Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
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Laura++ package authors:
John Back
Paul Harrison
Thomas Latham
/*! \file LauDecayTimePdf.hh
\brief File containing declaration of LauDecayTimePdf class.
/*! \class LauDecayTimePdf
\brief Class for defining the PDFs used in the time-dependent fit model to describe the decay time.
LauDecayTimePdf is a class that provides the PDFs for describing the
time-dependence of the various terms in a particle/antiparticle decay to a
common final state. The various terms have the form of exponentially
decaying trigonometric or hyperbolic functions convolved with a N-Gaussian
resolution function.
#include <vector>
#include <array>
#include <complex>
#include "TString.h"
#include "LauAbsRValue.hh"
#include "LauFitDataTree.hh"
#include "LauComplex.hh"
class TH1;
class Lau1DHistPdf;
class Lau1DCubicSpline;
// TODO - Should this have Pdf in the name?
// - Audit function names and public/private access category
// - Audit what should be given to constructor and what can be set later (maybe different constructors for different scenarios, e.g. smeared with per-event error/smeared with avg error/not smeared)
class LauDecayTimePdf final {
// TODO - can we think of better names?
//! The functional form of the decay time PDF
enum FuncType {
Hist, //< Hist PDF for fixed background
Delta, //< Delta function - for prompt background
Exp, //< Exponential function - for non-prompt background or charged B's
DeltaExp, //< Delta + Exponential function - for background with prompt and non-prompt parts
ExpTrig, //< Exponential function with Delta m driven mixing - for neutral B_d's
ExpHypTrig //< Exponential function with both Delta m and Delta Gamma driven mixing - for neutral B_s's
//! How is the decay time measured - absolute or difference?
enum TimeMeasurementMethod {
DecayTime, //< Absolute measurement of decay time, e.g. LHCb scenario
DecayTimeDiff //< Measurement of the difference of two decay times, e.g. BaBar/Belle(II) scenario
//! How is the TD efficiency information going to be given?
enum EfficiencyMethod {
Spline, //< As a cubic spline
Binned, //< As a histogram (TH1D/TH1F)
Flat //< As a flat distribution (constant)
//! Constructor
\param [in] theVarName the name of the decay time variable in the input data
\param [in] theVarErrName the name of the decay time error variable in the input data
\param [in] params the parameters of the PDF
\param [in] minAbscissaVal the minimum value of the abscissa
\param [in] maxAbscissaVal the maximum value of the abscissa
\param [in] minAbscissaErr the minimum value of the abscissa error
\param [in] maxAbscissaErr the maximum value of the abscissa error
\param [in] type the functional form of the PDF
\param [in] nGauss the number of Gaussians in the resolution function
\param [in] scale controls whether the Gaussian parameters are scaled by the per-event error
\param [in] method set the type of the time measurement used in the given experiment
// outer vector has nEvents entries, middle vector has nSplineSegments entries, inner vector has nGauss_ entries, array has 0th - 4th entries of the M-vector
std::cerr << "ERROR in LauTimeDepFitModel::setNBgkndEvents : The background yield LauParameter pointer is null." << std::endl;
if ( ! this->validBkgndClass( nBkgndEvents->name() ) ) {
std::cerr << "ERROR in LauTimeDepFitModel::setNBkgndEvents : Invalid background class \"" << nBkgndEvents->name() << "\"." << std::endl;
std::cerr << " : Background class names must be provided in \"setBkgndClassNames\" before any other background-related actions can be performed." << std::endl;
std::cerr << "ERROR in LauTimeDepFitModel::setNBkgndEvents : The background yield LauParameter pointer is null." << std::endl;
if ( bkgndAsym == 0 ) {
std::cerr << "ERROR in LauTimeDepFitModel::setNBkgndEvents : The background asym LauParameter pointer is null." << std::endl;
if ( ! this->validBkgndClass( nBkgndEvents->name() ) ) {
std::cerr << "ERROR in LauTimeDepFitModel::setNBkgndEvents : Invalid background class \"" << nBkgndEvents->name() << "\"." << std::endl;
std::cerr << " : Background class names must be provided in \"setBkgndClassNames\" before any other background-related actions can be performed." << std::endl;
// TODO If these are all histograms shouldn't need to add much more code in other functions
if (pdf==0) {
- std::cerr<<"ERROR in LauTimeDepFitModel::setBackgroundDtPdf : The PDF pointer is null, not adding it."<<std::endl;
+ std::cerr<<"ERROR in LauTimeDepFitModel::setBkgndDtPdf : The PDF pointer is null, not adding it."<<std::endl;
- backgroundDecayTimePdfs_.push_back(pdf);
+ // check that this background name is valid
+ if ( ! this->validBkgndClass( bkgndClass) ) {
+ std::cerr << "ERROR in LauTimeDepFitModel::setBkgndDtPdf : Invalid background class \"" << bkgndClass << "\"." << std::endl;
+ std::cerr << " : Background class names must be provided in \"setBkgndClassNames\" before any other background-related actions can be performed." << std::endl;
std::cerr << "ERROR in LauTimeDepFitModel::setBkgndDPModels : the model pointer is null." << std::endl;
// check that this background name is valid
if ( ! this->validBkgndClass( bkgndClass) ) {
std::cerr << "ERROR in LauTimeDepFitModel::setBkgndDPModel : Invalid background class \"" << bkgndClass << "\"." << std::endl;
std::cerr << " : Background class names must be provided in \"setBkgndClassNames\" before any other background-related actions can be performed." << std::endl;
std::cerr << "ERROR in LauTimeDepFitModel::setBkgndPdf : PDF pointer is null." << std::endl;
// check that this background name is valid
if ( ! this->validBkgndClass( bkgndClass ) ) {
std::cerr << "ERROR in LauTimeDepFitModel::setBkgndPdf : Invalid background class \"" << bkgndClass << "\"." << std::endl;
std::cerr << " : Background class names must be provided in \"setBkgndClassNames\" before any other background-related actions can be performed." << std::endl;
// std::cerr << "ERROR in LauTimeDepFitModel::initialise : There are " << nsigpdfvars << " signal PDF variables but " << nbkgndpdfvars << " bkgnd PDF variables." << std::endl;
// gSystem->Exit(EXIT_FAILURE);
// }
// }
// Clear the vectors of parameter information so we can start from scratch
// Set the fit parameters for signal and background models
// Set the fit parameters for the decay time models
// Set the fit parameters for the extra PDFs
// Set the initial bg and signal events
// Handle flavour-tagging calibration parameters
// Add tagging efficiency parameters
// Add the efficiency parameters
//Asymmetry terms AProd and in setAsymmetries()?
// Check that we have the expected number of fit variables
std::cerr << "ERROR in LauTimeDepFitModel::initialiseDPModels : Unequal number of signal DP components in the particle and anti-particle models: " << nAmpB0bar << " != " << nAmpB0 << std::endl;
if ( nAmpB0bar != nSigComp_ ) {
std::cerr << "ERROR in LauTimeDepFitModel::initialiseDPModels : Number of signal DP components in the model (" << nAmpB0bar << ") not equal to number of coefficients supplied (" << nSigComp_ << ")." << std::endl;
std::cout<<"INFO in LauTimeDepFitModel::initialiseDPModels : Initialising signal DP model"<<std::endl;
for (UInt_t iAmp = 0; iAmp < nSigComp_; ++iAmp) {
// calculate the integrals of the A*Abar terms
// Add backgrounds
if (usingBkgnd_ == kTRUE) {
for (LauBkgndDPModelList::iterator iter = BkgndDPModels_.begin(); iter != BkgndDPModels_.end(); ++iter) {
// TODO should check (first time) that they match in terms of number of entries in the vectors and that each entry has the same number of points, ranges, weights etc.
std::cerr<<"ERROR in LauTimeDepFitModel::setAmpCoeffSet : B0bar signal DP model doesn't contain component \""<<compName<<"\"."<<std::endl;
std::cerr<<"WARNING in LauTimeDepFitModel::setAmpCoeffSet : B0bar signal DP model doesn't contain component \""<<compName<<"\" but does contain the conjugate \""<<conjName<<"\", resetting name to use the conjugate."<<std::endl;
TString tmp = compName;
compName = conjName;
conjName = tmp;
coeffSet->name( compName );
if ( conjugate ) {
if ( ! sigModelB0_->hasResonance(conjName) ) {
std::cerr<<"ERROR in LauTimeDepFitModel::setAmpCoeffSet : B0 signal DP model doesn't contain component \""<<conjName<<"\"."<<std::endl;
} else {
if ( ! sigModelB0_->hasResonance(compName) ) {
std::cerr<<"ERROR in LauTimeDepFitModel::setAmpCoeffSet : B0 signal DP model doesn't contain component \""<<compName<<"\"."<<std::endl;
// Do we already have it in our list of names?
for (std::vector<LauAbsCoeffSet*>::const_iterator iter=coeffPars_.begin(); iter!=coeffPars_.end(); ++iter) {
if ((*iter)->name() == compName) {
std::cerr<<"ERROR in LauTimeDepFitModel::setAmpCoeffSet : Have already set coefficients for \""<<compName<<"\"."<<std::endl;
for(std::vector<LauParameter*>::iterator iter = tageff_b0.begin(); iter != tageff_b0.end(); ++iter){
LauParameter* eff = *iter;
if (eff->fixed()){continue;}
for(std::vector<LauParameter*>::iterator iter = tageff_b0bar.begin(); iter != tageff_b0bar.end(); ++iter){
LauParameter* eff = *iter;
if (eff->fixed()){continue;}
void LauTimeDepFitModel::setCalibParams()
Bool_t useAltPars = flavTag_->getUseAveDelta();
std::cout << "INFO in LauTimeDepFitModel::setCalibParams : Setting the initial fit parameters of the flavour tagging calibration parameters." << std::endl;
std::cerr<<"ERROR in LauTimeDepFitModel::setExtraNtupleVars : Initial Fit Fraction array of unexpected dimension: "<<fitFracB0bar_.size()<<std::endl;
for (UInt_t i(0); i<nSigComp_; ++i) {
if (fitFracB0bar_[i].size() != nSigComp_) {
std::cerr<<"ERROR in LauTimeDepFitModel::setExtraNtupleVars : Initial Fit Fraction array of unexpected dimension: "<<fitFracB0bar_[i].size()<<std::endl;
for (UInt_t i(0); i<nSigComp_; ++i) {
for (UInt_t j = i; j < nSigComp_; j++) {
TString name = fitFracB0bar_[i][j].name();
name.Insert( name.Index("FitFrac"), "B0bar" );
fitFracB0_ = sigModelB0_->getFitFractions();
if (fitFracB0_.size() != nSigComp_) {
std::cerr<<"ERROR in LauTimeDepFitModel::setExtraNtupleVars : Initial Fit Fraction array of unexpected dimension: "<<fitFracB0_.size()<<std::endl;
for (UInt_t i(0); i<nSigComp_; ++i) {
if (fitFracB0_[i].size() != nSigComp_) {
std::cerr<<"ERROR in LauTimeDepFitModel::setExtraNtupleVars : Initial Fit Fraction array of unexpected dimension: "<<fitFracB0_[i].size()<<std::endl;
for (UInt_t i(0); i<nSigComp_; ++i) {
for (UInt_t j = i; j < nSigComp_; j++) {
TString name = fitFracB0_[i][j].name();
name.Insert( name.Index("FitFrac"), "B0" );
// Calculate the ACPs and FitFrac asymmetries
// Add the Fit Fraction asymmetry for each signal component
for (UInt_t i = 0; i < nSigComp_; i++) {
// Add the calculated CP asymmetry for each signal component
// Update the number of signal events to be total-sum(background events)
// Check whether we want to have randomised initial fit parameters for the signal model
if (this->useRandomInitFitPars() == kTRUE) {
void LauTimeDepFitModel::randomiseInitFitPars()
// Only randomise those parameters that are not fixed!
std::cout<<"INFO in LauTimeDepFitModel::randomiseInitFitPars : Randomising the initial values of the coefficients of the DP components (and phiMix)..."<<std::endl;
if (iEvt%1000 == 0) {std::cout<<"INFO in LauTimeDepFitModel::genExpt : Generated event number "<<iEvt<<" out of "<<nEvtsGen<<" "<<evtCategory<<" events."<<std::endl;}
} //end of loop over species and tagFlv.
if (this->useDP() && genOK) {
std::cout<<"aSqMaxSet = "<<aSqMaxSet_<<" and aSqMaxVar = "<<aSqMaxVar_<<std::endl;
// Get the fit fractions if they're to be written into the latex table
if (signalTree_ && (signalTree_->nEvents() == signalTree_->nUsedEvents())) {
std::cerr<<"WARNING in LauTimeDepFitModel::generateSignalEvent : Source of embedded signal events used up, clearing the list of used events."<<std::endl;
// std::cerr << "WARNING in LauCPFitModel::generateBkgndEvent : Source of embedded " << bkgndClass << " events used up, clearing the list of used events." << std::endl;
std::cerr << "ERROR in LauSimpleFitModel::embedBkgnd : Invalid background class \"" << bkgndClass << "\"." << std::endl;
std::cerr << " : Background class names must be provided in \"setBkgndClassNames\" before any other background-related actions can be performed." << std::endl;
std::cerr << "WARNING in LauTimeDepFitModel::freeSpeciesNames : \"" << par->name() << "\" is a LauFormulaPar, which implies it is perhaps not entirely free to float in the fit, so the sWeight calculation may not be reliable" << std::endl;