Version 11 vs 12
Version 11 vs 12
Content Changes
Content Changes
==This is the main page for the Herwig tutorial at the MCnet 2019 school.==
This is the tutorial for the first day of the MCnet school and teaches you the basics of the Monte Carlo
Event Generator Herwig. An installation of Herwig on your own device is not necessary if you use the provided virtual machine/docker image. If you plan to use Herwig for your own research after the MCnet school the instructions provided under [[ | Installation ]] might be helpful.
Todo: check that everything works with the VM/Docker image
During the course of this tutorial you will learn:
How to simulate LEP events
How to simulate LHC events
How to include rivet analyses and compare simulation with data
How to switch parts of the Event Generator on and off
How to modify parameters of the Parton shower and the Hadronization model
The importance of the underlying event for the simulation of LHC events (?)
Les Ouches Event Handler (?)
Todo: Something that can be used for the other tutorials as well (?)
# [[ | Installation ]]
# [[ | First run ]]
# First run: the structure of the input file
# Second run: turning things on and off
# Third run: data analysis
# The Les Houches Event Handler
**Input files:**
==This is the main page for the Herwig tutorial at the MCnet 2019 school.==
This is the tutorial for the first day of the MCnet school and teaches you the basics of the Monte Carlo
Event Generator Herwig. An installation of Herwig on your own device is not necessary if you use the provided virtual machine/docker image. If you plan to use Herwig for your own research after the MCnet school the instructions provided under [[ | Installation ]] might be helpful.
Todo: check that everything works with the VM/Docker image
During the course of this tutorial you will learn:
How to simulate LEP events
How to simulate LHC events
How to include rivet analyses and compare simulation with data
How to switch parts of the Event Generator on and off
How to modify parameters of the Parton shower and the Hadronization model
The importance of the underlying event for the simulation of LHC events (?)
Les Ouches Event Handler (?)
Todo: Something that can be used for the other tutorials as well (?)
# [[ | Installation ]]
# [[ | First run ]]
# First run: the structure of the input file
# Second run: turning things on and off
# Third run: data analysis
# [[ | The Les Houches Event Handler ]]
**Input files:**
==This is the main page for the Herwig tutorial at the MCnet 2019 school.==
This is the tutorial for the first day of the MCnet school and teaches you the basics of the Monte Carlo
Event Generator Herwig. An installation of Herwig on your own device is not necessary if you use the provided virtual machine/docker image. If you plan to use Herwig for your own research after the MCnet school the instructions provided under [[ | Installation ]] might be helpful.
Todo: check that everything works with the VM/Docker image
During the course of this tutorial you will learn:
How to simulate LEP events
How to simulate LHC events
How to include rivet analyses and compare simulation with data
How to switch parts of the Event Generator on and off
How to modify parameters of the Parton shower and the Hadronization model
The importance of the underlying event for the simulation of LHC events (?)
Les Ouches Event Handler (?)
Todo: Something that can be used for the other tutorials as well (?)
# [[ | Installation ]]
# [[ | First run ]]
# First run: the structure of the input file
# Second run: turning things on and off
# Third run: data analysis
# [[ | The Les Houches Event Handler ]]
**Input files:**