Tobias Toll, Thomas Ullrich, Phys. Rev. C87, 02491 (2013), arXiv<ahref="">:1211.3048
<aname="ref_lm"id="ref_lm"></a>[5] <em>Incoherent diffractive J/Psi-production in high energy nuclear DIS</em>; T. Lappi and H. Mantysaari; Phys. Rev. C 83, 065202 (2011),
<p>Many people helped and advised us in developing Sar<em>t</em>re. We
are grateful to Henri Kowalski for his help with the dipole model
and the advise he provided on the optimal choice of variables. Lots
of thanks also to Hannes Jung without whom the final state generator
would not have happened. Francois Gelis provided us with his DGLAP
code (including derivatives) and Werner Vogelsang with the α<sub>s</sub> code.
Lots of thanks to
Raju Venugopalan and Tuomas Lappi who always had an open ear whenever
we got stuck and patiently answered even the most stupid questions. </p>
<p>Tobias wants to thank the developer of the Cuba package that answered
patiently all questions concerning our multidimensional integration
problems. Thomas wants to express his deep gratitude to R. J. Charity
from WUSTL, the author of Gemini++. Without
Bob and his helpful advise we would have not been able to include Gemini
to handle the nuclear breakup for incoherent diffractive events and make
it work so flawlessly.</p>
<p>Last but not least we want to thank Gabriele Garzoglio and especially Marko Slyz and Alexandr Zaytsev. Without their help we would have not been able to generate the
massive CPU-intensive calculations of the amplitude tables one the Open Science Grid.</p>
<p>This work was supported by the U.S. Department of Energy under Grant No. DEAC02-98CH10886.</p>