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// Interface for building HEPMC events
#include "HepMC/GenEvent.h"
#include "HepMC/IO_GenEvent.h"
using namespace HepMC;
// Tell the caller that this is the true HepMC library
extern "C" bool hepmc_available() {
return true;
// GenEvent functions
extern "C" GenEvent* new_gen_event( int proc_id, int event_id ) {
GenEvent* evt = new GenEvent( proc_id, event_id );
evt->use_units(HepMC::Units::GEV, HepMC::Units::MM);
return evt;
extern "C" void gen_event_delete( GenEvent* evt) {
delete evt;
extern "C" void gen_event_print( GenEvent* evt ) {
extern "C" void gen_event_add_vertex( GenEvent* evt, GenVertex* v ) {
evt->add_vertex( v );
extern "C" void gen_event_set_signal_process_vertex
( GenEvent* evt, GenVertex* v ) {
evt->set_signal_process_vertex( v );
// GenEvent particle iterator functions
extern "C" GenEvent::particle_const_iterator*
new_event_particle_const_iterator( GenEvent* evt ) {
GenEvent::particle_const_iterator* it =
new GenEvent::particle_const_iterator();
(*it) = evt->particles_begin();
return it;
extern "C" void event_particle_const_iterator_delete
( GenEvent::particle_const_iterator* it ) {
delete it;
extern "C" void event_particle_const_iterator_advance
( GenEvent::particle_const_iterator* it ) {
extern "C" void event_particle_const_iterator_reset
( GenEvent::particle_const_iterator* it, GenEvent* evt ) {
(*it) = evt->particles_begin();
extern "C" bool event_particle_const_iterator_is_valid
( GenEvent::particle_const_iterator* it, GenEvent* evt ) {
return ((*it) != evt->particles_end());
extern "C" GenParticle* event_particle_const_iterator_get
( GenEvent::particle_const_iterator* it ) {
return *(*it);
// GenVertex functions
extern "C" GenVertex* new_gen_vertex() {
return new GenVertex();
extern "C" GenVertex* new_gen_vertex_pos( FourVector* pos ) {
return new GenVertex( *pos );
extern "C" void gen_vertex_delete( GenVertex* v ) {
delete v;
extern "C" void gen_vertex_add_particle_in( GenVertex* v, GenParticle* p ) {
v->add_particle_in( p );
extern "C" void gen_vertex_add_particle_out( GenVertex* v, GenParticle* p ) {
v->add_particle_out( p );
extern "C" bool gen_vertex_is_valid( GenVertex* v ) {
return v != 0;
extern "C" int gen_vertex_particles_in_size( GenVertex* v ) {
return v->particles_in_size();
extern "C" int gen_vertex_particles_out_size( GenVertex* v ) {
return v->particles_out_size();
// GenVertex iterator over in-particles
extern "C" GenVertex::particles_in_const_iterator*
new_vertex_particles_in_const_iterator( GenVertex* v ) {
GenVertex::particles_in_const_iterator* it =
new GenVertex::particles_in_const_iterator();
(*it) = v->particles_in_const_begin();
return it;
extern "C" void vertex_particles_in_const_iterator_delete
( GenVertex::particles_in_const_iterator* it ) {
delete it;
extern "C" void vertex_particles_in_const_iterator_advance
( GenVertex::particles_in_const_iterator* it ) {
extern "C" void vertex_particles_in_const_iterator_reset
( GenVertex::particles_in_const_iterator* it, GenVertex* v ) {
(*it) = v->particles_in_const_begin();
extern "C" bool vertex_particles_in_const_iterator_is_valid
( GenVertex::particles_in_const_iterator* it, GenVertex* v ) {
return ((*it) != v->particles_in_const_end());
extern "C" GenParticle* vertex_particles_in_const_iterator_get
( GenVertex::particles_in_const_iterator* it ) {
return *(*it);
// GenVertex iterator over out-particles
extern "C" GenVertex::particles_out_const_iterator*
new_vertex_particles_out_const_iterator( GenVertex* v ) {
GenVertex::particles_out_const_iterator* it =
new GenVertex::particles_out_const_iterator();
(*it) = v->particles_out_const_begin();
return it;
extern "C" void vertex_particles_out_const_iterator_delete
( GenVertex::particles_out_const_iterator* it ) {
delete it;
extern "C" void vertex_particles_out_const_iterator_advance
( GenVertex::particles_out_const_iterator* it ) {
extern "C" void vertex_particles_out_const_iterator_reset
( GenVertex::particles_out_const_iterator* it, GenVertex* v ) {
(*it) = v->particles_out_const_begin();
extern "C" bool vertex_particles_out_const_iterator_is_valid
( GenVertex::particles_out_const_iterator* it, GenVertex* v ) {
return ((*it) != v->particles_out_const_end());
extern "C" GenParticle* vertex_particles_out_const_iterator_get
( GenVertex::particles_out_const_iterator* it ) {
return *(*it);
// GenParticle functions
extern "C" GenParticle* new_gen_particle
(FourVector* momentum, int pdg_id, int status) {
return new GenParticle( *momentum, pdg_id, status );
extern "C" void gen_particle_delete( GenParticle* prt ) {
delete prt;
extern "C" void gen_particle_set_flow
( GenParticle* prt, int code_index, int code ) {
prt->set_flow( code_index, code );
extern "C" void gen_particle_set_polarization
( GenParticle* prt, Polarization* pol) {
prt->set_polarization( *pol );
extern "C" int gen_particle_barcode( GenParticle* prt ) {
return prt->barcode();
extern "C" FourVector* gen_particle_momentum( GenParticle* prt ) {
return new FourVector( prt->momentum() );
extern "C" double gen_particle_generated_mass( GenParticle* prt ) {
return prt->generated_mass();
extern "C" int gen_particle_pdg_id( GenParticle* prt ) {
return prt->pdg_id();
extern "C" int gen_particle_status( GenParticle* prt ) {
return prt->status();
extern "C" GenVertex* gen_particle_production_vertex( GenParticle* prt ) {
return prt->production_vertex();
extern "C" GenVertex* gen_particle_end_vertex( GenParticle* prt ) {
return prt->end_vertex();
extern "C" Polarization* gen_particle_polarization( GenParticle* prt ) {
return new Polarization(prt->polarization());
extern "C" int gen_particle_flow( GenParticle* prt, int code_index ) {
return prt->flow( code_index );
// FourVector functions
extern "C" FourVector* new_four_vector_xyzt
( double x, double y, double z, double t) {
return new FourVector( x, y, z, t);
extern "C" FourVector* new_four_vector_xyz( double x, double y, double z) {
return new FourVector( x, y, z);
extern "C" void four_vector_delete( FourVector* p ) {
delete p;
extern "C" double four_vector_px( FourVector* p ) {
return p->px();
extern "C" double four_vector_py( FourVector* p ) {
return p->py();
extern "C" double four_vector_pz( FourVector* p ) {
return p->pz();
extern "C" double four_vector_e( FourVector* p ) {
return p->e();
// Polarization functions
extern "C" Polarization* new_polarization( double theta, double phi ) {
return new Polarization( theta, phi );
extern "C" void polarization_delete( Polarization* pol ) {
delete pol;
extern "C" double polarization_theta( Polarization* pol ) {
return pol->theta();
extern "C" double polarization_phi( Polarization* pol ) {
return pol->phi();
// IO_GenEvent functions
extern "C" IO_GenEvent* new_io_gen_event_in( char* filename ) {
return new IO_GenEvent( filename, std::ios::in );
extern "C" IO_GenEvent* new_io_gen_event_out( char* filename ) {
return new IO_GenEvent( filename, std::ios::out );
extern "C" void io_gen_event_delete( IO_GenEvent* iostream ) {
delete iostream;
extern "C" void io_gen_event_write_event
( IO_GenEvent* iostream, const GenEvent* evt) {
iostream->write_event( evt);
extern "C" void io_gen_event_read_event
( IO_GenEvent* iostream, GenEvent* evt) {
iostream->fill_next_event( evt);

File Metadata

Mime Type
Sat, Dec 21, 5:24 PM (15 h, 34 m)
Storage Engine
Storage Format
Raw Data
Storage Handle
Default Alt Text
HepMCWrap.cpp (8 KB)

Event Timeline