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* This file is a part of the Elegent package:
#ifndef _elegent_bsw_model_
#define _elegent_bsw_model_
#include "Model.h"
#include <vector>
//#define DEBUG
namespace Elegent
* \brief Bourelly, Soffer and Wu model of p-p and p-anti p elastic scattering.
class BSWModel : public Model
/// a Regge trajectory
struct Trajectory
double C, b, a, ap, sig;
void Init(double _C, double _b, double _a, double _ap, double _sig)
{ C=_C; b=_b; a=_a; ap=_ap; sig = _sig; }
/// the modes of this model
enum ModeType { mPomReg, mPom, mReg };
/// the Pom+Reg mode still broken
BSWModel() : Model("bsw", "BSW", "Bourrely-Soffer-Wu", mPom) {}
~BSWModel() {}
/// the Pom+Reg mode still broken
void Init(ModeType _mode = mPom, bool _presampled = true);
virtual void Print() const;
virtual std::string GetModeString() const;
virtual TComplex Amp(double t) const;
virtual TComplex Prf(double b) const;
/// flag whether the presampled mode is on
bool presampled;
/// the pomeron exchange parameters
double c, cp, a, f, m1, m2, asq, m1sq, m2sq;
/// the 3 Regge trajectories
Trajectory A2, rho, omega;
/// temporary constants: Omega0 = S0*F + R0 / s / regge_fac;
TComplex regge_fac;
double upper_bound_t, precision_t;
double upper_bound_b, precision_b;
/// \tilde F(t), Eq. (4)
double Ft(double t) const;
/// generic Regge trajectory amplitude, Eq. (7)
TComplex Rt(Trajectory tr, double t) const;
/// the sum of allowed Regge trajctories (A2, rho, omega)
TComplex R0t(double t) const;
/// S_0(s), Eq(3)
TComplex S0(double t) const;
/// S_0(0)
TComplex S00;
/// the Bessel transform of \Omega_0(s, b) in Eq. (2)
TComplex Omega0t(double t) const;
static TComplex Omega0t_J0(double *t, double *b, const void *obj);
/// \Omega_0(s, b)
TComplex Omega0b(double b) const;
/// the profile function with b in GeV^-1
TComplex prf0(double b) const;
static TComplex prf0_J0(double *b, double *q, const void *obj);
/// the sampling-step size
double data_db;
/// the number of sampled points
unsigned int data_N;
/// the sampled real and imaginary values of prf0(b)
std::vector<double> data_re, data_im;
#ifdef DEBUG
std::vector<double> data_b;
/// samples the prf0 function
void BuildSample(unsigned int samples);
/// interpolates (linearly) the sample at point b
TComplex SampleEval(double b);
} // namespace

File Metadata

Mime Type
Sat, Dec 21, 6:25 PM (8 h, 12 m)
Storage Engine
Storage Format
Raw Data
Storage Handle
Default Alt Text
BSWModel.h (2 KB)

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