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#include <cassert>
#include <vector>
#include <stdexcept>
#include <algorithm>
namespace npstat {
namespace Private {
template <class SomePoly1D, class Functor>
class ClassOrthoPolyHlp : public Functor1<long double, long double>
inline ClassOrthoPolyHlp(const SomePoly1D& p,
const Functor& f, const unsigned d1)
: poly(p), fcn(f), deg(d1) {}
inline long double operator()(const long double& x) const
{return fcn(x)*poly.poly(deg, x)*poly.weight(x);}
const SomePoly1D& poly;
const Functor& fcn;
unsigned deg;
template <class Functor, class Quadrature>
void AbsClassicalOrthoPoly1D::calculateCoeffs(
const Functor& fcn, const Quadrature& quad,
double *coeffs, const unsigned maxdeg) const
const double a = xmin();
const double b = xmax();
for (unsigned i=0; i<=maxdeg; ++i)
func(*this, fcn, i);
coeffs[i] = quad.integrate(func, a, b);
template <class Quadrature>
double AbsClassicalOrthoPoly1D::empiricalKroneckerDelta(
const Quadrature& quad, const unsigned deg1, const unsigned deg2) const
ProdFcn fcn(*this, deg1, deg2);
return quad.integrate(fcn, xmin(), xmax());
template <class Quadrature>
double AbsClassicalOrthoPoly1D::directQuadrature(
const Quadrature& quad, const unsigned deg1, const unsigned deg2,
const unsigned deg3, const unsigned deg4) const
unsigned degs[4];
unsigned nDegs = 0;
if (deg1)
degs[nDegs++] = deg1;
if (deg2)
degs[nDegs++] = deg2;
if (deg3)
degs[nDegs++] = deg3;
if (deg4)
degs[nDegs++] = deg4;
return directQuadrature(quad, degs, nDegs, true);
template <class Quadrature>
double AbsClassicalOrthoPoly1D::directQuadrature(
const Quadrature& quad, const unsigned* degrees,
const unsigned nDegrees, const bool checkedForZeros) const
if (nDegrees)
if (!checkedForZeros)
bool allNonZero = true;
for (unsigned ideg=0; ideg<nDegrees && allNonZero; ++ideg)
allNonZero = degrees[ideg];
if (!allNonZero)
unsigned degBuf[256];
if (nDegrees - 1U <= sizeof(degBuf)/sizeof(degBuf[0]))
unsigned nonZeroDegs = 0;
for (unsigned ideg=0; ideg<nDegrees; ++ideg)
if (degrees[ideg])
degBuf[nonZeroDegs++] = degrees[ideg];
return directQuadrature(quad, degBuf, nonZeroDegs, true);
MultiProdFcn fcn(*this, degrees, nDegrees, false);
return quad.integrate(fcn);
ConstValue1<double,double> one(1.0);
return quad.integrate(one);
template <class Quadrature>
double AbsClassicalOrthoPoly1D::jointAverage(
const Quadrature& quad, const unsigned deg1, const unsigned deg2,
const unsigned deg3, const unsigned deg4) const
unsigned degs[4];
unsigned nDegs = 0;
if (deg1)
degs[nDegs++] = deg1;
if (deg2)
degs[nDegs++] = deg2;
if (deg3)
degs[nDegs++] = deg3;
if (deg4)
degs[nDegs++] = deg4;
return jointAverage(quad, degs, nDegs, true);
template <class Quadrature>
double AbsClassicalOrthoPoly1D::jointAverage(
const Quadrature& quad, const unsigned* degrees,
const unsigned nDegrees, const bool checkedForZeros) const
if (nDegrees)
if (nDegrees == 1U)
return kdelta(degrees[0], 0U);
if (nDegrees == 2U)
return kdelta(degrees[0], degrees[1]);
if (!checkedForZeros)
bool allNonZero = true;
for (unsigned ideg=0; ideg<nDegrees && allNonZero; ++ideg)
allNonZero = degrees[ideg];
if (!allNonZero)
unsigned degBuf[256];
if (nDegrees - 1U <= sizeof(degBuf)/sizeof(degBuf[0]))
unsigned nonZeroDegs = 0;
for (unsigned ideg=0; ideg<nDegrees; ++ideg)
if (degrees[ideg])
degBuf[nonZeroDegs++] = degrees[ideg];
return jointAverage(quad, degBuf, nonZeroDegs, true);
MultiProdFcn fcn(*this, degrees, nDegrees);
return quad.integrate(fcn, xmin(), xmax());
return 1.0;
template <class Numeric>
Matrix<double> AbsClassicalOrthoPoly1D::sampleProductAverages(
const Numeric* coords, const unsigned long lenCoords,
const unsigned maxdeg) const
if (!lenCoords) throw std::invalid_argument(
"In npstat::AbsClassicalOrthoPoly1D::sampleProductAverages:"
" empty sample");
const unsigned long nsums = (maxdeg + 1)*(unsigned long)(maxdeg + 2)/2;
std::vector<long double> membuf(nsums + (maxdeg + 1U), 0.0L);
long double* poly = &membuf[0];
long double* sums = poly + (maxdeg + 1U);
for (unsigned long i=0; i<lenCoords; ++i)
allpoly(coords[i], poly, maxdeg);
unsigned long isum = 0;
for (unsigned k=0; k<=maxdeg; ++k)
for (unsigned j=0; j<=k; ++j, ++isum)
sums[isum] += poly[k]*poly[j];
Matrix<double> mat(maxdeg + 1U, maxdeg + 1U);
unsigned long isum = 0;
for (unsigned k=0; k<=maxdeg; ++k)
for (unsigned j=0; j<=k; ++j, ++isum)
const double v = sums[isum]/lenCoords;
mat[k][j] = v;
if (j != k)
mat[j][k] = v;
return mat;
template <class Functor>
void AbsClassicalOrthoPoly1D::extWeightAverages(
const Functor& fcn,
const AbsIntervalQuadrature1D& quad,
double* averages, const unsigned maxdeg) const
const unsigned nInteg = quad.npoints();
const unsigned nsums = maxdeg + 1;
std::vector<long double> membuf(nsums + (maxdeg + 1U) + 2U*nInteg, 0.0L);
long double* poly = &membuf[0];
long double* sums = poly + (maxdeg + 1U);
long double* absc = sums + nsums;
long double* weights = absc + nInteg;
quad.getAllAbscissae(absc, nInteg);
quad.getAllWeights(weights, nInteg);
const long double midpoint = (static_cast<long double>(xmin()) + xmax())/2.0L;
const long double unit = (static_cast<long double>(xmax()) - xmin())/2.0L;
for (unsigned long i=0; i<nInteg; ++i)
const long double x = midpoint + absc[i]*unit;
const long double w = fcn(x)*weights[i]*unit;
allpoly(x, poly, maxdeg);
for (unsigned k=0; k<=maxdeg; ++k)
sums[k] += poly[k]*w;
for (unsigned k=0; k<=maxdeg; ++k)
averages[k] = sums[k];
template <class Functor>
Matrix<double> AbsClassicalOrthoPoly1D::extWeightProductAverages(
const Functor& fcn, const AbsIntervalQuadrature1D& quad,
const unsigned maxdeg) const
const unsigned nInteg = quad.npoints();
const unsigned long nsums = (maxdeg + 1)*(unsigned long)(maxdeg + 2)/2;
std::vector<long double> membuf(nsums + (maxdeg + 1U) + 2U*nInteg, 0.0L);
long double* poly = &membuf[0];
long double* sums = poly + (maxdeg + 1U);
long double* absc = sums + nsums;
long double* weights = absc + nInteg;
quad.getAllAbscissae(absc, nInteg);
quad.getAllWeights(weights, nInteg);
const long double midpoint = (static_cast<long double>(xmin()) + xmax())/2.0L;
const long double unit = (static_cast<long double>(xmax()) - xmin())/2.0L;
for (unsigned long i=0; i<nInteg; ++i)
const long double x = midpoint + absc[i]*unit;
const long double w = fcn(x)*weights[i]*unit;
allpoly(x, poly, maxdeg);
unsigned long isum = 0;
for (unsigned k=0; k<=maxdeg; ++k)
for (unsigned j=0; j<=k; ++j, ++isum)
sums[isum] += poly[k]*poly[j]*w;
Matrix<double> mat(maxdeg + 1U, maxdeg + 1U);
unsigned long isum = 0;
for (unsigned k=0; k<=maxdeg; ++k)
for (unsigned j=0; j<=k; ++j, ++isum)
const double v = sums[isum];
mat[k][j] = v;
if (j != k)
mat[j][k] = v;
return mat;
template <class Numeric>
void AbsClassicalOrthoPoly1D::sampleAverages(
const Numeric* coords, const unsigned long lenCoords,
double *averages, const unsigned maxdeg) const
if (!lenCoords) throw std::invalid_argument(
"In npstat::AbsClassicalOrthoPoly1D::sampleAverages: empty sample");
std::vector<long double> membuf(2U*(maxdeg + 1U), 0.0L);
long double* poly = &membuf[0];
long double* sums = poly + (maxdeg + 1U);
for (unsigned long i=0; i<lenCoords; ++i)
allpoly(coords[i], poly, maxdeg);
for (unsigned k=0; k<=maxdeg; ++k)
sums[k] += poly[k];
const long double ldsz = lenCoords;
for (unsigned k=0; k<=maxdeg; ++k)
averages[k] = sums[k]/ldsz;
template <class Numeric>
void AbsClassicalOrthoPoly1D::sampleCoeffs(
const Numeric* coords, const unsigned long lenCoords,
const Numeric location, const Numeric scale,
double *coeffs, const unsigned maxdeg) const
if (!lenCoords) throw std::invalid_argument(
"In npstat::AbsClassicalOrthoPoly1D::sampleCoeffs: empty sample");
const Numeric zero = Numeric();
if (scale == zero) throw std::invalid_argument(
"In npstat::AbsClassicalOrthoPoly1D::sampleCoeffs: zero scale");
std::vector<long double> membuf(2U*(maxdeg + 1U), 0.0L);
long double* poly = &membuf[0];
long double* sums = poly + (maxdeg + 1U);
for (unsigned long i=0; i<lenCoords; ++i)
const long double x = (coords[i] - location)/scale;
const long double w = weight(x);
allpoly(x, poly, maxdeg);
for (unsigned k=0; k<=maxdeg; ++k)
sums[k] += poly[k]*w;
for (unsigned k=0; k<=maxdeg; ++k)
coeffs[k] = sums[k]/scale/lenCoords;
template <class Numeric>
void AbsClassicalOrthoPoly1D::sampleCoeffVars(
const Numeric* coords, const unsigned long lenCoords,
const Numeric location, const Numeric scale,
const double *coeffs, const unsigned maxdeg,
double *variances) const
if (lenCoords < 2UL) throw std::invalid_argument(
"In npstat::AbsClassicalOrthoPoly1D::sampleCoeffVars: "
"insufficient sample size");
const Numeric zero = Numeric();
if (scale == zero) throw std::invalid_argument(
"In npstat::AbsClassicalOrthoPoly1D::sampleCoeffVars: zero scale");
std::vector<long double> membuf(2U*(maxdeg + 1U), 0.0L);
long double* poly = &membuf[0];
long double* sums = poly + (maxdeg + 1U);
for (unsigned long i=0; i<lenCoords; ++i)
const long double x = (coords[i] - location)/scale;
const long double w = weight(x)/scale;
allpoly(x, poly, maxdeg);
for (unsigned k=0; k<=maxdeg; ++k)
const long double delta = poly[k]*w - coeffs[k];
sums[k] += delta*delta;
long double lm1 = lenCoords - 1UL;
lm1 *= lenCoords;
for (unsigned k=0; k<=maxdeg; ++k)
variances[k] = sums[k]/lm1;
template <class Numeric>
const Numeric* coords, const unsigned long lenCoords,
const Numeric location, const Numeric scale,
const double *coeffs, const unsigned maxdeg) const
if (lenCoords < 2UL) throw std::invalid_argument(
"In npstat::AbsClassicalOrthoPoly1D::sampleCoeffCovariance: "
"insufficient sample size");
const Numeric zero = Numeric();
if (scale == zero) throw std::invalid_argument(
"In npstat::AbsClassicalOrthoPoly1D::sampleCoeffCovariance: "
"zero scale");
std::vector<long double> membuf(maxdeg + 1U, 0.0L);
long double* poly = &membuf[0];
npstat::Matrix<long double> sums(maxdeg + 1U, maxdeg + 1U, 0);
for (unsigned long i=0; i<lenCoords; ++i)
const long double x = (coords[i] - location)/scale;
const long double w = weight(x)/scale;
allpoly(x, poly, maxdeg);
for (unsigned k=0; k<=maxdeg; ++k)
const long double deltak = poly[k]*w - coeffs[k];
long double* tmp = sums[k];
for (unsigned m=0; m<=k; ++m)
const long double deltam = poly[m]*w - coeffs[m];
tmp[m] += deltak*deltam;
for (unsigned k=0; k<=maxdeg; ++k)
for (unsigned m=k+1; m<=maxdeg; ++m)
sums[k][m] = sums[m][k];
long double lm1 = lenCoords - 1UL;
lm1 *= lenCoords;
sums /= lm1;
return sums;
template <class Numeric>
void AbsClassicalOrthoPoly1D::sampleCoeffs(
const Numeric* coords, const unsigned long lenCoords,
double *coeffs, const unsigned maxdeg) const
const Numeric zero = Numeric();
const Numeric one = static_cast<Numeric>(1);
sampleCoeffs(coords, lenCoords, zero, one, coeffs, maxdeg);
template <class Numeric>
void AbsClassicalOrthoPoly1D::sampleCoeffVars(
const Numeric* coords, const unsigned long lenCoords,
const double *coeffs, const unsigned maxdeg,
double *variances) const
const Numeric zero = Numeric();
const Numeric one = static_cast<Numeric>(1);
sampleCoeffVars(coords, lenCoords, zero, one,
coeffs, maxdeg, variances);
template <class Numeric>
const Numeric* coords, unsigned long lenCoords,
const double* coeffs, unsigned maxdeg) const
const Numeric zero = Numeric();
const Numeric one = static_cast<Numeric>(1);
return sampleCoeffCovariance(coords, lenCoords, zero,
one, coeffs, maxdeg);
template <class Pair>
void AbsClassicalOrthoPoly1D::weightedSampleCoeffs(
const Pair* points, const unsigned long numPoints,
const typename Pair::first_type location,
const typename Pair::first_type scale,
double *coeffs, const unsigned maxdeg) const
typedef typename Pair::first_type Numeric;
if (!numPoints) throw std::invalid_argument(
"In npstat::AbsClassicalOrthoPoly1D::weightedSampleCoeffs: "
"empty sample");
const Numeric zero = Numeric();
if (scale == zero) throw std::invalid_argument(
"In npstat::AbsClassicalOrthoPoly1D::weightedSampleCoeffs: "
"zero scale");
std::vector<long double> membuf(2U*(maxdeg + 1U), 0.0L);
long double* poly = &membuf[0];
long double* sums = poly + (maxdeg + 1U);
long double wsum = 0.0L;
for (unsigned long i=0; i<numPoints; ++i)
const long double ptw = points[i].second;
if (ptw < 0.0L) throw std::invalid_argument(
"In npstat::AbsClassicalOrthoPoly1D::weightedSampleCoeffs: "
"all weights must be non-negative");
wsum += ptw;
const long double x = (points[i].first - location)/scale;
const long double w = weight(x);
allpoly(x, poly, maxdeg);
for (unsigned k=0; k<=maxdeg; ++k)
sums[k] += poly[k]*w*ptw;
if (wsum == 0.0L) throw std::invalid_argument(
"In npstat::AbsClassicalOrthoPoly1D::weightedSampleCoeffs: "
"at least one weight must be positive");
for (unsigned k=0; k<=maxdeg; ++k)
coeffs[k] = sums[k]/wsum/scale;
template <class Pair>
void AbsClassicalOrthoPoly1D::weightedPointsAverages(
const Pair* points, const unsigned long numPoints,
double *averages, const unsigned maxdeg) const
if (!numPoints) throw std::invalid_argument(
"In npstat::AbsClassicalOrthoPoly1D::weightedPointsAverages: "
"empty sample");
std::vector<long double> membuf(2U*(maxdeg + 1U), 0.0L);
long double* poly = &membuf[0];
long double* sums = poly + (maxdeg + 1U);
long double wsum = 0.0L;
for (unsigned long i=0; i<numPoints; ++i)
const long double ptw = points[i].second;
if (ptw < 0.0L) throw std::invalid_argument(
"In npstat::AbsClassicalOrthoPoly1D::weightedPointsAverages: "
"all weights must be non-negative");
wsum += ptw;
allpoly(points[i].first, poly, maxdeg);
for (unsigned k=0; k<=maxdeg; ++k)
sums[k] += poly[k]*ptw;
if (wsum == 0.0L) throw std::invalid_argument(
"In npstat::AbsClassicalOrthoPoly1D::weightedPointsAverages: "
"at least one weight must be positive");
for (unsigned k=0; k<=maxdeg; ++k)
averages[k] = sums[k]/wsum;
template <class Pair>
void AbsClassicalOrthoPoly1D::weightedSampleCoeffVars(
const Pair* points, const unsigned long numPoints,
typename Pair::first_type location,
typename Pair::first_type scale,
const double *coeffs, const unsigned maxdeg,
double *variances) const
typedef typename Pair::first_type Numeric;
if (numPoints < 2UL) throw std::invalid_argument(
"In npstat::AbsClassicalOrthoPoly1D::weightedSampleCoeffVars: "
"insufficient sample size");
const Numeric zero = Numeric();
if (scale == zero) throw std::invalid_argument(
"In npstat::AbsClassicalOrthoPoly1D::weightedSampleCoeffVars: "
"zero scale");
std::vector<long double> membuf(2U*(maxdeg + 1U), 0.0L);
long double* poly = &membuf[0];
long double* sums = poly + (maxdeg + 1U);
long double wsum = 0.0L, wsqsum = 0.0L;
for (unsigned long i=0; i<numPoints; ++i)
const long double ptw = points[i].second;
if (ptw < 0.0L) throw std::invalid_argument(
"In npstat::AbsClassicalOrthoPoly1D::weightedSampleCoeffVars: "
"all weights must be non-negative");
wsum += ptw;
wsqsum += ptw*ptw;
const long double x = (points[i].first - location)/scale;
const long double w = weight(x)/scale;
allpoly(x, poly, maxdeg);
for (unsigned k=0; k<=maxdeg; ++k)
const long double delta = poly[k]*w - coeffs[k];
sums[k] += delta*delta*ptw;
if (wsum == 0.0L) throw std::invalid_argument(
"In npstat::AbsClassicalOrthoPoly1D::weightedSampleCoeffVars: "
"at least one weight must be positive");
long double lm1 = wsum*wsum/wsqsum - 1.0L;
if (lm1 <= 0.0L) throw std::invalid_argument(
"In npstat::AbsClassicalOrthoPoly1D::weightedSampleCoeffVars: "
"insufficient effective sample size");
lm1 *= wsum;
for (unsigned k=0; k<=maxdeg; ++k)
variances[k] = sums[k]/lm1;
template <class Pair>
const Pair* points, const unsigned long numPoints,
typename Pair::first_type location,
typename Pair::first_type scale,
const double *coeffs, const unsigned maxdeg) const
typedef typename Pair::first_type Numeric;
if (numPoints < 2UL) throw std::invalid_argument(
"In npstat::AbsClassicalOrthoPoly1D::weightedSampleCoeffCovariance: "
"insufficient sample size");
const Numeric zero = Numeric();
if (scale == zero) throw std::invalid_argument(
"In npstat::AbsClassicalOrthoPoly1D::weightedSampleCoeffCovariance: "
"zero scale");
std::vector<long double> membuf(maxdeg + 1U, 0.0L);
long double* poly = &membuf[0];
npstat::Matrix<long double> sums(maxdeg + 1U, maxdeg + 1U, 0);
long double wsum = 0.0L, wsqsum = 0.0L;
for (unsigned long i=0; i<numPoints; ++i)
const long double ptw = points[i].second;
if (ptw < 0.0L) throw std::invalid_argument(
"In npstat::AbsClassicalOrthoPoly1D::weightedSampleCoeffCovariance: "
"all weights must be non-negative");
wsum += ptw;
wsqsum += ptw*ptw;
const long double x = (points[i].first - location)/scale;
const long double w = weight(x)/scale;
allpoly(x, poly, maxdeg);
for (unsigned k=0; k<=maxdeg; ++k)
const long double deltak = poly[k]*w - coeffs[k];
long double* tmp = sums[k];
for (unsigned m=0; m<=k; ++m)
const long double deltam = poly[m]*w - coeffs[m];
tmp[m] += deltak*deltam*ptw;;
if (wsum == 0.0L) throw std::invalid_argument(
"In npstat::AbsClassicalOrthoPoly1D::weightedSampleCoeffCovariance: "
"at least one weight must be positive");
long double lm1 = wsum*wsum/wsqsum - 1.0L;
if (lm1 <= 0.0L) throw std::invalid_argument(
"In npstat::AbsClassicalOrthoPoly1D::weightedSampleCoeffCovariance: "
"insufficient effective sample size");
lm1 *= wsum;
for (unsigned k=0; k<=maxdeg; ++k)
for (unsigned m=k+1; m<=maxdeg; ++m)
sums[k][m] = sums[m][k];
sums /= lm1;
return sums;
template <class Pair>
void AbsClassicalOrthoPoly1D::weightedSampleCoeffs(
const Pair* points, const unsigned long numPoints,
double *coeffs, const unsigned maxdeg) const
typedef typename Pair::first_type Numeric;
const Numeric zero = Numeric();
const Numeric one = static_cast<Numeric>(1);
weightedSampleCoeffs(points, numPoints, zero, one, coeffs, maxdeg);
template <class Pair>
void AbsClassicalOrthoPoly1D::weightedSampleCoeffVars(
const Pair* points, const unsigned long nPoints,
const double *coeffs, const unsigned maxdeg,
double *variances) const
typedef typename Pair::first_type Numeric;
const Numeric zero = Numeric();
const Numeric one = static_cast<Numeric>(1);
weightedSampleCoeffVars(points, nPoints, zero, one,
coeffs, maxdeg, variances);
template <class Pair>
const Pair* points, unsigned long nPoints,
const double* coeffs, unsigned maxdeg) const
typedef typename Pair::first_type Numeric;
const Numeric zero = Numeric();
const Numeric one = static_cast<Numeric>(1);
return weightedSampleCoeffCovariance(points, nPoints, zero,
one, coeffs, maxdeg);
template <class Numeric>
double AbsClassicalOrthoPoly1D::jointSampleAverage(
const Numeric* coords, const unsigned long lenCoords,
const unsigned* degrees, const unsigned lenDegrees) const
if (!lenCoords) throw std::invalid_argument(
"In npstat::AbsClassicalOrthoPoly1D::jointSampleAverage: "
"empty sample");
if (lenDegrees)
const unsigned maxdeg = *std::max_element(degrees, degrees+lenDegrees);
std::vector<long double> membuf(maxdeg + 1U, 0.0L);
long double* poly = &membuf[0];
long double sum = 0.0L;
for (unsigned long i=0; i<lenCoords; ++i)
allpoly(coords[i], poly, maxdeg);
long double prod = 1.0L;
for (unsigned k=0; k<lenDegrees; ++k)
prod *= poly[degrees[k]];
sum += prod;
return sum/lenCoords;
return 1.0;
template <class Numeric>
std::pair<double, double> AbsClassicalOrthoPoly1D::twoJointSampleAverages(
const Numeric* coords, const unsigned long lenCoords,
const unsigned* degrees1, const unsigned lenDegrees1,
const unsigned* degrees2, const unsigned lenDegrees2) const
if (!lenCoords) throw std::invalid_argument(
"In npstat::AbsClassicalOrthoPoly1D::twoJointSampleAverages: empty sample");
unsigned maxdeg1 = 0, maxdeg2 = 0;
if (lenDegrees1)
maxdeg1 = *std::max_element(degrees1, degrees1+lenDegrees1);
if (lenDegrees2)
maxdeg2 = *std::max_element(degrees2, degrees2+lenDegrees2);
const unsigned maxdeg = std::max(maxdeg1, maxdeg2);
if (lenDegrees1 || lenDegrees2)
std::vector<long double> membuf(maxdeg + 1U, 0.0L);
long double* poly = &membuf[0];
long double sum1 = 0.0L, sum2 = 0.0L;
for (unsigned long i=0; i<lenCoords; ++i)
allpoly(coords[i], poly, maxdeg);
long double prod1 = 1.0L;
for (unsigned k=0; k<lenDegrees1; ++k)
prod1 *= poly[degrees1[k]];
sum1 += prod1;
long double prod2 = 1.0L;
for (unsigned k=0; k<lenDegrees2; ++k)
prod2 *= poly[degrees2[k]];
sum2 += prod2;
return std::pair<double, double>(sum1/lenCoords, sum2/lenCoords);
return std::pair<double, double>(1.0, 1.0);
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Sun, Feb 23, 2:14 PM (7 h, 37 m)
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AbsClassicalOrthoPoly1D.icc (27 KB)
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