// Cluster also the partons at the hard-matrix element level into jets with the same algorithm as above,
// but without the requirement of a minimal pT on the jets (or set it very small).
// By construction, for S-events you should find exactly npNLO jets, while for the H-events it is either npNLO or npNLO+1.
// Cluster partonsToMatch_ into jets with FastJet.
//int me_njets_found(pjetME_.size());
// cout << "number of ME jets found = " << me_njets_found << "partons to match: " << partonsToMatch_.size() << endl;
// Match light progenitors to jets.
vector<int> jetToPartonMap(pjetME_.size(),-999);
Energy etmin(777e100*GeV);
// Match the jets.
// Try to match the “npNLO” hardest jets created post-shower with any of the jets pre-shower. Two jets are matched if the distance between them is smaller than 1.5*DeltaR.
// If not all the npNLO hardest shower jets are matched the event has to be rejected.
// Note that if the current event does not belong to the maximum multiplicity sample, this means that all the shower jets need to be matched, because the requirement above already rejects
// events that do not have npNLO shower jets.
// For those events, at the level of the matrix elements there can either be npNLO or npNLO+1 matrix-element jets, depending on S- or H-events and the kinematics of those partons.
// Still only the shower jets need to be matched, so an event should not be rejected if a matrix-element jet cannot be matched.
// For each parton, starting with the hardest one ...
for(int ixx=0; ixx<npNLO_; ixx++) {
// ... loop over all jets not already matched.
double DRmin(777e100);
int jetIndexForDRmin(-999);
for(unsigned int jxx=0; jxx<pjetME_.size(); jxx++) {