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diff --git a/Hadronization/ b/Hadronization/
--- a/Hadronization/
+++ b/Hadronization/
@@ -1,1137 +1,1137 @@
// -*- C++ -*-
// is a part of Herwig - A multi-purpose Monte Carlo event generator
// Copyright (C) 2002-2019 The Herwig Collaboration
// Herwig is licenced under version 3 of the GPL, see COPYING for details.
// Please respect the MCnet academic guidelines, see GUIDELINES for details.
// This is the implementation of the non-inlined, non-templated member
// functions of the HadronSelector class.
#include "HadronSelector.h"
#include "ThePEG/Interface/ClassDocumentation.h"
#include "ThePEG/Interface/Parameter.h"
#include "ThePEG/Interface/Switch.h"
#include "ThePEG/Interface/ParVector.h"
#include "ThePEG/Interface/RefVector.h"
#include "ThePEG/Persistency/PersistentOStream.h"
#include "ThePEG/Persistency/PersistentIStream.h"
#include <ThePEG/PDT/EnumParticles.h>
#include <ThePEG/Repository/EventGenerator.h>
#include <ThePEG/Repository/CurrentGenerator.h>
#include <ThePEG/Repository/Repository.h>
#include "CheckId.h"
#include <ThePEG/Utilities/DescribeClass.h>
using namespace Herwig;
namespace {
// debug helper
void dumpTable(const HadronSelector::HadronTable & tbl) {
typedef HadronSelector::HadronTable::const_iterator TableIter;
for (TableIter it = tbl.begin(); it != tbl.end(); ++it) {
cerr << it->first.first << ' '
<< it->first.second << '\n';
for (HadronSelector::KupcoData::const_iterator jt = it->second.begin();
jt != it->second.end(); ++jt) {
cerr << '\t' << *jt << '\n';
bool weightIsLess (pair<long,double> a, pair<long,double> b) {
return a.second < b.second;
HadronSelector::HadronSelector(unsigned int opt)
: _pwtDquark( 1.0 ),_pwtUquark( 1.0 ),_pwtSquark( 1.0 ),_pwtCquark( 0.0 ),
_pwtBquark( 0.0 ),_pwtDIquarkS0( 1.0 ),_pwtDIquarkS1( 1.0 ),
_repwt(Lmax,vector<vector<double> >(Jmax,vector<double>(Nmax))),
_sngWt( 1.0 ),_octWt(1.0), _decWt( 1.0 ),
_limBottom(), _limCharm(), _limExotic(), belowThreshold_(0)
// The mixing angles
// the ideal mixing angle
const double idealAngleMix = atan( sqrt(0.5) ) * 180.0 / Constants::pi;
// \eta-\eta' mixing angle
_etamix = -23.0;
// phi-omega mixing angle
_phimix = +36.0;
// h_1'-h_1 mixing angle
_h1mix = idealAngleMix;
// f_0(1710)-f_0(1370) mixing angle
_f0mix = idealAngleMix;
// f_1(1420)-f_1(1285)\f$ mixing angle
_f1mix = idealAngleMix;
// f'_2-f_2\f$ mixing angle
_f2mix = +26.0;
// eta_2(1870)-eta_2(1645) mixing angle
_eta2mix = idealAngleMix;
// phi(???)-omega(1650) mixing angle
_omhmix = idealAngleMix;
// phi_3-omega_3 mixing angle
_ph3mix = +28.0;
// eta(1475)-eta(1295) mixing angle
_eta2Smix = idealAngleMix;
// phi(1680)-omega(1420) mixing angle
_phi2Smix = idealAngleMix;
void HadronSelector::persistentOutput(PersistentOStream & os) const {
os << _partons << _pwtDquark << _pwtUquark << _pwtSquark
<< _pwtCquark << _pwtBquark << _pwtDIquarkS0 << _pwtDIquarkS1
<< _etamix << _phimix << _h1mix << _f0mix << _f1mix << _f2mix
<< _eta2mix << _omhmix << _ph3mix << _eta2Smix << _phi2Smix
<< _weight1S0 << _weight3S1 << _weight1P1 << _weight3P0 << _weight3P1
<< _weight3P2 << _weight1D2 << _weight3D1 << _weight3D2 << _weight3D3
<< _forbidden << _sngWt << _octWt << _decWt << _repwt << _pwt
<< _limBottom << _limCharm << _limExotic << belowThreshold_
<< _table;
void HadronSelector::persistentInput(PersistentIStream & is, int) {
is >> _partons >> _pwtDquark >> _pwtUquark >> _pwtSquark
>> _pwtCquark >> _pwtBquark >> _pwtDIquarkS0 >> _pwtDIquarkS1
>> _etamix >> _phimix >> _h1mix >> _f0mix >> _f1mix >> _f2mix
>> _eta2mix >> _omhmix >> _ph3mix >> _eta2Smix >> _phi2Smix
>> _weight1S0 >> _weight3S1 >> _weight1P1 >> _weight3P0 >> _weight3P1
>> _weight3P2 >> _weight1D2 >> _weight3D1 >> _weight3D2 >> _weight3D3
>> _forbidden >> _sngWt >> _octWt >> _decWt >> _repwt >> _pwt
>> _limBottom >> _limCharm >> _limExotic >> belowThreshold_
>> _table;
void HadronSelector::Init() {
static ClassDocumentation<HadronSelector> documentation
("There is no documentation for the HadronSelector class");
static Parameter<HadronSelector,double>
interfacePwtDquark("PwtDquark","Weight for choosing a quark D",
&HadronSelector::_pwtDquark, 0, 1.0, 0.0, 10.0,
static Parameter<HadronSelector,double>
interfacePwtUquark("PwtUquark","Weight for choosing a quark U",
&HadronSelector::_pwtUquark, 0, 1.0, 0.0, 10.0,
static Parameter<HadronSelector,double>
interfacePwtSquark("PwtSquark","Weight for choosing a quark S",
&HadronSelector::_pwtSquark, 0, 1.0, 0.0, 10.0,
static Parameter<HadronSelector,double>
interfacePwtCquark("PwtCquark","Weight for choosing a quark C",
&HadronSelector::_pwtCquark, 0, 0.0, 0.0, 10.0,
static Parameter<HadronSelector,double>
interfacePwtBquark("PwtBquark","Weight for choosing a quark B",
&HadronSelector::_pwtBquark, 0, 0.0, 0.0, 10.0,
static Parameter<HadronSelector,double>
interfacePwtDIquarkS0("PwtDIquarkS0","Weight for choosing a spin-0 DIquark",
&HadronSelector::_pwtDIquarkS0, 0, 1.0, 0.0, 100.0,
static Parameter<HadronSelector,double>
interfacePwtDIquarkS1("PwtDIquarkS1","Weight for choosing a spin-1 DIquark",
&HadronSelector::_pwtDIquarkS1, 0, 1.0, 0.0, 100.0,
static Parameter<HadronSelector,double>
interfaceSngWt("SngWt","Weight for singlet baryons",
&HadronSelector::_sngWt, 0, 1.0, 0.0, 10.0,
static Parameter<HadronSelector,double>
interfaceOctWt("OctWt","Weight for octet baryons",
&HadronSelector::_octWt, 0, 1.0, 0.0, 10.0,
static Parameter<HadronSelector,double>
interfaceDecWt("DecWt","Weight for decuplet baryons",
&HadronSelector::_decWt, 0, 1.0, 0.0, 10.0,
static RefVector<HadronSelector,ParticleData> interfacePartons
"The partons which are to be considered as the consistuents of the hadrons.",
&HadronSelector::_partons, -1, false, false, true, false, false);
static RefVector<HadronSelector,ParticleData> interfaceForbidden
"The PDG codes of the particles which cannot be produced in the hadronization.",
&HadronSelector::_forbidden, -1, false, false, true, false, false);
// mixing angles
// the ideal mixing angle
const double idealAngleMix = atan( sqrt(0.5) ) * 180.0 / Constants::pi;
static Parameter<HadronSelector,double> interface11S0Mixing
"The mixing angle for the I=0 mesons from the 1 1S0 multiplet,"
" i.e. eta and etaprime.",
&HadronSelector::_etamix, -23., -180., 180.,
false, false, Interface::limited);
static Parameter<HadronSelector,double> interface13S1Mixing
"The mixing angle for the I=0 mesons from the 1 3S1 multiplet,"
" i.e. phi and omega.",
&HadronSelector::_phimix, +36., -180., 180.,
false, false, Interface::limited);
static Parameter<HadronSelector,double> interface11P1Mixing
"The mixing angle for the I=0 mesons from the 1 1P1 multiplet,"
" i.e. h_1' and h_1.",
&HadronSelector::_h1mix, idealAngleMix, -180., 180.,
false, false, Interface::limited);
static Parameter<HadronSelector,double> interface13P0Mixing
"The mixing angle for the I=0 mesons from the 1 3P0 multiplet,"
" i.e. f_0(1710) and f_0(1370).",
&HadronSelector::_f0mix, idealAngleMix, -180., 180.,
false, false, Interface::limited);
static Parameter<HadronSelector,double> interface13P1Mixing
"The mixing angle for the I=0 mesons from the 1 3P1 multiplet,"
" i.e. f_1(1420) and f_1(1285).",
&HadronSelector::_f1mix, idealAngleMix, -180., 180.,
false, false, Interface::limited);
static Parameter<HadronSelector,double> interface13P2Mixing
"The mixing angle for the I=0 mesons from the 1 3P2 multiplet,"
" i.e. f'_2 and f_2.",
&HadronSelector::_f2mix, 26.0, -180., 180.,
false, false, Interface::limited);
static Parameter<HadronSelector,double> interface11D2Mixing
"The mixing angle for the I=0 mesons from the 1 1D2 multiplet,"
" i.e. eta_2(1870) and eta_2(1645).",
&HadronSelector::_eta2mix, idealAngleMix, -180., 180.,
false, false, Interface::limited);
static Parameter<HadronSelector,double> interface13D0Mixing
"The mixing angle for the I=0 mesons from the 1 3D0 multiplet,"
" i.e. eta_2(1870) phi(?) and omega(1650).",
&HadronSelector::_omhmix, idealAngleMix, -180., 180.,
false, false, Interface::limited);
static Parameter<HadronSelector,double> interface13D1Mixing
"The mixing angle for the I=0 mesons from the 1 3D1 multiplet,"
" i.e. phi_3 and omega_3.",
&HadronSelector::_ph3mix, 28.0, -180., 180.,
false, false, Interface::limited);
static Parameter<HadronSelector,double> interface21S0Mixing
"The mixing angle for the I=0 mesons from the 2 1S0 multiplet,"
" i.e. eta(1475) and eta(1295).",
&HadronSelector::_eta2Smix, idealAngleMix, -180., 180.,
false, false, Interface::limited);
static Parameter<HadronSelector,double> interface23S1Mixing
"The mixing angle for the I=0 mesons from the 1 3S1 multiplet,"
" i.e. phi(1680) and omega(1420).",
&HadronSelector::_phi2Smix, idealAngleMix, -180., 180.,
false, false, Interface::limited);
// the meson weights
static ParVector<HadronSelector,double> interface1S0Weights
"The weights for the 1S0 multiplets start with n=1.",
&HadronSelector::_weight1S0, Nmax, 1.0, 0.0, 100.0,
false, false, Interface::limited);
static ParVector<HadronSelector,double> interface3S1Weights
"The weights for the 3S1 multiplets start with n=1.",
&HadronSelector::_weight3S1, Nmax, 1.0, 0.0, 100.0,
false, false, Interface::limited);
static ParVector<HadronSelector,double> interface1P1Weights
"The weights for the 1P1 multiplets start with n=1.",
&HadronSelector::_weight1P1, Nmax, 1.0, 0.0, 100.0,
false, false, Interface::limited);
static ParVector<HadronSelector,double> interface3P0Weights
"The weights for the 3P0 multiplets start with n=1.",
&HadronSelector::_weight3P0, Nmax, 1.0, 0.0, 100.0,
false, false, Interface::limited);
static ParVector<HadronSelector,double> interface3P1Weights
"The weights for the 3P1 multiplets start with n=1.",
&HadronSelector::_weight3P1, Nmax, 1.0, 0.0, 100.0,
false, false, Interface::limited);
static ParVector<HadronSelector,double> interface3P2Weights
"The weights for the 3P2 multiplets start with n=1.",
&HadronSelector::_weight3P2, Nmax, 1.0, 0.0, 100.0,
false, false, Interface::limited);
static ParVector<HadronSelector,double> interface1D2Weights
"The weights for the 1D2 multiplets start with n=1.",
&HadronSelector::_weight1D2, Nmax, 1.0, 0.0, 100.0,
false, false, Interface::limited);
static ParVector<HadronSelector,double> interface3D1Weights
"The weights for the 3D1 multiplets start with n=1.",
&HadronSelector::_weight3D1, Nmax, 1.0, 0.0, 100.0,
false, false, Interface::limited);
static ParVector<HadronSelector,double> interface3D2Weights
"The weights for the 3D2 multiplets start with n=1.",
&HadronSelector::_weight3D2, Nmax, 1.0, 0.0, 100.0,
false, false, Interface::limited);
static ParVector<HadronSelector,double> interface3D3Weights
"The weights for the 3D3 multiplets start with n=1.",
&HadronSelector::_weight3D3, Nmax, 1.0, 0.0, 100.0,
false, false, Interface::limited);
static Switch<HadronSelector,unsigned int> interfaceTrial
"A Debugging option to only produce certain types of hadrons",
&HadronSelector::_trial, 0, false, false);
static SwitchOption interfaceTrialAll
"Produce all the hadrons",
static SwitchOption interfaceTrialPions
"Only produce pions",
static SwitchOption interfaceTrialSpin2
"Only mesons with spin less than or equal to two are produced",
static SwitchOption interfaceTrialSpin3
"Only hadrons with spin less than or equal to three are produced",
static Parameter<HadronSelector,double>
interfaceSingleHadronLimitBottom ("SingleHadronLimitBottom",
"Threshold for one-hadron decay of b-cluster",
0, 0.0, 0.0, 100.0,false,false,false);
static Parameter<HadronSelector,double>
interfaceSingleHadronLimitCharm ("SingleHadronLimitCharm",
"threshold for one-hadron decay of c-cluster",
0, 0.0, 0.0, 100.0,false,false,false);
static Parameter<HadronSelector,double>
interfaceSingleHadronLimitExotic ("SingleHadronLimitExotic",
"threshold for one-hadron decay of exotic cluster",
0, 0.0, 0.0, 100.0,false,false,false);
static Switch<HadronSelector,unsigned int> interfaceBelowThreshold
"Option fo the selection of the hadrons if the cluster is below the pair threshold",
&HadronSelector::belowThreshold_, 0, false, false);
static SwitchOption interfaceBelowThresholdLightest
"Force cluster to decay to the lightest hadron with the appropriate flavours",
static SwitchOption interfaceBelowThresholdAll
"Select from all the hadrons below the two hadron threshold according to their spin weights",
double HadronSelector::mixingStateWeight(long id) const {
switch(id) {
case ParticleID::eta: return 0.5*probabilityMixing(_etamix ,1);
case ParticleID::etaprime: return 0.5*probabilityMixing(_etamix ,2);
case ParticleID::phi: return 0.5*probabilityMixing(_phimix ,1);
case ParticleID::omega: return 0.5*probabilityMixing(_phimix ,2);
case ParticleID::hprime_1: return 0.5*probabilityMixing(_h1mix ,1);
case ParticleID::h_1: return 0.5*probabilityMixing(_h1mix ,2);
case 10331: return 0.5*probabilityMixing(_f0mix ,1);
case 10221: return 0.5*probabilityMixing(_f0mix ,2);
case ParticleID::fprime_1: return 0.5*probabilityMixing(_f1mix ,1);
case ParticleID::f_1: return 0.5*probabilityMixing(_f1mix ,2);
case ParticleID::fprime_2: return 0.5*probabilityMixing(_f2mix ,1);
case ParticleID::f_2: return 0.5*probabilityMixing(_f2mix ,2);
case 10335: return 0.5*probabilityMixing(_eta2mix ,1);
case 10225: return 0.5*probabilityMixing(_eta2mix ,2);
// missing phi member of 13D1 should be here
case 30223: return 0.5*probabilityMixing(_omhmix ,2);
case 337: return 0.5*probabilityMixing(_ph3mix ,1);
case 227: return 0.5*probabilityMixing(_ph3mix ,2);
case 100331: return 0.5*probabilityMixing(_eta2mix ,1);
case 100221: return 0.5*probabilityMixing(_eta2mix ,2);
case 100333: return 0.5*probabilityMixing(_phi2Smix,1);
case 100223: return 0.5*probabilityMixing(_phi2Smix,2);
default: return 1./3.;
void HadronSelector::doinit() {
// the default partons allowed
// the quarks
for ( int ix=1; ix<=5; ++ix ) {
// the diquarks
for(unsigned int ix=1;ix<=5;++ix) {
for(unsigned int iy=1; iy<=ix;++iy) {
// set the weights for the various excited mesons
// set all to one to start with
for (int l = 0; l < Lmax; ++l ) {
for (int j = 0; j < Jmax; ++j) {
for (int n = 0; n < Nmax; ++n) {
_repwt[l][j][n] = 1.0;
// set the others from the relevant vectors
for( int ix=0;ix<max(int(_weight1S0.size()),int(Nmax));++ix)
for( int ix=0;ix<max(int(_weight3S1.size()),int(Nmax));++ix)
for( int ix=0;ix<max(int(_weight1P1.size()),int(Nmax));++ix)
for( int ix=0;ix<max(int(_weight3P0.size()),int(Nmax));++ix)
for( int ix=0;ix<max(int(_weight3P1.size()),int(Nmax));++ix)
for( int ix=0;ix<max(int(_weight3P2.size()),int(Nmax));++ix)
for( int ix=0;ix<max(int(_weight1D2.size()),int(Nmax));++ix)
for( int ix=0;ix<max(int(_weight3D1.size()),int(Nmax));++ix)
for( int ix=0;ix<max(int(_weight3D2.size()),int(Nmax));++ix)
for( int ix=0;ix<max(int(_weight3D3.size()),int(Nmax));++ix)
// weights for the different quarks etc
for(unsigned int ix=0; ix<_partons.size(); ++ix) {
_pwt[1] = _pwtDquark;
_pwt[2] = _pwtUquark;
_pwt[3] = _pwtSquark;
_pwt[4] = _pwtCquark;
_pwt[5] = _pwtBquark;
_pwt[1103] = _pwtDIquarkS1 * _pwtDquark * _pwtDquark;
_pwt[2101] = 0.5 * _pwtDIquarkS0 * _pwtUquark * _pwtDquark;
_pwt[2103] = 0.5 * _pwtDIquarkS1 * _pwtUquark * _pwtDquark;
_pwt[2203] = _pwtDIquarkS1 * _pwtUquark * _pwtUquark;
_pwt[3101] = 0.5 * _pwtDIquarkS0 * _pwtSquark * _pwtDquark;
_pwt[3103] = 0.5 * _pwtDIquarkS1 * _pwtSquark * _pwtDquark;
_pwt[3201] = 0.5 * _pwtDIquarkS0 * _pwtSquark * _pwtUquark;
_pwt[3203] = 0.5 * _pwtDIquarkS1 * _pwtSquark * _pwtUquark;
_pwt[3303] = _pwtDIquarkS1 * _pwtSquark * _pwtSquark;
// Commenting out heavy di-quark weights
_pwt[4101] = 0.0;
_pwt[4201] = 0.0;
_pwt[4301] = 0.0;
_pwt[4403] = 0.0;
_pwt[5101] = 0.0;
_pwt[5201] = 0.0;
_pwt[5301] = 0.0;
_pwt[5401] = 0.0;
_pwt[5503] = 0.0;
// find the maximum
map<long,double>::iterator pit =
const double pmax = pit->second;
for(pit=_pwt.begin(); pit!=_pwt.end(); ++pit) {
// construct the hadron tables
// for debugging
- dumpTable(table());
+ // dumpTable(table());
void HadronSelector::insertToHadronTable(tPDPtr &particle, int flav1, int flav2) {
// inserting a new Hadron in the hadron table.
long pid = particle->id();
int pspin = particle->iSpin();
double maxdd(0.),maxss(0.),maxrest(0.);
HadronInfo a(pid, particle,specialWeight(pid),particle->mass());
// set the weight to the number of spin states
a.overallWeight = pspin;
// identical light flavours
if(flav1 == flav2 && flav1<=3) {
// ddbar> uubar> admixture states
if(flav1==1) {
if(_topt != 0) a.overallWeight *= 0.5*a.swtef;
if(_topt == 0 && a.overallWeight > maxdd) maxdd = a.overallWeight;
// load up ssbar> uubar> ddbar> admixture states
else {
a.wt = mixingStateWeight(pid);
a.overallWeight *= a.wt;
if(_topt != 0) a.overallWeight *= a.swtef;
if(_topt == 0 && a.overallWeight > maxdd) maxdd = a.overallWeight;
a.wt = (_topt != 0) ? 1.- 2.*a.wt : 1 - a.wt;
if(a.wt > 0) {
a.overallWeight = a.wt * a.swtef * pspin;
if(_topt == 0 && a.overallWeight > maxss) maxss = a.overallWeight;
// spin-1/2 baryons
else if(pspin==2) {
// octet bit
long iq1 = flav1/1000;
long iq2 = (flav1/100)%10;
if(_topt != 0) a.overallWeight *= a.swtef;
if(iq1==iq2) {
// first the uu1 d type piece
a.wt = 1./6.;
a.overallWeight *= a.wt;
if(_topt == 0 && a.overallWeight > maxrest) maxrest = a.overallWeight;
// also need ud1 u type
long f3 = CheckId::makeDiquarkID(iq1,flav2,3);
a.overallWeight /= a.wt;
a.wt = 1./12.;
a.overallWeight *= a.wt;
_table[make_pair(iq1,f3 )].insert(a);
_table[make_pair(f3 ,iq1)].insert(a);
if(_topt == 0 && a.overallWeight > maxrest) maxrest = a.overallWeight;
// and ud0 u type
f3 = CheckId::makeDiquarkID(iq1,flav2,1);
a.overallWeight /= a.wt;
a.wt = 3./4.;
a.overallWeight *= a.wt;
_table[make_pair(iq1,f3 )].insert(a);
_table[make_pair(f3 ,iq1)].insert(a);
if(_topt == 0 && a.overallWeight > maxrest) maxrest = a.overallWeight;
else if(iq1==flav2) {
// ud1 u type
a.wt = 1./12.;
a.overallWeight *= a.wt;
if(_topt == 0 && a.overallWeight > maxrest) maxrest = a.overallWeight;
// also need ud0 u type
long f3 = CheckId::makeDiquarkID(iq1,iq2,1);
a.overallWeight /= a.wt;
a.wt = 3./4.;
a.overallWeight *= a.wt;
_table[make_pair(f3 ,flav2)].insert(a);
_table[make_pair(flav2 ,f3 )].insert(a);
if(_topt == 0 && a.overallWeight > maxrest) maxrest = a.overallWeight;
// and uu1 d type
f3 = CheckId::makeDiquarkID(iq1,iq1,3);
a.overallWeight /= a.wt;
a.wt = 1./6.;
a.overallWeight *= a.wt;
_table[make_pair(f3 ,iq2)].insert(a);
_table[make_pair(iq2, f3)].insert(a);
if(_topt == 0 && a.overallWeight > maxrest) maxrest = a.overallWeight;
else if(iq2==flav2) assert(false);
else {
// determine if light quarks in spin 0 or spin 1
long it1 = (pid/100)%10;
long it2 = (pid/10 )%10;
// first perm
// only spin-0
if(it1<it2) {
long f3 = CheckId::makeDiquarkID(iq1,iq2,1);
a.wt = 1./2.;
a.overallWeight *= a.wt;
if(_topt == 0 && a.overallWeight > maxrest) maxrest = a.overallWeight;
// only spin-1
else {
a.wt = 1./6.;
a.overallWeight *= a.wt;
if(_topt == 0 && a.overallWeight > maxrest) maxrest = a.overallWeight;
// not sure here
// spin 0
a.overallWeight /= a.wt;
a.wt = 1./2.;
a.overallWeight *= a.wt;
// second perm
long f3 = CheckId::makeDiquarkID(iq1,flav2,1);
if(_topt == 0 && a.overallWeight > maxrest) maxrest = a.overallWeight;
// 3rd perm
f3 = CheckId::makeDiquarkID(iq2,flav2,1);
if(_topt == 0 && a.overallWeight > maxrest) maxrest = a.overallWeight;
// spin 1
a.overallWeight /= a.wt;
a.wt = 1./6.;
a.overallWeight *= a.wt;
// second perm
f3 = CheckId::makeDiquarkID(iq1,flav2,3);
if(_topt == 0 && a.overallWeight > maxrest) maxrest = a.overallWeight;
// 3rd perm
f3 = CheckId::makeDiquarkID(iq2,flav2,3);
if(_topt == 0 && a.overallWeight > maxrest) maxrest = a.overallWeight;
// spin -3/2 baryons
else if(pspin==4) {
long iq1 = flav1/1000;
long iq2 = (flav1/100)%10;
if(_topt != 0) a.overallWeight *= a.swtef;
// all the same
if(iq1==iq2 && iq1==flav2) {
a.wt = 1.;
a.overallWeight *= a.wt;
if(_topt == 0 && a.overallWeight > maxrest) maxrest = a.overallWeight;
else if(iq1==iq2) {
// first option uu1 d
- a.wt = 1./3.;
+ a.wt = 2./3.; // should be 1/3
a.overallWeight *= a.wt;
if(_topt == 0 && a.overallWeight > maxrest) maxrest = a.overallWeight;
// also need ud1 u type
long f3 = CheckId::makeDiquarkID(iq1,flav2,3);
a.overallWeight /= a.wt;
- a.wt = 2./3.;
+ a.wt = 2./3.; // should be 1/3
a.overallWeight *= a.wt;
_table[make_pair(iq1,f3 )].insert(a);
_table[make_pair(f3 ,iq1)].insert(a);
if(_topt == 0 && a.overallWeight > maxrest) maxrest = a.overallWeight;
else if(iq1==flav2) {
// also need ud1 u type
a.wt = 2./3.;
a.overallWeight *= a.wt;
if(_topt == 0 && a.overallWeight > maxrest) maxrest = a.overallWeight;
// and uu1 d type
long f3 = CheckId::makeDiquarkID(iq1,iq1,3);
a.overallWeight /= a.wt;
- a.wt = 1./3.;
+ a.wt = 2./3.; // should be 1/3
a.overallWeight *= a.wt;
if(_topt == 0 && a.overallWeight > maxrest) maxrest = a.overallWeight;
else if(iq2==flav2) assert(false);
else {
// just need the three different combinations
// first perm
- a.wt = 1./3.;
+ a.wt = 2./3.; // should be 1/3
a.overallWeight *= a.wt;
if(_topt == 0 && a.overallWeight > maxrest) maxrest = a.overallWeight;
// 2nd perm
long f3 = CheckId::makeDiquarkID(iq1,flav2,3);
if(_topt == 0 && a.overallWeight > maxrest) maxrest = a.overallWeight;
// 3rd perm
f3 = CheckId::makeDiquarkID(iq2,flav2,3);
if(_topt == 0 && a.overallWeight > maxrest) maxrest = a.overallWeight;
// all other cases
else {
if(_topt != 0) a.overallWeight *=a.swtef;
if(flav1 != flav2) _table[make_pair(flav2,flav1)].insert(a);
if(_topt == 0 && a.overallWeight > maxrest) maxrest = a.overallWeight;
// normalise weights to one for first option
if(_topt == 0) {
HadronTable::const_iterator tit;
KupcoData::iterator it;
for(tit=_table.begin();tit!=_table.end();++tit) {
double weight;
if(tit->first.first==tit->first.second) {
if(tit->first.first==1||tit->first.first==2) weight=1./maxdd;
else if (tit->first.first==3) weight=1./maxss;
else weight=1./maxrest;
else weight=1./maxrest;
for(it = tit->second.begin(); it!=tit->second.end(); ++it) {
void HadronSelector::constructHadronTable() {
// initialise the table
for(unsigned int ix=0; ix<_partons.size(); ++ix) {
for(unsigned int iy=0; iy<_partons.size(); ++iy) {
if (!(DiquarkMatcher::Check(_partons[ix]->id())
&& DiquarkMatcher::Check(_partons[iy]->id())))
_table[make_pair(_partons[ix]->id(),_partons[iy]->id())] = KupcoData();
// get the particles from the event generator
ParticleMap particles = generator()->particles();
// loop over the particles
for(ParticleMap::iterator it=particles.begin();
it!=particles.end(); ++it) {
long pid = it->first;
tPDPtr particle = it->second;
int pspin = particle->iSpin();
// Don't include hadrons which are explicitly forbidden
// Don't include non-hadrons or antiparticles
if(pid < 100) continue;
// remove diffractive particles
if(pspin == 0) continue;
// K_0S and K_0L not made make K0 and Kbar0
if(pid==ParticleID::K_S0||pid==ParticleID::K_L0) continue;
// Debugging options
// Only include those with 2J+1 less than...5
if(_trial==2 && pspin >= 5) continue;
// Only include those with 2J+1 less than...7
if(_trial==3 && pspin >= 7) continue;
// Only include pions
if(_trial==1 && pid!=111 && pid!=211) continue;
// shouldn't be coloured
if(particle->coloured()) continue;
// Get the flavours
const int x4 = (pid/1000)%10;
const int x3 = (pid/100 )%10;
const int x2 = (pid/10 )%10;
const int x7 = (pid/1000000)%10;
const bool wantSusy = x7 == 1 || x7 == 2;
// Skip non-hadrons (susy particles, etc...)
if(x3 == 0 || x2 == 0) continue;
int flav1,flav2;
// meson
if(x4 == 0) {
flav1 = x2;
flav2 = x3;
if (wantSusy) flav2 += 1000000 * x7;
// baryon
else {
flav2 = x4;
if (wantSusy) flav2 += 1000000 * x7;
// insert the spin 1 diquark, sort out the rest later
flav1 = CheckId::makeDiquarkID(x2,x3,3);
double HadronSelector::specialWeight(long id) const {
const int pspin = id % 10;
// Only K0L and K0S have pspin == 0, should
// not get them until Decay step
assert( pspin != 0 );
// Baryon : J = 1/2 or 3/2
if(pspin == 2) {
// Singlet (Lambda-like) baryon
if( (id/100)%10 < (id/10 )%10 ) return sqr(_sngWt);
// octet
else return sqr(_octWt);
// Decuplet baryon
else if (pspin == 4) return sqr(_decWt);
// Meson
else if(pspin % 2 == 1) {
// Total angular momentum
int j = (pspin - 1) / 2;
// related to Orbital angular momentum l
int nl = (id/10000 )%10;
int l = -999;
int n = (id/100000)%10; // Radial excitation
if(j == 0) l = nl;
else if(nl == 0) l = j - 1;
else if(nl == 1 || nl == 2) l = j;
else if(nl == 3) l = j + 1;
// Angular or Radial excited meson
if((l||j||n) && l>=0 && l<Lmax && j<Jmax && n<Nmax) {
return sqr(_repwt[l][j][n]);
// rest is not excited or
// has spin >= 5/2 (ispin >= 6), haven't got those
return 1.0;
int HadronSelector::signHadron(tcPDPtr idQ1, tcPDPtr idQ2,
tcPDPtr hadron) const {
// This method receives in input three PDG ids, whose the
// first two have proper signs (corresponding to particles, id > 0,
// or antiparticles, id < 0 ), whereas the third one must
// be always positive (particle not antiparticle),
// corresponding to:
// --- quark-antiquark, or antiquark-quark, or
// quark-diquark, or diquark-quark, or
// antiquark-antidiquark, or antidiquark-antiquark
// for the first two input (idQ1, idQ2);
// --- meson or baryon for the third input (idHad):
// The method returns:
// --- + 1 if the two partons (idQ1, idQ2) are exactly
// the constituents for the hadron idHad;
// --- - 1 if the two partons (idQ1, idQ2) are exactly
// the constituents for the anti-hadron -idHad;
// --- + 0 otherwise.
// The method it is therefore useful to decide the
// sign of the id of the produced hadron as appeared
// in the vector _vecHad (where only hadron idHad > 0 are present)
// given the two constituent partons.
int sign = 0;
long idHad = hadron->id();
assert(idHad > 0);
int chargeIn = idQ1->iCharge() + idQ2->iCharge();
int chargeOut = hadron->iCharge();
// same charge
if( chargeIn == chargeOut && chargeIn !=0 ) sign = +1;
else if(chargeIn == -chargeOut && chargeIn !=0 ) sign = -1;
else if(chargeIn == 0 && chargeOut == 0 ) {
// In the case of same null charge, there are four cases:
// i) K0-like mesons, B0-like mesons, Bs-like mesons
// the PDG convention is to consider them "antiparticle" (idHad < 0)
// if the "dominant" (heavier) flavour (respectively, s, b)
// is a quark (idQ > 0): for instance, B0s = (b, sbar) has id < 0
// Remember that there is an important exception for K0L (id=130) and
// K0S (id=310): they don't have antiparticles, therefore idHad > 0
// always. We use below the fact that K0L and K0S are the unique
// hadrons having 0 the first (less significant) digit of their id.
// 2) D0-like mesons: the PDG convention is to consider them "particle"
// (idHad > 0) if the charm flavour is carried by a c: (c,ubar) has id>0
// 3) the remaining mesons should not have antiparticle, therefore their
// sign is always positive.
// 4) for baryons, that is when one of idQ1 and idQ2 is a (anti-) quark and
// the other one is a (anti-) diquark the sign is negative when both
// constituents are "anti", that is both with id < 0; positive otherwise.
// meson
if(abs(int(idQ1->iColour()))== 3 && abs(int(idQ2->iColour())) == 3 &&
!DiquarkMatcher::Check(idQ1->id()) && !DiquarkMatcher::Check(idQ2->id()))
int idQa = abs(idQ1->id());
int idQb = abs(idQ2->id());
int dominant = idQ2->id();
if(idQa > idQb) {
dominant = idQ1->id();
if((idQa==ParticleID::d && idQb==ParticleID::s) ||
(idQa==ParticleID::d && idQb==ParticleID::b) ||
(idQa==ParticleID::s && idQb==ParticleID::b)) {
// idHad%10 is zero for K0L,K0S
if (dominant < 0 || idHad%10 == 0) sign = +1;
else if(dominant > 0) sign = -1;
else if((idQa==ParticleID::u && idQb==ParticleID::c) ||
(idQa==ParticleID::u && idQb==ParticleID::t) ||
(idQa==ParticleID::c && idQb==ParticleID::t)) {
if (dominant > 0) sign = +1;
else if(dominant < 0) sign = -1;
else if(idQa==idQb) sign = +1;
// sets sign for Susy particles
else sign = (dominant > 0) ? +1 : -1;
// baryon
else if(DiquarkMatcher::Check(idQ1->id()) || DiquarkMatcher::Check(idQ2->id())) {
if (idQ1->id() > 0 && idQ2->id() > 0) sign = +1;
else if(idQ1->id() < 0 && idQ2->id() < 0) sign = -1;
if (sign == 0) {
cerr << "Could not work out sign for "
<< idQ1->PDGName() << ' '
<< idQ2->PDGName() << " => "
<< hadron->PDGName() << '\n';
return sign;
pair<tcPDPtr,tcPDPtr> HadronSelector::lightestHadronPair(tcPDPtr ptr1, tcPDPtr ptr2,
tcPDPtr ptr3) const {
// throw exception of id3!=0 as doesn't work
if ( ptr3 ) throw Exception()
<< "ptr3!=0 not yet implemented in HadronSelector::lightestHadronPair"
<< Exception::abortnow;
// charge
int totalcharge = ptr1->iCharge() + ptr2->iCharge();
if ( ptr3 ) totalcharge += ptr3->iCharge();
tcPDPtr vIdHad1[2]={tcPDPtr(),tcPDPtr()},vIdHad2[2]={tcPDPtr(),tcPDPtr()};
bool vOk[2] = {false, false};
Energy vMassPair[2] = { ZERO, ZERO };
for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
tcPDPtr idPartner = i==0 ? getParticleData(ParticleID::d) : getParticleData(ParticleID::u);
// Change sign to idPartner (transform it into a anti-quark) if it is not
// possible to form a meson or a baryon.
assert (ptr1 && idPartner);
if (!CheckId::canBeHadron(ptr1, idPartner)) idPartner = idPartner->CC();
vIdHad1[i] = lightestHadron(ptr1, idPartner);
vIdHad2[i] = lightestHadron(ptr2, idPartner->CC());
if ( vIdHad1[i] && vIdHad2[i] &&
vIdHad1[i]->iCharge() + vIdHad2[i]->iCharge() == totalcharge ) {
vOk[i] = true;
vMassPair[i] = vIdHad1[i]->mass() + vIdHad2[i]->mass();
// Take the lightest pair compatible with charge conservation.
if ( vOk[0] && ( ! vOk[1] || vMassPair[0] <= vMassPair[1] ) ) {
return make_pair(vIdHad1[0],vIdHad2[0]);
else if ( vOk[1] && ( ! vOk[0] || vMassPair[1] < vMassPair[0] ) ) {
return make_pair(vIdHad1[1],vIdHad2[1]);
else {
return make_pair(tcPDPtr(),tcPDPtr());
Energy HadronSelector::massLightestBaryonPair(tcPDPtr ptr1, tcPDPtr ptr2) const {
// Make sure that we don't have any diquarks as input, return arbitrarily
// large value if we do
Energy currentSum = Constants::MaxEnergy;
for(unsigned int ix=0; ix<_partons.size(); ++ix) {
if(!DiquarkMatcher::Check(_partons[ix]->id())) continue;
if( tit1==_table.end() || tit2==_table.end()) continue;
if(tit1->second.empty()||tit2->second.empty()) continue;
Energy s = tit1->second.begin()->mass + tit2->second.begin()->mass;
if(currentSum > s) currentSum = s;
return currentSum;
tcPDPtr HadronSelector::lightestHadron(tcPDPtr ptr1, tcPDPtr ptr2,
#ifndef NDEBUG
tcPDPtr ptr3) const {
tcPDPtr ) const {
// The method assumes ptr3 == 0 rest not implemented
assert(ptr1 && ptr2 && !ptr3);
// find entry in the table
pair<long,long> ids = make_pair(abs(ptr1->id()),abs(ptr2->id()));
HadronTable::const_iterator tit=_table.find(ids);
// throw exception if flavours wrong
if (tit==_table.end())
throw Exception() << "Could not find "
<< ids.first << ' ' << ids.second
<< " in _table. "
<< "In HadronSelector::lightestHadron()"
<< Exception::eventerror;
throw Exception() << "HadronSelector::lightestHadron "
<< "could not find any hadrons containing "
<< ptr1->id() << ' ' << ptr2->id() << '\n'
<< tit->first.first << ' '
<< tit->first.second << Exception::eventerror;
// find the lightest hadron
int sign = signHadron(ptr1,ptr2,tit->second.begin()->ptrData);
tcPDPtr candidate = sign > 0 ?
tit->second.begin()->ptrData : tit->second.begin()->ptrData->CC();
// \todo 20 GeV limit is temporary fudge to let SM particles go through.
// \todo Use isExotic instead?
if (candidate->mass() > 20*GeV
&& candidate->mass() < ptr1->constituentMass() + ptr2->constituentMass()) {
generator()->log() << "HadronSelector::lightestHadron: "
<< "chosen candidate " << candidate->PDGName()
<< " is lighter than its constituents "
<< ptr1->PDGName() << ", " << ptr2->PDGName() << '\n'
<< candidate->mass()/GeV << " < " << ptr1->constituentMass()/GeV
<< " + " << ptr2->constituentMass()/GeV << '\n'
<< "Check your particle data tables.\n";
return candidate;
vector<pair<tcPDPtr,double> >
HadronSelector::hadronsBelowThreshold(Energy threshold, tcPDPtr ptr1,
tcPDPtr ptr2,
#ifndef NDEBUG
tcPDPtr ptr3) const {
tcPDPtr ) const {
// The method assumes ptr3 == 0 rest not implemented
assert(ptr1 && ptr2 && !ptr3);
// find entry in the table
pair<long,long> ids = make_pair(abs(ptr1->id()),abs(ptr2->id()));
HadronTable::const_iterator tit=_table.find(ids);
// throw exception if flavours wrong
if (tit==_table.end())
throw Exception() << "Could not find "
<< ids.first << ' ' << ids.second
<< " in _table. "
<< "In HadronSelector::hadronsBelowThreshold()"
<< Exception::eventerror;
throw Exception() << "HadronSelector::hadronsBelowThreshold() "
<< "could not find any hadrons containing "
<< ptr1->id() << ' ' << ptr2->id() << '\n'
<< tit->first.first << ' '
<< tit->first.second << Exception::eventerror;
vector<pair<tcPDPtr,double> > candidates;
KupcoData::const_iterator hit = tit->second.begin();
// find the hadrons
while(hit!=tit->second.end()&&hit->mass<threshold) {
// find the hadron
int sign = signHadron(ptr1,ptr2,hit->ptrData);
tcPDPtr candidate = sign > 0 ? hit->ptrData : hit->ptrData->CC();
// \todo 20 GeV limit is temporary fudge to let SM particles go through.
// \todo Use isExotic instead?
if (candidate->mass() > 20*GeV
&& candidate->mass() < ptr1->constituentMass() + ptr2->constituentMass()) {
generator()->log() << "HadronSelector::hadronsBelowTheshold: "
<< "chosen candidate " << candidate->PDGName()
<< " is lighter than its constituents "
<< ptr1->PDGName() << ", " << ptr2->PDGName() << '\n'
<< candidate->mass()/GeV << " < " << ptr1->constituentMass()/GeV
<< " + " << ptr2->constituentMass()/GeV << '\n'
<< "Check your particle data tables.\n";
return candidates;
tcPDPtr HadronSelector::chooseSingleHadron(tcPDPtr par1, tcPDPtr par2,
Energy mass) const {
// Determine the sum of the nominal masses of the two lightest hadrons
// with the right flavour numbers as the cluster under consideration.
// Notice that we don't need real masses (drawn by a Breit-Wigner
// distribution) because the lightest pair of hadrons does not involve
// any broad resonance.
Energy threshold = massLightestHadronPair(par1,par2);
// Special: it allows one-hadron decays also above threshold.
if (CheckId::isExotic(par1,par2))
threshold *= (1.0 + UseRandom::rnd()*_limExotic);
else if (CheckId::hasBottom(par1,par2))
threshold *= (1.0 + UseRandom::rnd()*_limBottom);
else if (CheckId::hasCharm(par1,par2))
threshold *= (1.0 + UseRandom::rnd()*_limCharm);
// only do one hadron decay is mass less than the threshold
if(mass>=threshold) return tcPDPtr();
// select the hadron
tcPDPtr hadron;
// old option pick the lightest hadron
if(belowThreshold_ == 0) {
hadron= lightestHadron(par1,par2);
// new option select from those available
else if(belowThreshold_ == 1) {
vector<pair<tcPDPtr,double> > hadrons =
if(hadrons.size()==1) {
hadron = hadrons[0].first;
else if(hadrons.empty()) {
hadron= lightestHadron(par1,par2);
else {
double totalWeight=0.;
for(unsigned int ix=0;ix<hadrons.size();++ix) {
totalWeight += hadrons[ix].second;
totalWeight *= UseRandom::rnd();
for(unsigned int ix=0;ix<hadrons.size();++ix) {
if(totalWeight<=hadrons[ix].second) {
hadron = hadrons[ix].first;
totalWeight -= hadrons[ix].second;
return hadron;
diff --git a/src/defaults/ b/src/defaults/
--- a/src/defaults/
+++ b/src/defaults/
@@ -1,102 +1,102 @@
# -*- ThePEG-repository -*-
# Setup of default hadronization
# There are no user servicable parts inside.
# Anything that follows below should only be touched if you
# know what you're doing.
cd /Herwig/Particles
create ThePEG::ParticleData Cluster
setup Cluster 81 Cluster 0.00990 0.0 0.0 0.0 0 0 0 1
create ThePEG::ParticleData Remnant
setup Remnant 82 Remnant 0.00990 0.0 0.0 0.0 0 0 0 1
mkdir /Herwig/Hadronization
cd /Herwig/Hadronization
create Herwig::ClusterHadronizationHandler ClusterHadHandler
create Herwig::PartonSplitter PartonSplitter
create Herwig::ClusterFinder ClusterFinder
create Herwig::ColourReconnector ColourReconnector
create Herwig::ClusterFissioner ClusterFissioner
create Herwig::LightClusterDecayer LightClusterDecayer
create Herwig::ClusterDecayer ClusterDecayer
create Herwig::HwppSelector HadronSelector
newdef ClusterHadHandler:PartonSplitter PartonSplitter
newdef ClusterHadHandler:ClusterFinder ClusterFinder
newdef ClusterHadHandler:ColourReconnector ColourReconnector
newdef ClusterHadHandler:ClusterFissioner ClusterFissioner
newdef ClusterHadHandler:LightClusterDecayer LightClusterDecayer
newdef ClusterHadHandler:ClusterDecayer ClusterDecayer
newdef ClusterHadHandler:MinVirtuality2 0.1*GeV2
newdef ClusterHadHandler:MaxDisplacement 1.0e-10*millimeter
newdef ClusterHadHandler:UnderlyingEventHandler NULL
newdef ClusterFissioner:HadronSelector HadronSelector
newdef LightClusterDecayer:HadronSelector HadronSelector
newdef ClusterDecayer:HadronSelector HadronSelector
newdef ColourReconnector:ColourReconnection Yes
newdef ColourReconnector:ReconnectionProbabilityBaryonic 0.7
newdef ColourReconnector:ReconnectionProbability 0.95
newdef ColourReconnector:Algorithm Baryonic
newdef ColourReconnector:OctetTreatment All
# Clustering parameters for light quarks
newdef ClusterFissioner:ClMaxLight 3.649
newdef ClusterFissioner:ClPowLight 2.780
newdef ClusterFissioner:PSplitLight 0.899
newdef ClusterDecayer:ClDirLight 1
newdef ClusterDecayer:ClSmrLight 0.78
# Clustering parameters for b-quarks
newdef ClusterFissioner:ClMaxBottom 3.757
newdef ClusterFissioner:ClPowBottom 0.547
newdef ClusterFissioner:PSplitBottom 0.625
newdef ClusterDecayer:ClDirBottom 1
newdef ClusterDecayer:ClSmrBottom 0.078
newdef HadronSelector:SingleHadronLimitBottom 0.000
# Clustering parameters for c-quarks
newdef ClusterFissioner:ClMaxCharm 3.950
newdef ClusterFissioner:ClPowCharm 2.559
newdef ClusterFissioner:PSplitCharm 0.994
newdef ClusterDecayer:ClDirCharm 1
newdef ClusterDecayer:ClSmrCharm 0.163
newdef HadronSelector:SingleHadronLimitCharm 0.000
# Clustering parameters for exotic quarks
# (e.g. hadronizing Susy particles)
newdef ClusterFissioner:ClMaxExotic 2.7*GeV
newdef ClusterFissioner:ClPowExotic 1.46
newdef ClusterFissioner:PSplitExotic 1.00
newdef ClusterDecayer:ClDirExotic 1
newdef ClusterDecayer:ClSmrExotic 0.
newdef HadronSelector:SingleHadronLimitExotic 0.
newdef PartonSplitter:SplitPwtSquark 0.824135
newdef PartonSplitter:Split uds
newdef HadronSelector:PwtDquark 1.0
newdef HadronSelector:PwtUquark 1.0
newdef HadronSelector:PwtSquark 0.291717
newdef HadronSelector:PwtCquark 0.0
newdef HadronSelector:PwtBquark 0.0
newdef HadronSelector:PwtDIquarkS0 0.2
newdef HadronSelector:PwtDIquarkS1 0.1
-newdef HadronSelector:SngWt 1.
-newdef HadronSelector:OctWt 1.
-newdef HadronSelector:DecWt 1.
+newdef HadronSelector:SngWt 0.75
+newdef HadronSelector:OctWt 0.60
+newdef HadronSelector:DecWt 0.50
newdef HadronSelector:Mode 1
newdef HadronSelector:BelowThreshold All
newdef HadronSelector:scHadronWtFactor 2.5
newdef HadronSelector:sbHadronWtFactor 2.5
create Herwig::SpinHadronizer SpinHadronizer

File Metadata

Mime Type
Tue, Nov 19, 7:56 PM (1 d, 7 h)
Storage Engine
Storage Format
Raw Data
Storage Handle
Default Alt Text
(48 KB)

Event Timeline