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2009-04-07 Andy Buckley <>
* Adding $(DESTDIR) prefix to call to Python module "
* Moving HepMC SWIG mappings into Python Rivet module for now:
seems to work-around the SL type-mapping bug.
2009-04-03 Andy Buckley <>
* Adding MC analysis for LHC UE: higher-pT replica of Tevatron
2008 leading jets study.
* Adding CDF_1990 pseudorapidity analysis.
* Moving CDF_2001 constructor into implementation file.
* Cleaning up CDF_2008_LEADINGJETS a bit, e.g. using foreach loops.
* Adding function interface for specifying axis labels in histo
bookings. Currently has no effect, since AIDA doesn't seem to have
a mechanism for axis labels. It really is a piece of crap.
2009-03-18 Andy Buckley <>
* Adding docs "make upload" and other tweaks to make the doc files
fit in with the Rivet website.
* Improving LaTex docs to show email addresses in printable form
and to group analyses by collider or other metadata.
* Adding doc script to include run info in LaTeX docs, and to make
HTML docs.
* Removing WZandh projection, which wasn't generator independent
and whose sole usage was already replaced by ZFinder.
* Improvements to constructors of ZFinder and InvMassFS.
* Changing ExampleTree to use real FS-based Z finding.
2009-03-16 Andy Buckley <>
* Allow the -H histo file spec to give a full name if wanted. If
it doesn't end in the desired extension, it will be added.
* Adding --runname option (and API elements) to choose a run name
to be prepended as a "top level directory" in histo paths. An
empty value results in no extra TLD.
2009-03-06 Andy Buckley <>
* Adding R=0.2 photon clustering to the electrons in the CDF 2000
Z pT analysis.
2009-03-04 Andy Buckley <>
* Fixing use of fastjet-config to not use the user's PATH variable.
* Fixing SWIG type table for HepMC object interchange.
2009-02-20 Andy Buckley <>
* Adding use of new metadata in command line analysis querying
with the rivet command, and in building the PDF Rivet manual.
* Adding extended metadata methods to the Analysis interface and
the Python wrapper. All standard analyses comply with this new
2009-02-19 Andy Buckley <>
* Adding usefully-scoped config headers, a Rivet::version()
function which uses them, and installing the generated headers to
fix "external" builds against an installed copy of Rivet. The
version() function has been added to the Python wrapper.
2009-02-05 Andy Buckley <>
* Removing ROOT dependency and linking. Woo! There's no need for
this now, because the front-end accepts no histo format switch and
we'll just use aida2root for output conversions. Simpler this way,
and it avoids about half of our compilation bug reports from 32/64
bit ROOT build confusions.
2009-02-04 Andy Buckley <>
* Adding automatic generation of LaTeX manual entries for the
standard analyses.
2009-01-20 Andy Buckley <>
* Removing RivetGun and TCLAP source files!
2009-01-19 Andy Buckley <>
* Added psyco Python optimiser to rivet, make-plots and compare-histos.
* bin/aida2root: Added "-" -> "_" mangling, following requests.
2009-01-17 Andy Buckley <>
* 1.1.3 release.
2009-01-15 Andy Buckley <>
* Converting Python build system to bundle SWIG output in tarball.
2009-01-14 Andy Buckley <>
* Converting AIDA/LWH divide function to return a DPS so that bin
width factors don't get all screwed up. Analyses adapted to use
the new division operation (a DPS/DPS divide would also be
nice... but can wait for YODA).
2009-01-06 Andy Buckley <>
* bin/make-plots: Added --png option for making PNG output files,
using 'convert' (after making a PDF --- it's a bit messy)
* bin/make-plots: Added --eps option for output filtering through
2009-01-05 Andy Buckley <>
* Python: reworking Python extension build to use distutils and
newer m4 Python macros. Probably breaks distcheck but is otherwise
more robust and platform independent (i.e. it should now work on
2008-12-19 Andy Buckley <>
* make-plots: Multi-threaded make-plots and cleaned up the LaTeX
building a bit (necessary to remove the implicit single global
2008-12-18 Andy Buckley <>
* make-plots: Made LaTeX run in no-stop mode.
* compare-histos: Updated to use a nicer labelling syntax on the
command line and to successfully build MC-MC plots.
2008-12-16 Andy Buckley <>
* Made LWH bin edge comparisons safe against numerical errors.
* Added Particle comparison functions for sorting.
* Removing most bad things from ExampleTree and tidying up. Marked
WZandh projection for removal.
2008-12-03 Hendrik Hoeth <>
* Added the two missing observables to the CDF_2008_NOTE_9337 analysis,
i.e. track pT and sum(ET). There is a small difference between our MC
output and the MC plots of the analysis' author, we're still waiting
for the author's comments.
2008-12-02 Andy Buckley <>
* Overloading use of a std::set in the interface, since the
version of SWIG on Sci Linux doesn't have a predefined mapping for
STL sets.
2008-12-02 Hendrik Hoeth <>
* Fixed uemerge. The output was seriously broken by a single line
of debug information in fillAbove(). Also changed uemerge output
to exponential notation.
* Unified ref and mc histos in compare-histos. Histos with one
bin are plotted linear. Option for disabling the ratio plot.
Several fixes for labels, legends, output directories, ...
* Changed rivetgun's fallback directory for parameter files to
$PREFIX/share/AGILe, since that's where the steering files now are.
* Running aida2flat in split mode now produces make-plots compatible
dat-files for direct plotting.
2008-11-28 Andy Buckley <>
* Replaced binreloc with an upgraded and symbol-independent copy.
2008-11-25 Andy Buckley <>
* Added searching of $RIVET_REF_PATH for AIDA reference data
2008-11-24 Andy Buckley <>
* Removing "get"s and other obsfucated syntax from
ProjectionApplier (Projection and Analysis) interfaces.
2008-11-21 Andy Buckley <>
* Using new "global" Jet and V4 sorting functors in
TrackJet. Looks like there was a sorting direction problem before...
* Verbose mode with --list-analyses now shows descriptions as well
as analysis names.
* Moved data/Rivet to data/refdata and moved data/RivetGun
contents to AGILe (since generator steering is no longer a Rivet
* Added unchecked ratio plots to D0 Run II jet + photon analysis.
* Added D0 inclusive photon analysis.
* Added D0 Z rapidity analysis.
* Tidied up constructor interface and projection chain
implementation of InvMassFinalState.
* Added ~complete set of Jet and FourMomentum sorting functors.
2008-11-20 Andy Buckley <>
* Added IdentifiedFinalState.
* Moved a lot of TrackJet and Jet code into .cc files.
* Fixed a caching bug in Jet: cache flag resets should never be
conditional, since they are then sensitive to initialisation
* Added quark enum values to ParticleName.
* Rationalised JetAlg interfaces somewhat, with "size()" and
"jets()" methods in the interface.
* Added D0 W charge asymmetry and D0 inclusive jets analyses.
2008-11-18 Andy Buckley <>
* Adding D0 inclusive Z pT shape analysis.
* Added D0 Z + jet pT and photon + jet pT spectrum analyses.
* Lots of tidying up of particle, event, particle name etc.
* Now the first event is used to detect the beam type and remove
incompatible analyses.
2008-11-17 Andy Buckley <>
* Added bash completion for rivetgun.
* Starting to provide stand-alone call methods on projections so
they can be used without the caching infrastructure. This could
also be handy for unit testing.
* Adding functionality (sorting function and built-in sorting
schemes) to the JetAlg interface.
2008-11-10 Hendrik Hoeth <>
* Fix floating point number output format in aida2flat and flat2aida
* Added CDF_2002_S4796047: CDF Run-I charged multiplicity distribution
* Renamed CDF_2008_MINBIAS to CDF_2008_NOTE_9337, since the
note is publicly available now.
2008-11-10 Hendrik Hoeth <>
* Added DELPHI_2003_WUD_03_11: Delphi 4-jet angular distributions.
There is still a problem with the analysis, so don't use it yet.
But I need to commit the code because my laptop is broken ...
2008-11-06 Andy Buckley <>
* Code review: lots of tidying up of projections and analyses.
* Fixes for compatibility with the LLVM C & C++ compiler.
* Change of Particle interface to remove "get"-prefixed method
2008-11-05 Andy Buckley <>
* Adding ability to query analysis metadata from the command line.
* Example of a plugin analyis now in plugindemo, with a make check
test to make sure that the plugin analysis is recognised by the
command line "rivet" tool.
* GCC 4.3 fix to mat-vec tests.
2008-11-04 Andy Buckley <>
* Adding native logger control from Python interface.
2008-11-03 Andy Buckley <>
* Adding bash_completion for rivet executable.
2008-10-31 Andy Buckley <>
* Clean-up of histo titles and analysis code review.
* Added momentum construction functions from FastJet PseudoJets.
2008-10-28 Andy Buckley <>
* Auto-booking of histograms with a name, rather than the HepData
ID 3-tuple is now possible.
* Fix in CDF 2001 pT spectra to get the normalisations to depend
on the pT_lead cutoff.
2008-10-23 Andy Buckley <>
* rivet handles signals neatly, as for rivetgun, so that premature
killing of the analysis process will still result in an analysis
* rivet now accepts cross-section as a command line argument and,
if it is missing and is required, will prompt the user for it
2008-10-22 Andy Buckley <>
* rivet (Python interface) now can list analyses, check when
adding analyses that the given names are valid, specify histo file
name, and provide sensibly graded event number logging.
2008-10-20 Andy Buckley <>
* Corrections to CDF 2004 analysis based on correspondance with
Joey Huston. M bias dbns now use whole event within |eta| < 0.7,
and Cheese plots aren't filled at all if there are insufficient
jets (and the correct ETlead is used).
2008-10-08 Andy Buckley <>
* Added AnalysisHandler::commitData() method, to allow the Python
interface to write out a histo file without having to know
anything about the histogramming API.
* Reduced SWIG interface file to just map a subset of Analysis and
AnalysisHandler functionality. This will be the basis for a new
command line interface.
2008-10-06 Andy Buckley <>
* Converted FastJets plugin to use a Boost shared_pointer to the
cached ClusterSequence. The nullness of the pointer is now used to
indicate an empty tracks (and hence jets) set. Once FastJet
natively support empty CSeqs, we can rewrite this a bit more
neatly and ditch the shared_ptr.
2008-10-02 Andy Buckley <>
* The CDF_2004 (Acosta) data file now includes the full range of
pT for the min bias data at both 630 and 1800 GeV. Previously,
only the small low-pT insert plot had been entered into HepData.
2008-09-30 Andy Buckley <>
* Lots of updates to CDF_2004 (Acosta) UE analysis, including
sorting jets by E rather than Et, and factorising transverse cone
code into a function so that it can be called with a random
"leading jet" in min bias mode. Min bias histos are now being
trial-filled just with tracks in the transverse cones, since the
paper is very unclear on this.
* Discovered a serious caching problem in FastJets projection when
an empty tracks vector is passed from the
FinalState. Unfortunately, FastJet provides no API way to solve
the problem, so we'll have to report this upstream. For now, we're
solving this for CDF_2004 by explicitly vetoing events with no
* Added Doxygen to the build with target "dox"
* Moved detection of whether cross-section information is needed
into the AnalysisHandler, with dynamic computation by scanning
contained analyses.
* Improved robustness of event reading to detect properly when the
input file is smaller than expected.
2008-09-29 Hendrik Hoeth <>
* New analysis: CDF_2000_S4155203
2008-09-23 Andy Buckley <>
* rivetgun can now be built and run without AGILe. Based on a
patch by Frank Siegert.
2008-09-23 Hendrik Hoeth <>
* Some preliminary numbers for the CDF_2008_LEADINGJETS analysis
(only transverse region and not all observables. But all we have now.)
2008-09-17 Andy Buckley <>
* Breaking up the mammoth "generate" function, to make Python
mapping easier, among other reasons.
* Added if-zero-return-zero checking to angle mapping functions,
to avoid problems where 1e-19 gets mapped on to 2 pi and then
fails boundary asserts.
* Added HistoHandler singleton class, which will be a central
repository for holding analyses' histogram objects to be accessed
via a user-chosen name.
2008-08-26 Andy Buckley <>
* Allowing rivet-config to return combined flags.
2008-08-14 Andy Buckley <>
* Fixed some g++ 4.3 compilation bugs, including "vector" not
being a valid name for a method which returns a physics vector,
since it clashes with std::vector (which we globally import). Took
the opportunity to rationalise the Jet interface a bit, since
"particle" was used to mean "FourMomentum", and "Particle" types
required a call to "getFullParticle". I removed the "gets" at the
same time, as part of our gradual migration to a coherent naming
2008-08-11 Andy Buckley <>
* Tidying of FastJets and added new data files from HepData.
2008-08-10 James Monk <>
* FastJets now uses user_index property of fastjet::PseudoJet to
reconstruct PID information in jet contents.
2008-08-07 Andy Buckley <>
* Reworking of param file and command line parsing. Tab characters
are now handled by the parser, in a way equivalent to spaces.
2008-08-06 Andy Buckley <>
* Added extra histos and filling to Acosta analysis - all HepData
histos should now be filled, depending on sqrt{s}. Also trialling
use of LaTeX math mode in titles.
2008-08-05 Andy Buckley <>
* More data files for CDF analyses (2 x 2008, 1 x 1994), and moved
the RivetGun AtlasPythia6.params file to more standard
fpythia-atlas.params (and added to the install list).
2008-08-04 Andy Buckley <>
* Reduced size of available options blocks in RivetGun help text
by removing "~" negating variants (which are hardly ever used in
practice) and restricting beam particles to
* Fixed Et sorting in Acosta analysis.
2008-08-01 Andy Buckley <>
* Added AIDA headers to the install list, since
external (plugin-type) analyses need them to be present for
compilation to succeed.
2008-07-29 Andy Buckley <>
* Fixed missing ROOT compile flags for libRivet.
* Added command line repetition to logging.
2008-07-29 Hendrik Hoeth <>
* Included the missing numbers and three more observables
in the CDF_2008_NOTE_9351 analysis.
2008-07-29 Andy Buckley <>
* Fixed wrong flags on rivet-config
2008-07-28 Hendrik Hoeth <>
* Renamed CDF_2008_DRELLYAN to CDF_2008_NOTE_9351. Updated
numbers and cuts to the final version of this CDF note.
2008-07-28 Andy Buckley <>
* Fixed polar angle calcuation to use atan2.
* Added "mk" prefixes and x/setX convention to math classes.
2008-07-28 Hendrik Hoeth <>
* Fixed definition of FourMomentum::pT (it had been returning pT2)
2008-07-27 Andy Buckley <>
* Added better tests for Boost headers.
* Added testing for -ansi, -pedantic and -Wall compiler flags.
2008-07-25 Hendrik Hoeth <>
* updated DELPHI_2002_069_CONF_603 according to information
from the author
2008-07-17 Andy Buckley <>
* Improvements to aida2flat: now can produce one output file per
histo, and there is a -g "gnuplot mode" which comments out the
YODA/make_plot headers to make the format readable by gnuplot.
* Import boost::assign namespace contents into the Rivet namespace
--- provides very useful intuitive collection initialising
2008-07-15 Andy Buckley <>
* Fixed missing namespace in vector/matrix testing.
* Removed Boost headers: now a system dependency.
* Fixed polarRadius infinite loop.
2008-07-09 Andy Buckley <>
* Fixed definitions of mapAngleMPiToPi, etc. and used them to fix
the Jet::getPhi method.
* Trialling use of "foreach" loop in CDF_2004: it works! Very nice.
2008-07-08 Andy Buckley <>
* Removed accidental reference to an "FS" projection in
FinalStateHCM's compare method. rivetgun -A now works again.
* Added TASSO, SLD and D0_2008 reference data. The TASSO and SLD
papers aren't installed or included in the tarball since there are
currently no plans to implement these analyses.
* Added Rivet namespacing to vector, matrix etc. classes. This
required some re-writing and the opportunity was taken to move
some canonical function definitions inside the classes and to
improve the header structure of the Math area.
2008-07-07 Andy Buckley <>
* Added Rivet namespace to Units.hh and Constants.hh.
* Added Doxygen "@brief" flags to analyses.
* Added "RIVET_" namespacing to all header guards.
* Merged Giulio Lenzi's isolation/vetoing/invmass projections and
D0 2008 analysis.
2008-06-23 Jon Butterworth <>
* Modified FastJet to fix ysplit and split and filter.
* Modified ExampleTree to show how to call them.
2008-06-19 Hendrik Hoeth <>
* Added first version of the CDF_2008_DRELLYAN analysis described on
There is a small difference between the analysis and this
implementation, but it's too small to be visible.
The fpythia-cdfdrellyan.params parameter file is for this analysis.
* Added first version of the CDF_2008_MINBIAS analysis described on
The .aida file is read from the plots on the web and will change.
I'm still discussing some open questions about the analysis with
the author.
2008-06-18 Jon Butterworth <>
* Added First versions of splitJet and filterJet methods to Not yet tested, buyer beware.
2008-06-18 Andy Buckley <>
* Added extra sorted Jets and Pseudojets methods to FastJets, and
added ptmin argument to the JetAlg getJets() method, requiring a
change to TrackJet.
2008-06-13 Andy Buckley <>
* Fixed processing of "RG" parameters to ensure that invalid
iterators are never used.
2008-06-10 Andy Buckley <>
* Updated AIDA reference files, changing "/HepData" root path to
"/REF". Still missing a couple of reference files due to upstream
problems with the HepData records.
2008-06-09 Andy Buckley <>
* rivetgun now handles termination signals (SIGTERM, SIGINT and
SIGHUP) gracefully, finishing the event loop and finalising
histograms. This means that histograms will always get written
out, even if not all the requested events have been generated.
2008-06-04 Hendrik Hoeth <>
* Added DELPHI_2002_069_CONF_603 analysis
2008-05-30 Hendrik Hoeth <>
* Added InitialQuarks projection
* Added OPAL_1998_S3780481 analysis
2008-05-29 Andy Buckley <>
* distcheck compatibility fixes and autotools tweaks.
2008-05-28 Andy Buckley <>
* Converted FastJet to use Boost smart_ptr for its plugin
handling, to solve double-delete errors stemming from the heap
cloning of projections.
* Added (a subset of) Boost headers, particularly the smart
2008-05-24 Andy Buckley <>
* Added autopackage spec files.
* Merged these changes into the trunk.
* Added a registerClonedProjection(...) method to
ProjectionHandler: this is needed so that cloned projections will
have valid pointer entries in the ProjectHandler repository.
* Added clone() methods to all projections (need to use this,
since the templated "new PROJ(proj)" approach to cloning can't
handle object polymorphism.
2008-05-19 Andy Buckley <>
* Moved projection-applying functions into ProjectionApplier base
class (from which Projection and Analysis both derive).
* Added Rivet-specific exceptions in place of std::runtime_error.
* Removed unused HepML reference files.
* Added error handling for requested analyses with wrong case
convention / missing name.
2008-05-15 Hendrik Hoeth <>
* New analysis PDG_Hadron_Multiplicities
* flat2aida converter
2008-05-15 Andy Buckley <>
* Removed unused mysterious Perl scripts!
* Added RivetGun.HepMC logging of HepMC event details.
2008-05-14 Hendrik Hoeth <>
* New analysis DELPHI_1995_S3137023. This analysis contains
the xp spectra of Xi+- and Sigma(1385)+-.
2008-05-13 Andy Buckley <>
* Improved logging interface: log levels are now integers (for
cross-library compatibility and level setting also applies to
existing loggers.
2008-05-09 Andy Buckley <>
* Improvements to robustness of ROOT checks.
* Added --version flag on config scripts and rivetgun.
2008-05-06 Hendrik Hoeth <>
* New UnstableFinalState projection which selects all hadrons,
leptons and real photons including unstable particles.
* In the DELPHI_1996_S3430090 analysis the multiplicities for
pi+/pi- and p0 are filled, using the UnstableFinalState projection.
2008-05-06 Andy Buckley <>
* FastJets projection now protects against the case where no
particles exist in the final state (where FastJet throws an
* AIDA file writing is now separated from the
AnalysisHandler::finalize method... API users can choose what to
do with the histo objects, be that writing out or further
2008-04-29 Andy Buckley <>
* Increased default tolerances in floating point comparisons as
they were overly stringent and valid f.p. precision errors were
being treated as significant.
* Implemented remainder of Acosta UE analysis.
* Added proper getEtSum() to Jet.
* Added Et2() member and function to FourMomentum.
* Added aida2flat conversion script.
* Fixed ambiguity in TrackJet algorithm as to how the iteration
continues when tracks are merged into jets in the inner loop.
2008-04-28 Andy Buckley <>
* Merged in major "ProjectionHandler" branch. Projections are now
all stored centrally in the singleton ProjectionHandler container,
rather than as member pointers in projections and analyses. This
also affects the applyProjection mechanism, which is now available
as a templated method on Analysis and Projection. Still a few
wrinkles need to be worked out.
* The branch changes required a comprehensive review of all
existing projections and analyses: lots of tidying up of these
classes, as well as the auxiliary code like math utils, has taken
place. Too much to list and track, unfortunately!
2008-03-28 Andy Buckley <>
* Started second CDF UE analysis ("Acosta"): histograms defined.
* Fixed anomalous factor of 2 in LWH conversion from Profile1D
to DataPointSet.
* Added pT distribution histos to CDF 2001 UE analysis.
2008-03-26 Andy Buckley <>
* Removed charged+neutral versions of histograms and projections
from DELPHI analysis since they just duplicate the more robust
charged-only measurements and aren't really of interest for
2008-03-10 Andy Buckley <>
* Profile histograms now use error computation with proper
weighting, as described here:
2008-02-28 Andy Buckley <>
* Added --enable-jade flag for Professor studies with patched
* Minor fixes to LCG tag generator and gfilt m4 macros.
* Fixed projection slicing issues with Field UE analysis.
* Added Analysis::vetoEvent(e) function, which keeps track of the
correction to the sum of weights due to event vetoing in analysis
2008-02-26 Andy Buckley <>
* Vector<N> and derived classes now initialise to have zeroed
components when the no-arg constructor is used.
* Added Analysis::scale() function to scale 1D
histograms. Analysis::normalize() uses it internally, and the
DELPHI (A)EEC, whose histo weights are not pure event weights, and
normalised using scale(h, 1/sumEventWeights).
2008-02-21 Hendrik Hoeth <>
* Added EEC and AEEC to the DELPHI_1996_S3430090 analysis. The
normalisation of these histograms is still broken (ticket #163).
2008-02-19 Hendrik Hoeth <>
* Many fixes to the DELPHI_1996_S3430090 analysis: bugfix in the
calulation of eigenvalues/eigenvectors in MatrixDiag.hh for the
sphericity, rewrite of Thrust/Major/Minor, fixed scaled momentum,
hemisphere masses, normalisation in single particle events,
final state slicing problems in the projections for Thrust,
Sphericity and Hemispheres.
2008-02-08 Andy Buckley <>
* Applied fixes and extensions to DIS classes, based on
submissions by Dan Traynor.
2008-02-06 Andy Buckley <>
* Made projection pointers used for cut combining into const
pointers. Required some redefinition of the Projection* comparison
* Temporarily added FinalState member to ChargedFinalState to stop
projection lifetime crash.
2008-02-01 Andy Buckley <>
* Fixed another misplaced factor of bin width in the
Analysis::normalize() method.
2008-01-30 Andy Buckley <>
* Fixed the conversion of IHistogram1D to DPS, both via the
explicit Analysis::normalize() method and the implicit
AnalysisHandler::treeNormalize() route. The root of the problem is
the AIDA choice of the word "height" to represent the sum of
weights in a bin: i.e. the bin width is not taken into account
either in computing bin height or error.
2008-01-22 Andy Buckley <>
* Beam projection now uses HepMC GenEvent::beam_particles() method
to get the beam particles. This is more portable and robust for
C++ generators, and equivalent to the existing "first two" method
for Fortran generators.
2008-01-17 Andy Buckley <>
* Added angle range fix to pseudorapidity function (thanks to
Piergiulio Lenzi).
2008-01-10 Andy Buckley <>
* Changed autobooking plot codes to use zero-padding (gets the
order right in JAS, file browser, ROOT etc.). Also changed the
'ds' part to 'd' for consistency. HepData's AIDA output has been
correspondingly updated, as have the bundled data files.
2008-01-04 Andy Buckley <>
* Tidied up JetShape projection a bit, including making the
constructor params const references. This seems to have sorted the
runtime segfault in the CDF_2005 analysis.
* Added caching of the analysis bin edges from the AIDA file -
each analysis object will now only read its reference file once,
which massively speeds up the rivetgun startup time for analyses
with large numbhers of autobooked histos (e.g. the
DELPHI_1996_S3430090 analysis).
2008-01-02 Andy Buckley <>
* CDF_2001_S4751469 now uses the LossyFinalState projection, with
an 8% loss rate.
* Added LossyFinalState and HadronicFinalState, and fixed a
"polarity" bug in the charged final state projection (it was
keeping only the *uncharged* particles).
* Now using isatty(1) to determine whether or not color escapes
can be used. Also removed --color argument, since it can't have an
effect (TCLAP doesn't do position-based flag toggling).
* Made Python extension build optional (and disabled by default).
2008-01-01 Andy Buckley <>
* Removed some unwanted DEBUG statements, and lowered the level of
some infrastructure DEBUGs to TRACE level.
* Added bash color escapes to the logger system.
2007-12-21 Leif Lönnblad <>
* include/LWH/ManagedObject.h: Fixed infinite loop in
encodeForXML cf. ticket #135.
2007-12-20 Andy Buckley <>
* Removed HepPID, HepPDT and Boost dependencies.
* Fixed XML entity encoding in LWH. Updated CDF_2007_S7057202
analysis to not do its own XML encoding of titles.
2007-12-19 Andy Buckley <>
* Changed units header to set GeV = 1 (HepMC convention) and using
units in CDF UE analysis.
2007-12-15 Andy Buckley <>
* Introduced analysis metadata methods for all analyses (and made
them part of the Analysis interface).
2007-12-11 Andy Buckley <>
* Added JetAlg base projection for TrackJet, FastJet etc.
2007-12-06 Andy Buckley <>
* Added checking for Boost library, and the standard Boost test
program for shared_ptr.
* Got basic Python interface running - required some tweaking
since Python and Rivet's uses of dlopen collide (another
RTLD_GLOBAL issue - see )
2007-12-05 Andy Buckley <>
* Replaced all use of KtJets projection with FastJets
projection. KtJets projection disabled but left undeleted for
now. CLHEP and KtJet libraries removed from configure searches and
Makefile flags.
2007-12-04 Andy Buckley <>
* Param file loading now falls back to the share/RivetGun
directory if a local file can't be found and the provided name has
no directory separators in it.
* Converted TrackJet projection to update the jet centroid with
each particle added, using pT weighting in the eta and phi
2007-12-03 Andy Buckley <>
* Merged all command line handling functions into one large parse
function, since only one executable now needs them. This removes a
few awkward memory leaks.
* Removed rivet executable - HepMC file reading functionality will
move into rivetgun.
* Now using HepMC IO_GenEvent format (IO_Ascii and
IO_ExtendedAscii are deprecated). Now requires HepMC >= 2.3.0.
* Added forward declarations of GSL diagonalisation routines,
eliminating need for GSL headers to be installed on build machine.
2007-11-27 Andy Buckley <>
* Removed charge differentiation from Multiplicity projection (use
CFS proj) and updated ExampleAnalysis to produce more useful numbers.
* Introduced binreloc for runtime path determination.
* Fixed several bugs in FinalState, ChargedFinalState, TrackJet
and Field analysis.
* Completed move to new analysis naming scheme.
2007-11-26 Andy Buckley <>
* Removed conditional HAVE_FASTJET bits: FastJet is now compulsory.
* Merging appropriate RivetGun parts into Rivet. RivetGun currently broken.
2007-11-23 Andy Buckley <>
* Renaming analyses to Spires-ID scheme: currently of form
S<SpiresID>, to become <Expt>_<YYYY>_<SpiresID>.
2007-11-20 Andy Buckley <>
* Merged replacement vectors, matrices and boosts into trunk.
2007-11-15 Leif Lönnblad <>
* src/, include/Rivet/Analysis.hh: Introduced normalize
function. See ticket #126.
2007-10-31 Andy Buckley <>
* Tagging as 1.0b2 for HERA-LHC meeting.
2007-10-25 Andy Buckley <>
* Added AxesDefinition base interface to Sphericity and Thrust,
used by Hemispheres.
* Exposed BinaryCut class, improved its interface and fixed a few
bugs. It's now used by VetoedFinalState for momentum cuts.
* Removed extra output from autobooking AIDA reader.
* Added automatic DPS booking.
2007-10-12 Andy Buckley <>
* Improved a few features of the build system
2007-10-09 James Monk
* Fixed dylib dlopen on Mac OS X.
2007-10-05 Andy Buckley <>
* Added new reference files.
2007-10-03 Andy Buckley <>
* Fixed bug in which led to explicit CXX setting
being ignored.
* Including Logging.hh in Projection.hh, hence new transitive
dependency on Logging.hh being installed. Since this is the normal
behaviour, I don't think this is a problem.
* Fixed segfaulting bug due to use of addProjection() in
locally-scoped contained projections. This isn't a proper fix,
since the whole framework should be designed to avoid the
possibility of bugs like this.
* Added newly built HepML and AIDA reference files for current
2007-10-02 Andy Buckley <>
* Fixed possible null-pointer dereference in Particle copy
constructor and copy assignment: this removes one of two blocker
segfaults, the other of which is related to the copy-assignment of
the TotalVisMomentum projection in the ExampleTree analysis.
2007-10-01 Andy Buckley <>
* Fixed portable path to Rivet share directory.
2007-09-28 Andy Buckley <>
* Added more functionality to the rivet-config script: now has
libdir, includedir, cppflags, ldflags and ldlibs options.
2007-09-26 Andy Buckley <>
* Added the analysis library closer function to the
AnalysisHandler finalize() method, and also moved the analysis
delete loop into AnalysisHandler::finalize() so as not to try
deleting objects whose libraries have already closed.
* Replaced the method for portable paths with
something using -D defines - much simpler!
2007-09-21 Lars Sonnenschein <>
* Added HepEx0505013 analysis and JetShape projection (some fixes
by AB.)
* Added GetLorentzJets member function to D0 RunII cone jet projection
2007-09-21 Andy Buckley <>
* Fixed lots if bugs and bad practice in HepEx0505013 (to make it
* Downclassed the log messages from the Test analysis to DEBUG
* Added isEmpty() method to final state projection.
* Added testing for empty final state and useful debug log
messages to sphericity projection.
2007-09-20 Andy Buckley <>
* Added Hemispheres projection, which calculates event hemisphere
masses and broadenings.
2007-09-19 Andy Buckley <>
* Added an explicit copy assignment operator to Particle: the
absence of one of these was responsible for the double-delete
* Added a "fuzzy equals" utility function for float/double types
to Utils.hh (which already contains a variety of handy little
* Removed deprecated Beam::operator().
* Added ChargedFinalState projection and de-pointered the
contained FinalState projection in VetoedFinalState.
2007-09-18 Andy Buckley <>
* Major bug fixes to the regularised version of the sphericity
projection (and hence the Parisi tensor projection). Don't trust
C & D param results from any previous version!
* Added extra methods to thrust and sphericity projections to get
the oblateness and the sphericity basis (currently returns dummy
axes since I can't yet work out how to get the similarity
transform eigenvectors from CLHEP)
2007-09-14 Andy Buckley <>
* Merged in a branch of pluggable analysis mechanisms.
2007-06-25 Jon Butterworth <>
* Fixed some bugs in the root output for DataPoint.h
2007-06-25 Andy Buckley <>
* include/Rivet/**/ No longer installing headers for
"internal" functionality.
* include/Rivet/Projections/*.hh: Removed the private restrictions
on copy-assignment operators.
2007-06-18 Leif Lönnblad <>
* include/LWH/Tree.h: Fixed minor bug in listObjectNames.
* include/LWH/DataPointSet.h: Fixed setCoordinate functions so
that they resize the vector of DataPoints if it initially was
* include/LWH/DataPoint.h: Added constructor taking a vector of
2007-06-16 Leif Lönnblad <>
* include/LWH/Tree.h: Implemented the listObjectNames and ls
* include/Rivet/Projections/FinalStateHCM.hh,
include/Rivet/Projections/VetoedFinalState.hh: removed
_theParticles and corresponding access function. Use base class
variable instead.
* include/Rivet/Projections/FinalState.hh: Made _theParticles
2007-06-13 Leif Lönnblad <>
* src/Projections/,
src/Projections/ Equality checks using
GenParticle::operator== changed to check for pointer equality.
* include/Rivet/Analysis/HepEx9506012.hh: Uses modified DISLepton
* include/Rivet/Particle.hh: Added member function to check if a
GenParticle is associated.
* include/Rivet/Projections/DISLepton.hh,
src/Projections/ Fixed bug in projection. Introduced
final state projection to limit searching for scattered
lepton. Still not properly tested.
2007-06-08 Leif Lönnblad <>
* include/Rivet/Projections/PVertex.hh,
src/Projections/ Fixed the projection to simply get the
signal_process_vertex from the GenEvent. This is the way it should
work. If the GenEvent does not have a signal_process_vertex
properly set up in this way, the problem is with the class that
fills the GenEvent.
2007-06-06 Jon Butterworth <>
* Merged TotalVisibleMomentum and CalMET
* Added pT ranges to Vetoed final state projection
2007-05-27 Jon Butterworth <>
* Fixed initialization of VetoedFinalStateProjection in ExampleTree
2007-05-27 Leif Lönnblad <>
* include/Rivet/Projections/KtJets.*: Make sure the KtEvent is
deleted properly.
2007-05-26 Jon Butterworth <>
* Added leptons to the ExampleTree.
* Added TotalVisibleEnergy projection, and added output to ExampleTree.
2007-05-25 Jon Butterworth <>
* Added a charged lepton projection
2007-05-23 Andy Buckley <>
* src/Analysis/ Changed range of the histograms to
the "pi" range rather than the "128" range.
* src/Analysis/ Fixed a bug in the AIDA path building.
Histogram auto-booking now works.
2007-05-23 Leif Lönnblad <>
* src/Analysis/ Now uses the histogram booking
function in the Analysis class.
2007-05-23 Jon Butterworth <>
* Fixed bug in PRD65092002 (was failing on zero jets)
2007-05-23 Andy Buckley <>
* Added (but haven't properly tested) a VetoedFinalState projection.
* Added normalize() method for AIDA 1D histograms.
* Added configure checking for Mac OS X version, and setting the
development target flag accordingly.
2007-05-22 Andy Buckley <>
* Added an ostream method for AnalysisName enums.
* Converted Analyses and Projections to use projection lists, cuts
and beam constraints.
* Added beam pair combining to the BeamPair sets of Projections
by finding set meta-intersections.
* Added methods to Cuts, Analysis and Projection to make Cut
definition easier.
* Fixed default fall-through in cut handling switch statement and
now using -numeric_limits<double>::max() rather than min()
* Added more control of logging presentation via static flag
methods on Log.
2007-05-13 Andy Buckley <>
* Added self-consistency checking mechanisms for Cuts and Beam
* Re-implemented the cut-handling part of RivetInfo as a Cuts class.
* Changed names of Analysis and Projection name() and handler()
methods to getName() and getHandler() to be more consistent with
the rest of the public method names in those classes.
2007-05-02 Andy Buckley <>
* Added auto-booking of histogram bins from AIDA XML files. The
AIDA files are located via a C++ function which is generated from by running configure.
2007-04-18 Andy Buckley <>
* Added a preliminary version of the Rick Field UE analysis, under
the name PRD65092002.
2007-04-19 Leif Lönnblad <>
* src/Analysis/ The reason this did not compile
under gcc-4 is that some iterators into a vector were wrongly
assued to be pointers and were initialized to 0 and later compared
to 0. I've changed this to initialize to end() of the
corresponding vector and to compare with the same end() later.
2007-04-05 Andy Buckley <>
* Lots of name changes in anticipation of the MCNet
school. RivetHandler is now AnalysisHandler (since that's what it
does!), BeamParticle has become ParticleName, and RivetInfo has
been split into Cut and BeamConstraint portions.
* Added BeamConstraint mechanism, which can be used to determine
if an analysis is compatible with the beams being used in the
generator. The ParticleName includes an "ANY" wildcard for this
2006-03-19 Andy Buckley <>
* Added "rivet" executable which can read in HepMC ASCII dump
files and apply Rivet analyses on the events.
2007-02-24 Leif Lönnblad <>
* src/Projections/ Added comparison of member variables
in compare() function
* all: Merged changes from polymorphic-projections branch into
2007-02-17 Leif Lönnblad <>
* all: projections and analysis handlers: All projections which
uses other projctions now has a pointer rather than a copy of
those projections to allow for polymorphism. The constructors has
also been changed to require the used projections themselves,
rather than the arguments needed to construct them.
2007-02-17 Leif Lönnblad <>
* src/Projections/,
include/Rivet/Projections/FinalState.icc (Rivet),
include/Rivet/Projections/FinalState.hh: Added cut in transverse
momentum on the particles to be included in the final state.
2007-02-06 Leif Lönnblad <>
* include/LWH/HistogramFactory.h: Fixed divide-by-zero in divide
function. Also fixed bug in error calculation in divide
function. Introduced checkBin function to make sure two histograms
are equal even if they have variable bin widths.
* include/LWH/Histogram1D.h: In normalize(double), do not do anything
if the sum of the bins are zero to avoid dividing by zero.
2007-01-20 Leif Lönnblad <>
* src/Test/ Modified to output files using the Tree.
* Removed AC_CONFIG_AUX_DIR([include/Rivet/Config])
since the directory does not exist anymore.
2006-12-21 Andy Buckley <>
* Rivet will now conditionally install the AIDA and LWH headers if
it can't find them when configure'ing.
* Started integrating Leif's LWH package to fulfill the AIDA
* Replaced multitude of CLHEP wrapper headers with a single
RivetCLHEP.h header.
2006-11-20 Andy Buckley <>
* Introduced log4cpp logging.
* Added analysis enum, which can be used as input to an analysis
factory by Rivet users.
2006-11-02 Andy Buckley <>
* Yet more, almost pointless, administrative moving around of
things with the intention of making the structure a bit
* The RivetInfo and RivetHandler classes have been
moved from src/Analysis into src as they are really the main Rivet
interface classes. The Rivet.h header has also been moved into the
"header root".
* The build of a single shared library in lib has been disabled,
with the library being built instead in src.
2006-10-14 Andy Buckley <>
* Introduced a minimal subset of the Sherpa math tools, such as
Vector{3,4}D, Matrix, etc. The intention is to eventually cut the
dependency on CLHEP.
2006-07-28 Andy Buckley <>
* Moving things around: all sources now in directories under src
2006-06-04 Leif Lönnblad <>
* Analysis/Examples/HZ95108.*: Now uses CentralEtHCM. Also set GeV
units on the relevant histograms.
* Projections/CentralEtHCM.*: Making a special class just to get
out one number - the summed Et in the central rapidity bin - may
seem like an overkill. But in case some one else might nees it...
2006-06-03 Leif Lönnblad <>
* Analysis/Examples/HZ95108.*: Added the hz95108 energy flow
analysis from HZtool.
* Projections/DISLepton.*: Since many HERA measurements do not
care if we have electron or positron beam, it is now possible to
specify lepton or anti-lepton.
* Projections/Event.*: Added member and access function for the
weight of an event (taken from the GenEvent object.weights()[0].
* Analysis/RivetHandler.*: Now depends explicitly on the AIDA
interface. An AIDA analysis factory must be specified in the
constructor, where a tree and histogram factory is automatically
created. Added access functions to the relevant AIDA objects.
* Analysis/AnalysisBase.*: Added access to the RivetHandler and
its AIDA factories.
2005-12-27 Leif Lönnblad <>
* Added -I$THEPEGPATH/include to AM_CPPFLAGS.
* Config/Rivet.h: Added some std incudes and using std::
* Analysis/RivetInfo.*: Fixed some bugs. The RivetInfo facility
now works, although it has not been thoroughly tested.
* Analysis/Examples/TestMultiplicity.*: Re-introduced
FinalStateHCM for testing purposes but commented it away again.
* .: Made a number of changes to implement handling of RivetInfo

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