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(* thoGDraw.mli --
Copyright (C) 1999-2022 by
Wolfgang Kilian <>
Thorsten Ohl <>
Juergen Reuter <>
with contributions from
Christian Speckner <>
WHIZARD is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
any later version.
WHIZARD is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. *)
(* \thocwmodulesection{Tracking Display Sizes} *)
(* Tracking [size_allocate] signals is required for drawing methods that need to
know the size of the drawable in question. *)
class type resizeable =
method size_allocate : callback:(Gtk.rectangle -> unit) ->
class size : #resizeable ->
method width : int
method height : int
(* The need for the type parameter ['b] in the following is ever so
slightly nonintuitive. If it were absent
(i.\,e.~[method connect : #resizeable]), the free [..] in
[#resizeable] would be unbound. *)
class type ['a, 'b] window =
method window : 'a Gdk.drawable
method realize : unit -> unit
method connect : 'b
constraint 'b = #resizeable
(* \thocwmodulesection{Coordinate Systems} *)
(* \begin{figure}
\put( 0, 0){\framebox(120,60){}}
\put( 20,20){\framebox(80,20){}}
\put( 20,20){\thocwmakebox{0}{0}{bl}{[(x_min,y_min)]}}
\put( 20,40){\thocwmakebox{0}{0}{tl}{[(x_min,y_max)]}}
\put( 60,40){\thocwmakebox{0}{0}{b}{[x_delta_pxl]}}
\put( 20,40){\thocwmakebox{0}{0}{bl}{[x_min_pxl]}}
\put( 20,10){\thocwmakebox{0}{0}{r}{[left_margin]}}
\put( 60,10){\thocwmakebox{0}{0}{c}{[bottom_margin]}}
\put( 60,50){\thocwmakebox{0}{0}{c}{[top_margin]}}
Coordinate systems.}
The tracking of [size_allocate] signals is even more important for mapping
world (abstract) coordinates to device (pixel) coordinates. See
figure~\ref{fig:coord} for the semantics of the device (pixel) and
logical (floating point) coordinates. Note that the logical
coordinates follow mathematical conventions instead of the computer
graphics conventions. *)
class coordinates : ?margins:int ->
?xrange:(float * float) -> ?yrange:(float * float) -> #resizeable ->
method left_margin : int -> unit
method right_margin : int -> unit
method bottom_margin : int -> unit
method top_margin : int -> unit
method margins : int -> unit
method xrange : float -> float -> unit
method yrange : float -> float -> unit
(* There are more private methods, that are in fact more interesting. In
particular [project_x], [project_x], and [project] that map from logical
to device coordinates. *)
(* \thocwmodulesection{Viewports} *)
(* Useful string drawing requires flexible facilities for specifying the
alignment. Here, we can either center the string or specify distances
from a reference point in pixels. *)
type horiz = HCenter | Left of int | Right of int
type vert = VCenter | Below of int | Above of int
class decoration_context :
method font : Gdk.font
method font_name : string
method line_width : int
method arrowhead_tip : int
method arrowhead_base : int
method arrowhead_width : int
method wiggle_amp : int
method wiggle_len : int
method wiggle_res : int
method curl_amp : int
method curl_len : int
method curl_res : int
method set_font : string -> unit
method set_line_width : int -> unit
method set_arrowhead_tip : int -> unit
method set_arrowhead_base : int -> unit
method set_arrowhead_width : int -> unit
method set_wiggle_amp : int -> unit
method set_wiggle_len : int -> unit
method set_wiggle_res : int -> unit
method set_curl_amp : int -> unit
method set_curl_len : int -> unit
method set_curl_res : int -> unit
method to_channel : out_channel -> unit
method of_stream : char Stream.t -> unit
method save : unit -> unit
method restore : unit -> unit
class ['a] decorations : ?colormap:Gdk.colormap ->
decoration_context -> 'a Gdk.drawable ->
inherit ['a] GDraw.drawable
method decoration_context : decoration_context
method set_decoration_context : decoration_context -> unit
method aligned_string : ?font:Gdk.font -> ?align:(horiz * vert) ->
string -> int * int -> unit
method arrowhead : int * int -> int * int -> unit
method double : int * int -> int * int -> unit
method wiggles : int * int -> int * int -> unit
method curls : int * int -> int * int -> unit
(* When we keep track of the size, we can easily provide an extension
of [GDraw.drawable] that knows how to clear itself to a given background
color. *)
class ['a] drawable : ?colormap:Gdk.colormap ->
decoration_context -> ('a, 'b) #window ->
inherit ['a] decorations
method clear : ?color:GDraw.color -> unit -> unit
(* \begin{dubious}
Conceptually, [['a] decorations] and [['a] decorations] should be
orthogonal and be implemented by aggregation. Unfortunately,
using [GDraw.drawable] with aggregation is complicated by
the fact that each object has its own graphics context [Gdk.GC].
\end{dubious} *)
(* The ['a viewport] (where ['a] will mostly be [[`window]], but can
also be [[`pixmap]] or [[`bitmap]]) is an abstraction of ['a drawable],
with both coordinates running in $0\ldots1$ instead of physical
pixel numbers. *)
type direction =
| Forward
| Backward
type line_style =
| Plain
| Double
| Wiggles
| Curls
| Dashes
| Dots
| Arrow of direction
| Name of string
class ['a] viewport : ?colormap:Gdk.colormap -> ?margins:int ->
?xrange:(float * float) -> ?yrange:(float * float) ->
decoration_context -> ('a, 'b) #window ->
inherit coordinates
method drawable : 'a drawable
method point : float * float -> unit
method points : (float * float) list -> unit
method arc : ?filled:bool -> ?start:float -> ?angle:float ->
int * int -> float * float -> unit
method line : float * float -> float * float -> unit
method lines : (float * float) list -> unit
method segments : ((float * float) * (float * float)) list -> unit
method polygon : ?filled:bool -> (float * float) list -> unit
method string : ?font:Gdk.font -> ?align:(horiz * vert) ->
string -> float * float -> unit
method propagator : line_style -> float * float -> float * float -> unit
(* \thocwmodulesection{Diagram Displays} *)
class ['a, 'edge, 'node] diagram_display :
node_to_string:('node -> string) ->
conjugate:('node -> 'node) -> cross:('node -> 'node) ->
nodes2edge:('node -> 'node -> 'edge) ->
line_style:('edge -> line_style) ->
?label:string -> ?width:int -> ?height:int ->
?packing:(GObj.widget -> unit) -> decoration_context ->
method viewport : 'a viewport
method event : GObj.event_ops
method set_label : string -> unit
method set_diagram :
'node * ('node, 'node) Tree.t *
(unit, 'node) Color.amplitude -> unit
method clear_diagram : unit -> unit
method redraw : unit -> unit
(* \thocwmodulesection{Preferences} *)
class ['a] demo_diagram_display :
line_style:line_style -> ?label:string ->
?width:int -> ?height:int -> ?packing:(GObj.widget -> unit) ->
decoration_context ->
method redraw : unit -> unit
val edit_preferences : decoration_context -> unit
* Local Variables:
* mode:caml
* indent-tabs-mode:nil
* page-delimiter:"^(\\* .*\n"
* End:

File Metadata

Mime Type
Sun, Feb 23, 3:04 PM (12 m, 9 s)
Storage Engine
Storage Format
Raw Data
Storage Handle
Default Alt Text
thoGDraw.mli (8 KB)

Event Timeline