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#include "Rivet/Analysis.hh"
#include "Rivet/Projections/FinalState.hh"
#include "Rivet/Projections/WFinder.hh"
#include "Rivet/Projections/FastJets.hh"
#include "Rivet/Projections/VetoedFinalState.hh"
#include "Rivet/Projections/PromptFinalState.hh"
namespace Rivet {
class ATLAS_2014_I1319490 : public Analysis {
ATLAS_2014_I1319490(string name = "ATLAS_2014_I1319490")
: Analysis(name)
_mode = 0; // using electron channel for combined data by default
// Book histograms and initialise projections before the run
void init() {
FinalState fs;
Cut cuts;
if (_mode == 2) { // muon channel
cuts = (Cuts::pT > 25.0*GeV) & Cuts::etaIn(-2.4, 2.4);
} else if (_mode) { // electron channel
cuts = (Cuts::pT > 25.0*GeV) & ( Cuts::etaIn(-2.47, -1.52) | Cuts::etaIn(-1.37, 1.37) | Cuts::etaIn(1.52, 2.47) );
} else { // combined data extrapolated to common phase space
cuts = (Cuts::pT > 25.0*GeV) & Cuts::etaIn(-2.5, 2.5);
// bosons
WFinder wfinder(PromptFinalState(fs), cuts, _mode > 1? PID::MUON : PID::ELECTRON, 40.0*GeV, MAXDOUBLE, 0.0*GeV, 0.1,
addProjection(wfinder, "WF");
// jets
VetoedFinalState jet_fs(fs);
FastJets jets(jet_fs, FastJets::ANTIKT, 0.4);
addProjection(jets, "Jets");
// book histograms
histos["h_N_incl"] = bookHisto1D(1,1,_mode+1);
histos["h_N"] = bookHisto1D(4,1,_mode+1);
histos["h_pt_jet1_1jet"] = bookHisto1D(5,1,_mode+1);
histos["h_pt_jet1_1jet_excl"] = bookHisto1D(6,1,_mode+1);
histos["h_pt_jet1_2jet"] = bookHisto1D(7,1,_mode+1);
histos["h_pt_jet1_3jet"] = bookHisto1D(8,1,_mode+1);
histos["h_pt_jet2_2jet"] = bookHisto1D(9,1,_mode+1);
histos["h_pt_jet3_3jet"] = bookHisto1D(10,1,_mode+1);
histos["h_pt_jet4_4jet"] = bookHisto1D(11,1,_mode+1);
histos["h_pt_jet5_5jet"] = bookHisto1D(12,1,_mode+1);
histos["h_y_jet1_1jet"] = bookHisto1D(13,1,_mode+1);
histos["h_y_jet2_2jet"] = bookHisto1D(14,1,_mode+1);
histos["h_HT_1jet"] = bookHisto1D(15,1,_mode+1);
histos["h_HT_1jet_excl"] = bookHisto1D(16,1,_mode+1);
histos["h_HT_2jet"] = bookHisto1D(17,1,_mode+1);
histos["h_HT_2jet_excl"] = bookHisto1D(18,1,_mode+1);
histos["h_HT_3jet"] = bookHisto1D(19,1,_mode+1);
histos["h_HT_3jet_excl"] = bookHisto1D(20,1,_mode+1);
histos["h_HT_4jet"] = bookHisto1D(21,1,_mode+1);
histos["h_HT_5jet"] = bookHisto1D(22,1,_mode+1);
histos["h_deltaPhi_jet12"] = bookHisto1D(23,1,_mode+1);
histos["h_deltaRap_jet12"] = bookHisto1D(24,1,_mode+1);
histos["h_deltaR_jet12"] = bookHisto1D(25,1,_mode+1);
histos["h_M_Jet12_2jet"] = bookHisto1D(26,1,_mode+1);
histos["h_y_jet3_3jet"] = bookHisto1D(27,1,_mode+1);
histos["h_y_jet4_4jet"] = bookHisto1D(28,1,_mode+1);
histos["h_y_jet5_5jet"] = bookHisto1D(29,1,_mode+1);
histos["h_ST_1jet"] = bookHisto1D(30,1,_mode+1);
histos["h_ST_2jet"] = bookHisto1D(31,1,_mode+1);
histos["h_ST_2jet_excl"] = bookHisto1D(32,1,_mode+1);
histos["h_ST_3jet"] = bookHisto1D(33,1,_mode+1);
histos["h_ST_3jet_excl"] = bookHisto1D(34,1,_mode+1);
histos["h_ST_4jet"] = bookHisto1D(35,1,_mode+1);
histos["h_ST_5jet"] = bookHisto1D(36,1,_mode+1);
void fillPlots(const Particle& lepton, const double& missET, Jets& all_jets, const double& weight) {
// do jet-lepton overlap removal
Jets jets;
double ST = 0.0; // scalar pT sum of all selected jets
foreach (const Jet &j, all_jets) {
if (deltaR(j, lepton) > 0.5) {
jets += j;
ST += j.pT() / GeV;
const size_t njets = jets.size();
const double HT = ST + lepton.pT() / GeV + missET;
histos["h_N"]->fill(njets + 0.5, weight);
for (size_t i = 0; i <= njets; ++i) {
histos["h_N_incl"]->fill(i + 0.5, weight);
if (njets) {
const double pT1 = jets[0].pT() / GeV;
const double rap1 = jets[0].absrap();
histos["h_pt_jet1_1jet" ]->fill(pT1, weight);
histos["h_y_jet1_1jet"]->fill(rap1, weight);
histos["h_HT_1jet"]->fill(HT, weight);
histos["h_ST_1jet"]->fill(ST, weight);
if (njets == 1) {
histos["h_pt_jet1_1jet_excl"]->fill(pT1, weight);
histos["h_HT_1jet_excl"]->fill(HT, weight);
} else {
const double pT2 = jets[1].pT() / GeV;
const double rap2 = jets[1].absrap();
const double dR = deltaR(jets[0], jets[1]);
const double dRap = deltaRap(jets[0], jets[1]);
const double dPhi = deltaPhi(jets[0], jets[1]);
const double mjj = (jets[0].momentum() + jets[1].momentum()).mass() / GeV;
histos["h_pt_jet1_2jet"]->fill(pT1, weight);
histos["h_pt_jet2_2jet"]->fill(pT2, weight);
histos["h_y_jet2_2jet"]->fill(rap2, weight);
histos["h_M_Jet12_2jet"]->fill(mjj, weight);
histos["h_HT_2jet"]->fill(HT, weight);
histos["h_ST_2jet"]->fill(ST, weight);
histos["h_deltaPhi_jet12"]->fill(dPhi, weight);
histos["h_deltaRap_jet12"]->fill(dRap, weight);
histos["h_deltaR_jet12"]->fill(dR, weight);
if (njets == 2) {
histos["h_ST_2jet_excl"]->fill(ST, weight);
histos["h_HT_2jet_excl"]->fill(HT, weight);
} else {
const double pT3 = jets[2].pT() / GeV;
const double rap3 = jets[2].absrap();
histos["h_pt_jet1_3jet"]->fill(pT1, weight);
histos["h_pt_jet3_3jet"]->fill(pT3, weight);
histos["h_y_jet3_3jet"]->fill(rap3, weight);
histos["h_HT_3jet"]->fill(HT, weight);
histos["h_ST_3jet"]->fill(ST, weight);
if(njets == 3) {
histos["h_ST_3jet_excl"]->fill(ST, weight);
histos["h_HT_3jet_excl"]->fill(HT, weight);
} else {
const double pT4 = jets[3].pT() / GeV;
const double rap4 = jets[3].absrap();
histos["h_pt_jet4_4jet"]->fill(pT4, weight);
histos["h_y_jet4_4jet"]->fill(rap4, weight);
histos["h_HT_4jet"]->fill(HT, weight);
histos["h_ST_4jet"]->fill(ST, weight);
if (njets > 4) {
const double pT5 = jets[4].pT() / GeV;
const double rap5 = jets[4].absrap();
histos["h_pt_jet5_5jet"]->fill(pT5, weight);
histos["h_y_jet5_5jet"]->fill(rap5, weight);
histos["h_HT_5jet"]->fill(HT, weight);
histos["h_ST_5jet"]->fill(ST, weight);
// Perform the per-event analysis
void analyze(const Event& event) {
// Retrieve boson candidate
const WFinder& wf = applyProjection<WFinder>(event, "WF");
if (wf.empty()) vetoEvent;
// Retrieve jets
const JetAlg& jetfs = applyProjection<JetAlg>(event, "Jets");
Jets all_jets = jetfs.jetsByPt(Cuts::pT > 30.0*GeV && Cuts::absrap < 4.4);
const Particles& leptons = wf.constituentLeptons();
const double missET = wf.constituentNeutrino().pT() / GeV;
if (leptons.size() == 1 && missET > 25.0 && wf.mT() > 40.0*GeV) {
const Particle& lep = leptons[0];
fillPlots(lep, missET, all_jets, event.weight());
void finalize() {
const double scalefactor(crossSection() / sumOfWeights());
/// @todo Update to use C++11 range-for
for (map<string, Histo1DPtr>::iterator hit = histos.begin(); hit != histos.end(); ++hit) {
scale(hit->second, scalefactor);
size_t _mode;
map<string, Histo1DPtr> histos;
class ATLAS_2014_I1319490_EL : public ATLAS_2014_I1319490 {
: ATLAS_2014_I1319490("ATLAS_2014_I1319490_EL")
_mode = 1;
class ATLAS_2014_I1319490_MU : public ATLAS_2014_I1319490 {
: ATLAS_2014_I1319490("ATLAS_2014_I1319490_MU")
_mode = 2;
// The hooks for the plugin system

File Metadata

Mime Type
Sat, Dec 21, 4:31 PM (21 h, 33 m)
Storage Engine
Storage Format
Raw Data
Storage Handle
Default Alt Text (8 KB)

Event Timeline