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User Details
- User Since
- Jul 3 2018, 2:12 PM (347 w, 5 d)
May 18 2023
May 18 2023
update version number to 2.2.2
Merge branch 'Z_uno_fix' into 'v2.2'
amaier committed rHEJ97e92962c7d1: Add reference to developer manual in (authored by Bertrand Ducloué <>).
Add reference to developer manual in
update changelog
amaier committed rHEJ55a7bec6f327: Document factors for Z + unordered emission with interference (authored by Bertrand Ducloué <>).
Document factors for Z + unordered emission with interference
amaier committed rHEJf9f0b277930c: Use switch() to select component in (authored by Bertrand Ducloué <>).
Use switch() to select component in
amaier committed rHEJd053cc50757d: Pull out definition of common variables (authored by Bertrand Ducloué <>).
Pull out definition of common variables
amaier committed rHEJcdae31c7fed6: Add test for full ME for processes with interference (authored by Bertrand Ducloué <>).
Add test for full ME for processes with interference
amaier committed rHEJe6119686f84a: Remove unused code (authored by Bertrand Ducloué <>).
Remove unused code
amaier committed rHEJ426cdf91009f: Reorder Z+jets uno forward contributions to match order in virtuals (authored by Bertrand Ducloué <>).
Reorder Z+jets uno forward contributions to match order in virtuals
amaier committed rHEJ4c987c41de6c: Update reference data (authored by Bertrand Ducloué <>).
Update reference data
amaier committed rHEJ039ece894de6: Fix colour factor in Z+jets uno ME (authored by Bertrand Ducloué <>).
Fix colour factor in Z+jets uno ME
May 10 2023
May 10 2023
update version number to 2.2.1
update changelog
amaier committed rHEJ1c5dcaa43f79: Merge branch 'W_exqqbar_crossing_v2.2' into 'v2.2' (authored by amaier).
Merge branch 'W_exqqbar_crossing_v2.2' into 'v2.2'
amaier committed rHEJac53124651a4: Split long line (authored by Bertrand Ducloué <>).
Split long line
amaier committed rHEJ279bc5384312: Update reference data (authored by Bertrand Ducloué <>).
Update reference data
amaier committed rHEJ0d343087dac0: Fix momentum ordering in documentation (authored by Bertrand Ducloué <>).
Fix momentum ordering in documentation
amaier committed rHEJ54880058cf71: const variables (authored by Bertrand Ducloué <>).
const variables
amaier committed rHEJ327571018525: Use uno crossing for W+jets extremal qqbar (opposite side) ME (authored by Bertrand Ducloué <>).
Use uno crossing for W+jets extremal qqbar (opposite side) ME
amaier committed rHEJfa2495b04529: Rename jW_jqqbar.frm to jv_jqqbar.frm (authored by Bertrand Ducloué <>).
Rename jW_jqqbar.frm to jv_jqqbar.frm
amaier committed rHEJfc915f5f539c: Cosmetic changes in (authored by Bertrand Ducloué <>).
Cosmetic changes in
amaier committed rHEJ2c7927df8d8a: Reorder functions in (authored by Bertrand Ducloué <>).
Reorder functions in
Mar 27 2023
Mar 27 2023
small fix to user documentation
Mar 24 2023
Mar 24 2023
fix spacing in sphinx links
amaier committed rHEJ8a1e556e9f4e: Merge branch 'update_container_documentation' into 'v2.2' (authored by amaier).
Merge branch 'update_container_documentation' into 'v2.2'
Merge branch 'v2.2' into 'master'
Mar 22 2023
Mar 22 2023
version 2.1.4
update changelog
amaier committed rHEJda0fd6a2b322: use full file names in `add_executable` statements (authored by amaier).
use full file names in `add_executable` statements
update version number to 2.2.0
amaier committed rHEJ8fbb9d6afb30: Merge branch '148-remove-deprecated-code-from-2-1-release' into 'master' (authored by amaier).
Merge branch '148-remove-deprecated-code-from-2-1-release' into 'master'
fixed overly long lines
amaier committed rHEJc0d6133f2f7e: document deprecation of `EmptyAnalysis` and `HEJ::optional` (authored by amaier).
document deprecation of `EmptyAnalysis` and `HEJ::optional`
remove `Weights.hh`
removed deprecated `analysis` setting
remove `UnclusteredEvent`
amaier committed rHEJc260d858fef3: remove `min extparton pt` and `max ext soft pt fraction` options (authored by amaier).
remove `min extparton pt` and `max ext soft pt fraction` options
document new HEJFOG phase space generation
amaier committed rHEJ9adf85a6ee36: Merge branch '140-documentation-on-psp-of-fog' into 'master' (authored by amaier).
Merge branch '140-documentation-on-psp-of-fog' into 'master'
plots for vector boson rapidity generation
explain factor C_F/C_A in pdf sampling
amaier committed rHEJ88b3b75c8998: extend documentation on boson momentum generation (authored by amaier).
extend documentation on boson momentum generation
replaced magic constant
amaier committed rHEJa36da9d9a697: small changes to documentation of FOG phase space point generation (authored by amaier).
small changes to documentation of FOG phase space point generation
added reference to developer manual
amaier committed rHEJ57a313685be5: document fixed-order phase space generation (authored by amaier).
document fixed-order phase space generation
update stale links
amaier committed rHEJd65ad3f8a564: refactor code for turning configuration to qqbar (authored by amaier).
refactor code for turning configuration to qqbar
document x_a and x_b
amaier committed rHEJ879ce2bb9e90: Merge branch '34-improve-w-jets-sampling-in-fog' into 'master' (authored by amaier).
Merge branch '34-improve-w-jets-sampling-in-fog' into 'master'
amaier committed rHEJ66e3edc98660: bug fix: more stringent test of total energy (authored by amaier).
bug fix: more stringent test of total energy
amaier committed rHEJ4f5e6db2aaee: simplify code for turning configurations to uno (authored by amaier).
simplify code for turning configurations to uno
amaier committed rHEJa43a820ef49a: tune rapidity offset in H + unordered generation (authored by amaier).
tune rapidity offset in H + unordered generation
amaier committed rHEJ1e7f8e105f38: better rapidity sampling for Higgs + unordered (authored by amaier).
better rapidity sampling for Higgs + unordered
small cleanup
tweak width of V rapidity distribution
amaier committed rHEJdd6ccd81809e: optimise rapidity sampling for vector bosons (authored by amaier).
optimise rapidity sampling for vector bosons
refactoring: new add_boson member function
amaier committed rHEJ28a96faa8ebf: Merge branch 'refactor_add_boson' into 'master' (authored by amaier).
Merge branch 'refactor_add_boson' into 'master'
generate bosons after determining flavours
amaier committed rHEJfe5661ac0bbb: decide about subleading configurations right after generating parton momenta (authored by amaier).
decide about subleading configurations right after generating parton momenta
amaier committed rHEJdcc225b737ba: Merge branch 'prepare-new-W-jets-sampling' into 'master' (authored by amaier).
Merge branch 'prepare-new-W-jets-sampling' into 'master'
amaier committed rHEJ76ea35cd792f: check validity of subleading channels already when constructing the event… (authored by amaier).
check validity of subleading channels already when constructing the event…
utility functions
printable channel names
update test reference value
amaier committed rHEJ190efe9a22b5: Merge branch 'update-reference-xs' into 'master' (authored by amaier).
Merge branch 'update-reference-xs' into 'master'
Update h + 5j cross section
amaier committed rHEJde35fa62c96d: Merge branch '182-add-support-for-named-pipe-fifo-lhe-files' into 'master' (authored by amaier).
Merge branch '182-add-support-for-named-pipe-fifo-lhe-files' into 'master'
update documentation
amaier committed rHEJ6752e1a3be20: update analysis rescaling factor before each fill (authored by amaier).
update analysis rescaling factor before each fill
amaier committed rHEJ115257f66c99: Merge branch 'alt_analysis_scaling' into '182-add-support-for-named-pipe-fifo… (authored by amaier).
Merge branch 'alt_analysis_scaling' into '182-add-support-for-named-pipe-fifo…
amaier committed rHEJ23380ef21409: update hdf5 test to work with more recent versions of highfive (authored by amaier).
update hdf5 test to work with more recent versions of highfive
amaier committed rHEJeca4ab6491ac: different HEJFOG rapidity sampling for scalar and vector bosons (authored by amaier).
different HEJFOG rapidity sampling for scalar and vector bosons
amaier committed rHEJb71cc85bf8c9: Merge branch 'restore_Higgs_rap_sampling' into 'master' (authored by amaier).
Merge branch 'restore_Higgs_rap_sampling' into 'master'
amaier committed rHEJ2aece2a0b60b: Add back a corrected member function to rewrite the init block in the… (authored by amaier).
Add back a corrected member function to rewrite the init block in the…
amaier committed rHEJ65916c5aba0c: EventWriter member function to set ratio between cross section and sum of… (authored by amaier).
EventWriter member function to set ratio between cross section and sum of…
pass scale factor to event writer
bug fix: actually remove fifo after test
amaier committed rHEJ3b30c89869ba: bug fix: HDF5 output contained the cross section variance, not the error (authored by amaier).
bug fix: HDF5 output contained the cross section variance, not the error
amaier committed rHEJaf91364ca970: abort fifo test if commands fail of variables are not set (authored by amaier).
abort fifo test if commands fail of variables are not set
typos in documentation
consistent style in example
amaier committed rHEJ4076020dc1fc: Merge branch '185-cmake-warning-missing-source-file-extensions' into 'master' (authored by amaier).
Merge branch '185-cmake-warning-missing-source-file-extensions' into 'master'
amaier committed rHEJa140b34d5f29: use full file names in `add_executable` statements (authored by amaier).
use full file names in `add_executable` statements
amaier committed rHEJ3a88f6fdb3d6: Merge branch '184-deprecate-emptyanalysis' into 'master' (authored by amaier).
Merge branch '184-deprecate-emptyanalysis' into 'master'
fix HEJ version in documentation
amaier committed rHEJaa8fe46580f0: warn about impending change in behaviour of `get_analysis` (authored by amaier).
warn about impending change in behaviour of `get_analysis`
amaier committed rHEJaec0949f657a: Merge branch '131-classification-as-non_resummable-und-bad_final_state-is… (authored by amaier).
Merge branch '131-classification-as-non_resummable-und-bad_final_state-is…
amaier committed rHEJ196b3d5629c2: check validity of event treatment for `unknown` and `invalid` early on (authored by amaier).
check validity of event treatment for `unknown` and `invalid` early on
deprecate EmptyAnalysis
amaier committed rHEJ15b354672ed8: don't require explicit treatment setting for `unknown` and `invalid` events (authored by amaier).
don't require explicit treatment setting for `unknown` and `invalid` events
document changes
update classification test
updated expected event types in decay test
update classification reference data
removed obsolete event types
use new event types in classification
amaier committed rHEJ2cfb96a778f2: fallback for very soft particles in onshell test (authored by amaier).
fallback for very soft particles in onshell test