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# NMSSM with non-trivial CKM matrix
model "NMSSM_CKM"
# Independent parameters
parameter GF = 1.16639E-5 # Fermi constant
parameter mZ = 91.1882 # Z-boson mass
parameter wZ = 2.443 # Z-boson width
parameter mW = 80.419 # W-boson mass
parameter wW = 2.049 # W-boson width
parameter me = 0.000511 # electron mass
parameter mmu = 0.1057 # muon mass
parameter mtau = 1.777 # tau-lepton mass
parameter ms = 0.12 # s-quark mass
parameter mc = 1.25 # c-quark mass
parameter mb = 4.2 # b-quark mass
parameter mtop = 174 # t-quark mass
parameter wtop = 1.523 # t-quark width
parameter alphas = 0.1178 # Strong coupling constant (Z point)
# SUSY: These parameters are not used directly by WHIZARD.
# They come into play if an external spectrum generator is invoked.
parameter mtype = 1 # MSSM embedding model
parameter m_zero = 100 # unified scalar mass (SUGRA/AMSB)
parameter m_half = 250 # unified gaugino mass (SUGRA)
parameter A0 = -100 # unified trilinear coupling (SUGRA)
parameter tanb = 10 # tan(beta) = v2/v1 (MSSM input)
parameter sgn_mu = 1 # signum(mu)
parameter Lambda = 40000 # SUSY breaking scale (GMSB)
parameter M_mes = 80000 # messenger scale (GMSB)
parameter N_5 = 3 # messenger index (GMSB)
parameter c_grav = 1 # gravitino mass multiplier (GMSB)
parameter m_grav = 60000 # gravitino mass (AMSB)
# The following parameters are used directly by WHIZARD.
# They can be derived from the above, but this is not done by WHIZARD
parameter Ae_33 = 0 # Ae soft breaking parameter (3rd gen.)
parameter Au_33 = 0 # Au soft breaking parameter (3rd gen.)
parameter Ad_33 = 0 # Ad soft breaking parameter (3rd gen.)
parameter mh0_1 = 125 # first Higgs mass
parameter wh0_1 = 4.143E-3 # first Higgs width
parameter mh0_2 = 1000 # second Higgs mass
parameter mh0_3 = 1000 # third Higgs mass
parameter mA0_1 = 1000 # axial Higgs mass 1
parameter mA0_2 = 1000 # axial Higgs mass 2
parameter mHpm = 1000 # charged Higgs mass
parameter wh0_2 = 0 # second Higgs width
parameter wh0_3 = 0 # third Higgs width
parameter wHpm = 0 # charged Higgs width
parameter wA0_1 = 0 # first axial Higgs width
parameter wA0_2 = 0 # second axial Higgs width
parameter tanb_h = 10 # Higgs mixing angle tan(beta)
parameter ls = 1 # Higgs - S coupling
parameter a_ls = 0 # ssb Higgs - S coupling
parameter ks = 1 # trilinear Singlet coupling
parameter a_ks = 0 # ssb trilinear Singlet coupling
parameter nmu = 1 # Singlet vev (scaled by ls)
parameter mixh0_11 = 1 # scalar Higgs mixing matrix
parameter mixh0_12 = 0 # scalar Higgs mixing matrix
parameter mixh0_13 = 0 # scalar Higgs mixing matrix
parameter mixh0_21 = 0 # scalar Higgs mixing matrix
parameter mixh0_22 = 1 # scalar Higgs mixing matrix
parameter mixh0_23 = 0 # scalar Higgs mixing matrix
parameter mixh0_31 = 0 # scalar Higgs mixing matrix
parameter mixh0_32 = 0 # scalar Higgs mixing matrix
parameter mixh0_33 = 1 # scalar Higgs mixing matrix
parameter mixa0_11 = 1 # axial Higgs mixing matrix
parameter mixa0_12 = 0 # axial Higgs mixing matrix
parameter mixa0_13 = 0 # axial Higgs mixing matrix
parameter mixa0_21 = 1 # axial Higgs mixing matrix
parameter mixa0_22 = 0 # axial Higgs mixing matrix
parameter mixa0_23 = 0 # axial Higgs mixing matrix
parameter msu1 = 1000 # u-squark mass
parameter msd1 = 1000 # d-squark mass
parameter msc1 = 1000 # c-squark mass
parameter mss1 = 1000 # s-squark mass
parameter mstop1 = 1000 # t-squark mass
parameter msb1 = 1000 # b-squark mass
parameter msu2 = 1000 # u-squark mass
parameter msd2 = 1000 # d-squark mass
parameter msc2 = 1000 # c-squark mass
parameter mss2 = 1000 # s-squark mass
parameter mstop2 = 1000 # t-squark mass
parameter msb2 = 1000 # b-squark mass
parameter mse1 = 1000 # selectron1 mass
parameter msne = 1000 # electron-sneutrino mass
parameter msmu1 = 1000 # smuon1 mass
parameter msnmu = 1000 # muon-sneutrino mass
parameter mstau1 = 1000 # stau1 mass
parameter msntau = 1000 # tau-sneutrino mass
parameter mse2 = 1000 # selectron2 mass
parameter msmu2 = 1000 # smuon2 mass
parameter mstau2 = 1000 # stau2 mass
parameter mgg = 1000 # gluino mass
parameter mch1 = 1000 # chargino1 mass (signed)
parameter mch2 = 1000 # chargino2 mass (signed)
parameter mneu1 = 1000 # neutralino1 mass (signed)
parameter mneu2 = 1000 # neutralino2 mass (signed)
parameter mneu3 = 1000 # neutralino3 mass (signed)
parameter mneu4 = 1000 # neutralino4 mass (signed)
parameter mneu5 = 1000 # neutralino5 mass (signed)
parameter wsu1 = 0 # u-squark width
parameter wsd1 = 0 # d-squark width
parameter wsc1 = 0 # c-squark width
parameter wss1 = 0 # s-squark width
parameter wstop1 = 0 # t-squark width
parameter wsb1 = 0 # b-squark width
parameter wsu2 = 0 # u-squark width
parameter wsd2 = 0 # d-squark width
parameter wsc2 = 0 # c-squark width
parameter wss2 = 0 # s-squark width
parameter wstop2 = 0 # t-squark width
parameter wsb2 = 0 # b-squark width
parameter wse1 = 0 # selectron1 width
parameter wsne = 0 # electron-sneutrino width
parameter wsmu1 = 0 # smuon1 width
parameter wsnmu = 0 # muon-sneutrino width
parameter wstau1 = 0 # stau1 width
parameter wsntau = 0 # tau-sneutrino width
parameter wse2 = 0 # selectron2 width
parameter wsmu2 = 0 # smuon2 width
parameter wstau2 = 0 # stau2 width
parameter wgg = 0 # gluino width
parameter wch1 = 0 # chargino1 width
parameter wch2 = 0 # chargino2 width
parameter wneu1 = 0 # neutralino1 width
parameter wneu2 = 0 # neutralino2 width
parameter wneu3 = 0 # neutralino3 width
parameter wneu4 = 0 # neutralino4 width
parameter wneu5 = 0 # neutralino5 width
parameter mt_11 = 1 # stop mixing matrix
parameter mt_12 = 0 # stop mixing matrix
parameter mt_21 = 0 # stop mixing matrix
parameter mt_22 = 1 # stop mixing matrix
parameter mb_11 = 1 # sbottom mixing matrix
parameter mb_12 = 0 # sbottom mixing matrix
parameter mb_21 = 0 # sbottom mixing matrix
parameter mb_22 = 1 # sbottom mixing matrix
parameter ml_11 = 1 # stau mixing matrix
parameter ml_12 = 0 # stau mixing matrix
parameter ml_21 = 0 # stau mixing matrix
parameter ml_22 = 1 # stau mixing matrix
parameter mixn_11 = 1 # neutralino mixing matrix
parameter mixn_12 = 0 # neutralino mixing matrix
parameter mixn_13 = 0 # neutralino mixing matrix
parameter mixn_14 = 0 # neutralino mixing matrix
parameter mixn_15 = 0 # neutralino mixing matrix
parameter mixn_21 = 0 # neutralino mixing matrix
parameter mixn_22 = 1 # neutralino mixing matrix
parameter mixn_23 = 0 # neutralino mixing matrix
parameter mixn_24 = 0 # neutralino mixing matrix
parameter mixn_25 = 0 # neutralino mixing matrix
parameter mixn_31 = 0 # neutralino mixing matrix
parameter mixn_32 = 0 # neutralino mixing matrix
parameter mixn_33 = 1 # neutralino mixing matrix
parameter mixn_34 = 0 # neutralino mixing matrix
parameter mixn_35 = 0 # neutralino mixing matrix
parameter mixn_41 = 0 # neutralino mixing matrix
parameter mixn_42 = 0 # neutralino mixing matrix
parameter mixn_43 = 0 # neutralino mixing matrix
parameter mixn_44 = 1 # neutralino mixing matrix
parameter mixn_45 = 0 # neutralino mixing matrix
parameter mixn_51 = 0 # neutralino mixing matrix
parameter mixn_52 = 0 # neutralino mixing matrix
parameter mixn_53 = 0 # neutralino mixing matrix
parameter mixn_54 = 0 # neutralino mixing matrix
parameter mixn_55 = 1 # neutralino mixing matrix
parameter mu_11 = 1 # chargino mixing matrix
parameter mu_12 = 0 # chargino mixing matrix
parameter mu_21 = 0 # chargino mixing matrix
parameter mu_22 = 1 # chargino mixing matrix
parameter mv_11 = 1 # chargino mixing matrix
parameter mv_12 = 0 # chargino mixing matrix
parameter mv_21 = 0 # chargino mixing matrix
parameter mv_22 = 1 # chargino mixing matrix
parameter vckm11 = 0.97401 # Vud
parameter vckm12 = 0.22650 # Vus
parameter vckm13 = 0.00361 # Vub
parameter vckm21 = -0.22636 # Vcd
parameter vckm22 = 0.97320 # Vcs
parameter vckm23 = 0.04053 # Vcb
parameter vckm31 = 0.00854 # Vtd
parameter vckm32 = -0.03978 # Vts
parameter vckm33 = 0.999172 # Vtb
# Dependent parameters
derived v = 1 / sqrt (sqrt (2.) * GF) # v (Higgs vev)
derived cw = mW / mZ # cos(theta-W)
derived sw = sqrt (1-cw*cw) # sin(theta-W)
derived ee = 2 * sw * mW / v # em-coupling (GF scheme)
derived alpha_em_i = 4 * pi / ee**2 # inverse fine structure const
# Particle content
# The quarks
particle D_QUARK 1 parton
spin 1/2 charge -1/3 isospin -1/2 color 3
name d down
anti dbar D "d~"
tex_anti "\bar{d}"
particle U_QUARK 2 parton
spin 1/2 charge 2/3 isospin 1/2 color 3
name u up
anti ubar U "u~"
tex_anti "\bar{u}"
particle S_QUARK 3 like D_QUARK
name s strange
anti sbar S "s~"
tex_anti "\bar{s}"
mass ms
particle C_QUARK 4 like U_QUARK
name c charm
anti cbar C "c~"
tex_anti "\bar{c}"
mass mc
particle B_QUARK 5 like D_QUARK
name b bottom
anti bbar B "b~"
tex_anti "\bar{b}"
mass mb
particle T_QUARK 6 like U_QUARK
name t top
anti tbar T "t~"
tex_anti "\bar{t}"
mass mtop width wtop
# The leptons
particle E_LEPTON 11
spin 1/2 charge -1 isospin -1/2
name "e-" e1 electron e
anti "e+" E1 positron
tex_name "e^-"
tex_anti "e^+"
mass me
particle E_NEUTRINO 12 left
spin 1/2 isospin 1/2
name nue n1 "nu_e" ve "e-neutrino"
anti nuebar N1 "ve~"
tex_name "\nu_e"
tex_anti "\bar\nu_e"
particle MU_LEPTON 13 like E_LEPTON
name "mu-" e2 mu muon
anti "mu+" E2
tex_name "\mu^-"
tex_anti "\mu^+"
mass mmu
particle MU_NEUTRINO 14 like E_NEUTRINO
name numu "nu_mu" n2 vm "mu-neutrino"
anti numubar N2 "vm~"
tex_name "\nu_\mu"
tex_anti "\bar\nu_\mu"
particle TAU_LEPTON 15 like E_LEPTON
name "tau-" e3 tau "ta-" tauon
anti "tau+" E3 "ta+"
tex_name "\tau^-"
tex_anti "\tau^+"
mass mtau
particle TAU_NEUTRINO 16 like E_NEUTRINO
name nutau "nu_tau" n3 vt "tau_neutrino"
anti nutaubar N3 "vt~"
tex_name "\nu_\tau"
tex_anti "\bar\nu_\tau"
# The vector bosons
particle GLUON 21 parton gauge
spin 1 color 8
name gl g G gluon
particle PHOTON 22 gauge
spin 1
name A gamma photon
tex_name "\gamma"
particle Z_BOSON 23 gauge
spin 1
name Z
mass mZ width wZ
particle W_BOSON 24 gauge
spin 1 charge 1
name "W+" Wp
anti "W-" Wm
tex_name "W^+"
tex_anti "W^-"
mass mW width wW
# The Higgses
particle SCALAR_HIGGS_1 25
spin 0
name h01 h h0 h1 "h_1" Higgs
tex_name "H^0_1"
mass mh0_1 width wh0_1
particle SCALAR_HIGGS_2 35
spin 0
name h02 H HH HH0 H0 h2 "h_2"
tex_name "H^0_2"
mass mh0_2 width wh0_2
particle SCALAR_HIGGS_3 45
spin 0
name h03 h3 "h_3"
tex_name "H^0_3"
mass mh0_3 width wh0_3
particle AXIAL_HIGGS_1 36
spin 0
name A01 HA HA0 A0 A1 "A0_1"
tex_name "A^0_1"
mass mA0_1 width wA0_1
particle AXIAL_HIGGS_2 46
spin 0
name A02 A2 "A0_2"
tex_name "A^0_2"
mass mA0_2 width wA0_2
particle CHARGED_HIGGS 37
spin 0 charge +1
name "H+" Hp
anti "H-" Hm
tex_name "H^+"
tex_anti "H^-"
mass mHpm width wHpm
# The squarks
# Left-handed
particle D_SQUARK1 1000001
spin 0 charge -1/3 color 3
name sd1
anti sd1c SD1 "sd1~"
tex_name "\tilde{d}_L"
tex_anti "\tilde{\bar d}_L"
mass msd1 width wsd1
particle U_SQUARK1 1000002
spin 0 charge 2/3 color 3
name su1
anti su1c SU1 "su1~"
tex_name "\tilde{u}_L"
tex_anti "\tilde{\bar u}_L"
mass msu1 width wsu1
particle S_SQUARK1 1000003 like D_SQUARK1
name ss1
anti ss1c SS1 "ss1~"
tex_name "\tilde{s}_L"
tex_anti "\tilde{\bar s}_L"
mass mss1 width wss1
particle C_SQUARK1 1000004 like U_SQUARK1
name sc1
anti sc1c SC1 "sc1~"
tex_name "\tilde{c}_L"
tex_anti "\tilde{\bar c}_L"
mass msc1 width wsc1
particle B_SQUARK1 1000005 like D_SQUARK1
name sb1
anti sb1c SB1 "sb1~"
tex_name "\tilde{b}_1"
tex_anti "\tilde{\bar b}_1"
mass msb1 width wsb1
particle T_SQUARK1 1000006 like U_SQUARK1
name st1
anti st1c ST1 "st1~"
tex_name "\tilde{t}_1"
tex_anti "\tilde{\bar t}_1"
mass mstop1 width wstop1
# Right-handed
particle D_SQUARK2 2000001
spin 0 charge -1/3 color 3
name sd2
anti sd2c SD2 "sd2~"
tex_name "\tilde{d}_R"
tex_anti "\tilde{\bar d}_R"
mass msd2 width wsd2
particle U_SQUARK2 2000002
spin 0 charge 2/3 color 3
name su2
anti su2c SU2 "su2~"
tex_name "\tilde{u}_R"
tex_anti "\tilde{\bar u}_R"
mass msu2 width wsu2
particle S_SQUARK2 2000003 like D_SQUARK2
name ss2
anti ss2c SS2 "ss2~"
tex_name "\tilde{s}_R"
tex_anti "\tilde{\bar s}_R"
mass mss2 width wss2
particle C_SQUARK2 2000004 like U_SQUARK2
name sc2
anti sc2c SC2 "sc2~"
tex_name "\tilde{c}_R"
tex_anti "\tilde{\bar c}_R"
mass msc2 width wsc2
particle B_SQUARK2 2000005 like D_SQUARK2
name sb2
anti sb2c SB2 "sb2~"
tex_name "\tilde{b}_2"
tex_anti "\tilde{\bar b}_2"
mass msb2 width wsb2
particle T_SQUARK2 2000006 like U_SQUARK2
name st2
anti st2c ST2 "st2~"
tex_name "\tilde{t}_2"
tex_anti "\tilde{\bar t}_2"
mass mstop2 width wstop2
# The sleptons
# Left-handed
particle E_SLEPTON1 1000011
spin 0 charge -1
name "se1-" se1 se11
anti "se1+" SE1 SE11
tex_name "\tilde{e}_1^-"
tex_anti "\tilde{e}_1^+"
mass mse1 width wse1
particle E_SNEUTRINO1 1000012
spin 0
name snue "snu_e1" sn11 sve
anti "snue*" SN11 "sve~"
tex_name "\tilde\nu_e"
tex_anti "\tilde\bar\nu_e"
mass msne width wsne
particle MU_SLEPTON1 1000013 like E_SLEPTON1
name "smu1-" smu1 se21
anti "smu1+" SMU1 SE21
tex_name "\tilde\mu_1^-"
tex_anti "\tilde\mu_1^+"
mass msmu1 width wsmu1
particle MU_SNEUTRINO1 1000014 like E_SNEUTRINO1
name snumu "snu_mu1" sn21 svm
anti "snumu*" SN21 "svm~"
tex_name "\tilde\nu_\mu"
tex_anti "\tilde\bar\nu_\mu"
mass msnmu width wsnmu
particle TAU_SLEPTON1 1000015 like E_SLEPTON1
name "stau1-" stau1 se31
anti "stau1+" STAU1 SE31
tex_name "\tilde\tau_1^-"
tex_anti "\tilde\tau_1^+"
mass mstau1 width wstau1
particle TAU_SNEUTRINO1 1000016 like E_SNEUTRINO1
name snutau "snu_tau" sn31 svt
anti "snutau*" SN31 "svt~"
tex_name "\tilde\nu_\tau"
tex_anti "\tilde\bar\nu_\tau"
mass msntau width wsntau
# Right-handed
particle E_SLEPTON2 2000011
spin 0 charge -1
name "se2-" se2 se12
anti "se2+" SE2 SE12
tex_name "\tilde{e}_2^-"
tex_anti "\tilde{e}_2^+"
mass mse2 width wse2
particle MU_SLEPTON2 2000013 like E_SLEPTON2
name "smu2-" smu2 se22
anti "smu2+" SMU2 SE22
tex_name "\tilde\mu_2^-"
tex_anti "\tilde\mu_2^+"
mass msmu2 width wsmu2
particle TAU_SLEPTON2 2000015 like E_SLEPTON2
name "stau2-" stau2 se32
anti "stau2+" STAU2 SE32
tex_name "\tilde\tau_2^-"
tex_anti "\tilde\tau_2^+"
mass mstau2 width wstau2
# The gauginos
particle GLUINO 1000021
spin 1/2 color 8
name sgl gg GG gluino
tex_name "\tilde{g}"
mass mgg width wgg
particle CHARGINO1 1000024
spin 1/2 charge 1
name "ch1+" "CH1+"
anti "ch1-" "CH1-"
tex_name "\tilde\chi_1^+"
tex_anti "\tilde\chi_1^-"
mass mch1 width wch1
particle CHARGINO2 1000037 like CHARGINO1
name "ch2+" "CH2+"
anti "ch2-" "CH2-"
tex_name "\tilde\chi_2^+"
tex_anti "\tilde\chi_2^-"
mass mch2 width wch2
particle NEUTRALINO1 1000022
spin 1/2
name neu1 NEU1
tex_name "\tilde\chi_1^0"
mass mneu1 width wneu1
particle NEUTRALINO2 1000023 like NEUTRALINO1
name neu2 NEU2
tex_name "\tilde\chi_2^0"
mass mneu2 width wneu2
particle NEUTRALINO3 1000025 like NEUTRALINO1
name neu3 NEU3
tex_name "\tilde\chi_3^0"
mass mneu3 width wneu3
particle NEUTRALINO4 1000035 like NEUTRALINO1
name neu4 NEU4
tex_name "\tilde\chi_4^0"
mass mneu4 width wneu4
particle NEUTRALINO5 1000045 like NEUTRALINO1
name neu5 NEU5
tex_name "\tilde\chi_5^0"
mass mneu5 width wneu5
# Hadrons
particle PROTON 2212
spin 1/2 charge 1
name p "p+"
anti pbar "p-"
# Beam remnants for proton colliders
particle HADRON_REMNANT 90
name hr
tex_name "had_r"
name hr1
tex_name "had_r^{(1)}"
color 3
name hr3
tex_name "had_r^{(3)}"
anti hr3bar
tex_anti "had_r^{(\bar 3)}"
color 8
name hr8
tex_name "had_r^{(8)}"
# Vertices of the NMSSM
# In graphs with identical structure, the first vertex is kept for phase space,
# therefore, lighter particles come before heavier ones.
vertex D d A
vertex U u A
vertex S s A
vertex C c A
vertex B b A
vertex T t A
vertex E1 e1 A
vertex E2 e2 A
vertex E3 e3 A
vertex sd1 SD1 A
vertex su1 SU1 A
vertex ss1 SS1 A
vertex sc1 SC1 A
vertex sb1 SB1 A
vertex st1 ST1 A
vertex se11 SE11 A
vertex se21 SE21 A
vertex se31 SE31 A
vertex sd2 SD2 A
vertex su2 SU2 A
vertex ss2 SS2 A
vertex sc2 SC2 A
vertex sb2 SB2 A
vertex st2 ST2 A
vertex se12 SE12 A
vertex se22 SE22 A
vertex se32 SE32 A
vertex G G G
vertex G G G G
vertex g gg gg
! QCD fermion-gluon
vertex D d G
vertex U u G
vertex S s G
vertex C c G
vertex B b G
vertex T t G
! SUSY sfermion-gluon
vertex sd1 SD1 g
vertex sd2 SD2 g
vertex su1 SU1 g
vertex su2 SU2 g
vertex ss1 SS1 g
vertex ss2 SS2 g
vertex sc1 SC1 g
vertex sc2 SC2 g
vertex sb1 SB1 g
vertex sb2 SB2 g
vertex st1 ST1 g
vertex st2 ST2 g
! SUSY gluino
vertex d SD1 gg
vertex d SD2 gg
vertex u SU1 gg
vertex u SU2 gg
vertex s SS1 gg
vertex s SS2 gg
vertex c SC1 gg
vertex c SC2 gg
vertex b SB1 gg
vertex b SB2 gg
vertex t ST1 gg
vertex t ST2 gg
vertex sd1 D gg
vertex sd2 D gg
vertex su1 U gg
vertex su2 U gg
vertex ss1 S gg
vertex ss2 S gg
vertex sc1 C gg
vertex sc2 C gg
vertex sb1 B gg
vertex sb2 B gg
vertex st1 T gg
vertex st2 T gg
# Neutral currents
vertex D d Z
vertex U u Z
vertex S s Z
vertex C c Z
vertex B b Z
vertex T t Z
vertex E1 e1 Z
vertex E2 e2 Z
vertex E3 e3 Z
vertex N1 n1 Z
vertex N2 n2 Z
vertex N3 n3 Z
! Neutral currents/SUSY
vertex sd1 SD1 Z
vertex su1 SU1 Z
vertex ss1 SS1 Z
vertex sc1 SC1 Z
vertex sb1 SB1 Z
vertex st1 ST1 Z
vertex se11 SE11 Z
vertex se21 SE21 Z
vertex se31 SE31 Z
vertex sn11 SN11 Z
vertex sn21 SN21 Z
vertex sn31 SN31 Z
vertex sd2 SD2 Z
vertex su2 SU2 Z
vertex ss2 SS2 Z
vertex sc2 SC2 Z
vertex sb2 SB2 Z
vertex st2 ST2 Z
vertex se12 SE12 Z
vertex se22 SE22 Z
vertex se32 SE32 Z
! 3rd gen mixing
vertex sb1 SB2 Z
vertex sb2 SB1 Z
vertex st1 ST2 Z
vertex st2 ST1 Z
vertex se31 SE32 Z
vertex se32 SE31 Z
# Charged currents
vertex U d Wp
vertex U s Wp
vertex U b Wp
vertex C d Wp
vertex C s Wp
vertex C b Wp
vertex T d Wp
vertex T s Wp
vertex T b Wp
vertex D u Wm
vertex D c Wm
vertex D t Wm
vertex S u Wm
vertex S c Wm
vertex S t Wm
vertex B u Wm
vertex B c Wm
vertex B t Wm
vertex N1 e1 Wp
vertex N2 e2 Wp
vertex N3 e3 Wp
vertex E1 n1 Wm
vertex E2 n2 Wm
vertex E3 n3 Wm
vertex su1 SD1 Wm
vertex su1 SS1 Wm
vertex su1 SB1 Wm
vertex sc1 SD1 Wm
vertex sc1 SS1 Wm
vertex sc1 SB1 Wm
vertex st1 SD1 Wm
vertex st1 SS1 Wm
vertex st1 SB1 Wm
vertex su2 SD1 Wm
vertex su2 SS1 Wm
vertex su2 SB1 Wm
vertex sc2 SD1 Wm
vertex sc2 SS1 Wm
vertex sc2 SB1 Wm
vertex st2 SD1 Wm
vertex st2 SS1 Wm
vertex st2 SB1 Wm
vertex su1 SD2 Wm
vertex su1 SS2 Wm
vertex su1 SB2 Wm
vertex sc1 SD2 Wm
vertex sc1 SS2 Wm
vertex sc1 SB2 Wm
vertex st1 SD2 Wm
vertex st1 SS2 Wm
vertex st1 SB2 Wm
vertex su2 SD2 Wm
vertex su2 SS2 Wm
vertex su2 SB2 Wm
vertex sc2 SD2 Wm
vertex sc2 SS2 Wm
vertex sc2 SB2 Wm
vertex st2 SD2 Wm
vertex st2 SS2 Wm
vertex st2 SB2 Wm
vertex sn11 SE11 Wm
vertex sn21 SE21 Wm
vertex sn31 SE31 Wm
vertex sd1 SU1 Wp
vertex sb1 SU1 Wp
vertex sd1 SU1 Wp
vertex sd1 SC1 Wp
vertex ss1 SC1 Wp
vertex sb1 SC1 Wp
vertex sd1 ST1 Wp
vertex ss1 ST1 Wp
vertex sb1 ST1 Wp
vertex sd1 SU2 Wp
vertex sb1 SU2 Wp
vertex sd1 SU2 Wp
vertex sd1 SC2 Wp
vertex ss1 SC2 Wp
vertex sb1 SC2 Wp
vertex sd1 ST2 Wp
vertex ss1 ST2 Wp
vertex sb1 ST2 Wp
vertex sd2 SU1 Wp
vertex sb2 SU1 Wp
vertex sd2 SU1 Wp
vertex sd2 SC1 Wp
vertex ss2 SC1 Wp
vertex sb2 SC1 Wp
vertex sd2 ST1 Wp
vertex ss2 ST1 Wp
vertex sb2 ST1 Wp
vertex sd2 SU2 Wp
vertex sb2 SU2 Wp
vertex sd2 SU2 Wp
vertex sd2 SC2 Wp
vertex ss2 SC2 Wp
vertex sb2 SC2 Wp
vertex sd2 ST2 Wp
vertex ss2 ST2 Wp
vertex sb2 ST2 Wp
vertex se11 SN11 Wp
vertex se21 SN21 Wp
vertex se31 SN31 Wp
! 3rd gen mixing (only sleptons here)
vertex sn31 SE32 Wm
vertex se32 SN31 Wp
# Yukawa (neutral)
### keeping only 3rd generation for the moment
# vertex S s h1
# vertex C c h1
vertex B b h1
vertex T t h1
# vertex E2 e2 h1
vertex E3 e3 h1
# vertex S s h2
# vertex C c h2
vertex B b h2
vertex T t h2
# vertex E2 e2 h2
vertex E3 e3 h2
# vertex S s h3
# vertex C c h3
vertex B b h3
vertex T t h3
# vertex E2 e2 h3
vertex E3 e3 h3
# vertex S s A01
# vertex C c A01
vertex B b A01
vertex T t A01
# vertex E2 e2 A01
vertex E3 e3 A01
# vertex S s A02
# vertex C c A02
vertex B b A02
vertex T t A02
# vertex E2 e2 A02
vertex E3 e3 A02
# Yukawa (charged)
! SUSY Higgses
vertex e3 N3 Hp
vertex E3 n3 Hm
vertex b T Hp
vertex B t Hm
! SUSY-Yukawa
vertex se31 SE31 h1
vertex se31 SE32 h1
vertex se32 SE31 h1
vertex se32 SE32 h1
vertex sb1 SB1 h1
vertex sb1 SB2 h1
vertex sb2 SB1 h1
vertex sb2 SB2 h1
vertex st1 ST1 h1
vertex st1 ST2 h1
vertex st2 ST1 h1
vertex st2 ST2 h1
vertex se31 SE31 h2
vertex se31 SE32 h2
vertex se32 SE31 h2
vertex se32 SE32 h2
vertex sb1 SB1 h2
vertex sb1 SB2 h2
vertex sb2 SB1 h2
vertex sb2 SB2 h2
vertex st1 ST1 h2
vertex st1 ST2 h2
vertex st2 ST1 h2
vertex st2 ST2 h2
vertex se31 SE31 h3
vertex se31 SE32 h3
vertex se32 SE31 h3
vertex se32 SE32 h3
vertex sb1 SB1 h3
vertex sb1 SB2 h3
vertex sb2 SB1 h3
vertex sb2 SB2 h3
vertex st1 ST1 h3
vertex st1 ST2 h3
vertex st2 ST1 h3
vertex st2 ST2 h3
vertex se31 SE31 A01
vertex se31 SE32 A01
vertex se32 SE31 A01
vertex se32 SE32 A01
vertex sb1 SB1 A01
vertex sb1 SB2 A01
vertex sb2 SB1 A01
vertex sb2 SB2 A01
vertex st1 ST1 A01
vertex st1 ST2 A01
vertex st2 ST1 A01
vertex st2 ST2 A01
vertex se31 SE31 A02
vertex se31 SE32 A02
vertex se32 SE31 A02
vertex se32 SE32 A02
vertex sb1 SB1 A02
vertex sb1 SB2 A02
vertex sb2 SB1 A02
vertex sb2 SB2 A02
vertex st1 ST1 A02
vertex st1 ST2 A02
vertex st2 ST1 A02
vertex st2 ST2 A02
vertex se31 SN31 Hp
vertex se32 SN31 Hp
vertex sb1 ST1 Hp
vertex sb1 ST2 Hp
vertex sb2 ST1 Hp
vertex sb2 ST2 Hp
vertex SE31 sn31 Hm
vertex SE32 sn31 Hm
vertex SB1 st1 Hm
vertex SB1 st2 Hm
vertex SB2 st1 Hm
vertex SB2 st2 Hm
# Vector-boson self-interactions
vertex Wp Wm A
vertex Wp Wm Z
vertex Wp Wm Z Z
vertex Wp Wp Wm Wm
vertex Wp Wm A Z
vertex Wp Wm A A
# Higgs - vector boson
vertex A Hp Hm
vertex Z Hp Hm
vertex Z h1 A01
vertex Z h2 A01
vertex Z h3 A01
vertex Z h1 A02
vertex Z h2 A02
vertex Z h3 A02
vertex Wp Hm h1
vertex Wm Hp h1
vertex Wp Hm h2
vertex Wm Hp h2
vertex Wp Hm h3
vertex Wm Hp h3
vertex Wp Hm A01
vertex Wm Hp A01
vertex Wp Hm A02
vertex Wm Hp A02
vertex h1 Wp Wm
vertex h1 Z Z
vertex h2 Wp Wm
vertex h2 Z Z
vertex h3 Wp Wm
vertex h3 Z Z
# Higgs self-interactions
vertex h1 h1 h1
vertex h1 h1 h2
vertex h1 h1 h3
vertex h1 h2 h1
vertex h1 h2 h2
vertex h1 h2 h3
vertex h1 h3 h1
vertex h1 h3 h2
vertex h1 h3 h3
vertex h2 h1 h1
vertex h2 h1 h2
vertex h2 h1 h3
vertex h2 h2 h1
vertex h2 h2 h2
vertex h2 h2 h3
vertex h2 h3 h1
vertex h2 h3 h2
vertex h2 h3 h3
vertex h3 h1 h1
vertex h3 h1 h2
vertex h3 h1 h3
vertex h3 h2 h1
vertex h3 h2 h2
vertex h3 h2 h3
vertex h3 h3 h1
vertex h3 h3 h2
vertex h3 h3 h3
vertex h1 A01 A01
vertex h1 A01 A02
vertex h1 A02 A02
vertex h2 A01 A01
vertex h2 A01 A02
vertex h2 A02 A02
vertex h3 A01 A01
vertex h3 A01 A02
vertex h3 A02 A02
vertex h1 Hp Hm
vertex h2 Hp Hm
vertex h3 Hp Hm
! SUSY Higgses
vertex A Hp Hm
vertex Z Hp Hm
vertex Z h1 A01
vertex Z h2 A01
vertex Z h3 A01
vertex Z h1 A02
vertex Z h2 A02
vertex Z h3 A02
vertex Wp Hm h1
vertex Wm Hp h1
vertex Wp Hm h2
vertex Wm Hp h2
vertex Wp Hm h3
vertex Wm Hp h3
vertex Wp Hm A01
vertex Wm Hp A01
vertex Wp Hm A02
vertex Wm Hp A02
vertex h1 Wp Wm
vertex h1 Z Z
vertex h2 Wp Wm
vertex h2 Z Z
vertex h3 Wp Wm
vertex h3 Z Z
! Charginos
vertex "ch1+" "ch1-" A
vertex "ch2+" "ch2-" A
vertex "ch1+" "ch1-" Z
vertex "ch1+" "ch2-" Z
vertex "ch2+" "ch1-" Z
vertex "ch2+" "ch2-" Z
! Neutralinos
vertex neu1 neu1 Z
vertex neu1 neu2 Z
vertex neu1 neu3 Z
vertex neu1 neu4 Z
vertex neu1 neu5 Z
vertex neu2 neu2 Z
vertex neu2 neu3 Z
vertex neu2 neu4 Z
vertex neu2 neu5 Z
vertex neu3 neu3 Z
vertex neu3 neu4 Z
vertex neu3 neu5 Z
vertex neu4 neu4 Z
vertex neu4 neu5 Z
vertex neu5 neu5 Z
! Charginos + neutralinos
vertex "ch1+" neu1 Wm
vertex "ch2+" neu1 Wm
vertex "ch1+" neu2 Wm
vertex "ch2+" neu2 Wm
vertex "ch1+" neu3 Wm
vertex "ch2+" neu3 Wm
vertex "ch1+" neu4 Wm
vertex "ch2+" neu4 Wm
vertex "ch1+" neu5 Wm
vertex "ch2+" neu5 Wm
vertex "ch1-" neu1 Wp
vertex "ch2-" neu1 Wp
vertex "ch1-" neu2 Wp
vertex "ch2-" neu2 Wp
vertex "ch1-" neu3 Wp
vertex "ch2-" neu3 Wp
vertex "ch1-" neu4 Wp
vertex "ch2-" neu4 Wp
vertex "ch1-" neu5 Wp
vertex "ch2-" neu5 Wp
! Charginos + Higgs
vertex "ch1+" "ch1-" h1
vertex "ch1+" "ch2-" h1
vertex "ch2+" "ch1-" h1
vertex "ch2+" "ch2-" h1
vertex "ch1+" "ch1-" h2
vertex "ch1+" "ch2-" h2
vertex "ch2+" "ch1-" h2
vertex "ch2+" "ch2-" h2
vertex "ch1+" "ch1-" h3
vertex "ch1+" "ch2-" h3
vertex "ch2+" "ch1-" h3
vertex "ch2+" "ch2-" h3
vertex "ch1+" "ch1-" A01
vertex "ch1+" "ch2-" A01
vertex "ch2+" "ch1-" A01
vertex "ch2+" "ch2-" A01
vertex "ch1+" "ch1-" A02
vertex "ch1+" "ch2-" A02
vertex "ch2+" "ch1-" A02
vertex "ch2+" "ch2-" A02
! Neutralinos + Higgs
vertex neu1 neu1 h1
vertex neu1 neu2 h1
vertex neu1 neu3 h1
vertex neu1 neu4 h1
vertex neu1 neu5 h1
vertex neu2 neu2 h1
vertex neu2 neu3 h1
vertex neu2 neu4 h1
vertex neu2 neu5 h1
vertex neu3 neu3 h1
vertex neu3 neu4 h1
vertex neu3 neu5 h1
vertex neu4 neu4 h1
vertex neu4 neu5 h1
vertex neu5 neu5 h1
vertex neu1 neu1 h2
vertex neu1 neu2 h2
vertex neu1 neu3 h2
vertex neu1 neu4 h2
vertex neu1 neu5 h2
vertex neu2 neu2 h2
vertex neu2 neu3 h2
vertex neu2 neu4 h2
vertex neu2 neu5 h2
vertex neu3 neu3 h2
vertex neu3 neu4 h2
vertex neu3 neu5 h2
vertex neu4 neu4 h2
vertex neu4 neu5 h2
vertex neu5 neu5 h2
vertex neu1 neu1 h3
vertex neu1 neu2 h3
vertex neu1 neu3 h3
vertex neu1 neu4 h3
vertex neu1 neu5 h3
vertex neu2 neu2 h3
vertex neu2 neu3 h3
vertex neu2 neu4 h3
vertex neu2 neu5 h3
vertex neu3 neu3 h3
vertex neu3 neu4 h3
vertex neu3 neu5 h3
vertex neu4 neu4 h3
vertex neu4 neu5 h3
vertex neu5 neu5 h3
vertex neu1 neu1 A01
vertex neu1 neu2 A01
vertex neu1 neu3 A01
vertex neu1 neu4 A01
vertex neu1 neu5 A01
vertex neu2 neu2 A01
vertex neu2 neu3 A01
vertex neu2 neu4 A01
vertex neu2 neu5 A01
vertex neu3 neu3 A01
vertex neu3 neu4 A01
vertex neu3 neu5 A01
vertex neu4 neu4 A01
vertex neu4 neu5 A01
vertex neu5 neu5 A01
vertex neu1 neu1 A02
vertex neu1 neu2 A02
vertex neu1 neu3 A02
vertex neu1 neu4 A02
vertex neu1 neu5 A02
vertex neu2 neu2 A02
vertex neu2 neu3 A02
vertex neu2 neu4 A02
vertex neu2 neu5 A02
vertex neu3 neu3 A02
vertex neu3 neu4 A02
vertex neu3 neu5 A02
vertex neu4 neu4 A02
vertex neu4 neu5 A02
vertex neu5 neu5 A02
! Charginos + neutralinos + Higgs
vertex "ch1+" neu1 Hm
vertex "ch2+" neu1 Hm
vertex "ch1+" neu2 Hm
vertex "ch2+" neu2 Hm
vertex "ch1+" neu3 Hm
vertex "ch2+" neu3 Hm
vertex "ch1+" neu4 Hm
vertex "ch2+" neu4 Hm
vertex "ch1+" neu5 Hm
vertex "ch2+" neu5 Hm
vertex "ch1-" neu1 Hp
vertex "ch2-" neu1 Hp
vertex "ch1-" neu1 Hp
vertex "ch2-" neu2 Hp
vertex "ch1-" neu3 Hp
vertex "ch2-" neu3 Hp
vertex "ch1-" neu4 Hp
vertex "ch2-" neu4 Hp
vertex "ch1-" neu5 Hp
vertex "ch2-" neu5 Hp
! Lepton-slepton-neutralino
vertex e1 SE11 neu1
vertex e1 SE11 neu2
vertex e1 SE11 neu3
vertex e1 SE11 neu4
vertex e1 SE11 neu5
vertex e1 SE12 neu1
vertex e1 SE12 neu2
vertex e1 SE12 neu3
vertex e1 SE12 neu4
vertex e1 SE12 neu5
vertex E1 se11 neu1
vertex E1 se11 neu2
vertex E1 se11 neu3
vertex E1 se11 neu4
vertex E1 se11 neu5
vertex E1 se12 neu1
vertex E1 se12 neu2
vertex E1 se12 neu3
vertex E1 se12 neu4
vertex E1 se12 neu5
vertex e2 SE21 neu1
vertex e2 SE21 neu2
vertex e2 SE21 neu3
vertex e2 SE21 neu4
vertex e2 SE21 neu5
vertex E2 se21 neu1
vertex E2 se21 neu2
vertex E2 se21 neu3
vertex E2 se21 neu4
vertex E2 se21 neu5
vertex e2 SE22 neu1
vertex e2 SE22 neu2
vertex e2 SE22 neu3
vertex e2 SE22 neu4
vertex e2 SE22 neu5
vertex E2 se22 neu1
vertex E2 se22 neu2
vertex E2 se22 neu3
vertex E2 se22 neu4
vertex E2 se22 neu5
vertex e3 SE31 neu1
vertex e3 SE31 neu2
vertex e3 SE31 neu3
vertex e3 SE31 neu4
vertex e3 SE31 neu5
vertex E3 se31 neu1
vertex E3 se31 neu2
vertex E3 se31 neu3
vertex E3 se31 neu4
vertex E3 se31 neu5
vertex e3 SE32 neu1
vertex e3 SE32 neu2
vertex e3 SE32 neu3
vertex e3 SE32 neu4
vertex e3 SE32 neu5
vertex E3 se32 neu1
vertex E3 se32 neu2
vertex E3 se32 neu3
vertex E3 se32 neu4
vertex E3 se32 neu5
! Neutrino-sneutrino-neutralino
vertex n1 SN11 neu1
vertex n1 SN11 neu2
vertex n1 SN11 neu3
vertex n1 SN11 neu4
vertex n1 SN11 neu5
vertex N1 sn11 neu1
vertex N1 sn11 neu2
vertex N1 sn11 neu3
vertex N1 sn11 neu4
vertex N1 sn11 neu5
vertex n2 SN21 neu1
vertex n2 SN21 neu2
vertex n2 SN21 neu3
vertex n2 SN21 neu4
vertex n2 SN21 neu5
vertex N2 sn21 neu1
vertex N2 sn21 neu2
vertex N2 sn21 neu3
vertex N2 sn21 neu4
vertex N2 sn21 neu5
vertex n3 SN31 neu1
vertex n3 SN31 neu2
vertex n3 SN31 neu3
vertex n3 SN31 neu4
vertex n3 SN31 neu5
vertex N3 sn31 neu1
vertex N3 sn31 neu2
vertex N3 sn31 neu3
vertex N3 sn31 neu4
vertex N3 sn31 neu5
! Quark-squark-neutralino
vertex d SD1 neu1
vertex d SD1 neu2
vertex d SD1 neu3
vertex d SD1 neu4
vertex d SD1 neu5
vertex d SD2 neu1
vertex d SD2 neu2
vertex d SD2 neu3
vertex d SD2 neu4
vertex d SD2 neu5
vertex D sd1 neu1
vertex D sd1 neu2
vertex D sd1 neu3
vertex D sd1 neu4
vertex D sd1 neu5
vertex D sd2 neu1
vertex D sd2 neu2
vertex D sd2 neu3
vertex D sd2 neu4
vertex D sd2 neu5
vertex u SU1 neu1
vertex u SU1 neu2
vertex u SU1 neu3
vertex u SU1 neu4
vertex u SU1 neu5
vertex u SU2 neu1
vertex u SU2 neu2
vertex u SU2 neu3
vertex u SU2 neu4
vertex u SU2 neu5
vertex U su1 neu1
vertex U su1 neu2
vertex U su1 neu3
vertex U su1 neu4
vertex U su1 neu5
vertex U su2 neu1
vertex U su2 neu2
vertex U su2 neu3
vertex U su2 neu4
vertex U su2 neu5
vertex s SS1 neu1
vertex s SS1 neu2
vertex s SS1 neu3
vertex s SS1 neu4
vertex s SS1 neu5
vertex s SS2 neu1
vertex s SS2 neu2
vertex s SS2 neu3
vertex s SS2 neu4
vertex s SS2 neu5
vertex S ss1 neu1
vertex S ss1 neu2
vertex S ss1 neu3
vertex S ss1 neu4
vertex S ss1 neu5
vertex S ss2 neu1
vertex S ss2 neu2
vertex S ss2 neu3
vertex S ss2 neu4
vertex S ss2 neu5
vertex c SC1 neu1
vertex c SC1 neu2
vertex c SC1 neu3
vertex c SC1 neu4
vertex c SC1 neu5
vertex c SC2 neu1
vertex c SC2 neu2
vertex c SC2 neu3
vertex c SC2 neu4
vertex c SC2 neu5
vertex C sc1 neu1
vertex C sc1 neu2
vertex C sc1 neu3
vertex C sc1 neu4
vertex C sc1 neu5
vertex C sc2 neu1
vertex C sc2 neu2
vertex C sc2 neu3
vertex C sc2 neu4
vertex C sc2 neu5
vertex b SB1 neu1
vertex b SB1 neu2
vertex b SB1 neu3
vertex b SB1 neu4
vertex b SB1 neu5
vertex b SB2 neu1
vertex b SB2 neu2
vertex b SB2 neu3
vertex b SB2 neu4
vertex b SB2 neu5
vertex B sb1 neu1
vertex B sb1 neu2
vertex B sb1 neu3
vertex B sb1 neu4
vertex B sb1 neu5
vertex B sb2 neu1
vertex B sb2 neu2
vertex B sb2 neu3
vertex B sb2 neu4
vertex B sb2 neu5
vertex t ST1 neu1
vertex t ST1 neu2
vertex t ST1 neu3
vertex t ST1 neu4
vertex t ST1 neu5
vertex t ST2 neu1
vertex t ST2 neu2
vertex t ST2 neu3
vertex t ST2 neu4
vertex t ST2 neu5
vertex T st1 neu1
vertex T st1 neu2
vertex T st1 neu3
vertex T st1 neu4
vertex T st1 neu5
vertex T st2 neu1
vertex T st2 neu2
vertex T st2 neu3
vertex T st2 neu4
vertex T st2 neu5
! Lepton-sneutrino-chargino
vertex e1 SN11 "ch1+"
vertex e1 SN11 "ch2+"
vertex E1 sn11 "ch1-"
vertex E1 sn11 "ch2-"
vertex e2 SN21 "ch1+"
vertex e2 SN21 "ch2+"
vertex E2 sn21 "ch1-"
vertex E2 sn21 "ch2-"
vertex e3 SN31 "ch1+"
vertex e3 SN31 "ch2+"
vertex E3 sn31 "ch1-"
vertex E3 sn31 "ch2-"
! Slepton-neutrino-chargino
vertex se11 N1 "ch1+"
vertex se11 N1 "ch2+"
vertex se12 N1 "ch1+"
vertex se12 N1 "ch2+"
vertex SE11 n1 "ch1-"
vertex SE11 n1 "ch2-"
vertex SE12 n1 "ch1-"
vertex SE12 n1 "ch2-"
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vertex se21 N2 "ch2+"
vertex se22 N2 "ch1+"
vertex se22 N2 "ch2+"
vertex SE21 n2 "ch1-"
vertex SE21 n2 "ch2-"
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vertex SE22 n2 "ch2-"
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vertex se31 N3 "ch2+"
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vertex se32 N3 "ch2+"
vertex SE31 n3 "ch1-"
vertex SE31 n3 "ch2-"
vertex SE32 n3 "ch1-"
vertex SE32 n3 "ch2-"
! Quark-squark-chargino
vertex d SU1 "ch1+"
vertex d SU1 "ch2+"
vertex d SU2 "ch1+"
vertex d SU2 "ch2+"
vertex s SU1 "ch1+"
vertex s SU1 "ch2+"
vertex s SU2 "ch1+"
vertex s SU2 "ch2+"
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vertex b SU2 "ch2+"
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vertex D su1 "ch2-"
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vertex D su2 "ch2-"
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vertex S su1 "ch2-"
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vertex S su2 "ch2-"
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vertex B su1 "ch2-"
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vertex B su2 "ch2-"
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vertex sb2 U "ch2+"
vertex SD1 u "ch1-"
vertex SD1 u "ch2-"
vertex SD2 u "ch1-"
vertex SD2 u "ch2-"
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vertex SS1 u "ch2-"
vertex SS2 u "ch1-"
vertex SS2 u "ch2-"
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vertex SB1 u "ch2-"
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vertex SB2 u "ch2-"
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vertex b SC2 "ch1+"
vertex b SC2 "ch2+"
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vertex D sc1 "ch2-"
vertex D sc2 "ch1-"
vertex D sc2 "ch2-"
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vertex S sc1 "ch2-"
vertex S sc2 "ch1-"
vertex S sc2 "ch2-"
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vertex B sc1 "ch2-"
vertex B sc2 "ch1-"
vertex B sc2 "ch2-"
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vertex sb2 C "ch2+"
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vertex SD1 c "ch2-"
vertex SD2 c "ch1-"
vertex SD2 c "ch2-"
vertex SS1 c "ch1-"
vertex SS1 c "ch2-"
vertex SS2 c "ch1-"
vertex SS2 c "ch2-"
vertex SB1 c "ch1-"
vertex SB1 c "ch2-"
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vertex SB2 c "ch2-"
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vertex b ST2 "ch2+"
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vertex SS1 t "ch2-"
vertex SS2 t "ch1-"
vertex SS2 t "ch2-"
vertex SB1 t "ch1-"
vertex SB1 t "ch2-"
vertex SB2 t "ch1-"
vertex SB2 t "ch2-"
File Metadata
Mime Type
Sat, Dec 21, 4:37 PM (22 h, 4 m)
Storage Engine
Storage Format
Raw Data
Storage Handle
Default Alt Text
NMSSM_CKM.mdl (36 KB)
Attached To
rWHIZARDSVN whizardsvn
Event Timeline
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