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Index: contrib/contribs/ConstituentSubtractor/tags/1.2.8/functions.hh
--- contrib/contribs/ConstituentSubtractor/tags/1.2.8/functions.hh (revision 0)
+++ contrib/contribs/ConstituentSubtractor/tags/1.2.8/functions.hh (revision 1135)
@@ -0,0 +1,117 @@
+// $Id$
+// This file is part of FastJet contrib.
+// It is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
+// the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
+// Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at
+// your option) any later version.
+// It is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
+// ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
+// License for more details.
+// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+// along with this code. If not, see <>.
+#include <iostream>
+#include <sstream>
+#include <vector>
+#include <iomanip>
+#include "fastjet/PseudoJet.hh"
+using namespace fastjet;
+using namespace std;
+// \class JetWidth
+// computes the jet width used as one shape in the example
+class JetWidth : public fastjet::FunctionOfPseudoJet<double>{
+ // action of the function
+ double result(const fastjet::PseudoJet &jet) const{
+ if (!jet.has_constituents()){
+ return -0.1;
+ }
+ double width = 1e-6;
+ double ptSum = 0;
+ if (jet.constituents().size() < 2) return width;
+ std::vector<fastjet::PseudoJet> constituents = jet.constituents();
+ for (unsigned int iconst=0; iconst<constituents.size(); iconst++){
+ fastjet::PseudoJet;
+ double dR = sqrt(cons.squared_distance(jet));
+ double pt =;
+ width += dR * pt;
+ ptSum += pt;
+ }
+ return width/ptSum;
+ }
+// read in input particles
+void read_event(vector<PseudoJet> &hard_event, vector<PseudoJet> &full_event, vector<PseudoJet> *hard_event_charged=0, vector<PseudoJet> *pileup_event_charged=0){
+ string line;
+ int nsub = 0; // counter to keep track of which sub-event we're reading
+ bool format_ptRapPhi=false;
+ while (getline(cin, line)) {
+ istringstream linestream(line);
+ // take substrings to avoid problems when there are extra "pollution"
+ // characters (e.g. line-feed).
+ if (line.substr(0,9) == "#PTRAPPHI") format_ptRapPhi=true;
+ if (line.substr(0,4) == "#END") {break;}
+ if (line.substr(0,9) == "#SUBSTART") {
+ // if more sub events follow, make copy of first one (the hard one) here
+ if (nsub == 1) hard_event = full_event;
+ nsub += 1;
+ }
+ if (line.substr(0,1) == "#") {continue;}
+ PseudoJet particle(0,0,1,1);
+ double charge,pid;
+ if (format_ptRapPhi){
+ double pt,y,phi;
+ linestream >> pt >> y >> phi >> pid >> charge;
+ particle.reset_PtYPhiM(pt,y,phi);
+ }
+ else{
+ double px,py,pz,E;
+ linestream >> px >> py >> pz >> E >> pid >> charge;
+ particle.reset(px,py,pz,E);
+ }
+ // push event onto back of full_event vector
+ if ( nsub <= 1 ) {
+ if (hard_event_charged && fabs(charge)>0.99) hard_event_charged->push_back(particle);
+ }
+ else {
+ if (pileup_event_charged && fabs(charge)>0.99) pileup_event_charged->push_back(particle);
+ }
+ full_event.push_back(particle);
+ }
+ // if we have read in only one event, copy it across here...
+ if (nsub == 1) hard_event = full_event;
+ // if there was nothing in the event
+ if (nsub == 0) {
+ cerr << "Error: read empty event\n";
+ exit(-1);
+ }
+ cout << "# " << nsub-1 << " pileup events on top of the hard event" << endl;
Property changes on: contrib/contribs/ConstituentSubtractor/tags/1.2.8/functions.hh
Added: svn:keywords
## -0,0 +1 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Index: contrib/contribs/ConstituentSubtractor/tags/1.2.8/example.ref
--- contrib/contribs/ConstituentSubtractor/tags/1.2.8/example.ref (revision 0)
+++ contrib/contribs/ConstituentSubtractor/tags/1.2.8/example.ref (revision 1135)
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+# 20 pileup events on top of the hard event
+# read an event with 207 signal particles and 1783 background particles with rapidity |y|<4
+# FastJet release 3.1.3
+# M. Cacciari, G.P. Salam and G. Soyez
+# A software package for jet finding and analysis at colliders
+# Please cite EPJC72(2012)1896 [arXiv:1111.6097] if you use this package
+# for scientific work and optionally PLB641(2006)57 [hep-ph/0512210].
+# FastJet is provided without warranty under the terms of the GNU GPLv2.
+# It uses T. Chan's closest pair algorithm, S. Fortune's Voronoi code
+# and 3rd party plugin jet algorithms. See COPYING file for details.
+ConstituentSubtractor using [JetMedianBackgroundEstimator, using Longitudinally invariant kt algorithm with R = 0.4 and E scheme recombination with Active area (explicit ghosts) with ghosts of area 0.00997331 (had requested 0.01), placed up to y = 4, scattered wrt to perfect grid by (rel) 1, mean_ghost_pt = 1e-100, rel pt_scatter = 0.1, n repetitions of ghost distributions = 1 and selecting jets with |rap| <= 3] to estimate the background
+perform mass subtraction: 1
+# original hard jets
+pt = 144.5, rap = 0.6689, mass = 19.34, width = 0.06909
+pt = 220.1, rap = -1.068, mass = 18.09, width = 0.0337
+# unsubtracted full jets
+pt = 167.3, rap = 0.6891, mass = 58.31, width = 0.1268
+pt = 230.5, rap = -1.065, mass = 46.2, width = 0.05647
+# subtracted full jets
+pt = 146.1, rap = 0.6826, mass = 35.53, width = 0.0782
+pt = 208.7, rap = -1.072, mass = 7.278, width = 0.02319
Index: contrib/contribs/ConstituentSubtractor/tags/1.2.8/
--- contrib/contribs/ConstituentSubtractor/tags/1.2.8/ (revision 0)
+++ contrib/contribs/ConstituentSubtractor/tags/1.2.8/ (revision 1135)
@@ -0,0 +1,153 @@
+// $Id: 1118 2018-05-04 14:17:50Z berta $
+// Example on how to do pileup correction on the whole event
+// run it with
+// ./example_whole_event < ../data/Pythia-Zp2jets-lhc-pileup-1ev.dat
+// This file is part of FastJet contrib.
+// It is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
+// the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
+// Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at
+// your option) any later version.
+// It is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
+// ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
+// License for more details.
+// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+// along with this code. If not, see <>.
+#include "fastjet/ClusterSequence.hh"
+#include "fastjet/Selector.hh"
+#include "fastjet/tools/GridMedianBackgroundEstimator.hh"
+#include "ConstituentSubtractor.hh" // In external code, this should be fastjet/contrib/ConstituentSubtractor.hh
+#include "functions.hh"
+using namespace std;
+using namespace fastjet;
+int main(){
+ // set up before event loop:
+ contrib::ConstituentSubtractor subtractor;
+ subtractor.set_distance_type(contrib::ConstituentSubtractor::deltaR); // free parameter for the type of distance between particle i and ghost k. There are two options: "deltaR" or "angle" which are defined as deltaR=sqrt((y_i-y_k)^2+(phi_i-phi_k)^2) or Euclidean angle between the momenta
+ vector<double> max_distances;
+ max_distances.push_back(0.1);
+ max_distances.push_back(0.15);
+ max_distances.push_back(0.15);
+ vector<double> alphas;
+ alphas.push_back(0);
+ alphas.push_back(0);
+ alphas.push_back(1);
+ subtractor.set_sequential_parameters(max_distances,alphas); // in this example, 3 CS corrections will be performed: 1. correction with max_distance of 0.1 and alpha of 0, 2. correction with max_distance of 0.15 and alpha of 0, and 3. correction with max_distance of 0.15 and alpha of 1.
+ subtractor.set_remove_remaining_proxies_sequential(true); // set to true if the ghosts (proxies) which were not used in the previous CS procedure should be removed for the next CS procedure
+ subtractor.set_ghost_area(0.004); // free parameter for the density of ghosts. The smaller, the better - but also the computation is slower.
+ // event loop
+ // read in input particles
+ vector<PseudoJet> hard_event, full_event;
+ read_event(hard_event, full_event);
+ double max_eta=4; // specify the maximal pseudorapidity for the particles used in the subtraction
+ double max_eta_jet=3; // the maximal pseudorapidity for selected jets
+ hard_event = SelectorAbsEtaMax(max_eta)(hard_event);
+ full_event = SelectorAbsEtaMax(max_eta)(full_event);
+ cout << "# read an event with " << hard_event.size() << " signal particles and " << full_event.size() - hard_event.size() << " background particles with pseudo-rapidity |eta|<4" << endl;
+ // jet definition and selector for jets
+ JetDefinition jet_def(antikt_algorithm, 0.7);
+ Selector sel_jets = SelectorNHardest(3) * SelectorAbsEtaMax(max_eta_jet);
+ // clustering of the hard-scatter event and uncorrected event
+ ClusterSequence clust_seq_hard(hard_event, jet_def);
+ ClusterSequence clust_seq_full(full_event, jet_def);
+ vector<PseudoJet> hard_jets = sel_jets(clust_seq_hard.inclusive_jets());
+ vector<PseudoJet> full_jets = sel_jets(clust_seq_full.inclusive_jets());
+ // background estimator
+ GridMedianBackgroundEstimator bge_rho(max_eta,0.5);
+ bge_rho.set_particles(full_event);
+ subtractor.set_background_estimator(&bge_rho);
+ // this sets the same background estimator to be used for deltaMass density, rho_m, as for pt density, rho:
+ subtractor.set_common_bge_for_rho_and_rhom(true); // it does not make any difference for massless input particles (rho_m is always zero)
+ // print info (optional)
+ cout << subtractor.description() << endl;
+ // the correction of the whole event with ConstituentSubtractor
+ vector<PseudoJet> corrected_event=subtractor.sequential_subtraction(full_event,max_eta);
+ // clustering of the corrected event
+ ClusterSequence clust_seq_corr(corrected_event, jet_def);
+ vector<PseudoJet> corrected_jets = sel_jets(clust_seq_corr.inclusive_jets());
+ ios::fmtflags f( cout.flags() );
+ cout << setprecision(4) << fixed;
+ cout << endl << "Corrected particles in the whole event:" << endl;
+ for (unsigned int i=0; i<corrected_event.size(); i++){
+ const PseudoJet &particle = corrected_event[i];
+ cout << "pt = " <<
+ << ", phi = " << particle.phi()
+ << ", rap = " << particle.rap()
+ << ", |mass| = " << fabs(particle.m()) << endl;
+ }
+ cout << endl;
+ // shape variables:
+ //----------------------------------------------------------
+ JetWidth width;
+ // subtract and print the result
+ //----------------------------------------------------------
+ cout.flags( f );
+ cout << setprecision(4);
+ cout << "# original hard jets" << endl;
+ for (unsigned int i=0; i<hard_jets.size(); i++){
+ const PseudoJet &jet = hard_jets[i];
+ cout << "pt = " <<
+ << ", rap = " << jet.rap()
+ << ", mass = " << jet.m()
+ << ", width = " << width(jet) << endl;
+ }
+ cout << endl;
+ cout << "# unsubtracted full jets" << endl;
+ for (unsigned int i=0; i<full_jets.size(); i++){
+ const PseudoJet &jet = full_jets[i];
+ cout << "pt = " <<
+ << ", rap = " << jet.rap()
+ << ", mass = " << jet.m()
+ << ", width = " << width(jet) << endl;
+ }
+ cout << endl;
+ cout << "# subtracted full jets" << endl;
+ for (unsigned int i=0; i<corrected_jets.size(); i++){
+ const PseudoJet &jet = corrected_jets[i];
+ cout << "pt = " <<
+ << ", rap = " << jet.rap()
+ << ", mass = " << jet.m()
+ << ", width = " << width(jet) << endl;
+ }
+ cout << endl;
+ return 0;
Index: contrib/contribs/ConstituentSubtractor/tags/1.2.8/COPYING
--- contrib/contribs/ConstituentSubtractor/tags/1.2.8/COPYING (revision 0)
+++ contrib/contribs/ConstituentSubtractor/tags/1.2.8/COPYING (revision 1135)
@@ -0,0 +1,359 @@
+The ConstituentSubtractor contrib to FastJet is released under the terms
+of the GNU General Public License v2 (GPLv2).
+A copy of the GPLv2 is to be found at the end of this file.
+While the GPL license grants you considerable freedom, please bear in
+mind that this code's use falls under guidelines similar to those that
+are standard for Monte Carlo event generators
+( In particular, if you use
+this code as part of work towards a scientific publication, whether
+directly or contained within another program you should include a
+citation to
+ arXiv:1403.3108
+ Version 2, June 1991
+ Copyright (C) 1989, 1991 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+ 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
+ Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim copies
+ of this license document, but changing it is not allowed.
+ Preamble
+ The licenses for most software are designed to take away your
+freedom to share and change it. By contrast, the GNU General Public
+License is intended to guarantee your freedom to share and change free
+software--to make sure the software is free for all its users. This
+General Public License applies to most of the Free Software
+Foundation's software and to any other program whose authors commit to
+using it. (Some other Free Software Foundation software is covered by
+the GNU Library General Public License instead.) You can apply it to
+your programs, too.
+ When we speak of free software, we are referring to freedom, not
+price. Our General Public Licenses are designed to make sure that you
+have the freedom to distribute copies of free software (and charge for
+this service if you wish), that you receive source code or can get it
+if you want it, that you can change the software or use pieces of it
+in new free programs; and that you know you can do these things.
+ To protect your rights, we need to make restrictions that forbid
+anyone to deny you these rights or to ask you to surrender the rights.
+These restrictions translate to certain responsibilities for you if you
+distribute copies of the software, or if you modify it.
+ For example, if you distribute copies of such a program, whether
+gratis or for a fee, you must give the recipients all the rights that
+you have. You must make sure that they, too, receive or can get the
+source code. And you must show them these terms so they know their
+ We protect your rights with two steps: (1) copyright the software, and
+(2) offer you this license which gives you legal permission to copy,
+distribute and/or modify the software.
+ Also, for each author's protection and ours, we want to make certain
+that everyone understands that there is no warranty for this free
+software. If the software is modified by someone else and passed on, we
+want its recipients to know that what they have is not the original, so
+that any problems introduced by others will not reflect on the original
+authors' reputations.
+ Finally, any free program is threatened constantly by software
+patents. We wish to avoid the danger that redistributors of a free
+program will individually obtain patent licenses, in effect making the
+program proprietary. To prevent this, we have made it clear that any
+patent must be licensed for everyone's free use or not licensed at all.
+ The precise terms and conditions for copying, distribution and
+modification follow.
+ 0. This License applies to any program or other work which contains
+a notice placed by the copyright holder saying it may be distributed
+under the terms of this General Public License. The "Program", below,
+refers to any such program or work, and a "work based on the Program"
+means either the Program or any derivative work under copyright law:
+that is to say, a work containing the Program or a portion of it,
+either verbatim or with modifications and/or translated into another
+language. (Hereinafter, translation is included without limitation in
+the term "modification".) Each licensee is addressed as "you".
+Activities other than copying, distribution and modification are not
+covered by this License; they are outside its scope. The act of
+running the Program is not restricted, and the output from the Program
+is covered only if its contents constitute a work based on the
+Program (independent of having been made by running the Program).
+Whether that is true depends on what the Program does.
+ 1. You may copy and distribute verbatim copies of the Program's
+source code as you receive it, in any medium, provided that you
+conspicuously and appropriately publish on each copy an appropriate
+copyright notice and disclaimer of warranty; keep intact all the
+notices that refer to this License and to the absence of any warranty;
+and give any other recipients of the Program a copy of this License
+along with the Program.
+You may charge a fee for the physical act of transferring a copy, and
+you may at your option offer warranty protection in exchange for a fee.
+ 2. You may modify your copy or copies of the Program or any portion
+of it, thus forming a work based on the Program, and copy and
+distribute such modifications or work under the terms of Section 1
+above, provided that you also meet all of these conditions:
+ a) You must cause the modified files to carry prominent notices
+ stating that you changed the files and the date of any change.
+ b) You must cause any work that you distribute or publish, that in
+ whole or in part contains or is derived from the Program or any
+ part thereof, to be licensed as a whole at no charge to all third
+ parties under the terms of this License.
+ c) If the modified program normally reads commands interactively
+ when run, you must cause it, when started running for such
+ interactive use in the most ordinary way, to print or display an
+ announcement including an appropriate copyright notice and a
+ notice that there is no warranty (or else, saying that you provide
+ a warranty) and that users may redistribute the program under
+ these conditions, and telling the user how to view a copy of this
+ License. (Exception: if the Program itself is interactive but
+ does not normally print such an announcement, your work based on
+ the Program is not required to print an announcement.)
+These requirements apply to the modified work as a whole. If
+identifiable sections of that work are not derived from the Program,
+and can be reasonably considered independent and separate works in
+themselves, then this License, and its terms, do not apply to those
+sections when you distribute them as separate works. But when you
+distribute the same sections as part of a whole which is a work based
+on the Program, the distribution of the whole must be on the terms of
+this License, whose permissions for other licensees extend to the
+entire whole, and thus to each and every part regardless of who wrote it.
+Thus, it is not the intent of this section to claim rights or contest
+your rights to work written entirely by you; rather, the intent is to
+exercise the right to control the distribution of derivative or
+collective works based on the Program.
+In addition, mere aggregation of another work not based on the Program
+with the Program (or with a work based on the Program) on a volume of
+a storage or distribution medium does not bring the other work under
+the scope of this License.
+ 3. You may copy and distribute the Program (or a work based on it,
+under Section 2) in object code or executable form under the terms of
+Sections 1 and 2 above provided that you also do one of the following:
+ a) Accompany it with the complete corresponding machine-readable
+ source code, which must be distributed under the terms of Sections
+ 1 and 2 above on a medium customarily used for software interchange; or,
+ b) Accompany it with a written offer, valid for at least three
+ years, to give any third party, for a charge no more than your
+ cost of physically performing source distribution, a complete
+ machine-readable copy of the corresponding source code, to be
+ distributed under the terms of Sections 1 and 2 above on a medium
+ customarily used for software interchange; or,
+ c) Accompany it with the information you received as to the offer
+ to distribute corresponding source code. (This alternative is
+ allowed only for noncommercial distribution and only if you
+ received the program in object code or executable form with such
+ an offer, in accord with Subsection b above.)
+The source code for a work means the preferred form of the work for
+making modifications to it. For an executable work, complete source
+code means all the source code for all modules it contains, plus any
+associated interface definition files, plus the scripts used to
+control compilation and installation of the executable. However, as a
+special exception, the source code distributed need not include
+anything that is normally distributed (in either source or binary
+form) with the major components (compiler, kernel, and so on) of the
+operating system on which the executable runs, unless that component
+itself accompanies the executable.
+If distribution of executable or object code is made by offering
+access to copy from a designated place, then offering equivalent
+access to copy the source code from the same place counts as
+distribution of the source code, even though third parties are not
+compelled to copy the source along with the object code.
+ 4. You may not copy, modify, sublicense, or distribute the Program
+except as expressly provided under this License. Any attempt
+otherwise to copy, modify, sublicense or distribute the Program is
+void, and will automatically terminate your rights under this License.
+However, parties who have received copies, or rights, from you under
+this License will not have their licenses terminated so long as such
+parties remain in full compliance.
+ 5. You are not required to accept this License, since you have not
+signed it. However, nothing else grants you permission to modify or
+distribute the Program or its derivative works. These actions are
+prohibited by law if you do not accept this License. Therefore, by
+modifying or distributing the Program (or any work based on the
+Program), you indicate your acceptance of this License to do so, and
+all its terms and conditions for copying, distributing or modifying
+the Program or works based on it.
+ 6. Each time you redistribute the Program (or any work based on the
+Program), the recipient automatically receives a license from the
+original licensor to copy, distribute or modify the Program subject to
+these terms and conditions. You may not impose any further
+restrictions on the recipients' exercise of the rights granted herein.
+You are not responsible for enforcing compliance by third parties to
+this License.
+ 7. If, as a consequence of a court judgment or allegation of patent
+infringement or for any other reason (not limited to patent issues),
+conditions are imposed on you (whether by court order, agreement or
+otherwise) that contradict the conditions of this License, they do not
+excuse you from the conditions of this License. If you cannot
+distribute so as to satisfy simultaneously your obligations under this
+License and any other pertinent obligations, then as a consequence you
+may not distribute the Program at all. For example, if a patent
+license would not permit royalty-free redistribution of the Program by
+all those who receive copies directly or indirectly through you, then
+the only way you could satisfy both it and this License would be to
+refrain entirely from distribution of the Program.
+If any portion of this section is held invalid or unenforceable under
+any particular circumstance, the balance of the section is intended to
+apply and the section as a whole is intended to apply in other
+It is not the purpose of this section to induce you to infringe any
+patents or other property right claims or to contest validity of any
+such claims; this section has the sole purpose of protecting the
+integrity of the free software distribution system, which is
+implemented by public license practices. Many people have made
+generous contributions to the wide range of software distributed
+through that system in reliance on consistent application of that
+system; it is up to the author/donor to decide if he or she is willing
+to distribute software through any other system and a licensee cannot
+impose that choice.
+This section is intended to make thoroughly clear what is believed to
+be a consequence of the rest of this License.
+ 8. If the distribution and/or use of the Program is restricted in
+certain countries either by patents or by copyrighted interfaces, the
+original copyright holder who places the Program under this License
+may add an explicit geographical distribution limitation excluding
+those countries, so that distribution is permitted only in or among
+countries not thus excluded. In such case, this License incorporates
+the limitation as if written in the body of this License.
+ 9. The Free Software Foundation may publish revised and/or new versions
+of the General Public License from time to time. Such new versions will
+be similar in spirit to the present version, but may differ in detail to
+address new problems or concerns.
+Each version is given a distinguishing version number. If the Program
+specifies a version number of this License which applies to it and "any
+later version", you have the option of following the terms and conditions
+either of that version or of any later version published by the Free
+Software Foundation. If the Program does not specify a version number of
+this License, you may choose any version ever published by the Free Software
+ 10. If you wish to incorporate parts of the Program into other free
+programs whose distribution conditions are different, write to the author
+to ask for permission. For software which is copyrighted by the Free
+Software Foundation, write to the Free Software Foundation; we sometimes
+make exceptions for this. Our decision will be guided by the two goals
+of preserving the free status of all derivatives of our free software and
+of promoting the sharing and reuse of software generally.
+ How to Apply These Terms to Your New Programs
+ If you develop a new program, and you want it to be of the greatest
+possible use to the public, the best way to achieve this is to make it
+free software which everyone can redistribute and change under these terms.
+ To do so, attach the following notices to the program. It is safest
+to attach them to the start of each source file to most effectively
+convey the exclusion of warranty; and each file should have at least
+the "copyright" line and a pointer to where the full notice is found.
+ <one line to give the program's name and a brief idea of what it does.>
+ Copyright (C) <year> <name of author>
+ This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ (at your option) any later version.
+ This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ GNU General Public License for more details.
+ You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
+Also add information on how to contact you by electronic and paper mail.
+If the program is interactive, make it output a short notice like this
+when it starts in an interactive mode:
+ Gnomovision version 69, Copyright (C) year name of author
+ Gnomovision comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; for details type `show w'.
+ This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it
+ under certain conditions; type `show c' for details.
+The hypothetical commands `show w' and `show c' should show the appropriate
+parts of the General Public License. Of course, the commands you use may
+be called something other than `show w' and `show c'; they could even be
+mouse-clicks or menu items--whatever suits your program.
+You should also get your employer (if you work as a programmer) or your
+school, if any, to sign a "copyright disclaimer" for the program, if
+necessary. Here is a sample; alter the names:
+ Yoyodyne, Inc., hereby disclaims all copyright interest in the program
+ `Gnomovision' (which makes passes at compilers) written by James Hacker.
+ <signature of Ty Coon>, 1 April 1989
+ Ty Coon, President of Vice
+This General Public License does not permit incorporating your program into
+proprietary programs. If your program is a subroutine library, you may
+consider it more useful to permit linking proprietary applications with the
+library. If this is what you want to do, use the GNU Library General
+Public License instead of this License.
Index: contrib/contribs/ConstituentSubtractor/tags/1.2.8/
--- contrib/contribs/ConstituentSubtractor/tags/1.2.8/ (revision 0)
+++ contrib/contribs/ConstituentSubtractor/tags/1.2.8/ (revision 1135)
@@ -0,0 +1,189 @@
+// ConstituentSubtractor package
+// Questions/comments:,,,
+// Copyright (c) 2014-, Peter Berta, Martin Spousta, David W. Miller, Rupert Leitner
+// This file is part of FastJet contrib.
+// It is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
+// the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
+// Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at
+// your option) any later version.
+// It is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
+// ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
+// License for more details.
+// // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+// along with this code. If not, see <>.
+#include "RescalingClasses.hh"
+FASTJET_BEGIN_NAMESPACE // defined in fastjet/internal/base.hh
+namespace contrib{
+ ///-----------------------------------------------------
+ /// BackgroundRescalingYPhi
+ BackgroundRescalingYPhi::BackgroundRescalingYPhi(double v2, double v3, double v4, double psi, double a1, double sigma1, double a2, double sigma2){
+ _v2=v2;
+ _v3=v3;
+ _v4=v4;
+ _psi=psi;
+ _a1=a1;
+ _sigma1=sigma1;
+ _a2=a2;
+ _sigma2=sigma2;
+ _use_rap=true;
+ _use_phi=true;
+ }
+ void BackgroundRescalingYPhi::use_rap_term(bool use_rap){
+ _use_rap=use_rap;
+ }
+ void BackgroundRescalingYPhi::use_phi_term(bool use_phi){
+ _use_phi=use_phi;
+ }
+ double BackgroundRescalingYPhi::result(const PseudoJet & particle) const {
+ double phi_term=1;
+ if (_use_phi){
+ double phi=particle.phi();
+ phi_term=1 + 2*_v2*_v2*cos(2*(phi-_psi)) + 2*_v3*_v3*cos(3*(phi-_psi)) + 2*_v4*_v4*cos(4*(phi-_psi));
+ }
+ double rap_term=1;
+ if (_use_rap){
+ double y=particle.rap();
+ rap_term=_a1*exp(-y*y/(2*_sigma1*_sigma1)) + _a2*exp(-y*y/(2*_sigma2*_sigma2));
+ }
+ return phi_term*rap_term;
+ }
+ ///----------------------------------------------------
+ /// BackgroundRescalingYPhiUsingVectorForY
+ BackgroundRescalingYPhiUsingVectorForY::BackgroundRescalingYPhiUsingVectorForY(double v2, double v3, double v4, double psi, std::vector<double> values, std::vector<double> rap_binning){
+ _v2=v2;
+ _v3=v3;
+ _v4=v4;
+ _psi=psi;
+ _values=values;
+ _rap_binning=rap_binning;
+ _use_phi=true;
+ if (_rap_binning.size()>=2){
+ _use_rap=true;
+ if (_values.size()!=_rap_binning.size()-1) throw Error("BackgroundRescalingYPhiUsingVectorForY (from ConstituentSubtractor) The input vectors have wrong dimension. The vector with binning shuld have the size by one higher than the vector with values.");
+ }
+ else _use_rap=false;
+ }
+ void BackgroundRescalingYPhiUsingVectorForY::use_rap_term(bool use_rap){
+ _use_rap=use_rap;
+ if (use_rap && _rap_binning.size()<2) throw Error("BackgroundRescalingYPhiUsingVectorForY (from ConstituentSubtractor) Requested rapidity rescaling, but the vector with binning has less than two elements!");
+ }
+ void BackgroundRescalingYPhiUsingVectorForY::use_phi_term(bool use_phi){
+ _use_phi=use_phi;
+ }
+ double BackgroundRescalingYPhiUsingVectorForY::result(const PseudoJet & particle) const {
+ double phi_term=1;
+ if (_use_phi){
+ double phi=particle.phi();
+ phi_term=1 + 2*_v2*_v2*cos(2*(phi-_psi)) + 2*_v3*_v3*cos(3*(phi-_psi)) + 2*_v4*_v4*cos(4*(phi-_psi));
+ }
+ double rap_term=1;
+ if (_use_rap){
+ int rap_index=0;
+ double rap=particle.rap();
+ if (rap<_rap_binning[0]) rap_index=0; // take the lowest rapidity bin in this case
+ else if (rap>=_rap_binning[_rap_binning.size()-1]) rap_index=_rap_binning.size()-2; // take the highest rapidity bin in this case
+ else{
+ for (unsigned int i=1;i<_rap_binning.size();++i){
+ if (rap<_rap_binning[i]){
+ rap_index=i-1;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ rap_term=_values[rap_index];
+ }
+ return phi_term*rap_term;
+ }
+ ///---------------------------------------------------------
+ ///BackgroundRescalingYPhiUsingVectors
+ BackgroundRescalingYPhiUsingVectors::BackgroundRescalingYPhiUsingVectors(std::vector<std::vector<double> > values, std::vector<double> rap_binning, std::vector<double> phi_binning){
+ _values=values;
+ _rap_binning=rap_binning;
+ _phi_binning=phi_binning;
+ if (_rap_binning.size()>=2) _use_rap=true;
+ else _use_rap=false;
+ if (_phi_binning.size()>=2) _use_phi=true;
+ else _use_phi=false;
+ }
+ void BackgroundRescalingYPhiUsingVectors::use_rap_term(bool use_rap){
+ _use_rap=use_rap;
+ if (use_rap && _rap_binning.size()<2) throw Error("BackgroundRescalingYPhiUsingVectors (from ConstituentSubtractor) Requested rapidity rescaling, but the vector with binning has less than two elements!");
+ }
+ void BackgroundRescalingYPhiUsingVectors::use_phi_term(bool use_phi){
+ _use_phi=use_phi;
+ if (use_phi && _phi_binning.size()<2) throw Error("BackgroundRescalingYPhiUsingVectors (from ConstituentSubtractor) Requested azimuth rescaling, but the vector with binning has less than two elements!");
+ }
+ double BackgroundRescalingYPhiUsingVectors::result(const PseudoJet & particle) const {
+ unsigned int phi_index=0;
+ if (_use_phi){
+ double phi=particle.phi();
+ if (phi<_phi_binning[0] || phi>=_phi_binning[_phi_binning.size()-1]) throw Error("BackgroundRescalingYPhiUsingVectors (from ConstituentSubtractor) The phi binning does not correspond to the phi binning of the particles.");
+ for (unsigned int i=1;i<_phi_binning.size();++i){
+ if (phi<_phi_binning[i]){
+ phi_index=i-1;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ unsigned int rap_index=0;
+ if (_use_rap){
+ double rap=particle.rap();
+ if (rap<_rap_binning[0]) rap_index=0; // take the lowest rapidity bin in this case
+ else if (rap>=_rap_binning[_rap_binning.size()-1]) rap_index=_rap_binning.size()-2; // take the highest rapidity bin in this case
+ else{
+ for (unsigned int i=1;i<_rap_binning.size();++i){
+ if (rap<_rap_binning[i]){
+ rap_index=i-1;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (_values.size()<=rap_index) throw Error("BackgroundRescalingYPhiUsingVectors (from ConstituentSubtractor) The input vector<vector<double> > with values has wrong size.");
+ else if (_values[rap_index].size()<=phi_index) throw Error("BackgroundRescalingYPhiUsingVectors (from ConstituentSubtractor) The input vector<vector<double> > with values has wrong size.");
+ return _values[rap_index][phi_index];
+ }
+} // namespace contrib
Index: contrib/contribs/ConstituentSubtractor/tags/1.2.8/
--- contrib/contribs/ConstituentSubtractor/tags/1.2.8/ (revision 0)
+++ contrib/contribs/ConstituentSubtractor/tags/1.2.8/ (revision 1135)
@@ -0,0 +1,149 @@
+// $Id$
+// Example on how to do pileup correction on the whole event
+// run it with
+// ./example_whole_event < ../data/Pythia-Zp2jets-lhc-pileup-1ev.dat
+// This file is part of FastJet contrib.
+// It is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
+// the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
+// Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at
+// your option) any later version.
+// It is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
+// ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
+// License for more details.
+// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+// along with this code. If not, see <>.
+#include "fastjet/Selector.hh"
+#include "fastjet/tools/GridMedianBackgroundEstimator.hh"
+#include "fastjet/ClusterSequence.hh"
+#include "ConstituentSubtractor.hh" // In external code, this should be fastjet/contrib/ConstituentSubtractor.hh
+#include "functions.hh"
+using namespace std;
+using namespace fastjet;
+int main(){
+ // set up before event loop:
+ contrib::ConstituentSubtractor subtractor; // no need to provide background estimator in this case
+ subtractor.set_distance_type(contrib::ConstituentSubtractor::deltaR); // free parameter for the type of distance between particle i and ghost k. There are two options: "deltaR" or "angle" which are defined as deltaR=sqrt((y_i-y_k)^2+(phi_i-phi_k)^2) or Euclidean angle between the momenta
+ subtractor.set_max_distance(0.3); // free parameter for the maximal allowed distance between particle i and ghost k
+ subtractor.set_alpha(1); // free parameter for the distance measure (the exponent of particle pt). The larger the parameter alpha, the more are favoured the lower pt particles in the subtraction process
+ subtractor.set_ghost_area(0.01); // free parameter for the density of ghosts. The smaller, the better - but also the computation is slower.
+ subtractor.set_do_mass_subtraction(true); // specify if also the mass term sqrt(pT^2+m^2)-pT should be corrected or not. It is necessary to specify it like this because the function set_common_bge_for_rho_and_rhom cannot be used in this case.
+ double CBS=1.0; // choose the scale for scaling the background charged particles
+ double CSS=1.0; // choose the scale for scaling the signal charged particles
+ subtractor.set_remove_zero_pt_and_mtMinusPt_particles(false); // set to false if you want to have also the zero pt and mtMinuspt particles in the output. Set to true, if not. The choice has no effect on the performance. By deafult, these particles are removed - this is the recommended way since then the output contains much less particles, and therefore the next step (e.g. clustering) is faster. In this example, it is set to false to make sure that this test is successful on all systems (mac, linux).
+ subtractor.set_grid_size_background_estimator(0.6); // set the grid size (not area) for the background estimation with GridMedianBackgroundEstimation which is used within CS correction using charged info
+ cout << subtractor.description() << endl;
+ // read in input particles
+ vector<PseudoJet> hard_event, full_event;
+ vector<PseudoJet> *hard_event_charged=new vector<PseudoJet>;
+ vector<PseudoJet> *background_event_charged=new vector<PseudoJet>;
+ read_event(hard_event, full_event, hard_event_charged, background_event_charged);
+ double max_eta=4; // specify the maximal pseudorapidity for the particles used in the subtraction
+ double max_eta_jet=3; // the maximal pseudorapidity for selected jets
+ // keep the particles up to 4 units in rapidity
+ hard_event = SelectorAbsEtaMax(max_eta)(hard_event);
+ full_event = SelectorAbsEtaMax(max_eta)(full_event);
+ *hard_event_charged = SelectorAbsEtaMax(max_eta)(*hard_event_charged);
+ *background_event_charged = SelectorAbsEtaMax(max_eta)(*background_event_charged);
+ cout << "# read an event with " << hard_event.size() << " signal particles, " << full_event.size() - hard_event.size() << " background particles, " << hard_event_charged->size() << " signal charged particles, and " << background_event_charged->size() << " background charged particles" << " with pseudo-rapidity |eta|<4" << endl;
+ // do the clustering with ghosts and get the jets
+ //----------------------------------------------------------
+ JetDefinition jet_def(antikt_algorithm, 0.7);
+ Selector sel_jets = SelectorNHardest(3) * SelectorAbsEtaMax(max_eta_jet);
+ ClusterSequence clust_seq_hard(hard_event, jet_def);
+ ClusterSequence clust_seq_full(full_event, jet_def);
+ vector<PseudoJet> hard_jets = sel_jets(clust_seq_hard.inclusive_jets());
+ vector<PseudoJet> full_jets = sel_jets(clust_seq_full.inclusive_jets());
+ // correction of the whole event using charged info
+ vector<PseudoJet> corrected_event=subtractor.subtract_event_using_charged_info(full_event,CBS,*background_event_charged,CSS,*hard_event_charged,max_eta);
+ ios::fmtflags f( cout.flags() );
+ cout << setprecision(7) << fixed;
+ cout << endl << "Corrected particles in the whole event:" << endl;
+ for (unsigned int i=0; i<corrected_event.size(); i++){
+ const PseudoJet &particle = corrected_event[i];
+ cout << "pt = " <<
+ << ", phi = " << particle.phi()
+ << ", rap = " << particle.rap()
+ << ", |mass| = " << fabs(particle.m()) << endl;
+ }
+ cout << endl;
+ ClusterSequence clust_seq_corr(corrected_event, jet_def);
+ vector<PseudoJet> corrected_jets = sel_jets(clust_seq_corr.inclusive_jets());
+ // shape variables:
+ //----------------------------------------------------------
+ JetWidth width;
+ // subtract and print the result
+ //----------------------------------------------------------
+ cout.flags( f );
+ cout << setprecision(7);
+ cout << "Original hard jets" << endl;
+ for (unsigned int i=0; i<hard_jets.size(); i++){
+ const PseudoJet &jet = hard_jets[i];
+ cout << "pt = " <<
+ << ", rap = " << jet.rap()
+ << ", mass = " << jet.m()
+ << ", width = " << width(jet) << endl;
+ }
+ cout << endl;
+ cout << "Unsubtracted full jets" << endl;
+ for (unsigned int i=0; i<full_jets.size(); i++){
+ const PseudoJet &jet = full_jets[i];
+ cout << "pt = " <<
+ << ", rap = " << jet.rap()
+ << ", mass = " << jet.m()
+ << ", width = " << width(jet) << endl;
+ }
+ cout << endl;
+ cout << "Subtracted full jets" << endl;
+ for (unsigned int i=0; i<corrected_jets.size(); i++){
+ const PseudoJet &jet = corrected_jets[i];
+ cout << "pt = " <<
+ << ", rap = " << jet.rap()
+ << ", mass = " << jet.m()
+ << ", width = " << width(jet) << endl;
+ }
+ cout << endl;
+ return 0;
Property changes on: contrib/contribs/ConstituentSubtractor/tags/1.2.8/
Added: svn:keywords
## -0,0 +1 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Index: contrib/contribs/ConstituentSubtractor/tags/1.2.8/
--- contrib/contribs/ConstituentSubtractor/tags/1.2.8/ (revision 0)
+++ contrib/contribs/ConstituentSubtractor/tags/1.2.8/ (revision 1135)
@@ -0,0 +1,787 @@
+// $Id$
+// ConstituentSubtractor package
+// Questions/comments:,,,
+// Copyright (c) 2014-, Peter Berta, Martin Spousta, David W. Miller, Rupert Leitner
+// This file is part of FastJet contrib.
+// It is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
+// the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
+// Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at
+// your option) any later version.
+// It is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
+// ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
+// License for more details.
+// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+// along with this code. If not, see <>.
+#include "ConstituentSubtractor.hh"
+FASTJET_BEGIN_NAMESPACE // defined in fastjet/internal/base.hh
+namespace contrib{
+LimitedWarning ConstituentSubtractor::_warning_unused_rhom;
+ ///
+ /// default constructor
+ ConstituentSubtractor::ConstituentSubtractor(){
+ _bge_rho=0;
+ _bge_rhom=0;
+ _common_bge=false;
+ _rhom_from_bge_rhom=false;
+ _externally_supplied_rho_rhom=false;
+ _do_mass_subtraction=false;
+ _distance=deltaR;
+ _alpha=0;
+ _polarAngleExp=0;
+ _max_distance=-1;
+ _remove_zero_pt_and_mtMinusPt_particles=true;
+ _remove_all_zero_pt_particles=false;
+ _use_max_distance=false;
+ _remove_remaining_proxies_sequential=true;
+ _ghost_area=0.01;
+ _grid_size_phi=-1;
+ _grid_size_rap=-1;
+ _ghosts_constructed=false;
+ _ghosts_rapidity_sorted=false;
+ _n_ghosts_phi=-1;
+ _max_eta=0;
+ _grid_size_background_estimator=0.5;
+ _selector=0;
+ }
+ /// Constructor that takes a pointer to a background estimator for
+ /// rho and optionally a pointer to a background estimator for
+ /// rho_m.
+ ConstituentSubtractor::ConstituentSubtractor(fastjet::BackgroundEstimatorBase *bge_rho, fastjet::BackgroundEstimatorBase *bge_rhom, double alpha, double max_distance, Distance distance) :
+ _bge_rho(bge_rho), _bge_rhom(bge_rhom), _common_bge(false), _rhom_from_bge_rhom(false), _externally_supplied_rho_rhom(false), _distance(distance), _alpha(alpha), _max_distance(max_distance){
+ if (_max_distance>0) _use_max_distance=true;
+ else _use_max_distance=false;
+ _polarAngleExp=0;
+ _ghost_area=0.01;
+ _remove_zero_pt_and_mtMinusPt_particles=true;
+ _remove_all_zero_pt_particles=false;
+ _max_eta=0;
+ _ghosts_constructed=false;
+ _ghosts_rapidity_sorted=false;
+ _n_ghosts_phi=-1;
+ _do_mass_subtraction=false;
+ if (_common_bge || bge_rhom) _do_mass_subtraction=true;
+ _selector=0;
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Constructor that takes an externally supplied value for rho and, optionally, for rho_m.
+ ConstituentSubtractor::ConstituentSubtractor(double rho, double rhom, double alpha, double max_distance, Distance distance) :
+ _bge_rho(0), _bge_rhom(0), _common_bge(false), _rhom_from_bge_rhom(false), _rho(rho), _rhom(rhom), _externally_supplied_rho_rhom(true), _distance(distance), _alpha(alpha), _max_distance(max_distance) {
+ if (_max_distance>0) _use_max_distance=true;
+ else _use_max_distance=false;
+ assert(_rho >= 0);
+ assert(_rhom >= 0);
+ _polarAngleExp=0;
+ _ghost_area=0.01;
+ _remove_zero_pt_and_mtMinusPt_particles=true;
+ _remove_all_zero_pt_particles=false;
+ _ghosts_constructed=false;
+ _ghosts_rapidity_sorted=false;
+ _n_ghosts_phi=-1;
+ _do_mass_subtraction=true;
+ _max_eta=0;
+ _selector=0;
+ }
+ void ConstituentSubtractor::set_background_estimator(fastjet::BackgroundEstimatorBase *bge_rho, fastjet::BackgroundEstimatorBase *bge_rhom){
+ _bge_rho=bge_rho;
+ _bge_rhom=bge_rhom;
+ if (_common_bge || bge_rhom) _do_mass_subtraction=true;
+ }
+ void ConstituentSubtractor::set_scalar_background_density(double rho, double rhom){
+ _rho=rho;
+ _rhom=rhom;
+ assert(_rho >= 0);
+ assert(_rhom >= 0);
+ _externally_supplied_rho_rhom=true;
+ _common_bge=false;
+ _do_mass_subtraction=true;
+ }
+ ///----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ /// the action on a given jet
+ fastjet::PseudoJet ConstituentSubtractor::result(const PseudoJet &jet) const{
+ // make sure we have a BGE or a rho value
+ if (!_bge_rho && !_externally_supplied_rho_rhom){
+ throw Error("ConstituentSubtractor::result() constituent subtraction needs a BackgroundEstimator or a value for rho.");
+ }
+ if (_ghosts_constructed) throw Error("ConstituentSubtractor::result() The ghosts are constructed, but they are not needed when using this function. When you want to perform jet-by-jet correction, initialize a new ConstituentSubtractor without construction of ghosts.");
+ ///----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ /// sift ghosts and particles in the input jet
+ std::vector<fastjet::PseudoJet> particles, ghosts;
+ SelectorIsPureGhost().sift(jet.constituents(), ghosts, particles);
+ std::vector<double> ghosts_area;
+ unsigned long nGhosts=ghosts.size();
+ for (unsigned int j=0;j<nGhosts; ++j){
+ ghosts_area.push_back(ghosts[j].area());
+ }
+ std::vector<fastjet::PseudoJet> backgroundProxies=this->get_background_proxies_from_ghosts(ghosts,ghosts_area);
+ std::vector<fastjet::PseudoJet> subtracted_particles=this->do_subtraction(particles,backgroundProxies);
+ fastjet::PseudoJet subtracted_jet=join(subtracted_particles);
+ subtracted_jet.set_user_index(jet.user_index());
+ return subtracted_jet;
+ }
+ std::vector<fastjet::PseudoJet> ConstituentSubtractor::subtract_event(std::vector<fastjet::PseudoJet> const &particles, double max_eta){
+ if (fabs(_max_eta/max_eta-1)>1e-5) _ghosts_constructed=false;
+ if (!_ghosts_constructed) this->construct_ghosts_uniformly(max_eta);
+ std::vector<fastjet::PseudoJet> backgroundProxies=this->get_background_proxies_from_ghosts(_ghosts,_ghosts_area);
+ std::vector<fastjet::PseudoJet> selected_particles;
+ for (unsigned int i=0;i<particles.size();++i){
+ if (fabs(particles[i].eta())<max_eta) selected_particles.push_back(particles[i]);
+ }
+ std::vector<fastjet::PseudoJet> subtracted_particles=this->do_subtraction(selected_particles,backgroundProxies);
+ return subtracted_particles;
+ }
+ std::vector<fastjet::PseudoJet> ConstituentSubtractor::get_background_proxies_from_ghosts(std::vector<fastjet::PseudoJet> const &ghosts,std::vector<double> const &ghosts_area) const{
+ std::vector<fastjet::PseudoJet> proxies;
+ unsigned long nGhosts=ghosts.size();
+ std::vector<double> pt;
+ std::vector<double> mtMinusPt;
+ if (_externally_supplied_rho_rhom){
+ for (unsigned int j=0;j<nGhosts; ++j){
+ pt.push_back(_rho*ghosts_area[j]);
+ mtMinusPt.push_back(_rhom*ghosts_area[j]);
+ }
+ }
+ else{
+ for (unsigned int j=0;j<nGhosts; ++j) pt.push_back(_bge_rho->rho(ghosts[j])*ghosts_area[j]);
+ if (_bge_rhom){
+ if (_rhom_from_bge_rhom){
+ for (unsigned int j=0;j<nGhosts; ++j) mtMinusPt.push_back(_bge_rhom->rho_m(ghosts[j])*ghosts_area[j]);
+ throw(Error("ConstituentSubtractor:: _rhom_from_bge_rhom not allowed for FJ<3.1"));
+#endif // end of code specific to FJ >= 3.1
+ } else {
+ for (unsigned int j=0;j<nGhosts; ++j) mtMinusPt.push_back(_bge_rhom->rho(ghosts[j])*ghosts_area[j]);
+ }
+ }
+ else if (_common_bge){
+ // since FJ 3.1.0, some background estimators have an automatic internal calculation of rho_m
+ // check if the BGE has internal support for rho_m
+ if (_bge_rho->has_rho_m()){
+ for (unsigned int j=0;j<nGhosts; ++j) mtMinusPt.push_back(_bge_rho->rho_m(ghosts[j])*ghosts_area[j]);
+ } else {
+#endif // end of code specific to FJ >= 3.1
+ BackgroundJetPtMDensity m_density;
+ JetMedianBackgroundEstimator *jmbge = dynamic_cast<JetMedianBackgroundEstimator*>(_bge_rho);
+ const FunctionOfPseudoJet<double> * orig_density = jmbge->jet_density_class();
+ jmbge->set_jet_density_class(&m_density);
+ for (unsigned int j=0;j<nGhosts; ++j) mtMinusPt.push_back(jmbge->rho(ghosts[j])*ghosts_area[j]);
+ jmbge->set_jet_density_class(orig_density);
+ }
+ }
+ else { // a single bge, only rho requested
+ for (unsigned int j=0;j<nGhosts; ++j) mtMinusPt.push_back(1e-200);
+ // In FJ3.1 and BGE with rho_m support, add a warning, similar to that in Subtractor
+ double const rho_m_warning_threshold = 1e-5;
+ if (_bge_rho->has_rho_m() && _bge_rho->rho_m()>rho_m_warning_threshold*_bge_rho->rho()){
+ _warning_unused_rhom.warn("ConstituentSubtractor:: Background estimator indicates non-zero rho_m, but the constituent subtractor does not use rho_m information; consider calling set_common_bge_for_rho_and_rhom(true) to include the rho_m information");
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ fastjet::PseudoJet proxy(0,0,0,1);
+ for (unsigned int j=0;j<nGhosts; ++j){
+ double mass_squared=pow(mtMinusPt[j]+pt[j],2)-pow(pt[j],2);
+ double mass=0;
+ if (mass_squared>0) mass=sqrt(mass_squared);
+ proxy.reset_momentum_PtYPhiM(pt[j],ghosts[j].rap(),ghosts[j].phi(),mass);
+ proxies.push_back(proxy);
+ }
+ return proxies;
+ }
+ std::vector<fastjet::PseudoJet> ConstituentSubtractor::do_subtraction(std::vector<fastjet::PseudoJet> const &particles, std::vector<fastjet::PseudoJet> const &backgroundProxies,std::vector<fastjet::PseudoJet> *remaining_backgroundProxies) const{
+ unsigned int nBackgroundProxies=backgroundProxies.size();
+ unsigned int nParticles=particles.size();
+ double max_distance_transformed=-1;
+ if (_distance==ConstituentSubtractor::deltaR) max_distance_transformed=pow(_max_distance,2);
+ if (_distance==ConstituentSubtractor::angle) max_distance_transformed=-cos(_max_distance);
+ ///
+ /// sort particles according to rapidity to achieve faster performance for the whole event subtraction
+ std::vector<fastjet::PseudoJet> particles_sorted=particles;
+ std::sort(particles_sorted.begin(),particles_sorted.end(),ConstituentSubtractor::_rapidity_sorting);
+ ///
+ /// get the kinematic variables for particles and background proxies in advance to achieve faster performance
+ std::vector<double> particles_phi,particles_rap,particles_pt,particles_mt,pt_factors,polarAngle_factors,particle_factors,particles_px_normalized,particles_py_normalized,particles_pz_normalized;
+ for (unsigned int i=0;i<nParticles; ++i){
+ particles_phi.push_back(particles_sorted[i].phi());
+ particles_rap.push_back(particles_sorted[i].rap());
+ particles_pt.push_back(particles_sorted[i].pt());
+ particles_mt.push_back(particles_sorted[i].mt());
+ if (fabs(_alpha)>1e-5) pt_factors.push_back(pow(particles_pt[i],_alpha));
+ else pt_factors.push_back(1);
+ double momentum=sqrt(particles_sorted[i].pt2()+particles_sorted[i].pz()*particles_sorted[i].pz());
+ if (fabs(_polarAngleExp)>1e-5) polarAngle_factors.push_back(pow(particles_pt[i]/momentum,_polarAngleExp));
+ else polarAngle_factors.push_back(1);
+ particle_factors.push_back(pt_factors[i]*polarAngle_factors[i]);
+ if (_distance==ConstituentSubtractor::angle){
+ particles_px_normalized.push_back(particles_sorted[i].px()/momentum);
+ particles_py_normalized.push_back(particles_sorted[i].py()/momentum);
+ particles_pz_normalized.push_back(particles_sorted[i].pz()/momentum);
+ }
+ }
+ std::vector<double> backgroundProxies_phi,backgroundProxies_rap,backgroundProxies_pt,backgroundProxies_mt,backgroundProxies_px_normalized,backgroundProxies_py_normalized,backgroundProxies_pz_normalized;
+ for (unsigned int j=0;j<nBackgroundProxies;++j){
+ backgroundProxies_phi.push_back(backgroundProxies[j].phi());
+ backgroundProxies_rap.push_back(backgroundProxies[j].rap());
+ backgroundProxies_pt.push_back(backgroundProxies[j].pt());
+ backgroundProxies_mt.push_back(backgroundProxies[j].mt());
+ if (_distance==ConstituentSubtractor::angle){
+ double momentum=sqrt(backgroundProxies[j].pt2()+backgroundProxies[j].pz()*backgroundProxies[j].pz());
+ backgroundProxies_px_normalized.push_back(backgroundProxies[j].px()/momentum);
+ backgroundProxies_py_normalized.push_back(backgroundProxies[j].py()/momentum);
+ backgroundProxies_pz_normalized.push_back(backgroundProxies[j].pz()/momentum);
+ }
+ }
+ ///
+ /// finding the rapidity range of particles for each ghost to achieve faster performance in the double loop over particles and proxies below
+ double max_number_pairs=0;
+ std::vector<unsigned int> backgroundProxies_minParticleIndex,backgroundProxies_maxParticleIndex;
+ if (_use_max_distance && _distance==ConstituentSubtractor::deltaR && _ghosts_rapidity_sorted && !_selector){
+ for (unsigned int j=0;j<_ghosts_rapidities.size();++j){
+ unsigned int min=this->_find_index_after(_ghosts_rapidities[j]-_max_distance,particles_rap);
+ unsigned int max=this->_find_index_before(_ghosts_rapidities[j]+_max_distance,particles_rap);
+ for (int k=0;k<_n_ghosts_phi;++k){
+ backgroundProxies_minParticleIndex.push_back(min);
+ backgroundProxies_maxParticleIndex.push_back(max);
+ }
+ max_number_pairs+=max-min;
+ }
+ max_number_pairs=max_number_pairs*_n_ghosts_phi*_max_distance/3.1415;
+ }
+ else{
+ for (unsigned int j=0;j<nBackgroundProxies; ++j){
+ backgroundProxies_minParticleIndex.push_back(0);
+ backgroundProxies_maxParticleIndex.push_back(nParticles);
+ }
+ if (_use_max_distance && _ghosts_constructed && !_selector){
+ if (_distance==ConstituentSubtractor::deltaR) max_number_pairs=nParticles*nBackgroundProxies*_max_distance*_max_distance/4./_max_eta;
+ if (_distance==ConstituentSubtractor::angle) max_number_pairs=nParticles*nBackgroundProxies*_max_distance/3.141593;
+ }
+ else max_number_pairs=nParticles*nBackgroundProxies;
+ }
+ ///
+ /// computation of the CS distances
+ std::vector<std::pair<double,std::pair<int,int> > > CS_distances; // storing three elements: the CS distance, and corresponding particle and proxy indexes
+ CS_distances.reserve(max_number_pairs);
+ bool skip_particles_outside_phi_range=false; // used for speed optimization
+ if (_distance==ConstituentSubtractor::deltaR && _use_max_distance && _max_distance<twopi/2.*0.9999 && _ghosts_constructed && !_selector) skip_particles_outside_phi_range=true;
+ double distance_transformed = 0;
+ bool switched=false;
+ double particle_phi_max=0;
+ double particle_phi_min=0;
+ for (unsigned int j=0;j<nBackgroundProxies; ++j){
+ if (skip_particles_outside_phi_range){
+ switched=false;
+ particle_phi_max=backgroundProxies_phi[j]+_max_distance;
+ particle_phi_min=backgroundProxies_phi[j]-_max_distance;
+ if (particle_phi_max>twopi){
+ particle_phi_min=particle_phi_max-twopi;
+ particle_phi_max=backgroundProxies_phi[j]-_max_distance;
+ switched=true;
+ }
+ if (particle_phi_min<0){
+ particle_phi_max=particle_phi_min+twopi;
+ particle_phi_min=backgroundProxies_phi[j]+_max_distance;
+ switched=true;
+ }
+ }
+ for (unsigned int i=backgroundProxies_minParticleIndex[j];i<backgroundProxies_maxParticleIndex[j];++i){
+ if (_distance==ConstituentSubtractor::deltaR){
+ if (skip_particles_outside_phi_range) if ((switched && particles_phi[i]>particle_phi_min && particles_phi[i]<particle_phi_max) || (!switched && (particles_phi[i]<particle_phi_min || particles_phi[i]>particle_phi_max))) continue; // speed optimization only, this line has no effect on the subtraction performance
+ double deltaPhi=fabs(backgroundProxies_phi[j]-particles_phi[i]);
+ if (deltaPhi>pi) deltaPhi=twopi-deltaPhi;
+ double deltaRap=backgroundProxies_rap[j]-particles_rap[i];
+ distance_transformed = deltaPhi*deltaPhi+deltaRap*deltaRap;
+ }
+ if (_distance==ConstituentSubtractor::angle){
+ distance_transformed=-(particles_px_normalized[i]*backgroundProxies_px_normalized[j]+particles_py_normalized[i]*backgroundProxies_py_normalized[j]+particles_pz_normalized[i]*backgroundProxies_pz_normalized[j]);
+ }
+ if (!_use_max_distance || distance_transformed<=max_distance_transformed){
+ double CS_distance = distance_transformed*particle_factors[i];
+ CS_distances.push_back(std::make_pair(CS_distance,std::make_pair(i,j))); // have tried to use emplace_back and tuple here - did not lead to any speed improvement
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ///
+ /// sorting of the CS distances
+ std::sort(CS_distances.begin(),CS_distances.end(),ConstituentSubtractor::_function_used_for_sorting);
+ ///----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ /// the iterative process. Here, only finding the fractions of pt or delta_m=mt-pt to be corrected. The actual correction of particles is done later.
+ unsigned long nStoredPairs=CS_distances.size();
+ std::vector<double> backgroundProxies_fraction_of_pt(nBackgroundProxies,1.);
+ std::vector<double> particles_fraction_of_pt(nParticles,1.);
+ std::vector<double> backgroundProxies_fraction_of_mtMinusPt(nBackgroundProxies,1.);
+ std::vector<double> particles_fraction_of_mtMinusPt(nParticles,1.);
+ for (unsigned long iindices=0;iindices<nStoredPairs;++iindices){
+ int particle_index=CS_distances[iindices].second.first;
+ int proxy_index=CS_distances[iindices].second.second;
+ if (backgroundProxies_fraction_of_pt[proxy_index]>0 && particles_fraction_of_pt[particle_index]>0 && particles_pt[particle_index]>0 && backgroundProxies[proxy_index].pt()>0){
+ double ratio_pt=particles_pt[particle_index]*particles_fraction_of_pt[particle_index]/backgroundProxies_pt[proxy_index]/backgroundProxies_fraction_of_pt[proxy_index];
+ if (ratio_pt>1){
+ particles_fraction_of_pt[particle_index]*=1-1./ratio_pt;
+ backgroundProxies_fraction_of_pt[proxy_index]=-1;
+ }
+ else {
+ backgroundProxies_fraction_of_pt[proxy_index]*=1-ratio_pt;
+ particles_fraction_of_pt[particle_index]=-1;
+ }
+ }
+ if (_do_mass_subtraction && backgroundProxies_fraction_of_mtMinusPt[proxy_index]>0 && particles_fraction_of_mtMinusPt[particle_index]>0 && particles_mt[particle_index]>particles_pt[particle_index] && backgroundProxies_mt[proxy_index]>backgroundProxies_pt[proxy_index]){
+ double ratio_mtMinusPt=(particles_mt[particle_index]-particles_pt[particle_index])*particles_fraction_of_mtMinusPt[particle_index]/(backgroundProxies_mt[proxy_index]-backgroundProxies_pt[proxy_index])/backgroundProxies_fraction_of_mtMinusPt[proxy_index];
+ if (ratio_mtMinusPt>1){
+ particles_fraction_of_mtMinusPt[particle_index]*=1-1./ratio_mtMinusPt;
+ backgroundProxies_fraction_of_mtMinusPt[proxy_index]=-1;
+ }
+ else{
+ backgroundProxies_fraction_of_mtMinusPt[proxy_index]*=1-ratio_mtMinusPt;
+ particles_fraction_of_mtMinusPt[particle_index]=-1;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ///----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ /// do the actual correction for particles:
+ std::vector<fastjet::PseudoJet> subtracted_particles;
+ for (unsigned int i=0;i<nParticles; ++i){
+ ///
+ /// particles with zero pt and zero mtMinusPt are removed. Particles with zero pt and non-zero mtMinusPt (i.e. massive particles in rest) are kept with very small pt (1e-200 GeV) - the user can decide in his/her code if to remove or not to remove them.
+ bool particle_pt_larger_than_zero=(particles_fraction_of_pt[i]>0 && particles_pt[i]>0);
+ bool particle_mtMinusPt_larger_than_zero=(_do_mass_subtraction && particles_fraction_of_mtMinusPt[i]>0 && particles_mt[i]>particles_pt[i]);
+ if (!particle_pt_larger_than_zero && !particle_mtMinusPt_larger_than_zero && _remove_zero_pt_and_mtMinusPt_particles) continue;
+ if (!particle_pt_larger_than_zero && _remove_all_zero_pt_particles) continue;
+ double subtracted_pt=1e-50;
+ if (particle_pt_larger_than_zero) subtracted_pt=particles_pt[i]*particles_fraction_of_pt[i];
+ double subtracted_mtMinusPt=0;
+ if (particle_mtMinusPt_larger_than_zero) subtracted_mtMinusPt=(particles_mt[i]-particles_pt[i])*particles_fraction_of_mtMinusPt[i];
+ PseudoJet subtracted_const(0,0,0,1);
+ double mass_squared=pow(subtracted_pt+subtracted_mtMinusPt,2)-pow(subtracted_pt,2);
+ if (mass_squared<0) mass_squared=0;
+ subtracted_const.reset_momentum_PtYPhiM(subtracted_pt,particles_rap[i],particles_phi[i],sqrt(mass_squared));
+ subtracted_const.set_user_index(particles_sorted[i].user_index());
+ subtracted_particles.push_back(subtracted_const);
+ }
+ ///
+ /// get the remaining background proxies if requested:
+ if (remaining_backgroundProxies){
+ for (unsigned int i=0;i<nBackgroundProxies; ++i){
+ /// keeping all background proxies
+ bool proxy_pt_larger_than_zero=(backgroundProxies_fraction_of_pt[i]>0 && backgroundProxies_pt[i]>0);
+ bool proxy_mtMinusPt_larger_than_zero=(_do_mass_subtraction && backgroundProxies_fraction_of_mtMinusPt[i]>0 && backgroundProxies_mt[i]>backgroundProxies_pt[i]);
+ double subtracted_pt=1e-50;
+ if (proxy_pt_larger_than_zero) subtracted_pt=backgroundProxies_pt[i]*backgroundProxies_fraction_of_pt[i];
+ double subtracted_mtMinusPt=0;
+ if (proxy_mtMinusPt_larger_than_zero) subtracted_mtMinusPt=(backgroundProxies_mt[i]-backgroundProxies_pt[i])*backgroundProxies_fraction_of_mtMinusPt[i];
+ PseudoJet subtracted_proxy(0,0,0,1);
+ double mass_squared=pow(subtracted_pt+subtracted_mtMinusPt,2)-pow(subtracted_pt,2);
+ if (mass_squared<0) mass_squared=0;
+ subtracted_proxy.reset_momentum_PtYPhiM(subtracted_pt,backgroundProxies_rap[i],backgroundProxies_phi[i],sqrt(mass_squared));
+ remaining_backgroundProxies->push_back(subtracted_proxy);
+ }
+ }
+ return subtracted_particles;
+ }
+ std::vector<fastjet::PseudoJet> ConstituentSubtractor::sequential_subtraction(std::vector<fastjet::PseudoJet> const &particles, double const &max_eta){
+ if (fabs(_max_eta/max_eta-1)>1e-5) _ghosts_constructed=false;
+ if (!_ghosts_constructed) this->construct_ghosts_uniformly(max_eta);
+ bool original_value_of_ghosts_rapidity_sorted=_ghosts_rapidity_sorted;
+ std::vector<fastjet::PseudoJet> backgroundProxies=this->get_background_proxies_from_ghosts(_ghosts,_ghosts_area);
+ std::vector<fastjet::PseudoJet> subtracted_particles;
+ for (unsigned int iparticle=0;iparticle<particles.size();++iparticle){
+ if (fabs(particles[iparticle].eta())<max_eta) subtracted_particles.push_back(particles[iparticle]);
+ }
+ for (unsigned int iteration=0;iteration<_max_distances_sequential.size();++iteration){
+ this->set_max_distance(_max_distances_sequential[iteration]);
+ this->set_alpha(_alphas_sequential[iteration]);
+ std::vector<fastjet::PseudoJet> *remaining_backgroundProxies=0;
+ if (iteration!=_max_distances_sequential.size()-1) remaining_backgroundProxies=new std::vector<fastjet::PseudoJet>; // do not need to estimate the remaining background for the last iteration
+ subtracted_particles=this->do_subtraction(subtracted_particles,backgroundProxies,remaining_backgroundProxies);
+ if (iteration==_max_distances_sequential.size()-1){
+ continue; // do not need to estimate the remaining background for the last iteration
+ }
+ double background_pt=0,background_mt=0, remaining_background_pt=0,remaining_background_mt=0;
+ int backgroundProxies_original_size=backgroundProxies.size();
+ for (int i=backgroundProxies_original_size-1;i>=0;--i){
+ remaining_background_pt+=(remaining_backgroundProxies->at(i)).pt();
+ remaining_background_mt+=(remaining_backgroundProxies->at(i)).mt();
+ if (_remove_remaining_proxies_sequential && (remaining_backgroundProxies->at(i)).pt()>1e-10){
+ backgroundProxies[i]=backgroundProxies[backgroundProxies.size()-1];
+ backgroundProxies.pop_back();
+ }
+ else{
+ background_pt+=backgroundProxies[i].pt();
+ background_mt+=backgroundProxies[i].mt();
+ }
+ }
+ delete remaining_backgroundProxies;
+ if (_remove_remaining_proxies_sequential) _ghosts_rapidity_sorted=false; // After erasing some elements from vector backgroundProxies, we cannot use the speed optimization in do_subtraction function, therefore setting _ghosts_rapidity_sorted to false.
+ for (unsigned int i=0;i<backgroundProxies.size();++i){
+ double pt= backgroundProxies[i].pt()*remaining_background_pt/background_pt;
+ double mtMinusPt=0;
+ if (background_mt>background_pt+1e-20) mtMinusPt=(backgroundProxies[i].mt()-backgroundProxies[i].pt())*(remaining_background_mt-remaining_background_pt)/(background_mt-background_pt);
+ double mass=0;
+ if (mtMinusPt>1e-20) mass=sqrt(pow(mtMinusPt+pt,2)-pow(pt,2));
+ backgroundProxies[i].reset_momentum_PtYPhiM(pt,backgroundProxies[i].rap(),backgroundProxies[i].phi(),mass);
+ }
+ }
+ _ghosts_rapidity_sorted=original_value_of_ghosts_rapidity_sorted; // Setting _ghosts_rapidity_sorted to its original value
+ return subtracted_particles;
+ }
+ std::vector<fastjet::PseudoJet> ConstituentSubtractor::subtract_event_using_charged_info(std::vector<fastjet::PseudoJet> const &particles, double charged_background_scale, std::vector<fastjet::PseudoJet> const &charged_background, double charged_signal_scale, std::vector<fastjet::PseudoJet> const &charged_signal, double max_eta, fastjet::FunctionOfPseudoJet<double> *rescaling){
+ if (fabs(_max_eta/max_eta-1)>1e-5) _ghosts_constructed=false;
+ if (!_ghosts_constructed) this->construct_ghosts_uniformly(max_eta);
+ _ghosts_rapidity_sorted=false; // no speed optimization implemented for this function yet
+ std::vector<fastjet::PseudoJet> scaled_charged_all;
+ std::vector<fastjet::PseudoJet> scaled_charged_signal;
+ std::vector<fastjet::PseudoJet> scaled_charged_background;
+ for (unsigned int i=0;i<charged_background.size();++i){
+ if (fabs(charged_background[i].eta())>max_eta) continue;
+ scaled_charged_background.push_back(charged_background_scale*charged_background[i]);
+ scaled_charged_all.push_back(scaled_charged_background[scaled_charged_background.size()-1]);
+ }
+ for (unsigned int i=0;i<charged_signal.size();++i){
+ if (fabs(charged_signal[i].eta())>max_eta) continue;
+ scaled_charged_signal.push_back(charged_signal_scale*charged_signal[i]);
+ scaled_charged_all.push_back(scaled_charged_signal[scaled_charged_signal.size()-1]);
+ }
+ std::vector<fastjet::PseudoJet> selected_particles;
+ for (unsigned int i=0;i<particles.size();++i){
+ if (fabs(particles[i].eta())<max_eta) selected_particles.push_back(particles[i]);
+ }
+ std::vector<fastjet::PseudoJet> *remaining_charged_background= new std::vector<fastjet::PseudoJet>;
+ double maxDeltaR=this->get_max_distance();
+ if (maxDeltaR<=0) maxDeltaR=0.5;
+ this->set_max_distance(0.2);
+ std::vector<fastjet::PseudoJet> subtracted_particles_using_scaled_charged_signal=this->do_subtraction(selected_particles,scaled_charged_signal);
+ std::vector<fastjet::PseudoJet> subtracted_particles_using_scaled_charged_all=this->do_subtraction(subtracted_particles_using_scaled_charged_signal,scaled_charged_background,remaining_charged_background); // remaining neutral background particles
+ std::vector<fastjet::PseudoJet> scaled_charged_background_used_for_subtraction=this->do_subtraction(scaled_charged_background,*remaining_charged_background);
+ _bge_rho= new fastjet::GridMedianBackgroundEstimator(max_eta, _grid_size_background_estimator);
+ if (_do_mass_subtraction) this->set_common_bge_for_rho_and_rhom(true);
+ _bge_rho->set_rescaling_class(rescaling);
+ _bge_rho->set_particles(subtracted_particles_using_scaled_charged_all);
+ std::vector<fastjet::PseudoJet> backgroundProxies=this->get_background_proxies_from_ghosts(_ghosts,_ghosts_area);
+ backgroundProxies.insert(backgroundProxies.end(), scaled_charged_background_used_for_subtraction.begin(), scaled_charged_background_used_for_subtraction.end());
+ this->set_max_distance(maxDeltaR);
+ std::vector<fastjet::PseudoJet> subtracted_particles=this->do_subtraction(selected_particles,backgroundProxies);
+ delete remaining_charged_background;
+ delete _bge_rho;
+ return subtracted_particles;
+ }
+ void ConstituentSubtractor::set_grid_size_background_estimator(double const &grid_size_background_estimator){
+ _grid_size_background_estimator=grid_size_background_estimator;
+ }
+ void ConstituentSubtractor::set_common_bge_for_rho_and_rhom(bool value){
+ if (!_bge_rho) throw Error("ConstituentSubtractor::set_common_bge_for_rho_and_rhom() is not allowed when _bge_rho is not set!");
+ if (value){
+ if (_bge_rhom) throw Error("ConstituentSubtractor::set_common_bge_for_rho_and_rhom() is not allowed in the presence of an existing background estimator for rho_m.");
+ if (_externally_supplied_rho_rhom) throw Error("ConstituentSubtractor::set_common_bge_for_rho_and_rhom() is not allowed when supplying externally the values for rho and rho_m.");
+ }
+ if (!_bge_rho->has_rho_m()){
+ JetMedianBackgroundEstimator *jmbge = dynamic_cast<JetMedianBackgroundEstimator*>(_bge_rho);
+ if (!jmbge) throw Error("ConstituentSubtractor::set_common_bge_for_rho_and_rhom() is currently only allowed for background estimators of JetMedianBackgroundEstimator type.");
+ }
+ _common_bge=value;
+ _do_mass_subtraction=value;
+ }
+ // setting this to true will result in rho_m being estimated using bge_rhom->rho_m() instead of bge_rhom->rho()
+ void ConstituentSubtractor::set_use_bge_rhom_rhom(bool value){
+ if (!value){
+ _rhom_from_bge_rhom=false;
+ return;
+ }
+ throw Error("ConnstituentSubtractor::use_rhom_from_bge_rhom() can only be used with FastJet >=3.1.");
+ if (!_bge_rhom) throw Error("ConstituentSubtractor::use_rhom_from_bge_rhom() requires a background estimator for rho_m.");
+ if (!(_bge_rhom->has_rho_m())) throw Error("ConstituentSubtractor::use_rhom_from_bge_rhom() requires rho_m support for the background estimator for rho_m.");
+ _rhom_from_bge_rhom=true;
+ _do_mass_subtraction=true;
+ }
+ void ConstituentSubtractor::set_do_mass_subtraction(bool do_mass_subtraction){
+ _do_mass_subtraction=do_mass_subtraction;
+ }
+ std::string ConstituentSubtractor::description() const{
+ std::ostringstream descr;
+ if ( _externally_supplied_rho_rhom){
+ descr << "ConstituentSubtractor using externally supplied rho = " << _rho << " and rho_m = " << _rhom << " to describe the background";
+ } else {
+ if (_bge_rhom && _bge_rho) {
+ descr << "ConstituentSubtractor using [" << _bge_rho->description() << "] and [" << _bge_rhom->description() << "] to estimate the background";
+ } else {
+ if (_bge_rho) descr << "ConstituentSubtractor using [" << _bge_rho->description() << "] to estimate the background";
+ else descr << "ConstituentSubtractor: no externally supplied rho, nor background estimator";
+ }
+ }
+ descr << std::endl << "perform mass subtraction: " << _do_mass_subtraction << std::endl;
+ return descr.str();
+ }
+ void ConstituentSubtractor::set_distance_type(Distance distance){
+ _distance=distance;
+ }
+ void ConstituentSubtractor::set_max_distance(double max_distance){
+ if (max_distance>0){
+ _use_max_distance=true;
+ _max_distance=max_distance;
+ }
+ else _use_max_distance=false;
+ }
+ void ConstituentSubtractor::set_sequential_parameters(std::vector<double> const &max_distances_sequential, std::vector<double> const &alphas_sequential){
+ if (max_distances_sequential.size()!= alphas_sequential.size()) throw Error("ConstituentSubtractor::set_sequential_parameters(): the provided vectors have different size. They should have the same size.");
+ if (max_distances_sequential.size()==0 || alphas_sequential.size()==0) throw Error("ConstituentSubtractor::set_sequential_parameters(): One of the provided vectors is empty. They should be not empty.");
+ _max_distances_sequential=max_distances_sequential;
+ _alphas_sequential=alphas_sequential;
+ _use_max_distance=true;
+ }
+ void ConstituentSubtractor::set_max_standardDeltaR(double max_distance){
+ this->set_max_distance(max_distance);
+ }
+ double ConstituentSubtractor::get_max_distance(){
+ return _max_distance;
+ }
+ void ConstituentSubtractor::set_alpha(double alpha){
+ _alpha=alpha;
+ }
+ void ConstituentSubtractor::set_remove_remaining_proxies_sequential(bool remove_remaining_proxies_sequential){
+ _remove_remaining_proxies_sequential=remove_remaining_proxies_sequential;
+ }
+ void ConstituentSubtractor::set_polarAngleExp(double polarAngleExp){
+ _polarAngleExp=polarAngleExp;
+ }
+ void ConstituentSubtractor::set_ghost_area(double ghost_area){
+ _ghost_area=ghost_area;
+ this->clear_ghosts();
+ }
+ void ConstituentSubtractor::set_remove_zero_pt_and_mtMinusPt_particles(bool value){
+ _remove_zero_pt_and_mtMinusPt_particles=value;
+ }
+ void ConstituentSubtractor::set_remove_all_zero_pt_particles(bool value){
+ _remove_all_zero_pt_particles=value;
+ }
+ bool ConstituentSubtractor::_function_used_for_sorting(std::pair<double,std::pair<int,int> > const &i,std::pair<double,std::pair<int,int> > const &j){
+ return (i.first < j.first);
+ }
+ bool ConstituentSubtractor::_rapidity_sorting(fastjet::PseudoJet const &i,fastjet::PseudoJet const &j){
+ return (i.rap() < j.rap());
+ }
+ unsigned int ConstituentSubtractor::_find_index_after(double const &value, std::vector<double> const &vec) const{
+ int size=vec.size();
+ if (size==0) return -1;
+ int nIterations=log(size)/log(2)+2;
+ unsigned int lowerBound=0;
+ unsigned int upperBound=size-1;
+ if (value<=vec[0]) return 0;
+ if (value>vec[size-1]) return size; // if the value is larger than the maximal possible rapidity, than setting min to size - then also max is set to size, and nothing will be run in the loop
+ for (int i=0;i<nIterations;++i){
+ unsigned int test=(upperBound+lowerBound)/2;
+ if (value>vec[test]){
+ if (value<=vec[test+1]) return test+1;
+ lowerBound=test;
+ }
+ else{
+ if (value>vec[test-1]) return test;
+ upperBound=test;
+ }
+ }
+ return lowerBound;
+ }
+ unsigned int ConstituentSubtractor::_find_index_before(double const &value, std::vector<double> const &vec) const{
+ int size=vec.size();
+ if (size==0) return -1;
+ int nIterations=log(size)/log(2)+1;
+ unsigned int lowerBound=0;
+ unsigned int upperBound=size-1;
+ if (value<vec[0]) return 0; // if the value is lower than the minimal possible rapidity, than setting max to 0 - then also min is set to 0, and nothing will be run in the loop
+ if (value>=vec[size-1]) return size; // it is higher by one to account for the "<" comparison in the for loop
+ for (int i=0;i<nIterations;++i){
+ unsigned int test=(upperBound+lowerBound)/2;
+ if (value>=vec[test]){
+ if (value<vec[test+1]) return test+1; // it is higher by one to account for the "<" comparison in the for loop
+ lowerBound=test;
+ }
+ else{
+ if (value>=vec[test-1]) return test; // it is higher by one to account for the "<" comparison in the for loop
+ upperBound=test;
+ }
+ }
+ return upperBound+1;
+ }
+ void ConstituentSubtractor::clear_ghosts(){
+ _ghosts.clear();
+ _ghosts_rapidities.clear();
+ _ghosts_area.clear();
+ _ghosts_rapidity_sorted=false;
+ _ghosts_constructed=false;
+ }
+ void ConstituentSubtractor::construct_ghosts_uniformly(double max_eta){
+ this->clear_ghosts();
+ _max_eta=max_eta;
+ double a=sqrt(_ghost_area);
+ _n_ghosts_phi=(2*3.14159265/a+0.5); // rounding
+ int n_ghosts_rap=(2*max_eta/a+0.5); // rounding
+ _grid_size_phi=2*3.14159265/(double)_n_ghosts_phi;
+ _grid_size_rap=2*max_eta/(double)n_ghosts_rap;
+ double used_ghost_area=_grid_size_phi*_grid_size_rap;
+ fastjet::PseudoJet ghost(0,0,0,1);
+ for (int iRap=0;iRap<n_ghosts_rap;++iRap){
+ double rapidity=_grid_size_rap*(iRap+0.5)-max_eta;
+ _ghosts_rapidities.push_back(rapidity);
+ for (int iPhi=0;iPhi<_n_ghosts_phi;++iPhi){
+ ghost.reset_momentum_PtYPhiM(1,rapidity,_grid_size_phi*(iPhi+0.5),1e-200);
+ if (_selector){
+ if (!_selector->pass(ghost)) continue;
+ }
+ _ghosts.push_back(ghost);
+ _ghosts_area.push_back(used_ghost_area);
+ }
+ }
+ _ghosts_rapidity_sorted=true; // the ghosts are now sorted according to rapidity. This variable needs to be set to true to be able to use faster algorithm in "do_subtraction".
+ _ghosts_constructed=true;
+ }
+ std::vector<fastjet::PseudoJet> ConstituentSubtractor::get_ghosts(){
+ return _ghosts;
+ }
+ std::vector<double> ConstituentSubtractor::get_ghosts_area(){
+ return _ghosts_area;
+ }
+ void ConstituentSubtractor::set_selector(fastjet::Selector* selector){
+ _selector=selector;
+ this->clear_ghosts();
+ }
+} // namespace contrib
Property changes on: contrib/contribs/ConstituentSubtractor/tags/1.2.8/
Added: svn:keywords
## -0,0 +1 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Index: contrib/contribs/ConstituentSubtractor/tags/1.2.8/NEWS
--- contrib/contribs/ConstituentSubtractor/tags/1.2.8/NEWS (revision 0)
+++ contrib/contribs/ConstituentSubtractor/tags/1.2.8/NEWS (revision 1135)
@@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
+2018/06/12: release of version 1.2.8:
+ - Now removing all ghosts when setting new selector
+ - Updated sequential CS - possibility to do more iterations than 2 and possibility to remove ghosts which were not used.
+2018/05/04: release of version 1.2.7:
+ - Added possibility to correct only certain phase space defined by an input fastjet::Selector
+ - Added possibility to change the grid size for background estimation when using function subtract_event_using_charged_info
+ - Update example for whole event correction.
+2018/05/03: release of version 1.2.6:
+ - Updated examples to be more clear.
+2018/04/11: release of version 1.2.5:
+ - Fixed bug causing seg fault in ATLAS.
+2017/12/18: release of version 1.2.4:
+ - Added back the test example_whole_event_using_charged_info. The problem with this test was fixed by printing all the output particles (also with zero pt and zeo mtMinusPt values).
+2017/09/08: release of version 1.2.3:
+ - Fixed warning for too low pt particles in case of active area computation
+ - Temporarily removed the test example_whole_event_using_charged_info
+2017/08/21: release of version 1.2.2:
+ - Added function set_max_standardDeltaR for backward compatibility. It was replaced in version 1.1.3 by function set_max_distance. In this version, it does the same as the function set_max_distance.
+ - Further speed improvement for whole event subtraction (especially for small _max_distance parameters, such as 0.25)
+2017/08/07: release of version 1.2.1:
+ - Fixed bug for distance enum ConstituentSubtractor::angle
+ - Added check for the jet-by-jet correction to not use the speed optimization
+2017/07/20: release of version 1.2.0:
+ - Important change for the output corrected particles in case of correction of massive particles. The corrected zero pt particles with non-zero corrected delta_m (massive particles in rest) are now included in the output by default. This is the recommended usage. The user can change this behaviour by using function "set_remove_all_zero_pt_particles". By using argument true, all the zero pt corrected particles are removed.
+ - Significant change in the speed of the whole event CS procedure. For small values of the _max_distance parameter (~0.25), the speed is now ~10-times greater.
+ - Added new rescaling classes: rapidity vs azimuth dependence in TH2 Root histogram or in vector<vector<double> >, and rapidity vs azimuth dependence for heavy ions where the rapidity dependence is taken from a vector<double>.
+2017/07/11: release of version 1.1.6:
+ - added new functions "get_ghosts" and "get_ghosts_area".
+ - now the user can modify the ghosts outside the CS after constructing them with function "construct_ghosts_uniformly" and getting them with "get_ghosts" and "get_ghosts_area"
+ - added new rescaling class useful for heavy ion events. Now the rapidity dependence can be taken from a Root TH1 object.
+2017/01/20: release of version 1.1.4:
+ - fixed few bugs concerning the correction of masses
+2016/11/14: release of version 1.1.3:
+ - updated rho rescaling functions
+ - new function for pileup subtraction: sequential_subtraction
+ - possibility to change the computation of distance between particles and background proxies
+2016/03/11: release of version 1.1.2:
+ - added two FunctionOfPseudojet<object> classes for rho rescaling: one using root TH1 rapidity parametrization, and the other for heavy ions rapidity-azimuth parametrization
+2016/02/09: release of version 1.1.1:
+ - faster algortihm for subtraction
+ - added new function for Constituent Subtraction using tracking information
+2015/11/05: release of version 1.1.0:
+ - added FastJet v3.1 rho_m support
+ - simplified way for Constituent Subtraction of the whole event
+ - updated the meaning of parameter max_deltaR
+ - added new parameter to the definition of the distance
+ - added examples for the whole event subtraction
+2014/04/06: release of version 1.0.0
Index: contrib/contribs/ConstituentSubtractor/tags/1.2.8/Makefile
--- contrib/contribs/ConstituentSubtractor/tags/1.2.8/Makefile (revision 0)
+++ contrib/contribs/ConstituentSubtractor/tags/1.2.8/Makefile (revision 1135)
@@ -0,0 +1,79 @@
+# If you are using this Makefile standalone and fastjet-config is not
+# in your path, edit this line to specify the full path
+CXXFLAGS= -O3 -Wall -g -fPIC
+install_script = $(SHELL) ../utils/install-sh
+check_script = ../utils/
+# global contrib-wide Makefile include may override some of the above
+# variables (leading "-" means don't give an error if you can't find
+# the file)
+-include ../
+# things that are specific to this contrib
+EXAMPLES=example_whole_event example_whole_event_sequential example example_background_rescaling example_whole_event_using_charged_info
+INSTALLED_HEADERS=ConstituentSubtractor.hh RescalingClasses.hh
+CXXFLAGS+= $(shell $(FASTJETCONFIG) --cxxflags)
+LDFLAGS += -lm $(shell $(FASTJETCONFIG) --libs)
+#CXXFLAGS+= $(shell root-config --cflags)
+#LDFLAGS+= -lm $(shell root-config --libs)
+OBJS = $(
+install_HEADER = $(install_script) -c -m 644
+install_LIB = $(install_script) -c -m 644
+install_DIR = $(install_script) -d
+install_DATA = $(install_script) -c -m 644
+install_PROGRAM = $(install_script) -c -s
+install_SCRIPT = $(install_script) -c
+.PHONY: clean distclean examples check install
+# compilation of the code (default target)
+all: lib$(NAME).a
+lib$(NAME).a: $(OBJS)
+ ar cru lib$(NAME).a $(OBJS)
+ ranlib lib$(NAME).a
+# building the examples
+examples: $(EXAMPLES)
+# the following construct makes it possible to automatically build
+# each of the examples listed in $EXAMPLES
+$(EXAMPLES): % : %.o all
+ $(CXX) -o $@ $< -L. -l$(NAME) $(LDFLAGS)
+# check that everything went fine
+check: examples
+ @for prog in $(EXAMPLES); do\
+ $(check_script) $${prog} ../data/Pythia-Zp2jets-lhc-pileup-1ev.dat || exit 1; \
+ done
+ @echo "All tests successful"
+# cleaning the directory
+ rm -f *~ *.o
+distclean: clean
+ rm -f lib$(NAME).a $(EXAMPLES)
+# install things in PREFIX/...
+install: all
+ $(install_DIR) $(PREFIX)/include/fastjet/contrib
+ for header in $(INSTALLED_HEADERS); do\
+ $(install_HEADER) $$header $(PREFIX)/include/fastjet/contrib/;\
+ done
+ $(install_DIR) $(PREFIX)/lib
+ $(install_LIB) lib$(NAME).a $(PREFIX)/lib
+ makedepend -Y -- -- $(SRCS) $(EXAMPLES_SRCS)
Index: contrib/contribs/ConstituentSubtractor/tags/1.2.8/
--- contrib/contribs/ConstituentSubtractor/tags/1.2.8/ (revision 0)
+++ contrib/contribs/ConstituentSubtractor/tags/1.2.8/ (revision 1135)
@@ -0,0 +1,150 @@
+// $Id$
+// Example on how to do pileup correction on the whole event
+// run it with
+// ./example_whole_event < ../data/Pythia-Zp2jets-lhc-pileup-1ev.dat
+// This file is part of FastJet contrib.
+// It is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
+// the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
+// Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at
+// your option) any later version.
+// It is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
+// ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
+// License for more details.
+// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+// along with this code. If not, see <>.
+#include "fastjet/ClusterSequence.hh"
+#include "fastjet/Selector.hh"
+#include "fastjet/tools/GridMedianBackgroundEstimator.hh"
+#include "ConstituentSubtractor.hh" // In external code, this should be fastjet/contrib/ConstituentSubtractor.hh
+#include "functions.hh"
+using namespace std;
+using namespace fastjet;
+int main(){
+ // set up before event loop:
+ contrib::ConstituentSubtractor subtractor;
+ subtractor.set_distance_type(contrib::ConstituentSubtractor::deltaR); // free parameter for the type of distance between particle i and ghost k. There are two options: "deltaR" or "angle" which are defined as deltaR=sqrt((y_i-y_k)^2+(phi_i-phi_k)^2) or Euclidean angle between the momenta
+ subtractor.set_max_distance(0.3); // free parameter for the maximal allowed distance between particle i and ghost k
+ subtractor.set_alpha(1); // free parameter for the distance measure (the exponent of particle pt). The larger the parameter alpha, the more are favoured the lower pt particles in the subtraction process
+ subtractor.set_ghost_area(0.01); // free parameter for the density of ghosts. The smaller, the better - but also the computation is slower.
+ // example selector for ConstituentSubtractor:
+ Selector sel_CS_correction = SelectorPhiRange(0,3) * SelectorEtaMin(-1.5) * SelectorEtaMax(0);
+ //subtractor.set_selector(&sel_CS_correction); // uncomment in case you want to use selector
+ // event loop
+ // read in input particles
+ vector<PseudoJet> hard_event, full_event;
+ read_event(hard_event, full_event);
+ double max_eta=4; // specify the maximal pseudorapidity for the particles used in the subtraction
+ double max_eta_jet=3; // the maximal pseudorapidity for selected jets
+ hard_event = SelectorAbsEtaMax(max_eta)(hard_event);
+ full_event = SelectorAbsEtaMax(max_eta)(full_event);
+ cout << "# read an event with " << hard_event.size() << " signal particles and " << full_event.size() - hard_event.size() << " background particles with pseudo-rapidity |eta|<4" << endl;
+ // jet definition and selector for jets
+ JetDefinition jet_def(antikt_algorithm, 0.7);
+ Selector sel_jets = SelectorNHardest(3) * SelectorAbsEtaMax(max_eta_jet);
+ // clustering of the hard-scatter event and uncorrected event
+ ClusterSequence clust_seq_hard(hard_event, jet_def);
+ ClusterSequence clust_seq_full(full_event, jet_def);
+ vector<PseudoJet> hard_jets = sel_jets(clust_seq_hard.inclusive_jets());
+ vector<PseudoJet> full_jets = sel_jets(clust_seq_full.inclusive_jets());
+ // background estimator
+ GridMedianBackgroundEstimator bge_rho(max_eta,0.5);
+ bge_rho.set_particles(full_event);
+ subtractor.set_background_estimator(&bge_rho);
+ // this sets the same background estimator to be used for deltaMass density, rho_m, as for pt density, rho:
+ subtractor.set_common_bge_for_rho_and_rhom(true); // it does not make any difference for massless input particles (rho_m is always zero)
+ // print info (optional)
+ cout << subtractor.description() << endl;
+ // the correction of the whole event with ConstituentSubtractor
+ vector<PseudoJet> corrected_event=subtractor.subtract_event(full_event,max_eta);
+ // clustering of the corrected event
+ ClusterSequence clust_seq_corr(corrected_event, jet_def);
+ vector<PseudoJet> corrected_jets = sel_jets(clust_seq_corr.inclusive_jets());
+ ios::fmtflags f( cout.flags() );
+ cout << setprecision(4) << fixed;
+ cout << endl << "Corrected particles in the whole event:" << endl;
+ for (unsigned int i=0; i<corrected_event.size(); i++){
+ const PseudoJet &particle = corrected_event[i];
+ cout << "pt = " <<
+ << ", phi = " << particle.phi()
+ << ", rap = " << particle.rap()
+ << ", |mass| = " << fabs(particle.m()) << endl;
+ }
+ cout << endl;
+ // shape variables:
+ //----------------------------------------------------------
+ JetWidth width;
+ // subtract and print the result
+ //----------------------------------------------------------
+ cout.flags( f );
+ cout << setprecision(4);
+ cout << "# original hard jets" << endl;
+ for (unsigned int i=0; i<hard_jets.size(); i++){
+ const PseudoJet &jet = hard_jets[i];
+ cout << "pt = " <<
+ << ", rap = " << jet.rap()
+ << ", mass = " << jet.m()
+ << ", width = " << width(jet) << endl;
+ }
+ cout << endl;
+ cout << "# unsubtracted full jets" << endl;
+ for (unsigned int i=0; i<full_jets.size(); i++){
+ const PseudoJet &jet = full_jets[i];
+ cout << "pt = " <<
+ << ", rap = " << jet.rap()
+ << ", mass = " << jet.m()
+ << ", width = " << width(jet) << endl;
+ }
+ cout << endl;
+ cout << "# subtracted full jets" << endl;
+ for (unsigned int i=0; i<corrected_jets.size(); i++){
+ const PseudoJet &jet = corrected_jets[i];
+ cout << "pt = " <<
+ << ", rap = " << jet.rap()
+ << ", mass = " << jet.m()
+ << ", width = " << width(jet) << endl;
+ }
+ cout << endl;
+ return 0;
Property changes on: contrib/contribs/ConstituentSubtractor/tags/1.2.8/
Added: svn:keywords
## -0,0 +1 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Index: contrib/contribs/ConstituentSubtractor/tags/1.2.8/
--- contrib/contribs/ConstituentSubtractor/tags/1.2.8/ (revision 0)
+++ contrib/contribs/ConstituentSubtractor/tags/1.2.8/ (revision 1135)
@@ -0,0 +1,127 @@
+// $Id$
+// Example on how to use this contribution
+// run it with
+// ./example < ../data/Pythia-Zp2jets-lhc-pileup-1ev.dat
+// This file is part of FastJet contrib.
+// It is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
+// the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
+// Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at
+// your option) any later version.
+// It is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
+// ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
+// License for more details.
+// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+// along with this code. If not, see <>.
+#include "fastjet/ClusterSequenceArea.hh"
+#include "fastjet/Selector.hh"
+#include "fastjet/tools/JetMedianBackgroundEstimator.hh"
+#include "ConstituentSubtractor.hh" // In external code, this should be fastjet/contrib/ConstituentSubtractor.hh
+#include "functions.hh"
+int main(){
+ //----------------------------------------------------------
+ // read in input particles
+ vector<PseudoJet> hard_event, full_event;
+ read_event(hard_event, full_event);
+ // keep the particles up to 4 units in rapidity
+ hard_event = SelectorAbsRapMax(4.0)(hard_event);
+ full_event = SelectorAbsRapMax(4.0)(full_event);
+ cout << "# read an event with " << hard_event.size() << " signal particles and " << full_event.size() - hard_event.size() << " background particles with rapidity |y|<4" << endl;
+ // do the clustering with ghosts and get the jets
+ //----------------------------------------------------------
+ JetDefinition jet_def(antikt_algorithm, 0.7);
+ double ghost_area=0.01; // the density of ghosts can be changed through this variable
+ AreaDefinition area_def(active_area_explicit_ghosts,GhostedAreaSpec(4.0,1,ghost_area)); // in this step, the ghosts are added among the constituents of the jets
+ ClusterSequenceArea clust_seq_hard(hard_event, jet_def, area_def);
+ ClusterSequenceArea clust_seq_full(full_event, jet_def, area_def);
+ Selector sel_jets = SelectorNHardest(2) * SelectorAbsRapMax(3.0);
+ vector<PseudoJet> hard_jets = sel_jets(clust_seq_hard.inclusive_jets());
+ vector<PseudoJet> full_jets = sel_jets(clust_seq_full.inclusive_jets());
+ // create what we need for the background estimation
+ //----------------------------------------------------------
+ JetDefinition jet_def_for_rho(kt_algorithm, 0.4);
+ Selector rho_range = SelectorAbsRapMax(3.0);
+ ClusterSequenceArea clust_seq_rho(full_event, jet_def, area_def);
+ JetMedianBackgroundEstimator bge_rho(rho_range, jet_def_for_rho, area_def);
+ BackgroundJetScalarPtDensity *scalarPtDensity=new BackgroundJetScalarPtDensity();
+ bge_rho.set_jet_density_class(scalarPtDensity); // this changes the computation of pt of patches from vector sum to scalar sum. The scalar sum seems more reasonable.
+ bge_rho.set_particles(full_event);
+ // subtractor:
+ //----------------------------------------------------------
+ contrib::ConstituentSubtractor subtractor(&bge_rho);
+ // this sets the same background estimator to be used for deltaMass density, rho_m, as for pt density, rho:
+ subtractor.set_common_bge_for_rho_and_rhom(true); // for massless input particles it does not make any difference (rho_m is always zero)
+ cout << subtractor.description() << endl;
+ // shape variables:
+ //----------------------------------------------------------
+ JetWidth width;
+ // subtract and print the result
+ //----------------------------------------------------------
+ cout << setprecision(4);
+ cout << "# original hard jets" << endl;
+ for (unsigned int i=0; i<hard_jets.size(); i++){
+ const PseudoJet &jet = hard_jets[i];
+ cout << "pt = " <<
+ << ", rap = " << jet.rap()
+ << ", mass = " << jet.m()
+ << ", width = " << width(jet) << endl;
+ }
+ cout << endl;
+ cout << "# unsubtracted full jets" << endl;
+ for (unsigned int i=0; i<full_jets.size(); i++){
+ const PseudoJet &jet = full_jets[i];
+ cout << "pt = " <<
+ << ", rap = " << jet.rap()
+ << ", mass = " << jet.m()
+ << ", width = " << width(jet) << endl;
+ }
+ cout << endl;
+ cout << "# subtracted full jets" << endl;
+ for (unsigned int i=0; i<full_jets.size(); i++){
+ const PseudoJet &jet = full_jets[i];
+ PseudoJet subtracted_jet = subtractor(jet);
+ cout << "pt = " <<
+ << ", rap = " << subtracted_jet.rap()
+ << ", mass = " << subtracted_jet.m()
+ << ", width = " << width(subtracted_jet) << endl;
+ }
+ cout << endl;
+ return 0;
Property changes on: contrib/contribs/ConstituentSubtractor/tags/1.2.8/
Added: svn:keywords
## -0,0 +1 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Index: contrib/contribs/ConstituentSubtractor/tags/1.2.8/RescalingClasses.hh
--- contrib/contribs/ConstituentSubtractor/tags/1.2.8/RescalingClasses.hh (revision 0)
+++ contrib/contribs/ConstituentSubtractor/tags/1.2.8/RescalingClasses.hh (revision 1135)
@@ -0,0 +1,269 @@
+// ConstituentSubtractor package
+// Questions/comments:,,,
+// Copyright (c) 2014-, Peter Berta, Martin Spousta, David W. Miller, Rupert Leitner
+// This file is part of FastJet contrib.
+// It is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
+// the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
+// Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at
+// your option) any later version.
+// It is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
+// ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
+// License for more details.
+// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+// along with this code. If not, see <>.
+#include <fastjet/FunctionOfPseudoJet.hh>
+#include <iostream>
+#include <vector>
+FASTJET_BEGIN_NAMESPACE // defined in fastjet/internal/base.hh
+namespace contrib{
+ template<class T>
+ class BackgroundRescalingYFromRoot : public FunctionOfPseudoJet<double> {
+ public:
+ ///
+ /// construct a background rescaling function using ROOT TH1 histogram bin contents (rapidity binning)
+ BackgroundRescalingYFromRoot(): _hist(0) {}
+ BackgroundRescalingYFromRoot(T* hist=0) {_hist = hist;}
+ // return the rescaling factor associated with this jet
+ virtual double result(const PseudoJet & particle) const {
+ if (!_hist){
+ throw Error("BackgroundRescalingYFromRoot (from ConstituentSubtractor) The histogram for rescaling not defined! ");
+ }
+ double rap = particle.rap();
+ if (rap<_hist->GetXaxis()->GetBinLowEdge(1)) return _hist->GetBinContent(1);
+ if (rap>=_hist->GetXaxis()->GetBinUpEdge(_hist->GetNbinsX())) return _hist->GetBinContent(_hist->GetNbinsX());
+ int bin=_hist->FindBin(rap);
+ return _hist->GetBinContent(bin);
+ }
+ private:
+ T* _hist;
+ };
+ template<class T>
+ class BackgroundRescalingYPhiFromRoot : public FunctionOfPseudoJet<double> {
+ public:
+ ///
+ /// construct a background rescaling function using ROOT TH2 histogram bin contents (rapidity vs azimuth binning)
+ BackgroundRescalingYPhiFromRoot(): _hist(0) {}
+ BackgroundRescalingYPhiFromRoot(T* hist=0) {_hist = hist;}
+ // return the rescaling factor associated with this jet
+ virtual double result(const PseudoJet & particle) const {
+ if (!_hist){
+ throw Error("BackgroundRescalingYPhiFromRoot (from ConstituentSubtractor) The histogram for rescaling not defined! ");
+ }
+ double rap = particle.rap();
+ double phi = particle.phi();
+ int xbin=1;
+ if (rap<_hist->GetXaxis()->GetBinLowEdge(1)) xbin=1;
+ else if (rap>=_hist->GetXaxis()->GetBinUpEdge(_hist->GetNbinsX())) xbin=_hist->GetNbinsX();
+ else xbin=_hist->GetXaxis()->FindBin(rap);
+ int ybin=1;
+ if (phi<_hist->GetYaxis()->GetBinLowEdge(1) || phi>_hist->GetYaxis()->GetBinUpEdge(_hist->GetNbinsY())){
+ throw Error("BackgroundRescalingYPhiFromRoot (from ConstituentSubtractor) The phi range of the histogram does not correspond to the phi range of the particles! Change the phi range of the histogram.");
+ }
+ else ybin=_hist->GetYaxis()->FindBin(phi);
+ return _hist->GetBinContent(xbin,ybin);
+ }
+ private:
+ T* _hist;
+ };
+ template<class T>
+ class BackgroundRescalingYFromRootPhi : public FunctionOfPseudoJet<double> {
+ public:
+ /// Construct background rescaling function in rapidity and azimuth using ROOT TH1 histogram bin contents for the rapidity dependence and this parametrization for the azimuth:
+ /// phi_term(phi) = 1 + 2 * v2^2 * cos(2*(phi-psi)) + 2 * v3^2 * cos(3*(phi-psi)) + 2 * v4^2 * cos(4*(phi-psi))
+ /// with four parameters v2, v3, v4, and psi.
+ /// This product of the TH1 histogram and function is used to rescale the background which is subtracted such that one can correctly account
+ /// for the modulation of the UE due to rapidity dependence of the particle production
+ /// and/or due to the modulation in the azimuthal angle which is characteristic for heavy ion collisions.
+ /// The overall normalization of the rescaling function is arbitrary since it divides out in the calculation of position dependent rho (background is first demodulated to obtain unbiased position independent rho, and then it is modulated to obtain position dependent rho, see fastjet classes GridMedianBackgroundEstimator and JetMedianBackgroundEstimator for detailed calculation).
+ BackgroundRescalingYFromRootPhi(): _v2(0), _v3(0), _v4(0), _psi(0), _use_rap(false), _use_phi(false), _hist(0) {}
+ BackgroundRescalingYFromRootPhi(double v2, double v3, double v4, double psi, T* hist=0){
+ _v2=v2;
+ _v3=v3;
+ _v4=v4;
+ _psi=psi;
+ _hist=hist;
+ _use_phi=true;
+ if (!_hist){
+ std::cout << std::endl << std::endl << "ConstituentSubtractor::BackgroundRescalingYFromRootPhi WARNING: The histogram for rapidity rescaling is not defined!!! Not performing rapidity rescaling." << std::endl << std::endl << std::endl;
+ _use_rap=false;
+ }
+ else _use_rap=true;
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Turn on or off the rapidity rescaling. Throwing in case true is set and no histogram is provided.
+ void use_rap_term(bool use_rap){
+ _use_rap=use_rap;
+ if (!_hist && _use_rap){
+ throw Error("BackgroundRescalingYFromRootPhi (from ConstituentSubtractor) Requested rapidity rescaling, but the histogram for rescaling is not defined!");
+ }
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Turn on or off the azimuth rescaling.
+ void use_phi_term(bool use_phi){
+ _use_phi=use_phi;
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Return the rescaling factor associated with this particle
+ virtual double result(const PseudoJet & particle) const{
+ double phi_term=1;
+ if (_use_phi){
+ double phi=particle.phi();
+ phi_term=1 + 2*_v2*_v2*cos(2*(phi-_psi)) + 2*_v3*_v3*cos(3*(phi-_psi)) + 2*_v4*_v4*cos(4*(phi-_psi));
+ }
+ double rap_term=1;
+ if (_use_rap){
+ double y=particle.rap();
+ int bin=_hist->FindBin(y);
+ rap_term=_hist->GetBinContent(bin);
+ }
+ return phi_term*rap_term;
+ }
+ private:
+ double _v2, _v3, _v4, _psi;
+ bool _use_rap, _use_phi;
+ T* _hist;
+ };
+ class BackgroundRescalingYPhi : public FunctionOfPseudoJet<double> {
+ public:
+ ///
+ /// Construct background rescaling function in rapidity and azimuth using this parameterization:
+ ///
+ /// f(y,phi) = phi_term(phi) * rap_term(y)
+ /// where
+ ///
+ /// phi_term(phi) = 1 + 2 * v2^2 * cos(2*(phi-psi)) + 2 * v3^2 * cos(3*(phi-psi)) + 2 * v4^2 * cos(4*(phi-psi))
+ /// with four parameters v2, v3, v4, and psi.
+ ///
+ /// rap_term(y) = a1*exp(-pow(y,2)/(2*sigma1^2)) + a2*exp(-pow(y,2)/(2*sigma2^2))
+ /// with four parameters sigma1, sigma2, a1, and a2.
+ ///
+ /// This function is used to rescale the background which is subtracted such that one can correctly account
+ /// for the modulation of the UE due to rapidity dependence of the particle production
+ /// and/or due to the modulation in the azimuthal angle which is characteristic for heavy ion collisions.
+ /// The overall normalization of function f is arbitrary since it divides out in the calculation of position dependent rho (background is first demodulated to obtain unbiased position independent rho, and then it is modulated to obtain position dependent rho, see fastjet classes GridMedianBackgroundEstimator and JetMedianBackgroundEstimator for detailed calculation).
+ BackgroundRescalingYPhi(): _v2(0), _v3(0), _v4(0), _psi(0), _a1(1), _sigma1(1000), _a2(0), _sigma2(1000), _use_rap(false), _use_phi(false) {}
+ BackgroundRescalingYPhi(double v2, double v3, double v4, double psi, double a1, double sigma1, double a2, double sigma2);
+ void use_rap_term(bool use_rap);
+ void use_phi_term(bool use_phi);
+ /// return the rescaling factor associated with this jet
+ virtual double result(const PseudoJet & particle) const;
+ private:
+ double _v2, _v3, _v4, _psi, _a1, _sigma1, _a2, _sigma2;
+ bool _use_rap, _use_phi;
+ };
+ class BackgroundRescalingYPhiUsingVectorForY : public FunctionOfPseudoJet<double> {
+ public:
+ ///
+ /// Construct background rescaling function in rapidity and azimuth using this parameterization:
+ ///
+ /// f(y,phi) = phi_term(phi) * rap_term(y)
+ /// where
+ ///
+ /// phi_term(phi) = 1 + 2 * v2^2 * cos(2*(phi-psi)) + 2 * v3^2 * cos(3*(phi-psi)) + 2 * v4^2 * cos(4*(phi-psi))
+ /// with four parameters v2, v3, v4, and psi.
+ ///
+ /// rap_term(y) = provided in a vector.
+ ///
+ /// The size of the input vector "values" for rapidity dependence is N bins and the corresponding binning should be specified in a separate input vector "rap_binning" of size (N+1). The bin boundaries must be in increasing order.
+ ///
+ /// This function is used to rescale the background which is subtracted such that one can correctly account
+ /// for the modulation of the UE due to rapidity dependence of the particle production
+ /// and/or due to the modulation in the azimuthal angle which is characteristic for heavy ion collisions.
+ /// The overall normalization of function f is arbitrary since it divides out in the calculation of position dependent rho (background is first demodulated to obtain unbiased position independent rho, and then it is modulated to obtain position dependent rho, see fastjet classes GridMedianBackgroundEstimator and JetMedianBackgroundEstimator for detailed calculation).
+ BackgroundRescalingYPhiUsingVectorForY(): _v2(0), _v3(0), _v4(0), _psi(0), _values(0), _rap_binning(0), _use_rap(false), _use_phi(false) {}
+ BackgroundRescalingYPhiUsingVectorForY(double v2, double v3, double v4, double psi, std::vector<double> values, std::vector<double> rap_binning);
+ void use_rap_term(bool use_rap);
+ void use_phi_term(bool use_phi);
+ /// return the rescaling factor associated with this jet
+ virtual double result(const PseudoJet & particle) const;
+ private:
+ double _v2, _v3, _v4, _psi;
+ std::vector<double> _values;
+ std::vector<double> _rap_binning;
+ bool _use_rap, _use_phi;
+ };
+ class BackgroundRescalingYPhiUsingVectors : public FunctionOfPseudoJet<double> {
+ public:
+ ///
+ /// Construct background rescaling function in rapidity and azimuth using dependence recorded in input object vector<vector<double> > values. Its size is N bins for rapidity and M bins for azimuth. The binning of the rapidity should be specified in a separate vector "rap_binning" of size (N+1), and similarly the binning of the azimuth should be specified in a separate vector "phi_binning" of size (M+1). The bin boundaries must be in increasing order.
+ ///
+ BackgroundRescalingYPhiUsingVectors(): _values(0), _rap_binning(0), _phi_binning(0) {}
+ BackgroundRescalingYPhiUsingVectors(std::vector<std::vector<double> > values, std::vector<double> rap_binning, std::vector<double> phi_binning);
+ void use_rap_term(bool use_rap);
+ void use_phi_term(bool use_phi);
+ /// return the rescaling factor associate
+ virtual double result(const PseudoJet & particle) const;
+ private:
+ std::vector<std::vector<double> > _values;
+ std::vector<double> _rap_binning;
+ std::vector<double> _phi_binning;
+ bool _use_rap, _use_phi;
+ };
+} // namespace contrib
Index: contrib/contribs/ConstituentSubtractor/tags/1.2.8/VERSION
--- contrib/contribs/ConstituentSubtractor/tags/1.2.8/VERSION (revision 0)
+++ contrib/contribs/ConstituentSubtractor/tags/1.2.8/VERSION (revision 1135)
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
Index: contrib/contribs/ConstituentSubtractor/tags/1.2.8/AUTHORS
--- contrib/contribs/ConstituentSubtractor/tags/1.2.8/AUTHORS (revision 0)
+++ contrib/contribs/ConstituentSubtractor/tags/1.2.8/AUTHORS (revision 1135)
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+The ConstituentSubtractor FastJet contrib was written and is maintained and developed by
+Peter Berta
+Martin Spousta
+David W. Miller
+Rupert Leitner
+See for all the details about the physics.
+For any questions or comments, please, contact:,,,
Index: contrib/contribs/ConstituentSubtractor/tags/1.2.8/ConstituentSubtractor.hh
--- contrib/contribs/ConstituentSubtractor/tags/1.2.8/ConstituentSubtractor.hh (revision 0)
+++ contrib/contribs/ConstituentSubtractor/tags/1.2.8/ConstituentSubtractor.hh (revision 1135)
@@ -0,0 +1,251 @@
+// $Id$
+// ConstituentSubtractor package
+// Questions/comments:,,,
+// Copyright (c) 2014-, Peter Berta, Martin Spousta, David W. Miller, Rupert Leitner
+// This file is part of FastJet contrib.
+// It is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
+// the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
+// Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at
+// your option) any later version.
+// It is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
+// ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
+// License for more details.
+// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+// along with this code. If not, see <>.
+#include <fastjet/internal/base.hh>
+#include <fastjet/ClusterSequenceAreaBase.hh>
+#include <fastjet/tools/JetMedianBackgroundEstimator.hh>
+#include <fastjet/tools/GridMedianBackgroundEstimator.hh>
+#include <fastjet/PseudoJet.hh>
+#include <fastjet/Selector.hh>
+#include <fastjet/tools/BackgroundEstimatorBase.hh>
+#include "fastjet/tools/Transformer.hh" // to derive Subtractor from Transformer
+#include "fastjet/LimitedWarning.hh"
+#include <algorithm>
+FASTJET_BEGIN_NAMESPACE // defined in fastjet/internal/base.hh
+namespace contrib{
+/// \class ConstituentSubtractor
+/// A class to perform subtraction of background, e.g. pileup, from a set of particles at particle-level. The output is a jet or the whole event with corrected constituents.
+/// This class corrects the input particles for background contamination with the algorithm described in:
+/// Peter Berta, Martin Spousta, David W. Miller, Rupert Leitner [arXiv:1403.3108]
+/// For individual jet background subtraction, see
+/// For whole event background subtraction before jet clustering, see
+/// The distance used for matching between particle i and ghost k is defined as:
+/// deltaR_{i,k}=pT_i * sin(theta_i)^polarAngleExp * sqrt((y_i-y_k)^2 + (phi_i-phi_k)^2)
+/// The class accounts for position-dependent (in rapidity-azimuth plane) background densities, rho and rho_m. The user is encouraged to use them.
+ class ConstituentSubtractor : public fastjet::Transformer{
+ public:
+ enum Distance {
+ deltaR, /// deltaR=sqrt((y_i-y_j)^2+(phi_i-phi_j)^2)), longitudinal Lorentz invariant
+ angle /// angle between two momenta in Euclidean space
+ };
+ ///
+ /// default ctor
+ ConstituentSubtractor();
+ ///
+ /// Constructor that takes a pointer to a background estimator for rho and optionally a pointer to a background estimator for rho_m. If the latter is not supplied, rho_m is assumed to always be zero (this behaviour can be changed by calling use_common_bge_for_rho_and_rhom).
+ ConstituentSubtractor(fastjet::BackgroundEstimatorBase *bge_rho, fastjet::BackgroundEstimatorBase *bge_rhom=0, double alpha=0, double max_distance=-1, Distance distance=deltaR);
+ ///
+ /// Constructor that takes an externally supplied value for rho and rho_m.
+ ConstituentSubtractor(double rho, double rhom=0, double alpha=0, double max_distance=-1, Distance distance=deltaR);
+ ///
+ /// default dtor
+ virtual ~ConstituentSubtractor(){}
+ ///
+ /// a description of what this class does
+ virtual std::string description() const;
+ ///
+ /// action of the correction on a given jet. The output is PseudoJet object with subtracted constituents
+ virtual fastjet::PseudoJet result(const fastjet::PseudoJet &jet) const;
+ ///
+ /// do the constituent subtraction for the input particles using the provided background proxies. The output is a vector with corrected particles - particles with zero corrected pt are removed.
+ std::vector<fastjet::PseudoJet> do_subtraction(std::vector<fastjet::PseudoJet> const &particles, std::vector<fastjet::PseudoJet> const &backgroundProxies,std::vector<fastjet::PseudoJet> *remaining_backgroundProxies=0) const;
+ ///
+ /// do the subtraction of the whole event - more user-friendly approach. The particles with |eta|>max_eta are discarded at the beginning, i.e. they are not used, nor returned. The ghosts are added automatically inside this function up to max_eta.
+ std::vector<fastjet::PseudoJet> subtract_event(std::vector<fastjet::PseudoJet> const &particles, double max_eta);
+ ///
+ /// do the subtraction of the whole event using the tracking information for charged particles, i.e. the 4-momenta of charged particles from signal vertex, and 4-momenta of charged particles from background. The user can set the scaling of charged particles from background and signal using parameters charged_background_scale (CBS) and charged_signal_scale (CSS). These scales are useful if one assumes correlation between charged and neutral particles or in case the inputs from calorimeter are miscalibrated wrt tracks. In case CBS=CSS=0, the input charged particles are not used. In case CBS=CSS=1, the input charged particles are not scaled. Recommending to try several combinations for CBS and CSS from range [0.8, 1.5]. It is no more necessary to provide background estimator. The GridMedianBackgroundEstimator is used - probably more flexibility will be added in the future. The rescaling function for background estimator can be also provided - the rescaling function will be used for the event after subtracting charged scaled particles. The particles with |eta|>max_eta are discarded at the beginning, i.e. they are not used, nor returned.
+ std::vector<fastjet::PseudoJet> subtract_event_using_charged_info(std::vector<fastjet::PseudoJet> const &particles, double charged_background_scale, std::vector<fastjet::PseudoJet> const &charged_background, double charged_signal_scale, std::vector<fastjet::PseudoJet> const &charged_signal, double max_eta, fastjet::FunctionOfPseudoJet<double> *rescaling=0);
+ ///
+ /// set the grid size (not area) for the background estimation with GridMedianBackgroundEstimator when using charged info
+ void set_grid_size_background_estimator(double const &grid_size_background_estimator);
+ ///
+ /// do the subtraction of the whole event in several steps: In each step, CS procedure is done using the CS parameters specified in set_iterative_parameters. After each CS procedure, the remaining background is estimated and used for the next step. The background proxies which were not used are dropped. The particles with |eta|>max_eta are discarded at the beginning, i.e. they are not used, nor returned.
+ std::vector<fastjet::PseudoJet> sequential_subtraction(std::vector<fastjet::PseudoJet> const &particles, double const &max_eta);
+ ///
+ /// Set the pointer to a background estimator for rho and optionally a pointer to a background estimator for rho_m. If the latter is not supplied, rho_m is assumed to always be zero (this behaviour can be changed by calling use_common_bge_for_rho_and_rhom).
+ void set_background_estimator(fastjet::BackgroundEstimatorBase *bge_rho, fastjet::BackgroundEstimatorBase *bge_rhom=0);
+ ///
+ /// Set the scalar background densities rho and rho_m.
+ void set_scalar_background_density(double rho, double rhom=0);
+ ///
+ /// when only one background estimator, bge_rho, is specified, calling this function with argument true, causes rho_m to be calculated from the same background estimator as rho, instead of being set to zero. Currently this only works if the estimator is a JetMedianBackgroundEstimator or other estimator which has such function.
+ void set_common_bge_for_rho_and_rhom(bool value=true);
+ ///
+ /// when two background estimators are used (one for rho, the second for rho_m), setting this to true will result in rho_m being estimated using bge_rhom->rho_m() instead of bge_rhom->rho().
+ void set_use_bge_rhom_rhom(bool value=true);
+ ///
+ /// specify if also the mass term sqrt(pT^2+m^2)-pT should be corrected during the subtraction procedure. This is automatically set when calling functions set_common_bge_for_rho_and_rhom, set_scalar_background_density or set_use_bge_rhom_rhom
+ void set_do_mass_subtraction(bool value=true);
+ ///
+ /// set to true, if you want to remove particles which have zero both, pt and mtMinusPt. By default, these particles are removed.
+ void set_remove_zero_pt_and_mtMinusPt_particles(bool value=true);
+ ///
+ /// set to true, if you want to remove all zero pt particles - this means removing also particles with zero delta_m (massive particles with zero pt). By default, the zero pt particles with non-zero delta_m are not removed.
+ void set_remove_all_zero_pt_particles(bool value=true);
+ ///
+ /// function to change the alpha-parameter figuring in the distance measure deltaR. The larger the alpha, the more are preferred to be corrected the low pt particles. The default value is 0, i.e. by default the standard deltaR definition is used: deltaR=sqrt(deltay^2 + deltaphi^2)
+ void set_alpha(double alpha);
+ ///
+ /// function to change the parameter polarAngleExp
+ void set_polarAngleExp(double polarAngleExp);
+ ///
+ /// function to set the _remove_remaining_proxies_sequential member. If set to true, then the proxies with non-zero remaining pt are discarded in the sequential CS
+ void set_remove_remaining_proxies_sequential(bool remove_remaining_proxies_sequential);
+ ///
+ /// function to change the parameter ghost_area
+ void set_ghost_area(double ghost_area);
+ ///
+ /// function to change the distance type
+ void set_distance_type(Distance distance);
+ ///
+ /// function to change the free parameter max_distance. The distance is defined by enum Distance. The particle-ghost pairs with distance>max_distance are not used. When max_distance<=0, the max_distance parameter is not used (no upper limit on distance). The default value is -1, i.e. by default there is no upper limit for possible distance values.
+ void set_max_distance(double max_distance);
+ ///
+ /// function to change the free parameter max_distance. It is the same as the set_max_distance function. It is added back for backward-comptibility (since it was replaced in ConstituentSubtractor version 1.1.3 with function set_max_distance). It should be not used.
+ void set_max_standardDeltaR(double max_distance);
+ ///
+ /// function to return the maximal deltaR distance used in the subtraction
+ double get_max_distance();
+ ///
+ /// This function returns true if the first argument is smaller than the second argument, otherwise returns false. The comparison is done only on the first element in the two pairs. This function is used to sort in ascending order the deltaR values for each pair particle-ghost while keeping track of particles and ghosts
+ static bool _function_used_for_sorting(std::pair<double,std::pair<int,int> > const &i,std::pair<double,std::pair<int,int> > const &j);
+ ///
+ /// function used for sorting of Pseudojets according to eta
+ static bool _rapidity_sorting(fastjet::PseudoJet const &i,fastjet::PseudoJet const &j);
+ ///
+ /// Function to construct massless ghosts in the whole eta-phi space up to max_eta
+ void construct_ghosts_uniformly(double max_eta);
+ ///
+ /// Function to return vector of ghosts
+ std::vector<fastjet::PseudoJet> get_ghosts();
+ ///
+ /// Function to return vector of areas associated to ghosts
+ std::vector<double> get_ghosts_area();
+ ///
+ /// Set selector - this allows to perform Constituent Subtraction in certain phase space when using the whole event correction. Only ghosts which pass the selector are used in the correction. No selection is done on particles (i.e. the user needs to perform the selection before applying ConstituentSubtractor if he/she wishes). The default behaviour is to not use any selector. The user should remember that the max_eta restriction is applied in any case, e.g. when using the function "subtract_event(particles,max_eta)", then ghosts are distributed to maximal eta max_eta and particles outside this region are discarded.
+ void set_selector(fastjet::Selector* selector);
+ ///
+ /// Set maximal distance and alpha parameters for the sequential CS
+ void set_sequential_parameters(std::vector<double> const &max_distances_sequential, std::vector<double> const &alphas_sequential);
+ protected:
+ std::vector<fastjet::PseudoJet> get_background_proxies_from_ghosts(std::vector<fastjet::PseudoJet> const &ghosts,std::vector<double> const &ghosts_area) const;
+ void clear_ghosts();
+ /// helper functions to find the minimal and maximal indeces for the vector of particles - useful to make the CS procedure faster
+ unsigned int _find_index_after(double const &value, std::vector<double> const &vec) const;
+ unsigned int _find_index_before(double const &value, std::vector<double> const &vec) const;
+ fastjet::BackgroundEstimatorBase *_bge_rho, *_bge_rhom;
+ bool _common_bge, _rhom_from_bge_rhom;
+ double _rho, _rhom;
+ bool _externally_supplied_rho_rhom, _do_mass_subtraction;
+ Distance _distance;
+ double _alpha;
+ double _polarAngleExp;
+ double _max_distance;
+ std::vector<double> _max_distances_sequential;
+ std::vector<double> _alphas_sequential;
+ bool _remove_zero_pt_and_mtMinusPt_particles;
+ bool _remove_all_zero_pt_particles;
+ bool _use_max_distance;
+ double _ghost_area;
+ double _grid_size_phi;
+ double _grid_size_rap;
+ bool _ghosts_constructed;
+ bool _ghosts_rapidity_sorted;
+ bool _remove_remaining_proxies_sequential;
+ int _n_ghosts_phi;
+ double _max_eta;
+ std::vector<fastjet::PseudoJet> _ghosts;
+ std::vector<double> _ghosts_area;
+ std::vector<double> _ghosts_rapidities; // used for uniform grid
+ double _grid_size_background_estimator;
+ fastjet::Selector *_selector;
+ static LimitedWarning _warning_unused_rhom;
+ };
+} // namespace contrib
Property changes on: contrib/contribs/ConstituentSubtractor/tags/1.2.8/ConstituentSubtractor.hh
Added: svn:keywords
## -0,0 +1 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Index: contrib/contribs/ConstituentSubtractor/tags/1.2.8/ChangeLog
--- contrib/contribs/ConstituentSubtractor/tags/1.2.8/ChangeLog (revision 0)
+++ contrib/contribs/ConstituentSubtractor/tags/1.2.8/ChangeLog (revision 1135)
@@ -0,0 +1,342 @@
+2018-06-12 Peter Berta <>
+ - Set version number to 1.2.8
+ *
+ * ConstituentSubtractor.hh
+ - Added new function: clean_ghosts. Now when setting new selector, the current ghosts are removed - then when doing subtraction, new ghosts are constructed.
+ - Updated sequential CS:
+ - Added possibility to perform CS procedure any number of times (previously only twice). Now, the maximal distance and alphas should be specified as vectors using function "set_sequential_parameters"
+ - Added possibility to remove the unsubtracted ghosts (proxies) from the previous CS procedure for the next application of CS procedure
+ *
+ * example_whole_event_sequential.ref
+ * Makefile
+ - Added example for the sequential CS
+2018-05-04 Peter Berta <>
+ - Set version number to 1.2.7
+ *
+ * ConstituentSubtractor.hh
+ - Added possibility to perform whole event correction in a certain phase space defined by input Selector
+ - Added possibity to change the grid size for GridMedianBackgroundEstimator when using charged info - the default value is now 0.5
+ - Faster correction in case the distance is ConstituentSubtractor::angle
+ *
+ *
+ - Updated examples
+ * example_whole_event.ref
+ * example_whole_event_using_charged_info.ref
+ - Updated references to correspond to updated examples
+2018-05-03 Peter Berta <>
+ - Set version number to 1.2.6
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * functions.hh
+ - Updated examples and added more comments
+ * example.ref
+ * example_whole_event.ref
+ * example_background_rescaling.ref
+ * example_whole_event_using_charged_info.ref
+ - Updated references to correspond to updated examples
+2018-04-11 Peter Berta <>
+ - Set version number to 1.2.5
+ *
+ - Fixed bug causing seg fault in ATLAS. The seg fault happened very rarely for events in which the particle with minimal or maximal rapidity had had rapidity of special value (dependent on the parameters of ConstituentSubtractor).
+ * functions.hh
+ - In read_event added possibility to read event in format (pt, rap, phi, pid, charge) assuming zero masses.
+2017-12-18 Peter Berta <>
+ - Set version number to 1.2.4
+ *
+ * ConstituentSubtractor.hh
+ - Added function set_remove_zero_pt_and_mtMinusPt_particles. When set to true, all particles are kept in the output. If set to false (default), the particles with zero pt and zero mtMinusPt are removed.
+ * Makefile
+ - Added back the test example_whole_event_using_charged_info.
+ *
+ * example_whole_event_using_charged_info.ref
+ - using set_remove_zero_pt_and_mtMinusPt_particles(false), printing more digits for the output, and changed the reference. Now this test is successful also for Gavin Salam.
+2017-09-08 Peter Berta <>
+ - Set version number to 1.2.3
+ *
+ - In the previous version the zero pt massive corrected particles had pt set to 1e-200. This caused a warning when the active area was used during clustering. Now, the zero pt is set to 1e-50, which removed the warning.
+ * Makefile
+ - Temporarily removed the test example_whole_event_using_charged_info. The reason is that it gives different output particles when running on MacOS 10.12.6, Apple LLVM version 8.1.0 (clang-802.0.42) as Gavin Salam found. The difference is tiny: one zero pt and zero mass particle appears additionally when running on MAC, which has no impact on the performance of the correction.
+2017-08-21 Peter Berta <>
+ - Set version number to 1.2.2
+ *
+ * ConstituentSubtractor.hh
+ - Added function set_max_standardDeltaR for backward compatibility. It was replaced in version 1.1.3 by function set_max_distance. In this version, it does the same as the function set_max_distance.
+ - Further speed improvement for whole event subtraction (especially for small _max_distance parameters, such as 0.25)
+2017-08-07 Peter Berta <>
+ - Set version number to 1.2.1
+ *
+ - Fixed bug for the distance enum ConstituentSubtractor::angle. Previously, the optimized rapidity ranges were used also for this distance type which was wrong. Now, the whole rapidity range is used (without optimization).
+ - Checking if ghosts are constructed for the jet-by-jet subtraction. In case they are constructed, error is thrown since such ConstituentSubtractor should be used only for whole event subtraction, and not jet-by-jet.
+2017-07-20 Peter Berta <>
+ - Set version number to 1.2.0
+ *
+ * ConstituentSubtractor.hh
+ - Important change for the output corrected particles in case of correction of massive particles. The corrected zero pt particles with non-zero corrected delta_m (massive particles in rest) are now included in the output. Previously, all the zero pt corrected particles were discarded. Now, only the zero pt and zero delta_m corrected particles are discarded. The corrected particles with zero pt and non-zero delta_m are kept (their pt is set to very small value (1e-200 GeV)). This should have better performance for jet energy and jet mass. If the user wants, he/she can still discard those zero pt particles in his/her own code, e.g. by requiring particles with pt > 1e-100 GeV.
+ - Implemented changes to significantly increase the speed of the CS algorithm for the whole event subtraction. The performance is exactly the same. Only the speed is much higher. For small values of _max_distance parameter, the speed is now ~10-times higher. For larger values of the _max_distance parameter, the speed is ~2-times higher.
+ *
+ * RescalingClasses.hh:
+ - Added new rescaling classes:
+ - BackgroundRescalingYPhiFromRoot - rescaling of background using Root TH2 histogram binned in rapidity vs azimuth
+ - BackgroundRescalingYPhiUsingVectorForY - rescaling of background for heavy ions - using eliptic flow parameters and rapidity dependence recorded in a vector<double>
+ - BackgroundRescalingYPhiUsingVectors - rescaling of background using objcet vector<vector<double> > containing the rapidity vs azimuth dependence
+ *
+ - Added more examples for usage of rescaling classes
+ * example_background_rescaling.ref
+ * example.ref
+ * example_whole_event.ref
+ * example_whole_event_using_charged_info.ref
+ - Updated example outputs due to the inclusion of massive zero pt corrected particles in the output.
+2017-07-11 Peter Berta <>
+ - Set version number to 1.1.6
+ *
+ * ConstituentSubtractor.hh
+ - Implemented suggestion from Marta Verweij:
+ - Added new functions: "get_ghosts" and "get_ghosts_area". They return the vector of ghosts and the corresponding ghost areas used for whole event subtraction.
+ - Changed the function "construct_ghosts_uniformly" to be public
+ - Now the user does not need to provide the BackgroundEstimator to CS, but he/she can do background estimation independently and then assign the estimated background to ghosts. The procedure is the following:
+ - construct the ghosts with function "construct_ghosts_uniformly"
+ - get them with functions "get_ghosts" and "get_ghosts_area"
+ - do background estimation independently and assign the corresponding background estimates to ghosts
+ - use the function "do_subtraction" to subtract the modified ghosts from real particles.
+ *
+ * RescalingClasses.hh:
+ - Added new rescaling class template BackgroundRescalingYFromRootPhi - useful mainly for heavy ion events. The rapidity dependance is taken from a Root TH1 object provided by the user. The next parameters are used to parametrize the eliptic flow.
+ *
+ - Added example for usage of the new rescaling class BackgroundRescalingYFromRootPhi (commented at the beginning of the macro).
+2017-01-25 Gavin Salam <>
+ updated VERSION to 1.1.5
+ * Makefile:
+ - resolved issue with make fragile-shared, caused by repeated
+ SRCS lines in the Makefile. Also removed other duplicates.
+2017-01-20 Peter Berta <>
+ - Set version number to 1.1.4
+ *
+ - fixed rounding issues for zero masses, when doing the correction of term mtMinusPt
+ - more precise evaluation of corrected 4-momenta, which affected the mass of corrected particles with low masses
+ - added new function set_do_mass_subtraction
+ * ConstituentSubtractor.hh
+ - fixed initialization of member variable "_do_mass_subtraction"
+ - added new function set_do_mass_subtraction
+ * example_whole_event.ref,
+ - updated reference file. Added also all corrected particles.
+ * example_whole_event_using_charged_info.ref,
+ - updated reference file. Added also all corrected particles.
+2016-11-14 Peter Berta <>
+ - Set version number to 1.1.3
+ *
+ * ConstituentSubtractor.hh:
+ - Fixed bug in "do_subtraction" function for the unsubtracted background proxies.
+ - Added new function "sequential_subtraction" - for testing purposes so far, example will be added later. The ConstituentSubtraction is performed twice: first with small maximal allowed deltaR distance, then the background proxies are again uniformly redistributed and the ConstituentSubtraction runs second time with higher allowed maximal deltaR
+ - Added new function "set_distance_type". With this function, the user can change the definition of distance between particles and background proxies. There are two possibilities using enums Distance: deltaR (longitudinal Lorentz invariant distance in rapidity vs. phi) or angle (in Euclidean space). The default distance is deltaR, i.e. the same definition of distance as in previous versions.
+ * Makefile:
+ - Removed dependence on Root. Using template in RescalingClasses now.
+ *
+ * RescalingClasses.hh:
+ - Removed dependence on Root for the rescaling using TH1 histogram. Using template now. Also the name of the class changed. Old name: BackgroundRescalingYTH1. New name: BackgroundRescalingYFromRoot
+ - Changed the name of the rescaling class for heavy ion events. Old name: BackgroundRescalingYPhiHeavyIon. New name: BackgroundRescalingYPhi. Also the description of the rescaling function is updated.
+ *
+ * example_rescaling_using_TH1.ref:
+ - Removed
+ *
+ * example_background_rescaling.ref:
+ - Added new example for usage of Heavy Ion background rescaling function
+ - The file contains also commented example for usage of rapidity rescaling according to root's TH1 distribution
+ *
+ - Updated this example with usage of the "set_distance_type" function.
+2016-03-11 Peter Berta <>
+ set version number to 1.1.2
+ * Makefile:
+ - added CXXFLAGS and LDFLAGS in case the "ROOTSYS" variable is defined from ROOT. In case it is not defined, the standard usage still works, just the RescalingClasses are not compiled.
+ *
+ * RescalingClasses.hh:
+ - New files: contain classes for rho estimation rescaling. Two classes were added:
+ - BackgroundRescalingYTH1 - input is a TH1 object (stabdard histogram in ROOT) containg the actual rapidity dependence of backgound pt
+ - BackgroundRescalingYPhiHeavyIon - input are 8 parameters. The first four parameters parametrize the elliptic flow. The next four parameters parametrize the rapidity dependence using two Gaussian distributions
+ *
+ * example_rescaling_using_TH1.ref:
+ - New files: example in which the ConstituentSubtractor is used for the whole event subtraction using rapidity rescaling for the rho estimation. The input for rapidity rescaling is a TH1 object
+2016-02-09 Peter Berta <>
+ set version number to 1.1.1
+ * ConstituentSubtractor.hh:
+ *
+ - Faster algorithm for subtraction in the "do_subtraction" member function.
+ - New member function: subtract_event_using_charged_info
+ - whole event subtraction
+ - 4 additional inputs: two vectors of PseudoJets for charged background and charged signal, and two doubles, charged background scale (CBS) and charged signal scale (CSS)
+ - the scales CBS and CSS scale the input charged particles. Useful if one assumes correlation between charged and neutral particles or in case the inputs from calorimeter are miscalibrated wrt tracks. In case CBS=CSS=0, the input charged particles are not used. In case CBS=CSS=1, the input charged particles are not scaled. Recommending to try several combinations for CBS and CSS from range [0.8, 1.5].
+ - the background estimation is built in this function using GridMedianBackgroundEstimator with possibility to rescale
+ - see example file "" for usage
+ *
+ * example_whole_event_using_charged_info.ref:
+ - New files: example in which the ConstituentSubtractor is used for the whole event subtraction using tracking information for charged particles
+ * functions.h:
+ - Updated function "read_event". Now, obtaining also the vectors of charged particles originating from signal and background.
+2015-11-05 Peter Berta <>
+ set version number to 1.1.0
+ * Makefile:
+ - added "-fPIC" CXX flag
+ * ConstituentSubtractor.hh:
+ *
+ - updated output for result(PseudoJet): copying the "user_index" from the input jet and its constituents to the output corrected jet and its constituents
+ - discarded the original max_deltaR parameter, and replaced it by parameter max_standardDeltaR defined as standardDeltaR=sqrt(deltay^2 + deltaphi^2). This new parameter restricts the usage of ghost-particle pairs which have too large distance standardDeltaR, i.e. not the distance deltaR which is the standardDeltaR multiplied by other factors as in the previous version.
+ - added a new multiplicative factor (sin(theta_i))^polarAngleExp into the definition of distance for a ghost-particle pair. Angle theta_i is the polar angle of partile i. The polarAngleExp is a free parameter with default value polarAngleExp=0, i.e. the default definition of deltaR has not changed wrt previous version. It can be changed using set_polarAngleExp member function
+ - changed the structure of the package and its member functions
+ - the standard usage with result(PseudoJet) is the same and it gives the same results as in previous version
+ - new member functions are available to simplify the whole event subtraction: subtract_event, set_background_estimator, set_scalar_background_density, see example file
+ - similar changes as in GenericSubtractor due to FJ>=3.1:
+ - added set_common_bge_for_rho_and_rhom() and removed use_common_bge_for_rho_and_rhom()
+ - added set_use_bge_rhom_rhom() to tweak how rho_m is obtained when ConstituentSubtractor has been constructed with two estimators
+ - altered common_bge_for_rho_and_rhom() and added use_bge_rhom_rhom() to retrieve the behaviour
+ - added a warning when rhom is non-zero and unused
+ - Updated the terminology:
+ - ghosts - soft particles distributed with high density
+ - background proxies - particles used in the "do_subtraction" member function. They can be obtained from ghosts or in other way. Previously, these particles were also called "ghosts"
+ *
+ * example_whole_event.ref:
+ -new files: example in which the ConstituentSubtractor is used for the whole event
+ * functions.h:
+ -new file: contains useful functions for the example files
+ * example.hh:
+ -removed. Content moved to file functions.h
+2014-04-06 Peter Berta <>
+ Release of version 1.0.0
Index: contrib/contribs/ConstituentSubtractor/tags/1.2.8/example.hh
--- contrib/contribs/ConstituentSubtractor/tags/1.2.8/example.hh (revision 0)
+++ contrib/contribs/ConstituentSubtractor/tags/1.2.8/example.hh (revision 1135)
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+// empty file
+// This file was removed from svn which caused problems to release a new vesion. Now it is svn added back.
Index: contrib/contribs/ConstituentSubtractor/tags/1.2.8/example_background_rescaling.ref
--- contrib/contribs/ConstituentSubtractor/tags/1.2.8/example_background_rescaling.ref (revision 0)
+++ contrib/contribs/ConstituentSubtractor/tags/1.2.8/example_background_rescaling.ref (revision 1135)
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+# 20 pileup events on top of the hard event
+# read an event with 203 signal particles and 1714 background particles with pseudo-rapidity |eta|<4
+# FastJet release 3.2.0
+# M. Cacciari, G.P. Salam and G. Soyez
+# A software package for jet finding and analysis at colliders
+# Please cite EPJC72(2012)1896 [arXiv:1111.6097] if you use this package
+# for scientific work and optionally PLB641(2006)57 [hep-ph/0512210].
+# FastJet is provided without warranty under the terms of the GNU GPLv2.
+# It uses T. Chan's closest pair algorithm, S. Fortune's Voronoi code
+# and 3rd party plugin jet algorithms. See COPYING file for details.
+ConstituentSubtractor using [GridMedianBackgroundEstimator, with rectangular grid with rapidity extent -4 < rap < 4, tile size drap x dphi = 0.5 x 0.483322] to estimate the background
+perform mass subtraction: 1
+# original hard jets
+pt = 89.57, rap = 2.088, mass = 21.55, width = 0.1866
+pt = 144.5, rap = 0.6689, mass = 19.34, width = 0.06909
+pt = 220.1, rap = -1.068, mass = 18.09, width = 0.0337
+# unsubtracted full jets
+pt = 115.3, rap = 2.08, mass = 45.33, width = 0.2569
+pt = 167.3, rap = 0.6891, mass = 58.31, width = 0.1268
+pt = 230.5, rap = -1.065, mass = 46.2, width = 0.05647
+# subtracted full jets
+pt = 90.84, rap = 2.079, mass = 25.95, width = 0.2023
+pt = 144.4, rap = 0.6808, mass = 32.26, width = 0.07246
+pt = 207.3, rap = -1.073, mass = 14.55, width = 0.02355
Index: contrib/contribs/ConstituentSubtractor/tags/1.2.8/README
--- contrib/contribs/ConstituentSubtractor/tags/1.2.8/README (revision 0)
+++ contrib/contribs/ConstituentSubtractor/tags/1.2.8/README (revision 1135)
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+ConstituentSubtractor is part of the fastjet-contrib project.
+The ConstituentSubtractor class corrects jets for background contamination at particle-level as described in
+ Particle-level pileup subtraction for jets and jet shapes
+ Peter Berta, Martin Spousta, David W. Miller, Rupert Leitner
+ arXiv:1403.3108
+The code illustrates how to use the class on individual jets.
+It can be built using
+ make example
+ makes use of an input datafile which is provided in the
+/data directory, and it should be run with
+ ./example < ../data/Pythia-Zp2jets-lhc-pileup-1ev.dat
+The expected output can be found in example.ref
+The code illustrates how to use the class on the whole event - before jet clustering.
+It can be built using
+ make example_whole_event
+ makes use of an input datafile which is provided in the
+/data directory, and it should be run with
+ ./example_whole_event < ../data/Pythia-Zp2jets-lhc-pileup-1ev.dat
+The expected output can be found in example_whole_event.ref
Index: contrib/contribs/ConstituentSubtractor/tags/1.2.8/example_whole_event_sequential.ref
--- contrib/contribs/ConstituentSubtractor/tags/1.2.8/example_whole_event_sequential.ref (revision 0)
+++ contrib/contribs/ConstituentSubtractor/tags/1.2.8/example_whole_event_sequential.ref (revision 1135)
@@ -0,0 +1,474 @@
+# 20 pileup events on top of the hard event
+# read an event with 203 signal particles and 1714 background particles with pseudo-rapidity |eta|<4
+# FastJet release 3.3.1
+# M. Cacciari, G.P. Salam and G. Soyez
+# A software package for jet finding and analysis at colliders
+# Please cite EPJC72(2012)1896 [arXiv:1111.6097] if you use this package
+# for scientific work and optionally PLB641(2006)57 [hep-ph/0512210].
+# FastJet is provided without warranty under the terms of the GNU GPLv2.
+# It uses T. Chan's closest pair algorithm, S. Fortune's Voronoi code
+# and 3rd party plugin jet algorithms. See COPYING file for details.
+ConstituentSubtractor using [GridMedianBackgroundEstimator, with rectangular grid with rapidity extent -4 < rap < 4, tile size drap x dphi = 0.5 x 0.483322] to estimate the background
+perform mass subtraction: 1
+Corrected particles in the whole event:
+pt = 0.1481, phi = 0.9369, rap = -3.9811, |mass| = 0.0000
+pt = 0.9416, phi = 5.2599, rap = -3.6581, |mass| = 0.0000
+pt = 0.2613, phi = 4.9980, rap = -3.6347, |mass| = 0.0000
+pt = 0.0477, phi = 6.0961, rap = -3.6121, |mass| = 0.0000
+pt = 0.5278, phi = 5.6861, rap = -3.5493, |mass| = 0.0000
+pt = 0.1496, phi = 2.6409, rap = -3.4932, |mass| = 0.0000
+pt = 0.6026, phi = 5.5855, rap = -3.4828, |mass| = 0.0483
+pt = 2.0650, phi = 6.0415, rap = -3.4827, |mass| = 0.0000
+pt = 0.0000, phi = 3.8922, rap = -3.4649, |mass| = 0.1994
+pt = 0.4496, phi = 4.9418, rap = -3.4609, |mass| = 0.0000
+pt = 0.5233, phi = 5.4112, rap = -3.4232, |mass| = 0.4181
+pt = 0.3619, phi = 6.0661, rap = -3.4124, |mass| = 0.0000
+pt = 0.0296, phi = 3.2413, rap = -3.3861, |mass| = 0.0000
+pt = 0.3637, phi = 0.2742, rap = -3.3640, |mass| = 0.3874
+pt = 0.1199, phi = 2.2892, rap = -3.3465, |mass| = 0.0000
+pt = 1.2549, phi = 5.8966, rap = -3.3435, |mass| = 0.0000
+pt = 0.0000, phi = 5.2003, rap = -3.3432, |mass| = 0.0073
+pt = 1.1072, phi = 2.2916, rap = -3.3330, |mass| = 0.0000
+pt = 0.1593, phi = 0.2181, rap = -3.3282, |mass| = 0.0000
+pt = 0.0167, phi = 2.6996, rap = -3.3022, |mass| = 0.0000
+pt = 2.5965, phi = 3.0096, rap = -3.2831, |mass| = 0.0000
+pt = 0.0054, phi = 3.1885, rap = -3.2531, |mass| = 0.0000
+pt = 0.0000, phi = 2.6619, rap = -3.2396, |mass| = 0.0654
+pt = 0.0000, phi = 0.3627, rap = -3.2328, |mass| = 0.3361
+pt = 0.0610, phi = 5.4556, rap = -3.2297, |mass| = 0.0000
+pt = 0.6469, phi = 1.4148, rap = -3.2284, |mass| = 0.0000
+pt = 0.0448, phi = 4.5544, rap = -3.1881, |mass| = 0.0000
+pt = 0.0517, phi = 1.3714, rap = -3.1792, |mass| = 0.0000
+pt = 1.1636, phi = 5.9358, rap = -3.1711, |mass| = 0.0000
+pt = 0.0595, phi = 4.5317, rap = -3.1631, |mass| = 0.0000
+pt = 1.1888, phi = 5.7996, rap = -3.1614, |mass| = 0.0000
+pt = 1.8122, phi = 4.4399, rap = -3.1188, |mass| = 0.0000
+pt = 0.2107, phi = 3.0074, rap = -3.1125, |mass| = 0.0000
+pt = 2.9138, phi = 3.1301, rap = -3.0963, |mass| = 0.0000
+pt = 0.0000, phi = 5.5487, rap = -3.0883, |mass| = 0.3453
+pt = 0.6539, phi = 4.5479, rap = -3.0839, |mass| = 0.0000
+pt = 0.0000, phi = 1.5830, rap = -3.0695, |mass| = 0.3096
+pt = 0.4656, phi = 2.7204, rap = -3.0545, |mass| = 0.0000
+pt = 0.0286, phi = 3.1922, rap = -3.0462, |mass| = 0.2622
+pt = 1.0249, phi = 5.6871, rap = -3.0433, |mass| = 0.4178
+pt = 0.5015, phi = 4.5763, rap = -3.0201, |mass| = 0.0000
+pt = 0.0000, phi = 3.9943, rap = -3.0179, |mass| = 0.2219
+pt = 0.4770, phi = 5.6925, rap = -3.0015, |mass| = 0.0000
+pt = 0.3560, phi = 0.7339, rap = -2.9925, |mass| = 0.0000
+pt = 0.0000, phi = 2.2128, rap = -2.9837, |mass| = 0.2192
+pt = 0.3787, phi = 5.2605, rap = -2.9511, |mass| = 0.0000
+pt = 0.6698, phi = 5.4574, rap = -2.9496, |mass| = 0.0000
+pt = 0.1165, phi = 5.1677, rap = -2.9463, |mass| = 0.0000
+pt = 0.0000, phi = 0.5490, rap = -2.8994, |mass| = 0.4656
+pt = 0.0000, phi = 4.9348, rap = -2.8828, |mass| = 0.1582
+pt = 0.3678, phi = 5.7954, rap = -2.8763, |mass| = 0.0000
+pt = 0.1759, phi = 5.1832, rap = -2.8757, |mass| = 0.5317
+pt = 0.1289, phi = 4.9577, rap = -2.8737, |mass| = 0.0000
+pt = 2.3043, phi = 5.0940, rap = -2.8440, |mass| = 0.0000
+pt = 0.7218, phi = 5.1006, rap = -2.8366, |mass| = 0.0000
+pt = 0.0000, phi = 3.3478, rap = -2.8257, |mass| = 0.0635
+pt = 0.0165, phi = 0.2435, rap = -2.8043, |mass| = 0.0000
+pt = 0.4259, phi = 5.0895, rap = -2.7945, |mass| = 0.0000
+pt = 0.2245, phi = 5.7579, rap = -2.7939, |mass| = 0.0000
+pt = 0.0000, phi = 5.2141, rap = -2.7867, |mass| = 0.0578
+pt = 0.6973, phi = 3.2932, rap = -2.7708, |mass| = 0.0000
+pt = 0.0000, phi = 4.3799, rap = -2.7333, |mass| = 0.1967
+pt = 0.1328, phi = 5.0971, rap = -2.7245, |mass| = 0.0000
+pt = 1.0399, phi = 4.3266, rap = -2.7104, |mass| = 0.6268
+pt = 0.0000, phi = 4.2022, rap = -2.7075, |mass| = 0.2088
+pt = 0.0000, phi = 5.0719, rap = -2.7002, |mass| = 0.1672
+pt = 0.2625, phi = 4.9647, rap = -2.6730, |mass| = 0.1313
+pt = 0.0597, phi = 0.7724, rap = -2.6691, |mass| = 0.0000
+pt = 1.2778, phi = 3.7925, rap = -2.6181, |mass| = 0.0000
+pt = 0.0264, phi = 4.2586, rap = -2.6133, |mass| = 0.0000
+pt = 0.3784, phi = 5.2473, rap = -2.5999, |mass| = 0.0000
+pt = 0.3087, phi = 0.7727, rap = -2.5978, |mass| = 0.0000
+pt = 0.4846, phi = 0.8228, rap = -2.5632, |mass| = 0.5003
+pt = 0.2371, phi = 5.4743, rap = -2.5477, |mass| = 0.0000
+pt = 1.0253, phi = 3.7936, rap = -2.5437, |mass| = 0.5948
+pt = 0.7009, phi = 0.7076, rap = -2.5349, |mass| = 0.0000
+pt = 0.0000, phi = 0.2840, rap = -2.5265, |mass| = 0.2793
+pt = 0.0000, phi = 2.2234, rap = -2.5120, |mass| = 0.0620
+pt = 0.6466, phi = 3.8120, rap = -2.5092, |mass| = 0.0000
+pt = 0.0000, phi = 3.6720, rap = -2.5091, |mass| = 0.1487
+pt = 0.4371, phi = 5.7415, rap = -2.5082, |mass| = 0.0000
+pt = 0.0000, phi = 0.0331, rap = -2.4937, |mass| = 0.0786
+pt = 0.0095, phi = 5.5739, rap = -2.4928, |mass| = 0.0000
+pt = 0.4393, phi = 5.7067, rap = -2.4847, |mass| = 0.0000
+pt = 0.2766, phi = 2.2857, rap = -2.4781, |mass| = 0.0000
+pt = 0.0000, phi = 2.9924, rap = -2.4641, |mass| = 0.5779
+pt = 0.4238, phi = 2.3820, rap = -2.4577, |mass| = 0.0000
+pt = 0.4217, phi = 2.2732, rap = -2.3606, |mass| = 0.0000
+pt = 0.5825, phi = 5.6589, rap = -2.3513, |mass| = 0.0000
+pt = 0.0970, phi = 2.6826, rap = -2.3242, |mass| = 0.0000
+pt = 0.2949, phi = 4.2981, rap = -2.3130, |mass| = 0.0000
+pt = 0.0000, phi = 0.3706, rap = -2.2746, |mass| = 0.3145
+pt = 0.1110, phi = 4.0379, rap = -2.2709, |mass| = 0.0000
+pt = 0.5954, phi = 6.1109, rap = -2.2503, |mass| = 0.0000
+pt = 0.3484, phi = 2.0559, rap = -2.2459, |mass| = 0.0000
+pt = 0.0000, phi = 6.1442, rap = -2.2092, |mass| = 0.4588
+pt = 0.0000, phi = 4.5712, rap = -2.1491, |mass| = 0.0992
+pt = 0.2848, phi = 5.8451, rap = -2.1326, |mass| = 0.0000
+pt = 0.0000, phi = 4.1152, rap = -2.0535, |mass| = 0.5457
+pt = 0.1268, phi = 5.2157, rap = -2.0325, |mass| = 0.0000
+pt = 1.1831, phi = 1.7065, rap = -1.9364, |mass| = 0.5307
+pt = 0.0000, phi = 0.8735, rap = -1.8499, |mass| = 0.6432
+pt = 0.0000, phi = 3.4576, rap = -1.8215, |mass| = 0.1325
+pt = 0.1896, phi = 4.1310, rap = -1.7928, |mass| = 0.0000
+pt = 0.0000, phi = 1.3401, rap = -1.7845, |mass| = 0.1765
+pt = 0.0262, phi = 4.2501, rap = -1.7797, |mass| = 0.0000
+pt = 0.0000, phi = 1.7075, rap = -1.7557, |mass| = 0.6685
+pt = 0.0000, phi = 2.6678, rap = -1.7347, |mass| = 0.0316
+pt = 0.0000, phi = 3.2763, rap = -1.7060, |mass| = 0.2116
+pt = 0.3915, phi = 4.0208, rap = -1.6984, |mass| = 0.0000
+pt = 0.0000, phi = 5.1647, rap = -1.6698, |mass| = 0.2951
+pt = 0.0000, phi = 4.4350, rap = -1.6529, |mass| = 0.4573
+pt = 0.0000, phi = 1.6670, rap = -1.6500, |mass| = 0.4123
+pt = 0.0000, phi = 5.8112, rap = -1.5848, |mass| = 0.1305
+pt = 0.2021, phi = 4.3785, rap = -1.5446, |mass| = 0.0000
+pt = 0.0000, phi = 3.5581, rap = -1.5446, |mass| = 0.5643
+pt = 0.0000, phi = 1.6547, rap = -1.5117, |mass| = 0.0014
+pt = 0.0000, phi = 1.6392, rap = -1.5083, |mass| = 0.4679
+pt = 0.1144, phi = 4.4482, rap = -1.4965, |mass| = 0.0000
+pt = 0.0000, phi = 3.4063, rap = -1.4909, |mass| = 0.2133
+pt = 0.2924, phi = 4.4554, rap = -1.4610, |mass| = 0.0000
+pt = 0.0000, phi = 5.0209, rap = -1.3956, |mass| = 0.0192
+pt = 0.0000, phi = 4.7907, rap = -1.3715, |mass| = 0.2338
+pt = 0.5231, phi = 0.6859, rap = -1.3568, |mass| = 0.3190
+pt = 0.0513, phi = 0.7825, rap = -1.3533, |mass| = 0.0000
+pt = 0.0000, phi = 5.5697, rap = -1.3375, |mass| = 0.2706
+pt = 0.0000, phi = 5.3367, rap = -1.3101, |mass| = 0.5103
+pt = 0.0000, phi = 5.0510, rap = -1.2080, |mass| = 0.2029
+pt = 0.9268, phi = 0.0872, rap = -1.1921, |mass| = 0.0000
+pt = 24.3491, phi = 0.0579, rap = -1.0933, |mass| = 0.0000
+pt = 10.6629, phi = 0.0731, rap = -1.0859, |mass| = 0.0000
+pt = 22.7084, phi = 0.0773, rap = -1.0854, |mass| = 0.0000
+pt = 20.3171, phi = 0.0834, rap = -1.0851, |mass| = 0.0000
+pt = 0.0000, phi = 0.5309, rap = -1.0828, |mass| = 0.0307
+pt = 70.5496, phi = 0.0743, rap = -1.0811, |mass| = 0.0000
+pt = 12.6654, phi = 0.0757, rap = -1.0660, |mass| = 0.0000
+pt = 8.1149, phi = 0.0626, rap = -1.0644, |mass| = 0.0000
+pt = 4.2252, phi = 0.0345, rap = -1.0580, |mass| = 0.0000
+pt = 1.1773, phi = 0.0917, rap = -1.0549, |mass| = 0.0000
+pt = 1.2653, phi = 0.0712, rap = -1.0548, |mass| = 0.0000
+pt = 6.0000, phi = 0.0565, rap = -1.0434, |mass| = 0.0000
+pt = 4.5794, phi = 0.0586, rap = -1.0426, |mass| = 0.0000
+pt = 12.6514, phi = 0.1181, rap = -1.0377, |mass| = 0.0000
+pt = 3.7921, phi = 6.2190, rap = -1.0143, |mass| = 0.0000
+pt = 4.3788, phi = 0.0865, rap = -1.0003, |mass| = 0.0000
+pt = 1.9140, phi = 0.0711, rap = -0.9980, |mass| = 0.0000
+pt = 0.0000, phi = 0.4089, rap = -0.9806, |mass| = 0.5992
+pt = 0.0482, phi = 0.9472, rap = -0.9624, |mass| = 0.2833
+pt = 3.4867, phi = 6.2357, rap = -0.9621, |mass| = 0.0000
+pt = 0.0000, phi = 5.3264, rap = -0.9595, |mass| = 0.3538
+pt = 0.1118, phi = 4.0146, rap = -0.9112, |mass| = 0.0000
+pt = 0.3429, phi = 4.3827, rap = -0.8746, |mass| = 0.0000
+pt = 0.0000, phi = 1.2028, rap = -0.8444, |mass| = 0.0297
+pt = 0.3077, phi = 0.1357, rap = -0.8338, |mass| = 0.0000
+pt = 0.0000, phi = 0.7100, rap = -0.7680, |mass| = 0.0842
+pt = 0.1840, phi = 2.7181, rap = -0.7632, |mass| = 0.0000
+pt = 0.0000, phi = 5.9605, rap = -0.7429, |mass| = 0.5685
+pt = 0.0826, phi = 4.8779, rap = -0.7202, |mass| = 0.0000
+pt = 0.1945, phi = 1.5393, rap = -0.7199, |mass| = 0.0000
+pt = 0.0535, phi = 1.6905, rap = -0.6892, |mass| = 0.0000
+pt = 0.5726, phi = 2.7094, rap = -0.6874, |mass| = 0.0000
+pt = 0.2379, phi = 1.5224, rap = -0.6862, |mass| = 0.0000
+pt = 0.0000, phi = 2.8799, rap = -0.6792, |mass| = 0.6496
+pt = 0.1419, phi = 2.6770, rap = -0.6664, |mass| = 0.0000
+pt = 0.3622, phi = 5.5749, rap = -0.6292, |mass| = 0.0000
+pt = 0.0000, phi = 3.8088, rap = -0.6257, |mass| = 0.2242
+pt = 0.0000, phi = 3.1361, rap = -0.5968, |mass| = 0.0679
+pt = 0.3791, phi = 1.5600, rap = -0.5723, |mass| = 0.0000
+pt = 0.5184, phi = 0.7584, rap = -0.5473, |mass| = 0.3421
+pt = 1.6021, phi = 2.3648, rap = -0.4499, |mass| = 0.2127
+pt = 0.0000, phi = 5.2422, rap = -0.4268, |mass| = 0.0343
+pt = 0.0000, phi = 4.2295, rap = -0.3897, |mass| = 0.0752
+pt = 0.8288, phi = 0.4795, rap = -0.3768, |mass| = 0.3659
+pt = 0.0000, phi = 3.5751, rap = -0.3483, |mass| = 0.0929
+pt = 0.9985, phi = 0.3563, rap = -0.3342, |mass| = 0.0000
+pt = 0.4521, phi = 2.7340, rap = -0.2597, |mass| = 0.0000
+pt = 0.1101, phi = 1.7579, rap = -0.2434, |mass| = 0.0000
+pt = 0.7527, phi = 1.8261, rap = -0.2425, |mass| = 0.0000
+pt = 0.0000, phi = 5.1760, rap = -0.2405, |mass| = 0.5198
+pt = 0.1234, phi = 1.2481, rap = -0.2241, |mass| = 0.0000
+pt = 0.1324, phi = 0.5956, rap = -0.1828, |mass| = 0.3553
+pt = 0.0000, phi = 2.6657, rap = -0.1595, |mass| = 0.1479
+pt = 0.0000, phi = 5.2913, rap = -0.1464, |mass| = 0.0030
+pt = 0.0000, phi = 0.6866, rap = -0.1372, |mass| = 0.3908
+pt = 0.0000, phi = 5.4367, rap = -0.1372, |mass| = 0.7108
+pt = 0.0000, phi = 4.6803, rap = -0.1358, |mass| = 0.1648
+pt = 0.0000, phi = 2.7735, rap = -0.1180, |mass| = 0.5400
+pt = 0.4766, phi = 3.7742, rap = -0.1045, |mass| = 0.0000
+pt = 0.2162, phi = 2.9150, rap = -0.0938, |mass| = 0.0000
+pt = 0.1780, phi = 3.6537, rap = -0.0631, |mass| = 0.0000
+pt = 0.0000, phi = 6.0576, rap = -0.0599, |mass| = 0.0892
+pt = 0.1212, phi = 2.9689, rap = -0.0437, |mass| = 0.0000
+pt = 1.2434, phi = 2.9835, rap = -0.0366, |mass| = 0.0000
+pt = 0.2991, phi = 2.5866, rap = -0.0260, |mass| = 0.0000
+pt = 0.0956, phi = 3.0993, rap = -0.0100, |mass| = 0.0000
+pt = 0.0000, phi = 3.7945, rap = 0.0045, |mass| = 0.1542
+pt = 0.2461, phi = 2.3563, rap = 0.0151, |mass| = 0.0000
+pt = 0.4770, phi = 0.9729, rap = 0.0474, |mass| = 0.0000
+pt = 1.6026, phi = 2.9511, rap = 0.0737, |mass| = 0.0000
+pt = 1.0696, phi = 0.9594, rap = 0.0939, |mass| = 0.3371
+pt = 1.2856, phi = 2.9165, rap = 0.1176, |mass| = 0.0000
+pt = 1.3990, phi = 2.9748, rap = 0.1206, |mass| = 0.0000
+pt = 0.0234, phi = 5.7815, rap = 0.1729, |mass| = 0.0000
+pt = 0.0000, phi = 4.9526, rap = 0.1737, |mass| = 0.2368
+pt = 0.0000, phi = 1.9370, rap = 0.1820, |mass| = 0.0161
+pt = 0.4039, phi = 4.4850, rap = 0.1935, |mass| = 0.0000
+pt = 0.0876, phi = 0.2256, rap = 0.2082, |mass| = 0.0000
+pt = 0.0051, phi = 2.9645, rap = 0.2217, |mass| = 0.1976
+pt = 0.0000, phi = 1.7689, rap = 0.2374, |mass| = 0.0736
+pt = 0.1394, phi = 0.2089, rap = 0.2861, |mass| = 0.0000
+pt = 0.0000, phi = 0.4674, rap = 0.2967, |mass| = 0.3850
+pt = 0.4950, phi = 1.8427, rap = 0.2980, |mass| = 0.0951
+pt = 0.0000, phi = 5.7312, rap = 0.3047, |mass| = 0.0551
+pt = 0.2003, phi = 0.8566, rap = 0.3299, |mass| = 0.0000
+pt = 0.0000, phi = 6.1585, rap = 0.3474, |mass| = 0.0157
+pt = 0.2918, phi = 3.4631, rap = 0.3500, |mass| = 0.0000
+pt = 0.1228, phi = 0.8614, rap = 0.3626, |mass| = 0.0000
+pt = 0.1222, phi = 0.9692, rap = 0.4178, |mass| = 0.0000
+pt = 0.0000, phi = 3.7028, rap = 0.4222, |mass| = 0.3182
+pt = 1.4479, phi = 0.7335, rap = 0.4255, |mass| = 0.0000
+pt = 0.0000, phi = 2.8924, rap = 0.4392, |mass| = 0.5788
+pt = 0.0486, phi = 4.5484, rap = 0.4993, |mass| = 0.0000
+pt = 0.4948, phi = 2.9835, rap = 0.5077, |mass| = 0.0000
+pt = 0.0955, phi = 0.6706, rap = 0.5158, |mass| = 0.4439
+pt = 1.9973, phi = 0.8053, rap = 0.5295, |mass| = 0.0000
+pt = 0.0000, phi = 1.5136, rap = 0.5312, |mass| = 0.3876
+pt = 0.4916, phi = 2.2633, rap = 0.5336, |mass| = 0.0000
+pt = 3.8451, phi = 3.4258, rap = 0.5413, |mass| = 0.0000
+pt = 1.5010, phi = 3.3710, rap = 0.5773, |mass| = 0.0000
+pt = 4.4526, phi = 3.4551, rap = 0.5839, |mass| = 0.0000
+pt = 0.5629, phi = 1.2803, rap = 0.5848, |mass| = 0.0000
+pt = 3.4646, phi = 3.4360, rap = 0.5910, |mass| = 0.0000
+pt = 1.8793, phi = 3.5194, rap = 0.5915, |mass| = 0.0000
+pt = 0.5524, phi = 3.6197, rap = 0.5925, |mass| = 0.0000
+pt = 2.3278, phi = 3.5442, rap = 0.6111, |mass| = 0.0000
+pt = 5.1586, phi = 3.4756, rap = 0.6166, |mass| = 0.0000
+pt = 0.2212, phi = 5.4022, rap = 0.6202, |mass| = 0.3377
+pt = 4.3862, phi = 3.4572, rap = 0.6241, |mass| = 0.0000
+pt = 0.2256, phi = 0.6815, rap = 0.6313, |mass| = 0.0000
+pt = 0.4214, phi = 2.1577, rap = 0.6338, |mass| = 0.4728
+pt = 0.0000, phi = 1.5382, rap = 0.6353, |mass| = 0.0673
+pt = 8.3256, phi = 3.4533, rap = 0.6359, |mass| = 0.0000
+pt = 1.8902, phi = 3.4727, rap = 0.6368, |mass| = 0.0000
+pt = 10.1706, phi = 3.4104, rap = 0.6385, |mass| = 0.0000
+pt = 1.9006, phi = 3.4744, rap = 0.6420, |mass| = 0.0000
+pt = 1.8977, phi = 3.4329, rap = 0.6449, |mass| = 0.0000
+pt = 1.8801, phi = 3.3996, rap = 0.6533, |mass| = 0.0000
+pt = 0.0000, phi = 0.2411, rap = 0.6556, |mass| = 0.1351
+pt = 0.4464, phi = 3.5051, rap = 0.6559, |mass| = 0.0000
+pt = 0.2404, phi = 3.5005, rap = 0.6563, |mass| = 0.0000
+pt = 1.6145, phi = 3.4793, rap = 0.6577, |mass| = 0.0000
+pt = 6.7198, phi = 3.4263, rap = 0.6685, |mass| = 0.0000
+pt = 10.7029, phi = 3.4717, rap = 0.6706, |mass| = 0.0000
+pt = 1.0130, phi = 3.4751, rap = 0.6708, |mass| = 0.0000
+pt = 2.0006, phi = 3.3178, rap = 0.6756, |mass| = 0.0000
+pt = 5.6895, phi = 3.4260, rap = 0.6768, |mass| = 0.0000
+pt = 0.0525, phi = 6.0878, rap = 0.6805, |mass| = 0.0000
+pt = 1.8819, phi = 3.4712, rap = 0.6823, |mass| = 0.0000
+pt = 5.5091, phi = 3.4245, rap = 0.6858, |mass| = 0.0000
+pt = 1.9027, phi = 3.4087, rap = 0.6874, |mass| = 0.0000
+pt = 2.8740, phi = 3.4624, rap = 0.6911, |mass| = 0.0000
+pt = 13.7509, phi = 3.4120, rap = 0.7074, |mass| = 0.0000
+pt = 8.8154, phi = 3.4972, rap = 0.7090, |mass| = 0.0000
+pt = 5.3858, phi = 3.4490, rap = 0.7170, |mass| = 0.0000
+pt = 0.1988, phi = 6.0604, rap = 0.7172, |mass| = 0.0000
+pt = 0.0000, phi = 0.3084, rap = 0.7204, |mass| = 0.0714
+pt = 6.4560, phi = 3.4530, rap = 0.7207, |mass| = 0.0000
+pt = 0.5595, phi = 2.4215, rap = 0.7229, |mass| = 0.0000
+pt = 0.0000, phi = 3.5246, rap = 0.7350, |mass| = 0.1113
+pt = 8.9994, phi = 3.4142, rap = 0.7452, |mass| = 0.0000
+pt = 0.3223, phi = 1.9752, rap = 0.7563, |mass| = 0.0000
+pt = 0.9746, phi = 1.2971, rap = 0.7623, |mass| = 0.0000
+pt = 0.5721, phi = 3.7466, rap = 0.7690, |mass| = 0.2290
+pt = 0.3475, phi = 1.4775, rap = 0.8066, |mass| = 0.0000
+pt = 0.0627, phi = 3.0398, rap = 0.8188, |mass| = 0.0000
+pt = 1.1308, phi = 3.6233, rap = 0.8190, |mass| = 0.6560
+pt = 1.4533, phi = 2.4207, rap = 0.8200, |mass| = 0.0000
+pt = 0.0000, phi = 3.7783, rap = 0.8236, |mass| = 0.0499
+pt = 0.3871, phi = 5.9957, rap = 0.8491, |mass| = 0.0000
+pt = 0.5234, phi = 6.0737, rap = 0.8541, |mass| = 0.0000
+pt = 1.4700, phi = 5.8830, rap = 0.8746, |mass| = 0.0000
+pt = 0.3939, phi = 1.4696, rap = 0.8781, |mass| = 0.4137
+pt = 0.0000, phi = 0.4758, rap = 0.8829, |mass| = 0.4266
+pt = 3.9352, phi = 5.8902, rap = 0.8995, |mass| = 0.0000
+pt = 0.7974, phi = 5.9910, rap = 0.9133, |mass| = 0.6279
+pt = 0.1349, phi = 4.6516, rap = 0.9169, |mass| = 0.0000
+pt = 0.0000, phi = 3.1391, rap = 0.9173, |mass| = 0.5128
+pt = 1.5676, phi = 5.9042, rap = 0.9416, |mass| = 0.0000
+pt = 0.1095, phi = 3.0645, rap = 0.9518, |mass| = 0.0000
+pt = 0.0127, phi = 4.7522, rap = 0.9645, |mass| = 0.0000
+pt = 0.1051, phi = 2.6248, rap = 0.9718, |mass| = 0.0000
+pt = 0.0190, phi = 4.0506, rap = 0.9857, |mass| = 0.0000
+pt = 0.3416, phi = 1.8193, rap = 0.9987, |mass| = 0.0000
+pt = 1.4849, phi = 1.9405, rap = 1.0063, |mass| = 0.0000
+pt = 0.0235, phi = 3.2114, rap = 1.0078, |mass| = 0.3010
+pt = 0.2367, phi = 6.0103, rap = 1.0350, |mass| = 0.4222
+pt = 0.3803, phi = 2.4110, rap = 1.0565, |mass| = 0.0000
+pt = 0.0000, phi = 0.2182, rap = 1.0634, |mass| = 0.2363
+pt = 1.3068, phi = 2.1993, rap = 1.0685, |mass| = 0.6537
+pt = 0.0660, phi = 2.2157, rap = 1.0731, |mass| = 0.0819
+pt = 0.6637, phi = 2.4491, rap = 1.0845, |mass| = 0.5424
+pt = 0.0039, phi = 3.7599, rap = 1.1061, |mass| = 0.0000
+pt = 1.0608, phi = 3.7716, rap = 1.1266, |mass| = 0.0000
+pt = 0.4054, phi = 3.8805, rap = 1.1281, |mass| = 0.0000
+pt = 0.0000, phi = 3.9461, rap = 1.1289, |mass| = 0.2459
+pt = 1.1806, phi = 2.1470, rap = 1.1299, |mass| = 0.0000
+pt = 0.0000, phi = 3.0345, rap = 1.1380, |mass| = 0.6969
+pt = 0.1212, phi = 6.2627, rap = 1.1410, |mass| = 0.0000
+pt = 0.3702, phi = 3.6682, rap = 1.1423, |mass| = 0.0000
+pt = 0.0901, phi = 6.2192, rap = 1.1465, |mass| = 0.0000
+pt = 0.0000, phi = 0.0632, rap = 1.1606, |mass| = 0.2034
+pt = 1.2196, phi = 2.2491, rap = 1.1824, |mass| = 0.0000
+pt = 0.0000, phi = 5.1993, rap = 1.2196, |mass| = 0.7041
+pt = 0.2391, phi = 1.5378, rap = 1.2240, |mass| = 0.3483
+pt = 1.7914, phi = 2.0002, rap = 1.2478, |mass| = 0.0000
+pt = 1.1739, phi = 2.4614, rap = 1.2917, |mass| = 0.3284
+pt = 0.0025, phi = 2.0893, rap = 1.2999, |mass| = 0.0000
+pt = 0.8104, phi = 1.3460, rap = 1.3049, |mass| = 0.3674
+pt = 0.9605, phi = 2.1008, rap = 1.3221, |mass| = 0.0000
+pt = 0.2234, phi = 3.4732, rap = 1.3242, |mass| = 0.0000
+pt = 0.0000, phi = 6.0304, rap = 1.3552, |mass| = 0.0020
+pt = 0.4136, phi = 0.4431, rap = 1.3560, |mass| = 0.3067
+pt = 0.0000, phi = 3.8285, rap = 1.3878, |mass| = 0.4110
+pt = 0.0932, phi = 3.5671, rap = 1.3936, |mass| = 0.0000
+pt = 0.0000, phi = 5.9932, rap = 1.4169, |mass| = 0.0532
+pt = 0.1760, phi = 4.9412, rap = 1.4212, |mass| = 0.0000
+pt = 0.0000, phi = 3.8509, rap = 1.4223, |mass| = 0.1603
+pt = 0.0000, phi = 4.8650, rap = 1.4360, |mass| = 0.0231
+pt = 1.2942, phi = 2.6652, rap = 1.4574, |mass| = 0.0000
+pt = 0.3223, phi = 3.8357, rap = 1.4605, |mass| = 0.0000
+pt = 1.0916, phi = 4.7690, rap = 1.4731, |mass| = 0.3740
+pt = 0.3340, phi = 2.2565, rap = 1.5072, |mass| = 0.0000
+pt = 0.0000, phi = 2.8818, rap = 1.5173, |mass| = 0.2291
+pt = 0.8800, phi = 2.6610, rap = 1.5637, |mass| = 0.0000
+pt = 1.7082, phi = 5.5777, rap = 1.5689, |mass| = 0.7246
+pt = 0.2103, phi = 1.8101, rap = 1.6003, |mass| = 0.0000
+pt = 0.5232, phi = 0.9558, rap = 1.6013, |mass| = 0.1785
+pt = 0.0000, phi = 3.7564, rap = 1.6039, |mass| = 0.5850
+pt = 1.5471, phi = 2.7272, rap = 1.6053, |mass| = 0.0000
+pt = 1.4595, phi = 5.2340, rap = 1.6192, |mass| = 0.0000
+pt = 0.2789, phi = 4.9272, rap = 1.6319, |mass| = 0.0000
+pt = 0.0973, phi = 3.1377, rap = 1.6448, |mass| = 0.0000
+pt = 1.1963, phi = 5.7800, rap = 1.6586, |mass| = 0.0000
+pt = 0.0233, phi = 2.9014, rap = 1.6933, |mass| = 0.0000
+pt = 0.0819, phi = 4.8299, rap = 1.6987, |mass| = 0.0000
+pt = 0.6090, phi = 5.0883, rap = 1.7570, |mass| = 0.0000
+pt = 0.8089, phi = 2.4587, rap = 1.7761, |mass| = 0.0000
+pt = 5.3683, phi = 2.7960, rap = 1.8007, |mass| = 0.0000
+pt = 2.6487, phi = 0.9863, rap = 1.8074, |mass| = 0.0000
+pt = 0.0000, phi = 2.1390, rap = 1.8452, |mass| = 0.3359
+pt = 0.3936, phi = 3.2073, rap = 1.8452, |mass| = 0.3369
+pt = 2.1660, phi = 2.7201, rap = 1.8501, |mass| = 0.0000
+pt = 0.1068, phi = 2.6960, rap = 1.8562, |mass| = 0.0000
+pt = 5.6745, phi = 2.7803, rap = 1.8695, |mass| = 0.0000
+pt = 2.2874, phi = 2.6740, rap = 1.8754, |mass| = 0.0000
+pt = 0.0000, phi = 4.8838, rap = 1.9101, |mass| = 0.6003
+pt = 1.0031, phi = 1.8314, rap = 1.9129, |mass| = 0.2261
+pt = 0.0000, phi = 4.3408, rap = 1.9201, |mass| = 0.2848
+pt = 0.1079, phi = 2.7014, rap = 1.9332, |mass| = 0.0000
+pt = 0.4839, phi = 1.0835, rap = 1.9387, |mass| = 0.0000
+pt = 0.0183, phi = 1.1122, rap = 1.9516, |mass| = 0.0000
+pt = 0.0000, phi = 0.1115, rap = 1.9533, |mass| = 0.2428
+pt = 0.0000, phi = 1.3471, rap = 1.9767, |mass| = 0.0018
+pt = 0.0000, phi = 0.7475, rap = 1.9993, |mass| = 0.0061
+pt = 0.0000, phi = 2.0417, rap = 2.0056, |mass| = 0.3039
+pt = 0.3235, phi = 3.0374, rap = 2.0565, |mass| = 0.0000
+pt = 1.7327, phi = 3.0890, rap = 2.0668, |mass| = 0.0000
+pt = 1.1409, phi = 2.8476, rap = 2.0854, |mass| = 0.0000
+pt = 0.8537, phi = 2.8541, rap = 2.0864, |mass| = 0.0000
+pt = 3.1220, phi = 2.9009, rap = 2.0914, |mass| = 0.0000
+pt = 0.0000, phi = 5.6835, rap = 2.1183, |mass| = 0.2853
+pt = 8.0466, phi = 2.9158, rap = 2.1664, |mass| = 0.0000
+pt = 1.5371, phi = 2.6275, rap = 2.1787, |mass| = 0.0000
+pt = 14.0251, phi = 2.9648, rap = 2.1793, |mass| = 0.0000
+pt = 7.7212, phi = 2.8981, rap = 2.1901, |mass| = 0.0000
+pt = 8.3485, phi = 2.9077, rap = 2.1933, |mass| = 0.0000
+pt = 2.6100, phi = 2.8874, rap = 2.1989, |mass| = 0.0000
+pt = 5.8656, phi = 2.9472, rap = 2.2211, |mass| = 0.0000
+pt = 0.0000, phi = 3.0658, rap = 2.2278, |mass| = 0.0501
+pt = 0.3432, phi = 2.3070, rap = 2.2353, |mass| = 0.0000
+pt = 1.8815, phi = 2.9942, rap = 2.2515, |mass| = 0.0000
+pt = 0.3136, phi = 2.6010, rap = 2.2538, |mass| = 0.0000
+pt = 0.0000, phi = 5.1560, rap = 2.2964, |mass| = 0.4825
+pt = 6.6192, phi = 2.8741, rap = 2.2979, |mass| = 0.0000
+pt = 0.0000, phi = 6.0460, rap = 2.3143, |mass| = 0.2867
+pt = 0.0000, phi = 0.0765, rap = 2.3267, |mass| = 0.1699
+pt = 0.1660, phi = 4.2786, rap = 2.3323, |mass| = 0.0000
+pt = 0.0000, phi = 3.8866, rap = 2.3624, |mass| = 0.1044
+pt = 1.1877, phi = 2.4512, rap = 2.3893, |mass| = 0.0000
+pt = 0.6077, phi = 4.9860, rap = 2.4013, |mass| = 0.0000
+pt = 0.2750, phi = 3.2281, rap = 2.4204, |mass| = 0.0000
+pt = 0.0639, phi = 5.0863, rap = 2.4376, |mass| = 0.0000
+pt = 0.5944, phi = 5.6329, rap = 2.4704, |mass| = 0.0000
+pt = 0.2959, phi = 5.3862, rap = 2.4942, |mass| = 0.0000
+pt = 0.5005, phi = 0.2073, rap = 2.5013, |mass| = 0.0000
+pt = 0.0000, phi = 5.5875, rap = 2.5304, |mass| = 0.2654
+pt = 0.0770, phi = 5.9251, rap = 2.5418, |mass| = 0.0000
+pt = 0.1943, phi = 1.3474, rap = 2.5588, |mass| = 0.0000
+pt = 0.0000, phi = 6.1094, rap = 2.5989, |mass| = 0.2909
+pt = 0.0000, phi = 5.7227, rap = 2.6021, |mass| = 0.5232
+pt = 0.0000, phi = 3.8120, rap = 2.6416, |mass| = 0.1737
+pt = 0.1387, phi = 5.3477, rap = 2.6706, |mass| = 0.0000
+pt = 0.0282, phi = 5.2658, rap = 2.6781, |mass| = 0.0000
+pt = 0.0803, phi = 1.0035, rap = 2.7000, |mass| = 0.0000
+pt = 0.5413, phi = 5.2734, rap = 2.7487, |mass| = 0.0000
+pt = 0.0000, phi = 0.6350, rap = 2.7563, |mass| = 0.2267
+pt = 0.1582, phi = 1.3875, rap = 2.7583, |mass| = 0.4207
+pt = 0.0000, phi = 3.0759, rap = 2.7767, |mass| = 0.1441
+pt = 0.2320, phi = 5.2945, rap = 2.7975, |mass| = 0.0000
+pt = 0.1461, phi = 4.8803, rap = 2.8057, |mass| = 0.0000
+pt = 0.0000, phi = 1.7026, rap = 2.8144, |mass| = 0.3127
+pt = 0.0000, phi = 4.5915, rap = 2.8524, |mass| = 0.1178
+pt = 0.0000, phi = 4.6285, rap = 2.9342, |mass| = 0.4912
+pt = 0.0000, phi = 0.2897, rap = 2.9419, |mass| = 0.2545
+pt = 0.0000, phi = 4.5237, rap = 2.9486, |mass| = 0.1162
+pt = 0.9863, phi = 5.3496, rap = 2.9503, |mass| = 0.0000
+pt = 0.3097, phi = 4.5024, rap = 2.9632, |mass| = 0.0000
+pt = 0.0000, phi = 3.2030, rap = 3.0507, |mass| = 0.1245
+pt = 0.0000, phi = 1.6339, rap = 3.0626, |mass| = 0.1915
+pt = 0.0190, phi = 5.6998, rap = 3.1040, |mass| = 0.0000
+pt = 0.0000, phi = 2.8474, rap = 3.1114, |mass| = 0.2894
+pt = 0.2036, phi = 2.5911, rap = 3.1385, |mass| = 0.4337
+pt = 0.1574, phi = 0.8686, rap = 3.2117, |mass| = 0.0000
+pt = 0.1419, phi = 4.3488, rap = 3.2525, |mass| = 0.0000
+pt = 0.1659, phi = 3.8185, rap = 3.2569, |mass| = 0.0000
+pt = 0.1577, phi = 3.8074, rap = 3.3040, |mass| = 0.0000
+pt = 0.2096, phi = 0.0370, rap = 3.4874, |mass| = 0.3751
+pt = 0.0313, phi = 3.7510, rap = 3.5445, |mass| = 0.2250
+pt = 0.0000, phi = 5.8221, rap = 3.5533, |mass| = 0.0375
+pt = 0.2628, phi = 5.1156, rap = 3.6265, |mass| = 0.0000
+pt = 0.2911, phi = 3.5986, rap = 3.6873, |mass| = 0.0000
+pt = 0.0736, phi = 3.9443, rap = 3.7229, |mass| = 0.0000
+pt = 3.1227, phi = 5.8328, rap = 3.8261, |mass| = 0.0000
+pt = 1.1456, phi = 5.9007, rap = 3.8434, |mass| = 0.0000
+pt = 0.8388, phi = 3.7877, rap = 3.8660, |mass| = 0.0000
+pt = 0.4517, phi = 3.9673, rap = 3.9384, |mass| = 0.0000
+pt = 0.5153, phi = 3.4089, rap = 3.9813, |mass| = 0.0000
+pt = 0.0782, phi = 0.2902, rap = 3.9936, |mass| = 0.0000
+# original hard jets
+pt = 89.57, rap = 2.088, mass = 21.55, width = 0.1866
+pt = 144.5, rap = 0.6689, mass = 19.34, width = 0.06909
+pt = 220.1, rap = -1.068, mass = 18.09, width = 0.0337
+# unsubtracted full jets
+pt = 115.3, rap = 2.08, mass = 45.33, width = 0.2569
+pt = 167.3, rap = 0.6891, mass = 58.31, width = 0.1268
+pt = 230.5, rap = -1.065, mass = 46.2, width = 0.05647
+# subtracted full jets
+pt = 86.05, rap = 2.093, mass = 21.75, width = 0.187
+pt = 142.1, rap = 0.6768, mass = 34.59, width = 0.0667
+pt = 214.4, rap = -1.071, mass = 26.34, width = 0.02709
Index: contrib/contribs/ConstituentSubtractor/tags/1.2.8/example_whole_event_using_charged_info.ref
--- contrib/contribs/ConstituentSubtractor/tags/1.2.8/example_whole_event_using_charged_info.ref (revision 0)
+++ contrib/contribs/ConstituentSubtractor/tags/1.2.8/example_whole_event_using_charged_info.ref (revision 1135)
@@ -0,0 +1,1953 @@
+ConstituentSubtractor: no externally supplied rho, nor background estimator
+perform mass subtraction: 1
+# 20 pileup events on top of the hard event
+# read an event with 203 signal particles, 1714 background particles, 93 signal charged particles, and 813 background charged particles with pseudo-rapidity |eta|<4
+# FastJet release 3.2.0
+# M. Cacciari, G.P. Salam and G. Soyez
+# A software package for jet finding and analysis at colliders
+# Please cite EPJC72(2012)1896 [arXiv:1111.6097] if you use this package
+# for scientific work and optionally PLB641(2006)57 [hep-ph/0512210].
+# FastJet is provided without warranty under the terms of the GNU GPLv2.
+# It uses T. Chan's closest pair algorithm, S. Fortune's Voronoi code
+# and 3rd party plugin jet algorithms. See COPYING file for details.
+Corrected particles in the whole event:
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 1.2589717, rap = -3.9973962, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 3.0469271, rap = -3.9852274, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 5.4047238, rap = -3.9844601, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 0.9368691, rap = -3.9811431, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 4.4148996, rap = -3.9757800, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 5.6843306, rap = -3.9738429, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 2.8640111, rap = -3.9651503, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 0.3474454, rap = -3.9555856, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 5.8796146, rap = -3.9462938, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 4.3504183, rap = -3.9247997, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 1.3174061, rap = -3.9181998, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.5454887, phi = 4.5820187, rap = -3.9140132, |mass| = 0.1242005
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 5.6440521, rap = -3.9084819, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 3.4513024, rap = -3.8985984, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 2.9442120, rap = -3.8972552, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.1275072, phi = 1.2343851, rap = -3.8846683, |mass| = 0.0000093
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 0.0473820, rap = -3.8784749, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 1.4079563, rap = -3.8739875, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 2.6500735, rap = -3.8724001, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 5.1178604, rap = -3.8628597, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.1267283, phi = 4.6375989, rap = -3.8447414, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 3.1299622, rap = -3.8355334, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 3.0329022, rap = -3.8226985, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0968481, phi = 4.7579898, rap = -3.8226541, |mass| = 0.0758261
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 4.1767927, rap = -3.8147658, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 5.6255835, rap = -3.8111652, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 2.0668879, rap = -3.7984084, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 2.4943462, rap = -3.7961423, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 2.8000347, rap = -3.7953644, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 5.4901263, rap = -3.7921258, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.2433785, phi = 4.7011186, rap = -3.7919724, |mass| = 0.0000104
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 0.9564069, rap = -3.7879054, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 2.3807093, rap = -3.7761592, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 0.4852404, rap = -3.7644437, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 1.4197484, rap = -3.7615505, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 5.8645318, rap = -3.7515466, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 1.7935499, rap = -3.7501007, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 6.1195158, rap = -3.7430958, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 5.0856270, rap = -3.7427208, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 5.2631448, rap = -3.7401968, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 0.8248466, rap = -3.7371564, |mass| = 0.0165079
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 2.6779608, rap = -3.7323537, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 3.4410705, rap = -3.7270166, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 1.9334935, rap = -3.7242950, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 2.6456659, rap = -3.6913836, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 5.5231228, rap = -3.6900024, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 0.0505667, rap = -3.6891772, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 0.0319053, rap = -3.6779246, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 3.4454480, rap = -3.6753075, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 6.0998157, rap = -3.6741934, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 2.3586114, rap = -3.6661435, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 4.8253376, rap = -3.6634560, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 2.4403619, rap = -3.6607422, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 5.2598819, rap = -3.6580698, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 2.1162970, rap = -3.6579737, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 3.1395948, rap = -3.6537273, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0241674, phi = 5.0614078, rap = -3.6347190, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 1.1217463, phi = 4.9979656, rap = -3.6347115, |mass| = 0.0000002
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 0.6955746, rap = -3.6317035, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 1.8207898, rap = -3.6310639, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 5.3321184, rap = -3.6265418, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 0.8706685, rap = -3.6238048, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 0.0850740, rap = -3.6218010, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 6.0961460, rap = -3.6120880, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 0.8361252, rap = -3.6104634, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 0.0498052, rap = -3.6063284, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.3130899, phi = 1.5864957, rap = -3.5912128, |mass| = 0.0000059
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 6.1176908, rap = -3.5842326, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 4.7227783, rap = -3.5826665, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 3.9509396, rap = -3.5796868, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 4.2205920, rap = -3.5788166, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 2.0840567, rap = -3.5782646, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 4.9664033, rap = -3.5775759, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 5.6217737, rap = -3.5775486, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 3.0826992, rap = -3.5774427, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 3.6238757, rap = -3.5757880, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 5.6401305, rap = -3.5541774, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 0.2216828, rap = -3.5532719, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.3647713, phi = 4.2556409, rap = -3.5525849, |mass| = 0.0000001
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 5.6860794, rap = -3.5492550, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 2.6884300, rap = -3.5311168, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 4.9057370, rap = -3.5263263, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 1.9555494, rap = -3.5259978, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 2.0424090, rap = -3.5203534, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 2.1279299, rap = -3.5139450, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 5.6049191, rap = -3.5101765, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 2.4850212, rap = -3.5005965, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 1.6463848, rap = -3.4990141, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 2.6409123, rap = -3.4931896, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0556587, phi = 3.1681032, rap = -3.4886637, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.9292924, phi = 5.5855402, rap = -3.4827501, |mass| = 0.4900029
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 6.0415451, rap = -3.4827232, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 4.2264309, rap = -3.4808505, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 2.5614177, rap = -3.4766032, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 1.7885697, rap = -3.4728244, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 4.1795234, rap = -3.4718111, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 3.0017847, rap = -3.4689550, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 1.8900106, rap = -3.4674173, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 3.5803404, rap = -3.4648824, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 3.8921637, rap = -3.4648518, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 5.7486456, rap = -3.4628492, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 4.9418040, rap = -3.4608628, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 5.6075680, rap = -3.4475910, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 4.3703650, rap = -3.4413490, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 4.8736984, rap = -3.4412293, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 2.3322362, rap = -3.4385199, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 0.1720609, rap = -3.4234215, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 5.4112158, rap = -3.4232119, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 2.8338587, rap = -3.4148954, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 1.2727839, rap = -3.4135433, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 6.0660588, rap = -3.4123670, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 2.2700702, rap = -3.4115441, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 0.6654054, rap = -3.4109036, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 0.1718987, rap = -3.4099537, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 4.9214779, rap = -3.4041152, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 2.6768957, rap = -3.4027677, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 1.0148958, rap = -3.4010650, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 5.0960052, rap = -3.3892422, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 2.8270689, rap = -3.3869638, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 3.2413464, rap = -3.3861190, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 3.1870648, rap = -3.3808957, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 2.5827303, rap = -3.3786030, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 4.8204275, rap = -3.3687873, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.1783552, phi = 5.1474851, rap = -3.3682990, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 1.9804851, rap = -3.3679799, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.6541913, phi = 0.2742396, rap = -3.3639817, |mass| = 0.7832791
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 4.7034308, rap = -3.3590950, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.2915436, phi = 5.5098128, rap = -3.3584756, |mass| = 0.0000001
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 4.6201396, rap = -3.3569017, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 4.6786643, rap = -3.3560926, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 1.4013094, rap = -3.3526342, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 3.0304484, rap = -3.3525672, |mass| = 0.2536901
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 0.6965153, rap = -3.3524845, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 2.2892189, rap = -3.3465499, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 0.8507379, rap = -3.3446221, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 5.8966423, rap = -3.3435379, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 5.2003149, rap = -3.3431930, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 1.6309364, rap = -3.3372320, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 2.2916182, rap = -3.3330281, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.5787427, phi = 0.2181072, rap = -3.3281673, |mass| = 0.0000001
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 0.0625929, rap = -3.3266214, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 1.1635365, rap = -3.3242647, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 5.8171732, rap = -3.3242078, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 0.4168922, rap = -3.3231399, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 4.8213525, rap = -3.3229601, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 0.8422232, rap = -3.3186172, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 5.7993406, rap = -3.3182314, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 2.5611113, rap = -3.3170346, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 3.6761721, rap = -3.3138308, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 6.2143828, rap = -3.3098931, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 2.3426642, rap = -3.3075826, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 2.6995900, rap = -3.3021903, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 4.2632119, rap = -3.3011423, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 3.8639200, rap = -3.2908855, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 4.9326339, rap = -3.2842377, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 3.0096177, rap = -3.2830632, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.2160795, phi = 5.3268832, rap = -3.2804033, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 3.6903261, rap = -3.2724036, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 0.7992138, rap = -3.2697260, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 5.1102924, rap = -3.2648098, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 3.1884723, rap = -3.2530916, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 2.8274117, rap = -3.2491798, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 1.7132821, rap = -3.2484296, |mass| = 0.0164637
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 0.3792909, rap = -3.2461003, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 0.3030115, rap = -3.2448733, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 2.3489159, rap = -3.2399715, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 2.6618843, rap = -3.2396348, |mass| = 0.2648278
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 3.3969444, rap = -3.2373854, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 0.3626862, rap = -3.2327994, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.4946543, phi = 5.4556418, rap = -3.2297426, |mass| = 0.0000001
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 1.4147666, rap = -3.2283724, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 2.2981529, rap = -3.2266183, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0052422, phi = 5.1930109, rap = -3.2198556, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 1.1349652, rap = -3.2114536, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 4.2507261, rap = -3.2007612, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.4468135, phi = 4.5543611, rap = -3.1881048, |mass| = 0.0000262
+pt = 0.4029556, phi = 5.3974147, rap = -3.1862840, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 1.4024962, rap = -3.1861451, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 4.4772084, rap = -3.1861176, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 1.3713644, rap = -3.1792418, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 4.2197756, rap = -3.1783777, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 5.9358070, rap = -3.1711049, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 4.8225973, rap = -3.1677547, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 4.5316560, rap = -3.1631366, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.2610614, phi = 3.1889955, rap = -3.1614363, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 5.7996240, rap = -3.1613837, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 1.7278431, rap = -3.1574709, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 4.1514138, rap = -3.1568624, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 1.5846128, rap = -3.1382700, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 0.1040475, rap = -3.1341431, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 5.7326638, rap = -3.1281670, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 5.2010012, rap = -3.1237803, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 1.0367108, rap = -3.1203798, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 4.4398612, rap = -3.1187969, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 5.4132764, rap = -3.1179120, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 2.8793650, rap = -3.1147613, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 3.0074130, rap = -3.1124655, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 4.8356728, rap = -3.1103381, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 3.7840598, rap = -3.1098074, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 0.9629497, rap = -3.1065553, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 0.7883069, rap = -3.0975557, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 3.3455589, phi = 3.1301435, rap = -3.0962577, |mass| = 0.0000363
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 0.3524663, rap = -3.0955400, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.2048402, phi = 5.5486827, rap = -3.0883435, |mass| = 0.7519018
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 1.0420173, rap = -3.0860850, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 4.5479358, rap = -3.0839485, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 2.5450690, rap = -3.0818880, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 2.7133353, rap = -3.0786849, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 1.5829693, rap = -3.0695079, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 2.7204074, rap = -3.0545020, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.3092141, phi = 3.1921617, rap = -3.0462271, |mass| = 0.7006409
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 6.2043265, rap = -3.0446850, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 3.4364493, rap = -3.0440206, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 5.6871192, rap = -3.0433220, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 1.7918158, rap = -3.0426628, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 2.4594584, rap = -3.0410335, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 0.0758816, rap = -3.0357922, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 4.6794835, rap = -3.0224679, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.7098675, phi = 4.5762979, rap = -3.0200880, |mass| = 0.0000001
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 1.8078189, rap = -3.0193773, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 3.9943348, rap = -3.0179005, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 4.1675823, rap = -3.0160881, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 4.3950951, rap = -3.0055913, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 5.6925290, rap = -3.0014848, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0764222, phi = 5.3047060, rap = -2.9974317, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 0.7339253, rap = -2.9924851, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 2.2128215, rap = -2.9836742, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 0.5049790, rap = -2.9829177, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 3.4998289, rap = -2.9826909, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 5.8360265, rap = -2.9785363, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 2.9609055, rap = -2.9758781, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 0.2971506, rap = -2.9739411, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.3232507, phi = 4.1988006, rap = -2.9667644, |mass| = 0.3924117
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 4.8179153, rap = -2.9579139, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 5.1679083, rap = -2.9569649, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 5.2605154, rap = -2.9510564, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 6.2377530, rap = -2.9499530, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 5.4573993, rap = -2.9495829, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0272008, phi = 5.1676655, rap = -2.9463399, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 1.6091047, rap = -2.9406574, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 2.0555305, rap = -2.9241683, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 4.8959641, rap = -2.9170088, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 3.1799818, rap = -2.9088785, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 0.6796463, rap = -2.9066354, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 0.5490478, rap = -2.8994103, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 3.0152467, rap = -2.8983392, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 1.3290621, rap = -2.8971072, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 0.6569999, rap = -2.8956807, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 5.5021087, rap = -2.8953611, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 4.0444981, rap = -2.8950150, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 5.5414073, rap = -2.8918498, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 0.4343397, rap = -2.8883927, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 4.9347652, rap = -2.8828320, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 3.5762422, rap = -2.8807123, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.4172372, phi = 5.7954419, rap = -2.8763294, |mass| = 0.0000001
+pt = 0.4516567, phi = 5.1832383, rap = -2.8756777, |mass| = 0.8776958
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 4.9577336, rap = -2.8737339, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 5.4832418, rap = -2.8716016, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 1.7107527, rap = -2.8642756, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 3.9450987, rap = -2.8461182, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 5.0939528, rap = -2.8440218, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 3.2237582, rap = -2.8386487, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 5.1006381, rap = -2.8365634, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 5.3708766, rap = -2.8348836, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 2.8605226, rap = -2.8291109, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 0.8774332, rap = -2.8258293, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 3.3477672, rap = -2.8256557, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 1.0019113, rap = -2.8256242, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 2.1128477, rap = -2.8239253, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 4.5590935, rap = -2.8141717, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 3.3085213, rap = -2.8096748, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 3.2371969, rap = -2.8096329, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 0.2435471, rap = -2.8043475, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 1.4761121, rap = -2.8006990, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.4321721, phi = 5.0894625, rap = -2.7945270, |mass| = 0.0000167
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 1.4802901, rap = -2.7943991, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 5.7578759, rap = -2.7938760, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.1494313, phi = 3.4853448, rap = -2.7914123, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.1671777, phi = 5.3824774, rap = -2.7898950, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.4764534, phi = 5.2140803, rap = -2.7866837, |mass| = 0.4764001
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 2.4821491, rap = -2.7725926, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 3.2932444, rap = -2.7708452, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 1.8720075, rap = -2.7706262, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 2.0133386, rap = -2.7679386, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 3.8246015, rap = -2.7611767, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 6.1239490, rap = -2.7580845, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 2.9602408, rap = -2.7491208, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.5249574, phi = 4.3067874, rap = -2.7459230, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 2.7035635, rap = -2.7418568, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 0.4264777, rap = -2.7387898, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 4.3799398, rap = -2.7333388, |mass| = 0.3364843
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 4.3227278, rap = -2.7311378, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 5.0971275, rap = -2.7245177, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 4.2921966, rap = -2.7238411, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 2.0467944, rap = -2.7234286, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 0.3176274, rap = -2.7181373, |mass| = 0.0411537
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 0.5212196, rap = -2.7160405, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 3.1281602, rap = -2.7144856, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 1.2894323, rap = -2.7124314, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 5.3545270, rap = -2.7110225, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 4.3265724, rap = -2.7103799, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 4.2021958, rap = -2.7075025, |mass| = 0.3141673
+pt = 0.1679678, phi = 5.3567024, rap = -2.7047362, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 5.5085590, rap = -2.7015362, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 5.0718772, rap = -2.7002134, |mass| = 0.3240234
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 0.2854083, rap = -2.6977779, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 4.2054703, rap = -2.6966874, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 4.9647417, rap = -2.6729830, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 3.1801165, rap = -2.6718189, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 0.7724180, rap = -2.6691408, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 0.0112961, rap = -2.6650402, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 3.8449147, rap = -2.6630933, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 4.2162589, rap = -2.6625029, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 5.7815586, rap = -2.6479153, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 1.3901146, rap = -2.6467739, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 0.7942373, rap = -2.6440046, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 4.9697982, rap = -2.6387802, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.1755601, phi = 3.2426041, rap = -2.6373460, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 6.1752394, rap = -2.6355649, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 2.0751653, rap = -2.6261649, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 0.1904794, rap = -2.6199874, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 3.7925024, rap = -2.6181375, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 2.8267413, rap = -2.6177678, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 3.7766314, rap = -2.6155866, |mass| = 0.0399542
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 0.5595280, rap = -2.6155613, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 3.1002778, rap = -2.6138750, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 1.5295783, rap = -2.6133577, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.7295306, phi = 4.2586129, rap = -2.6133372, |mass| = 0.0000001
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 2.5353297, rap = -2.6086164, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 2.1241450, rap = -2.6047329, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 4.1015141, rap = -2.6034398, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0875767, phi = 3.2455371, rap = -2.6027092, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 5.2473093, rap = -2.5998635, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 0.7726582, rap = -2.5978370, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 2.6368195, rap = -2.5958951, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 4.4218063, rap = -2.5934345, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 2.5755518, rap = -2.5929131, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 3.2949515, rap = -2.5865383, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 5.4284118, rap = -2.5823131, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 3.4476110, rap = -2.5809569, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 1.3965208, rap = -2.5784740, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 3.5174944, rap = -2.5760470, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 5.6336755, rap = -2.5742480, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 4.5238339, rap = -2.5740992, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.6772952, phi = 0.8228428, rap = -2.5632234, |mass| = 0.8403218
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 0.8613378, rap = -2.5617617, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0525219, phi = 4.0158818, rap = -2.5578930, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 3.3011007, rap = -2.5549031, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 4.9222887, rap = -2.5480089, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 5.6673188, rap = -2.5479438, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.5450266, phi = 5.4742593, rap = -2.5476588, |mass| = 0.4068284
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 6.0934118, rap = -2.5460783, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 3.7935775, rap = -2.5437427, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 5.8537628, rap = -2.5408861, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 1.1861906, phi = 0.7076452, rap = -2.5348529, |mass| = 0.0000001
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 2.5994146, rap = -2.5332496, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.5299736, phi = 0.2839528, rap = -2.5265139, |mass| = 0.8636064
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 0.7355916, rap = -2.5185299, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 2.3867926, rap = -2.5133705, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 1.3555396, rap = -2.5132933, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0676206, phi = 2.2233736, rap = -2.5119726, |mass| = 0.3261658
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 3.8119682, rap = -2.5092157, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 3.6719626, rap = -2.5090534, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 5.7415187, rap = -2.5082252, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 2.2061196, rap = -2.5047419, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 5.7518351, rap = -2.4951473, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 0.3873170, rap = -2.4940716, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 0.0330824, rap = -2.4936892, |mass| = 0.2505832
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 5.5738507, rap = -2.4928319, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 4.7070068, rap = -2.4921846, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 5.9432463, rap = -2.4870533, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 1.7084422, rap = -2.4861028, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 5.7066984, rap = -2.4847473, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 2.2857118, rap = -2.4781293, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 4.4584989, rap = -2.4677072, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 1.0847901, rap = -2.4649524, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 2.9923855, rap = -2.4640859, |mass| = 0.7374922
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 6.2821033, rap = -2.4638398, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.7221317, phi = 2.3820348, rap = -2.4577494, |mass| = 0.0000001
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 1.1315516, rap = -2.4529509, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.1916880, phi = 0.4278222, rap = -2.4514613, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 4.1130828, rap = -2.4447713, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 5.4387829, rap = -2.4441221, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 6.2799623, rap = -2.4437564, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 4.4072305, rap = -2.4424322, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 4.5048464, rap = -2.4380691, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 2.3532985, rap = -2.4336770, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 6.0409215, rap = -2.4308825, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.3417979, phi = 2.4214668, rap = -2.4300754, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 1.8549626, rap = -2.4285708, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.6789731, phi = 2.8752960, rap = -2.4161128, |mass| = 0.0000001
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 4.7295757, rap = -2.4104979, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 5.0928967, rap = -2.4101737, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 0.2744933, rap = -2.4075491, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 4.7219593, rap = -2.4055191, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 1.7516372, rap = -2.3989563, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0942679, phi = 0.1681394, rap = -2.3972996, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 1.6294395, rap = -2.3936785, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 2.2491000, rap = -2.3824494, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0097185, phi = 6.2630387, rap = -2.3818387, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 5.8961613, rap = -2.3671761, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 3.0830719, rap = -2.3665993, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 4.8363444, rap = -2.3659030, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 3.3642882, rap = -2.3625692, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 2.2732099, rap = -2.3605620, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.1825499, phi = 4.9174527, rap = -2.3595172, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 5.6588929, rap = -2.3512869, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 4.0834743, rap = -2.3487159, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 5.2803244, rap = -2.3477378, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 5.3247434, rap = -2.3460399, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 5.5794387, rap = -2.3442041, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 4.4382754, rap = -2.3405823, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 4.2785096, rap = -2.3332783, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 1.6425801, rap = -2.3275019, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.9436808, phi = 2.6825840, rap = -2.3241970, |mass| = 0.4624882
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 4.2980855, rap = -2.3130335, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 4.9003932, rap = -2.3084852, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 2.3723888, rap = -2.3002911, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 4.0932813, rap = -2.2951527, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 2.3723749, rap = -2.2949837, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 4.1797035, rap = -2.2906662, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 0.9499014, rap = -2.2876694, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 1.9439128, rap = -2.2832550, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.2096355, phi = 0.3705557, rap = -2.2745519, |mass| = 0.7316790
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 4.7654798, rap = -2.2743686, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 5.9296562, rap = -2.2727560, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.5228016, phi = 4.0378692, rap = -2.2708741, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 3.9645950, rap = -2.2652162, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 2.2392970, rap = -2.2647822, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 2.0499800, rap = -2.2569225, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 6.1108586, rap = -2.2503294, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 2.0558732, rap = -2.2458891, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 4.5064721, rap = -2.2450684, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 2.6248633, rap = -2.2372101, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 2.9668631, rap = -2.2311408, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 3.4268558, rap = -2.2284811, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 6.0967147, rap = -2.2256176, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 1.9093579, rap = -2.2211655, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 3.8614211, rap = -2.2209605, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 3.4278168, rap = -2.2132455, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 6.1441797, rap = -2.2092037, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 1.1071483, rap = -2.2073361, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0854356, phi = 4.8442865, rap = -2.2020231, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 1.3838347, rap = -2.2018242, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 4.5914697, rap = -2.1999975, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 0.3551745, rap = -2.1970093, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 6.1484048, rap = -2.1950518, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 4.1017632, rap = -2.1930579, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 2.4236029, rap = -2.1916799, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 3.9250563, rap = -2.1850766, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 5.2624369, rap = -2.1782649, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 3.5959433, rap = -2.1709391, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 5.9682231, rap = -2.1651720, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 4.5712312, rap = -2.1490694, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 3.8203252, rap = -2.1390421, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 5.8450840, rap = -2.1325617, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 1.2044714, rap = -2.1259029, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 5.8319539, rap = -2.1144971, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 2.7200252, rap = -2.1082718, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 2.8874566, rap = -2.0997073, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 2.3723125, rap = -2.0948291, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 6.1238252, rap = -2.0934342, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 4.9745977, rap = -2.0757687, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 3.4465190, rap = -2.0706803, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 0.0545371, rap = -2.0584862, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 5.1085321, rap = -2.0551940, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 4.1152381, rap = -2.0534962, |mass| = 0.7328108
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 5.4627056, rap = -2.0485895, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 2.5091226, rap = -2.0409585, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0146210, phi = 5.3674276, rap = -2.0408000, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 2.1387915, rap = -2.0341129, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.6754605, phi = 5.2156798, rap = -2.0324526, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 4.1528460, rap = -2.0312353, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 2.8085834, rap = -2.0273028, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 3.1371436, rap = -2.0227962, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 4.0315334, rap = -1.9995752, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 0.2131793, rap = -1.9982613, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 3.6822319, rap = -1.9957919, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 1.9813608, rap = -1.9886903, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 4.4337103, rap = -1.9762074, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 3.7970529, rap = -1.9732482, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 1.3103719, rap = -1.9652676, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 5.8508030, rap = -1.9607455, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 5.5123501, rap = -1.9535678, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 3.6069018, rap = -1.9526214, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 2.8966615, rap = -1.9454720, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 0.7395412, rap = -1.9425947, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 4.5591671, rap = -1.9415302, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 4.5845322, rap = -1.9403047, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 2.5353748, rap = -1.9377772, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 1.0872040, phi = 1.7065268, rap = -1.9364093, |mass| = 0.7725129
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 6.0530732, rap = -1.9304238, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 1.1152630, rap = -1.9302945, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 1.2204757, rap = -1.9228789, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 4.0505988, rap = -1.9159145, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 1.7108342, rap = -1.9089412, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 5.0015965, rap = -1.9081329, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 3.6785653, rap = -1.8982279, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 4.2726775, rap = -1.8903905, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 4.5473944, rap = -1.8847673, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 5.8779299, rap = -1.8814025, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 1.5291292, rap = -1.8638237, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 0.0916649, rap = -1.8514992, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 0.8735480, rap = -1.8499158, |mass| = 0.7829555
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 3.4703174, rap = -1.8457357, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 4.2239269, rap = -1.8441490, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 0.5679832, rap = -1.8430818, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 5.8845996, rap = -1.8365103, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 1.2447586, rap = -1.8296292, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 3.4575529, rap = -1.8214737, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 4.6298174, rap = -1.8116513, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 0.7684786, rap = -1.8000573, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 2.7094664, rap = -1.7996814, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 0.2794931, rap = -1.7934312, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 4.1309990, rap = -1.7928013, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 1.3400998, rap = -1.7845051, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 2.2893778, rap = -1.7830595, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 5.6567238, rap = -1.7805107, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 4.2500796, rap = -1.7797231, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 4.7104037, rap = -1.7645173, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 1.7075291, rap = -1.7556586, |mass| = 0.8145112
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 5.7849286, rap = -1.7536429, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 4.6099185, rap = -1.7475274, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0423104, phi = 4.9962750, rap = -1.7361423, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 1.5900023, rap = -1.7350575, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 2.6677593, rap = -1.7346542, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 2.2478721, rap = -1.7213383, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 0.8337332, rap = -1.7128465, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 3.2763376, rap = -1.7059986, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 2.0486557, rap = -1.7055800, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 2.8849642, rap = -1.7048144, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.2079508, phi = 4.0208496, rap = -1.6984329, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 4.8609887, rap = -1.6954653, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 5.3141138, rap = -1.6864150, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.3269166, phi = 5.1646639, rap = -1.6697943, |mass| = 0.7420297
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 5.3221396, rap = -1.6664575, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 6.2275906, rap = -1.6622466, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 0.4661188, rap = -1.6549689, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 4.4350118, rap = -1.6528610, |mass| = 0.6252862
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 1.6670085, rap = -1.6500469, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 2.6893065, rap = -1.6497485, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 1.8567980, rap = -1.6458122, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 3.0128513, rap = -1.6400496, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 1.4109788, rap = -1.6353553, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 2.7321784, rap = -1.6243995, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 4.6227838, rap = -1.6231473, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 6.0190710, rap = -1.6188822, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 0.4565181, rap = -1.6128578, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 0.2436725, rap = -1.6098925, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 2.3759076, rap = -1.6086151, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 3.9417536, rap = -1.6068928, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 3.2549105, rap = -1.6066717, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 5.5439268, rap = -1.6053220, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.7751088, phi = 4.8304372, rap = -1.5941493, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 4.0869272, rap = -1.5922193, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 5.8111734, rap = -1.5848158, |mass| = 0.2294701
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 1.7631655, rap = -1.5828780, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 0.1986715, rap = -1.5726104, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 1.7018765, rap = -1.5450163, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 4.3785100, rap = -1.5446458, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 3.5580801, rap = -1.5445619, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 3.0426220, rap = -1.5414867, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 3.2755212, rap = -1.5316658, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 3.3099957, rap = -1.5301635, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 1.0891814, rap = -1.5290217, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 0.6686056, rap = -1.5275315, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 4.7126971, rap = -1.5218394, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 1.3361121, rap = -1.5208240, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 1.6547301, rap = -1.5116528, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 1.6392099, rap = -1.5083264, |mass| = 0.6149450
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 3.1154691, rap = -1.5022813, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 4.4482218, rap = -1.4965085, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 3.9681046, rap = -1.4959528, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 3.4063464, rap = -1.4909480, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 3.1457340, rap = -1.4769136, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 1.0504108, rap = -1.4662046, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 4.4553614, rap = -1.4609860, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 1.2705567, rap = -1.4480094, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 2.9765466, rap = -1.4442084, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 6.2197235, rap = -1.4372878, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 1.5142853, rap = -1.4351904, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 5.6889331, rap = -1.4228776, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 6.0737053, rap = -1.4158204, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 5.2654666, rap = -1.4121092, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 5.1723566, rap = -1.4117133, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 5.0208705, rap = -1.3955513, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 2.5404533, rap = -1.3878594, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 2.3686639, rap = -1.3829200, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 2.6649277, rap = -1.3733019, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0613451, phi = 4.7907172, rap = -1.3714990, |mass| = 0.4870846
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 3.0195878, rap = -1.3698601, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 4.5775027, rap = -1.3655242, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 0.6858761, rap = -1.3567973, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 5.9301714, rap = -1.3546660, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 0.7825127, rap = -1.3532737, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 3.4662958, rap = -1.3478494, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 1.2137707, rap = -1.3379713, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.3867269, phi = 5.5697004, rap = -1.3375172, |mass| = 0.6877232
+pt = 0.4114018, phi = 1.3555845, rap = -1.3363066, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 1.4248619, rap = -1.3346006, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 3.7133525, rap = -1.3253745, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 1.1555743, rap = -1.3219179, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 3.2643738, rap = -1.3182543, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 4.6737260, rap = -1.3118234, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 5.3366739, rap = -1.3100976, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 2.6132157, rap = -1.3072741, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 3.4375887, rap = -1.2930103, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 5.6246022, rap = -1.2910855, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 1.9721398, rap = -1.2904239, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 5.2913956, rap = -1.2826227, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 0.6934973, rap = -1.2821892, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 0.6850945, rap = -1.2753828, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 3.8157064, rap = -1.2683847, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 5.4494386, rap = -1.2627914, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 4.6233233, rap = -1.2397518, |mass| = 0.0676130
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 5.5957376, rap = -1.2352369, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 1.0840505, rap = -1.2351068, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 1.3005441, rap = -1.2319934, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 3.7098121, rap = -1.2283947, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 2.4045303, rap = -1.2149031, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 2.9045589, rap = -1.2137321, |mass| = 0.0362271
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 0.7789444, rap = -1.2126284, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 5.0509791, rap = -1.2080300, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 3.2965988, rap = -1.2079123, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 2.3257907, rap = -1.2067562, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 2.8239286, rap = -1.2028729, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 1.6655196, rap = -1.1964148, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 1.9572827, rap = -1.1954364, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 1.4153963, rap = -1.1930923, |mass| = 0.0457185
+pt = 1.1532694, phi = 0.0872442, rap = -1.1921352, |mass| = 0.4176019
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 2.5153326, rap = -1.1894559, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 4.3682130, rap = -1.1705299, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 0.2127267, rap = -1.1657429, |mass| = 0.0626079
+pt = 0.0477971, phi = 1.2008823, rap = -1.1417008, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 4.4893271, rap = -1.1314228, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0874283, phi = 5.5755994, rap = -1.1311065, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 4.3192008, rap = -1.1304573, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 2.6658917, rap = -1.1184636, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 0.2672060, rap = -1.1163005, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 4.1943402, rap = -1.1055062, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0081945, phi = 1.3299948, rap = -1.1032929, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 5.1184084, rap = -1.0985769, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 24.4459301, phi = 0.0579484, rap = -1.0932886, |mass| = 0.1395700
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 5.5619460, rap = -1.0919640, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 0.0053671, rap = -1.0877773, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 6.2490975, rap = -1.0877541, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 10.6629207, phi = 0.0731081, rap = -1.0859205, |mass| = 0.0000002
+pt = 22.7084076, phi = 0.0772819, rap = -1.0854317, |mass| = 0.4936000
+pt = 20.5108368, phi = 0.0833691, rap = -1.0851256, |mass| = 0.1395700
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 4.5182759, rap = -1.0832418, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 0.5309476, rap = -1.0828386, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 70.5495681, phi = 0.0742610, rap = -1.0811361, |mass| = 0.0000921
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 3.4329071, rap = -1.0737713, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 12.6654351, phi = 0.0756826, rap = -1.0660345, |mass| = 0.4976700
+pt = 0.1926305, phi = 0.2262279, rap = -1.0648282, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 8.1148920, phi = 0.0625673, rap = -1.0643855, |mass| = 0.0000377
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 0.3417593, rap = -1.0614291, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 4.3442458, phi = 0.0344958, rap = -1.0580014, |mass| = 0.0000263
+pt = 1.3192877, phi = 0.0916605, rap = -1.0548903, |mass| = 0.0000128
+pt = 1.2652534, phi = 0.0711876, rap = -1.0548350, |mass| = 0.0000133
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 5.3166928, rap = -1.0446844, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 5.9474725, phi = 0.0565308, rap = -1.0433907, |mass| = 0.0000001
+pt = 4.5794445, phi = 0.0585829, rap = -1.0426051, |mass| = 0.0000001
+pt = 12.7932954, phi = 0.1181109, rap = -1.0377075, |mass| = 0.1395700
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 4.0317878, rap = -1.0374703, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 2.4771174, rap = -1.0284174, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 5.3667346, rap = -1.0204543, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 4.0852360, phi = 6.2190112, rap = -1.0143369, |mass| = 0.1395700
+pt = 0.2276354, phi = 6.1504001, rap = -1.0119805, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 0.6004160, rap = -1.0118257, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 4.5950855, phi = 0.0865434, rap = -1.0003147, |mass| = 0.0000058
+pt = 2.1302977, phi = 0.0710523, rap = -0.9980141, |mass| = 0.1395700
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 2.9882449, rap = -0.9919594, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 2.0465587, rap = -0.9826251, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 0.4089280, rap = -0.9806138, |mass| = 0.7598070
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 0.1567800, rap = -0.9685008, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 0.9471513, rap = -0.9624439, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 3.5804336, phi = 6.2357382, rap = -0.9621032, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.1804776, phi = 5.3263787, rap = -0.9594975, |mass| = 0.6666447
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 5.6063686, rap = -0.9559374, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 0.9419755, rap = -0.9523174, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 4.7878343, rap = -0.9511960, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 1.4622168, rap = -0.9476167, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 4.0949476, rap = -0.9348806, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0334996, phi = 6.0752751, rap = -0.9337318, |mass| = 0.0502690
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 5.1354567, rap = -0.9237459, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.4181118, phi = 6.1947343, rap = -0.9167400, |mass| = 0.1389427
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 5.5563846, rap = -0.9123726, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 4.3793148, rap = -0.9115323, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 4.0146150, rap = -0.9112402, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.1114130, phi = 1.1150214, rap = -0.9065747, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 0.4418402, rap = -0.9064320, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 0.4790354, rap = -0.9035296, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 1.7232351, rap = -0.9014856, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 4.5608633, rap = -0.8995519, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 3.9652898, rap = -0.8987221, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 0.4641752, rap = -0.8975440, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.3298200, phi = 5.8128271, rap = -0.8974936, |mass| = 0.1096555
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 6.2541481, rap = -0.8891298, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 4.3827369, rap = -0.8746068, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 5.5339850, rap = -0.8737065, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 4.9314093, rap = -0.8698237, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 3.9048862, rap = -0.8681406, |mass| = 0.0908371
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 0.8457234, rap = -0.8653377, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 1.2670290, rap = -0.8597370, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 0.6580903, rap = -0.8572422, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 4.1813130, rap = -0.8546172, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 1.1803400, rap = -0.8472444, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 5.0220627, rap = -0.8471614, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0393951, phi = 1.2028450, rap = -0.8444070, |mass| = 0.2868995
+pt = 0.8620005, phi = 0.1357495, rap = -0.8338038, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 6.1765183, rap = -0.8287722, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 2.4946259, rap = -0.8268947, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.3822752, phi = 5.7814931, rap = -0.8217811, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 6.1161693, rap = -0.8207786, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 4.7368153, rap = -0.7741587, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 0.7099577, rap = -0.7680025, |mass| = 0.3070161
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 4.1872466, rap = -0.7659539, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 5.7883749, rap = -0.7654912, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 2.7181318, rap = -0.7631685, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 4.3301563, rap = -0.7620951, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 0.9826861, rap = -0.7609620, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 6.1076497, rap = -0.7551343, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 0.4720453, rap = -0.7542235, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 2.7711355, rap = -0.7540081, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 2.4973385, rap = -0.7489743, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 0.9239501, rap = -0.7457731, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 5.9605458, rap = -0.7429022, |mass| = 0.7097237
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 0.4927648, rap = -0.7356430, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 2.1603587, rap = -0.7307067, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 3.8934161, rap = -0.7294379, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 4.8779424, rap = -0.7202437, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 1.5392917, rap = -0.7199050, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 0.2333654, rap = -0.7197900, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 5.7197915, rap = -0.7107848, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 0.2200950, rap = -0.7103249, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 5.9142881, rap = -0.7066626, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 5.1811318, rap = -0.7010396, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 1.2869944, rap = -0.6996117, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 2.8848852, rap = -0.6984078, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 3.9661835, rap = -0.6921678, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 1.1256035, rap = -0.6913575, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 1.6905456, rap = -0.6891505, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.7408475, phi = 0.6640193, rap = -0.6877247, |mass| = 0.0000116
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 2.7093517, rap = -0.6873950, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0983355, phi = 1.5223739, rap = -0.6862122, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 0.0849600, rap = -0.6857514, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 2.8799105, rap = -0.6791586, |mass| = 0.7788169
+pt = 0.1314692, phi = 0.6178926, rap = -0.6785228, |mass| = 0.0975167
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 3.4085172, rap = -0.6739061, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 1.1668154, rap = -0.6725055, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 1.1777304, rap = -0.6669426, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 2.6769914, rap = -0.6663521, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 2.1242056, rap = -0.6628516, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 3.4520285, rap = -0.6592731, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 2.0603803, rap = -0.6457682, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 3.5133984, rap = -0.6446013, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 0.4751161, rap = -0.6424193, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 2.7775441, rap = -0.6421395, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 2.9480935, rap = -0.6374003, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 2.8407271, rap = -0.6368784, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 0.3917227, rap = -0.6338133, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 2.2146434, rap = -0.6313010, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 5.5748617, rap = -0.6291811, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 2.2474150, rap = -0.6268860, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 3.8088323, rap = -0.6257485, |mass| = 0.3451069
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 2.4873880, rap = -0.6135425, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 3.6661172, rap = -0.6060897, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 4.1061571, rap = -0.6047115, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0710164, phi = 0.2636188, rap = -0.6026330, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 4.5627404, rap = -0.6010138, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 3.1360754, rap = -0.5968400, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 2.7843754, rap = -0.5925220, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 0.1308458, rap = -0.5837154, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 4.4761612, rap = -0.5828173, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.1427512, phi = 1.2887199, rap = -0.5751609, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 0.6405110, rap = -0.5738534, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 1.5599617, rap = -0.5723147, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.1762291, phi = 0.2216423, rap = -0.5710808, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 3.7408400, rap = -0.5670423, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 1.8847694, rap = -0.5620967, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 4.5527080, rap = -0.5601010, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 0.0197744, rap = -0.5539423, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 3.4432559, rap = -0.5496663, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 4.6860008, rap = -0.5474130, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 0.7584010, rap = -0.5473072, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 5.0255667, rap = -0.5344944, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.6487994, phi = 1.3913081, rap = -0.5287622, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 2.9101386, rap = -0.5264723, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 4.8793536, rap = -0.5232517, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 1.3276506, rap = -0.5216450, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 3.3459353, rap = -0.5204489, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 5.2393185, rap = -0.5156663, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 1.8762873, rap = -0.5113117, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 1.3796710, rap = -0.4973994, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 2.1747663, rap = -0.4866635, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 5.3728955, rap = -0.4829014, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 0.3222316, rap = -0.4748440, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 0.1018618, rap = -0.4545244, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 2.1716127, phi = 2.3647517, rap = -0.4498823, |mass| = 0.8847060
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 3.9852422, rap = -0.4463322, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 2.3828810, rap = -0.4444147, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 0.8936368, rap = -0.4422935, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.1483829, phi = 2.2050098, rap = -0.4418795, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 1.6000686, rap = -0.4416244, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.3443764, phi = 5.8038149, rap = -0.4344905, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 4.0043307, rap = -0.4320171, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 5.2422281, rap = -0.4268069, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.4820002, phi = 2.9395391, rap = -0.4263590, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 1.9368388, rap = -0.4241948, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 4.0968992, rap = -0.4237627, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 5.9548812, rap = -0.4213533, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.2105780, phi = 0.7786370, rap = -0.4193197, |mass| = 0.0754949
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 0.5183343, rap = -0.4151179, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 4.4400933, rap = -0.4105971, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 3.1274130, rap = -0.4099151, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 2.7456321, rap = -0.4063774, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 4.9647134, rap = -0.4003615, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 4.8566848, rap = -0.3969097, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0608468, phi = 5.8746493, rap = -0.3904177, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 4.2294804, rap = -0.3897184, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 3.2215926, rap = -0.3858418, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 3.6112769, rap = -0.3831326, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 1.2646349, phi = 0.4794534, rap = -0.3767927, |mass| = 0.9395700
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 0.4565739, rap = -0.3742598, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 4.8544596, rap = -0.3681717, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.2340229, phi = 1.4885114, rap = -0.3644842, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 5.0014306, rap = -0.3613447, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 3.5750589, rap = -0.3482972, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 1.0883221, rap = -0.3480236, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 6.0503076, rap = -0.3428282, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 1.6688198, phi = 0.3562662, rap = -0.3342211, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.3271787, phi = 5.6021895, rap = -0.3312825, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 6.2285441, rap = -0.3280378, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 5.6717008, rap = -0.3274591, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 5.4882966, rap = -0.3264835, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 5.1030664, rap = -0.3186999, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 1.4839570, rap = -0.3094819, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 3.7789102, rap = -0.3077201, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 4.2699923, rap = -0.2971615, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 0.2267752, rap = -0.2970637, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.2239165, phi = 0.5803625, rap = -0.2939515, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 1.9236260, rap = -0.2919373, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 2.5493697, rap = -0.2910589, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 3.5156350, rap = -0.2757762, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 1.9736825, rap = -0.2726213, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 3.4358178, rap = -0.2699572, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 2.7339691, rap = -0.2597344, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 0.6705784, rap = -0.2565164, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 2.5435350, rap = -0.2507054, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 2.3821603, rap = -0.2483974, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 0.5409843, rap = -0.2459360, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 1.7579079, rap = -0.2433840, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 2.7197672, rap = -0.2431571, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 1.8260878, rap = -0.2424867, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 1.8895914, rap = -0.2419309, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 5.1759568, rap = -0.2405261, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 1.0715141, phi = 1.2480891, rap = -0.2241027, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 3.0798195, rap = -0.2235219, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 1.7267548, rap = -0.2216502, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 4.7303789, rap = -0.2204809, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 4.4327720, rap = -0.2190160, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 4.5441097, rap = -0.2108024, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 5.7608310, rap = -0.2106908, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 1.7408659, rap = -0.2063983, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 1.0601654, rap = -0.2013177, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 2.3491700, rap = -0.1942809, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 2.9168191, rap = -0.1918203, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 2.9055429, rap = -0.1833426, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 0.5955844, rap = -0.1828345, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 4.7014346, rap = -0.1802969, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 1.9034272, rap = -0.1718216, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 2.2444610, rap = -0.1653871, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 2.6657489, rap = -0.1594699, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 0.9373014, rap = -0.1574420, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 5.3406499, rap = -0.1560033, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.3281753, phi = 1.0956224, rap = -0.1473018, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 5.2912735, rap = -0.1463829, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 3.4224915, rap = -0.1375592, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 0.6865750, rap = -0.1372301, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 5.4367001, rap = -0.1372057, |mass| = 0.7893573
+pt = 0.0343779, phi = 4.6803181, rap = -0.1358029, |mass| = 0.3248417
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 5.1159111, rap = -0.1271672, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 0.0335792, rap = -0.1199702, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 5.9221097, rap = -0.1187289, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 2.7735297, rap = -0.1180139, |mass| = 0.7002642
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 2.3626691, rap = -0.1144495, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 6.0807034, rap = -0.1113611, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 0.4881368, rap = -0.1104724, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 3.7742136, rap = -0.1044911, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 2.2041307, rap = -0.1001351, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 0.6631766, rap = -0.0988358, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 2.3955115, rap = -0.0976250, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 6.2385724, rap = -0.0953383, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.2983723, phi = 2.9150326, rap = -0.0937908, |mass| = 0.1291203
+pt = 0.4856577, phi = 2.8847194, rap = -0.0886718, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 3.6454704, rap = -0.0868345, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 2.6695471, rap = -0.0868081, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 1.5226394, rap = -0.0829132, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0240316, phi = 4.6471767, rap = -0.0756882, |mass| = 0.0576835
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 2.9520197, rap = -0.0692650, |mass| = 0.0476342
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 0.8718363, rap = -0.0631995, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.3652068, phi = 3.6537046, rap = -0.0630630, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 6.0575794, rap = -0.0599027, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 0.6999914, rap = -0.0581520, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 1.6073832, rap = -0.0579148, |mass| = 0.0542178
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 5.8662160, rap = -0.0575844, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 0.2974990, rap = -0.0559215, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 1.7181748, rap = -0.0525487, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 4.8135147, rap = -0.0462720, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 2.9688639, rap = -0.0437167, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 6.1808473, rap = -0.0402550, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 2.3407328, rap = -0.0379404, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 2.9835340, rap = -0.0365855, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 5.9226146, rap = -0.0359197, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 0.8544124, rap = -0.0351432, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 2.8437722, rap = -0.0286070, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.2242729, phi = 2.2663784, rap = -0.0278679, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 2.5865545, rap = -0.0260372, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 4.9047802, rap = -0.0150919, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 4.5312881, rap = -0.0140050, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 1.3702914, rap = -0.0137158, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.8454695, phi = 1.2679278, rap = -0.0124626, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 5.9955269, rap = -0.0122526, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 2.0159341, rap = -0.0108998, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 3.0993229, rap = -0.0100218, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 1.2535249, rap = -0.0045932, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 5.3396910, rap = -0.0035136, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 2.1208379, rap = -0.0023383, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 0.3117331, rap = -0.0017021, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 3.7944613, rap = 0.0044919, |mass| = 0.3503642
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 3.9691195, rap = 0.0082868, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 2.3562750, rap = 0.0151210, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 1.1271465, rap = 0.0154783, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 3.2163703, rap = 0.0211410, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.4499188, phi = 0.9383501, rap = 0.0233648, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 3.7348562, rap = 0.0243640, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 0.9728600, rap = 0.0474240, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 2.6172251, rap = 0.0527820, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 4.6742536, rap = 0.0709044, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 1.4957032, phi = 2.9511057, rap = 0.0736750, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.2289956, phi = 2.2241612, rap = 0.0785568, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 5.9207777, rap = 0.0930970, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 1.3727351, phi = 0.9594256, rap = 0.0938788, |mass| = 0.9395700
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 1.2597338, rap = 0.0991362, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 2.3875790, rap = 0.1015272, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 0.2566983, rap = 0.1062393, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 1.8005299, rap = 0.1164075, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 2.9165296, rap = 0.1176396, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 2.9748134, rap = 0.1205816, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 4.7289763, rap = 0.1223711, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 0.2110837, rap = 0.1228078, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 2.1022441, rap = 0.1230886, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 6.0987237, rap = 0.1366948, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0909189, phi = 1.0131696, rap = 0.1367599, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 6.2793978, rap = 0.1463751, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 4.4680762, rap = 0.1474224, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 5.5622273, rap = 0.1528013, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.4973305, phi = 2.1295081, rap = 0.1566239, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 5.0958393, rap = 0.1576981, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 6.0670877, rap = 0.1606758, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 5.7350750, rap = 0.1710833, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 4.5569862, rap = 0.1721631, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.6314826, phi = 5.7814547, rap = 0.1728779, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.4521354, phi = 4.9525981, rap = 0.1736984, |mass| = 0.7934917
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 2.2132566, rap = 0.1779877, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 1.9370035, rap = 0.1819804, |mass| = 0.0975371
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 4.0376345, rap = 0.1827090, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 1.5103945, rap = 0.1870209, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 4.8472426, rap = 0.1892243, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 0.2448134, rap = 0.1896292, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 4.4849947, rap = 0.1934607, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 1.7519078, rap = 0.1939490, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 6.1637484, rap = 0.1947621, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 4.9061604, rap = 0.1973278, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 0.8729319, rap = 0.1980035, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.1687001, phi = 1.0624107, rap = 0.2001075, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.1601282, phi = 0.4337833, rap = 0.2058348, |mass| = 0.0826574
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 0.2256457, rap = 0.2081642, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 0.2715154, rap = 0.2109411, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 6.2182826, rap = 0.2128388, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 5.3040470, rap = 0.2145611, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 3.4388809, rap = 0.2153536, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 2.9645138, rap = 0.2216911, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 3.9732386, rap = 0.2332986, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 5.0616797, rap = 0.2350659, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 1.7688906, rap = 0.2374040, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 1.2207372, rap = 0.2445543, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 2.1118482, rap = 0.2453873, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 1.6966679, rap = 0.2530851, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 3.7745005, rap = 0.2563953, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 4.5749934, rap = 0.2582993, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 1.4904325, rap = 0.2658814, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 2.2400979, rap = 0.2693693, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 1.8402021, rap = 0.2698910, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 4.6527637, rap = 0.2776248, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 0.0973951, rap = 0.2805116, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 0.2088912, rap = 0.2860617, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 2.6970057, rap = 0.2875945, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 0.0378155, rap = 0.2899678, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 0.3519569, rap = 0.2948054, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0001191, phi = 0.4673771, rap = 0.2967083, |mass| = 0.6313606
+pt = 0.8202226, phi = 1.8427411, rap = 0.2979684, |mass| = 0.4835525
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 3.6273979, rap = 0.2989563, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 3.5533100, rap = 0.2995549, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 1.6366098, rap = 0.3046180, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 5.7311509, rap = 0.3046859, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 4.0790939, rap = 0.3104101, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 5.0874914, rap = 0.3146542, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 0.9788993, rap = 0.3148955, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 5.4556080, rap = 0.3149023, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 3.3389211, rap = 0.3261018, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 0.8566225, rap = 0.3299401, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 1.6174685, rap = 0.3330067, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 6.1585030, rap = 0.3474119, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 1.4106131, rap = 0.3492568, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 1.1349401, phi = 3.4631448, rap = 0.3499626, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 1.8295229, rap = 0.3530590, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0450181, phi = 4.7386508, rap = 0.3549202, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 5.9279635, rap = 0.3589446, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.2592545, phi = 0.8613990, rap = 0.3625908, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 2.8120033, rap = 0.3640153, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 5.5418130, rap = 0.3674407, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 1.3186464, rap = 0.3691769, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0711367, phi = 1.8531544, rap = 0.3705763, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 0.0980902, rap = 0.3799176, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.1311899, phi = 4.7704049, rap = 0.3823750, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 4.7248401, rap = 0.3826665, |mass| = 0.0436499
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 5.8919255, rap = 0.3836929, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 0.1525088, rap = 0.3944618, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 3.3319933, rap = 0.3986139, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 0.6328469, rap = 0.4070198, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 0.6177782, rap = 0.4111107, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 1.9326931, rap = 0.4144296, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.9791429, phi = 0.9691869, rap = 0.4178041, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.4040743, phi = 2.1293159, rap = 0.4203222, |mass| = 0.1109710
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 3.9913921, rap = 0.4207211, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.4486973, phi = 3.7027925, rap = 0.4221528, |mass| = 0.8675186
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 0.7334981, rap = 0.4254880, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 4.2714451, rap = 0.4257009, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 3.7453699, rap = 0.4303524, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 2.8923650, rap = 0.4391707, |mass| = 0.7064083
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 0.6609918, rap = 0.4495300, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 2.5431424, rap = 0.4520287, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 1.1557789, rap = 0.4534145, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 4.5886691, rap = 0.4551698, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 3.1328881, rap = 0.4570286, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 5.3908494, rap = 0.4612522, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.1010808, phi = 1.9730600, rap = 0.4669477, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 3.9612513, rap = 0.4683391, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 1.8084309, rap = 0.4723625, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 5.3517746, rap = 0.4755053, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 2.4690842, rap = 0.4763518, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 3.5449056, rap = 0.4790764, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 2.2726293, rap = 0.4818952, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 5.4168296, rap = 0.4854687, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 5.4320317, rap = 0.4909937, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 1.7280179, rap = 0.4920053, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 4.5484168, rap = 0.4992712, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 6.1466170, rap = 0.5042457, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 3.9144821, rap = 0.5044774, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 2.9834647, rap = 0.5077275, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 0.6705645, rap = 0.5158084, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 0.4491676, rap = 0.5159954, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 5.7321383, rap = 0.5213505, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 3.3732960, rap = 0.5238053, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 2.5410446, phi = 0.8052707, rap = 0.5294505, |mass| = 0.9213036
+pt = 0.3870767, phi = 1.5136453, rap = 0.5312448, |mass| = 0.7924915
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 2.2633187, rap = 0.5336407, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 4.5223914, rap = 0.5339834, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 4.1517382, phi = 3.4257939, rap = 0.5412943, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 5.2660913, rap = 0.5425013, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 1.2376945, rap = 0.5441751, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 1.0967047, rap = 0.5473336, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 6.0321655, rap = 0.5489810, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 0.6021320, rap = 0.5526384, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 2.2031251, rap = 0.5614660, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 4.3963297, rap = 0.5656672, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 0.4697102, rap = 0.5662922, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.4923905, phi = 3.9545404, rap = 0.5666764, |mass| = 0.1168836
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 4.4032887, rap = 0.5682689, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 5.5139494, rap = 0.5689599, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 0.1760209, rap = 0.5758824, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 1.7208642, phi = 3.3710106, rap = 0.5772879, |mass| = 0.1040856
+pt = 0.1226696, phi = 0.5269714, rap = 0.5819927, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 3.3543988, rap = 0.5822851, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 4.5494998, phi = 3.4550749, rap = 0.5839238, |mass| = 0.4936000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 1.2803088, rap = 0.5847842, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 1.4909775, rap = 0.5891953, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 4.9519067, rap = 0.5896870, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 3.4645808, phi = 3.4359911, rap = 0.5909712, |mass| = 0.0000001
+pt = 2.0430489, phi = 3.5193935, rap = 0.5915375, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 1.2190219, phi = 3.6196709, rap = 0.5924658, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 2.2590180, rap = 0.5963393, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 6.0227071, rap = 0.6066300, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 3.1948886, rap = 0.6110891, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 2.3728768, phi = 3.5442163, rap = 0.6111186, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.1558151, phi = 3.8080054, rap = 0.6115436, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 5.1585993, phi = 3.4755795, rap = 0.6166361, |mass| = 0.1395700
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 5.3842140, rap = 0.6170344, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.1837091, phi = 1.1592694, rap = 0.6190246, |mass| = 0.0837062
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 5.4022076, rap = 0.6202282, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 4.3862133, phi = 3.4571983, rap = 0.6240898, |mass| = 0.1395700
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 5.4445703, rap = 0.6275014, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.7432520, phi = 0.6815370, rap = 0.6312770, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 2.1577341, rap = 0.6338490, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 1.5381976, rap = 0.6352793, |mass| = 0.2508648
+pt = 8.3256211, phi = 3.4533057, rap = 0.6358859, |mass| = 0.1395700
+pt = 1.8902089, phi = 3.4726604, rap = 0.6368466, |mass| = 0.1395700
+pt = 10.1706390, phi = 3.4104157, rap = 0.6384681, |mass| = 0.1395700
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 2.7860926, rap = 0.6416736, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 1.9006171, phi = 3.4744173, rap = 0.6420495, |mass| = 0.0000181
+pt = 1.8452067, phi = 3.4329122, rap = 0.6449116, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0443042, phi = 1.9516381, rap = 0.6510948, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 0.5076573, rap = 0.6519999, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 1.9769118, phi = 3.3996046, rap = 0.6532904, |mass| = 0.1395700
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 0.2410600, rap = 0.6555811, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.5658156, phi = 3.5051017, rap = 0.6558510, |mass| = 0.0000110
+pt = 0.1219029, phi = 3.5004781, rap = 0.6563179, |mass| = 0.0843857
+pt = 1.6144636, phi = 3.4792549, rap = 0.6577137, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 3.7011602, rap = 0.6593569, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 6.1525777, rap = 0.6644495, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 0.9754440, rap = 0.6646105, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 6.7197921, phi = 3.4263446, rap = 0.6684682, |mass| = 0.1395700
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 5.5467031, rap = 0.6699370, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 10.7997202, phi = 3.4716900, rap = 0.6705515, |mass| = 0.0000161
+pt = 1.0355924, phi = 3.4751486, rap = 0.6708374, |mass| = 0.0000067
+pt = 2.5392152, phi = 3.3177613, rap = 0.6756135, |mass| = 0.1395700
+pt = 5.6895162, phi = 3.4259938, rap = 0.6767609, |mass| = 0.0000103
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 2.7196899, rap = 0.6792244, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 6.0877662, rap = 0.6805451, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 1.8819019, phi = 3.4711936, rap = 0.6822735, |mass| = 0.4936000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 2.5791380, rap = 0.6833007, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 5.5091310, phi = 3.4244781, rap = 0.6857937, |mass| = 0.0000001
+pt = 1.9264481, phi = 3.4087088, rap = 0.6874339, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 5.2791960, rap = 0.6895124, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 2.8740276, phi = 3.4623721, rap = 0.6910923, |mass| = 0.0000110
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 1.1045423, rap = 0.6918107, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 3.3645442, rap = 0.6928420, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 1.3649716, rap = 0.7001432, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 3.6032677, rap = 0.7002870, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.3979410, phi = 1.9924620, rap = 0.7048207, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 0.6459239, rap = 0.7063092, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 13.7509288, phi = 3.4119843, rap = 0.7074239, |mass| = 0.1395700
+pt = 8.8154481, phi = 3.4972446, rap = 0.7090379, |mass| = 0.4936000
+pt = 0.3326628, phi = 4.5584423, rap = 0.7102899, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 5.3858355, phi = 3.4489649, rap = 0.7169559, |mass| = 0.0000316
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 6.0604295, rap = 0.7171583, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 1.5625962, rap = 0.7181807, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 0.3084256, rap = 0.7204108, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 6.5754296, phi = 3.4529827, rap = 0.7206875, |mass| = 0.0000002
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 2.4214857, rap = 0.7228889, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 4.7452189, rap = 0.7260116, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 3.8667453, rap = 0.7275511, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.5009891, phi = 4.0178404, rap = 0.7318701, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 2.5918779, rap = 0.7320901, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 2.5414544, rap = 0.7343217, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 3.5246246, rap = 0.7349887, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 1.2618502, rap = 0.7373880, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 9.4544111, phi = 3.4141934, rap = 0.7452225, |mass| = 0.4936000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 0.3945177, rap = 0.7500280, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.3468656, phi = 3.0825986, rap = 0.7524513, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.2057542, phi = 2.0804252, rap = 0.7526961, |mass| = 0.3687690
+pt = 0.8747437, phi = 1.9752269, rap = 0.7562911, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 3.8682325, rap = 0.7569357, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 4.0328477, rap = 0.7617717, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 1.4999900, phi = 1.2970711, rap = 0.7623363, |mass| = 0.4751942
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 5.4030067, rap = 0.7626375, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 5.5634678, rap = 0.7630268, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 4.0664448, rap = 0.7662148, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.8889318, phi = 3.7465738, rap = 0.7690010, |mass| = 0.4592535
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 2.4858920, rap = 0.7748541, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 5.3137531, rap = 0.7890350, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 5.9376672, rap = 0.7928248, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 3.8513929, rap = 0.7952995, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 2.9018033, rap = 0.7983156, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 1.8986468, rap = 0.7987034, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 1.4774875, rap = 0.8066028, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 3.0398108, rap = 0.8188028, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 3.6232564, rap = 0.8189800, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 2.4207157, rap = 0.8199959, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 3.7783311, rap = 0.8236020, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 2.3846074, rap = 0.8340515, |mass| = 0.0213509
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 2.7475338, rap = 0.8358367, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.2451977, phi = 2.2397069, rap = 0.8420099, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 0.7198324, rap = 0.8474276, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 5.9956729, rap = 0.8491393, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 1.3857456, rap = 0.8531953, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 6.0737308, rap = 0.8541482, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 5.8568575, rap = 0.8549997, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 5.8210750, rap = 0.8575576, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.4695571, phi = 0.4515392, rap = 0.8594193, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 5.1201377, rap = 0.8646403, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 0.9933258, rap = 0.8701061, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 5.2075263, rap = 0.8727400, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 5.8829983, rap = 0.8745500, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.9632639, phi = 1.4696108, rap = 0.8781368, |mass| = 0.8990921
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 0.4757797, rap = 0.8829068, |mass| = 0.6117811
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 3.1111151, rap = 0.8963651, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 1.9156236, rap = 0.8994548, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 5.8902297, rap = 0.8994921, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 2.0858661, rap = 0.9047772, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 0.7599023, rap = 0.9051481, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 3.2432020, rap = 0.9055830, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 0.8297209, rap = 0.9070182, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 4.0428554, rap = 0.9072620, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 2.7661877, rap = 0.9122094, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.4673596, phi = 5.9909679, rap = 0.9132632, |mass| = 0.7258471
+pt = 0.0903412, phi = 4.6515672, rap = 0.9168619, |mass| = 0.0473122
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 3.1391090, rap = 0.9172594, |mass| = 0.7077508
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 3.2771713, rap = 0.9285112, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0644085, phi = 1.0505572, rap = 0.9285815, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 1.4303048, rap = 0.9302756, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 0.2394208, rap = 0.9313457, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 5.2996630, rap = 0.9328734, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 0.3047574, rap = 0.9384893, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 1.8853817, phi = 5.9042333, rap = 0.9416099, |mass| = 0.4810879
+pt = 0.3486030, phi = 3.0645002, rap = 0.9518154, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 3.9598177, rap = 0.9537138, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 3.2893697, rap = 0.9619310, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 4.7521639, rap = 0.9645065, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 2.3020569, rap = 0.9669312, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 2.6247932, rap = 0.9718205, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 0.3991613, rap = 0.9722442, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 6.0012427, rap = 0.9729364, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 4.6644838, rap = 0.9738981, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 0.7729104, rap = 0.9754299, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 4.0506371, rap = 0.9857135, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 0.0952373, rap = 0.9866762, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 6.2095983, rap = 0.9917382, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.2358838, phi = 1.6491948, rap = 0.9937479, |mass| = 0.3424924
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 1.8192995, rap = 0.9987333, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 0.9309955, rap = 1.0035221, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 1.9404945, rap = 1.0062519, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.5777222, phi = 3.2113823, rap = 1.0077575, |mass| = 0.8367765
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 3.8935634, rap = 1.0109031, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 1.5672811, rap = 1.0130474, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 5.0547778, rap = 1.0132563, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 0.9876948, rap = 1.0135948, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 5.7582799, rap = 1.0157870, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 0.5277469, rap = 1.0314106, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 6.0103180, rap = 1.0350040, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 1.9264635, rap = 1.0385896, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 1.5878518, rap = 1.0489318, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 6.0686254, rap = 1.0490166, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 1.2076421, rap = 1.0519744, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 2.4559830, rap = 1.0543935, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 4.6728074, rap = 1.0545359, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 2.4109754, rap = 1.0564505, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 0.2222829, rap = 1.0592339, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 0.2181904, rap = 1.0633756, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 5.8931906, rap = 1.0655604, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 0.7062606, rap = 1.0660958, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 1.4408168, rap = 1.0678494, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 1.6568813, phi = 2.1993408, rap = 1.0684854, |mass| = 0.9129450
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 2.2156694, rap = 1.0731480, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 1.8819448, rap = 1.0773263, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 5.1925253, rap = 1.0808794, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 6.2534556, rap = 1.0844652, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.8346976, phi = 2.4490601, rap = 1.0844760, |mass| = 0.8745822
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 4.3604290, rap = 1.0853422, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 6.1808210, rap = 1.0861901, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 3.8654763, rap = 1.0864798, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 3.2814749, rap = 1.0908192, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 5.4990688, rap = 1.0919705, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 4.5479204, rap = 1.0945766, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 0.0435389, rap = 1.0969301, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 3.7599263, rap = 1.1060814, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 0.9595681, rap = 1.1136127, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 5.5258816, rap = 1.1182725, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 3.6731946, rap = 1.1198078, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 0.7130427, rap = 1.1224967, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 4.2497290, rap = 1.1235593, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 0.1579745, rap = 1.1244262, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 3.7716248, rap = 1.1265761, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.8198778, phi = 3.8804535, rap = 1.1281139, |mass| = 0.4334372
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 3.9461003, rap = 1.1288755, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 2.1470476, rap = 1.1298945, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 5.0405655, rap = 1.1315370, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 3.0344626, rap = 1.1379562, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 1.6251970, rap = 1.1395364, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 6.2626707, rap = 1.1410265, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.7748291, phi = 3.6682039, rap = 1.1423195, |mass| = 0.4789100
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 6.2192333, rap = 1.1464983, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 0.4803435, rap = 1.1546089, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 5.1907442, rap = 1.1578734, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 0.0631770, rap = 1.1606195, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0825638, phi = 1.7451996, rap = 1.1609960, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 3.2060665, rap = 1.1627217, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 5.5973035, rap = 1.1630083, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 3.0735999, rap = 1.1676712, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 2.5190234, rap = 1.1790128, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 2.2491287, rap = 1.1823677, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 5.4093310, rap = 1.1826457, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 5.1419358, rap = 1.1826885, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 2.1398655, rap = 1.1874386, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 3.5069194, rap = 1.1973347, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 4.6659283, rap = 1.1993914, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 0.6328889, rap = 1.2103787, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 2.4840838, rap = 1.2107372, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 4.3946018, rap = 1.2125653, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 4.8434550, rap = 1.2153485, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 5.8194881, rap = 1.2186492, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 5.1992869, rap = 1.2196378, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 1.5055901, rap = 1.2220112, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 4.1498023, rap = 1.2225676, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.3664296, phi = 1.8861010, rap = 1.2237764, |mass| = 0.1205114
+pt = 0.7507808, phi = 1.5377781, rap = 1.2240408, |mass| = 0.7963660
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 1.7962044, rap = 1.2324968, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 1.9968520, rap = 1.2364399, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 3.9020455, rap = 1.2389882, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 2.2738577, phi = 2.0001956, rap = 1.2478226, |mass| = 0.1395700
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 0.8455154, rap = 1.2653315, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 2.7248588, rap = 1.2718735, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 5.3977834, rap = 1.2719544, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 1.6397234, rap = 1.2743841, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0435162, phi = 0.4663396, rap = 1.2748020, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 5.9556957, rap = 1.2811170, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 3.4593787, rap = 1.2818688, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.5098141, phi = 2.1465116, rap = 1.2829697, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 4.3552633, rap = 1.2905215, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 1.8524949, phi = 2.4614193, rap = 1.2917145, |mass| = 0.9254218
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 4.8946137, rap = 1.2952214, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 1.1487417, rap = 1.2961097, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 2.0893377, rap = 1.2999283, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 1.0997423, phi = 1.3460189, rap = 1.3049211, |mass| = 0.7691913
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 3.3236677, rap = 1.3115843, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 4.2878557, rap = 1.3178276, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 1.1992292, phi = 2.1007789, rap = 1.3221412, |mass| = 0.1395700
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 3.4732350, rap = 1.3241528, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 0.2323260, rap = 1.3248289, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 0.9176955, rap = 1.3262639, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 4.8328877, rap = 1.3264737, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 1.0131954, rap = 1.3266976, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.2926557, phi = 0.7065021, rap = 1.3371846, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 3.5345599, rap = 1.3381314, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0284424, phi = 3.7341406, rap = 1.3469347, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 6.0303751, rap = 1.3551901, |mass| = 0.0956641
+pt = 1.1634865, phi = 0.4431143, rap = 1.3560375, |mass| = 0.9109343
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 1.3712617, rap = 1.3565289, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 1.2070118, rap = 1.3706144, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 4.9461186, rap = 1.3706759, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 0.3324626, rap = 1.3837034, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 5.2131985, rap = 1.3848092, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 3.5861820, rap = 1.3867738, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 5.0369495, rap = 1.3872189, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.3398239, phi = 3.8285362, rap = 1.3878451, |mass| = 0.8484797
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 3.3805983, rap = 1.3909519, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 4.2126562, rap = 1.3914101, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 3.5671194, rap = 1.3935659, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 5.5240957, rap = 1.3967388, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 5.3981215, rap = 1.3976781, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 0.3442092, rap = 1.4103452, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 0.7199844, rap = 1.4143172, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 5.9932016, rap = 1.4168523, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 4.9412301, rap = 1.4211976, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 3.8508774, rap = 1.4222674, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 3.8686280, rap = 1.4325639, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 0.5302544, rap = 1.4336562, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 4.8650392, rap = 1.4360126, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 2.6905399, rap = 1.4360567, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 4.2260966, rap = 1.4389996, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 2.9119213, rap = 1.4498928, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 2.6652270, rap = 1.4574246, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.9082217, phi = 3.8357325, rap = 1.4605172, |mass| = 0.1395107
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 5.8435845, rap = 1.4656792, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 2.6545717, rap = 1.4665040, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 4.7689918, rap = 1.4730561, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 0.0135119, rap = 1.4742778, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 3.3540884, rap = 1.4766971, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 5.0202972, rap = 1.4783358, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 2.7766451, rap = 1.4863507, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 4.6468414, rap = 1.4870409, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 2.1287441, rap = 1.4875033, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 0.0814880, rap = 1.4965696, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 2.8208470, rap = 1.4984662, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 1.3604934, phi = 2.2564774, rap = 1.5071852, |mass| = 0.1312110
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 0.3155865, rap = 1.5167376, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 5.1414828, rap = 1.5169222, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 2.8817803, rap = 1.5172943, |mass| = 0.3793920
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 2.2187458, rap = 1.5264198, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 1.8819267, rap = 1.5283701, |mass| = 0.0204966
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 5.0371897, rap = 1.5285815, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 5.6321891, rap = 1.5401523, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 5.5916576, rap = 1.5426029, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.2342256, phi = 0.8506328, rap = 1.5431163, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 0.1885699, rap = 1.5469507, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 4.0352031, rap = 1.5583544, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 1.2798536, phi = 2.6609712, rap = 1.5637349, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 0.0441733, rap = 1.5665493, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 5.5777217, rap = 1.5689319, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 4.8930118, rap = 1.5695906, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 5.5414218, rap = 1.5720827, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 3.5971846, rap = 1.5739183, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.3529760, phi = 4.1969045, rap = 1.5826549, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.1388752, phi = 5.8296970, rap = 1.5892524, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 1.8101093, rap = 1.6002757, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 1.1112620, phi = 0.9558065, rap = 1.6012807, |mass| = 0.8398460
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 5.2209017, rap = 1.6033697, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 3.7563870, rap = 1.6039022, |mass| = 0.7136164
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 4.8306382, rap = 1.6050081, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 2.0910322, phi = 2.7272222, rap = 1.6052503, |mass| = 0.0000001
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 5.0173004, rap = 1.6057975, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 2.2179402, rap = 1.6060923, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 0.6733358, rap = 1.6137349, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 5.8572164, rap = 1.6178729, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 5.2339735, rap = 1.6192349, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 4.9271600, rap = 1.6318738, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 2.9553133, rap = 1.6356767, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 3.1376883, rap = 1.6448236, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 3.6604240, rap = 1.6502779, |mass| = 0.0556978
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 0.5133635, rap = 1.6526381, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 6.0986015, rap = 1.6547994, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 4.3237968, rap = 1.6558624, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 3.9397845, rap = 1.6559322, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 1.2797404, rap = 1.6564679, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 5.7799919, rap = 1.6585541, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 5.3229101, rap = 1.6666384, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 4.5787319, rap = 1.6669989, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 5.0317574, rap = 1.6731383, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 0.8843504, rap = 1.6745661, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 0.3428955, rap = 1.6802018, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 1.2986875, rap = 1.6833615, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 3.3024624, rap = 1.6930474, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 2.9013717, rap = 1.6933036, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 2.3338925, rap = 1.6958198, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 5.9040294, rap = 1.6960195, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 4.8298715, rap = 1.6987077, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 0.3372519, rap = 1.7057824, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 1.3635241, rap = 1.7078802, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 1.0396243, rap = 1.7171897, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 5.7426312, rap = 1.7183040, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 6.0011251, rap = 1.7201931, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 0.8761166, rap = 1.7277120, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 3.9350182, rap = 1.7321285, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 5.2464448, rap = 1.7343820, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.4944489, phi = 2.6132714, rap = 1.7359060, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 4.9017648, rap = 1.7420375, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 2.4509546, rap = 1.7432415, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 6.2684065, rap = 1.7457728, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 1.8021663, rap = 1.7516110, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 6.1911339, rap = 1.7549333, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 0.8230591, rap = 1.7559019, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.8552892, phi = 5.0883431, rap = 1.7570119, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 5.4526740, rap = 1.7624547, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 3.6583518, rap = 1.7698504, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 4.2525498, rap = 1.7758042, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 1.4040732, phi = 2.4586579, rap = 1.7760536, |mass| = 0.1346376
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 1.2426418, rap = 1.7774883, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 5.3722705, rap = 1.7894326, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 5.7990600, phi = 2.7959880, rap = 1.8007217, |mass| = 0.1389426
+pt = 2.6634861, phi = 0.9862516, rap = 1.8074103, |mass| = 0.1206505
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 2.5574007, rap = 1.8083919, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 4.7325088, rap = 1.8122849, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 0.3059172, rap = 1.8140147, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 0.4465575, rap = 1.8162609, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 6.2340360, rap = 1.8180698, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 1.3596866, rap = 1.8303528, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 1.4790613, rap = 1.8316948, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 4.7909200, rap = 1.8320878, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 2.8424979, rap = 1.8392940, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 2.1390354, rap = 1.8451910, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 3.2073321, rap = 1.8452215, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 0.1121895, rap = 1.8470782, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 2.4754650, rap = 1.8479963, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 2.2103987, phi = 2.7200687, rap = 1.8501074, |mass| = 0.1379430
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 3.9767030, rap = 1.8502415, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 2.6959567, rap = 1.8561909, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 1.1380033, rap = 1.8585248, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 2.0275821, rap = 1.8592075, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 0.6116871, rap = 1.8632735, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 5.8163965, phi = 2.7802777, rap = 1.8695424, |mass| = 0.1395700
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 2.4490273, rap = 1.8713041, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.1149820, phi = 0.3609975, rap = 1.8753810, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 2.3542014, phi = 2.6739560, rap = 1.8754236, |mass| = 0.1380406
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 0.1916339, rap = 1.8878208, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 5.8427446, rap = 1.8901062, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 3.8175987, rap = 1.8927247, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 5.2936038, rap = 1.9030304, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 0.1835361, rap = 1.9074915, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 2.4177502, rap = 1.9089725, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 5.3939934, rap = 1.9097557, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 4.8838488, rap = 1.9101106, |mass| = 0.7186039
+pt = 1.2211011, phi = 1.8314423, rap = 1.9128826, |mass| = 0.7370358
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 1.9851113, rap = 1.9134327, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 2.0270513, rap = 1.9160097, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.1363302, phi = 2.8617271, rap = 1.9169807, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 4.3408423, rap = 1.9201069, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 3.2199349, rap = 1.9282027, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.5108353, phi = 2.7014311, rap = 1.9332112, |mass| = 0.4773878
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 2.0217828, rap = 1.9337118, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 2.9032886, rap = 1.9364690, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 1.0835125, rap = 1.9387475, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 3.4727195, rap = 1.9393554, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 1.1121903, rap = 1.9516055, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 0.1115195, rap = 1.9533272, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.2734982, phi = 2.7513710, rap = 1.9590578, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 3.9920248, rap = 1.9605801, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 5.0868776, rap = 1.9614621, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 3.3988965, rap = 1.9622796, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 1.6312973, rap = 1.9728931, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 2.8011217, rap = 1.9753560, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 3.4773261, rap = 1.9754309, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 1.3471151, rap = 1.9766608, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 5.2865925, rap = 1.9826245, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 2.2204785, rap = 1.9848633, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 5.4256171, rap = 1.9853947, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 2.4407449, rap = 1.9879690, |mass| = 0.0329623
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 6.1138531, rap = 1.9985959, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 0.7475011, rap = 1.9992738, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 2.0417016, rap = 2.0056454, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 0.5719155, rap = 2.0064201, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 4.5431774, rap = 2.0068657, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 5.0016856, rap = 2.0101970, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 4.2187779, rap = 2.0134068, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 2.7057852, rap = 2.0143980, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 3.7300192, rap = 2.0265261, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 2.0106080, rap = 2.0346793, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 1.4536303, rap = 2.0376667, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 3.4038326, rap = 2.0405343, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 3.0374267, rap = 2.0565488, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 3.5904388, rap = 2.0653291, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 2.5318805, phi = 3.0889817, rap = 2.0667957, |mass| = 0.4926356
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 2.0753672, rap = 2.0674838, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 4.5567155, rap = 2.0735396, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 2.2974989, rap = 2.0752299, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.3673772, phi = 2.8988369, rap = 2.0761189, |mass| = 0.1171933
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 4.6857276, rap = 2.0762980, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 4.0645094, rap = 2.0823819, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 1.4990589, phi = 2.8476228, rap = 2.0853763, |mass| = 0.1395700
+pt = 0.7489381, phi = 2.8540736, rap = 2.0863967, |mass| = 0.1274805
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 1.4683237, rap = 2.0872163, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 3.2188328, phi = 2.9008631, rap = 2.0913995, |mass| = 0.4976700
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 0.3218472, rap = 2.0977876, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 1.0902452, rap = 2.1140554, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 3.2499232, rap = 2.1159668, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 4.9383930, rap = 2.1167053, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 5.6835480, rap = 2.1182546, |mass| = 0.4439065
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 2.1739357, rap = 2.1289802, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 5.4497827, rap = 2.1391695, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 4.8247949, rap = 2.1406715, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 3.7388617, rap = 2.1448581, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 1.5390401, rap = 2.1495292, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 4.6572461, rap = 2.1496986, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 0.8875361, rap = 2.1528263, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 4.5959436, rap = 2.1606159, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 8.1434764, phi = 2.9158245, rap = 2.1663648, |mass| = 0.1395700
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 2.6274621, rap = 2.1787020, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 14.3156995, phi = 2.9647671, rap = 2.1793387, |mass| = 0.4936000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 2.7110086, rap = 2.1865510, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 7.7211725, phi = 2.8981480, rap = 2.1901492, |mass| = 0.1395700
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 4.2774372, rap = 2.1927039, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 8.3485424, phi = 2.9077246, rap = 2.1933453, |mass| = 0.4976700
+pt = 2.7714763, phi = 2.8874009, rap = 2.1988676, |mass| = 0.4885705
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 3.6284907, rap = 2.2025619, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 6.0777652, rap = 2.2140767, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 5.9099808, phi = 2.9471675, rap = 2.2211104, |mass| = 0.4954779
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 2.2620568, rap = 2.2212177, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 3.0658202, rap = 2.2277780, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 2.3127380, rap = 2.2332141, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.9647092, phi = 2.3069964, rap = 2.2352956, |mass| = 0.1269332
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 1.9324756, rap = 2.2467106, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 2.2008843, phi = 2.9942213, rap = 2.2515071, |mass| = 0.1379361
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 2.6009814, rap = 2.2537685, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 5.5680467, rap = 2.2621430, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 1.4602185, rap = 2.2721032, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 1.9008354, rap = 2.2779382, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 3.1464566, rap = 2.2830088, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 4.3261137, rap = 2.2894397, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 5.4412986, rap = 2.2912671, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 1.6184679, rap = 2.2918996, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 5.1559606, rap = 2.2963940, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 2.7514274, rap = 2.2970664, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 7.1378541, phi = 2.8740998, rap = 2.2978697, |mass| = 0.4922748
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 5.8594156, rap = 2.3034800, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.1603976, phi = 4.4554147, rap = 2.3081734, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 3.0182861, rap = 2.3090081, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 2.0336680, rap = 2.3098071, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 2.2089444, rap = 2.3100645, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 6.0672810, rap = 2.3115410, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 0.3163280, rap = 2.3118760, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 6.0459705, rap = 2.3142517, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 1.8997606, rap = 2.3236377, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 2.4417308, rap = 2.3251177, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 3.1913959, rap = 2.3259866, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 0.0764982, rap = 2.3266519, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 4.2786439, rap = 2.3322763, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 2.7880963, rap = 2.3394392, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 1.4084532, rap = 2.3401141, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 5.0594927, rap = 2.3422125, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 5.1009989, rap = 2.3459938, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 3.4642152, rap = 2.3479253, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 0.4462671, rap = 2.3551809, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 0.0846041, rap = 2.3601934, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 3.8866500, rap = 2.3624128, |mass| = 0.2514139
+pt = 0.1712953, phi = 3.1481299, rap = 2.3629779, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 5.3903307, rap = 2.3661734, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 5.2497530, rap = 2.3685219, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 0.0362554, rap = 2.3748004, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 3.7400134, rap = 2.3761083, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 6.1291498, rap = 2.3769195, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 1.0825568, rap = 2.3820438, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 2.0638191, rap = 2.3830629, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 2.4511719, rap = 2.3892584, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 2.3703008, rap = 2.3927309, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 1.0919609, rap = 2.3964737, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 4.7199665, rap = 2.3991010, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 4.9859521, rap = 2.4012855, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 2.7339920, rap = 2.4094058, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 5.4300922, rap = 2.4109597, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 2.7437453, rap = 2.4135021, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 1.6059683, rap = 2.4161356, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 0.9892056, rap = 2.4182597, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 2.2760138, rap = 2.4183718, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 3.2281180, rap = 2.4204288, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 2.3344964, rap = 2.4268236, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 2.5225060, rap = 2.4276347, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 3.4643448, rap = 2.4282266, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 3.2633289, rap = 2.4351485, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 5.0862830, rap = 2.4375853, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 0.6942312, rap = 2.4377580, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 2.6292963, rap = 2.4396506, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 1.6792960, rap = 2.4473369, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 3.3918437, rap = 2.4520589, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.1277208, phi = 4.6125977, rap = 2.4677737, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 5.6329447, rap = 2.4704411, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 1.6724896, rap = 2.4782472, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 0.9061456, rap = 2.4793113, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.1125399, phi = 1.5651347, rap = 2.4805406, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 4.0224943, rap = 2.4875147, |mass| = 0.0232507
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 4.6192378, rap = 2.4936168, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.7203203, phi = 5.3862440, rap = 2.4941531, |mass| = 0.0000001
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 5.2470996, rap = 2.4991623, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 0.2073109, rap = 2.5013214, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 6.0928142, rap = 2.5079191, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 4.8515847, rap = 2.5084694, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 4.9363097, rap = 2.5098859, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 6.2190562, rap = 2.5110728, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 5.2848213, rap = 2.5140374, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 5.1138685, rap = 2.5190758, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 3.3398508, rap = 2.5194758, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 6.0151776, rap = 2.5240442, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 1.6036978, rap = 2.5252078, |mass| = 0.2284468
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 4.4959731, rap = 2.5263427, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 5.5875264, rap = 2.5304033, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 3.4573294, rap = 2.5332304, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 5.9251273, rap = 2.5417648, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 0.4397659, rap = 2.5482443, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 5.4389576, rap = 2.5492103, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 2.5419335, rap = 2.5514417, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 3.2868882, rap = 2.5524330, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 4.2242552, rap = 2.5527009, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.2139796, phi = 1.3982301, rap = 2.5563642, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.7186463, phi = 1.3474313, rap = 2.5588495, |mass| = 0.4541578
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 3.9858941, rap = 2.5607429, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 2.5083466, rap = 2.5703125, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 4.4810583, rap = 2.5744600, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 4.4068908, rap = 2.5748847, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 3.0172434, rap = 2.5768969, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 4.5790898, rap = 2.5854551, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 2.2821650, rap = 2.5911986, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 3.8159877, rap = 2.5957877, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 6.1094030, rap = 2.5988592, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 5.7227144, rap = 2.6020657, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 2.0697440, rap = 2.6044324, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 2.6425529, rap = 2.6073123, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 4.6026759, rap = 2.6099777, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 4.1784564, rap = 2.6205278, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.1793270, phi = 3.1741751, rap = 2.6207436, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 5.2276469, rap = 2.6271290, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 0.6088630, rap = 2.6338206, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 3.8119922, rap = 2.6415599, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.6990928, phi = 5.3477327, rap = 2.6706180, |mass| = 0.0000001
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 0.9961601, rap = 2.6714227, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 5.1779042, rap = 2.6743142, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.4041808, phi = 5.2658289, rap = 2.6780639, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 2.1990027, rap = 2.6879595, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 0.6816757, rap = 2.6881253, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 3.0226495, rap = 2.6886057, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 0.7198314, rap = 2.6956025, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 1.0035023, rap = 2.7000328, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 3.7410864, rap = 2.7119572, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 3.8914452, rap = 2.7122249, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0970792, phi = 0.7093410, rap = 2.7173148, |mass| = 0.0522431
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 4.9581315, rap = 2.7182957, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 3.4055358, rap = 2.7280999, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 0.8838369, rap = 2.7295043, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 3.7495757, rap = 2.7307324, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 4.5708843, rap = 2.7307524, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 3.5265271, rap = 2.7334392, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.4596611, phi = 5.2733774, rap = 2.7486812, |mass| = 0.0000001
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 5.2292969, rap = 2.7557995, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 0.6350096, rap = 2.7563019, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.1417163, phi = 1.3875432, rap = 2.7582971, |mass| = 0.5683917
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 1.3879183, rap = 2.7588749, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 2.3192248, rap = 2.7604331, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 6.0257893, rap = 2.7741366, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 4.1828879, rap = 2.7761683, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 3.0758580, rap = 2.7766614, |mass| = 0.2838877
+pt = 0.5372686, phi = 5.5076277, rap = 2.7811565, |mass| = 0.0000001
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 0.4596377, rap = 2.7833050, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 1.9934512, rap = 2.7840153, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.1744896, phi = 5.6581184, rap = 2.7844220, |mass| = 0.0768250
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 2.5860601, rap = 2.7863908, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.7132229, phi = 5.2944810, rap = 2.7974949, |mass| = 0.0000001
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 4.8803449, rap = 2.8056756, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 0.7620835, rap = 2.8086822, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 1.7026369, rap = 2.8143777, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 0.3298532, rap = 2.8228853, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 4.8948744, rap = 2.8243842, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 3.9804100, rap = 2.8295579, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 4.5914876, rap = 2.8523787, |mass| = 0.1994234
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 4.2062527, rap = 2.8572923, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 4.4078119, rap = 2.8622748, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 4.6202469, rap = 2.8664825, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.6607843, phi = 5.7984786, rap = 2.8754124, |mass| = 0.0000001
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 5.9913672, rap = 2.8781418, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 5.9482872, rap = 2.8848673, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 2.9545651, rap = 2.8991000, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 5.4602306, rap = 2.9037488, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 5.4376481, rap = 2.9078663, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 2.0058041, rap = 2.9104052, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 4.7525577, rap = 2.9318393, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 4.6284636, rap = 2.9342477, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 2.1699305, rap = 2.9345835, |mass| = 0.0385871
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 0.2897500, rap = 2.9418992, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 2.7716957, rap = 2.9471549, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 4.5237184, rap = 2.9486050, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 1.5416750, rap = 2.9497598, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 5.3496232, rap = 2.9503335, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 2.5742560, rap = 2.9615581, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 4.5024276, rap = 2.9632354, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 2.8731455, rap = 2.9679613, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 2.6099363, rap = 2.9730821, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 1.8493872, rap = 2.9796336, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 4.8484981, rap = 2.9798660, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 4.1639026, rap = 2.9814595, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0364630, phi = 5.4421373, rap = 2.9815205, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 6.0209550, rap = 2.9844675, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 5.1808843, rap = 2.9861556, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 4.8549393, rap = 2.9886686, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 6.1409531, rap = 2.9891523, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 6.1531021, rap = 2.9973364, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 0.9731351, rap = 2.9989467, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.5149990, phi = 5.4470840, rap = 2.9998958, |mass| = 0.0000001
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 0.3237506, rap = 3.0057093, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 4.1131044, rap = 3.0115123, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 6.0543956, rap = 3.0193344, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 0.7377137, rap = 3.0195418, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 3.5005402, rap = 3.0221501, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 5.9402090, rap = 3.0325796, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 2.2354940, rap = 3.0334369, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 0.2090006, rap = 3.0347064, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 1.8125959, rap = 3.0380891, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 4.5082102, rap = 3.0421477, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 5.0700130, rap = 3.0466463, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 0.1060732, rap = 3.0493331, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 3.2030370, rap = 3.0506959, |mass| = 0.2428801
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 2.6194831, rap = 3.0522715, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 4.6160795, rap = 3.0574975, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 1.6339280, rap = 3.0626132, |mass| = 0.2916500
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 0.0400171, rap = 3.0652471, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 3.4966851, rap = 3.0740220, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 6.2398855, rap = 3.0768838, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 1.0500673, rap = 3.0853116, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 0.9162959, rap = 3.0874075, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 4.8019513, rap = 3.0942311, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 1.9843061, rap = 3.0948561, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.5017113, phi = 5.6997685, rap = 3.1040194, |mass| = 0.0000001
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 2.2012362, rap = 3.1056961, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 2.5769551, rap = 3.1076788, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 4.3768637, rap = 3.1093978, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 2.8474254, rap = 3.1113832, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 3.3761061, rap = 3.1151074, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 3.3885713, rap = 3.1198832, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 1.8677794, rap = 3.1237934, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 2.5910695, rap = 3.1385217, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 0.4870905, rap = 3.1477439, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.4068067, phi = 2.1888414, rap = 3.1689228, |mass| = 0.0000001
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 5.9027802, rap = 3.1756910, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 5.1175961, rap = 3.1774697, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 4.0380749, rap = 3.1788626, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 1.7646052, rap = 3.1818699, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 1.2730632, rap = 3.1829530, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0163853, phi = 5.4899409, rap = 3.1846477, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 0.3456341, rap = 3.1907975, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 4.5257133, rap = 3.1919495, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 4.2520591, rap = 3.1949729, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 5.9944852, rap = 3.1994165, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.4394945, phi = 0.8686270, rap = 3.2117298, |mass| = 0.0873584
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 5.3832311, rap = 3.2221259, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 3.8353661, rap = 3.2284252, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 0.6638696, rap = 3.2397081, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 2.2058947, rap = 3.2428269, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 1.5179455, rap = 3.2435094, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 3.2286350, rap = 3.2468257, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.2894981, phi = 4.3487585, rap = 3.2524797, |mass| = 0.2463235
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 5.0785139, rap = 3.2538102, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 0.0599549, rap = 3.2555809, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 3.8184541, rap = 3.2568732, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 4.6526036, rap = 3.2568821, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 1.5632478, rap = 3.2581625, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 6.2120859, rap = 3.2599776, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 3.7077439, rap = 3.2665276, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 3.2680449, rap = 3.2686904, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 0.3065479, rap = 3.2746292, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 2.0657763, rap = 3.2826756, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 3.8074124, rap = 3.3039586, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 4.8767079, rap = 3.3126125, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 1.3213006, rap = 3.3151715, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 4.6891613, rap = 3.3191357, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 2.9609047, rap = 3.3358271, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 5.1033591, rap = 3.3385915, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 5.1937792, rap = 3.3406182, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 3.5414072, rap = 3.3581274, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 4.8648913, rap = 3.3606030, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 0.6547518, rap = 3.3614559, |mass| = 0.0438989
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 3.8186988, rap = 3.3675121, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 5.5507507, rap = 3.3711357, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 3.2107440, rap = 3.3814658, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 5.5186549, rap = 3.3837962, |mass| = 0.0515913
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 3.4624868, rap = 3.3857785, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 1.9586759, rap = 3.3905293, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 0.6795156, rap = 3.3905820, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 1.3687429, rap = 3.4110459, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 3.5222196, rap = 3.4144462, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 3.3556603, rap = 3.4247349, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 2.9252507, rap = 3.4271781, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 5.7320775, rap = 3.4312111, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 3.7905472, rap = 3.4312237, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 4.4188431, rap = 3.4322773, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 4.8636662, rap = 3.4412710, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 1.2477477, rap = 3.4562799, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 2.5411482, rap = 3.4613102, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 2.3558128, rap = 3.4658735, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 1.1009724, rap = 3.4695704, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 5.3732949, rap = 3.4709936, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 5.0971918, rap = 3.4865312, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 0.0370025, rap = 3.4873699, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 2.8392620, rap = 3.4910544, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 4.3072599, rap = 3.5127357, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 0.3103569, rap = 3.5130471, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0313648, phi = 0.8843968, rap = 3.5153629, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 3.1451191, rap = 3.5222830, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 0.4395059, rap = 3.5228033, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 4.4646739, rap = 3.5269983, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.1464203, phi = 1.1420663, rap = 3.5429809, |mass| = 0.0613018
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 3.7510094, rap = 3.5445363, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 5.8220554, rap = 3.5532518, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 3.3935097, rap = 3.5569059, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 0.4555033, rap = 3.5584903, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 0.6887080, rap = 3.5683715, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 5.1816545, rap = 3.5688753, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 5.4405404, rap = 3.5703650, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 0.3223494, rap = 3.5746493, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 2.2117873, rap = 3.5883933, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 1.4549958, rap = 3.5886678, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 1.7791246, rap = 3.5908444, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0080438, phi = 0.7179236, rap = 3.5939304, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 1.9287433, rap = 3.6014016, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 5.5643502, rap = 3.6060593, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 0.6074190, rap = 3.6220123, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 4.1305288, rap = 3.6233252, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 5.1156465, rap = 3.6265370, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.3842265, phi = 0.3094032, rap = 3.6296322, |mass| = 0.0000001
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 2.1770546, rap = 3.6316033, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 0.5987552, rap = 3.6409148, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 0.1638484, rap = 3.6447956, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 5.8746474, rap = 3.6499421, |mass| = 0.1509539
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 5.2074891, rap = 3.6516273, |mass| = 0.0359206
+pt = 0.2515667, phi = 5.1615468, rap = 3.6547548, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 2.7305910, rap = 3.6552684, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 0.8648075, rap = 3.6593872, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 2.2606241, rap = 3.6656398, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 3.4491627, rap = 3.6786296, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 3.3716600, rap = 3.6789376, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 3.2201142, rap = 3.6865321, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 3.5986096, rap = 3.6873035, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 5.0496772, rap = 3.6890092, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 2.3049792, rap = 3.6920719, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.4446197, phi = 5.6649348, rap = 3.7001401, |mass| = 0.3888945
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 6.0920861, rap = 3.7021300, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 1.7610974, rap = 3.7090776, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 3.1952293, rap = 3.7102878, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 4.7555868, rap = 3.7139631, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 3.9443421, rap = 3.7229064, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 0.0417582, rap = 3.7409382, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.1466144, phi = 5.7990957, rap = 3.7409962, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 3.3016147, rap = 3.7444440, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 4.7215724, rap = 3.7532344, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 5.2085405, rap = 3.7602488, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 4.8101246, rap = 3.7632618, |mass| = 0.0178501
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 2.2491041, rap = 3.7668389, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 4.1817895, rap = 3.7780033, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 0.6255568, rap = 3.7795572, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 4.2188654, rap = 3.7950272, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 2.0765616, rap = 3.7965456, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 5.5797841, rap = 3.7986921, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 3.3918036, rap = 3.8089833, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 3.4051183, phi = 5.8328348, rap = 3.8260917, |mass| = 0.0000860
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 5.9007293, rap = 3.8433708, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 1.0824093, rap = 3.8448222, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 0.3919380, rap = 3.8504182, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 1.0438535, rap = 3.8584355, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 3.7877401, rap = 3.8660235, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 5.4179207, rap = 3.8711989, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 6.1187281, rap = 3.8735560, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 4.2366865, rap = 3.8786420, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 5.1880970, rap = 3.9024621, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.1922977, phi = 0.9289630, rap = 3.9024955, |mass| = 0.0690815
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 4.6586971, rap = 3.9198851, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 3.9672814, rap = 3.9383830, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 2.0823028, rap = 3.9476409, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 1.4376137, rap = 3.9563607, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 1.7439922, rap = 3.9634861, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.0000000, phi = 3.4089032, rap = 3.9813246, |mass| = 0.0000000
+pt = 0.2559964, phi = 0.2901629, rap = 3.9935744, |mass| = 0.0000163
+Original hard jets
+pt = 89.56697, rap = 2.088021, mass = 21.54645, width = 0.1866008
+pt = 144.4529, rap = 0.6688686, mass = 19.34022, width = 0.06909109
+pt = 220.1467, rap = -1.067969, mass = 18.09297, width = 0.03369857
+Unsubtracted full jets
+pt = 115.3332, rap = 2.07997, mass = 45.33378, width = 0.2568645
+pt = 167.3089, rap = 0.6891226, mass = 58.30987, width = 0.1268194
+pt = 230.4948, rap = -1.064758, mass = 46.20005, width = 0.05647216
+Subtracted full jets
+pt = 87.95684, rap = 2.088622, mass = 23.46946, width = 0.1833959
+pt = 146.4501, rap = 0.6711843, mass = 34.35701, width = 0.07231839
+pt = 218.0443, rap = -1.06737, mass = 30.86148, width = 0.03219377
Index: contrib/contribs/ConstituentSubtractor/tags/1.2.8/example_whole_event.ref
--- contrib/contribs/ConstituentSubtractor/tags/1.2.8/example_whole_event.ref (revision 0)
+++ contrib/contribs/ConstituentSubtractor/tags/1.2.8/example_whole_event.ref (revision 1135)
@@ -0,0 +1,499 @@
+# 20 pileup events on top of the hard event
+# read an event with 203 signal particles and 1714 background particles with pseudo-rapidity |eta|<4
+# FastJet release 3.2.0
+# M. Cacciari, G.P. Salam and G. Soyez
+# A software package for jet finding and analysis at colliders
+# Please cite EPJC72(2012)1896 [arXiv:1111.6097] if you use this package
+# for scientific work and optionally PLB641(2006)57 [hep-ph/0512210].
+# FastJet is provided without warranty under the terms of the GNU GPLv2.
+# It uses T. Chan's closest pair algorithm, S. Fortune's Voronoi code
+# and 3rd party plugin jet algorithms. See COPYING file for details.
+ConstituentSubtractor using [GridMedianBackgroundEstimator, with rectangular grid with rapidity extent -4 < rap < 4, tile size drap x dphi = 0.5 x 0.483322] to estimate the background
+perform mass subtraction: 1
+Corrected particles in the whole event:
+pt = 1.0835, phi = 5.2599, rap = -3.6581, |mass| = 0.0000
+pt = 0.6978, phi = 4.9980, rap = -3.6347, |mass| = 0.0000
+pt = 0.0622, phi = 6.1177, rap = -3.5842, |mass| = 0.0000
+pt = 0.3102, phi = 5.6861, rap = -3.5493, |mass| = 0.0000
+pt = 0.4642, phi = 2.6409, rap = -3.4932, |mass| = 0.0000
+pt = 0.7558, phi = 5.5855, rap = -3.4828, |mass| = 0.2199
+pt = 2.4524, phi = 6.0415, rap = -3.4827, |mass| = 0.0000
+pt = 0.0000, phi = 3.8922, rap = -3.4649, |mass| = 0.1062
+pt = 1.0027, phi = 4.9418, rap = -3.4609, |mass| = 0.0000
+pt = 0.7324, phi = 5.4112, rap = -3.4232, |mass| = 0.6647
+pt = 0.0983, phi = 6.0661, rap = -3.4124, |mass| = 0.0000
+pt = 0.0283, phi = 0.2742, rap = -3.3640, |mass| = 0.2286
+pt = 0.0000, phi = 3.0304, rap = -3.3526, |mass| = 0.0345
+pt = 2.0337, phi = 5.8966, rap = -3.3435, |mass| = 0.0000
+pt = 0.0000, phi = 5.2003, rap = -3.3432, |mass| = 0.0895
+pt = 0.6057, phi = 1.6309, rap = -3.3372, |mass| = 0.0000
+pt = 0.9675, phi = 2.2916, rap = -3.3330, |mass| = 0.0000
+pt = 0.4558, phi = 0.2181, rap = -3.3282, |mass| = 0.0000
+pt = 0.8625, phi = 2.6996, rap = -3.3022, |mass| = 0.0000
+pt = 3.3321, phi = 3.0096, rap = -3.2831, |mass| = 0.1382
+pt = 0.1173, phi = 5.3269, rap = -3.2804, |mass| = 0.0000
+pt = 0.2877, phi = 3.1885, rap = -3.2531, |mass| = 0.0000
+pt = 0.0000, phi = 2.6619, rap = -3.2396, |mass| = 0.0601
+pt = 0.0000, phi = 0.3627, rap = -3.2328, |mass| = 0.3161
+pt = 0.3434, phi = 5.4556, rap = -3.2297, |mass| = 0.0000
+pt = 0.7909, phi = 1.4148, rap = -3.2284, |mass| = 0.0000
+pt = 0.3798, phi = 5.3974, rap = -3.1863, |mass| = 0.0000
+pt = 1.2399, phi = 5.9358, rap = -3.1711, |mass| = 0.0000
+pt = 0.4088, phi = 3.1890, rap = -3.1614, |mass| = 0.0000
+pt = 1.4999, phi = 5.7996, rap = -3.1614, |mass| = 0.0000
+pt = 0.1657, phi = 1.5846, rap = -3.1383, |mass| = 0.0000
+pt = 2.4455, phi = 4.4399, rap = -3.1188, |mass| = 0.0000
+pt = 0.1353, phi = 5.4133, rap = -3.1179, |mass| = 0.0000
+pt = 0.6800, phi = 3.0074, rap = -3.1125, |mass| = 0.0000
+pt = 3.3981, phi = 3.1301, rap = -3.0963, |mass| = 0.0000
+pt = 0.0857, phi = 5.5487, rap = -3.0883, |mass| = 0.5187
+pt = 0.7646, phi = 4.5479, rap = -3.0839, |mass| = 0.0000
+pt = 0.0568, phi = 1.5830, rap = -3.0695, |mass| = 0.3549
+pt = 0.0000, phi = 2.7204, rap = -3.0545, |mass| = 0.0027
+pt = 0.0846, phi = 3.1922, rap = -3.0462, |mass| = 0.4230
+pt = 1.3051, phi = 5.6871, rap = -3.0433, |mass| = 0.6645
+pt = 0.3612, phi = 4.5763, rap = -3.0201, |mass| = 0.0000
+pt = 0.0000, phi = 3.9943, rap = -3.0179, |mass| = 0.0309
+pt = 0.9430, phi = 5.6925, rap = -3.0015, |mass| = 0.0000
+pt = 0.1486, phi = 0.7339, rap = -2.9925, |mass| = 0.0000
+pt = 0.0000, phi = 2.2128, rap = -2.9837, |mass| = 0.0415
+pt = 0.0000, phi = 4.1988, rap = -2.9668, |mass| = 0.0956
+pt = 0.8123, phi = 5.2605, rap = -2.9511, |mass| = 0.0000
+pt = 1.2754, phi = 5.4574, rap = -2.9496, |mass| = 0.4281
+pt = 0.0000, phi = 5.1677, rap = -2.9463, |mass| = 0.0000
+pt = 0.0000, phi = 0.5490, rap = -2.8994, |mass| = 0.3582
+pt = 0.0000, phi = 4.9348, rap = -2.8828, |mass| = 0.1511
+pt = 0.4568, phi = 5.7954, rap = -2.8763, |mass| = 0.0000
+pt = 0.4285, phi = 5.1832, rap = -2.8757, |mass| = 0.8518
+pt = 0.4351, phi = 4.9577, rap = -2.8737, |mass| = 0.1123
+pt = 2.5949, phi = 5.0940, rap = -2.8440, |mass| = 0.1396
+pt = 0.5849, phi = 5.1006, rap = -2.8366, |mass| = 0.0000
+pt = 0.0000, phi = 3.3478, rap = -2.8257, |mass| = 0.0904
+pt = 0.0000, phi = 0.2435, rap = -2.8043, |mass| = 0.0303
+pt = 0.6422, phi = 5.0895, rap = -2.7945, |mass| = 0.0000
+pt = 0.5399, phi = 5.7579, rap = -2.7939, |mass| = 0.0000
+pt = 0.0171, phi = 3.4853, rap = -2.7914, |mass| = 0.0000
+pt = 0.1615, phi = 5.3825, rap = -2.7899, |mass| = 0.0000
+pt = 0.4008, phi = 5.2141, rap = -2.7867, |mass| = 0.4245
+pt = 1.2010, phi = 3.2932, rap = -2.7708, |mass| = 0.1328
+pt = 0.0000, phi = 4.3799, rap = -2.7333, |mass| = 0.0643
+pt = 0.1360, phi = 5.0971, rap = -2.7245, |mass| = 0.0322
+pt = 1.4124, phi = 4.3266, rap = -2.7104, |mass| = 0.9238
+pt = 0.0000, phi = 4.2022, rap = -2.7075, |mass| = 0.1764
+pt = 0.0000, phi = 5.0719, rap = -2.7002, |mass| = 0.1631
+pt = 0.3523, phi = 4.9647, rap = -2.6730, |mass| = 0.2640
+pt = 0.2471, phi = 0.7724, rap = -2.6691, |mass| = 0.0000
+pt = 1.4303, phi = 3.7925, rap = -2.6181, |mass| = 0.0000
+pt = 0.4139, phi = 4.2586, rap = -2.6133, |mass| = 0.0000
+pt = 0.8144, phi = 5.2473, rap = -2.5999, |mass| = 0.0000
+pt = 0.0000, phi = 0.8228, rap = -2.5632, |mass| = 0.1620
+pt = 0.5979, phi = 5.4743, rap = -2.5477, |mass| = 0.1718
+pt = 1.4796, phi = 3.7936, rap = -2.5437, |mass| = 0.8747
+pt = 0.4408, phi = 0.7076, rap = -2.5349, |mass| = 0.0000
+pt = 0.3752, phi = 0.2840, rap = -2.5265, |mass| = 0.6916
+pt = 0.0000, phi = 2.2234, rap = -2.5120, |mass| = 0.1162
+pt = 0.6180, phi = 3.8120, rap = -2.5092, |mass| = 0.0000
+pt = 0.0000, phi = 3.6720, rap = -2.5091, |mass| = 0.0238
+pt = 0.7910, phi = 5.7415, rap = -2.5082, |mass| = 0.0000
+pt = 0.2506, phi = 5.7518, rap = -2.4951, |mass| = 0.0000
+pt = 0.0000, phi = 0.0331, rap = -2.4937, |mass| = 0.1683
+pt = 0.4062, phi = 5.5739, rap = -2.4928, |mass| = 0.0000
+pt = 0.2936, phi = 5.7067, rap = -2.4847, |mass| = 0.0000
+pt = 0.3050, phi = 2.2857, rap = -2.4781, |mass| = 0.0875
+pt = 0.0767, phi = 4.4585, rap = -2.4677, |mass| = 0.0000
+pt = 0.0000, phi = 2.9924, rap = -2.4641, |mass| = 0.4074
+pt = 0.8176, phi = 2.3820, rap = -2.4577, |mass| = 0.0000
+pt = 0.0530, phi = 4.7296, rap = -2.4105, |mass| = 0.0000
+pt = 0.0230, phi = 0.2745, rap = -2.4075, |mass| = 0.0000
+pt = 0.7539, phi = 2.2732, rap = -2.3606, |mass| = 0.0000
+pt = 0.9151, phi = 5.6589, rap = -2.3513, |mass| = 0.0000
+pt = 0.5677, phi = 2.6826, rap = -2.3242, |mass| = 0.0000
+pt = 0.5896, phi = 4.2981, rap = -2.3130, |mass| = 0.0000
+pt = 0.0019, phi = 2.3724, rap = -2.3003, |mass| = 0.0000
+pt = 0.4822, phi = 4.0933, rap = -2.2952, |mass| = 0.0000
+pt = 0.0000, phi = 0.3706, rap = -2.2746, |mass| = 0.2681
+pt = 0.2558, phi = 4.0379, rap = -2.2709, |mass| = 0.0000
+pt = 0.6226, phi = 6.1109, rap = -2.2503, |mass| = 0.0000
+pt = 0.1787, phi = 2.0559, rap = -2.2459, |mass| = 0.0000
+pt = 0.0000, phi = 6.1442, rap = -2.2092, |mass| = 0.4045
+pt = 0.0000, phi = 4.1152, rap = -2.0535, |mass| = 0.5102
+pt = 0.1412, phi = 1.7065, rap = -1.9364, |mass| = 0.2480
+pt = 0.0000, phi = 0.8735, rap = -1.8499, |mass| = 0.4682
+pt = 0.0000, phi = 3.4576, rap = -1.8215, |mass| = 0.1151
+pt = 0.0728, phi = 4.6298, rap = -1.8117, |mass| = 0.0000
+pt = 0.7887, phi = 4.1310, rap = -1.7928, |mass| = 0.0000
+pt = 0.0000, phi = 1.3401, rap = -1.7845, |mass| = 0.0795
+pt = 0.0000, phi = 1.7075, rap = -1.7557, |mass| = 0.5772
+pt = 0.0000, phi = 3.2763, rap = -1.7060, |mass| = 0.1396
+pt = 0.4582, phi = 4.0208, rap = -1.6984, |mass| = 0.0000
+pt = 0.0000, phi = 5.1647, rap = -1.6698, |mass| = 0.2104
+pt = 0.0000, phi = 4.4350, rap = -1.6529, |mass| = 0.4012
+pt = 0.0000, phi = 1.6670, rap = -1.6500, |mass| = 0.4857
+pt = 0.3843, phi = 4.3785, rap = -1.5446, |mass| = 0.0000
+pt = 0.0000, phi = 3.5581, rap = -1.5446, |mass| = 0.4481
+pt = 0.0000, phi = 1.6392, rap = -1.5083, |mass| = 0.4480
+pt = 0.0000, phi = 3.4063, rap = -1.4909, |mass| = 0.1137
+pt = 0.3725, phi = 4.4554, rap = -1.4610, |mass| = 0.0000
+pt = 0.0000, phi = 4.7907, rap = -1.3715, |mass| = 0.2536
+pt = 0.0000, phi = 0.6859, rap = -1.3568, |mass| = 0.0564
+pt = 0.0000, phi = 5.5697, rap = -1.3375, |mass| = 0.3450
+pt = 0.0000, phi = 5.3367, rap = -1.3101, |mass| = 0.4597
+pt = 0.0000, phi = 5.0510, rap = -1.2080, |mass| = 0.2429
+pt = 0.2941, phi = 0.0872, rap = -1.1921, |mass| = 0.0000
+pt = 24.4459, phi = 0.0579, rap = -1.0933, |mass| = 0.0000
+pt = 10.6629, phi = 0.0731, rap = -1.0859, |mass| = 0.0000
+pt = 22.7084, phi = 0.0773, rap = -1.0854, |mass| = 0.0000
+pt = 20.5108, phi = 0.0834, rap = -1.0851, |mass| = 0.0000
+pt = 70.5496, phi = 0.0743, rap = -1.0811, |mass| = 0.0000
+pt = 12.6654, phi = 0.0757, rap = -1.0660, |mass| = 0.0000
+pt = 8.1149, phi = 0.0626, rap = -1.0644, |mass| = 0.0000
+pt = 4.3442, phi = 0.0345, rap = -1.0580, |mass| = 0.0000
+pt = 1.3193, phi = 0.0917, rap = -1.0549, |mass| = 0.0000
+pt = 1.2653, phi = 0.0712, rap = -1.0548, |mass| = 0.0000
+pt = 5.8718, phi = 0.0565, rap = -1.0434, |mass| = 0.0000
+pt = 4.5794, phi = 0.0586, rap = -1.0426, |mass| = 0.0000
+pt = 12.7933, phi = 0.1181, rap = -1.0377, |mass| = 0.0000
+pt = 3.9571, phi = 6.2190, rap = -1.0143, |mass| = 0.0000
+pt = 4.5951, phi = 0.0865, rap = -1.0003, |mass| = 0.0000
+pt = 2.0022, phi = 0.0711, rap = -0.9980, |mass| = 0.0000
+pt = 0.0000, phi = 0.4089, rap = -0.9806, |mass| = 0.6183
+pt = 0.2058, phi = 0.9472, rap = -0.9624, |mass| = 0.4735
+pt = 3.5048, phi = 6.2357, rap = -0.9621, |mass| = 0.0000
+pt = 0.0000, phi = 5.3264, rap = -0.9595, |mass| = 0.2426
+pt = 0.0200, phi = 6.1947, rap = -0.9167, |mass| = 0.0000
+pt = 0.2481, phi = 4.0146, rap = -0.9112, |mass| = 0.0000
+pt = 0.0000, phi = 0.4790, rap = -0.9035, |mass| = 0.0005
+pt = 0.3260, phi = 4.3827, rap = -0.8746, |mass| = 0.0000
+pt = 0.3244, phi = 0.8457, rap = -0.8653, |mass| = 0.0000
+pt = 0.0787, phi = 1.2670, rap = -0.8597, |mass| = 0.0000
+pt = 0.0583, phi = 1.2028, rap = -0.8444, |mass| = 0.1644
+pt = 0.9162, phi = 0.1357, rap = -0.8338, |mass| = 0.0000
+pt = 0.0000, phi = 0.7100, rap = -0.7680, |mass| = 0.1441
+pt = 0.1241, phi = 2.7181, rap = -0.7632, |mass| = 0.0000
+pt = 0.0000, phi = 5.9605, rap = -0.7429, |mass| = 0.4240
+pt = 0.0913, phi = 1.5393, rap = -0.7199, |mass| = 0.0000
+pt = 0.0183, phi = 0.2334, rap = -0.7198, |mass| = 0.0000
+pt = 0.0000, phi = 2.8849, rap = -0.6984, |mass| = 0.0028
+pt = 0.4585, phi = 0.6640, rap = -0.6877, |mass| = 0.0000
+pt = 0.5639, phi = 2.7094, rap = -0.6874, |mass| = 0.0000
+pt = 0.2342, phi = 1.5224, rap = -0.6862, |mass| = 0.0000
+pt = 0.1473, phi = 0.0850, rap = -0.6858, |mass| = 0.0000
+pt = 0.0000, phi = 2.8799, rap = -0.6792, |mass| = 0.6451
+pt = 0.1606, phi = 2.6770, rap = -0.6664, |mass| = 0.0000
+pt = 0.0000, phi = 2.8407, rap = -0.6369, |mass| = 0.0000
+pt = 0.1583, phi = 5.5749, rap = -0.6292, |mass| = 0.0000
+pt = 0.0000, phi = 3.8088, rap = -0.6257, |mass| = 0.0967
+pt = 0.9416, phi = 1.5600, rap = -0.5723, |mass| = 0.0000
+pt = 0.9753, phi = 0.7584, rap = -0.5473, |mass| = 0.6952
+pt = 0.3878, phi = 1.3913, rap = -0.5288, |mass| = 0.0000
+pt = 0.0825, phi = 2.9101, rap = -0.5265, |mass| = 0.0000
+pt = 2.0864, phi = 2.3648, rap = -0.4499, |mass| = 0.0000
+pt = 0.0667, phi = 2.9395, rap = -0.4264, |mass| = 0.0000
+pt = 0.0790, phi = 0.7786, rap = -0.4193, |mass| = 0.0000
+pt = 1.2646, phi = 0.4795, rap = -0.3768, |mass| = 0.6856
+pt = 0.0000, phi = 3.5751, rap = -0.3483, |mass| = 0.1247
+pt = 1.3415, phi = 0.3563, rap = -0.3342, |mass| = 0.0000
+pt = 0.0194, phi = 0.5804, rap = -0.2940, |mass| = 0.0000
+pt = 1.1921, phi = 2.7340, rap = -0.2597, |mass| = 0.3999
+pt = 0.1004, phi = 1.7579, rap = -0.2434, |mass| = 0.0000
+pt = 0.9986, phi = 1.8261, rap = -0.2425, |mass| = 0.0000
+pt = 0.0000, phi = 5.1760, rap = -0.2405, |mass| = 0.4813
+pt = 0.4908, phi = 1.2481, rap = -0.2241, |mass| = 0.0000
+pt = 0.6934, phi = 0.5956, rap = -0.1828, |mass| = 0.7734
+pt = 0.4201, phi = 2.2445, rap = -0.1654, |mass| = 0.0000
+pt = 0.0000, phi = 2.6657, rap = -0.1595, |mass| = 0.2161
+pt = 0.0000, phi = 0.6866, rap = -0.1372, |mass| = 0.3995
+pt = 0.0000, phi = 5.4367, rap = -0.1372, |mass| = 0.5346
+pt = 0.0000, phi = 4.6803, rap = -0.1358, |mass| = 0.0309
+pt = 0.0000, phi = 2.7735, rap = -0.1180, |mass| = 0.5658
+pt = 0.2897, phi = 2.8847, rap = -0.0887, |mass| = 0.0000
+pt = 0.0000, phi = 6.0576, rap = -0.0599, |mass| = 0.0071
+pt = 1.5339, phi = 2.9835, rap = -0.0366, |mass| = 0.0000
+pt = 0.1118, phi = 2.2664, rap = -0.0279, |mass| = 0.0000
+pt = 0.9980, phi = 2.5866, rap = -0.0260, |mass| = 0.0000
+pt = 0.8032, phi = 2.3563, rap = 0.0151, |mass| = 0.0000
+pt = 0.2590, phi = 0.9384, rap = 0.0234, |mass| = 0.0000
+pt = 0.8054, phi = 0.9729, rap = 0.0474, |mass| = 0.0000
+pt = 1.7876, phi = 2.9511, rap = 0.0737, |mass| = 0.0000
+pt = 0.1437, phi = 5.9208, rap = 0.0931, |mass| = 0.0000
+pt = 1.3727, phi = 0.9594, rap = 0.0939, |mass| = 0.4652
+pt = 1.3649, phi = 2.9165, rap = 0.1176, |mass| = 0.0000
+pt = 1.5463, phi = 2.9748, rap = 0.1206, |mass| = 0.0000
+pt = 0.1385, phi = 2.1022, rap = 0.1231, |mass| = 0.0000
+pt = 0.4598, phi = 2.1295, rap = 0.1566, |mass| = 0.0000
+pt = 0.0229, phi = 4.5570, rap = 0.1722, |mass| = 0.0000
+pt = 0.0000, phi = 4.9526, rap = 0.1737, |mass| = 0.2992
+pt = 0.3601, phi = 4.8472, rap = 0.1892, |mass| = 0.0000
+pt = 0.3025, phi = 0.2256, rap = 0.2082, |mass| = 0.0000
+pt = 0.0000, phi = 2.9645, rap = 0.2217, |mass| = 0.2965
+pt = 0.0000, phi = 1.7689, rap = 0.2374, |mass| = 0.1275
+pt = 0.2603, phi = 0.0974, rap = 0.2805, |mass| = 0.0000
+pt = 0.6791, phi = 0.2089, rap = 0.2861, |mass| = 0.0000
+pt = 0.1445, phi = 0.3520, rap = 0.2948, |mass| = 0.0000
+pt = 0.0000, phi = 0.4674, rap = 0.2967, |mass| = 0.4276
+pt = 0.8727, phi = 1.8427, rap = 0.2980, |mass| = 0.4314
+pt = 0.0000, phi = 5.7312, rap = 0.3047, |mass| = 0.0438
+pt = 0.6947, phi = 0.8566, rap = 0.3299, |mass| = 0.0000
+pt = 0.3938, phi = 3.4631, rap = 0.3500, |mass| = 0.0000
+pt = 0.1898, phi = 0.8614, rap = 0.3626, |mass| = 0.0000
+pt = 0.2044, phi = 0.6328, rap = 0.4070, |mass| = 0.0000
+pt = 0.4746, phi = 1.9327, rap = 0.4144, |mass| = 0.0000
+pt = 0.7161, phi = 0.9692, rap = 0.4178, |mass| = 0.0000
+pt = 0.2216, phi = 2.1293, rap = 0.4203, |mass| = 0.0000
+pt = 0.0000, phi = 3.7028, rap = 0.4222, |mass| = 0.3990
+pt = 1.7297, phi = 0.7335, rap = 0.4255, |mass| = 0.0000
+pt = 0.0000, phi = 2.8924, rap = 0.4392, |mass| = 0.4827
+pt = 0.3111, phi = 3.5449, rap = 0.4791, |mass| = 0.0000
+pt = 0.4137, phi = 4.5484, rap = 0.4993, |mass| = 0.0000
+pt = 0.8936, phi = 2.9835, rap = 0.5077, |mass| = 0.0000
+pt = 0.2584, phi = 0.6706, rap = 0.5158, |mass| = 0.6281
+pt = 2.5179, phi = 0.8053, rap = 0.5295, |mass| = 0.6801
+pt = 0.0000, phi = 1.5136, rap = 0.5312, |mass| = 0.3618
+pt = 0.6349, phi = 2.2633, rap = 0.5336, |mass| = 0.0000
+pt = 4.0761, phi = 3.4258, rap = 0.5413, |mass| = 0.0000
+pt = 1.6452, phi = 3.3710, rap = 0.5773, |mass| = 0.0000
+pt = 4.5495, phi = 3.4551, rap = 0.5839, |mass| = 0.0000
+pt = 1.3859, phi = 1.2803, rap = 0.5848, |mass| = 0.0000
+pt = 3.4646, phi = 3.4360, rap = 0.5910, |mass| = 0.0000
+pt = 2.0955, phi = 3.5194, rap = 0.5915, |mass| = 0.0000
+pt = 1.0152, phi = 3.6197, rap = 0.5925, |mass| = 0.0000
+pt = 2.3729, phi = 3.5442, rap = 0.6111, |mass| = 0.0000
+pt = 5.1586, phi = 3.4756, rap = 0.6166, |mass| = 0.0000
+pt = 0.7594, phi = 5.4022, rap = 0.6202, |mass| = 0.6874
+pt = 4.3862, phi = 3.4572, rap = 0.6241, |mass| = 0.0000
+pt = 0.5110, phi = 0.6815, rap = 0.6313, |mass| = 0.0000
+pt = 0.8836, phi = 2.1577, rap = 0.6338, |mass| = 0.7775
+pt = 0.0000, phi = 1.5382, rap = 0.6353, |mass| = 0.1491
+pt = 8.3256, phi = 3.4533, rap = 0.6359, |mass| = 0.1396
+pt = 1.8902, phi = 3.4727, rap = 0.6368, |mass| = 0.0000
+pt = 10.1706, phi = 3.4104, rap = 0.6385, |mass| = 0.0000
+pt = 1.9006, phi = 3.4744, rap = 0.6420, |mass| = 0.0000
+pt = 1.7696, phi = 3.4329, rap = 0.6449, |mass| = 0.0000
+pt = 1.9769, phi = 3.3996, rap = 0.6533, |mass| = 0.0000
+pt = 0.0000, phi = 0.2411, rap = 0.6556, |mass| = 0.1237
+pt = 0.5658, phi = 3.5051, rap = 0.6559, |mass| = 0.0000
+pt = 1.6145, phi = 3.4793, rap = 0.6577, |mass| = 0.0000
+pt = 6.7198, phi = 3.4263, rap = 0.6685, |mass| = 0.1396
+pt = 10.7997, phi = 3.4717, rap = 0.6706, |mass| = 0.0000
+pt = 1.0356, phi = 3.4751, rap = 0.6708, |mass| = 0.0000
+pt = 2.5392, phi = 3.3178, rap = 0.6756, |mass| = 0.0000
+pt = 5.6895, phi = 3.4260, rap = 0.6768, |mass| = 0.0000
+pt = 1.8819, phi = 3.4712, rap = 0.6823, |mass| = 0.3793
+pt = 5.5091, phi = 3.4245, rap = 0.6858, |mass| = 0.0000
+pt = 1.9264, phi = 3.4087, rap = 0.6874, |mass| = 0.0000
+pt = 2.8740, phi = 3.4624, rap = 0.6911, |mass| = 0.0000
+pt = 13.7509, phi = 3.4120, rap = 0.7074, |mass| = 0.1396
+pt = 8.8154, phi = 3.4972, rap = 0.7090, |mass| = 0.4936
+pt = 5.3858, phi = 3.4490, rap = 0.7170, |mass| = 0.0000
+pt = 0.0000, phi = 0.3084, rap = 0.7204, |mass| = 0.1795
+pt = 6.5754, phi = 3.4530, rap = 0.7207, |mass| = 0.0000
+pt = 0.9302, phi = 2.4215, rap = 0.7229, |mass| = 0.0000
+pt = 0.0306, phi = 3.8667, rap = 0.7276, |mass| = 0.0000
+pt = 0.2802, phi = 4.0178, rap = 0.7319, |mass| = 0.0000
+pt = 0.2688, phi = 2.5919, rap = 0.7321, |mass| = 0.1711
+pt = 0.0000, phi = 3.5246, rap = 0.7350, |mass| = 0.0925
+pt = 9.4544, phi = 3.4142, rap = 0.7452, |mass| = 0.4936
+pt = 0.2032, phi = 3.0826, rap = 0.7525, |mass| = 0.0000
+pt = 0.2074, phi = 2.0804, rap = 0.7527, |mass| = 0.0000
+pt = 0.5612, phi = 1.9752, rap = 0.7563, |mass| = 0.0000
+pt = 1.4809, phi = 1.2971, rap = 0.7623, |mass| = 0.1385
+pt = 0.9255, phi = 3.7466, rap = 0.7690, |mass| = 0.4354
+pt = 0.6481, phi = 1.4775, rap = 0.8066, |mass| = 0.0000
+pt = 0.2393, phi = 3.0398, rap = 0.8188, |mass| = 0.0000
+pt = 1.4263, phi = 3.6233, rap = 0.8190, |mass| = 0.8373
+pt = 1.8887, phi = 2.4207, rap = 0.8200, |mass| = 0.0000
+pt = 0.1219, phi = 3.7783, rap = 0.8236, |mass| = 0.2791
+pt = 0.2510, phi = 2.2397, rap = 0.8420, |mass| = 0.0000
+pt = 0.4526, phi = 5.9957, rap = 0.8491, |mass| = 0.0000
+pt = 1.0440, phi = 6.0737, rap = 0.8541, |mass| = 0.0000
+pt = 0.5514, phi = 0.4515, rap = 0.8594, |mass| = 0.0000
+pt = 1.3832, phi = 5.8830, rap = 0.8746, |mass| = 0.0000
+pt = 0.7744, phi = 1.4696, rap = 0.8781, |mass| = 0.7033
+pt = 0.0566, phi = 0.4758, rap = 0.8829, |mass| = 0.6022
+pt = 4.0321, phi = 5.8902, rap = 0.8995, |mass| = 0.0000
+pt = 0.9168, phi = 5.9910, rap = 0.9133, |mass| = 0.7563
+pt = 0.2957, phi = 4.6516, rap = 0.9169, |mass| = 0.0000
+pt = 0.0000, phi = 3.1391, rap = 0.9173, |mass| = 0.6312
+pt = 0.1852, phi = 0.3048, rap = 0.9385, |mass| = 0.0747
+pt = 2.0197, phi = 5.9042, rap = 0.9416, |mass| = 0.0000
+pt = 0.0302, phi = 2.3021, rap = 0.9669, |mass| = 0.0000
+pt = 0.2038, phi = 2.6248, rap = 0.9718, |mass| = 0.0823
+pt = 0.2283, phi = 0.7729, rap = 0.9754, |mass| = 0.0000
+pt = 0.4837, phi = 6.2096, rap = 0.9917, |mass| = 0.0000
+pt = 0.0000, phi = 1.6492, rap = 0.9937, |mass| = 0.0615
+pt = 1.1563, phi = 1.8193, rap = 0.9987, |mass| = 0.3776
+pt = 2.0304, phi = 1.9405, rap = 1.0063, |mass| = 0.4865
+pt = 0.3743, phi = 3.2114, rap = 1.0078, |mass| = 0.6570
+pt = 0.3533, phi = 3.8936, rap = 1.0109, |mass| = 0.0000
+pt = 0.4985, phi = 6.0103, rap = 1.0350, |mass| = 0.6787
+pt = 0.4349, phi = 1.5879, rap = 1.0489, |mass| = 0.0000
+pt = 0.9261, phi = 2.4110, rap = 1.0565, |mass| = 0.0000
+pt = 0.0000, phi = 0.2223, rap = 1.0592, |mass| = 0.0000
+pt = 0.0000, phi = 0.2182, rap = 1.0634, |mass| = 0.2121
+pt = 1.7619, phi = 2.1993, rap = 1.0685, |mass| = 0.9396
+pt = 0.0177, phi = 2.2157, rap = 1.0731, |mass| = 0.0673
+pt = 0.7359, phi = 2.4491, rap = 1.0845, |mass| = 0.7473
+pt = 0.0082, phi = 0.0435, rap = 1.0969, |mass| = 0.0037
+pt = 0.0000, phi = 0.1580, rap = 1.1244, |mass| = 0.0044
+pt = 1.2545, phi = 3.7716, rap = 1.1266, |mass| = 0.0000
+pt = 0.8267, phi = 3.8805, rap = 1.1281, |mass| = 0.4351
+pt = 0.0000, phi = 3.9461, rap = 1.1289, |mass| = 0.1356
+pt = 1.4420, phi = 2.1470, rap = 1.1299, |mass| = 0.3212
+pt = 0.0000, phi = 3.0345, rap = 1.1380, |mass| = 0.5628
+pt = 0.1086, phi = 6.2627, rap = 1.1410, |mass| = 0.0723
+pt = 0.6687, phi = 3.6682, rap = 1.1423, |mass| = 0.2636
+pt = 0.3565, phi = 6.2192, rap = 1.1465, |mass| = 0.0000
+pt = 0.0000, phi = 0.0632, rap = 1.1606, |mass| = 0.2321
+pt = 1.7036, phi = 2.2491, rap = 1.1824, |mass| = 0.0076
+pt = 0.0000, phi = 5.1993, rap = 1.2196, |mass| = 0.5937
+pt = 0.1766, phi = 1.5378, rap = 1.2240, |mass| = 0.4027
+pt = 2.2739, phi = 2.0002, rap = 1.2478, |mass| = 0.0000
+pt = 1.6566, phi = 2.4614, rap = 1.2917, |mass| = 0.5628
+pt = 0.7367, phi = 1.3460, rap = 1.3049, |mass| = 0.3286
+pt = 1.0362, phi = 2.1008, rap = 1.3221, |mass| = 0.0000
+pt = 0.6290, phi = 3.4732, rap = 1.3242, |mass| = 0.0000
+pt = 0.5543, phi = 0.4431, rap = 1.3560, |mass| = 0.4835
+pt = 0.0000, phi = 3.8285, rap = 1.3878, |mass| = 0.5312
+pt = 0.1199, phi = 4.2127, rap = 1.3914, |mass| = 0.0000
+pt = 0.2769, phi = 3.5671, rap = 1.3936, |mass| = 0.0000
+pt = 0.0000, phi = 5.9932, rap = 1.4169, |mass| = 0.0272
+pt = 0.6947, phi = 4.9412, rap = 1.4212, |mass| = 0.0000
+pt = 0.0000, phi = 3.8509, rap = 1.4223, |mass| = 0.1425
+pt = 0.0000, phi = 4.8650, rap = 1.4360, |mass| = 0.1428
+pt = 0.0000, phi = 2.9119, rap = 1.4499, |mass| = 0.0023
+pt = 1.7198, phi = 2.6652, rap = 1.4574, |mass| = 0.0000
+pt = 0.8109, phi = 3.8357, rap = 1.4605, |mass| = 0.0000
+pt = 1.3411, phi = 4.7690, rap = 1.4731, |mass| = 0.6477
+pt = 0.0000, phi = 2.8208, rap = 1.4985, |mass| = 0.0031
+pt = 0.9190, phi = 2.2565, rap = 1.5072, |mass| = 0.0000
+pt = 0.0000, phi = 2.8818, rap = 1.5173, |mass| = 0.1590
+pt = 1.2208, phi = 2.6610, rap = 1.5637, |mass| = 0.0000
+pt = 1.6775, phi = 5.5777, rap = 1.5689, |mass| = 0.5927
+pt = 0.0996, phi = 4.1969, rap = 1.5827, |mass| = 0.0000
+pt = 0.4834, phi = 0.9558, rap = 1.6013, |mass| = 0.0861
+pt = 0.0000, phi = 3.7564, rap = 1.6039, |mass| = 0.5825
+pt = 2.0678, phi = 2.7272, rap = 1.6053, |mass| = 0.0000
+pt = 0.2615, phi = 5.0173, rap = 1.6058, |mass| = 0.0000
+pt = 2.0504, phi = 5.2340, rap = 1.6192, |mass| = 0.7020
+pt = 0.5238, phi = 4.9272, rap = 1.6319, |mass| = 0.0000
+pt = 0.2418, phi = 3.9398, rap = 1.6559, |mass| = 0.0000
+pt = 1.3222, phi = 5.7800, rap = 1.6586, |mass| = 0.0000
+pt = 0.0000, phi = 5.0318, rap = 1.6731, |mass| = 0.1411
+pt = 0.3312, phi = 2.9014, rap = 1.6933, |mass| = 0.2498
+pt = 0.3063, phi = 2.6133, rap = 1.7359, |mass| = 0.0000
+pt = 1.2151, phi = 5.0883, rap = 1.7570, |mass| = 0.0000
+pt = 1.5091, phi = 2.4587, rap = 1.7761, |mass| = 0.0000
+pt = 5.8516, phi = 2.7960, rap = 1.8007, |mass| = 0.0000
+pt = 3.2881, phi = 0.9863, rap = 1.8074, |mass| = 0.0000
+pt = 0.0000, phi = 2.1390, rap = 1.8452, |mass| = 0.3741
+pt = 0.7812, phi = 3.2073, rap = 1.8452, |mass| = 0.4319
+pt = 2.2629, phi = 2.7201, rap = 1.8501, |mass| = 0.0000
+pt = 5.8164, phi = 2.7803, rap = 1.8695, |mass| = 0.1396
+pt = 0.1432, phi = 2.4490, rap = 1.8713, |mass| = 0.0000
+pt = 2.4067, phi = 2.6740, rap = 1.8754, |mass| = 0.0000
+pt = 0.0000, phi = 4.8838, rap = 1.9101, |mass| = 0.4322
+pt = 0.7801, phi = 1.8314, rap = 1.9129, |mass| = 0.3426
+pt = 0.0610, phi = 2.8617, rap = 1.9170, |mass| = 0.0000
+pt = 0.0000, phi = 4.3408, rap = 1.9201, |mass| = 0.1579
+pt = 0.4352, phi = 2.7014, rap = 1.9332, |mass| = 0.1802
+pt = 0.0465, phi = 1.0835, rap = 1.9387, |mass| = 0.0000
+pt = 0.0000, phi = 0.1115, rap = 1.9533, |mass| = 0.1951
+pt = 0.0570, phi = 2.7514, rap = 1.9591, |mass| = 0.0000
+pt = 0.3565, phi = 2.0417, rap = 2.0056, |mass| = 0.7263
+pt = 0.2497, phi = 3.0374, rap = 2.0565, |mass| = 0.0000
+pt = 2.5844, phi = 3.0890, rap = 2.0668, |mass| = 0.4121
+pt = 0.2686, phi = 2.8988, rap = 2.0761, |mass| = 0.0000
+pt = 1.4991, phi = 2.8476, rap = 2.0854, |mass| = 0.0000
+pt = 0.6425, phi = 2.8541, rap = 2.0864, |mass| = 0.0000
+pt = 3.2188, phi = 2.9009, rap = 2.0914, |mass| = 0.4977
+pt = 0.0000, phi = 5.6835, rap = 2.1183, |mass| = 0.1840
+pt = 8.1435, phi = 2.9158, rap = 2.1664, |mass| = 0.1396
+pt = 2.0721, phi = 2.6275, rap = 2.1787, |mass| = 0.7990
+pt = 14.3157, phi = 2.9648, rap = 2.1793, |mass| = 0.4936
+pt = 7.7212, phi = 2.8981, rap = 2.1901, |mass| = 0.1396
+pt = 8.3485, phi = 2.9077, rap = 2.1933, |mass| = 0.4977
+pt = 2.8765, phi = 2.8874, rap = 2.1989, |mass| = 0.4257
+pt = 5.8343, phi = 2.9472, rap = 2.2211, |mass| = 0.4923
+pt = 0.0000, phi = 3.0658, rap = 2.2278, |mass| = 0.0909
+pt = 1.0778, phi = 2.3070, rap = 2.2353, |mass| = 0.0000
+pt = 2.1925, phi = 2.9942, rap = 2.2515, |mass| = 0.1377
+pt = 0.6841, phi = 2.6010, rap = 2.2538, |mass| = 0.0000
+pt = 0.0000, phi = 5.1560, rap = 2.2964, |mass| = 0.4865
+pt = 7.1839, phi = 2.8741, rap = 2.2979, |mass| = 0.4939
+pt = 0.0000, phi = 6.0673, rap = 2.3115, |mass| = 0.0348
+pt = 0.0000, phi = 6.0460, rap = 2.3143, |mass| = 0.1625
+pt = 0.0000, phi = 0.0765, rap = 2.3267, |mass| = 0.1487
+pt = 1.5578, phi = 2.4512, rap = 2.3893, |mass| = 0.2297
+pt = 0.0561, phi = 2.3703, rap = 2.3927, |mass| = 0.0000
+pt = 0.8700, phi = 4.9860, rap = 2.4013, |mass| = 0.0000
+pt = 0.5302, phi = 3.2281, rap = 2.4204, |mass| = 0.0000
+pt = 0.1290, phi = 2.3345, rap = 2.4268, |mass| = 0.0000
+pt = 0.6660, phi = 5.0863, rap = 2.4376, |mass| = 0.0000
+pt = 0.0194, phi = 4.6126, rap = 2.4678, |mass| = 0.0000
+pt = 0.7014, phi = 5.6329, rap = 2.4704, |mass| = 0.0000
+pt = 0.7442, phi = 5.3862, rap = 2.4942, |mass| = 0.0000
+pt = 0.0000, phi = 1.6037, rap = 2.5252, |mass| = 0.0081
+pt = 0.4595, phi = 5.5875, rap = 2.5304, |mass| = 0.6839
+pt = 0.1247, phi = 5.9251, rap = 2.5418, |mass| = 0.0000
+pt = 0.0000, phi = 6.1094, rap = 2.5989, |mass| = 0.3691
+pt = 0.0000, phi = 5.7227, rap = 2.6021, |mass| = 0.4243
+pt = 0.0000, phi = 3.8120, rap = 2.6416, |mass| = 0.1189
+pt = 0.6234, phi = 5.3477, rap = 2.6706, |mass| = 0.0000
+pt = 0.5617, phi = 5.2658, rap = 2.6781, |mass| = 0.0000
+pt = 0.0000, phi = 0.7093, rap = 2.7173, |mass| = 0.0058
+pt = 0.5063, phi = 5.2734, rap = 2.7487, |mass| = 0.0000
+pt = 0.0000, phi = 0.6350, rap = 2.7563, |mass| = 0.0895
+pt = 0.0000, phi = 1.3875, rap = 2.7583, |mass| = 0.2865
+pt = 0.1517, phi = 5.5076, rap = 2.7812, |mass| = 0.0000
+pt = 0.1057, phi = 5.6581, rap = 2.7844, |mass| = 0.0000
+pt = 0.4563, phi = 5.2945, rap = 2.7975, |mass| = 0.0000
+pt = 0.4356, phi = 4.8803, rap = 2.8057, |mass| = 0.0000
+pt = 0.0000, phi = 1.7026, rap = 2.8144, |mass| = 0.3577
+pt = 0.0041, phi = 4.5915, rap = 2.8524, |mass| = 0.1510
+pt = 0.2325, phi = 5.7985, rap = 2.8754, |mass| = 0.0000
+pt = 0.0000, phi = 4.6285, rap = 2.9342, |mass| = 0.4933
+pt = 0.0000, phi = 0.2897, rap = 2.9419, |mass| = 0.2332
+pt = 0.0000, phi = 4.5237, rap = 2.9486, |mass| = 0.1555
+pt = 1.4292, phi = 5.3496, rap = 2.9503, |mass| = 0.0000
+pt = 0.4905, phi = 4.5024, rap = 2.9632, |mass| = 0.0890
+pt = 0.0026, phi = 5.4471, rap = 2.9999, |mass| = 0.0000
+pt = 0.0000, phi = 3.2030, rap = 3.0507, |mass| = 0.1135
+pt = 0.0000, phi = 1.6339, rap = 3.0626, |mass| = 0.1011
+pt = 0.0000, phi = 2.8474, rap = 3.1114, |mass| = 0.3193
+pt = 0.0000, phi = 2.5911, rap = 3.1385, |mass| = 0.2516
+pt = 0.0336, phi = 3.8185, rap = 3.2569, |mass| = 0.0000
+pt = 0.1227, phi = 3.8074, rap = 3.3040, |mass| = 0.0000
+pt = 0.0000, phi = 0.0370, rap = 3.4874, |mass| = 0.0596
+pt = 0.2193, phi = 3.7510, rap = 3.5445, |mass| = 0.2481
+pt = 0.0000, phi = 5.8221, rap = 3.5533, |mass| = 0.0338
+pt = 0.1912, phi = 0.6887, rap = 3.5684, |mass| = 0.0000
+pt = 0.1086, phi = 5.1156, rap = 3.6265, |mass| = 0.0000
+pt = 0.0000, phi = 5.8746, rap = 3.6499, |mass| = 0.0331
+pt = 0.2161, phi = 3.5986, rap = 3.6873, |mass| = 0.0000
+pt = 3.3820, phi = 5.8328, rap = 3.8261, |mass| = 0.0000
+pt = 1.5458, phi = 5.9007, rap = 3.8434, |mass| = 0.0000
+pt = 1.0339, phi = 3.7877, rap = 3.8660, |mass| = 0.0000
+pt = 0.6243, phi = 3.9673, rap = 3.9384, |mass| = 0.0000
+# original hard jets
+pt = 89.57, rap = 2.088, mass = 21.55, width = 0.1866
+pt = 144.5, rap = 0.6689, mass = 19.34, width = 0.06909
+pt = 220.1, rap = -1.068, mass = 18.09, width = 0.0337
+# unsubtracted full jets
+pt = 115.3, rap = 2.08, mass = 45.33, width = 0.2569
+pt = 167.3, rap = 0.6891, mass = 58.31, width = 0.1268
+pt = 230.5, rap = -1.065, mass = 46.2, width = 0.05647
+# subtracted full jets
+pt = 95.14, rap = 2.085, mass = 27.42, width = 0.2087
+pt = 148.3, rap = 0.6822, mass = 39.48, width = 0.07935
+pt = 215.2, rap = -1.069, mass = 23.92, width = 0.02739
Index: contrib/contribs/ConstituentSubtractor/tags/1.2.8/
--- contrib/contribs/ConstituentSubtractor/tags/1.2.8/ (revision 0)
+++ contrib/contribs/ConstituentSubtractor/tags/1.2.8/ (revision 1135)
@@ -0,0 +1,234 @@
+// Example on how to do pileup correction on the whole event
+// run it with
+// ./example_background_rescaling < ../data/Pythia-Zp2jets-lhc-pileup-1ev.dat
+// This file is part of FastJet contrib.
+// It is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
+// the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
+// Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at
+// your option) any later version.
+// It is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
+// ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
+// License for more details.
+// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+// along with this code. If not, see <>.
+#include "fastjet/Selector.hh"
+#include "fastjet/tools/GridMedianBackgroundEstimator.hh"
+#include "fastjet/ClusterSequence.hh"
+#include "ConstituentSubtractor.hh" // In external code, this should be fastjet/contrib/ConstituentSubtractor.hh
+#include "RescalingClasses.hh" // In external code, this should be fastjet/contrib/RescalingClasses.hh
+#include "functions.hh"
+//#include "TH1D.h"
+//#include "TH2D.h"
+//#include "TF1.h"
+using namespace std;
+using namespace fastjet;
+int main(){
+ ///**** rescaling in heavy ion events using rapidity dependence from TH1 histogram: ****
+ /// Set the five parameters for rescaling using function
+ /// BackgroundRescalingYFromRootPhi(double v2, double v3, double v4, double psi, T* hist);
+ /// which is parametrized as
+ /// f(y,phi) = phi_term(phi) * rap_term(y)
+ /// where
+ /// phi_term(phi) = 1 + 2 * v2^2 * cos(2*(phi-psi)) + 2 * v3^2 * cos(3*(phi-psi)) + 2 * v4^2 * cos(4*(phi-psi))
+ /// with four parameters v2, v3, v4, and psi.
+ /// rap_term(y) = bin content of the histogram at position y
+ ///
+ /// You need to set the parameters event-by-event. Example where the TH1 histogram is filled with a random distribution. Do not use this histogram!!! Fill your own histogram with all particles (topoclusters) weighted by their pt using minimum bias events.
+ /*TH1D* hist=new TH1D("hist","",100,-5,5);
+ TF1 polynom("polynom","1+0.03*x*x-0.003*x*x*x*x",-5,5);
+ for (int i=1;i<hist->GetNbinsX()+1;i++){
+ hist->SetBinContent(i,polynom(hist->GetBinCenter(i)));
+ }
+ contrib::BackgroundRescalingYFromRootPhi<TH1D> rescaling(0.1,0.1,0.001,0,hist);
+ rescaling.use_rap_term(true); // this is useful to make sure that the histogram with rapidity dependence is defined. Set to false, if you do not want to use the rapidity rescaling
+ */
+ ///**** rescaling in heavy ion events using rapidity dependence stored in vector<double>: ****
+ /// Set the six parameters for rescaling using function
+ /// BackgroundRescalingYPhiUsingVectorForY(double v2, double v3, double v4, double psi, std::vector<double> values, std::vector<double> rap_binning);
+ /// which is parametrized as
+ /// f(y,phi) = phi_term(phi) * rap_term(y)
+ /// where
+ /// phi_term(phi) = 1 + 2 * v2^2 * cos(2*(phi-psi)) + 2 * v3^2 * cos(3*(phi-psi)) + 2 * v4^2 * cos(4*(phi-psi))
+ /// with four parameters v2, v3, v4, and psi.
+ /// rap_term(y) = bin content of the vector at position y
+ ///
+ /// The user must set the parameters event-by-event. Example:
+ vector<double> values;
+ vector<double> binning;
+ values.push_back(5);
+ values.push_back(6);
+ values.push_back(5.5);
+ values.push_back(5);
+ binning.push_back(-4);
+ binning.push_back(-2);
+ binning.push_back(0);
+ binning.push_back(2);
+ binning.push_back(4);
+ contrib::BackgroundRescalingYPhiUsingVectorForY rescaling(0.1,0.1,0.001,0,values,binning);
+ rescaling.use_rap_term(true); // this is useful to check if the vectors with rapidity dependence have good sizes, if one wants to use also the rapidity rescaling.
+ ///**** rescaling in heavy ion events using parametrized rapidity dependence: ****
+ // Set the seven parameters for rescaling using function
+ // BackgroundRescalingYPhi(double v2, double v3, double v4, double psi, double a1, double sigma1, double a2, double sigma2)
+ /// which is parametrized as
+ /// f(y,phi) = phi_term(phi) * rap_term(y)
+ /// where
+ /// phi_term(phi) = 1 + 2 * v2^2 * cos(2*(phi-psi)) + 2 * v3^2 * cos(3*(phi-psi)) + 2 * v4^2 * cos(4*(phi-psi))
+ /// with four parameters v2, v3, v4, and psi.
+ /// rap_term(y) = a1*exp(-pow(y,2)/(2*sigma1^2)) + a2*exp(-pow(y,2)/(2*sigma2^2))
+ /// with four parameters sigma1, sigma2, 1a, and a2.
+ ///
+ /// You need to set the parameters event-by-event. Example:
+ //contrib::BackgroundRescalingYPhi rescaling(0.1,0.1,0.001,0,1,5,0,10);
+ //rescaling.use_rap_term(false); // set to true, if you have derived also the rapidity terms for the rescaling
+ ///**** rescaling using rapidity dependence stored in root TH1 object: ****
+ // find the rapidity distribution of pileup particles from minimum bias events in a separate run. Fill a root TH1 histogram with this distribution.
+ // Here as an example where the TH1 histogram is filled with a random distribution. Do not use this!!! Fill it with all particles (topoclusters) weighted by their pt using minimum bias events.
+ /* TH1D* hist=new TH1D("hist","",100,-5,5);
+ TF1 polynom("polynom","1+0.03*x*x-0.003*x*x*x*x",-5,5);
+ for (int i=1;i<hist->GetNbinsX()+1;i++){
+ hist->SetBinContent(i,polynom(hist->GetBinCenter(i)));
+ }
+ contrib::BackgroundRescalingYFromRoot<TH1D> rescaling(hist);
+ ///**** rescaling using rapidity and azimuth dependence stored in root TH2 object: ****
+ // find the rapidity and azimuth distribution of pileup particles from minimum bias events in a separate run. Fill a root TH2 histogram with this distribution.
+ // Here as an example where the TH2 histogram is filled with a random distribution. Do not use this!!! Fill it with all particles (topoclusters) weighted by their pt using minimum bias events.
+ /* TH2D* hist=new TH2D("hist","",100,-5,5,100,0,6.28319);
+ TF1 polynom("polynom","1+0.03*x*x-0.003*x*x*x*x",-5,5);
+ for (int i=1;i<hist->GetNbinsX()+1;i++){
+ for (int j=1;j<hist->GetNbinsY()+1;j++){
+ hist->SetBinContent(i,j,polynom(hist->GetXaxis()->GetBinCenter(i)));
+ }
+ }
+ contrib::BackgroundRescalingYFromRoot<TH2D> rescaling(hist);
+ */
+ // set up before event loop:
+ contrib::ConstituentSubtractor subtractor;
+ subtractor.set_distance_type(contrib::ConstituentSubtractor::deltaR); // free parameter for the type of distance between particle i and ghost k. There are two options: "deltaR" or "angle" which are defined as deltaR=sqrt((y_i-y_k)^2+(phi_i-phi_k)^2) or Euclidean angle between the momenta
+ subtractor.set_max_distance(1); // free parameter for the maximal allowed distance between particle i and ghost k
+ subtractor.set_alpha(2); // free parameter for the distance measure (the exponent of particle pt). The larger the parameter alpha, the more are favoured the lower pt particles in the subtraction process
+ subtractor.set_ghost_area(0.01); // free parameter for the density of ghosts. The smaller, the better - but also the computation is slower.
+ // event loop
+ // read in input particles
+ vector<PseudoJet> hard_event, full_event;
+ read_event(hard_event, full_event);
+ double max_eta=4; // specify the maximal pseudorapidity for the particles used in the subtraction
+ double max_eta_jet=3; // the maximal pseudorapidity for selected jets
+ // keep the particles up to 4 units in rapidity
+ hard_event = SelectorAbsEtaMax(max_eta)(hard_event);
+ full_event = SelectorAbsEtaMax(max_eta)(full_event);
+ cout << "# read an event with " << hard_event.size() << " signal particles and " << full_event.size() - hard_event.size() << " background particles with pseudo-rapidity |eta|<4" << endl;
+ // jet definition and jet selector
+ JetDefinition jet_def(antikt_algorithm, 0.7);
+ Selector sel_jets = SelectorNHardest(3) * SelectorAbsEtaMax(max_eta_jet);
+ // jet clustering
+ ClusterSequence clust_seq_hard(hard_event, jet_def);
+ ClusterSequence clust_seq_full(full_event, jet_def);
+ vector<PseudoJet> hard_jets = sel_jets(clust_seq_hard.inclusive_jets());
+ vector<PseudoJet> full_jets = sel_jets(clust_seq_full.inclusive_jets());
+ // background estimation
+ GridMedianBackgroundEstimator bge_rho(max_eta,0.5);
+ // setting the rescaling:
+ bge_rho.set_rescaling_class(&rescaling);
+ bge_rho.set_particles(full_event);
+ subtractor.set_background_estimator(&bge_rho);
+ // this sets the same background estimator to be used for deltaMass density, rho_m, as for pt density, rho:
+ subtractor.set_common_bge_for_rho_and_rhom(true); // for massless input particles it does not make any difference (rho_m is always zero)
+ cout << subtractor.description() << endl;
+ // correction of the whole event with ConstituentSubtractor
+ vector<PseudoJet> corrected_event=subtractor.subtract_event(full_event,max_eta);
+ ClusterSequence clust_seq_corr(corrected_event, jet_def);
+ vector<PseudoJet> corrected_jets = sel_jets(clust_seq_corr.inclusive_jets());
+ // shape variables:
+ //----------------------------------------------------------
+ JetWidth width;
+ // subtract and print the result
+ //----------------------------------------------------------
+ cout << setprecision(4);
+ cout << "# original hard jets" << endl;
+ for (unsigned int i=0; i<hard_jets.size(); i++){
+ const PseudoJet &jet = hard_jets[i];
+ cout << "pt = " <<
+ << ", rap = " << jet.rap()
+ << ", mass = " << jet.m()
+ << ", width = " << width(jet) << endl;
+ }
+ cout << endl;
+ cout << "# unsubtracted full jets" << endl;
+ for (unsigned int i=0; i<full_jets.size(); i++){
+ const PseudoJet &jet = full_jets[i];
+ cout << "pt = " <<
+ << ", rap = " << jet.rap()
+ << ", mass = " << jet.m()
+ << ", width = " << width(jet) << endl;
+ }
+ cout << endl;
+ cout << "# subtracted full jets" << endl;
+ for (unsigned int i=0; i<corrected_jets.size(); i++){
+ const PseudoJet &jet = corrected_jets[i];
+ cout << "pt = " <<
+ << ", rap = " << jet.rap()
+ << ", mass = " << jet.m()
+ << ", width = " << width(jet) << endl;
+ }
+ cout << endl;
+ return 0;

File Metadata

Mime Type
Tue, Nov 19, 3:54 PM (1 d, 20 h)
Storage Engine
Storage Format
Raw Data
Storage Handle
Default Alt Text
(361 KB)

Event Timeline