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// Contains Thresholds definitions
#Include = Config/CMS_Thresholds.txt;
// Contains Colors definitions
#Include = Config/CMS_Colors.txt;
//#Include = Config/CMS_Colors_WhiteBkg.txt;
// Contains Views configurations
// Choose one of these three views configuration
#Include = Config/CMS_Views.txt;
//#Include = Config/CMS_ViewsTracker.txt;
// ### input visualisation file ###
InputVisFile = {};
//InputVisFile = {Data_Online.vis};
//InputVisFile = {Run123592_Data.vis};
//InputVisFile = {Run123596_Data_Online3.vis};
//InputVisFile= {Run124120.vis};
//InputVisFile= {Data_Online.vis};
//InputVisFile= {Run124120_Raw.vis};
// ### input geometry file ###
InputGeom = {};
// Current event number
Event_Number = 0; // set to -1, in order to always display the lastest event of the latest file
Event_Time = -1;//5; // automatic event changing every Event_Time Sec (if Event_Time>0)
// This is no more really usefull because, this can be done with the <F2> or <t> menu.
// I keep any way this two lines as example...
GeomToDisplay = { 0,
// This is no more really usefull because, this can be done with the <F2> or <t> menu.
// I keep any way this fex lines as example...
EventToDisplay = { 0
// ,29100000 // GenParticles
// ,21100000 // Sim Track
// ,21200000 // Sim Hit
// ,21300000 // Sim Vertex
// ,22110000 // SiPixel Clusters
// ,22120000 // SiStrip Clusters
// ,22200000 // ECAL Hits EB + EE +ES
// ,22300000 // HCAL Hits HBHE + HO +HF
,22400000 // Muon Hits RPC
,22500000 // Muon Segments DT + CSC
// ,23300000 // All CaloTowers
// ,23100000 // All RecoTracks
,23100001 // All RecoTracks
,24130000 // All RecoJets
,24210000 // All RecoMET
// ,24300000 // All RecoCandidates
// ### stereoscopic view parameters ###
Stereoscopy = false;
Stereoscopy_Anaglyph = false;
Stereoscopy_EyeDistance = 5;

File Metadata

Mime Type
Sat, Dec 21, 12:22 PM (1 d, 17 h)
Storage Engine
Storage Format
Raw Data
Storage Handle
Default Alt Text
config.txt (2 KB)

Event Timeline