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diff --git a/include/HEJ/EventReweighter.hh b/include/HEJ/EventReweighter.hh
index b183a91..e139ce1 100644
--- a/include/HEJ/EventReweighter.hh
+++ b/include/HEJ/EventReweighter.hh
@@ -1,190 +1,190 @@
/** \file
* \brief Declares the EventReweighter class
* EventReweighter is the main class used within HEJ 2. It reweights the
* resummation events.
* \authors Jeppe Andersen, Tuomas Hapola, Marian Heil, Andreas Maier, Jennifer Smillie
* \date 2019
* \copyright GPLv2 or later
#pragma once
#include <array>
#include <functional>
#include <utility>
#include <vector>
#include "HEJ/config.hh"
#include "HEJ/event_types.hh"
#include "HEJ/MatrixElement.hh"
#include "HEJ/PDF.hh"
#include "HEJ/PDG_codes.hh"
#include "HEJ/RNG.hh"
#include "HEJ/ScaleFunction.hh"
-#include "HEJ/Weights.hh"
+#include "HEJ/Parameters.hh"
namespace LHEF {
class HEPRUP;
namespace HEJ{
class Event;
//! Beam parameters
* Currently, only symmetric beams are supported,
* so there is a single beam energy.
struct Beam{
double E; /**< Beam energy */
std::array<ParticleID, 2> type; /**< Beam particles */
//! Main class for reweighting events in HEJ.
class EventReweighter{
using EventType = event_type::EventType;
Beam beam, /**< Beam Energy */
int pdf_id, /**< PDF ID */
ScaleGenerator scale_gen, /**< Scale settings */
EventReweighterConfig conf, /**< Configuration parameters */
HEJ::RNG & ran /**< Random number generator */
LHEF::HEPRUP const & heprup, /**< LHEF event header */
ScaleGenerator scale_gen, /**< Scale settings */
EventReweighterConfig conf, /**< Configuration parameters */
HEJ::RNG & ran /**< Random number generator */
//! Get the used pdf
PDF const & pdf() const;
//! Generate resummation events for a given fixed-order event
* @param ev Fixed-order event corresponding
* to the resummation events
* @param num_events Number of trial resummation configurations.
* @returns A vector of resummation events.
* The result vector depends on the type of the input event and the
* treatment of different types as specified in the constructor:
* \ref reweight The result vector contains between
* 0 and num_events resummation events.
* \ref keep If the input event passes the resummation jet cuts
* the result vector contains one event. Otherwise it is empty.
* \ref discard The result vector is empty
std::vector<Event> reweight(
Event const & ev,
int num_events
template<typename... T>
PDF const & pdf(T&& ...);
/** \internal
* \brief main generation/reweighting function:
* generate phase space points and divide out Born factors
std::vector<Event> gen_res_events(
Event const & ev, int num_events
std::vector<Event> rescale(
Event const & Born_ev, std::vector<Event> events
) const;
/** \internal
* \brief Do the Jets pass the resummation Cuts?
* @param ev Event in Question
* @returns 0 or 1 depending on if ev passes Jet Cuts
bool jets_pass_resummation_cuts(Event const & ev) const;
/** \internal
* \brief pdf_factors Function
* @param ev Event in Question
* @returns EventFactor due to PDFs
* Calculates the Central value and the variation due
* to the PDF choice made.
Weights pdf_factors(Event const & ev) const;
/** \internal
* \brief matrix_elements Function
* @param ev Event in question
* @returns EventFactor due to MatrixElements
* Calculates the Central value and the variation due
* to the Matrix Element.
Weights matrix_elements(Event const & ev) const;
/** \internal
* \brief Scale-dependent part of fixed-order matrix element
* @param ev Event in question
* @returns EventFactor scale variation due to FO-ME.
* This is only called to compute the scale variation for events where
* we don't do resummation (e.g. non-FKL).
* Since at tree level the scale dependence is just due to alpha_s,
* it is enough to return the alpha_s(mur) factors in the matrix element.
* The rest drops out in the ratio of (output event ME)/(input event ME),
* so we never have to compute it.
Weights fixed_order_scale_ME(Event const & ev) const;
/** \internal
* \brief Computes the tree level matrix element
* @param ev Event in Question
* @returns HEJ approximation to Tree level Matrix Element
* This computes the HEJ approximation to the tree level FO
* Matrix element which is used within the LO weighting process.
double tree_matrix_element(Event const & ev) const;
//! \internal General parameters
EventReweighterConfig param_;
//! \internal Beam energy
double E_beam_;
//! \internal PDF
PDF pdf_;
//! \internal Object to calculate the square of the matrix element
MatrixElement MEt2_;
//! \internal Object to calculate event renormalisation and factorisation scales
ScaleGenerator scale_gen_;
/** \internal random number generator
* \note We use a reference_wrapper so that EventReweighter objects can
* still be copied (which would be impossible with a reference).
std::reference_wrapper<HEJ::RNG> ran_;
template<typename... T>
PDF const & EventReweighter::pdf(T&&... t){
return pdf_ = PDF{std::forward<T>(t)...};
diff --git a/include/HEJ/MatrixElement.hh b/include/HEJ/MatrixElement.hh
index fb0583d..b83c4c3 100644
--- a/include/HEJ/MatrixElement.hh
+++ b/include/HEJ/MatrixElement.hh
@@ -1,183 +1,183 @@
/** \file
* \brief Contains the MatrixElement Class
* \authors Jeppe Andersen, Tuomas Hapola, Marian Heil, Andreas Maier, Jennifer Smillie
* \date 2019
* \copyright GPLv2 or later
#pragma once
#include <functional>
#include <vector>
#include "fastjet/PseudoJet.hh"
#include "HEJ/PDG_codes.hh"
-#include "HEJ/Weights.hh"
+#include "HEJ/Parameters.hh"
#include "HEJ/config.hh"
namespace CLHEP {
class HepLorentzVector;
namespace HEJ{
class Event;
class Particle;
//! Class to calculate the squares of matrix elements
class MatrixElement{
/** \brief MatrixElement Constructor
* @param alpha_s Function taking the renormalisation scale
* and returning the strong coupling constant
* @param conf General matrix element settings
std::function<double (double)> alpha_s,
MatrixElementConfig conf
* \brief squares of regulated HEJ matrix elements
* @param event The event for which to calculate matrix elements
* @returns The squares of HEJ matrix elements including virtual corrections
* This function returns one value for the central parameter choice
* and one additional value for each entry in \ref Event.variations().
* See eq. (22) in \cite Andersen:2011hs for the definition of the squared
* matrix element.
* \internal Relation to standard HEJ Met2: MatrixElement = Met2*shat^2/(pdfta*pdftb)
Weights operator()(Event const & event) const;
//! Squares of HEJ tree-level matrix elements
* @param event The event for which to calculate matrix elements
* @returns The squares of HEJ matrix elements without virtual corrections
* cf. eq. (22) in \cite Andersen:2011hs
Weights tree(Event const & event) const;
* \brief Virtual corrections to matrix element squares
* @param event The event for which to calculate matrix elements
* @returns The virtual corrections to the squares of the matrix elements
* The all order virtual corrections to LL in the MRK limit is
* given by replacing 1/t in the scattering amplitude according to the
* lipatov ansatz.
* cf. second-to-last line of eq. (22) in \cite Andersen:2011hs
* note that indices are off by one, i.e. out[0].p corresponds to p_1
Weights virtual_corrections(Event const & event) const;
* \brief Scale-dependent part of tree-level matrix element squares
* @param event The event for which to calculate matrix elements
* @returns The scale-dependent part of the squares of the
* tree-level matrix elements
* The tree-level matrix elements factorises into a renormalisation-scale
* dependent part, given by the strong coupling to some power, and a
* scale-independent remainder. This function only returns the former parts
* for the central scale choice and all \ref Event.variations().
* @see tree, tree_kin
Weights tree_param(
Event const & event
) const;
* \brief Kinematic part of tree-level matrix element squares
* @param event The event for which to calculate matrix elements
* @returns The kinematic part of the squares of the
* tree-level matrix elements
* The tree-level matrix elements factorises into a renormalisation-scale
* dependent part, given by the strong coupling to some power, and a
* scale-independent remainder. This function only returns the latter part.
* Since it does not depend on the parameter variations, only a single value
* is returned.
* @see tree, tree_param
double tree_kin(Event const & event) const;
double tree_param(
Event const & event,
double mur
) const;
double virtual_corrections(
Event const & event,
double mur
) const;
//! \internal cf. last line of eq. (22) in \cite Andersen:2011hs
double omega0(
double alpha_s, double mur,
fastjet::PseudoJet const & q_j, double lambda
) const;
double tree_kin_jets(
Event const & ev
) const;
double tree_kin_Higgs(
Event const & ev
) const;
double tree_kin_Higgs_first(
Event const & ev
) const;
double tree_kin_Higgs_last(
Event const & ev
) const;
* \internal
* \brief Higgs inbetween extremal partons.
* Note that in the case of unordered emission, the Higgs is *always*
* treated as if in between the extremal (FKL) partons, even if its
* rapidity is outside the extremal parton rapidities
double tree_kin_Higgs_between(
Event const & ev
) const;
double tree_param_partons(
double alpha_s, double mur,
std::vector<Particle> const & partons
) const;
std::vector<int> in_extremal_jet_indices(
std::vector<fastjet::PseudoJet> const & partons
) const;
std::vector<Particle> tag_extremal_jet_partons(
Event const & ev
) const;
double MH2_forwardH(
CLHEP::HepLorentzVector p1out, CLHEP::HepLorentzVector p1in,
pid::ParticleID type2,
CLHEP::HepLorentzVector p2out, CLHEP::HepLorentzVector p2in,
CLHEP::HepLorentzVector pH,
double t1, double t2
) const;
std::function<double (double)> alpha_s_;
MatrixElementConfig param_;
diff --git a/include/HEJ/Weights.hh b/include/HEJ/Weights.hh
index 3a353aa..1c1016f 100644
--- a/include/HEJ/Weights.hh
+++ b/include/HEJ/Weights.hh
@@ -1,12 +1,13 @@
/** \file
* \brief Legacy Header for Weights
* \note This Header was moved to "HEJ/Parameters.hh"
* \TODO remove in HEJ 2.3.0
* \authors Jeppe Andersen, Tuomas Hapola, Marian Heil, Andreas Maier, Jennifer Smillie
* \date 2019
* \copyright GPLv2 or later
+#warning "HEJ/Weights.hh is deprecated use HEJ/Parameters.hh instead"
#pragma once
#include "HEJ/Parameters.hh"
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