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diff --git a/Handlers/ b/Handlers/
--- a/Handlers/
+++ b/Handlers/
@@ -1,585 +1,604 @@
// -*- C++ -*-
// is a part of ThePEG - Toolkit for HEP Event Generation
// Copyright (C) 1999-2011 Leif Lonnblad
// ThePEG is licenced under version 2 of the GPL, see COPYING for details.
// Please respect the MCnet academic guidelines, see GUIDELINES for details.
// This is the implementation of the non-inlined, non-templated member
// functions of the ClusterCollapser class.
#include "ClusterCollapser.h"
#include "ThePEG/Interface/ClassDocumentation.h"
#include "ThePEG/Interface/Parameter.h"
#include "ThePEG/Interface/Switch.h"
#include "ThePEG/Interface/Reference.h"
#include "ThePEG/EventRecord/Particle.h"
#include "ThePEG/EventRecord/Step.h"
#include "ThePEG/Utilities/UtilityBase.h"
#include "ThePEG/Utilities/SimplePhaseSpace.h"
#include "ThePEG/PDT/StandardMatchers.h"
#include "ThePEG/Repository/EventGenerator.h"
#include "ThePEG/Handlers/EventHandler.h"
#include "ThePEG/Utilities/EnumIO.h"
// #include "ClusterCollapser.tcc"
#include "ThePEG/Persistency/PersistentOStream.h"
#include "ThePEG/Persistency/PersistentIStream.h"
using namespace ThePEG;
ClusterCollapser::~ClusterCollapser() {}
IBPtr ClusterCollapser::clone() const {
return new_ptr(*this);
IBPtr ClusterCollapser::fullclone() const {
return new_ptr(*this);
void ClusterCollapser::
handle(EventHandler &, const tPVector & tagged,
const Hint &) {
collapse(tagged, newStep());
vector<ColourSinglet> ClusterCollapser::
collapse(tPVector tagged, tStepPtr newstep) {
vector<ColourSinglet> newTagged;
SingletMap clusters = getSinglets(tagged);
// Go through all clusters below the cut.
while ( !clusters.empty() && clusters.begin()->first < cut() ) {
- ColourSinglet & cl = clusters.begin()->second;
+ SingletMap::iterator clit = clusters.begin();
+ ColourSinglet & cl = clit->second;
// If a cluster contains too many junctions, split them into
// several singlets.
while ( cl.nPieces() > 3 ) insert(clusters, cl.splitInternal());
// If a cluster contains a junktion and a diquark, split the
// diquark and make two simple strings.
while ( diQuarkJunction(cl) )
insert(clusters, splitDiQuarkJunction(cl, newstep));
// First try to collapse into two particles.
int ntry = nTry2();
while ( ntry > 0 ) {
if ( collapse2(newstep, cl) ) break;
// If that didn't work collapse into one particle and shuffle some
// energy to or from the other tagged particles.
if ( ntry == 0 ) {
// If this was a di-diquark cluster, split it into two.
- if ( diDiQuark(cl) ) insert(clusters, splitDiDiQuark(cl, newstep));
+ if ( diDiQuark(cl) ) {
+ insert(clusters, splitDiDiQuark(cl, newstep));
+ updateTagged(tagged);
+ }
collapse(newstep, cl, tagged);
- // Update the tagged vector and remove partons which have already
- // collapsed and insert their children instead.
- tPVector::iterator it = tagged.begin();
- set<tPPtr> children;
- while ( it != tagged.end() ) {
- *it = (**it).final();
- if ( (**it).decayed() ) {
- children.insert((**it).children().begin(), (**it).children().end());
- it = tagged.erase(it);
- }
- else ++it;
- }
- tagged.insert(tagged.end(), children.begin(), children.end());
+ updateTagged(tagged);
// Remove the collapsed cluster.
- clusters.erase(clusters.begin());
+ clusters.erase(clit);
// Recalculate masses of the remaining clusters, insert them in a
// temporary map and swap this map for the old map.
multimap<Energy,ColourSinglet> newClusters;
while ( !clusters.empty() ) {
ColourSinglet & cl = clusters.begin()->second;
for ( int i = 0, N = cl.partons().size(); i < N; ++i )
cl.partons()[i] = cl.partons()[i]->final();
insert(newClusters, cl);
// Return the left-over clusters in a vector.
for ( int is = 0, NS = newTagged.size(); is < NS; ++is ) {
return newTagged;
+void ClusterCollapser::updateTagged(tPVector & tagged) const {
+ tPVector::iterator it = tagged.begin();
+ set<tPPtr> children;
+ while ( it != tagged.end() ) {
+ *it = (**it).final();
+ if ( (**it).decayed() ) {
+ children.insert((**it).children().begin(), (**it).children().end());
+ it = tagged.erase(it);
+ }
+ else ++it;
+ }
+ tagged.insert(tagged.end(), children.begin(), children.end());
Energy ClusterCollapser::mass(const ColourSinglet & cl) {
LorentzMomentum sump;
Energy summ = ZERO;
for ( int i = 0, N = cl.partons().size(); i < N; ++i ) {
summ += cl.parton(i)->data().constituentMass();
sump += cl.parton(i)->momentum();
return sump.m() - summ;
void ClusterCollapser::insert(SingletMap & mmap, const ColourSinglet & cl) {
mmap.insert(make_pair(mass(cl), cl));
bool ClusterCollapser::diDiQuark(const ColourSinglet & cs) {
return ( cs.nPieces() == 1 &&
DiquarkMatcher::Check(cs.piece(1).front()->data()) &&
DiquarkMatcher::Check(cs.piece(1).back()->data()) );
ColourSinglet ClusterCollapser::
splitDiDiQuark(ColourSinglet & cs, tStepPtr newStep) const {
ColourSinglet ret;
// Split the first diquark
tcPPtr diq = cs.piece(1).front();
PPair qq1;
qq1.first = getParticle(diq->id()/1000);
qq1.second = getParticle((diq->id()/100)%10);
if ( qq1.first->mass() + qq1.second->mass() >= diq->mass() ) {
// If the sum of the quarks masses is larger than the diuark mass,
// set the new quark masses to zero.
// Distribut the quarks evenly in the cms of the diquark and add
// them as children of the diquark to the new step.
SimplePhaseSpace::CMS(sqr(diq->mass()), qq1.first, qq1.second);
newStep->addDecayProduct(diq, qq1.first);
newStep->addDecayProduct(diq, qq1.second);
// Split the second diquark
diq = cs.piece(1).back();
PPair qq2;
qq2.first = getParticle(diq->id()/1000);
qq2.second = getParticle((diq->id()/100)%10);
if ( qq2.first->mass() + qq2.second->mass() >= diq->mass() ) {
// If the sum of the quarks masses is larger than the diuark mass,
// set the new quark masses to zero.
// Distribut the quarks evenly in the cms of the diquark and add
// them as children of the diquark to the new step.
SimplePhaseSpace::CMS(sqr(diq->mass()), qq2.first, qq2.second);
newStep->addDecayProduct(diq, qq2.first);
newStep->addDecayProduct(diq, qq2.second);
if ( rndbool() ) swap(qq1.first, qq1.second);
return ret = cs.splitDiDiQuark(qq1, qq2);
bool ClusterCollapser::diQuarkJunction(const ColourSinglet & cs) {
if ( cs.nPieces() < 3 ) return false;
for ( int i = 1, N = cs.nPieces(); i <= N; ++i )
if ( DiquarkMatcher::Check(cs.piece(i).front()->data()) ||
DiquarkMatcher::Check(cs.piece(i).back()->data()) ) return true;
return false;
ColourSinglet ClusterCollapser::
splitDiQuarkJunction(ColourSinglet & cs, tStepPtr newStep) const {
ColourSinglet ret;
// Find the diquarks in the singlet and pick one randomly.
vector<ColourSinglet::Index> diqs;
for ( ColourSinglet::Index i = 1, N = cs.nPieces(); i <= N; ++i ) {
if ( DiquarkMatcher::Check(cs.piece(i).front()->data()) )
if ( DiquarkMatcher::Check(cs.piece(i).back()->data()) )
if ( diqs.empty() ) return ret;
ColourSinglet::Index seli = diqs[UseRandom::irnd(diqs.size())];
tcPPtr diq = seli > 0? cs.piece(seli).back(): cs.piece(seli).front();
// Create the to quarks
PPair qq;
qq.first = getParticle(diq->id()/1000);
qq.second = getParticle((diq->id()/100)%10);
if ( qq.first->mass() + qq.second->mass() >= diq->mass() ) {
// If the sum of the quarks masses is larger than the diuark mass,
// set the new quark masses to zero.
// Distribut the quarks evenly in the cms of the diquark and add
// them as children of the diquark to the new step.
SimplePhaseSpace::CMS(sqr(diq->mass()), qq.first, qq.second);
newStep->addDecayProduct(diq, qq.first);
newStep->addDecayProduct(diq, qq.second);
ret = cs.splitDiQuarkJunction(seli, diq, qq);
return ret;
ClusterCollapser::getSinglets(const tPVector & pv) const {
SingletMap ret;
// Get initial singlets
vector<ColourSinglet> clus = ColourSinglet::getSinglets(pv.begin(), pv.end());
// Return the singlets ordered in mass.
for ( int i = 0, N = clus.size(); i < N; ++i )
if ( !clus[i].partons().empty() ) insert(ret, clus[i]);
return ret;
tPVector ClusterCollapser::
getCompensators(Energy mh, const ColourSinglet & cs,
const tPVector & tagged, tStepPtr newStep) const {
tPVector ret;
tcPVector comp;
// First find the particles which are not a part of the collapsing
// cluster.
tParticleSet compset;
for ( int i = 0, N = tagged.size(); i < N; ++i )
if ( !member(cs.partons(), tagged[i]) ) compset.insert(tagged[i]);
LorentzMomentum pcomp;
LorentzMomentum pc = cs.momentum();
// start by only looking at other strings.
bool alsoSinglets = false;
do {
// Return an empty vector if no particles left.
if ( compset.empty() ) break;
// Now find the particle which is closest in phase space to the
// cluster.
Energy2 dist = Constants::MaxEnergy2;
tParticleSet::iterator sel = compset.end();
for ( tParticleSet::iterator it = compset.begin();
it != compset.end(); ++it ) {
if ( !(**it).coloured() && !alsoSinglets ) continue;
if ( -(pc - (**it).momentum()).m2() < dist ) {
dist = -(pc - (**it).momentum()).m2();
sel = it;
if ( sel == compset.end() ) {
if ( alsoSinglets ) break;
else {
alsoSinglets = true;
// Add to the temporary vector.
pcomp += (**sel).momentum();
// If there was not enough energy, find an additional compensator
// particle. Also check that compensators have mass to avoid boost
// problems.
} while ( comp.empty() || (pc + pcomp).m() <= mh + pcomp.m() ||
( comp.size() > 1 && pcomp.m2() <= ZERO ) );
// If this didn't work, let's try to fix it by disregarding the
// closest particle.
tcPVector::size_type end = comp.size();
while ( (pc + pcomp).m() <= mh + pcomp.m() ||
( comp.size() > 1 && pcomp.m2() <= ZERO ) ) {
if ( end == comp.size() ) {
if ( comp.size() < 2 ) return ret;
end = 1;
} else
pcomp = Utilities::sumMomentum(comp.begin(), comp.begin() + end);
// Now copy the compensators, add them to the new set and return them.
for ( tcPVector::size_type i = 0; i < end; ++i )
ret[i] = newStep->copyParticle(comp[i]);
return ret;
void ClusterCollapser::
collapse(tStepPtr newStep, const ColourSinglet & cs,
const tPVector & tagged) const {
// Produce the hadron to collapse into, set its momentum to the one
// of the collapsing cluster and generate the mass to be set.
tcPDPtr hd = getHadron(cs);
LorentzMomentum pc = cs.momentum();
PPtr h = hd->produceParticle(pc);
Energy mh = hd->generateMass();
// Select the partons to be used in momentum compensation
tPVector comp = getCompensators(mh, cs, tagged, newStep);
if ( comp.empty() ) {
if ( errorlevel ) throw ClusterException(*this)
<< "Could not find particles to shuffle momentum."
<< errorlevel;
h->set5Momentum(Lorentz5Momentum(pc, mh));
} else {
// Boost the hadron and the compensating particles into their cms
// with the hadon along the z-axis.
LorentzRotation R =
Utilities::boostToCM(comp.begin(), comp.end(), comp.end() - 1).inverse();
// Give the hadron and the compensators their correct mass and
// momentum and bost back
LorentzMomentum pcomp =
Utilities::sumMomentum(comp.begin(), comp.end() - 1);
Energy2 s = (pcomp + h->momentum()).m2();
Energy pnew = SimplePhaseSpace::getMagnitude(s, mh, pcomp.m());
h->set5Momentum(R*Lorentz5Momentum(ZERO, ZERO,
pnew, sqrt(sqr(pnew) + sqr(mh)), mh));
R = R*LorentzRotation(0.0, 0.0, -(pcomp.e()*pcomp.z() +
sqrt(sqr(pnew) + pcomp.m2())*pnew)/
(sqr(pnew) + sqr(pcomp.e())));
Utilities::transform(comp, R);
// Add the new particle to the step.
if ( !newStep->
addDecayProduct(cs.partons().begin(), cs.partons().end(), h) ) {
throw ClusterException(*this)
<< "Could not add decay products to the new step" << Exception::abortnow;
bool ClusterCollapser::
collapse2(tStepPtr newStep, const ColourSinglet & cs) const {
// First get the two particles into which to decay the cluster.
tcPDPair pdp = getHadrons(cs);
PVector h(2);
h[0] = pdp.first->produceParticle();
h[1] = pdp.second->produceParticle();
// Check the invariant mass of the cluster and return false if there
// was not enough energy.
LorentzMomentum pc = cs.momentum();
Energy2 s = pc.m2();
+ if ( sqr(h[0]->mass() + h[1]->mass()) >= s && diDiQuark(cs) ) {
+ // In the special case of di-diquars we try to take the flavours
+ // to create a meson pair instead. We begin by finding the quarks
+ PDPair qq = make_pair(getParticleData(cs.piece(1).front()->id()/1000),
+ getParticleData((cs.piece(1).front()->id()/100)%10));
+ PDPair aqq = make_pair(getParticleData(cs.piece(1).back()->id()/1000),
+ getParticleData((cs.piece(1).back()->id()/100)%10));
+ if ( UseRandom::rndbool() ) swap(qq.first, qq.second);
+ h[0] = flavGen->getHadron(qq.first, aqq.first)->produceParticle();
+ h[1] = flavGen->getHadron(qq.second, aqq.second)->produceParticle();
+ }
if ( sqr(h[0]->mass() + h[1]->mass()) >= s ) return false;
// Now set the momenta of the hadrons (distributed isotropically in
// the cluster cm system).
SimplePhaseSpace::CMS(s, h[0], h[1]);
Utilities::transform(h, LorentzRotation(pc.boostVector()));
// Add the hadrons as decay products of the partons in the
// cluster. Returns false if it fails (although throwing an
// exception may be more appropriate).
if ( !newStep->addDecayProduct(cs.partons().begin(), cs.partons().end(),
h.begin(), h.end()) ) {
throw ClusterException(*this)
<< "Could not add decay products to the new step" << Exception::abortnow;
return true;
tcPDPair ClusterCollapser::getHadrons(const ColourSinglet & cs) const {
tcPDPair ret;
if ( cs.nPieces() == 3 ) {
// This is a string with a junction. First find the tiplets.
tcPDVector quarks = cs.getTripletData();
if ( quarks.size() == 3 ) {
// Three-quark junction. Select a quark to join into a meson
// with a randomly chosed flavour.
int i = UseRandom::irnd(3);
tcPDPtr q = pickFlavour();
if ( quarks[i]->iColour() == q->iColour() ) q = q->CC();
ret.first = flavGen->getHadron(quarks[i], q);
quarks[i] = q->CC();
ret.second = flavGen->getBaryon(quarks[0], quarks[1], quarks[2]);
else if ( errorlevel )
throw ClusterException(*this)
<< "Too many diquarks in a junction string." << errorlevel;
else if ( cs.nPieces() != 1 ) {
throw ClusterException(*this)
<< "Inconsistent number of string pieces in a cluster"
<< Exception::abortnow;
else if ( cs.piece(1).front()->data().iColour() == PDT::Colour8 ) {
// This was a closed gluon loop. Create two random flavours.
tcPDPtr q1 = pickFlavour();
tcPDPtr q2 = pickFlavour();
ret.first = flavGen->getHadron(q1, q2->CC());
ret.second = flavGen->getHadron(q1->CC(), q2);
else {
// This was a simple flat string. Pick a new flavour.
tcPDPtr q = pickFlavour();
if ( cs.piece(1).front()->data().iColour() == q->iColour() ) q = q->CC();
ret.first = flavGen->getHadron(cs.piece(1).front()->dataPtr(), q);
ret.second = flavGen->getHadron(cs.piece(1).back()->dataPtr(), q->CC());
if ( !ret.first || !ret.second ) throw ClusterException(*this)
<< "Could not generate hadrons from flavours " << cs.piece(1).front()->id()
<< " and " << cs.piece(1).back()->id() << "." << Exception::runerror;
return ret;
tcPDPtr ClusterCollapser::pickFlavour() const {
return getParticleData(2 + rndsign(1.0, 1.0, pStrange));
tcPDPtr ClusterCollapser::getHadron(const ColourSinglet & cs) const {
if ( cs.nPieces() == 3 ) {
// This is a string with a junction. First find the tiplets.
tcPDVector quarks = cs.getTripletData();
if ( quarks.size() == 3 ) {
return flavGen->getBaryon(quarks[0], quarks[1], quarks[2]);
else if ( errorlevel )
throw ClusterException(*this)
<< "Too many diquarks in a junction string." << errorlevel;
else if ( cs.nPieces() != 1 ) {
throw ClusterException(*this)
<< "Inconsistent number of string pieces in a cluster"
<< Exception::abortnow;
else if ( cs.piece(1).front()->data().iColour() == PDT::Colour8 ) {
// This was a closed gluon loop. Create a random flavour.
tcPDPtr q = pickFlavour();
return flavGen->getHadron(q, q->CC());
// This was a simple flat string.
return flavGen->getHadron(cs.piece(1).front()->dataPtr(),
void ClusterCollapser::persistentOutput(PersistentOStream & os) const {
os << ounit(theEnergyCut, GeV) << theNTry2 << flavGen << oenum(errorlevel)
<< pStrange;
void ClusterCollapser::persistentInput(PersistentIStream & is, int) {
is >> iunit(theEnergyCut, GeV) >> theNTry2 >> flavGen >> ienum(errorlevel)
>> pStrange;
ClassDescription<ClusterCollapser> ClusterCollapser::initClusterCollapser;
// Definition of the static class description member.
void ClusterCollapser::Init() {
static ClassDocumentation<ClusterCollapser> documentation
("The ThePEG::ClusterCollapser class can either be used as a "
"preprocessor of a string fragmentation handler, or as a separate"
"step handler to collapse small colour singlet systems of partons "
"into one or two particles.");
static Parameter<ClusterCollapser, Energy> interfaceEnergyCut
"If the invariant mass of a cluster, minus the constituent masses of its "
"partons is below this cut (in GeV), it will be collapsed into one "
"or two particles.",
&ClusterCollapser::theEnergyCut, GeV, 1.0*GeV, ZERO, 10.0*GeV,
false, false, true);
static Parameter<ClusterCollapser, int> interfaceNTry2
"The number of attempts to collapse a cluster into two particles, "
"before it is collapsed into one particle.",
&ClusterCollapser::theNTry2, 2, 0, 100, false, false, true);
static Parameter<ClusterCollapser, double> interfacePStrange
"The relative probability to produce a s-sbar pair in a split as "
"compared to a u-ubar or d-dbar pair.",
&ClusterCollapser::pStrange, 1.0/3.0, 0.0, 2.0, false, false, true);
static Switch<ClusterCollapser,Exception::Severity> interfaceLevel
"What to do if a cluster could not be collapsed, or if momentum "
"could not be conserved.",
&ClusterCollapser::errorlevel, Exception::eventerror, true, false);
static SwitchOption interfaceLevelNothing
(interfaceLevel, "Nothing",
"Do nothing, clusters may not collapse or momentum may not be conserved.",
static SwitchOption interfaceLevelWarning
(interfaceLevel, "Warning",
"Report a warning, clusters may not collapse or momentum may not "
"be conserved.", Exception::warning);
static SwitchOption interfaceLevelEventError
(interfaceLevel, "EventError",
"Discard the whole event.", Exception::eventerror);
static SwitchOption interfaceLevelRunError
(interfaceLevel, "RunError",
"End the run, printout the offending event.", Exception::runerror);
static SwitchOption interfaceLevelAbort
(interfaceLevel, "Abort",
"Abort and dump core.", Exception::abortnow);
static Reference<ClusterCollapser,FlavourGenerator> interfaceFlavGen
"The object used to combine quarks and diquarks into hadrons.",
&ClusterCollapser::flavGen, true, false, true, false);
diff --git a/Handlers/ClusterCollapser.h b/Handlers/ClusterCollapser.h
--- a/Handlers/ClusterCollapser.h
+++ b/Handlers/ClusterCollapser.h
@@ -1,330 +1,336 @@
// -*- C++ -*-
// ClusterCollapser.h is a part of ThePEG - Toolkit for HEP Event Generation
// Copyright (C) 1999-2011 Leif Lonnblad
// ThePEG is licenced under version 2 of the GPL, see COPYING for details.
// Please respect the MCnet academic guidelines, see GUIDELINES for details.
#ifndef ThePEG_ClusterCollapser_H
#define ThePEG_ClusterCollapser_H
// This is the declaration of the ClusterCollapser class.
#include "ThePEG/Handlers/StepHandler.h"
#include "ThePEG/Handlers/FlavourGenerator.h"
#include "ThePEG/EventRecord/ColourSinglet.h"
#include "ClusterCollapser.fh"
// #include "ClusterCollapser.xh"
namespace ThePEG {
* ClusterCollapser is a general StepHandler which can be called
* anywhere in the event generation (typically as a pre-handler to the
* hadronization or a post-hadnler to the cascade) to find colour-less
* clusters of partons which are deemed to have to small invariant
* mass to be hadronized in the normal way. Instead these clusters are
* allowed to collapse into hadrons. Possible energy imbalance du to
* the clustering is compensated by shifting the momenta of nearby
* particles.
* @see \ref ClusterCollapserInterfaces "The interfaces"
* defined for ClusterCollapser.
class ClusterCollapser: public StepHandler {
/** Declare a pointer to a FlavourGenerator object. */
typedef Ptr<FlavourGenerator>::pointer FlavGenPtr;
/** Declare a multimap of singlets indexed by their mass. */
typedef multimap<Energy,ColourSinglet> SingletMap;
/** @name Standard constructors and destructors. */
* The default constructor.
: theEnergyCut(1.0*GeV), theNTry2(2), errorlevel(Exception::eventerror),
pStrange(1.0/3.0) {}
* The destructor.
virtual ~ClusterCollapser();
/** @name Virtual functions required by the StepHandler class. */
* The main function called by the EventHandler class to
* perform a step. This function simply calls the collapse() function.
* @param eh the EventHandler in charge of the Event generation.
* @param tagged if not empty these are the only particles which should
* be considered by the StepHandler.
* @param hint a Hint object with possible information from previously
* performed steps.
* @throws Veto if the StepHandler requires the current step to be discarded.
* @throws Stop if the generation of the current Event should be stopped
* after this call.
* @throws Exception if something goes wrong.
virtual void handle(EventHandler & eh, const tPVector & tagged,
const Hint & hint);
* Perform all necessary collapses. Return the uncollapsed clusters.
virtual vector<ColourSinglet> collapse(tPVector tagged,
tStepPtr newstep);
* Go through the tagged partons and extract all colour singlet
* combination of partons. Order them in invariant mass (minus the
* constituent masses of the partons).
virtual SingletMap getSinglets(const tPVector & tagged) const;
* If a singlet contains at least one diquark and a junction, split
* the diquark and split off a new colour singlet.
virtual ColourSinglet splitDiQuarkJunction(ColourSinglet & cs,
tStepPtr newStep) const;
* If a singlet contains a simple string with diquarks in both ends,
* split them into quarks and split off a new colour singlet.
virtual ColourSinglet splitDiDiQuark(ColourSinglet & cs,
tStepPtr newStep) const;
* Returns true iff the given singlet contains a junction and at
* least one diquark.
static bool diQuarkJunction(const ColourSinglet & cs);
* Returns true iff the given singlet contains one string piece with
* diquarks in both ends.
static bool diDiQuark(const ColourSinglet & cs);
* If the invariant mass of a cluster, minus the constituent masses
* of its partons is below this cut, it will be collapsed into one
* or two particles.
Energy cut() const { return theEnergyCut; }
* The number of attempts to collapse a cluster into two particles,
* before it is collapsed into one particle.
int nTry2() const { return theNTry2; }
* Return the invariant mass of a cluster minus the constituent
* masses of its partons.
static Energy mass(const ColourSinglet & cl);
* Insert a ColourSinglet object in a SingletMap.
static void insert(SingletMap & mmap, const ColourSinglet & cl);
* Pick a random flavour. Default version picks u,d or s with ratio
* 3:3:1.
virtual tcPDPtr pickFlavour() const;
* Perform the actual collapse of a cluster into one hadron. Add
* the produced hadron to the given step as decay products of the
* partons in the cluster. The \a tagged particles are used for
* momentum compensation.
virtual void collapse(tStepPtr newStep, const ColourSinglet & cs,
const tPVector & tagged) const;
* Perform the actual collapse of a cluster into two hadrons. Add
* the produced hadrons to the given step as decay products of the
* partons in the cluster. The \a tagged particles are used for
* momentum compensation. @return false if the collapse failed in
* some way.
virtual bool collapse2(tStepPtr newStep, const ColourSinglet & cs) const;
* Get particles for compensation. Look through the \a tagged vector
* for particles (which are not in the colour singlet \a cs) which can
* be used to compensate momentum when \a cs collapses into a hadron
* with mass \a mh. These partons are then copied into the new step so
* that their momentum can be changed and then returned.
virtual tPVector getCompensators(Energy mh, const ColourSinglet & cs,
const tPVector & tagged,
tStepPtr newStep) const;
* Return a hadron into which the given cluster may collapse.
virtual tcPDPtr getHadron(const ColourSinglet & cs) const;
* Return a pair of hadrons into which the given cluster may collapse.
virtual tcPDPair getHadrons(const ColourSinglet & cs) const;
+ /**
+ * Uptate the vector of particles and remove partons which have
+ * already collapsed and insert their children instead.
+ */
+ void updateTagged(tPVector & tagged) const;
/** @name Functions used by the persistent I/O system. */
* Function used to write out object persistently.
* @param os the persistent output stream written to.
void persistentOutput(PersistentOStream & os) const;
* Function used to read in object persistently.
* @param is the persistent input stream read from.
* @param version the version number of the object when written.
void persistentInput(PersistentIStream & is, int version);
* Standard Init function used to initialize the interfaces.
static void Init();
/** @name Clone Methods. */
* Make a simple clone of this object.
* @return a pointer to the new object.
virtual IBPtr clone() const;
/** Make a clone of this object, possibly modifying the cloned object
* to make it sane.
* @return a pointer to the new object.
virtual IBPtr fullclone() const;
/** Exception class used by ClusterCollapser. */
class ClusterException: public Exception {
/** Standard constructor. */
ClusterException(const ClusterCollapser & cc) {
theMessage << "In ClusterCollapser '" << << "': ";
/** @endcond */
* Energy cut. If the invariant mass of a cluster, minus the
* constituent masses of its partons is below this cut, it will be
* collapsed into one or two particles.
Energy theEnergyCut;
* The number of attempts to collapse a cluster into two particles,
* before it is collapsed into one particle.
int theNTry2;
* The flavour generator object to use to combine quarks and diqurks
* into hadrons.
FlavGenPtr flavGen;
* How should we respond to errors? 0 means do nothing, ie. the
* cluster will not be collapsed, or the momentum will not be
* consterved. Otherwise the severity will be what is defined in the
* class Exception.
Exception::Severity errorlevel;
* The relative probability to produce a s-sbar pair in a split as
* compared to a u-ubar or d-dbar pair.
double pStrange;
* Describe a concrete class with persistent data.
static ClassDescription<ClusterCollapser> initClusterCollapser;
* Private and non-existent assignment operator.
ClusterCollapser & operator=(const ClusterCollapser &);
namespace ThePEG {
* The following template specialization informs ThePEG about the
* base class of ClusterCollapser.
template <>
struct BaseClassTrait<ClusterCollapser,1>: public ClassTraitsType {
/** Typedef of the first base class of ClusterCollapser. */
typedef StepHandler NthBase;
* The following template specialization informs ThePEG about the name
* of the ClusterCollapser class and the shared object where it is
* defined.
template <>
struct ClassTraits<ClusterCollapser>:
public ClassTraitsBase<ClusterCollapser> {
* Return the class name.
static string className() { return "ThePEG::ClusterCollapser"; }
/** @endcond */
#endif /* ThePEG_ClusterCollapser_H */
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