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diff --git a/Contrib/FxFx/ b/Contrib/FxFx/
--- a/Contrib/FxFx/
+++ b/Contrib/FxFx/
@@ -1,382 +1,383 @@
// -*- C++ -*-
// This is the implementation of the non-inlined, non-templated member
// functions of the FxFxAnalysis class.
#include "FxFxAnalysis.h"
#include "ThePEG/Interface/ClassDocumentation.h"
#include "ThePEG/Interface/ParVector.h"
#include "ThePEG/Interface/Parameter.h"
#include "ThePEG/Interface/Switch.h"
#include "ThePEG/Persistency/PersistentOStream.h"
#include "ThePEG/Persistency/PersistentIStream.h"
#include "ThePEG/Vectors/HepMCConverter.h"
#include "ThePEG/Config/HepMCHelper.h"
#include "ThePEG/EventRecord/Event.h"
#include "ThePEG/EventRecord/SubProcess.h"
#include "ThePEG/EventRecord/SubProcessGroup.h"
#include "ThePEG/Repository/EventGenerator.h"
#include "ThePEG/Repository/CurrentGenerator.h"
#include "HepMC/GenEvent.h"
#include "Rivet/AnalysisHandler.hh"
#include "Rivet/Tools/Logging.hh"
#include "HepMC/IO_AsciiParticles.h"
#include "HepMC/IO_GenEvent.h"
#include "ThePEG/Utilities/XSecStat.h"
+#include <boost/lexical_cast.hpp>
//#include <config.h>
using namespace ThePEG;
: _remnantId(82), _format(1),_unitchoice(),
_geneventPrecision(16), debug(false), _rivet(), _nevent(0), useoptweights(false), normoptweights(false) {}
HepMC::GenEvent * FxFxAnalysis::makeEvent(tEventPtr event, tSubProPtr sub, long no,
Energy eUnit, Length lUnit,
CrossSection xsec, CrossSection xsecErr) const {
//convert the event from the Herwig format to the HepMC format and write it to the common block
HepMC::GenEvent * ev = HepMCConverter<HepMC::GenEvent>::convert(*event, false,eUnit, lUnit);
//reset the event
HepMCTraits<HepMC::GenEvent>::resetEvent(ev, no, event->weight()*sub->groupWeight(), event->optionalWeights());
//set the cross section
return ev;
HepMC::GenEvent * FxFxAnalysis::makeEventW(tEventPtr event, tSubProPtr sub, long no,
Energy eUnit, Length lUnit,
CrossSection xsec, CrossSection xsecErr, double evoptweight, double centralweight) const {
//convert the event from the Herwig format to the HepMC format and write it to the common block
HepMC::GenEvent * ev = HepMCConverter<HepMC::GenEvent>::convert(*event, false,eUnit, lUnit);
if(normoptweights) { evoptweight /= centralweight; }
//reset the event
HepMCTraits<HepMC::GenEvent>::resetEvent(ev, no, evoptweight, event->optionalWeights());
//set the cross section
return ev;
void FxFxAnalysis::analyze(ThePEG::tEventPtr event, long ieve, int loop, int state) {
Energy eUnit;
Length lUnit;
switch (_unitchoice) {
default: eUnit = GeV; lUnit = millimeter; break;
case 1: eUnit = MeV; lUnit = millimeter; break;
case 2: eUnit = GeV; lUnit = centimeter; break;
case 3: eUnit = MeV; lUnit = centimeter; break;
tcFxFxEventHandlerPtr eh = dynamic_ptr_cast<tcFxFxEventHandlerPtr>(event->primaryCollision()->handler());
CrossSection xsec = eh->integratedXSec();
CrossSection xsecErr = eh->integratedXSecErr();
optxsec = eh->optintegratedXSecMap();
int ii = 0;
if(useoptweights) {
for (map<string,CrossSection>::const_iterator it= optxsec.begin(); it!=optxsec.end(); ++it){
OptXS[ii] = it->second/picobarn;
tSubProPtr sub = event->primarySubProcess();
Ptr<SubProcessGroup>::tptr grp =
AnalysisHandler::analyze(event, ieve, loop, state);
// Rotate to CMS, extract final state particles and call analyze(particles).
// convert to hepmc
HepMC::GenEvent * hepmc =
//count weights here
std::vector<std::string> strs;
if(_numweights == -999) {
_numweights = 0;
for (map<string,double>::const_iterator it= event->optionalWeights().begin(); it!=event->optionalWeights().end(); ++it){
string first_piece = it->first;
string word;
istringstream iss(first_piece, istringstream::in);
while( iss >> word ) strs.push_back(word);
if(strs[0] == "PDF" || strs[0] == "SC") { _numweights++; }
double CentralWeight = 1.;
if(useoptweights) {
//find the weights
_i = 0;//counter
for (map<string,double>::const_iterator it= event->optionalWeights().begin(); it!=event->optionalWeights().end(); ++it){
// std::cout << it->first << " => " << it->second << '\n';
string first_piece = it->first;
string word;
istringstream iss(first_piece, istringstream::in);
while( iss >> word ) {
std::pair<int,double> OptWeightsTemp;
if(strs[0] == "PDF") {
OptWeightsTemp.first = atoi(strs[2].c_str());
OptWeightsTemp.second= it->second;
if(strs[0] == "SC") {
OptWeightsTemp.first = atoi(strs[3].c_str());
OptWeightsTemp.second = it->second;
// cout << "OptWeightsTemp.first = " << OptWeightsTemp.first << " OptWeightsTemp.second = " << OptWeightsTemp.second << endl;
if(OptWeightsTemp.first == 1001) { /*cout << "OptWeightsTemp.second = " << OptWeightsTemp.second << endl;*/ CentralWeight = OptWeightsTemp.second; }
/* multiple hepmcs for scale/pdf variations
vector<HepMC::GenEvent*> hepmcMULTI;// = new HepMC::GenEvent[_numweights];
HepMC::GenEvent * hepmcMULTIi;
if(useoptweights) {
for(int rr = 0; rr < _numweights; rr++) {
double xsrr = optxsec[boost::lexical_cast<string>(OptWeights[rr].first)]/picobarn;
//cout << "xsec = " << xsec/picobarn << endl;
//cout << "OptWeights[rr].second = " << OptWeights[rr].second << endl;
//cout << "xsrr = " << xsrr << endl;
hepmcMULTIi = makeEventW(event,sub,_nevent,eUnit,lUnit,xsrr*picobarn,xsecErr,OptWeights[rr].second, CentralWeight);
CurrentGenerator::Redirect stdout(cout);
if ( _rivet ) _rivet->analyze(*hepmc);
if(useoptweights) {
for(int rr = 0; rr < _numweights; rr++) {
if ( _rivetMULTI[rr] ) _rivetMULTI[rr]->analyze(*hepmcMULTI[rr]);
// delete hepmc events
delete hepmc;
if(useoptweights) {
for(int rr = 0; rr < _numweights; rr++) {
delete hepmcMULTI[rr];
if ( grp ) {
for ( SubProcessVector::const_iterator s = grp->dependent().begin();
s != grp->dependent().end(); ++s ) {
hepmc = makeEvent(event,*s,_nevent,eUnit,lUnit,xsec,xsecErr);
if ( _rivet ) _rivet->analyze(*hepmc);
// delete hepmc event
delete hepmc;
ThePEG::IBPtr FxFxAnalysis::clone() const {
return new_ptr(*this);
ThePEG::IBPtr FxFxAnalysis::fullclone() const {
return new_ptr(*this);
void FxFxAnalysis::persistentOutput(ThePEG::PersistentOStream & os) const {
os << _analyses << filename << debug << useoptweights << normoptweights;
void FxFxAnalysis::persistentInput(ThePEG::PersistentIStream & is, int) {
is >> _analyses >> filename >> debug >> useoptweights >> normoptweights;
ThePEG::ClassDescription<FxFxAnalysis> FxFxAnalysis::initFxFxAnalysis;
// Definition of the static class description member.
void FxFxAnalysis::Init() {
static ThePEG::ClassDocumentation<FxFxAnalysis> documentation
("The FxFxAnalysis class is a simple class to allow analyses"
" from the Rivet library to be called from ThePEG");
static ThePEG::ParVector<FxFxAnalysis,string> interfaceAnalyses
"The names of the Rivet analyses to use",
&FxFxAnalysis::_analyses, -1, "", "","" "",
false, false, ThePEG::Interface::nolimits);
static Parameter<FxFxAnalysis,long> interfaceRemnantId
"Set the PDG id to be used for remnants.",
&FxFxAnalysis::_remnantId, 82, 0, 0,
false, false, Interface::nolimits);
static Parameter<FxFxAnalysis,string> interfaceFilename
"The name of the file where the YODA histograms are put. If empty, "
"the run name will be used instead. '.yoda' will in any case be "
"appended to the file name.",
&FxFxAnalysis::filename, "", true, false);
static Switch<FxFxAnalysis,bool> interfaceDebug
"Enable debug information from Rivet",
&FxFxAnalysis::debug, false, true, false);
static SwitchOption interfaceDebugNo
"Disable debug information.",
static SwitchOption interfaceDebugYes
"Enable debug information from Rivet.",
static Switch<FxFxAnalysis,bool> interfaceUseOptWeights
"Enable debug information from Rivet",
&FxFxAnalysis::useoptweights, false, true, false);
static SwitchOption interfaceUseOptWeightsNo
"Disable optional weights",
static SwitchOption interfaceUseOptWeightsYes
"Enable debug information from Rivet.",
static Switch<FxFxAnalysis,bool> interfaceNormOptWeights
"Enable debug information from Rivet",
&FxFxAnalysis::normoptweights, false, true, false);
static SwitchOption interfaceNormOptWeightsNo
"Do not normalize optional weights",
static SwitchOption interfacedNormOptWeightsYes
"Normalize optional weights.",
void FxFxAnalysis::dofinish() {
if( _nevent > 0 && _rivet ) {
CurrentGenerator::Redirect stdout(cout);
string fname = filename;
fname = generator()->runName() + ".yoda";
delete _rivet;
_rivet = 0;
if(useoptweights) {
for(int rr = 0; rr < _numweights; rr++) {
cout << (OptWeights[rr].first) << ", cross section = " << OptXS[rr] << endl;
if( _nevent > 0 && _rivetMULTI[rr] ) {
double xsrr = optxsec[boost::lexical_cast<string>(OptWeights[rr].first)]/picobarn;
// _rivetMULTI[rr]->setCrossSection(OptXS[rr]);
string fname = filename;
fname = generator()->runName() + "_" + boost::lexical_cast<string>(OptWeights[rr].first) + ".yoda";
delete _rivetMULTI[rr];
_rivetMULTI[rr] = 0;
void FxFxAnalysis::doinit() {
_numweights = -999;
for(int rr = 0; rr < 120; rr++) {
throw ThePEG::Exception() << "Must have at least one analysis loaded in "
<< "FxFxAnalysis::doinitrun()"
<< ThePEG::Exception::runerror;
// check that analysis list is available
_rivet = new Rivet::AnalysisHandler; //(fname);
if ( _rivet->analysisNames().size() != _analyses.size() ) {
throw ThePEG::Exception()
<< "Rivet could not find all requested analyses.\n"
<< "Use 'rivet --list-analyses' to check availability.\n"
<< ThePEG::Exception::runerror;
delete _rivet;
_rivet = 0;
void FxFxAnalysis::doinitrun() {
_numweights = -999;
// create FxFx analysis handler
CurrentGenerator::Redirect stdout(cout);
_rivet = new Rivet::AnalysisHandler; //(fname);
if(useoptweights) {
for(int rr = 0; rr < 110; rr++) {
_rivetMULTI[rr] = new Rivet::AnalysisHandler; //(fname);
// check that analysis list is still available
if ( _rivet->analysisNames().size() != _analyses.size() ) {
throw ThePEG::Exception()
<< "Rivet could not find all requested analyses.\n"
<< "Use 'rivet --list-analyses' to check availability.\n"
<< ThePEG::Exception::runerror;
if ( debug )
diff --git a/Contrib/FxFx/ b/Contrib/FxFx/
--- a/Contrib/FxFx/
+++ b/Contrib/FxFx/
@@ -1,1459 +1,1458 @@
#include "FxFxHandler.h"
#include "FxFxReader.h"
#include "FxFxReader.fh"
#include "FxFxEventHandler.h"
#include "ThePEG/Interface/ClassDocumentation.h"
#include "ThePEG/Interface/Switch.h"
#include "ThePEG/Interface/Reference.h"
#include "ThePEG/Repository/UseRandom.h"
#include "ThePEG/Interface/Parameter.h"
#include "ThePEG/Persistency/PersistentOStream.h"
#include "ThePEG/Persistency/PersistentIStream.h"
#include "Herwig/Shower/QTilde/Base/PartnerFinder.h"
#include "Herwig/PDF/HwRemDecayer.h"
#include <queue>
#include "ThePEG/Utilities/Throw.h"
#include "Herwig/Shower/QTilde/Base/KinematicsReconstructor.h"
#include "fastjet/PseudoJet.hh"
#include "fastjet/ClusterSequence.hh"
#include "gsl/gsl_rng.h"
#include "gsl/gsl_randist.h"
#include <boost/algorithm/string.hpp>
using namespace Herwig;
using namespace ThePEG;
bool recordEntry(PPtr i,PPtr j) {
return (i->number()<j->number());
bool pTsortFunction(PPtr i,PPtr j) {
return (i->momentum().perp2()>j->momentum().perp2());
bool ETsortFunction(pair<Energy, Lorentz5Momentum> i,pair<Energy, Lorentz5Momentum> j) {
return (i.first>j.first);
bool isMomLessThanEpsilon(Lorentz5Momentum p,Energy epsilon) {
return (abs(p.x())<epsilon&&abs(p.y())<epsilon&&
: ncy_(100),ncphi_(60),ihvy_(-999),nph_(-999),nh_(-999),
ihrd_(-999),njets_(-999),drjmin_(-999), highestMultiplicity_(false),
ycmax_(5.4),ycmin_(-5.4),jetAlgorithm_(1),vetoIsTurnedOff_(false),vetoSoftThanMatched_(false), etclusfixed_(true),epsetclus_(2.5*GeV), vetoHeavyQ_(true)
void FxFxHandler::doinitrun() {
// et_ holds the ET deposited in the (ncy_ x ncphi_) calorimeter cells.
for(unsigned int ixx=0; ixx<et_.size(); ixx++) et_[ixx].resize(ncphi_);
// jetIdx_ for a given calorimeter cell this holds the index of the jet
// that the cell was clustered into.
for(unsigned int ixx=0; ixx<jetIdx_.size(); ixx++) jetIdx_[ixx].resize(ncphi_);
IBPtr FxFxHandler::clone() const {
return new_ptr(*this);
IBPtr FxFxHandler::fullclone() const {
return new_ptr(*this);
void FxFxHandler::persistentOutput(PersistentOStream & os) const {
os << alphaS_
<< ncy_ << ncphi_ << ihvy_ << nph_ << nh_
<< ounit(etclusmean_,GeV) << rclus_ << etaclmax_ << rclusfactor_
<< ihrd_ << njets_ << drjmin_ << highestMultiplicity_
<< ycmax_ << ycmin_ << jetAlgorithm_ << vetoIsTurnedOff_ << vetoSoftThanMatched_ << etclusfixed_
<< cphcal_ << sphcal_ << cthcal_ << sthcal_ << ounit(epsetclus_,GeV) << vetoHeavyQ_;
void FxFxHandler::persistentInput(PersistentIStream & is, int) {
is >> alphaS_
>> ncy_ >> ncphi_ >> ihvy_ >> nph_ >> nh_
>> iunit(etclusmean_,GeV) >> rclus_ >> etaclmax_ >> rclusfactor_
>> ihrd_ >> njets_ >> drjmin_ >> highestMultiplicity_
>> ycmax_ >> ycmin_ >> jetAlgorithm_ >> vetoIsTurnedOff_ >> vetoSoftThanMatched_ >> etclusfixed_
>> cphcal_ >> sphcal_ >> cthcal_ >> sthcal_ >> iunit(epsetclus_,GeV) >> vetoHeavyQ_;
ClassDescription<FxFxHandler> FxFxHandler::initFxFxHandler;
// Definition of the static class description member.
void FxFxHandler::Init() {
static ClassDocumentation<FxFxHandler> documentation
("The FxFxHandler class performs MEPS merging "
"using the MLM procedure.");
static Reference<FxFxHandler,ShowerAlpha> interfaceShowerAlpha
"The object calculating the strong coupling constant",
&FxFxHandler::alphaS_, false, false, true, false, false);
static Parameter<FxFxHandler,int> interfaceihvy
"heavy flavour in WQQ,ZQQ,2Q etc (4=c, 5=b, 6=t)",
&FxFxHandler::ihvy_, -999, -999, 7,
false, false, Interface::limited);
static Parameter<FxFxHandler,int> interfacenph
"Number of photons in the AlpGen process",
&FxFxHandler::nph_, -999, -999, 7,
false, false, Interface::limited);
static Parameter<FxFxHandler,int> interfacenh
"Number of higgses in the AlpGen process",
&FxFxHandler::nph_, -999, -999, 7,
false, false, Interface::limited);
static Parameter<FxFxHandler,Energy> interfaceETClus
"The ET threshold defining a jet in the merging procedure",
&FxFxHandler::etclusmean_, GeV, 20*GeV, 0*GeV, 14000*GeV,
false, false, Interface::limited);
static Parameter<FxFxHandler,double> interfaceRClus
"The cone size used to define a jet in the merging procedure",
&FxFxHandler::rclus_, 0.4, 0.0, 4.0,
false, false, Interface::limited);
static Parameter<FxFxHandler,double> interfaceEtaClusMax
"The maximum |eta| used to define a jet in the merging procedure",
&FxFxHandler::etaclmax_, 5.0, 0.0, 15.0,
false, false, Interface::limited);
static Parameter<FxFxHandler,double> interfaceRClusFactor
"The prefactor for RClus used to define the jet-parton matching "
&FxFxHandler::rclusfactor_, 1.5, 0.0, 4.0,
false, false, Interface::limited);
static Parameter<FxFxHandler,int> interfaceihrd
"The AlpGen hard process code",
&FxFxHandler::ihrd_, -999, 0, 10000,
false, false, Interface::limited);
static Parameter<FxFxHandler,int> interfacenjetsmax
"The number of light jets in the maximum-multiplicity process",
&FxFxHandler::njets_, -999, 0, 10000,
false, false, Interface::limited);
static Parameter<FxFxHandler,double> interfacedrjmin
"Mimimum parton-parton R-sep used for generation.",
&FxFxHandler::drjmin_, 0.7, 0.0, 4.0,
false, false, Interface::limited);
static Parameter<FxFxHandler,bool> interfacehighestMultiplicity
"If true it indicates that this is the highest multiplicity input "
"ME-level configuration to be processed.",
&FxFxHandler::highestMultiplicity_, 0, 0, 1,
false, false, Interface::limited);
static Parameter<FxFxHandler,bool> interfaceETClusFixed
"If false, indicates that the jet merging scale, etclus_ is allowed to vary"
"according to epsetclus_",
&FxFxHandler::etclusfixed_, 1, 0, 1,
false, false, Interface::limited);
static Parameter<FxFxHandler,Energy> interfaceEpsilonETClus
"The ET threshold defining a jet in the merging procedure",
&FxFxHandler::epsetclus_, GeV, 2.5*GeV, 0*GeV, 100.0*GeV,
false, false, Interface::limited);
static Switch<FxFxHandler,int> interfaceJetAlgorithm
"Determines the jet algorithm for finding jets in parton-jet "
"matching in the MLM procedure.",
&FxFxHandler::jetAlgorithm_, 1, false, false);
static SwitchOption AntiKt
"The anti-kt jet algorithm.",
static SwitchOption CambridgeAachen
"The Cambridge-Aachen jet algorithm.",
static SwitchOption Kt
"The Kt jet algorithm.",
static Switch<FxFxHandler,bool> interfaceVetoIsTurnedOff
"Allows the vetoing mechanism to be switched off.",
&FxFxHandler::vetoIsTurnedOff_, false, false, false);
static SwitchOption VetoingIsOn
"The MLM merging veto mechanism is switched ON.",
static SwitchOption VetoingIsOff
"The MLM merging veto mechanism is switched OFF.",
static Switch<FxFxHandler,bool> interfaceHeavyQVeto
"Allows the vetoing mechanism on the heavy quark products to be switched off.",
&FxFxHandler::vetoHeavyQ_, false, false, false);
static SwitchOption HQVetoingIsOn
"The MLM merging veto on Heavy quark decay produts mechanism is switched ON.",
static SwitchOption HQVetoingIsOff
"The MLM merging veto on Heavy quark decay products mechanism is switched OFF.",
static Switch<FxFxHandler,bool> interfaceVetoSoftThanMatched
"Allows the vetoing mechanism to be switched off.",
&FxFxHandler::vetoSoftThanMatched_, false, false, false);
static SwitchOption VetoSoftIsOn
"The vetoing of highest-mult. events with jets softer than matched ones is ON",
static SwitchOption VetoSoftIsOff
"The vetoing of highest-mult. events with jets softer than matched ones is OFF.",
void FxFxHandler::dofinish() {
void FxFxHandler::doinit() {
//print error if HardProcID is not set in input file
if(ihrd_ == -999) { cout << "Error: FxFxHandler:ihrd not set!" << endl; exit(1); }
// Compute calorimeter edges in rapidity for GetJet algorithm.
// Initialise calorimeter.
// Throws a veto according to MLM strategy ... when we finish writing it.
bool FxFxHandler::showerHardProcessVeto() {
int debug_mode = 0;
if(vetoIsTurnedOff_) return false;
//if(debug_mode) { cout << "debug_mode = " << 5 << endl; }
// Skip veto for processes in which merging is not implemented:
if(ihrd_==7||ihrd_==8||ihrd_==13) {
ostringstream wstring;
wstring << "FxFxHandler::showerHardProcessVeto() - warning."
<< "MLM merging not implemented "
<< "processes 4Q (ihrd=7), QQh (ihrd=8), "
<< "(single) top (ihrd=13) \n";
generator()->logWarning( Exception(wstring.str(),
Exception::warning) );
return false;
// Fill preshowerISPs_ pair and preshowerFSPs_ particle pointer vector.
// Fill showeredISHs_, showeredISPs and showeredRems pairs, as well as
// showeredFSPs_ particle pointer vector.
// Get npLO_ and npNLO_ for FxFx matching
// print the npXLO_ values obtained
// cout << "HANDLER:\t\t\t\t" << npLO_ << "\t\t" << npNLO_ << endl;
// Turn on some screen output debugging: 0 = none ---> 5 = very verbose.
// Dimensions of each calorimter cell in y and phi.
dely_ = (ycmax_-ycmin_)/double(ncy_);
delphi_ = 2*M_PI/double(ncphi_);
// Fill partonsToMatch_ with only those pre-shower partons intended to
// used in jet-parton matching and fill particlesToCluster_ using only
// those final state particles (post-shower) which are supposed to go
// in the jet clustering used to do merging.
partonsToMatch_ = preshowerFSPs_;
particlesToCluster_ = showeredFSPs_ ;
// Filter out all but the 'extra' light-parton progenitors and their
// associated final state particles.
double prob(1);
//if etclusfixed_ then set the etclus_ to the fixed chosen value
if(etclusfixed_) {
etclus_ = etclusmean_;
} else {
//else, if we wish to vary etclus_, we use the probability distribution
//choose a probability between 0 and 1
prob = rnd();
etclus_ = etclusran_(prob);
// Cluster particlesToCluster_ into jets with FastJet.
//FxFx modifications start here.
// Sort partonsToMatch_ from high to low pT.
// Count the number of jets.
int njets_found(pjet_.size());
// If the number of jets found is not equal to the number of partons in the Born
// (i.e., the number of partons in the S-event, or one less than the number of partons in an H-event),
// the jets cannot be matched and the event has to be rejected. The number of partons in the Born is written in the event file with a name “npNLO”
// if there are no jets to match and no jets have been found, do not veto.
if(njets_found == 0 && npNLO_ == 0) { /*cout << "njets_found = " << njets_found << " and npNLO = " << npNLO_ << ", accepting" << endl;*/ return false; }
//if the number of jets is smaller than npNLO -> reject the event.
if(njets_found < npNLO_) { /*cout << "njets_found = " << njets_found << " and npNLO = " << npNLO_ << ", rejecting" << endl;*/ return true; }
// For the maximum-multiplicity sample, the number of jets obtained does not have to be exactly equal to npNLO, it may also be larger;
if(njets_found > npNLO_ && npNLO_ != njets_) { /*cout << "njets_found = " << njets_found << " and npNLO = " << npNLO_ << ", rejecting" << endl;*/ return true; }
// Create the matrix-element jets.
// Cluster also the partons at the hard-matrix element level into jets with the same algorithm as above,
// but without the requirement of a minimal pT on the jets (or set it very small).
// By construction, for S-events you should find exactly npNLO jets, while for the H-events it is either npNLO or npNLO+1.
// Cluster partonsToMatch_ into jets with FastJet.
int me_njets_found(pjetME_.size());
// cout << "number of ME jets found = " << me_njets_found << "partons to match: " << partonsToMatch_.size() << endl;
// Match light progenitors to jets.
vector<int> jetToPartonMap(pjetME_.size(),-999);
Energy etmin(777e100*GeV);
// Match the jets.
// Try to match the “npNLO” hardest jets created post-shower with any of the jets pre-shower. Two jets are matched if the distance between them is smaller than 1.5*DeltaR.
// If not all the npNLO hardest shower jets are matched the event has to be rejected.
// Note that if the current event does not belong to the maximum multiplicity sample, this means that all the shower jets need to be matched, because the requirement above already rejects
// events that do not have npNLO shower jets.
// For those events, at the level of the matrix elements there can either be npNLO or npNLO+1 matrix-element jets, depending on S- or H-events and the kinematics of those partons.
// Still only the shower jets need to be matched, so an event should not be rejected if a matrix-element jet cannot be matched.
// For each parton, starting with the hardest one ...
for(unsigned int ixx=0; ixx<npNLO_; ixx++) {
// ... loop over all jets not already matched.
double DRmin(777e100);
int jetIndexForDRmin(-999);
for(unsigned int jxx=0; jxx<pjetME_.size(); jxx++) {
// ... and tag closest of the remaining ones
double DRpartonJet(partonJetDeltaR(pjetME_[ixx],pjet_[jxx]));
if(jetToPartonMap[jxx]<0&&DRpartonJet<DRmin) {
// If the parton-jet distance is less than the matching
// distance, the parton and jet match.
if(DRmin<rclus_*rclusfactor_&&jetIndexForDRmin>=0) {
// Otherwise this parton is not matched so veto the event.
} else return true;
// Veto events where matched jets are softer than non-matched ones,
// in the inclusive (highestMultiplicity_ = true) mode, unless we
// are dealing with NLO input events.
if(npNLO_ == njets_ && vetoSoftThanMatched_) {
//cout << "highest mult. event being tested for softer jets than matched..." << endl;
for(unsigned int iyy=0; iyy<pjet_.size(); iyy++) {
//cout << "etjet_[iyy] = " << etjet_[iyy]/GeV << endl;
if(jetToPartonMap[iyy]<0&&etmin<etjet_[iyy]) { /*cout << "VETO!" << endl;*/ return true; }
if(!vetoHeavyQ_) {
//cout << "no heavy quark decay product veto!" << endl;
return false;
//end of FxFx part
// **************************************************************** //
// * Now look to the non-light partons for heavy quark processes. * //
// **************************************************************** //
if(ihrd_<=2||ihrd_==6||ihrd_==10||ihrd_==15||ihrd_==16) {
// Extract heavy quark progenitors and the radiation they
// produce and put it in the calorimeter.
// Cluster particlesToCluster_ into jets with FastJet.
// If the radiation from the heavy quarks does not give rise
// to any jets we accept event.
if(pjet_.size() == 0) return false;
// If extra jets emerge from the jet clustering we only
// accept events where the jets formed by radiation from
// b and c quarks lies within drjmin_ of the heavy quark
// progenitor.
int nmjet(pjet_.size());
for(unsigned int ixx=0; ixx<pjet_.size(); ixx++) {
for(unsigned int jxx=0; jxx<partonsToMatch_.size(); jxx++) {
if(!(abs(partonsToMatch_[jxx]->id())==4||abs(partonsToMatch_[jxx]->id())==5)) continue;
if(partonJetDeltaR(partonsToMatch_[jxx],pjet_[ixx])<drjmin_) {
nmjet--; // Decrease the number of unmatched jets.
etjet_[ixx]=0*GeV; // Set jet ET to zero to indicate it is 'matched'.
// If every jet matched to _at_least_one_ progenitor accept the event.
if(nmjet<=0) return false;
//else {
// If unmatched jets remain, reject the event if highestMultiplicity_!=1
//if(!highestMultiplicity_) return true;
//else {
// If unmatched jets remain and highestMultiplicity is true then check
// that these are softer than all the matched ones (from the light-parton
// matching round).
/* Energy etmax(0.*GeV);
for(unsigned int ixx=0; ixx<pjet_.size(); ixx++) etmax=max(etjet_[ixx],etmax);
if(etmax>etmin) return true;
// Otherwise we accept the event ...
return false;
/* Function that returns the R distance
between a particle and a jet. */
double FxFxHandler::partonJetDeltaR(ThePEG::tPPtr partonptr, LorentzMomentum jetmom) {
LorentzMomentum partonmom(partonptr->momentum());
// Calculate DY, DPhi and then DR
double DY(partonmom.eta()-jetmom.eta());
double DPhi(partonmom.phi()-jetmom.phi());
if(DPhi>M_PI) DPhi=2*M_PI-DPhi;
double DR(sqrt(sqr(DY)+sqr(DPhi)));
return DR;
double FxFxHandler::partonJetDeltaR(LorentzMomentum jetmom1, LorentzMomentum jetmom2) {
// Calculate DY, DPhi and then DR
double DY(jetmom1.eta()-jetmom2.eta());
double DPhi(jetmom1.phi()-jetmom2.phi());
if(DPhi>M_PI) DPhi=2*M_PI-DPhi;
double DR(sqrt(sqr(DY)+sqr(DPhi)));
return DR;
// Initialize calorimeter for calsim_m and getjet_m. Note that
// because initialization is separte calsim_m can be called more
// than once to simulate pileup of several events.
void FxFxHandler::calini_m() {
// Making sure arrays are clear before filling;
cphcal_.clear(); sphcal_.clear();
cthcal_.clear(); sthcal_.clear();
// Fill array holding phi values of calorimeter cell centres.
double deltaPhi(2*M_PI/ncphi_);
for(unsigned int iphi=1; iphi<=ncphi_; iphi++) {
double phi(deltaPhi*(iphi-0.5)); // Goes phi~=0 to phi~=2*pi (iphi=0--->ncphi).
cphcal_.push_back(cos(phi)); // ==> goes from +1 ---> +1 (iphi=0--->ncphi).
sphcal_.push_back(sin(phi)); // ==> goes 0 -> 1 -> 0 -> -1 -> 0 (iphi=0--->ncphi).
// Fill array holding theta values of calorimeter cell centres in Y.
double deltaY((ycmax_-ycmin_)/double(ncy_));
for(unsigned int iy=1; iy<=ncy_; iy++) {
double Y(deltaY*(iy-0.5)+ycmin_);
double th(2*atan(exp(-Y))); // Goes bwds th~=pi to fwds th~=0 (iy=0--->ncy).
cthcal_.push_back(cos(th)); // ==> goes from -1 ---> +1 (iy=0--->ncy).
sthcal_.push_back(sin(th)); // ==> goes from 0 ---> +1 ---> 0 (iy=0--->ncy).
// Get FastJets
void FxFxHandler::getFastJets(double rjet, Energy ejcut, double etajcut) {
vector<fastjet::PseudoJet> particlesToCluster;
for(unsigned int ipar=0; ipar<particlesToCluster_.size(); ipar++) {
double y(particlesToCluster_[ipar]->momentum().eta());
if(y>=ycmin_&&y<=ycmax_) {
int absId(abs(particlesToCluster_[ipar]->id()));
// If it's not a lepton / top / photon it may go in the jet finder.
if(!(absId>=11&&absId<=16) && absId!=6 && absId!=22) {
// input particles into fastjet pseudojet
fastjet::PseudoJet p(particlesToCluster_[ipar]->momentum().x()/GeV,
fastjet::RecombinationScheme recombinationScheme = fastjet::E_scheme;
fastjet::Strategy strategy = fastjet::Best;
double R(rjet);
fastjet::JetDefinition theJetDefinition;
switch (jetAlgorithm_) {
case -1: theJetDefinition=fastjet::JetDefinition(fastjet::antikt_algorithm,
strategy); break;
case 0: theJetDefinition=fastjet::JetDefinition(fastjet::cambridge_algorithm,
strategy); break;
case 1: theJetDefinition=fastjet::JetDefinition(fastjet::kt_algorithm,
strategy); break;
default: theJetDefinition=fastjet::JetDefinition(fastjet::cambridge_algorithm,
strategy); break;
fastjet::ClusterSequence fastjetEvent(particlesToCluster,theJetDefinition);
vector<fastjet::PseudoJet> inclusiveJets = fastjetEvent.inclusive_jets();
inclusiveJets = fastjet::sorted_by_pt(inclusiveJets);
// Fill the array of jet momenta for the rest of the veto procedure.
for(unsigned int ffj=0; ffj<pjet_.size();ffj++) {
pjet_[ffj] = Lorentz5Momentum(inclusiveJets[ffj].px()*GeV,
etjet_[ffj] = pjet_[ffj].et();
// Throw the jet away if it's outside required eta region or
// has transverse energy below ejcut.
for(unsigned int fj=0; fj<pjet_.size(); fj++)
if(etjet_[fj]<ejcut||fabs(pjet_[fj].eta())>etajcut) {
// Sort jets from high to low ET.
vector<pair<Energy, Lorentz5Momentum> > etjet_pjet;
for(unsigned int ixx=0; ixx<etjet_.size(); ixx++)
for(unsigned int ixx=0; ixx<etjet_.size(); ixx++) {
// Get FastJets from partonsToMatch_
void FxFxHandler::getFastJetsToMatch(double rjet, Energy ejcut, double etajcut) {
vector<fastjet::PseudoJet> particlesToCluster;
for(unsigned int ipar=0; ipar<partonsToMatch_.size(); ipar++) {
double y(partonsToMatch_[ipar]->momentum().eta());
if(y>=ycmin_&&y<=ycmax_) {
int absId(abs(partonsToMatch_[ipar]->id()));
// If it's not a lepton / top / photon it may go in the jet finder.
if(!(absId>=11&&absId<=16) && absId!=6 && absId!=22) {
// input particles into fastjet pseudojet
fastjet::PseudoJet p(partonsToMatch_[ipar]->momentum().x()/GeV,
fastjet::RecombinationScheme recombinationScheme = fastjet::E_scheme;
fastjet::Strategy strategy = fastjet::Best;
double R(rjet);
fastjet::JetDefinition theJetDefinition;
switch (jetAlgorithm_) {
case -1: theJetDefinition=fastjet::JetDefinition(fastjet::antikt_algorithm,
strategy); break;
case 0: theJetDefinition=fastjet::JetDefinition(fastjet::cambridge_algorithm,
strategy); break;
case 1: theJetDefinition=fastjet::JetDefinition(fastjet::kt_algorithm,
strategy); break;
default: theJetDefinition=fastjet::JetDefinition(fastjet::cambridge_algorithm,
strategy); break;
fastjet::ClusterSequence fastjetEvent(particlesToCluster,theJetDefinition);
vector<fastjet::PseudoJet> inclusiveJets = fastjetEvent.inclusive_jets();
inclusiveJets = fastjet::sorted_by_pt(inclusiveJets);
// Fill the array of jet momenta for the rest of the veto procedure.
for(unsigned int ffj=0; ffj<pjetME_.size();ffj++) {
pjetME_[ffj] = Lorentz5Momentum(inclusiveJets[ffj].px()*GeV,
// Simple calorimeter simulation - assume uniform Y and phi bins.
void FxFxHandler::calsim_m() {
// Reset transverse energies of all calorimter cells ready for new fill.
for(unsigned int ixx=0; ixx<et_.size(); ixx++)
for(unsigned int iyy=0; iyy<et_[ixx].size(); iyy++)
// Assign ET to each calorimeter cell (mostly 0's).
for(unsigned int ipar=0; ipar<particlesToCluster_.size(); ipar++) {
double y(particlesToCluster_[ipar]->momentum().eta());
if(y>=ycmin_&&y<=ycmax_) {
int absId(abs(particlesToCluster_[ipar]->id()));
// If it's not a lepton / top / photon it goes in the calorimeter.
if(!(absId>=11&&absId<=16) && absId!=6 && absId!=22) {
double phi(atan2(particlesToCluster_[ipar]->momentum().y()/GeV,
if(phi<0) phi+=2*M_PI;
unsigned int iy(int((y-ycmin_)/dely_));
unsigned int iphi(int(phi/delphi_));
// Find highest remaining cell > etstop and sum surrounding cells
// with -- delta(y)^2+delta(phi)^2 < Rjet^2 , ET>eccut. Keep sets
// with ET>ejcut and abs(eta)<etacut.
void FxFxHandler::getjet_m(double rjet, Energy ejcut, double etajcut) {
// Minimum ET the calorimeter can "see".
Energy eccut(0.1*GeV);
// So long as the cell remaining with the highest ET has
// ET < etstop we try to cluster the surrounding cells into
// it to potentially form a jet.
Energy etstop(1.5*GeV);
// Reset the vector holding the jet-index each calo cell
// was clustered into.
for(unsigned int iy=0; iy<ncy_; iy++)
for(unsigned int iphi=0; iphi<ncphi_; iphi++)
// Reset the vector that will hold the jet momenta.
// # cells spanned by cone radius in phi dir., _rounded_down_.
unsigned int nphi1(rjet/delphi_);
// # cells spanned by cone radius in eta dir., _rounded_down_.
unsigned int ny1(rjet/dely_);
// Vector to hold the "ET" of each jet, where here ET really means
// the scalar sum of ETs in each calo cell clustered into the jet.
// Note that this is _not_ the same as the ET you would compute from
// the final momentum worked out for each jet.
// The ET of the highest ET cell found.
Energy etmax(777e100*GeV);
// Counter for number of highest ET calo cells found.
unsigned int ipass(0);
// Start finding jets.
while(etmax>=etstop) {
// Find the cell with the highest ET from
// those not already assigned to a jet.
int iymx(0), iphimx(0);
for(unsigned int iphi=0; iphi<ncphi_; iphi++)
for(unsigned int iy=0; iy<ncy_; iy++)
if(et_[iy][iphi]>etmax&&jetIdx_[iy][iphi]<0) {
etmax = et_[iy][iphi];
iymx = iy;
iphimx = iphi;
// If the remaining cell with the highest ET has ET < etstop, stop.
if(etmax<etstop) break;
// You cannot have more cells with the highest ET
// so far than you have cells in the calorimeter.
if(ipass>(ncy_*ncphi_)) {
cout << "FxFxHandler::getjet_m() - Fatal error." << endl;
cout << "We found " << ipass << " calo cells with the highest ET so"
<< "far\nbut the calorimeter only has " << ncy_*ncphi_ << " "
<< "cells in it!" << endl;
// Add a jet vector (may get deleted if jet fails ET / eta cuts).
// Loop over all calo cells in range iphimx +/- nphi1 (inclusive)
// wrapping round in azimuth if required.
for(unsigned int iphi1=0; iphi1<=2*nphi1; iphi1++) {
int iphix(iphimx-nphi1+iphi1);
if(iphix<0) iphix += ncphi_;
if(iphix>=int(ncphi_)) iphix -= ncphi_;
// Loop over all calo cells in range iymx +/- ny1 (inclusive).
for(unsigned int iy1=0; iy1<=2*ny1; iy1++) {
int iyx(iymx-ny1+iy1);
// If the cell is outside the calorimeter OR if it was already
// associated to a jet then skip to the next loop.
if(iyx>=0&&iyx<int(ncy_)&&jetIdx_[iyx][iphix]<0) {
// N.B. iyx-iymx = iy1-ny1 and iphix-iphimx = iphi1-nphi1
// hence the following is the distance in R between the
// centre of the cell we are looking at and the one
// with the highest ET.
double r2(sqr( dely_*(double(iy1) -double(ny1) ))
if(r2<sqr(rjet)&&et_[iyx][iphix]>=eccut) {
Energy ECell(et_[iyx][iphix]/sthcal_[iyx]);
pjet_.back()+=LorentzMomentum(ECell*sthcal_[iyx]*cphcal_[iphix], // px
ECell*sthcal_[iyx]*sphcal_[iphix], // py
ECell*cthcal_[iyx],ECell); // pz, E.
// N.B. This is the same reln as in ThePEG between phi and x,y.
jetIdx_[iyx][iphix] = pjet_.size()-1; // Identify cell with this jet.
// Compute the current jet's mass.
// Throw the jet away if it's ET is less than ejcut.
if(etjet_.back()<ejcut||fabs(pjet_.back().eta())>etajcut) {
// Sort jets from high to low ET.
vector<pair<Energy, Lorentz5Momentum> > etjet_pjet;
for(unsigned int ixx=0; ixx<etjet_.size(); ixx++)
for(unsigned int ixx=0; ixx<etjet_.size(); ixx++) {
// Deletes particles from partonsToMatch_ and particlesToCluster_
// vectors so that these contain only the partons to match to the
// jets and the particles used to build jets respectively. By and
// large the candidates for deletion are: vector bosons and their
// decay products, Higgs bosons, photons as well as _primary_, i.e.
// present in the lowest multiplicity process, heavy quarks and
// any related decay products.
void FxFxHandler::getDescendents(PPtr theParticle) {
ParticleVector theChildren(theParticle->children());
for (unsigned int ixx=0; ixx<theChildren.size(); ixx++)
void FxFxHandler::caldel_m() {
for(unsigned int ixx=0; ixx<preshowerFSPs_.size(); ixx++) {
if(ihrd_<=2) {
/* wqq... , zqq... */
/* Exclude the heavy quarks and any children they may
have produced as well as the v.boson and any children
it may have produced from the jet parton matching. */
abs(preshowerFSPs_[ixx]->parents()[0]->id())==24) {
for(unsigned int jxx=0; jxx<tmpList_.size(); jxx++)
if(abs(preshowerFSPs_[ixx]->id())==ihvy_&&ixx<2) {
for(unsigned int jxx=0; jxx<tmpList_.size(); jxx++)
if(ixx==preshowerFSPs_.size()-1&&preshowerFSPsToDelete_.size()!=4) {
throw Exception()
<< "FxFxHandler::caldel_m() - ERROR!\n"
<< "wqq / zqq process should have 4 particles to omit from"
<< "jet-parton matching for ihvy=" << ihvy_ << "." << Exception::eventerror;
} else if(ihrd_<=4) {
/* zjet... */
/* Exclude the v.boson and any children
it may have produced from the jet parton matching. */
abs(preshowerFSPs_[ixx]->parents()[0]->id())==24) {
for(unsigned int jxx=0; jxx<tmpList_.size(); jxx++)
/*if(ixx==preshowerFSPs_.size()-1&&preshowerFSPsToDelete_.size()!=2) {
throw Exception()
<< "FxFxHandler::caldel_m() - ERROR!\n"
<< "zjet process should have 2 particles to omit from"
<< "jet-parton matching." << Exception::eventerror;
} else if(ihrd_==5) {
/* vbjet... */
/* Exclude the v.bosons and any children they may
have produced from the jet parton matching. */
abs(preshowerFSPs_[ixx]->id())==25) {
for(unsigned int jxx=0; jxx<tmpList_.size(); jxx++)
} else if(ihrd_==6) {
/* 2Q... */
/* Exclude the heavy quarks and any children
they may have produced from the jet parton matching. */
if(ihvy_==6) {
abs(preshowerFSPs_[ixx]->parents()[0]->id())==24) {
if(abs(preshowerFSPs_[ixx]->parents()[0]->id())==6) {
for(unsigned int jxx=0; jxx<tmpList_.size(); jxx++)
if(ixx==preshowerFSPs_.size()-1&&preshowerFSPsToDelete_.size()!=6) {
throw Exception()
<< "FxFxHandler::caldel_m() - ERROR!\n"
<< "2Q process should have 6 particles to omit from"
<< "jet-parton matching for ihvy=" << ihvy_ << "." << Exception::eventerror;
} else {
if(abs(preshowerFSPs_[ixx]->id())==ihvy_&&ixx<2) {
for(unsigned int jxx=0; jxx<tmpList_.size(); jxx++)
if(ixx==preshowerFSPs_.size()-1&&preshowerFSPsToDelete_.size()!=2) {
throw Exception()
<< "FxFxHandler::caldel_m() - ERROR!\n"
<< "2Q process should have 2 particles to omit from"
<< "jet-parton matching for ihvy=" << ihvy_ << "." << Exception::eventerror;
} else if(ihrd_==7) {
/* 4Q... */
/* There are no light jets for this process, so nothing to match. */
} else if(ihrd_==9) {
/* Njet... */
} else if(ihrd_==10) {
/* wcjet... */
/* Exclude the charm quark and any children it may
have produced as well as the v.boson and any children
it may have produced from the jet parton matching. */
abs(preshowerFSPs_[ixx]->parents()[0]->id())==24) {
for(unsigned int jxx=0; jxx<tmpList_.size(); jxx++)
if(ixx==preshowerFSPs_.size()-1&&preshowerFSPsToDelete_.size()!=3) {
throw Exception()
<< "FxFxHandler::caldel_m() - ERROR!\n"
<< "wcjet process should have 3 particles to omit from"
<< "jet-parton matching." << Exception::eventerror;
} else if(ihrd_==11) {
/* phjet... */
/* Exclude the hard photons from the jet parton matching. */
if(abs(preshowerFSPs_[ixx]->id())==22) {
for(unsigned int jxx=0; jxx<tmpList_.size(); jxx++)
unsigned int tmpUnsignedInt(nph_);
if(ixx==preshowerFSPs_.size()-1&&preshowerFSPsToDelete_.size()!=tmpUnsignedInt) {
throw Exception()
<< "FxFxHandler::caldel_m() - ERROR!\n"
<< "phjet process should have " << nph_ << " particles to omit from"
<< "jet-parton matching." << Exception::eventerror;
} else if(ihrd_==12) {
/* hjet... */
/* Exclude the higgs and any children it may have
produced from the jet parton matching. */
if(abs(preshowerFSPs_[ixx]->id())==25) {
for(unsigned int jxx=0; jxx<tmpList_.size(); jxx++)
if(ixx==preshowerFSPs_.size()-1&&preshowerFSPsToDelete_.size()!=1) {
throw Exception()
<< "FxFxHandler::caldel_m() - ERROR!\n"
<< "hjet process should have 1 particle to omit from"
<< "jet-parton matching." << Exception::eventerror;
} else if(ihrd_==14) {
/* wphjet... */
/* Exclude the v.boson and any children it may have
produced from the jet parton matching. */
abs(preshowerFSPs_[ixx]->parents()[0]->id())==24) {
for(unsigned int jxx=0; jxx<tmpList_.size(); jxx++)
unsigned int tmpUnsignedInt(2+nph_);
if(ixx==preshowerFSPs_.size()-1&&preshowerFSPsToDelete_.size()!=tmpUnsignedInt) {
throw Exception()
<< "FxFxHandler::caldel_m() - ERROR!\n"
<< "wphjet process should have " << 2+nph_ << " particles to omit from"
<< "jet-parton matching." << Exception::eventerror;
} else if(ihrd_==15) {
/* wphqq... <--- N.B. if q = top, it is not decayed. */
/* Exclude the heavy quarks and any children they may
have produced as well as the v.boson and any children
it may have produced from the jet parton matching. */
abs(preshowerFSPs_[ixx]->parents()[0]->id())==24) {
for(unsigned int jxx=0; jxx<tmpList_.size(); jxx++)
unsigned int tmpUnsignedInt(4+nph_);
if(ixx==preshowerFSPs_.size()-1&&preshowerFSPsToDelete_.size()!=tmpUnsignedInt) {
throw Exception()
<< "FxFxHandler::caldel_m() - ERROR!\n"
<< "wphjet process should have " << 4+nph_ << " particles to omit from"
<< "jet-parton matching." << Exception::eventerror;
} else if(ihrd_==16) {
/* 2Qph... <--- if Q is a top it will decay. */
/* Exclude the hard photons and any children they
may have produced from the jet parton matching
as well as the heavy quarks and any children it
may have produced. */
if(ihvy_==6) {
abs(preshowerFSPs_[ixx]->parents()[0]->id())==24) {
for(unsigned int jxx=0; jxx<tmpList_.size(); jxx++)
unsigned int tmpUnsignedInt(6+nph_);
if(ixx==preshowerFSPs_.size()-1&&preshowerFSPsToDelete_.size()!=tmpUnsignedInt) {
throw Exception()
<< "FxFxHandler::caldel_m() - ERROR!\n"
<< "wphjet process should have " << 6+nph_ << " particles to omit from"
<< "jet-parton matching for ihvy=" << ihvy_ << "." << Exception::eventerror;
} else {
(abs(preshowerFSPs_[ixx]->id())==ihvy_&&ixx<2)) {
for(unsigned int jxx=0; jxx<tmpList_.size(); jxx++)
unsigned int tmpUnsignedInt(2+nph_);
if(ixx==preshowerFSPs_.size()-1&&preshowerFSPsToDelete_.size()!=tmpUnsignedInt) {
throw Exception()
<< "FxFxHandler::caldel_m() - ERROR!\n"
<< "wphjet process should have " << 2+nph_ << " particles to omit from"
<< "jet-parton matching for ihvy=" << ihvy_ << "." << Exception::eventerror;
// cout << "partonsToMatch_.size()= " << partonsToMatch_.size() << " preshowerFSPsToDelete_.size() = " << preshowerFSPsToDelete_.size() << endl;
for(unsigned int ixx=0; ixx<preshowerFSPsToDelete_.size(); ixx++) {
for(unsigned int jxx=0; jxx<partonsToMatch_.size(); jxx++) {
if(preshowerFSPsToDelete_[ixx]==partonsToMatch_[jxx]) {
//cout << "partonsToMatch_.size() (AFTER) = " << partonsToMatch_.size() << endl;
for(unsigned int ixx=0; ixx<showeredFSPsToDelete_.size(); ixx++) {
for(unsigned int jxx=0; jxx<particlesToCluster_.size(); jxx++) {
if(showeredFSPsToDelete_[ixx]==particlesToCluster_[jxx]) {
// Sanity check!
if(partonsToMatch_.size()>particlesToCluster_.size()) {
throw Exception()
<< "FxFxHandler::caldel_m() - ERROR!\n"
<< "No. of ME level partons to be matched to jets = "
<< partonsToMatch_.size() << "\n"
<< "No. of showered particles to build jets from = "
<< particlesToCluster_.size() << "\n"
<< "There should be at least as many partons to\n"
<< "cluster as there are partons to match to.\n"
<< Exception::eventerror;
// cout << "partonsToMatch_.size() (AFTER2) = " << partonsToMatch_.size() << endl;
// Acid test.
/* unsigned int tmpUnsignedInt(njets_);
if(!inputIsNLO_&&partonsToMatch_.size()!=tmpUnsignedInt) {
for(unsigned int ixx=0; ixx<partonsToMatch_.size(); ixx++) {
throw Exception()
<< "FxFxHandler::caldel_m() - ERROR!\n"
<< "Found a parton to match to which is not a quark or gluon!"
<< *partonsToMatch_[ixx] << "\n"
<< Exception::eventerror;
throw Exception()
<< "FxFxHandler::caldel_m() - ERROR!\n"
<< "No. of ME level partons to be matched to jets = "
<< partonsToMatch_.size() << "\n"
<< "No. of light jets (njets) in AlpGen process = "
<< njets_ << "\n"
<< "These should be equal." << "\n"
<< Exception::eventerror;
} */
//cout << "partonsToMatch_.size() (AFTER3) = " << partonsToMatch_.size() << endl;
// This looks for all descendents of a top up to but not including
// the W and b children.
void FxFxHandler::getTopRadiation(PPtr theParticle) {
ParticleVector theChildren(theParticle->children());
for (unsigned int ixx=0; ixx<theChildren.size(); ixx++)
else if(abs(theChildren[ixx]->id())==5||abs(theChildren[ixx]->id())==24)
void FxFxHandler::caldel_hvq() {
// Fill partonsToMatch_ with only those pre-shower partons intended to
// be used in heavy-quark-jet matching and fill particlesToCluster_ using
// only those final state particles (post-shower) which are supposed
// in the heavy-quark-jet clustering used to do merging. To begin with
// these are made from the corresponding sets of particles that were
// omitted from the initial jet-parton matching run.
partonsToMatch_ = preshowerFSPsToDelete_;
for(unsigned int ixx=0; ixx<showeredFSPsToDelete_.size(); ixx++)
particlesToCluster_[ixx] = showeredFSPsToDelete_[ixx];
// Reset the arrays of particles to delete so that the partonsToMatch_
// and particlesToCluster_ vectors can undergo further filtering.
// Determine further particles in partonsToMatch_ and particlesToCluster_
// for deletion.
for(unsigned int ixx=0; ixx<partonsToMatch_.size(); ixx++) {
// If the progenitor particle is not a heavy
// quark we delete it and its descendents.
if(abs(partonsToMatch_[ixx]->id())<4||abs(partonsToMatch_[ixx]->id())>6) {
for(unsigned int jxx=0; jxx<tmpList_.size(); jxx++)
// If the progenitor is a b quark from a top decay drop
// it & it's descendents too!
} else if(abs(partonsToMatch_[ixx]->id())==5&&
abs(partonsToMatch_[ixx]->parents()[0]->id())==6) {
for(unsigned int jxx=0; jxx<tmpList_.size(); jxx++)
// If (it's a hvy quark not from a top decay and) it has a W/Z/H
// as a parent [ditto].
} else if(partonsToMatch_[ixx]->parents().size()>0&&
abs(partonsToMatch_[ixx]->parents()[0]->id())==25)) {
for(unsigned int jxx=0; jxx<tmpList_.size(); jxx++)
// Now do the necessary deleting from partonsToMatch_ and
// particlesToCluster_.
for(unsigned int ixx=0; ixx<preshowerFSPsToDelete_.size(); ixx++) {
for(unsigned int jxx=0; jxx<partonsToMatch_.size(); jxx++) {
if(preshowerFSPsToDelete_[ixx]==partonsToMatch_[jxx]) {
for(unsigned int ixx=0; ixx<showeredFSPsToDelete_.size(); ixx++) {
for(unsigned int jxx=0; jxx<particlesToCluster_.size(); jxx++) {
if(showeredFSPsToDelete_[ixx]==particlesToCluster_[jxx]) {
// Now we return to get the decaying top quarks and any
// radiation they produced.
ParticleVector intermediates(lastXCombPtr()->subProcess()->intermediates());
for(unsigned int ixx=0; ixx<intermediates.size(); ixx++) {
if(abs(intermediates[ixx]->id())==6) {
for(unsigned int jxx=0; jxx<tmpList_.size(); jxx++)
// If there are any heavy quark progenitors we have to remove
// the final (showered) instance of them from particlesToCluster.
ParticleVector evolvedHeavyQuarks;
for(unsigned int ixx=0; ixx<partonsToMatch_.size(); ixx++) {
if(abs(partonsToMatch_[ixx]->id())>=4&&abs(partonsToMatch_[ixx]->id())<=6) {
theProgenitor = partonsToMatch_[ixx];
// Follow the heavy quark line down to where it stops branching.
while(theProgenitor->children().size()>0) {
theLastProgenitor = theProgenitor;
for(unsigned int jxx=0; jxx<theProgenitor->children().size(); jxx++) {
// If the progenitor had children but none of them had
// the same particle id as it, then it must have undergone
// a decay rather than a branching, i.e. it is the end of
// the evolution line, so,
if(theProgenitor==theLastProgenitor) break;
// Now delete the evolved heavy quark from the particlesToCluster.
for(unsigned int ixx=0; ixx<evolvedHeavyQuarks.size(); ixx++) {
for(unsigned int jxx=0; jxx<particlesToCluster_.size(); jxx++) {
if(evolvedHeavyQuarks[ixx]==particlesToCluster_[jxx]) {
// get npLO_ and npNLO_
void FxFxHandler::getnpFxFx() {
split_vector_type SplitVec;
// pull the optional weights from the current event
map<string,double> optionalEventWeights = eventHandler()->currentEvent()->optionalWeights();
// loop over the optional weights and find np values
for (map<string,double>::const_iterator it=optionalEventWeights.begin(); it!=optionalEventWeights.end(); ++it){
// split the line
boost::split( SplitVec, it->first, boost::is_any_of(" ") );
// if np is found, store the information
if(SplitVec[0] == "np") {
npLO_ = atof(SplitVec[1].c_str());
npNLO_ = atof(SplitVec[2].c_str());
void FxFxHandler::getPreshowerParticles() {
// LH file initial-state partons:
preshowerISPs_ = lastXCombPtr()->subProcess()->incoming();
// LH file final-state partICLEs:
preshowerFSPs_ = lastXCombPtr()->subProcess()->outgoing();
void FxFxHandler::getShoweredParticles() {
// Post-shower initial-state hadrons:
showeredISHs_ = eventHandler()->currentEvent()->incoming();
// Post-shower initial-state partons:
for(unsigned int ixx=0; ixx<(showeredISHs_.first)->children().size(); ixx++)
for(unsigned int ixx=0; ixx<(showeredISHs_.second)->children().size(); ixx++)
// Post-shower final-state partICLEs plus remnants (to be removed later):
showeredFSPs_ = eventHandler()->currentEvent()->getFinalState();
// Post-shower final-state remnants:
for(unsigned int ixx=0; ixx<showeredFSPs_.size(); ixx++) {
showeredFSPs_[ixx]->PDGName()=="Rem:pbar-") {
else if(showeredFSPs_[ixx]->parents()[0]->parents()[0]==
// Now delete found remnants from the showeredFSPs vector for consistency.
for(unsigned int ixx=0; ixx<showeredFSPs_.size(); ixx++)
for(unsigned int ixx=0; ixx<showeredFSPs_.size(); ixx++)
void FxFxHandler::doSanityChecks(int debugLevel) {
// When checking momentum conservation in the form
// p_in - p_out, any momentum component bigger / less
// than + / - epsilon will result in the p_in - p_out
// vector being flagged as "non-null", triggering a
// warning that momentum conservation is violated.
Energy epsilon(0.5*GeV);
if(debugLevel>=5) epsilon=1e-9*GeV;
// Print out what was found for the incoming and outgoing
// partons in the lastXCombPtr regardless.
if(debugLevel>=5) {
cout << "\n\n\n\n";
cout << "****************************************************" << endl;
cout << " The following are the hard subprocess momenta from " << "\n"
<< " lastXCombPtr and should be basically identical to " << "\n"
<< " the input LH file momenta." << "\n\n";
cout << " Incoming particles:" << "\n"
<< *(preshowerISPs_.first) << "\n"
<< *(preshowerISPs_.second) << endl;
cout << " Outgoing particles:" << endl;
for(unsigned int ixx=0; ixx<preshowerFSPs_.size(); ixx++)
cout << *(preshowerFSPs_[ixx]) << endl;
// Print out what was found for the incoming and outgoing
// partons after the shower.
if(debugLevel>=5) {
cout << "\n\n";
cout << "****************************************************" << endl;
cout << " The following are the particles left at the end of" << "\n"
<< " the showering step." << "\n\n";
cout << " Incoming hadrons:" << "\n"
<< *(showeredISHs_.first) << "\n"
<< *(showeredISHs_.second) << endl;
cout << " Incoming partons:" << "\n"
<< *(showeredISPs_.first) << "\n"
<< *(showeredISPs_.second) << endl;
cout << " Outgoing partons:" << endl;
for(unsigned int ixx=0; ixx<showeredFSPs_.size(); ixx++)
cout << *(showeredFSPs_[ixx]) << endl;
cout << " Outgoing remnants:" << "\n"
<< *(showeredRems_.first) << "\n"
<< *(showeredRems_.second) << endl;
// Check if we correctly identified all initial and final-state
// particles by testing momentum is conserved.
if(debugLevel>=4) {
Lorentz5Momentum tmpMom;
tmpMom += showeredISPs_.first->momentum();
tmpMom += showeredISPs_.second->momentum();
for(unsigned int ixx=0; ixx<showeredFSPs_.size(); ixx++)
tmpMom -= showeredFSPs_[ixx]->momentum();
cout << "Total parton - total parton mom.out = "
<< tmpMom/GeV << endl;
tmpMom = showeredISHs_.first->momentum()
- showeredRems_.first->momentum() -showeredISPs_.first->momentum();
cout << "First p_hadron-p_remnant-p_incoming " << tmpMom/GeV << endl;
tmpMom = showeredISHs_.second->momentum()
- showeredRems_.second->momentum()-showeredISPs_.second->momentum();
cout << "Second p_hadron-p_remnant-p_incoming " << tmpMom/GeV << endl;
// Check if what we found to be the remnant is consistent with
// what we identified as the parent incoming hadron i.e. p+
// goes with Rem:p+ and pbar- goes with Rem:pbar-.
if(debugLevel>=0) {
string tmpString;
if(showeredISHs_.first->PDGName()!=tmpString) {
cout << "FxFxHandler::showerHardProcessVeto" << "\n"
<< "Fatal error in pairing of remnant and parent hadron." << "\n"
<< "Remnant = " << *(showeredRems_.first) << "\n"
<< "Parent hadron = " << *(showeredISHs_.first)
<< endl;
cout << showeredISHs_.first->PDGName() << endl;
cout << tmpString << endl;
if(showeredISHs_.second->PDGName()!=tmpString) {
cout << "FxFxHandler::showerHardProcessVeto" << "\n"
<< "Fatal error in pairing of remnant and parent hadron." << "\n"
<< "Remnant = " << *(showeredRems_.second) << "\n"
<< "Parent hadron = " << *(showeredISHs_.second)
<< endl;
cout << showeredISHs_.second->PDGName() << endl;
cout << tmpString << endl;
void FxFxHandler::printMomVec(vector<Lorentz5Momentum> momVec) {
cout << "\n\n";
// Label columns.
printf("%5s %9s %9s %9s %9s %9s %9s %9s %9s %9s\n",
"jet #",
// Print out the details for each jet
for (unsigned int ixx=0; ixx<momVec.size(); ixx++) {
printf("%5u %9.2f %9.2f %9.2f %9.2f %9.2f %9.2f %9.2f %9.2f %9.2f\n",
double(momVec[ixx].eta()) ,double(momVec[ixx].phi()),
Energy FxFxHandler::etclusran_(double petc) {
return (((2 * epsetclus_)/M_PI) * asin(2 * petc - 1) + etclusmean_);
diff --git a/Contrib/FxFx/FxFxHandler.h b/Contrib/FxFx/FxFxHandler.h
--- a/Contrib/FxFx/FxFxHandler.h
+++ b/Contrib/FxFx/FxFxHandler.h
@@ -1,609 +1,610 @@
// -*- C++ -*-
#ifndef HERWIG_FxFxHandler_H
#define HERWIG_FxFxHandler_H
// This is the declaration of the FxFxHandler class.
#include "Herwig/Shower/QTilde/QTildeShowerHandler.h"
+#include "Herwig/Shower/ShowerHandler.h"
#include "ThePEG/Config/Pointers.h"
#include "Herwig/Shower/Couplings/ShowerAlpha.h"
#include "fastjet/PseudoJet.hh"
#include "fastjet/ClusterSequence.hh"
#include "ThePEG/Utilities/CompSelector.h"
#include "ThePEG/Utilities/XSecStat.h"
namespace Herwig {
class FxFxHandler;
//declaration of thepeg ptr
namespace ThePEG {
namespace Herwig {
using namespace ThePEG;
typedef vector< string > split_vector_type;
* Here is the documentation of the FxFxHandler class.
* @see \ref FxFxHandlerInterfaces "The interfaces"
* defined for FxFxHandler.
class FxFxHandler: public QTildeShowerHandler {
* FxFxHandler should have access to our private parts.
friend class FxFxEventHandler;
friend class FxFxReader;
* The default constructor.
/** @name Functions used by the persistent I/O system. */
* Function used to write out object persistently.
* @param os the persistent output stream written to.
void persistentOutput(PersistentOStream & os) const;
* Function used to read in object persistently.
* @param is the persistent input stream read from.
* @param version the version number of the object when written.
void persistentInput(PersistentIStream & is, int version);
* The standard Init function used to initialize the interfaces.
* Called exactly once for each class by the class description system
* before the main function starts or
* when this class is dynamically loaded.
static void Init();
/** @name Standard Interfaced functions. */
* Finalize the object
virtual void dofinish();
* Initialize this object after the setup phase before saving an
* EventGenerator to disk.
* @throws InitException if object could not be initialized properly.
virtual void doinit();
* Initialize this object. Called in the run phase just before
* a run begins.
virtual void doinitrun();
* Hook to allow vetoing of event after showering hard sub-process
* as in e.g. MLM merging.
virtual bool showerHardProcessVeto();
* information for FxFx merging
int npLO_;
int npNLO_;
/** @name Clone Methods. */
* Make a simple clone of this object.
* @return a pointer to the new object.
virtual IBPtr clone() const;
/** Make a clone of this object, possibly modifying the cloned object
* to make it sane.
* @return a pointer to the new object.
virtual IBPtr fullclone() const;
* Run MLM jet-parton matching on the 'extra' jets.
bool lightJetPartonVeto();
* Function that calculates deltaR between a parton and a jet
double partonJetDeltaR(ThePEG::tPPtr partonptr, LorentzMomentum jetmom);
double partonJetDeltaR(LorentzMomentum jetmom1, LorentzMomentum jetmom2);
* c++ translation of subroutine of same name from alpsho.f.
* Initialize calorimeter for calsim_m and getjet_m. Note that
* because initialization is separte calsim_m can be called more
* than once to simulate pileup of several events.
void calini_m();
* c++ translation of subroutine of same name from alpsho.f.
* Simple calorimeter simulation - assume uniform Y and phi bins.
void calsim_m();
* Find jets using the FastJet package on particlesToCluster_.
void getFastJets(double rjet, Energy ejcut, double etajcut);
* Find jets using the FastJet package on particlesToCluster_.
void getFastJetsToMatch(double rjet, Energy ejcut, double etajcut);
* c++ translation of subroutine of same name from alpsho.f.
* Simple jet-finding algorithm (similar to UA1). Find highest
* remaining cell > ETSTOP and sum surrounding cells with --
* Keep sets with ET>EJCUT and ABS(ETA)<ETACUT. The UA1
* parameters are RJET=1.0 and EJCUT=5.0.
void getjet_m(double rjet, Energy ejcut, double etajcut);
* Deletes particles from partonsToMatch_ and particlesToCluster_
* vectors so that these contain only the partons to match to the
* jets and the particles used to build jets respectively. By and
* large the candidates for deletion are: vector bosons and their
* decay products, Higgs bosons, photons as well as _primary_, i.e.
* present in the lowest multiplicity process, heavy quarks and
* any related decay products.
void caldel_m();
* c++ translation of subroutine of same name from alpsho.f.
* Label all particles with status between ISTLO and ISTHI
* (until a particle with status ISTOP is found) as final-state,
* call calsim_m and then put labels back to normal. This
* version keeps only all IST=1 particles rejected by caldel as
* daughters of vetoed heavy-quark mothers: jets complementary
* to those reconstructed by caldel.
void caldel_hvq();
* get the information required for FxFx merging
void getnpFxFx();
* Get the particles from lastXCombPtr filling the pair
* preshowerISPs_ and particle pointer vector preshowerFSPs_.
void getPreshowerParticles();
* Get the particles from eventHandler()->currentEvent()->...
* filling the particle pairs showeredISHs_, showeredISPs_,
* showeredRems_ and the particle pointer vector showeredFSPs_.
void getShoweredParticles();
* Allows printing of debug output and sanity checks like
* total momentum consrvation to be carried out.
* debugLevel = -1, 0, ...5
* = no debugging, minimal debugging, ... verbose.
void doSanityChecks(int debugLevel);
* Given a pointer to a particle this finds all its final state
* descendents.
void getDescendents(PPtr theParticle);
* Accumulates all descendents of tops down to the b and W
* but not including them.
void getTopRadiation(PPtr theParticle);
* Sorts a given vector of particles by descending pT or ETJET
ParticleVector pTsort(ParticleVector unsortedVec);
pair< vector<Energy>, vector<Lorentz5Momentum> > ETsort(vector<Energy> unsortedetjet, vector<Lorentz5Momentum> unsortedVec);
* A function that prints a vector of Lorentz5Momenta in a fancy way
void printMomVec(vector<Lorentz5Momentum> momVec);
* A probability function for varying etclus_ about the mean value
Energy etclusran_(double petc);
* The static object used to initialize the description of this class.
* Indicates that this is a concrete class with persistent data.
static ClassDescription<FxFxHandler> initFxFxHandler;
* The assignment operator is private and must never be called.
* In fact, it should not even be implemented.
FxFxHandler & operator=(const FxFxHandler &);
* Initial-state incoming partons prior to showering
* (i.e. from lastXCombPtr).
PPair preshowerISPs_;
* Final-state outgoing partICLEs prior to showering
* (i.e. from lastXCombPtr).
ParticleVector preshowerFSPs_;
* Final-state outgoing partICLEs prior to showering _to_be_removed_
* from preShowerFSPs_ prior to the light-parton-light-jet matching
* step. This same list is the starting point for determining
* partonsToMatch_ for the case of merging in heavy quark production.
ParticleVector preshowerFSPsToDelete_;
* Initial-state incoming hadrons after shower of hard process
* (eventHandler()->currentEvent()->incoming()).
PPair showeredISHs_;
* Initial-state incoming partons after shower of hard process
* (look for partonic children of showeredISHs_).
PPair showeredISPs_;
* Final-state outgoing partICLEs after shower of hard process
* (eventHandler()->currentEvent()->getFinalState()).
tPVector showeredFSPs_;
* Final-state outgoing partICLEs after shower of hard process
* _to_be_removed_ from showeredFSPs_ prior to the
* light-parton-light-jet matching step. This same list is the
* starting point for determining particlesToCluster_ for the
* case of merging in heavy quark production.
ParticleVector showeredFSPsToDelete_;
* ONLY the final-state partons from preshowerFSPs_ that are
* supposed to enter the jet-parton matching.
ParticleVector partonsToMatch_;
* The shower progenitors
PPtr theProgenitor;
PPtr theLastProgenitor;
* ONLY the final-state particles from showeredFSPs_ (and maybe
* also showeredRems_) that are supposed to go for jet clustering.
tPVector particlesToCluster_;
* Final-state remnants after shower of hard process
* (look for remnants initially in showeredFSPs_).
PPair showeredRems_;
* Pointer to the object calculating the strong coupling
ShowerAlphaPtr alphaS_;
* Information extracted from the XComb object
* The fixed factorization scale used in the MEs.
Energy pdfScale_;
* Centre of mass energy
Energy2 sHat_;
* Constant alphaS used to generate LH events - if not already
* using CKKW scale (ickkw = 1 in AlpGen for example).
double alphaSME_;
* Number of rapidity segments of the calorimeter.
unsigned int ncy_;
* Number of phi segments of the calorimeter.
unsigned int ncphi_;
* Heavy flavour in WQQ,ZQQ,2Q etc (4=c, 5=b, 6=t).
int ihvy_;
* Number of photons in the AlpGen process.
int nph_;
* Number of higgses in the AlpGen process.
int nh_;
* Jet ET cut to apply in jet clustering (in merging).
Energy etclus_;
* Mean Jet ET cut to apply in jet clustering (in merging).
Energy etclusmean_;
* maximum deviation from mean Jet ET cut to apply in jet clustering (in merging).
Energy epsetclus_;
* Cone size used in jet clustering (in merging).
double rclus_;
* Max |eta| for jets in clustering (in merging).
double etaclmax_;
* Default 1.5 factor used to decide if a jet matches a parton
* in merging: if DR(parton,jet)<rclusfactor*rclus the parton
* and jet are said to have been matched.
double rclusfactor_;
* The AlpGen hard process code. Relation to the AlpGen process names:
* 1: wqq, 2: zqq, 3: wjet, 4: zjet, 5: vbjet, 6: 2Q, 8: QQh, 9: Njet,
* 10: wcjet, 11: phjet, 12: hjet, 13: top, 14: wphjet, 15: wphqq,
* 16: 2Qph.
int ihrd_;
* The number of light jets in the AlpGen process (i.e. the 'extra' ones).
int njets_;
* Mimimum parton-parton R-sep used for generation (used for hvq merging).
double drjmin_;
* This flags that the highest multiplicity ME-level process is
* being processed.
bool highestMultiplicity_;
* This flags whether the etclus_ (merging scale) should be fixed or variable according to a prob. distribution around the mean
bool etclusfixed_;
* The forwards rapidity span of the calorimeter.
double ycmax_;
* The backwards rapidity span of the calorimeter.
double ycmin_;
* The jet algorithm used for parton-jet matching in the MLM procedure.
int jetAlgorithm_;
* Allows the vetoing to be turned off completely - just for convenience.
bool vetoIsTurnedOff_;
* Allows the vetoing on heavy quark decay products to be turned off.
bool vetoHeavyQ_;
* Veto if there exist softer unmatched jets than matched
bool vetoSoftThanMatched_;
* Cosine of phi values of calorimeter cell centres.
* Goes phi~=0 to phi~=2*pi (index = 0 ---> ncphi).
* ==> Cosine goes from +1 ---> +1 (index = 0 ---> ncphi).
vector<double> cphcal_;
* Sine of phi values of calorimeter cell centres.
* Goes phi~=0 to phi~=2*pi (index = 0 ---> ncphi).
* ==> Sine goes 0 -> 1 -> 0 -> -1 -> 0 (index = 0 ---> ncphi).
vector<double> sphcal_;
* Cosine of theta values of calorimeter cell centres in Y.
* Goes bwds th~=pi to fwds th~=0 (index = 0 ---> ncy).
* ==> Cosine goes from -1 ---> +1 (index = 0 ---> ncy).
vector<double> cthcal_;
* Sine of theta values of calorimeter cell centres in Y.
* Goes bwds th~=pi to fwds th~=0 (index = 0 ---> ncy).
* ==> Sine goes from 0 ---> +1 ---> 0 (index = 0 ---> ncy).
vector<double> sthcal_;
* Transverse energy deposit in a given calorimeter cell.
* First array index corresponds to rapidity index of cell,
* second array index corresponds to phi cell index.
vector<vector<Energy> > et_;
* For a given calorimeter cell this holds the index of the jet
* that the cell was clustered into.
vector<vector<int> > jetIdx_;
* Vector holding the Lorentz 5 momenta of each jet.
vector<Lorentz5Momentum> pjet_;
* Vector holding the Lorentz 5 momenta of each jet from ME partons
vector<Lorentz5Momentum> pjetME_;
* Vector holding the list of FS particles resulting from
* the particle input to getDescendents.
ParticleVector tmpList_;
* Variables for the C++ translation of the calini_m(), calsim_m(),
* getjet_m(...) and caldel_m() functions
vector<Energy> etjet_;
vector<Energy> etjetME_;
double dely_, delphi_;
#include "ThePEG/Utilities/ClassTraits.h"
namespace ThePEG {
/** This template specialization informs ThePEG about the
* base classes of FxFxHandler. */
template <>
struct BaseClassTrait<Herwig::FxFxHandler,1> {
/** Typedef of the first base class of FxFxHandler. */
typedef Herwig::QTildeShowerHandler NthBase;
/** This template specialization informs ThePEG about the name of
* the FxFxHandler class and the shared object where it is defined. */
template <>
struct ClassTraits<Herwig::FxFxHandler>
: public ClassTraitsBase<Herwig::FxFxHandler> {
/** Return a platform-independent class name */
static string className() { return "Herwig::FxFxHandler"; }
* The name of a file containing the dynamic library where the class
* FxFxHandler is implemented. It may also include several, space-separated,
* libraries if the class FxFxHandler depends on other classes (base classes
* excepted). In this case the listed libraries will be dynamically
* linked in the order they are specified.
static string library() { return ""; }
/** @endcond */
#endif /* HERWIG_FxFxHandler_H */

File Metadata

Mime Type
Tue, Nov 19, 7:29 PM (1 d, 11 h)
Storage Engine
Storage Format
Raw Data
Storage Handle
Default Alt Text
(85 KB)

Event Timeline