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diff --git a/Utilities/ b/Utilities/
--- a/Utilities/
+++ b/Utilities/
@@ -1,514 +1,515 @@
// -*- C++ -*-
// is a part of Herwig - A multi-purpose Monte Carlo event generator
// Copyright (C) 2002-2019 The Herwig Collaboration
// Herwig is licenced under version 3 of the GPL, see COPYING for details.
// Please respect the MCnet academic guidelines, see GUIDELINES for details.
// This is the implementation of the non-inlined, non-templated member
// functions of the Kinematics class.
#include "Kinematics.h"
#include <ThePEG/Vectors/Lorentz5Vector.h>
#include <ThePEG/Vectors/LorentzVector.h>
#include <ThePEG/Vectors/LorentzRotation.h>
#include <ThePEG/Repository/EventGenerator.h>
#include <ThePEG/Repository/CurrentGenerator.h>
#include <ThePEG/EventRecord/Event.h>
#include <boost/numeric/ublas/matrix.hpp>
#include <boost/numeric/ublas/io.hpp>
#include <boost/numeric/ublas/lu.hpp>
using namespace Herwig;
using namespace std;
using namespace ThePEG;
* Boost consistently the Lorentz5Momenta in momenta (given in the pi and pj COM frame)
* into the p0Q1 p0Q2 frame.
* */
void Kinematics::BoostIntoTwoParticleFrame(const Energy M, const Lorentz5Momentum & piLab,
const Lorentz5Momentum & pjLab,
std::vector<Lorentz5Momentum * > momenta) {
double cosPhi=piLab.vect().cosTheta(pjLab.vect());
double Phi=acos(cosPhi);
double sinPhi=sin(Phi);
// If Phi==0 use regular 1+1D boost
double epsilon=std::numeric_limits<double>::epsilon();
if (fabs(cosPhi-1.0)<=epsilon || fabs(cosPhi+1.0)<=epsilon) {
Lorentz5Momentum pClu(M,(piLab+pjLab).vect());
Boost bv = pClu.boostVector();
for (unsigned int it = 0; it < momenta.size(); it++) {
Energy Ei=piLab.e();
Energy Ej=pjLab.e();
if (std::isnan(Phi) || std::isinf(Phi)) throw Exception() << "NAN or INF in Phi in Kinematics::BoostIntoTwoParticleFrame\n"
<< Exception::runerror;
Energy mi=piLab.mass();
Energy mj=pjLab.mass();
Energy2 mi2=mi*mi;
Energy2 mj2=mj*mj;
Energy Pi=piLab.vect().mag();
Energy Pj=pjLab.vect().mag();
std::vector<boost::numeric::ublas::vector<double>> momentaHat;
std::vector<Energy> Masses;
for (unsigned int it = 0; it < momenta.size(); it++) {
momentaHat[it](0) = momenta[it]->e()/GeV;
momentaHat[it](1) = momenta[it]->x()/GeV;
momentaHat[it](2) = momenta[it]->z()/GeV;
// Lorentz Matrix Lambda maps:
// piHat = (Ecomi,0,0, Pcom) to piLab = (Ei, 0,0,Pi )
// pjHat = (Ecomj,0,0,-Pcom) to pjLab = (Ej,Pj*sin(phi),0,Pj*cos(phi))
// and therefore maps also correctly momentaHat to momentaOut into the Lab frame
boost::numeric::ublas::matrix<double> Lambda(3,3);
Energy pstar=Kinematics::pstarTwoBodyDecay(M,mi,mj);
Energy2 A2=pstar*M;
Energy2 B2=Pi*Pj*sinPhi;
Energy B2divPi=Pj*sinPhi;
Energy2 Deltaij=Pi*Ej-Ei*Pj*cosPhi;
double delta2=mi2*Pj*Pj*sinPhi*sinPhi/(Deltaij*Deltaij);
double Lambda11=0;
// better numerics
if (delta2<1e-13) Lambda11 = Deltaij>=ZERO ? (1.0-0.5*delta2):-(1.0-0.5*delta2);
else if (Deltaij!=ZERO) Lambda11= Deltaij>=ZERO ? 1.0/sqrt(1.0+delta2):-1.0/sqrt(1.0+delta2);
if (std::isnan(A2/GeV2) || std::isinf(A2/GeV2)) throw Exception() << "NAN in A2/GeV2\n"
<< Exception::runerror;
Lambda(0,0) = (Ei+Ej)/M;
Lambda(0,1) = B2/A2;
Lambda(0,2) = (Ei-Ej)/(2.0*pstar)-((mi2-mj2)*(Ei+Ej))/(2.0*M*A2);
Lambda(1,0) = B2divPi/M;
+ Lambda11 = Pi*Pj*(std::expm1(0.5*std::log1p(mj2/(Pj*Pj)))-std::expm1(0.5*std::log1p(mi2/(Pi*Pi)))+2*pow(sin(Phi/2.0),2)*sqrt(1.0+mi2/(Pi*Pi)))/(A2);
Lambda(1,1) = Lambda11; // This should be just Deltaij/(M*pstar)
Lambda(1,2) = -(M*M-(mj2-mi2))*B2divPi/(2.0*M*A2);
Lambda(2,0) = (Pi+Pj*cosPhi)/M;
Lambda(2,1) = Ei*B2divPi/A2;
Lambda(2,2) = (A2*A2-0.5*Ei*(Ej*(M*M-(mj2-mi2))-Ei*(M*M-(mi2-mj2))))/(Pi*M*A2);
Axis zAxis(0,0,1);
Axis xAxis(1,0,0);
Lorentz5Momentum piRes(mi,Pi*zAxis);
Lorentz5Momentum pjRes(mj,Pj*(xAxis*sinPhi+zAxis*cosPhi));
std::vector<Lorentz5Momentum> momentaRes;
Lorentz5Momentum pClu1,pClu2;
boost::numeric::ublas::vector<double> momentaOut(3);
unsigned int iter = 0;
bool isAligned;
Momentum3 piHat(ZERO, ZERO, pstar);
Momentum3 pjHat(ZERO, ZERO, -pstar);
Momentum3 pAligned(ZERO, ZERO, ZERO);
// TODO FIX THIS ERROR consistently
// Horrible fix below but works partially
// TODO in this case just rescale piLab pjLab correspondingly, but the directions shall not change
// pClu1 aligned with piLab
for (auto & pHat : momentaHat)
isAligned = false;
if (momenta[iter]->vect().mag()>ZERO) {
if (
fabs(1.0 - momenta[iter]->vect().cosTheta(piHat)) < 1.0e-14
) {
isAligned = true;
double factor = momenta[iter]->z()/pstar;
assert(momenta[iter]->z()/pstar > 0);
double otherFactor = (momenta[iter]->e()-factor*sqrt(mi2+sqr(pstar)))/M;
// doing the Boost into the Lab frame analytically:
pAligned = (factor*piRes.vect() + otherFactor*(piRes.vect() + pjRes.vect()));
} else if (
fabs(1.0 - momenta[iter]->vect().cosTheta(pjHat)) < 1.0e-14
) {
isAligned = true;
double factor = fabs(momenta[iter]->z()/pstar);
double otherFactor = (momenta[iter]->e()-factor*sqrt(mj2+sqr(pstar)))/M;
// doing the Boost into the Lab frame analytically:
pAligned = (factor*pjRes.vect() + otherFactor*(piRes.vect() + pjRes.vect()));
// doing the Boost into the Lab frame:
if (!isAligned) {
momentaOut = boost::numeric::ublas::prod(Lambda,pHat);
GeV*Axis(momentaOut(1), double(momenta[iter]->y()/GeV), momentaOut(2))));
else {
momentaRes.push_back(Lorentz5Momentum(Masses[iter], pAligned));
// Computing the correct rotation, which maps pi/jRes into pi/jLab
Axis omega1=piRes.vect().unit().cross(piLab.vect().unit());
double cosAngle1=piRes.vect().unit()*piLab.vect().unit();
double angle1=acos(cosAngle1);
// Rotate piRes into piLab
piRes.rotate(angle1, omega1);
pjRes.rotate(angle1, omega1);
// Correspondingly do the actual rotation on all momenta
for(auto & pRes : momentaRes)
pRes.rotate(angle1, omega1);
Axis omega2=piRes.vect().unit();
Momentum3 r1dim=(pjLab.vect()-piRes.vect().unit()*(pjLab.vect()*piRes.vect().unit()));
Momentum3 r2dim=(pjRes.vect()-piRes.vect().unit()*(pjRes.vect()*piRes.vect().unit()));
if (r1dim.mag()==ZERO || r2dim.mag()==ZERO || fabs(sinPhi)<1e-14) //trivial rotation so we are done
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < momentaRes.size(); i++) {
// copy the final momenta
*(momenta[i]) = momentaRes[i];
Axis r1=r1dim.unit();
Axis r2=r2dim.unit();
// signs for 2nd rotation
int signToPi = (piRes.vect()*pjLab.vect())/GeV2 > 0 ? 1:-1;
int signToR1R2 = signToPi*(r2.unit().cross(r1.unit())*piRes.vect())/GeV> 0 ? 1:-1;
double angle2=acos(r1.unit()*r2.unit());
if (signToR1R2<0) angle2=-angle2;
// Rotate pjRes into pjLab
pjRes.rotate(angle2, signToPi*omega2);
// Correspondingly do the actual rotation on all momenta
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < momentaRes.size(); i++) {
momentaRes[i].rotate(angle2, signToPi*omega2);
// copy the final momenta
*(momenta[i]) = momentaRes[i];
* Boost consistently the Lorentz5Momenta pClu1 and pClu2 (given in their COM frame)
* into the p0Q1 p0Q2 frame.
* */
void Kinematics::BoostIntoTwoParticleFrame(const Energy M, const Lorentz5Momentum & piLab,
const Lorentz5Momentum & pjLab,
Lorentz5Momentum & pClu1,
Lorentz5Momentum & pClu2) {
double cosPhi=piLab.vect().cosTheta(pjLab.vect());
double Phi=acos(cosPhi);
double sinPhi=sin(Phi);
// If Phi==0 use regular 1+1D boost
double epsilon=std::numeric_limits<double>::epsilon();
if (fabs(cosPhi-1.0)<=epsilon || fabs(cosPhi+1.0)<=epsilon) {
Lorentz5Momentum pClu(M,(piLab+pjLab).vect());
Boost bv = pClu.boostVector();
Energy Ei=piLab.e();
Energy Ej=pjLab.e();
if (std::isnan(Phi) || std::isinf(Phi)) throw Exception() << "NAN or INF in Phi in Kinematics::BoostIntoTwoParticleFrame\n"
<< Exception::runerror;
Energy mi=piLab.mass();
Energy mj=pjLab.mass();
Energy2 mi2=mi*mi;
Energy2 mj2=mj*mj;
Energy Pi=piLab.vect().mag();
Energy Pj=pjLab.vect().mag();
boost::numeric::ublas::vector<double> Pclu1Hat(3);
boost::numeric::ublas::vector<double> Pclu2Hat(3);
const Energy M1 = pClu1.mass();
const Energy M2 = pClu2.mass();
// Lorentz Matrix Lambda maps:
// piHat = (Ecomi,0,0, Pcom) to piLab = (Ei, 0,0,Pi )
// pjHat = (Ecomj,0,0,-Pcom) to pjLab = (Ej,Pj*sin(phi),0,Pj*cos(phi))
// and therefore maps also correctly Pclu1/2Hat to Pclu1/2 into the Lab frame
boost::numeric::ublas::matrix<double> Lambda(3,3);
Energy pstar=Kinematics::pstarTwoBodyDecay(M,mi,mj);
Energy2 A2=pstar*M;
Energy2 B2=Pi*Pj*sinPhi;
Energy B2divPi=Pj*sinPhi;
Energy2 Deltaij=Pi*Ej-Ei*Pj*cosPhi;
double delta2=mi2*Pj*Pj*sinPhi*sinPhi/(Deltaij*Deltaij);
double Lambda11=0;
// better numerics
if (delta2<1e-13) Lambda11 = Deltaij>=ZERO ? (1.0-0.5*delta2):-(1.0-0.5*delta2);
else if (Deltaij!=ZERO) Lambda11= Deltaij>=ZERO ? 1.0/sqrt(1.0+delta2):-1.0/sqrt(1.0+delta2);
if (std::isnan(A2/GeV2) || std::isinf(A2/GeV2)) throw Exception() << "NAN in A2/GeV2\n"
<< Exception::runerror;
Lambda(0,0) = (Ei+Ej)/M;
Lambda(0,1) = B2/A2;
Lambda(0,2) = (Ei-Ej)/(2.0*pstar)-((mi2-mj2)*(Ei+Ej))/(2.0*M*A2);
Lambda(1,0) = B2divPi/M;
Lambda(1,1) = Lambda11;
Lambda(1,2) = -(M*M-(mj2-mi2))*B2divPi/(2.0*M*A2);
Lambda(2,0) = (Pi+Pj*cosPhi)/M;
Lambda(2,1) = Ei*B2divPi/A2;
Lambda(2,2) = (A2*A2-0.5*Ei*(Ej*(M*M-(mj2-mi2))-Ei*(M*M-(mi2-mj2))))/(Pi*M*A2);
// Determinant calculation, but this is often far from 1 due to rounding errors
// double det=0;
// det += Lambda(0,0)*Lambda(1,1)*Lambda(3,2);
// det += Lambda(1,0)*Lambda(2,1)*Lambda(0,2);
// det += Lambda(2,0)*Lambda(0,1)*Lambda(1,2);
// det -= Lambda(0,2)*Lambda(1,1)*Lambda(2,0);
// det -= Lambda(1,0)*Lambda(0,1)*Lambda(2,2);
// det -= Lambda(1,2)*Lambda(2,1)*Lambda(0,0);
// if (fabs(det-1.0)>1e-3 || std::isnan(det)) {
// std::cout << "A2 = "<<std::setprecision(18)<< A2/(GeV2) << std::endl;
// std::cout << "B2 = "<< B2/(GeV2)<< std::endl;
// std::cout << "DET-1 = "<< det-1.0 << std::setprecision(3)<< std::endl;
// std::cout << "Lambda:" << std::endl;
// for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
// {
// for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++)
// {
// std::cout<< std::setprecision(18) << Lambda(i,j)<< std::setprecision(3) << "\t";
// }
// std::cout << "\n";
// }
// std::cout << "pi,pj in Lab" << std::endl;
// std::cout << "Phi = " << std::setprecision(18) << Phi << std::endl;
// std::cout << "Phi - pi = " << std::setprecision(18) << Phi - M_PI << std::endl;
// }
// TODO FIX THIS ERROR consistently
// throw Exception() << "Phi = "<< std::setprecision(16)<<fabs(pClu1.vect()*Axis(0,0,1)/pClu1.vect().mag())-1.0<<" in Kinematics::BoostIntoTwoParticleFrame\n" << Exception::warning;
// TODO in this case just rescale piLab pjLab correspondingly, but the directions shall not change
// if ( pClu1.vect()*Axis(0,0,1)/pClu1.vect().mag() > 0) {
// pClu1 aligned with piLab
// double factor = pClu1;
// Lorentz5Momenta pClu1Lab(pClu1.mass(),piLab.vect()*factor);
// Lorentz5Momentum pClu(M,piLab+pjLab);
// Boost bv = pClu.boostVector();
// pClu1.boost(bv);
// pClu2.boost(bv);
// std::cout << "Phi " << std::endl;
// return;
// doing the Boost into the Lab frame:
boost::numeric::ublas::vector<double> Pclu1=boost::numeric::ublas::prod(Lambda,Pclu1Hat);
boost::numeric::ublas::vector<double> Pclu2=boost::numeric::ublas::prod(Lambda,Pclu2Hat);
// Computing the correct rotation, which maps pi/jRes into pi/jLab
Axis zAxis(0,0,1);
Axis xAxis(1,0,0);
Lorentz5Momentum piRes(mi,Pi*zAxis);
Lorentz5Momentum pjRes(mj,Pj*(xAxis*sinPhi+zAxis*cosPhi));
Lorentz5Momentum pClu1Res(M1,GeV*Axis(Pclu1[1],double(pClu1.y()/GeV),Pclu1[2]));
Lorentz5Momentum pClu2Res(M2,GeV*Axis(Pclu2[1],double(pClu2.y()/GeV),Pclu2[2]));
Axis omega1=piRes.vect().unit().cross(piLab.vect().unit());
double cosAngle1=piRes.vect().unit()*piLab.vect().unit();
double angle1=acos(cosAngle1);
// Rotate piRes into piLab
piRes.rotate(angle1, omega1);
pjRes.rotate(angle1, omega1);
// Correspondingly do the actual rotation on pClu1Res and pClu2Res
pClu1Res.rotate(angle1, omega1);
pClu2Res.rotate(angle1, omega1);
Axis omega2=piRes.vect().unit();
Momentum3 r1dim=(pjLab.vect()-piRes.vect().unit()*(pjLab.vect()*piRes.vect().unit()));
Momentum3 r2dim=(pjRes.vect()-piRes.vect().unit()*(pjRes.vect()*piRes.vect().unit()));
if (r1dim.mag()==ZERO || r2dim.mag()==ZERO || fabs(sinPhi)<1e-14) //trivial rotation so we are done
Axis r1=r1dim.unit();
Axis r2=r2dim.unit();
// signs for 2nd rotation
int signToPi = (piRes.vect()*pjLab.vect())/GeV2 > 0 ? 1:-1;
int signToR1R2 = signToPi*(r2.unit().cross(r1.unit())*piRes.vect())/GeV> 0 ? 1:-1;
double angle2=acos(r1.unit()*r2.unit());
if (signToR1R2<0) angle2=-angle2;
// Rotate pjRes into pjLab
pjRes.rotate(angle2, signToPi*omega2);
// Correspondingly do the actual rotation on pClu1Res and pClu2Res
pClu1Res.rotate(angle2, signToPi*omega2);
pClu2Res.rotate(angle2, signToPi*omega2);
bool Kinematics::twoBodyDecayNoBoost(const Lorentz5Momentum & p,
const Energy m1, const Energy m2,
const double cosThetaK, const double phiK,
Lorentz5Momentum & p1, Lorentz5Momentum & p2) {
Energy M = p.mass();
Energy2 M2 = M*M;
Energy2 m12 = m1*m1;
Energy2 m22 = m2*m2;
double cph = cos(phiK);
double sph = sin(phiK);
Energy Q = p.vect().mag();
Energy EQ = sqrt(M2+Q*Q);
double B = sqr(M/Q);
double sinThetaK = sqrt(1.-cosThetaK*cosThetaK);
Energy Pcom = sqrt(Kinematics::kaellenV(M,m1,m2))/(2.0*M);
double eta1 = (M2+m12-m22)/(2.0*M2);
double eta2 = (M2-m12+m22)/(2.0*M2);
Energy k = EQ*Pcom/(Q*sqrt(1.0+B-cosThetaK*cosThetaK));
Energy k0 = -EQ*eta1;
Energy E1 = sqrt(k*k+m12+2.0*cosThetaK*Q*k*eta1+sqr(Q*eta1));
k0 += E1;
Momentum3 kvec3(k*cph*sinThetaK,k*sph*sinThetaK,k*cosThetaK);
Lorentz5Momentum kvec5(kvec3,k0);
Axis xAx(1.0,0.0,0.0);
Axis yAx(0.0,1.0,0.0);
Axis zAx(0.0,0.0,1.0);
Lorentz5Momentum pz (Q*zAx,EQ);
p1 = pz*eta1+kvec5;
p2 = pz*eta2-kvec5;
// double Norm = sqrt(B)*(1.0+B)/2.0;
// double PhaseSpaceVol = (1.0+B)*Pcom/(8.0*Q*Norm);
double theta = acos(zAx.cosTheta(p.vect()));
double phi = theta==0 ? 0.0:atan2(p.vect().y()/GeV,p.vect().x()/GeV);
p1.rotate(theta, yAx);
p1.rotate(phi, zAx);
p2.rotate(theta, yAx);
p2.rotate(phi, zAx);
if (fabs((p1.m()-m1)/GeV)>1e-5) std::cout << "p1.m = "<<p1.m()/GeV << " m1 = "<<m1/GeV << std::endl;
if (fabs((p2.m()-m2)/GeV)>1e-5) std::cout << "p2.m = "<<p2.m()/GeV << " m2 = "<<m2/GeV << std::endl;
if (fabs(((p1+p2).m()-M)/GeV)>1e-5) std::cout << "(p1+p2).m = "<<(p1+p2).m()/GeV << " M = "<<M/GeV << std::endl;
return true;
bool Kinematics::twoBodyDecay(const Lorentz5Momentum & p,
const Energy m1, const Energy m2,
const Axis & unitDir1,
Lorentz5Momentum & p1, Lorentz5Momentum & p2) {
Energy min=p.mass();
if ( min >= m1 + m2 && m1 >= ZERO && m2 >= ZERO ) {
Momentum3 pstarVector = unitDir1 * Kinematics::pstarTwoBodyDecay(min,m1,m2);
p1 = Lorentz5Momentum(m1, pstarVector);
p2 = Lorentz5Momentum(m2,-pstarVector);
// boost from CM to LAB
Boost bv = p.boostVector();
double gammarest = p.e()/p.mass();
p1.boost( bv, gammarest );
p2.boost( bv, gammarest );
return true;
return false;
* This function, as the name implies, performs a three body decay. The decay
* products are distributed uniformly in all three directions.
bool Kinematics::threeBodyDecay(Lorentz5Momentum p0, Lorentz5Momentum &p1,
Lorentz5Momentum &p2, Lorentz5Momentum &p3,
double (*fcn)(Energy2,Energy2,Energy2,InvEnergy4)) {
// Variables needed in calculation...named same as fortran version
Energy a = p0.mass() + p1.mass();
Energy b = p0.mass() - p1.mass();
Energy c = p2.mass() + p3.mass();
if(b < c) {
<< "Kinematics::threeBodyDecay() phase space problem\n"
<< p0.mass()/GeV << " -> "
<< p1.mass()/GeV << ' '
<< p2.mass()/GeV << ' '
<< p3.mass()/GeV << '\n';
return false;
Energy d = abs(p2.mass()-p3.mass());
Energy2 aa = sqr(a);
Energy2 bb = sqr(b);
Energy2 cc = sqr(c);
Energy2 dd = sqr(d);
Energy2 ee = (b-c)*(a-d);
Energy2 a1 = 0.5 * (aa+bb);
Energy2 b1 = 0.5 * (cc+dd);
InvEnergy4 c1 = 4./(sqr(a1-b1));
Energy2 ff;
double ww;
Energy4 pp,qq,rr;
// Choose mass of subsystem 23 with prescribed distribution
const unsigned int MAXTRY = 100;
unsigned int ntry=0;
do {
// ff is the mass squared of the 23 subsystem
ff = UseRandom::rnd()*(cc-bb)+bb;
// pp is ((m0+m1)^2 - m23^2)((m0-m1)^2-m23)
pp = (aa-ff)*(bb-ff);
// qq is ((m2+m3)^2 - m23^2)(|m2-m3|^2-m23^2)
qq = (cc-ff)*(dd-ff);
// weight
ww = (fcn != NULL) ? (*fcn)(ff,a1,b1,c1) : 1.0;
ww = sqr(ww);
rr = ee*ff*UseRandom::rnd();
while(pp*qq*ww < rr*rr && ntry < MAXTRY );
if(ntry >= MAXTRY) {
CurrentGenerator::log() << "Kinematics::threeBodyDecay can't generate momenta"
<< " after " << MAXTRY << " attempts\n";
return false;
// ff is the mass squared of subsystem 23
// do 2 body decays 0->1+23, 23->2+3
double CosAngle, AzmAngle;
Lorentz5Momentum p23;
bool status = twoBodyDecay(p0,p1.mass(),p23.mass(),CosAngle,AzmAngle,p1,p23);
status &= twoBodyDecay(p23,p2.mass(),p3.mass(),CosAngle,AzmAngle,p2,p3);
return status;
File Metadata
Mime Type
Sun, Feb 23, 2:22 PM (4 h, 51 m)
Storage Engine
Storage Format
Raw Data
Storage Handle
Default Alt Text
(18 KB)
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rHERWIGHG herwighg
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