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diff --git a/test/lines.C b/test/lines.C
index c461797..e25d829 100644
--- a/test/lines.C
+++ b/test/lines.C
@@ -1,624 +1,641 @@
//y line plot
void yline()
double costh = 0.;
double m = 91.1958;//opts.rmass;
double qt = 0.01;//0.850673; //0.01;
double y = 0.;
int mode = 1;
double f[opts.totpdf];
double y1 = phasespace::ymin;
double y2 = phasespace::ymax;
int ny = 100;
ofstream yf("yline.C");
yf << std::setprecision(15);
yf << "{" << endl;
yf << "TGraph *gy = new TGraph();" << endl;
yf << "TGraph *gy1 = new TGraph();" << endl;
yf << "TGraph *gy2 = new TGraph();" << endl;
double hy=(y2-y1)/ny;
for(int i=0;i<=ny;i++)
double y = i*hy+y1;
double ym = -y;
phasespace::set_mqtyphi(m, qt, y);//set global variables to costh, m, qt, y
phasespace::set_cth(costh);//set global variables to costh, m, qt, y
omegaintegr::genV4p();//generate boson 4-momentum, with m, qt, y and phi=0
//yf << "gy->SetPoint(gy->GetN(), " << i*hy+y1 << ", " << resumm_(costh,m,qt,y,mode) << ");" << endl;
// yf << "gy->SetPoint(gy->GetN(), " << i*hy+y1 << ", " << resint::rint(costh,m,qt,y,mode) << ");" << endl;
// if (vjfo_(m,qt,y) != 0)
//yf << "gy->SetPoint(gy->GetN(), " << i*hy+y1 << ", " << (-ctint_(costh,m,qt,y,mode,f)*2*qt)/vjfo_(m,qt,y) << ");" << endl;
// yf << "gy1->SetPoint(gy1->GetN(), " << i*hy+y1 << ", " << -ctint_(costh,m,qt,y,mode,f)*2*qt << ");" << endl;
// yf << "gy2->SetPoint(gy2->GetN(), " << i*hy+y1 << ", " << vjfo_(m,qt,y) << ");" << endl;
// check of y asymmetry
// yf << "gy1->SetPoint(gy1->GetN(), " << i*hy+y1 << ", " << -ctint_(costh,m,qt,y,mode,f)*2*qt+ctint_(costh,m,qt,ym,mode,f)*2*qt << ");" << endl;
// yf << "gy2->SetPoint(gy2->GetN(), " << i*hy+y1 << ", " << vjfo_(m,qt,y)-vjfo_(m,qt,ym) << ");" << endl;
double vj = vjint::vint(m,qt,y);
dofill_.doFill_ = 1;
omegaintegr::genV4p();//generate boson 4-momentum, with m, qt, y and phi=0
cout << vj << " " << f[0] << endl;
yf << "gy->SetPoint(gy->GetN(), " << i*hy+y1 << ", " << (-f[0]*2*qt)/vj << ");" << endl;
//yf << "gy1->SetPoint(gy1->GetN(), " << i*hy+y1 << ", " << -ff[0]*2*qt << ");" << endl;
//yf << "gy->SetPoint(gy->GetN(), " << i*hy+y1 << ", " << vjint::vint(m,qt,y) << ");" << endl;
yf << "gy->Draw();" << endl;
yf << "//gy1->Draw();" << endl;
yf << "//gy2->Draw(\"same\");" << endl;
yf << "}" << endl;
//m line plot
void mline()
double costh = 0.;
double m = opts.rmass;
- double qt = 0.01;
+ double qt = (phasespace::qtmin + phasespace::qtmax)/2.;
double y = (phasespace::ymin + phasespace::ymax)/2.;
- int mode = 1;
+ int mode = 3;
double f[opts.totpdf];
double m1 = phasespace::mmin;
double m2 = phasespace::mmax;
int nm = 200;
ofstream mf("mline.C");
mf << std::setprecision(15);
mf << "{" << endl;
mf << "TGraph *gm = new TGraph();" << endl;
mf << "TGraph *gm1 = new TGraph();" << endl;
mf << "TGraph *gm2 = new TGraph();" << endl;
double hm=(m2-m1)/nm;
for(int i=0;i<=nm;i++)
double m = i*hm+m1;
phasespace::set_mqtyphi(m, qt, y);//set global variables to costh, m, qt, y
phasespace::set_cth(costh);//set global variables to costh, m, qt, y
omegaintegr::genV4p();//generate boson 4-momentum, with m, qt, y and phi=0
- double vj = vjint::vint(m,qt,y);
+ // double vj = vjint::vint(m,qt,y);
// mf << "gm->SetPoint(gm->GetN(), " << i*hm+m1 << ", " << resumm_(costh,m,qt,y,mode) << ");" << endl;
- //mf << "gm->SetPoint(gm->GetN(), " << i*hm+m1 << ", " << resint::rint(costh,m,qt,y,mode) << ");" << endl;
+ rapint::cache(phasespace::ymin, phasespace::ymax);
+ rapint::allocate();
+ rapint::integrate(phasespace::ymin,phasespace::ymax,(phasespace::mmin+phasespace::mmax)/2.);
+ mf << "gm->SetPoint(gm->GetN(), " << i*hm+m1 << ", " << resint::rint(costh,m,qt,y,mode) << ");" << endl;
// mf << "gm->SetPoint(gm->GetN(), " << i*hm+m1 << ", " << resint::rint(costh,m,qt,y,mode) << ");" << endl;
//mf << "gm->SetPoint(gm->GetN(), " << i*hm+m1 << ", " << -ctint_(costh,m,qt,y,mode,f)*2*qt/vjint::vint(m,qt,y) << ");" << endl;
//mf << "gm1->SetPoint(gm1->GetN(), " << i*hm+m1 << ", " << -ctint_(costh,m,qt,y,mode,f)*2*qt << ");" << endl;
//mf << "gm2->SetPoint(gm2->GetN(), " << i*hm+m1 << ", " << vjint::vint(m,qt,y) << ");" << endl;
dofill_.doFill_ = 1;
- qtint::calc(m,qt,0,1);
- omegaintegr::genV4p();//generate boson 4-momentum, with m, qt, y and phi=0
- ctint::calc(costh,m,qt,y,mode,f);
+ // qtint::calc(m,qt,0,1);
+ // omegaintegr::genV4p();//generate boson 4-momentum, with m, qt, y and phi=0
+ // ctint::calc(costh,m,qt,y,mode,f);
- cout << vj << " " << f[0]*2*qt << endl;
+ // cout << vj << " " << f[0]*2*qt << endl;
- mf << "gm->SetPoint(gm->GetN(), " << i*hm+m1 << ", " << (-f[0]*2*qt)/vj << ");" << endl;
+ // mf << "gm->SetPoint(gm->GetN(), " << i*hm+m1 << ", " << (-f[0]*2*qt)/vj << ");" << endl;
mf << "gm->Draw();" << endl;
mf << "//gm1->Draw();" << endl;
mf << "//gm2->Draw(\"same\");" << endl;
mf << "}" << endl;
void mlinebw()
//mline after bret wigner unweighting
int nocuts = (int)true;
double m1 = 0;
double m2 = 1;
int nm = 100;
phasespace::setbounds(phasespace::mmin, phasespace::mmax, 0, 2, phasespace::ymin, phasespace::ymax);
ofstream mf("mlinebw.C");
mf << "{" << endl;
mf << "TGraph *gm = new TGraph();" << endl;
double hm=(m2-m1)/nm;
for(int i=0;i<=nm;i++)
double m = i*hm+m1;
double ymin = 0.;
double ymax = 1.;
// rapintegrals_(ymin,ymax,m,nocuts);
double x[4];
double f[1];
const int ncomp = 1;
const int ndim = 4; //3; //2;
x[0] = 0.5;
x[1] = 0.1;
x[2] = m;
x[3] = 0.5;
//resintegrand2d(ndim, x, ncomp, f);
// resintegrand3d(ndim, x, ncomp, f);
ctintegrand3d(ndim, x, ncomp, f);
//void* userdata; int nvec; int core; double weight; int iter; resintegrand4d(ndim, x, ncomp, f, userdata, nvec, core, weight, iter);
mf << "gm->SetPoint(gm->GetN(), " << i*hm+m1 << ", " << f[0] << ");" << endl;
mf << "gm->Draw();" << endl;
mf << "}" << endl;
void xline()
//xline after unweighting
int nocuts = (int)true;
double x1 = 0.;
double x2 = 1.;
int nx = 100;
phasespace::setbounds(phasespace::mmin, phasespace::mmax, phasespace::qtmin, phasespace::qtmax, phasespace::ymin, phasespace::ymax);
ofstream xf("xline.C");
xf << "{" << endl;
xf << "TGraph *gx = new TGraph();" << endl;
double hx=(x2-x1)/nx;
for(int i=0;i<=nx;i++)
double xx = i*hx+x1;
double ymin = 0.;
double ymax = 1.;
// rapintegrals_(ymin,ymax,m,nocuts);
const int ncomp = 1;
- //const int ndim = 4; //3; //2;
- const int ndim = 3;
+ //const int ndim = 4; //3; //2; //1;
+ const int ndim = 1;
double x[ndim];
double f[ncomp],g[ncomp];
- x[0] = 0.;
- x[1] = 0.9;
- x[2] = xx;
+ x[0] = xx;
+ //x[1] = 0.5;
+ //x[2] = 0.5;
//x[3] = 0.5;
//x[4] = 0.5;
//x[5] = 0.5;
//x[6] = 0.5;
void* userdata = 0;
const int nvec = 1;
const int core = 0;
double weight;
const int iter = 0;
+ rapint::cache(phasespace::ymin, phasespace::ymax);
+ rapint::allocate();
+ rapint::integrate(phasespace::ymin,phasespace::ymax,(phasespace::mmin+phasespace::mmax)/2.);
+ resintegrand1d(ndim, x, ncomp, f);
//resintegrand2d(ndim, x, ncomp, f);
//vjlointegrand(ndim, x, ncomp, f);
//resintegrand3d(ndim, x, ncomp, f);
- ctintegrand3d(ndim, x, ncomp, f);
+ //ctintegrand3d(ndim, x, ncomp, f);
//ctintegrand2d(ndim, x, ncomp, f);
// x[0] = 0.5;
// x[1] = 0.5;
// x[2] = xx;
//vjintegrand(ndim, x, ncomp, g);
//lointegrand2d(ndim, x, ncomp, f);
//lointegrandMC(ndim, x, ncomp, f, userdata, nvec, core, weight, iter);
//resintegrandMC(ndim, x, ncomp, f, userdata, nvec, core, weight, iter);
//ctintegrandMC(ndim, x, ncomp, f, userdata, nvec, core, weight, iter);
//vjlointegrandMC(ndim, x, ncomp, f, userdata, nvec, core, weight, iter);
//void* userdata; int nvec; int core; double weight; int iter; resintegrand4d(ndim, x, ncomp, f, userdata, nvec, core, weight, iter);
//xf << "gx->SetPoint(gx->GetN(), " << i*hx+x1 << ", " << f[0]/g[0] << ");" << endl;
//xf << "gx->SetPoint(gx->GetN(), " << i*hx+x1 << ", " << f[0]+g[0] << ");" << endl;
//xf << "gx->SetPoint(gx->GetN(), " << i*hx+x1 << ", " << g[0] << ");" << endl;
xf << "gx->SetPoint(gx->GetN(), " << i*hx+x1 << ", " << f[0] << ");" << endl;
xf << "gx->Draw();" << endl;
xf << "}" << endl;
//costh line plot
void costhline()
double costh = 0.;
double m = 91;
double qt = 5;
double y = 0.0;
double costh_CS;
double c1 = -1;
double c2 = +1;
int nc = 2000;
ofstream cf("cline.C");
cf << "{" << endl;
cf << "TGraph *gc = new TGraph();" << endl;
double hc=0;
for(int i=0;i<=nc;i++)
double costh_CS = i*hc+c1;
if (cuts(costh, m, qt, y, 0., 0., costh_CS))
cf << "gc->SetPoint(gc->GetN(), " << i*hc+c1 << ", " << resumm_(costh_CS,m,qt,y) << ");" << endl;
cf << "gc->SetPoint(gc->GetN(), " << i*hc+c1 << ", " << 0 << ");" << endl;
cf << "gc->Draw();" << endl;
cf << "}" << endl;
//pt line plot
void ptline()
double costh = 0.;
+ //double m = (phasespace::mmin + phasespace::mmax)/2.;
double m = opts.rmass;
double qt = 5.;
double y = 0.0;
- int mode = 1;
+ int mode = 3;
double f[opts.totpdf];
+ /*
phasespace::setbounds(phasespace::mmin, phasespace::mmax, 0, 100, phasespace::ymin, phasespace::ymax);
cacheyrapint_(phasespace::ymin, phasespace::ymax);
- if (opts.resint2d)
+ if (mode >= 2)
if (opts.resumcpp)
rapint::cache(phasespace::ymin, phasespace::ymax);
+ */
- double p1 = 2;
- double p2 = 200;
+ double p1 = 0.01;
+ double p2 = 1;
int np = 99;
ofstream pf("ptline.C");
+ pf << std::setprecision(15);
pf << "{" << endl;
pf << "TGraph *gp = new TGraph();" << endl;
pf << "TGraph *gp1 = new TGraph();" << endl;
pf << "TGraph *gp2 = new TGraph();" << endl;
double hp=(p2-p1)/np;
for(int i=0;i<=np;i++)
double qt = i*hp+p1;
phasespace::set_mqtyphi(m, qt, y);//set global variables to costh, m, qt, y
phasespace::set_cth(costh);//set global variables to costh, m, qt, y
omegaintegr::genV4p();//generate boson 4-momentum, with m, qt, y and phi=0
double vj = vjint::vint(m,qt,y);
//pf << "gp->SetPoint(gp->GetN(), " << i*hp+p1 << ", " << resumm_(costh,m,qt,y,mode) << ");" << endl;
+ //phasespace::setbounds(phasespace::mmin, phasespace::mmax, 0, qt, phasespace::ymin, phasespace::ymax);
//pf << "gp->SetPoint(gp->GetN(), " << i*hp+p1 << ", " << resint::rint(costh,m,qt,y,mode) << ");" << endl;
- pf << "gp->SetPoint(gp->GetN(), " << i*hp+p1 << ", " << vjint::vint(m,qt,y) << ");" << endl;
+ //pf << "gp->SetPoint(gp->GetN(), " << i*hp+p1 << ", " << vjint::vint(m,qt,y) << ");" << endl;
/* pf << "gp->SetPoint(gp->GetN(), " << i*hp+p1 << ", " << vjfo_(m,qt,y)+ctint_(costh,m,qt,y,mode,f)*2*qt << ");" << endl;
pf << "gp1->SetPoint(gp1->GetN(), " << i*hp+p1 << ", " << -ctint_(costh,m,qt,y,mode,f)*2*qt << ");" << endl;
pf << "gp2->SetPoint(gp2->GetN(), " << i*hp+p1 << ", " << vjfo_(m,qt,y) << ");" << endl;*/
dofill_.doFill_ = 1;
omegaintegr::genV4p();//generate boson 4-momentum, with m, qt, y and phi=0
+ mode = 1;
cout << qt << " " << vj << " " << f[0]*2*qt << endl;
//pf << "gp->SetPoint(gp->GetN(), " << i*hp+p1 << ", " << (f[0]*2*qt)+vj << ");" << endl;
+ pf << "gp->SetPoint(gp->GetN(), " << i*hp+p1 << ", " << (f[0]*2*qt)/vj << ");" << endl;
pf << "gp->Draw();" << endl;
pf << "//gp1->Draw();" << endl;
pf << "//gp2->Draw(\"same\");" << endl;
pf << "}" << endl;
//lines for finite order part
//mass line
costh = 0.;
m = 91;
qt = 5;
y = 0.0;
zcth = 0.5;
mjj = 0.1;
costhjj = 0.1;
phijj = 0.1;
double mm1 = 20;
double mm2 = 200;
int nm = 2000;
ofstream mf("mline.C");
mf << "{" << endl;
mf << "TGraph *gm = new TGraph();" << endl;
double hm=(mm2-mm1)/nm;
for(int i=0;i<=nm;i++)
double m = i*hm+mm1;
mf << "gm->SetPoint(gm->GetN(), " << i*hm+mm1 << ", " << dyreal(m, y, qt, 0., 0., costh, zcth, mjj, costhjj, phijj) << ");" << endl;
mf << "gm->Draw();" << endl;
mf << "}" << endl;
//pt line
costh = 0.;
m = 91;
qt = 5;
y = 0.0;
zcth = 0.;
mjj = 0.1;
costhjj = 0.1;
phijj = 0.1;
double p1 = 0.0;
double p2 = 100;
int np = 2000;
ofstream pf("ptline.C");
pf << "{" << endl;
pf << "TGraph *gp = new TGraph();" << endl;
double hp=(p2-p1)/np;
for(int i=0;i<=np;i++)
double qt = i*hp+p1;
pf << "gp->SetPoint(gp->GetN(), " << i*hp+p1 << ", " << dyreal(m, y, qt, 0., 0., costh, zcth, mjj, costhjj, phijj) << ");" << endl;
pf << "gp->Draw();" << endl;
pf << "}" << endl;
//mjj line
costh = 0.;
m = 91;
qt = 5;
y = 0.0;
zcth = 0.;
mjj = 0.1;
costhjj = 0.;
phijj = 0.;
double mj1 = 0.0;
double mj2 = 7000;
int nmj = 2000;
ofstream mjf("mjjline.C");
mjf << "{" << endl;
mjf << "TGraph *gmj = new TGraph();" << endl;
double hmj=(mj2-mj1)/nmj;
for(int i=0;i<=nmj;i++)
double mjj = i*hmj+mj1;
mjf << "gmj->SetPoint(gmj->GetN(), " << i*hmj+mj1 << ", " << dyreal(m, y, qt, 0., 0., costh, zcth, mjj, costhjj, phijj) << ");" << endl;
mjf << "gmj->Draw();" << endl;
mjf << "}" << endl;
//cjj line
costh = 0.;
m = 91;
qt = 5;
y = 0.0;
zcth = 0.;
mjj = 0.1;
costhjj = 0.;
phijj = 0.;
double cj1 = 0.0;
double cj2 = 1.0;
int ncj = 2000;
ofstream cjf("costhjjline.C");
cjf << "{" << endl;
cjf << "TGraph *gcj = new TGraph();" << endl;
double hcj=(cj2-cj1)/ncj;
for(int i=0;i<=ncj;i++)
double costhjj = i*hcj+cj1;
cjf << "gcj->SetPoint(gcj->GetN(), " << i*hcj+cj1 << ", " << dyreal(m, y, qt, 0., 0., costh, zcth, mjj, costhjj, phijj) << ");" << endl;
cjf << "gcj->Draw();" << endl;
cjf << "}" << endl;
//mass line
costh = 0.;
m = 91;
qt = 5;
y = 0.0;
beta = 0.1; //2 dimensions for the counterterm
alpha = 0.1;
double mm1 = 20;
double mm2 = 200;
int nm = 2000;
ofstream mf("mline.C");
mf << "{" << endl;
mf << "TGraph *gm = new TGraph();" << endl;
double hm=(mm2-mm1)/nm;
for(int i=0;i<=nm;i++)
double m = i*hm+mm1;
mf << "gm->SetPoint(gm->GetN(), " << i*hm+mm1 << ", " << dyct(m, y, qt, 0., 0., costh, alpha, beta) << ");" << endl;
mf << "gm->Draw();" << endl;
mf << "}" << endl;
//pt line
costh = 0.;
m = 91;
qt = 5;
y = 0.0;
beta = 0.5; //2 dimensions for the counterterm
alpha = 0.5;
double p1 = 0.0;
double p2 = 100;
int np = 1998;
ofstream pf("ptline.C");
pf << "{" << endl;
pf << "TGraph *gp = new TGraph();" << endl;
double hp=(p2-p1)/np;
for(int i=0;i<=np;i++)
double qt = i*hp+p1;
pf << "gp->SetPoint(gp->GetN(), " << i*hp+p1 << ", " << dyct(m, y, qt, 0., 0., costh, alpha, beta) << ");" << endl;
pf << "gp->Draw();" << endl;
pf << "}" << endl;
//y line
costh = 0.;
m = 91;
qt = 5.0;
y = 0.0;
beta = 0.5; //2 dimensions for the counterterm
alpha = 0.5;
double y1 = 0.0;
double y2 = 5.;
int ny = 2000;
ofstream yf("yline.C");
yf << "{" << endl;
yf << "TGraph *gy = new TGraph();" << endl;
double hy=(y2-y1)/ny;
for(int i=0;i<=ny;i++)
double y = i*hy+y1;
yf << "gy->SetPoint(gy->GetN(), " << i*hy+y1 << ", " << dyct(m, y, qt, 0., 0., costh, alpha, beta) << ");" << endl;
yf << "gy->Draw();" << endl;
yf << "}" << endl;
//costh line
costh = 0.;
m = 91;
qt = 5.0;
y = 0.0;
beta = 0.5; //2 dimensions for the counterterm
alpha = 0.5;
double c1 = -1.0;
double c2 = 1.;
int nc = 2000;
ofstream cf("cline.C");
cf << "{" << endl;
cf << "TGraph *gc = new TGraph();" << endl;
double hc=(c2-c1)/nc;
for(int i=0;i<=nc;i++)
double costh = i*hc+c1;
cf << "gc->SetPoint(gc->GetN(), " << i*hc+c1 << ", " << dyct(m, y, qt, 0., 0., costh, alpha, beta) << ");" << endl;
cf << "gc->Draw();" << endl;
cf << "}" << endl;
//alpha line
costh = 0.;
m = 91;
qt = 5;
y = 0.0;
beta = 0.; //2 dimensions for the counterterm
alpha = 0.;
double a1 = 0.0;
double a2 = 1.0;
int na = 2000;
ofstream af("aline.C");
af << "{" << endl;
af << "TGraph *ga = new TGraph();" << endl;
double ha=(a2-a1)/na;
for(int i=0;i<=na;i++)
double alpha = i*ha+a1;
af << "ga->SetPoint(ga->GetN(), " << i*ha+a1 << ", " << dyct(m, y, qt, 0., 0., costh, alpha, beta) << ");" << endl;
af << "ga->Draw();" << endl;
af << "}" << endl;
//beta line
costh = 0.;
m = 91;
qt = 5;
y = 0.0;
beta = 0.; //2 dimensions for the counterterm
alpha = 0.;
double b1 = 0.0;
double b2 = 1.0;
int nb = 2000;
ofstream bf("bline.C");
bf << "{" << endl;
bf << "TGraph *gb = new TGraph();" << endl;
double hb=(b2-b1)/nb;
for(int i=0;i<=nb;i++)
double beta = i*hb+b1;
bf << "gb->SetPoint(gb->GetN(), " << i*hb+b1 << ", " << dyct(m, y, qt, 0., 0., costh, alpha, beta) << ");" << endl;
bf << "gb->Draw();" << endl;
bf << "}" << endl;
FunctResm fm;
int evaluations;
double errorEstimate;
std::cout << std::setprecision(15);
std::cout << "Start integration" << std::endl;
result = DEIntegrator<FunctResm>::Integrate(fm, a, b, 10, evaluations, err);
std::cout << integral << ", " << errorEstimate << ", " << evaluations << "\n";
size_t limit = 1000;
gsl_integration_workspace * gslw = gsl_integration_workspace_alloc (limit);
gsl_function gslfm;
gslfm.function = &resm;
gsl_integration_qag(&gslfm, a, b, 0, 1E-5, limit, 1, gslw, &result, &err);
//size_t neval;
//gsl_integration_qng (&gslfm, a, b, 0, 0.1, &result, &err, &neval);
//trapezoidal rule
int n = 30;
double h,r=0;
for(int i=1;i<n;i++)
r=(2*resm(i*h+a, NULL))+r;
result=(h/2)*(resm(a, NULL)+resm(b, NULL)+r);
begin_time = clock();
qt = 5;
double a = 66;
double b = 116;
double result = 0;
double err = 0;
double pta = 0;
double ptb = 30;
int n = 120;
double h,r=0;
for(int i=1;i<=n;i++)
//cos theta integral
a = -1;
b = +1;
size_t limit = 1000;
gsl_integration_workspace * gslw = gsl_integration_workspace_alloc (limit);
gsl_function gslfth;
gslfth.function = &resth;
begin_time = clock();
gsl_integration_qag(&gslfth, a, b, 0, 1E-2, limit, 1, gslw, &result, &err);
//size_t neval;
//gsl_integration_qng (&gslfth, a, b, 0, 1E-3, &result, &err, &neval);
end_time = clock();
cout << "pt " << i*h+pta << " " << result << " " << err << endl;
cout << "time " << float( end_time - begin_time ) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC << endl;
//rapidity integral
a = 0;
b = 5;
size_t limit = 1000;
gsl_integration_workspace * gslw = gsl_integration_workspace_alloc (limit);
gsl_function gslfy;
gslfy.function = &resy;
gsl_integration_qag(&gslfy, a, b, 0, 1E-1, limit, 1, gslw, &result, &err);
end_time = clock();
cout << result << " " << err << endl;
cout << "time " << float( end_time - begin_time ) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC << endl;
diff --git a/test/points.C b/test/points.C
index ab7278f..29a990d 100644
--- a/test/points.C
+++ b/test/points.C
@@ -1,179 +1,180 @@
#include "config.h"
#include "src/dyturbo.h"
#include "src/omegaintegr.h"
#include "src/settings.h"
#include "src/interface.h"
#include "phasespace.h"
#include "resintegr.h"
#include "ctintegr.h"
#include "finintegr.h"
+#include "bornintegr.h"
#include "finitemapping.h"
#include "resint.h"
#include "rapint.h"
#include "ctint.h"
#include "qtint.h"
#include "vjint.h"
#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
using namespace std;
#include "lines.C"
void test_resum_speed(double costh,double m,double qt,double y,int mode);
void test_ct_speed(double costh,double m,double qt,double y,int mode);
int main( int argc , char * argv[])
double begin_time, end_time;
try {
} catch (QuitProgram &e) {
// print help and die
printf("%s \n",e.what());
return 0;
///@todo: print out EW parameters and other settings
// just a check
double costh, m, qt, y;
// std::cout << std::setprecision(15);
int mode = 0;
//If using the DYRES approximation for PDFs, make sure that the PDF fit is initialised in the same way
//Need to throw a random point according to a breit wigner, which is used to determine xtauf in the PDF fit
if (opts_.approxpdf_ == 1)
double wsqmin = pow(phasespace::mmin,2);
double wsqmax = pow(phasespace::mmax,2);
double x1=((double)rand()/(double)RAND_MAX);
double m2,wt;
cout << "Initialise PDF fit with mass = " << sqrt(m2) << " xtauf = " << m2 / opts.sroot << endl;
costh = 0.; m = sqrt(m2); qt = 1; y = 0;
//Checks for resummed cross section
cout << "To match the numbers between fortran and C++ set:" << endl;
cout << "mellinrule = 64 #number of nodes" << endl;
cout << "zmax = 27. #upper" << endl;
cout << "cpoint = 1 " << endl;
cout << "mellin1d = false " << endl;
cout << "bintaccuracy = 1.0e-2 #accuracy" << endl;
cout << endl;
// std::cout << std::setprecision(15);
costh = 0.; m = opts.rmass; qt = 1; y = 0;
costh = 0.1; m = 91; qt = 5; y = 0.2;
costh = 0.5; m = 70; qt = 10; y = 1.5;
costh = -1.0; m = 110; qt = 20; y = -2.5;
costh = 0.1; m = 91; qt = 5; y = 3.5;
costh = 0.1; m = 91; qt = 5; y = 4.0;
costh = 0.1; m = 91; qt = 5; y = 0.2;
costh = 0.1; m = 91; qt = 5; y = 0.2;
- //ptline();
+ ptline();
- xline();
+ //xline();
//Checks for finite order cross section
//born level variables (6 dimensions)
//double m, qt, y, costh;
double phicm, phiZ;
costh = 0.0; m = 91.1876; qt = 5.; y = 0.5; phicm = 0.0; phiZ = 0.;
//variables to be integrated (4 dimensions in total)
//1 collinear PDF dimension, common to real, virtual and lowint
double zcth;
zcth = 0.5; //polar angle of Z in the CM frame
//3 dimensions of real radiation
double mjj, phijj, costhjj;
mjj = 10.; //invariant mass of the dijet (set to 0 to have the correct virtual phase space mapping)
phijj = 0.3; //phi of the dijet in dijet rest frame
costhjj = 0.1;//costh of the dijet in dijet rest frame
//1 dimension of virtual
double vz;
vz = sqrt(0.95);
//2 dimensions for the counterterm
double alpha,beta;
beta = 0.1;
alpha = 0.1;
//call function wrappers, which map the variables into the unity hypercube of the vegas integration
cout << " check phase space mapping " << endl;
dyreal(m, y, qt, phicm, phiZ, costh, zcth, mjj, costhjj, phijj);
dyvirt(m, y, qt, phicm, phiZ, costh, zcth, vz);
dyct(m, y, qt, phicm, phiZ, costh, alpha, beta);
return 0;
void test_resum_speed(double costh,double m,double qt,double y,int mode){
double begin_time, end_time;
double value;
begin_time = clock_real();
double mcosth=-costh;
value = resumm_(mcosth,m,qt,y,mode);
end_time = clock_real();
cout << setw(10) << "Result" << setw(10) << "(fortran)" << setw(15) << value
<< setw(10) << "time " << setw(15) << float(end_time - begin_time) << "s" << endl;
begin_time = clock_real();
value = resint::rint(costh,m,qt,y,mode);
end_time = clock_real();
cout << setw(10) << "Result" << setw(10) << "(C++)" << setw(15) << value
<< setw(10) << "time " << setw(15) << float(end_time - begin_time) << "s" << endl;
void test_ct_speed(double costh,double m,double qt,double y,int mode){
double begin_time, end_time;
double value;
begin_time = clock_real();
double f[opts.totpdf];
double weight=1.;
value = ctint_(costh,m,qt,y,mode,f);
end_time = clock_real();
cout << setw(10) << "Result" << setw(15) << value
<< setw(10) << "time " << setw(15) << float(end_time - begin_time) << "s" << endl;
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