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diff --git a/Helicity/Vertex/Scalar/ b/Helicity/Vertex/Scalar/
--- a/Helicity/Vertex/Scalar/
+++ b/Helicity/Vertex/Scalar/
@@ -1,128 +1,128 @@
// -*- C++ -*-
// is a part of ThePEG - Toolkit for HEP Event Generation
// Copyright (C) 2003-2011 Peter Richardson, Leif Lonnblad
// ThePEG is licenced under version 2 of the GPL, see COPYING for details.
// Please respect the MCnet academic guidelines, see GUIDELINES for details.
// This is the implementation of the non-inlined, non-templated member
// functions of the FFSVertex class.
#include "FFSVertex.h"
#include "ThePEG/Interface/ClassDocumentation.h"
#include "ThePEG/Persistency/PersistentOStream.h"
#include "ThePEG/Persistency/PersistentIStream.h"
using namespace ThePEG;
using namespace ThePEG::Helicity;
AbstractNoPIOClassDescription<FFSVertex> FFSVertex::initFFSVertex;
// Definition of the static class description member.
void FFSVertex::Init() {
static ClassDocumentation<FFSVertex> documentation
("The FFSVertex class is the implementation of the FFS"
"vertex. All such vertices shoud inherit from it");
// evaluate the full vertex
Complex FFSVertex::evaluate(Energy2 q2, const SpinorWaveFunction & sp,
const SpinorBarWaveFunction & sbar,
const ScalarWaveFunction & sca) {
// calculate the couplings
Complex vertex( _left*(sbar.s1()*sp.s1()+sbar.s2()*sp.s2())
// final factors
return Complex(0.,1.)*norm()*sca.wave()*vertex;
// off-shell scalar
ScalarWaveFunction FFSVertex::evaluate(Energy2 q2,int iopt, tcPDPtr out,
const SpinorWaveFunction & sp,
const SpinorBarWaveFunction & sbar,
complex<Energy> mass,
complex<Energy> width) {
// work out the momentum of the off-shell particle
Lorentz5Momentum pout = sbar.momentum()+sp.momentum();
// first calculate the couplings
Energy2 p2 = pout.m2();
- Complex fact = norm()*propagator(iopt,p2,out,mass,width);
+ Complex fact = -norm()*propagator(iopt,p2,out,mass,width);
Complex output = _left*(sbar.s1()*sp.s1()+sbar.s2()*sp.s2())
// final factors and output
return ScalarWaveFunction(pout,out,output);
// off-shell spinor
SpinorWaveFunction FFSVertex::evaluate(Energy2 q2, int iopt,tcPDPtr out,
const SpinorWaveFunction & sp,
const ScalarWaveFunction & sca,
complex<Energy> mass,
complex<Energy> width) {
// work out the momentum of the off-shell particle
Lorentz5Momentum pout = sp.momentum()+sca.momentum();
// first calculate the couplings
Energy2 p2 = pout.m2();
Complex fact = -norm()*sca.wave()*propagator(iopt,p2,out,mass,width);
Complex ii(0.,1.);
// useful combinations of the momenta
if(mass.real() < ZERO) mass = out->mass();
complex<Energy> p1p2 = pout.x()+ii*pout.y();
complex<Energy> p1m2 = pout.x()-ii*pout.y();
Complex s1(0.),s2(0.),s3(0.),s4(0.);
LorentzSpinor<double> spt = sp.wave();
complex<Energy> p0p3=pout.e()+pout.z();
complex<Energy> p0m3=pout.e()-pout.z();
s1 = UnitRemoval::InvE *
fact*( _left*mass*spt.s1()+_right*(p0m3*spt.s3()-p1m2*spt.s4()));
s2 = UnitRemoval::InvE *
fact*( _left*mass*spt.s2()+_right*(p0p3*spt.s4()-p1p2*spt.s3()));
s3 = UnitRemoval::InvE *
fact*(_right*mass*spt.s3()+ _left*(p0p3*spt.s1()+p1m2*spt.s2()));
s4 = UnitRemoval::InvE *
fact*(_right*mass*spt.s4()+ _left*(p0m3*spt.s2()+p1p2*spt.s1()));
return SpinorWaveFunction(pout,out,s1,s2,s3,s4);
// off-shell SpinorBar
SpinorBarWaveFunction FFSVertex::evaluate(Energy2 q2,int iopt,tcPDPtr out,
const SpinorBarWaveFunction & sbar,
const ScalarWaveFunction & sca,
complex<Energy> mass,
complex<Energy> width) {
// work out the momentum of the off-shell particle
Lorentz5Momentum pout = sbar.momentum()+sca.momentum();
// first calculate the couplings
Energy2 p2 = pout.m2();
Complex fact = -norm()*sca.wave()*propagator(iopt,p2,out,mass,width);
Complex ii(0.,1.);
// momentum components
if(mass.real() < ZERO) mass = out->mass();
complex<Energy> p1p2 = pout.x()+ii*pout.y();
complex<Energy> p1m2 = pout.x()-ii*pout.y();
// complex numbers for the spinor
Complex s1(0.),s2(0.),s3(0.),s4(0.);
LorentzSpinorBar<double> sbart=sbar.wave();
complex<Energy> p0p3=pout.e() + pout.z();
complex<Energy> p0m3=pout.e() - pout.z();
s1 = UnitRemoval::InvE *
fact*( mass*_left*sbart.s1()-_right*(p0p3*sbart.s3()+p1p2*sbart.s4()));
s2 = UnitRemoval::InvE *
fact*( mass*_left*sbart.s2()-_right*(p1m2*sbart.s3()+p0m3*sbart.s4()));
s3 = UnitRemoval::InvE *
fact*(mass*_right*sbart.s3()- _left*(p0m3*sbart.s1()-p1p2*sbart.s2()));
s4 = UnitRemoval::InvE *
fact*(mass*_right*sbart.s4()+ _left*(p1m2*sbart.s1()-p0p3*sbart.s2()));
return SpinorBarWaveFunction(pout,out,s1,s2,s3,s4);

File Metadata

Mime Type
Sat, Dec 21, 12:51 PM (1 d, 21 h)
Storage Engine
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Raw Data
Storage Handle
Default Alt Text
(5 KB)

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