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diff --git a/include/Rivet/Cuts.hh b/include/Rivet/Cuts.hh
--- a/include/Rivet/Cuts.hh
+++ b/include/Rivet/Cuts.hh
@@ -1,52 +1,62 @@
#ifndef RIVET_Cuts_HH
#define RIVET_Cuts_HH
#include <boost/smart_ptr.hpp>
namespace Rivet {
class Cuttable;
class CutBase {
template <typename T>
bool accept(const T & t);
virtual bool accept_(const Cuttable & o) const = 0;
virtual ~CutBase() {}
typedef boost::shared_ptr<CutBase> Cut;
/// These functions are used to build cuts
namespace Cuts {
enum Quantity {
pt, mass, rap, eta, phi
+ const Cut & open();
Cut operator < (Cuts::Quantity, double);
+ Cut operator > (Cuts::Quantity, double);
+ Cut operator <= (Cuts::Quantity, double);
Cut operator >= (Cuts::Quantity, double);
- Cut In(Cuts::Quantity, double n, double m);
+ Cut Range(Cuts::Quantity, double n, double m);
// overload helpers
inline Cut operator < (Cuts::Quantity qty, int i) {
return qty < double(i);
+ inline Cut operator > (Cuts::Quantity qty, int i) {
+ return qty > double(i);
+ }
+ inline Cut operator <= (Cuts::Quantity qty, int i) {
+ return qty <= double(i);
+ }
inline Cut operator >= (Cuts::Quantity qty, int i) {
return qty >= double(i);
/// operator &, operator |, operator ~, and operator ^ overloads
Cut operator & (const Cut aptr, const Cut bptr);
Cut operator | (const Cut aptr, const Cut bptr);
Cut operator ~ (const Cut cptr);
Cut operator ^ (const Cut aptr, const Cut bptr);
diff --git a/include/Rivet/Projections/ChargedFinalState.hh b/include/Rivet/Projections/ChargedFinalState.hh
--- a/include/Rivet/Projections/ChargedFinalState.hh
+++ b/include/Rivet/Projections/ChargedFinalState.hh
@@ -1,53 +1,53 @@
// -*- C++ -*-
#ifndef RIVET_ChargedFinalState_HH
#define RIVET_ChargedFinalState_HH
#include "Rivet/Tools/Logging.hh"
#include "Rivet/Rivet.hh"
#include "Rivet/Particle.hh"
#include "Rivet/Event.hh"
#include "Rivet/Projection.hh"
#include "Rivet/Projections/FinalState.hh"
namespace Rivet {
/// @brief Project only charged final state particles.
class ChargedFinalState : public FinalState {
/// @name Constructors
ChargedFinalState(const FinalState& fsp);
/// Single eta-range constructor.
ChargedFinalState(double mineta = -MAXRAPIDITY,
double maxeta = MAXRAPIDITY,
double minpt = 0.0*GeV);
- /// A constructor which allows to specify multiple eta ranges
- /// and the min \f$ p_T \f$.
- ChargedFinalState(const vector<pair<double, double> >& etaRanges,
- double minpt = 0.0*GeV);
+ // /// A constructor which allows to specify multiple eta ranges
+ // /// and the min \f$ p_T \f$.
+ // ChargedFinalState(const vector<pair<double, double> >& etaRanges,
+ // double minpt = 0.0*GeV);
/// Clone on the heap.
virtual const Projection* clone() const {
return new ChargedFinalState(*this);
/// Apply the projection on the supplied event.
void project(const Event& e);
/// Compare projections.
int compare(const Projection& p) const;
diff --git a/include/Rivet/Projections/FinalState.hh b/include/Rivet/Projections/FinalState.hh
--- a/include/Rivet/Projections/FinalState.hh
+++ b/include/Rivet/Projections/FinalState.hh
@@ -1,139 +1,147 @@
// -*- C++ -*-
#ifndef RIVET_FinalState_HH
#define RIVET_FinalState_HH
#include "Rivet/Projection.hh"
#include "Rivet/Particle.hh"
#include "Rivet/Event.hh"
+#include "Rivet/Cuts.hh"
namespace Rivet {
/// @brief Project out all final-state particles in an event.
/// Probably the most important projection in Rivet!
class FinalState : public Projection {
/// @name Standard constructors and destructors.
/// The default constructor. May specify the minimum and maximum
/// pseudorapidity \f$ \eta \f$ and the min \f$ p_T \f$ (in GeV).
FinalState(double mineta = -MAXRAPIDITY,
double maxeta = MAXRAPIDITY,
double minpt = 0.0*GeV);
- /// A constructor which allows to specify multiple eta ranges
- /// and the min \f$ p_T \f$ (in GeV).
- FinalState(const vector<pair<double, double> >& etaRanges,
- double minpt = 0.0*GeV);
+ /// Testing construction using Cuts object
+ FinalState(Cut c); // = Cuts::open());
+ // /// A constructor which allows to specify multiple eta ranges
+ // /// and the min \f$ p_T \f$ (in GeV).
+ // FinalState(const vector<pair<double, double> >& etaRanges,
+ // double minpt = 0.0*GeV);
/// Clone on the heap.
virtual const Projection* clone() const {
return new FinalState(*this);
/// Get the final-state particles.
virtual const Particles& particles() const { return _theParticles; }
/// Get the final-state particles, ordered by supplied sorting function object.
template <typename F>
const Particles& particles(F sorter) const {
std::sort(_theParticles.begin(), _theParticles.end(), sorter);
return _theParticles;
/// Get the final-state particles, ordered by decreasing \f$ p_T \f$.
const Particles& particlesByPt() const {
return particles(cmpParticleByPt);
/// Get the final-state particles, ordered by decreasing \f$ p \f$.
const Particles& particlesByP() const {
return particles(cmpParticleByP);
/// Get the final-state particles, ordered by decreasing \f$ E \f$.
const Particles& particlesByE() const {
return particles(cmpParticleByE);
/// Get the final-state particles, ordered by decreasing \f$ E_T \f$.
const Particles& particlesByEt() const {
return particles(cmpParticleByEt);
/// Get the final-state particles, ordered by increasing \f$ \eta \f$.
const Particles& particlesByEta() const {
return particles(cmpParticleByAscPseudorapidity);
/// Get the final-state particles, ordered by increasing \f$ |\eta| \f$.
const Particles& particlesByModEta() const {
return particles(cmpParticleByAscAbsPseudorapidity);
/// Get the final-state particles, ordered by increasing \f$ y \f$.
const Particles& particlesByRapidity() const {
return particles(cmpParticleByAscRapidity);
/// Get the final-state particles, ordered by increasing \f$ |y| \f$.
const Particles& particlesByModRapidity() const {
return particles(cmpParticleByAscAbsRapidity);
/// Access the projected final-state particles.
virtual size_t size() const { return _theParticles.size(); }
/// Is this final state empty?
virtual bool empty() const { return _theParticles.empty(); }
/// @deprecated Is this final state empty?
virtual bool isEmpty() const { return _theParticles.empty(); }
/// Minimum-\f$ p_\perp \f$ requirement.
virtual double ptMin() const { return _ptmin; }
typedef Particle entity_type;
typedef Particles collection_type;
/// Template-usable interface common to JetAlg.
const collection_type& entities() const {
return particles();
/// Apply the projection to the event.
virtual void project(const Event& e);
/// Compare projections.
virtual int compare(const Projection& p) const;
/// Decide if a particle is to be accepted or not.
bool accept(const Particle& p) const;
/// The ranges allowed for pseudorapidity.
vector<pair<double,double> > _etaRanges;
/// The minimum allowed transverse momentum.
double _ptmin;
+ /// The applicable cuts
+ Cut _cuts;
/// The final-state particles.
mutable Particles _theParticles;
diff --git a/include/Rivet/Projections/IdentifiedFinalState.hh b/include/Rivet/Projections/IdentifiedFinalState.hh
--- a/include/Rivet/Projections/IdentifiedFinalState.hh
+++ b/include/Rivet/Projections/IdentifiedFinalState.hh
@@ -1,121 +1,121 @@
// -*- C++ -*-
#ifndef RIVET_IdentifiedFinalState_HH
#define RIVET_IdentifiedFinalState_HH
#include "Rivet/Tools/Logging.hh"
#include "Rivet/Rivet.hh"
#include "Rivet/Particle.hh"
#include "Rivet/Event.hh"
#include "Rivet/Projection.hh"
#include "Rivet/Projections/FinalState.hh"
namespace Rivet {
/// @brief Produce a final state which only contains specified particle IDs.
class IdentifiedFinalState : public FinalState {
/// @name Constructors
/// Constructor with specific FinalState.
IdentifiedFinalState(const FinalState& fsp);
/// Constructor with a single eta range argument.
IdentifiedFinalState(double etamin=-MAXRAPIDITY,
double etamax=MAXRAPIDITY,
double ptMin=0.0*GeV);
- /// Constructor which allows to specify multiple eta ranges
- /// and the min \f$ p_T \f$.
- IdentifiedFinalState(const vector<pair<double, double> >& etaRanges,
- double ptMin=0.0*GeV);
+ // /// Constructor which allows to specify multiple eta ranges
+ // /// and the min \f$ p_T \f$.
+ // IdentifiedFinalState(const vector<pair<double, double> >& etaRanges,
+ // double ptMin=0.0*GeV);
/// Clone on the heap.
virtual const Projection* clone() const {
return new IdentifiedFinalState(*this);
/// Get the list of particle IDs to accept.
const set<PdgId>& acceptedIds() const {
return _pids;
/// Add an accepted particle ID.
IdentifiedFinalState& acceptId(PdgId pid) {
return *this;
/// Add a set of accepted particle IDs.
IdentifiedFinalState& acceptIds(const vector<PdgId>& pids) {
foreach (const PdgId pid, pids) {
return *this;
/// Add an accepted particle ID and its antiparticle.
IdentifiedFinalState& acceptIdPair(PdgId pid) {
return *this;
/// Add a set of accepted particle IDs and their antiparticles.
IdentifiedFinalState& acceptIdPairs(const vector<PdgId>& pids) {
foreach (const PdgId pid, pids) {
return *this;
/// Accept all neutrinos (convenience method).
IdentifiedFinalState& acceptNeutrinos() {
return *this;
/// Accept all charged leptons (convenience method).
IdentifiedFinalState& acceptChLeptons() {
return *this;
/// Reset the list of particle IDs to accept.
void reset() {
/// Apply the projection on the supplied event.
void project(const Event& e);
/// Compare projections.
int compare(const Projection& p) const;
/// The final-state particles.
set<PdgId> _pids;
diff --git a/include/Rivet/Projections/LeptonClusters.hh b/include/Rivet/Projections/LeptonClusters.hh
--- a/include/Rivet/Projections/LeptonClusters.hh
+++ b/include/Rivet/Projections/LeptonClusters.hh
@@ -1,82 +1,83 @@
// -*- C++ -*-
#ifndef RIVET_LeptonClusters_HH
#define RIVET_LeptonClusters_HH
#include "Rivet/Tools/Logging.hh"
#include "Rivet/Rivet.hh"
#include "Rivet/Particle.hh"
#include "Rivet/Event.hh"
#include "Rivet/Projection.hh"
+#include "Rivet/Cuts.hh"
#include "Rivet/Projections/FinalState.hh"
#include "Rivet/Projections/IdentifiedFinalState.hh"
namespace Rivet {
class ClusteredLepton : public Particle {
ClusteredLepton(Particle lepton) :
Particle(lepton.pdgId(), lepton.momentum()),
_constituentLepton(lepton) {}
void addPhoton(const Particle& p, bool cluster) {
if (cluster) setMomentum(momentum() + p.momentum());
const Particle& constituentLepton() const { return _constituentLepton; }
const Particles& constituentPhotons() const { return _constituentPhotons; }
Particles _constituentPhotons;
Particle _constituentLepton;
/// @brief Cluster photons from a given FS to all charged particles (typically
/// leptons) from signal and store the original charged particles and photons
/// as particles() while the newly created clustered lepton objects are
/// accessible as clusteredLeptons()
class LeptonClusters : public FinalState {
LeptonClusters(const FinalState& photons, const FinalState& signal,
- double dRmax, bool cluster,
- const std::vector<std::pair<double, double> >& etaRanges,
- double pTmin);
+ double dRmax, bool cluster, Cut c);
+ // const std::vector<std::pair<double, double> >& etaRanges,
+ // double pTmin);
virtual const Projection* clone() const {
return new LeptonClusters(*this);
const vector<ClusteredLepton>& clusteredLeptons() const { return _clusteredLeptons; }
/// Apply the projection on the supplied event.
void project(const Event& e);
/// Compare projections.
int compare(const Projection& p) const;
/// Maximum cone radius to find photons in
double _dRmax;
/// Whether to actually add the photon momenta to clusteredLeptons
bool _cluster;
/// Container which stores the clustered lepton objects
vector<ClusteredLepton> _clusteredLeptons;
diff --git a/include/Rivet/Projections/WFinder.hh b/include/Rivet/Projections/WFinder.hh
--- a/include/Rivet/Projections/WFinder.hh
+++ b/include/Rivet/Projections/WFinder.hh
@@ -1,178 +1,188 @@
// -*- C++ -*-
#ifndef RIVET_WFinder_HH
#define RIVET_WFinder_HH
#include "Rivet/Tools/Logging.hh"
#include "Rivet/Rivet.hh"
#include "Rivet/Particle.hh"
#include "Rivet/Event.hh"
#include "Rivet/Projection.hh"
#include "Rivet/Projections/ChargedFinalState.hh"
#include "Rivet/Projections/LeptonClusters.hh"
namespace Rivet {
/// @brief Convenience finder of leptonically decaying Ws
/// Chain together different projections as convenience for finding W's
/// from two leptons in the final state, including photon clustering.
class WFinder : public FinalState {
/// @name Constructors
/// Constructor taking single eta/pT bounds
/// @param inputfs Input final state
/// @param etaMin,etaMax,pTmin charged lepton cuts
/// @param pid type of the charged lepton
/// @param minmass,maxmass (transverse) mass window
/// @param missingET minimal amount of missing ET (neutrinos) required
/// @param dRmax maximum dR of photons around charged lepton to take into account
/// for W reconstruction (only relevant if one of the following are true)
/// @param clusterPhotons whether such photons are supposed to be
/// clustered to the lepton object and thus W mom
/// @param trackPhotons whether such photons should be added to _theParticles
/// (cf. _trackPhotons)
/// @param useTransverseMass whether mass window should be applied using mT
WFinder(const FinalState& inputfs,
double etaMin, double etaMax,
double pTmin,
PdgId pid,
double minmass, double maxmass,
double missingET,
double dRmax, bool clusterPhotons=true, bool trackPhotons=false,
double masstarget=80.4,
bool useTransverseMass=false);
+ WFinder(const FinalState& inputfs,
+ Cut cuts,
+ PdgId pid,
+ double minmass, double maxmass,
+ double missingET,
+ double dRmax, bool clusterPhotons=true, bool trackPhotons=false,
+ double masstarget=80.4,
+ bool useTransverseMass=false);
/// Constructor taking multiple eta/pT bounds
/// @param inputfs Input final state
/// @param etaRanges,pTmin charged lepton cuts
/// @param pid type of the charged lepton
/// @param minmass,maxmass (transverse) mass window
/// @param missingET minimal amount of missing ET (neutrinos) required
/// @param dRmax maximum dR of photons around charged lepton to take into account
/// for W reconstruction (only relevant if one of the following are true)
/// @param clusterPhotons whether such photons are supposed to be
/// clustered to the lepton object and thus W mom
/// @param trackPhotons whether such photons should be added to _theParticles
/// (cf. _trackPhotons)
/// @param useTransverseMass whether mass window should be applied using mT
- WFinder(const FinalState& inputfs,
- const std::vector<std::pair<double, double> >& etaRanges,
- double pTmin,
- PdgId pid,
- double minmass, const double maxmass,
- double missingET,
- double dRmax, bool clusterPhotons=true, bool trackPhotons=false,
- double masstarget=80.4,
- bool useTransverseMass=false);
+ // WFinder(const FinalState& inputfs,
+ // const std::vector<std::pair<double, double> >& etaRanges,
+ // double pTmin,
+ // PdgId pid,
+ // double minmass, const double maxmass,
+ // double missingET,
+ // double dRmax, bool clusterPhotons=true, bool trackPhotons=false,
+ // double masstarget=80.4,
+ // bool useTransverseMass=false);
- /// @deprecated Constructors without inputfs -- only for backwards compatibility
- WFinder(double, double, double, PdgId, double, double, double, double,
- bool clusterPhotons=true, bool trackPhotons=false,
- double masstarget=80.4, bool useTransverseMass=false);
- /// @deprecated Constructors without inputfs -- only for backwards compatibility
- WFinder(const std::vector<std::pair<double, double> >&, double,
- PdgId, double, double, double, double,
- bool clusterPhotons=true, bool trackPhotons=false,
- double masstarget=80.4, bool useTransverseMass=false);
+ // /// @deprecated Constructors without inputfs -- only for backwards compatibility
+ // WFinder(double, double, double, PdgId, double, double, double, double,
+ // bool clusterPhotons=true, bool trackPhotons=false,
+ // double masstarget=80.4, bool useTransverseMass=false);
+ // /// @deprecated Constructors without inputfs -- only for backwards compatibility
+ // WFinder(const std::vector<std::pair<double, double> >&, double,
+ // PdgId, double, double, double, double,
+ // bool clusterPhotons=true, bool trackPhotons=false,
+ // double masstarget=80.4, bool useTransverseMass=false);
/// Clone on the heap.
virtual const Projection* clone() const {
return new WFinder(*this);
/// Access to the found bosons (currently either 0 or 1)
const Particles& bosons() const { return _bosons; }
/// Access to the W constituent clustered leptons (currently either of
/// size 0 if no boson was found or 1 if one boson was found)
const vector<Particle>& constituentLeptons() const { return _constituentLeptons; }
/// Access to the W constituent neutrinos (currently either of size 0 if no
/// boson was found or 1 if one boson was found)
const vector<Particle>& constituentNeutrinos() const { return _constituentNeutrinos; }
/// Access to the remaining particles, after the W and clustered photons
/// have been removed from the full final state
/// (e.g. for running a jet finder on it)
const FinalState& remainingFinalState() const;
/// Apply the projection on the supplied event.
void project(const Event& e);
/// Compare projections.
int compare(const Projection& p) const;
/// Clear the projection
void clear() {
/// Common implementation of constructor operation, taking FS params.
- void _init(const FinalState& inputfs,
- const std::vector<std::pair<double, double> >& etaRanges,
- double pTmin, PdgId pid,
+ void _init(const FinalState& inputfs, Cut fsCut,
+ // const std::vector<std::pair<double, double> >& etaRanges,
+ // double pTmin,
+ PdgId pid,
double minmass, double maxmass,
double missingET,
double dRmax, bool clusterPhotons, bool trackPhotons,
double masstarget,
bool useTransverseMass);
/// Transverse mass cuts
double _minmass, _maxmass, _masstarget;
bool _useTransverseMass;
/// Missing ET cut
double _etMiss;
/// Switch for tracking of photons (whether to add them to _theParticles)
/// This is relevant when the ZFinder::_theParticles are to be excluded
/// from e.g. the input to a jet finder, to specify whether the clustered
/// photons are to be excluded as well.
/// (Yes, some experiments make a difference between clusterPhotons and
/// trackPhotons!)
bool _trackPhotons;
/// Lepton flavour
PdgId _pid;
/// Neutrino flavour
PdgId _nu_pid;
/// list of found bosons (currently either 0 or 1)
Particles _bosons;
/// Constituent leptons (currently either 0 or 1)
Particles _constituentLeptons;
/// Constituent neutrinos (currently either 0 or 1)
Particles _constituentNeutrinos;
diff --git a/include/Rivet/Projections/ZFinder.hh b/include/Rivet/Projections/ZFinder.hh
--- a/include/Rivet/Projections/ZFinder.hh
+++ b/include/Rivet/Projections/ZFinder.hh
@@ -1,151 +1,159 @@
// -*- C++ -*-
#ifndef RIVET_ZFinder_HH
#define RIVET_ZFinder_HH
#include "Rivet/Tools/Logging.hh"
#include "Rivet/Rivet.hh"
#include "Rivet/Particle.hh"
#include "Rivet/Event.hh"
#include "Rivet/Projection.hh"
#include "Rivet/Projections/FinalState.hh"
#include "Rivet/Projections/LeptonClusters.hh"
namespace Rivet {
/// @brief Convenience finder of leptonically decaying Zs
/// Chain together different projections as convenience for finding Z's
/// from two leptons in the final state, including photon clustering.
class ZFinder : public FinalState {
/// @name Constructors
/// Constructor taking single eta/pT bounds
/// @param inputfs Input final state
/// @param etaMin,etaMax,pTmin lepton cuts
/// @param pid type of the leptons
/// @param minmass,maxmass mass window
/// @param dRmax maximum dR of photons around leptons to take into account
/// for Z reconstruction (only relevant if one of the following are true)
/// @param clusterPhotons whether such photons are supposed to be
/// clustered to the lepton objects and thus Z mom
/// @param trackPhotons whether such photons should be added to _theParticles
/// (cf. _trackPhotons)
ZFinder(const FinalState& inputfs,
+ Cut cuts,
+ PdgId pid,
+ double minmass, double maxmass,
+ double dRmax, bool clusterPhotons, bool trackPhotons,
+ double masstarget=91.2*GeV);
+ ZFinder(const FinalState& inputfs,
double etaMin, double etaMax,
double pTmin,
PdgId pid,
double minmass, double maxmass,
double dRmax, bool clusterPhotons, bool trackPhotons,
double masstarget=91.2*GeV);
/// Constructor taking multiple eta/pT bounds
/// @param inputfs Input final state
/// @param etaRanges,pTmin lepton cuts
/// @param pid type of the leptons
/// @param minmass,maxmass mass window
/// @param dRmax maximum dR of photons around leptons to take into account
/// for Z reconstruction (only relevant if one of the following are true)
/// @param clusterPhotons whether such photons are supposed to be
/// clustered to the lepton objects and thus Z mom
/// @param trackPhotons whether such photons should be added to _theParticles
/// (cf. _trackPhotons)
- ZFinder(const FinalState& inputfs,
- const std::vector<std::pair<double, double> >& etaRanges,
- double pTmin,
- PdgId pid,
- double minmass, const double maxmass,
- double dRmax, bool clusterPhotons, bool trackPhotons,
- double masstarget=91.2*GeV);
+ // ZFinder(const FinalState& inputfs,
+ // const std::vector<std::pair<double, double> >& etaRanges,
+ // double pTmin,
+ // PdgId pid,
+ // double minmass, const double maxmass,
+ // double dRmax, bool clusterPhotons, bool trackPhotons,
+ // double masstarget=91.2*GeV);
/// @deprecated Constructors without inputfs -- only for backwards compatibility
- ZFinder(double, double, double, PdgId, double, double, double,
- bool, bool, double masstarget=91.2*GeV);
+ // ZFinder(double, double, double, PdgId, double, double, double,
+ // bool, bool, double masstarget=91.2*GeV);
/// @deprecated Constructors without inputfs -- only for backwards compatibility
- ZFinder(const std::vector<std::pair<double, double> >&, double, PdgId,
- double, double, double, bool, bool, double masstarget=91.2*GeV);
+ // ZFinder(const std::vector<std::pair<double, double> >&, double, PdgId,
+ // double, double, double, bool, bool, double masstarget=91.2*GeV);
/// Clone on the heap.
virtual const Projection* clone() const {
return new ZFinder(*this);
/// Access to the found bosons (currently either 0 or 1)
const Particles& bosons() const { return _bosons; }
/// Access to the Z constituent clustered leptons
/// (e.g. for more fine-grained cuts on the clustered leptons)
/// The order is going to be: positive charge constituent 1st, negative 2nd
const vector<Particle>& constituents() const { return _constituents; }
/// Access to the remaining particles, after the Z and clustered photons
/// have been removed from the full final state
/// (e.g. for running a jet finder on it)
const FinalState& remainingFinalState() const;
/// Apply the projection on the supplied event.
void project(const Event& e);
/// Compare projections.
int compare(const Projection& p) const;
/// Clear the projection
void clear() {
/// Common implementation of constructor operation, taking FS params.
- void _init(const FinalState& inputfs,
- const std::vector<std::pair<double, double> >& etaRanges,
- double pTmin, PdgId pid,
+ void _init(const FinalState& inputfs, Cut fsCut,
+ //const std::vector<std::pair<double, double> >& etaRanges,
+ //double pTmin,
+ PdgId pid,
double minmass, double maxmass,
double dRmax, bool clusterPhotons, bool trackPhotons,
double masstarget);
/// Mass cuts to apply to clustered leptons (cf. InvMassFinalState)
double _minmass, _maxmass, _masstarget;
/// Switch for tracking of photons (whether to add them to _theParticles)
/// This is relevant when the ZFinder::_theParticles are to be excluded
/// from e.g. the input to a jet finder, to specify whether the clustered
/// photons are to be excluded as well.
/// (Yes, some experiments make a difference between clusterPhotons and
/// trackPhotons!)
bool _trackPhotons;
/// Lepton flavour
PdgId _pid;
/// list of found bosons (currently either 0 or 1)
Particles _bosons;
/// Clustered leptons
vector<Particle> _constituents;
diff --git a/src/Analyses/ b/src/Analyses/
--- a/src/Analyses/
+++ b/src/Analyses/
@@ -1,204 +1,201 @@
// -*- C++ -*-
#include "Rivet/Analysis.hh"
#include "Rivet/Projections/IdentifiedFinalState.hh"
#include "Rivet/Projections/VetoedFinalState.hh"
#include "Rivet/Projections/MissingMomentum.hh"
#include "Rivet/Projections/FastJets.hh"
#include "Rivet/Projections/ClusteredPhotons.hh"
#include "Rivet/Projections/LeadingParticlesFinalState.hh"
namespace Rivet {
class ATLAS_2010_S8919674 : public Analysis {
/// @name Constructors etc.
/// Constructor
: Analysis("ATLAS_2010_S8919674")
{ }
/// @name Analysis methods
/// Book histograms and initialise projections before the run
void init() {
/// Initialise and register projections (selections on the final state)
// projection to find the electrons
- std::vector<std::pair<double, double> > eta_e;
- eta_e.push_back(make_pair(-2.47,-1.52));
- eta_e.push_back(make_pair(-1.37,1.37));
- eta_e.push_back(make_pair(1.52,2.47));
- IdentifiedFinalState elecs(eta_e, 20.0*GeV);
+ Cut cuts = ( Range(Cuts::eta, -2.47, -1.52)
+ | Range(Cuts::eta, -1.37, 1.37)
+ | Range(Cuts::eta, 1.52, 2.47) ) & (Cuts::pt >= 20.0*GeV);
+ IdentifiedFinalState elecs(cuts);
addProjection(elecs, "elecs");
// projection for finding the photons which have to be clustered into
// the lepton later
ClusteredPhotons cphotons_e(FinalState(), elecs, 0.1);
addProjection(cphotons_e, "cphotons_e");
// projection to find the muons
- std::vector<std::pair<double, double> > eta_m;
- eta_m.push_back(make_pair(-2.4,2.4));
- IdentifiedFinalState muons(eta_m, 20.0*GeV);
+ IdentifiedFinalState muons(Range(Cuts::eta,-2.4,2.4) & (Cuts::pt >= 20.0*GeV));
addProjection(muons, "muons");
// projection for finding the photons which have to be clustered into
// the lepton later
ClusteredPhotons cphotons_m(FinalState(), muons, 0.1);
addProjection(cphotons_m, "cphotons_m");
// Leading neutrinos for Etmiss
FinalState fs;
LeadingParticlesFinalState muon_neutrino(fs);
addProjection(muon_neutrino, "muon_neutrino");
LeadingParticlesFinalState elec_neutrino(fs);
addProjection(elec_neutrino, "elec_neutrino");
// Input for the jets: No neutrinos, no muons, and no electron which
// passed the electron cuts ("elecs" finalstate from above)
VetoedFinalState veto;
FastJets jets(veto, FastJets::ANTIKT, 0.4);
addProjection(jets, "jets");
/// book histograms
_h_el_njet_inclusive = bookHisto1D(1,1,1);
_h_mu_njet_inclusive = bookHisto1D(2,1,1);
_h_el_pT_jet1 = bookHisto1D(5,1,1);
_h_mu_pT_jet1 = bookHisto1D(6,1,1);
_h_el_pT_jet2 = bookHisto1D(7,1,1);
_h_mu_pT_jet2 = bookHisto1D(8,1,1);
/// Perform the per-event analysis
void analyze(const Event& event) {
const double weight = event.weight();
const FinalState& elecs = applyProjection<FinalState>(event, "elecs");
Particles elec_neutrino=applyProjection<FinalState>(event, "elec_neutrino").particles();
if (elecs.size()==1 && elec_neutrino.size()>0) {
FourMomentum lepton=elecs.particles()[0].momentum();
foreach (const Particle& photon,
applyProjection<FinalState>(event, "cphotons_e").particles()) {
FourMomentum p_miss = elec_neutrino[0].momentum();
double mT=sqrt(2.0*lepton.pT()*p_miss.Et()*(1.0-cos(lepton.phi()-p_miss.phi())));
if (p_miss.Et()>25.0*GeV && mT>40.0*GeV) {
Jets jets;
foreach (const Jet& jet, applyProjection<FastJets>(event, "jets").jetsByPt(20.0*GeV)) {
if (fabs(jet.eta())<2.8 && deltaR(lepton, jet.momentum())>0.5) {
_h_el_njet_inclusive->fill(0, weight);
if (jets.size()>=1) {
_h_el_njet_inclusive->fill(1, weight);
_h_el_pT_jet1->fill(jets[0].pT(), weight);
if (jets.size()>=2) {
_h_el_njet_inclusive->fill(2, weight);
_h_el_pT_jet2->fill(jets[1].pT(), weight);
if (jets.size()>=3) {
_h_el_njet_inclusive->fill(3, weight);
const FinalState& muons = applyProjection<FinalState>(event, "muons");
Particles muon_neutrino=applyProjection<FinalState>(event, "muon_neutrino").particles();
if (muons.size()==1 && muon_neutrino.size()>0) {
FourMomentum lepton=muons.particles()[0].momentum();
foreach (const Particle& photon,
applyProjection<FinalState>(event, "cphotons_m").particles()) {
FourMomentum p_miss = muon_neutrino[0].momentum();
double mT=sqrt(2.0*lepton.pT()*p_miss.Et()*(1.0-cos(lepton.phi()-p_miss.phi())));
if (p_miss.Et()>25.0*GeV && mT>40.0*GeV) {
Jets jets;
foreach (const Jet& jet, applyProjection<FastJets>(event, "jets").jetsByPt(20.0*GeV)) {
if (fabs(jet.eta())<2.8 && deltaR(lepton, jet.momentum())>0.5) {
_h_mu_njet_inclusive->fill(0, weight);
if (jets.size()>=1) {
_h_mu_njet_inclusive->fill(1, weight);
_h_mu_pT_jet1->fill(jets[0].pT(), weight);
if (jets.size()>=2) {
_h_mu_njet_inclusive->fill(2, weight);
_h_mu_pT_jet2->fill(jets[1].pT(), weight);
if (jets.size()>=3) {
_h_mu_njet_inclusive->fill(3, weight);
if (jets.size()>=4) {
_h_mu_njet_inclusive->fill(4, weight);
/// Normalise histograms etc., after the run
void finalize() {
double normfac=crossSection()/sumOfWeights();
scale(_h_el_njet_inclusive, normfac);
scale(_h_mu_njet_inclusive, normfac);
scale(_h_el_pT_jet1, normfac);
scale(_h_mu_pT_jet1, normfac);
scale(_h_el_pT_jet2, normfac);
scale(_h_mu_pT_jet2, normfac);
/// @name Histograms
Histo1DPtr _h_el_njet_inclusive;
Histo1DPtr _h_mu_njet_inclusive;
Histo1DPtr _h_el_pT_jet1;
Histo1DPtr _h_mu_pT_jet1;
Histo1DPtr _h_el_pT_jet2;
Histo1DPtr _h_mu_pT_jet2;
// The hook for the plugin system
diff --git a/src/Analyses/ b/src/Analyses/
--- a/src/Analyses/
+++ b/src/Analyses/
@@ -1,370 +1,366 @@
// -*- C++ -*-
#include "Rivet/Analysis.hh"
#include "Rivet/Tools/BinnedHistogram.hh"
#include "Rivet/Projections/FinalState.hh"
#include "Rivet/Projections/ChargedFinalState.hh"
#include "Rivet/Projections/VisibleFinalState.hh"
#include "Rivet/Projections/IdentifiedFinalState.hh"
#include "Rivet/Projections/VetoedFinalState.hh"
#include "Rivet/Projections/FastJets.hh"
namespace Rivet {
class ATLAS_2011_CONF_2011_090 : public Analysis {
/// @name Constructors etc.
/// Constructor
: Analysis("ATLAS_2011_CONF_2011_090")
{ }
/// @name Analysis methods
/// Book histograms and initialize projections before the run
void init() {
// projection to find the electrons
- std::vector<std::pair<double, double> > eta_e;
- eta_e.push_back(make_pair(-2.47,2.47));
- IdentifiedFinalState elecs(eta_e, 20.0*GeV);
+ IdentifiedFinalState elecs(Range(Cuts::eta, -2.47, 2.47)
+ & (Cuts::pt >= 20.0*GeV));
addProjection(elecs, "elecs");
// veto region electrons (from 2010 arXiv:1102.2357v2)
- std::vector<std::pair<double, double> > eta_v_e;
- eta_v_e.push_back(make_pair(-1.52,-1.37));
- eta_v_e.push_back(make_pair( 1.37, 1.52));
- IdentifiedFinalState veto_elecs(eta_v_e, 10.0*GeV);
+ Cut vetocut = Range(Cuts::eta, -1.52, -1.37) | Range(Cuts::eta, 1.37, 1.52);
+ IdentifiedFinalState veto_elecs(vetocut & (Cuts::pt >= 10.0*GeV));
addProjection(veto_elecs, "veto_elecs");
// projection to find the muons
- std::vector<std::pair<double, double> > eta_m;
- eta_m.push_back(make_pair(-2.4,2.4));
- IdentifiedFinalState muons(eta_m, 10.0*GeV);
+ IdentifiedFinalState muons(Range(Cuts::eta, -2.4, 2.4)
+ & (Cuts::pt >= 10.0*GeV));
addProjection(muons, "muons");
// Jet finder
VetoedFinalState vfs;
addProjection(FastJets(vfs, FastJets::ANTIKT, 0.4),
// all tracks (to do deltaR with leptons)
// for pTmiss
/// Book histograms
_count_mu_channel = bookHisto1D("count_muon_channel", 1, 0., 1.);
_count_e_channel = bookHisto1D("count_electron_channel", 1, 0., 1.);
_hist_eTmiss_e = bookHisto1D("Et_miss_e", 50, 0., 500.);
_hist_eTmiss_mu = bookHisto1D("Et_miss_mu", 50, 0., 500.);
_hist_m_eff_e = bookHisto1D("m_eff_e", 60, 0., 1500.);
_hist_m_eff_mu = bookHisto1D("m_eff_mu", 60, 0., 1500.);
_hist_m_eff_e_final = bookHisto1D("m_eff_e_final", 15, 0., 1500.);
_hist_m_eff_mu_final = bookHisto1D("m_eff_mu_final", 15, 0., 1500.);
/// Perform the per-event analysis
void analyze(const Event& event) {
const double weight = event.weight();
Particles veto_e
= applyProjection<IdentifiedFinalState>(event, "veto_elecs").particles();
if ( ! veto_e.empty() ) {
MSG_DEBUG("electrons in veto region");
Jets cand_jets;
foreach ( const Jet& jet,
applyProjection<FastJets>(event, "AntiKtJets04").jetsByPt(20.0*GeV) ) {
if ( fabs( jet.eta() ) < 2.8 ) {
Particles candtemp_e =
applyProjection<IdentifiedFinalState>(event, "elecs").particlesByPt();
Particles candtemp_mu =
Particles chg_tracks =
applyProjection<ChargedFinalState>(event, "cfs").particles();
Particles cand_mu;
Particles cand_e;
// pTcone around muon track
foreach ( const Particle & mu, candtemp_mu ) {
double pTinCone = -mu.pT();
foreach ( const Particle & track, chg_tracks ) {
if ( deltaR(mu.momentum(),track.momentum()) < 0.2 )
pTinCone += track.pT();
if ( pTinCone < 1.8*GeV )
// pTcone around electron
foreach ( const Particle e, candtemp_e ) {
double pTinCone = -e.pT();
foreach ( const Particle & track, chg_tracks ) {
if ( deltaR(e.momentum(),track.momentum()) < 0.2 )
pTinCone += track.pT();
if ( pTinCone < 0.10 * e.pT() )
// discard jets that overlap with electrons
Jets cand_jets_2;
foreach ( const Jet& jet, cand_jets ) {
bool away_from_e = true;
foreach ( const Particle & e, cand_e ) {
if ( deltaR(e.momentum(),jet.momentum()) <= 0.2 ) {
away_from_e = false;
if ( away_from_e )
cand_jets_2.push_back( jet );
// only consider leptons far from jet
Particles recon_e, recon_mu;
foreach ( const Particle & e, cand_e ) {
bool e_near_jet = false;
foreach ( const Jet& jet, cand_jets_2 ) {
if ( deltaR(e.momentum(),jet.momentum()) < 0.4 &&
deltaR(e.momentum(),jet.momentum()) > 0.2 )
e_near_jet = true;
if ( ! e_near_jet )
recon_e.push_back( e );
foreach ( const Particle & mu, cand_mu ) {
bool mu_near_jet = false;
foreach ( const Jet& jet, cand_jets_2 ) {
if ( deltaR(mu.momentum(),jet.momentum()) < 0.4 )
mu_near_jet = true;
if ( ! mu_near_jet )
recon_mu.push_back( mu );
// pTmiss
Particles vfs_particles
= applyProjection<VisibleFinalState>(event, "vfs").particles();
FourMomentum pTmiss;
foreach ( const Particle & p, vfs_particles ) {
pTmiss -= p.momentum();
double eTmiss = pTmiss.pT();
// final jet filter
Jets recon_jets;
foreach ( const Jet& jet, cand_jets_2 ) {
recon_jets.push_back( jet );
// ==================== observables ====================
// Njets
int Njets = 0;
double pTmiss_phi = pTmiss.phi();
foreach ( const Jet& jet, recon_jets ) {
if ( fabs(jet.eta()) < 2.8 )
if ( Njets < 3 ) {
MSG_DEBUG("Only " << Njets << " jets w/ eta<2.8 left");
if ( recon_jets[0].pT() <= 60.0 * GeV ) {
MSG_DEBUG("No hard leading jet in " << recon_jets.size() << " jets");
for ( int i = 1; i < 3; ++i ) {
if ( recon_jets[i].pT() <= 25*GeV ) {
for ( int i = 0; i < 3; ++i ) {
double dPhi = deltaPhi( pTmiss_phi, recon_jets[i].momentum().phi() );
if ( dPhi <= 0.2 ) {
MSG_DEBUG("dPhi too small");
Particles lepton;
if ( recon_mu.empty() && recon_e.empty() ) {
MSG_DEBUG("No leptons");
else {
foreach ( const Particle & mu, recon_mu )
foreach ( const Particle & e, recon_e )
std::sort(lepton.begin(), lepton.end(), cmpParticleByPt);
double e_id = 11;
double mu_id = 13;
// one hard leading lepton cut
if ( fabs(lepton[0].pdgId()) == e_id &&
lepton[0].pT() <= 25*GeV ) {
else if ( fabs(lepton[0].pdgId()) == mu_id &&
lepton[0].pT() <= 20*GeV ) {
// exactly one hard leading lepton cut
if(lepton.size()>1) {
if ( fabs(lepton[1].pdgId()) == e_id &&
lepton[1].pT() > 20*GeV ) {
else if ( fabs(lepton[1].pdgId()) == mu_id &&
lepton[1].pT() > 10*GeV ) {
// ==================== FILL ====================
FourMomentum pT_l = lepton[0].momentum();
double dPhi = deltaPhi( pT_l.phi(), pTmiss_phi);
double mT = sqrt( 2 * pT_l.pT() * eTmiss * (1 - cos(dPhi)) );
// effective mass
double m_eff = eTmiss + pT_l.pT()
+ recon_jets[0].pT()
+ recon_jets[1].pT()
+ recon_jets[2].pT();
// Electron channel signal region
if ( fabs( lepton[0].pdgId() ) == e_id ) {
_hist_eTmiss_e->fill(eTmiss, weight);
_hist_m_eff_e->fill(m_eff, weight);
if ( mT > 100*GeV && eTmiss > 125*GeV ) {
_hist_m_eff_e_final->fill(m_eff, weight);
if ( m_eff > 500*GeV && eTmiss > 0.25*m_eff ) {
// Muon channel signal region
else if ( fabs( lepton[0].pdgId() ) == mu_id ) {
_hist_eTmiss_mu->fill(eTmiss, weight);
_hist_m_eff_mu->fill(m_eff, weight);
if ( mT > 100*GeV && eTmiss > 125*GeV ) {
_hist_m_eff_mu_final->fill(m_eff, weight);
if ( m_eff > 500*GeV && eTmiss > 0.25*m_eff ) {
void finalize() {
scale( _hist_eTmiss_e , 10. * 165. * crossSection()/picobarn/sumOfWeights() );
scale( _hist_eTmiss_mu , 10. * 165. * crossSection()/picobarn/sumOfWeights() );
scale( _hist_m_eff_e , 25. * 165. * crossSection()/picobarn/sumOfWeights() );
scale( _hist_m_eff_mu , 25. * 165. * crossSection()/picobarn/sumOfWeights() );
scale( _hist_m_eff_e_final , 100. * 165. * crossSection()/picobarn/sumOfWeights() );
scale( _hist_m_eff_mu_final, 100. * 165. * crossSection()/picobarn/sumOfWeights() );
/// @name Histograms
Histo1DPtr _count_e_channel;
Histo1DPtr _count_mu_channel;
Histo1DPtr _hist_eTmiss_e;
Histo1DPtr _hist_eTmiss_mu;
Histo1DPtr _hist_m_eff_e;
Histo1DPtr _hist_m_eff_mu;
Histo1DPtr _hist_m_eff_e_final;
Histo1DPtr _hist_m_eff_mu_final;
// The hook for the plugin system
diff --git a/src/Analyses/ b/src/Analyses/
--- a/src/Analyses/
+++ b/src/Analyses/
@@ -1,337 +1,335 @@
// -*- C++ -*-
#include "Rivet/Analysis.hh"
#include "Rivet/Tools/BinnedHistogram.hh"
#include "Rivet/Projections/FinalState.hh"
#include "Rivet/Projections/ChargedFinalState.hh"
#include "Rivet/Projections/VisibleFinalState.hh"
#include "Rivet/Projections/IdentifiedFinalState.hh"
#include "Rivet/Projections/FastJets.hh"
// #include "Rivet/Tools/RivetMT2.hh"
namespace Rivet {
class ATLAS_2011_CONF_2011_098 : public Analysis {
/// @name Constructors etc.
/// Constructor
: Analysis("ATLAS_2011_CONF_2011_098"),
//debug variables
threeJA(0), threeJB(0), threeJC(0), threeJD(0), bj(0), jets(0), zerolept(0), eTmisscut(0)
{ }
/// @name Analysis methods
/// Book histograms and initialise projections before the run
void init() {
// projection to find the electrons
- std::vector<std::pair<double, double> > eta_e;
- eta_e.push_back(make_pair(-2.47,2.47));
- IdentifiedFinalState elecs(eta_e, 20.0*GeV);
+ IdentifiedFinalState elecs(Range(Cuts::eta, -2.47, 2.47)
+ & (Cuts::pt >= 20.0*GeV));
addProjection(elecs, "elecs");
// projection to find the muons
- std::vector<std::pair<double, double> > eta_m;
- eta_m.push_back(make_pair(-2.4,2.4));
- IdentifiedFinalState muons(eta_m, 10.0*GeV);
+ IdentifiedFinalState muons(Range(Cuts::eta, -2.4, 2.4)
+ & (Cuts::pt >= 10.0*GeV));
addProjection(muons, "muons");
/// Jet finder
addProjection(FastJets(FinalState(), FastJets::ANTIKT, 0.4),
// all tracks (to do deltaR with leptons)
// for pTmiss
/// Book histograms
_count_threeJA = bookHisto1D("count_threeJA", 1, 0., 1.);
_count_threeJB = bookHisto1D("count_threeJB", 1, 0., 1.);
_count_threeJC = bookHisto1D("count_threeJC", 1, 0., 1.);
_count_threeJD = bookHisto1D("count_threeJD", 1, 0., 1.);
_hist_meff_1bjet = bookHisto1D("meff_1bjet", 32, 0., 1600.);
_hist_eTmiss_1bjet = bookHisto1D("eTmiss_1bjet", 6, 0., 600.);
_hist_pTj_1bjet = bookHisto1D("pTjet_1bjet", 20, 0., 800.);
_hist_meff_2bjet = bookHisto1D("meff_2bjet", 32, 0., 1600.);
_hist_eTmiss_2bjet = bookHisto1D("eTmiss_2bjet", 6, 0., 600.);
_hist_pTj_2bjet = bookHisto1D("pTjet_2bjet", 20, 0., 800.);
/// Perform the per-event analysis
void analyze(const Event& event) {
const double weight = event.weight();
// Temp: calorimeter module failure with 10% acceptance loss;
// region unknown ==> randomly choose 10% of events to be vetoed
if ( rand()/static_cast<double>(RAND_MAX) < 0.1 )
Jets tmp_cand_jets;
foreach (const Jet& jet,
applyProjection<FastJets>(event, "AntiKtJets04").jetsByPt(20.0*GeV) ) {
if ( fabs( jet.eta() ) < 2.8 ) {
Particles cand_e =
applyProjection<IdentifiedFinalState>(event, "elecs").particlesByPt();
Particles cand_mu =
applyProjection<IdentifiedFinalState>(event, "muons").particlesByPt();
Particles chg_tracks =
applyProjection<ChargedFinalState>(event, "cfs").particles();
//cerr << "cand_e.size(): " << cand_e.size() << " cand_mu.size(): " << cand_mu.size() << '\n';
Jets cand_jets;
foreach ( const Jet& jet, tmp_cand_jets ) {
if ( fabs( jet.eta() ) >= 2.8 )
cand_jets.push_back( jet );
else {
bool away_from_e = true;
foreach ( const Particle & e, cand_e ) {
if ( deltaR(e.momentum(),jet.momentum()) <= 0.2 ) {
away_from_e = false;
if ( away_from_e )
cand_jets.push_back( jet );
Particles cand_lept;
bool isolated_e;
foreach ( const Particle & e, cand_e ) {
isolated_e = true;
foreach ( const Jet& jet, cand_jets ) {
if ( deltaR(e.momentum(),jet.momentum()) < 0.4 )
isolated_e = false;
if ( isolated_e == true )
cand_lept.push_back( e );
bool isolated_mu;
foreach ( const Particle & mu, cand_mu ) {
isolated_mu = true;
foreach ( const Jet& jet, cand_jets ) {
if ( deltaR(mu.momentum(),jet.momentum()) < 0.4 )
isolated_mu = false;
if ( isolated_mu == true)
cand_lept.push_back( mu );
// pTmiss
Particles vfs_particles
= applyProjection<VisibleFinalState>(event, "vfs").particles();
FourMomentum pTmiss;
foreach ( const Particle & p, vfs_particles ) {
pTmiss -= p.momentum();
double eTmiss = pTmiss.pT();
// bjets
Jets bjets,recon_jets;
foreach (const Jet& j, cand_jets) {
if(fabs( j.eta() ) <= 2.8) {
if ( fabs( j.eta() ) <= 2.5 && j.momentum().perp()>50. &&
j.containsBottom() && rand()/static_cast<double>(RAND_MAX) < 0.5 )
if (bjets.empty()) {
MSG_DEBUG("No b-jet axes in acceptance");
// Jets event selection
if ( recon_jets.size() < 3 )
if ( recon_jets[0].pT() <= 130*GeV )
if ( recon_jets[1].pT() <= 50*GeV ||
recon_jets[2].pT() <= 50*GeV )
// eTmiss cut
if ( eTmiss <= 130*GeV )
// 0-lepton requirement
if ( !cand_lept.empty() )
// m_eff cut
double m_eff = eTmiss
+ recon_jets[0].pT()
+ recon_jets[1].pT()
+ recon_jets[2].pT();
if ( eTmiss / m_eff <= 0.25 )
// min_dPhi
double min_dPhi = 999.999;
for ( int i = 0; i < 3; ++i ) {
double dPhi = deltaPhi( pTmiss.phi(), recon_jets[i].momentum().phi() );
min_dPhi = min( min_dPhi, dPhi );
if ( min_dPhi <= 0.4 )
// ==================== FILL ====================
// 1 bjet
if ( bjets.size() >= 1 ) {
_hist_meff_1bjet->fill(m_eff, weight);
_hist_eTmiss_1bjet->fill(eTmiss, weight);
_hist_pTj_1bjet->fill(recon_jets[0].pT(), weight);
// 3JA region
if ( m_eff > 200*GeV ) {
_count_threeJA->fill(0.5, weight);
// 3JB region
if ( m_eff > 700*GeV ) {
_count_threeJB->fill(0.5, weight);
// 2 bjets
if ( bjets.size() >= 2 ) {
_hist_meff_2bjet->fill(m_eff, weight);
_hist_eTmiss_2bjet->fill(eTmiss, weight);
_hist_pTj_2bjet->fill(recon_jets[0].pT(), weight);
// 3JC region
if ( m_eff > 500*GeV ) {
_count_threeJC->fill(0.5, weight);
// 3JD region
if ( m_eff > 700*GeV ) {
_count_threeJD->fill(0.5, weight);
void finalize() {
scale( _hist_meff_1bjet, 50. * 830. * crossSection()/sumOfWeights() );
scale( _hist_eTmiss_1bjet, 100. * 830. * crossSection()/sumOfWeights() );
scale( _hist_pTj_1bjet, 40. * 830. * crossSection()/sumOfWeights() );
scale( _hist_meff_2bjet, 50. * 830. * crossSection()/sumOfWeights() );
scale( _hist_eTmiss_2bjet, 100. * 830. * crossSection()/sumOfWeights() );
scale( _hist_pTj_2bjet, 40. * 830. * crossSection()/sumOfWeights() );
// cerr<< '\n'<<'\n'
// << "Saw "
// << bj << " events aft bjets cut, "
// << jets << " events aft jet cuts, "
// << eTmisscut << " events aft eTmiss cut, "
// << zerolept << " events after 0-lept cut. "
// << '\n'
// << threeJA << " 3JA events, "
// << threeJB << " 3JB events, "
// << threeJC << " 3JC events, "
// << threeJD << " 3JD events. "
// << '\n'
// ;
/// @name Histograms
Histo1DPtr _count_threeJA;
Histo1DPtr _count_threeJB;
Histo1DPtr _count_threeJC;
Histo1DPtr _count_threeJD;
Histo1DPtr _hist_meff_1bjet;
Histo1DPtr _hist_eTmiss_1bjet;
Histo1DPtr _hist_pTj_1bjet;
Histo1DPtr _hist_meff_2bjet;
Histo1DPtr _hist_eTmiss_2bjet;
Histo1DPtr _hist_pTj_2bjet;
// debug variables
int threeJA;
int threeJB;
int threeJC;
int threeJD;
int bj;
int jets;
int zerolept;
int eTmisscut;
// The hook for the plugin system
diff --git a/src/Analyses/ b/src/Analyses/
--- a/src/Analyses/
+++ b/src/Analyses/
@@ -1,179 +1,185 @@
// -*- C++ -*-
#include "Rivet/Analysis.hh"
#include "Rivet/Projections/FinalState.hh"
#include "Rivet/Projections/IdentifiedFinalState.hh"
#include "Rivet/Projections/WFinder.hh"
#include "Rivet/Projections/ZFinder.hh"
namespace Rivet {
/// @brief Measurement of electron and muon differential cross section from heavy flavour production
/// lepton cross sections differential in pT
/// @author Paul Bell, Holger Schulz
class ATLAS_2011_I926145 : public Analysis {
/// Constructor
: Analysis("ATLAS_2011_I926145")
/// Book histograms and initialise projections before the run
void init() {
///projection for electrons
- std::vector<std::pair<double, double> > eta_e;
- eta_e.push_back(make_pair(-2.00,-1.52));
- eta_e.push_back(make_pair(-1.37,1.37));
- eta_e.push_back(make_pair(1.52,2.00));
- IdentifiedFinalState elecs(eta_e, 7.0*GeV);
+ Cut cuts = ( Range(Cuts::eta, -2.00, -1.52)
+ | Range(Cuts::eta, -1.37, 1.37)
+ | Range(Cuts::eta, 1.52, 2.00) ) & (Cuts::pt >= 7.0*GeV);
+ IdentifiedFinalState elecs(cuts);
addProjection(elecs, "elecs");
//projection for muons -- same phase space as above??? Not sure if the crack region has
//to be removed for the muons as well
std::vector<std::pair<double, double> > eta_m;
//IdentifiedFinalState muons(eta_m, 7.0*GeV);
- IdentifiedFinalState muons(-2.0, 2.0, 7.0*GeV);
+ IdentifiedFinalState muons(Range(Cuts::eta,-2.0,2.0) & (Cuts::pt >= 7.0*GeV));
addProjection(muons, "muons");
//projection for muons full range
- IdentifiedFinalState muons_full(-2.5, 2.5, 4.0*GeV);
+ IdentifiedFinalState muons_full(Range(Cuts::eta,-2.5,2.5) & (Cuts::pt >= 4.0*GeV));
addProjection(muons_full, "muons_full");
//// ZFinder: etaMin, etaMax, pid, minmass, maxmass, dRmax, clusterPhotons, trackPhotons
- ZFinder zfinder_e(-2.0, 2.0, 0.0, PID::ELECTRON, 66.0*GeV, 116.0*GeV, 0.1, false, false);
+ ZFinder zfinder_e(FinalState(), Range(Cuts::eta,-2.0,2.0),
+ PID::ELECTRON, 66.0*GeV, 116.0*GeV, 0.1, false, false);
addProjection(zfinder_e, "ZFinder_e");
- ZFinder zfinder_mu(-2.0, 2.0, 0.0, PID::MUON, 66.0*GeV, 116.0*GeV, 0.1, false, false);
+ ZFinder zfinder_mu(FinalState(), Range(Cuts::eta,-2.0,2.0),
+ PID::MUON, 66.0*GeV, 116.0*GeV, 0.1, false, false);
addProjection(zfinder_mu, "ZFinder_mu");
- ZFinder zfinder_mufull(-2.5, 2.5, 0.0, PID::MUON, 66.0*GeV, 116.0*GeV, 0.1, false, false);
+ ZFinder zfinder_mufull(FinalState(), Range(Cuts::eta,-2.5,2.5),
+ PID::MUON, 66.0*GeV, 116.0*GeV, 0.1, false, false);
addProjection(zfinder_mufull, "ZFinder_mufull");
//// WFinder: etaMin, etaMax, pid, minmass, maxmass, dRmax, clusterPhotons, trackPhotons
- WFinder wfinder_e(-2.0, 2.0, 0.0*GeV, PID::ELECTRON, 60.0*GeV, 100.0*GeV, 25.0*GeV, 0.2);
+ WFinder wfinder_e(FinalState(), Range(Cuts::eta,-2.0,2.0),
+ PID::ELECTRON, 60.0*GeV, 100.0*GeV, 25.0*GeV, 0.2);
addProjection(wfinder_e, "WFinder_e");
- WFinder wfinder_mu(-2.0, 2.0, 0.0*GeV, PID::MUON, 60.0*GeV, 100.0*GeV, 25.0*GeV, 0.2);
+ WFinder wfinder_mu(FinalState(), Range(Cuts::eta,-2.0,2.0),
+ PID::MUON, 60.0*GeV, 100.0*GeV, 25.0*GeV, 0.2);
addProjection(wfinder_mu, "WFinder_mu");
- WFinder wfinder_mufull(-2.5, 2.5, 0.0*GeV, PID::MUON, 60.0*GeV, 100.0*GeV, 25.0*GeV, 0.2);
+ WFinder wfinder_mufull(FinalState(), Range(Cuts::eta,-2.5,2.5),
+ PID::MUON, 60.0*GeV, 100.0*GeV, 25.0*GeV, 0.2);
addProjection(wfinder_mufull, "WFinder_mufull");
// Book histograms - use autobooking
_histPt_elecs = bookHisto1D(1 ,1 ,1);
_histPt_muons = bookHisto1D(2 ,1 ,1);
_histPt_muons_full = bookHisto1D(3 ,1 ,1);
/// Perform the per-event analysis
void analyze(const Event& event) {
const double weight = event.weight();
const FinalState& elecs = applyProjection<FinalState>(event, "elecs");
const FinalState& muons = applyProjection<FinalState>(event, "muons");
const FinalState& muons_full = applyProjection<FinalState>(event, "muons_full");
// Veto event if no lepton is present
if (elecs.size() == 0 && muons.size() == 0 && muons_full.size() == 0) {
// Check for W and or Z bosons in event
// Z veto
const ZFinder& zfinder_e = applyProjection<ZFinder>(event, "ZFinder_e");
const ZFinder& zfinder_mu = applyProjection<ZFinder>(event, "ZFinder_mu");
const ZFinder& zfinder_mufull = applyProjection<ZFinder>(event, "ZFinder_mufull");
if (zfinder_e.bosons().size() > 0 || zfinder_mu.bosons().size() > 0 || zfinder_mufull.bosons().size() > 0) {
MSG_DEBUG("Num elec Z-bosons found: " << zfinder_e.bosons().size());
MSG_DEBUG("Num muon Z-bosons found: " << zfinder_mu.bosons().size());
MSG_DEBUG("Num muon Z-bosons found (|eta|<2.5): " << zfinder_mufull.bosons().size());
// W veto
const WFinder& wfinder_e = applyProjection<WFinder>(event, "WFinder_e");
const WFinder& wfinder_mu = applyProjection<WFinder>(event, "WFinder_mu");
const WFinder& wfinder_mufull = applyProjection<WFinder>(event, "WFinder_mufull");
if (wfinder_e.bosons().size() > 0 || wfinder_mu.bosons().size() > 0 || wfinder_mufull.bosons().size() > 0) {
MSG_DEBUG("Num elec W-bosons found: " << wfinder_e.bosons().size());
MSG_DEBUG("Num muon W-bosons found: " << wfinder_mu.bosons().size());
MSG_DEBUG("Num muon W-bosons found (|eta|<2.5): " << wfinder_mufull.bosons().size());
// Electron histogram
if (elecs.size() > 0) {
foreach (const Particle& ele, elecs.particles()) {
if (ele.pT()*GeV < 26.0) {
_histPt_elecs->fill(ele.pT()*GeV, weight);
// Muon histogram
if (muons.size() > 0) {
foreach (const Particle& muo, muons.particles()) {
if (muo.pT()*GeV < 26.0) {
_histPt_muons->fill(muo.pT()*GeV, weight);
// Muon full histogram
if (muons_full.size() > 0) {
foreach (const Particle& muo, muons_full.particles()) {
if (muo.pT()*GeV < 100.0) {
_histPt_muons_full->fill(muo.pT()*GeV, weight);
/// Normalise histograms etc., after the run
void finalize() {
// Data cross-section is given in nb! x-sections in rivet are in pb!
scale(_histPt_elecs, crossSection()/nanobarn/sumOfWeights());
scale(_histPt_muons, crossSection()/nanobarn/sumOfWeights());
scale(_histPt_muons_full, crossSection()/nanobarn/sumOfWeights());
/// @name Histograms
Histo1DPtr _histPt_elecs;
Histo1DPtr _histPt_muons;
Histo1DPtr _histPt_muons_full;
// The hook for the plugin system
diff --git a/src/Analyses/ b/src/Analyses/
--- a/src/Analyses/
+++ b/src/Analyses/
@@ -1,263 +1,262 @@
// -*- C++ -*-
#include "Rivet/Analysis.hh"
#include "Rivet/Projections/ChargedFinalState.hh"
#include "Rivet/Projections/IdentifiedFinalState.hh"
#include "Rivet/Projections/UnstableFinalState.hh"
namespace Rivet {
class ATLAS_2011_I944826 : public Analysis {
/// Constructor
: Analysis("ATLAS_2011_I944826")
_sum_w_ks = 0.0;
_sum_w_lambda = 0.0;
_sum_w_passed = 0.0;
/// Book histograms and initialise projections before the run
void init() {
UnstableFinalState ufs(-MAXRAPIDITY, MAXRAPIDITY, 100*MeV);
addProjection(ufs, "UFS");
- vector<pair<double, double> > etaRanges;
- etaRanges.push_back(make_pair(-3.84, -2.09));
- etaRanges.push_back(make_pair(2.09, 3.84));
- ChargedFinalState mbts(etaRanges);
+ ChargedFinalState mbts( Range(Cuts::eta, -3.84, -2.09)
+ | Range(Cuts::eta, 2.09, 3.84) );
addProjection(mbts, "MBTS");
- IdentifiedFinalState nstable(-2.5, 2.5, 100*MeV);
+ IdentifiedFinalState nstable( Range(Cuts::eta, -2.5, 2.5)
+ & (Cuts::pt >= 100*MeV) );
addProjection(nstable, "nstable");
if (fuzzyEquals(sqrtS()*GeV, 7000, 1e-3)) {
_hist_Ks_pT = bookHisto1D(1, 1, 1);
_hist_Ks_y = bookHisto1D(2, 1, 1);
_hist_Ks_mult = bookHisto1D(3, 1, 1);
_hist_L_pT = bookHisto1D(7, 1, 1);
_hist_L_y = bookHisto1D(8, 1, 1);
_hist_L_mult = bookHisto1D(9, 1, 1);
_hist_Ratio_v_y = bookScatter2D(13, 1, 1);
_hist_Ratio_v_pT = bookScatter2D(14, 1, 1);
_temp_lambda_v_y = Histo1D(10, 0.0, 2.5);
_temp_lambdabar_v_y = Histo1D(10, 0.0, 2.5);
_temp_lambda_v_pT = Histo1D(18, 0.5, 4.1);
_temp_lambdabar_v_pT = Histo1D(18, 0.5, 4.1);
else if (fuzzyEquals(sqrtS()*GeV, 900, 1E-3)) {
_hist_Ks_pT = bookHisto1D(4, 1, 1);
_hist_Ks_y = bookHisto1D(5, 1, 1);
_hist_Ks_mult = bookHisto1D(6, 1, 1);
_hist_L_pT = bookHisto1D(10, 1, 1);
_hist_L_y = bookHisto1D(11, 1, 1);
_hist_L_mult = bookHisto1D(12, 1, 1);
_hist_Ratio_v_y = bookScatter2D(15, 1, 1);
_hist_Ratio_v_pT = bookScatter2D(16, 1, 1);
_temp_lambda_v_y = Histo1D(5, 0.0, 2.5);
_temp_lambdabar_v_y = Histo1D(5, 0.0, 2.5);
_temp_lambda_v_pT = Histo1D(8, 0.5, 3.7);
_temp_lambdabar_v_pT = Histo1D(8, 0.5, 3.7);
// This function is required to impose the flight time cuts on Kaons and Lambdas
double getPerpFlightDistance(const Rivet::Particle& p) {
const HepMC::GenParticle* genp = p.genParticle();
HepMC::GenVertex* prodV = genp->production_vertex();
HepMC::GenVertex* decV = genp->end_vertex();
const HepMC::ThreeVector prodPos = prodV->point3d();
if (decV) {
const HepMC::ThreeVector decPos = decV->point3d();
double dy = prodPos.y() - decPos.y();
double dx = prodPos.x() - decPos.x();
return add_quad(dx, dy);
return numeric_limits<double>::max();
bool daughtersSurviveCuts(const Rivet::Particle& p) {
// We require the Kshort or Lambda to decay into two charged
// particles with at least pT = 100 MeV inside acceptance region
const HepMC::GenParticle* genp = p.genParticle();
HepMC::GenVertex* decV = genp->end_vertex();
bool decision = true;
if (!decV) return false;
if (decV->particles_out_size() == 2) {
std::vector<double> pTs;
std::vector<int> charges;
std::vector<double> etas;
foreach (HepMC::GenParticle* gp, particles(decV, HepMC::children)) {
charges.push_back( Rivet::PID::threeCharge(gp->pdg_id()) );
// gp->print();
if ( (pTs[0]/Rivet::GeV < 0.1) || (pTs[1]/Rivet::GeV < 0.1) ) {
decision = false;
MSG_DEBUG("Failed pT cut: " << pTs[0]/Rivet::GeV << " " << pTs[1]/Rivet::GeV);
if ( etas[0] > 2.5 || etas[1] > 2.5 ) {
decision = false;
MSG_DEBUG("Failed eta cut: " << etas[0] << " " << etas[1]);
if ( charges[0] * charges[1] >= 0 ) {
decision = false;
MSG_DEBUG("Failed opposite charge cut: " << charges[0] << " " << charges[1]);
else {
decision = false;
MSG_DEBUG("Failed nDaughters cut: " << decV->particles_out_size());
return decision;
/// Perform the per-event analysis
void analyze(const Event& event) {
const double weight = event.weight();
// ATLAS MBTS trigger requirement of at least one hit in either hemisphere
if (applyProjection<FinalState>(event, "MBTS").size() < 1) {
MSG_DEBUG("Failed trigger cut");
// Veto event also when we find less than 2 particles in the acceptance region of type 211,2212,11,13,321
if (applyProjection<FinalState>(event, "nstable").size() < 2) {
MSG_DEBUG("Failed stable particle cut");
_sum_w_passed += weight;
// This ufs holds all the Kaons and Lambdas
const UnstableFinalState& ufs = applyProjection<UnstableFinalState>(event, "UFS");
// Some conters
int n_KS0 = 0;
int n_LAMBDA = 0;
// Particle loop
foreach (const Particle& p, ufs.particles()) {
// General particle quantities
const double pT = p.pT();
const double y = p.rapidity();
const PdgId apid = abs(p.pdgId());
double flightd = 0.0;
// Look for Kaons, Lambdas
switch (apid) {
case PID::K0S:
flightd = getPerpFlightDistance(p);
if (!inRange(flightd/mm, 4., 450.) ) {
MSG_DEBUG("Kaon failed flight distance cut:" << flightd);
if (daughtersSurviveCuts(p) ) {
_hist_Ks_y ->fill(y, weight);
_hist_Ks_pT->fill(pT/GeV, weight);
_sum_w_ks += weight;
if (pT < 0.5*GeV) { // Lambdas have an additional pT cut of 500 MeV
MSG_DEBUG("Lambda failed pT cut:" << pT/GeV << " GeV");
flightd = getPerpFlightDistance(p);
if (!inRange(flightd/mm, 17., 450.)) {
MSG_DEBUG("Lambda failed flight distance cut:" << flightd/mm << " mm");
if ( daughtersSurviveCuts(p) ) {
if (p.pdgId() == PID::LAMBDA) {
_temp_lambda_v_y.fill(fabs(y), weight);
_temp_lambda_v_pT.fill(pT/GeV, weight);
_hist_L_y->fill(y, weight);
_hist_L_pT->fill(pT/GeV, weight);
_sum_w_lambda += weight;
} else if (p.pdgId() == -PID::LAMBDA) {
_temp_lambdabar_v_y.fill(fabs(y), weight);
_temp_lambdabar_v_pT.fill(pT/GeV, weight);
// Fill multiplicity histos
_hist_Ks_mult->fill(n_KS0, weight);
_hist_L_mult->fill(n_LAMBDA, weight);
/// Normalise histograms etc., after the run
void finalize() {
MSG_DEBUG("# Events that pass the trigger: " << _sum_w_passed);
MSG_DEBUG("# Kshort events: " << _sum_w_ks);
MSG_DEBUG("# Lambda events: " << _sum_w_lambda);
/// @todo Replace with normalize()?
scale(_hist_Ks_pT, 1.0/_sum_w_ks);
scale(_hist_Ks_y, 1.0/_sum_w_ks);
scale(_hist_Ks_mult, 1.0/_sum_w_passed);
/// @todo Replace with normalize()?
scale(_hist_L_pT, 1.0/_sum_w_lambda);
scale(_hist_L_y, 1.0/_sum_w_lambda);
scale(_hist_L_mult, 1.0/_sum_w_passed);
// Division of histograms to obtain lambda_bar/lambda ratios
divide(_temp_lambdabar_v_y, _temp_lambda_v_y, _hist_Ratio_v_y);
divide(_temp_lambdabar_v_pT, _temp_lambda_v_pT, _hist_Ratio_v_pT);
/// Counters
double _sum_w_ks, _sum_w_lambda, _sum_w_passed;
/// @name Persistent histograms
Histo1DPtr _hist_Ks_pT, _hist_Ks_y, _hist_Ks_mult;
Histo1DPtr _hist_L_pT, _hist_L_y, _hist_L_mult;
Scatter2DPtr _hist_Ratio_v_pT, _hist_Ratio_v_y;
/// @name Temporary histograms
Histo1D _temp_lambda_v_y, _temp_lambdabar_v_y;
Histo1D _temp_lambda_v_pT, _temp_lambdabar_v_pT;
// The hook for the plugin system
diff --git a/src/Analyses/ b/src/Analyses/
--- a/src/Analyses/
+++ b/src/Analyses/
@@ -1,286 +1,288 @@
// -*- C++ -*-
#include "Rivet/Analysis.hh"
#include "Rivet/Projections/ZFinder.hh"
#include "Rivet/Projections/FastJets.hh"
#include "Rivet/Projections/FinalState.hh"
#include "Rivet/Projections/VetoedFinalState.hh"
#include "Rivet/Projections/IdentifiedFinalState.hh"
#include "Rivet/Projections/LeadingParticlesFinalState.hh"
#include "Rivet/Projections/ClusteredPhotons.hh"
namespace Rivet {
class ATLAS_2011_I945498 : public Analysis {
/// @name Constructors etc.
/// Constructor
: Analysis("ATLAS_2011_I945498")
for (size_t chn = 0; chn < 3; ++chn) {
weights_nj0[chn] = 0.0;
weights_nj1[chn] = 0.0;
weights_nj2[chn] = 0.0;
weights_nj3[chn] = 0.0;
weights_nj4[chn] = 0.0;
/// Book histograms and initialise projections before the run
void init() {
// Set up projections
- ZFinder zfinder_mu(-2.4, 2.4, 20, PID::MUON, 66.0*GeV, 116.0*GeV, 0.1, true, false);
+ ZFinder zfinder_mu(FinalState(), Range(Cuts::eta, -2.4, 2.4) & (Cuts::pt >= 20),
+ PID::MUON, 66.0*GeV, 116.0*GeV, 0.1, true, false);
addProjection(zfinder_mu, "ZFinder_mu");
- std::vector<std::pair<double, double> > eta_e;
- eta_e.push_back(make_pair(-2.47, -1.52));
- eta_e.push_back(make_pair(-1.37, 1.37));
- eta_e.push_back(make_pair(1.52, 2.47));
- ZFinder zfinder_el(eta_e, 20, PID::ELECTRON, 66.0*GeV, 116.0*GeV, 0.1, true, false);
+ Cut cuts = ( Range(Cuts::eta, -2.47, -1.52)
+ | Range(Cuts::eta, -1.37, 1.37)
+ | Range(Cuts::eta, 1.52, 2.47) ) & (Cuts::pt >= 20.0*GeV);
+ ZFinder zfinder_el(FinalState(), cuts,
+ PID::ELECTRON, 66.0*GeV, 116.0*GeV, 0.1, true, false);
addProjection(zfinder_el, "ZFinder_el");
// Define veto FS in order to prevent Z-decay products entering the jet algorithm
VetoedFinalState remfs;
FastJets jets(remfs, FastJets::ANTIKT, 0.4);
addProjection(jets, "jets");
// 0=el, 1=mu, 2=comb
for (size_t chn = 0; chn < 3; ++chn) {
_h_njet_incl[chn] = bookHisto1D(1, 1, chn+1);
_h_njet_ratio[chn] = bookScatter2D(2, 1, chn+1);
_h_ptjet[chn] = bookHisto1D(3, 1, chn+1);
_h_ptlead[chn] = bookHisto1D(4, 1, chn+1);
_h_ptseclead[chn] = bookHisto1D(5, 1, chn+1);
_h_yjet[chn] = bookHisto1D(6, 1, chn+1);
_h_ylead[chn] = bookHisto1D(7, 1, chn+1);
_h_yseclead[chn] = bookHisto1D(8, 1, chn+1);
_h_mass[chn] = bookHisto1D(9, 1, chn+1);
_h_deltay[chn] = bookHisto1D(10, 1, chn+1);
_h_deltaphi[chn] = bookHisto1D(11, 1, chn+1);
_h_deltaR[chn] = bookHisto1D(12, 1, chn+1);
// Jet selection criteria universal for electron and muon channel
/// @todo Replace with a Cut passed to jetsByPt
Jets selectJets(const ZFinder* zf, const Event& event) {
FourMomentum l1 = zf->constituents()[0].momentum();
FourMomentum l2 = zf->constituents()[1].momentum();
Jets jets;
foreach (const Jet& jet, applyProjection<FastJets>(event, "jets").jetsByPt(30.0*GeV)) {
FourMomentum jmom = jet.momentum();
if (fabs(jmom.rapidity()) < 4.4 && deltaR(l1, jmom) > 0.5 && deltaR(l2, jmom) > 0.5) {
return jets;
/// Perform the per-event analysis
void analyze(const Event& event) {
const double weight = event.weight();
vector<const ZFinder*> zfs;
zfs.push_back(& (applyProjection<ZFinder>(event, "ZFinder_el")));
zfs.push_back(& (applyProjection<ZFinder>(event, "ZFinder_mu")));
// Require exactly one electronic or muonic Z-decay in the event
if (!( (zfs[0]->bosons().size() == 1 && zfs[1]->bosons().size() != 1) ||
(zfs[1]->bosons().size() == 1 && zfs[0]->bosons().size() != 1) )) vetoEvent;
int chn = zfs[0]->bosons().size() == 1 ? 0 : 1;
Jets jets = selectJets(zfs[chn], event);
/// @todo Holger wrote in his commit message that the njet_ratio
/// histograms need fixing/checking, and therefore the analysis
/// is marked unvalidated!
// Some silly weight counters for the njet-ratio histo
// --- not sure about the njet=0 case, the Figure caption says
// that selected events require at least one jet with 20 GeV
switch (jets.size()) {
case 0:
weights_nj0[chn] += weight;
case 1:
weights_nj0[chn] += weight;
weights_nj1[chn] += weight;
case 2:
weights_nj0[chn] += weight;
weights_nj1[chn] += weight;
weights_nj2[chn] += weight;
case 3:
weights_nj0[chn] += weight;
weights_nj1[chn] += weight;
weights_nj2[chn] += weight;
weights_nj3[chn] += weight;
default: // >= 4
weights_nj0[chn] += weight;
weights_nj1[chn] += weight;
weights_nj2[chn] += weight;
weights_nj3[chn] += weight;
weights_nj4[chn] += weight;
// Require at least one jet
if (jets.size() < 1) vetoEvent;
// Fill jet multiplicities
_h_njet_incl[chn]->fill(jets.size(), weight);
_h_njet_incl[2]->fill(jets.size(), weight);
// Loop over selected jets, fill inclusive jet distributions
for (size_t ijet = 0; ijet < jets.size(); ++ijet) {
_h_ptjet[chn]->fill(jets[ijet].pT()/GeV, weight);
_h_ptjet[2] ->fill(jets[ijet].pT()/GeV, weight);
_h_yjet[chn] ->fill(fabs(jets[ijet].rapidity()), weight);
_h_yjet[2] ->fill(fabs(jets[ijet].rapidity()), weight);
// Leading jet histos
const double ptlead = jets[0].pT()/GeV;
const double yabslead = fabs(jets[0].rapidity());
_h_ptlead[chn]->fill(ptlead, weight);
_h_ptlead[2] ->fill(ptlead, weight);
_h_ylead[chn] ->fill(yabslead, weight);
_h_ylead[2] ->fill(yabslead, weight);
if (jets.size() >= 2) {
// Second jet histos
const double pt2ndlead = jets[1].pT()/GeV;
const double yabs2ndlead = fabs(jets[1].rapidity());
_h_ptseclead[chn] ->fill(pt2ndlead, weight);
_h_ptseclead[2] ->fill(pt2ndlead, weight);
_h_yseclead[chn] ->fill(yabs2ndlead, weight);
_h_yseclead[2] ->fill(yabs2ndlead, weight);
// Dijet histos
const double deltaphi = fabs(deltaPhi(jets[1], jets[0]));
const double deltarap = fabs(jets[0].rapidity() - jets[1].rapidity()) ;
const double deltar = fabs(deltaR(jets[0], jets[1], RAPIDITY));
const double mass = (jets[0].momentum() + jets[1].momentum()).mass();
_h_mass[chn] ->fill(mass, weight);
_h_mass[2] ->fill(mass, weight);
_h_deltay[chn] ->fill(deltarap, weight);
_h_deltay[2] ->fill(deltarap, weight);
_h_deltaphi[chn]->fill(deltaphi, weight);
_h_deltaphi[2] ->fill(deltaphi, weight);
_h_deltaR[chn] ->fill(deltar, weight);
_h_deltaR[2] ->fill(deltar, weight);
/// @name Ratio calculator util functions
/// Calculate the ratio, being careful about div-by-zero
double ratio(double a, double b) {
return (b != 0) ? a/b : 0;
/// Calculate the ratio error, being careful about div-by-zero
double ratio_err(double a, double b) {
return (b != 0) ? sqrt(a/sqr(b) + sqr(a)/(b*b*b)) : 0;
/// Calculate combined ratio from muon and electron channels
double comb_ratio(double* as, double* bs) {
return ratio(as[0]+as[1], bs[0]+bs[1]);
/// Calculate combined ratio error from muon and electron channels
double comb_ratio_err(double* as, double* bs) {
return ratio_err(as[0]+as[1], bs[0]+bs[1]);
void finalize() {
// Fill ratio histograms
for (size_t chn = 0; chn < 2; ++chn) {
_h_njet_ratio[chn]->addPoint(1, ratio(weights_nj1[chn], weights_nj0[chn]), 0, ratio_err(weights_nj1[chn], weights_nj0[chn]));
_h_njet_ratio[chn]->addPoint(2, ratio(weights_nj2[chn], weights_nj1[chn]), 0, ratio_err(weights_nj2[chn], weights_nj1[chn]));
_h_njet_ratio[chn]->addPoint(3, ratio(weights_nj3[chn], weights_nj2[chn]), 0, ratio_err(weights_nj3[chn], weights_nj2[chn]));
_h_njet_ratio[chn]->addPoint(4, ratio(weights_nj4[chn], weights_nj3[chn]), 0, ratio_err(weights_nj4[chn], weights_nj3[chn]));
_h_njet_ratio[2]->addPoint(1, comb_ratio(weights_nj1, weights_nj0), 0, comb_ratio_err(weights_nj1, weights_nj0));
_h_njet_ratio[2]->addPoint(2, comb_ratio(weights_nj2, weights_nj1), 0, comb_ratio_err(weights_nj2, weights_nj1));
_h_njet_ratio[2]->addPoint(3, comb_ratio(weights_nj3, weights_nj2), 0, comb_ratio_err(weights_nj3, weights_nj2));
_h_njet_ratio[2]->addPoint(4, comb_ratio(weights_nj4, weights_nj3), 0, comb_ratio_err(weights_nj4, weights_nj3));
// Scale other histos
const double xs = crossSectionPerEvent()/picobarn;
for (size_t chn = 0; chn < 3; ++chn) {
scale(_h_njet_incl[chn], xs);
scale(_h_ptjet[chn] , xs);
scale(_h_ptlead[chn] , xs);
scale(_h_ptseclead[chn], xs);
scale(_h_yjet[chn] , xs);
scale(_h_ylead[chn] , xs);
scale(_h_yseclead[chn] , xs);
scale(_h_deltaphi[chn] , xs);
scale(_h_deltay[chn] , xs);
scale(_h_deltaR[chn] , xs);
scale(_h_mass[chn] , xs);
double weights_nj0[3];
double weights_nj1[3];
double weights_nj2[3];
double weights_nj3[3];
double weights_nj4[3];
Scatter2DPtr _h_njet_ratio[3];
Histo1DPtr _h_njet_incl[3];
Histo1DPtr _h_ptjet[3];
Histo1DPtr _h_ptlead[3];
Histo1DPtr _h_ptseclead[3];
Histo1DPtr _h_yjet[3];
Histo1DPtr _h_ylead[3];
Histo1DPtr _h_yseclead[3];
Histo1DPtr _h_deltaphi[3];
Histo1DPtr _h_deltay[3];
Histo1DPtr _h_deltaR[3];
Histo1DPtr _h_mass[3];
diff --git a/src/Analyses/ b/src/Analyses/
--- a/src/Analyses/
+++ b/src/Analyses/
@@ -1,137 +1,145 @@
// -*- C++ -*-
#include "Rivet/Analysis.hh"
#include "Rivet/Projections/ZFinder.hh"
#include "Rivet/Projections/WFinder.hh"
#include "Rivet/Projections/VetoedFinalState.hh"
namespace Rivet {
/// @brief MC validation analysis for WZ events
class ATLAS_2011_I954993 : public Analysis {
/// Default constructor
: Analysis("ATLAS_2011_I954993")
/// @name Analysis methods
/// Book histograms
void init() {
//// ZFinder: etaMin,etaMax,pTmin,pid,m2_min,m2_max,dRmax,clusterPhotons,excludePhotonsFromRFS
- ZFinder zfinder_e( -2.5, 2.5, 15.0*GeV, PID::ELECTRON, 81.1876*GeV, 101.1876*GeV, 0.1, true, true);
+ ZFinder zfinder_e( FinalState(),
+ Range(Cuts::eta, -2.5, 2.5) & (Cuts::pt >= 15*GeV),
+ PID::ELECTRON, 81.1876*GeV, 101.1876*GeV, 0.1, true, true);
addProjection(zfinder_e, "ZFinder_e");
- ZFinder zfinder_mu(-2.5, 2.5, 15.0*GeV, PID::MUON, 81.1876*GeV, 101.1876*GeV, 0.1, true, true);
+ ZFinder zfinder_mu(FinalState(),
+ Range(Cuts::eta, -2.5, 2.5) & (Cuts::pt >= 15*GeV),
+ PID::MUON, 81.1876*GeV, 101.1876*GeV, 0.1, true, true);
addProjection(zfinder_mu, "ZFinder_mu");
//// WFinder: etaRanges,pTmin,pid,m2_min,m2_max,missingET,dRmax
VetoedFinalState weinput;
- WFinder wfinder_e(weinput, -2.5, 2.5, 15.0*GeV, PID::ELECTRON, 0.0*GeV, 1000.0*GeV, 25.0*GeV, 0.1);
+ WFinder wfinder_e(weinput,
+ Range(Cuts::eta, -2.5, 2.5) & (Cuts::pt >= 15*GeV),
+ PID::ELECTRON, 0.0*GeV, 1000.0*GeV, 25.0*GeV, 0.1);
addProjection(wfinder_e, "WFinder_e");
VetoedFinalState wminput;
- WFinder wfinder_mu(wminput,-2.5, 2.5, 15.0*GeV, PID::MUON, 0.0*GeV, 1000.0*GeV, 25.0*GeV, 0.1);
+ WFinder wfinder_mu(wminput,
+ Range(Cuts::eta, -2.5, 2.5) & (Cuts::pt >= 15*GeV),
+ PID::MUON, 0.0*GeV, 1000.0*GeV, 25.0*GeV, 0.1);
addProjection(wfinder_mu, "WFinder_mu");
//// Histograms
_h_fiducial = bookHisto1D(1,1,1);
/// Do the analysis
void analyze(const Event & e) {
const double weight = e.weight();
const ZFinder& zfinder_e = applyProjection<ZFinder>(e, "ZFinder_e");
const ZFinder& zfinder_mu = applyProjection<ZFinder>(e, "ZFinder_mu");
const WFinder& wfinder_e = applyProjection<WFinder>(e, "WFinder_e");
const WFinder& wfinder_mu = applyProjection<WFinder>(e, "WFinder_mu");
// Looking for a Z
if (zfinder_e.bosons().size()!= 1 && zfinder_mu.bosons().size() != 1) {
MSG_DEBUG("No Z boson found, vetoing event");
// Looking for a W
if (wfinder_e.bosons().size()!= 1 && wfinder_mu.bosons().size() != 1) {
MSG_DEBUG("No W boson found, vetoing event");
// If we find a W...
FourMomentum wmom_e(0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0), We(0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0), Wenu(0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0);
FourMomentum wmom_mu(0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0), Wmu(0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0), Wmunu(0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0);
if(wfinder_e.bosons().size()== 1){
wmom_e = wfinder_e.bosons().front().momentum();
We = wfinder_e.constituentLeptons()[0].momentum();
Wenu = wfinder_e.constituentNeutrinos()[0].momentum();
if(wfinder_mu.bosons().size()== 1){
wmom_mu = wfinder_mu.bosons().front().momentum();
Wmu = wfinder_mu.constituentLeptons()[0].momentum();
Wmunu = wfinder_mu.constituentNeutrinos()[0].momentum();
// Applying remaining fiducial phase space requirements
double mT = 0;
if(wfinder_e.bosons().size() == 1){
mT = sqrt(2*We.pT()*Wenu.Et()*(1.0-cos(We.phi()-Wenu.phi())));
if (Wenu.pT()/GeV < 25.0 || We.pT()/GeV < 20.0 || mT/GeV < 20.0) {
MSG_DEBUG(" Wnu.pT()/GeV:" << Wenu.pT()/GeV<<" Wl.pT()/GeV:" << We.pT()/GeV<<" mT/GeV:" << mT/GeV);
else if(wfinder_mu.bosons().size() == 1){
mT = sqrt(2*Wmu.pT()*Wmunu.Et()*(1.0-cos(Wmu.phi()-Wmunu.phi())));
if (Wmunu.pT()/GeV < 25.0 || Wmu.pT()/GeV < 20.0 || mT/GeV < 20.0) {
MSG_DEBUG(" Wnu.pT()/GeV:" << Wmunu.pT()/GeV<<" Wl.pT()/GeV:" << Wmu.pT()/GeV<<" mT/GeV:" << mT/GeV);
MSG_DEBUG("No W boson found, can't make a transverse mass, vetoing event");
_h_fiducial->fill(7000.0, weight);
/// Finalize
void finalize() {
scale(_h_fiducial, crossSection()/femtobarn/sumOfWeights());
/// @name Histograms
Histo1DPtr _h_fiducial;
//// The hook for the plugin system
diff --git a/src/Analyses/ b/src/Analyses/
--- a/src/Analyses/
+++ b/src/Analyses/
@@ -1,336 +1,332 @@
// -*- C++ -*-
#include "Rivet/Analysis.hh"
#include "Rivet/Tools/BinnedHistogram.hh"
#include "Rivet/Projections/FinalState.hh"
#include "Rivet/Projections/ChargedFinalState.hh"
#include "Rivet/Projections/VisibleFinalState.hh"
#include "Rivet/Projections/VetoedFinalState.hh"
#include "Rivet/Projections/IdentifiedFinalState.hh"
#include "Rivet/Projections/FastJets.hh"
#include "Rivet/Tools/RivetMT2.hh"
namespace Rivet {
class ATLAS_2011_S8983313 : public Analysis {
/// @name Constructors etc.
/// Constructor
: Analysis("ATLAS_2011_S8983313")
{ }
/// @name Analysis methods
/// Book histograms and initialise projections before the run
void init() {
// projection to find the electrons
- std::vector<std::pair<double, double> > eta_e;
- eta_e.push_back(make_pair(-2.47,2.47));
- IdentifiedFinalState elecs(eta_e, 10.0*GeV);
+ Cut pt10 = Cuts::pt > 10.0*GeV;
+ IdentifiedFinalState elecs( Range(Cuts::eta, -2.47, 2.47) & pt10 );
addProjection(elecs, "elecs");
// veto region electrons
- std::vector<std::pair<double, double> > eta_v_e;
- eta_v_e.push_back(make_pair(-1.52,-1.37));
- eta_v_e.push_back(make_pair( 1.37, 1.52));
- IdentifiedFinalState veto_elecs(eta_v_e, 10.0*GeV);
+ Cut vetocut = Range(Cuts::eta, -1.52, -1.37) | Range(Cuts::eta, 1.37, 1.52);
+ IdentifiedFinalState veto_elecs(vetocut & pt10);
addProjection(veto_elecs, "veto_elecs");
// projection to find the muons
- std::vector<std::pair<double, double> > eta_m;
- eta_m.push_back(make_pair(-2.4,2.4));
- IdentifiedFinalState muons(eta_m, 10.0*GeV);
+ IdentifiedFinalState muons( Range(Cuts::eta, -2.4, 2.4) & pt10 );
addProjection(muons, "muons");
VetoedFinalState vfs;
/// Jet finder
addProjection(FastJets(vfs, FastJets::ANTIKT, 0.4),
// all tracks (to do deltaR with leptons)
// for pTmiss
/// Book histograms
_count_A = bookHisto1D("count_A", 1, 0., 1.);
_count_B = bookHisto1D("count_B", 1, 0., 1.);
_count_C = bookHisto1D("count_C", 1, 0., 1.);
_count_D = bookHisto1D("count_D", 1, 0., 1.);
_hist_meff_A = bookHisto1D("m_eff_A", 30, 0., 3000.);
_hist_mT2_B = bookHisto1D("m_T2", 25, 0., 1000.);
_hist_meff_CD = bookHisto1D("m_eff_C_D", 30, 0., 3000.);
_hist_eTmiss = bookHisto1D("Et_miss", 20, 0., 1000.);
/// Perform the per-event analysis
void analyze(const Event& event) {
const double weight = event.weight();
Particles veto_e
= applyProjection<IdentifiedFinalState>(event, "veto_elecs").particles();
if ( ! veto_e.empty() ) {
MSG_DEBUG("electrons in veto region");
Jets cand_jets;
foreach (const Jet& jet,
applyProjection<FastJets>(event, "AntiKtJets04").jetsByPt(20.0*GeV) ) {
if ( fabs( jet.eta() ) < 4.9 ) {
Particles cand_e = applyProjection<IdentifiedFinalState>(event, "elecs").particlesByPt();
Particles cand_mu;
Particles chg_tracks = applyProjection<ChargedFinalState>(event, "cfs").particles();
foreach ( const Particle & mu,
applyProjection<IdentifiedFinalState>(event, "muons").particlesByPt() ) {
double pTinCone = -mu.pT();
foreach ( const Particle & track, chg_tracks ) {
if ( deltaR(mu.momentum(),track.momentum()) <= 0.2 )
pTinCone += track.pT();
if ( pTinCone < 1.8*GeV )
Jets cand_jets_2;
foreach ( const Jet& jet, cand_jets ) {
if ( fabs( jet.eta() ) >= 2.5 )
cand_jets_2.push_back( jet );
else {
bool away_from_e = true;
foreach ( const Particle & e, cand_e ) {
if ( deltaR(e.momentum(),jet.momentum()) <= 0.2 ) {
away_from_e = false;
if ( away_from_e )
cand_jets_2.push_back( jet );
Particles recon_e, recon_mu;
foreach ( const Particle & e, cand_e ) {
bool away = true;
foreach ( const Jet& jet, cand_jets_2 ) {
if ( deltaR(e.momentum(),jet.momentum()) < 0.4 ) {
away = false;
if ( away )
recon_e.push_back( e );
foreach ( const Particle & mu, cand_mu ) {
bool away = true;
foreach ( const Jet& jet, cand_jets_2 ) {
if ( deltaR(mu.momentum(),jet.momentum()) < 0.4 ) {
away = false;
if ( away )
recon_mu.push_back( mu );
// pTmiss
Particles vfs_particles = applyProjection<VisibleFinalState>(event, "vfs").particles();
FourMomentum pTmiss;
foreach ( const Particle & p, vfs_particles ) {
pTmiss -= p.momentum();
double eTmiss = pTmiss.pT();
// final jet filter
Jets recon_jets;
foreach ( const Jet& jet, cand_jets_2 ) {
if ( fabs( jet.eta() ) <= 2.5 )
recon_jets.push_back( jet );
// now only use recon_jets, recon_mu, recon_e
if ( ! ( recon_mu.empty() && recon_e.empty() ) ) {
MSG_DEBUG("Charged leptons left after selection");
if ( eTmiss <= 100 * GeV ) {
MSG_DEBUG("Not enough eTmiss: " << eTmiss << " < 100");
if ( recon_jets.empty() || recon_jets[0].pT() <= 120.0 * GeV ) {
MSG_DEBUG("No hard leading jet in " << recon_jets.size() << " jets");
// ==================== observables ====================
// Njets, min_dPhi
int Njets = 0;
double min_dPhi = 999.999;
double pTmiss_phi = pTmiss.phi();
foreach ( const Jet& jet, recon_jets ) {
if ( jet.pT() > 40 * GeV ) {
if ( Njets < 3 )
min_dPhi = min( min_dPhi,
deltaPhi( pTmiss_phi, jet.momentum().phi() ) );
if ( Njets < 2 ) {
MSG_DEBUG("Only " << Njets << " >40 GeV jets left");
if ( min_dPhi <= 0.4 ) {
MSG_DEBUG("dPhi too small");
// m_eff
double m_eff_2j = eTmiss
+ recon_jets[0].pT()
+ recon_jets[1].pT();
double m_eff_3j = recon_jets.size() < 3 ? -999.0 : m_eff_2j + recon_jets[2].pT();
// etmiss / m_eff
double et_meff_2j = eTmiss / m_eff_2j;
double et_meff_3j = eTmiss / m_eff_3j;
FourMomentum a = recon_jets[0].momentum();
FourMomentum b = recon_jets[1].momentum();
double m_T2 = mT2::mT2( a,
0.0 ); // zero mass invisibles
// ==================== FILL ====================
MSG_DEBUG( "Trying to fill "
<< Njets << ' '
<< m_eff_2j << ' '
<< et_meff_2j << ' '
<< m_eff_3j << ' '
<< et_meff_3j << ' '
<< m_T2 );
_hist_eTmiss->fill(eTmiss, weight);
if ( et_meff_2j > 0.3 ) {
_hist_meff_A->fill(m_eff_2j, weight);
if ( m_eff_2j > 500 * GeV ) {
MSG_DEBUG("Hits A");
_count_A->fill(0.5, weight);
_hist_mT2_B->fill(m_T2, weight);
if ( m_T2 > 300 * GeV ) {
MSG_DEBUG("Hits B");
_count_B->fill(0.5, weight);
// need 3 jets for C and D
if ( Njets >= 3 && et_meff_3j > 0.25 ) {
_hist_meff_CD->fill(m_eff_3j, weight);
if ( m_eff_3j > 500 * GeV ) {
MSG_DEBUG("Hits C");
_count_C->fill(0.5, weight);
if ( m_eff_3j > 1000 * GeV ) {
MSG_DEBUG("Hits D");
_count_D->fill(0.5, weight);
void finalize() {
double norm = crossSection()/picobarn*35.0/sumOfWeights();
scale(_hist_meff_A ,100.*norm);
scale(_hist_mT2_B ,100.*norm);
scale(_hist_meff_CD, 40.*norm);
scale(_hist_eTmiss , 50.*norm);
/// @name Histograms
Histo1DPtr _count_A;
Histo1DPtr _count_B;
Histo1DPtr _count_C;
Histo1DPtr _count_D;
Histo1DPtr _hist_meff_A;
Histo1DPtr _hist_mT2_B;
Histo1DPtr _hist_meff_CD;
Histo1DPtr _hist_eTmiss;
// The hook for the plugin system
diff --git a/src/Analyses/ b/src/Analyses/
--- a/src/Analyses/
+++ b/src/Analyses/
@@ -1,323 +1,319 @@
// -*- C++ -*-
#include "Rivet/Analysis.hh"
#include "Rivet/Tools/BinnedHistogram.hh"
#include "Rivet/Projections/FinalState.hh"
#include "Rivet/Projections/ChargedFinalState.hh"
#include "Rivet/Projections/VisibleFinalState.hh"
#include "Rivet/Projections/IdentifiedFinalState.hh"
#include "Rivet/Projections/FastJets.hh"
#include "Rivet/Projections/VetoedFinalState.hh"
namespace Rivet {
class ATLAS_2011_S9019561 : public Analysis {
/// @name Constructors etc.
/// Constructor
: Analysis("ATLAS_2011_S9019561")
{ }
/// @name Analysis methods
/// Book histograms and initialise projections before the run
void init() {
// projection to find the electrons
- std::vector<std::pair<double, double> > eta_e;
- eta_e.push_back(make_pair(-2.47,2.47));
- IdentifiedFinalState elecs(eta_e, 20.0*GeV);
+ IdentifiedFinalState elecs( Range(Cuts::eta, -2.47, 2.47)
+ & (Cuts::pt >= 20.0*GeV) );
addProjection(elecs, "elecs");
// veto region electrons
- std::vector<std::pair<double, double> > eta_v_e;
- eta_v_e.push_back(make_pair(-1.52,-1.37));
- eta_v_e.push_back(make_pair( 1.37, 1.52));
- IdentifiedFinalState veto_elecs(eta_v_e, 10.0*GeV);
+ Cut vetocut = Range(Cuts::eta, -1.52, -1.37) | Range(Cuts::eta, 1.37, 1.52);
+ IdentifiedFinalState veto_elecs(vetocut & (Cuts::pt >= 10.0*GeV));
addProjection(veto_elecs, "veto_elecs");
// projection to find the muons
- std::vector<std::pair<double, double> > eta_m;
- eta_m.push_back(make_pair(-2.4,2.4));
- IdentifiedFinalState muons(eta_m, 20.0*GeV);
+ IdentifiedFinalState muons(Range(Cuts::eta, -2.4, 2.4)
+ & (Cuts::pt >= 20.0*GeV) );
addProjection(muons, "muons");
// jet finder
VetoedFinalState vfs;
addProjection(FastJets(vfs, FastJets::ANTIKT, 0.4),
// all tracks (to do deltaR with leptons)
// for pTmiss
/// book histograms
_count_OS_e_mu = bookHisto1D("count_OS_e+-mu-+", 1, 0., 1.);
_count_OS_e_e = bookHisto1D("count_OS_e+e-", 1, 0., 1.);
_count_OS_mu_mu = bookHisto1D("count_OS_mu+mu-", 1, 0., 1.);
_count_SS_e_mu = bookHisto1D("count_SS_e+-mu+-", 1, 0., 1.);
_count_SS_e_e = bookHisto1D("count_SS_e+-e+-", 1, 0., 1.);
_count_SS_mu_mu = bookHisto1D("count_SS_mu+-mu+-", 1, 0., 1.);
_hist_eTmiss_OS = bookHisto1D("Et_miss_OS", 20, 0., 400.);
_hist_eTmiss_SS = bookHisto1D("Et_miss_SS", 20, 0., 400.);
/// Perform the per-event analysis
void analyze(const Event& event) {
const double weight = event.weight();
Particles veto_e
= applyProjection<IdentifiedFinalState>(event, "veto_elecs").particles();
if ( ! veto_e.empty() ) {
MSG_DEBUG("electrons in veto region");
Jets cand_jets;
foreach (const Jet& jet,
applyProjection<FastJets>(event, "AntiKtJets04").jetsByPt(20.0*GeV) ) {
if ( fabs( jet.eta() ) < 2.5 ) {
Particles cand_e =
applyProjection<IdentifiedFinalState>(event, "elecs").particlesByPt();
// charged particle for isolation
Particles chg_tracks =
applyProjection<ChargedFinalState>(event, "cfs").particles();
// apply muon isolation
Particles cand_mu;
// pTcone around muon track
foreach ( const Particle & mu,
applyProjection<IdentifiedFinalState>(event,"muons").particlesByPt() ) {
double pTinCone = -mu.pT();
foreach ( const Particle & track, chg_tracks ) {
if ( deltaR(mu.momentum(),track.momentum()) < 0.2 )
pTinCone += track.pT();
if ( pTinCone < 1.8*GeV )
// Discard jets that overlap with electrons
Jets recon_jets;
foreach ( const Jet& jet, cand_jets ) {
bool away_from_e = true;
foreach ( const Particle & e, cand_e ) {
if ( deltaR(e.momentum(),jet.momentum()) <= 0.2 ) {
away_from_e = false;
if ( away_from_e )
recon_jets.push_back( jet );
// Leptons far from jet
Particles recon_e;
foreach ( const Particle & e, cand_e ) {
bool e_near_jet = false;
foreach ( const Jet& jet, recon_jets ) {
if ( deltaR(e.momentum(),jet.momentum()) < 0.4 ) {
e_near_jet = true;
// Electron isolation criterion
if ( ! e_near_jet ) {
double EtinCone = -e.momentum().Et();
foreach ( const Particle & track, chg_tracks) {
if ( deltaR(e.momentum(),track.momentum()) <= 0.2 )
EtinCone += track.momentum().Et();
if ( EtinCone/e.pT() <= 0.15 )
recon_e.push_back( e );
Particles recon_mu;
foreach ( const Particle & mu, cand_mu ) {
bool mu_near_jet = false;
foreach ( const Jet& jet, recon_jets ) {
if ( deltaR(mu.momentum(),jet.momentum()) < 0.4 ) {
mu_near_jet = true;
if ( ! mu_near_jet )
recon_mu.push_back( mu );
// pTmiss
Particles vfs_particles
= applyProjection<VisibleFinalState>(event, "vfs").particles();
FourMomentum pTmiss;
foreach ( const Particle & p, vfs_particles ) {
pTmiss -= p.momentum();
double eTmiss = pTmiss.pT();
// Exactly two leptons for each event
if ( recon_mu.size() + recon_e.size() != 2)
// Lepton pair mass
FourMomentum p_leptons;
foreach ( Particle e, recon_e ) {
p_leptons += e.momentum();
foreach ( Particle mu, recon_mu) {
p_leptons += mu.momentum();
if ( p_leptons.mass() <= 5.0 * GeV)
// ==================== FILL ====================
// electron, electron
if (recon_e.size() == 2 ) {
// SS ee
if ( recon_e[0].pdgId() * recon_e[1].pdgId() > 0 ) {
_hist_eTmiss_SS->fill(eTmiss, weight);
if ( eTmiss > 100 ) {
MSG_DEBUG("Hits SS e+/-e+/-");
_count_SS_e_e->fill(0.5, weight);
// OS ee
else if ( recon_e[0].pdgId() * recon_e[1].pdgId() < 0) {
_hist_eTmiss_OS->fill(eTmiss, weight);
if ( eTmiss > 150 ) {
MSG_DEBUG("Hits OS e+e-");
_count_OS_e_e->fill(0.5, weight);
// muon, electron
else if ( recon_e.size() == 1 ) {
// SS mu_e
if ( recon_e[0].pdgId() * recon_mu[0].pdgId() > 0 ) {
_hist_eTmiss_SS->fill(eTmiss, weight);
if ( eTmiss > 100 ) {
MSG_DEBUG("Hits SS e+/-mu+/-");
_count_SS_e_mu->fill(0.5, weight);
// OS mu_e
else if ( recon_e[0].pdgId() * recon_mu[0].pdgId() < 0) {
_hist_eTmiss_OS->fill(eTmiss, weight);
if ( eTmiss > 150 ) {
MSG_DEBUG("Hits OS e+mu-");
_count_OS_e_mu->fill(0.5, weight);
// muon, muon
else if ( recon_mu.size() == 2 ) {
// SS mu_mu
if ( recon_mu[0].pdgId() * recon_mu[1].pdgId() > 0 ) {
_hist_eTmiss_SS->fill(eTmiss, weight);
if ( eTmiss > 100 ) {
MSG_DEBUG("Hits SS mu+/-mu+/-");
_count_SS_mu_mu->fill(0.5, weight);
// OS mu_mu
else if ( recon_mu[0].pdgId() * recon_mu[1].pdgId() < 0) {
_hist_eTmiss_OS->fill(eTmiss, weight);
if ( eTmiss > 150 ) {
MSG_DEBUG("Hits OS mu+mu-");
_count_OS_mu_mu->fill(0.5, weight);
void finalize() {
double norm = crossSection()/picobarn*35./sumOfWeights();
// event counts
scale(_count_OS_e_mu ,norm);
scale(_count_OS_e_e ,norm);
scale(_count_SS_e_mu ,norm);
scale(_count_SS_e_e ,norm);
/// @name Histograms
Histo1DPtr _count_OS_e_mu;
Histo1DPtr _count_OS_e_e;
Histo1DPtr _count_OS_mu_mu;
Histo1DPtr _count_SS_e_mu;
Histo1DPtr _count_SS_e_e;
Histo1DPtr _count_SS_mu_mu;
Histo1DPtr _hist_eTmiss_OS;
Histo1DPtr _hist_eTmiss_SS;
// The hook for the plugin system
diff --git a/src/Analyses/ b/src/Analyses/
--- a/src/Analyses/
+++ b/src/Analyses/
@@ -1,691 +1,687 @@
// -*- C++ -*-
#include "Rivet/Analysis.hh"
#include "Rivet/Tools/BinnedHistogram.hh"
#include "Rivet/Projections/FinalState.hh"
#include "Rivet/Projections/ChargedFinalState.hh"
#include "Rivet/Projections/VisibleFinalState.hh"
#include "Rivet/Projections/IdentifiedFinalState.hh"
#include "Rivet/Projections/VetoedFinalState.hh"
#include "Rivet/Projections/FastJets.hh"
namespace Rivet {
/// 1-lepton and 2-lepton search for first or second generation leptoquarks
/// @todo Clean up the debug stuff
class ATLAS_2011_S9041966 : public Analysis {
/// @name Constructors etc.
/// Constructor
: Analysis("ATLAS_2011_S9041966"),
count(0), vetoe(0), Njetscut(0), dilept(0),
candmumujj(0), candeejj(0), onelept(0),
eTmisscut(0), candmvjj(0), candevjj(0),
mumujj(0), eejj(0),
mTonelept(0), MLQonelept(0), MtLQonelept(0), Stvonelept(0),
mTev(0), MLQev(0), MtLQev(0), Stvev(0),
muvjj(0), evjj(0), emuvjj(0),
cande(0), candmu(0),
tmpe(0), tmpmu(0),
mumuZCR(0), eeZCR(0),
munuW2CR(0), munuttCR(0),
enuW2CR(0), enuttCR(0)
{ }
/// @name Analysis methods
/// Book histograms and initialize projections before the run
void init() {
// projection to find the electrons
- std::vector<std::pair<double, double> > eta_e;
- eta_e.push_back(make_pair(-2.47,2.47));
- IdentifiedFinalState elecs(eta_e, 20.0*GeV);
+ IdentifiedFinalState elecs(Range(Cuts::eta, -2.47, 2.47)
+ & (Cuts::pt >= 20.0*GeV));
addProjection(elecs, "elecs");
// veto region electrons
- std::vector<std::pair<double, double> > eta_v_e;
- eta_v_e.push_back(make_pair(-1.52,-1.35));
- eta_v_e.push_back(make_pair( 1.35, 1.52));
- IdentifiedFinalState veto_elecs(eta_v_e, 10.0*GeV);
+ Cut vetocut = Range(Cuts::eta, -1.52, -1.35) | Range(Cuts::eta, 1.35, 1.52);
+ IdentifiedFinalState veto_elecs(vetocut & (Cuts::pt >= 10.0*GeV));
addProjection(veto_elecs, "veto_elecs");
// projection to find all leptons
IdentifiedFinalState all_mu_e;
addProjection(all_mu_e, "all_mu_e"); //debug
// projection to find the muons
- std::vector<std::pair<double, double> > eta_m;
- eta_m.push_back(make_pair(-2.4,2.4));
- IdentifiedFinalState muons(eta_m, 20.0*GeV);
+ IdentifiedFinalState muons(Range(Cuts::eta, -2.4, 2.4)
+ & (Cuts::pt >= 20.0*GeV));
addProjection(muons, "muons");
// Jet finder
VetoedFinalState vfs;
addProjection(FastJets(vfs, FastJets::ANTIKT, 0.4),
// all tracks (to do deltaR with leptons)
// for pTmiss
/// Book histograms
_count_mumujj = bookHisto1D("count_2muons_dijet", 1, 0., 1.);
_count_eejj = bookHisto1D("count_2elecs_dijet", 1, 0., 1.);
_count_muvjj = bookHisto1D("count_muon_neutrino_dijet", 1, 0., 1.);
_count_evjj = bookHisto1D("count_elec_neutrino_dijet", 1, 0., 1.);
_hist_St_mumu = bookHisto1D("hist_mumujj_St", 10, 450., 1650.);
_hist_St_ee = bookHisto1D("hist_eejj_St", 10, 450., 1650.);
_hist_MLQ_muv = bookHisto1D("hist_munujj_MLQ", 9, 150., 600.);
_hist_MLQ_ev = bookHisto1D("hist_enujj_MLQ", 9, 150., 600.);
_hist_St_mumu_ZCR = bookHisto1D("CR_Zjets_St_mumu", 40, 0., 800.);
_hist_St_ee_ZCR = bookHisto1D("CR_Zjets_Stee", 40, 0., 800.);
_hist_MLQ_munu_W2CR = bookHisto1D("CR_W2jets_MLQ_munu", 20, 0., 400.);
_hist_MLQ_enu_W2CR = bookHisto1D("CR_W2jets_MLQ_enu", 20, 0., 400.);
_hist_MLQ_munu_ttCR = bookHisto1D("CR_tt_MLQ_munu", 35, 0., 700.);
_hist_MLQ_enu_ttCR = bookHisto1D("CR_tt_MLQ_enu", 35, 0., 700.);
/// Perform the per-event analysis
void analyze(const Event& event) {
const double weight = event.weight();
count +=1; //cerr<< "Event " << count << '\n';
// debug
Particles veto_e
= applyProjection<IdentifiedFinalState>(event, "veto_elecs").particles();
if ( ! veto_e.empty() ) {
MSG_DEBUG("electrons in veto region");
Jets cand_jets;
foreach ( const Jet& jet,
applyProjection<FastJets>(event, "AntiKtJets04").jetsByPt(20.0*GeV) ) {
if ( fabs( jet.eta() ) < 2.8 ) {
Particles candtemp_e =
applyProjection<IdentifiedFinalState>(event, "elecs").particlesByPt();
Particles candtemp_mu =
Particles cand_mu;
Particles cand_e;
Particles vfs_particles
= applyProjection<VisibleFinalState>(event, "vfs").particles();
// pTcone around muon track
foreach ( const Particle & mu, candtemp_mu ) {
double pTinCone = -mu.pT();
foreach ( const Particle & track, vfs_particles ) {
if ( deltaR(mu.momentum(),track.momentum()) < 0.2 )
pTinCone += track.pT();
if ( pTinCone/mu.pT() < 0.25 )
// pTcone around electron
foreach ( const Particle e, candtemp_e ) {
double pTinCone = -e.pT();
foreach ( const Particle & track, vfs_particles ) {
if ( deltaR(e.momentum(),track.momentum()) < 0.2 )
pTinCone += track.pT();
if ( pTinCone/e.pT() < 0.2 )
if ( cand_e.empty() && cand_mu.empty() ) {
//cerr<<" ->Event vetoed. No candidate lept"<<'\n';
// else{
// foreach (const Particle & mu, cand_mu) {
// cerr << "cand mu: " << "Id " << mu.pdgId() << " eta " << mu.eta() << " pT " << mu.pT() << '\n';
// }
// foreach (const Particle & lepton, cand_e) {
// cerr << "cand e: " << "Id " << lepton.pdgId() << " eta " << lepton.eta() << " pT " << lepton.pT() << '\n';
// }} // debug
// pTmiss
FourMomentum pTmiss;
foreach ( const Particle & p, vfs_particles ) {
pTmiss -= p.momentum();
double eTmiss = pTmiss.pT();
// discard jets that overlap with leptons
Jets recon_jets;
foreach ( const Jet& jet, cand_jets ) {
bool away_from_lept = true;
foreach ( const Particle e, cand_e ) {
if ( deltaR(e.momentum(),jet.momentum()) <= 0.5 ) {
away_from_lept = false;
foreach ( const Particle & mu, cand_mu ) {
if ( deltaR(mu.momentum(),jet.momentum()) <= 0.5 ) {
away_from_lept = false;
if ( away_from_lept )
recon_jets.push_back( jet );
// cerr << " Num of recon jets: " << recon_jets.size() << '\n';
// cerr << " Num of cand e: " << cand_e.size() << '\n';
// cerr << " Num of cand mu: " << cand_mu.size() << '\n';
// ================ OBSERVABLES ================
// At least 2 hard jets
if ( recon_jets.size() < 2 ) {
//cerr << " ->Event vetoed. Not enough hard jets." << '\n';
// Initialize variables for observables
double M_ll=0., M_LQ=0., St_ll=0., Mt_LQ=0., St_v=0., mT=0.;
FourMomentum p_l, p_l1, p_l2, p_j[2];
p_j[0] = recon_jets[0].momentum();
p_j[1] = recon_jets[1].momentum();
Particles dilept_pair;
bool single_lept = false;
if ( cand_mu.size() == 2 && cand_e.empty() ) {
foreach ( const Particle& mu, cand_mu )
else if ( cand_e.size() == 2 && cand_mu.empty() ) {
foreach ( const Particle& e, cand_e )
else if ( cand_mu.size() == 1 && cand_e.empty() ) {
p_l = cand_mu[0].momentum();
single_lept = true;
else if ( cand_e.size() == 1 && cand_mu.empty() ) {
p_l = cand_e[0].momentum();
single_lept = true;
// Dilepton channel observables
if ( ! dilept_pair.empty() ) {
double E_l1, E_l2, E_j1, E_j2;
double tmpM_LQ1[2], tmpM_LQ2[2], M_LQDiff1, M_LQDiff2;
p_l1 = dilept_pair[0].momentum();
p_l2 = dilept_pair[1].momentum();
E_l1 = p_l1.E();
E_l2 = p_l2.E();
E_j1 = p_j[0].E();
E_j2 = p_j[1].E();
// Calculate possible leptoquark mass M_LQ and reconstruct average M_LQ
tmpM_LQ1[0] = E_l1 + E_j1;
tmpM_LQ1[1] = E_l2 + E_j2;
M_LQDiff1 = abs( tmpM_LQ1[0] - tmpM_LQ1[1] );
tmpM_LQ2[0] = E_l1 + E_j2;
tmpM_LQ2[1] = E_l2 + E_j1;
M_LQDiff2 = abs( tmpM_LQ2[0] - tmpM_LQ2[1] );
if ( M_LQDiff1 > M_LQDiff2 )
M_LQ = ( tmpM_LQ2[0] + tmpM_LQ2[1] ) / 2;
M_LQ = ( tmpM_LQ1[0] + tmpM_LQ1[1] ) / 2;
// Calculate event transverse energy St
St_ll = p_l1.pT() + p_l2.pT() + p_j[0].pT() + p_j[1].pT();
// Dilept pair invariant mass M_ll
M_ll = E_l1 + E_l2;
// 1-lepton channel observables
else if ( single_lept ) {
double tmpM_LQ[2], tmpMt_LQ[2], dPhi_j[2], M_LQDiff1, M_LQDiff2;
// List of possible M_LQ, Mt_LQ pairings
for ( int i = 0; i < 2; ++i ) {
tmpM_LQ[i] = p_l.E() + p_j[i].E();
dPhi_j[1-i] = deltaPhi( p_j[1-i].phi(), pTmiss.phi() );
tmpMt_LQ[i] = sqrt( 2 * p_j[1-i].pT() * eTmiss * (1 - cos( dPhi_j[1-i] )) );
// Choose pairing that gives smallest absolute difference
M_LQDiff1 = abs( tmpM_LQ[0] - tmpMt_LQ[0] );
M_LQDiff2 = abs( tmpM_LQ[1] - tmpMt_LQ[1] );
if ( M_LQDiff1 > M_LQDiff2 ) {
M_LQ = tmpM_LQ[1];
Mt_LQ = tmpMt_LQ[1];
else {
M_LQ = tmpM_LQ[0];
Mt_LQ = tmpMt_LQ[0];
// Event transverse energy
St_v = p_l.pT() + eTmiss + p_j[0].pT() + p_j[1].pT();
// Transverse mass mT
double dPhi_l = deltaPhi( p_l.phi(), pTmiss.phi());
mT = sqrt( 2 * p_l.pT() * eTmiss * (1 - cos(dPhi_l)) );
// ============== CONTROL REGIONS ===============
// mumujj, Z control region
if ( cand_mu.size() == 2 ) {
if ( M_ll >= 81*GeV && M_ll <= 101*GeV ) {
_hist_St_mumu_ZCR->fill(St_ll, weight);
// eejj, Z control region
else if ( cand_e.size() == 2 ) {
if ( M_ll >= 81*GeV && M_ll <= 101*GeV ) {
_hist_St_ee_ZCR->fill(St_ll, weight);
if ( cand_mu.size() == 1 ) {
// munujj, W+2jets control region
if ( recon_jets.size() == 2 &&
mT >= 40*GeV && mT <= 150*GeV ) {
_hist_MLQ_munu_W2CR->fill(M_LQ, weight);
// munujj, tt control region
if ( recon_jets.size() >= 4 &&
recon_jets[0].pT() > 50*GeV && recon_jets[1].pT() > 40*GeV && recon_jets[2].pT() > 30*GeV ) {
_hist_MLQ_munu_ttCR->fill(M_LQ, weight);
if ( cand_e.size() == 1 ) {
// enujj, W+2jets control region
if ( recon_jets.size() == 2 &&
mT >= 40*GeV && mT <= 150*GeV ) {
_hist_MLQ_enu_W2CR->fill(M_LQ, weight);
// enujj, tt control region
if ( recon_jets.size() >= 4 &&
recon_jets[0].pT() > 50*GeV && recon_jets[1].pT() > 40*GeV && recon_jets[2].pT() > 30*GeV ) {
_hist_MLQ_enu_ttCR->fill(M_LQ, weight);
// ========= PRESELECTION =======================
// Single lepton channel cuts
if ( single_lept ) {
if ( eTmiss <= 25*GeV ) {
//cerr << " ->Event vetoed. eTmiss=" << eTmiss << '\n';
if ( mT <= 40*GeV )
// enujj channel
if ( cand_e.size() == 1 && cand_mu.empty() ) {
// Triangle cut
double dPhi_jet1 = deltaPhi( recon_jets[0].phi(), pTmiss.phi() );
double dPhi_jet2 = deltaPhi( recon_jets[1].phi(), pTmiss.phi() );
if ( dPhi_jet1 <= 1.5 * (1 - eTmiss/45) ||
dPhi_jet2 <= 1.5 * (1 - eTmiss/45) ) {
// ==================== FILL ====================
// mumujj channel
if ( cand_mu.size() == 2 ) {
if ( M_ll <= 120*GeV ||
M_LQ <= 150*GeV ||
p_l1.pT() <= 30*GeV || p_l2.pT() <= 30*GeV ||
p_j[0].pT() <= 30*GeV || p_j[1].pT() <= 30*GeV ||
St_ll <= 450*GeV ) {
//cerr<<" ->Dilept event vetoed. Table 4 cuts." << '\n';
else {
// cerr<< " ->MUMUJJ event selected." << '\n';
_hist_St_mumu->fill(St_ll, weight);
_count_mumujj->fill(0.5, weight);
// eejj channel
else if ( cand_e.size() == 2 ) {
if ( M_ll <= 120*GeV ||
M_LQ <= 150*GeV ||
p_l1.pT() <= 30*GeV || p_l2.pT() <= 30*GeV ||
p_j[0].pT() <= 30*GeV || p_j[1].pT() <= 30*GeV ||
St_ll <= 450*GeV ) {
//cerr<<" ->Dilept event vetoed. Table 4 cuts." << '\n';
else {
//cerr<< " ->EEJJ event selected." << '\n';
_hist_St_ee->fill(St_ll, weight);
_count_eejj->fill(0.5, weight);
// muvjj channel
else if ( cand_mu.size() == 1 ) {
if (M_LQ<=150*GeV) {
//cerr<<" ->muvjj event vetoed. Not enough M_LQ: " << M_LQ<< '\n';
if (Mt_LQ<=150*GeV) {
//cerr<<" ->muvjj event vetoed. Not enough Mt_LQ: " << Mt_LQ<< '\n';
if (St_v<=400*GeV) {
//cerr<<" ->muvjj event vetoed. Not enough St_v: " << St_v<< '\n';
if (mT<=160*GeV) {
//cerr<<" ->muvjj event vetoed. Not enough mT: " << mT<<'\n';
//else {
//cerr<< " ->MUVJJ event selected." << '\n';
_hist_MLQ_muv->fill(M_LQ, weight);
_count_muvjj->fill(0.5, weight);
// evjj channel
else if ( cand_e.size() == 1 ) {
if (M_LQ<=180*GeV) {
//cerr<<" ->evjj event vetoed. Not enough M_LQ: " << M_LQ<< '\n';
if (Mt_LQ<=180*GeV) {
//cerr<<" ->evjj event vetoed. Not enough Mt_LQ: " << Mt_LQ<< '\n';
if (St_v<=410*GeV) {
//cerr<<" ->evjj event vetoed. Not enough St_v: " << St_v<< '\n';
if (mT<=200*GeV) {
//cerr<<" ->evjj event vetoed. Not enough mT: " << mT<<'\n';
//else {
//cerr<< " ->EVJJ event selected." << '\n';
_hist_MLQ_ev->fill(M_LQ, weight);
_count_evjj->fill(0.5, weight);
// if ( mT <= 200*GeV ||
// M_LQ <= 180*GeV ||
// Mt_LQ <= 180*GeV ||
// St_v <= 410*GeV ) {
// cerr<<" ->evjj event vetoed. Doesn't pass table 4 cuts." << '\n';
// vetoEvent;
// }
// else {
// ++evjj;
// cerr<< " ->EVJJ event selected." << '\n';
// _hist_MLQ_ev->fill(M_LQ, weight);
// _count_evjj->fill(0.5, weight);
// }
void finalize() {
// cerr << '\n' << "Of " << count << " events, saw "
// << vetoe << " (after veto region cut), "
// << Njetscut << " (after 2jet req). "
// << '\n'
// << "For " << dilept << " dilept events: "
// << candmumujj << " cand mumujj events, "
// << candeejj << " cand eejj events."
// << '\n'
// << "For " << onelept << " onelept events: "
// << candmvjj << " preselected mvjj events, "
// << candevjj << " preselected evjj events; "
// << eTmisscut << " (eTmiss req); "
// << emuvjj << " leftover; "
// << MLQonelept << " (muvjj M_LQ cut), "
// << MtLQonelept << " (muvjj Mt_LQ cut), "
// << Stvonelept << " (muvjj St_v cut), "
// << mTonelept << " (muvjj mT cut); "
// << MLQev << " (evjj M_LQ cut), "
// << MtLQev << " (evjj Mt_LQ cut), "
// << Stvev << " (evjj St_v cut), "
// << mTev << " (evjj mT cut). "
// << '\n'<<'\n'
// ;
// cerr << "CR - " << "mumu Z: " << mumuZCR << " ee Z: " << eeZCR << " munu W+2jets: " << munuW2CR << " munu tt: " << munuttCR << " enu W+2jets: " << enuW2CR << " enu tt: " << enuttCR << '\n';
// cerr << "mumujj: " << mumujj << " eejj: " << eejj << " muvjj: " << muvjj << " evjj: " << evjj << '\n';
scale( _hist_St_ee, 120. * 35. * crossSection()/sumOfWeights() );
scale( _hist_St_mumu, 120. * 35. * crossSection()/sumOfWeights() );
scale( _hist_MLQ_muv, 50. * 35. * crossSection()/sumOfWeights() );
scale( _hist_MLQ_ev, 50. * 35. * crossSection()/sumOfWeights() );
scale( _hist_St_mumu_ZCR, 20. * 35. * crossSection()/sumOfWeights() );
scale( _hist_St_ee_ZCR, 20. * 35. * crossSection()/sumOfWeights() );
scale( _hist_MLQ_munu_W2CR, 20. * 35. * crossSection()/sumOfWeights() );
scale( _hist_MLQ_enu_W2CR, 20. * 35. * crossSection()/sumOfWeights() );
scale( _hist_MLQ_munu_ttCR, 20. * 35. * crossSection()/sumOfWeights() );
scale( _hist_MLQ_enu_ttCR, 20. * 35. * crossSection()/sumOfWeights() );
scale( _hist_eTmiss_mu, binwidth*luminosity* crossSection()/sumOfWeights() );
/// @name Histograms
Histo1DPtr _count_mumujj;
Histo1DPtr _count_eejj;
Histo1DPtr _count_muvjj;
Histo1DPtr _count_evjj;
Histo1DPtr _hist_St_mumu;
Histo1DPtr _hist_St_ee;
Histo1DPtr _hist_MLQ_muv;
Histo1DPtr _hist_MLQ_ev;
Histo1DPtr _hist_St_mumu_ZCR;
Histo1DPtr _hist_St_ee_ZCR;
Histo1DPtr _hist_MLQ_munu_W2CR;
Histo1DPtr _hist_MLQ_enu_W2CR;
Histo1DPtr _hist_MLQ_munu_ttCR;
Histo1DPtr _hist_MLQ_enu_ttCR;
int count;
int vetoe;
int Njetscut;
int dilept;
int candmumujj;
int candeejj;
int onelept;
int eTmisscut;
int candmvjj;
int candevjj;
int mumujj;
int eejj;
int mTonelept;
int MLQonelept;
int MtLQonelept;
int Stvonelept;
int mTev;
int MLQev;
int MtLQev;
int Stvev;
int muvjj;
int evjj;
int emuvjj;
int cande;
int candmu;
int tmpe;
int tmpmu;
int mumuZCR;
int eeZCR;
int munuW2CR;
int munuttCR;
int enuW2CR;
int enuttCR;
// The hook for the plugin system
diff --git a/src/Analyses/ b/src/Analyses/
--- a/src/Analyses/
+++ b/src/Analyses/
@@ -1,333 +1,331 @@
// -*- C++ -*-
#include "Rivet/Analysis.hh"
#include "Rivet/Tools/BinnedHistogram.hh"
#include "Rivet/Projections/FinalState.hh"
#include "Rivet/Projections/ChargedFinalState.hh"
#include "Rivet/Projections/VisibleFinalState.hh"
#include "Rivet/Projections/IdentifiedFinalState.hh"
#include "Rivet/Projections/FastJets.hh"
namespace Rivet {
/// @author Chris Wymant
class ATLAS_2011_S9212183 : public Analysis {
/// @name Constructors etc.
/// Constructor
: Analysis("ATLAS_2011_S9212183")
{ }
/// @name Analysis methods
/// Book histograms and initialise projections before the run
void init() {
// Projection to find the electrons
- std::vector<std::pair<double, double> > eta_e;
- eta_e.push_back(make_pair(-2.47,2.47));
- IdentifiedFinalState elecs(eta_e, 20.0*GeV);
+ IdentifiedFinalState elecs( Range(Cuts::eta, -2.47, 2.47)
+ & (Cuts::pt >= 20.0*GeV) );
addProjection(elecs, "elecs");
// Projection to find the muons
- std::vector<std::pair<double, double> > eta_m;
- eta_m.push_back(make_pair(-2.4,2.4));
- IdentifiedFinalState muons(eta_m, 10.0*GeV);
+ IdentifiedFinalState muons( Range(Cuts::eta, -2.4, 2.4)
+ & (Cuts::pt >= 10.0*GeV) );
addProjection(muons, "muons");
// Jet finder
addProjection(FastJets(FinalState(), FastJets::ANTIKT, 0.4), "AntiKtJets04");
// All tracks (to do deltaR with leptons)
// Used for pTmiss (N.B. the real 'vfs' extends beyond 4.5 to |eta| = 4.9)
// Book histograms
_count_2j = bookHisto1D("count_2j", 1, 0., 1.);
_count_3j = bookHisto1D("count_3j", 1, 0., 1.);
_count_4j5 = bookHisto1D("count_4j5", 1, 0., 1.);
_count_4j10 = bookHisto1D("count_4j10", 1, 0., 1.);
_count_HM = bookHisto1D("count_HM", 1, 0., 1.);
_hist_meff_2j = bookHisto1D(1, 1, 1);
_hist_meff_3j = bookHisto1D(2, 1, 1);
_hist_meff_4j = bookHisto1D(3, 1, 1);
_hist_meff_HM = bookHisto1D(4, 1, 1);
_hist_eTmiss = bookHisto1D("Et_miss", 20, 0., 1000.);
/// Perform the per-event analysis
void analyze(const Event& event) {
const double weight = event.weight();
Jets cand_jets;
const Jets jets = applyProjection<FastJets>(event, "AntiKtJets04").jetsByPt(20.0*GeV);
foreach (const Jet& jet, jets) {
if ( fabs( jet.eta() ) < 4.9 ) {
const Particles cand_e = applyProjection<IdentifiedFinalState>(event, "elecs").particlesByPt();
// Muon isolation not mentioned in hep-exp 1109.6572, unlike in 1102.5290,
// but assumed to still be applicable
Particles cand_mu;
const Particles chg_tracks = applyProjection<ChargedFinalState>(event, "cfs").particles();
const Particles muons = applyProjection<IdentifiedFinalState>(event, "muons").particlesByPt();
foreach (const Particle& mu, muons) {
double pTinCone = -mu.pT();
foreach (const Particle& track, chg_tracks) {
if ( deltaR(mu.momentum(),track.momentum()) <= 0.2 ) {
pTinCone += track.pT();
if ( pTinCone < 1.8*GeV ) cand_mu.push_back(mu);
// Resolve jet-lepton overlap for jets with |eta| < 2.8
Jets cand_jets_2;
foreach ( const Jet& jet, cand_jets ) {
if ( fabs( jet.eta() ) >= 2.8 ) {
cand_jets_2.push_back( jet );
} else {
bool away_from_e = true;
foreach ( const Particle & e, cand_e ) {
if ( deltaR(e.momentum(),jet.momentum()) <= 0.2 ) {
away_from_e = false;
if ( away_from_e ) cand_jets_2.push_back( jet );
Particles recon_e, recon_mu;
foreach ( const Particle & e, cand_e ) {
bool away = true;
foreach ( const Jet& jet, cand_jets_2 ) {
if ( deltaR(e.momentum(),jet.momentum()) < 0.4 ) {
away = false;
if ( away ) recon_e.push_back( e );
foreach ( const Particle & mu, cand_mu ) {
bool away = true;
foreach ( const Jet& jet, cand_jets_2 ) {
if ( deltaR(mu.momentum(),jet.momentum()) < 0.4 ) {
away = false;
if ( away ) recon_mu.push_back( mu );
// pTmiss
// Based on all candidate electrons, muons and jets, plus everything else with |eta| < 4.5
// i.e. everything in our projection "vfs" plus the jets with |eta| > 4.5
Particles vfs_particles = applyProjection<VisibleFinalState>(event, "vfs").particles();
FourMomentum pTmiss;
foreach ( const Particle & p, vfs_particles ) {
pTmiss -= p.momentum();
foreach ( const Jet& jet, cand_jets_2 ) {
if ( fabs( jet.eta() ) > 4.5 ) pTmiss -= jet.momentum();
double eTmiss = pTmiss.pT();
// Final jet filter
Jets recon_jets;
foreach ( const Jet& jet, cand_jets_2 ) {
if ( fabs( jet.eta() ) <= 2.8 ) recon_jets.push_back( jet );
// NB. It seems that jets with |eta| > 2.8 could have been thrown away at
// the start; we don't do so, in order to follow both the structure of
// the paper and the similar Rivet analysis ATLAS_2011_S8983313
// 'candidate' muons needed only 10 GeV, to cause a veto they need 20 GeV
Particles veto_mu;
foreach ( const Particle & mu, cand_mu ) {
if ( mu.pT() >= 20.0*GeV ) veto_mu.push_back(mu);
if ( ! ( veto_mu.empty() && recon_e.empty() ) ) {
MSG_DEBUG("Charged leptons left after selection");
if ( eTmiss <= 130 * GeV ) {
MSG_DEBUG("Not enough eTmiss: " << eTmiss << " < 130");
if ( recon_jets.empty() || recon_jets[0].pT() <= 130.0 * GeV ) {
MSG_DEBUG("No hard leading jet in " << recon_jets.size() << " jets");
// ==================== observables ====================
int Njets = 0;
double min_dPhi = 999.999;
double pTmiss_phi = pTmiss.phi();
foreach ( const Jet& jet, recon_jets ) {
if ( jet.pT() > 40 * GeV ) {
if ( Njets < 3 ) {
min_dPhi = min( min_dPhi, deltaPhi( pTmiss_phi, jet.momentum().phi() ) );
int NjetsHighMass = 0;
foreach ( const Jet& jet, recon_jets ) {
if ( jet.pT() > 80.0 * GeV ) {
if ( Njets < 2 ) {
MSG_DEBUG("Only " << Njets << " >40 GeV jets left");
if ( min_dPhi <= 0.4 ) {
MSG_DEBUG("dPhi too small");
// m_eff
double m_eff_2j = eTmiss + recon_jets[0].pT() + recon_jets[1].pT();
double m_eff_3j = recon_jets.size() < 3 ? -999.0 : m_eff_2j + recon_jets[2].pT();
double m_eff_4j = recon_jets.size() < 4 ? -999.0 : m_eff_3j + recon_jets[3].pT();
double m_eff_HM = eTmiss;
foreach ( const Jet& jet, recon_jets ) {
if ( jet.pT() > 40.0 * GeV ) m_eff_HM += jet.pT();
double et_meff_2j = eTmiss / m_eff_2j;
double et_meff_3j = eTmiss / m_eff_3j;
double et_meff_4j = eTmiss / m_eff_4j;
double et_meff_HM = eTmiss / m_eff_HM;
// ==================== FILL ====================
MSG_DEBUG( "Trying to fill "
<< Njets << ' '
<< m_eff_2j << ' '
<< et_meff_2j << ' '
<< m_eff_3j << ' '
<< et_meff_3j << ' '
<< m_eff_4j << ' '
<< et_meff_4j << ' '
<< m_eff_HM << ' '
<< et_meff_HM );
_hist_eTmiss->fill(eTmiss, weight);
// 2j region
if ( et_meff_2j > 0.3 ) {
_hist_meff_2j->fill(m_eff_2j, weight);
if ( m_eff_2j > 1000 * GeV ) {
MSG_DEBUG("Hits 2j");
_count_2j->fill(0.5, weight);
// 3j region
if ( Njets >= 3 && et_meff_3j > 0.25 ) {
_hist_meff_3j->fill(m_eff_3j, weight);
if ( m_eff_3j > 1000 * GeV ) {
MSG_DEBUG("Hits 3j");
_count_3j->fill(0.5, weight);
// 4j5 & 4j10 regions
if ( Njets >= 4 && et_meff_4j > 0.25 ) {
_hist_meff_4j->fill(m_eff_4j, weight);
if ( m_eff_4j > 500 * GeV ) {
MSG_DEBUG("Hits 4j5");
_count_4j5->fill(0.5, weight);
if ( m_eff_4j > 1000 * GeV ) {
MSG_DEBUG("Hits 4j10");
_count_4j10->fill(0.5, weight);
// High mass region
if ( NjetsHighMass >= 4 && et_meff_HM > 0.2 ) {
_hist_meff_HM->fill(m_eff_HM, weight);
if ( m_eff_HM > 1100 * GeV ) {
_count_HM->fill(0.5, weight);
void finalize() {
// Two, three and four jet channels have bin width = 100 (GeV)
// High mass channel has bin width = 150 (GeV)
// Integrated luminosity = 1040 (pb)
scale( _hist_meff_2j, 100. * 1040 * crossSection()/sumOfWeights() );
scale( _hist_meff_3j, 100. * 1040 * crossSection()/sumOfWeights() );
scale( _hist_meff_4j, 100. * 1040 * crossSection()/sumOfWeights() );
scale( _hist_meff_HM, 150. * 1040 * crossSection()/sumOfWeights() );
Histo1DPtr _count_2j;
Histo1DPtr _count_3j;
Histo1DPtr _count_4j5;
Histo1DPtr _count_4j10;
Histo1DPtr _count_HM;
Histo1DPtr _hist_meff_2j;
Histo1DPtr _hist_meff_3j;
Histo1DPtr _hist_meff_4j;
Histo1DPtr _hist_meff_HM;
Histo1DPtr _hist_eTmiss;
// This global object acts as a hook for the plugin system
diff --git a/src/Analyses/ b/src/Analyses/
--- a/src/Analyses/
+++ b/src/Analyses/
@@ -1,517 +1,513 @@
// -*- C++ -*-
#include "Rivet/Analysis.hh"
#include "Rivet/Tools/BinnedHistogram.hh"
#include "Rivet/Projections/FinalState.hh"
#include "Rivet/Projections/ChargedFinalState.hh"
#include "Rivet/Projections/VisibleFinalState.hh"
#include "Rivet/Projections/IdentifiedFinalState.hh"
#include "Rivet/Projections/VetoedFinalState.hh"
#include "Rivet/Projections/FastJets.hh"
namespace Rivet {
class ATLAS_2011_S9212353 : public Analysis {
/// @name Constructors etc.
/// Constructor
: Analysis("ATLAS_2011_S9212353")
{ }
/// @name Analysis methods
/// Book histograms and initialize projections before the run
void init() {
// projection to find the electrons
- std::vector<std::pair<double, double> > eta_e;
- eta_e.push_back(make_pair(-2.47,2.47));
- IdentifiedFinalState elecs(eta_e, 20.0*GeV);
+ IdentifiedFinalState elecs(Range(Cuts::eta, -2.47, 2.47)
+ & (Cuts::pt >= 20.0*GeV));
addProjection(elecs, "elecs");
// veto region electrons (from 2010 arXiv:1102.2357v2)
- std::vector<std::pair<double, double> > eta_v_e;
- eta_v_e.push_back(make_pair(-1.52,-1.37));
- eta_v_e.push_back(make_pair( 1.37, 1.52));
- IdentifiedFinalState veto_elecs(eta_v_e, 10.0*GeV);
+ Cut vetocut = Range(Cuts::eta, -1.52, -1.37) | Range(Cuts::eta, 1.37, 1.52);
+ IdentifiedFinalState veto_elecs(vetocut & (Cuts::pt >= 10.0*GeV));
addProjection(veto_elecs, "veto_elecs");
// projection to find the muons
- std::vector<std::pair<double, double> > eta_m;
- eta_m.push_back(make_pair(-2.4,2.4));
- IdentifiedFinalState muons(eta_m, 10.0*GeV);
+ IdentifiedFinalState muons(Range(Cuts::eta, -2.4, 2.4)
+ & (Cuts::pt >= 10.0*GeV));
addProjection(muons, "muons");
// Jet finder
VetoedFinalState vfs;
addProjection(FastJets(vfs, FastJets::ANTIKT, 0.4),
// all tracks (to do deltaR with leptons)
// for pTmiss
/// Book histograms
_3jl_count_mu_channel = bookHisto1D("3jl_count_muon_channel", 1, 0., 1.);
_3jl_count_e_channel = bookHisto1D("3jl_count_electron_channel", 1, 0., 1.);
_3jt_count_mu_channel = bookHisto1D("3jt_count_muon_channel", 1, 0., 1.);
_3jt_count_e_channel = bookHisto1D("3jt_count_electron_channel", 1, 0., 1.);
_3j_hist_eTmiss_e = bookHisto1D("3j_Et_miss_e", 65, 0., 650.);
_3j_hist_eTmiss_mu = bookHisto1D("3j_Et_miss_mu", 65, 0., 650.);
_3j_hist_mT_e = bookHisto1D("3j_mT_e", 58, 0., 580.);
_3j_hist_mT_mu = bookHisto1D("3j_mT_mu", 58, 0., 580.);
_3j_hist_m_eff_e = bookHisto1D("3j_m_eff_e", 46, 0., 2300.);
_3j_hist_m_eff_mu = bookHisto1D("3j_m_eff_mu", 46, 0., 2300.);
_3jl_hist_m_eff_e_final = bookHisto1D("3jl_m_eff_e_final", 15, 0., 1500.);
_3jl_hist_m_eff_mu_final = bookHisto1D("3jl_m_eff_mu_final", 15, 0., 1500.);
_3jt_hist_m_eff_e_final = bookHisto1D("3jt_m_eff_e_final", 15, 0., 1500.);
_3jt_hist_m_eff_mu_final = bookHisto1D("3jt_m_eff_mu_final", 15, 0., 1500.);
_4jl_count_mu_channel = bookHisto1D("4jl_count_muon_channel", 1, 0., 1.);
_4jl_count_e_channel = bookHisto1D("4jl_count_electron_channel", 1, 0., 1.);
_4jt_count_mu_channel = bookHisto1D("4jt_count_muon_channel", 1, 0., 1.);
_4jt_count_e_channel = bookHisto1D("4jt_count_electron_channel", 1, 0., 1.);
_4j_hist_eTmiss_e = bookHisto1D("4j_Et_miss_e", 65, 0., 650.);
_4j_hist_eTmiss_mu = bookHisto1D("4j_Et_miss_mu", 65, 0., 650.);
_4j_hist_mT_e = bookHisto1D("4j_mT_e", 58, 0., 580.);
_4j_hist_mT_mu = bookHisto1D("4j_mT_mu", 58, 0., 580.);
_4j_hist_m_eff_e = bookHisto1D("4j_m_eff_e", 46, 0., 2300.);
_4j_hist_m_eff_mu = bookHisto1D("4j_m_eff_mu", 46, 0., 2300.);
_4jl_hist_m_eff_e_final = bookHisto1D("4jl_m_eff_e_final", 15, 0., 1500.);
_4jl_hist_m_eff_mu_final = bookHisto1D("4jl_m_eff_mu_final", 15, 0., 1500.);
_4jt_hist_m_eff_e_final = bookHisto1D("4jt_m_eff_e_final", 15, 0., 1500.);
_4jt_hist_m_eff_mu_final = bookHisto1D("4jt_m_eff_mu_final", 15, 0., 1500.);
/// Perform the per-event analysis
void analyze(const Event& event) {
const double weight = event.weight();
Particles veto_e
= applyProjection<IdentifiedFinalState>(event, "veto_elecs").particles();
if ( ! veto_e.empty() ) {
MSG_DEBUG("electrons in veto region");
Jets cand_jets;
foreach ( const Jet& jet,
applyProjection<FastJets>(event, "AntiKtJets04").jetsByPt(20.0*GeV) ) {
if ( fabs( jet.eta() ) < 2.8 ) {
Particles candtemp_e =
applyProjection<IdentifiedFinalState>(event, "elecs").particlesByPt();
Particles candtemp_mu =
Particles chg_tracks =
applyProjection<ChargedFinalState>(event, "cfs").particles();
Particles cand_mu;
Particles cand_e;
// pTcone around muon track
foreach ( const Particle & mu, candtemp_mu ) {
double pTinCone = -mu.pT();
foreach ( const Particle & track, chg_tracks ) {
if ( deltaR(mu.momentum(),track.momentum()) < 0.2 )
pTinCone += track.pT();
if ( pTinCone < 1.8*GeV )
// pTcone around electron
foreach ( const Particle e, candtemp_e ) {
double pTinCone = -e.pT();
foreach ( const Particle & track, chg_tracks ) {
if ( deltaR(e.momentum(),track.momentum()) < 0.2 )
pTinCone += track.pT();
if ( pTinCone < 0.1 * e.pT() )
// discard jets that overlap with electrons
Jets recon_jets;
foreach ( const Jet& jet, cand_jets ) {
bool away_from_e = true;
foreach ( const Particle & e, cand_e ) {
if ( deltaR(e.momentum(),jet.momentum()) < 0.2 ) {
away_from_e = false;
if ( away_from_e )
recon_jets.push_back( jet );
// only consider leptons far from jet
Particles recon_e, recon_mu;
foreach ( const Particle & e, cand_e ) {
bool e_near_jet = false;
foreach ( const Jet& jet, recon_jets ) {
if ( deltaR(e.momentum(),jet.momentum()) < 0.4 &&
deltaR(e.momentum(),jet.momentum()) > 0.2 )
e_near_jet = true;
if ( ! e_near_jet )
recon_e.push_back( e );
foreach ( const Particle & mu, cand_mu ) {
bool mu_near_jet = false;
foreach ( const Jet& jet, recon_jets ) {
if ( deltaR(mu.momentum(),jet.momentum()) < 0.4 )
mu_near_jet = true;
if ( ! mu_near_jet )
recon_mu.push_back( mu );
// pTmiss
Particles vfs_particles
= applyProjection<VisibleFinalState>(event, "vfs").particles();
FourMomentum pTmiss;
foreach ( const Particle & p, vfs_particles ) {
pTmiss -= p.momentum();
double eTmiss = pTmiss.pT();
// ==================== observables ====================
// Njets
int Njets = 0;
double pTmiss_phi = pTmiss.phi();
foreach ( const Jet& jet, recon_jets ) {
if ( fabs(jet.eta()) < 2.8 )
if ( Njets < 3 ) {
MSG_DEBUG("Only " << Njets << " jets w/ eta<2.8 left");
Particles lepton;
if ( recon_mu.empty() && recon_e.empty() ) {
MSG_DEBUG("No leptons");
else {
foreach ( const Particle & mu, recon_mu )
foreach ( const Particle & e, recon_e )
std::sort(lepton.begin(), lepton.end(), cmpParticleByPt);
double e_id = 11;
double mu_id = 13;
// one hard leading lepton cut
if ( fabs(lepton[0].pdgId()) == e_id &&
lepton[0].pT() <= 25*GeV ) {
else if ( fabs(lepton[0].pdgId()) == mu_id &&
lepton[0].pT() <= 20*GeV ) {
// exactly one hard leading lepton cut
if(lepton.size()>1) {
if ( fabs(lepton[1].pdgId()) == e_id &&
lepton[1].pT() > 20*GeV ) {
else if ( fabs(lepton[1].pdgId()) == mu_id &&
lepton[1].pT() > 10*GeV ) {
// 3JL
if ( recon_jets[0].pT() > 60.0*GeV &&
recon_jets[1].pT() > 25.0*GeV &&
recon_jets[2].pT() > 25.0*GeV &&
deltaPhi( pTmiss_phi, recon_jets[0].momentum().phi() ) > 0.2 &&
deltaPhi( pTmiss_phi, recon_jets[1].momentum().phi() ) > 0.2 &&
deltaPhi( pTmiss_phi, recon_jets[2].momentum().phi() ) > 0.2 ) {
FourMomentum pT_l = lepton[0].momentum();
double dPhi = deltaPhi( pT_l.phi(), pTmiss_phi);
double mT = sqrt( 2 * pT_l.pT() * eTmiss * (1 - cos(dPhi)) );
double m_eff = eTmiss + pT_l.pT()
+ recon_jets[0].pT()
+ recon_jets[1].pT()
+ recon_jets[2].pT();
if ( fabs( lepton[0].pdgId() ) == e_id ) {
_3j_hist_mT_e->fill(mT, weight);
_3j_hist_eTmiss_e->fill(eTmiss, weight);
_3j_hist_m_eff_e->fill(m_eff, weight);
if ( mT > 100*GeV && eTmiss > 125*GeV ) {
_3jl_hist_m_eff_e_final->fill(m_eff, weight);
if ( m_eff > 500*GeV && eTmiss > 0.25*m_eff ) {
else if ( fabs( lepton[0].pdgId() ) == mu_id ) {
_3j_hist_mT_mu->fill(mT, weight);
_3j_hist_eTmiss_mu->fill(eTmiss, weight);
_3j_hist_m_eff_mu->fill(m_eff, weight);
if ( mT > 100*GeV && eTmiss > 125*GeV ) {
_3jl_hist_m_eff_mu_final->fill(m_eff, weight);
if ( m_eff > 500*GeV && eTmiss > 0.25*m_eff ) {
// 3JT
if ( recon_jets[0].pT() > 80.0*GeV &&
recon_jets[1].pT() > 25.0*GeV &&
recon_jets[2].pT() > 25.0*GeV &&
deltaPhi( pTmiss_phi, recon_jets[0].momentum().phi() ) > 0.2 &&
deltaPhi( pTmiss_phi, recon_jets[1].momentum().phi() ) > 0.2 &&
deltaPhi( pTmiss_phi, recon_jets[2].momentum().phi() ) > 0.2 ) {
FourMomentum pT_l = lepton[0].momentum();
double dPhi = deltaPhi( pT_l.phi(), pTmiss_phi);
double mT = sqrt( 2 * pT_l.pT() * eTmiss * (1 - cos(dPhi)) );
double m_eff = eTmiss + pT_l.pT()
+ recon_jets[0].pT()
+ recon_jets[1].pT()
+ recon_jets[2].pT();
if ( fabs( lepton[0].pdgId() ) == e_id ) {
if ( mT > 100*GeV && eTmiss > 240*GeV ) {
_3jt_hist_m_eff_e_final->fill(m_eff, weight);
if ( m_eff > 600*GeV && eTmiss > 0.15*m_eff ) {
else if ( fabs( lepton[0].pdgId() ) == mu_id ) {
if ( mT > 100*GeV && eTmiss > 240*GeV ) {
_3jt_hist_m_eff_mu_final->fill(m_eff, weight);
if ( m_eff > 600*GeV && eTmiss > 0.15*m_eff ) {
if ( Njets < 4 ) {
MSG_DEBUG("Only " << Njets << " jets w/ eta<2.8 left");
// 4JL
if ( recon_jets[0].pT() > 60.0*GeV &&
recon_jets[1].pT() > 25.0*GeV &&
recon_jets[2].pT() > 25.0*GeV &&
recon_jets[3].pT() > 25.0*GeV &&
deltaPhi( pTmiss_phi, recon_jets[0].momentum().phi() ) > 0.2 &&
deltaPhi( pTmiss_phi, recon_jets[1].momentum().phi() ) > 0.2 &&
deltaPhi( pTmiss_phi, recon_jets[2].momentum().phi() ) > 0.2 &&
deltaPhi( pTmiss_phi, recon_jets[3].momentum().phi() ) > 0.2 ) {
FourMomentum pT_l = lepton[0].momentum();
double dPhi = deltaPhi( pT_l.phi(), pTmiss_phi);
double mT = sqrt( 2 * pT_l.pT() * eTmiss * (1 - cos(dPhi)) );
double m_eff = eTmiss + pT_l.pT()
+ recon_jets[0].pT()
+ recon_jets[1].pT()
+ recon_jets[2].pT()
+ recon_jets[3].pT();
if ( fabs( lepton[0].pdgId() ) == e_id ) {
_4j_hist_mT_e->fill(mT, weight);
_4j_hist_eTmiss_e->fill(eTmiss, weight);
_4j_hist_m_eff_e->fill(m_eff, weight);
if ( mT > 100*GeV && eTmiss > 140*GeV ) {
_4jl_hist_m_eff_e_final->fill(m_eff, weight);
if ( m_eff > 300*GeV && eTmiss > 0.3*m_eff ) {
// Muon channel signal region
else if ( fabs( lepton[0].pdgId() ) == mu_id ) {
_4j_hist_mT_mu->fill(mT, weight);
_4j_hist_eTmiss_mu->fill(eTmiss, weight);
_4j_hist_m_eff_mu->fill(m_eff, weight);
if ( mT > 100*GeV && eTmiss > 140*GeV ) {
_4jl_hist_m_eff_mu_final->fill(m_eff, weight);
if ( m_eff > 300*GeV && eTmiss > 0.3*m_eff ) {
// 4JT
if ( recon_jets[0].pT() > 60.0*GeV &&
recon_jets[1].pT() > 40.0*GeV &&
recon_jets[2].pT() > 40.0*GeV &&
recon_jets[3].pT() > 40.0*GeV &&
deltaPhi( pTmiss_phi, recon_jets[0].momentum().phi() ) > 0.2 &&
deltaPhi( pTmiss_phi, recon_jets[1].momentum().phi() ) > 0.2 &&
deltaPhi( pTmiss_phi, recon_jets[2].momentum().phi() ) > 0.2 &&
deltaPhi( pTmiss_phi, recon_jets[3].momentum().phi() ) > 0.2 ) {
FourMomentum pT_l = lepton[0].momentum();
double m_eff = eTmiss + pT_l.pT()
+ recon_jets[0].pT()
+ recon_jets[1].pT()
+ recon_jets[2].pT()
+ recon_jets[3].pT();
if ( fabs( lepton[0].pdgId() ) == e_id ) {
if ( eTmiss > 200*GeV ) {
_4jt_hist_m_eff_e_final->fill(m_eff, weight);
if ( m_eff > 500*GeV && eTmiss > 0.15*m_eff ) {
// Muon channel signal region
else if ( fabs( lepton[0].pdgId() ) == mu_id ) {
if ( eTmiss > 200*GeV ) {
_4jt_hist_m_eff_mu_final->fill(m_eff, weight);
if ( m_eff > 500*GeV && eTmiss > 0.15*m_eff ) {
void finalize() {
scale( _3j_hist_eTmiss_e, 10. * 1.04e3 * crossSection()/sumOfWeights() );
scale( _3j_hist_eTmiss_mu, 10. * 1.04e3 * crossSection()/sumOfWeights() );
scale( _3j_hist_m_eff_e, 50. * 1.04e3 * crossSection()/sumOfWeights() );
scale( _3j_hist_m_eff_mu, 50. * 1.04e3 * crossSection()/sumOfWeights() );
scale( _3j_hist_mT_e, 10. * 1.04e3 * crossSection()/sumOfWeights() );
scale( _3j_hist_mT_mu, 10. * 1.04e3 * crossSection()/sumOfWeights() );
scale( _3jl_hist_m_eff_e_final, 100. * 1.04e3 * crossSection()/sumOfWeights() );
scale( _3jl_hist_m_eff_mu_final, 100. * 1.04e3 * crossSection()/sumOfWeights() );
scale( _3jt_hist_m_eff_e_final, 100. * 1.04e3 * crossSection()/sumOfWeights() );
scale( _3jt_hist_m_eff_mu_final, 100. * 1.04e3 * crossSection()/sumOfWeights() );
scale( _4j_hist_eTmiss_e, 10. * 1.04e3 * crossSection()/sumOfWeights() );
scale( _4j_hist_eTmiss_mu, 10. * 1.04e3 * crossSection()/sumOfWeights() );
scale( _4j_hist_m_eff_e, 50. * 1.04e3 * crossSection()/sumOfWeights() );
scale( _4j_hist_m_eff_mu, 50. * 1.04e3 * crossSection()/sumOfWeights() );
scale( _4j_hist_mT_e, 10. * 1.04e3 * crossSection()/sumOfWeights() );
scale( _4j_hist_mT_mu, 10. * 1.04e3 * crossSection()/sumOfWeights() );
scale( _4jl_hist_m_eff_e_final, 100. * 1.04e3 * crossSection()/sumOfWeights() );
scale( _4jl_hist_m_eff_mu_final, 100. * 1.04e3 * crossSection()/sumOfWeights() );
scale( _4jt_hist_m_eff_e_final, 100. * 1.04e3 * crossSection()/sumOfWeights() );
scale( _4jt_hist_m_eff_mu_final, 100. * 1.04e3 * crossSection()/sumOfWeights() );
/// @name Histograms
Histo1DPtr _3jl_count_e_channel;
Histo1DPtr _3jl_count_mu_channel;
Histo1DPtr _3jt_count_e_channel;
Histo1DPtr _3jt_count_mu_channel;
Histo1DPtr _3j_hist_eTmiss_e;
Histo1DPtr _3j_hist_eTmiss_mu;
Histo1DPtr _3j_hist_m_eff_e;
Histo1DPtr _3j_hist_m_eff_mu;
Histo1DPtr _3j_hist_mT_e;
Histo1DPtr _3j_hist_mT_mu;
Histo1DPtr _3jl_hist_m_eff_e_final;
Histo1DPtr _3jl_hist_m_eff_mu_final;
Histo1DPtr _3jt_hist_m_eff_e_final;
Histo1DPtr _3jt_hist_m_eff_mu_final;
Histo1DPtr _4jl_count_e_channel;
Histo1DPtr _4jl_count_mu_channel;
Histo1DPtr _4jt_count_e_channel;
Histo1DPtr _4jt_count_mu_channel;
Histo1DPtr _4j_hist_eTmiss_e;
Histo1DPtr _4j_hist_eTmiss_mu;
Histo1DPtr _4j_hist_m_eff_e;
Histo1DPtr _4j_hist_m_eff_mu;
Histo1DPtr _4j_hist_mT_e;
Histo1DPtr _4j_hist_mT_mu;
Histo1DPtr _4jl_hist_m_eff_e_final;
Histo1DPtr _4jl_hist_m_eff_mu_final;
Histo1DPtr _4jt_hist_m_eff_e_final;
Histo1DPtr _4jt_hist_m_eff_mu_final;
// The hook for the plugin system
diff --git a/src/Analyses/ b/src/Analyses/
--- a/src/Analyses/
+++ b/src/Analyses/
@@ -1,457 +1,453 @@
// -*- C++ -*-
#include "Rivet/Analysis.hh"
#include "Rivet/Tools/BinnedHistogram.hh"
#include "Rivet/Projections/FinalState.hh"
#include "Rivet/Projections/ChargedFinalState.hh"
#include "Rivet/Projections/VisibleFinalState.hh"
#include "Rivet/Projections/VetoedFinalState.hh"
#include "Rivet/Projections/IdentifiedFinalState.hh"
#include "Rivet/Projections/FastJets.hh"
#include "Rivet/Tools/RivetMT2.hh"
namespace Rivet {
class ATLAS_2011_S9225137 : public Analysis {
/// @name Constructors etc.
/// Constructor
: Analysis("ATLAS_2011_S9225137")
{ }
/// @name Analysis methods
/// Book histograms and initialise projections before the run
void init() {
// veto region electrons
- std::vector<std::pair<double, double> > eta_v_e;
- eta_v_e.push_back(make_pair(-1.52,-1.37));
- eta_v_e.push_back(make_pair( 1.37, 1.52));
- IdentifiedFinalState veto_elecs(eta_v_e, 10.0*GeV);
+ Cut vetocut = Range(Cuts::eta, -1.52, -1.37) | Range(Cuts::eta, 1.37, 1.52);
+ IdentifiedFinalState veto_elecs(vetocut & (Cuts::pt >= 10.0*GeV));
addProjection(veto_elecs, "veto_elecs");
// projection to find the electrons
- std::vector<std::pair<double, double> > eta_e;
- eta_e.push_back(make_pair(-2.47,2.47));
- IdentifiedFinalState elecs(eta_e, 20.0*GeV);
+ IdentifiedFinalState elecs( Range(Cuts::eta, -2.47, 2.47)
+ & (Cuts::pt >= 20.0*GeV) );
addProjection(elecs, "elecs");
// projection to find the muons
- std::vector<std::pair<double, double> > eta_m;
- eta_m.push_back(make_pair(-2.4,2.4));
- IdentifiedFinalState muons(eta_m, 10.0*GeV);
+ IdentifiedFinalState muons(Range(Cuts::eta, -2.4, 2.4)
+ & (Cuts::pt >= 10.0*GeV) );
addProjection(muons, "muons");
// for pTmiss
VetoedFinalState vfs;
/// Jet finder
addProjection(FastJets(vfs, FastJets::ANTIKT, 0.4),
// all tracks (to do deltaR with leptons)
/// Book histograms
_etmisspT_55_NJ_6_obs = bookHisto1D( 1,1,1);
_etmisspT_55_NJ_6_bac = bookHisto1D( 1,1,2);
_etmisspT_55_NJ_6_sig = bookHisto1D( 1,1,3);
_etmisspT_55_NJ_7_obs = bookHisto1D(13,1,1);
_etmisspT_55_NJ_7_bac = bookHisto1D(13,1,2);
_etmisspT_55_NJ_7_sig = bookHisto1D(13,1,3);
_etmisspT_55_NJ_8_obs = bookHisto1D(15,1,1);
_etmisspT_55_NJ_8_bac = bookHisto1D(15,1,2);
_etmisspT_55_NJ_8_sig = bookHisto1D(15,1,3);
_etmisspT_80_NJ_5_obs = bookHisto1D( 2,1,1);
_etmisspT_80_NJ_5_bac = bookHisto1D( 2,1,2);
_etmisspT_80_NJ_5_sig = bookHisto1D( 2,1,3);
_etmisspT_80_NJ_6_obs = bookHisto1D(14,1,1);
_etmisspT_80_NJ_6_bac = bookHisto1D(14,1,2);
_etmisspT_80_NJ_6_sig = bookHisto1D(14,1,3);
_etmisspT_80_NJ_7_obs = bookHisto1D(16,1,1);
_etmisspT_80_NJ_7_bac = bookHisto1D(16,1,2);
_etmisspT_80_NJ_7_sig = bookHisto1D(16,1,3);
_njet55A_obs = bookHisto1D( 3,1,1);
_njet55A_bac = bookHisto1D( 3,1,2);
_njet55A_sig = bookHisto1D( 3,1,3);
_njet55B_obs = bookHisto1D( 4,1,1);
_njet55B_bac = bookHisto1D( 4,1,2);
_njet55B_sig = bookHisto1D( 4,1,3);
_njet55C_obs = bookHisto1D(17,1,1);
_njet55C_bac = bookHisto1D(17,1,2);
_njet55C_sig = bookHisto1D(17,1,3);
_njet80A_obs = bookHisto1D( 5,1,1);
_njet80A_bac = bookHisto1D( 5,1,2);
_njet80A_sig = bookHisto1D( 5,1,3);
_njet80B_obs = bookHisto1D( 6,1,1);
_njet80B_bac = bookHisto1D( 6,1,2);
_njet80B_sig = bookHisto1D( 6,1,3);
_njet80C_obs = bookHisto1D(18,1,1);
_njet80C_bac = bookHisto1D(18,1,2);
_njet80C_sig = bookHisto1D(18,1,3);
_count_7j55 = bookHisto1D("count_7j55", 1, 0., 1.);
_count_8j55 = bookHisto1D("count_8j55", 1, 0., 1.);
_count_6j80 = bookHisto1D("count_6j80", 1, 0., 1.);
_count_7j80 = bookHisto1D("count_7j80", 1, 0., 1.);
/// Perform the per-event analysis
void analyze(const Event& event) {
const double weight = event.weight();
// apply electron veto region
Particles veto_e
= applyProjection<IdentifiedFinalState>(event, "veto_elecs").particles();
if ( ! veto_e.empty() ) {
MSG_DEBUG("electrons in veto region");
// get the jet candidates
Jets cand_jets;
foreach (const Jet& jet,
applyProjection<FastJets>(event, "AntiKtJets04").jetsByPt(20.0*GeV) ) {
if ( fabs( jet.eta() ) < 4.9 ) {
// candidate muons
Particles cand_mu;
Particles chg_tracks =
applyProjection<ChargedFinalState>(event, "cfs").particles();
foreach ( const Particle & mu,
applyProjection<IdentifiedFinalState>(event, "muons").particlesByPt() ) {
double pTinCone = -mu.pT();
foreach ( const Particle & track, chg_tracks ) {
if ( deltaR(mu.momentum(),track.momentum()) <= 0.2 )
pTinCone += track.pT();
if ( pTinCone < 1.8*GeV )
// candidate electrons
Particles cand_e =
applyProjection<IdentifiedFinalState>(event, "elecs").particlesByPt();
// resolve jet/lepton ambiguity
Jets cand_jets_2;
foreach ( const Jet& jet, cand_jets ) {
// candidates above eta=2.8 are jets
if ( fabs( jet.eta() ) >= 2.8 )
cand_jets_2.push_back( jet );
// otherwise more the R=0.2 from an electrons
else {
bool away_from_e = true;
foreach ( const Particle & e, cand_e ) {
if ( deltaR(e.momentum(),jet.momentum()) <= 0.2 ) {
away_from_e = false;
if ( away_from_e )
cand_jets_2.push_back( jet );
// only keep electrons more than R=0.4 from jets
Particles recon_e;
foreach ( const Particle & e, cand_e ) {
bool away = true;
foreach ( const Jet& jet, cand_jets_2 ) {
if ( deltaR(e.momentum(),jet.momentum()) < 0.4 ) {
away = false;
if ( away )
recon_e.push_back( e );
// only keep muons more than R=0.4 from jets
Particles recon_mu;
foreach ( const Particle & mu, cand_mu ) {
bool away = true;
foreach ( const Jet& jet, cand_jets_2 ) {
if ( deltaR(mu.momentum(),jet.momentum()) < 0.4 ) {
away = false;
if ( away )
recon_mu.push_back( mu );
// pTmiss
Particles vfs_particles =
applyProjection<VisibleFinalState>(event, "vfs").particles();
FourMomentum pTmiss;
foreach ( const Particle & p, vfs_particles ) {
pTmiss -= p.momentum();
double eTmiss = pTmiss.pT();
// final jet filter
Jets recon_jets;
foreach ( const Jet& jet, cand_jets_2 ) {
if ( fabs( jet.eta() ) <= 2.8 )
recon_jets.push_back( jet );
// now only use recon_jets, recon_mu, recon_e
// reject events with electrons and muons
if ( ! ( recon_mu.empty() && recon_e.empty() ) ) {
MSG_DEBUG("Charged leptons left after selection");
// calculate H_T
double HT=0;
foreach ( const Jet& jet, recon_jets ) {
if ( jet.pT() > 40 * GeV )
HT += jet.pT() ;
// number of jets and deltaR
bool pass55DeltaR=true;
unsigned int njet55=0;
bool pass80DeltaR=true;
unsigned int njet80=0;
for (unsigned int ix=0;ix<recon_jets.size();++ix) {
if(recon_jets[ix].pT()>80.*GeV) ++njet80;
if(recon_jets[ix].pT()>55.*GeV) ++njet55;
for (unsigned int iy=ix+1;iy<recon_jets.size();++iy) {
if(recon_jets[ix].pT()>55.*GeV &&
recon_jets[iy].pT()>55.*GeV &&
deltaR(recon_jets[ix],recon_jets[iy]) <0.6 )
pass55DeltaR = false;
if(recon_jets[ix].pT()>80.*GeV &&
recon_jets[iy].pT()>80.*GeV &&
deltaR(recon_jets[ix],recon_jets[iy]) <0.6 )
pass80DeltaR = false;
// require at least four jets with et > 55
if(njet55<=3) vetoEvent;
// plots of etmiss/ht
double etht = eTmiss/sqrt(HT);
if(njet55==6) {
else if(njet55==7) {
else if(njet55==8) {
if(njet80==5) {
else if(njet80==6) {
else if(njet80==7) {
if(etht>1.5&&etht<2. ) {
if(njet55>3) {
if(njet80>3) {
else if(etht>2. &&etht<3. ) {
if(njet55>3) {
if(njet80>3) {
else {
if(njet55>3) {
if(njet80>3) {
// apply E_T/sqrt(H_T) cut
if(etht<=3.5*GeV) {
MSG_DEBUG("Fails ET/sqrt(HT) cut ");
// check passes at least one delta5/ njet number cut
if(!(pass55DeltaR && njet55 >= 7) &&
!(pass80DeltaR && njet80 >= 6) ) {
MSG_DEBUG("Fails DeltaR cut or jet number cuts");
// 7j55
_count_7j55->fill( 0.5, weight) ;
// 8j55
_count_8j55->fill( 0.5, weight) ;
// 6j80
_count_6j80->fill( 0.5, weight) ;
// 7j80
_count_7j80->fill( 0.5, weight) ;
void finalize() {
double norm = crossSection()/femtobarn*1.34/sumOfWeights();
/// @name Histograms
Histo1DPtr _etmisspT_55_NJ_6_obs;
Histo1DPtr _etmisspT_55_NJ_6_bac;
Histo1DPtr _etmisspT_55_NJ_6_sig;
Histo1DPtr _etmisspT_55_NJ_7_obs;
Histo1DPtr _etmisspT_55_NJ_7_bac;
Histo1DPtr _etmisspT_55_NJ_7_sig;
Histo1DPtr _etmisspT_55_NJ_8_obs;
Histo1DPtr _etmisspT_55_NJ_8_bac;
Histo1DPtr _etmisspT_55_NJ_8_sig;
Histo1DPtr _etmisspT_80_NJ_5_obs;
Histo1DPtr _etmisspT_80_NJ_5_bac;
Histo1DPtr _etmisspT_80_NJ_5_sig;
Histo1DPtr _etmisspT_80_NJ_6_obs;
Histo1DPtr _etmisspT_80_NJ_6_bac;
Histo1DPtr _etmisspT_80_NJ_6_sig;
Histo1DPtr _etmisspT_80_NJ_7_obs;
Histo1DPtr _etmisspT_80_NJ_7_bac;
Histo1DPtr _etmisspT_80_NJ_7_sig;
Histo1DPtr _njet55A_obs;
Histo1DPtr _njet55A_bac;
Histo1DPtr _njet55A_sig;
Histo1DPtr _njet55B_obs;
Histo1DPtr _njet55B_bac;
Histo1DPtr _njet55B_sig;
Histo1DPtr _njet55C_obs;
Histo1DPtr _njet55C_bac;
Histo1DPtr _njet55C_sig;
Histo1DPtr _njet80A_obs;
Histo1DPtr _njet80A_bac;
Histo1DPtr _njet80A_sig;
Histo1DPtr _njet80B_obs;
Histo1DPtr _njet80B_bac;
Histo1DPtr _njet80B_sig;
Histo1DPtr _njet80C_obs;
Histo1DPtr _njet80C_bac;
Histo1DPtr _njet80C_sig;
Histo1DPtr _count_7j55;
Histo1DPtr _count_8j55;
Histo1DPtr _count_6j80;
Histo1DPtr _count_7j80;
// The hook for the plugin system
diff --git a/src/Analyses/ b/src/Analyses/
--- a/src/Analyses/
+++ b/src/Analyses/
@@ -1,406 +1,404 @@
// -*- C++ -*-
#include "Rivet/Analysis.hh"
#include "Rivet/Tools/BinnedHistogram.hh"
#include "Rivet/Projections/FinalState.hh"
#include "Rivet/Projections/ChargedFinalState.hh"
#include "Rivet/Projections/VisibleFinalState.hh"
#include "Rivet/Projections/VetoedFinalState.hh"
#include "Rivet/Projections/IdentifiedFinalState.hh"
#include "Rivet/Projections/FastJets.hh"
#include "Rivet/Tools/RivetMT2.hh"
namespace Rivet {
/// @author Peter Richardson
class ATLAS_2012_CONF_2012_001 : public Analysis {
/// @name Constructors etc.
/// Constructor
: Analysis("ATLAS_2012_CONF_2012_001")
{ }
/// @name Analysis methods
/// Book histograms and initialise projections before the run
void init() {
// projection to find the electrons
- std::vector<std::pair<double, double> > eta_e;
- eta_e.push_back(make_pair(-2.47,2.47));
- IdentifiedFinalState elecs(eta_e, 10.0*GeV);
+ IdentifiedFinalState elecs(Range(Cuts::eta, -2.47, 2.47)
+ & (Cuts::pt >= 10.0*GeV));
addProjection(elecs, "elecs");
// projection to find the muons
- std::vector<std::pair<double, double> > eta_m;
- eta_m.push_back(make_pair(-2.4,2.4));
- IdentifiedFinalState muons(eta_m, 10.0*GeV);
+ IdentifiedFinalState muons(Range(Cuts::eta, -2.4, 2.4)
+ & (Cuts::pt >= 10.0*GeV));
addProjection(muons, "muons");
// for pTmiss
VetoedFinalState vfs;
/// Jet finder
addProjection(FastJets(vfs, FastJets::ANTIKT, 0.4),
// all tracks (to do deltaR with leptons)
// Book histograms
_hist_njet = bookHisto1D(5,1,1);
_hist_etmiss = bookHisto1D(6,1,1);
_hist_mSFOS = bookHisto1D(7,1,1);
_hist_meff = bookHisto1D(8,1,1);
_hist_leptonpT_MC.push_back(bookHisto1D("hist_lepton_pT_1", 26, 0., 260));
_hist_leptonpT_MC.push_back(bookHisto1D("hist_lepton_pT_2", 15, 0., 150));
_hist_leptonpT_MC.push_back(bookHisto1D("hist_lepton_pT_3", 20, 0., 100));
_hist_leptonpT_MC.push_back(bookHisto1D("hist_lepton_pT_4", 20, 0., 100));
_hist_njet_MC = bookHisto1D("hist_njet", 7, -0.5, 6.5);
_hist_etmiss_MC = bookHisto1D("hist_etmiss",11,0.,220.);
_hist_mSFOS_MC = bookHisto1D("hist_m_SFOS",13,0.,260.);
_hist_meff_MC = bookHisto1D("hist_m_eff",19,0.,950.);
_count_SR1 = bookHisto1D("count_SR1", 1, 0., 1.);
_count_SR2 = bookHisto1D("count_SR2", 1, 0., 1.);
/// Perform the per-event analysis
void analyze(const Event& event) {
const double weight = event.weight();
// get the jet candidates
Jets cand_jets;
foreach (const Jet& jet,
applyProjection<FastJets>(event, "AntiKtJets04").jetsByPt(20.0*GeV) ) {
if ( fabs( jet.eta() ) < 2.8 ) {
// candidate muons
Particles cand_mu;
Particles chg_tracks =
applyProjection<ChargedFinalState>(event, "cfs").particles();
foreach ( const Particle & mu,
applyProjection<IdentifiedFinalState>(event, "muons").particlesByPt() ) {
double pTinCone = -mu.pT();
foreach ( const Particle & track, chg_tracks ) {
if ( deltaR(mu.momentum(),track.momentum()) <= 0.2 )
pTinCone += track.pT();
if ( pTinCone < 1.8*GeV )
// candidate electrons
Particles cand_e;
foreach ( const Particle & e,
applyProjection<IdentifiedFinalState>(event, "elecs").particlesByPt() ) {
double eta = e.eta();
// remove electrons with pT<15 in old veto region
if( fabs(eta)>1.37 && fabs(eta) < 1.52 && e.momentum().perp()< 15.*GeV)
double pTinCone = -e.momentum().perp();
foreach ( const Particle & track, chg_tracks ) {
if ( deltaR(e.momentum(),track.momentum()) <= 0.2 )
pTinCone += track.pT();
if (pTinCone/e.momentum().perp()<0.1) {
// resolve jet/lepton ambiguity
Jets recon_jets;
foreach ( const Jet& jet, cand_jets ) {
bool away_from_e = true;
foreach ( const Particle & e, cand_e ) {
if ( deltaR(e.momentum(),jet.momentum()) <= 0.2 ) {
away_from_e = false;
if ( away_from_e )
recon_jets.push_back( jet );
// only keep electrons more than R=0.4 from jets
Particles cand2_e;
for(unsigned int ie=0;ie<cand_e.size();++ie) {
const Particle & e = cand_e[ie];
// at least 0.4 from any jets
bool away = true;
foreach ( const Jet& jet, recon_jets ) {
if ( deltaR(e.momentum(),jet.momentum()) < 0.4 ) {
away = false;
// and 0.1 from any muons
if ( away ) {
foreach ( const Particle & mu, cand_mu ) {
if ( deltaR(mu.momentum(),e.momentum()) < 0.1 ) {
away = false;
// and 0.1 from electrons
for(unsigned int ie2=0;ie2<cand_e.size();++ie2) {
if(ie==ie2) continue;
if ( deltaR(e.momentum(),cand_e[ie2].momentum()) < 0.1 ) {
away = false;
// if isolated keep it
if ( away ) cand2_e.push_back( e );
// remove e+e- pairs with mass < 20.
Particles recon_e;
for(unsigned int ie=0;ie<cand2_e.size();++ie) {
bool pass = true;
for(unsigned int ie2=0;ie2<cand2_e.size();++ie2) {
if(cand2_e[ie].pdgId()*cand2_e[ie2].pdgId()>0) continue;
double mtest = (cand2_e[ie].momentum()+cand2_e[ie2].momentum()).mass();
if(mtest<=20.) {
pass = false;
if(pass) recon_e.push_back(cand2_e[ie]);
// only keep muons more than R=0.4 from jets
Particles cand2_mu;
for(unsigned int imu=0;imu<cand_mu.size();++imu) {
const Particle & mu = cand_mu[imu];
bool away = true;
// at least 0.4 from any jets
foreach ( const Jet& jet, recon_jets ) {
if ( deltaR(mu.momentum(),jet.momentum()) < 0.4 ) {
away = false;
// and 0.1 from any electrona
if ( away ) {
foreach ( const Particle & e, cand_e ) {
if ( deltaR(mu.momentum(),e.momentum()) < 0.1 ) {
away = false;
// and 0.1 from muons
for(unsigned int imu2=0;imu2<cand_mu.size();++imu2) {
if(imu==imu2) continue;
if ( deltaR(mu.momentum(),cand_mu[imu2].momentum()) < 0.1 ) {
away = false;
if ( away )
cand2_mu.push_back( mu );
// remove mu+mu- pairs with mass < 20.
Particles recon_mu;
for(unsigned int imu=0;imu<cand2_mu.size();++imu) {
bool pass = true;
for(unsigned int imu2=0;imu2<cand2_mu.size();++imu2) {
if(cand2_mu[imu].pdgId()*cand2_mu[imu2].pdgId()>0) continue;
double mtest = (cand2_mu[imu].momentum()+cand2_mu[imu2].momentum()).mass();
if(mtest<=20.) {
pass = false;
if(pass) recon_mu.push_back(cand2_mu[imu]);
// pTmiss
Particles vfs_particles =
applyProjection<VisibleFinalState>(event, "vfs").particles();
FourMomentum pTmiss;
foreach ( const Particle & p, vfs_particles ) {
pTmiss -= p.momentum();
double eTmiss = pTmiss.pT();
// now only use recon_jets, recon_mu, recon_e
// reject events with less than 4 electrons and muons
if ( recon_mu.size() + recon_e.size() < 4 ) {
MSG_DEBUG("To few charged leptons left after selection");
// ATLAS calo problem
if(rand()/static_cast<double>(RAND_MAX)<=0.42) {
foreach ( const Particle & e, recon_e ) {
double eta = e.eta();
double phi = e.momentum().azimuthalAngle(MINUSPI_PLUSPI);
foreach ( const Jet & jet, recon_jets ) {
double eta = jet.rapidity();
double phi = jet.momentum().azimuthalAngle(MINUSPI_PLUSPI);
if(jet.momentum().perp()>40 && eta>-0.1&&eta<1.5&&phi>-0.9&&phi<-0.5)
// check at least one e/mu passing trigger
if( !( !recon_e .empty() && recon_e[0] .momentum().perp()>25.) &&
!( !recon_mu.empty() && recon_mu[0].momentum().perp()>20.) ) {
MSG_DEBUG("Hardest lepton fails trigger");
// calculate meff
double meff = eTmiss;
foreach ( const Particle & e , recon_e )
meff += e.momentum().perp();
foreach ( const Particle & mu, recon_mu )
meff += mu.momentum().perp();
foreach ( const Jet & jet, recon_jets ) {
double pT = jet.momentum().perp();
if(pT>40.) meff += pT;
double mSFOS=1e30, mdiff=1e30;
// mass of SFOS pairs closest to the Z mass
for(unsigned int ix=0;ix<recon_e.size();++ix) {
for(unsigned int iy=ix+1;iy<recon_e.size();++iy) {
if(recon_e[ix].pdgId()*recon_e[iy].pdgId()>0) continue;
double mtest = (recon_e[ix].momentum()+recon_e[iy].momentum()).mass();
if(fabs(mtest-90.)<mdiff) {
mSFOS = mtest;
mdiff = fabs(mtest-90.);
for(unsigned int ix=0;ix<recon_mu.size();++ix) {
for(unsigned int iy=ix+1;iy<recon_mu.size();++iy) {
if(recon_mu[ix].pdgId()*recon_mu[iy].pdgId()>0) continue;
double mtest = (recon_mu[ix].momentum()+recon_mu[iy].momentum()).mass();
if(fabs(mtest-91.118)<mdiff) {
mSFOS = mtest;
mdiff = fabs(mtest-91.118);
// make the control plots
// lepton pT
unsigned int ie=0,imu=0;
for(unsigned int ix=0;ix<4;++ix) {
double pTe = ie <recon_e .size() ?
recon_e [ie ].momentum().perp() : -1*GeV;
double pTmu = imu<recon_mu.size() ?
recon_mu[imu].momentum().perp() : -1*GeV;
if(pTe>pTmu) {
_hist_leptonpT [ix]->fill(pTe ,weight);
_hist_leptonpT_MC[ix]->fill(pTe ,weight);
else {
_hist_leptonpT [ix]->fill(pTmu,weight);
// njet
_hist_njet ->fill(recon_jets.size(),weight);
// etmiss
_hist_etmiss ->fill(eTmiss,weight);
if(mSFOS<1e30) {
_hist_mSFOS ->fill(mSFOS,weight);
_hist_meff ->fill(meff,weight);
// finally the counts
if(eTmiss>50.) {
if(mdiff>10.) _count_SR2->fill(0.5,weight);
void finalize() {
double norm = crossSection()/femtobarn*2.06/sumOfWeights();
// these are number of events at 2.06fb^-1 per 10 GeV
scale(_hist_leptonpT [0],norm*10.);
scale(_hist_leptonpT [1],norm*10.);
// these are number of events at 2.06fb^-1 per 5 GeV
scale(_hist_leptonpT [2],norm*5.);
scale(_hist_leptonpT [3],norm*5.);
// these are number of events at 2.06fb^-1 per 20 GeV
scale(_hist_etmiss ,norm*20.);
scale(_hist_mSFOS ,norm*20.);
scale(_hist_etmiss_MC ,norm*20.);
scale(_hist_mSFOS_MC ,norm*20.);
// these are number of events at 2.06fb^-1 per 50 GeV
scale(_hist_meff ,norm*50.);
scale(_hist_meff_MC ,norm*50.);
// these are number of events at 2.06fb^-1
scale(_hist_njet ,norm);
scale(_hist_njet_MC ,norm);
/// @name Histograms
vector<Histo1DPtr> _hist_leptonpT,_hist_leptonpT_MC;
Histo1DPtr _hist_njet;
Histo1DPtr _hist_njet_MC;
Histo1DPtr _hist_etmiss;
Histo1DPtr _hist_etmiss_MC;
Histo1DPtr _hist_mSFOS;
Histo1DPtr _hist_mSFOS_MC;
Histo1DPtr _hist_meff;
Histo1DPtr _hist_meff_MC;
Histo1DPtr _count_SR1;
Histo1DPtr _count_SR2;
// The hook for the plugin system
diff --git a/src/Analyses/ b/src/Analyses/
--- a/src/Analyses/
+++ b/src/Analyses/
@@ -1,274 +1,272 @@
// -*- C++ -*-
#include "Rivet/Analysis.hh"
#include "Rivet/Tools/BinnedHistogram.hh"
#include "Rivet/Projections/FinalState.hh"
#include "Rivet/Projections/ChargedFinalState.hh"
#include "Rivet/Projections/VisibleFinalState.hh"
#include "Rivet/Projections/VetoedFinalState.hh"
#include "Rivet/Projections/IdentifiedFinalState.hh"
#include "Rivet/Projections/FastJets.hh"
#include "Rivet/Tools/RivetMT2.hh"
namespace Rivet {
class ATLAS_2012_CONF_2012_103 : public Analysis {
/// @name Constructors etc.
/// Constructor
: Analysis("ATLAS_2012_CONF_2012_103")
{ }
/// @name Analysis methods
/// Book histograms and initialise projections before the run
void init() {
// projection to find the electrons
- std::vector<std::pair<double, double> > eta_e;
- eta_e.push_back(make_pair(-2.47,2.47));
- IdentifiedFinalState elecs(eta_e, 20.0*GeV);
+ IdentifiedFinalState elecs(Range(Cuts::eta, -2.47, 2.47)
+ & (Cuts::pt >= 20.0*GeV));
addProjection(elecs, "elecs");
// projection to find the muons
- std::vector<std::pair<double, double> > eta_m;
- eta_m.push_back(make_pair(-2.4,2.4));
- IdentifiedFinalState muons(eta_m, 10.0*GeV);
+ IdentifiedFinalState muons(Range(Cuts::eta, -2.4, 2.4)
+ & (Cuts::pt >= 10.0*GeV));
addProjection(muons, "muons");
// for pTmiss
VetoedFinalState vfs;
/// Jet finder
addProjection(FastJets(vfs, FastJets::ANTIKT, 0.4),
/// Book histograms
_etmiss_HT_7j55 = bookHisto1D("etmiss_HT_7j55", 8, 0., 16.);
_etmiss_HT_8j55 = bookHisto1D("etmiss_HT_8j55", 8, 0., 16.);
_etmiss_HT_9j55 = bookHisto1D("etmiss_HT_9j55", 8, 0., 16.);
_etmiss_HT_6j80 = bookHisto1D("etmiss_HT_6j80", 8, 0., 16.);
_etmiss_HT_7j80 = bookHisto1D("etmiss_HT_7j80", 8, 0., 16.);
_etmiss_HT_8j80 = bookHisto1D("etmiss_HT_8j80", 8, 0., 16.);
_hist_njet55 = bookHisto1D("hist_njet55", 4, 5.5, 9.5);
_hist_njet80 = bookHisto1D("hist_njet80", 4, 4.5, 8.5);
_count_7j55 = bookHisto1D("count_7j55", 1, 0., 1.);
_count_8j55 = bookHisto1D("count_8j55", 1, 0., 1.);
_count_9j55 = bookHisto1D("count_9j55", 1, 0., 1.);
_count_6j80 = bookHisto1D("count_6j80", 1, 0., 1.);
_count_7j80 = bookHisto1D("count_7j80", 1, 0., 1.);
_count_8j80 = bookHisto1D("count_8j80", 1, 0., 1.);
/// Perform the per-event analysis
void analyze(const Event& event) {
const double weight = event.weight();
// get the jet candidates
Jets cand_jets;
foreach (const Jet& jet,
applyProjection<FastJets>(event, "AntiKtJets04").jetsByPt(20.0*GeV) ) {
if ( fabs( jet.eta() ) < 2.8 ) {
// candidate muons
Particles cand_mu =
applyProjection<IdentifiedFinalState>(event, "muons").particlesByPt();
// candidate electrons
Particles cand_e =
applyProjection<IdentifiedFinalState>(event, "elecs").particlesByPt();
// resolve jet/lepton ambiguity
Jets recon_jets;
foreach ( const Jet& jet, cand_jets ) {
// candidates after |eta| < 2.8
if ( fabs( jet.eta() ) >= 2.8 ) continue;
bool away_from_e = true;
foreach ( const Particle & e, cand_e ) {
if ( deltaR(e.momentum(),jet.momentum()) <= 0.2 ) {
away_from_e = false;
if ( away_from_e ) recon_jets.push_back( jet );
// only keep electrons more than R=0.4 from jets
Particles recon_e;
foreach ( const Particle & e, cand_e ) {
bool away = true;
foreach ( const Jet& jet, recon_jets ) {
if ( deltaR(e.momentum(),jet.momentum()) < 0.4 ) {
away = false;
if ( away )
recon_e.push_back( e );
// only keep muons more than R=0.4 from jets
Particles recon_mu;
foreach ( const Particle & mu, cand_mu ) {
bool away = true;
foreach ( const Jet& jet, recon_jets ) {
if ( deltaR(mu.momentum(),jet.momentum()) < 0.4 ) {
away = false;
if ( away )
recon_mu.push_back( mu );
// pTmiss
Particles vfs_particles =
applyProjection<VisibleFinalState>(event, "vfs").particles();
FourMomentum pTmiss;
foreach ( const Particle & p, vfs_particles ) {
pTmiss -= p.momentum();
double eTmiss = pTmiss.pT();
// now only use recon_jets, recon_mu, recon_e
// reject events with electrons and muons
if ( ! ( recon_mu.empty() && recon_e.empty() ) ) {
MSG_DEBUG("Charged leptons left after selection");
// calculate H_T
double HT=0;
foreach ( const Jet& jet, recon_jets ) {
if ( jet.pT() > 40 * GeV )
HT += jet.pT() ;
// number of jets
unsigned int njet55=0, njet80=0;
for (unsigned int ix=0;ix<recon_jets.size();++ix) {
if(recon_jets[ix].pT()>80.*GeV) ++njet80;
if(recon_jets[ix].pT()>55.*GeV) ++njet55;
double ratio = eTmiss/sqrt(HT);
if(ratio>4.) {
if(njet55>9) njet55 = 9;
if(njet80>8) njet80 = 8;
// 7j55
_count_7j55->fill( 0.5, weight);
// 8j55
_count_8j55->fill( 0.5, weight) ;
// 8j55
_count_9j55->fill( 0.5, weight) ;
// 6j80
_count_6j80->fill( 0.5, weight) ;
// 7j80
_count_7j80->fill( 0.5, weight) ;
// 8j80
_count_8j80->fill( 0.5, weight) ;
_etmiss_HT_7j55->fill( ratio, weight);
// 8j55
_etmiss_HT_8j55->fill( ratio, weight) ;
// 8j55
_etmiss_HT_9j55->fill( ratio, weight) ;
// 6j80
_etmiss_HT_6j80->fill( ratio, weight) ;
// 7j80
_etmiss_HT_7j80->fill( ratio, weight) ;
// 8j80
_etmiss_HT_8j80->fill( ratio, weight) ;
void finalize() {
double norm = crossSection()/femtobarn*5.8/sumOfWeights();
/// @name Histograms
Histo1DPtr _etmiss_HT_7j55;
Histo1DPtr _etmiss_HT_8j55;
Histo1DPtr _etmiss_HT_9j55;
Histo1DPtr _etmiss_HT_6j80;
Histo1DPtr _etmiss_HT_7j80;
Histo1DPtr _etmiss_HT_8j80;
Histo1DPtr _hist_njet55;
Histo1DPtr _hist_njet80;
Histo1DPtr _count_7j55;
Histo1DPtr _count_8j55;
Histo1DPtr _count_9j55;
Histo1DPtr _count_6j80;
Histo1DPtr _count_7j80;
Histo1DPtr _count_8j80;
// The hook for the plugin system
diff --git a/src/Analyses/ b/src/Analyses/
--- a/src/Analyses/
+++ b/src/Analyses/
@@ -1,237 +1,235 @@
// -*- C++ -*-
#include "Rivet/Analysis.hh"
#include "Rivet/Tools/BinnedHistogram.hh"
#include "Rivet/Projections/FinalState.hh"
#include "Rivet/Projections/ChargedFinalState.hh"
#include "Rivet/Projections/VisibleFinalState.hh"
#include "Rivet/Projections/IdentifiedFinalState.hh"
#include "Rivet/Projections/VetoedFinalState.hh"
#include "Rivet/Projections/FastJets.hh"
namespace Rivet {
class ATLAS_2012_CONF_2012_104 : public Analysis {
/// @name Constructors etc.
/// Constructor
: Analysis("ATLAS_2012_CONF_2012_104")
{ }
/// @name Analysis methods
/// Book histograms and initialize projections before the run
void init() {
// projection to find the electrons
- vector<pair<double, double> > eta_e;
- eta_e.push_back(make_pair(-2.47,2.47));
- IdentifiedFinalState elecs(eta_e, 10.0*GeV);
+ IdentifiedFinalState elecs(Range(Cuts::eta, -2.47, 2.47)
+ & (Cuts::pt >= 10.0*GeV));
addProjection(elecs, "elecs");
// projection to find the muons
- vector<pair<double, double> > eta_m;
- eta_m.push_back(make_pair(-2.4,2.4));
- IdentifiedFinalState muons(eta_m, 10.0*GeV);
+ IdentifiedFinalState muons(Range(Cuts::eta, -2.4, 2.4)
+ & (Cuts::pt >= 10.0*GeV));
addProjection(muons, "muons");
// Jet finder
VetoedFinalState vfs;
addProjection(FastJets(vfs, FastJets::ANTIKT, 0.4), "AntiKtJets04");
// all tracks (to do deltaR with leptons)
// for pTmiss
// Book histograms
_count_e = bookHisto1D("count_e" , 1, 0., 1.);
_count_mu = bookHisto1D("count_mu", 1, 0., 1.);
_hist_eTmiss_e = bookHisto1D("hist_eTmiss_e" , 25, 0., 1000.);
_hist_eTmiss_mu = bookHisto1D("hist_eTmiss_mu" , 25, 0., 1000.);
/// Perform the per-event analysis
void analyze(const Event& event) {
const double weight = event.weight();
// get the candiate jets
Jets cand_jets;
foreach ( const Jet& jet,
applyProjection<FastJets>(event, "AntiKtJets04").jetsByPt(20.0*GeV) ) {
if ( fabs( jet.eta() ) < 2.8 ) {
// get the candidate "medium" leptons without isolation
Particles cand_e;
foreach( const Particle & e,
applyProjection<IdentifiedFinalState>(event, "elecs").particlesByPt()) {
// remove any leptons within 0.4 of any candidate jets
bool e_near_jet = false;
foreach ( const Jet& jet, cand_jets ) {
double dR = deltaR(e.momentum(),jet.momentum());
if ( dR < 0.4 && dR > 0.2 ) {
e_near_jet = true;
if ( ! e_near_jet ) cand_e.push_back(e);
Particles cand_mu;
foreach( const Particle & mu,
applyProjection<IdentifiedFinalState>(event, "muons").particlesByPt()) {
// remove any leptons within 0.4 of any candidate jets
bool mu_near_jet = false;
foreach ( const Jet& jet, cand_jets ) {
if ( deltaR(mu.momentum(),jet.momentum()) < 0.4 ) {
mu_near_jet = true;
if ( ! mu_near_jet ) cand_mu.push_back(mu);
// apply the isolation
Particles chg_tracks =
applyProjection<ChargedFinalState>(event, "cfs").particles();
// pTcone around muon track (hard)
Particles recon_mu;
foreach ( const Particle & mu, cand_mu ) {
double pTinCone = -mu.pT();
if(-pTinCone<25.) continue;
foreach ( const Particle & track, chg_tracks ) {
if ( deltaR(mu.momentum(),track.momentum()) < 0.2 )
pTinCone += track.pT();
if ( pTinCone < 1.8*GeV ) recon_mu.push_back(mu);
// pTcone around electron track (hard)
Particles recon_e;
foreach ( const Particle & e, cand_e ) {
double pTinCone = -e.pT();
if(-pTinCone<25.) continue;
foreach ( const Particle & track, chg_tracks ) {
if ( deltaR(e.momentum(),track.momentum()) < 0.2 )
pTinCone += track.pT();
if ( pTinCone < 0.1 * e.pT() ) recon_e.push_back(e);
// discard jets that overlap with electrons
Jets recon_jets;
foreach ( const Jet& jet, cand_jets ) {
jet.momentum().perp()<25.) continue;
bool away_from_e = true;
foreach ( const Particle & e, cand_e ) {
if ( deltaR(e.momentum(),jet.momentum()) < 0.2 ) {
away_from_e = false;
if ( away_from_e ) recon_jets.push_back( jet );
// pTmiss
FourMomentum pTmiss;
foreach ( const Particle & p,
applyProjection<VisibleFinalState>(event, "vfs").particles() ) {
pTmiss -= p.momentum();
double eTmiss = pTmiss.pT();
// at least 4 jets with pT>80.
if(recon_jets.size()<4 || recon_jets[3].momentum().perp()<80.) vetoEvent;
// only 1 signal lepton
if( recon_e.size() + recon_mu.size() != 1 )
if( cand_e .size() + cand_mu .size() != 1 )
// start of meff calculation
double HT=0.;
foreach( const Jet & jet, recon_jets) {
double pT = jet.momentum().perp();
if(pT>40.) HT += pT;
// get the lepton
Particle lepton = recon_e.empty() ? recon_mu[0] : recon_e[0];
// lepton variables
double pT = lepton.momentum().perp();
double mT = 2.*(pT*eTmiss -
lepton.momentum().x()*pTmiss.x() -
mT = sqrt(mT);
HT += pT;
double m_eff_inc = HT + eTmiss + pT;
double m_eff_4 = eTmiss + pT;
for(unsigned int ix=0;ix<4;++ix)
m_eff_4 += recon_jets[ix].momentum().perp();
// four jet selecton
if(mT>100.&& eTmiss/m_eff_4>0.2 &&
m_eff_inc > 800.) {
if( eTmiss > 250. ) {
else if(abs(lepton.pdgId())==PID::MUON)
_hist_eTmiss_e ->fill(eTmiss,weight);
else if(abs(lepton.pdgId())==PID::MUON)
void finalize() {
double norm = 5.8* crossSection()/sumOfWeights()/femtobarn;
scale(_count_e ,norm);
scale(_hist_eTmiss_e ,40.*norm);
scale(_hist_eTmiss_mu ,40.*norm);
/// @name Histograms
Histo1DPtr _count_e ;
Histo1DPtr _count_mu;
Histo1DPtr _hist_eTmiss_e ;
Histo1DPtr _hist_eTmiss_mu;
// The hook for the plugin system
diff --git a/src/Analyses/ b/src/Analyses/
--- a/src/Analyses/
+++ b/src/Analyses/
@@ -1,236 +1,234 @@
// -*- C++ -*-
#include "Rivet/Analysis.hh"
#include "Rivet/Tools/BinnedHistogram.hh"
#include "Rivet/Projections/FinalState.hh"
#include "Rivet/Projections/ChargedFinalState.hh"
#include "Rivet/Projections/VisibleFinalState.hh"
#include "Rivet/Projections/IdentifiedFinalState.hh"
#include "Rivet/Projections/FastJets.hh"
#include "Rivet/Projections/VetoedFinalState.hh"
namespace Rivet {
class ATLAS_2012_CONF_2012_105 : public Analysis {
/// @name Constructors etc.
/// Constructor
: Analysis("ATLAS_2012_CONF_2012_105")
{ }
/// @name Analysis methods
/// Book histograms and initialise projections before the run
void init() {
// projection to find the electrons
- std::vector<std::pair<double, double> > eta_e;
- eta_e.push_back(make_pair(-2.47,2.47));
- IdentifiedFinalState elecs(eta_e, 20.0*GeV);
+ IdentifiedFinalState elecs(Range(Cuts::eta, -2.47, 2.47)
+ & (Cuts::pt >= 20.0*GeV));
addProjection(elecs, "elecs");
// projection to find the muons
- std::vector<std::pair<double, double> > eta_m;
- eta_m.push_back(make_pair(-2.4,2.4));
- IdentifiedFinalState muons(eta_m, 20.0*GeV);
+ IdentifiedFinalState muons(Range(Cuts::eta, -2.4, 2.4)
+ & (Cuts::pt >= 20.0*GeV));
addProjection(muons, "muons");
// jet finder
VetoedFinalState vfs;
addProjection(FastJets(vfs, FastJets::ANTIKT, 0.4),
// all tracks (to do deltaR with leptons)
// for pTmiss
// book histograms
// counts in signal regions
_count_ee = bookHisto1D("count_ee" , 1, 0., 1.);
_count_emu = bookHisto1D("count_emu" , 1, 0., 1.);
_count_mumu = bookHisto1D("count_mumu", 1, 0., 1.);
_count_ll = bookHisto1D("count_ll" , 1, 0., 1.);
// histograms from paper
_hist_eTmiss_ee = bookHisto1D("eTmiss_ee" , 8, 0., 400.);
_hist_eTmiss_emu = bookHisto1D("eTmiss_emu" , 8, 0., 400.);
_hist_eTmiss_mumu = bookHisto1D("eTmiss_mumu", 8, 0., 400.);
_hist_eTmiss_ll = bookHisto1D("eTmiss_ll" , 8, 0., 400.);
/// Perform the event analysis
void analyze(const Event& event) {
// event weight
const double weight = event.weight();
// get the jet candidates
Jets cand_jets;
foreach (const Jet& jet,
applyProjection<FastJets>(event, "AntiKtJets04").jetsByPt(20.0*GeV) ) {
if ( fabs( jet.eta() ) < 2.8 ) {
// electron candidates
Particles cand_e =
applyProjection<IdentifiedFinalState>(event, "elecs").particlesByPt();
// Discard jets that overlap with electrons
Jets recon_jets;
foreach ( const Jet& jet, cand_jets ) {
bool away_from_e = true;
foreach ( const Particle & e, cand_e ) {
if ( deltaR(e.momentum(),jet.momentum()) <= 0.2 ) {
away_from_e = false;
if ( away_from_e ) recon_jets.push_back( jet );
// get the charged tracks for isolation
Particles chg_tracks =
applyProjection<ChargedFinalState>(event, "cfs").particles();
// Reconstructed electrons
Particles recon_leptons;
foreach ( const Particle & e, cand_e ) {
// check not near a jet
bool e_near_jet = false;
foreach ( const Jet& jet, recon_jets ) {
if ( deltaR(e.momentum(),jet.momentum()) < 0.4 ) {
e_near_jet = true;
if ( e_near_jet ) continue;
// check the isolation
double pTinCone = -e.pT();
foreach ( const Particle & track, chg_tracks ) {
if ( deltaR(e.momentum(),track.momentum()) < 0.2 )
pTinCone += track.pT();
if ( pTinCone < 0.1*e.momentum().perp() )
// Reconstructed Muons
Particles cand_mu =
foreach ( const Particle & mu, cand_mu ) {
// check not near a jet
bool mu_near_jet = false;
foreach ( const Jet& jet, recon_jets ) {
if ( deltaR(mu.momentum(),jet.momentum()) < 0.4 ) {
mu_near_jet = true;
if ( mu_near_jet ) continue;
// isolation
double pTinCone = -mu.pT();
foreach ( const Particle & track, chg_tracks ) {
if ( deltaR(mu.momentum(),track.momentum()) < 0.2 )
pTinCone += track.pT();
if ( pTinCone < 1.8*GeV )
// pTmiss
Particles vfs_particles
= applyProjection<VisibleFinalState>(event, "vfs").particles();
FourMomentum pTmiss;
foreach ( const Particle & p, vfs_particles ) {
pTmiss -= p.momentum();
double eTmiss = pTmiss.pT();
// Exactly two leptons for each event
if ( recon_leptons.size() != 2) vetoEvent;
// ensure 1st hardest
// only keep same sign
// at least 4 jets pt>50
_hist_eTmiss_emu ->fill(eTmiss,weight);
else if(abs(recon_leptons[0].pdgId())==PID::ELECTRON)
_hist_eTmiss_ee ->fill(eTmiss,weight);
else if(abs(recon_leptons[0].pdgId())==PID::MUON)
if(eTmiss>150.) {
_count_emu ->fill(0.5,weight);
else if(abs(recon_leptons[0].pdgId())==PID::ELECTRON)
_count_ee ->fill(0.5,weight);
else if(abs(recon_leptons[0].pdgId())==PID::MUON)
void finalize() {
double norm = crossSection()/femtobarn*5.8/sumOfWeights();
// event counts
scale(_count_ee ,norm);
scale(_count_emu ,norm);
scale(_count_ll ,norm);
// histograms
scale(_hist_eTmiss_ee ,norm*50.);
scale(_hist_eTmiss_emu ,norm*50.);
scale(_hist_eTmiss_ll ,norm*50.);
/// @name Histograms
Histo1DPtr _count_ee ;
Histo1DPtr _count_emu ;
Histo1DPtr _count_mumu;
Histo1DPtr _count_ll ;
Histo1DPtr _hist_eTmiss_ee;
Histo1DPtr _hist_eTmiss_emu;
Histo1DPtr _hist_eTmiss_mumu;
Histo1DPtr _hist_eTmiss_ll;
// The hook for the plugin system
diff --git a/src/Analyses/ b/src/Analyses/
--- a/src/Analyses/
+++ b/src/Analyses/
@@ -1,373 +1,371 @@
// -*- C++ -*-
#include "Rivet/Analysis.hh"
#include "Rivet/Tools/BinnedHistogram.hh"
#include "Rivet/Projections/FinalState.hh"
#include "Rivet/Projections/ChargedFinalState.hh"
#include "Rivet/Projections/VisibleFinalState.hh"
#include "Rivet/Projections/IdentifiedFinalState.hh"
#include "Rivet/Projections/FastJets.hh"
#include "Rivet/Projections/VetoedFinalState.hh"
namespace Rivet {
/// @author Peter Richardson
class ATLAS_2012_CONF_2012_109 : public Analysis {
/// @name Constructors etc.
/// Constructor
: Analysis("ATLAS_2012_CONF_2012_109")
{ }
/// @name Analysis methods
/// Book histograms and initialise projections before the run
void init() {
// Projection to find the electrons
- std::vector<std::pair<double, double> > eta_e;
- eta_e.push_back(make_pair(-2.47,2.47));
- IdentifiedFinalState elecs(eta_e, 20.0*GeV);
- elecs.acceptIdPair(PID::ELECTRON);
+ IdentifiedFinalState elecs(Range(Cuts::eta, -2.47, 2.47)
+ & (Cuts::pt >= 20.0*GeV));
+ elecs.acceptIdPair(PID::ELECTRON);
addProjection(elecs, "elecs");
// Projection to find the muons
- std::vector<std::pair<double, double> > eta_m;
- eta_m.push_back(make_pair(-2.4,2.4));
- IdentifiedFinalState muons(eta_m, 10.0*GeV);
+ IdentifiedFinalState muons(Range(Cuts::eta, -2.4, 2.4)
+ & (Cuts::pt >= 10.0*GeV));
addProjection(muons, "muons");
// Jet finder
VetoedFinalState vfs;
addProjection(FastJets(vfs, FastJets::ANTIKT, 0.4), "AntiKtJets04");
// All tracks (to do deltaR with leptons)
// Used for pTmiss (N.B. the real 'vfs' extends beyond 4.5 to |eta| = 4.9)
// Book histograms
_count_A_tight = bookHisto1D("count_A_tight" , 1, 0., 1.);
_count_A_medium = bookHisto1D("count_A_medium" , 1, 0., 1.);
_count_A_loose = bookHisto1D("count_A_loose" , 1, 0., 1.);
_count_B_tight = bookHisto1D("count_B_tight" , 1, 0., 1.);
_count_B_medium = bookHisto1D("count_B_medium" , 1, 0., 1.);
_count_C_tight = bookHisto1D("count_C_tight" , 1, 0., 1.);
_count_C_medium = bookHisto1D("count_C_medium" , 1, 0., 1.);
_count_C_loose = bookHisto1D("count_C_loose" , 1, 0., 1.);
_count_D_tight = bookHisto1D("count_D_tight" , 1, 0., 1.);
_count_E_tight = bookHisto1D("count_E_tight" , 1, 0., 1.);
_count_E_medium = bookHisto1D("count_E_medium" , 1, 0., 1.);
_count_E_loose = bookHisto1D("count_E_loose" , 1, 0., 1.);
_hist_meff_A_medium = bookHisto1D("meff_A_medium" , 40, 0., 4000.);
_hist_meff_A_tight = bookHisto1D("meff_A_tight" , 40, 0., 4000.);
_hist_meff_B_medium = bookHisto1D("meff_B_medium" , 40, 0., 4000.);
_hist_meff_B_tight = bookHisto1D("meff_B_tight" , 40, 0., 4000.);
_hist_meff_C_medium = bookHisto1D("meff_C_medium" , 40, 0., 4000.);
_hist_meff_C_tight = bookHisto1D("meff_C_tight" , 40, 0., 4000.);
_hist_meff_D = bookHisto1D("meff_D" , 40, 0., 4000.);
_hist_meff_E_loose = bookHisto1D("meff_E_loose" , 40, 0., 4000.);
_hist_meff_E_medium = bookHisto1D("meff_E_medium" , 40, 0., 4000.);
_hist_meff_E_tight = bookHisto1D("meff_E_tight" , 40, 0., 4000.);
/// Perform the per-event analysis
void analyze(const Event& event) {
const double weight = event.weight();
Jets cand_jets;
const Jets jets = applyProjection<FastJets>(event, "AntiKtJets04").jetsByPt(20.0*GeV);
foreach (const Jet& jet, jets) {
if ( fabs( jet.eta() ) < 4.9 ) {
const Particles cand_e = applyProjection<IdentifiedFinalState>(event, "elecs").particlesByPt();
// Muon isolation not mentioned in hep-exp 1109.6572 but assumed to still be applicable
Particles cand_mu;
const Particles chg_tracks = applyProjection<ChargedFinalState>(event, "cfs").particles();
const Particles muons = applyProjection<IdentifiedFinalState>(event, "muons").particlesByPt();
foreach (const Particle& mu, muons) {
double pTinCone = -mu.pT();
foreach (const Particle& track, chg_tracks) {
if ( deltaR(mu.momentum(),track.momentum()) <= 0.2 ) {
pTinCone += track.pT();
if ( pTinCone < 1.8*GeV ) cand_mu.push_back(mu);
// Resolve jet-lepton overlap for jets with |eta| < 2.8
Jets recon_jets;
foreach ( const Jet& jet, cand_jets ) {
if ( fabs( jet.eta() ) >= 2.8 ) continue;
bool away_from_e = true;
foreach ( const Particle & e, cand_e ) {
if ( deltaR(e.momentum(),jet.momentum()) <= 0.2 ) {
away_from_e = false;
if ( away_from_e ) recon_jets.push_back( jet );
Particles recon_e, recon_mu;
foreach ( const Particle & e, cand_e ) {
bool away = true;
foreach ( const Jet& jet, recon_jets ) {
if ( deltaR(e.momentum(),jet.momentum()) < 0.4 ) {
away = false;
if ( away ) recon_e.push_back( e );
foreach ( const Particle & mu, cand_mu ) {
bool away = true;
foreach ( const Jet& jet, recon_jets ) {
if ( deltaR(mu.momentum(),jet.momentum()) < 0.4 ) {
away = false;
if ( away ) recon_mu.push_back( mu );
// pTmiss
// Based on all candidate electrons, muons and jets, plus everything else with |eta| < 4.5
// i.e. everything in our projection "vfs" plus the jets with |eta| > 4.5
Particles vfs_particles = applyProjection<VisibleFinalState>(event, "vfs").particles();
FourMomentum pTmiss;
foreach ( const Particle & p, vfs_particles ) {
pTmiss -= p.momentum();
foreach ( const Jet& jet, cand_jets ) {
if ( fabs( jet.eta() ) > 4.5 ) pTmiss -= jet.momentum();
double eTmiss = pTmiss.pT();
// no electron pT> 20 or muons pT>10
if ( !recon_mu.empty() || !recon_e.empty() ) {
MSG_DEBUG("Charged leptons left after selection");
if ( eTmiss <= 160 * GeV ) {
MSG_DEBUG("Not enough eTmiss: " << eTmiss << " < 130");
// check the hardest two jets
if ( recon_jets.size()<2 ||
recon_jets[0].pT() <= 130.0 * GeV ||
recon_jets[0].pT() <= 60.0 * GeV ) {
MSG_DEBUG("No hard leading jet in " << recon_jets.size() << " jets");
// check the charged and EM fractions of the hard jets to avoid photons
for (unsigned int ix = 0; ix < 2; ++ix) {
// jets over 100 GeV
if (recon_jets[ix].pT() < 100*GeV ||
recon_jets[ix].eta() > 2.) continue; //< @todo Should be |eta|?
double fch(0.), fem(0.), eTotal(0.);
foreach(const Particle & part, recon_jets[ix].particles()) {
long id = abs(part.pdgId());
fch += part.momentum().E();
if (id == PID::PHOTON || id == PID::ELECTRON || id == PID::PI0)
fem += part.momentum().E();
fch /= eTotal;
fem /= eTotal;
// remove events with hard photon
if (fch < 0.02 || (fch < 0.05 && fem > 0.09)) vetoEvent;
// ==================== observables ====================
int Njets = 0;
double min_dPhi_All = 999.999; //< @todo Use std::numeric_limits!
double min_dPhi_2 = 999.999; //< @todo Use std::numeric_limits!
double min_dPhi_3 = 999.999; //< @todo Use std::numeric_limits!
double pTmiss_phi = pTmiss.phi();
foreach ( const Jet& jet, recon_jets ) {
if ( jet.pT() < 40*GeV ) continue;
double dPhi = deltaPhi( pTmiss_phi, jet.momentum().phi());
if ( Njets < 2 ) min_dPhi_2 = min( min_dPhi_2, dPhi );
if ( Njets < 3 ) min_dPhi_3 = min( min_dPhi_3, dPhi );
min_dPhi_All = min( min_dPhi_All, dPhi );
// inclusive meff
double m_eff_inc = eTmiss;
foreach ( const Jet& jet, recon_jets ) {
double perp = jet.pT();
if(perp>40.) m_eff_inc += perp;
// region A
double m_eff_Nj = eTmiss + recon_jets[0].pT() + recon_jets[1].pT();
if( min_dPhi_2 > 0.4 && eTmiss/m_eff_Nj > 0.3 ) {
_hist_meff_A_tight ->fill(m_eff_inc,weight);
if(eTmiss/m_eff_Nj > 0.4)
_count_A_tight ->fill(0.5,weight);
if(m_eff_inc>1300. && eTmiss/m_eff_Nj > 0.4)
if(m_eff_inc>1300. && eTmiss/m_eff_Nj > 0.4)
_count_A_loose ->fill(0.5,weight);
// for rest of regions 3 jets pT> 60 needed
if(recon_jets.size()<3 || recon_jets[2].momentum().perp()<60.)
// region B
m_eff_Nj += recon_jets[2].momentum().perp();
if( min_dPhi_3 > 0.4 && eTmiss/m_eff_Nj > 0.25 ) {
if(eTmiss/m_eff_Nj > 0.3)
_count_B_tight ->fill(0.5,weight);
if(m_eff_inc>1300. && eTmiss/m_eff_Nj > 0.3)
// for rest of regions 4 jets pT> 60 needed
if(recon_jets.size()<4 || recon_jets[3].momentum().perp()<60.)
// region C
m_eff_Nj += recon_jets[3].momentum().perp();
if( min_dPhi_3 > 0.4 && min_dPhi_All > 0.2 && eTmiss/m_eff_Nj > 0.25 ) {
if( eTmiss/m_eff_Nj > 0.3 )
_count_C_tight ->fill(0.5,weight);
if(m_eff_inc>1300. && eTmiss/m_eff_Nj > 0.3)
if(m_eff_inc>1000. && eTmiss/m_eff_Nj > 0.3)
_count_C_loose ->fill(0.5,weight);
// for rest of regions 5 jets pT> 40 needed
if(recon_jets.size()<5 || recon_jets[4].momentum().perp()<40.)
// region D
m_eff_Nj += recon_jets[4].momentum().perp();
if( min_dPhi_3 > 0.4 && min_dPhi_All > 0.2 && eTmiss/m_eff_Nj > 0.15 ) {
if(m_eff_inc>1700.) _count_D_tight ->fill(0.5,weight);
// for rest of regions 6 jets pT> 40 needed
if(recon_jets.size()<6 || recon_jets[5].momentum().perp()<40.)
// region E
m_eff_Nj += recon_jets[5].momentum().perp();
if( min_dPhi_3 > 0.4 && min_dPhi_All > 0.2 && eTmiss/m_eff_Nj > 0.15 ) {
if( eTmiss/m_eff_Nj > 0.25 )
if( eTmiss/m_eff_Nj > 0.3 )
if(m_eff_inc>1400.) _count_E_tight ->fill(0.5,weight);
if(m_eff_inc>1300.&& eTmiss/m_eff_Nj > 0.25 )
if(m_eff_inc>1000.&& eTmiss/m_eff_Nj > 0.3 )
_count_E_loose ->fill(0.5,weight);
void finalize() {
double norm = crossSection()/femtobarn*5.8/sumOfWeights();
// these are number of events at 5.8fb^-1 per 100 GeV
scale( _hist_meff_A_medium , 100. * norm );
scale( _hist_meff_A_tight , 100. * norm );
scale( _hist_meff_B_medium , 100. * norm );
scale( _hist_meff_B_tight , 100. * norm );
scale( _hist_meff_C_medium , 100. * norm );
scale( _hist_meff_C_tight , 100. * norm );
scale( _hist_meff_D , 100. * norm );
scale( _hist_meff_E_loose , 100. * norm );
scale( _hist_meff_E_medium , 100. * norm );
scale( _hist_meff_E_tight , 100. * norm );
// these are number of events at 5.8fb^-1
scale(_count_A_tight ,norm);
scale(_count_A_medium ,norm);
scale(_count_A_loose ,norm);
scale(_count_B_tight ,norm);
scale(_count_B_medium ,norm);
scale(_count_C_tight ,norm);
scale(_count_C_medium ,norm);
scale(_count_C_loose ,norm);
scale(_count_D_tight ,norm);
scale(_count_E_tight ,norm);
scale(_count_E_medium ,norm);
scale(_count_E_loose ,norm);
Histo1DPtr _count_A_tight;
Histo1DPtr _count_A_medium;
Histo1DPtr _count_A_loose;
Histo1DPtr _count_B_tight;
Histo1DPtr _count_B_medium;
Histo1DPtr _count_C_tight;
Histo1DPtr _count_C_medium;
Histo1DPtr _count_C_loose;
Histo1DPtr _count_D_tight;
Histo1DPtr _count_E_tight;
Histo1DPtr _count_E_medium;
Histo1DPtr _count_E_loose;
Histo1DPtr _hist_meff_A_medium;
Histo1DPtr _hist_meff_A_tight;
Histo1DPtr _hist_meff_B_medium;
Histo1DPtr _hist_meff_B_tight;
Histo1DPtr _hist_meff_C_medium;
Histo1DPtr _hist_meff_C_tight;
Histo1DPtr _hist_meff_D;
Histo1DPtr _hist_meff_E_loose;
Histo1DPtr _hist_meff_E_medium;
Histo1DPtr _hist_meff_E_tight;
// This global object acts as a hook for the plugin system
diff --git a/src/Analyses/ b/src/Analyses/
--- a/src/Analyses/
+++ b/src/Analyses/
@@ -1,428 +1,426 @@
// -*- C++ -*-
#include "Rivet/Analysis.hh"
#include "Rivet/Tools/BinnedHistogram.hh"
#include "Rivet/Projections/FinalState.hh"
#include "Rivet/Projections/ChargedFinalState.hh"
#include "Rivet/Projections/VisibleFinalState.hh"
#include "Rivet/Projections/VetoedFinalState.hh"
#include "Rivet/Projections/IdentifiedFinalState.hh"
#include "Rivet/Projections/FastJets.hh"
#include "Rivet/Tools/RivetMT2.hh"
namespace Rivet {
class ATLAS_2012_CONF_2012_153 : public Analysis {
/// @name Constructors etc.
/// Constructor
: Analysis("ATLAS_2012_CONF_2012_153")
{ }
/// @name Analysis methods
/// Book histograms and initialise projections before the run
void init() {
// projection to find the electrons
- std::vector<std::pair<double, double> > eta_e;
- eta_e.push_back(make_pair(-2.47,2.47));
- IdentifiedFinalState elecs(eta_e, 10.0*GeV);
+ IdentifiedFinalState elecs(Range(Cuts::eta, -2.47, 2.47)
+ & (Cuts::pt >= 10.0*GeV));
addProjection(elecs, "elecs");
// projection to find the muons
- std::vector<std::pair<double, double> > eta_m;
- eta_m.push_back(make_pair(-2.4,2.4));
- IdentifiedFinalState muons(eta_m, 10.0*GeV);
+ IdentifiedFinalState muons(Range(Cuts::eta, -2.4, 2.4)
+ & (Cuts::pt >= 10.0*GeV));
addProjection(muons, "muons");
// for pTmiss
VetoedFinalState vfs;
/// Jet finder
addProjection(FastJets(vfs, FastJets::ANTIKT, 0.4),
// all tracks (to do deltaR with leptons)
vector<double> edges_meff;
edges_meff.push_back( 0);
edges_meff.push_back( 150);
edges_meff.push_back( 300);
edges_meff.push_back( 500);
vector<double> edges_eT;
// Book histograms
_hist_electrons = bookHisto1D("hist_electrons_before", 11, -0.5,10.5);
_hist_muons = bookHisto1D("hist_muons_before" , 11, -0.5,10.5);
_hist_leptons = bookHisto1D("hist_leptons_before" , 11, -0.5,10.5);
_hist_4leptons = bookHisto1D("hist_4leptons", 1, 0.,1.);
_hist_veto = bookHisto1D("hist_veto", 1, 0., 1.);
_hist_etmiss = bookHisto1D("hist_etmiss",edges_eT);
_hist_meff = bookHisto1D("hist_m_eff",edges_meff);
_count_SR1 = bookHisto1D("count_SR1", 1, 0., 1.);
_count_SR2 = bookHisto1D("count_SR2", 1, 0., 1.);
/// Perform the per-event analysis
void analyze(const Event& event) {
const double weight = event.weight();
// get the jet candidates
Jets cand_jets;
foreach (const Jet& jet,
applyProjection<FastJets>(event, "AntiKtJets04").jetsByPt(20.0*GeV) ) {
if ( fabs( jet.eta() ) < 2.5 ) {
// candidate muons
Particles cand_mu = applyProjection<IdentifiedFinalState>(event, "muons").particlesByPt();
// candidate electrons
// Discard if two electrons are within R=0.1
Particles temp = applyProjection<IdentifiedFinalState>(event, "elecs").particlesByE();
vector<bool> vetoed(temp.size(),false);
Particles cand_e;
for (unsigned int ix=0; ix<temp.size(); ++ix) {
if(vetoed[ix]) continue;
for (unsigned int iy=ix+1; iy<temp.size(); ++iy) {
if( deltaR(temp[ix].momentum(),temp[iy].momentum()) < 0.1 ) {
vetoed[iy] = true;
if(!vetoed[ix]) cand_e.push_back(temp[ix]);
// Sort by transverse momentum
std::sort(cand_e.begin(), cand_e.end(), cmpParticleByPt);
// resolve jet/lepton ambiguity
Jets recon_jets;
foreach ( const Jet& jet, cand_jets ) {
bool away_from_e = true;
foreach ( const Particle & e, cand_e ) {
if ( deltaR(e.momentum(),jet.momentum()) <= 0.2 ) {
away_from_e = false;
if ( away_from_e )
recon_jets.push_back( jet );
// only keep electrons more than R=0.4 from jets
Particles cand2_e;
foreach (const Particle & e, cand_e) {
// at least 0.4 from any jets
bool away = true;
foreach ( const Jet& jet, recon_jets ) {
if ( deltaR(e.momentum(),jet.momentum()) < 0.4 ) {
away = false;
// if isolated keep it
if ( away )
cand2_e.push_back( e );
// only keep muons more than R=0.4 from jets
Particles cand2_mu;
foreach(const Particle & mu, cand_mu ) {
bool away = true;
// at least 0.4 from any jets
foreach ( const Jet& jet, recon_jets ) {
if ( deltaR(mu.momentum(),jet.momentum()) < 0.4 ) {
away = false;
if ( away )
cand2_mu.push_back( mu );
// electron and muon more than 0.1 apart
Particles cand3_e;
foreach ( const Particle & e, cand2_e ) {
bool away = true;
foreach( const Particle & mu, cand2_mu ) {
if( deltaR(e.momentum(),mu.momentum()) < 0.1) {
away = false;
if(away) cand3_e.push_back(e);
Particles cand3_mu;
foreach( const Particle & mu, cand2_mu ) {
bool away = true;
foreach ( const Particle & e, cand2_e ) {
if( deltaR(e.momentum(),mu.momentum()) < 0.1) {
away = false;
if(away) cand3_mu.push_back(mu);
// pTmiss
Particles vfs_particles =
applyProjection<VisibleFinalState>(event, "vfs").particles();
FourMomentum pTmiss;
foreach ( const Particle & p, vfs_particles ) {
pTmiss -= p.momentum();
double eTmiss = pTmiss.pT();
// apply electron isolation
Particles chg_tracks =
applyProjection<ChargedFinalState>(event, "cfs").particles();
Particles cand4_e;
foreach ( const Particle & e, cand3_e ) {
// charge isolation
double pTinCone = -e.momentum().perp();
foreach ( const Particle & track, chg_tracks ) {
if(track.momentum().perp()>0.4 &&
deltaR(e.momentum(),track.momentum()) <= 0.3 )
pTinCone += track.pT();
if (pTinCone/e.momentum().perp()>0.16) continue;
// all particles isolation
pTinCone = -e.momentum().perp();
foreach ( const Particle & p, vfs_particles ) {
if(abs(p.pdgId())!=PID::MUON &&
deltaR(e.momentum(),p.momentum()) <= 0.3 )
pTinCone += p.pT();
if (pTinCone/e.momentum().perp()<0.18) {
// apply muon isolation
Particles cand4_mu;
foreach ( const Particle & mu, cand3_mu ) {
double pTinCone = -mu.momentum().perp();
foreach ( const Particle & track, chg_tracks ) {
if(track.momentum().perp()>1.0 &&
deltaR(mu.momentum(),track.momentum()) <= 0.3 )
pTinCone += track.pT();
if (pTinCone/mu.momentum().perp()<0.12) {
// same SOSF pairs m>12.
Particles recon_e;
foreach(const Particle & e, cand4_e) {
bool veto=false;
foreach(const Particle & e2, cand4_e) {
if(e.pdgId()*e2.pdgId()<0&&(e.momentum()+e2.momentum()).mass()<12.) {
if(!veto) recon_e.push_back(e);
Particles recon_mu;
foreach(const Particle & mu, cand4_mu) {
bool veto=false;
foreach(const Particle & mu2, cand4_mu) {
if(mu.pdgId()*mu2.pdgId()<0&&(mu.momentum()+mu2.momentum()).mass()<12.) {
if(!veto) recon_mu.push_back(mu);
// now only use recon_jets, recon_mu, recon_e
_hist_electrons->fill(recon_e.size(), weight);
_hist_muons->fill(recon_mu.size(), weight);
_hist_leptons->fill(recon_mu.size() + recon_e.size(), weight);
if( recon_mu.size() + recon_e.size() > 3) {
_hist_4leptons->fill(0.5, weight);
// reject events with less than 4 electrons and muons
if ( recon_mu.size() + recon_e.size() < 4 ) {
MSG_DEBUG("To few charged leptons left after selection");
// or two lepton trigger
bool passDouble =
(recon_mu.size()>=2 && ( (recon_mu[1].momentum().perp()>14.) ||
(recon_mu[0].momentum().perp()>18. && recon_mu[1].momentum().perp()>10.) )) ||
(recon_e.size() >=2 && ( (recon_e [1].momentum().perp()>14.) ||
(recon_e [0].momentum().perp()>25. && recon_e [1].momentum().perp()>10.) )) ||
(!recon_e.empty() && !recon_mu.empty() &&
( (recon_e[0].momentum().perp()>14. && recon_mu[0].momentum().perp()>10.)||
(recon_e[0].momentum().perp()>10. && recon_mu[0].momentum().perp()>18.) ));
// must pass a trigger
if(!passDouble ) {
MSG_DEBUG("Hardest lepton fails trigger");
_hist_veto->fill(0.5, weight);
// calculate meff
double meff = eTmiss;
foreach ( const Particle & e , recon_e )
meff += e.momentum().perp();
foreach ( const Particle & mu, recon_mu )
meff += mu.momentum().perp();
foreach ( const Jet & jet, recon_jets ) {
double pT = jet.momentum().perp();
if(pT>40.) meff += pT;
// 2/3 leptons --> find 1 SFOS pair in range and veto event
// 4+ leptons --> find 2 SFOS pairs and in range veto event
for(unsigned int ix=0;ix<recon_e.size();++ix) {
for(unsigned int iy=ix+1;iy<recon_e.size();++iy) {
if(recon_e[ix].pdgId()*recon_e[iy].pdgId()>0) continue;
FourMomentum ppair = recon_e[ix].momentum()+recon_e[iy].momentum();
double mtest = ppair.mass();
if(mtest>81.2 && mtest<101.2) vetoEvent;
// check triplets with electron
for(unsigned int iz=0;iz<recon_e.size();++iz) {
if(iz==ix||iz==iy) continue;
mtest = (ppair+recon_e[iz].momentum()).mass();
if(mtest>81.2 && mtest<101.2) vetoEvent;
// check triplets with muon
for(unsigned int iz=0;iz<recon_mu.size();++iz) {
mtest = (ppair+recon_mu[iz].momentum()).mass();
if(mtest>81.2 && mtest<101.2) vetoEvent;
// check quadruplets with electrons
for(unsigned int iz=0;iz<recon_e.size();++iz) {
for(unsigned int iw=iz+1;iw<recon_e.size();++iw) {
if(iz==ix||iz==iy||iw==ix||iw==iy) continue;
if(recon_e[iz].pdgId()*recon_e[iw].pdgId()>0) continue;
mtest = (ppair+recon_e[iz].momentum()+recon_e[iw].momentum()).mass();
if(mtest>81.2 && mtest<101.2) vetoEvent;
// check quadruplets with muons
for(unsigned int iz=0;iz<recon_mu.size();++iz) {
for(unsigned int iw=iz+1;iw<recon_mu.size();++iw) {
if(recon_mu[iz].pdgId()*recon_mu[iw].pdgId()>0) continue;
mtest = (ppair+recon_mu[iz].momentum()+recon_mu[iw].momentum()).mass();
if(mtest>81.2 && mtest<101.2) vetoEvent;
// Muon pairs
for(unsigned int ix=0;ix<recon_mu.size();++ix) {
for(unsigned int iy=ix+1;iy<recon_mu.size();++iy) {
if(recon_mu[ix].pdgId()*recon_mu[iy].pdgId()>0) continue;
FourMomentum ppair = recon_mu[ix].momentum()+recon_mu[iy].momentum();
double mtest = ppair.mass();
if(mtest>81.2 && mtest<101.2) vetoEvent;
// check triplets with muon
for(unsigned int iz=0;iz<recon_mu.size();++iz) {
if(iz==ix||iz==iy) continue;
mtest = (ppair+recon_mu[iz].momentum()).mass();
if(mtest>81.2 && mtest<101.2) vetoEvent;
// check triplets with electron
for(unsigned int iz=0;iz<recon_e.size();++iz) {
mtest = (ppair+recon_e[iz].momentum()).mass();
if(mtest>81.2 && mtest<101.2) vetoEvent;
// check muon quadruplets
for(unsigned int iz=0;iz<recon_mu.size();++iz) {
for(unsigned int iw=iz+1;iy<recon_mu.size();++iy) {
if(iz==ix||iz==iy||iw==ix||iw==iy) continue;
if(recon_mu[iz].pdgId()*recon_mu[iw].pdgId()>0) continue;
mtest = (ppair+recon_mu[iz].momentum()+recon_mu[iw].momentum()).mass();
if(mtest>81.2 && mtest<101.2) vetoEvent;
//make the control plots
_hist_etmiss ->fill(eTmiss,weight);
_hist_meff ->fill(meff ,weight);
// finally the counts
if(eTmiss>50.) _count_SR1->fill(0.5,weight);
if(meff >0. ) _count_SR2->fill(0.5,weight);
void finalize() {
double norm = crossSection()/femtobarn*13./sumOfWeights();
scale(_hist_meff ,norm*20.);
/// @name Histograms
Histo1DPtr _hist_electrons;
Histo1DPtr _hist_muons;
Histo1DPtr _hist_leptons;
Histo1DPtr _hist_4leptons;
Histo1DPtr _hist_veto;
Histo1DPtr _hist_etmiss;
Histo1DPtr _hist_meff;
Histo1DPtr _count_SR1;
Histo1DPtr _count_SR2;
// The hook for the plugin system
diff --git a/src/Analyses/ b/src/Analyses/
--- a/src/Analyses/
+++ b/src/Analyses/
@@ -1,261 +1,260 @@
// -*- C++ -*-
#include "Rivet/Analysis.hh"
#include "Rivet/Projections/IdentifiedFinalState.hh"
#include "Rivet/Projections/VetoedFinalState.hh"
#include "Rivet/Projections/MissingMomentum.hh"
#include "Rivet/Projections/FastJets.hh"
#include "Rivet/Projections/LeptonClusters.hh"
#include "Rivet/Projections/LeadingParticlesFinalState.hh"
namespace Rivet {
/// ATLAS W + jets production at 7 TeV
class ATLAS_2012_I1083318 : public Analysis {
/// @name Constructors etc.
/// Constructor
: Analysis("ATLAS_2012_I1083318")
{ }
/// @name Analysis methods
/// Book histograms and initialise projections before the run
void init() {
FinalState fs;
IdentifiedFinalState allleptons;
- vector< pair<double, double> > etaRanges;
- etaRanges.push_back(make_pair(-2.5, 2.5));
- LeptonClusters leptons(fs, allleptons, 0.1, true, etaRanges, 20.0*GeV);
+ Cut cuts = Range(Cuts::eta, -2.5, 2.5) & (Cuts::pt >= 20.0*GeV);
+ LeptonClusters leptons(fs, allleptons, 0.1, true, cuts);
addProjection(leptons, "leptons");
// Leading neutrinos for Etmiss
LeadingParticlesFinalState neutrinos(fs);
addProjection(neutrinos, "neutrinos");
// Input for the jets: "Neutrinos, electrons, and muons from decays of the
// massive W boson were not used"
VetoedFinalState veto;
FastJets jets(veto, FastJets::ANTIKT, 0.4);
addProjection(jets, "jets");
for (size_t i = 0; i < 2; ++i) {
_h_NjetIncl[i] = bookHisto1D(1, 1, i+1);
_h_RatioNjetIncl[i] = bookScatter2D(2, 1, i+1);
_h_FirstJetPt_1jet[i] = bookHisto1D(3, 1, i+1);
_h_FirstJetPt_2jet[i] = bookHisto1D(4, 1, i+1);
_h_FirstJetPt_3jet[i] = bookHisto1D(5, 1, i+1);
_h_FirstJetPt_4jet[i] = bookHisto1D(6, 1, i+1);
_h_SecondJetPt_2jet[i] = bookHisto1D(7, 1, i+1);
_h_SecondJetPt_3jet[i] = bookHisto1D(8, 1, i+1);
_h_SecondJetPt_4jet[i] = bookHisto1D(9, 1, i+1);
_h_ThirdJetPt_3jet[i] = bookHisto1D(10, 1, i+1);
_h_ThirdJetPt_4jet[i] = bookHisto1D(11, 1, i+1);
_h_FourthJetPt_4jet[i] = bookHisto1D(12, 1, i+1);
_h_Ht_1jet[i] = bookHisto1D(13, 1, i+1);
_h_Ht_2jet[i] = bookHisto1D(14, 1, i+1);
_h_Ht_3jet[i] = bookHisto1D(15, 1, i+1);
_h_Ht_4jet[i] = bookHisto1D(16, 1, i+1);
_h_Minv_2jet[i] = bookHisto1D(17, 1, i+1);
_h_Minv_3jet[i] = bookHisto1D(18, 1, i+1);
_h_Minv_4jet[i] = bookHisto1D(19, 1, i+1);
_h_JetRapidity[i] = bookHisto1D(20, 1, i+1);
_h_DeltaYElecJet[i] = bookHisto1D(21, 1, i+1);
_h_SumYElecJet[i] = bookHisto1D(22, 1, i+1);
_h_DeltaR_2jet[i] = bookHisto1D(23, 1, i+1);
_h_DeltaY_2jet[i] = bookHisto1D(24, 1, i+1);
_h_DeltaPhi_2jet[i] = bookHisto1D(25, 1, i+1);
/// Perform the per-event analysis
void analyze(const Event& event) {
const double weight = event.weight();
const vector<ClusteredLepton>& leptons = applyProjection<LeptonClusters>(event, "leptons").clusteredLeptons();
Particles neutrinos = applyProjection<FinalState>(event, "neutrinos").particlesByPt();
if (leptons.size() != 1 || (neutrinos.size() == 0)) {
FourMomentum lepton = leptons[0].momentum();
FourMomentum p_miss = neutrinos[0].momentum();
if (p_miss.Et() < 25.0*GeV) {
double mT = sqrt(2.0 * lepton.pT() * p_miss.Et() * (1.0 - cos( lepton.phi()-p_miss.phi()) ) );
if (mT < 40.0*GeV) {
double jetcuts[] = { 30.0*GeV, 20.0*GeV };
const FastJets& jetpro = applyProjection<FastJets>(event, "jets");
for (size_t i = 0; i < 2; ++i) {
vector<FourMomentum> jets;
double HT = lepton.pT() + p_miss.pT();
foreach (const Jet& jet, jetpro.jetsByPt(jetcuts[i])) {
if (fabs(jet.rapidity()) < 4.4 && deltaR(lepton, jet.momentum()) > 0.5) {
HT += jet.pT();
_h_NjetIncl[i]->fill(0.0, weight);
// Njet>=1 observables
if (jets.size() < 1) continue;
_h_NjetIncl[i]->fill(1.0, weight);
_h_FirstJetPt_1jet[i]->fill(jets[0].pT(), weight);
_h_JetRapidity[i]->fill(jets[0].rapidity(), weight);
_h_Ht_1jet[i]->fill(HT, weight);
_h_DeltaYElecJet[i]->fill(lepton.rapidity()-jets[0].rapidity(), weight);
_h_SumYElecJet[i]->fill(lepton.rapidity()+jets[0].rapidity(), weight);
// Njet>=2 observables
if (jets.size() < 2) continue;
_h_NjetIncl[i]->fill(2.0, weight);
_h_FirstJetPt_2jet[i]->fill(jets[0].pT(), weight);
_h_SecondJetPt_2jet[i]->fill(jets[1].pT(), weight);
_h_Ht_2jet[i]->fill(HT, weight);
double m2_2jet = FourMomentum(jets[0]+jets[1]).mass2();
_h_Minv_2jet[i]->fill(m2_2jet>0.0 ? sqrt(m2_2jet) : 0.0, weight);
_h_DeltaR_2jet[i]->fill(deltaR(jets[0], jets[1]), weight);
_h_DeltaY_2jet[i]->fill(jets[0].rapidity()-jets[1].rapidity(), weight);
_h_DeltaPhi_2jet[i]->fill(deltaPhi(jets[0], jets[1]), weight);
// Njet>=3 observables
if (jets.size() < 3) continue;
_h_NjetIncl[i]->fill(3.0, weight);
_h_FirstJetPt_3jet[i]->fill(jets[0].pT(), weight);
_h_SecondJetPt_3jet[i]->fill(jets[1].pT(), weight);
_h_ThirdJetPt_3jet[i]->fill(jets[2].pT(), weight);
_h_Ht_3jet[i]->fill(HT, weight);
double m2_3jet = FourMomentum(jets[0]+jets[1]+jets[2]).mass2();
_h_Minv_3jet[i]->fill(m2_3jet>0.0 ? sqrt(m2_3jet) : 0.0, weight);
// Njet>=4 observables
if (jets.size() < 4) continue;
_h_NjetIncl[i]->fill(4.0, weight);
_h_FirstJetPt_4jet[i]->fill(jets[0].pT(), weight);
_h_SecondJetPt_4jet[i]->fill(jets[1].pT(), weight);
_h_ThirdJetPt_4jet[i]->fill(jets[2].pT(), weight);
_h_FourthJetPt_4jet[i]->fill(jets[3].pT(), weight);
_h_Ht_4jet[i]->fill(HT, weight);
double m2_4jet = FourMomentum(jets[0]+jets[1]+jets[2]+jets[3]).mass2();
_h_Minv_4jet[i]->fill(m2_4jet>0.0 ? sqrt(m2_4jet) : 0.0, weight);
// Njet>=5 observables
if (jets.size() < 5) continue;
_h_NjetIncl[i]->fill(5.0, weight);
/// Normalise histograms etc., after the run
void finalize() {
for (size_t i = 0; i < 2; ++i) {
// Construct jet multiplicity ratio
for (size_t n = 1; n < _h_NjetIncl[i]->numBins(); ++n) {
YODA::HistoBin1D& b0 = _h_NjetIncl[i]->bin(n-1);
YODA::HistoBin1D& b1 = _h_NjetIncl[i]->bin(n);
if (b0.height() == 0.0 || b1.height() == 0.0) continue;
_h_RatioNjetIncl[i]->addPoint(n, b1.height()/b0.height(), 0,
b1.height()/b0.height() * (b0.relErr() + b1.relErr()));
// Scale all histos to the cross section
const double factor = crossSection()/sumOfWeights();
scale(_h_DeltaPhi_2jet[i], factor);
scale(_h_DeltaR_2jet[i], factor);
scale(_h_DeltaY_2jet[i], factor);
scale(_h_DeltaYElecJet[i], factor);
scale(_h_FirstJetPt_1jet[i], factor);
scale(_h_FirstJetPt_2jet[i], factor);
scale(_h_FirstJetPt_3jet[i], factor);
scale(_h_FirstJetPt_4jet[i], factor);
scale(_h_FourthJetPt_4jet[i], factor);
scale(_h_Ht_1jet[i], factor);
scale(_h_Ht_2jet[i], factor);
scale(_h_Ht_3jet[i], factor);
scale(_h_Ht_4jet[i], factor);
scale(_h_JetRapidity[i], factor);
scale(_h_Minv_2jet[i], factor);
scale(_h_Minv_3jet[i], factor);
scale(_h_Minv_4jet[i], factor);
scale(_h_NjetIncl[i], factor);
scale(_h_SecondJetPt_2jet[i], factor);
scale(_h_SecondJetPt_3jet[i], factor);
scale(_h_SecondJetPt_4jet[i], factor);
scale(_h_SumYElecJet[i], factor);
scale(_h_ThirdJetPt_3jet[i], factor);
scale(_h_ThirdJetPt_4jet[i], factor);
/// @name Histograms
Histo1DPtr _h_DeltaPhi_2jet[2];
Histo1DPtr _h_DeltaR_2jet[2];
Histo1DPtr _h_DeltaY_2jet[2];
Histo1DPtr _h_DeltaYElecJet[2];
Histo1DPtr _h_FirstJetPt_1jet[2];
Histo1DPtr _h_FirstJetPt_2jet[2];
Histo1DPtr _h_FirstJetPt_3jet[2];
Histo1DPtr _h_FirstJetPt_4jet[2];
Histo1DPtr _h_FourthJetPt_4jet[2];
Histo1DPtr _h_Ht_1jet[2];
Histo1DPtr _h_Ht_2jet[2];
Histo1DPtr _h_Ht_3jet[2];
Histo1DPtr _h_Ht_4jet[2];
Histo1DPtr _h_JetRapidity[2];
Histo1DPtr _h_Minv_2jet[2];
Histo1DPtr _h_Minv_3jet[2];
Histo1DPtr _h_Minv_4jet[2];
Histo1DPtr _h_NjetIncl[2];
Scatter2DPtr _h_RatioNjetIncl[2];
Histo1DPtr _h_SecondJetPt_2jet[2];
Histo1DPtr _h_SecondJetPt_3jet[2];
Histo1DPtr _h_SecondJetPt_4jet[2];
Histo1DPtr _h_SumYElecJet[2];
Histo1DPtr _h_ThirdJetPt_3jet[2];
Histo1DPtr _h_ThirdJetPt_4jet[2];
// The hook for the plugin system
diff --git a/src/Analyses/ b/src/Analyses/
--- a/src/Analyses/
+++ b/src/Analyses/
@@ -1,337 +1,335 @@
// -*- C++ -*-
#include "Rivet/Analysis.hh"
#include "Rivet/Tools/BinnedHistogram.hh"
#include "Rivet/Projections/FinalState.hh"
#include "Rivet/Projections/ChargedFinalState.hh"
#include "Rivet/Projections/VisibleFinalState.hh"
#include "Rivet/Projections/VetoedFinalState.hh"
#include "Rivet/Projections/IdentifiedFinalState.hh"
#include "Rivet/Projections/FastJets.hh"
namespace Rivet {
/// @author Peter Richardson
class ATLAS_2012_I1095236 : public Analysis {
/// @name Constructors etc.
/// Constructor
: Analysis("ATLAS_2012_I1095236")
{ }
/// @name Analysis methods
/// Book histograms and initialise projections before the run
void init() {
// Projection to find the electrons
- std::vector<std::pair<double, double> > eta_e;
- eta_e.push_back(make_pair(-2.47,2.47));
- IdentifiedFinalState elecs(eta_e, 20.0*GeV);
+ IdentifiedFinalState elecs(Range(Cuts::eta, -2.47, 2.47)
+ & (Cuts::pt >= 20.0*GeV));
addProjection(elecs, "elecs");
// Projection to find the muons
- std::vector<std::pair<double, double> > eta_m;
- eta_m.push_back(make_pair(-2.4,2.4));
- IdentifiedFinalState muons(eta_m, 10.0*GeV);
+ IdentifiedFinalState muons(Range(Cuts::eta, -2.4, 2.4)
+ & (Cuts::pt >= 10.0*GeV));
addProjection(muons, "muons");
// Jet finder
VetoedFinalState vfs;
addProjection(FastJets(vfs, FastJets::ANTIKT, 0.4), "AntiKtJets04");
// All tracks (to do deltaR with leptons)
// Used for pTmiss
// Book histograms
_count_SR0_A1 = bookHisto1D("count_SR0_A1", 1, 0., 1.);
_count_SR0_B1 = bookHisto1D("count_SR0_B1", 1, 0., 1.);
_count_SR0_C1 = bookHisto1D("count_SR0_C1", 1, 0., 1.);
_count_SR0_A2 = bookHisto1D("count_SR0_A2", 1, 0., 1.);
_count_SR0_B2 = bookHisto1D("count_SR0_B2", 1, 0., 1.);
_count_SR0_C2 = bookHisto1D("count_SR0_C2", 1, 0., 1.);
_count_SR1_D = bookHisto1D("count_SR1_D" , 1, 0., 1.);
_count_SR1_E = bookHisto1D("count_SR1_E" , 1, 0., 1.);
_hist_meff_SR0_A1 = bookHisto1D("hist_m_eff_SR0_A1", 14, 400., 1800.);
_hist_meff_SR0_A2 = bookHisto1D("hist_m_eff_SR0_A2", 14, 400., 1800.);
_hist_meff_SR1_D_e = bookHisto1D("hist_meff_SR1_D_e" , 16, 600., 2200.);
_hist_meff_SR1_D_mu = bookHisto1D("hist_meff_SR1_D_mu", 16, 600., 2200.);
_hist_met_SR0_A1 = bookHisto1D("hist_met_SR0_A1", 14, 0., 700.);
_hist_met_SR0_A2 = bookHisto1D("hist_met_SR0_A2", 14, 0., 700.);
_hist_met_SR0_D_e = bookHisto1D("hist_met_SR1_D_e" , 15, 0., 600.);
_hist_met_SR0_D_mu = bookHisto1D("hist_met_SR1_D_mu", 15, 0., 600.);
/// Perform the per-event analysis
void analyze(const Event& event) {
const double weight = event.weight();
Jets cand_jets;
const Jets jets = applyProjection<FastJets>(event, "AntiKtJets04").jetsByPt(20.0*GeV);
foreach (const Jet& jet, jets) {
if ( fabs( jet.eta() ) < 2.8 ) {
const Particles cand_e = applyProjection<IdentifiedFinalState>(event, "elecs").particlesByPt();
const Particles cand_mu = applyProjection<IdentifiedFinalState>(event, "muons").particlesByPt();
// Resolve jet-lepton overlap for jets with |eta| < 2.8
Jets recon_jets;
foreach ( const Jet& jet, cand_jets ) {
if ( fabs( jet.eta() ) >= 2.8 ) continue;
bool away_from_e = true;
foreach ( const Particle & e, cand_e ) {
if ( deltaR(e.momentum(),jet.momentum()) <= 0.2 ) {
away_from_e = false;
if ( away_from_e ) recon_jets.push_back( jet );
// get the loose leptons used to define the 0 lepton channel
Particles loose_e, loose_mu;
foreach ( const Particle & e, cand_e ) {
bool away = true;
foreach ( const Jet& jet, recon_jets ) {
if ( deltaR(e.momentum(),jet.momentum()) < 0.4 ) {
away = false;
if ( away ) loose_e.push_back( e );
foreach ( const Particle & mu, cand_mu ) {
bool away = true;
foreach ( const Jet& jet, recon_jets ) {
if ( deltaR(mu.momentum(),jet.momentum()) < 0.4 ) {
away = false;
if ( away ) loose_mu.push_back( mu );
// tight leptons for the 1-lepton channel
Particles tight_mu;
Particles chg_tracks =
applyProjection<ChargedFinalState>(event, "cfs").particles();
foreach ( const Particle & mu, loose_mu) {
if(mu.momentum().perp()<20.) continue;
double pTinCone = -mu.pT();
foreach ( const Particle & track, chg_tracks ) {
if ( deltaR(mu.momentum(),track.momentum()) <= 0.2 )
pTinCone += track.pT();
if ( pTinCone < 1.8*GeV )
Particles tight_e;
foreach ( const Particle & e, loose_e ) {
if(e.momentum().perp()<25.) continue;
double pTinCone = -e.momentum().perp();
foreach ( const Particle & track, chg_tracks ) {
if ( deltaR(e.momentum(),track.momentum()) <= 0.2 )
pTinCone += track.pT();
if (pTinCone/e.momentum().perp()<0.1) {
// pTmiss
Particles vfs_particles =
applyProjection<VisibleFinalState>(event, "vfs").particles();
FourMomentum pTmiss;
foreach ( const Particle & p, vfs_particles ) {
pTmiss -= p.momentum();
double eTmiss = pTmiss.pT();
// get the number of b-tagged jets
unsigned int ntagged=0;
foreach (const Jet & jet, recon_jets ) {
if(jet.momentum().perp()>50. && abs(jet.eta())<2.5 &&
jet.containsBottom() && rand()/static_cast<double>(RAND_MAX)<=0.60)
// ATLAS calo problem
if(rand()/static_cast<double>(RAND_MAX)<=0.42) {
foreach ( const Jet & jet, recon_jets ) {
double eta = jet.rapidity();
double phi = jet.momentum().azimuthalAngle(MINUSPI_PLUSPI);
if(jet.momentum().perp()>50 && eta>-0.1&&eta<1.5&&phi>-0.9&&phi<-0.5)
// at least 1 b tag
if(ntagged==0) vetoEvent;
// minumum Et miss
if(eTmiss<80.) vetoEvent;
// at least 3 jets pT > 50
if(recon_jets.size()<3 || recon_jets[2].momentum().perp()<50.)
// m_eff
double m_eff = eTmiss;
for(unsigned int ix=0;ix<3;++ix)
m_eff += recon_jets[ix].momentum().perp();
// delta Phi
double min_dPhi = 999.999;
double pTmiss_phi = pTmiss.phi();
for(unsigned int ix=0;ix<3;++ix) {
min_dPhi = min( min_dPhi, deltaPhi( pTmiss_phi, recon_jets[ix].momentum().phi() ) );
// 0-lepton channels
if(loose_e.empty() && loose_mu.empty() &&
recon_jets[0].momentum().perp()>130. && eTmiss>130. &&
eTmiss/m_eff>0.25 && min_dPhi>0.4) {
// jet charge cut
bool jetCharge = true;
for(unsigned int ix=0;ix<3;++ix) {
if(fabs(recon_jets[ix].eta())>2.) continue;
double trackpT=0;
foreach(const Particle & p, recon_jets[ix].particles()) {
if(PID::threeCharge(p.pdgId())==0) continue;
trackpT += p.momentum().perp();
jetCharge = false;
if(jetCharge) {
// SR0-A region
if(m_eff>500.) {
_hist_met_SR0_A1 ->fill(eTmiss,weight);
if(ntagged>=2) {
_hist_met_SR0_A2 ->fill(eTmiss,weight);
// SR0-B
if(m_eff>700.) {
if(ntagged>=2) _count_SR0_B2->fill(0.5,weight);
// SR0-C
if(m_eff>900.) {
if(ntagged>=2) _count_SR0_C2->fill(0.5,weight);
// 1-lepton channels
if(tight_e.size() + tight_mu.size() == 1 &&
recon_jets.size()>=4 && recon_jets[3].momentum().perp()>50.&&
recon_jets[0].momentum().perp()>60.) {
Particle lepton = tight_e.empty() ? tight_mu[0] : tight_e[0];
m_eff += lepton.momentum().perp() + recon_jets[3].momentum().perp();
// transverse mass cut
double mT = 2.*(lepton.momentum().perp()*eTmiss-
mT = sqrt(mT);
if(mT>100.&&m_eff>700.) {
// D region
if(abs(lepton.pdgId())==PID::ELECTRON) {
else {
// E region
if(eTmiss>200.) {
void finalize() {
double norm = crossSection()/femtobarn*2.05/sumOfWeights();
// these are number of events at 2.05fb^-1 per 100 GeV
scale( _hist_meff_SR0_A1 , 100. * norm );
scale( _hist_meff_SR0_A2 , 100. * norm );
scale( _hist_meff_SR1_D_e , 100. * norm );
scale( _hist_meff_SR1_D_mu , 100. * norm );
// these are number of events at 2.05fb^-1 per 50 GeV
scale( _hist_met_SR0_A1, 50. * norm );
scale( _hist_met_SR0_A2, 40. * norm );
// these are number of events at 2.05fb^-1 per 40 GeV
scale( _hist_met_SR0_D_e , 40. * norm );
scale( _hist_met_SR0_D_mu, 40. * norm );
// these are number of events at 2.05fb^-1
scale(_count_SR1_D ,norm);
scale(_count_SR1_E ,norm);
Histo1DPtr _count_SR0_A1;
Histo1DPtr _count_SR0_B1;
Histo1DPtr _count_SR0_C1;
Histo1DPtr _count_SR0_A2;
Histo1DPtr _count_SR0_B2;
Histo1DPtr _count_SR0_C2;
Histo1DPtr _count_SR1_D;
Histo1DPtr _count_SR1_E;
Histo1DPtr _hist_meff_SR0_A1;
Histo1DPtr _hist_meff_SR0_A2;
Histo1DPtr _hist_meff_SR1_D_e;
Histo1DPtr _hist_meff_SR1_D_mu;
Histo1DPtr _hist_met_SR0_A1;
Histo1DPtr _hist_met_SR0_A2;
Histo1DPtr _hist_met_SR0_D_e;
Histo1DPtr _hist_met_SR0_D_mu;
// This global object acts as a hook for the plugin system
diff --git a/src/Analyses/ b/src/Analyses/
--- a/src/Analyses/
+++ b/src/Analyses/
@@ -1,345 +1,343 @@
// -*- C++ -*-
#include "Rivet/Analysis.hh"
#include "Rivet/Tools/BinnedHistogram.hh"
#include "Rivet/Projections/FinalState.hh"
#include "Rivet/Projections/ChargedFinalState.hh"
#include "Rivet/Projections/VisibleFinalState.hh"
#include "Rivet/Projections/VetoedFinalState.hh"
#include "Rivet/Projections/IdentifiedFinalState.hh"
#include "Rivet/Projections/FastJets.hh"
#include "Rivet/Tools/RivetMT2.hh"
namespace Rivet {
/// @author Peter Richardson
class ATLAS_2012_I1112263 : public Analysis {
/// @name Constructors etc.
/// Constructor
: Analysis("ATLAS_2012_I1112263")
{ }
/// @name Analysis methods
/// Book histograms and initialise projections before the run
void init() {
// projection to find the electrons
- std::vector<std::pair<double, double> > eta_e;
- eta_e.push_back(make_pair(-2.47,2.47));
- IdentifiedFinalState elecs(eta_e, 10.0*GeV);
+ IdentifiedFinalState elecs(Range(Cuts::eta, -2.47, 2.47)
+ & (Cuts::pt >= 10.0*GeV));
addProjection(elecs, "elecs");
// projection to find the muons
- std::vector<std::pair<double, double> > eta_m;
- eta_m.push_back(make_pair(-2.4,2.4));
- IdentifiedFinalState muons(eta_m, 10.0*GeV);
+ IdentifiedFinalState muons(Range(Cuts::eta, -2.4, 2.4)
+ & (Cuts::pt >= 10.0*GeV));
addProjection(muons, "muons");
// for pTmiss
VetoedFinalState vfs;
/// Jet finder
addProjection(FastJets(vfs, FastJets::ANTIKT, 0.4),
// all tracks (to do deltaR with leptons)
// Book histograms
_hist_leptonpT_SR1.push_back(bookHisto1D("hist_lepton_pT_2_SR1", 7,0.,140.));
_hist_leptonpT_SR1.push_back(bookHisto1D("hist_lepton_pT_3_SR1", 8,0.,160.));
_hist_leptonpT_SR2.push_back(bookHisto1D("hist_lepton_pT_2_SR2", 7,0.,140.));
_hist_leptonpT_SR2.push_back(bookHisto1D("hist_lepton_pT_3_SR2", 8,0.,160.));
_hist_etmiss_SR1_A = bookHisto1D("hist_etmiss_SR1_A",15,10.,310.);
_hist_etmiss_SR1_B = bookHisto1D("hist_etmiss_SR1_B", 9,10.,190.);
_hist_etmiss_SR2_A = bookHisto1D("hist_etmiss_SR2_A",15,10.,310.);
_hist_etmiss_SR2_B = bookHisto1D("hist_etmiss_SR2_B", 9,10.,190.);
_hist_mSFOS= bookHisto1D("hist_mSFOF",9,0.,180.);
_count_SR1 = bookHisto1D("count_SR1", 1, 0., 1.);
_count_SR2 = bookHisto1D("count_SR2", 1, 0., 1.);
/// Perform the per-event analysis
void analyze(const Event& event) {
const double weight = event.weight();
// get the jet candidates
Jets cand_jets;
foreach (const Jet& jet,
applyProjection<FastJets>(event, "AntiKtJets04").jetsByPt(20.0*GeV) ) {
if ( fabs( jet.eta() ) < 2.8 ) {
// candidate muons
Particles cand_mu;
Particles chg_tracks =
applyProjection<ChargedFinalState>(event, "cfs").particles();
foreach ( const Particle & mu,
applyProjection<IdentifiedFinalState>(event, "muons").particlesByPt() ) {
double pTinCone = -mu.pT();
foreach ( const Particle & track, chg_tracks ) {
if ( deltaR(mu.momentum(),track.momentum()) <= 0.2 )
pTinCone += track.pT();
if ( pTinCone < 1.8*GeV )
// candidate electrons
Particles cand_e;
foreach ( const Particle & e,
applyProjection<IdentifiedFinalState>(event, "elecs").particlesByPt() ) {
double eta = e.eta();
// remove electrons with pT<15 in old veto region
if( fabs(eta)>1.37 && fabs(eta) < 1.52 && e.momentum().perp()< 15.*GeV)
double pTinCone = -e.momentum().perp();
foreach ( const Particle & track, chg_tracks ) {
if ( deltaR(e.momentum(),track.momentum()) <= 0.2 )
pTinCone += track.pT();
if (pTinCone/e.momentum().perp()<0.1) {
// resolve jet/lepton ambiguity
Jets recon_jets;
foreach ( const Jet& jet, cand_jets ) {
bool away_from_e = true;
foreach ( const Particle & e, cand_e ) {
if ( deltaR(e.momentum(),jet.momentum()) <= 0.2 ) {
away_from_e = false;
if ( away_from_e )
recon_jets.push_back( jet );
// only keep electrons more than R=0.4 from jets
Particles recon_e;
foreach ( const Particle & e, cand_e ) {
bool away = true;
foreach ( const Jet& jet, recon_jets ) {
if ( deltaR(e.momentum(),jet.momentum()) < 0.4 ) {
away = false;
// and 0.1 from any muons
if ( ! away ) {
foreach ( const Particle & mu, cand_e ) {
if ( deltaR(mu.momentum(),e.momentum()) < 0.1 ) {
away = false;
if ( away )
recon_e.push_back( e );
// only keep muons more than R=0.4 from jets
Particles recon_mu;
foreach ( const Particle & mu, cand_mu ) {
bool away = true;
foreach ( const Jet& jet, recon_jets ) {
if ( deltaR(mu.momentum(),jet.momentum()) < 0.4 ) {
away = false;
// and 0.1 from any electrona
if ( ! away ) {
foreach ( const Particle & e, cand_e ) {
if ( deltaR(mu.momentum(),e.momentum()) < 0.1 ) {
away = false;
if ( away )
recon_mu.push_back( mu );
// pTmiss
Particles vfs_particles =
applyProjection<VisibleFinalState>(event, "vfs").particles();
FourMomentum pTmiss;
foreach ( const Particle & p, vfs_particles ) {
pTmiss -= p.momentum();
double eTmiss = pTmiss.pT();
// now only use recon_jets, recon_mu, recon_e
// reject events with wrong number of leptons
if ( recon_mu.size() + recon_e.size() != 3 ) {
MSG_DEBUG("To few charged leptons left after selection");
// ATLAS calo problem
if(rand()/static_cast<double>(RAND_MAX)<=0.42) {
foreach ( const Particle & e, recon_e ) {
double eta = e.eta();
double phi = e.momentum().azimuthalAngle(MINUSPI_PLUSPI);
foreach ( const Jet & jet, recon_jets ) {
double eta = jet.rapidity();
double phi = jet.momentum().azimuthalAngle(MINUSPI_PLUSPI);
if(jet.momentum().perp()>40 && eta>-0.1&&eta<1.5&&phi>-0.9&&phi<-0.5)
// check at least one e/mu passing trigger
if( !( !recon_e .empty() && recon_e[0] .momentum().perp()>25.) &&
!( !recon_mu.empty() && recon_mu[0].momentum().perp()>20.) ) {
MSG_DEBUG("Hardest lepton fails trigger");
// eTmiss cut
if(eTmiss<50.) vetoEvent;
// check at least 1 SFOS pair
double mSFOS=1e30, mdiff=1e30;
unsigned int nSFOS=0;
for(unsigned int ix=0;ix<recon_e.size();++ix) {
for(unsigned int iy=ix+1;iy<recon_e.size();++iy) {
if(recon_e[ix].pdgId()*recon_e[iy].pdgId()>0) continue;
double mtest = (recon_e[ix].momentum()+recon_e[iy].momentum()).mass();
// veto is mass<20
if(mtest<20.) vetoEvent;
if(fabs(mtest-90.)<mdiff) {
mSFOS = mtest;
mdiff = fabs(mtest-90.);
for(unsigned int ix=0;ix<recon_mu.size();++ix) {
for(unsigned int iy=ix+1;iy<recon_mu.size();++iy) {
if(recon_mu[ix].pdgId()*recon_mu[iy].pdgId()>0) continue;
double mtest = (recon_mu[ix].momentum()+recon_mu[iy].momentum()).mass();
// veto is mass<20
if(mtest<20.) vetoEvent;
if(fabs(mtest-90.)<mdiff) {
mSFOS = mtest;
mdiff = fabs(mtest-90.);
// require at least 1 SFOS pair
if(nSFOS==0) vetoEvent;
// b-jet veto in SR!
if(mdiff>10.) {
foreach (const Jet & jet, recon_jets ) {
if(jet.containsBottom() &&
// region SR1, Z depleted
if(mdiff>10.) {
// region SR2, Z enriched
else {
// make the control plots
// lepton pT
unsigned int ie=0,imu=0;
for(unsigned int ix=0;ix<3;++ix) {
Histo1DPtr hist = mdiff>10. ?
_hist_leptonpT_SR1[ix] : _hist_leptonpT_SR2[ix];
double pTe = ie <recon_e .size() ?
recon_e [ie ].momentum().perp() : -1*GeV;
double pTmu = imu<recon_mu.size() ?
recon_mu[imu].momentum().perp() : -1*GeV;
if(pTe>pTmu) {
hist->fill(pTe ,weight);
else {
void finalize() {
double norm = crossSection()/femtobarn*2.06/sumOfWeights();
// these are number of events at 2.06fb^-1 per 20 GeV
for(unsigned int ix=0;ix<3;++ix) {
scale(_hist_mSFOS ,norm*20.);
// these are number of events at 2.06fb^-1
/// @name Histograms
vector<Histo1DPtr> _hist_leptonpT_SR1;
vector<Histo1DPtr> _hist_leptonpT_SR2;
Histo1DPtr _hist_etmiss_SR1_A;
Histo1DPtr _hist_etmiss_SR1_B;
Histo1DPtr _hist_etmiss_SR2_A;
Histo1DPtr _hist_etmiss_SR2_B;
Histo1DPtr _hist_mSFOS;
Histo1DPtr _count_SR1;
Histo1DPtr _count_SR2;
// The hook for the plugin system
diff --git a/src/Analyses/ b/src/Analyses/
--- a/src/Analyses/
+++ b/src/Analyses/
@@ -1,288 +1,284 @@
// -*- C++ -*-
#include "Rivet/Analysis.hh"
#include "Rivet/Tools/BinnedHistogram.hh"
#include "Rivet/Projections/FinalState.hh"
#include "Rivet/Projections/ChargedFinalState.hh"
#include "Rivet/Projections/VisibleFinalState.hh"
#include "Rivet/Projections/VetoedFinalState.hh"
#include "Rivet/Projections/IdentifiedFinalState.hh"
#include "Rivet/Projections/FastJets.hh"
#include "Rivet/Tools/RivetMT2.hh"
namespace Rivet {
class ATLAS_2012_I1117704 : public Analysis {
/// @name Constructors etc.
/// Constructor
: Analysis("ATLAS_2012_I1117704")
{ }
/// @name Analysis methods
/// Book histograms and initialise projections before the run
void init() {
// projection to find the electrons
- std::vector<std::pair<double, double> > eta_e;
- eta_e.push_back(make_pair(-2.47,2.47));
- IdentifiedFinalState elecs(eta_e, 20.0*GeV);
+ IdentifiedFinalState elecs(Range(Cuts::eta, -2.47, 2.47) & (Cuts::pt >= 20.0*GeV));
addProjection(elecs, "elecs");
// projection to find the muons
- std::vector<std::pair<double, double> > eta_m;
- eta_m.push_back(make_pair(-2.4,2.4));
- IdentifiedFinalState muons(eta_m, 10.0*GeV);
+ IdentifiedFinalState muons(Range(Cuts::eta, -2.4, 2.4) & (Cuts::pt >= 10.0*GeV));
addProjection(muons, "muons");
// for pTmiss
VetoedFinalState vfs;
/// Jet finder
addProjection(FastJets(vfs, FastJets::ANTIKT, 0.4),
// all tracks (to do deltaR with leptons)
/// Book histograms
_etmiss_HT_7j55 = bookHisto1D("etmiss_HT_7j55", 8, 0., 16.);
_etmiss_HT_8j55 = bookHisto1D("etmiss_HT_8j55", 8, 0., 16.);
_etmiss_HT_9j55 = bookHisto1D("etmiss_HT_9j55", 8, 0., 16.);
_etmiss_HT_6j80 = bookHisto1D("etmiss_HT_6j80", 8, 0., 16.);
_etmiss_HT_7j80 = bookHisto1D("etmiss_HT_7j80", 8, 0., 16.);
_etmiss_HT_8j80 = bookHisto1D("etmiss_HT_8j80", 8, 0., 16.);
_hist_njet55 = bookHisto1D("hist_njet55", 11, 2.5, 13.5);
_hist_njet80 = bookHisto1D("hist_njet80", 11, 2.5, 13.5);
_count_7j55 = bookHisto1D("count_7j55", 1, 0., 1.);
_count_8j55 = bookHisto1D("count_8j55", 1, 0., 1.);
_count_9j55 = bookHisto1D("count_9j55", 1, 0., 1.);
_count_6j80 = bookHisto1D("count_6j80", 1, 0., 1.);
_count_7j80 = bookHisto1D("count_7j80", 1, 0., 1.);
_count_8j80 = bookHisto1D("count_8j80", 1, 0., 1.);
/// Perform the per-event analysis
void analyze(const Event& event) {
const double weight = event.weight();
// get the jet candidates
Jets cand_jets;
foreach (const Jet& jet,
applyProjection<FastJets>(event, "AntiKtJets04").jetsByPt(20.0*GeV) ) {
if ( fabs( jet.eta() ) < 2.8 ) {
// candidate muons
Particles cand_mu;
Particles chg_tracks =
applyProjection<ChargedFinalState>(event, "cfs").particles();
foreach ( const Particle & mu,
applyProjection<IdentifiedFinalState>(event, "muons").particlesByPt() ) {
double pTinCone = -mu.pT();
foreach ( const Particle & track, chg_tracks ) {
if ( deltaR(mu.momentum(),track.momentum()) <= 0.2 )
pTinCone += track.pT();
if ( pTinCone < 1.8*GeV )
// candidate electrons
Particles cand_e =
applyProjection<IdentifiedFinalState>(event, "elecs").particlesByPt();
// resolve jet/lepton ambiguity
Jets recon_jets;
foreach ( const Jet& jet, cand_jets ) {
// candidates after |eta| < 2.8
if ( fabs( jet.eta() ) >= 2.8 ) continue;
bool away_from_e = true;
foreach ( const Particle & e, cand_e ) {
if ( deltaR(e.momentum(),jet.momentum()) <= 0.2 ) {
away_from_e = false;
if ( away_from_e ) recon_jets.push_back( jet );
// only keep electrons more than R=0.4 from jets
Particles recon_e;
foreach ( const Particle & e, cand_e ) {
bool away = true;
foreach ( const Jet& jet, recon_jets ) {
if ( deltaR(e.momentum(),jet.momentum()) < 0.4 ) {
away = false;
if ( away )
recon_e.push_back( e );
// only keep muons more than R=0.4 from jets
Particles recon_mu;
foreach ( const Particle & mu, cand_mu ) {
bool away = true;
foreach ( const Jet& jet, recon_jets ) {
if ( deltaR(mu.momentum(),jet.momentum()) < 0.4 ) {
away = false;
if ( away )
recon_mu.push_back( mu );
// pTmiss
Particles vfs_particles =
applyProjection<VisibleFinalState>(event, "vfs").particles();
FourMomentum pTmiss;
foreach ( const Particle & p, vfs_particles ) {
pTmiss -= p.momentum();
double eTmiss = pTmiss.pT();
// now only use recon_jets, recon_mu, recon_e
// reject events with electrons and muons
if ( ! ( recon_mu.empty() && recon_e.empty() ) ) {
MSG_DEBUG("Charged leptons left after selection");
// calculate H_T
double HT=0;
foreach ( const Jet& jet, recon_jets ) {
if ( jet.pT() > 40 * GeV )
HT += jet.pT() ;
// number of jets
unsigned int njet55=0, njet80=0;
for (unsigned int ix=0;ix<recon_jets.size();++ix) {
if(recon_jets[ix].pT()>80.*GeV) ++njet80;
if(recon_jets[ix].pT()>55.*GeV) ++njet55;
if(njet55==0) vetoEvent;
double ratio = eTmiss/sqrt(HT);
if(ratio>4.) {
// 7j55
_count_7j55->fill( 0.5, weight);
// 8j55
_count_8j55->fill( 0.5, weight) ;
// 8j55
_count_9j55->fill( 0.5, weight) ;
// 6j80
_count_6j80->fill( 0.5, weight) ;
// 7j80
_count_7j80->fill( 0.5, weight) ;
// 8j80
_count_8j80->fill( 0.5, weight) ;
_etmiss_HT_7j55->fill( ratio, weight);
// 8j55
_etmiss_HT_8j55->fill( ratio, weight) ;
// 8j55
_etmiss_HT_9j55->fill( ratio, weight) ;
// 6j80
_etmiss_HT_6j80->fill( ratio, weight) ;
// 7j80
_etmiss_HT_7j80->fill( ratio, weight) ;
// 8j80
_etmiss_HT_8j80->fill( ratio, weight) ;
void finalize() {
double norm = crossSection()/femtobarn*4.7/sumOfWeights();
/// @name Histograms
Histo1DPtr _etmiss_HT_7j55;
Histo1DPtr _etmiss_HT_8j55;
Histo1DPtr _etmiss_HT_9j55;
Histo1DPtr _etmiss_HT_6j80;
Histo1DPtr _etmiss_HT_7j80;
Histo1DPtr _etmiss_HT_8j80;
Histo1DPtr _hist_njet55;
Histo1DPtr _hist_njet80;
Histo1DPtr _count_7j55;
Histo1DPtr _count_8j55;
Histo1DPtr _count_9j55;
Histo1DPtr _count_6j80;
Histo1DPtr _count_7j80;
Histo1DPtr _count_8j80;
// The hook for the plugin system
diff --git a/src/Analyses/ b/src/Analyses/
--- a/src/Analyses/
+++ b/src/Analyses/
@@ -1,325 +1,323 @@
// -*- C++ -*-
#include "Rivet/Analysis.hh"
#include "Rivet/Tools/BinnedHistogram.hh"
#include "Rivet/Projections/FinalState.hh"
#include "Rivet/Projections/ChargedFinalState.hh"
#include "Rivet/Projections/VisibleFinalState.hh"
#include "Rivet/Projections/IdentifiedFinalState.hh"
#include "Rivet/Projections/FastJets.hh"
#include "Rivet/Projections/VetoedFinalState.hh"
namespace Rivet {
/// @author Peter Richardson
class ATLAS_2012_I1125961 : public Analysis {
/// @name Constructors etc.
/// Constructor
: Analysis("ATLAS_2012_I1125961")
{ }
/// @name Analysis methods
/// Book histograms and initialise projections before the run
void init() {
// Projection to find the electrons
- std::vector<std::pair<double, double> > eta_e;
- eta_e.push_back(make_pair(-2.47,2.47));
- IdentifiedFinalState elecs(eta_e, 20.0*GeV);
+ IdentifiedFinalState elecs(Range(Cuts::eta, -2.47, 2.47)
+ & (Cuts::pt >= 20.0*GeV));
addProjection(elecs, "elecs");
// Projection to find the muons
- std::vector<std::pair<double, double> > eta_m;
- eta_m.push_back(make_pair(-2.4,2.4));
- IdentifiedFinalState muons(eta_m, 10.0*GeV);
+ IdentifiedFinalState muons(Range(Cuts::eta, -2.4, 2.4)
+ & (Cuts::pt >= 10.0*GeV));
addProjection(muons, "muons");
// Jet finder
VetoedFinalState vfs;
addProjection(FastJets(vfs, FastJets::ANTIKT, 0.4), "AntiKtJets04");
// All tracks (to do deltaR with leptons)
// Used for pTmiss (N.B. the real 'vfs' extends beyond 4.5 to |eta| = 4.9)
// Book histograms
_count_A_tight = bookHisto1D("count_A_tight" , 1, 0., 1.);
_count_A_medium = bookHisto1D("count_A_medium" , 1, 0., 1.);
_count_Ap_medium = bookHisto1D("count_Ap_medium" , 1, 0., 1.);
_count_B_tight = bookHisto1D("count_B_tight" , 1, 0., 1.);
_count_C_tight = bookHisto1D("count_C_tight" , 1, 0., 1.);
_count_C_medium = bookHisto1D("count_C_medium" , 1, 0., 1.);
_count_C_loose = bookHisto1D("count_C_loose" , 1, 0., 1.);
_count_D_tight = bookHisto1D("count_D_tight" , 1, 0., 1.);
_count_E_tight = bookHisto1D("count_E_tight" , 1, 0., 1.);
_count_E_medium = bookHisto1D("count_E_medium" , 1, 0., 1.);
_count_E_loose = bookHisto1D("count_E_loose" , 1, 0., 1.);
_hist_meff_A = bookHisto1D("hist_m_eff_A" , 30, 0., 3000.);
_hist_meff_Ap = bookHisto1D("hist_m_eff_Ap", 30, 0., 3000.);
_hist_meff_B = bookHisto1D("hist_m_eff_B" , 30, 0., 3000.);
_hist_meff_C = bookHisto1D("hist_m_eff_C" , 30, 0., 3000.);
_hist_meff_D = bookHisto1D("hist_m_eff_D" , 30, 0., 3000.);
_hist_meff_E = bookHisto1D("hist_m_eff_E" , 30, 0., 3000.);
/// Perform the per-event analysis
void analyze(const Event& event) {
const double weight = event.weight();
Jets cand_jets;
const Jets jets = applyProjection<FastJets>(event, "AntiKtJets04").jetsByPt(20.0*GeV);
foreach (const Jet& jet, jets) {
if ( fabs( jet.eta() ) < 4.9 ) {
const Particles cand_e = applyProjection<IdentifiedFinalState>(event, "elecs").particlesByPt();
// Muon isolation not mentioned in hep-exp 1109.6572 but assumed to still be applicable
Particles cand_mu;
const Particles chg_tracks = applyProjection<ChargedFinalState>(event, "cfs").particles();
const Particles muons = applyProjection<IdentifiedFinalState>(event, "muons").particlesByPt();
foreach (const Particle& mu, muons) {
double pTinCone = -mu.pT();
foreach (const Particle& track, chg_tracks) {
if ( deltaR(mu.momentum(),track.momentum()) <= 0.2 ) {
pTinCone += track.pT();
if ( pTinCone < 1.8*GeV ) cand_mu.push_back(mu);
// Resolve jet-lepton overlap for jets with |eta| < 2.8
Jets recon_jets;
foreach ( const Jet& jet, cand_jets ) {
if ( fabs( jet.eta() ) >= 2.8 ) continue;
bool away_from_e = true;
foreach ( const Particle & e, cand_e ) {
if ( deltaR(e.momentum(),jet.momentum()) <= 0.2 ) {
away_from_e = false;
if ( away_from_e ) recon_jets.push_back( jet );
Particles recon_e, recon_mu;
foreach ( const Particle & e, cand_e ) {
bool away = true;
foreach ( const Jet& jet, recon_jets ) {
if ( deltaR(e.momentum(),jet.momentum()) < 0.4 ) {
away = false;
if ( away ) recon_e.push_back( e );
foreach ( const Particle & mu, cand_mu ) {
bool away = true;
foreach ( const Jet& jet, recon_jets ) {
if ( deltaR(mu.momentum(),jet.momentum()) < 0.4 ) {
away = false;
if ( away ) recon_mu.push_back( mu );
// pTmiss
// Based on all candidate electrons, muons and jets, plus everything else with |eta| < 4.5
// i.e. everything in our projection "vfs" plus the jets with |eta| > 4.5
Particles vfs_particles = applyProjection<VisibleFinalState>(event, "vfs").particles();
FourMomentum pTmiss;
foreach ( const Particle & p, vfs_particles ) {
pTmiss -= p.momentum();
foreach ( const Jet& jet, cand_jets ) {
if ( fabs( jet.eta() ) > 4.5 ) pTmiss -= jet.momentum();
double eTmiss = pTmiss.pT();
// no electron pT> 20 or muons pT>10
if ( !recon_mu.empty() || !recon_e.empty() ) {
MSG_DEBUG("Charged leptons left after selection");
if ( eTmiss <= 160 * GeV ) {
MSG_DEBUG("Not enough eTmiss: " << eTmiss << " < 130");
if ( recon_jets.size()<2 ||
recon_jets[0].pT() <= 130.0 * GeV ||
recon_jets[0].pT() <= 60.0 * GeV ) {
MSG_DEBUG("No hard leading jet in " << recon_jets.size() << " jets");
// ==================== observables ====================
int Njets = 0;
double min_dPhi_All = 999.999;
double min_dPhi_2 = 999.999;
double min_dPhi_3 = 999.999;
double pTmiss_phi = pTmiss.phi();
foreach ( const Jet& jet, recon_jets ) {
if ( jet.pT() < 40 * GeV ) continue;
if ( Njets < 2 ) {
min_dPhi_2 = min( min_dPhi_2, deltaPhi( pTmiss_phi, jet.momentum().phi() ) );
if( Njets < 3) {
min_dPhi_3 = min( min_dPhi_3, deltaPhi( pTmiss_phi, jet.momentum().phi() ) );
min_dPhi_All = min( min_dPhi_All, deltaPhi( pTmiss_phi, jet.momentum().phi() ) );
// inclusive meff
double m_eff_inc = eTmiss;
foreach ( const Jet& jet, recon_jets ) {
double perp = jet.pT();
if(perp>40.) m_eff_inc += perp;
// region A
double m_eff_Nj = eTmiss + recon_jets[0].pT() + recon_jets[1].pT();
if( min_dPhi_2 > 0.4 && eTmiss/m_eff_Nj > 0.3 ) {
if(m_eff_inc>1900.) _count_A_tight ->fill(0.5,weight);
if(m_eff_inc>1400.) _count_A_medium->fill(0.5,weight);
// region A'
if( min_dPhi_2 > 0.4 && eTmiss/m_eff_Nj > 0.4 ) {
if(m_eff_inc>1200.) _count_Ap_medium->fill(0.5,weight);
// for rest of regions 3 jets pT> 60 needed
if(recon_jets.size()<3 || recon_jets[2].momentum().perp()<60.)
// region B
m_eff_Nj += recon_jets[2].momentum().perp();
if( min_dPhi_3 > 0.4 && eTmiss/m_eff_Nj > 0.25 ) {
if(m_eff_inc>1900.) _count_B_tight ->fill(0.5,weight);
// for rest of regions 4 jets pT> 60 needed
if(recon_jets.size()<4 || recon_jets[3].momentum().perp()<60.)
// region C
m_eff_Nj += recon_jets[3].momentum().perp();
if( min_dPhi_3 > 0.4 && min_dPhi_All > 0.2 && eTmiss/m_eff_Nj > 0.25 ) {
if(m_eff_inc>1500.) _count_C_tight ->fill(0.5,weight);
if(m_eff_inc>1200.) _count_C_medium->fill(0.5,weight);
if(m_eff_inc> 900.) _count_C_loose ->fill(0.5,weight);
// for rest of regions 5 jets pT> 40 needed
if(recon_jets.size()<5 || recon_jets[4].momentum().perp()<40.)
// region D
m_eff_Nj += recon_jets[4].momentum().perp();
if( min_dPhi_3 > 0.4 && min_dPhi_All > 0.2 && eTmiss/m_eff_Nj > 0.2 ) {
if(m_eff_inc>1500.) _count_D_tight ->fill(0.5,weight);
// for rest of regions 6 jets pT> 40 needed
if(recon_jets.size()<6 || recon_jets[5].momentum().perp()<40.)
// region E
m_eff_Nj += recon_jets[5].momentum().perp();
if( min_dPhi_3 > 0.4 && min_dPhi_All > 0.2 && eTmiss/m_eff_Nj > 0.15 ) {
if(m_eff_inc>1400.) _count_E_tight ->fill(0.5,weight);
if(m_eff_inc>1200.) _count_E_medium->fill(0.5,weight);
if(m_eff_inc> 900.) _count_E_loose ->fill(0.5,weight);
void finalize() {
double norm = crossSection()/femtobarn*4.7/sumOfWeights();
// these are number of events at 4.7fb^-1 per 100 GeV
scale( _hist_meff_A , 100. * norm );
scale( _hist_meff_Ap, 100. * norm );
scale( _hist_meff_B , 100. * norm );
scale( _hist_meff_C , 100. * norm );
scale( _hist_meff_D , 100. * norm );
scale( _hist_meff_E , 100. * norm );
// these are number of events at 4.7fb^-1
scale(_count_A_tight ,norm);
scale(_count_A_medium ,norm);
scale(_count_B_tight ,norm);
scale(_count_C_tight ,norm);
scale(_count_C_medium ,norm);
scale(_count_C_loose ,norm);
scale(_count_D_tight ,norm);
scale(_count_E_tight ,norm);
scale(_count_E_medium ,norm);
scale(_count_E_loose ,norm);
Histo1DPtr _count_A_tight;
Histo1DPtr _count_A_medium;
Histo1DPtr _count_Ap_medium;
Histo1DPtr _count_B_tight;
Histo1DPtr _count_C_tight;
Histo1DPtr _count_C_medium;
Histo1DPtr _count_C_loose;
Histo1DPtr _count_D_tight;
Histo1DPtr _count_E_tight;
Histo1DPtr _count_E_medium;
Histo1DPtr _count_E_loose;
Histo1DPtr _hist_meff_A ;
Histo1DPtr _hist_meff_Ap;
Histo1DPtr _hist_meff_B ;
Histo1DPtr _hist_meff_C ;
Histo1DPtr _hist_meff_D ;
Histo1DPtr _hist_meff_E ;
// This global object acts as a hook for the plugin system
diff --git a/src/Analyses/ b/src/Analyses/
--- a/src/Analyses/
+++ b/src/Analyses/
@@ -1,319 +1,317 @@
// -*- C++ -*-
#include "Rivet/Analysis.hh"
#include "Rivet/Tools/BinnedHistogram.hh"
#include "Rivet/Projections/FinalState.hh"
#include "Rivet/Projections/ChargedFinalState.hh"
#include "Rivet/Projections/VisibleFinalState.hh"
#include "Rivet/Projections/IdentifiedFinalState.hh"
#include "Rivet/Projections/VetoedFinalState.hh"
#include "Rivet/Projections/FastJets.hh"
#include "Rivet/Tools/RivetMT2.hh"
namespace Rivet {
class ATLAS_2012_I1126136 : public Analysis {
/// @name Constructors etc.
/// Constructor
: Analysis("ATLAS_2012_I1126136")
{ }
/// @name Analysis methods
/// Book histograms and initialize projections before the run
void init() {
// projection to find the electrons
- vector<pair<double, double> > eta_e;
- eta_e.push_back(make_pair(-2.47,2.47));
- IdentifiedFinalState elecs(eta_e, 20.0*GeV);
+ IdentifiedFinalState elecs(Range(Cuts::eta, -2.47, 2.47)
+ & (Cuts::pt >= 20.0*GeV));
addProjection(elecs, "elecs");
// projection to find the muons
- vector<pair<double, double> > eta_m;
- eta_m.push_back(make_pair(-2.4,2.4));
- IdentifiedFinalState muons(eta_m, 10.0*GeV);
+ IdentifiedFinalState muons(Range(Cuts::eta, -2.4, 2.4)
+ & (Cuts::pt >= 10.0*GeV));
addProjection(muons, "muons");
// Jet finder
VetoedFinalState vfs;
addProjection(FastJets(vfs, FastJets::ANTIKT, 0.4),
// for pTmiss
// Book histograms
_count_SR_A = bookHisto1D("count_SR_A" , 1, 0., 1.);
_count_SR_B = bookHisto1D("count_SR_B" , 1, 0., 1.);
_hist_mjjj1 = bookHisto1D("hist_mjjj1" , 30 , 0. , 600. );
_hist_mjjj2 = bookHisto1D("hist_mjjj2" , 30 , 0. , 600. );
_hist_ETmiss = bookHisto1D("hist_ETmiss", 20 , 100. , 600. );
_hist_mT2 = bookHisto1D("hist_mT2" , 200, 0. , 1000. );
/// Perform the per-event analysis
void analyze(const Event& event) {
const double weight = event.weight();
// pTmiss
FourMomentum pTmiss;
foreach ( const Particle & p,
applyProjection<VisibleFinalState>(event, "vfs").particles() ) {
pTmiss -= p.momentum();
double ETmiss = pTmiss.perp();
// require eTmiss > 150
if(ETmiss<150.) vetoEvent;
// get the candiate jets
Jets cand_jets;
foreach ( const Jet& jet,
applyProjection<FastJets>(event, "AntiKtJets04").jetsByPt(20.0*GeV) ) {
if ( fabs( jet.eta() ) < 4.5 ) {
// find the electrons
Particles cand_e;
foreach( const Particle & e,
applyProjection<IdentifiedFinalState>(event, "elecs").particlesByPt()) {
// remove any leptons within 0.4 of any candidate jets
bool e_near_jet = false;
foreach ( const Jet& jet, cand_jets ) {
double dR = deltaR(e.momentum(),jet.momentum());
if ( dR < 0.4 && dR > 0.2 ) {
e_near_jet = true;
if ( e_near_jet ) continue;
// find the muons
Particles cand_mu;
foreach( const Particle & mu,
applyProjection<IdentifiedFinalState>(event, "muons").particlesByPt()) {
// remove any leptons within 0.4 of any candidate jets
bool mu_near_jet = false;
foreach ( const Jet& jet, cand_jets ) {
if ( deltaR(mu.momentum(),jet.momentum()) < 0.4 ) {
mu_near_jet = true;
if ( mu_near_jet ) continue;
// veto events with leptons
if( ! cand_e.empty() || ! cand_mu.empty() )
// discard jets that overlap with electrons
Jets recon_jets;
foreach ( const Jet& jet, cand_jets ) {
if(fabs(jet.eta())>2.8 ||
jet.momentum().perp()<30.) continue;
bool away_from_e = true;
foreach ( const Particle & e, cand_e ) {
if ( deltaR(e.momentum(),jet.momentum()) < 0.2 ) {
away_from_e = false;
if ( away_from_e ) recon_jets.push_back( jet );
// find b jets
Jets tight_bjets,loose_bjets;
foreach(const Jet & jet, recon_jets) {
if(!jet.containsBottom() && jet.eta()>2.5) continue;
double prob = rand()/static_cast<double>(RAND_MAX);
if(prob <= 0.60) tight_bjets.push_back(jet);
if(prob <= 0.75) loose_bjets.push_back(jet);
// require >=1 tight or >=2 loose b-jets
if( ! ( !tight_bjets.empty() || loose_bjets.size()>=2) )
// must be at least 6 jets with pT>30
if(recon_jets.size()<6 ) vetoEvent;
// hardest > 130
if(recon_jets[0].momentum().perp() < 130. ) vetoEvent;
// three hardest jets must be separated from etmiss
for(unsigned int ix=0;ix<3;++ix) {
// remove events with tau like jets
for(unsigned int ix=3;ix<recon_jets.size();++ix) {
// skip jets seperated from eTmiss
// check the number of tracks between 1 and 4
unsigned int ncharged=0;
foreach ( const Particle & particle, recon_jets[ix].particles()) {
if(PID::threeCharge(particle.pdgId())!=0) ++ncharged;
if(ncharged==0 || ncharged>4) continue;
// calculate transverse mass and reject if < 100
double mT = 2.*recon_jets[ix].momentum().perp()*ETmiss
if(mT<100.) vetoEvent;
// if 2 loose b-jets apply mT cut
if(loose_bjets.size()>=2) {
// find b-jet closest to eTmiss
double minR(1e30);
unsigned int ijet(0);
for(unsigned int ix=0;ix<loose_bjets.size();++ix) {
double dR = deltaR(loose_bjets[ix].momentum(),pTmiss);
if(dR<minR) {
ijet = ix;
double mT = 2.*loose_bjets[ijet].momentum().perp()*ETmiss
if(mT<170.) vetoEvent;
// 1 tight b-jet apply mT cut
if(tight_bjets.size()==1) {
for(unsigned int ix=0;ix<4;++ix) {
double mT = 2.*recon_jets[ix].momentum().perp()*ETmiss
if(mT<175.) vetoEvent;
// find the closest triplet of jets in (eta,phi)
unsigned int j1(0),j2(0),j3(0);
double minR2(1e30);
for(unsigned int i1=0;i1<recon_jets.size();++i1) {
for(unsigned int i2=i1+1;i2<recon_jets.size();++i2) {
for(unsigned int i3=i2+1;i3<recon_jets.size();++i3) {
double delR2 =
sqr(deltaR(recon_jets[i1].momentum(),recon_jets[i2].momentum())) +
sqr(deltaR(recon_jets[i1].momentum(),recon_jets[i3].momentum())) +
if(delR2<minR2) {
// 4-momentum and mass of first triplet
FourMomentum pjjj1 = recon_jets[j1].momentum() +
recon_jets[j2].momentum()+ recon_jets[j3].momentum();
double mjjj1 = pjjj1.mass();
// find the second triplet
unsigned int j4(0),j5(0),j6(0);
for(unsigned int i1=0;i1<recon_jets.size();++i1) {
if(i1==j1||i1==j2||i1==j3) continue;
for(unsigned int i2=i1+1;i2<recon_jets.size();++i2) {
if(i2==j1||i2==j2||i2==j3) continue;
for(unsigned int i3=i2+1;i3<recon_jets.size();++i3) {
if(i3==j1||i3==j2||i3==j3) continue;
double delR2 =
sqr(deltaR(recon_jets[i1].momentum(),recon_jets[i2].momentum())) +
sqr(deltaR(recon_jets[i1].momentum(),recon_jets[i3].momentum())) +
if(delR2<minR2) {
// 4-momentum and mass of first triplet
FourMomentum pjjj2 = recon_jets[j4].momentum() +
recon_jets[j5].momentum()+ recon_jets[j6].momentum();
double mjjj2 = pjjj2.mass();
// require triplets in 80<mjjj<270
// counts in signal regions
if(ETmiss>260.) _count_SR_B->fill(0.5,weight);
double m_T2 = mT2::mT2( pjjj1,pjjj2,
pTmiss,0.0 ); // zero mass invisibles
void finalize() {
double norm = 4.7* crossSection()/sumOfWeights()/femtobarn;
scale(_count_SR_A , norm );
scale(_count_SR_B , norm );
scale(_hist_mjjj1 , 20.*norm );
scale(_hist_ETmiss, 50.*norm );
scale(_hist_mjjj2 , 20.*norm );
scale(_hist_mT2 , norm );
/// @name Histograms
Histo1DPtr _count_SR_A;
Histo1DPtr _count_SR_B;
Histo1DPtr _hist_mjjj1;
Histo1DPtr _hist_mjjj2;
Histo1DPtr _hist_ETmiss;
Histo1DPtr _hist_mT2;
// The hook for the plugin system
diff --git a/src/Analyses/ b/src/Analyses/
--- a/src/Analyses/
+++ b/src/Analyses/
@@ -1,431 +1,429 @@
// -*- C++ -*-
#include "Rivet/Analysis.hh"
#include "Rivet/Tools/BinnedHistogram.hh"
#include "Rivet/Projections/FinalState.hh"
#include "Rivet/Projections/ChargedFinalState.hh"
#include "Rivet/Projections/VisibleFinalState.hh"
#include "Rivet/Projections/IdentifiedFinalState.hh"
#include "Rivet/Projections/VetoedFinalState.hh"
#include "Rivet/Projections/FastJets.hh"
namespace Rivet {
class ATLAS_2012_I1180197 : public Analysis {
/// @name Constructors etc.
/// Constructor
: Analysis("ATLAS_2012_I1180197")
{ }
/// @name Analysis methods
/// Book histograms and initialize projections before the run
void init() {
// projection to find the electrons
- std::vector<std::pair<double, double> > eta_e;
- eta_e.push_back(make_pair(-2.47,2.47));
- IdentifiedFinalState elecs(eta_e, 7.0*GeV);
+ IdentifiedFinalState elecs(Range(Cuts::eta, -2.47, 2.47)
+ & (Cuts::pt >= 7.0*GeV));
addProjection(elecs, "elecs");
// projection to find the muons
- std::vector<std::pair<double, double> > eta_m;
- eta_m.push_back(make_pair(-2.4,2.4));
- IdentifiedFinalState muons(eta_m, 6.0*GeV);
+ IdentifiedFinalState muons(Range(Cuts::eta, -2.4, 2.4)
+ & (Cuts::pt >= 6.0*GeV));
addProjection(muons, "muons");
// Jet finder
VetoedFinalState vfs;
addProjection(FastJets(vfs, FastJets::ANTIKT, 0.4),
// all tracks (to do deltaR with leptons)
// for pTmiss
// Book histograms
_count_1l_3jet_all_channel = bookHisto1D("count_1l_3jet_all_channel", 1, 0., 1.);
_count_1l_3jet_e_channel = bookHisto1D("count_1l_3jet_e_channel" , 1, 0., 1.);
_count_1l_3jet_mu_channel = bookHisto1D("count_1l_3jet_mu_channel" , 1, 0., 1.);
_count_1l_4jet_all_channel = bookHisto1D("count_1l_4jet_all_channel", 1, 0., 1.);
_count_1l_4jet_e_channel = bookHisto1D("count_1l_4jet_e_channel" , 1, 0., 1.);
_count_1l_4jet_mu_channel = bookHisto1D("count_1l_4jet_mu_channel" , 1, 0., 1.);
_count_1l_soft_all_channel = bookHisto1D("count_1l_soft_all_channel", 1, 0., 1.);
_count_1l_soft_e_channel = bookHisto1D("count_1l_soft_e_channel" , 1, 0., 1.);
_count_1l_soft_mu_channel = bookHisto1D("count_1l_soft_mu_channel" , 1, 0., 1.);
_count_2l_2jet_all_channel = bookHisto1D("count_2l_2jet_all_channel" , 1, 0., 1.);
_count_2l_2jet_ee_channel = bookHisto1D("count_2l_2jet_ee_channel" , 1, 0., 1.);
_count_2l_2jet_emu_channel = bookHisto1D("count_2l_2jet_emu_channel" , 1, 0., 1.);
_count_2l_2jet_mumu_channel = bookHisto1D("count_2l_2jet_mumu_channel", 1, 0., 1.);
_count_2l_4jet_all_channel = bookHisto1D("count_2l_4jet_all_channel" , 1, 0., 1.);
_count_2l_4jet_ee_channel = bookHisto1D("count_2l_4jet_ee_channel" , 1, 0., 1.);
_count_2l_4jet_emu_channel = bookHisto1D("count_2l_4jet_emu_channel" , 1, 0., 1.);
_count_2l_4jet_mumu_channel = bookHisto1D("count_2l_4jet_mumu_channel", 1, 0., 1.);
_hist_1l_m_eff_3jet = bookHisto1D("hist_1l_m_eff_3jet" , 6, 400., 1600.);
_hist_1l_m_eff_4jet = bookHisto1D("hist_1l_m_eff_4jet" , 4, 800., 1600.);
_hist_1l_eTmiss_m_eff_soft = bookHisto1D("hist_1l_eTmiss_m_eff_soft", 6, 0.1 , 0.7 );
_hist_2l_m_eff_2jet = bookHisto1D("hist_2l_m_eff_2jet" , 5, 700., 1700.);
_hist_2l_m_eff_4jet = bookHisto1D("hist_2l_m_eff_4jet" , 5, 600., 1600.);
/// Perform the per-event analysis
void analyze(const Event& event) {
const double weight = event.weight();
// get the candiate jets
Jets cand_jets;
foreach ( const Jet& jet,
applyProjection<FastJets>(event, "AntiKtJets04").jetsByPt(20.0*GeV) ) {
if ( fabs( jet.eta() ) < 4.5 ) {
// charged tracks for isolation
Particles chg_tracks =
applyProjection<ChargedFinalState>(event, "cfs").particles();
// find the electrons
Particles cand_soft_e,cand_hard_e;
foreach( const Particle & e,
applyProjection<IdentifiedFinalState>(event, "elecs").particlesByPt()) {
double pT = e.momentum().perp();
double eta = e.eta();
// remove any leptons within 0.4 of any candidate jets
bool e_near_jet = false;
foreach ( const Jet& jet, cand_jets ) {
double dR = deltaR(e.momentum(),jet.momentum());
if ( dR < 0.4 && dR > 0.2 ) {
e_near_jet = true;
if ( e_near_jet ) continue;
// soft selection
if(pT>7.&&!(fabs(eta)>1.37&&fabs(eta)<1.52)) {
// hard selection
if(pT>10.) cand_hard_e.push_back(e);
Particles cand_soft_mu,cand_hard_mu;
foreach( const Particle & mu,
applyProjection<IdentifiedFinalState>(event, "muons").particlesByPt()) {
double pT = mu.momentum().perp();
double eta = mu.eta();
// remove any leptons within 0.4 of any candidate jets
bool mu_near_jet = false;
foreach ( const Jet& jet, cand_jets ) {
if ( deltaR(mu.momentum(),jet.momentum()) < 0.4 ) {
mu_near_jet = true;
if ( mu_near_jet ) continue;
// soft selection
if(pT>6.&&!(fabs(eta)>1.37&&fabs(eta)<1.52)) {
// hard selection
if(pT>10.) cand_hard_mu.push_back(mu);
// pTcone around muon track (hard)
Particles recon_hard_mu;
foreach ( const Particle & mu, cand_hard_mu ) {
double pTinCone = -mu.pT();
foreach ( const Particle & track, chg_tracks ) {
if ( deltaR(mu.momentum(),track.momentum()) < 0.2 )
pTinCone += track.pT();
if ( pTinCone < 1.8*GeV ) recon_hard_mu.push_back(mu);
// pTcone around muon track (soft)
Particles recon_soft_mu;
foreach ( const Particle & mu, cand_soft_mu ) {
double pTinCone = -mu.pT();
if(-pTinCone>20.) continue;
foreach ( const Particle & track, chg_tracks ) {
if ( deltaR(mu.momentum(),track.momentum()) < 0.2 )
pTinCone += track.pT();
if ( pTinCone < 1.8*GeV ) recon_soft_mu.push_back(mu);
// pTcone around electron track (hard)
Particles recon_hard_e;
foreach ( const Particle & e, cand_hard_e ) {
double pTinCone = -e.pT();
foreach ( const Particle & track, chg_tracks ) {
if ( deltaR(e.momentum(),track.momentum()) < 0.2 )
pTinCone += track.pT();
if ( pTinCone < 0.1 * e.pT() ) recon_hard_e.push_back(e);
// pTcone around electron track (soft)
Particles recon_soft_e;
foreach ( const Particle & e, cand_soft_e ) {
double pTinCone = -e.pT();
if(-pTinCone>25.) continue;
foreach ( const Particle & track, chg_tracks ) {
if ( deltaR(e.momentum(),track.momentum()) < 0.2 )
pTinCone += track.pT();
if ( pTinCone < 0.1 * e.pT() ) recon_soft_e.push_back(e);
// pTmiss
FourMomentum pTmiss;
foreach ( const Particle & p,
applyProjection<VisibleFinalState>(event, "vfs").particles() ) {
pTmiss -= p.momentum();
double eTmiss = pTmiss.pT();
// hard lepton selection
if( ! recon_hard_e.empty() || !recon_hard_mu.empty() ) {
// discard jets that overlap with electrons
Jets recon_jets;
foreach ( const Jet& jet, cand_jets ) {
jet.momentum().perp()<25.) continue;
bool away_from_e = true;
foreach ( const Particle & e, cand_hard_e ) {
if ( deltaR(e.momentum(),jet.momentum()) < 0.2 ) {
away_from_e = false;
if ( away_from_e ) recon_jets.push_back( jet );
// both selections require at least 2 jets
// meff calculation
double HT=0.;
foreach( const Jet & jet, recon_jets) {
HT += jet.momentum().perp();
double m_eff_inc = HT+eTmiss;
unsigned int njet = recon_jets.size();
// 1 lepton only
if( recon_hard_e.size() + recon_hard_mu.size() == 1 && njet >=3 ) {
// get the lepton
Particle lepton = recon_hard_e.empty() ?
recon_hard_mu[0] : recon_hard_e[0];
// lepton variables
double pT = lepton.momentum().perp();
double mT = 2.*(pT*eTmiss -
lepton.momentum().x()*pTmiss.x() -
mT = sqrt(mT);
HT += pT;
m_eff_inc += pT;
// apply the cuts on the leptons and min no. of jets
if( ( ( abs(lepton.pdgId()) == PID::ELECTRON && pT > 25. ) ||
( abs(lepton.pdgId()) == PID::MUON && pT > 20. ) ) &&
mT > 100. && eTmiss > 250. ) {
double m_eff = pT+eTmiss;
for(unsigned int ix=0;ix<3;++ix)
m_eff += recon_jets[ix].momentum().perp();
// 3 jet channel
if( (njet == 3 || recon_jets[3].momentum().perp() < 80. ) &&
recon_jets[0].momentum().perp()>100. ) {
if(eTmiss/m_eff>0.3) {
if(m_eff_inc>1200.) {
if(abs(lepton.pdgId()) == PID::ELECTRON )
// 4 jet channel
else if (njet >=4 && recon_jets[3].momentum().perp()>80.) {
m_eff += recon_jets[3].momentum().perp();
if(eTmiss/m_eff>0.2) {
if(m_eff_inc>800.) {
if(abs(lepton.pdgId()) == PID::ELECTRON )
// multi lepton
else if( recon_hard_e.size() + recon_hard_mu.size() >= 2 && njet >=2 ) {
// get all the leptons and sort them by pT
Particles leptons(recon_hard_e.begin(),recon_hard_e.end());
double m_eff(0.0);
for (size_t ix = 0; ix < leptons.size(); ++ix)
m_eff += leptons[ix].momentum().perp();
m_eff_inc += m_eff;
m_eff += eTmiss;
for (size_t ix = 0; ix < (size_t) min(4, int(recon_jets.size())); ++ix)
m_eff += recon_jets[ix].momentum().perp();
// require opposite sign leptons
if(leptons[0].pdgId()*leptons[1].pdgId()<0) {
// 2 jet
if(recon_jets[1].momentum().perp()>200 &&
( njet<4 || (njet>=4 && recon_jets[3].momentum().perp()<50.)) && eTmiss>300.) {
if(abs(leptons[0].pdgId()) == PID::ELECTRON && abs(leptons[1].pdgId()) == PID::ELECTRON )
else if (abs(leptons[0].pdgId()) == PID::MUON && abs(leptons[1].pdgId()) == PID::MUON )
// 4 jet
else if(njet>=4&& recon_jets[3].momentum().perp()>=50.&&
eTmiss>100. && eTmiss/m_eff>0.2) {
if( m_eff_inc>650. ) {
if(abs(leptons[0].pdgId()) == PID::ELECTRON && abs(leptons[1].pdgId()) == PID::ELECTRON )
else if (abs(leptons[0].pdgId()) == PID::MUON && abs(leptons[1].pdgId()) == PID::MUON )
// soft lepton selection
if( recon_soft_e.size() + recon_soft_mu.size() == 1 ) {
// discard jets that overlap with electrons
Jets recon_jets;
foreach ( const Jet& jet, cand_jets ) {
jet.momentum().perp()<25.) continue;
bool away_from_e = true;
foreach ( const Particle & e, cand_soft_e ) {
if ( deltaR(e.momentum(),jet.momentum()) < 0.2 ) {
away_from_e = false;
if ( away_from_e ) recon_jets.push_back( jet );
// meff calculation
double HT=0.;
foreach( const Jet & jet, recon_jets) {
HT += jet.momentum().perp();
double m_eff_inc = HT+eTmiss;
// get the lepton
Particle lepton = recon_soft_e.empty() ?
recon_soft_mu[0] : recon_soft_e[0];
// lepton variables
double pT = lepton.momentum().perp();
double mT = 2.*(pT*eTmiss -
lepton.momentum().x()*pTmiss.x() -
mT = sqrt(mT);
m_eff_inc += pT;
double m_eff = pT+eTmiss;
// apply final cuts
if(recon_jets.size() >= 2 && recon_jets[0].momentum().perp()>130. &&
mT>100. && eTmiss>250.) {
for(unsigned int ix=0;ix<2;++ix) m_eff += recon_jets[0].momentum().perp();
if( eTmiss/m_eff>0.3 ) {
if(abs(lepton.pdgId()) == PID::ELECTRON )
_hist_1l_eTmiss_m_eff_soft->fill( eTmiss/m_eff_inc,weight);
void finalize() {
double norm = 4.7* crossSection()/sumOfWeights()/femtobarn;
scale(_count_1l_3jet_all_channel ,norm);
scale(_count_1l_3jet_e_channel ,norm);
scale(_count_1l_3jet_mu_channel ,norm);
scale(_count_1l_4jet_all_channel ,norm);
scale(_count_1l_4jet_e_channel ,norm);
scale(_count_1l_4jet_mu_channel ,norm);
scale(_count_1l_soft_all_channel ,norm);
scale(_count_1l_soft_e_channel ,norm);
scale(_count_1l_soft_mu_channel ,norm);
scale(_count_2l_2jet_all_channel ,norm);
scale(_count_2l_2jet_ee_channel ,norm);
scale(_count_2l_2jet_emu_channel ,norm);
scale(_count_2l_2jet_mumu_channel ,norm);
scale(_count_2l_4jet_all_channel ,norm);
scale(_count_2l_4jet_ee_channel ,norm);
scale(_count_2l_4jet_emu_channel ,norm);
scale(_count_2l_4jet_mumu_channel ,norm);
scale(_hist_1l_m_eff_3jet ,200.*norm);
scale(_hist_1l_m_eff_4jet ,200.*norm);
scale(_hist_1l_eTmiss_m_eff_soft ,0.1*norm);
scale(_hist_2l_m_eff_2jet ,200.*norm);
scale(_hist_2l_m_eff_4jet ,200.*norm);
/// @name Histos
Histo1DPtr _count_1l_3jet_all_channel;
Histo1DPtr _count_1l_3jet_e_channel;
Histo1DPtr _count_1l_3jet_mu_channel;
Histo1DPtr _count_1l_4jet_all_channel;
Histo1DPtr _count_1l_4jet_e_channel;
Histo1DPtr _count_1l_4jet_mu_channel;
Histo1DPtr _count_1l_soft_all_channel;
Histo1DPtr _count_1l_soft_e_channel;
Histo1DPtr _count_1l_soft_mu_channel;
Histo1DPtr _count_2l_2jet_all_channel;
Histo1DPtr _count_2l_2jet_ee_channel;
Histo1DPtr _count_2l_2jet_emu_channel;
Histo1DPtr _count_2l_2jet_mumu_channel;
Histo1DPtr _count_2l_4jet_all_channel;
Histo1DPtr _count_2l_4jet_ee_channel;
Histo1DPtr _count_2l_4jet_emu_channel;
Histo1DPtr _count_2l_4jet_mumu_channel;
Histo1DPtr _hist_1l_m_eff_3jet;
Histo1DPtr _hist_1l_m_eff_4jet;
Histo1DPtr _hist_1l_eTmiss_m_eff_soft;
Histo1DPtr _hist_2l_m_eff_2jet;
Histo1DPtr _hist_2l_m_eff_4jet;
// The hook for the plugin system
diff --git a/src/Analyses/ b/src/Analyses/
--- a/src/Analyses/
+++ b/src/Analyses/
@@ -1,245 +1,243 @@
// -*- C++ -*-
#include "Rivet/Analysis.hh"
#include "Rivet/Tools/BinnedHistogram.hh"
#include "Rivet/Projections/FinalState.hh"
#include "Rivet/Projections/ChargedFinalState.hh"
#include "Rivet/Projections/VisibleFinalState.hh"
#include "Rivet/Projections/IdentifiedFinalState.hh"
#include "Rivet/Projections/VetoedFinalState.hh"
#include "Rivet/Projections/FastJets.hh"
#include "Rivet/Tools/RivetMT2.hh"
namespace Rivet {
class ATLAS_2012_I1186556 : public Analysis {
/// @name Constructors etc.
/// Constructor
: Analysis("ATLAS_2012_I1186556")
{ }
/// @name Analysis methods
/// Book histograms and initialize projections before the run
void init() {
// projection to find the electrons
- vector<pair<double, double> > eta_e;
- eta_e.push_back(make_pair(-2.47,2.47));
- IdentifiedFinalState elecs(eta_e, 20.0*GeV);
+ IdentifiedFinalState elecs(Range(Cuts::eta, -2.47, 2.47)
+ & (Cuts::pt >= 20.0*GeV));
addProjection(elecs, "elecs");
// projection to find the muons
- vector<pair<double, double> > eta_m;
- eta_m.push_back(make_pair(-2.4,2.4));
- IdentifiedFinalState muons(eta_m, 10.0*GeV);
+ IdentifiedFinalState muons(Range(Cuts::eta, -2.4, 2.4)
+ & (Cuts::pt >= 10.0*GeV));
addProjection(muons, "muons");
// Jet finder
VetoedFinalState vfs;
addProjection(FastJets(vfs, FastJets::ANTIKT, 0.4), "AntiKtJets04");
// all tracks (to do deltaR with leptons)
// for pTmiss
// Book histograms
_count_SR_SF = bookHisto1D("count_SR_SF" , 1, 0., 1.);
_count_SR_OF = bookHisto1D("count_SR_OF" , 1, 0., 1.);
_hist_mT2_SF_exp = bookHisto1D("hist_mT2_SF_exp", 40 , 0., 200. );
_hist_mT2_OF_exp = bookHisto1D("hist_mT2_OF_exp", 40 , 0., 200. );
_hist_mT2_SF_MC = bookHisto1D("hist_mT2_SF_MC" , 500, 0., 1000.);
_hist_mT2_OF_MC = bookHisto1D("hist_mT2_OF_MC" , 500, 0., 1000.);
/// Perform the per-event analysis
void analyze(const Event& event) {
const double weight = event.weight();
// get the candiate jets
Jets cand_jets;
foreach ( const Jet& jet,
applyProjection<FastJets>(event, "AntiKtJets04").jetsByPt(20.0*GeV) ) {
if ( fabs( jet.eta() ) < 4.5 ) {
// charged tracks for isolation
Particles chg_tracks =
applyProjection<ChargedFinalState>(event, "cfs").particles();
// find the electrons
Particles cand_e;
foreach( const Particle & e,
applyProjection<IdentifiedFinalState>(event, "elecs").particlesByPt()) {
// remove any leptons within 0.4 of any candidate jets
bool e_near_jet = false;
foreach ( const Jet& jet, cand_jets ) {
double dR = deltaR(e.momentum(),jet.momentum());
if ( dR < 0.4 && dR > 0.2 ) {
e_near_jet = true;
if ( e_near_jet ) continue;
Particles cand_mu;
foreach( const Particle & mu,
applyProjection<IdentifiedFinalState>(event, "muons").particlesByPt()) {
// remove any leptons within 0.4 of any candidate jets
bool mu_near_jet = false;
foreach ( const Jet& jet, cand_jets ) {
if ( deltaR(mu.momentum(),jet.momentum()) < 0.4 ) {
mu_near_jet = true;
if ( mu_near_jet ) continue;
// pTcone around muon track
Particles recon_mu;
foreach ( const Particle & mu, cand_mu ) {
double pTinCone = -mu.pT();
foreach ( const Particle & track, chg_tracks ) {
if ( deltaR(mu.momentum(),track.momentum()) < 0.2 )
pTinCone += track.pT();
if ( pTinCone < 1.8*GeV ) recon_mu.push_back(mu);
// pTcone around electron track
Particles recon_e;
foreach ( const Particle & e, cand_e ) {
double pTinCone = -e.pT();
foreach ( const Particle & track, chg_tracks ) {
if ( deltaR(e.momentum(),track.momentum()) < 0.2 )
pTinCone += track.pT();
if ( pTinCone < 0.1 * e.pT() ) recon_e.push_back(e);
// pTmiss
FourMomentum pTmiss;
foreach ( const Particle & p,
applyProjection<VisibleFinalState>(event, "vfs").particles() ) {
pTmiss -= p.momentum();
// discard jets that overlap with electrons
Jets recon_jets;
foreach ( const Jet& jet, cand_jets ) {
jet.momentum().perp()<20.) continue;
bool away_from_e = true;
foreach ( const Particle & e, cand_e ) {
if ( deltaR(e.momentum(),jet.momentum()) < 0.2 ) {
away_from_e = false;
if ( away_from_e ) recon_jets.push_back( jet );
// put leptons into 1 vector and order by pT
Particles leptons(recon_e.begin(),recon_e.end());
// exactly two leptons
if(leptons.size() !=2) vetoEvent;
// hardest lepton pT greater the 25 (20) e(mu)
if( (abs(leptons[0].pdgId())==PID::ELECTRON && leptons[0].momentum().perp()<25.) ||
(abs(leptons[0].pdgId())==PID::ELECTRON && leptons[0].momentum().perp()<20.))
// require opposite sign
if(leptons[0].pdgId()*leptons[1].pdgId()>0) vetoEvent;
// and invariant mass > 20
double mll = (leptons[0].momentum()+leptons[1].momentum()).mass();
if(mll<20.) vetoEvent;
// two jets 1st pT > 50 and second pT> 25
if(recon_jets.size()<2 || recon_jets[0].momentum().perp()<50. ||
recon_jets[1].momentum().perp()<25.) vetoEvent;
// calculate mT2
double m_T2 = mT2::mT2( leptons[0].momentum(),leptons[1].momentum(),
pTmiss,0.0 ); // zero mass invisibles
// same flavour region
if(leptons[0].pdgId()==-leptons[1].pdgId()) {
// remove Z region
if(mll>71.&&mll<111.) vetoEvent;
// require at least 1 b jet
unsigned int n_b=0;
for(unsigned int ix=0;ix<recon_jets.size();++ix) {
if(recon_jets[ix].containsBottom() && rand()/static_cast<double>(RAND_MAX)<=0.60)
if(n_b==0) vetoEvent;
_hist_mT2_SF_MC ->fill(m_T2,weight);
if(m_T2>120.) _count_SR_SF->fill(0.5,weight);
// opposite flavour region
else {
_hist_mT2_OF_MC ->fill(m_T2,weight);
if(m_T2>120.) _count_SR_OF->fill(0.5,weight);
void finalize() {
double norm = 4.7* crossSection()/sumOfWeights()/femtobarn;
scale(_count_SR_SF , norm);
scale(_count_SR_OF , norm);
scale(_hist_mT2_SF_MC , norm/4.7);
scale(_hist_mT2_OF_MC , norm/4.7);
/// @name Histograms
Histo1DPtr _count_SR_SF;
Histo1DPtr _count_SR_OF;
Histo1DPtr _hist_mT2_SF_exp;
Histo1DPtr _hist_mT2_OF_exp;
Histo1DPtr _hist_mT2_SF_MC;
Histo1DPtr _hist_mT2_OF_MC;
// The hook for the plugin system
diff --git a/src/Analyses/ b/src/Analyses/
--- a/src/Analyses/
+++ b/src/Analyses/
@@ -1,312 +1,310 @@
// -*- C++ -*-
#include "Rivet/Analysis.hh"
#include "Rivet/Tools/BinnedHistogram.hh"
#include "Rivet/Projections/FinalState.hh"
#include "Rivet/Projections/ChargedFinalState.hh"
#include "Rivet/Projections/VisibleFinalState.hh"
#include "Rivet/Projections/VetoedFinalState.hh"
#include "Rivet/Projections/IdentifiedFinalState.hh"
#include "Rivet/Projections/FastJets.hh"
#include "Rivet/Tools/RivetMT2.hh"
namespace Rivet {
/// @author Peter Richardson
class ATLAS_2012_I1190891 : public Analysis {
/// @name Constructors etc.
/// Constructor
: Analysis("ATLAS_2012_I1190891")
{ }
/// @name Analysis methods
/// Book histograms and initialise projections before the run
void init() {
// projection to find the electrons
- vector<pair<double, double> > eta_e;
- eta_e.push_back(make_pair(-2.47,2.47));
- IdentifiedFinalState elecs(eta_e, 10.0*GeV);
+ IdentifiedFinalState elecs(Range(Cuts::eta, -2.47, 2.47)
+ & (Cuts::pt >= 10.0*GeV));
addProjection(elecs, "elecs");
// projection to find the muons
- vector<pair<double, double> > eta_m;
- eta_m.push_back(make_pair(-2.4,2.4));
- IdentifiedFinalState muons(eta_m, 10.0*GeV);
+ IdentifiedFinalState muons(Range(Cuts::eta, -2.4, 2.4)
+ & (Cuts::pt >= 10.0*GeV));
addProjection(muons, "muons");
// for pTmiss
VetoedFinalState vfs;
/// Jet finder
addProjection(FastJets(vfs, FastJets::ANTIKT, 0.4),
// all tracks (to do deltaR with leptons)
// Book histograms
_hist_etmiss = bookHisto1D("hist_etmiss",10,0.,500.);
_hist_meff = bookHisto1D("hist_m_eff",7,0.,1050.);
_count_SR1 = bookHisto1D("count_SR1", 1, 0., 1.);
_count_SR2 = bookHisto1D("count_SR2", 1, 0., 1.);
/// Perform the per-event analysis
void analyze(const Event& event) {
const double weight = event.weight();
// get the jet candidates
Jets cand_jets;
foreach (const Jet& jet,
applyProjection<FastJets>(event, "AntiKtJets04").jetsByPt(20.0*GeV) ) {
if ( fabs( jet.eta() ) < 2.5 ) {
// candidate muons
Particles cand_mu;
Particles chg_tracks =
applyProjection<ChargedFinalState>(event, "cfs").particles();
foreach ( const Particle & mu,
applyProjection<IdentifiedFinalState>(event, "muons").particlesByPt() ) {
double pTinCone = -mu.pT();
foreach ( const Particle & track, chg_tracks ) {
if ( deltaR(mu.momentum(),track.momentum()) <= 0.2 )
pTinCone += track.pT();
if ( pTinCone < 1.8*GeV )
// candidate electrons
Particles cand_e;
foreach ( const Particle & e,
applyProjection<IdentifiedFinalState>(event, "elecs").particlesByPt() ) {
double pTinCone = -e.momentum().perp();
foreach ( const Particle & track, chg_tracks ) {
if ( deltaR(e.momentum(),track.momentum()) <= 0.2 )
pTinCone += track.pT();
if (pTinCone/e.momentum().perp()<0.1) {
// resolve jet/lepton ambiguity
Jets recon_jets;
foreach ( const Jet& jet, cand_jets ) {
bool away_from_e = true;
foreach ( const Particle & e, cand_e ) {
if ( deltaR(e.momentum(),jet.momentum()) <= 0.2 ) {
away_from_e = false;
if ( away_from_e )
recon_jets.push_back( jet );
// only keep electrons more than R=0.4 from jets
Particles cand2_e;
for(unsigned int ie=0;ie<cand_e.size();++ie) {
const Particle & e = cand_e[ie];
// at least 0.4 from any jets
bool away = true;
foreach ( const Jet& jet, recon_jets ) {
if ( deltaR(e.momentum(),jet.momentum()) < 0.4 ) {
away = false;
// and 0.1 from any muons
if ( away ) {
foreach ( const Particle & mu, cand_mu ) {
if ( deltaR(mu.momentum(),e.momentum()) < 0.1 ) {
away = false;
// and 0.1 from electrons ( keep higher energy)
for(unsigned int ie2=0;ie2<cand_e.size();++ie2) {
if(ie==ie2) continue;
if ( deltaR(e.momentum(),cand_e[ie2].momentum()) < 0.1 &&
e.momentum().E() < cand_e[ie2].momentum().E() ) {
away = false;
// if isolated keep it
if ( away )
cand2_e.push_back( e );
// remove e+e- pairs with mass < 20.
Particles recon_e;
for(unsigned int ie=0;ie<cand2_e.size();++ie) {
bool pass = true;
for(unsigned int ie2=0;ie2<cand2_e.size();++ie2) {
if(cand2_e[ie].pdgId()*cand2_e[ie2].pdgId()>0) continue;
double mtest = (cand2_e[ie].momentum()+cand2_e[ie2].momentum()).mass();
if(mtest<=20.) {
pass = false;
if(pass) recon_e.push_back(cand2_e[ie]);
// only keep muons more than R=0.4 from jets
Particles cand2_mu;
for(unsigned int imu=0;imu<cand_mu.size();++imu) {
const Particle & mu = cand_mu[imu];
bool away = true;
// at least 0.4 from any jets
foreach ( const Jet& jet, recon_jets ) {
if ( deltaR(mu.momentum(),jet.momentum()) < 0.4 ) {
away = false;
// and 0.1 from any electrona
if ( away ) {
foreach ( const Particle & e, cand_e ) {
if ( deltaR(mu.momentum(),e.momentum()) < 0.1 ) {
away = false;
if ( away )
cand2_mu.push_back( mu );
// remove mu+mu- pairs with mass < 20.
Particles recon_mu;
for(unsigned int imu=0;imu<cand2_mu.size();++imu) {
bool pass = true;
for(unsigned int imu2=0;imu2<cand2_mu.size();++imu2) {
if(cand2_mu[imu].pdgId()*cand2_mu[imu2].pdgId()>0) continue;
double mtest = (cand2_mu[imu].momentum()+cand2_mu[imu2].momentum()).mass();
if(mtest<=20.) {
pass = false;
if(pass) recon_mu.push_back(cand2_mu[imu]);
// pTmiss
Particles vfs_particles =
applyProjection<VisibleFinalState>(event, "vfs").particles();
FourMomentum pTmiss;
foreach ( const Particle & p, vfs_particles ) {
pTmiss -= p.momentum();
double eTmiss = pTmiss.pT();
// now only use recon_jets, recon_mu, recon_e
// reject events with less than 4 electrons and muons
if ( recon_mu.size() + recon_e.size() < 4 ) {
MSG_DEBUG("To few charged leptons left after selection");
// check if passes single lepton trigger
bool passSingle =
( !recon_e .empty() && recon_e[0] .momentum().perp()>25. )||
( !recon_mu.empty() && recon_mu[0].momentum().perp()>20.);
// or two lepton trigger
bool passDouble =
( recon_mu.size()>=2 && recon_mu[1].momentum().perp()>12.) ||
( recon_e .size()>=2 && recon_e [1].momentum().perp()>17.) ||
( !recon_e.empty() && !recon_mu.empty() &&
recon_e[0].momentum().perp()>15. && recon_mu[0].momentum().perp()>10.);
// must pass a trigger
if( !passSingle && !passDouble ) {
MSG_DEBUG("Hardest lepton fails trigger");
// calculate meff
double meff = eTmiss;
foreach ( const Particle & e , recon_e )
meff += e.momentum().perp();
foreach ( const Particle & mu, recon_mu )
meff += mu.momentum().perp();
foreach ( const Jet & jet, recon_jets ) {
double pT = jet.momentum().perp();
if(pT>40.) meff += pT;
// mass of SFOS pairs closest to the Z mass
for(unsigned int ix=0;ix<recon_e.size();++ix) {
for(unsigned int iy=ix+1;iy<recon_e.size();++iy) {
if(recon_e[ix].pdgId()*recon_e[iy].pdgId()>0) continue;
double mtest = (recon_e[ix].momentum()+recon_e[iy].momentum()).mass();
if(mtest>81.2 && mtest<101.2) vetoEvent;
for(unsigned int ix=0;ix<recon_mu.size();++ix) {
for(unsigned int iy=ix+1;iy<recon_mu.size();++iy) {
if(recon_mu[ix].pdgId()*recon_mu[iy].pdgId()>0) continue;
double mtest = (recon_mu[ix].momentum()+recon_mu[iy].momentum()).mass();
if(mtest>81.2 && mtest<101.2) vetoEvent;
// make the control plots
_hist_etmiss ->fill(eTmiss,weight);
_hist_meff ->fill(meff ,weight);
// finally the counts
if(eTmiss>50.) _count_SR1->fill(0.5,weight);
if(meff >300.) _count_SR2->fill(0.5,weight);
void finalize() {
double norm = crossSection()/femtobarn*4.7/sumOfWeights();
scale(_hist_etmiss,norm* 50.);
scale(_hist_meff ,norm*150.);
/// @name Histograms
Histo1DPtr _hist_etmiss;
Histo1DPtr _hist_meff;
Histo1DPtr _count_SR1;
Histo1DPtr _count_SR2;
// The hook for the plugin system
diff --git a/src/Analyses/ b/src/Analyses/
--- a/src/Analyses/
+++ b/src/Analyses/
@@ -1,470 +1,466 @@
// -*- C++ -*-
#include "Rivet/Analysis.hh"
#include "Rivet/Tools/BinnedHistogram.hh"
#include "Rivet/Projections/FinalState.hh"
#include "Rivet/Projections/ChargedFinalState.hh"
#include "Rivet/Projections/VisibleFinalState.hh"
#include "Rivet/Projections/IdentifiedFinalState.hh"
#include "Rivet/Projections/FastJets.hh"
#include "Rivet/Projections/VetoedFinalState.hh"
namespace Rivet {
class ATLAS_2012_I943401 : public Analysis {
/// @name Constructors etc.
/// Constructor
: Analysis("ATLAS_2012_I943401")
{ }
/// @name Analysis methods
/// Book histograms and initialise projections before the run
void init() {
// projection to find the electrons
- std::vector<std::pair<double, double> > eta_e;
- eta_e.push_back(make_pair(-2.47,2.47));
- IdentifiedFinalState elecs(eta_e, 20.0*GeV);
+ IdentifiedFinalState elecs(Range(Cuts::eta, -2.47, 2.47) & (Cuts::pt >= 20.0*GeV));
addProjection(elecs, "elecs");
// projection to find the muons
- std::vector<std::pair<double, double> > eta_m;
- eta_m.push_back(make_pair(-2.4,2.4));
- IdentifiedFinalState muons(eta_m, 10.0*GeV);
+ IdentifiedFinalState muons(Range(Cuts::eta, -2.4, 2.4) & (Cuts::pt >= 10.0*GeV));
addProjection(muons, "muons");
// jet finder
VetoedFinalState vfs;
addProjection(FastJets(vfs, FastJets::ANTIKT, 0.4),
// all tracks (to do deltaR with leptons)
// for pTmiss
- addProjection(VisibleFinalState(-4.5,4.5),"vfs");
+ addProjection(VisibleFinalState(Range(Cuts::eta, -4.5, 4.5)),"vfs");
// book histograms
// counts in signal regions
_count_OS_SR1 = bookHisto1D("count_OS_SR1", 1, 0., 1.);
_count_OS_SR2 = bookHisto1D("count_OS_SR2", 1, 0., 1.);
_count_OS_SR3 = bookHisto1D("count_OS_SR3", 1, 0., 1.);
_count_SS_SR1 = bookHisto1D("count_SS_SR1", 1, 0., 1.);
_count_SS_SR2 = bookHisto1D("count_SS_SR2", 1, 0., 1.);
_count_FS_SR1 = bookHisto1D("count_FS_SR1", 1, 0., 1.);
_count_FS_SR2 = bookHisto1D("count_FS_SR2", 1, 0., 1.);
_count_FS_SR3 = bookHisto1D("count_FS_SR3", 1, 0., 1.);
// histograms from paper
_hist_mll_SS_D = bookHisto1D( 1,1,1);
_hist_mll_SS_B = bookHisto1D( 1,1,2);
_hist_eTmiss_SS_D = bookHisto1D( 2,1,1);
_hist_eTmiss_SS_B = bookHisto1D( 2,1,2);
_hist_mll_SS_2Jet_D = bookHisto1D( 3,1,1);
_hist_mll_SS_2Jet_B = bookHisto1D( 3,1,2);
_hist_njet_SS_D = bookHisto1D( 5,1,1);
_hist_njet_SS_B = bookHisto1D( 5,1,2);
_hist_pT_j1_SS_D = bookHisto1D( 6,1,1);
_hist_pT_j1_SS_B = bookHisto1D( 6,1,2);
_hist_pT_j2_SS_D = bookHisto1D( 7,1,1);
_hist_pT_j2_SS_B = bookHisto1D( 7,1,2);
_hist_pT_l1_SS_D = bookHisto1D( 8,1,1);
_hist_pT_l1_SS_B = bookHisto1D( 8,1,2);
_hist_pT_l2_SS_D = bookHisto1D( 9,1,1);
_hist_pT_l2_SS_B = bookHisto1D( 9,1,2);
_hist_mll_OS_D = bookHisto1D(10,1,1);
_hist_mll_OS_B = bookHisto1D(10,1,2);
_hist_eTmiss_OS_D = bookHisto1D(11,1,1);
_hist_eTmiss_OS_B = bookHisto1D(11,1,2);
_hist_eTmiss_3Jet_OS_D = bookHisto1D(12,1,1);
_hist_eTmiss_3Jet_OS_B = bookHisto1D(12,1,2);
_hist_eTmiss_4Jet_OS_D = bookHisto1D(13,1,1);
_hist_eTmiss_4Jet_OS_B = bookHisto1D(13,1,2);
_hist_njet_OS_D = bookHisto1D(14,1,1);
_hist_njet_OS_B = bookHisto1D(14,1,2);
_hist_pT_j1_OS_D = bookHisto1D(15,1,1);
_hist_pT_j1_OS_B = bookHisto1D(15,1,2);
_hist_pT_j2_OS_D = bookHisto1D(16,1,1);
_hist_pT_j2_OS_B = bookHisto1D(16,1,2);
_hist_pT_l1_OS_D = bookHisto1D(17,1,1);
_hist_pT_l1_OS_B = bookHisto1D(17,1,2);
_hist_pT_l2_OS_D = bookHisto1D(18,1,1);
_hist_pT_l2_OS_B = bookHisto1D(18,1,2);
// <dataPointSet name="d04-x01-y01" dimension="2" path="/REF/ATLAS_2011_I943401" title="EVENTS/10 GEV" >
// <dataPointSet name="d04-x01-y02" dimension="2" path="/REF/ATLAS_2011_I943401" title="EVENTS/10 GEV" >
/// Perform the event analysis
void analyze(const Event& event) {
// event weight
const double weight = event.weight();
// get the jet candidates
Jets cand_jets;
foreach (const Jet& jet,
applyProjection<FastJets>(event, "AntiKtJets04").jetsByPt(20.0*GeV) ) {
if ( fabs( jet.eta() ) < 2.8 ) {
// electron candidates
Particles cand_e =
applyProjection<IdentifiedFinalState>(event, "elecs").particlesByPt();
// Discard jets that overlap with electrons
Jets recon_jets;
foreach ( const Jet& jet, cand_jets ) {
bool away_from_e = true;
foreach ( const Particle & e, cand_e ) {
if ( deltaR(e.momentum(),jet.momentum()) <= 0.2 ) {
away_from_e = false;
if ( away_from_e ) recon_jets.push_back( jet );
// get the charged tracks for isolation
Particles chg_tracks =
applyProjection<ChargedFinalState>(event, "cfs").particles();
// Reconstructed electrons
Particles recon_e;
foreach ( const Particle & e, cand_e ) {
// check not near a jet
bool e_near_jet = false;
foreach ( const Jet& jet, recon_jets ) {
if ( deltaR(e.momentum(),jet.momentum()) < 0.4 ) {
e_near_jet = true;
if ( e_near_jet ) continue;
// check the isolation
double pTinCone = -e.pT();
foreach ( const Particle & track, chg_tracks ) {
if ( deltaR(e.momentum(),track.momentum()) < 0.2 )
pTinCone += track.pT();
if ( pTinCone < 0.1*e.momentum().perp() )
// Reconstructed Muons
Particles recon_mu;
Particles cand_mu =
foreach ( const Particle & mu, cand_mu ) {
// check not near a jet
bool mu_near_jet = false;
foreach ( const Jet& jet, recon_jets ) {
if ( deltaR(mu.momentum(),jet.momentum()) < 0.4 ) {
mu_near_jet = true;
if ( mu_near_jet ) continue;
// isolation
double pTinCone = -mu.pT();
foreach ( const Particle & track, chg_tracks ) {
if ( deltaR(mu.momentum(),track.momentum()) < 0.2 )
pTinCone += track.pT();
if ( pTinCone < 1.8*GeV )
// pTmiss
Particles vfs_particles
= applyProjection<VisibleFinalState>(event, "vfs").particles();
FourMomentum pTmiss;
foreach ( const Particle & p, vfs_particles ) {
pTmiss -= p.momentum();
double eTmiss = pTmiss.pT();
// ATLAS calo problem
if(rand()/static_cast<double>(RAND_MAX)<=0.42) {
foreach ( const Particle & e, recon_e ) {
double eta = e.eta();
double phi = e.momentum().azimuthalAngle(MINUSPI_PLUSPI);
foreach ( const Jet & jet, recon_jets ) {
double eta = jet.rapidity();
double phi = jet.momentum().azimuthalAngle(MINUSPI_PLUSPI);
if(jet.momentum().perp()>40 && eta>-0.1&&eta<1.5&&phi>-0.9&&phi<-0.5)
// Exactly two leptons for each event
if ( recon_mu.size() + recon_e.size() != 2)
// two electrons highest pT > 25
Particles recon_leptons;
if(recon_e.size()==2&&recon_e[0].momentum().perp()>25.) {
recon_leptons = recon_e;
// two muons highest pT > 20
else if(recon_mu.size()==2&&recon_mu[0].momentum().perp()>20.) {
recon_leptons = recon_mu;
else if(recon_e.size()==1 && recon_mu.size()==1 &&
(recon_e[0].momentum().perp()>25. ||recon_mu[0].momentum().perp()>20. )) {
if(recon_mu[0].momentum().perp()<recon_e[0].momentum().perp()) {
recon_leptons.push_back(recon_e [0]);
else {
recon_leptons.push_back(recon_e [0]);
// fails trigger
double mll = (recon_leptons[0].momentum()+recon_leptons[1].momentum()).mass();
// lepton pair mass > 12.
if(mll < 12.) vetoEvent;
// same sign or opposite sign event
int sign = recon_leptons[0].pdgId()*recon_leptons[1].pdgId();
// same sign leptons
if(sign>0) {
_hist_mll_SS_D ->fill(mll ,weight);
_hist_mll_SS_B ->fill(mll ,weight);
if(recon_jets.size()>=2) {
_hist_mll_SS_2Jet_D ->fill(mll ,weight);
_hist_mll_SS_2Jet_B ->fill(mll ,weight);
_hist_njet_SS_D ->fill(recon_jets.size(),weight);
_hist_njet_SS_B ->fill(recon_jets.size(),weight);
if(!recon_jets.empty()) {
if(recon_jets.size()>2) {
// SS-SR1
if(eTmiss>100.) {
// SS-SR2
if(eTmiss>80. && recon_jets.size()>=2 &&
recon_jets[1].momentum().perp()>50.) {
// opposite sign
else {
_hist_mll_OS_D->fill(mll ,weight);
_hist_mll_OS_B->fill(mll ,weight);
if(!recon_jets.empty()) {
if(recon_jets.size()>2) {
// different signal regions
// OS-SR1
if(eTmiss>250.) {
// OS-SR2
if(eTmiss>220. && recon_jets.size()>=3 &&
recon_jets[0].momentum().perp()>80. &&
recon_jets[2].momentum().perp()>40.) {
// OS-SR3
if(eTmiss>100. && recon_jets.size()>=4 &&
recon_jets[0].momentum().perp()>100. &&
recon_jets[3].momentum().perp()>70.) {
// same flavour analysis
static const double beta = 0.75;
static const double tau_e = 0.96;
static const double tau_mu = 0.816;
double fs_weight = weight;
if(abs(recon_leptons[0].pdgId())==PID::ELECTRON && abs(recon_leptons[1].pdgId())==PID::ELECTRON) {
fs_weight /= beta*(1.-sqr(1.-tau_e));
else if(abs(recon_leptons[0].pdgId())==PID::MUON && abs(recon_leptons[1].pdgId())==PID::MUON) {
fs_weight *= beta/(1.-sqr(1.-tau_mu));
else {
fs_weight /= -(1.-(1.-tau_e)*(1.-tau_mu));
// FS-SR1
if(eTmiss>80.&& (mll<80.||mll>100.)) {
// FS-SR2
if(eTmiss>80.&&recon_jets.size()>=2) {
// FS-SR3
if(eTmiss>250.) {
void finalize() {
double norm = crossSection()/femtobarn*1.04/sumOfWeights();
// event counts
// histograms
scale(_hist_mll_SS_D ,norm*20.);
scale(_hist_mll_SS_B ,norm*20.);
scale(_hist_eTmiss_SS_D ,norm*20.);
scale(_hist_eTmiss_SS_B ,norm*20.);
scale(_hist_njet_SS_D ,norm );
scale(_hist_njet_SS_B ,norm );
scale(_hist_pT_j1_SS_D ,norm*20.);
scale(_hist_pT_j1_SS_B ,norm*20.);
scale(_hist_pT_j2_SS_D ,norm*20.);
scale(_hist_pT_j2_SS_B ,norm*20.);
scale(_hist_pT_l1_SS_D ,norm*5. );
scale(_hist_pT_l1_SS_B ,norm*5. );
scale(_hist_pT_l2_SS_D ,norm*5. );
scale(_hist_pT_l2_SS_B ,norm*5. );
scale(_hist_mll_OS_D ,norm*10.);
scale(_hist_mll_OS_B ,norm*10.);
scale(_hist_eTmiss_OS_D ,norm*10.);
scale(_hist_eTmiss_OS_B ,norm*10.);
scale(_hist_njet_OS_D ,norm );
scale(_hist_njet_OS_B ,norm );
scale(_hist_pT_j1_OS_D ,norm*20.);
scale(_hist_pT_j1_OS_B ,norm*20.);
scale(_hist_pT_j2_OS_D ,norm*20.);
scale(_hist_pT_j2_OS_B ,norm*20.);
scale(_hist_pT_l1_OS_D ,norm*20.);
scale(_hist_pT_l1_OS_B ,norm*20.);
scale(_hist_pT_l2_OS_D ,norm*20.);
scale(_hist_pT_l2_OS_B ,norm*20.);
/// @name Histograms
Histo1DPtr _count_OS_SR1;
Histo1DPtr _count_OS_SR2;
Histo1DPtr _count_OS_SR3;
Histo1DPtr _count_SS_SR1;
Histo1DPtr _count_SS_SR2;
Histo1DPtr _count_FS_SR1;
Histo1DPtr _count_FS_SR2;
Histo1DPtr _count_FS_SR3;
Histo1DPtr _hist_mll_SS_D;
Histo1DPtr _hist_mll_SS_B;
Histo1DPtr _hist_eTmiss_SS_D;
Histo1DPtr _hist_eTmiss_SS_B;
Histo1DPtr _hist_mll_SS_2Jet_D;
Histo1DPtr _hist_mll_SS_2Jet_B;
Histo1DPtr _hist_njet_SS_D;
Histo1DPtr _hist_njet_SS_B;
Histo1DPtr _hist_pT_j1_SS_D;
Histo1DPtr _hist_pT_j1_SS_B;
Histo1DPtr _hist_pT_j2_SS_D;
Histo1DPtr _hist_pT_j2_SS_B;
Histo1DPtr _hist_pT_l1_SS_D;
Histo1DPtr _hist_pT_l1_SS_B;
Histo1DPtr _hist_pT_l2_SS_D;
Histo1DPtr _hist_pT_l2_SS_B;
Histo1DPtr _hist_mll_OS_D;
Histo1DPtr _hist_mll_OS_B;
Histo1DPtr _hist_eTmiss_OS_D;
Histo1DPtr _hist_eTmiss_OS_B;
Histo1DPtr _hist_eTmiss_3Jet_OS_D;
Histo1DPtr _hist_eTmiss_3Jet_OS_B;
Histo1DPtr _hist_eTmiss_4Jet_OS_D;
Histo1DPtr _hist_eTmiss_4Jet_OS_B;
Histo1DPtr _hist_njet_OS_D ;
Histo1DPtr _hist_njet_OS_B ;
Histo1DPtr _hist_pT_j1_OS_D;
Histo1DPtr _hist_pT_j1_OS_B;
Histo1DPtr _hist_pT_j2_OS_D;
Histo1DPtr _hist_pT_j2_OS_B;
Histo1DPtr _hist_pT_l1_OS_D;
Histo1DPtr _hist_pT_l1_OS_B;
Histo1DPtr _hist_pT_l2_OS_D;
Histo1DPtr _hist_pT_l2_OS_B;
// The hook for the plugin system
diff --git a/src/Analyses/ b/src/Analyses/
--- a/src/Analyses/
+++ b/src/Analyses/
@@ -1,158 +1,159 @@
// -*- C++ -*-
#include "Rivet/Analysis.hh"
#include "Rivet/Projections/FinalState.hh"
#include "Rivet/Projections/VetoedFinalState.hh"
#include "Rivet/Projections/IdentifiedFinalState.hh"
#include "Rivet/Projections/LeptonClusters.hh"
#include "Rivet/Projections/FastJets.hh"
namespace Rivet {
class ATLAS_2013_I1217867 : public Analysis {
/// @name Constructors etc.
/// Constructor
: Analysis("ATLAS_2013_I1217867")
_h_dI.resize(2, std::vector<Histo1DPtr>(m_njet));
_h_dI_ratio.resize(2, std::vector<Histo1DPtr>(m_njet-1));
/// @name Analysis methods
/// Book histograms and initialise projections before the run
void init() {
// Initialise projections
FinalState fs(-5.0, 5.0, 0.0*GeV);
IdentifiedFinalState bareElectrons(fs);
- vector<pair<double, double> > etaRangesElectrons;
- etaRangesElectrons.push_back(make_pair(-2.47, -1.52));
- etaRangesElectrons.push_back(make_pair(-1.37, 1.37));
- etaRangesElectrons.push_back(make_pair(1.52, 2.47));
- LeptonClusters electronClusters(fs, bareElectrons, 0.1, true, etaRangesElectrons, 20.0*GeV);
+ Cut cuts = ( Range(Cuts::eta, -2.47, -1.52)
+ | Range(Cuts::eta, -1.37, 1.37)
+ | Range(Cuts::eta, 1.52, 2.47) ) & (Cuts::pt >= 20.0*GeV);
+ LeptonClusters electronClusters(fs, bareElectrons, 0.1, true, cuts);
addProjection(electronClusters, "electronClusters");
IdentifiedFinalState bareMuons(fs);
- vector<pair<double, double> > etaRangesMuons;
- etaRangesMuons.push_back(make_pair(-2.4, 2.4));
- LeptonClusters muonClusters(fs, bareMuons, 0.1, true, etaRangesMuons, 20.0*GeV);
+ Cut mucuts = Range(Cuts::eta,-2.4,2.4) & (Cuts::pt >= 20.0*GeV);
+ LeptonClusters muonClusters(fs, bareMuons, 0.1, true, mucuts);
addProjection(muonClusters, "muonClusters");
IdentifiedFinalState neutrinos(-MAXRAPIDITY, MAXRAPIDITY, 25.0*GeV);
addProjection(neutrinos, "neutrinos");
VetoedFinalState jetFS(fs);
FastJets jetpro(jetFS, FastJets::KT, 0.6);
addProjection(jetpro, "jets");
// Book histograms
for (size_t flav=0; flav < 2; ++flav) {
for (size_t i=0; i < m_njet; ++i) _h_dI[flav][i] = bookHisto1D(i+1, 1, flav+1);
for (size_t i=0; i < m_njet-1; ++i) _h_dI_ratio[flav][i] = bookHisto1D(4+i+1, 1, flav+1);
/// Perform the per-event analysis
void analyze(const Event& e) {
const double weight = e.weight();
const LeptonClusters& electronClusters = applyProjection<LeptonClusters>(e, "electronClusters");
const LeptonClusters& muonClusters = applyProjection<LeptonClusters>(e, "muonClusters");
int ne = electronClusters.clusteredLeptons().size();
int nmu = muonClusters.clusteredLeptons().size();
FourMomentum lepton;
size_t flav = 2;
if (ne==1) {
flav = 0;
if (nmu > 0) vetoEvent;
else if (nmu == 1) {
flav = 1;
if (ne > 0) vetoEvent;
else {
const Particles& neutrinos = applyProjection<FinalState>(e, "neutrinos").particlesByPt();
if (neutrinos.size() < 1) vetoEvent;
FourMomentum neutrino = neutrinos[0].momentum();
double mtW=sqrt(2.0*lepton.pT()*neutrino.pT()*(1-cos(lepton.phi()-neutrino.phi())));
if (mtW<40.0*GeV) vetoEvent;
const fastjet::ClusterSequence* seq = applyProjection<FastJets>(e, "jets").clusterSeq();
if (seq != NULL) {
for (size_t i = 0; i < min(m_njet,(size_t)seq->n_particles()); ++i) {
double d_ij = sqrt(seq->exclusive_dmerge_max(i));
_h_dI[flav][i]->fill(d_ij, weight);
if (i<m_njet-1) {
if (d_ij>20.0*GeV) {
double d_ijplus1 = sqrt(seq->exclusive_dmerge_max(i+1));
_h_dI_ratio[flav][i]->fill(d_ijplus1/d_ij, weight);
/// Normalise histograms etc., after the run
void finalize() {
for (size_t flav = 0; flav < 2; ++flav) {
for (size_t i = 0; i < m_njet; ++i) {
normalize(_h_dI[flav][i], 1.0, false);
if (i < m_njet-1) normalize(_h_dI_ratio[flav][i], 1.0, false);
/// @name Histograms
std::vector<std::vector<Histo1DPtr> > _h_dI;
std::vector<std::vector<Histo1DPtr> > _h_dI_ratio;
size_t m_njet;
// The hook for the plugin system
diff --git a/src/Analyses/ b/src/Analyses/
--- a/src/Analyses/
+++ b/src/Analyses/
@@ -1,357 +1,361 @@
// -*- C++ -*-
#include "Rivet/Analysis.hh"
#include "Rivet/Projections/ZFinder.hh"
#include "Rivet/Projections/FastJets.hh"
#include "Rivet/Projections/VetoedFinalState.hh"
namespace Rivet {
class ATLAS_2013_I1230812 : public Analysis {
/// @name Constructors etc.
/// Constructor
ATLAS_2013_I1230812(std::string name="ATLAS_2013_I1230812")
: Analysis(name),
_weights_incl(7, 0.0),
_weights_excl(7, 0.0),
_weights_excl_pt150(7, 0.0),
_weights_excl_vbf(7, 0.0)
_mode = 1;
/// Book histograms and initialise projections before the run
void init() {
if (_mode==1) {
// combined
- ZFinder zfinder(-2.5, 2.5, 20, PID::ELECTRON, 66.0*GeV, 116.0*GeV, 0.1, true, false);
+ Cut cuts = Range(Cuts::eta,-2.5,2.5) & (Cuts::pt >= 20.0*GeV);
+ ZFinder zfinder(FinalState(), cuts,
+ PID::ELECTRON, 66.0*GeV, 116.0*GeV, 0.1, true, false);
addProjection(zfinder, "zfinder");
else if (_mode==2) {
// electron
- std::vector<std::pair<double, double> > eta_e;
- eta_e.push_back(make_pair(-2.47, -1.52));
- eta_e.push_back(make_pair(-1.37, 1.37));
- eta_e.push_back(make_pair( 1.52, 2.47));
- ZFinder zfinder(eta_e, 20, PID::ELECTRON, 66.0*GeV, 116.0*GeV, 0.1, true, false);
+ Cut cuts = ( Range(Cuts::eta, -2.47, -1.52)
+ | Range(Cuts::eta, -1.37, 1.37)
+ | Range(Cuts::eta, 1.52, 2.47) ) & (Cuts::pt >= 20.0*GeV);
+ ZFinder zfinder(FinalState(), cuts,
+ PID::ELECTRON, 66.0*GeV, 116.0*GeV, 0.1, true, false);
addProjection(zfinder, "zfinder");
else if (_mode==3) {
// muon
- ZFinder zfinder(-2.4, 2.4, 20, PID::MUON, 66.0*GeV, 116.0*GeV, 0.1, true, false);
+ Cut mucuts = Range(Cuts::eta,-2.4,2.4) & (Cuts::pt >= 20.0*GeV);
+ ZFinder zfinder(FinalState(), mucuts,
+ PID::MUON, 66.0*GeV, 116.0*GeV, 0.1, true, false);
addProjection(zfinder, "zfinder");
// Define veto FS in order to prevent Z-decay products entering the jet algorithm
VetoedFinalState had_fs;
FastJets jets(had_fs, FastJets::ANTIKT, 0.4);
addProjection(jets, "jets");
_h_njet_incl = bookHisto1D (1, 1, _mode);
_h_njet_incl_ratio = bookScatter2D(2, 1, _mode, true);
_h_njet_excl = bookHisto1D (3, 1, _mode);
_h_njet_excl_ratio = bookScatter2D (4, 1, _mode, true);
_h_njet_excl_pt150 = bookHisto1D (5, 1, _mode);
_h_njet_excl_pt150_ratio = bookScatter2D (6, 1, _mode, true);
_h_njet_excl_vbf = bookHisto1D (7, 1, _mode);
_h_njet_excl_vbf_ratio = bookScatter2D (8, 1, _mode, true);
_h_ptlead = bookHisto1D (9, 1, _mode);
_h_ptseclead = bookHisto1D (10, 1, _mode);
_h_ptthirdlead = bookHisto1D (11, 1, _mode);
_h_ptfourthlead = bookHisto1D (12, 1, _mode);
_h_ptlead_excl = bookHisto1D (13, 1, _mode);
_h_pt_ratio = bookHisto1D (14, 1, _mode);
_h_pt_z = bookHisto1D (15, 1, _mode);
_h_pt_z_excl = bookHisto1D (16, 1, _mode);
_h_ylead = bookHisto1D (17, 1, _mode);
_h_yseclead = bookHisto1D (18, 1, _mode);
_h_ythirdlead = bookHisto1D (19, 1, _mode);
_h_yfourthlead = bookHisto1D (20, 1, _mode);
_h_deltay = bookHisto1D (21, 1, _mode);
_h_mass = bookHisto1D (22, 1, _mode);
_h_deltaphi = bookHisto1D (23, 1, _mode);
_h_deltaR = bookHisto1D (24, 1, _mode);
_h_ptthirdlead_vbf = bookHisto1D (25, 1, _mode);
_h_ythirdlead_vbf = bookHisto1D (26, 1, _mode);
_h_ht = bookHisto1D (27, 1, _mode);
_h_st = bookHisto1D (28, 1, _mode);
/// Perform the per-event analysis
void analyze(const Event& event) {
const ZFinder& zfinder = applyProjection<ZFinder>(event, "zfinder");
if (zfinder.constituents().size()!=2) vetoEvent;
FourMomentum z = zfinder.bosons()[0].momentum();
FourMomentum lp = zfinder.constituents()[0].momentum();
FourMomentum lm = zfinder.constituents()[1].momentum();
if (deltaR(lp, lm)<0.2) vetoEvent;
Jets jets;
/// @todo Replace with a Cut passed to jetsByPt
foreach(const Jet& jet, applyProjection<FastJets>(event, "jets").jetsByPt(30.0*GeV)) {
FourMomentum jmom = jet.momentum();
if (fabs(jmom.rapidity()) < 4.4 && deltaR(lp, jmom) > 0.5 && deltaR(lm, jmom) > 0.5) {
const double weight = event.weight();
if (jets.size()<7) _weights_excl[jets.size()] += weight;
for (size_t i=0; i<7; ++i) {
if (jets.size()>=i) _weights_incl[i] += weight;
// Fill jet multiplicities
for (size_t ijet=1; ijet<=jets.size(); ++ijet) {
_h_njet_incl->fill(ijet, weight);
_h_njet_excl->fill(jets.size(), weight);
// Require at least one jet
if (jets.size() >= 1)
// Leading jet histos
const double ptlead = jets[0].momentum().pT()/GeV;
const double yabslead = fabs(jets[0].momentum().rapidity());
const double ptz = z.pT()/GeV;
_h_ptlead->fill(ptlead, weight);
_h_ylead ->fill(yabslead, weight);
_h_pt_z ->fill(ptz, weight);
// Fill jet multiplicities
_h_njet_excl_pt150->fill(jets.size(), weight);
if (jets.size()<7) _weights_excl_pt150[jets.size()] += weight;
// Loop over selected jets, fill inclusive distributions
double st=0;
double ht=lp.pT()/GeV+lm.pT()/GeV;
for (size_t ijet = 0; ijet < jets.size(); ++ijet) {
_h_ht->fill(ht, weight);
_h_st->fill(st, weight);
// Require exactly one jet
if (jets.size() == 1)
_h_ptlead_excl->fill(ptlead, weight);
_h_pt_z_excl ->fill(ptz, weight);
// Require at least two jets
if (jets.size() >= 2) {
// Second jet histos
const double ptlead = jets[0].momentum().pT()/GeV;
const double pt2ndlead = jets[1].momentum().pT()/GeV;
const double ptratio = pt2ndlead/ptlead;
const double yabs2ndlead = fabs(jets[1].momentum().rapidity());
_h_ptseclead ->fill(pt2ndlead, weight);
_h_yseclead ->fill(yabs2ndlead, weight);
_h_pt_ratio ->fill(ptratio, weight);
// Dijet histos
const double deltaphi = fabs(deltaPhi(jets[1], jets[0]));
const double deltarap = fabs(jets[0].momentum().rapidity() - jets[1].momentum().rapidity()) ;
const double deltar = fabs(deltaR(jets[0], jets[1], RAPIDITY));
const double mass = (jets[0].momentum() + jets[1].momentum()).mass()/GeV;
_h_mass ->fill(mass, weight);
_h_deltay ->fill(deltarap, weight);
_h_deltaphi ->fill(deltaphi, weight);
_h_deltaR ->fill(deltar, weight);
_h_njet_excl_vbf->fill(jets.size(), weight);
if (jets.size()<7) _weights_excl_vbf[jets.size()] += weight;
// Require at least three jets
if (jets.size() >= 3) {
// Third jet histos
const double pt3rdlead = jets[2].momentum().pT()/GeV;
const double yabs3rdlead = fabs(jets[2].momentum().rapidity());
_h_ptthirdlead ->fill(pt3rdlead, weight);
_h_ythirdlead ->fill(yabs3rdlead, weight);
//Histos after VBF preselection
const double deltarap = fabs(jets[0].momentum().rapidity() - jets[1].momentum().rapidity()) ;
const double mass = (jets[0].momentum() + jets[1].momentum()).mass();
_h_ptthirdlead_vbf ->fill(pt3rdlead, weight);
_h_ythirdlead_vbf ->fill(yabs3rdlead, weight);
// Require at least four jets
if (jets.size() >= 4) {
// Fourth jet histos
const double pt4thlead = jets[3].momentum().pT()/GeV;
const double yabs4thlead = fabs(jets[3].momentum().rapidity());
_h_ptfourthlead ->fill(pt4thlead, weight);
_h_yfourthlead ->fill(yabs4thlead, weight);
/// @name Ratio calculator util functions
/// Calculate the ratio, being careful about div-by-zero
double ratio(double a, double b) {
return (b != 0) ? a/b : 0;
/// Calculate the ratio error, being careful about div-by-zero
double ratio_err_incl(double a, double b) {
return (b != 0) ? sqrt(a/b*(1-a/b)/b) : 0;
/// Calculate the ratio error, being careful about div-by-zero
double ratio_err_excl(double a, double b) {
return (b != 0) ? sqrt(a/sqr(b) + sqr(a)/(b*b*b)) : 0;
void finalize() {
for (size_t i=0; i<6; ++i) {
_h_njet_incl_ratio->point(i).setY(ratio(_weights_incl[i+1], _weights_incl[i]),
ratio_err_incl(_weights_incl[i+1], _weights_incl[i]));
_h_njet_excl_ratio->point(i).setY(ratio(_weights_excl[i+1], _weights_excl[i]),
ratio_err_excl(_weights_excl[i+1], _weights_excl[i]));
if (i>=1) _h_njet_excl_pt150_ratio->point(i-1).setY
(ratio(_weights_excl_pt150[i+1], _weights_excl_pt150[i]),
ratio_err_excl(_weights_excl_pt150[i+1], _weights_excl_pt150[i]));
if (i>=2) _h_njet_excl_vbf_ratio->point(i-2).setY
(ratio(_weights_excl_vbf[i+1], _weights_excl_vbf[i]),
ratio_err_excl(_weights_excl_vbf[i+1], _weights_excl_vbf[i]));
double xs = crossSectionPerEvent()/picobarn;
scale(_h_njet_incl , xs);
scale(_h_njet_excl , xs);
scale(_h_njet_excl_pt150, xs);
scale(_h_njet_excl_vbf , xs);
scale(_h_ptlead , xs);
scale(_h_ptseclead , xs);
scale(_h_ptthirdlead , xs);
scale(_h_ptfourthlead , xs);
scale(_h_ptlead_excl , xs);
scale(_h_pt_ratio , xs);
scale(_h_pt_z , xs);
scale(_h_pt_z_excl , xs);
scale(_h_ylead , xs);
scale(_h_yseclead , xs);
scale(_h_ythirdlead , xs);
scale(_h_yfourthlead , xs);
scale(_h_deltay , xs);
scale(_h_mass , xs);
scale(_h_deltaphi , xs);
scale(_h_deltaR , xs);
scale(_h_ptthirdlead_vbf, xs);
scale(_h_ythirdlead_vbf , xs);
scale(_h_ht , xs);
scale(_h_st , xs);
size_t _mode;
std::vector<double> _weights_incl;
std::vector<double> _weights_excl;
std::vector<double> _weights_excl_pt150;
std::vector<double> _weights_excl_vbf;
Scatter2DPtr _h_njet_incl_ratio;
Scatter2DPtr _h_njet_excl_ratio;
Scatter2DPtr _h_njet_excl_pt150_ratio;
Scatter2DPtr _h_njet_excl_vbf_ratio;
Histo1DPtr _h_njet_incl;
Histo1DPtr _h_njet_excl;
Histo1DPtr _h_njet_excl_pt150;
Histo1DPtr _h_njet_excl_vbf;
Histo1DPtr _h_ptlead;
Histo1DPtr _h_ptseclead;
Histo1DPtr _h_ptthirdlead;
Histo1DPtr _h_ptfourthlead;
Histo1DPtr _h_ptlead_excl;
Histo1DPtr _h_pt_ratio;
Histo1DPtr _h_pt_z;
Histo1DPtr _h_pt_z_excl;
Histo1DPtr _h_ylead;
Histo1DPtr _h_yseclead;
Histo1DPtr _h_ythirdlead;
Histo1DPtr _h_yfourthlead;
Histo1DPtr _h_deltay;
Histo1DPtr _h_mass;
Histo1DPtr _h_deltaphi;
Histo1DPtr _h_deltaR;
Histo1DPtr _h_ptthirdlead_vbf;
Histo1DPtr _h_ythirdlead_vbf;
Histo1DPtr _h_ht;
Histo1DPtr _h_st;
class ATLAS_2013_I1230812_EL : public ATLAS_2013_I1230812 {
: ATLAS_2013_I1230812("ATLAS_2013_I1230812_EL")
_mode = 2;
class ATLAS_2013_I1230812_MU : public ATLAS_2013_I1230812 {
: ATLAS_2013_I1230812("ATLAS_2013_I1230812_MU")
_mode = 3;
diff --git a/src/Analyses/ b/src/Analyses/
--- a/src/Analyses/
+++ b/src/Analyses/
@@ -1,157 +1,158 @@
// -*- C++ -*-
#include "Rivet/Analysis.hh"
#include "Rivet/Projections/FinalState.hh"
#include "Rivet/Projections/ZFinder.hh"
#include "Rivet/Projections/FastJets.hh"
namespace Rivet {
/// @brief D0 Z + jet + \f$ X \f$ cross-section / \f$ p_\perp \f$ distributions
class D0_2009_S8202443 : public Analysis {
/// @name Construction
/// Constructor
D0_2009_S8202443() : Analysis("D0_2009_S8202443"),
_sum_of_weights(0.0), _sum_of_weights_constrained(0.0)
/// @name Analysis methods
/// Book histograms
void init() {
FinalState fs;
// Leptons in constrained tracking acceptance
- vector<pair<double, double> > etaRanges;
- etaRanges.push_back(make_pair(-2.5, -1.5));
- etaRanges.push_back(make_pair(-1.1, 1.1));
- etaRanges.push_back(make_pair(1.5, 2.5));
- ZFinder zfinder_constrained(fs, etaRanges, 25.0*GeV, PID::ELECTRON,
+ Cut cuts = ( Range(Cuts::eta, -2.5, -1.5)
+ | Range(Cuts::eta, -1.1, 1.1)
+ | Range(Cuts::eta, 1.5, 2.5) )
+ & (Cuts::pt >= 25.0*GeV);
+ ZFinder zfinder_constrained(fs, cuts, PID::ELECTRON,
65.0*GeV, 115.0*GeV, 0.2, true, true);
addProjection(zfinder_constrained, "ZFinderConstrained");
FastJets conefinder_constrained(zfinder_constrained.remainingFinalState(),
FastJets::D0ILCONE, 0.5);
addProjection(conefinder_constrained, "ConeFinderConstrained");
// Unconstrained leptons
+ ZFinder zfinder(fs, Cuts::open(), PID::ELECTRON,
65.0*GeV, 115.0*GeV, 0.2, true, true);
addProjection(zfinder, "ZFinder");
FastJets conefinder(zfinder.remainingFinalState(), FastJets::D0ILCONE, 0.5);
addProjection(conefinder, "ConeFinder");
_h_jet1_pT_constrained = bookHisto1D(1, 1, 1);
_h_jet2_pT_constrained = bookHisto1D(3, 1, 1);
_h_jet3_pT_constrained = bookHisto1D(5, 1, 1);
_h_jet1_pT = bookHisto1D(2, 1, 1);
_h_jet2_pT = bookHisto1D(4, 1, 1);
_h_jet3_pT = bookHisto1D(6, 1, 1);
// Do the analysis
void analyze(const Event& e) {
double weight = e.weight();
// unconstrained electrons first
const ZFinder& zfinder = applyProjection<ZFinder>(e, "ZFinder");
if (zfinder.bosons().size()==1) {
_sum_of_weights += weight;
const JetAlg& jetpro = applyProjection<JetAlg>(e, "ConeFinder");
const Jets& jets = jetpro.jetsByPt(20.0*GeV);
Jets jets_cut;
foreach (const Jet& j, jets) {
if (fabs(j.momentum().pseudorapidity()) < 2.5) {
if (jets_cut.size()>0) {
_h_jet1_pT->fill(jets_cut[0].pT()/GeV, weight);
if (jets_cut.size()>1) {
_h_jet2_pT->fill(jets_cut[1].pT()/GeV, weight);
if (jets_cut.size()>2) {
_h_jet3_pT->fill(jets_cut[2].pT()/GeV, weight);
else {
MSG_DEBUG("no unique lepton pair found.");
// constrained electrons
const ZFinder& zfinder_constrained = applyProjection<ZFinder>(e, "ZFinderConstrained");
if (zfinder_constrained.bosons().size()==1) {
_sum_of_weights_constrained += weight;
const JetAlg& jetpro = applyProjection<JetAlg>(e, "ConeFinderConstrained");
const Jets& jets = jetpro.jetsByPt(20.0*GeV);
Jets jets_cut;
foreach (const Jet& j, jets) {
if (fabs(j.momentum().pseudorapidity()) < 2.5) {
if (jets_cut.size()>0) {
_h_jet1_pT_constrained->fill(jets_cut[0].pT()/GeV, weight);
if (jets_cut.size()>1) {
_h_jet2_pT_constrained->fill(jets_cut[1].pT()/GeV, weight);
if (jets_cut.size()>2) {
_h_jet3_pT_constrained->fill(jets_cut[2].pT()/GeV, weight);
else {
MSG_DEBUG("no unique lepton pair found.");
// Finalize
void finalize() {
scale(_h_jet1_pT, 1.0/_sum_of_weights);
scale(_h_jet2_pT, 1.0/_sum_of_weights);
scale(_h_jet3_pT, 1.0/_sum_of_weights);
scale(_h_jet1_pT_constrained, 1.0/_sum_of_weights_constrained);
scale(_h_jet2_pT_constrained, 1.0/_sum_of_weights_constrained);
scale(_h_jet3_pT_constrained, 1.0/_sum_of_weights_constrained);
/// @name Histograms
Histo1DPtr _h_jet1_pT;
Histo1DPtr _h_jet2_pT;
Histo1DPtr _h_jet3_pT;
Histo1DPtr _h_jet1_pT_constrained;
Histo1DPtr _h_jet2_pT_constrained;
Histo1DPtr _h_jet3_pT_constrained;
double _sum_of_weights, _sum_of_weights_constrained;
// The hook for the plugin system
diff --git a/src/Analyses/ b/src/Analyses/
--- a/src/Analyses/
+++ b/src/Analyses/
@@ -1,128 +1,132 @@
// -*- C++ -*-
#include "Rivet/Analysis.hh"
#include "Rivet/Tools/BinnedHistogram.hh"
#include "Rivet/Projections/FinalState.hh"
#include "Rivet/Projections/ZFinder.hh"
namespace Rivet {
class D0_2010_S8821313 : public Analysis {
/// @name Constructors etc.
/// Constructor
: Analysis("D0_2010_S8821313")
{ }
/// @name Analysis methods
/// Book histograms and initialise projections before the run
void init() {
/// Initialise and register projections
FinalState fs;
- vector<pair<double, double> > etaRanges_ee;
- etaRanges_ee.push_back(make_pair(-3.0, -1.5));
- etaRanges_ee.push_back(make_pair(-1.1, 1.1));
- etaRanges_ee.push_back(make_pair(1.5, 3.0));
- ZFinder zfinder_ee(fs, etaRanges_ee, 20.0*GeV, PID::ELECTRON, 70.0*GeV, 110.0*GeV, 0.2, true, true);
+ Cut cuts = ( Range(Cuts::eta, -3.0, -1.5)
+ | Range(Cuts::eta, -1.1, 1.1)
+ | Range(Cuts::eta, 1.5, 3.0) )
+ & (Cuts::pt >= 20.0*GeV);
+ ZFinder zfinder_ee(fs, cuts,
+ PID::ELECTRON, 70.0*GeV, 110.0*GeV, 0.2, true, true);
addProjection(zfinder_ee, "zfinder_ee");
- ZFinder zfinder_mm(fs, -2.0, 2.0, 15.0*GeV, PID::MUON, 70.0*GeV, 110.0*GeV, 0.0, false, false);
+ ZFinder zfinder_mm(fs,
+ Range(Cuts::eta, -2.0, 2.0) & (Cuts::pt >= 15.0*GeV),
+ PID::MUON, 70.0*GeV, 110.0*GeV, 0.0, false, false);
addProjection(zfinder_mm, "zfinder_mm");
/// Book histograms here
_h_phistar_ee.addHistogram(0.0, 1.0, bookHisto1D(1, 1, 1));
_h_phistar_ee.addHistogram(1.0, 2.0, bookHisto1D(1, 1, 2));
_h_phistar_ee.addHistogram(2.0, 10.0, bookHisto1D(1, 1, 3));
_h_phistar_mm.addHistogram(0.0, 1.0, bookHisto1D(2, 1, 1));
_h_phistar_mm.addHistogram(1.0, 2.0, bookHisto1D(2, 1, 2));
/// Perform the per-event analysis
void analyze(const Event& event) {
const double weight = event.weight();
const ZFinder& zfinder_ee = applyProjection<ZFinder>(event, "zfinder_ee");
if (zfinder_ee.bosons().size()==1) {
Particles ee=zfinder_ee.constituents();
std::sort(ee.begin(), ee.end(), cmpParticleByPt);
FourMomentum eminus=PID::threeCharge(ee[0].pdgId())<0.0?ee[0].momentum():ee[1].momentum();
FourMomentum eplus=PID::threeCharge(ee[0].pdgId())<0.0?ee[1].momentum():ee[0].momentum();
double phi_acop=M_PI-mapAngle0ToPi(eminus.phi()-eplus.phi());
double costhetastar=tanh((eminus.eta()-eplus.eta())/2.0);
double sin2thetastar=1.0-sqr(costhetastar);
if (sin2thetastar<0.0) sin2thetastar=0.0;
double phistar=tan(phi_acop/2.0)*sqrt(sin2thetastar);
FourMomentum Zmom=zfinder_ee.bosons()[0].momentum();
_h_phistar_ee.fill(Zmom.rapidity(), phistar, weight);
const ZFinder& zfinder_mm = applyProjection<ZFinder>(event, "zfinder_mm");
if (zfinder_mm.bosons().size()==1) {
Particles mm=zfinder_mm.constituents();
std::sort(mm.begin(), mm.end(), cmpParticleByPt);
FourMomentum mminus=PID::threeCharge(mm[0].pdgId())<0.0?mm[0].momentum():mm[1].momentum();
FourMomentum mplus=PID::threeCharge(mm[0].pdgId())<0.0?mm[1].momentum():mm[0].momentum();
double phi_acop=M_PI-mapAngle0ToPi(mminus.phi()-mplus.phi());
double costhetastar=tanh((mminus.eta()-mplus.eta())/2.0);
double sin2thetastar=1.0-sqr(costhetastar);
if (sin2thetastar<0.0) sin2thetastar=0.0;
double phistar=tan(phi_acop/2.0)*sqrt(sin2thetastar);
FourMomentum Zmom=zfinder_mm.bosons()[0].momentum();
_h_phistar_mm.fill(Zmom.rapidity(), phistar, weight);
/// Normalise histograms etc., after the run
void finalize() {
foreach (Histo1DPtr hist, _h_phistar_ee.getHistograms()) {
normalize(hist, 1.0);
foreach (Histo1DPtr hist, _h_phistar_mm.getHistograms()) {
normalize(hist, 1.0);
// Data members like post-cuts event weight counters go here
/// @name Histograms
BinnedHistogram<double> _h_phistar_ee;
BinnedHistogram<double> _h_phistar_mm;
// The hook for the plugin system
diff --git a/src/Analyses/ b/src/Analyses/
--- a/src/Analyses/
+++ b/src/Analyses/
@@ -1,81 +1,81 @@
// -*- C++ -*-
#include "Rivet/Analysis.hh"
#include "Rivet/Projections/FinalState.hh"
#include "Rivet/Cuts.hh"
namespace Rivet {
/// @brief Just measures a few random things as an example.
class EXAMPLE_CUTS : public Analysis {
/// Constructor
: Analysis("EXAMPLE_CUTS")
// No counters etc. to initialise, hence nothing to do here!
/// @name Analysis methods
/// Set up projections and book histograms
void init() {
// Projections
- const FinalState cnfs(-4, 4, 0*GeV);
+ const FinalState cnfs( Range(Cuts::eta, -4, 4) );
addProjection(cnfs, "FS");
// Histograms
_histPt = bookHisto1D("pT", 30, 0, 30);
_histMass = bookHisto1D("Mass", 20, 0, 1);
/// Do the analysis
void analyze(const Event& event) {
// Make sure to always include the event weight in histogram fills!
const double weight = event.weight();
const Particles ps = applyProjection<FinalState>(event, "FS").particlesByPt();
- Cut ptcut = (Cuts::pt >= 5) & (Cuts::pt < 20); //ptIn(5,20);
- Cut masscut = (Cuts::mass >= 0) & (Cuts::mass < 0.2); //massIn(0.,0.2);
+ Cut ptcut = Range( Cuts::pt, 5, 20 );
+ Cut masscut = Range( Cuts::mass, 0, 0.2);
Cut combine = ptcut & masscut; //Possible to combine cuts
foreach(const Particle& p, ps) {
if ( ptcut->accept(p) )
_histPt->fill(p.momentum().pT(), weight);
if ( combine->accept(p) )
_histMass->fill(p.momentum().mass(), weight);
/// Finalize
void finalize() {
/// Histograms
Histo1DPtr _histPt, _histMass;
// The hook for the plugin system
diff --git a/src/Core/ b/src/Core/
--- a/src/Core/
+++ b/src/Core/
@@ -1,241 +1,250 @@
#include <Rivet/Particle.hh>
#include <Rivet/Jet.hh>
#include <Rivet/Math/Vectors.hh>
#include <fastjet/PseudoJet.hh>
#include <Rivet/Cuts.hh>
namespace Rivet {
class Cuttable {
virtual double getValue(Cuts::Quantity) const = 0;
virtual ~Cuttable() {}
template <>
bool CutBase::accept<Cuttable>(const Cuttable & t) {
return accept_(t);
+class Open_Cut : public CutBase {
+ bool accept_(const Cuttable &) const { return true; }
+const Cut & Cuts::open() {
+ static const Cut open = boost::shared_ptr<Open_Cut>(new Open_Cut);
+ return open;
class Cut_Gtr : public CutBase {
Cut_Gtr(const Cuts::Quantity qty, const double low) : qty_(qty), low_(low) {}
bool accept_(const Cuttable & o) const { return o.getValue(qty_) >= low_; }
Cuts::Quantity qty_;
double low_;
class Cut_Less : public CutBase {
Cut_Less(const Cuts::Quantity qty, const double high) : qty_(qty), high_(high) {}
bool accept_(const Cuttable & o) const { return o.getValue(qty_) < high_; }
Cuts::Quantity qty_;
double high_;
template <typename T>
Cut make_cut(T t) {
return boost::shared_ptr<T>(new T(t));
Cut operator < (Cuts::Quantity qty, double n) {
return make_cut(Cut_Less(qty, n));
Cut operator >= (Cuts::Quantity qty, double n) {
return make_cut(Cut_Gtr(qty, n));
- Cut In(Cuts::Quantity qty, double m, double n) {
+ Cut Range(Cuts::Quantity qty, double m, double n) {
if (m > n) swap(m,n);
return (qty >= m) & (qty < n);
/// Combiners
/// AND, OR, NOT, and XOR objects for combining cuts
class CutsOr : public CutBase {
CutsOr(const Cut c1, const Cut c2) : cut1(c1), cut2(c2) {}
bool accept_(const Cuttable & o) const {
return cut1->accept(o) || cut2->accept(o);
const Cut cut1;
const Cut cut2;
class CutsAnd : public CutBase {
CutsAnd(const Cut c1, const Cut c2) : cut1(c1), cut2(c2) {}
bool accept_(const Cuttable & o) const {
return cut1->accept(o) && cut2->accept(o);
const Cut cut1;
const Cut cut2;
class CutInvert : public CutBase {
CutInvert(const Cut c1) : poscut(c1) {}
bool accept_(const Cuttable & o) const {
return !poscut->accept(o);
const Cut poscut;
class CutsXor : public CutBase {
CutsXor(const Cut c1, const Cut c2) : cut1(c1), cut2(c2) {}
bool accept_(const Cuttable & o) const {
bool A_and_B = cut1->accept(o) && cut2->accept(o);
bool A_or_B = cut1->accept(o) || cut2->accept(o);
return A_or_B && (! A_and_B);
const Cut cut1;
const Cut cut2;
Cut operator & (const Cut aptr, const Cut bptr) {
return make_cut(CutsAnd(aptr,bptr));
Cut operator | (const Cut aptr, const Cut bptr) {
return make_cut(CutsOr(aptr,bptr));
Cut operator ~ (const Cut cptr) {
return make_cut(CutInvert(cptr));
Cut operator ^ (const Cut aptr, const Cut bptr) {
return make_cut(CutsXor(aptr,bptr));
/// Cuts
template <typename T>
class MakeCuttable : public Cuttable {};
template <> \
bool CutBase::accept<TYPENAME>(const TYPENAME & t) { \
return accept_(MakeCuttable<TYPENAME>(t)); \
} \
void qty_not_found() {
throw Exception("Missing implementation for a Quantity.");
class MakeCuttable <Particle> : public Cuttable {
MakeCuttable(const Particle& p) : p_(p) {}
double getValue(Cuts::Quantity qty) const {
switch(qty) {
case Cuts::pt: return p_.momentum().pT();
case Cuts::mass: return p_.momentum().mass();
case Cuts::rap: return p_.momentum().rapidity();
case Cuts::eta: return p_.momentum().pseudorapidity();
case Cuts::phi: return p_.momentum().phi();
return -999.;
const Particle & p_;
class MakeCuttable <FourMomentum> : public Cuttable {
MakeCuttable(const FourMomentum& fm) : fm_(fm) {}
double getValue(Cuts::Quantity qty) const {
switch(qty) {
case Cuts::pt: return fm_.pT();
case Cuts::mass: return fm_.mass();
case Cuts::rap: return fm_.rapidity();
case Cuts::eta: return fm_.pseudorapidity();
case Cuts::phi: return fm_.phi();
return -999.;
const FourMomentum & fm_;
class MakeCuttable <Jet> : public Cuttable {
MakeCuttable(const Jet& jet) : jet_(jet) {}
double getValue(Cuts::Quantity qty) const {
switch(qty) {
case Cuts::pt: return jet_.momentum().pT();
case Cuts::mass: return jet_.momentum().mass();
case Cuts::rap: return jet_.momentum().rapidity();
case Cuts::eta: return jet_.momentum().pseudorapidity();
case Cuts::phi: return jet_.momentum().phi();
return -999.;
const Jet & jet_;
class MakeCuttable <fastjet::PseudoJet> : public Cuttable {
MakeCuttable(const fastjet::PseudoJet& pjet) : pjet_(pjet) {}
double getValue(Cuts::Quantity qty) const {
switch(qty) {
case Cuts::pt: return pjet_.perp();
case Cuts::mass: return pjet_.m();
case Cuts::rap: return pjet_.rap();
case Cuts::eta: return pjet_.eta();
case Cuts::phi: return pjet_.phi();
return -999.;
const fastjet::PseudoJet & pjet_;
diff --git a/src/Projections/ b/src/Projections/
--- a/src/Projections/
+++ b/src/Projections/
@@ -1,50 +1,50 @@
// -*- C++ -*-
#include "Rivet/Projections/ChargedFinalState.hh"
namespace Rivet {
ChargedFinalState::ChargedFinalState(const FinalState& fsp) {
addProjection(fsp, "FS");
ChargedFinalState::ChargedFinalState(double mineta, double maxeta, double minpt) {
addProjection(FinalState(mineta, maxeta, minpt), "FS");
- ChargedFinalState::ChargedFinalState(const vector<pair<double, double> >& etaRanges,
- double minpt) {
- setName("ChargedFinalState");
- addProjection(FinalState(etaRanges, minpt), "FS");
- }
+ // ChargedFinalState::ChargedFinalState(const vector<pair<double, double> >& etaRanges,
+ // double minpt) {
+ // setName("ChargedFinalState");
+ // addProjection(FinalState(etaRanges, minpt), "FS");
+ // }
int ChargedFinalState::compare(const Projection& p) const {
return mkNamedPCmp(p, "FS");
bool chargedParticleFilter(const Particle& p) {
return PID::threeCharge(p.pdgId()) == 0;
void ChargedFinalState::project(const Event& e) {
const FinalState& fs = applyProjection<FinalState>(e, "FS");
std::remove_copy_if(fs.particles().begin(), fs.particles().end(),
std::back_inserter(_theParticles), chargedParticleFilter);
MSG_DEBUG("Number of charged final-state particles = " << _theParticles.size());
if (getLog().isActive(Log::TRACE)) {
for (vector<Particle>::iterator p = _theParticles.begin(); p != _theParticles.end(); ++p) {
MSG_TRACE("Selected: " << p->pdgId() << ", charge = " << PID::threeCharge(p->pdgId())/3.0);
diff --git a/src/Projections/ b/src/Projections/
--- a/src/Projections/
+++ b/src/Projections/
@@ -1,119 +1,132 @@
// -*- C++ -*-
#include "Rivet/Projections/FinalState.hh"
namespace Rivet {
FinalState::FinalState(double mineta, double maxeta, double minpt)
: _ptmin(minpt)
const bool openpt = isZero(minpt);
const bool openeta = (mineta <= -MAXRAPIDITY && maxeta >= MAXRAPIDITY);
MSG_TRACE("Check for open FS conditions:" << std::boolalpha
<< " eta=" << openeta
<< ", pt=" << openpt);
if (!openeta || !openpt) {
addProjection(FinalState(), "OpenFS");
if (!openeta) {
_etaRanges.push_back(make_pair(mineta, maxeta));
- FinalState::FinalState(const vector<pair<double, double> >& etaRanges, double minpt)
- : _etaRanges(etaRanges), _ptmin(minpt)
+ FinalState::FinalState(Cut c)
+ : _ptmin(), _cuts(c)
- const bool openpt = isZero(minpt);
- /// @todo Properly check whether any of these eta ranges (or their combination) are actually open
- const bool openeta = etaRanges.empty();
- MSG_TRACE("Check for open FS conditions:" << std::boolalpha
- << " eta=" << openeta
- << ", pt=" << openpt);
- if (!openeta || !openpt) {
+ const bool open = ( c == Cuts::open() );
+ MSG_TRACE("Check for open FS conditions: " << std::boolalpha << open);
+ if ( !open ) {
addProjection(FinalState(), "OpenFS");
+ // FinalState::FinalState(const vector<pair<double, double> >& etaRanges, double minpt)
+ // : _etaRanges(etaRanges), _ptmin(minpt)
+ // {
+ // setName("FinalState");
+ // const bool openpt = isZero(minpt);
+ // /// @todo Properly check whether any of these eta ranges (or their combination) are actually open
+ // const bool openeta = etaRanges.empty();
+ // MSG_TRACE("Check for open FS conditions:" << std::boolalpha
+ // << " eta=" << openeta
+ // << ", pt=" << openpt);
+ // if (!openeta || !openpt) {
+ // addProjection(FinalState(), "OpenFS");
+ // }
+ // }
int FinalState::compare(const Projection& p) const {
const FinalState& other = dynamic_cast<const FinalState&>(p);
//MSG_TRACE("FS::compare: " << 1 << " " << this << " " << &p);
std::vector<std::pair<double, double> > eta1(_etaRanges);
std::vector<std::pair<double, double> > eta2(other._etaRanges);
std::sort(eta1.begin(), eta1.end());
std::sort(eta2.begin(), eta2.end());
//MSG_TRACE("FS::compare: " << 2 << " " << this << " " << &p);
if (eta1 < eta2) return ORDERED;
else if (eta2 < eta1) return UNORDERED;
//MSG_TRACE("FS::compare: " << 3 << " " << this << " " << &p);
return cmp(_ptmin, other._ptmin);
void FinalState::project(const Event& e) {
// Handle "open FS" special case
if (_etaRanges.empty() && _ptmin == 0) {
//MSG_TRACE("Open FS processing: should only see this once per event ("
// << e.genEvent().event_number() << ")");
foreach (const GenParticle* p, Rivet::particles(e.genEvent())) {
if (p->status() == 1) {
//MSG_TRACE("FS GV = " << p->production_vertex());
// If this is not itself the "open" FS, base the calculations on the open FS' results
/// @todo In general, we'd like to calculate a restrictive FS based on the most restricted superset FS.
const Particles allstable = applyProjection<FinalState>(e, "OpenFS").particles();
foreach (const Particle& p, allstable) {
const bool passed = accept(p);
MSG_TRACE("Choosing: ID = " << p.pdgId()
<< ", pT = " << p.pT()
<< ", eta = " << p.eta()
<< ": result = " << std::boolalpha << passed);
if (passed) _theParticles.push_back(p);
//MSG_DEBUG("Number of final-state particles = " << _theParticles.size());
/// Decide if a particle is to be accepted or not.
bool FinalState::accept(const Particle& p) const {
// Not having s.c. == 1 should never happen!
assert(p.genParticle() == NULL || p.genParticle()->status() == 1);
+ if ( _cuts ) return _cuts->accept(p);
// Check pT cut
if (_ptmin > 0.0) {
if (p.pT() < _ptmin) return false;
// Check eta cuts
if (!_etaRanges.empty()) {
bool eta_pass = false;
typedef pair<double,double> EtaPair;
foreach (const EtaPair& etacuts, _etaRanges) {
if (inRange(p.eta(), etacuts.first, etacuts.second)) {
eta_pass = true;
if (!eta_pass) return false;
return true;
diff --git a/src/Projections/ b/src/Projections/
--- a/src/Projections/
+++ b/src/Projections/
@@ -1,53 +1,53 @@
// -*- C++ -*-
#include "Rivet/Projections/IdentifiedFinalState.hh"
namespace Rivet {
IdentifiedFinalState::IdentifiedFinalState(const FinalState& fsp) {
addProjection(fsp, "FS");
IdentifiedFinalState::IdentifiedFinalState(double etamin, double etamax, double ptMin)
: FinalState(etamin, etamax, ptMin)
addProjection(FinalState(etamin, etamax, ptMin), "FS");
- IdentifiedFinalState::IdentifiedFinalState(const vector<pair<double, double> >& etaRanges,
- double ptMin)
- : FinalState(etaRanges, ptMin)
- {
- setName("IdentifiedFinalState");
- addProjection(FinalState(etaRanges, ptMin), "FS");
- }
+ // IdentifiedFinalState::IdentifiedFinalState(const vector<pair<double, double> >& etaRanges,
+ // double ptMin)
+ // : FinalState(etaRanges, ptMin)
+ // {
+ // setName("IdentifiedFinalState");
+ // addProjection(FinalState(etaRanges, ptMin), "FS");
+ // }
int IdentifiedFinalState::compare(const Projection& p) const {
const PCmp fscmp = mkNamedPCmp(p, "FS");
if (fscmp != EQUIVALENT) return fscmp;
const IdentifiedFinalState& other = dynamic_cast<const IdentifiedFinalState&>(p);
int pidssize = cmp(_pids.size(), other._pids.size());
if (pidssize != EQUIVALENT) return pidssize;
return cmp(_pids, other._pids);
void IdentifiedFinalState::project(const Event& e) {
const FinalState& fs = applyProjection<FinalState>(e, "FS");
foreach (const Particle& p, fs.particles()) {
if (acceptedIds().find(p.pdgId()) != acceptedIds().end()) {
diff --git a/src/Projections/ b/src/Projections/
--- a/src/Projections/
+++ b/src/Projections/
@@ -1,83 +1,83 @@
// -*- C++ -*-
#include "Rivet/Projections/LeptonClusters.hh"
namespace Rivet {
LeptonClusters::LeptonClusters(const FinalState& photons, const FinalState& signal,
- double dRmax, bool cluster,
- const std::vector<std::pair<double, double> >& etaRanges,
- double pTmin) :
- FinalState(etaRanges, pTmin),
+ double dRmax, bool cluster, Cut cut) :
+ // const std::vector<std::pair<double, double> >& etaRanges,
+ // double pTmin) :
+ FinalState(cut),//etaRanges, pTmin),
_dRmax(dRmax), _cluster(cluster)
IdentifiedFinalState photonfs(photons);
addProjection(photonfs, "Photons");
addProjection(signal, "Signal");
int LeptonClusters::compare(const Projection& p) const {
// Compare the two as final states (for pT and eta cuts)
const LeptonClusters& other = dynamic_cast<const LeptonClusters&>(p);
int fscmp = FinalState::compare(other);
if (fscmp != EQUIVALENT) return fscmp;
const PCmp phcmp = mkNamedPCmp(p, "Photons");
if (phcmp != EQUIVALENT) return phcmp;
const PCmp sigcmp = mkNamedPCmp(p, "Signal");
if (sigcmp != EQUIVALENT) return sigcmp;
return (cmp(_dRmax, other._dRmax) || cmp(_cluster, other._cluster));
void LeptonClusters::project(const Event& e) {
const FinalState& signal = applyProjection<FinalState>(e, "Signal");
Particles bareleptons = signal.particles();
if (bareleptons.empty()) return;
vector<ClusteredLepton> allClusteredLeptons;
for (size_t i = 0; i < bareleptons.size(); ++i) {
const FinalState& photons = applyProjection<FinalState>(e, "Photons");
foreach (const Particle& photon, photons.particles()) {
const FourMomentum p_P = photon.momentum();
double dRmin=_dRmax;
int idx = -1;
for (size_t i = 0; i < bareleptons.size(); ++i) {
FourMomentum p_l = bareleptons[i].momentum();
// Only cluster photons around *charged* signal particles
if (PID::threeCharge(bareleptons[i].pdgId()) == 0) continue;
// Geometrically match momentum vectors
double dR = deltaR(p_l, p_P);
if (dR < dRmin) {
dRmin = dR;
idx = i;
if (idx > -1) {
if (_cluster) allClusteredLeptons[idx].addPhoton(photon, _cluster);
foreach (const ClusteredLepton& lepton, allClusteredLeptons) {
if (accept(lepton)) {
diff --git a/src/Projections/ b/src/Projections/
--- a/src/Projections/
+++ b/src/Projections/
@@ -1,214 +1,227 @@
// -*- C++ -*-
#include "Rivet/Projections/WFinder.hh"
#include "Rivet/Projections/InvMassFinalState.hh"
#include "Rivet/Projections/MissingMomentum.hh"
#include "Rivet/Projections/MergedFinalState.hh"
#include "Rivet/Projections/LeptonClusters.hh"
#include "Rivet/Projections/VetoedFinalState.hh"
namespace Rivet {
WFinder::WFinder(const FinalState& inputfs,
double etaMin, double etaMax,
double pTmin,
PdgId pid,
double minmass, double maxmass,
double missingET,
double dRmax, bool clusterPhotons, bool trackPhotons,
double masstarget,
bool useTransverseMass) {
- vector<pair<double, double> > etaRanges;
- etaRanges += std::make_pair(etaMin, etaMax);
- _init(inputfs, etaRanges, pTmin, pid, minmass, maxmass, missingET,
+ Cut eta = Range( Cuts::eta, etaMin, etaMax );
+ Cut pt = Cuts::pt >= pTmin;
+ _init(inputfs, eta & pt, pid, minmass, maxmass, missingET,
dRmax, clusterPhotons, trackPhotons, masstarget, useTransverseMass);
WFinder::WFinder(const FinalState& inputfs,
- const std::vector<std::pair<double, double> >& etaRanges,
- double pTmin,
+ Cut cuts,
PdgId pid,
double minmass, double maxmass,
double missingET,
double dRmax, bool clusterPhotons, bool trackPhotons,
double masstarget,
bool useTransverseMass) {
- _init(inputfs, etaRanges, pTmin, pid, minmass, maxmass, missingET,
+ _init(inputfs, cuts, pid, minmass, maxmass, missingET,
dRmax, clusterPhotons, trackPhotons, masstarget, useTransverseMass);
- WFinder::WFinder(double etaMin, double etaMax,
- double pTmin,
- PdgId pid,
- double minmass, double maxmass,
- double missingET,
- double dRmax, bool clusterPhotons, bool trackPhotons,
- double masstarget,
- bool useTransverseMass) {
- vector<pair<double, double> > etaRanges;
- etaRanges += std::make_pair(etaMin, etaMax);
- FinalState inputfs;
- _init(inputfs, etaRanges, pTmin, pid, minmass, maxmass, missingET,
- dRmax, clusterPhotons, trackPhotons, masstarget, useTransverseMass);
- }
+ // WFinder::WFinder(const FinalState& inputfs,
+ // const std::vector<std::pair<double, double> >& etaRanges,
+ // double pTmin,
+ // PdgId pid,
+ // double minmass, double maxmass,
+ // double missingET,
+ // double dRmax, bool clusterPhotons, bool trackPhotons,
+ // double masstarget,
+ // bool useTransverseMass) {
+ // _init(inputfs, etaRanges, pTmin, pid, minmass, maxmass, missingET,
+ // dRmax, clusterPhotons, trackPhotons, masstarget, useTransverseMass);
+ // }
- WFinder::WFinder(const std::vector<std::pair<double, double> >& etaRanges,
- double pTmin,
- PdgId pid,
- double minmass, double maxmass,
- double missingET,
- double dRmax, bool clusterPhotons, bool trackPhotons,
- double masstarget,
- bool useTransverseMass) {
- FinalState inputfs;
- _init(inputfs, etaRanges, pTmin, pid, minmass, maxmass, missingET,
- dRmax, clusterPhotons, trackPhotons, masstarget, useTransverseMass);
- }
+ // WFinder::WFinder(double etaMin, double etaMax,
+ // double pTmin,
+ // PdgId pid,
+ // double minmass, double maxmass,
+ // double missingET,
+ // double dRmax, bool clusterPhotons, bool trackPhotons,
+ // double masstarget,
+ // bool useTransverseMass) {
+ // Cut eta = Range( Cuts::eta, etaMin, etaMax );
+ // Cut pt = Cuts::pt >= pTmin;
+ // FinalState inputfs;
+ // _init(inputfs, eta & pt, pTmin, pid, minmass, maxmass, missingET,
+ // dRmax, clusterPhotons, trackPhotons, masstarget, useTransverseMass);
+ // }
+ // WFinder::WFinder(const std::vector<std::pair<double, double> >& etaRanges,
+ // double pTmin,
+ // PdgId pid,
+ // double minmass, double maxmass,
+ // double missingET,
+ // double dRmax, bool clusterPhotons, bool trackPhotons,
+ // double masstarget,
+ // bool useTransverseMass) {
+ // FinalState inputfs;
+ // _init(inputfs, etaRanges, pTmin, pid, minmass, maxmass, missingET,
+ // dRmax, clusterPhotons, trackPhotons, masstarget, useTransverseMass);
+ // }
void WFinder::_init(const FinalState& inputfs,
- const std::vector<std::pair<double, double> >& etaRanges,
- double pTmin,
+ Cut fsCut,
+ // const std::vector<std::pair<double, double> >& etaRanges,
+ // double pTmin,
PdgId pid,
double minmass, double maxmass,
double missingET,
double dRmax, bool clusterPhotons, bool trackPhotons,
double masstarget,
bool useTransverseMass)
_minmass = minmass;
_maxmass = maxmass;
_masstarget = masstarget;
_pid = pid;
_trackPhotons = trackPhotons;
_useTransverseMass = useTransverseMass;
// Check that the arguments are legal
assert(abs(_pid) == PID::ELECTRON || abs(_pid) == PID::MUON);
_nu_pid = abs(_pid) + 1;
assert(abs(_nu_pid) == PID::NU_E || abs(_nu_pid) == PID::NU_MU);
// Don't make pT or eta cuts on the neutrino
IdentifiedFinalState neutrinos(inputfs);
addProjection(neutrinos, "Neutrinos");
// Lepton clusters
IdentifiedFinalState bareleptons(inputfs);
LeptonClusters leptons(inputfs, bareleptons, dRmax,
- clusterPhotons, etaRanges, pTmin);
+ clusterPhotons, fsCut); //etaRanges, pTmin);
addProjection(leptons, "LeptonClusters");
// Add MissingMomentum proj to calc MET
MissingMomentum vismom(inputfs);
addProjection(vismom, "MissingET");
// Set ETmiss
_etMiss = missingET;
VetoedFinalState remainingFS;
addProjection(remainingFS, "RFS");
const FinalState& WFinder::remainingFinalState() const {
return getProjection<FinalState>("RFS");
int WFinder::compare(const Projection& p) const {
PCmp LCcmp = mkNamedPCmp(p, "LeptonClusters");
if (LCcmp != EQUIVALENT) return LCcmp;
const WFinder& other = dynamic_cast<const WFinder&>(p);
return (cmp(_minmass, other._minmass) || cmp(_maxmass, other._maxmass) ||
cmp(_useTransverseMass, other._useTransverseMass) ||
cmp(_etMiss, other._etMiss) ||
cmp(_pid, other._pid) || cmp(_trackPhotons, other._trackPhotons));
void WFinder::project(const Event& e) {
const LeptonClusters& leptons = applyProjection<LeptonClusters>(e, "LeptonClusters");
const FinalState& neutrinos = applyProjection<FinalState>(e, "Neutrinos");
// Make and register an invariant mass final state for the W decay leptons
vector<pair<PdgId, PdgId> > l_nu_ids;
l_nu_ids += make_pair(abs(_pid), -abs(_nu_pid));
l_nu_ids += make_pair(-abs(_pid), abs(_nu_pid));
InvMassFinalState imfs(l_nu_ids, _minmass, _maxmass, _masstarget);
Particles tmp;
tmp.insert(tmp.end(), leptons.clusteredLeptons().begin(), leptons.clusteredLeptons().end());
tmp.insert(tmp.end(), neutrinos.particles().begin(), neutrinos.particles().end());
if (imfs.particlePairs().size() < 1) return;
ParticlePair Wconstituents(imfs.particlePairs()[0]);
Particle p1(Wconstituents.first), p2(Wconstituents.second);
if (PID::threeCharge(p1)==0) {
_constituentLeptons += p2;
_constituentNeutrinos += p1;
} else {
_constituentLeptons += p1;
_constituentNeutrinos += p2;
FourMomentum pW = p1.momentum() + p2.momentum();
const int w3charge = PID::threeCharge(p1) + PID::threeCharge(p2);
assert(abs(w3charge) == 3);
const int wcharge = w3charge/3;
stringstream msg;
string wsign = (wcharge == 1) ? "+" : "-";
string wstr = "W" + wsign;
msg << wstr << " reconstructed from: " << "\n"
<< " " << p1.momentum() << " " << p1.pdgId() << "\n"
<< " + " << p2.momentum() << " " << p2.pdgId();
// Check missing ET
const MissingMomentum& vismom = applyProjection<MissingMomentum>(e, "MissingET");
/// @todo Restrict missing momentum eta range? Use vectorET()?
if (vismom.scalarEt() < _etMiss) {
MSG_DEBUG("Not enough missing ET: " << vismom.scalarEt()/GeV
<< " GeV vs. " << _etMiss/GeV << " GeV");
// Make W Particle and insert into particles list
const PdgId wpid = (wcharge == 1) ? PID::WPLUSBOSON : PID::WMINUSBOSON;
_bosons.push_back(Particle(wpid, pW));
// Find the LeptonClusters and neutrinos which survived the IMFS cut such that we can
// extract their original particles
foreach (const Particle& p, _constituentNeutrinos) {
foreach (const Particle& p, _constituentLeptons) {
foreach (const ClusteredLepton& l, leptons.clusteredLeptons()) {
if (p.pdgId()==l.pdgId() && p.momentum()==l.momentum()) {
if (_trackPhotons) {
l.constituentPhotons().begin(), l.constituentPhotons().end());
diff --git a/src/Projections/ b/src/Projections/
--- a/src/Projections/
+++ b/src/Projections/
@@ -1,149 +1,161 @@
// -*- C++ -*-
#include "Rivet/Projections/ZFinder.hh"
#include "Rivet/Projections/InvMassFinalState.hh"
#include "Rivet/Projections/LeptonClusters.hh"
#include "Rivet/Projections/VetoedFinalState.hh"
namespace Rivet {
ZFinder::ZFinder(const FinalState& inputfs,
+ Cut cuts,
+ PdgId pid,
+ double minmass, double maxmass,
+ double dRmax, bool clusterPhotons, bool trackPhotons,
+ double masstarget) {
+ _init(inputfs, cuts,
+ pid, minmass, maxmass, dRmax, clusterPhotons, trackPhotons, masstarget);
+ }
+ ZFinder::ZFinder(const FinalState& inputfs,
double etaMin, double etaMax,
double pTmin,
PdgId pid,
double minmass, double maxmass,
double dRmax, bool clusterPhotons, bool trackPhotons,
double masstarget) {
- vector<pair<double, double> > etaRanges;
- etaRanges += std::make_pair(etaMin, etaMax);
- _init(inputfs, etaRanges, pTmin, pid, minmass, maxmass, dRmax, clusterPhotons, trackPhotons, masstarget);
+ Cut eta = Range( Cuts::eta, etaMin, etaMax );
+ Cut pt = Cuts::pt >= pTmin;
+ _init(inputfs, eta & pt, pid, minmass, maxmass, dRmax, clusterPhotons, trackPhotons, masstarget);
- ZFinder::ZFinder(const FinalState& inputfs,
- const std::vector<std::pair<double, double> >& etaRanges,
- double pTmin,
- PdgId pid,
- double minmass, const double maxmass,
- double dRmax, bool clusterPhotons, bool trackPhotons,
- double masstarget) {
- _init(inputfs, etaRanges, pTmin, pid, minmass, maxmass, dRmax, clusterPhotons, trackPhotons, masstarget);
- }
+ // ZFinder::ZFinder(const FinalState& inputfs,
+ // const std::vector<std::pair<double, double> >& etaRanges,
+ // double pTmin,
+ // PdgId pid,
+ // double minmass, const double maxmass,
+ // double dRmax, bool clusterPhotons, bool trackPhotons,
+ // double masstarget) {
+ // _init(inputfs, etaRanges, pTmin, pid, minmass, maxmass, dRmax, clusterPhotons, trackPhotons, masstarget);
+ // }
- ZFinder::ZFinder(double etaMin, double etaMax,
- double pTmin,
- PdgId pid,
- double minmass, double maxmass,
- double dRmax, bool clusterPhotons, bool trackPhotons,
- double masstarget) {
- vector<pair<double, double> > etaRanges;
- etaRanges += std::make_pair(etaMin, etaMax);
- FinalState inputfs;
- _init(inputfs, etaRanges, pTmin, pid, minmass, maxmass, dRmax, clusterPhotons, trackPhotons, masstarget);
- }
+ // ZFinder::ZFinder(double etaMin, double etaMax,
+ // double pTmin,
+ // PdgId pid,
+ // double minmass, double maxmass,
+ // double dRmax, bool clusterPhotons, bool trackPhotons,
+ // double masstarget) {
+ // vector<pair<double, double> > etaRanges;
+ // etaRanges += std::make_pair(etaMin, etaMax);
+ // FinalState inputfs;
+ // _init(inputfs, etaRanges, pTmin, pid, minmass, maxmass, dRmax, clusterPhotons, trackPhotons, masstarget);
+ // }
- ZFinder::ZFinder(const std::vector<std::pair<double, double> >& etaRanges,
- double pTmin,
- PdgId pid,
- double minmass, const double maxmass,
- double dRmax, bool clusterPhotons, bool trackPhotons,
- double masstarget) {
- FinalState inputfs;
- _init(inputfs, etaRanges, pTmin, pid, minmass, maxmass, dRmax, clusterPhotons, trackPhotons, masstarget);
- }
- void ZFinder::_init(const FinalState& inputfs,
- const std::vector<std::pair<double, double> >& etaRanges,
- double pTmin, PdgId pid,
+ // ZFinder::ZFinder(const std::vector<std::pair<double, double> >& etaRanges,
+ // double pTmin,
+ // PdgId pid,
+ // double minmass, const double maxmass,
+ // double dRmax, bool clusterPhotons, bool trackPhotons,
+ // double masstarget) {
+ // FinalState inputfs;
+ // _init(inputfs, etaRanges, pTmin, pid, minmass, maxmass, dRmax, clusterPhotons, trackPhotons, masstarget);
+ // }
+ void ZFinder::_init(const FinalState& inputfs, Cut fsCut,
+ // const std::vector<std::pair<double, double> >& etaRanges,
+ // double pTmin,
+ PdgId pid,
double minmass, double maxmass,
double dRmax, bool clusterPhotons, bool trackPhotons,
double masstarget)
_minmass = minmass;
_maxmass = maxmass;
_masstarget = masstarget;
_pid = pid;
_trackPhotons = trackPhotons;
IdentifiedFinalState bareleptons(inputfs);
LeptonClusters leptons(inputfs, bareleptons, dRmax,
- clusterPhotons,
- etaRanges, pTmin);
+ clusterPhotons, fsCut);
+ // etaRanges, pTmin);
addProjection(leptons, "LeptonClusters");
VetoedFinalState remainingFS;
addProjection(remainingFS, "RFS");
const FinalState& ZFinder::remainingFinalState() const
return getProjection<FinalState>("RFS");
int ZFinder::compare(const Projection& p) const {
PCmp LCcmp = mkNamedPCmp(p, "LeptonClusters");
if (LCcmp != EQUIVALENT) return LCcmp;
const ZFinder& other = dynamic_cast<const ZFinder&>(p);
return (cmp(_minmass, other._minmass) || cmp(_maxmass, other._maxmass) ||
cmp(_pid, other._pid) || cmp(_trackPhotons, other._trackPhotons));
void ZFinder::project(const Event& e) {
const LeptonClusters& leptons = applyProjection<LeptonClusters>(e, "LeptonClusters");
InvMassFinalState imfs(std::make_pair(_pid, -_pid), _minmass, _maxmass, _masstarget);
Particles tmp;
tmp.insert(tmp.end(), leptons.clusteredLeptons().begin(), leptons.clusteredLeptons().end());
if (imfs.particlePairs().size() < 1) return;
ParticlePair Zconstituents(imfs.particlePairs()[0]);
Particle l1(Zconstituents.first), l2(Zconstituents.second);
if (PID::threeCharge(l1)>0.0) {
_constituents += l1, l2;
else {
_constituents += l2, l1;
FourMomentum pZ = l1.momentum() + l2.momentum();
const int z3charge = PID::threeCharge(l1.pdgId()) + PID::threeCharge(l2.pdgId());
assert(z3charge == 0);
stringstream msg;
msg << "Z reconstructed from: \n"
<< " " << l1.momentum() << " " << l1.pdgId() << "\n"
<< " + " << l2.momentum() << " " << l2.pdgId();
_bosons.push_back(Particle(PID::ZBOSON, pZ));
// Find the LeptonClusters which survived the IMFS cut such that we can
// extract their original particles
foreach (const Particle& p, _constituents) {
foreach (const ClusteredLepton& l, leptons.clusteredLeptons()) {
if (p.pdgId()==l.pdgId() && p.momentum()==l.momentum()) {
if (_trackPhotons) {
l.constituentPhotons().begin(), l.constituentPhotons().end());

File Metadata

Mime Type
Sat, Dec 21, 2:51 PM (23 h, 58 m)
Storage Engine
Storage Format
Raw Data
Storage Handle
Default Alt Text
(417 KB)

Event Timeline