Version 52 vs 54
Version 52 vs 54
Content Changes
Content Changes
This tutorial teaches you the basics of the Monte Carlo Event Generator Herwig. An installation of Herwig on your own device is not necessary if you use the provided docker image (see next section). If you plan to use Herwig for your own research follow the instructions provided under [[ | Installation ]] .
In this tutorial you will learn:
How to simulate LEP events
How to simulate LHC events
How to include rivet analyses and compare simulation with data
How to switch parts of the Event Generator on and off
How to modify parameters of the Parton shower and the Hadronization model
The Les Houches Event Handler
==Before you start (docker containers)==
All exercises within this tutorial can be done by using the provided docker image for Herwig.
If you have not already installed docker, please follow the instructions on the [[ | docker website]] and install docker on your device.
The required docker containers can be pulled directly from the [[ | docker hub]] with
docker pull herwigcollaboration/herwig-7.3:7.3.0
Linux users: sudo docker ...
In order to run Herwig, execute the following shell command
docker run -i --rm -u `id -u $USER`:`id -g` -v $PWD:$PWD -w $PWD herwigcollaboration/herwig-7.3:7.3.0 Herwig --help
This allows the container to access your local files and to write to the current working directory
Create an alias for the run command with
alias DRH='docker run -i --rm -u `id -u $USER`:`id -g` -v $PWD:$PWD -w $PWD herwigcollaboration/herwig-7.3:7.3.0'
To run Herwig execute
DRH Herwig
Similar commands like **rivet-mkhtml** can be run in the same fashion
DRH rivet-mkhtml
If this works, you are ready to start the tutorial with [[ | First run: LEP]]. If you encounter problems, please talk to a tutor.
# [[ | Installation ]]
# [[ | First run: LEP]]
# [[ | Second run: Z production and jets at the LHC ]]
# [[ | Third run: minimum bias events and soft physics ]]
# [[ | The Les Houches Event Handler ]]
**Helpful literature**
[[ | Herwig manual ]]
This page has been migrated to [[ | Herwig Tutorials]].
This tutorial teaches you the basics of the Monte Carlo Event Generator Herwig. An installation of Herwig on your own device is not necessary if you use the provided docker image (see next section). If you plan to use Herwig for your own research follow the instructions provided under [[ | Installation ]] .
In this tutorial you will learn:
How to simulate LEP events
How to simulate LHC events
How to include rivet analyses and compare simulation with data
How to switch parts of the Event Generator on and off
How to modify parameters of the Parton shower and the Hadronization model
The Les Houches Event Handler
==Before you start (docker containers)==
All exercises within this tutorial can be done by using the provided docker image for Herwig.
If you have not already installed docker, please follow the instructions on the [[ | docker website]] and install docker on your device.
The required docker containers can be pulled directly from the [[ | docker hub]] with
docker pull herwigcollaboration/herwig-7.3:7.3.0
Linux users: sudo docker ...
In order to run Herwig, execute the following shell command
docker run -i --rm -u `id -u $USER`:`id -g` -v $PWD:$PWD -w $PWD herwigcollaboration/herwig-7.3:7.3.0 Herwig --help
This allows the container to access your local files and to write to the current working directory
Create an alias for the run command with
alias DRH='docker run -i --rm -u `id -u $USER`:`id -g` -v $PWD:$PWD -w $PWD herwigcollaboration/herwig-7.3:7.3.0'
To run Herwig execute
DRH Herwig
Similar commands like **rivet-mkhtml** can be run in the same fashion
DRH rivet-mkhtml
If this works, you are ready to start the tutorial with [[ | First run: LEP]]. If you encounter problems, please talk to a tutor.
# [[ | Installation ]]
# [[ | First run: LEP]]
# [[ | Second run: Z production and jets at the LHC ]]
# [[ | Third run: minimum bias events and soft physics ]]
# [[ https://phabpage has been migrated to [[ | The Les Houches Event Handler ]]
**Helpful literature**
[[ | Herwig manual ]]herwigtutorial/ | Herwig Tutorials]].