -o yyllLEP-Matchbox-ALL.yoda
Now, try to plot LesHouches and Matchbox results together:
rivet-mkhtml LesHouches-ALL.yoda:"Les Houches" LEP-Matchbox-ALL.yoda:"LEP Matchbox" -o ALL-plots
**:"Les Houches"** and **:"Matchbox"** are optional tags for the plots. You can either include them or not. Have a look at the results by running **ALL-plots/index.html**.
Now, repeat the same steps for the following LHC setup file:
Herwig read
Herwig run -N 100000 -j5
yodamerge LHC-Matchbox-yyll-*.yoda -o LHC-Matchbox-ALL.yoda
Finally you can plot all your simulations together
rivet-mkhtml LesHouches-ALL.yoda:"Les Houches" LEP-Matchbox-ALL.yoda:"LEP Matchbox" LHC-Matchbox-ALL.yoda:"LHC Matchbox" -o ALL-plots
and compare the results. Note that the statistics chosen for this run are significantly lower than the previous run. This is because this is a much more complex simulation and will need more computation time. If possible, you can use more cores (e.g. -j10) to speed this up or incorporate higher statistics.
== Exercise ==
1- Change the configurations in ****** and **** file:s:
read Matchbox/
# read Matchbox/
# read Matchbox/
Uncomment each line separately to change the parton shower setting from Default (Angularly-ordered) to Dipole and then turn it off and produce .yoda files. Plot them together and check the difference. Does the choice of shower algorithm drastically affect the simulation results?
2 - Herwig-7.3 supports a full QCD+QED+EW parton shower. You can control the parton shower meta by adding the command
set /Herwig/Shower/ShowerHandler:Interactions ALL # options are QCD QED QEDQCD EWOnly ALL
Alternate between these options in both Les Houches and Matchbox runs and plot them against each other and observe the differences.
3 - Replace The default PDFs in the **** file to **CT14qed_proton** by changing
cd /Herwig/Partons
set HardLOPDF:PDFName LUXlep-NNPDF31_nlo_as_0118_luxqed
set HardNLOPDF:PDFName LUXlep-NNPDF31_nlo_as_0118_luxqed
set ShowerLOPDF:PDFName LUXlep-NNPDF31_nlo_as_0118_luxqed
set ShowerNLOPDF:PDFName LUXlep-NNPDF31_nlo_as_0118_luxqed
set MPIPDF:PDFName LUXlep-NNPDF31_nlo_as_0118_luxqed
set RemnantPDF:PDFName LUXlep-NNPDF31_nlo_as_0118_luxqed
cd /Herwig/Partons
set HardLOPDF:PDFName CT14qed_proton
set HardNLOPDF:PDFName CT14qed_proton
set ShowerLOPDF:PDFName CT14qed_proton
set ShowerNLOPDF:PDFName CT14qed_proton
set MPIPDF:PDFName CT14qed_proton
set RemnantPDF:PDFName CT14qed_proton
and re-generate the plots. Observer the effects of changing the PDFs. You can choose from any viable photon PDFs.