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diff --git a/data/MINERvA/CC0pi_1D/FixedBinWidthPub/cov_enuqe_qelike.root b/data/MINERvA/CC0pi_1D/FixedBinWidthPub/cov_enuqe_qelike.root
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..07d1e73
Binary files /dev/null and b/data/MINERvA/CC0pi_1D/FixedBinWidthPub/cov_enuqe_qelike.root differ
diff --git a/data/MINERvA/CC0pi_1D/FixedBinWidthPub/cov_enuqe_qelike.txt b/data/MINERvA/CC0pi_1D/FixedBinWidthPub/cov_enuqe_qelike.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..344bb51
--- /dev/null
+++ b/data/MINERvA/CC0pi_1D/FixedBinWidthPub/cov_enuqe_qelike.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,144 @@
diff --git a/data/MINERvA/CC0pi_1D/FixedBinWidthPub/cov_ptmu_qelike.root b/data/MINERvA/CC0pi_1D/FixedBinWidthPub/cov_ptmu_qelike.root
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f4feb6d
Binary files /dev/null and b/data/MINERvA/CC0pi_1D/FixedBinWidthPub/cov_ptmu_qelike.root differ
diff --git a/data/MINERvA/CC0pi_1D/FixedBinWidthPub/cov_ptmu_qelike.txt b/data/MINERvA/CC0pi_1D/FixedBinWidthPub/cov_ptmu_qelike.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..13fd4fb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/data/MINERvA/CC0pi_1D/FixedBinWidthPub/cov_ptmu_qelike.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,169 @@
diff --git a/data/MINERvA/CC0pi_1D/FixedBinWidthPub/cov_pzmu_qelike.root b/data/MINERvA/CC0pi_1D/FixedBinWidthPub/cov_pzmu_qelike.root
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a5790c2
Binary files /dev/null and b/data/MINERvA/CC0pi_1D/FixedBinWidthPub/cov_pzmu_qelike.root differ
diff --git a/data/MINERvA/CC0pi_1D/FixedBinWidthPub/cov_pzmu_qelike.txt b/data/MINERvA/CC0pi_1D/FixedBinWidthPub/cov_pzmu_qelike.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8d7ce8d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/data/MINERvA/CC0pi_1D/FixedBinWidthPub/cov_pzmu_qelike.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,144 @@
diff --git a/data/MINERvA/CC0pi_1D/FixedBinWidthPub/cov_q2qe_qelike.root b/data/MINERvA/CC0pi_1D/FixedBinWidthPub/cov_q2qe_qelike.root
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8b62cc4
Binary files /dev/null and b/data/MINERvA/CC0pi_1D/FixedBinWidthPub/cov_q2qe_qelike.root differ
diff --git a/data/MINERvA/CC0pi_1D/FixedBinWidthPub/cov_q2qe_qelike.txt b/data/MINERvA/CC0pi_1D/FixedBinWidthPub/cov_q2qe_qelike.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6dd7b66
--- /dev/null
+++ b/data/MINERvA/CC0pi_1D/FixedBinWidthPub/cov_q2qe_qelike.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,256 @@
diff --git a/data/MINERvA/CC0pi_2D/cov_ptpl_2D_qelike.root b/data/MINERvA/CC0pi_2D/cov_ptpl_2D_qelike.root
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d8788ef
Binary files /dev/null and b/data/MINERvA/CC0pi_2D/cov_ptpl_2D_qelike.root differ
diff --git a/parameters/config.xml b/parameters/config.xml
index 49dc841..b4a01c0 100644
--- a/parameters/config.xml
+++ b/parameters/config.xml
@@ -1,212 +1,215 @@
<!-- # ###################################################### -->
<!-- # This file is read in by default at runtime -->
<!-- # If you want to override on a case by case bases use -q at runtime -->
<!-- # ###################################################### -->
<!-- # MAIN Configs -->
<!-- # ###################################################### -->
<!-- # Logger goes from -->
<!-- # 1 Quiet -->
<!-- # 2 Fitter -->
<!-- # 3 Samples -->
<!-- # 4 Reconfigure Loops -->
<!-- # 5 Every Event print out (SHOUT) -->
<!-- # -1 DEBUGGING -->
<config VERBOSITY='4'/>
<!-- # ERROR goes from -->
<!-- # 0 NONE -->
<!-- # 1 FATAL -->
<!-- # 2 WARN -->
<config ERROR='2'/>
<config TRACE='0'/>
<config cores='1' />
<config spline_test_throws='50' />
<config spline_cores='1' />
<config spline_chunks='20' />
<config spline_procchunk='-1' />
<config Electron_NThetaBins='4' />
<config Electron_NEnergyBins='4' />
<config Electron_ThetaWidth='1.0' />
<config Electron_EnergyWidth='0.10' />
<config RemoveFSIParticles='0' />
<config RemoveUndefParticles='0' />
<config RemoveNuclearParticles='0'/>
<config MINERvASaveExtraCCQE='0' />
<!-- # Input Configs -->
<!-- # ###################################################### -->
<!-- # Default Requirements file for the externalDataFitter Package -->
<!-- # MAX Events : -1 is no cut. Events will be scaled automatically to give good xsec predictions. -->
<config MAXEVENTS='-1'/>
<!-- Include empty stacks in the THStack -->
<config includeemptystackhists='0'/>
<!-- # Turn on/off event manager -->
<!-- # EventManager enables us to only loop number of events once for multiple projections of the same measurements -->
<!-- # e.g. MiniBooNE CC1pi+ Q2 and MiniBooNE CC1pi+ Tmu would ordinarily require 2 reconfigures, but with this enabled it requires only one -->
<config EventManager='1'/>
<!-- # Event Directories -->
<!-- # Can setup default directories and use @EVENT_DIR/path to link to it -->
<config EVENT_DIR='/data2/stowell/NIWG/'/>
<config NEUT_EVENT_DIR='/data2/stowell/NIWG/neut/fit_samples_neut5.3.3/'/>
<config GENIE_EVENT_DIR='/data2/stowell/NIWG/genie/fit_samples_R.2.10.0/'/>
<config NUWRO_EVENT_DIR='/data2/stowell/NIWG/nuwro/fit_samples/'/>
<config GIBUU_EVENT_DIR='/data/GIBUU/DIR/'/>
<config SaveNuWroExtra='0' />
<!-- # In PrepareGENIE the reconstructed splines can be saved into the file -->
<config save_genie_splines='1'/>
<!-- # In InputHandler the option to regenerate NuWro flux/xsec plots is available -->
<!-- # Going to move this to its own app soon -->
<!-- # DEVEL CONFIG OPTION, don't touch! -->
<config CacheSize='0'/>
<!-- # ReWeighting Configuration Options -->
<!-- # ###################################################### -->
<!-- # Convert Dials in output statements using dial conversion card -->
<config convert_dials='0'/>
<!-- # Vetos can be used to specify RW dials NOT to be loaded in -->
<!-- # Useful if one specific one has an issue -->
<config FitWeight_fNIWGRW_veto=''/>
<config FitWeight_fNuwroRW_veto=''/>
<config FitWeight_fNeutRW_veto=''/>
<config FitWeight_fGenieRW_veto=''/>
<!-- # Output Options -->
<!-- # ###################################################### -->
<!-- # Save Nominal prediction with all rw engines at default -->
<config savenominal='0'/>
<!-- # Save prefit with values at starting values -->
<config saveprefit='0'/>
<!-- # Here's the full list of drawing options -->
<!-- #config drawopts DATA/MC -->
<config InterpolateSigmaQ0Histogram='1' />
<config InterpolateSigmaQ0HistogramRes='100' />
<config InterpolateSigmaQ0HistogramThrow='1' />
<config InterpolateSigmaQ0HistogramNTHROWS='100000' />
<!-- # Save the shape scaling applied with option SHAPE into the main MC hist -->
<config saveshapescaling='0'/>
<config CorrectGENIEMECNorm='1'/>
<!-- # Set style of 1D output histograms -->
<config linecolour='1'/>
<config linestyle='1'/>
<config linewidth='1'/>
<!-- # For GenericFlux -->
<config isLiteMode='0'/>
<!-- # Statistical Options -->
<!-- # ###################################################### -->
<!-- # Add MC Statistical error to likelihoods -->
<config addmcerror='0'/>
<!-- # NUISMIN Configurations -->
<!-- # ###################################################### -->
<config MAXCALLS='1000000'/>
<config MAXITERATIONS='1000000'/>
<config TOLERANCE='0.001'/>
<!-- # Number of events required in low stats routines -->
<config LOWSTATEVENTS='25000'/>
<!-- # Error band generator configs -->
<!-- # ###################################################### -->
<!-- # For -f ErrorBands creates error bands for given measurements -->
<!-- # How many throws do we want (The higher the better precision) -->
<config error_throws='250'/>
<!-- # Are we throwing uniform or according to Gaussian? -->
<!-- # Only use uniform if wanting to study the limits of a dial. -->
<config error_uniform='0'/>
<config WriteSeperateStacks='1'/>
<!-- # Other Individual Case Configs -->
<!-- # ###################################################### -->
<!-- # Covariance throw options for fake data studies with MiniBooNE data. -->
<config thrown_covariance='FULL'/>
<config throw_mc_stat='0.0'/>
<config throw_diag_syst='0'/>
<config throw_corr_syst='0'/>
<config throw_mc_stat='0'/>
<!-- # Apply a shift to the muon momentum before calculation of Q2 -->
<config muon_momentum_shift='0.0'/>
<config muon_momentum_throw='0'/>
<!-- # MINERvA Specific Configs -->
<config MINERvA_CCinc_XSec_2DEavq3_nu_hadron_cut='0'/>
<config MINERvA_CCinc_XSec_2DEavq3_nu_useq3true='0'/>
<config Modes_split_PN_NN='0'/>
<config SignalReconfigures='0'/>
<!-- # SciBooNE specific -->
<config SciBarDensity='1.04'/>
<config SciBarRecoDist='12.0'/>
<config PenetratingMuonEnergy='1.4'/>
<config FlatEfficiency='1.0'/>
<config NumRangeSteps='50'/>
<config UseProton='true'/>
<config UseZackEff='false'/>
<config MINERvADensity='1.04'/>
<config MINERvARecoDist='10.0'/>
<!-- Different way of reweighting in GENIE -->
<config GENIEWeightEngine_CCRESMode="kModeMaMv"/>
<config GENIEWeightEngine_CCQEMode="kModeMa"/>
<!-- CCQE/2p2h/1pi Gaussian enhancement method -->
<!-- Apply tilt-shift weights or normal Gaussian parameters-->
<config Gaussian_Enhancement="Normal" />
<config Gaussian_Enhancement="Tilt-Shift" />
<config NToyThrows='100000' />
+<!-- Use NOvA Weights or not -->
+<config NOvA_Weights="false" />
<config GENIEXSecModelCCRES="genie::ReinSehgalRESPXSec" />
<config GENIEXSecModelCOH="genie::ReinSehgalCOHPiPXSec" />
<config GENIEXSecModelCCQE="genie::LwlynSmithQELCCPXSec" />
<config GENIEXSecModelCCQE="genie::NievesQELCCPXSec" />
<config GENIEXSecModelCCRES="genie::BergerSehgalRESPXSec2014" />
<config GENIEXSecModelCOH="genie::BergerSehgalCOHPiPXSec2015" />
<config UseShapeCovar="0" />
<config CC0piNBINS="156" />
diff --git a/src/InputHandler/GENIEInputHandler.cxx b/src/InputHandler/GENIEInputHandler.cxx
index a81cd28..a5eb414 100644
--- a/src/InputHandler/GENIEInputHandler.cxx
+++ b/src/InputHandler/GENIEInputHandler.cxx
@@ -1,504 +1,503 @@
// Copyright 2016 L. Pickering, P Stowell, R. Terri, C. Wilkinson, C. Wret
* This file is part of NUISANCE.
* NUISANCE is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* NUISANCE is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with NUISANCE. If not, see <>.
#ifdef __GENIE_ENABLED__
#include "GENIEInputHandler.h"
#include "InputUtils.h"
GENIEGeneratorInfo::~GENIEGeneratorInfo() { DeallocateParticleStack(); }
void GENIEGeneratorInfo::AddBranchesToTree(TTree* tn) {
tn->Branch("GenieParticlePDGs", &fGenieParticlePDGs, "GenieParticlePDGs/I");
void GENIEGeneratorInfo::SetBranchesFromTree(TTree* tn) {
tn->SetBranchAddress("GenieParticlePDGs", &fGenieParticlePDGs);
void GENIEGeneratorInfo::AllocateParticleStack(int stacksize) {
fGenieParticlePDGs = new int[stacksize];
void GENIEGeneratorInfo::DeallocateParticleStack() {
delete fGenieParticlePDGs;
void GENIEGeneratorInfo::FillGeneratorInfo(NtpMCEventRecord* ntpl) {
// Check for GENIE Event
if (!ntpl) return;
if (!ntpl->event) return;
// Cast Event Record
GHepRecord* ghep = static_cast<GHepRecord*>(ntpl->event);
if (!ghep) return;
// Fill Particle Stack
GHepParticle* p = 0;
TObjArrayIter iter(ghep);
// Loop over all particles
int i = 0;
while ((p = (dynamic_cast<genie::GHepParticle*>((iter).Next())))) {
if (!p) continue;
// Get PDG
fGenieParticlePDGs[i] = p->Pdg();
void GENIEGeneratorInfo::Reset() {
for (int i = 0; i < kMaxParticles; i++) {
fGenieParticlePDGs[i] = 0;
GENIEInputHandler::GENIEInputHandler(std::string const& handle,
std::string const& rawinputs) {
LOG(SAM) << "Creating GENIEInputHandler : " << handle << std::endl;
// Run a joint input handling
fName = handle;
// Setup the TChain
fGENIETree = new TChain("gtree");
fSaveExtra = FitPar::Config().GetParB("SaveExtraGenie");
fCacheSize = FitPar::Config().GetParI("CacheSize");
fMaxEvents = FitPar::Config().GetParI("MAXEVENTS");
// Are we running with NOvA weights
- bool nova_wgt = true;
+ fNOvAWeights = FitPar::Config().GetParB("NOvA_Weights");
MAQEw = 1.0;
NonResw = 1.0;
RPAQEw = 1.0;
RPARESw = 1.0;
MECw = 1.0;
DISw = 1.0;
NOVAw = 1.0;
// Loop over all inputs and grab flux, eventhist, and nevents
std::vector<std::string> inputs = InputUtils::ParseInputFileList(rawinputs);
for (size_t inp_it = 0; inp_it < inputs.size(); ++inp_it) {
// Open File for histogram access
TFile* inp_file = new TFile(
InputUtils::ExpandInputDirectories(inputs[inp_it]).c_str(), "READ");
if (!inp_file or inp_file->IsZombie()) {
THROW("GENIE File IsZombie() at : '"
<< inputs[inp_it] << "'" << std::endl
<< "Check that your file paths are correct and the file exists!"
<< std::endl
<< "$ ls -lh " << inputs[inp_it]);
// Get Flux/Event hist
TH1D* fluxhist = (TH1D*)inp_file->Get("nuisance_flux");
TH1D* eventhist = (TH1D*)inp_file->Get("nuisance_events");
if (!fluxhist or !eventhist) {
ERROR(FTL, "Input File Contents: " << inputs[inp_it]);
THROW("GENIE FILE doesn't contain flux/xsec info."
<< std::endl
<< "Try running the app PrepareGENIE first on :" << inputs[inp_it]
<< std::endl
<< "$ PrepareGENIE -h");
// Get N Events
TTree* genietree = (TTree*)inp_file->Get("gtree");
if (!genietree) {
ERROR(FTL, "gtree not located in GENIE file: " << inputs[inp_it]);
THROW("Check your inputs, they may need to be completely regenerated!");
int nevents = genietree->GetEntries();
if (nevents <= 0) {
THROW("Trying to a TTree with "
<< nevents << " to TChain from : " << inputs[inp_it]);
// Check for precomputed weights
TTree *weighttree = (TTree*)inp_file->Get("nova_wgts");
- if (!weighttree) {
- LOG(FIT) << "Did not find nova_wgts tree in file " << inputs[inp_it] << std::endl;
- nova_wgt = false;
- } else {
- LOG(FIT) << "Found nova_wgts tree in file " << inputs[inp_it] << std::endl;
- nova_wgt = true;
+ if (fNOvAWeights) {
+ if (!weighttree) {
+ THROW("Did not find nova_wgts tree in file " << inputs[inp_it] << " but you specified it" << std::endl);
+ } else {
+ LOG(FIT) << "Found nova_wgts tree in file " << inputs[inp_it] << std::endl;
+ }
// Register input to form flux/event rate hists
RegisterJointInput(inputs[inp_it], nevents, fluxhist, eventhist);
// Add To TChain
if (weighttree != NULL) fGENIETree->AddFriend(weighttree);
// Registor all our file inputs
// Assign to tree
fEventType = kGENIE;
fGenieNtpl = NULL;
fGENIETree->SetBranchAddress("gmcrec", &fGenieNtpl);
// Set up the custom weights
- if (nova_wgt) {
+ if (fNOvAWeights) {
fGENIETree->SetBranchAddress("MAQEwgt", &MAQEw);
fGENIETree->SetBranchAddress("nonResNormWgt", &NonResw);
fGENIETree->SetBranchAddress("RPAQEWgt", &RPAQEw);
fGENIETree->SetBranchAddress("RPARESWgt", &RPARESw);
fGENIETree->SetBranchAddress("MECWgt", &MECw);
fGENIETree->SetBranchAddress("DISWgt", &DISw);
fGENIETree->SetBranchAddress("nova2018CVWgt", &NOVAw);
// Libraries should be seen but not heard...
// Create Fit Event
fNUISANCEEvent = new FitEvent();
if (fSaveExtra) {
fGenieInfo = new GENIEGeneratorInfo();
GENIEInputHandler::~GENIEInputHandler() {
// if (fGenieGHep) delete fGenieGHep;
// if (fGenieNtpl) delete fGenieNtpl;
// if (fGENIETree) delete fGENIETree;
// if (fGenieInfo) delete fGenieInfo;
void GENIEInputHandler::CreateCache() {
if (fCacheSize > 0) {
// fGENIETree->SetCacheEntryRange(0, fNEvents);
fGENIETree->AddBranchToCache("*", 1);
void GENIEInputHandler::RemoveCache() {
// fGENIETree->SetCacheEntryRange(0, fNEvents);
fGENIETree->AddBranchToCache("*", 0);
FitEvent* GENIEInputHandler::GetNuisanceEvent(const UInt_t entry, const bool lightweight) {
if (entry >= (UInt_t)fNEvents) return NULL;
// Read Entry from TTree to fill NEUT Vect in BaseFitEvt;
// Run NUISANCE Vector Filler
if (!lightweight) {
#ifdef __PROB3PP_ENABLED__
else {
// Check for GENIE Event
if (!fGenieNtpl) return NULL;
if (!fGenieNtpl->event) return NULL;
// Cast Event Record
fGenieGHep = static_cast<GHepRecord*>(fGenieNtpl->event);
if (!fGenieGHep) return NULL;
TObjArrayIter iter(fGenieGHep);
genie::GHepParticle* p;
while ((p = (dynamic_cast<genie::GHepParticle*>((iter).Next())))) {
if (!p) {
// Get Status
int state = GetGENIEParticleStatus(p, fNUISANCEEvent->Mode);
if (state != genie::kIStInitialState) {
fNUISANCEEvent->probe_E = p->E() * 1.E3;
fNUISANCEEvent->probe_pdg = p->Pdg();
// Setup Input scaling for joint inputs
fNUISANCEEvent->InputWeight = GetInputWeight(entry);
return fNUISANCEEvent;
int GENIEInputHandler::GetGENIEParticleStatus(genie::GHepParticle* p, int mode) {
kIStUndefined = -1,
kIStInitialState = 0, / generator-level initial state /
kIStStableFinalState = 1, / generator-level final state:
particles to be tracked by detector-level MC /
kIStIntermediateState = 2,
kIStDecayedState = 3,
kIStCorrelatedNucleon = 10,
kIStNucleonTarget = 11,
kIStDISPreFragmHadronicState = 12,
kIStPreDecayResonantState = 13,
kIStHadronInTheNucleus = 14, / hadrons inside the nucleus: marked
for hadron transport modules to act on /
kIStFinalStateNuclearRemnant = 15, / low energy nuclear fragments
entering the record collectively as a 'hadronic blob' pseudo-particle /
kIStNucleonClusterTarget = 16, // for composite nucleons before
phase space decay
int state = kUndefinedState;
switch (p->Status()) {
case genie::kIStNucleonTarget:
case genie::kIStInitialState:
case genie::kIStCorrelatedNucleon:
case genie::kIStNucleonClusterTarget:
state = kInitialState;
case genie::kIStStableFinalState:
state = kFinalState;
case genie::kIStHadronInTheNucleus:
if (abs(mode) == 2)
state = kInitialState;
state = kFSIState;
case genie::kIStPreDecayResonantState:
case genie::kIStDISPreFragmHadronicState:
case genie::kIStIntermediateState:
state = kFSIState;
case genie::kIStFinalStateNuclearRemnant:
case genie::kIStUndefined:
case genie::kIStDecayedState:
// Flag to remove nuclear part in genie
if (p->Pdg() > 1000000) {
if (state == kInitialState)
state = kNuclearInitial;
else if (state == kFinalState)
state = kNuclearRemnant;
return state;
#ifdef __GENIE_ENABLED__
int GENIEInputHandler::ConvertGENIEReactionCode(GHepRecord* gheprec) {
// Electron Scattering
if (gheprec->Summary()->ProcInfo().IsEM()) {
if (gheprec->Summary()->InitState().ProbePdg() == 11) {
if (gheprec->Summary()->ProcInfo().IsQuasiElastic())
return 1;
else if (gheprec->Summary()->ProcInfo().IsMEC())
return 2;
else if (gheprec->Summary()->ProcInfo().IsResonant())
return 13;
else if (gheprec->Summary()->ProcInfo().IsDeepInelastic())
return 26;
else {
"Unknown GENIE Electron Scattering Mode!"
<< std::endl
<< "ScatteringTypeId = "
<< gheprec->Summary()->ProcInfo().ScatteringTypeId() << " "
<< "InteractionTypeId = "
<< gheprec->Summary()->ProcInfo().InteractionTypeId()
<< std::endl
<< genie::ScatteringType::AsString(
<< " "
<< genie::InteractionType::AsString(
<< " " << gheprec->Summary()->ProcInfo().IsMEC());
return 0;
// Weak CC
} else if (gheprec->Summary()->ProcInfo().IsWeakCC()) {
if (gheprec->Summary()->ProcInfo().IsMEC()) {
if (pdg::IsNeutrino(gheprec->Summary()->InitState().ProbePdg()))
return 2;
else if (pdg::IsAntiNeutrino(gheprec->Summary()->InitState().ProbePdg()))
return -2;
} else {
return utils::ghep::NeutReactionCode(gheprec);
// Weak NC
} else if (gheprec->Summary()->ProcInfo().IsWeakNC()) {
if (gheprec->Summary()->ProcInfo().IsMEC()) {
if (pdg::IsNeutrino(gheprec->Summary()->InitState().ProbePdg()))
return 32;
else if (pdg::IsAntiNeutrino(gheprec->Summary()->InitState().ProbePdg()))
return -32;
} else {
return utils::ghep::NeutReactionCode(gheprec);
return 0;
void GENIEInputHandler::CalcNUISANCEKinematics() {
// Reset all variables
// Check for GENIE Event
if (!fGenieNtpl) return;
if (!fGenieNtpl->event) return;
// Cast Event Record
fGenieGHep = static_cast<GHepRecord*>(fGenieNtpl->event);
if (!fGenieGHep) return;
// Convert GENIE Reaction Code
fNUISANCEEvent->Mode = ConvertGENIEReactionCode(fGenieGHep);
// Set Event Info
fNUISANCEEvent->fEventNo = 0.0;
fNUISANCEEvent->fTotCrs = fGenieGHep->XSec();
fNUISANCEEvent->fTargetA = 0.0;
fNUISANCEEvent->fTargetZ = 0.0;
fNUISANCEEvent->fTargetH = 0;
fNUISANCEEvent->fBound = 0.0;
fNUISANCEEvent->InputWeight = 1.0; //(1E+38 / genie::units::cm2) * fGenieGHep->XSec();
// And the custom weights
- fNUISANCEEvent->CustomWeight = NOVAw;
- fNUISANCEEvent->CustomWeightArray[0] = MAQEw;
- fNUISANCEEvent->CustomWeightArray[1] = NonResw;
- fNUISANCEEvent->CustomWeightArray[2] = RPAQEw;
- fNUISANCEEvent->CustomWeightArray[3] = RPARESw;
- fNUISANCEEvent->CustomWeightArray[4] = MECw;
- fNUISANCEEvent->CustomWeightArray[5] = NOVAw;
- /*
- fNUISANCEEvent->CustomWeight = 1.0;
- fNUISANCEEvent->CustomWeightArray[0] = 1.0;
- fNUISANCEEvent->CustomWeightArray[1] = 1.0;
- fNUISANCEEvent->CustomWeightArray[2] = 1.0;
- fNUISANCEEvent->CustomWeightArray[3] = 1.0;
- fNUISANCEEvent->CustomWeightArray[4] = 1.0;
- fNUISANCEEvent->CustomWeightArray[5] = 1.0;
- */
+ if (fNOvAWeights) {
+ fNUISANCEEvent->CustomWeight = NOVAw;
+ fNUISANCEEvent->CustomWeightArray[0] = MAQEw;
+ fNUISANCEEvent->CustomWeightArray[1] = NonResw;
+ fNUISANCEEvent->CustomWeightArray[2] = RPAQEw;
+ fNUISANCEEvent->CustomWeightArray[3] = RPARESw;
+ fNUISANCEEvent->CustomWeightArray[4] = MECw;
+ fNUISANCEEvent->CustomWeightArray[5] = NOVAw;
+ } else {
+ fNUISANCEEvent->CustomWeight = 1.0;
+ fNUISANCEEvent->CustomWeightArray[0] = 1.0;
+ fNUISANCEEvent->CustomWeightArray[1] = 1.0;
+ fNUISANCEEvent->CustomWeightArray[2] = 1.0;
+ fNUISANCEEvent->CustomWeightArray[3] = 1.0;
+ fNUISANCEEvent->CustomWeightArray[4] = 1.0;
+ fNUISANCEEvent->CustomWeightArray[5] = 1.0;
+ }
// Get N Particle Stack
unsigned int npart = fGenieGHep->GetEntries();
unsigned int kmax = fNUISANCEEvent->kMaxParticles;
if (npart > kmax) {
ERR(WRN) << "GENIE has too many particles, expanding stack." << std::endl;
// Fill Particle Stack
GHepParticle* p = 0;
TObjArrayIter iter(fGenieGHep);
fNUISANCEEvent->fNParticles = 0;
// Loop over all particles
while ((p = (dynamic_cast<genie::GHepParticle*>((iter).Next())))) {
if (!p) continue;
// Get Status
int state = GetGENIEParticleStatus(p, fNUISANCEEvent->Mode);
// Remove Undefined
if (kRemoveUndefParticles && state == kUndefinedState) continue;
// Remove FSI
if (kRemoveFSIParticles && state == kFSIState) continue;
if (kRemoveNuclearParticles &&
(state == kNuclearInitial || state == kNuclearRemnant))
// Fill Vectors
int curpart = fNUISANCEEvent->fNParticles;
fNUISANCEEvent->fParticleState[curpart] = state;
// Mom
fNUISANCEEvent->fParticleMom[curpart][0] = p->Px() * 1.E3;
fNUISANCEEvent->fParticleMom[curpart][1] = p->Py() * 1.E3;
fNUISANCEEvent->fParticleMom[curpart][2] = p->Pz() * 1.E3;
fNUISANCEEvent->fParticleMom[curpart][3] = p->E() * 1.E3;
// PDG
fNUISANCEEvent->fParticlePDG[curpart] = p->Pdg();
// Add to N particle count
// Extra Check incase GENIE fails.
if ((UInt_t)fNUISANCEEvent->fNParticles == kmax) {
ERR(WRN) << "Number of GENIE Particles exceeds maximum!" << std::endl;
ERR(WRN) << "Extend kMax, or run without including FSI particles!"
<< std::endl;
// Fill Extra Stack
if (fSaveExtra) fGenieInfo->FillGeneratorInfo(fGenieNtpl);
// Run Initial, FSI, Final, Other ordering.
FitParticle* ISNeutralLepton =
if (ISNeutralLepton) {
fNUISANCEEvent->probe_E = ISNeutralLepton->E();
fNUISANCEEvent->probe_pdg = ISNeutralLepton->PDG();
void GENIEInputHandler::Print() {}
diff --git a/src/InputHandler/GENIEInputHandler.h b/src/InputHandler/GENIEInputHandler.h
index 818fda8..d2a1d18 100644
--- a/src/InputHandler/GENIEInputHandler.h
+++ b/src/InputHandler/GENIEInputHandler.h
@@ -1,117 +1,119 @@
// Copyright 2016 L. Pickering, P Stowell, R. Terri, C. Wilkinson, C. Wret
* This file is part of NUISANCE.
* NUISANCE is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* NUISANCE is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with NUISANCE. If not, see <>.
* \addtogroup InputHandler
* @{
#ifdef __GENIE_ENABLED__
#include "InputHandler.h"
#include "InputUtils.h"
#include "PlotUtils.h"
#include "GHEP/GHepParticle.h"
#include "PDG/PDGUtils.h"
#include "GHEP/GHepUtils.h"
#include "Conventions/Units.h"
#include "EVGCore/EventRecord.h"
#include "GHEP/GHepRecord.h"
#include "Ntuple/NtpMCEventRecord.h"
using namespace genie;
/// GENIE Generator Container to save extra particle status codes.
class GENIEGeneratorInfo : public GeneratorInfoBase {
GENIEGeneratorInfo() {};
virtual ~GENIEGeneratorInfo();
/// Assigns information to branches
void AddBranchesToTree(TTree* tn);
/// Setup reading information from branches
void SetBranchesFromTree(TTree* tn);
/// Allocate any dynamic arrays for a new particle stack size
void AllocateParticleStack(int stacksize);
/// Clear any dynamic arrays
void DeallocateParticleStack();
/// Read extra genie information from the event
void FillGeneratorInfo(NtpMCEventRecord* ntpl);
/// Reset extra information to default/empty values
void Reset();
int kMaxParticles; ///< Number of particles in stack
int* fGenieParticlePDGs; ///< GENIE Particle PDGs (example)
/// Main GENIE InputHandler
class GENIEInputHandler : public InputHandlerBase {
/// Standard constructor given a name and input files
GENIEInputHandler(std::string const& handle, std::string const& rawinputs);
virtual ~GENIEInputHandler();
/// Create a TTree Cache to speed up file read
void CreateCache();
/// Remove TTree Cache to save memory
void RemoveCache();
/// Returns a NUISANCE format event from the GENIE TTree. If !lightweight
/// then CalcNUISANCEKinematics() is called to convert the GENIE event into
/// a standard NUISANCE format.
FitEvent* GetNuisanceEvent(const UInt_t entry, const bool lightweight = false);
/// Converts GENIE event into standard NUISANCE FitEvent by looping over all
/// particles in the event and adding them to stack in fNUISANCEEvent.
void CalcNUISANCEKinematics();
/// Placeholder for GENIE related event printing.
void Print();
/// Converts GENIE particle status codes into NUISANCE status codes.
int GetGENIEParticleStatus(genie::GHepParticle* part, int mode = 0);
/// Converts GENIE event reaction codes into NUISANCE reaction codes.
int ConvertGENIEReactionCode(GHepRecord* gheprec);
GHepRecord* fGenieGHep; ///< Pointer to actual event record
NtpMCEventRecord* fGenieNtpl; ///< Ntpl Wrapper Class
TChain* fGENIETree; ///< Main GENIE Event TTree
bool fSaveExtra; ///< Flag to save Extra GENIE info into Nuisance Event
GENIEGeneratorInfo* fGenieInfo; ///< Extra GENIE Generator Info Writer
- // Extra weights from Jeremgy
+ bool fNOvAWeights; ///< Flag to save nova weights or not
+ // Extra weights from Jeremy for NOvA weights
double MAQEw;
double NonResw;
double RPAQEw;
double RPARESw;
double MECw;
double DISw;
double NOVAw;
/*! @} */
diff --git a/src/MCStudies/GenericFlux_Vectors.cxx b/src/MCStudies/GenericFlux_Vectors.cxx
index 7b65fd4..045f0c0 100644
--- a/src/MCStudies/GenericFlux_Vectors.cxx
+++ b/src/MCStudies/GenericFlux_Vectors.cxx
@@ -1,337 +1,339 @@
// Copyright 2016 L. Pickering, P Stowell, R. Terri, C. Wilkinson, C. Wret
* This file is part of NUISANCE.
* NUISANCE is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* NUISANCE is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with NUISANCE. If not, see <>.
#include "GenericFlux_Vectors.h"
GenericFlux_Vectors::GenericFlux_Vectors(std::string name,
std::string inputfile, FitWeight *rw,
std::string type,
std::string fakeDataFile) {
// Measurement Details
fName = name;
eventVariables = NULL;
// Define our energy range for flux calcs
EnuMin = 0.;
EnuMax = 1E10; // Arbritrarily high energy limit
if (Config::HasPar("EnuMin")) {
EnuMin = Config::GetParD("EnuMin");
if (Config::HasPar("EnuMax")) {
EnuMax = Config::GetParD("EnuMax");
// Set default fitter flags
fIsDiag = true;
fIsShape = false;
fIsRawEvents = false;
// This function will sort out the input files automatically and parse all the
// inputs,flags,etc.
// There may be complex cases where you have to do this by hand, but usually
// this will do.
Measurement1D::SetupMeasurement(inputfile, type, rw, fakeDataFile);
eventVariables = NULL;
// Setup fDataHist as a placeholder
this->fDataHist = new TH1D(("empty_data"), ("empty-data"), 1, 0, 1);
fFullCovar = StatUtils::MakeDiagonalCovarMatrix(fDataHist);
covar = StatUtils::GetInvert(fFullCovar);
// 1. The generator is organised in SetupMeasurement so it gives the
// cross-section in "per nucleon" units.
// So some extra scaling for a specific measurement may be required. For
// Example to get a "per neutron" measurement on carbon
// which we do here, we have to multiple by the number of nucleons 12 and
// divide by the number of neutrons 6.
// N.B. MeasurementBase::PredictedEventRate includes the 1E-38 factor that is
// often included here in other classes that directly integrate the event
// histogram. This method is used here as it now respects EnuMin and EnuMax
// correctly.
this->fScaleFactor =
(this->PredictedEventRate("width", 0, EnuMax) / double(fNEvents)) /
LOG(SAM) << " Generic Flux Scaling Factor = " << fScaleFactor
<< " [= " << (GetEventHistogram()->Integral("width") * 1E-38) << "/("
<< (fNEvents + 0.) << "*" << this->TotalIntegratedFlux() << ")]"
<< std::endl;
if (fScaleFactor <= 0.0) {
ERR(WRN) << "SCALE FACTOR TOO LOW " << std::endl;
// Setup our TTrees
void GenericFlux_Vectors::AddEventVariablesToTree() {
// Setup the TTree to save everything
if (!eventVariables) {
eventVariables = new TTree((this->fName + "_VARS").c_str(),
(this->fName + "_VARS").c_str());
LOG(SAM) << "Adding Event Variables" << std::endl;
eventVariables->Branch("Mode", &Mode, "Mode/I");
eventVariables->Branch("cc", &cc, "cc/B");
eventVariables->Branch("PDGnu", &PDGnu, "PDGnu/I");
eventVariables->Branch("Enu_true", &Enu_true, "Enu_true/F");
eventVariables->Branch("tgt", &tgt, "tgt/I");
eventVariables->Branch("PDGLep", &PDGLep, "PDGLep/I");
eventVariables->Branch("ELep", &ELep, "ELep/F");
eventVariables->Branch("CosLep", &CosLep, "CosLep/F");
// Basic interaction kinematics
eventVariables->Branch("Q2", &Q2, "Q2/F");
eventVariables->Branch("q0", &q0, "q0/F");
eventVariables->Branch("q3", &q3, "q3/F");
eventVariables->Branch("Enu_QE", &Enu_QE, "Enu_QE/F");
eventVariables->Branch("Q2_QE", &Q2_QE, "Q2_QE/F");
eventVariables->Branch("W_nuc_rest", &W_nuc_rest, "W_nuc_rest/F");
eventVariables->Branch("W", &W, "W/F");
eventVariables->Branch("x", &x, "x/F");
eventVariables->Branch("y", &y, "y/F");
eventVariables->Branch("Eav", &Eav, "Eav/F");
+ eventVariables->Branch("EavAlt", &EavAlt, "EavAlt/F");
// Save outgoing particle vectors
eventVariables->Branch("nfsp", &nfsp, "nfsp/I");
eventVariables->Branch("px", px, "px[nfsp]/F");
eventVariables->Branch("py", py, "py[nfsp]/F");
eventVariables->Branch("pz", pz, "pz[nfsp]/F");
eventVariables->Branch("E", E, "E[nfsp]/F");
eventVariables->Branch("pdg", pdg, "pdg[nfsp]/I");
// Event Scaling Information
eventVariables->Branch("Weight", &Weight, "Weight/F");
eventVariables->Branch("InputWeight", &InputWeight, "InputWeight/F");
eventVariables->Branch("RWWeight", &RWWeight, "RWWeight/F");
// Should be a double because may be 1E-39 and less
eventVariables->Branch("fScaleFactor", &fScaleFactor, "fScaleFactor/D");
// The customs
eventVariables->Branch("CustomWeight", &CustomWeight, "CustomWeight/F");
eventVariables->Branch("CustomWeightArray", CustomWeightArray, "CustomWeightArray[6]/F");
void GenericFlux_Vectors::FillEventVariables(FitEvent *event) {
// Fill Signal Variables
LOG(DEB) << "Filling signal" << std::endl;
// Now fill the information
Mode = event->Mode;
cc = (abs(event->Mode) < 30);
// Get the incoming neutrino and outgoing lepton
FitParticle *nu = event->GetNeutrinoIn();
FitParticle *lep = event->GetHMFSAnyLepton();
PDGnu = nu->fPID;
Enu_true = nu->fP.E() / 1E3;
tgt = event->fTargetPDG;
if (lep != NULL) {
PDGLep = lep->fPID;
ELep = lep->fP.E() / 1E3;
CosLep = cos(nu->fP.Vect().Angle(lep->fP.Vect()));
// Basic interaction kinematics
Q2 = -1 * (nu->fP - lep->fP).Mag2() / 1E6;
q0 = (nu->fP - lep->fP).E() / 1E3;
q3 = (nu->fP - lep->fP).Vect().Mag() / 1E3;
// These assume C12 binding from MINERvA... not ideal
Enu_QE = FitUtils::EnuQErec(lep->fP, CosLep, 34., true);
Q2_QE = FitUtils::Q2QErec(lep->fP, CosLep, 34., true);
Eav = FitUtils::GetErecoil_MINERvA_LowRecoil(event)/1.E3;
+ EavAlt = FitUtils::Eavailable(event)/1.E3;
// Get W_true with assumption of initial state nucleon at rest
float m_n = (float)PhysConst::mass_proton;
// Q2 assuming nucleon at rest
W_nuc_rest = sqrt(-Q2 + 2 * m_n * q0 + m_n * m_n);
// True Q2
W = sqrt(-Q2 + 2 * m_n * q0 + m_n * m_n);
x = Q2 / (2 * m_n * q0);
y = 1 - ELep / Enu_true;
// Loop over the particles and store all the final state particles in a vector
for (UInt_t i = 0; i < event->Npart(); ++i) {
bool part_alive = event->PartInfo(i)->fIsAlive &&
event->PartInfo(i)->Status() == kFinalState;
if (!part_alive) continue;
// Save outgoing particle vectors
nfsp = (int)partList.size();
for (int i = 0; i < nfsp; ++i) {
px[i] = partList[i]->fP.X() / 1E3;
py[i] = partList[i]->fP.Y() / 1E3;
pz[i] = partList[i]->fP.Z() / 1E3;
E[i] = partList[i]->fP.E() / 1E3;
pdg[i] = partList[i]->fPID;
// Fill event weights
Weight = event->RWWeight * event->InputWeight;
RWWeight = event->RWWeight;
InputWeight = event->InputWeight;
// And the Customs
CustomWeight = event->CustomWeight;
for (int i = 0; i < 6; ++i) {
CustomWeightArray[i] = event->CustomWeightArray[i];
// Fill the eventVariables Tree
void GenericFlux_Vectors::ResetVariables() {
cc = false;
// Reset all Function used to extract any variables of interest to the event
Mode = PDGnu = tgt = PDGLep = 0;
- Enu_true = ELep = CosLep = Q2 = q0 = q3 = Enu_QE = Q2_QE = W_nuc_rest = W = x = y = Eav = -999.9;
+ Enu_true = ELep = CosLep = Q2 = q0 = q3 = Enu_QE = Q2_QE = W_nuc_rest = W = x = y = Eav = EavAlt = -999.9;
nfsp = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < kMAX; ++i){
px[i] = py[i] = pz[i] = E[i] = -999;
pdg[i] = 0;
Weight = InputWeight = RWWeight = 0.0;
CustomWeight = 0.0;
for (int i = 0; i < 6; ++i) CustomWeightArray[i] = 0.0;
flagCCINC = flagNCINC = flagCCQE = flagCC0pi = flagCCQELike = flagNCEL = flagNC0pi = flagCCcoh = flagNCcoh = flagCC1pip = flagNC1pip = flagCC1pim = flagNC1pim = flagCC1pi0 = flagNC1pi0 = false;
void GenericFlux_Vectors::FillSignalFlags(FitEvent *event) {
// Some example flags are given from SignalDef.
// See src/Utils/SignalDef.cxx for more.
int nuPDG = event->PartInfo(0)->fPID;
// Generic signal flags
flagCCINC = SignalDef::isCCINC(event, nuPDG);
flagNCINC = SignalDef::isNCINC(event, nuPDG);
flagCCQE = SignalDef::isCCQE(event, nuPDG);
flagCCQELike = SignalDef::isCCQELike(event, nuPDG);
flagCC0pi = SignalDef::isCC0pi(event, nuPDG);
flagNCEL = SignalDef::isNCEL(event, nuPDG);
flagNC0pi = SignalDef::isNC0pi(event, nuPDG);
flagCCcoh = SignalDef::isCCCOH(event, nuPDG, 211);
flagNCcoh = SignalDef::isNCCOH(event, nuPDG, 111);
flagCC1pip = SignalDef::isCC1pi(event, nuPDG, 211);
flagNC1pip = SignalDef::isNC1pi(event, nuPDG, 211);
flagCC1pim = SignalDef::isCC1pi(event, nuPDG, -211);
flagNC1pim = SignalDef::isNC1pi(event, nuPDG, -211);
flagCC1pi0 = SignalDef::isCC1pi(event, nuPDG, 111);
flagNC1pi0 = SignalDef::isNC1pi(event, nuPDG, 111);
void GenericFlux_Vectors::AddSignalFlagsToTree() {
if (!eventVariables) {
eventVariables = new TTree((this->fName + "_VARS").c_str(),
(this->fName + "_VARS").c_str());
LOG(SAM) << "Adding signal flags" << std::endl;
// Signal Definitions from SignalDef.cxx
eventVariables->Branch("flagCCINC", &flagCCINC, "flagCCINC/O");
eventVariables->Branch("flagNCINC", &flagNCINC, "flagNCINC/O");
eventVariables->Branch("flagCCQE", &flagCCQE, "flagCCQE/O");
eventVariables->Branch("flagCC0pi", &flagCC0pi, "flagCC0pi/O");
eventVariables->Branch("flagCCQELike", &flagCCQELike, "flagCCQELike/O");
eventVariables->Branch("flagNCEL", &flagNCEL, "flagNCEL/O");
eventVariables->Branch("flagNC0pi", &flagNC0pi, "flagNC0pi/O");
eventVariables->Branch("flagCCcoh", &flagCCcoh, "flagCCcoh/O");
eventVariables->Branch("flagNCcoh", &flagNCcoh, "flagNCcoh/O");
eventVariables->Branch("flagCC1pip", &flagCC1pip, "flagCC1pip/O");
eventVariables->Branch("flagNC1pip", &flagNC1pip, "flagNC1pip/O");
eventVariables->Branch("flagCC1pim", &flagCC1pim, "flagCC1pim/O");
eventVariables->Branch("flagNC1pim", &flagNC1pim, "flagNC1pim/O");
eventVariables->Branch("flagCC1pi0", &flagCC1pi0, "flagCC1pi0/O");
eventVariables->Branch("flagNC1pi0", &flagNC1pi0, "flagNC1pi0/O");
void GenericFlux_Vectors::Write(std::string drawOpt) {
// First save the TTree
// Save Flux and Event Histograms too
// Override functions which aren't really necessary
bool GenericFlux_Vectors::isSignal(FitEvent *event) {
return true;
void GenericFlux_Vectors::ScaleEvents() { return; }
void GenericFlux_Vectors::ApplyNormScale(float norm) {
this->fCurrentNorm = norm;
void GenericFlux_Vectors::FillHistograms() { return; }
void GenericFlux_Vectors::ResetAll() {
float GenericFlux_Vectors::GetChi2() { return 0.0; }
diff --git a/src/MCStudies/GenericFlux_Vectors.h b/src/MCStudies/GenericFlux_Vectors.h
index 7b76a57..921b247 100644
--- a/src/MCStudies/GenericFlux_Vectors.h
+++ b/src/MCStudies/GenericFlux_Vectors.h
@@ -1,126 +1,127 @@
// Copyright 2016 L. Pickering, P Stowell, R. Terri, C. Wilkinson, C. Wret
* This file is part of NUISANCE.
* NUISANCE is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* NUISANCE is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with NUISANCE. If not, see <>.
#ifndef GenericFlux_Vectors_H_SEEN
#define GenericFlux_Vectors_H_SEEN
#include "Measurement1D.h"
class GenericFlux_Vectors : public Measurement1D {
GenericFlux_Vectors(std::string name, std::string inputfile, FitWeight *rw, std::string type, std::string fakeDataFile);
virtual ~GenericFlux_Vectors() {};
//! Grab info from event
void FillEventVariables(FitEvent *event);
//! Fill signal flags
void FillSignalFlags(FitEvent *event);
void ResetVariables();
//! Fill Custom Histograms
void FillHistograms();
//! ResetAll
void ResetAll();
//! Scale
void ScaleEvents();
//! Norm
void ApplyNormScale(float norm);
//! Define this samples signal
bool isSignal(FitEvent *nvect);
//! Write Files
void Write(std::string drawOpt);
//! Get Chi2
float GetChi2();
void AddEventVariablesToTree();
void AddSignalFlagsToTree();
TTree* eventVariables;
std::vector<FitParticle*> partList;
int Mode;
bool cc;
int PDGnu;
int tgt;
int PDGLep;
float ELep;
float CosLep;
// Basic interaction kinematics
float Q2;
float q0;
float q3;
float Enu_QE;
float Enu_true;
float Q2_QE;
float W_nuc_rest;
float W;
float x;
float y;
float Eav;
+ float EavAlt;
// Save outgoing particle vectors
int nfsp;
static const int kMAX = 200;
float px[kMAX];
float py[kMAX];
float pz[kMAX];
float E[kMAX];
int pdg[kMAX];
// Basic event info
float Weight;
float InputWeight;
float RWWeight;
double fScaleFactor;
// Custom weights
float CustomWeight;
float CustomWeightArray[6];
// Generic signal flags
bool flagCCINC;
bool flagNCINC;
bool flagCCQE;
bool flagCC0pi;
bool flagCCQELike;
bool flagNCEL;
bool flagNC0pi;
bool flagCCcoh;
bool flagNCcoh;
bool flagCC1pip;
bool flagNC1pip;
bool flagCC1pim;
bool flagNC1pim;
bool flagCC1pi0;
bool flagNC1pi0;
diff --git a/src/Reweight/weightRPA.h b/src/Reweight/weightRPA.h
index c44acdd..ca8e635 100644
--- a/src/Reweight/weightRPA.h
+++ b/src/Reweight/weightRPA.h
@@ -1,409 +1,419 @@
#ifndef weightRPA_h
#define weightRPA_h
#include <fstream> //ifstream
#include <iostream> //cout
#include <TString.h>
#include <TH2D.h>
#include <TH1D.h>
#include <TFile.h>
#include "math.h"
#include "assert.h"
//For Compatibility with ROOT compiler
//uncomment the following:
//#define ROOT
* Code example to extract the RPA effect central weight
* and its uncertainties from the prepared files.
* Heidi Schellman (Oregon State) and Rik Gran (Minnesota Duluth)
* for use in MINERvA experiment analysis
* must compile with the ROOT libraries
* g++ `root-config --glibs --cflags` -O3 weightRPAtest.cxx -o weightRPA
* The underlying model is from the IFIC Valencia group
* see (public) minerva docdb:12688 for the full physics discussion
// NOTE UNITS ARE GEV in the calculation
// make sure you convert MeV to GeV before calling these functions
// Class for getting RPA paramaters inputs from a given file
// Includes methods that return all five RPA weights at once
// (is the most cpu efficient way to get them)
// Or return just the central value
// (skipping the uncertainties code completely if only cv wanted)
// Or return each CV and uncertainty one at a time
// (is the least cpu efficient, repeats some calculations 5 times)
class weightRPA {
//Constructor: Read in params from a filename
weightRPA(const TString f) { read(f); } //Read in params from file
TString filename;
TFile* fRPAratio;
TH2D *hRPArelratio;
TH2D *hRPAnonrelratio;
TH1D *hQ2relratio;
TH1D *hQ2nonrelratio;
TArrayD *TADrpapolyrel;
Double_t *rpapolyrel ;
TArrayD *TADrpapolynonrel;
Double_t *rpapolynonrel;
static const int CENTRAL=0;
static const int LOWQ2 = 1;
static const int HIGHQ2 = 2;
// true to take from histogram, false use parameterization
static const bool Q2histORparam = true;
// MINERvA holds kinematics in MeV, but all these functions require GeV
// So make sure you pass them in GeV.
inline double getWeight(const double mc_q0, const double mc_q3, double * weights); //in GeV
inline double getWeight(const double mc_q0, const double mc_q3); //in GeV
inline double getWeight(const double mc_q0, const double mc_q3, int type, int sign); //in GeV
inline double getWeight(const double Q2); //in GeV^2
inline double getWeightLowQ2(const double mc_q0, const double mc_q3, const int sign);
inline double getWeightHighQ2(const double mc_q0, const double mc_q3, const int sign);
inline double getWeightQ2(const double mc_Q2, const bool relORnonrel=true);
inline void read(const TString f);
// q0 and q3 in GeV, type = 1 for low Q2, 2 for high Q2, 0 for central
//double getWeightInternal(const double mc_q0, const double mc_q3,int type, int sign);
inline double getWeightInternal(const double mc_Q2);
inline double getWeightInternal(const double mc_q0, const double mc_q3, const int type, const int sign);
inline double getWeightInternal(const double mc_q0, const double mc_q3, double *weights=0);
inline double getWeightQ2parameterization(const double mc_Q2, const bool relORnonrel);
inline double getWeightQ2fromhistogram(const double mc_Q2, const bool relORnonrel);
void weightRPA::read(const TString f)
//Read in the params doubles from a file
//argument: valid filename
fRPAratio = TFile::Open(f,"READONLY");
if (fRPAratio){
hRPArelratio = (TH2D*)fRPAratio->Get("hrelratio");
hRPAnonrelratio = (TH2D*)fRPAratio->Get("hnonrelratio");
hQ2relratio = (TH1D*)fRPAratio->Get("hQ2relratio");
hQ2nonrelratio = (TH1D*)fRPAratio->Get("hQ2nonrelratio");
TADrpapolyrel = (TArrayD*)fRPAratio->Get("rpapolyrel");
rpapolyrel = TADrpapolyrel->GetArray();
TADrpapolynonrel = (TArrayD*)fRPAratio->Get("rpapolynonrel");
rpapolynonrel = TADrpapolynonrel->GetArray();
std::cout << "have read in ratios from file " << f <<std::endl;
} else {
//File could not be read
std::cout << "File could not be read" << std::endl;
double weightRPA::getWeightInternal(const double mc_q0, const double mc_q3, double *weights){
if (weights != 0){
for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++){
weights[i] = 1.0;
// the construction here is that the histogram bins
// line up in mev-sized steps e.g. from 0.018 to 0.019
// and the value stored is the value at bin-center.
// double gevmev = 0.001 ;
const Double_t gevlimit = 3.; // upper limit for 2d
Int_t rpamevlimit = gevlimit*1000.;
//Double_t Q2gev = mc_Q2*gevmev*gevmev;
Double_t Q2gev = mc_q3*mc_q3-mc_q0*mc_q0;
Int_t q3bin = Int_t(mc_q3*1000.);
Int_t q0bin = Int_t(mc_q0*1000.);
if(mc_q0 >= gevlimit) q0bin = rpamevlimit - 1;
if(mc_q3 >= gevlimit) q3bin = rpamevlimit - 1;
// Nieves does not calculate anything below binding energy.
// I don't know what GENIE does, but lets be soft about this.
// Two things lurking here at once.
// One, we are taking out a 10 MeV offset between GENIE and Valencia.
// Second, we are protecting against being asked for a weight that is too low in q0.
// It actually shouldn't happen for real GENIE events,
// but this protection does something that doesn't suck, just in case.
// you would see the artifact in a plot for sure, but better than writing 1.0.
+ // CWret after talking to Rik in Nov 2018 at MINERvA CM
+ // 2.12.8 sets this to 27 because change of Q definition: need to offset GENIE and Nieves Eb even more
+#if __GENIE_VERSION__ >= 210
+ Int_t q0offsetValenciaGENIE = 27;
Int_t q0offsetValenciaGENIE = 10;
+ std::cout << "q0offsetValenciaGENIE: " << q0offsetValenciaGENIE << std::endl;
if(mc_q0 < 0.018) q0bin = 18+q0offsetValenciaGENIE;
Double_t thisrwtemp = hRPArelratio->GetBinContent(q3bin,q0bin-q0offsetValenciaGENIE);
// now trap bogus entries. Not sure why they happen, but set to 1.0 not 0.0
if(thisrwtemp <= 0.001)thisrwtemp = 1.0;
// events in genie but not in valencia should get a weight
// related to a similar q0 from the bulk distribution.
if(mc_q0 < 0.15 && thisrwtemp > 0.9){
thisrwtemp = hRPArelratio->GetBinContent(q3bin+150, q0bin-q0offsetValenciaGENIE);
//Double_t *mypoly;
//mypoly = rpapoly;
if(Q2gev >= 9.0){
thisrwtemp = 1.0;
else if(Q2gev > 3.0) {
// hiding option, use the Q2 parameterization everywhere
// } else if(Q2gev > 3.0 || rwRPAQ2) {
// turn rwRPAQ2 all the way on to override the 2D histogram
// illustrates the old-style Q2 suppression many folks still use.
thisrwtemp = getWeightQ2(Q2gev,true);
// double powerQ2 = 1.0;
//thisrwtemp = 0.0;
//for(int ii=0; ii<10; ii++){
// thisrwtemp += rpapoly[ii]*powerQ2;
// powerQ2 *= Q2gev;
//std::cout << "test temp " << thisrwtemp << " " << rpamypoly[2] << std::endl;
if(!(thisrwtemp >= 0.001 && thisrwtemp <= 2.0))thisrwtemp = 1.0;
// hiding option, turn off the enhancement.
//if(rwoffSRC && thisrwtemp > 1.0)thisrwtemp = 1.0;
if (0 == weights) return thisrwtemp;
// if this was called without passing an array,
// the user didn't want us to calculate the +/- 1-sigma bounds
// so the above line returned before even trying.
weights[0] = thisrwtemp;
//if (type == 0) return thisrwtemp;
//if (type == 1) {
// Construct the error bands on the low Q2 suppression.
// Double_t thisrwSupP1 = 1.0;
// Double_t thisrwSupM1 = 1.0;
if( thisrwtemp < 1.0){
// make the suppression stronger or weaker to muon capture uncertainty
// rwRPAonesig is either +1 or -1, which is 0.25 (25%).
// possible to be re-written to produce 2 and 3 sigma.
weights[1] = thisrwtemp + 1.0 * (0.25)*(1.0 - thisrwtemp);
weights[2] = thisrwtemp - 1.0 * (0.25)*(1.0 - thisrwtemp);
weights[1] = thisrwtemp;
weights[2] = thisrwtemp;
//std::cout << "check " << thisrwtemp << " " << weights[1] << " " << weights[2] << std::endl;
// Construct the rest of the error bands on the low Q2 suppression.
// this involves getting the weight from the non-relativistic ratio
//if (type == 2){
Double_t thisrwEnhP1 = 1.0;
Double_t thisrwEnhM1 = 1.0;
// make enhancement stronger or weaker to Federico Sanchez uncertainty
// this does NOT mean two sigma, its overloading the option.
Double_t thisrwextreme = hRPAnonrelratio->GetBinContent(q3bin,q0bin-q0offsetValenciaGENIE);
// now trap bogus entries. Not sure why they happen, but set to 1.0 not 0.0
if(thisrwextreme <= 0.001)thisrwextreme = 1.0;
if(mc_q0 < 0.15 && thisrwextreme > 0.9){
thisrwextreme = hRPAnonrelratio->GetBinContent(q3bin+150, q0bin-q0offsetValenciaGENIE);
//std::cout << "ext " << thisrwextreme << " " << thisrwtemp << std::endl;
// get the same for the Q2 dependent thing,
// but from the nonrelativistic polynomial
if(Q2gev >= 9.0){
thisrwextreme = 1.0;
else if(Q2gev > 3.0 ) {
thisrwextreme = getWeightQ2(Q2gev,false);
//double powerQ2 = 1.0;
//thisrwextreme = 0.0;
//for(int ii=0; ii<10; ii++){
// thisrwextreme += rpapolynonrel[ii]*powerQ2;
// powerQ2 *= Q2gev;
//std::cout << "test extreme " << thisrwextreme << " " << mypolynonrel[2] << std::endl;
if(!(thisrwextreme >= 0.001 && thisrwextreme <= 2.0))thisrwextreme = 1.0;
//std::cout << "test extreme " << Q2gev << " " << thisrwextreme << " " << thisrwtemp << std::endl;
Double_t RelToNonRel = 0.6;
// based on some distance between central value and extreme
thisrwEnhP1 = thisrwtemp + RelToNonRel * (thisrwextreme-thisrwtemp);
Double_t thisrwEnhP1max = thisrwextreme;
if(Q2gev < 0.9)thisrwEnhP1 += 1.5*(0.9 - Q2gev)*(thisrwEnhP1max - thisrwEnhP1);
// sanity check, don't let the upper error bound go above the nonrel limit.
if(thisrwEnhP1 > thisrwEnhP1max)thisrwEnhP1 = thisrwEnhP1max;
// don't let positive error bound be closer than 3% above the central value
// will happen at very high Q2 and very close to Q2 = 0
if(thisrwEnhP1 < thisrwtemp + 0.03)thisrwEnhP1 = thisrwtemp + 0.03;
thisrwEnhM1 = thisrwtemp - RelToNonRel * (thisrwextreme-thisrwtemp);
// don't let negative error bound be closer than 3% below the central value
if(thisrwEnhM1 > thisrwtemp - 0.03)thisrwEnhM1 = thisrwtemp - 0.03;
// even still, don't let the lower error bound go below 1.0 at high-ish Q2
if(Q2gev > 1.0 && thisrwEnhM1 < 1.0)thisrwEnhM1 = 1.0;
// whew. so now return the main weight
// and return the array of all five weights in some array
// thisrwtemp, thisrwSupP1, thisrwSupM1, thisrwEnhP1, thisrwEnhM1
//if (sign == 1) return thisrwEnhP1;
//if (sign == -1) return thisrwEnhM1;
weights[3] = thisrwEnhP1;
weights[4] = thisrwEnhM1;
// still return the central value
return thisrwtemp;
double weightRPA::getWeight(const double mc_q0, const double mc_q3){
return getWeightInternal(mc_q0, mc_q3);
double weightRPA::getWeight(const double mc_q0, const double mc_q3, double *weights){
return getWeightInternal(mc_q0, mc_q3, weights);
double weightRPA::getWeight(const double mc_q0, const double mc_q3, int type, int sign){
return getWeightInternal(mc_q0, mc_q3, type, sign);
double weightRPA::getWeight(const double mc_Q2){
return getWeightQ2(mc_Q2);
double weightRPA::getWeightInternal(const double mc_q0, const double mc_q3, int type, int sign){
double weights[5] = {1., 1., 1., 1., 1.};
double cv = getWeightInternal(mc_q0, mc_q3, weights);
if(type==0)return cv;
else if(type==weightRPA::LOWQ2 && sign == 1)return weights[1];
else if(type==weightRPA::LOWQ2 && sign == -1)return weights[2];
else if(type==weightRPA::HIGHQ2 && sign == 1)return weights[3];
else if(type==weightRPA::HIGHQ2 && sign == -1)return weights[4];
//else {
// // should never happen? Bork ?
// return cv; //?
return cv;
double weightRPA::getWeightQ2(const double mc_Q2, const bool relORnonrel){
if(mc_Q2 < 0.0)return 1.0; // this is Q2 actually, not sure hw
if(mc_Q2 > 9.0)return 1.0;
// this function needs to know two options.
// does user want rel (cv) or nonrel
// does user want to use the histogram or parameterization
if(Q2histORparam)return getWeightQ2fromhistogram(mc_Q2, relORnonrel);
else return getWeightQ2parameterization(mc_Q2, relORnonrel);
double weightRPA::getWeightQ2parameterization(const double mc_Q2, const bool relORnonrel){
if(mc_Q2 < 0.0)return 1.0;
if(mc_Q2 > 9.0)return 1.0;
// this one returns just the polynomial Q2 version
// for special tests. Poor answer for baseline MINERvA QE events.
// No uncertainty assigned to this usecase at this time.
//double gevmev = 0.001; // minerva sends in MeV.
double Q2gev = mc_Q2;
double powerQ2 = 1.0;
double thisrwtemp = 0.0;
thisrwtemp = 0.0;
for(int ii=0; ii<10; ii++){
if(relORnonrel)thisrwtemp += rpapolyrel[ii]*powerQ2;
else thisrwtemp += rpapolynonrel[ii]*powerQ2;
powerQ2 *= Q2gev;
return thisrwtemp;
double weightRPA::getWeightQ2fromhistogram(const double mc_Q2, const bool relORnonrel){
if(mc_Q2 < 0.0)return 1.0;
if(mc_Q2 > 9.0) return 1.0;
if(relORnonrel)return hQ2relratio->GetBinContent( hQ2relratio->FindBin(mc_Q2) );
else return hQ2nonrelratio->GetBinContent( hQ2nonrelratio->FindBin(mc_Q2) );
// interpolation might be overkill for such a finely binned histogram, 0.01%
// but the extra cpu cycles maybe small.
// save it here for some future use.
//if(relORnonrel)return hQ2relratio->Interpolate(mc_Q2);
//else return hQ2nonrelratio->Interpolate(mc_Q2);
double weightRPA::getWeightLowQ2(const double mc_q0, const double mc_q3, int sign){
return getWeightInternal(mc_q0,mc_q3,weightRPA::LOWQ2,sign);
double weightRPA::getWeightHighQ2(const double mc_q0, const double mc_q3, int sign){
return getWeightInternal(mc_q0,mc_q3,weightRPA::HIGHQ2,sign);
diff --git a/src/Utils/FitUtils.cxx b/src/Utils/FitUtils.cxx
index f157e48..9e38b42 100644
--- a/src/Utils/FitUtils.cxx
+++ b/src/Utils/FitUtils.cxx
@@ -1,1056 +1,1086 @@
// Copyright 2016 L. Pickering, P Stowell, R. Terri, C. Wilkinson, C. Wret
* This file is part of NUISANCE.
* NUISANCE is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* NUISANCE is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with NUISANCE. If not, see <>.
#include "FitUtils.h"
MISC Functions
double *FitUtils::GetArrayFromMap(std::vector<std::string> invals,
std::map<std::string, double> inmap) {
double *outarr = new double[invals.size()];
int count = 0;
for (size_t i = 0; i < invals.size(); i++) {
outarr[count++] = inmap[];
return outarr;
MISC Event
// Returns the kinetic energy of a particle in GeV
double FitUtils::T(TLorentzVector part) {
double E_part = part.E() / 1000.;
double p_part = part.Vect().Mag() / 1000.;
double m_part = sqrt(E_part * E_part - p_part * p_part);
double KE_part = E_part - m_part;
return KE_part;
// Returns the momentum of a particle in GeV
double FitUtils::p(TLorentzVector part) {
double p_part = part.Vect().Mag() / 1000.;
return p_part;
double FitUtils::p(FitParticle *part) { return FitUtils::p(part->fP); };
// Returns the angle between two particles in radians
double FitUtils::th(TLorentzVector part1, TLorentzVector part2) {
double th = part1.Vect().Angle(part2.Vect());
return th;
double FitUtils::th(FitParticle *part1, FitParticle *part2) {
return FitUtils::th(part1->fP, part2->fP);
// T2K CC1pi+ helper functions
// Returns the angle between q3 and the pion defined in Raquel's CC1pi+ on CH
// paper
// Uses "MiniBooNE formula" for Enu, here called EnuCC1pip_T2K_MB
double FitUtils::thq3pi_CC1pip_T2K(TLorentzVector pnu, TLorentzVector pmu,
TLorentzVector ppi) {
// Want this in GeV
TVector3 p_mu = pmu.Vect() * (1. / 1000.);
// Get the reconstructed Enu
// We are not using Michel e sample, so we have pion kinematic information
double Enu = EnuCC1piprec(pnu, pmu, ppi, true);
// Get neutrino unit direction, multiply by reconstructed Enu
TVector3 p_nu = pnu.Vect() * (1. / (pnu.Vect().Mag())) * Enu;
TVector3 p_pi = ppi.Vect() * (1. / 1000.);
// This is now in GeV
TVector3 q3 = (p_nu - p_mu);
// Want this in GeV
double th_q3_pi = q3.Angle(p_pi);
return th_q3_pi;
// Returns the q3 defined in Raquel's CC1pi+ on CH paper
// Uses "MiniBooNE formula" for Enu
double FitUtils::q3_CC1pip_T2K(TLorentzVector pnu, TLorentzVector pmu,
TLorentzVector ppi) {
// Can't use the true Enu here; need to reconstruct it
// We do have Michel e- here so reconstruct Enu by "MiniBooNE formula" without
// pion kinematics
// The bool false refers to that we don't have pion kinematics
// Last bool refers to if we have pion kinematic information or not
double Enu = EnuCC1piprec(pnu, pmu, ppi, false);
TVector3 p_mu = pmu.Vect() * (1. / 1000.);
TVector3 p_nu = pnu.Vect() * (1. / pnu.Vect().Mag()) * Enu;
double q3 = (p_nu - p_mu).Mag();
return q3;
// Returns the W reconstruction from Raquel CC1pi+ CH thesis
// Uses the MiniBooNE formula Enu
double FitUtils::WrecCC1pip_T2K_MB(TLorentzVector pnu, TLorentzVector pmu,
TLorentzVector ppi) {
double E_mu = pmu.E() / 1000.;
double p_mu = pmu.Vect().Mag() / 1000.;
double E_nu = EnuCC1piprec(pnu, pmu, ppi, false);
double a1 = (E_nu + PhysConst::mass_neutron) - E_mu;
double a2 = E_nu - p_mu;
double wrec = sqrt(a1 * a1 - a2 * a2);
return wrec;
double FitUtils::ProtonQ2QErec(double pE, double binding) {
const double V = binding / 1000.; // binding potential
const double mn = PhysConst::mass_neutron; // neutron mass
const double mp = PhysConst::mass_proton; // proton mass
const double mn_eff = mn - V; // effective proton mass
const double pki = (pE / 1000.0) - mp;
double q2qe = mn_eff * mn_eff - mp * mp + 2 * mn_eff * (pki + mp - mn_eff);
return q2qe;
double FitUtils::EnuQErec(TLorentzVector pmu, double costh, double binding,
bool neutrino) {
// Convert all values to GeV
const double V = binding / 1000.; // binding potential
const double mn = PhysConst::mass_neutron; // neutron mass
const double mp = PhysConst::mass_proton; // proton mass
double mN_eff = mn - V;
double mN_oth = mp;
if (!neutrino) {
mN_eff = mp - V;
mN_oth = mn;
double el = pmu.E() / 1000.;
double pl = (pmu.Vect().Mag()) / 1000.; // momentum of lepton
double ml = sqrt(el * el - pl * pl); // lepton mass
double rEnu =
(2 * mN_eff * el - ml * ml + mN_oth * mN_oth - mN_eff * mN_eff) /
(2 * (mN_eff - el + pl * costh));
return rEnu;
double FitUtils::Q2QErec(TLorentzVector pmu, double costh, double binding, bool neutrino) {
double el = pmu.E() / 1000.;
double pl = (pmu.Vect().Mag()) / 1000.; // momentum of lepton
double ml = sqrt(el * el - pl * pl); // lepton mass
double rEnu = EnuQErec(pmu, costh, binding, neutrino);
double q2 = -ml * ml + 2. * rEnu * (el - pl * costh);
return q2;
double FitUtils::Q2QErec(TLorentzVector Pmu, TLorentzVector Pnu, double binding, bool neutrino) {
double q2qe = Q2QErec(Pmu, cos(Pnu.Vect().Angle(Pmu.Vect())), binding, neutrino);
return q2qe;
double FitUtils::EnuQErec(double pl, double costh, double binding,
bool neutrino) {
if (pl < 0) return 0.; // Make sure nobody is silly
double mN_eff = PhysConst::mass_neutron - binding / 1000.;
double mN_oth = PhysConst::mass_proton;
if (!neutrino) {
mN_eff = PhysConst::mass_proton - binding / 1000.;
mN_oth = PhysConst::mass_neutron;
double ml = PhysConst::mass_muon;
double el = sqrt(pl * pl + ml * ml);
double rEnu =
(2 * mN_eff * el - ml * ml + mN_oth * mN_oth - mN_eff * mN_eff) /
(2 * (mN_eff - el + pl * costh));
return rEnu;
double FitUtils::Q2QErec(double pl, double costh, double binding,
bool neutrino) {
if (pl < 0) return 0.; // Make sure nobody is silly
double ml = PhysConst::mass_muon;
double el = sqrt(pl * pl + ml * ml);
double rEnu = EnuQErec(pl, costh, binding, neutrino);
double q2 = -ml * ml + 2. * rEnu * (el - pl * costh);
return q2;
// Reconstructs Enu for CC1pi0
// Very similar for CC1pi+ reconstruction
double FitUtils::EnuCC1pi0rec(TLorentzVector pnu, TLorentzVector pmu,
TLorentzVector ppi0) {
double E_mu = pmu.E() / 1000;
double p_mu = pmu.Vect().Mag() / 1000;
double m_mu = sqrt(E_mu * E_mu - p_mu * p_mu);
double th_nu_mu = pnu.Vect().Angle(pmu.Vect());
double E_pi0 = ppi0.E() / 1000;
double p_pi0 = ppi0.Vect().Mag() / 1000;
double m_pi0 = sqrt(E_pi0 * E_pi0 - p_pi0 * p_pi0);
double th_nu_pi0 = pnu.Vect().Angle(ppi0.Vect());
const double m_n = PhysConst::mass_neutron; // neutron mass
const double m_p = PhysConst::mass_proton; // proton mass
double th_pi0_mu = ppi0.Vect().Angle(pmu.Vect());
double rEnu = (m_mu * m_mu + m_pi0 * m_pi0 + m_n * m_n - m_p * m_p -
2 * m_n * (E_pi0 + E_mu) + 2 * E_pi0 * E_mu -
2 * p_pi0 * p_mu * cos(th_pi0_mu)) /
(2 * (E_pi0 + E_mu - p_pi0 * cos(th_nu_pi0) -
p_mu * cos(th_nu_mu) - m_n));
return rEnu;
// Reconstruct Q2 for CC1pi0
// Beware: uses true Enu, not reconstructed Enu
double FitUtils::Q2CC1pi0rec(TLorentzVector pnu, TLorentzVector pmu,
TLorentzVector ppi0) {
double E_mu = pmu.E() / 1000.; // energy of lepton in GeV
double p_mu = pmu.Vect().Mag() / 1000.; // momentum of lepton
double m_mu = sqrt(E_mu * E_mu - p_mu * p_mu); // lepton mass
double th_nu_mu = pnu.Vect().Angle(pmu.Vect());
// double rEnu = EnuCC1pi0rec(pnu, pmu, ppi0); //reconstructed neutrino energy
// Use true neutrino energy
double rEnu = pnu.E() / 1000.;
double q2 = -m_mu * m_mu + 2. * rEnu * (E_mu - p_mu * cos(th_nu_mu));
return q2;
// Reconstruct Enu for CC1pi+
// pionInfo reflects if we're using pion kinematics or not
// In T2K CC1pi+ CH the Michel tag is used for pion in which pion kinematic info
// is lost and Enu is reconstructed without pion kinematics
double FitUtils::EnuCC1piprec(TLorentzVector pnu, TLorentzVector pmu,
TLorentzVector ppi, bool pionInfo) {
double E_mu = pmu.E() / 1000.;
double p_mu = pmu.Vect().Mag() / 1000.;
double m_mu = sqrt(E_mu * E_mu - p_mu * p_mu);
double E_pi = ppi.E() / 1000.;
double p_pi = ppi.Vect().Mag() / 1000.;
double m_pi = sqrt(E_pi * E_pi - p_pi * p_pi);
const double m_n = PhysConst::mass_neutron; // neutron/proton mass
// should really take proton mass for proton interaction, neutron for neutron
// interaction. However, difference is pretty much negligable here!
// need this angle too
double th_nu_pi = pnu.Vect().Angle(ppi.Vect());
double th_nu_mu = pnu.Vect().Angle(pmu.Vect());
double th_pi_mu = ppi.Vect().Angle(pmu.Vect());
double rEnu = -999;
// If experiment doesn't have pion kinematic information (T2K CC1pi+ CH
// example of this; Michel e sample has no directional information on pion)
// We'll need to modify the reconstruction variables
if (!pionInfo) {
// Assumes that pion angle contribution contributes net zero
// Also assumes the momentum of reconstructed pions when using Michel
// electrons is 130 MeV
// So need to redefine E_pi and p_pi
// It's a little unclear what happens to the pmu . ppi term (4-vector); do
// we include the angular contribution?
// This below doesn't
th_nu_pi = M_PI / 2.;
p_pi = 0.130;
E_pi = sqrt(p_pi * p_pi + m_pi * m_pi);
// rEnu = (m_mu*m_mu + m_pi*m_pi - 2*m_n*(E_mu + E_pi) + 2*E_mu*E_pi -
// 2*p_mu*p_pi) / (2*(E_mu + E_pi - p_mu*cos(th_nu_mu) - m_n));
rEnu =
(m_mu * m_mu + m_pi * m_pi - 2 * m_n * (E_pi + E_mu) + 2 * E_pi * E_mu -
2 * p_pi * p_mu * cos(th_pi_mu)) /
(2 * (E_pi + E_mu - p_pi * cos(th_nu_pi) - p_mu * cos(th_nu_mu) - m_n));
return rEnu;
// Reconstruct neutrino energy from outgoing particles; will differ from the
// actual neutrino energy. Here we use assumption of a Delta resonance
double FitUtils::EnuCC1piprecDelta(TLorentzVector pnu, TLorentzVector pmu) {
const double m_Delta =
PhysConst::mass_delta; // PDG value for Delta mass in GeV
const double m_n = PhysConst::mass_neutron; // neutron/proton mass
// should really take proton mass for proton interaction, neutron for neutron
// interaction. However, difference is pretty much negligable here!
double E_mu = pmu.E() / 1000;
double p_mu = pmu.Vect().Mag() / 1000;
double m_mu = sqrt(E_mu * E_mu - p_mu * p_mu);
double th_nu_mu = pnu.Vect().Angle(pmu.Vect());
double rEnu = (m_Delta * m_Delta - m_n * m_n - m_mu * m_mu + 2 * m_n * E_mu) /
(2 * (m_n - E_mu + p_mu * cos(th_nu_mu)));
return rEnu;
// Reconstruct Enu using "extended MiniBooNE" as defined in Raquel's T2K TN
// Supposedly includes pion direction and binding energy of target nucleon
// I'm not convinced (yet), maybe
double FitUtils::EnuCC1piprec_T2K_eMB(TLorentzVector pnu, TLorentzVector pmu,
TLorentzVector ppi) {
// Unit vector for neutrino momentum
TVector3 p_nu_vect_unit = pnu.Vect() * (1. / pnu.E());
double E_mu = pmu.E() / 1000.;
TVector3 p_mu_vect = pmu.Vect() * (1. / 1000.);
double E_pi = ppi.E() / 1000.;
TVector3 p_pi_vect = ppi.Vect() * (1. / 1000.);
double E_bind =
27. / 1000.; // This should be roughly correct for CH; but not clear!
double m_p = PhysConst::mass_proton;
// Makes life a little easier, gonna square this one
double a1 = m_p - E_bind - E_mu - E_pi;
// Just gets the magnitude square of the muon and pion momentum vectors
double a2 = (p_mu_vect + p_pi_vect).Mag2();
// Gets the somewhat complicated scalar product between neutrino and
// (p_mu+p_pi), scaled to Enu
double a3 = p_nu_vect_unit * (p_mu_vect + p_pi_vect);
double rEnu =
(m_p * m_p - a1 * a1 + a2) / (2 * (m_p - E_bind - E_mu - E_pi + a3));
return rEnu;
// Reconstructed Q2 for CC1pi+
// enuType describes how the neutrino energy is reconstructed
// 0 uses true neutrino energy; case for MINERvA and MiniBooNE
// 1 uses "extended MiniBooNE" reconstructed (T2K CH)
// 2 uses "MiniBooNE" reconstructed (EnuCC1piprec with pionInfo = true) (T2K CH)
// "MiniBooNE" reconstructed (EnuCC1piprec with pionInfo = false, the
// case for T2K when using Michel tag) (T2K CH)
// 3 uses Delta for reconstruction (T2K CH)
double FitUtils::Q2CC1piprec(TLorentzVector pnu, TLorentzVector pmu,
TLorentzVector ppi, int enuType, bool pionInfo) {
double E_mu = pmu.E() / 1000.; // energy of lepton in GeV
double p_mu = pmu.Vect().Mag() / 1000.; // momentum of lepton
double m_mu = sqrt(E_mu * E_mu - p_mu * p_mu); // lepton mass
double th_nu_mu = pnu.Vect().Angle(pmu.Vect());
// Different ways of reconstructing the neutrino energy; default is just to
// use the truth (case 0)
double rEnu = -999;
switch (enuType) {
case 0: // True neutrino energy, default; this is the case for when Q2
// defined as Q2 true (MiniBooNE, MINERvA)
rEnu = pnu.E() / 1000.;
case 1: // Extended MiniBooNE reconstructed, as defined by Raquel's CC1pi+
// CH T2K analysis
// Definitely uses pion info :)
rEnu = EnuCC1piprec_T2K_eMB(pnu, pmu, ppi);
case 2: // MiniBooNE reconstructed, as defined by MiniBooNE and Raquel's
// CC1pi+ CH T2K analysis and Linda's CC1pi+ H2O
// Can have this with and without pion info, depending on if Michel tag
// used (Raquel)
rEnu = EnuCC1piprec(pnu, pmu, ppi, pionInfo);
case 3:
rEnu = EnuCC1piprecDelta(pnu, pmu);
} // No need for default here since default value of enuType = 0, defined in
// header
double q2 = -m_mu * m_mu + 2. * rEnu * (E_mu - p_mu * cos(th_nu_mu));
return q2;
// Returns the reconstructed W from a nucleon and an outgoing pion
// Could do this a lot more clever (pp + ppi).Mag() would do the job, but this
// would be less instructive
double FitUtils::MpPi(TLorentzVector pp, TLorentzVector ppi) {
double E_p = pp.E();
double p_p = pp.Vect().Mag();
double m_p = sqrt(E_p * E_p - p_p * p_p);
double E_pi = ppi.E();
double p_pi = ppi.Vect().Mag();
double m_pi = sqrt(E_pi * E_pi - p_pi * p_pi);
double th_p_pi = pp.Vect().Angle(ppi.Vect());
// fairly easy thing to derive since bubble chambers measure the proton!
double invMass = sqrt(m_p * m_p + m_pi * m_pi + 2 * E_p * E_pi -
2 * p_pi * p_p * cos(th_p_pi));
return invMass;
// Reconstruct the hadronic mass using neutrino and muon
// Could technically do E_nu = EnuCC1pipRec(pnu,pmu,ppi) too, but this wwill be
// reconstructed Enu; so gives reconstructed Wrec which most of the time isn't
// used!
// Only MINERvA uses this so far; and the Enu is Enu_true
// If we want W_true need to take initial state nucleon motion into account
// Return value is in MeV!!!
double FitUtils::Wrec(TLorentzVector pnu, TLorentzVector pmu) {
double E_mu = pmu.E();
double p_mu = pmu.Vect().Mag();
double m_mu = sqrt(E_mu * E_mu - p_mu * p_mu);
double th_nu_mu = pnu.Vect().Angle(pmu.Vect());
// The factor of 1000 is necessary for downstream functions
const double m_p = PhysConst::mass_proton * 1000;
// MINERvA cut on W_exp which is tuned to W_true; so use true Enu from
// generators
double E_nu = pnu.E();
double w_rec = sqrt(m_p * m_p + m_mu * m_mu - 2 * m_p * E_mu +
2 * E_nu * (m_p - E_mu + p_mu * cos(th_nu_mu)));
return w_rec;
// Reconstruct the true hadronic mass using the initial state and muon
// Could technically do E_nu = EnuCC1pipRec(pnu,pmu,ppi) too, but this wwill be
// reconstructed Enu; so gives reconstructed Wrec which most of the time isn't
// used!
// No one seems to use this because it's fairly MC dependent!
// Return value is in MeV!!!
double FitUtils::Wtrue(TLorentzVector pnu, TLorentzVector pmu,
TLorentzVector pnuc) {
// Could simply do the TLorentzVector operators here but this is more
// instructive?
// ... and prone to errors ...
double E_mu = pmu.E();
double p_mu = pmu.Vect().Mag();
double m_mu = sqrt(E_mu * E_mu - p_mu * p_mu);
double th_nu_mu = pnu.Vect().Angle(pmu.Vect());
double E_nuc = pnuc.E();
double p_nuc = pnuc.Vect().Mag();
double m_nuc = sqrt(E_nuc * E_nuc - p_nuc * p_nuc);
double th_nuc_mu = pmu.Vect().Angle(pnuc.Vect());
double th_nu_nuc = pnu.Vect().Angle(pnuc.Vect());
double E_nu = pnu.E();
double w_rec = sqrt(m_nuc * m_nuc + m_mu * m_mu - 2 * E_nu * E_mu +
2 * E_nu * p_mu * cos(th_nu_mu) - 2 * E_nuc * E_mu +
2 * p_nuc * p_mu * cos(th_nuc_mu) + 2 * E_nu * E_nuc -
2 * E_nu * p_nuc * cos(th_nu_nuc));
return w_rec;
double FitUtils::SumKE_PartVect(std::vector<FitParticle *> const fps) {
double sum = 0.0;
for (size_t p_it = 0; p_it < fps.size(); ++p_it) {
sum += fps[p_it]->KE();
return sum;
double FitUtils::SumTE_PartVect(std::vector<FitParticle *> const fps) {
double sum = 0.0;
for (size_t p_it = 0; p_it < fps.size(); ++p_it) {
sum += fps[p_it]->E();
return sum;
E Recoil
double FitUtils::GetErecoil_TRUE(FitEvent *event) {
// Get total energy of hadronic system.
double Erecoil = 0.0;
for (unsigned int i = 2; i < event->Npart(); i++) {
// Only final state
if (!event->PartInfo(i)->fIsAlive) continue;
if (event->PartInfo(i)->fNEUTStatusCode != 0) continue;
// Skip Lepton
if (abs(event->PartInfo(i)->fPID) == abs(event->PartInfo(0)->fPID) - 1)
// Add Up KE of protons and TE of everything else
if (event->PartInfo(i)->fPID == 2212 || event->PartInfo(i)->fPID == 2112) {
Erecoil +=
fabs(event->PartInfo(i)->fP.E()) - fabs(event->PartInfo(i)->fP.Mag());
} else {
Erecoil += event->PartInfo(i)->fP.E();
return Erecoil;
double FitUtils::GetErecoil_CHARGED(FitEvent *event) {
// Get total energy of hadronic system.
double Erecoil = 0.0;
for (unsigned int i = 2; i < event->Npart(); i++) {
// Only final state
if (!event->PartInfo(i)->fIsAlive) continue;
if (event->PartInfo(i)->fNEUTStatusCode != 0) continue;
// Skip Lepton
if (abs(event->PartInfo(i)->fPID) == abs(event->PartInfo(0)->fPID) - 1)
// Skip Neutral particles
if (event->PartInfo(i)->fPID == 2112 || event->PartInfo(i)->fPID == 111 ||
event->PartInfo(i)->fPID == 22)
// Add Up KE of protons and TE of everything else
if (event->PartInfo(i)->fPID == 2212) {
Erecoil +=
fabs(event->PartInfo(i)->fP.E()) - fabs(event->PartInfo(i)->fP.Mag());
} else {
Erecoil += event->PartInfo(i)->fP.E();
return Erecoil;
double FitUtils::GetErecoil_MINERvA_LowRecoil(FitEvent *event) {
// Get total energy of hadronic system.
double Erecoil = 0.0;
for (unsigned int i = 2; i < event->Npart(); i++) {
// Only final state
if (!event->PartInfo(i)->fIsAlive) continue;
if (event->PartInfo(i)->fNEUTStatusCode != 0) continue;
// Skip Lepton
if (abs(event->PartInfo(i)->fPID) == 13) continue;
// Skip Neutrons particles
if (event->PartInfo(i)->fPID == 2112) continue;
int PID = event->PartInfo(i)->fPID;
// KE of Protons and charged pions
if (PID == 2212 or PID == 211 or PID == -211) {
// Erecoil += FitUtils::T(event->PartInfo(i)->fP);
Erecoil +=
fabs(event->PartInfo(i)->fP.E()) - fabs(event->PartInfo(i)->fP.Mag());
// Total Energy of non-neutrons
// } else if (PID != 2112 and PID < 999 and PID != 22 and abs(PID) !=
// 14) {
} else if (PID == 111 || PID == 11 || PID == -11 || PID == 22) {
Erecoil += (event->PartInfo(i)->fP.E());
return Erecoil;
+// The alternative Eavailble definition takes true q0 and subtracts the kinetic energy of neutrons and pion masses
+// returns in MeV
+double FitUtils::Eavailable(FitEvent *event) {
+ double Eav = 0.0;
+ // Now take q0 and subtract Eav
+ double q0 = event->GetNeutrinoIn()->fP.E();
+ if (event->GetHMFSMuon()) q0 -= event->GetHMFSMuon()->fP.E();
+ else if (!event->GetHMFSNuMuon()) q0 -= event->GetHMFSNuMuon()->fP.E();
+ for (unsigned int i = 2; i < event->Npart(); i++) {
+ // Only final state
+ if (!event->PartInfo(i)->fIsAlive) continue;
+ if (event->PartInfo(i)->fNEUTStatusCode != 0) continue;
+ int PID = event->PartInfo(i)->fPID;
+ // Neutrons
+ if (PID == 2112) {
+ // Adding kinetic energy of neutron
+ Eav += FitUtils::T(event->PartInfo(i)->fP)*1000.;
+ // All pion masses
+ } else if (abs(PID) == 211 || PID == 111) {
+ Eav += event->PartInfo(i)->fP.M();
+ }
+ }
+ return q0-Eav;
TVector3 GetVectorInTPlane(const TVector3 &inp, const TVector3 &planarNormal) {
TVector3 pnUnit = planarNormal.Unit();
double inpProjectPN = inp.Dot(pnUnit);
TVector3 InPlanarInput = inp - (inpProjectPN * pnUnit);
return InPlanarInput;
TVector3 GetUnitVectorInTPlane(const TVector3 &inp,
const TVector3 &planarNormal) {
return GetVectorInTPlane(inp, planarNormal).Unit();
Double_t GetDeltaPhiT(TVector3 const &V_lepton, TVector3 const &V_other,
TVector3 const &Normal, bool PiMinus = false) {
TVector3 V_lepton_T = GetUnitVectorInTPlane(V_lepton, Normal);
TVector3 V_other_T = GetUnitVectorInTPlane(V_other, Normal);
return PiMinus ? acos(V_lepton_T.Dot(V_other_T))
: (M_PI - acos(V_lepton_T.Dot(V_other_T)));
TVector3 GetDeltaPT(TVector3 const &V_lepton, TVector3 const &V_other,
TVector3 const &Normal) {
TVector3 V_lepton_T = GetVectorInTPlane(V_lepton, Normal);
TVector3 V_other_T = GetVectorInTPlane(V_other, Normal);
return V_lepton_T + V_other_T;
Double_t GetDeltaAlphaT(TVector3 const &V_lepton, TVector3 const &V_other,
TVector3 const &Normal, bool PiMinus = false) {
TVector3 DeltaPT = GetDeltaPT(V_lepton, V_other, Normal);
return GetDeltaPhiT(V_lepton, DeltaPT, Normal, PiMinus);
double FitUtils::Get_STV_dpt(FitEvent *event, int ISPDG, bool Is0pi) {
// Check that the neutrino exists
if (event->NumISParticle(ISPDG) == 0) {
return -9999;
// Return 0 if the proton or muon are missing
if (event->NumFSParticle(2212) == 0 ||
event->NumFSParticle(ISPDG + ((ISPDG < 0) ? 1 : -1)) == 0) {
return -9999;
// Now get the TVector3s for each particle
TVector3 const &NuP = event->GetHMISParticle(14)->fP.Vect();
TVector3 const &LeptonP =
event->GetHMFSParticle(ISPDG + ((ISPDG < 0) ? 1 : -1))->fP.Vect();
// Find the highest momentum proton in the event between 450 and 1200 MeV with theta_p < 70
TLorentzVector Pnu = event->GetNeutrinoIn()->fP;
int HMFSProton = 0;
double HighestMomentum = 0.0;
// Get the stack of protons
std::vector<FitParticle*> Protons = event->GetAllFSProton();
for (size_t i = 0; i < Protons.size(); ++i) {
if (Protons[i]->p() > 450 &&
Protons[i]->p() < 1200 &&
Protons[i]->P3().Angle(Pnu.Vect()) < (M_PI/180.0)*70.0 &&
Protons[i]->p() > HighestMomentum) {
HighestMomentum = Protons[i]->p();
HMFSProton = i;
// Now get the proton
TLorentzVector Pprot = Protons[HMFSProton]->fP;
// Get highest momentum proton in allowed proton range
TVector3 HadronP = Pprot.Vect();
// If we don't have a CC0pi signal definition we also add in pion momentum
if (!Is0pi) {
if (event->NumFSParticle(PhysConst::pdg_pions) == 0) {
return -9999;
// Count up pion momentum
TLorentzVector pp = event->GetHMFSParticle(PhysConst::pdg_pions)->fP;
HadronP += pp.Vect();
return GetDeltaPT(LeptonP, HadronP, NuP).Mag();
double FitUtils::Get_STV_dphit(FitEvent *event, int ISPDG, bool Is0pi) {
// Check that the neutrino exists
if (event->NumISParticle(ISPDG) == 0) {
return -9999;
// Return 0 if the proton or muon are missing
if (event->NumFSParticle(2212) == 0 ||
event->NumFSParticle(ISPDG + ((ISPDG < 0) ? 1 : -1)) == 0) {
return -9999;
// Now get the TVector3s for each particle
TVector3 const &NuP = event->GetHMISParticle(ISPDG)->fP.Vect();
TVector3 const &LeptonP =
event->GetHMFSParticle(ISPDG + ((ISPDG < 0) ? 1 : -1))->fP.Vect();
// Find the highest momentum proton in the event between 450 and 1200 MeV with theta_p < 70
TLorentzVector Pnu = event->GetNeutrinoIn()->fP;
int HMFSProton = 0;
double HighestMomentum = 0.0;
// Get the stack of protons
std::vector<FitParticle*> Protons = event->GetAllFSProton();
for (size_t i = 0; i < Protons.size(); ++i) {
if (Protons[i]->p() > 450 &&
Protons[i]->p() < 1200 &&
Protons[i]->P3().Angle(Pnu.Vect()) < (M_PI/180.0)*70.0 &&
Protons[i]->p() > HighestMomentum) {
HighestMomentum = Protons[i]->p();
HMFSProton = i;
// Now get the proton
TLorentzVector Pprot = Protons[HMFSProton]->fP;
// Get highest momentum proton in allowed proton range
TVector3 HadronP = Pprot.Vect();
if (!Is0pi) {
if (event->NumFSParticle(PhysConst::pdg_pions) == 0) {
return -9999;
TLorentzVector pp = event->GetHMFSParticle(PhysConst::pdg_pions)->fP;
HadronP += pp.Vect();
return GetDeltaPhiT(LeptonP, HadronP, NuP);
double FitUtils::Get_STV_dalphat(FitEvent *event, int ISPDG, bool Is0pi) {
// Check that the neutrino exists
if (event->NumISParticle(ISPDG) == 0) {
return -9999;
// Return 0 if the proton or muon are missing
if (event->NumFSParticle(2212) == 0 ||
event->NumFSParticle(ISPDG + ((ISPDG < 0) ? 1 : -1)) == 0) {
return -9999;
// Now get the TVector3s for each particle
TVector3 const &NuP = event->GetHMISParticle(ISPDG)->fP.Vect();
TVector3 const &LeptonP =
event->GetHMFSParticle(ISPDG + ((ISPDG < 0) ? 1 : -1))->fP.Vect();
// Find the highest momentum proton in the event between 450 and 1200 MeV with theta_p < 70
TLorentzVector Pnu = event->GetNeutrinoIn()->fP;
int HMFSProton = 0;
double HighestMomentum = 0.0;
// Get the stack of protons
std::vector<FitParticle*> Protons = event->GetAllFSProton();
for (size_t i = 0; i < Protons.size(); ++i) {
if (Protons[i]->p() > 450 &&
Protons[i]->p() < 1200 &&
Protons[i]->P3().Angle(Pnu.Vect()) < (M_PI/180.0)*70.0 &&
Protons[i]->p() > HighestMomentum) {
HighestMomentum = Protons[i]->p();
HMFSProton = i;
// Now get the proton
TLorentzVector Pprot = Protons[HMFSProton]->fP;
// Get highest momentum proton in allowed proton range
TVector3 HadronP = Pprot.Vect();
if (!Is0pi) {
if (event->NumFSParticle(PhysConst::pdg_pions) == 0) {
return -9999;
TLorentzVector pp = event->GetHMFSParticle(PhysConst::pdg_pions)->fP;
HadronP += pp.Vect();
return GetDeltaAlphaT(LeptonP, HadronP, NuP);
// As defined in PhysRevC.95.065501
// Using prescription from arXiv 1805.05486
// Returns in GeV
double FitUtils::Get_pn_reco_C(FitEvent *event, int ISPDG, bool Is0pi) {
const double mn = PhysConst::mass_neutron; // neutron mass
const double mp = PhysConst::mass_proton; // proton mass
// Check that the neutrino exists
if (event->NumISParticle(ISPDG) == 0) {
return -9999;
// Return 0 if the proton or muon are missing
if (event->NumFSParticle(2212) == 0 ||
event->NumFSParticle(ISPDG + ((ISPDG < 0) ? 1 : -1)) == 0) {
return -9999;
// Now get the TVector3s for each particle
TVector3 const &NuP = event->GetHMISParticle(14)->fP.Vect();
TVector3 const &LeptonP =
event->GetHMFSParticle(ISPDG + ((ISPDG < 0) ? 1 : -1))->fP.Vect();
// Find the highest momentum proton in the event between 450 and 1200 MeV with theta_p < 70
TLorentzVector Pnu = event->GetNeutrinoIn()->fP;
int HMFSProton = 0;
double HighestMomentum = 0.0;
// Get the stack of protons
std::vector<FitParticle*> Protons = event->GetAllFSProton();
for (size_t i = 0; i < Protons.size(); ++i) {
// Update the highest momentum particle
if (Protons[i]->p() > 450 &&
Protons[i]->p() < 1200 &&
Protons[i]->P3().Angle(Pnu.Vect()) < (M_PI/180.0)*70.0 &&
Protons[i]->p() > HighestMomentum) {
HighestMomentum = Protons[i]->p();
HMFSProton = i;
// Now get the proton
TLorentzVector Pprot = Protons[HMFSProton]->fP;
// Get highest momentum proton in allowed proton range
TVector3 HadronP = Pprot.Vect();
//TVector3 HadronP = event->GetHMFSParticle(2212)->fP.Vect();
double const el = event->GetHMFSParticle(ISPDG + ((ISPDG < 0) ? 1 : -1))->E()/1000.;
double const eh = Pprot.E()/1000.;
if (!Is0pi) {
if (event->NumFSParticle(PhysConst::pdg_pions) == 0) {
return -9999;
TLorentzVector pp = event->GetHMFSParticle(PhysConst::pdg_pions)->fP;
HadronP += pp.Vect();
TVector3 dpt = GetDeltaPT(LeptonP, HadronP, NuP);
double dptMag = dpt.Mag()/1000.;
double ma = 6*mn + 6*mp - 0.09216; // target mass (E is from PhysRevC.95.065501)
double map = ma - mn + 0.02713; // remnant mass
double pmul = LeptonP.Dot(NuP.Unit())/1000.;
double phl = HadronP.Dot(NuP.Unit())/1000.;
//double pmul = GetVectorInTPlane(LeptonP, dpt).Mag()/1000.;
//double phl = GetVectorInTPlane(HadronP, dpt).Mag()/1000.;
double R = ma + pmul + phl - el - eh;
double dpl = 0.5*R - (map*map + dptMag*dptMag)/(2*R);
//double dpl = ((R*R)-(dptMag*dptMag)-(map*map))/(2*R); // as in in PhysRevC.95.065501 - gives same result
double pn_reco = sqrt((dptMag*dptMag) + (dpl*dpl));
//std::cout << "Diagnostics: " << std::endl;
//std::cout << "mn: " << mn << std::endl;
//std::cout << "ma: " << ma << std::endl;
//std::cout << "map: " << map << std::endl;
//std::cout << "pmu: " << LeptonP.Mag()/1000. << std::endl;
//std::cout << "ph: " << HadronP.Mag()/1000. << std::endl;
//std::cout << "pmul: " << pmul << std::endl;
//std::cout << "phl: " << phl << std::endl;
//std::cout << "el: " << el << std::endl;
//std::cout << "eh: " << eh << std::endl;
//std::cout << "R: " << R << std::endl;
//std::cout << "dptMag: " << dptMag << std::endl;
//std::cout << "dpl: " << dpl << std::endl;
//std::cout << "pn_reco: " << pn_reco << std::endl;
return pn_reco;
// Get Cos theta with Adler angles
double FitUtils::CosThAdler(TLorentzVector Pnu, TLorentzVector Pmu, TLorentzVector Ppi, TLorentzVector Pprot) {
// Get the "resonance" lorentz vector (pion proton system)
TLorentzVector Pres = Pprot + Ppi;
// Boost the particles into the resonance rest frame so we can define the x,y,z axis
// The z-axis is defined as the axis of three-momentum transfer, \vec{k}
// Also unit normalise the axis
TVector3 zAxis = (Pnu.Vect()-Pmu.Vect())*(1.0/((Pnu.Vect()-Pmu.Vect()).Mag()));
// Then the angle between the pion in the "resonance" rest-frame and the z-axis is the theta Adler angle
double costhAdler = cos(Ppi.Vect().Angle(zAxis));
return costhAdler;
// Get phi with Adler angles, a bit more complicated...
double FitUtils::PhiAdler(TLorentzVector Pnu, TLorentzVector Pmu, TLorentzVector Ppi, TLorentzVector Pprot) {
// Get the "resonance" lorentz vector (pion proton system)
TLorentzVector Pres = Pprot + Ppi;
// Boost the particles into the resonance rest frame so we can define the x,y,z axis
// The z-axis is defined as the axis of three-momentum transfer, \vec{k}
// Also unit normalise the axis
TVector3 zAxis = (Pnu.Vect()-Pmu.Vect())*(1.0/((Pnu.Vect()-Pmu.Vect()).Mag()));
// The y-axis is then defined perpendicular to z and muon momentum in the resonance frame
TVector3 yAxis = Pnu.Vect().Cross(Pmu.Vect());
yAxis *= 1.0/double(yAxis.Mag());
// And the x-axis is then simply perpendicular to z and x
TVector3 xAxis = yAxis.Cross(zAxis);
xAxis *= 1.0/double(xAxis.Mag());
double x = Ppi.Vect().Dot(xAxis);
double y = Ppi.Vect().Dot(yAxis);
//double z = Ppi.Vect().Dot(zAxis);
double newphi = atan2(y, x)*(180./M_PI);
// Convert negative angles to positive
if (newphi < 0.0) newphi += 360.0;
// Old silly method before atan2
// Then finally construct phi as the angle between pion projection and x axis
// Get the project of the pion momentum on to the zaxis
TVector3 PiVectZ = zAxis*Ppi.Vect().Dot(zAxis);
// The subtract the projection off the pion vector to get to get the plane
TVector3 PiPlane = Ppi.Vect() - PiVectZ;
double phi = -999.99;
if (PiPlane.Y() > 0) {
phi = (180./M_PI)*PiPlane.Angle(xAxis);
} else if (PiPlane.Y() < 0) {
phi = (180./M_PI)*(2*M_PI-PiPlane.Angle(xAxis));
} else if (PiPlane.Y() == 0) {
TRandom3 rand;
double randNo = rand.Rndm();
if (randNo > 0.5) {
phi = (180./M_PI)*PiPlane.Angle(xAxis);
} else {
phi = (180./M_PI)*(2*M_PI-PiPlane.Angle(xAxis));
return newphi;
double FitUtils::ppInfK(TLorentzVector pmu, double costh, double binding,
bool neutrino) {
// Convert all values to GeV
//const double V = binding / 1000.; // binding potential
//const double mn = PhysConst::mass_neutron; // neutron mass
const double mp = PhysConst::mass_proton; // proton mass
double el = pmu.E() / 1000.;
//double pl = (pmu.Vect().Mag()) / 1000.; // momentum of lepton
double enu = EnuQErec(pmu, costh, binding, neutrino);
double ep_inf = enu - el + mp;
double pp_inf = sqrt(ep_inf * ep_inf - mp * mp);
return pp_inf;
TVector3 FitUtils::tppInfK(TLorentzVector pmu, double costh, double binding,
bool neutrino) {
// Convert all values to GeV
//const double V = binding / 1000.; // binding potential
//const double mn = PhysConst::mass_neutron; // neutron mass
//const double mp = PhysConst::mass_proton; // proton mass
double pl_x = pmu.X() / 1000.;
double pl_y = pmu.Y() / 1000.;
double pl_z= pmu.Z() / 1000.;
double enu = EnuQErec(pmu, costh, binding, neutrino);
TVector3 tpp_inf(-pl_x, -pl_y, -pl_z+enu);
return tpp_inf;
double FitUtils::cthpInfK(TLorentzVector pmu, double costh, double binding,
bool neutrino) {
// Convert all values to GeV
//const double V = binding / 1000.; // binding potential
//const double mn = PhysConst::mass_neutron; // neutron mass
const double mp = PhysConst::mass_proton; // proton mass
double el = pmu.E() / 1000.;
double pl = (pmu.Vect().Mag()) / 1000.; // momentum of lepton
double enu = EnuQErec(pmu, costh, binding, neutrino);
double ep_inf = enu - el + mp;
double pp_inf = sqrt(ep_inf * ep_inf - mp * mp);
double cth_inf = (enu*enu + pp_inf*pp_inf - pl*pl)/(2*enu*pp_inf);
return cth_inf;
diff --git a/src/Utils/FitUtils.h b/src/Utils/FitUtils.h
index 11e2d5f..9510e20 100644
--- a/src/Utils/FitUtils.h
+++ b/src/Utils/FitUtils.h
@@ -1,185 +1,186 @@
// Copyright 2016 L. Pickering, P Stowell, R. Terri, C. Wilkinson, C. Wret
* This file is part of NUISANCE.
* NUISANCE is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* NUISANCE is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with NUISANCE. If not, see <>.
#include <math.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <ctime>
#include <iostream>
#include <numeric>
#include <TChain.h>
#include <TFile.h>
#include <TH1D.h>
#include <TH2D.h>
#include <THStack.h>
#include <TKey.h>
#include <TLegend.h>
#include <TList.h>
#include <TLorentzVector.h>
#include <TObjArray.h>
#include <TROOT.h>
#include <TRandom3.h>
#include <TTree.h>
#include "FitEvent.h"
#include "TGraph.h"
#include "TH2Poly.h"
#include "FitEvent.h"
#include "FitLogger.h"
* \addtogroup Utils
* @{
/// Functions needed by individual samples for calculating kinematic quantities.
namespace FitUtils {
/// Return a vector of all values saved in map
double *GetArrayFromMap(std::vector<std::string> invals,
std::map<std::string, double> inmap);
/// Returns kinetic energy of particle
double T(TLorentzVector part);
/// Returns momentum of particle
double p(TLorentzVector part);
double p(FitParticle* part);
/// Returns angle between particles (_NOT_ cosine!)
double th(TLorentzVector part, TLorentzVector part2);
double th(FitParticle* part1, FitParticle* part2);
/// Hadronic mass reconstruction
double Wrec(TLorentzVector pnu, TLorentzVector pmu);
/// Hadronic mass true from initial state particles and muon; useful if the full
/// FSI vectors aren't not saved and we for some reasons need W_true
double Wtrue(TLorentzVector pnu, TLorentzVector pmu, TLorentzVector pnuc);
double SumKE_PartVect(std::vector<FitParticle *> const fps);
double SumTE_PartVect(std::vector<FitParticle *> const fps);
/// Return E Hadronic for all FS Particles in Hadronic System
double GetErecoil_TRUE(FitEvent *event);
/// Return E Hadronic for all Charged FS Particles in Hadronic System
double GetErecoil_CHARGED(FitEvent *event);
+double Eavailable(FitEvent *event);
/// Function to calculate the reconstructed Q^{2}_{QE}
double Q2QErec(TLorentzVector pmu, double costh, double binding, bool neutrino = true);
/// Function returns the reconstructed E_{nu} values
double EnuQErec(TLorentzVector pmu, double costh, double binding, bool neutrino = true);
//! Function to calculate the reconstructed Q^{2}_{QE}
double Q2QErec(double pl, double costh, double binding, bool neutrino = true);
//! Function to calculate the reconstructed Q^{2}_{QE}
double Q2QErec(TLorentzVector Pmu, TLorentzVector Pnu, double binding, bool neutrino = true);
//! Function returns the reconstructed E_{nu} values
double EnuQErec(double pl, double costh, double binding,
bool neutrino = true);
/// Reconstruct Q2QE given just the maximum energy proton.
double ProtonQ2QErec(double pE, double binding);
E Recoil MINERvA
double GetErecoil_MINERvA_LowRecoil(FitEvent *event);
CC1pi0 MiniBooNE
/// Reconstruct Enu from CCpi0 vectors and binding energy
double EnuCC1pi0rec(TLorentzVector pnu, TLorentzVector pmu,
TLorentzVector ppi0 = TLorentzVector(0, 0, 0, 0));
/// Reconstruct Q2 from CCpi0 vectors and binding energy
double Q2CC1pi0rec(TLorentzVector pnu, TLorentzVector pmu,
TLorentzVector ppi0 = TLorentzVector(0, 0, 0, 0));
CC1pi+ MiniBooNE
/// returns reconstructed Enu a la MiniBooNE CCpi+
/// returns reconstructed Enu a la MiniBooNE CCpi+
// Also for when not having pion info (so when we have a Michel tag in T2K)
double EnuCC1piprec(TLorentzVector pnu, TLorentzVector pmu, TLorentzVector ppip,
bool pionInfo = true);
/// returns reconstructed Enu assumming resonance interaction where intermediate
/// resonance was a Delta
double EnuCC1piprecDelta(TLorentzVector pnu, TLorentzVector pmu);
/// returns reconstructed in a variety of flavours
double Q2CC1piprec(TLorentzVector pnu, TLorentzVector pmu, TLorentzVector ppip,
int enuType = 0, bool pionInfo = true);
T2K CC1pi+ on CH
double thq3pi_CC1pip_T2K(TLorentzVector pnu, TLorentzVector pmu,
TLorentzVector ppi);
double q3_CC1pip_T2K(TLorentzVector pnu, TLorentzVector pmu,
TLorentzVector ppi);
double WrecCC1pip_T2K_MB(TLorentzVector pnu, TLorentzVector pmu,
TLorentzVector ppip);
double EnuCC1piprec_T2K_eMB(TLorentzVector pnu, TLorentzVector pmu,
TLorentzVector ppi);
nucleon single pion
double MpPi(TLorentzVector pp, TLorentzVector ppi);
/// Gets delta p T as defined in Phys.Rev. C94 (2016) no.1, 015503
double Get_STV_dpt(FitEvent *event, int ISPDG, bool Is0pi);
/// Gets delta phi T as defined in Phys.Rev. C94 (2016) no.1, 015503
double Get_STV_dphit(FitEvent *event, int ISPDG, bool Is0pi);
/// Gets delta alpha T as defined in Phys.Rev. C94 (2016) no.1, 015503
double Get_STV_dalphat(FitEvent *event, int ISPDG, bool Is0pi);
// As defined in PhysRevC.95.065501
// Using prescription from arXiv 1805.05486
double Get_pn_reco_C(FitEvent *event, int ISPDG, bool Is0pi);
//For T2K inferred kinematics analyis - variables defined as on page 7 of T2K TN287v11 (and now arXiv 1802.05078)
double ppInfK(TLorentzVector pmu, double costh, double binding, bool neutrino);
TVector3 tppInfK(TLorentzVector pmu, double costh, double binding, bool neutrino);
double cthpInfK(TLorentzVector pmu, double costh, double binding, bool neutrino);
double CosThAdler(TLorentzVector Pnu, TLorentzVector Pmu, TLorentzVector Ppi, TLorentzVector Pprot);
double PhiAdler(TLorentzVector Pnu, TLorentzVector Pmu, TLorentzVector Ppi, TLorentzVector Pprot);
/*! @} */
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Sat, Dec 21, 6:19 PM (8 h, 35 m)
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