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diff --git a/Shower/Base/ b/Shower/Base/
--- a/Shower/Base/
+++ b/Shower/Base/
@@ -1,3227 +1,3222 @@
// -*- C++ -*-
// is a part of Herwig - A multi-purpose Monte Carlo event generator
// Copyright (C) 2002-2011 The Herwig Collaboration
// Herwig is licenced under version 2 of the GPL, see COPYING for details.
// Please respect the MCnet academic guidelines, see GUIDELINES for details.
// This is the implementation of the non-inlined, non-templated member
// functions of the Evolver class.
#include "Evolver.h"
#include "ThePEG/Interface/ClassDocumentation.h"
#include "ThePEG/Interface/Reference.h"
#include "ThePEG/Interface/RefVector.h"
#include "ThePEG/Interface/Switch.h"
#include "ThePEG/Interface/Parameter.h"
#include "ThePEG/Persistency/PersistentOStream.h"
#include "ThePEG/Persistency/PersistentIStream.h"
#include "Herwig/Shower/Base/ShowerParticle.h"
#include "ThePEG/Utilities/EnumIO.h"
#include "ShowerKinematics.h"
#include "ThePEG/PDT/EnumParticles.h"
#include "ThePEG/Repository/EventGenerator.h"
#include "ThePEG/Handlers/EventHandler.h"
#include "ThePEG/Utilities/Throw.h"
#include "ShowerTree.h"
#include "ShowerProgenitor.h"
#include "KinematicsReconstructor.h"
#include "PartnerFinder.h"
#include "ThePEG/Handlers/StandardXComb.h"
#include "ThePEG/PDT/DecayMode.h"
#include "Herwig/Shower/ShowerHandler.h"
#include "ThePEG/Utilities/DescribeClass.h"
#include "ShowerVertex.h"
#include "ThePEG/Repository/CurrentGenerator.h"
#include "Herwig/MatrixElement/Matchbox/Base/SubtractedME.h"
#include "Herwig/MatrixElement/Matchbox/MatchboxFactory.h"
#include "ThePEG/Handlers/StandardXComb.h"
using namespace Herwig;
namespace {
* A struct to order the particles in the same way as in the DecayMode's
struct ParticleOrdering {
* Operator for the ordering
* @param p1 The first ParticleData object
* @param p2 The second ParticleData object
bool operator() (tcPDPtr p1, tcPDPtr p2) {
return abs(p1->id()) > abs(p2->id()) ||
( abs(p1->id()) == abs(p2->id()) && p1->id() > p2->id() ) ||
( p1->id() == p2->id() && p1->fullName() > p2->fullName() );
typedef multiset<tcPDPtr,ParticleOrdering> OrderedParticles;
* Cached lookup of decay modes.
* Generator::findDecayMode() is not efficient.
tDMPtr findDecayMode(const string & tag) {
static map<string,DMPtr> cache;
map<string,DMPtr>::const_iterator pos = cache.find(tag);
if ( pos != cache.end() )
return pos->second;
tDMPtr dm = CurrentGenerator::current().findDecayMode(tag);
cache[tag] = dm;
return dm;
describeEvolver ("Herwig::Evolver","");
bool Evolver::_hardEmissionModeWarn = true;
bool Evolver::_missingTruncWarn = true;
IBPtr Evolver::clone() const {
return new_ptr(*this);
IBPtr Evolver::fullclone() const {
return new_ptr(*this);
void Evolver::persistentOutput(PersistentOStream & os) const {
os << _model << _splittingGenerator << _maxtry
<< _meCorrMode << _hardVetoMode << _hardVetoRead << _hardVetoReadOption
<< _limitEmissions << _spinOpt << _softOpt << _hardPOWHEG
<< ounit(_iptrms,GeV) << _beta << ounit(_gamma,GeV) << ounit(_iptmax,GeV)
<< _vetoes << _trunc_Mode << _hardEmissionMode << _reconOpt
<< isMCatNLOSEvent << isMCatNLOHEvent
<< isPowhegSEvent << isPowhegHEvent
<< theFactorizationScaleFactor << theRenormalizationScaleFactor << ounit(muPt,GeV)
<< oenum(interaction_) << _maxTryFSR << _maxFailFSR << _fracFSR;
void Evolver::persistentInput(PersistentIStream & is, int) {
is >> _model >> _splittingGenerator >> _maxtry
>> _meCorrMode >> _hardVetoMode >> _hardVetoRead >> _hardVetoReadOption
>> _limitEmissions >> _spinOpt >> _softOpt >> _hardPOWHEG
>> iunit(_iptrms,GeV) >> _beta >> iunit(_gamma,GeV) >> iunit(_iptmax,GeV)
>> _vetoes >> _trunc_Mode >> _hardEmissionMode >> _reconOpt
>> isMCatNLOSEvent >> isMCatNLOHEvent
>> isPowhegSEvent >> isPowhegHEvent
>> theFactorizationScaleFactor >> theRenormalizationScaleFactor >> iunit(muPt,GeV)
>> ienum(interaction_) >> _maxTryFSR >> _maxFailFSR >> _fracFSR;
void Evolver::doinit() {
// calculate max no of FSR vetos
_maxFailFSR = max(int(_maxFailFSR), int(_fracFSR*double(generator()->N())));
void Evolver::Init() {
static ClassDocumentation<Evolver> documentation
("This class is responsible for carrying out the showering,",
"including the kinematics reconstruction, in a given scale range,"
"including the option of the POWHEG approach to simulated next-to-leading order"
" radiation\\cite{Nason:2004rx}.",
" P.~Nason,\n"
" ``A new method for combining NLO QCD with shower Monte Carlo algorithms,''\n"
" JHEP {\\bf 0411} (2004) 040\n"
" [arXiv:hep-ph/0409146].\n"
" %%CITATION = JHEPA,0411,040;%%\n");
static Reference<Evolver,SplittingGenerator>
"A reference to the SplittingGenerator object",
false, false, true, false);
static Reference<Evolver,ShowerModel> interfaceShowerModel
"The pointer to the object which defines the shower evolution model.",
&Evolver::_model, false, false, true, false, false);
static Parameter<Evolver,unsigned int> interfaceMaxTry
"The maximum number of attempts to generate the shower from a"
" particular ShowerTree",
&Evolver::_maxtry, 100, 1, 1000,
false, false, Interface::limited);
static Switch<Evolver, unsigned int> ifaceMECorrMode
"Choice of the ME Correction Mode",
&Evolver::_meCorrMode, 1, false, false);
static SwitchOption off
(ifaceMECorrMode,"No","MECorrections off", 0);
static SwitchOption on
(ifaceMECorrMode,"Yes","hard+soft on", 1);
static SwitchOption hard
(ifaceMECorrMode,"Hard","only hard on", 2);
static SwitchOption soft
(ifaceMECorrMode,"Soft","only soft on", 3);
static Switch<Evolver, unsigned int> ifaceHardVetoMode
"Choice of the Hard Veto Mode",
&Evolver::_hardVetoMode, 1, false, false);
static SwitchOption HVoff
(ifaceHardVetoMode,"No","hard vetos off", 0);
static SwitchOption HVon
(ifaceHardVetoMode,"Yes","hard vetos on", 1);
static SwitchOption HVIS
(ifaceHardVetoMode,"Initial", "only IS emissions vetoed", 2);
static SwitchOption HVFS
(ifaceHardVetoMode,"Final","only FS emissions vetoed", 3);
static Switch<Evolver, unsigned int> ifaceHardVetoRead
"If hard veto scale is to be read",
&Evolver::_hardVetoRead, 0, false, false);
static SwitchOption HVRcalc
(ifaceHardVetoRead,"Calculate","Calculate from hard process", 0);
static SwitchOption HVRread
(ifaceHardVetoRead,"Read","Read from XComb->lastScale", 1);
static Switch<Evolver, bool> ifaceHardVetoReadOption
"Apply read-in scale veto to all collisions or just the primary one?",
&Evolver::_hardVetoReadOption, false, false, false);
static SwitchOption AllCollisions
"Read-in pT veto applied to primary and secondary collisions.",
static SwitchOption PrimaryCollision
"Read-in pT veto applied to primary but not secondary collisions.",
static Parameter<Evolver, Energy> ifaceiptrms
"RMS of intrinsic pT of Gaussian distribution:\n"
&Evolver::_iptrms, GeV, ZERO, ZERO, 1000000.0*GeV,
false, false, Interface::limited);
static Parameter<Evolver, double> ifacebeta
"Proportion of inverse quadratic distribution in generating intrinsic pT.\n"
"(1-Beta) is the proportion of Gaussian distribution",
&Evolver::_beta, 0, 0, 1,
false, false, Interface::limited);
static Parameter<Evolver, Energy> ifacegamma
"Parameter for inverse quadratic:\n"
&Evolver::_gamma,GeV, ZERO, ZERO, 100000.0*GeV,
false, false, Interface::limited);
static Parameter<Evolver, Energy> ifaceiptmax
"Upper bound on intrinsic pT for inverse quadratic",
&Evolver::_iptmax,GeV, ZERO, ZERO, 100000.0*GeV,
false, false, Interface::limited);
static RefVector<Evolver,ShowerVeto> ifaceVetoes
"The vetoes to be checked during showering",
&Evolver::_vetoes, -1,
static Switch<Evolver,unsigned int> interfaceLimitEmissions
"Limit the number and type of emissions for testing",
&Evolver::_limitEmissions, 0, false, false);
static SwitchOption interfaceLimitEmissionsNoLimit
"Allow an arbitrary number of emissions",
static SwitchOption interfaceLimitEmissionsOneInitialStateEmission
"Allow one emission in the initial state and none in the final state",
static SwitchOption interfaceLimitEmissionsOneFinalStateEmission
"Allow one emission in the final state and none in the initial state",
static SwitchOption interfaceLimitEmissionsHardOnly
"Only allow radiation from the hard ME correction",
static SwitchOption interfaceLimitEmissionsOneEmission
"Allow one emission in either the final state or initial state, but not both",
static Switch<Evolver,bool> interfaceTruncMode
("TruncatedShower", "Include the truncated shower?",
&Evolver::_trunc_Mode, 1, false, false);
static SwitchOption interfaceTruncMode0
(interfaceTruncMode,"No","Truncated Shower is OFF", 0);
static SwitchOption interfaceTruncMode1
(interfaceTruncMode,"Yes","Truncated Shower is ON", 1);
static Switch<Evolver,int> interfaceHardEmissionMode
"Whether to use ME corrections or POWHEG for the hardest emission",
&Evolver::_hardEmissionMode, 0, false, false);
static SwitchOption interfaceHardEmissionModeDecayMECorrection
"Old fashioned ME correction for decays only",
static SwitchOption interfaceHardEmissionModeMECorrection
"Old fashioned ME correction",
static SwitchOption interfaceHardEmissionModePOWHEG
"Powheg style hard emission using internal matrix elements",
static SwitchOption interfaceHardEmissionModeMatchboxPOWHEG
"Powheg style emission for the hard process using Matchbox",
static SwitchOption interfaceHardEmissionModeFullPOWHEG
"Powheg style emission for the hard process using Matchbox "
"and decays using internal matrix elements",
static Switch<Evolver,ShowerInteraction::Type > interfaceInteraction
"The interactions to be used in the shower",
&Evolver::interaction_, ShowerInteraction::QEDQCD, false, false);
static SwitchOption interfaceInteractionQCD
"Only QCD",
static SwitchOption interfaceInteractionQEDOnly
"Only QED",
static SwitchOption interfaceInteractionQEDQCD
"QED and QCD",
static SwitchOption interfaceInteractionALL
"QED, QCD and EW",
static Switch<Evolver,unsigned int> interfaceReconstructionOption
"Treatment of the reconstruction of the transverse momentum of "
"a branching from the evolution scale.",
&Evolver::_reconOpt, 0, false, false);
static SwitchOption interfaceReconstructionOptionCutOff
"Use the cut-off masses in the calculation",
static SwitchOption interfaceReconstructionOptionOffShell
"Use the off-shell masses in the calculation veto the emission of the parent,"
" no veto in generation of emissions from children",
static SwitchOption interfaceReconstructionOptionOffShell2
"Use the off-shell masses in the calculation veto the emissions from the children."
" no veto in generation of emissions from children",
static SwitchOption interfaceReconstructionOptionOffShell3
"Use the off-shell masses in the calculation veto the emissions from the children."
" veto in generation of emissions from children using cut-off for second parton",
static Switch<Evolver,unsigned int> interfaceSpinCorrelations
"Treatment of spin correlations in the parton shower",
&Evolver::_spinOpt, 1, false, false);
static SwitchOption interfaceSpinCorrelationsOff
"No spin correlations",
static SwitchOption interfaceSpinCorrelationsSpin
"Include the azimuthal spin correlations only",
static Switch<Evolver,unsigned int> interfaceSoftCorrelations
"Option for the treatment of soft correlations in the parton shower",
&Evolver::_softOpt, 2, false, false);
static SwitchOption interfaceSoftCorrelationsNone
"No soft correlations",
static SwitchOption interfaceSoftCorrelationsFull
"Use the full eikonal",
static SwitchOption interfaceSoftCorrelationsSingular
"Use original Webber-Marchisini form",
static Switch<Evolver,bool> interfaceHardPOWHEG
"Treatment of powheg emissions which are too hard to have a shower interpretation",
&Evolver::_hardPOWHEG, false, false, false);
static SwitchOption interfaceHardPOWHEGAsShower
"Still interpret as shower emissions",
static SwitchOption interfaceHardPOWHEGRealEmission
"Generate shower from the real emmission configuration",
static Parameter<Evolver,unsigned int> interfaceMaxTryFSR
"The maximum number of attempted FSR emissions in"
" the generation of the FSR",
&Evolver::_maxTryFSR, 100000, 10, 100000000,
false, false, Interface::limited);
static Parameter<Evolver,unsigned int> interfaceMaxFailFSR
"Maximum number of failures generating the FSR",
&Evolver::_maxFailFSR, 100, 1, 100000000,
false, false, Interface::limited);
static Parameter<Evolver,double> interfaceFSRFailureFraction
"Maximum fraction of events allowed to fail due to too many FSR emissions",
&Evolver::_fracFSR, 0.001, 1e-10, 1,
false, false, Interface::limited);
void Evolver::generateIntrinsicpT(vector<ShowerProgenitorPtr> particlesToShower) {
if ( !ipTon() || !isISRadiationON() ) return;
// don't do anything for the moment for secondary scatters
if( !ShowerHandler::currentHandler()->firstInteraction() ) return;
// generate intrinsic pT
for(unsigned int ix=0;ix<particlesToShower.size();++ix) {
// only consider initial-state particles
if(particlesToShower[ix]->progenitor()->isFinalState()) continue;
if(!particlesToShower[ix]->progenitor()->dataPtr()->coloured()) continue;
Energy ipt;
if(UseRandom::rnd() > _beta) {
else {
ipt=_gamma*sqrt(pow(1.+sqr(_iptmax/_gamma), UseRandom::rnd())-1.);
pair<Energy,double> pt = make_pair(ipt,UseRandom::rnd(Constants::twopi));
_intrinsic[particlesToShower[ix]] = pt;
void Evolver::setupMaximumScales(const vector<ShowerProgenitorPtr> & p,
XCPtr xcomb) {
// let POWHEG events radiate freely
if(_hardEmissionMode>0&&hardTree()) {
vector<ShowerProgenitorPtr>::const_iterator ckt = p.begin();
for (; ckt != p.end(); ckt++) (*ckt)->maxHardPt(Constants::MaxEnergy);
// return if no vetos
if (!hardVetoOn()) return;
// find out if hard partonic subprocess.
bool isPartonic(false);
cit = _currenttree->incomingLines().begin();
Lorentz5Momentum pcm;
for(; cit!=currentTree()->incomingLines().end(); ++cit) {
pcm += cit->first->progenitor()->momentum();
isPartonic |= cit->first->progenitor()->coloured();
// find minimum pt from hard process, the maximum pt from all outgoing
// coloured lines (this is simpler and more general than
// 2stu/(s^2+t^2+u^2)). Maximum scale for scattering processes will
// be transverse mass.
Energy ptmax = generator()->maximumCMEnergy();
// general case calculate the scale
if (!hardVetoXComb()||
!ShowerHandler::currentHandler()->firstInteraction())) {
// scattering process
if(currentTree()->isHard()) {
// coloured incoming particles
if (isPartonic) {
cjt = currentTree()->outgoingLines().begin();
for(; cjt!=currentTree()->outgoingLines().end(); ++cjt) {
if (cjt->first->progenitor()->coloured())
ptmax = min(ptmax,cjt->first->progenitor()->momentum().mt());
if (ptmax == generator()->maximumCMEnergy() ) ptmax = pcm.m();
!ShowerHandler::currentHandler()->firstInteraction()) {
// decay, incoming() is the decaying particle.
else {
ptmax = currentTree()->incomingLines().begin()->first
// hepeup.SCALUP is written into the lastXComb by the
// LesHouchesReader itself - use this by user's choice.
// Can be more general than this.
else {
if(currentTree()->isHard()) {
ptmax = sqrt( xcomb->lastShowerScale() );
else {
ptmax = currentTree()->incomingLines().begin()->first
ptmax *= ShowerHandler::currentHandler()->hardScaleFactor();
// set maxHardPt for all progenitors. For partonic processes this
// is now the max pt in the FS, for non-partonic processes or
// processes with no coloured FS the invariant mass of the IS
vector<ShowerProgenitorPtr>::const_iterator ckt = p.begin();
for (; ckt != p.end(); ckt++) (*ckt)->maxHardPt(ptmax);
void Evolver::setupHardScales(const vector<ShowerProgenitorPtr> & p,
XCPtr xcomb) {
if ( hardVetoXComb() &&
(!hardVetoReadOption() ||
ShowerHandler::currentHandler()->firstInteraction()) ) {
Energy hardScale = ZERO;
if(currentTree()->isHard()) {
hardScale = sqrt( xcomb->lastShowerScale() );
else {
hardScale = currentTree()->incomingLines().begin()->first
hardScale *= ShowerHandler::currentHandler()->hardScaleFactor();
vector<ShowerProgenitorPtr>::const_iterator ckt = p.begin();
for (; ckt != p.end(); ckt++) (*ckt)->hardScale(hardScale);
muPt = hardScale;
void Evolver::showerHardProcess(ShowerTreePtr hard, XCPtr xcomb) {
isMCatNLOSEvent = false;
isMCatNLOHEvent = false;
isPowhegSEvent = false;
isPowhegHEvent = false;
Ptr<SubtractedME>::tptr subme;
Ptr<MatchboxMEBase>::tptr me;
Ptr<SubtractionDipole>::tptr dipme;
Ptr<StandardXComb>::ptr sxc = dynamic_ptr_cast<Ptr<StandardXComb>::ptr>(xcomb);
if ( sxc ) {
subme = dynamic_ptr_cast<Ptr<SubtractedME>::tptr>(sxc->matrixElement());
me = dynamic_ptr_cast<Ptr<MatchboxMEBase>::tptr>(sxc->matrixElement());
dipme = dynamic_ptr_cast<Ptr<SubtractionDipole>::tptr>(sxc->matrixElement());
if ( subme ) {
if ( subme->showerApproximation() ) {
theShowerApproximation = subme->showerApproximation();
// separate MCatNLO and POWHEG-type corrections
if ( !subme->showerApproximation()->needsSplittingGenerator() ) {
if ( subme->realShowerSubtraction() )
isMCatNLOHEvent = true;
else if ( subme->virtualShowerSubtraction() )
isMCatNLOSEvent = true;
else {
if ( subme->realShowerSubtraction() )
isPowhegHEvent = true;
else if ( subme->virtualShowerSubtraction() || subme->loopSimSubtraction() )
isPowhegSEvent = true;
} else if ( me ) {
if ( me->factory()->showerApproximation() ) {
theShowerApproximation = me->factory()->showerApproximation();
if ( !me->factory()->showerApproximation()->needsSplittingGenerator() )
isMCatNLOSEvent = true;
isPowhegSEvent = true;
string error = "Inconsistent hard emission set-up in Evolver::showerHardProcess(). ";
if ( ( isMCatNLOSEvent || isMCatNLOHEvent ) ){
if (_hardEmissionMode > 1)
throw Exception() << error
<< "Cannot generate POWHEG matching with MC@NLO shower "
<< "approximation. Add 'set Evolver:HardEmissionMode 0' to input file."
<< Exception::runerror;
if ( ShowerHandler::currentHandler()->canHandleMatchboxTrunc())
throw Exception() << error
<< "Cannot use truncated qtilde shower with MC@NLO shower "
<< "approximation. Set LHCGenerator:EventHandler"
<< ":CascadeHandler to '/Herwig/Shower/ShowerHandler' or "
<< "'/Herwig/DipoleShower/DipoleShowerHandler'."
<< Exception::runerror;
else if ( ((isPowhegSEvent || isPowhegHEvent) || dipme) &&
_hardEmissionMode < 2){
if ( ShowerHandler::currentHandler()->canHandleMatchboxTrunc())
throw Exception() << error
<< "Unmatched events requested for POWHEG shower "
<< "approximation. Set Evolver:HardEmissionMode to "
<< "'MatchboxPOWHEG' or 'FullPOWHEG'."
<< Exception::runerror;
else if (_hardEmissionModeWarn){
_hardEmissionModeWarn = false;
throw Exception() << error
<< "Unmatched events requested for POWHEG shower "
<< "approximation. Changing Evolver:HardEmissionMode from "
<< _hardEmissionMode-2 << " to " << _hardEmissionMode
<< Exception::warning;
if ( isPowhegSEvent || isPowhegHEvent) {
if (theShowerApproximation->needsTruncatedShower() &&
!ShowerHandler::currentHandler()->canHandleMatchboxTrunc() )
throw Exception() << error
<< "Current shower handler cannot generate truncated shower. "
<< "Set Generator:EventHandler:CascadeHandler to "
<< "'/Herwig/Shower/PowhegShowerHandler'."
<< Exception::runerror;
else if ( dipme && _missingTruncWarn){
throw Exception() << "Warning: POWHEG shower approximation used without "
<< "truncated shower. Set Generator:EventHandler:"
<< "CascadeHandler to '/Herwig/Shower/PowhegShowerHandler' and "
<< "'MEMatching:TruncatedShower Yes'."
<< Exception::warning;
else if ( !dipme && _hardEmissionMode > 1 &&
throw Exception() << error
<< "POWHEG matching requested for LO events. Include "
<< "'set Factory:ShowerApproximation MEMatching' in input file."
<< Exception::runerror;
_hardme = HwMEBasePtr();
// extract the matrix element
tStdXCombPtr lastXC = dynamic_ptr_cast<tStdXCombPtr>(xcomb);
if(lastXC) {
_hardme = dynamic_ptr_cast<HwMEBasePtr>(lastXC->matrixElement());
_decayme = HwDecayerBasePtr();
// set the current tree
// number of attempts if more than one interaction switched on
unsigned int interactionTry=0;
do {
try {
// generate the showering
// if no vetos return
catch (InteractionVeto) {
throw Exception() << "Too many tries for shower in "
<< "Evolver::showerHardProcess()"
<< Exception::eventerror;
void Evolver::hardMatrixElementCorrection(bool hard) {
// set the initial enhancement factors for the soft correction
_initialenhance = 1.;
_finalenhance = 1.;
// if hard matrix element switched off return
if(!MECOn(hard)) return;
// see if we can get the correction from the matrix element
// or decayer
if(hard) {
if(_hardme&&_hardme->hasMECorrection()) {
else {
if(_decayme&&_decayme->hasMECorrection()) {
ShowerParticleVector Evolver::createTimeLikeChildren(tShowerParticlePtr particle, IdList ids) {
// Create the ShowerParticle objects for the two children of
// the emitting particle; set the parent/child relationship
// if same as definition create particles, otherwise create cc
tcPDPtr pdata[2];
for(unsigned int ix=0;ix<2;++ix) pdata[ix]=getParticleData(ids[ix+1]);
if(particle->id()!=ids[0]) {
for(unsigned int ix=0;ix<2;++ix) {
tPDPtr cc(pdata[ix]->CC());
if(cc) pdata[ix]=cc;
ShowerParticleVector children;
for(unsigned int ix=0;ix<2;++ix) {
return children;
bool Evolver::timeLikeShower(tShowerParticlePtr particle,
ShowerInteraction::Type type,
Branching fb, bool first) {
// don't do anything if not needed
if(_limitEmissions == 1 || hardOnly() ||
( _limitEmissions == 2 && _nfs != 0) ||
( _limitEmissions == 4 && _nfs + _nis != 0) ) {
if(particle->spinInfo()) particle->spinInfo()->develop();
return false;
// too many tries
if(_nFSR>=_maxTryFSR) {
// too many failed events
throw Exception() << "Too many events have failed due to too many shower emissions, in\n"
<< "Evolver::timeLikeShower(). Terminating run\n"
<< Exception::runerror;
throw Exception() << "Too many attempted emissions in Evolver::timeLikeShower()\n"
<< Exception::eventerror;
// generate the emission
ShowerParticleVector children;
int ntry=0;
// generate the emission
fb = selectTimeLikeBranching(particle,type,HardBranchingPtr());
// no emission, return
if(!fb.kinematics) {
if(particle->spinInfo()) particle->spinInfo()->develop();
return false;
Branching fc[2];
bool setupChildren = true;
while (ntry<50) {
fc[0] = Branching();
fc[1] = Branching();
// has emitted
// Assign the shower kinematics to the emitting particle.
if(setupChildren) {
- // generate phi
- fb.kinematics->phi(fb.sudakov->generatePhiForward(*particle,fb.ids,fb.kinematics));
// check highest pT
// create the children
children = createTimeLikeChildren(particle,fb.ids);
// update the children
updateChildren(particle, children,fb.type,_reconOpt>=3);
// update number of emissions
if(_limitEmissions!=0) {
if(children[0]->spinInfo()) children[0]->spinInfo()->develop();
if(children[1]->spinInfo()) children[1]->spinInfo()->develop();
if(particle->spinInfo()) particle->spinInfo()->develop();
return true;
setupChildren = false;
// select branchings for children
fc[0] = selectTimeLikeBranching(children[0],type,HardBranchingPtr());
fc[1] = selectTimeLikeBranching(children[1],type,HardBranchingPtr());
// old default
if(_reconOpt==0) {
// shower the first particle
if(fc[0].kinematics) timeLikeShower(children[0],type,fc[0],false);
if(children[0]->spinInfo()) children[0]->spinInfo()->develop();
// shower the second particle
if(fc[1].kinematics) timeLikeShower(children[1],type,fc[1],false);
if(children[1]->spinInfo()) children[1]->spinInfo()->develop();
// Herwig default
else if(_reconOpt==1) {
// shower the first particle
if(fc[0].kinematics) timeLikeShower(children[0],type,fc[0],false);
if(children[0]->spinInfo()) children[0]->spinInfo()->develop();
// shower the second particle
if(fc[1].kinematics) timeLikeShower(children[1],type,fc[1],false);
if(children[1]->spinInfo()) children[1]->spinInfo()->develop();
// branching has happened
particle->showerKinematics()->updateParent(particle, children,fb.type);
// clean up the vetoed emission
if(particle->virtualMass()==ZERO) {
for(unsigned int ix=0;ix<children.size();++ix)
if(particle->spinInfo()) particle->spinInfo()->decayVertex(VertexPtr());
// generate the new emission
fb = selectTimeLikeBranching(particle,type,HardBranchingPtr());
// no emission, return
if(!fb.kinematics) {
if(particle->spinInfo()) particle->spinInfo()->develop();
return false;
setupChildren = true;
// veto children
else if(_reconOpt>=2) {
// cut-off masses for the branching
const vector<Energy> & virtualMasses = fb.sudakov->virtualMasses(fb.ids);
// compute the masses of the children
Energy masses[3];
for(unsigned int ix=0;ix<2;++ix) {
if(fc[ix].kinematics) {
const vector<Energy> & vm = fc[ix].sudakov->virtualMasses(fc[ix].ids);
Energy2 q2 =
if(fc[ix].ids[0]!=ParticleID::g) q2 += sqr(vm[0]);
masses[ix+1] = sqrt(q2);
else {
masses[ix+1] = virtualMasses[ix+1];
masses[0] = fb.ids[0]!=ParticleID::g ? virtualMasses[0] : ZERO;
double z = fb.kinematics->z();
Energy2 pt2 = z*(1.-z)*(z*(1.-z)*sqr(fb.kinematics->scale()) + sqr(masses[0]))
- sqr(masses[1])*(1.-z) - sqr(masses[2])*z;
if(pt2>=ZERO) {
else {
// reset the scales for the children
for(unsigned int ix=0;ix<2;++ix) {
if(_reconOpt>=2) {
// shower the first particle
if(fc[0].kinematics) timeLikeShower(children[0],type,fc[0],false);
if(children[0]->spinInfo()) children[0]->spinInfo()->develop();
// shower the second particle
if(fc[1].kinematics) timeLikeShower(children[1],type,fc[1],false);
if(children[1]->spinInfo()) children[1]->spinInfo()->develop();
// branching has happened
particle->showerKinematics()->updateParent(particle, children,fb.type);
if(particle->spinInfo()) particle->spinInfo()->develop();
return true;
Evolver::spaceLikeShower(tShowerParticlePtr particle, PPtr beam,
ShowerInteraction::Type type) {
//using the pdf's associated with the ShowerHandler assures, that
//modified pdf's are used for the secondary interactions via
tcPDFPtr pdf;
if(ShowerHandler::currentHandler()->firstPDF().particle() == _beam)
pdf = ShowerHandler::currentHandler()->firstPDF().pdf();
if(ShowerHandler::currentHandler()->secondPDF().particle() == _beam)
pdf = ShowerHandler::currentHandler()->secondPDF().pdf();
Energy freeze = ShowerHandler::currentHandler()->pdfFreezingScale();
// don't do anything if not needed
if(_limitEmissions == 2 || hardOnly() ||
( _limitEmissions == 1 && _nis != 0 ) ||
( _limitEmissions == 4 && _nis + _nfs != 0 ) ) {
if(particle->spinInfo()) particle->spinInfo()->develop();
return false;
Branching bb;
// generate branching
while (true) {
// return if no emission
if(!bb.kinematics) {
if(particle->spinInfo()) particle->spinInfo()->develop();
return false;
// if not vetoed break
if(!spaceLikeVetoed(bb,particle)) break;
// otherwise reset scale and continue
if(particle->spinInfo()) particle->spinInfo()->decayVertex(VertexPtr());
// assign the splitting function and shower kinematics
// For the time being we are considering only 1->2 branching
// particles as in Sudakov form factor
tcPDPtr part[2]={getParticleData(bb.ids[0]),
if(particle->id()!=bb.ids[1]) {
if(part[0]->CC()) part[0]=part[0]->CC();
if(part[1]->CC()) part[1]=part[1]->CC();
// Now create the actual particles, make the otherChild a final state
// particle, while the newParent is not
ShowerParticlePtr newParent=new_ptr(ShowerParticle(part[0],false));
ShowerParticlePtr otherChild = new_ptr(ShowerParticle(part[1],true,true));
ShowerParticleVector theChildren;
//this updates the evolution scale
updateParent(newParent, theChildren,bb.type);
// update the history if needed
// for the reconstruction of kinematics, parent/child
// relationships are according to the branching process:
// now continue the shower
bool emitted = _limitEmissions==0 ?
spaceLikeShower(newParent,beam,type) : false;
if(newParent->spinInfo()) newParent->spinInfo()->develop();
// now reconstruct the momentum
if(!emitted) {
if(_intrinsic.find(_progenitor)==_intrinsic.end()) {
else {
pair<Energy,double> kt=_intrinsic[_progenitor];
updateChildren(newParent, theChildren,bb.type,false);
if(_limitEmissions!=0) {
if(particle->spinInfo()) particle->spinInfo()->develop();
return true;
// perform the shower of the final-state particle
if(theChildren[1]->spinInfo()) theChildren[1]->spinInfo()->develop();
// return the emitted
if(particle->spinInfo()) particle->spinInfo()->develop();
return true;
void Evolver::showerDecay(ShowerTreePtr decay) {
_decayme = HwDecayerBasePtr();
_hardme = HwMEBasePtr();
// find the decayer
// try the normal way if possible
tDMPtr dm = decay->incomingLines().begin()->first->original() ->decayMode();
if(!dm) dm = decay->incomingLines().begin()->first->copy() ->decayMode();
if(!dm) dm = decay->incomingLines().begin()->first->progenitor()->decayMode();
// otherwise make a string and look it up
if(!dm) {
string tag = decay->incomingLines().begin()->first->original()->dataPtr()->name()
+ "->";
OrderedParticles outgoing;
it=decay->outgoingLines().begin();it!=decay->outgoingLines().end();++it) {
if(abs(decay->incomingLines().begin()->first->original()->id()) == ParticleID::t &&
abs(it->first->original()->id())==ParticleID::Wplus &&
decay->treelinks().size() == 1) {
ShowerTreePtr Wtree = decay->treelinks().begin()->first;
it2=Wtree->outgoingLines().begin();it2!=Wtree->outgoingLines().end();++it2) {
else {
for(OrderedParticles::const_iterator it=outgoing.begin(); it!=outgoing.end();++it) {
if(it!=outgoing.begin()) tag += ",";
tag +=(**it).name();
tag += ";";
dm = findDecayMode(tag);
if(dm) _decayme = dynamic_ptr_cast<HwDecayerBasePtr>(dm->decayer());
// set the ShowerTree to be showered
unsigned int interactionTry=0;
do {
try {
// generate the showering
// if no vetos
// force calculation of spin correlations
SpinPtr spInfo = decay->incomingLines().begin()->first->progenitor()->spinInfo();
if(spInfo) {
if(!spInfo->developed()) spInfo->needsUpdate();
// and then return
catch (InteractionVeto) {
throw Exception() << "Too many tries for QED shower in Evolver::showerDecay()"
<< Exception::eventerror;
bool Evolver::spaceLikeDecayShower(tShowerParticlePtr particle,
const ShowerParticle::EvolutionScales & maxScales,
Energy minmass,ShowerInteraction::Type type,
Branching fb) {
// too many tries
if(_nFSR>=_maxTryFSR) {
// too many failed events
throw Exception() << "Too many events have failed due to too many shower emissions, in\n"
<< "Evolver::timeLikeShower(). Terminating run\n"
<< Exception::runerror;
throw Exception() << "Too many attempted emissions in Evolver::timeLikeShower()\n"
<< Exception::eventerror;
// generate the emission
ShowerParticleVector children;
int ntry=0;
// generate the emission
fb = selectSpaceLikeDecayBranching(particle,maxScales,minmass,type,
// no emission, return
if(!fb.kinematics) return false;
Branching fc[2];
bool setupChildren = true;
while (ntry<50) {
fc[0] = Branching();
fc[1] = Branching();
// has emitted
// Assign the shower kinematics to the emitting particle.
if(setupChildren) {
// Assign the shower kinematics to the emitting particle.
// create the ShowerParticle objects for the two children
children = createTimeLikeChildren(particle,fb.ids);
// updateChildren the children
updateChildren(particle, children, fb.type,_reconOpt>=3);
setupChildren = false;
// select branchings for children
fc[0] = selectSpaceLikeDecayBranching(children[0],maxScales,minmass,
fc[1] = selectTimeLikeBranching (children[1],type,HardBranchingPtr());
// old default
if(_reconOpt==0) {
// shower the first particle
if(fc[0].kinematics) spaceLikeDecayShower(children[0],maxScales,minmass,type,Branching());
// shower the second particle
if(fc[1].kinematics) timeLikeShower(children[1],type,fc[1],true);
// branching has happened
// Herwig default
else if(_reconOpt==1) {
// shower the first particle
if(fc[0].kinematics) spaceLikeDecayShower(children[0],maxScales,minmass,type,Branching());
// shower the second particle
if(fc[1].kinematics) timeLikeShower(children[1],type,fc[1],true);
// branching has happened
particle->showerKinematics()->updateParent(particle, children,fb.type);
// clean up the vetoed emission
if(particle->virtualMass()==ZERO) {
for(unsigned int ix=0;ix<children.size();++ix)
// generate the new emission
fb = selectSpaceLikeDecayBranching(particle,maxScales,minmass,type,
// no emission, return
if(!fb.kinematics) {
return false;
setupChildren = true;
else if(_reconOpt>=2) {
// cut-off masses for the branching
const vector<Energy> & virtualMasses = fb.sudakov->virtualMasses(fb.ids);
// compute the masses of the children
Energy masses[3];
// space-like children
masses[1] = children[0]->virtualMass();
// time-like child
if(fc[1].kinematics) {
const vector<Energy> & vm = fc[1].sudakov->virtualMasses(fc[1].ids);
Energy2 q2 =
if(fc[1].ids[0]!=ParticleID::g) q2 += sqr(vm[0]);
masses[2] = sqrt(q2);
else {
masses[2] = virtualMasses[2];
double z = fb.kinematics->z();
Energy2 pt2 = (1.-z)*(z*sqr(masses[0])-sqr(masses[1])-z/(1.-z)*sqr(masses[2]));
if(pt2>=ZERO) {
else {
// reset the scales for the children
for(unsigned int ix=0;ix<2;++ix) {
else {
if(_reconOpt>=2) {
// In the case of splittings which involves coloured particles,
// set properly the colour flow of the branching.
// update the history if needed
// shower the first particle
if(fc[0].kinematics) spaceLikeDecayShower(children[0],maxScales,minmass,type,Branching());
// shower the second particle
if(fc[1].kinematics) timeLikeShower(children[1],type,fc[1],true);
// branching has happened
particle->showerKinematics()->updateParent(particle, children,fb.type);
// branching has happened
return true;
vector<ShowerProgenitorPtr> Evolver::setupShower(bool hard) {
// generate POWHEG hard emission if needed
if(_hardEmissionMode>0) hardestEmission(hard);
ShowerInteraction::Type inter = interaction_;
if(_hardtree&&inter!=ShowerInteraction::QEDQCD && inter!=ShowerInteraction::ALL) {
inter = _hardtree->interaction();
// set the initial colour partners
// generate hard me if needed
if(_hardEmissionMode==0 ||
(!hard && _hardEmissionMode==-1)) hardMatrixElementCorrection(hard);
// get the particles to be showered
vector<ShowerProgenitorPtr> particlesToShower =
// remake the colour partners if needed
if(_currenttree->hardMatrixElementCorrection()) {
// return the answer
return particlesToShower;
void Evolver::setEvolutionPartners(bool hard,ShowerInteraction::Type type,
bool clear) {
// match the particles in the ShowerTree and hardTree
if(hardTree() && !hardTree()->connect(currentTree()))
throw Exception() << "Can't match trees in "
<< "Evolver::setEvolutionPartners()"
<< Exception::eventerror;
// extract the progenitors
vector<ShowerParticlePtr> particles =
// clear the partners if needed
if(clear) {
for(unsigned int ix=0;ix<particles.size();++ix) {
// sort out the colour partners
if(hardTree()) {
// find the partner
for(unsigned int ix=0;ix<particles.size();++ix) {
tHardBranchingPtr partner =
if(!partner) continue;
it!=hardTree()->particles().end();++it) {
if(it->second==partner) particles[ix]->partner(it->first);
throw Exception() << "Can't match partners in "
<< "Evolver::setEvolutionPartners()"
<< Exception::eventerror;
// Set the initial evolution scales
if(hardTree() && _hardPOWHEG) {
bool tooHard=false;
for(unsigned int ix=0;ix<particles.size();++ix) {
mit = hardTree()->particles().find(particles[ix]);
Energy hardScale(ZERO);
ShowerPartnerType::Type type(ShowerPartnerType::Undefined);
// final-state
if(particles[ix]->isFinalState()) {
if(mit!= eit && !mit->second->children().empty()) {
hardScale = mit->second->scale();
type = mit->second->type();
// initial-state
else {
if(mit!= eit && mit->second->parent()) {
hardScale = mit->second->parent()->scale();
type = mit->second->parent()->type();
if(type!=ShowerPartnerType::Undefined) {
if(type==ShowerPartnerType::QED) {
tooHard |= particles[ix]->scales().QED_noAO<hardScale;
else if(type==ShowerPartnerType::QCDColourLine) {
tooHard |= particles[ix]->scales().QCD_c_noAO<hardScale;
else if(type==ShowerPartnerType::QCDAntiColourLine) {
tooHard |= particles[ix]->scales().QCD_ac_noAO<hardScale;
else if(type==ShowerPartnerType::EW) {
tooHard |= particles[ix]->scales().EW<hardScale;
if(tooHard) convertHardTree(hard,type);
void Evolver::updateHistory(tShowerParticlePtr particle) {
if(!particle->children().empty()) {
ShowerParticleVector theChildren;
for(unsigned int ix=0;ix<particle->children().size();++ix) {
ShowerParticlePtr part = dynamic_ptr_cast<ShowerParticlePtr>
// update the history if needed
for(unsigned int ix=0;ix<theChildren.size();++ix)
bool Evolver::startTimeLikeShower(ShowerInteraction::Type type) {
_nFSR = 0;
// initialize basis vectors etc
if(hardTree()) {
mit = hardTree()->particles().find(progenitor()->progenitor());
if( mit != eit && !mit->second->children().empty() ) {
bool output=truncatedTimeLikeShower(progenitor()->progenitor(),
mit->second ,type,Branching(),true);
if(output) updateHistory(progenitor()->progenitor());
return output;
// do the shower
bool output = hardOnly() ? false :
timeLikeShower(progenitor()->progenitor() ,type,Branching(),true) ;
if(output) updateHistory(progenitor()->progenitor());
return output;
bool Evolver::startSpaceLikeShower(PPtr parent, ShowerInteraction::Type type) {
// initialise the basis vectors
if(hardTree()) {
eit =hardTree()->particles().end(),
mit = hardTree()->particles().find(progenitor()->progenitor());
if( mit != eit && mit->second->parent() ) {
return truncatedSpaceLikeShower( progenitor()->progenitor(),
parent, mit->second->parent(), type );
// perform the shower
return hardOnly() ? false :
bool Evolver::
startSpaceLikeDecayShower(const ShowerParticle::EvolutionScales & maxScales,
Energy minimumMass,ShowerInteraction::Type type) {
_nFSR = 0;
// set up the particle basis vectors
if(hardTree()) {
eit =hardTree()->particles().end(),
mit = hardTree()->particles().find(progenitor()->progenitor());
if( mit != eit && mit->second->parent() ) {
HardBranchingPtr branch=mit->second;
while(branch->parent()) branch=branch->parent();
return truncatedSpaceLikeDecayShower(progenitor()->progenitor(),maxScales,
minimumMass, branch ,type, Branching());
// perform the shower
return hardOnly() ? false :
bool Evolver::timeLikeVetoed(const Branching & fb,
ShowerParticlePtr particle) {
// work out type of interaction
ShowerInteraction::Type type = convertInteraction(fb.type);
// check whether emission was harder than largest pt of hard subprocess
if ( hardVetoFS() && fb.kinematics->pT() > _progenitor->maxHardPt() )
return true;
// soft matrix element correction veto
if( softMEC()) {
if(_hardme && _hardme->hasMECorrection()) {
return true;
else if(_decayme && _decayme->hasMECorrection()) {
return true;
// veto on maximum pt
if(fb.kinematics->pT()>_progenitor->maximumpT(type)) return true;
// general vetos
if (fb.kinematics && !_vetoes.empty()) {
bool vetoed=false;
for (vector<ShowerVetoPtr>::iterator v = _vetoes.begin();
v != _vetoes.end(); ++v) {
bool test = (**v).vetoTimeLike(_progenitor,particle,fb);
switch((**v).vetoType()) {
case ShowerVeto::Emission:
vetoed |= test;
case ShowerVeto::Shower:
if(test) throw VetoShower();
case ShowerVeto::Event:
if(test) throw Veto();
if(vetoed) return true;
if ( ShowerHandler::currentHandler()->firstInteraction() &&
ShowerHandler::currentHandler()->profileScales() ) {
double weight =
if ( UseRandom::rnd() > weight )
return true;
return false;
bool Evolver::spaceLikeVetoed(const Branching & bb,
ShowerParticlePtr particle) {
// work out type of interaction
ShowerInteraction::Type type = convertInteraction(bb.type);
// check whether emission was harder than largest pt of hard subprocess
if (hardVetoIS() && bb.kinematics->pT() > _progenitor->maxHardPt())
return true;
// apply the soft correction
if( softMEC() && _hardme && _hardme->hasMECorrection() ) {
return true;
// the more general vetos
// check vs max pt for the shower
if(bb.kinematics->pT()>_progenitor->maximumpT(type)) return true;
if (!_vetoes.empty()) {
bool vetoed=false;
for (vector<ShowerVetoPtr>::iterator v = _vetoes.begin();
v != _vetoes.end(); ++v) {
bool test = (**v).vetoSpaceLike(_progenitor,particle,bb);
switch ((**v).vetoType()) {
case ShowerVeto::Emission:
vetoed |= test;
case ShowerVeto::Shower:
if(test) throw VetoShower();
case ShowerVeto::Event:
if(test) throw Veto();
if (vetoed) return true;
if ( ShowerHandler::currentHandler()->firstInteraction() &&
ShowerHandler::currentHandler()->profileScales() ) {
double weight =
if ( UseRandom::rnd() > weight )
return true;
return false;
bool Evolver::spaceLikeDecayVetoed( const Branching & fb,
ShowerParticlePtr particle) {
// work out type of interaction
ShowerInteraction::Type type = convertInteraction(fb.type);
// apply the soft correction
if( softMEC() && _decayme && _decayme->hasMECorrection() ) {
return true;
// veto on hardest pt in the shower
if(fb.kinematics->pT()> _progenitor->maximumpT(type)) return true;
// general vetos
if (!_vetoes.empty()) {
bool vetoed=false;
for (vector<ShowerVetoPtr>::iterator v = _vetoes.begin();
v != _vetoes.end(); ++v) {
bool test = (**v).vetoSpaceLike(_progenitor,particle,fb);
switch((**v).vetoType()) {
case ShowerVeto::Emission:
vetoed |= test;
case ShowerVeto::Shower:
if(test) throw VetoShower();
case ShowerVeto::Event:
if(test) throw Veto();
if (vetoed) return true;
return false;
void Evolver::hardestEmission(bool hard) {
HardTreePtr ISRTree;
if( ( _hardme && _hardme->hasPOWHEGCorrection()!=0 && _hardEmissionMode< 2) ||
( _decayme && _decayme->hasPOWHEGCorrection()!=0 && _hardEmissionMode!=2) ) {
if(_hardme) {
_hardtree = _hardme->generateHardest( currentTree(),interaction_);
else {
_hardtree = _decayme->generateHardest( currentTree() );
// store initial state POWHEG radiation
if(_hardtree && _hardme && _hardme->hasPOWHEGCorrection()==1)
else if (_hardEmissionMode>1 && hard) {
// Get minimum pT cutoff used in shower approximation
Energy maxpt = 1.*GeV;
int colouredIn = 0;
int colouredOut = 0;
for( map< ShowerProgenitorPtr, tShowerParticlePtr >::iterator it
= currentTree()->outgoingLines().begin();
it != currentTree()->outgoingLines().end(); ++it ) {
if( it->second->coloured() ) colouredOut+=1;
for( map< ShowerProgenitorPtr, ShowerParticlePtr >::iterator it
= currentTree()->incomingLines().begin();
it != currentTree()->incomingLines().end(); ++it ) {
if( ! it->second->coloured() ) colouredIn+=1;
if ( theShowerApproximation ){
if ( theShowerApproximation->ffPtCut() == theShowerApproximation->fiPtCut() &&
theShowerApproximation->ffPtCut() == theShowerApproximation->iiPtCut() )
maxpt = theShowerApproximation->ffPtCut();
else if ( colouredIn == 2 && colouredOut == 0 )
maxpt = theShowerApproximation->iiPtCut();
else if ( colouredIn == 0 && colouredOut > 1 )
maxpt = theShowerApproximation->ffPtCut();
else if ( colouredIn == 2 && colouredOut == 1 )
maxpt = min(theShowerApproximation->iiPtCut(), theShowerApproximation->fiPtCut());
else if ( colouredIn == 1 && colouredOut > 1 )
maxpt = min(theShowerApproximation->ffPtCut(), theShowerApproximation->fiPtCut());
maxpt = min(min(theShowerApproximation->iiPtCut(), theShowerApproximation->fiPtCut()),
// Generate hardtree from born and real emission subprocesses
_hardtree = ShowerHandler::currentHandler()->generateCKKW(currentTree());
// Find transverse momentum of hardest emission
if (_hardtree){
for(set<HardBranchingPtr>::iterator it=_hardtree->branchings().begin();
it!=_hardtree->branchings().end();++it) {
if ((*it)->parent() && (*it)->status()==HardBranching::Incoming)
if ((*it)->children().size()==2 && (*it)->status()==HardBranching::Outgoing){
if ((*it)->branchingParticle()->id()!=21 &&
abs((*it)->branchingParticle()->id())>5 ){
if ((*it)->children()[0]->branchingParticle()->id()==21 ||
else if ((*it)->children()[1]->branchingParticle()->id()==21 ||
else {
if ( abs((*it)->branchingParticle()->id())<6){
if (abs((*it)->children()[0]->branchingParticle()->id())<6)
maxpt = (*it)->children()[1]->branchingParticle()->momentum().perp();
maxpt = (*it)->children()[0]->branchingParticle()->momentum().perp();
else maxpt = (*it)->children()[1]->branchingParticle()->momentum().perp();
// Hardest (pt) emission should be the first powheg emission.
// Set maxpt to pT of emission when showering POWHEG real-emission subprocesses
if (!isPowhegSEvent && !isPowhegHEvent){
vector<int> outGluon;
vector<int> outQuark;
map< ShowerProgenitorPtr, tShowerParticlePtr >::iterator it;
for( it = currentTree()->outgoingLines().begin();
it != currentTree()->outgoingLines().end(); ++it ) {
if ( abs(it->second->id())< 6) outQuark.push_back(it->second->id());
if ( it->second->id()==21 ) outGluon.push_back(it->second->id());
if (outGluon.size() + outQuark.size() == 1){
for( it = currentTree()->outgoingLines().begin();
it != currentTree()->outgoingLines().end(); ++it ) {
if ( abs(it->second->id())< 6 || it->second->id()==21 )
maxpt = it->second->momentum().perp();
else if (outGluon.size() + outQuark.size() > 1){
// assume qqbar pair from a Z/gamma
if (outGluon.size()==1 && outQuark.size() == 2 && outQuark[0]==-outQuark[1]){
for( it = currentTree()->outgoingLines().begin();
it != currentTree()->outgoingLines().end(); ++it ) {
if ( it->second->id()==21 )
maxpt = it->second->momentum().perp();
// otherwise take the lowest pT avoiding born DY events
else {
maxpt = generator()->maximumCMEnergy();
for( it = currentTree()->outgoingLines().begin();
it != currentTree()->outgoingLines().end(); ++it ) {
if ( abs(it->second->id())< 6 || it->second->id()==21 )
maxpt = min(maxpt,it->second->momentum().perp());
// set maximum pT for subsequent emissions from S events
if ( isPowhegSEvent || (!isPowhegSEvent && !isPowhegHEvent)){
for( map< ShowerProgenitorPtr, tShowerParticlePtr >::iterator it
= currentTree()->outgoingLines().begin();
it != currentTree()->outgoingLines().end(); ++it ) {
if( ! it->second->coloured() ) continue;
it->first->maximumpT(maxpt, ShowerInteraction::QCD );
for( map< ShowerProgenitorPtr, ShowerParticlePtr >::iterator it
= currentTree()->incomingLines().begin();
it != currentTree()->incomingLines().end(); ++it ) {
if( ! it->second->coloured() ) continue;
it->first->maximumpT(maxpt, ShowerInteraction::QCD );
_hardtree = ShowerHandler::currentHandler()->generateCKKW(currentTree());
// if hard me doesn't have a FSR powheg
// correction use decay powheg correction
if (_hardme && _hardme->hasPOWHEGCorrection()<2) {
// check for intermediate colour singlet resonance
const ParticleVector inter = _hardme->subProcess()->intermediates();
if (inter.size()!=1 ||
inter[0]->momentum().m2()/GeV2 < 0 ||
if(_hardtree) connectTrees(currentTree(),_hardtree,hard);
map<ShowerProgenitorPtr, tShowerParticlePtr > out = currentTree()->outgoingLines();
// ignore cases where outgoing particles are not coloured
if (out.size()!=2 ||
out. begin()->second->dataPtr()->iColour()==PDT::Colour0 ||
out.rbegin()->second->dataPtr()->iColour()==PDT::Colour0) {
if(_hardtree) connectTrees(currentTree(),_hardtree,hard);
// look up decay mode
tDMPtr dm;
string tag;
string inParticle = inter[0]->dataPtr()->name() + "->";
vector<string> outParticles;
outParticles.push_back(out.begin ()->first->progenitor()->dataPtr()->name());
for (int it=0; it<2; ++it){
tag = inParticle + outParticles[it] + "," + outParticles[(it+1)%2] + ";";
dm = generator()->findDecayMode(tag);
if(dm) break;
// get the decayer
HwDecayerBasePtr decayer;
if(dm) decayer = dynamic_ptr_cast<HwDecayerBasePtr>(dm->decayer());
// check if decayer has a FSR POWHEG correction
if (!decayer || decayer->hasPOWHEGCorrection()<2){
if(_hardtree) connectTrees(currentTree(),_hardtree,hard);
// generate the hardest emission
ShowerDecayMap decay;
PPtr in = new_ptr(*inter[0]);
ShowerTreePtr decayTree = new_ptr(ShowerTree(in, decay));
HardTreePtr FSRTree = decayer->generateHardest(decayTree);
if (!FSRTree) {
if(_hardtree) connectTrees(currentTree(),_hardtree,hard);
// if there is no ISRTree make _hardtree from FSRTree
if (!ISRTree){
vector<HardBranchingPtr> inBranch,hardBranch;
cit =currentTree()->incomingLines().begin();
cit!=currentTree()->incomingLines().end();++cit ) {
if(inBranch[0]->branchingParticle()->dataPtr()->coloured()) {
for(set<HardBranchingPtr>::iterator it=FSRTree->branchings().begin();
it!=FSRTree->branchings().end();++it) {
HardTreePtr newTree = new_ptr(HardTree(hardBranch,inBranch,
_hardtree = newTree;
// Otherwise modify the ISRTree to include the emission in FSRTree
else {
vector<tShowerParticlePtr> FSROut, ISROut;
set<HardBranchingPtr>::iterator itFSR, itISR;
// get outgoing particles
for(itFSR =FSRTree->branchings().begin();
if ((**itFSR).status()==HardBranching::Outgoing)
for(itISR =ISRTree->branchings().begin();
if ((**itISR).status()==HardBranching::Outgoing)
// find COM frame formed by outgoing particles
LorentzRotation eventFrameFSR, eventFrameISR;
eventFrameFSR = ((FSROut[0]->momentum()+FSROut[1]->momentum()).findBoostToCM());
eventFrameISR = ((ISROut[0]->momentum()+ISROut[1]->momentum()).findBoostToCM());
// find rotation between ISR and FSR frames
int j=0;
if (ISROut[0]->id()!=FSROut[0]->id()) j=1;
eventFrameISR.rotateZ( (eventFrameFSR*FSROut[0]->momentum()).phi()-
(eventFrameISR*ISROut[j]->momentum()).phi() );
eventFrameISR.rotateY( (eventFrameFSR*FSROut[0]->momentum()).theta()-
(eventFrameISR*ISROut[j]->momentum()).theta() );
for (itFSR=FSRTree->branchings().begin();
if ((**itFSR).branchingParticle()->id()==in->id()) continue;
for (itISR =ISRTree->branchings().begin();
if ((**itISR).status()==HardBranching::Incoming) continue;
if ((**itFSR).branchingParticle()->id()==
// rotate FSRTree particle to ISRTree event frame
// add the children of the FSRTree particles to the ISRTree
// rotate momenta to ISRTree event frame
_hardtree = ISRTree;
bool Evolver::truncatedTimeLikeShower(tShowerParticlePtr particle,
HardBranchingPtr branch,
ShowerInteraction::Type type,
Branching fb, bool first) {
// select a branching if we don't have one
fb = selectTimeLikeBranching(particle,type,branch);
// must be an emission, the forced one it not a truncated one
ShowerParticleVector children;
int ntry=0;
Branching fc[2];
bool setupChildren = true;
while (ntry<50) {
if(!fc[0].hard) fc[0] = Branching();
if(!fc[1].hard) fc[1] = Branching();
// Assign the shower kinematics to the emitting particle.
if(setupChildren) {
// Assign the shower kinematics to the emitting particle.
- // if not hard generate phi
- if(!fb.hard)
- fb.kinematics->phi(fb.sudakov->generatePhiForward(*particle,fb.ids,fb.kinematics));
// create the children
children = createTimeLikeChildren(particle,fb.ids);
// update the children
updateChildren(particle, children,fb.type,_reconOpt>=3);
setupChildren = false;
// select branchings for children
if(!fc[0].kinematics) {
// select branching for first particle
if(!fb.hard && fb.iout ==1 )
fc[0] = selectTimeLikeBranching(children[0],type,branch);
else if(fb.hard && !branch->children()[0]->children().empty() )
fc[0] = selectTimeLikeBranching(children[0],type,branch->children()[0]);
fc[0] = selectTimeLikeBranching(children[0],type,HardBranchingPtr());
// select branching for the second particle
if(!fc[1].kinematics) {
// select branching for first particle
if(!fb.hard && fb.iout ==2 )
fc[1] = selectTimeLikeBranching(children[1],type,branch);
else if(fb.hard && !branch->children()[1]->children().empty() )
fc[1] = selectTimeLikeBranching(children[1],type,branch->children()[1]);
fc[1] = selectTimeLikeBranching(children[1],type,HardBranchingPtr());
// old default
if(_reconOpt==0 || (_reconOpt==1 && fb.hard) ) {
// shower the first particle
if(fc[0].kinematics) {
// the parent has truncated emission and following line
if(!fb.hard && fb.iout == 1)
// hard emission and subsquent hard emissions
else if(fb.hard && !branch->children()[0]->children().empty() )
// normal shower
if(children[0]->spinInfo()) children[0]->spinInfo()->develop();
// shower the second particle
if(fc[1].kinematics) {
// the parent has truncated emission and following line
if(!fb.hard && fb.iout == 2)
// hard emission and subsquent hard emissions
else if(fb.hard && !branch->children()[1]->children().empty() )
if(children[1]->spinInfo()) children[1]->spinInfo()->develop();
// branching has happened
particle->showerKinematics()->updateParent(particle, children,fb.type);
// H7 default
else if(_reconOpt==1) {
// shower the first particle
if(fc[0].kinematics) {
// the parent has truncated emission and following line
if(!fb.hard && fb.iout == 1)
if(children[0]->spinInfo()) children[0]->spinInfo()->develop();
// shower the second particle
if(fc[1].kinematics) {
// the parent has truncated emission and following line
if(!fb.hard && fb.iout == 2)
if(children[1]->spinInfo()) children[1]->spinInfo()->develop();
// branching has happened
particle->showerKinematics()->updateParent(particle, children,fb.type);
// clean up the vetoed emission
if(particle->virtualMass()==ZERO) {
for(unsigned int ix=0;ix<children.size();++ix)
if(particle->spinInfo()) particle->spinInfo()->decayVertex(VertexPtr());
// generate the new emission
fb = selectTimeLikeBranching(particle,type,branch);
// must be at least hard emission
setupChildren = true;
else if(_reconOpt>=2) {
// cut-off masses for the branching
const vector<Energy> & virtualMasses = fb.sudakov->virtualMasses(fb.ids);
// compute the masses of the children
Energy masses[3];
for(unsigned int ix=0;ix<2;++ix) {
if(fc[ix].kinematics) {
const vector<Energy> & vm = fc[ix].sudakov->virtualMasses(fc[ix].ids);
Energy2 q2 =
if(fc[ix].ids[0]!=ParticleID::g) q2 += sqr(vm[0]);
masses[ix+1] = sqrt(q2);
else {
masses[ix+1] = virtualMasses[ix+1];
masses[0] = fb.ids[0]!=ParticleID::g ? virtualMasses[0] : ZERO;
double z = fb.kinematics->z();
Energy2 pt2 = z*(1.-z)*(z*(1.-z)*sqr(fb.kinematics->scale()) + sqr(masses[0]))
- sqr(masses[1])*(1.-z) - sqr(masses[2])*z;
if(pt2>=ZERO) {
// if only the hard emission have to accept it
else if ((fc[0].hard && !fc[1].kinematics) ||
(fc[1].hard && !fc[0].kinematics) ) {
else {
// reset the scales for the children
for(unsigned int ix=0;ix<2;++ix) {
if(fc[ix].hard) continue;
if(fc[ix].kinematics && ! fc[ix].hard )
if(_reconOpt>=2) {
// shower the first particle
if(fc[0].kinematics) {
// the parent has truncated emission and following line
if(!fb.hard && fb.iout == 1)
// hard emission and subsquent hard emissions
else if(fb.hard && !branch->children()[0]->children().empty() )
// normal shower
if(children[0]->spinInfo()) children[0]->spinInfo()->develop();
// shower the second particle
if(fc[1].kinematics) {
// the parent has truncated emission and following line
if(!fb.hard && fb.iout == 2)
// hard emission and subsquent hard emissions
else if(fb.hard && !branch->children()[1]->children().empty() )
if(children[1]->spinInfo()) children[1]->spinInfo()->develop();
// branching has happened
particle->showerKinematics()->updateParent(particle, children,fb.type);
if(particle->spinInfo()) particle->spinInfo()->develop();
return true;
bool Evolver::truncatedSpaceLikeShower(tShowerParticlePtr particle, PPtr beam,
HardBranchingPtr branch,
ShowerInteraction::Type type) {
tcPDFPtr pdf;
if(ShowerHandler::currentHandler()->firstPDF().particle() == beamParticle())
pdf = ShowerHandler::currentHandler()->firstPDF().pdf();
if(ShowerHandler::currentHandler()->secondPDF().particle() == beamParticle())
pdf = ShowerHandler::currentHandler()->secondPDF().pdf();
Energy freeze = ShowerHandler::currentHandler()->pdfFreezingScale();
Branching bb;
// parameters of the force branching
double z(0.);
HardBranchingPtr timelike;
for( unsigned int ix = 0; ix < branch->children().size(); ++ix ) {
if( branch->children()[ix]->status() ==HardBranching::Outgoing) {
timelike = branch->children()[ix];
if( branch->children()[ix]->status() ==HardBranching::Incoming )
z = branch->children()[ix]->z();
// generate truncated branching
tcPDPtr part[2];
if(z>=0.&&z<=1.) {
while (true) {
if( !isTruncatedShowerON() || hardOnly() ) break;
bb = splittingGenerator()->chooseBackwardBranching( *particle,
beam, 1., beamParticle(),
type , pdf,freeze);
if( !bb.kinematics || bb.kinematics->scale() < branch->scale() ) {
bb = Branching();
// particles as in Sudakov form factor
part[0] = getParticleData( bb.ids[0] );
part[1] = getParticleData( bb.ids[2] );
//is emitter anti-particle
if( particle->id() != bb.ids[1]) {
if( part[0]->CC() ) part[0] = part[0]->CC();
if( part[1]->CC() ) part[1] = part[1]->CC();
double zsplit = bb.kinematics->z();
// apply the vetos for the truncated shower
// if doesn't carry most of momentum
ShowerInteraction::Type type2 = convertInteraction(bb.type);
if(type2==branch->sudakov()->interactionType() &&
zsplit < 0.5) {
// others
if( part[0]->id() != particle->id() || // if particle changes type
bb.kinematics->pT() > progenitor()->maximumpT(type2) || // pt veto
bb.kinematics->scale() < branch->scale()) { // angular ordering veto
// and those from the base class
if(spaceLikeVetoed(bb,particle)) {
if( !bb.kinematics ) {
//do the hard emission
ShoKinPtr kinematics =
branch->sudakov()->createInitialStateBranching( branch->scale(), z, branch->phi(),
branch->children()[0]->pT() );
// assign the splitting function and shower kinematics
particle->showerKinematics( kinematics );
// For the time being we are considering only 1->2 branching
// Now create the actual particles, make the otherChild a final state
// particle, while the newParent is not
ShowerParticlePtr newParent =
new_ptr( ShowerParticle( branch->branchingParticle()->dataPtr(), false ) );
ShowerParticlePtr otherChild =
new_ptr( ShowerParticle( timelike->branchingParticle()->dataPtr(),
true, true ) );
ShowerParticleVector theChildren;
theChildren.push_back( particle );
theChildren.push_back( otherChild );
updateParent( newParent, theChildren, branch->type());
// update the history if needed
currentTree()->updateInitialStateShowerProduct( progenitor(), newParent );
currentTree()->addInitialStateBranching( particle, newParent, otherChild );
// for the reconstruction of kinematics, parent/child
// relationships are according to the branching process:
// now continue the shower
bool emitted=false;
if(!hardOnly()) {
if( branch->parent() ) {
emitted = truncatedSpaceLikeShower( newParent, beam, branch->parent() , type);
else {
emitted = spaceLikeShower( newParent, beam , type);
if( !emitted ) {
if( intrinsicpT().find( progenitor() ) == intrinsicpT().end() ) {
kinematics->updateLast( newParent, ZERO, ZERO );
else {
pair<Energy,double> kt = intrinsicpT()[progenitor()];
kinematics->updateLast( newParent,
kt.first*cos( kt.second ),
kt.first*sin( kt.second ) );
updateChildren( newParent, theChildren,bb.type,false);
if(hardOnly()) return true;
// perform the shower of the final-state particle
if( timelike->children().empty() ) {
timeLikeShower( otherChild , type,Branching(),true);
else {
truncatedTimeLikeShower( otherChild, timelike , type,Branching(), true);
// return the emitted
return true;
// assign the splitting function and shower kinematics
particle->showerKinematics( bb.kinematics );
// For the time being we are considering only 1->2 branching
// Now create the actual particles, make the otherChild a final state
// particle, while the newParent is not
ShowerParticlePtr newParent = new_ptr( ShowerParticle( part[0], false ) );
ShowerParticlePtr otherChild = new_ptr( ShowerParticle( part[1], true, true ) );
ShowerParticleVector theChildren;
theChildren.push_back( particle );
theChildren.push_back( otherChild );
updateParent( newParent, theChildren, bb.type);
// update the history if needed
currentTree()->updateInitialStateShowerProduct( progenitor(), newParent );
currentTree()->addInitialStateBranching( particle, newParent, otherChild );
// for the reconstruction of kinematics, parent/child
// relationships are according to the branching process:
// now continue the shower
bool emitted = truncatedSpaceLikeShower( newParent, beam, branch,type);
// now reconstruct the momentum
if( !emitted ) {
if( intrinsicpT().find( progenitor() ) == intrinsicpT().end() ) {
bb.kinematics->updateLast( newParent, ZERO, ZERO );
else {
pair<Energy,double> kt = intrinsicpT()[ progenitor() ];
bb.kinematics->updateLast( newParent,
kt.first*cos( kt.second ),
kt.first*sin( kt.second ) );
updateChildren( newParent, theChildren, bb.type,false);
// perform the shower of the final-state particle
timeLikeShower( otherChild , type,Branching(),true);
// return the emitted
return true;
bool Evolver::
truncatedSpaceLikeDecayShower(tShowerParticlePtr particle,
const ShowerParticle::EvolutionScales & maxScales,
Energy minmass, HardBranchingPtr branch,
ShowerInteraction::Type type, Branching fb) {
// select a branching if we don't have one
fb = selectSpaceLikeDecayBranching(particle,maxScales,minmass,type,branch);
// must be an emission, the forced one it not a truncated one
ShowerParticleVector children;
int ntry=0;
Branching fc[2];
bool setupChildren = true;
while (ntry<50) {
if(!fc[0].hard) fc[0] = Branching();
if(!fc[1].hard) fc[1] = Branching();
if(setupChildren) {
// Assign the shower kinematics to the emitting particle.
// create the ShowerParticle objects for the two children
children = createTimeLikeChildren(particle,fb.ids);
// updateChildren the children
updateChildren(particle, children, fb.type,_reconOpt>=3);
setupChildren = false;
// select branchings for children
if(!fc[0].kinematics) {
if(children[0]->id()==particle->id()) {
// select branching for first particle
fc[0] = selectSpaceLikeDecayBranching(children[0],maxScales,minmass,type,branch);
else if(fb.hard && ! branch->children()[0]->children().empty() )
fc[0] = selectSpaceLikeDecayBranching(children[0],maxScales,minmass,type,
fc[0] = selectSpaceLikeDecayBranching(children[0],maxScales,minmass,type,
else {
// select branching for first particle
if(fb.hard && !branch->children()[0]->children().empty() )
fc[0] = selectTimeLikeBranching(children[0],type,branch->children()[0]);
fc[0] = selectTimeLikeBranching(children[0],type,HardBranchingPtr());
// select branching for the second particle
if(!fc[1].kinematics) {
if(children[1]->id()==particle->id()) {
// select branching for first particle
fc[1] = selectSpaceLikeDecayBranching(children[1],maxScales,minmass,type,branch);
else if(fb.hard && ! branch->children()[1]->children().empty() )
fc[1] = selectSpaceLikeDecayBranching(children[1],maxScales,minmass,type,
fc[1] = selectSpaceLikeDecayBranching(children[1],maxScales,minmass,type,
else {
if(fb.hard && !branch->children()[1]->children().empty() )
fc[1] = selectTimeLikeBranching(children[1],type,branch->children()[1]);
fc[1] = selectTimeLikeBranching(children[1],type,HardBranchingPtr());
// old default
if(_reconOpt==0 || (_reconOpt==1 && fb.hard) ) {
// update the history if needed
// shower the first particle
if(fc[0].kinematics) {
if(children[0]->id()==particle->id()) {
truncatedSpaceLikeDecayShower( children[0],maxScales,minmass,
else if(fb.hard && ! branch->children()[0]->children().empty() )
truncatedSpaceLikeDecayShower( children[0],maxScales,minmass,
spaceLikeDecayShower( children[0],maxScales,minmass,type,fc[0]);
else {
if(fb.hard && !branch->children()[0]->children().empty() )
// normal shower
// shower the second particle
if(fc[1].kinematics) {
if(children[0]->id()==particle->id()) {
truncatedSpaceLikeDecayShower( children[0],maxScales,minmass,
else if(fb.hard && ! branch->children()[0]->children().empty() )
truncatedSpaceLikeDecayShower( children[0],maxScales,minmass,
spaceLikeDecayShower( children[0],maxScales,minmass,type,fc[1]);
else {
if(fb.hard && !branch->children()[0]->children().empty() )
// normal shower
// branching has happened
// H7 default
else if(_reconOpt==1) {
// update the history if needed
// shower the first particle
if(fc[0].kinematics) {
if(children[0]->id()==particle->id()) {
truncatedSpaceLikeDecayShower( children[0],maxScales,minmass,
else if(fb.hard && ! branch->children()[0]->children().empty() )
truncatedSpaceLikeDecayShower( children[0],maxScales,minmass,
spaceLikeDecayShower( children[0],maxScales,minmass,type,fc[0]);
else {
if(fb.hard && !branch->children()[0]->children().empty() )
// normal shower
// shower the second particle
if(fc[1].kinematics) {
if(children[0]->id()==particle->id()) {
truncatedSpaceLikeDecayShower( children[0],maxScales,minmass,
else if(fb.hard && ! branch->children()[0]->children().empty() )
truncatedSpaceLikeDecayShower( children[0],maxScales,minmass,
spaceLikeDecayShower( children[0],maxScales,minmass,type,fc[1]);
else {
if(fb.hard && !branch->children()[0]->children().empty() )
// normal shower
// clean up the vetoed emission
if(particle->virtualMass()==ZERO) {
for(unsigned int ix=0;ix<children.size();++ix)
// generate the new emission
fb = selectSpaceLikeDecayBranching(particle,maxScales,minmass,type,branch);
// must be at least hard emission
setupChildren = true;
else {
else if(_reconOpt>=2) {
// cut-off masses for the branching
const vector<Energy> & virtualMasses = fb.sudakov->virtualMasses(fb.ids);
// compute the masses of the children
Energy masses[3];
// space-like children
masses[1] = children[0]->virtualMass();
// time-like child
if(fc[1].kinematics) {
const vector<Energy> & vm = fc[1].sudakov->virtualMasses(fc[1].ids);
Energy2 q2 =
if(fc[1].ids[0]!=ParticleID::g) q2 += sqr(vm[0]);
masses[2] = sqrt(q2);
else {
masses[2] = virtualMasses[2];
double z = fb.kinematics->z();
Energy2 pt2 = (1.-z)*(z*sqr(masses[0])-sqr(masses[1])-z/(1.-z)*sqr(masses[2]));
if(pt2>=ZERO) {
else {
// reset the scales for the children
for(unsigned int ix=0;ix<2;++ix) {
else {
if(_reconOpt>=2) {
// update the history if needed
// shower the first particle
if(fc[0].kinematics) {
if(children[0]->id()==particle->id()) {
truncatedSpaceLikeDecayShower( children[0],maxScales,minmass,
else if(fb.hard && ! branch->children()[0]->children().empty() )
truncatedSpaceLikeDecayShower( children[0],maxScales,minmass,
spaceLikeDecayShower( children[0],maxScales,minmass,type,fc[0]);
else {
if(fb.hard && !branch->children()[0]->children().empty() )
// normal shower
// shower the second particle
if(fc[1].kinematics) {
if(children[0]->id()==particle->id()) {
truncatedSpaceLikeDecayShower( children[0],maxScales,minmass,
else if(fb.hard && ! branch->children()[0]->children().empty() )
truncatedSpaceLikeDecayShower( children[0],maxScales,minmass,
spaceLikeDecayShower( children[0],maxScales,minmass,type,fc[1]);
else {
if(fb.hard && !branch->children()[0]->children().empty() )
// normal shower
return true;
void Evolver::connectTrees(ShowerTreePtr showerTree,
HardTreePtr hardTree, bool hard ) {
ShowerParticleVector particles;
// find the Sudakovs
for(set<HardBranchingPtr>::iterator cit=hardTree->branchings().begin();
cit!=hardTree->branchings().end();++cit) {
// Sudakovs for ISR
if((**cit).parent()&&(**cit).status()==HardBranching::Incoming) {
IdList br(3);
br[0] = (**cit).parent()->branchingParticle()->id();
br[1] = (**cit). branchingParticle()->id();
br[2] = (**cit).parent()->children()[0]==*cit ?
(**cit).parent()->children()[1]->branchingParticle()->id() :
BranchingList branchings = splittingGenerator()->initialStateBranchings();
if(br[1]<0&&br[0]==br[1]) {
br[0] = abs(br[0]);
br[1] = abs(br[1]);
else if(br[1]<0) {
br[1] = -br[1];
br[2] = -br[2];
long index = abs(br[1]);
SudakovPtr sudakov;
for(BranchingList::const_iterator cjt = branchings.lower_bound(index);
cjt != branchings.upper_bound(index); ++cjt ) {
IdList ids = cjt->second.second;
if(ids[0]==br[0]&&ids[1]==br[1]&&ids[2]==br[2]) {
if(!sudakov) throw Exception() << "Can't find Sudakov for the hard emission in "
<< "Evolver::connectTrees() for ISR"
<< Exception::runerror;
// Sudakovs for FSR
else if(!(**cit).children().empty()) {
IdList br(3);
br[0] = (**cit) .branchingParticle()->id();
br[1] = (**cit).children()[0]->branchingParticle()->id();
br[2] = (**cit).children()[1]->branchingParticle()->id();
BranchingList branchings = splittingGenerator()->finalStateBranchings();
if(br[0]<0) {
br[0] = abs(br[0]);
br[1] = abs(br[1]);
br[2] = abs(br[2]);
long index = br[0];
SudakovPtr sudakov;
for(BranchingList::const_iterator cjt = branchings.lower_bound(index);
cjt != branchings.upper_bound(index); ++cjt ) {
IdList ids = cjt->second.second;
if(ids[0]==br[0]&&ids[1]==br[1]&&ids[2]==br[2]) {
if(!sudakov) throw Exception() << "Can't find Sudakov for the hard emission in "
<< "Evolver::connectTrees()"
<< Exception::runerror;
// calculate the evolution scale
for(set<HardBranchingPtr>::iterator cit=hardTree->branchings().begin();
cit!=hardTree->branchings().end();++cit) {
// inverse reconstruction
if(hard) {
// now reset the momenta of the showering particles
vector<ShowerProgenitorPtr> particlesToShower;
cit!=showerTree->incomingLines().end();++cit )
// extract the showering particles
cit!=showerTree->outgoingLines().end();++cit )
// match them
map<ShowerProgenitorPtr,HardBranchingPtr> partners;
for(set<HardBranchingPtr>::const_iterator bit=hardTree->branchings().begin();
bit!=hardTree->branchings().end();++bit) {
Energy2 dmin( 1e30*GeV2 );
ShowerProgenitorPtr partner;
for(vector<ShowerProgenitorPtr>::const_iterator pit=particlesToShower.begin();
pit!=particlesToShower.end();++pit) {
if(partners.find(*pit)!=partners.end()) continue;
if( (**bit).branchingParticle()->id() != (**pit).progenitor()->id() ) continue;
if( (**bit).branchingParticle()->isFinalState() !=
(**pit).progenitor()->isFinalState() ) continue;
if( (**pit).progenitor()->isFinalState() ) {
Energy2 dtest =
sqr( (**pit).progenitor()->momentum().x() - (**bit).showerMomentum().x() ) +
sqr( (**pit).progenitor()->momentum().y() - (**bit).showerMomentum().y() ) +
sqr( (**pit).progenitor()->momentum().z() - (**bit).showerMomentum().z() ) +
sqr( (**pit).progenitor()->momentum().t() - (**bit).showerMomentum().t() );
// add mass difference for identical particles (e.g. Z0 Z0 production)
dtest += 1e10*sqr((**pit).progenitor()->momentum().m()-(**bit).showerMomentum().m());
if( dtest < dmin ) {
partner = *pit;
dmin = dtest;
else {
// ensure directions are right
if((**pit).progenitor()->momentum().z()/(**bit).showerMomentum().z()>ZERO) {
partner = *pit;
if(!partner) throw Exception() << "Failed to match shower and hard trees in Evolver::hardestEmission"
<< Exception::eventerror;
partners[partner] = *bit;
for(vector<ShowerProgenitorPtr>::const_iterator pit=particlesToShower.begin();
pit!=particlesToShower.end();++pit) {
HardBranchingPtr partner = partners[*pit];
if((**pit).progenitor()->dataPtr()->stable()) {
else {
Lorentz5Momentum oldMomentum = (**pit).progenitor()->momentum();
Lorentz5Momentum newMomentum = partner->showerMomentum();
LorentzRotation boost( oldMomentum.findBoostToCM(),oldMomentum.e()/oldMomentum.mass());
(**pit).copy() ->transform(boost);
boost = LorentzRotation(-newMomentum.findBoostToCM(),newMomentum.e()/newMomentum.mass());
(**pit).copy() ->transform(boost);
// correction boosts for daughter trees
for(map<tShowerTreePtr,pair<tShowerProgenitorPtr,tShowerParticlePtr> >::const_iterator
tit = showerTree->treelinks().begin();
tit != showerTree->treelinks().end();++tit) {
ShowerTreePtr decayTree = tit->first;
cit = decayTree->incomingLines().begin();
// reset the momentum of the decay particle
Lorentz5Momentum oldMomentum = cit->first->progenitor()->momentum();
Lorentz5Momentum newMomentum = tit->second.second->momentum();
LorentzRotation boost( oldMomentum.findBoostToCM(),oldMomentum.e()/oldMomentum.mass());
boost = LorentzRotation(-newMomentum.findBoostToCM(),newMomentum.e()/newMomentum.mass());
void Evolver::doShowering(bool hard,XCPtr xcomb) {
// zero number of emissions
_nis = _nfs = 0;
// if MC@NLO H event and limited emissions
// indicate both final and initial state emission
if ( isMCatNLOHEvent && _limitEmissions != 0 ) {
_nis = _nfs = 1;
// extract particles to shower
vector<ShowerProgenitorPtr> particlesToShower(setupShower(hard));
// setup the maximum scales for the shower
if (hardVetoOn()) setupMaximumScales(particlesToShower,xcomb);
// set the hard scales for the profiles
// specific stuff for hard processes and decays
Energy minmass(ZERO), mIn(ZERO);
// hard process generate the intrinsic p_T once and for all
if(hard) {
// decay compute the minimum mass of the final-state
else {
for(unsigned int ix=0;ix<particlesToShower.size();++ix) {
if(particlesToShower[ix]->progenitor()->isFinalState()) {
minmass += particlesToShower[ix]->progenitor()->dataPtr()->constituentMass();
minmass += particlesToShower[ix]->progenitor()->mass();
else {
mIn = particlesToShower[ix]->progenitor()->mass();
// throw exception if decay can't happen
if ( minmass > mIn ) {
throw Exception() << " Mass of decaying particle is "
<< "below constituent masses of decay products."
<< Exception::eventerror;
// create random particle vector
vector<ShowerProgenitorPtr> tmp;
unsigned int nColouredIncoming = 0;
unsigned int xx=UseRandom::irnd(particlesToShower.size());
for(unsigned int ix=0;ix<particlesToShower.size();++ix) {
if(!particlesToShower[ix]->progenitor()->isFinalState() &&
particlesToShower[ix]->progenitor()->coloured()) ++nColouredIncoming;
bool switchRecon = hard && nColouredIncoming !=1;
// main shower loop
unsigned int ntry(0);
bool reconstructed = false;
do {
// clear results of last attempt if needed
if(ntry!=0) {
_nis = _nfs = 0;
// if MC@NLO H event and limited emissions
// indicate both final and initial state emission
if ( isMCatNLOHEvent && _limitEmissions != 0 ) {
_nis = _nfs = 1;
for(unsigned int ix=0; ix<particlesToShower.size();++ix) {
SpinPtr spin = particlesToShower[ix]->progenitor()->spinInfo();
if(spin && spin->decayVertex() &&
dynamic_ptr_cast<tcSVertexPtr>(spin->decayVertex())) {
// loop over particles
for(unsigned int ix=0;ix<particlesToShower.size();++ix) {
// extract the progenitor
// final-state radiation
if(progenitor()->progenitor()->isFinalState()) {
if(!isFSRadiationON()) continue;
// perform shower
// initial-state radiation
else {
if(!isISRadiationON()) continue;
// hard process
if(hard) {
// get the PDF
// perform the shower
// set the beam particle
tPPtr beamparticle=progenitor()->original();
// generate the shower
// decay
else {
// skip colour and electrically neutral particles
if(!progenitor()->progenitor()->dataPtr()->coloured() &&
!progenitor()->progenitor()->dataPtr()->charged()) {
// perform shower
// set the scales correctly. The current scale is the maximum scale for
// emission not the starting scale
ShowerParticle::EvolutionScales maxScales(progenitor()->progenitor()->scales());
progenitor()->progenitor()->scales() = ShowerParticle::EvolutionScales();
if(progenitor()->progenitor()->dataPtr()->charged()) {
progenitor()->progenitor()->scales().QED = progenitor()->progenitor()->mass();
progenitor()->progenitor()->scales().QED_noAO = progenitor()->progenitor()->mass();
if(progenitor()->progenitor()->hasColour()) {
progenitor()->progenitor()->scales().QCD_c = progenitor()->progenitor()->mass();
progenitor()->progenitor()->scales().QCD_c_noAO = progenitor()->progenitor()->mass();
if(progenitor()->progenitor()->hasAntiColour()) {
progenitor()->progenitor()->scales().QCD_ac = progenitor()->progenitor()->mass();
progenitor()->progenitor()->scales().QCD_ac_noAO = progenitor()->progenitor()->mass();
progenitor()->progenitor()->scales().EW = progenitor()->progenitor()->mass();
progenitor()->progenitor()->scales().EW_noAO = progenitor()->progenitor()->mass();
// perform the shower
// do the kinematic reconstruction, checking if it worked
reconstructed = hard ?
reconstructHardJets (currentTree(),intrinsicpT(),interaction_,
switchRecon && ntry>maximumTries()/2) :
// check if failed to generate the shower
if(ntry==maximumTries()) {
throw ShowerHandler::ShowerTriesVeto(ntry);
throw Exception() << "Failed to generate the shower after "
<< ntry << " attempts in Evolver::showerDecay()"
<< Exception::eventerror;
// tree has now showered
void Evolver:: convertHardTree(bool hard,ShowerInteraction::Type type) {
map<ColinePtr,ColinePtr> cmap;
// incoming particles
cit=currentTree()->incomingLines().begin();cit!=currentTree()->incomingLines().end();++cit) {
mit = hardTree()->particles().find(cit->first->progenitor());
// put the colour lines in the map
ShowerParticlePtr oldParticle = cit->first->progenitor();
ShowerParticlePtr newParticle = mit->second->branchingParticle();
ColinePtr cLine = oldParticle-> colourLine();
ColinePtr aLine = oldParticle->antiColourLine();
if(newParticle->colourLine() &&
cmap.find(newParticle-> colourLine())==cmap.end())
cmap[newParticle-> colourLine()] = cLine;
if(newParticle->antiColourLine() &&
cmap[newParticle->antiColourLine()] = aLine;
// check whether or not particle emits
bool emission = mit->second->parent();
if(emission) {
if(newParticle->colourLine()) {
ColinePtr ctemp = newParticle-> colourLine();
if(newParticle->antiColourLine()) {
ColinePtr ctemp = newParticle->antiColourLine();
newParticle = mit->second->parent()->branchingParticle();
// get the new colour lines
ColinePtr newCLine,newALine;
// sort out colour lines
if(newParticle->colourLine()) {
ColinePtr ctemp = newParticle-> colourLine();
if(cmap.find(ctemp)!=cmap.end()) {
newCLine = cmap[ctemp];
else {
newCLine = new_ptr(ColourLine());
cmap[ctemp] = newCLine;
// and anticolour lines
if(newParticle->antiColourLine()) {
ColinePtr ctemp = newParticle->antiColourLine();
if(cmap.find(ctemp)!=cmap.end()) {
newALine = cmap[ctemp];
else {
newALine = new_ptr(ColourLine());
cmap[ctemp] = newALine;
// remove colour lines from old particle
if(aLine) {
if(cLine) {
// add particle to colour lines
if(newCLine) newCLine->addColoured (newParticle);
if(newALine) newALine->addAntiColoured(newParticle);
// insert new particles
ShowerParticlePtr sp(new_ptr(ShowerParticle(*newParticle,1,false)));
// and the emitted particle if needed
if(emission) {
ShowerParticlePtr newOut = mit->second->parent()->children()[1]->branchingParticle();
if(newOut->colourLine()) {
ColinePtr ctemp = newOut-> colourLine();
cmap[ctemp]->addColoured (newOut);
if(newOut->antiColourLine()) {
ColinePtr ctemp = newOut->antiColourLine();
ShowerParticlePtr sout=new_ptr(ShowerParticle(*newOut,1,true));
ShowerProgenitorPtr out=new_ptr(ShowerProgenitor(cit->first->original(),newOut,sout));
if(hard) {
// sort out the value of x
if(mit->second->beam()->momentum().z()>ZERO) {
sp->x(newParticle->momentum(). plus()/mit->second->beam()->momentum(). plus());
else {
// outgoing particles
cit=currentTree()->outgoingLines().begin();cit!=currentTree()->outgoingLines().end();++cit) {
tShowerParticlePtr> >::const_iterator tit;
for(tit = currentTree()->treelinks().begin();
tit != currentTree()->treelinks().end();++tit) {
if(tit->second.first && tit->second.second==cit->first->progenitor())
mit = hardTree()->particles().find(cit->first->progenitor());
if(mit==hardTree()->particles().end()) continue;
// put the colour lines in the map
ShowerParticlePtr oldParticle = cit->first->progenitor();
ShowerParticlePtr newParticle = mit->second->branchingParticle();
ShowerParticlePtr newOut;
ColinePtr cLine = oldParticle-> colourLine();
ColinePtr aLine = oldParticle->antiColourLine();
if(newParticle->colourLine() &&
cmap.find(newParticle-> colourLine())==cmap.end())
cmap[newParticle-> colourLine()] = cLine;
if(newParticle->antiColourLine() &&
cmap[newParticle->antiColourLine()] = aLine;
// check whether or not particle emits
bool emission = !mit->second->children().empty();
if(emission) {
if(newParticle->colourLine()) {
ColinePtr ctemp = newParticle-> colourLine();
if(newParticle->antiColourLine()) {
ColinePtr ctemp = newParticle->antiColourLine();
newParticle = mit->second->children()[0]->branchingParticle();
newOut = mit->second->children()[1]->branchingParticle();
// get the new colour lines
ColinePtr newCLine,newALine;
// sort out colour lines
if(newParticle->colourLine()) {
ColinePtr ctemp = newParticle-> colourLine();
if(cmap.find(ctemp)!=cmap.end()) {
newCLine = cmap[ctemp];
else {
newCLine = new_ptr(ColourLine());
cmap[ctemp] = newCLine;
// and anticolour lines
if(newParticle->antiColourLine()) {
ColinePtr ctemp = newParticle->antiColourLine();
if(cmap.find(ctemp)!=cmap.end()) {
newALine = cmap[ctemp];
else {
newALine = new_ptr(ColourLine());
cmap[ctemp] = newALine;
// remove colour lines from old particle
if(aLine) {
if(cLine) {
// special for unstable particles
if(newParticle->id()==oldParticle->id() &&
(tit!=currentTree()->treelinks().end()||!oldParticle->dataPtr()->stable())) {
Lorentz5Momentum oldMomentum = oldParticle->momentum();
Lorentz5Momentum newMomentum = newParticle->momentum();
LorentzRotation boost( oldMomentum.findBoostToCM(),oldMomentum.e()/oldMomentum.mass());
if(tit!=currentTree()->treelinks().end()) tit->first->transform(boost,false);
boost = LorentzRotation(-newMomentum.findBoostToCM(),newMomentum.e()/newMomentum.mass());
if(tit!=currentTree()->treelinks().end()) tit->first->transform(boost,false);
// add particle to colour lines
if(newCLine) newCLine->addColoured (newParticle);
if(newALine) newALine->addAntiColoured(newParticle);
// insert new particles
ShowerParticlePtr sp(new_ptr(ShowerParticle(*newParticle,1,true)));
// and the emitted particle if needed
if(emission) {
if(newOut->colourLine()) {
ColinePtr ctemp = newOut-> colourLine();
cmap[ctemp]->addColoured (newOut);
if(newOut->antiColourLine()) {
ColinePtr ctemp = newOut->antiColourLine();
ShowerParticlePtr sout=new_ptr(ShowerParticle(*newOut,1,true));
ShowerProgenitorPtr out=new_ptr(ShowerProgenitor(cit->first->original(),newOut,sout));
// update any decay products
// reset the tree
// reextract the particles and set the colour partners
vector<ShowerParticlePtr> particles =
// clear the partners
for(unsigned int ix=0;ix<particles.size();++ix) {
// clear the tree
// Set the initial evolution scales
Branching Evolver::selectTimeLikeBranching(tShowerParticlePtr particle,
ShowerInteraction::Type type,
HardBranchingPtr branch) {
Branching fb;
unsigned int iout=0;
tcPDPtr pdata[2];
while (true) {
// break if doing truncated shower and no truncated shower needed
if(branch && (!isTruncatedShowerON()||hardOnly())) break;
// no emission break
if(!fb.kinematics) break;
// special for truncated shower
if(branch) {
// check haven't evolved too far
if(fb.kinematics->scale() < branch->scale()) {
// get the particle data objects
for(unsigned int ix=0;ix<2;++ix) pdata[ix]=getParticleData(fb.ids[ix+1]);
if(particle->id()!=fb.ids[0]) {
for(unsigned int ix=0;ix<2;++ix) {
tPDPtr cc(pdata[ix]->CC());
if(cc) pdata[ix]=cc;
// find the truncated line
if(pdata[0]->id()!=pdata[1]->id()) {
if(pdata[0]->id()==particle->id()) iout=1;
else if (pdata[1]->id()==particle->id()) iout=2;
else if(pdata[0]->id()==particle->id()) {
if(fb.kinematics->z()>0.5) iout=1;
else iout=2;
// apply the vetos for the truncated shower
// no flavour changing branchings
if(iout==0) {
double zsplit = iout==1 ? fb.kinematics->z() : 1-fb.kinematics->z();
// only if same interaction for forced branching
ShowerInteraction::Type type2 = convertInteraction(fb.type);
// and evolution
if(type2==branch->sudakov()->interactionType()) {
if(zsplit < 0.5 || // hardest line veto
fb.kinematics->scale()*zsplit < branch->scale() ) { // angular ordering veto
// pt veto
if(fb.kinematics->pT() > progenitor()->maximumpT(type2)) {
// standard vetos for all emissions
if(timeLikeVetoed(fb,particle)) {
if(particle->spinInfo()) particle->spinInfo()->decayVertex(VertexPtr());
// normal case
if(!branch) {
if(fb.kinematics) fb.hard = false;
return fb;
// truncated emission
if(fb.kinematics) {
fb.hard = false;
fb.iout = iout;
return fb;
// otherwise need to return the hard emission
// construct the kinematics for the hard emission
ShoKinPtr showerKin=
IdList idlist(3);
idlist[0] = particle->id();
idlist[1] = branch->children()[0]->branchingParticle()->id();
idlist[2] = branch->children()[1]->branchingParticle()->id();
fb = Branching( showerKin, idlist, branch->sudakov(),branch->type() );
fb.hard = true;
// return it
return fb;
Branching Evolver::selectSpaceLikeDecayBranching(tShowerParticlePtr particle,
const ShowerParticle::EvolutionScales & maxScales,
Energy minmass,ShowerInteraction::Type type,
HardBranchingPtr branch) {
Branching fb;
unsigned int iout=0;
tcPDPtr pdata[2];
while (true) {
// break if doing truncated shower and no truncated shower needed
if(branch && (!isTruncatedShowerON()||hardOnly())) break;
// select branching
// return if no radiation
if(!fb.kinematics) break;
// special for truncated shower
if(branch) {
// check haven't evolved too far
if(fb.kinematics->scale() < branch->scale()) {
// get the particle data objects
for(unsigned int ix=0;ix<2;++ix) pdata[ix]=getParticleData(fb.ids[ix+1]);
if(particle->id()!=fb.ids[0]) {
for(unsigned int ix=0;ix<2;++ix) {
tPDPtr cc(pdata[ix]->CC());
if(cc) pdata[ix]=cc;
// find the truncated line
if(pdata[0]->id()!=pdata[1]->id()) {
if(pdata[0]->id()==particle->id()) iout=1;
else if (pdata[1]->id()==particle->id()) iout=2;
else if(pdata[0]->id()==particle->id()) {
if(fb.kinematics->z()>0.5) iout=1;
else iout=2;
// apply the vetos for the truncated shower
// no flavour changing branchings
if(iout==0) {
ShowerInteraction::Type type2 = convertInteraction(fb.type);
double zsplit = iout==1 ? fb.kinematics->z() : 1-fb.kinematics->z();
if(type2==branch->sudakov()->interactionType()) {
if(zsplit < 0.5 || // hardest line veto
fb.kinematics->scale()*zsplit < branch->scale() ) { // angular ordering veto
// pt veto
if(fb.kinematics->pT() > progenitor()->maximumpT(type2)) {
// if not vetoed break
if(spaceLikeDecayVetoed(fb,particle)) {
// otherwise reset scale and continue
// normal case
if(!branch) {
if(fb.kinematics) fb.hard = false;
return fb;
// truncated emission
if(fb.kinematics) {
fb.hard = false;
fb.iout = iout;
return fb;
// otherwise need to return the hard emission
// construct the kinematics for the hard emission
ShoKinPtr showerKin=
IdList idlist(3);
idlist[0] = particle->id();
idlist[1] = branch->children()[0]->branchingParticle()->id();
idlist[2] = branch->children()[1]->branchingParticle()->id();
// create the branching
fb = Branching( showerKin, idlist, branch->sudakov(),ShowerPartnerType::QCDColourLine );
// return it
return fb;
diff --git a/Shower/Base/SudakovFormFactor.h b/Shower/Base/SudakovFormFactor.h
--- a/Shower/Base/SudakovFormFactor.h
+++ b/Shower/Base/SudakovFormFactor.h
@@ -1,690 +1,698 @@
// -*- C++ -*-
// SudakovFormFactor.h is a part of Herwig - A multi-purpose Monte Carlo event generator
// Copyright (C) 2002-2011 The Herwig Collaboration
// Herwig is licenced under version 2 of the GPL, see COPYING for details.
// Please respect the MCnet academic guidelines, see GUIDELINES for details.
#ifndef HERWIG_SudakovFormFactor_H
#define HERWIG_SudakovFormFactor_H
// This is the declaration of the SudakovFormFactor class.
#include "ThePEG/Interface/Interfaced.h"
#include "Herwig/Shower/SplittingFunctions/SplittingFunction.h"
#include "Herwig/Shower/Couplings/ShowerAlpha.h"
#include "Herwig/Shower/SplittingFunctions/SplittingGenerator.fh"
#include "ThePEG/Repository/UseRandom.h"
#include "ThePEG/PDF/BeamParticleData.h"
#include "ThePEG/EventRecord/RhoDMatrix.h"
#include "ThePEG/EventRecord/SpinInfo.h"
#include "ShowerKinematics.fh"
#include "SudakovFormFactor.fh"
namespace Herwig {
using namespace ThePEG;
* A typedef for the BeamParticleData
typedef Ptr<BeamParticleData>::transient_const_pointer tcBeamPtr;
/** \ingroup Shower
* This is the definition of the Sudakov form factor class. In general this
* is the base class for the implementation of Sudakov form factors in Herwig.
* The methods generateNextTimeBranching(), generateNextDecayBranching() and
* generateNextSpaceBranching need to be implemented in classes inheriting from this
* one.
* In addition a number of methods are implemented to assist with the calculation
* of the form factor using the veto algorithm in classes inheriting from this one.
* In general the Sudakov form-factor, for final-state radiation, is given
* by
* \f[\Delta_{ba}(\tilde{q}_{i+1},\tilde{q}_i)=
* \exp\left\{
* -\int^{\tilde{q}^2_i}_{\tilde{q}^2_{i+1}}
* \frac{{\rm d}\tilde{q}^2}{\tilde{q}^2}
* \int\frac{\alpha_S(z,\tilde{q})}{2\pi}
* P_{ba}(z,\tilde{q})\Theta(p_T)
* \right\}.
* \f]
* We can solve this to obtain the next value of the scale \f$\tilde{q}_{i+1}\f$
* given the previous value \f$\tilde{q}_i\f$
* in the following way. First we obtain a simplified form of the integrand
* which is greater than or equal to the true integrand for all values of
* \f$\tilde{q}\f$.
* In practice it is easiest to obtain this over estimate in pieces. The ShowerAlpha
* object contains an over estimate for \f$\alpha_S\f$, the splitting function
* contains both an over estimate of the spltting function and its integral
* which is needed to compute the over estimate of the \f$\tilde{q}\f$ integrand,
* together with an over estimate of the limit of the \f$z\f$ integral.
* This gives an overestimate of the integrand
* \f[g(\tilde{q}^2) = \frac{c}{\tilde{q}^2}, \f]
* where because the over estimates are chosen to be independent of \f$\tilde{q}\f$ the
* parameter
* \f[c = \frac{\alpha_{\rm over}}{2\pi}\int^{z_1}_{z_0}P_{\rm over}(z),\f]
* is a constant independent of \f$\tilde{q}\f$.
* The guesst() member can then be used to generate generate the value of
* \f$\tilde{q}^2\f$ according to this result. This is done by solving the Sudakov
* form factor, with the over estimates, is equal to a random number
* \f$r\f$ in the interval \f$[0,1]\f$. This gives
* \f[\tilde{q}^2_{i+1}=G^{-1}\left[G(\tilde{q}^2_i)+\ln r\right],\f]
* where \f$G(\tilde{q}^2)=c\ln(\tilde{q}^2)\f$ is the infinite integral
* of \f$g(\tilde{q}^2)\f$ and \f$G^{-1}(x)=\exp\left(\frac{x}c\right)\f$
* is its inverse.
* It this case we therefore obtain
* \f[\tilde{q}^2_{i+1}=\tilde{q}^2_ir^{\frac1c}.\f]
* The value of \f$z\f$ can then be calculated in a similar way
* \f[z = I^{-1}\left[I(z_0)+r\left(I(z_1)-I(z_0)\right)\right],\f]
* using the guessz() member,
* where \f$I=\int P(z){\rm d}z\f$ and \f$I^{-1}\f$ is its inverse.
* The veto algorithm then uses rejection using the ratio of the
* true value to the overestimated one to obtain the original distribution.
* This is accomplished using the
* - alphaSVeto() member for the \f$\alpha_S\f$ veto
* - SplittingFnVeto() member for the veto on the value of the splitting function.
* in general there must also be a chech that the emission is in the allowed
* phase space but this is left to the inheriting classes as it will depend
* on the ordering variable.
* The Sudakov form factor for the initial-scale shower is different because
* it must include the PDF which guides the backward evolution.
* It is given by
* \f[\Delta_{ba}(\tilde{q}_{i+1},\tilde{q}_i)=
* \exp\left\{
* -\int^{\tilde{q}^2_i}_{\tilde{q}^2_{i+1}}
* \frac{{\rm d}\tilde{q}^2}{\tilde{q}^2}
* \int\frac{\alpha_S(z,\tilde{q})}{2\pi}
* P_{ba}(z,\tilde{q})\frac{x'f_a(\frac{x}z,\tilde{q}^2)}{xf_b(x,\tilde{q^2})}
* \right\},
* \f]
* where \f$x\f$ is the fraction of the beam momentum the parton \f$b\f$ had before
* the backward evolution.
* This can be solve in the same way as for the final-state branching but the constant
* becomes
* \f[c = \frac{\alpha_{\rm over}}{2\pi}\int^{z_1}_{z_0}P_{\rm over}(z)PDF_{\rm max},\f]
* where
* \f[PDF_{\rm max}=\max\frac{x'f_a(\frac{x}z,\tilde{q}^2)}{xf_b(x,\tilde{q^2})},\f]
* which can be set using an interface.
* In addition the PDFVeto() member then is needed to implement the relevant veto.
* @see SplittingGenerator
* @see SplittingFunction
* @see ShowerAlpha
* @see \ref SudakovFormFactorInterfaces "The interfaces"
* defined for SudakovFormFactor.
class SudakovFormFactor: public Interfaced {
* The SplittingGenerator is a friend to insert the particles in the
* branchings at initialisation
friend class SplittingGenerator;
* The default constructor.
SudakovFormFactor() : pdfmax_(35.0), pdffactor_(0),
cutOffOption_(0), a_(0.3), b_(2.3), c_(0.3*GeV),
kinCutoffScale_( 2.3*GeV ), vgcut_(0.85*GeV),
vqcut_(0.85*GeV), pTmin_(1.*GeV), pT2min_(ZERO),
z_( 0.0 ),phi_(0.0), pT_(),
theRenormalizationScaleFactor(1.0) {}
* Members to generate the scale of the next branching
* Return the scale of the next time-like branching. If there is no
* branching then it returns ZERO.
* @param startingScale starting scale for the evolution
* @param ids The PDG codes of the particles in the splitting
* @param cc Whether this is the charge conjugate of the branching
* @param enhance The radiation enhancement factor
* @param maxQ2 The maximum \f$Q^2\f$ for the emission
virtual ShoKinPtr generateNextTimeBranching(const Energy startingScale,
const IdList &ids,const bool cc,
+ const RhoDMatrix & rho,
double enhance, Energy2 maxQ2)=0;
* Return the scale of the next space-like decay branching. If there is no
* branching then it returns ZERO.
* @param startingScale starting scale for the evolution
* @param stoppingScale stopping scale for the evolution
* @param minmass The minimum mass allowed for the spake-like particle.
* @param ids The PDG codes of the particles in the splitting
* @param cc Whether this is the charge conjugate of the branching
* defined.
* @param enhance The radiation enhancement factor
virtual ShoKinPtr generateNextDecayBranching(const Energy startingScale,
const Energy stoppingScale,
const Energy minmass,
const IdList &ids,
const bool cc,
+ const RhoDMatrix & rho,
double enhance)=0;
* Return the scale of the next space-like branching. If there is no
* branching then it returns ZERO.
* @param startingScale starting scale for the evolution
* @param ids The PDG codes of the particles in the splitting
* @param x The fraction of the beam momentum
* @param cc Whether this is the charge conjugate of the branching
* defined.
* @param beam The beam particle
* @param enhance The radiation enhancement factor
virtual ShoKinPtr generateNextSpaceBranching(const Energy startingScale,
const IdList &ids,double x,
- const bool cc,double enhance,
+ const bool cc,
+ const RhoDMatrix & rho,
+ double enhance,
tcBeamPtr beam)=0;
* Generate the azimuthal angle of the branching for forward evolution
* @param particle The branching particle
* @param ids The PDG codes of the particles in the branchings
* @param The Shower kinematics
virtual double generatePhiForward(ShowerParticle & particle,const IdList & ids,
- ShoKinPtr kinematics)=0;
+ ShoKinPtr kinematics,
+ const RhoDMatrix & rho)=0;
* Generate the azimuthal angle of the branching for backward evolution
* @param particle The branching particle
* @param ids The PDG codes of the particles in the branchings
* @param The Shower kinematics
virtual double generatePhiBackward(ShowerParticle & particle,const IdList & ids,
- ShoKinPtr kinematics)=0;
+ ShoKinPtr kinematics,
+ const RhoDMatrix & rho)=0;
* Generate the azimuthal angle of the branching for ISR in decays
* @param particle The branching particle
* @param ids The PDG codes of the particles in the branchings
* @param The Shower kinematics
virtual double generatePhiDecay(ShowerParticle & particle,const IdList & ids,
- ShoKinPtr kinematics)=0;
+ ShoKinPtr kinematics,
+ const RhoDMatrix & rho)=0;
* Methods to provide public access to the private member variables
* Return the pointer to the SplittingFunction object.
tSplittingFnPtr splittingFn() const { return splittingFn_; }
* Return the pointer to the ShowerAlpha object.
tShowerAlphaPtr alpha() const { return alpha_; }
* The type of interaction
inline ShowerInteraction::Type interactionType() const
{return splittingFn_->interactionType();}
* Methods to access the kinematic variables for the branching
* The energy fraction
double z() const { return z_; }
* The azimuthal angle
double phi() const { return phi_; }
* The transverse momentum
Energy pT() const { return pT_; }
* Access the maximum weight for the PDF veto
double pdfMax() const { return pdfmax_;}
* Method to return the evolution scale given the
* transverse momentum, \f$p_T\f$ and \f$z\f$.
virtual Energy calculateScale(double z, Energy pt, IdList ids,unsigned int iopt)=0;
* Method to create the ShowerKinematics object for a final-state branching
virtual ShoKinPtr createFinalStateBranching(Energy scale,double z,
double phi, Energy pt)=0;
* Method to create the ShowerKinematics object for an initial-state branching
virtual ShoKinPtr createInitialStateBranching(Energy scale,double z,
double phi, Energy pt)=0;
* Method to create the ShowerKinematics object for a decay branching
virtual ShoKinPtr createDecayBranching(Energy scale,double z,
double phi, Energy pt)=0;
/** @name Functions used by the persistent I/O system. */
* Function used to write out object persistently.
* @param os the persistent output stream written to.
void persistentOutput(PersistentOStream & os) const;
* Function used to read in object persistently.
* @param is the persistent input stream read from.
* @param version the version number of the object when written.
void persistentInput(PersistentIStream & is, int version);
* The standard Init function used to initialize the interfaces.
* Called exactly once for each class by the class description system
* before the main function starts or
* when this class is dynamically loaded.
static void Init();
/** @name Standard Interfaced functions. */
* Initialize this object after the setup phase before saving an
* EventGenerator to disk.
* @throws InitException if object could not be initialized properly.
virtual void doinit();
* Methods to implement the veto algorithm to generate the scale of
* the next branching
* Value of the energy fraction for the veto algorithm
* @param iopt The option for calculating z
* @param ids The PDG codes of the particles in the splitting
* - 0 is final-state
* - 1 is initial-state for the hard process
* - 2 is initial-state for particle decays
double guessz (unsigned int iopt, const IdList &ids) const;
* Value of the scale for the veto algorithm
* @param t1 The starting valoe of the scale
* @param iopt The option for calculating t
* @param ids The PDG codes of the particles in the splitting
* - 0 is final-state
* - 1 is initial-state for the hard process
* - 2 is initial-state for particle decays
* @param enhance The radiation enhancement factor
* @param identical Whether or not the outgoing particles are identical
Energy2 guesst (Energy2 t1,unsigned int iopt, const IdList &ids,
double enhance, bool identical) const;
* Veto on the PDF for the initial-state shower
* @param t The scale
* @param x The fraction of the beam momentum
* @param parton0 Pointer to the particleData for the
* new parent (this is the particle we evolved back to)
* @param parton1 Pointer to the particleData for the
* original particle
* @param beam The BeamParticleData object
bool PDFVeto(const Energy2 t, const double x,
const tcPDPtr parton0, const tcPDPtr parton1,
tcBeamPtr beam) const;
* The veto on the splitting function.
* @param t The scale
* @param ids The PDG codes of the particles in the splitting
* @param mass Whether or not to use the massive splitting functions
* @return true if vetoed
bool SplittingFnVeto(const Energy2 t,
const IdList &ids,
- const bool mass) const {
- return UseRandom::rnd()>splittingFn_->ratioP(z_, t, ids,mass);
+ const bool mass,
+ const RhoDMatrix & rho) const {
+ return UseRandom::rnd()>splittingFn_->ratioP(z_, t, ids,mass,rho);
* The veto on the coupling constant
* @param pt2 The value of ther transverse momentum squared, \f$p_T^2\f$.
* @return true if vetoed
bool alphaSVeto(Energy2 pt2) const;
* Methods to set the kinematic variables for the branching
* The energy fraction
void z(double in) { z_=in; }
* The azimuthal angle
void phi(double in) { phi_=in; }
* The transverse momentum
void pT(Energy in) { pT_=in; }
* Set/Get the limits on the energy fraction for the splitting
* Get the limits
pair<double,double> zLimits() const { return zlimits_;}
* Set the limits
void zLimits(pair<double,double> in) { zlimits_=in; }
* Set the particles in the splittings
void addSplitting(const IdList &);
* Delete the particles in the splittings
void removeSplitting(const IdList &);
* Access the potential branchings
const vector<IdList> & particles() const { return particles_; }
* @name Methods for the cut-off
* The option being used
unsigned int cutOffOption() const { return cutOffOption_; }
* The kinematic scale
Energy kinScale() const {return kinCutoffScale_;}
* The virtuality cut-off on the gluon \f$Q_g=\frac{\delta-am_q}{b}\f$
* @param scale The scale \f$\delta\f$
* @param mq The quark mass \f$m_q\f$.
Energy kinematicCutOff(Energy scale, Energy mq) const
{return max((scale -a_*mq)/b_,c_);}
* The virtualilty cut-off for gluons
Energy vgCut() const { return vgcut_; }
* The virtuality cut-off for everything else
Energy vqCut() const { return vqcut_; }
* The minimum \f$p_T\f$ for the branching
Energy pTmin() const { return pTmin_; }
* The square of the minimum \f$p_T\f$
Energy2 pT2min() const { return pT2min_; }
* Calculate the virtual masses for a branchings
const vector<Energy> & virtualMasses(const IdList & ids);
* Set the PDF
void setPDF(tcPDFPtr pdf, Energy scale) {
pdf_ = pdf;
freeze_ = scale;
* The assignment operator is private and must never be called.
* In fact, it should not even be implemented.
SudakovFormFactor & operator=(const SudakovFormFactor &);
* Pointer to the splitting function for this Sudakov form factor
SplittingFnPtr splittingFn_;
* Pointer to the coupling for this Sudakov form factor
ShowerAlphaPtr alpha_;
* Maximum value of the PDF weight
double pdfmax_;
* List of the particles this Sudakov is used for to aid in setting up
* interpolation tables if needed
vector<IdList> particles_;
* Option for the inclusion of a factor \f$1/(1-z)\f$ in the PDF estimate
unsigned pdffactor_;
* Option for the type of cut-off to be applied
unsigned int cutOffOption_;
* Parameters for the default Herwig cut-off option, i.e. the parameters for
* the \f$Q_g=\max(\frac{\delta-am_q}{b},c)\f$ kinematic cut-off
* The \f$a\f$ parameter
double a_;
* The \f$b\f$ parameter
double b_;
* The \f$c\f$ parameter
Energy c_;
* Kinematic cutoff used in the parton shower phase space.
Energy kinCutoffScale_;
* Parameters for the FORTRAN-like cut-off
* The virtualilty cut-off for gluons
Energy vgcut_;
* The virtuality cut-off for everything else
Energy vqcut_;
* Parameters for the \f$p_T\f$ cut-off
* The minimum \f$p_T\f$ for the branching
Energy pTmin_;
* The square of the minimum \f$p_T\f$
Energy2 pT2min_;
* Member variables to keep the shower kinematics information
* generated by a call to generateNextTimeBranching or generateNextSpaceBranching
* The energy fraction
double z_;
* The azimuthal angle
double phi_;
* The transverse momentum
Energy pT_;
* The limits of \f$z\f$ in the splitting
pair<double,double> zlimits_;
* Stuff for the PDFs
* PDf
tcPDFPtr pdf_;
* Freezing scale
Energy freeze_;
* Get the factorization scale factor
double factorizationScaleFactor() const { return theFactorizationScaleFactor; }
* Set the factorization scale factor
void factorizationScaleFactor(double f) { theFactorizationScaleFactor = f; }
* Get the renormalization scale factor
double renormalizationScaleFactor() const { return theRenormalizationScaleFactor; }
* Set the renormalization scale factor
void renormalizationScaleFactor(double f) { theRenormalizationScaleFactor = f; }
* The factorization scale factor.
double theFactorizationScaleFactor;
* The renormalization scale factor.
double theRenormalizationScaleFactor;
#endif /* HERWIG_SudakovFormFactor_H */
diff --git a/Shower/Default/ b/Shower/Default/
--- a/Shower/Default/
+++ b/Shower/Default/
@@ -1,937 +1,941 @@
// -*- C++ -*-
// is a part of Herwig - A multi-purpose Monte Carlo event generator
// Copyright (C) 2002-2011 The Herwig Collaboration
// Herwig is licenced under version 2 of the GPL, see COPYING for details.
// Please respect the MCnet academic guidelines, see GUIDELINES for details.
// This is the implementation of the non-inlined, non-templated member
// functions of the QTildeSudakov class.
#include "QTildeSudakov.h"
#include "ThePEG/Interface/ClassDocumentation.h"
#include "ThePEG/Interface/Parameter.h"
#include "ThePEG/Interface/Switch.h"
#include "ThePEG/PDT/ParticleData.h"
#include "ThePEG/EventRecord/Event.h"
#include "ThePEG/Repository/EventGenerator.h"
#include "ThePEG/Repository/CurrentGenerator.h"
#include "ThePEG/PDT/EnumParticles.h"
#include "Herwig/Shower/Default/FS_QTildeShowerKinematics1to2.h"
#include "Herwig/Shower/Default/IS_QTildeShowerKinematics1to2.h"
#include "Herwig/Shower/Default/Decay_QTildeShowerKinematics1to2.h"
#include "ThePEG/Utilities/DescribeClass.h"
#include "Herwig/Shower/Base/ShowerVertex.h"
#include "Herwig/Shower/Base/ShowerParticle.h"
#include "Herwig/Shower/ShowerHandler.h"
#include "Herwig/Shower/Base/Evolver.h"
#include "Herwig/Shower/Base/PartnerFinder.h"
#include "Herwig/Shower/Base/ShowerModel.h"
#include "Herwig/Shower/Base/KinematicsReconstructor.h"
using namespace Herwig;
describeQTildeSudakov ("Herwig::QTildeSudakov","");
void QTildeSudakov::Init() {
static ClassDocumentation<QTildeSudakov> documentation
("The QTildeSudakov class implements the Sudakov form factor for ordering it"
" qtilde");
bool QTildeSudakov::guessTimeLike(Energy2 &t,Energy2 tmin,double enhance) {
Energy2 told = t;
// calculate limits on z and if lower>upper return
if(!computeTimeLikeLimits(t)) return false;
// guess values of t and z
t = guesst(told,0,ids_,enhance,ids_[1]==ids_[2]);
// actual values for z-limits
if(!computeTimeLikeLimits(t)) return false;
if(t<tmin) {
return false;
return true;
bool QTildeSudakov::guessSpaceLike(Energy2 &t, Energy2 tmin, const double x,
double enhance) {
Energy2 told = t;
// calculate limits on z if lower>upper return
if(!computeSpaceLikeLimits(t,x)) return false;
// guess values of t and z
t = guesst(told,1,ids_,enhance,ids_[1]==ids_[2]);
// actual values for z-limits
if(!computeSpaceLikeLimits(t,x)) return false;
if(t<tmin) {
return false;
return true;
bool QTildeSudakov::PSVeto(const Energy2 t,
const Energy2 maxQ2) {
// still inside PS, return true if outside
// check vs overestimated limits
if(z() < zLimits().first || z() > zLimits().second) return true;
Energy2 q2 = z()*(1.-z())*t;
if(ids_[0]!=ParticleID::g &&
ids_[0]!=ParticleID::gamma ) q2 += masssquared_[0];
if(q2>maxQ2) return true;
// compute the pts
Energy2 pt2 = z()*(1.-z())*q2 - masssquared_[1]*(1.-z()) - masssquared_[2]*z();
// if pt2<0 veto
if(pt2<pT2min()) return true;
// otherwise calculate pt and return
return false;
ShoKinPtr QTildeSudakov::generateNextTimeBranching(const Energy startingScale,
const IdList &ids,const bool cc,
+ const RhoDMatrix & rho,
double enhance, Energy2 maxQ2) {
// First reset the internal kinematics variables that can
// have been eventually set in the previous call to the method.
q_ = ZERO;
// perform initialization
Energy2 tmax(sqr(startingScale)),tmin;
// check max > min
if(tmax<=tmin) return ShoKinPtr();
// calculate next value of t using veto algorithm
Energy2 t(tmax);
do {
if(!guessTimeLike(t,tmin,enhance)) break;
- while(PSVeto(t,maxQ2) || SplittingFnVeto(z()*(1.-z())*t,ids,true) ||
+ while(PSVeto(t,maxQ2) || SplittingFnVeto(z()*(1.-z())*t,ids,true,rho) ||
alphaSVeto(splittingFn()->angularOrdered() ? sqr(z()*(1.-z()))*t : z()*(1.-z())*t));
q_ = t > ZERO ? Energy(sqrt(t)) : -1.*MeV;
if(q_ < ZERO) return ShoKinPtr();
// return the ShowerKinematics object
return createFinalStateBranching(q_,z(),phi(),pT());
ShoKinPtr QTildeSudakov::
generateNextSpaceBranching(const Energy startingQ,
const IdList &ids,
double x,bool cc,
+ const RhoDMatrix & rho,
double enhance,
Ptr<BeamParticleData>::transient_const_pointer beam) {
// First reset the internal kinematics variables that can
// have been eventually set in the previous call to the method.
q_ = ZERO;
// perform the initialization
Energy2 tmax(sqr(startingQ)),tmin;
// check max > min
if(tmax<=tmin) return ShoKinPtr();
// extract the partons which are needed for the PDF veto
// Different order, incoming parton is id = 1, outgoing are id=0,2
tcPDPtr parton0 = getParticleData(ids[0]);
tcPDPtr parton1 = getParticleData(ids[1]);
if(cc) {
if(parton0->CC()) parton0 = parton0->CC();
if(parton1->CC()) parton1 = parton1->CC();
// calculate next value of t using veto algorithm
Energy2 t(tmax),pt2(ZERO);
do {
if(!guessSpaceLike(t,tmin,x,enhance)) break;
while(z() > zLimits().second ||
- SplittingFnVeto((1.-z())*t/z(),ids,true) ||
+ SplittingFnVeto((1.-z())*t/z(),ids,true,rho) ||
alphaSVeto(splittingFn()->angularOrdered() ? sqr(1.-z())*t : (1.-z())*t) ||
PDFVeto(t,x,parton0,parton1,beam) || pt2 < pT2min() );
if(t > ZERO && zLimits().first < zLimits().second) q_ = sqrt(t);
else return ShoKinPtr();
// create the ShowerKinematics and return it
return createInitialStateBranching(q_,z(),phi(),pT());
void QTildeSudakov::initialize(const IdList & ids, Energy2 & tmin,const bool cc) {
if(cc) {
for(unsigned int ix=0;ix<ids.size();++ix) {
if(getParticleData(ids[ix])->CC()) ids_[ix]*=-1;
tmin = cutOffOption() != 2 ? ZERO : 4.*pT2min();
masses_ = virtualMasses(ids);
for(unsigned int ix=0;ix<masses_.size();++ix) {
if(ix>0) tmin=max(masssquared_[ix],tmin);
ShoKinPtr QTildeSudakov::generateNextDecayBranching(const Energy startingScale,
- const Energy stoppingScale,
- const Energy minmass,
- const IdList &ids,
- const bool cc,
- double enhance) {
+ const Energy stoppingScale,
+ const Energy minmass,
+ const IdList &ids,
+ const bool cc,
+ const RhoDMatrix & rho,
+ double enhance) {
// First reset the internal kinematics variables that can
// have been eventually set in the previous call to this method.
q_ = Constants::MaxEnergy;
// perform initialisation
Energy2 tmax(sqr(stoppingScale)),tmin;
// check some branching possible
if(tmax<=tmin) return ShoKinPtr();
// perform the evolution
Energy2 t(tmin),pt2(-MeV2);
do {
if(!guessDecay(t,tmax,minmass,enhance)) break;
pt2 = sqr(1.-z())*(t-masssquared_[0])-z()*masssquared_[2];
- while(SplittingFnVeto((1.-z())*t/z(),ids,true)||
+ while(SplittingFnVeto((1.-z())*t/z(),ids,true,rho)||
alphaSVeto(splittingFn()->angularOrdered() ? sqr(1.-z())*t : (1.-z())*t ) ||
pt2<pT2min() ||
if(t > ZERO) {
q_ = sqrt(t);
else return ShoKinPtr();
// create the ShowerKinematics object
return createDecayBranching(q_,z(),phi(),pT());
bool QTildeSudakov::guessDecay(Energy2 &t,Energy2 tmax, Energy minmass,
double enhance) {
// previous scale
Energy2 told = t;
// overestimated limits on z
if(tmax<masssquared_[0]) {
return false;
Energy2 tm2 = tmax-masssquared_[0];
Energy tm = sqrt(tm2);
pair<double,double> limits=make_pair(sqr(minmass/masses_[0]),
if(zLimits().second<zLimits().first) {
return false;
// guess values of t and z
t = guesst(told,2,ids_,enhance,ids_[1]==ids_[2]);
// actual values for z-limits
if(t<masssquared_[0]) {
return false;
tm2 = t-masssquared_[0];
tm = sqrt(tm2);
if(t>tmax||zLimits().second<zLimits().first) {
return false;
return true;
bool QTildeSudakov::computeTimeLikeLimits(Energy2 & t) {
if (t < 1e-20 * GeV2) {
return false;
// special case for gluon radiating
pair<double,double> limits;
if(ids_[0]==ParticleID::g||ids_[0]==ParticleID::gamma) {
// no emission possible
if(t<16.*(masssquared_[1]+pT2min())) {
return false;
// overestimate of the limits
limits.first = 0.5*(1.-sqrt(1.-4.*sqrt((masssquared_[1]+pT2min())/t)));
limits.second = 1.-limits.first;
// special case for radiated particle is gluon
else if(ids_[2]==ParticleID::g||ids_[2]==ParticleID::gamma) {
limits.first = sqrt((masssquared_[1]+pT2min())/t);
limits.second = 1.-sqrt((masssquared_[2]+pT2min())/t);
else if(ids_[1]==ParticleID::g||ids_[1]==ParticleID::gamma) {
limits.second = sqrt((masssquared_[2]+pT2min())/t);
limits.first = 1.-sqrt((masssquared_[1]+pT2min())/t);
else {
limits.first = (masssquared_[1]+pT2min())/t;
limits.second = 1.-(masssquared_[2]+pT2min())/t;
if(limits.first>=limits.second) {
return false;
return true;
bool QTildeSudakov::computeSpaceLikeLimits(Energy2 & t, double x) {
if (t < 1e-20 * GeV2) {
return false;
pair<double,double> limits;
// compute the limits
limits.first = x;
double yy = 1.+0.5*masssquared_[2]/t;
limits.second = yy - sqrt(sqr(yy)-1.+pT2min()/t);
// return false if lower>upper
if(limits.second<limits.first) {
return false;
return true;
namespace {
tShowerParticlePtr findCorrelationPartner(ShowerParticle & particle,
bool forward,
ShowerInteraction::Type inter) {
tPPtr child = &particle;
tShowerParticlePtr mother;
if(forward) {
mother = !particle.parents().empty() ?
dynamic_ptr_cast<tShowerParticlePtr>(particle.parents()[0]) : tShowerParticlePtr();
else {
mother = particle.children().size()==2 ?
dynamic_ptr_cast<tShowerParticlePtr>(&particle) : tShowerParticlePtr();
tShowerParticlePtr partner;
while(mother) {
tPPtr otherChild;
if(forward) {
for (unsigned int ix=0;ix<mother->children().size();++ix) {
if(mother->children()[ix]!=child) {
otherChild = mother->children()[ix];
else {
otherChild = mother->children()[1];
tShowerParticlePtr other = dynamic_ptr_cast<tShowerParticlePtr>(otherChild);
if((inter==ShowerInteraction::QCD && otherChild->dataPtr()->coloured()) ||
(inter==ShowerInteraction::QED && otherChild->dataPtr()->charged())) {
partner = other;
if(forward && !other->isFinalState()) {
partner = dynamic_ptr_cast<tShowerParticlePtr>(mother);
child = mother;
if(forward) {
mother = ! mother->parents().empty() ?
dynamic_ptr_cast<tShowerParticlePtr>(mother->parents()[0]) : tShowerParticlePtr();
else {
tShowerParticlePtr mtemp =
if(!partner) {
if(forward) {
partner = dynamic_ptr_cast<tShowerParticlePtr>( child)->partner();
else {
if(mother) {
tShowerParticlePtr parent;
if(!mother->children().empty()) {
parent = dynamic_ptr_cast<tShowerParticlePtr>(mother->children()[0]);
if(!parent) {
parent = dynamic_ptr_cast<tShowerParticlePtr>(mother);
partner = parent->partner();
else {
partner = dynamic_ptr_cast<tShowerParticlePtr>(&particle)->partner();
return partner;
pair<double,double> softPhiMin(double phi0, double phi1, double A, double B, double C, double D) {
double c01 = cos(phi0 - phi1);
double s01 = sin(phi0 - phi1);
double s012(sqr(s01)), c012(sqr(c01));
double A2(A*A), B2(B*B), C2(C*C), D2(D*D);
if(abs(B/A)<1e-10 && abs(D/C)<1e-10) return make_pair(phi0,phi0+Constants::pi);
double root = sqr(B2)*C2*D2*sqr(s012) + 2.*A*B2*B*C2*C*D*c01*s012 + 2.*A*B2*B*C*D2*D*c01*s012
+ 4.*A2*B2*C2*D2*c012 - A2*B2*C2*D2*s012 - A2*B2*sqr(D2)*s012 - sqr(B2)*sqr(C2)*s012
- sqr(B2)*C2*D2*s012 - 4.*A2*A*B*C*D2*D*c01 - 4.*A*B2*B*C2*C*D*c01 + sqr(A2)*sqr(D2)
+ 2.*A2*B2*C2*D2 + sqr(B2)*sqr(C2);
if(root<0.) return make_pair(phi0,phi0+Constants::pi);
root = sqrt(root);
double denom = (-2.*A*B*C*D*c01 + A2*D2 + B2*C2);
double denom2 = (-B*C*c01 + A*D);
double num = B2*C*D*s012;
return make_pair(atan2(B*s01*(-C*(num + root) / denom + D) / denom2, -(num + root ) / denom) + phi0,
atan2(B*s01*(-C*(num - root) / denom + D) / denom2, -(num - root ) / denom) + phi0);
double QTildeSudakov::generatePhiForward(ShowerParticle & particle,
const IdList & ids,
- ShoKinPtr kinematics) {
+ ShoKinPtr kinematics,
+ const RhoDMatrix & rho) {
// no correlations, return flat phi
if(! ShowerHandler::currentHandler()->evolver()->correlations())
return Constants::twopi*UseRandom::rnd();
// get the kinematic variables
double z = kinematics->z();
Energy2 t = z*(1.-z)*sqr(kinematics->scale());
Energy pT = kinematics->pT();
// if soft correlations
Energy2 pipj,pik;
bool canBeSoft[2] = {ids[1]==ParticleID::g || ids[1]==ParticleID::gamma,
ids[2]==ParticleID::g || ids[2]==ParticleID::gamma };
vector<Energy2> pjk(3,ZERO);
vector<Energy> Ek(3,ZERO);
Energy Ei,Ej;
Energy2 m12(ZERO),m22(ZERO);
InvEnergy2 aziMax(ZERO);
bool softAllowed = ShowerHandler::currentHandler()->evolver()->softCorrelations()&&
(canBeSoft[0] || canBeSoft[1]);
if(softAllowed) {
// find the partner for the soft correlations
tShowerParticlePtr partner=findCorrelationPartner(particle,true,splittingFn()->interactionType());
// remember we want the softer gluon
bool swapOrder = !canBeSoft[1] || (canBeSoft[0] && canBeSoft[1] && z < 0.5);
double zFact = !swapOrder ? (1.-z) : z;
// compute the transforms to the shower reference frame
// first the boost
Lorentz5Momentum pVect = particle.showerBasis()->pVector();
Lorentz5Momentum nVect = particle.showerBasis()->nVector();
Boost beta_bb;
if(particle.showerBasis()->frame()==ShowerBasis::BackToBack) {
beta_bb = -(pVect + nVect).boostVector();
else if(particle.showerBasis()->frame()==ShowerBasis::Rest) {
beta_bb = -pVect.boostVector();
Axis axis;
if(particle.showerBasis()->frame()==ShowerBasis::BackToBack) {
axis = pVect.vect().unit();
else if(particle.showerBasis()->frame()==ShowerBasis::Rest) {
axis = nVect.vect().unit();
// and then the rotation
LorentzRotation rot;
if(axis.perp2()>0.) {
double sinth(sqrt(sqr(axis.x())+sqr(axis.y())));
else if(axis.z()<0.) {
pVect *= rot;
nVect *= rot;
// shower parameters
Energy2 pn = pVect*nVect, m2 = pVect.m2();
double alpha0 = particle.showerParameters().alpha;
double beta0 = 0.5/alpha0/pn*
Lorentz5Momentum qperp0(particle.showerParameters().ptx,
Lorentz5Momentum pj = partner->momentum();
pj *= rot;
// compute the two phi independent dot products
pik = 0.5*zFact*(sqr(alpha0)*m2 - sqr(particle.showerParameters().pt) + 2.*alpha0*beta0*pn )
Energy2 dot1 = pj*pVect;
Energy2 dot2 = pj*nVect;
Energy2 dot3 = pj*qperp0;
pipj = alpha0*dot1+beta0*dot2+dot3;
// compute the constants for the phi dependent dot product
pjk[0] = zFact*(alpha0*dot1+dot3-0.5*dot2/pn*(alpha0*m2-sqr(particle.showerParameters().pt)/alpha0))
pjk[1] = (pj.x() - dot2/alpha0/pn*qperp0.x())*pT;
pjk[2] = (pj.y() - dot2/alpha0/pn*qperp0.y())*pT;
m12 = sqr(particle.dataPtr()->mass());
m22 = sqr(partner->dataPtr()->mass());
if(swapOrder) {
pjk[1] *= -1.;
pjk[2] *= -1.;
Ek[0] = zFact*(alpha0*pVect.t()-0.5*nVect.t()/pn*(alpha0*m2-sqr(particle.showerParameters().pt)/alpha0))
Ek[1] = -nVect.t()/alpha0/pn*qperp0.x()*pT;
Ek[2] = -nVect.t()/alpha0/pn*qperp0.y()*pT;
if(swapOrder) {
Ek[1] *= -1.;
Ek[2] *= -1.;
Energy mag2=sqrt(sqr(Ek[1])+sqr(Ek[2]));
Ei = alpha0*pVect.t()+beta0*nVect.t();
Ej = pj.t();
double phi0 = atan2(-pjk[2],-pjk[1]);
if(phi0<0.) phi0 += Constants::twopi;
double phi1 = atan2(-Ek[2],-Ek[1]);
if(phi1<0.) phi1 += Constants::twopi;
double xi_min = pik/Ei/(Ek[0]+mag2), xi_max = pik/Ei/(Ek[0]-mag2), xi_ij = pipj/Ei/Ej;
if(xi_min>xi_max) swap(xi_min,xi_max);
if(xi_min>xi_ij) softAllowed = false;
Energy2 mag = sqrt(sqr(pjk[1])+sqr(pjk[2]));
if(ShowerHandler::currentHandler()->evolver()->softCorrelations()==1) {
aziMax = -m12/sqr(pik) -m22/sqr(pjk[0]+mag) +2.*pipj/pik/(pjk[0]-mag);
else if(ShowerHandler::currentHandler()->evolver()->softCorrelations()==2) {
double A = (pipj*Ek[0]- Ej*pik)/Ej/sqr(Ej);
double B = -sqrt(sqr(pipj)*(sqr(Ek[1])+sqr(Ek[2])))/Ej/sqr(Ej);
double C = pjk[0]/sqr(Ej);
double D = -sqrt(sqr(pjk[1])+sqr(pjk[2]))/sqr(Ej);
pair<double,double> minima = softPhiMin(phi0,phi1,A,B,C,D);
aziMax = 0.5/pik/(Ek[0]-mag2)*(Ei-m12*(Ek[0]-mag2)/pik + max(Ej*(A+B*cos(minima.first -phi1))/(C+D*cos(minima.first -phi0)),
// if spin correlations
vector<pair<int,Complex> > wgts;
if(ShowerHandler::currentHandler()->evolver()->spinCorrelations()) {
- RhoDMatrix rho = particle.extractRhoMatrix(true);
// calculate the weights
wgts = splittingFn()->generatePhiForward(z,t,ids,rho);
else {
wgts = vector<pair<int,Complex> >(1,make_pair(0,1.));
// generate the azimuthal angle
double phi,wgt;
static const Complex ii(0.,1.);
unsigned int ntry(0);
double phiMax(0.),wgtMax(0.);
do {
phi = Constants::twopi*UseRandom::rnd();
// first the spin correlations bit (gives 1 if correlations off)
Complex spinWgt = 0.;
for(unsigned int ix=0;ix<wgts.size();++ix) {
spinWgt += wgts[ix].second;
spinWgt += exp(double(wgts[ix].first)*ii*phi)*wgts[ix].second;
wgt = spinWgt.real();
if(wgt-1.>1e-10) {
generator()->log() << "Forward spin weight problem " << wgt << " " << wgt-1.
<< " " << ids[0] << " " << ids[1] << " " << ids[2] << " " << " " << phi << "\n";
generator()->log() << "Weights \n";
for(unsigned int ix=0;ix<wgts.size();++ix)
generator()->log() << wgts[ix].first << " " << wgts[ix].second << "\n";
// soft correlations bit
double aziWgt = 1.;
if(softAllowed) {
Energy2 dot = pjk[0]+pjk[1]*cos(phi)+pjk[2]*sin(phi);
Energy Eg = Ek[0]+Ek[1]*cos(phi)+Ek[2]*sin(phi);
if(pipj*Eg>pik*Ej) {
if(ShowerHandler::currentHandler()->evolver()->softCorrelations()==1) {
aziWgt = (-m12/sqr(pik) -m22/sqr(dot) +2.*pipj/pik/dot)/aziMax;
else if(ShowerHandler::currentHandler()->evolver()->softCorrelations()==2) {
aziWgt = max(ZERO,0.5/pik/Eg*(Ei-m12*Eg/pik + (pipj*Eg - Ej*pik)/dot)/aziMax);
if(aziWgt-1.>1e-10||aziWgt<-1e-10) {
generator()->log() << "Forward soft weight problem " << aziWgt << " " << aziWgt-1.
<< " " << ids[0] << " " << ids[1] << " " << ids[2] << " " << " " << phi << "\n";
else {
aziWgt = 0.;
wgt *= aziWgt;
if(wgt>wgtMax) {
phiMax = phi;
wgtMax = wgt;
if(ntry==10000) {
generator()->log() << "Too many tries to generate phi in forward evolution\n";
phi = phiMax;
// return the azimuthal angle
return phi;
double QTildeSudakov::generatePhiBackward(ShowerParticle & particle,
const IdList & ids,
- ShoKinPtr kinematics) {
+ ShoKinPtr kinematics,
+ const RhoDMatrix & rho) {
// no correlations, return flat phi
if(! ShowerHandler::currentHandler()->evolver()->correlations())
return Constants::twopi*UseRandom::rnd();
// get the kinematic variables
double z = kinematics->z();
Energy2 t = (1.-z)*sqr(kinematics->scale())/z;
Energy pT = kinematics->pT();
// if soft correlations
bool softAllowed = ShowerHandler::currentHandler()->evolver()->softCorrelations() &&
(ids[2]==ParticleID::g || ids[2]==ParticleID::gamma);
Energy2 pipj,pik,m12(ZERO),m22(ZERO);
vector<Energy2> pjk(3,ZERO);
Energy Ei,Ej,Ek;
InvEnergy2 aziMax(ZERO);
if(softAllowed) {
// find the partner for the soft correlations
tShowerParticlePtr partner=findCorrelationPartner(particle,false,splittingFn()->interactionType());
double zFact = (1.-z);
// compute the transforms to the shower reference frame
// first the boost
Lorentz5Momentum pVect = particle.showerBasis()->pVector();
Lorentz5Momentum nVect = particle.showerBasis()->nVector();
Boost beta_bb = -(pVect + nVect).boostVector();
Axis axis = pVect.vect().unit();
// and then the rotation
LorentzRotation rot;
if(axis.perp2()>0.) {
double sinth(sqrt(sqr(axis.x())+sqr(axis.y())));
else if(axis.z()<0.) {
pVect *= rot;
nVect *= rot;
// shower parameters
Energy2 pn = pVect*nVect;
Energy2 m2 = pVect.m2();
double alpha0 = particle.x();
double beta0 = -0.5/alpha0/pn*sqr(alpha0)*m2;
Lorentz5Momentum pj = partner->momentum();
pj *= rot;
double beta2 = 0.5*(1.-zFact)*(sqr(alpha0*zFact/(1.-zFact))*m2+sqr(pT))/alpha0/zFact/pn;
// compute the two phi independent dot products
Energy2 dot1 = pj*pVect;
Energy2 dot2 = pj*nVect;
pipj = alpha0*dot1+beta0*dot2;
pik = alpha0*(alpha0*zFact/(1.-zFact)*m2+pn*(beta2+zFact/(1.-zFact)*beta0));
// compute the constants for the phi dependent dot product
pjk[0] = alpha0*zFact/(1.-zFact)*dot1+beta2*dot2;
pjk[1] = pj.x()*pT;
pjk[2] = pj.y()*pT;
m12 = ZERO;
m22 = sqr(partner->dataPtr()->mass());
Energy2 mag = sqrt(sqr(pjk[1])+sqr(pjk[2]));
if(ShowerHandler::currentHandler()->evolver()->softCorrelations()==1) {
aziMax = -m12/sqr(pik) -m22/sqr(pjk[0]+mag) +2.*pipj/pik/(pjk[0]-mag);
else if(ShowerHandler::currentHandler()->evolver()->softCorrelations()==2) {
Ek = alpha0*zFact/(1.-zFact)*pVect.t()+beta2*nVect.t();
Ei = alpha0*pVect.t()+beta0*nVect.t();
Ej = pj.t();
if(pipj*Ek> Ej*pik) {
aziMax = 0.5/pik/Ek*(Ei-m12*Ek/pik + (pipj*Ek- Ej*pik)/(pjk[0]-mag));
else {
aziMax = 0.5/pik/Ek*(Ei-m12*Ek/pik);
else {
// if spin correlations
vector<pair<int,Complex> > wgts;
if(ShowerHandler::currentHandler()->evolver()->spinCorrelations()) {
// get the spin density matrix and the mapping
- RhoDMatrix rho = particle.extractRhoMatrix(false);
// get the weights
wgts = splittingFn()->generatePhiBackward(z,t,ids,rho);
else {
wgts = vector<pair<int,Complex> >(1,make_pair(0,1.));
// generate the azimuthal angle
double phi,wgt;
static const Complex ii(0.,1.);
unsigned int ntry(0);
double phiMax(0.),wgtMax(0.);
do {
phi = Constants::twopi*UseRandom::rnd();
Complex spinWgt = 0.;
for(unsigned int ix=0;ix<wgts.size();++ix) {
spinWgt += wgts[ix].second;
spinWgt += exp(double(wgts[ix].first)*ii*phi)*wgts[ix].second;
wgt = spinWgt.real();
if(wgt-1.>1e-10) {
generator()->log() << "Backward weight problem " << wgt << " " << wgt-1.
<< " " << ids[0] << " " << ids[1] << " " << ids[2] << " " << " " << z << " " << phi << "\n";
generator()->log() << "Weights \n";
for(unsigned int ix=0;ix<wgts.size();++ix)
generator()->log() << wgts[ix].first << " " << wgts[ix].second << "\n";
// soft correlations bit
double aziWgt = 1.;
if(softAllowed) {
Energy2 dot = pjk[0]+pjk[1]*cos(phi)+pjk[2]*sin(phi);
if(ShowerHandler::currentHandler()->evolver()->softCorrelations()==1) {
aziWgt = (-m12/sqr(pik) -m22/sqr(dot) +2.*pipj/pik/dot)/aziMax;
else if(ShowerHandler::currentHandler()->evolver()->softCorrelations()==2) {
aziWgt = max(ZERO,0.5/pik/Ek*(Ei-m12*Ek/pik + pipj*Ek/dot - Ej*pik/dot)/aziMax);
if(aziWgt-1.>1e-10||aziWgt<-1e-10) {
generator()->log() << "Backward soft weight problem " << aziWgt << " " << aziWgt-1.
<< " " << ids[0] << " " << ids[1] << " " << ids[2] << " " << " " << phi << "\n";
wgt *= aziWgt;
if(wgt>wgtMax) {
phiMax = phi;
wgtMax = wgt;
if(ntry==10000) {
generator()->log() << "Too many tries to generate phi in backward evolution\n";
phi = phiMax;
// return the azimuthal angle
return phi;
double QTildeSudakov::generatePhiDecay(ShowerParticle & particle,
const IdList & ids,
- ShoKinPtr kinematics) {
+ ShoKinPtr kinematics,
+ const RhoDMatrix &) {
// only soft correlations in this case
// no correlations, return flat phi
if( !(ShowerHandler::currentHandler()->evolver()->softCorrelations() &&
(ids[2]==ParticleID::g || ids[2]==ParticleID::gamma )))
return Constants::twopi*UseRandom::rnd();
// get the kinematic variables
double z = kinematics->z();
Energy pT = kinematics->pT();
// if soft correlations
// find the partner for the soft correlations
tShowerParticlePtr partner = findCorrelationPartner(particle,true,splittingFn()->interactionType());
double zFact(1.-z);
// compute the transforms to the shower reference frame
// first the boost
Lorentz5Momentum pVect = particle.showerBasis()->pVector();
Lorentz5Momentum nVect = particle.showerBasis()->nVector();
Boost beta_bb = -pVect.boostVector();
Axis axis = nVect.vect().unit();
// and then the rotation
LorentzRotation rot;
if(axis.perp2()>0.) {
double sinth(sqrt(sqr(axis.x())+sqr(axis.y())));
else if(axis.z()<0.) {
pVect *= rot;
nVect *= rot;
// shower parameters
Energy2 pn = pVect*nVect;
Energy2 m2 = pVect.m2();
double alpha0 = particle.showerParameters().alpha;
double beta0 = 0.5/alpha0/pn*
Lorentz5Momentum qperp0(particle.showerParameters().ptx,
Lorentz5Momentum pj = partner->momentum();
pj *= rot;
// compute the two phi independent dot products
Energy2 pik = 0.5*zFact*(sqr(alpha0)*m2 - sqr(particle.showerParameters().pt) + 2.*alpha0*beta0*pn )
Energy2 dot1 = pj*pVect;
Energy2 dot2 = pj*nVect;
Energy2 dot3 = pj*qperp0;
Energy2 pipj = alpha0*dot1+beta0*dot2+dot3;
// compute the constants for the phi dependent dot product
vector<Energy2> pjk(3,ZERO);
pjk[0] = zFact*(alpha0*dot1+dot3-0.5*dot2/pn*(alpha0*m2-sqr(particle.showerParameters().pt)/alpha0))
pjk[1] = (pj.x() - dot2/alpha0/pn*qperp0.x())*pT;
pjk[2] = (pj.y() - dot2/alpha0/pn*qperp0.y())*pT;
Energy2 m12 = sqr(particle.dataPtr()->mass());
Energy2 m22 = sqr(partner->dataPtr()->mass());
Energy2 mag = sqrt(sqr(pjk[1])+sqr(pjk[2]));
InvEnergy2 aziMax;
vector<Energy> Ek(3,ZERO);
Energy Ei,Ej;
if(ShowerHandler::currentHandler()->evolver()->softCorrelations()==1) {
aziMax = -m12/sqr(pik) -m22/sqr(pjk[0]+mag) +2.*pipj/pik/(pjk[0]-mag);
else if(ShowerHandler::currentHandler()->evolver()->softCorrelations()==2) {
Ek[0] = zFact*(alpha0*pVect.t()+-0.5*nVect.t()/pn*(alpha0*m2-sqr(particle.showerParameters().pt)/alpha0))
Ek[1] = -nVect.t()/alpha0/pn*qperp0.x()*pT;
Ek[2] = -nVect.t()/alpha0/pn*qperp0.y()*pT;
Energy mag2=sqrt(sqr(Ek[1])+sqr(Ek[2]));
Ei = alpha0*pVect.t()+beta0*nVect.t();
Ej = pj.t();
aziMax = 0.5/pik/(Ek[0]-mag2)*(Ei-m12*(Ek[0]-mag2)/pik + pipj*(Ek[0]+mag2)/(pjk[0]-mag) - Ej*pik/(pjk[0]-mag) );
// generate the azimuthal angle
double phi,wgt(0.);
unsigned int ntry(0);
double phiMax(0.),wgtMax(0.);
do {
phi = Constants::twopi*UseRandom::rnd();
Energy2 dot = pjk[0]+pjk[1]*cos(phi)+pjk[2]*sin(phi);
if(ShowerHandler::currentHandler()->evolver()->softCorrelations()==1) {
wgt = (-m12/sqr(pik) -m22/sqr(dot) +2.*pipj/pik/dot)/aziMax;
else if(ShowerHandler::currentHandler()->evolver()->softCorrelations()==2) {
if(qperp0.m2()==ZERO) {
wgt = 1.;
else {
Energy Eg = Ek[0]+Ek[1]*cos(phi)+Ek[2]*sin(phi);
wgt = max(ZERO,0.5/pik/Eg*(Ei-m12*Eg/pik + (pipj*Eg - Ej*pik)/dot)/aziMax);
if(wgt-1.>1e-10||wgt<-1e-10) {
generator()->log() << "Decay soft weight problem " << wgt << " " << wgt-1.
<< " " << ids[0] << " " << ids[1] << " " << ids[2] << " " << " " << phi << "\n";
if(wgt>wgtMax) {
phiMax = phi;
wgtMax = wgt;
if(ntry==10000) {
phi = phiMax;
generator()->log() << "Too many tries to generate phi\n";
// return the azimuthal angle
return phi;
Energy QTildeSudakov::calculateScale(double zin, Energy pt, IdList ids,
unsigned int iopt) {
Energy2 tmin;
// final-state branching
if(iopt==0) {
Energy2 scale=(sqr(pt)+masssquared_[1]*(1.-zin)+masssquared_[2]*zin);
if(ids[0]!=ParticleID::g) scale -= zin*(1.-zin)*masssquared_[0];
scale /= sqr(zin*(1-zin));
return scale<=ZERO ? sqrt(tmin) : sqrt(scale);
else if(iopt==1) {
Energy2 scale=(sqr(pt)+zin*masssquared_[2])/sqr(1.-zin);
return scale<=ZERO ? sqrt(tmin) : sqrt(scale);
else if(iopt==2) {
Energy2 scale = (sqr(pt)+zin*masssquared_[2])/sqr(1.-zin)+masssquared_[0];
return scale<=ZERO ? sqrt(tmin) : sqrt(scale);
else {
throw Exception() << "Unknown option in QTildeSudakov::calculateScale() "
<< "iopt = " << iopt << Exception::runerror;
ShoKinPtr QTildeSudakov::createFinalStateBranching(Energy scale,double z,
double phi, Energy pt) {
ShoKinPtr showerKin = new_ptr(FS_QTildeShowerKinematics1to2());
return showerKin;
ShoKinPtr QTildeSudakov::createInitialStateBranching(Energy scale,double z,
double phi, Energy pt) {
ShoKinPtr showerKin = new_ptr(IS_QTildeShowerKinematics1to2());
return showerKin;
ShoKinPtr QTildeSudakov::createDecayBranching(Energy scale,double z,
double phi, Energy pt) {
ShoKinPtr showerKin = new_ptr(Decay_QTildeShowerKinematics1to2());
return showerKin;
diff --git a/Shower/Default/QTildeSudakov.h b/Shower/Default/QTildeSudakov.h
--- a/Shower/Default/QTildeSudakov.h
+++ b/Shower/Default/QTildeSudakov.h
@@ -1,287 +1,294 @@
// -*- C++ -*-
// QTildeSudakov.h is a part of Herwig - A multi-purpose Monte Carlo event generator
// Copyright (C) 2002-2011 The Herwig Collaboration
// Herwig is licenced under version 2 of the GPL, see COPYING for details.
// Please respect the MCnet academic guidelines, see GUIDELINES for details.
#ifndef HERWIG_QTildeSudakov_H
#define HERWIG_QTildeSudakov_H
// This is the declaration of the QTildeSudakov class.
#include "Herwig/Shower/Base/SudakovFormFactor.h"
namespace Herwig {
using namespace ThePEG;
/** \ingroup Shower
* The QTildeSudakov class implements the Sudakov form factor for evolution in
* \f$\tilde{q}^2\f$ using the veto algorithm.
* @see \ref QTildeSudakovInterfaces "The interfaces"
* defined for QTildeSudakov.
class QTildeSudakov: public SudakovFormFactor {
* The default constructor.
inline QTildeSudakov() {}
* Members to generate the scale of the next branching
* Return the scale of the next time-like branching. If there is no
* branching then it returns ZERO.
* @param startingScale starting scale for the evolution
* @param ids The PDG codes of the particles in the splitting
* @param cc Whether this is the charge conjugate of the branching
* defined.
* @param enhance The radiation enhancement factor
* @param maxQ2 The maximum \f$Q^2\f$ for the emission
virtual ShoKinPtr generateNextTimeBranching(const Energy startingScale,
const IdList &ids,const bool cc,
+ const RhoDMatrix & rho,
double enhance, Energy2 maxQ2);
* Return the scale of the next space-like decay branching. If there is no
* branching then it returns ZERO.
* @param startingScale starting scale for the evolution
* @param stoppingScale stopping scale for the evolution
* @param minmass The minimum mass allowed for the spake-like particle.
* @param ids The PDG codes of the particles in the splitting
* @param cc Whether this is the charge conjugate of the branching
* defined.
* @param enhance The radiation enhancement factor
virtual ShoKinPtr generateNextDecayBranching(const Energy startingScale,
- const Energy stoppingScale,
- const Energy minmass,
- const IdList &ids,
- const bool cc,
- double enhance);
+ const Energy stoppingScale,
+ const Energy minmass,
+ const IdList &ids,
+ const bool cc,
+ const RhoDMatrix & rho,
+ double enhance);
* Return the scale of the next space-like branching. If there is no
* branching then it returns ZERO.
* @param startingScale starting scale for the evolution
* @param ids The PDG codes of the particles in the splitting
* @param x The fraction of the beam momentum
* @param cc Whether this is the charge conjugate of the branching
* defined.
* @param enhance The radiation enhancement factor
* @param beam The beam particle
virtual ShoKinPtr generateNextSpaceBranching(const Energy startingScale,
const IdList &ids,double x,
- const bool cc, double enhance,
+ const bool cc,
+ const RhoDMatrix & rho,
+ double enhance,
tcBeamPtr beam);
* Generate the azimuthal angle of the branching for forward branching
* @param particle The branching particle
* @param ids The PDG codes of the particles in the branchings
* @param The Shower kinematics
virtual double generatePhiForward(ShowerParticle & particle,const IdList & ids,
- ShoKinPtr kinematics);
+ ShoKinPtr kinematics,
+ const RhoDMatrix & rho);
* Generate the azimuthal angle of the branching for backward branching
* @param particle The branching particle
* @param ids The PDG codes of the particles in the branchings
* @param The Shower kinematics
virtual double generatePhiBackward(ShowerParticle & particle,const IdList & ids,
- ShoKinPtr kinematics);
+ ShoKinPtr kinematics,
+ const RhoDMatrix & rho);
* Generate the azimuthal angle of the branching for ISR in decays
* @param particle The branching particle
* @param ids The PDG codes of the particles in the branchings
* @param The Shower kinematics
virtual double generatePhiDecay(ShowerParticle & particle,const IdList & ids,
- ShoKinPtr kinematics);
+ ShoKinPtr kinematics,
+ const RhoDMatrix & rho);
* Method to return the evolution scale given the
* transverse momentum, \f$p_T\f$ and \f$z\f$.
virtual Energy calculateScale(double z, Energy pt, IdList ids,unsigned int iopt);
* Method to create the ShowerKinematics object for a final-state branching
virtual ShoKinPtr createFinalStateBranching(Energy scale,double z,
double phi, Energy pt);
* Method to create the ShowerKinematics object for an initial-state branching
virtual ShoKinPtr createInitialStateBranching(Energy scale,double z,
double phi, Energy pt);
* Method to create the ShowerKinematics object for a decay branching
virtual ShoKinPtr createDecayBranching(Energy scale,double z,
double phi, Energy pt);
/** @name Functions used by the persistent I/O system. */
* Function used to write out object persistently.
* @param os the persistent output stream written to.
void persistentOutput(PersistentOStream & os) const;
* Function used to read in object persistently.
* @param is the persistent input stream read from.
* @param version the version number of the object when written.
void persistentInput(PersistentIStream & is, int version);
* The standard Init function used to initialize the interfaces.
* Called exactly once for each class by the class description system
* before the main function starts or
* when this class is dynamically loaded.
static void Init();
* Methods to provide the next value of the scale before the vetos
* are applied.
* Value of the energy fraction and scale for time-like branching
* @param t The scale
* @param tmin The minimum scale
* @param enhance The radiation enhancement factor
* @return False if scale less than minimum, true otherwise
bool guessTimeLike(Energy2 &t, Energy2 tmin, double enhance);
* Value of the energy fraction and scale for time-like branching
* @param t The scale
* @param tmax The maximum scale
* @param minmass The minimum mass of the particle after the branching
* @param enhance The radiation enhancement factor
bool guessDecay(Energy2 &t, Energy2 tmax,Energy minmass,
double enhance);
* Value of the energy fraction and scale for space-like branching
* @param t The scale
* @param tmin The minimum scale
* @param x Fraction of the beam momentum.
* @param enhance The radiation enhancement factor
bool guessSpaceLike(Energy2 &t, Energy2 tmin, const double x,
double enhance);
* Initialize the values of the cut-offs and scales
* @param tmin The minimum scale
* @param ids The ids of the partics in the branching
* @param cc Whether this is the charge conjugate of the branching
void initialize(const IdList & ids,Energy2 &tmin, const bool cc);
* Phase Space veto member to implement the \f$\Theta\f$ function as a veto
* so that the emission is within the allowed phase space.
* @param t The scale
* @param maxQ2 The maximum virtuality
* @return true if vetoed
bool PSVeto(const Energy2 t,const Energy2 maxQ2);
* Compute the limits on \f$z\f$ for time-like branching
* @param scale The scale of the particle
* @return True if lower limit less than upper, otherwise false
bool computeTimeLikeLimits(Energy2 & scale);
* Compute the limits on \f$z\f$ for space-like branching
* @param scale The scale of the particle
* @param x The energy fraction of the parton
* @return True if lower limit less than upper, otherwise false
bool computeSpaceLikeLimits(Energy2 & scale, double x);
/** @name Clone Methods. */
* Make a simple clone of this object.
* @return a pointer to the new object.
inline virtual IBPtr clone() const {return new_ptr(*this);}
/** Make a clone of this object, possibly modifying the cloned object
* to make it sane.
* @return a pointer to the new object.
inline virtual IBPtr fullclone() const {return new_ptr(*this);}
* The assignment operator is private and must never be called.
* In fact, it should not even be implemented.
QTildeSudakov & operator=(const QTildeSudakov &);
* The evolution scale, \f$\tilde{q}\f$.
Energy q_;
* The Ids of the particles in the current branching
IdList ids_;
* The masses of the particles in the current branching
vector<Energy> masses_;
* The mass squared of the particles in the current branching
vector<Energy2> masssquared_;
#endif /* HERWIG_QTildeSudakov_H */
diff --git a/Shower/SplittingFunctions/ b/Shower/SplittingFunctions/
--- a/Shower/SplittingFunctions/
+++ b/Shower/SplittingFunctions/
@@ -1,214 +1,214 @@
// -*- C++ -*-
// This is the implementation of the non-inlined, non-templated member
// functions of the HalfHalfOneEWSplitFn class.
#include "HalfHalfOneEWSplitFn.h"
#include "ThePEG/StandardModel/StandardModelBase.h"
#include "ThePEG/Repository/EventGenerator.h"
#include "ThePEG/Interface/ClassDocumentation.h"
#include "ThePEG/Utilities/DescribeClass.h"
#include "ThePEG/Persistency/PersistentOStream.h"
#include "ThePEG/Persistency/PersistentIStream.h"
#include "ThePEG/PDT/ParticleData.h"
#include "Herwig/Decay/TwoBodyDecayMatrixElement.h"
using namespace Herwig;
IBPtr HalfHalfOneEWSplitFn::clone() const {
return new_ptr(*this);
IBPtr HalfHalfOneEWSplitFn::fullclone() const {
return new_ptr(*this);
void HalfHalfOneEWSplitFn::persistentOutput(PersistentOStream & os) const {
os << gZ_ << gWL_;
void HalfHalfOneEWSplitFn::persistentInput(PersistentIStream & is, int) {
is >> gZ_ >> gWL_;
// The following static variable is needed for the type description system in ThePEG.
describeHerwigHalfHalfOneEWSplitFn("Herwig::HalfHalfOneEWSplitFn", "");
void HalfHalfOneEWSplitFn::Init() {
static ClassDocumentation<HalfHalfOneEWSplitFn> documentation
("The HalfHalfOneEWSplitFn class implements the splitting q->qWand q->qZ");
void HalfHalfOneEWSplitFn::doinit() {
tcSMPtr sm = generator()->standardModel();
double sw2 = sm->sin2ThetaW();
// left-handled W coupling
gWL_ = 1./sqrt(2.*sw2);
// Z couplings
double fact = 0.25/sqrt(sw2*(1.-sw2));
for(int ix=1;ix<4;++ix) {
gZ_[2*ix-1] = make_pair(fact*(sm->vd() + sm->ad()),
fact*(sm->vd() - sm->ad() ));
gZ_[2*ix ] = make_pair(fact*(sm->vu() + sm->au() ),
fact*(sm->vu() - sm->au() ));
gZ_[2*ix+9 ] = make_pair(fact*(sm->ve() + sm->ae() ),
fact*(sm->ve() - sm->ae() ));
gZ_[2*ix+10] = make_pair(fact*(sm->vnu() + sm->anu()),
fact*(sm->vnu() - sm->anu()));
void HalfHalfOneEWSplitFn::getCouplings(double & gL, double & gR, const IdList & ids) const {
if(ids[2]==ParticleID::Z0) {
map<long,pair<double,double> >::const_iterator it = gZ_.find(abs(ids[0]));
gL = it->second.first ;
gR = it->second.second;
else if(abs(ids[2])==ParticleID::Wplus) {
gL = gWL_;
double HalfHalfOneEWSplitFn::P(const double z, const Energy2 t,
- const IdList &ids, const bool mass) const {
+ const IdList &ids, const bool mass, const RhoDMatrix & rho) const {
double gL(0.),gR(0.);
double val = (1. + sqr(z))/(1.-z);
if(mass) {
Energy m = getParticleData(ids[2])->mass();
val -= sqr(m)/t;
- val *= (sqr(gL)+sqr(gR));
+ val *= (sqr(gL)*norm(rho(0,0))+sqr(gR)*norm(rho(1,1)));
return colourFactor(ids)*val;
double HalfHalfOneEWSplitFn::overestimateP(const double z,
const IdList & ids) const {
double gL(0.),gR(0.);
return 2.*sqr(max(gL,gR))*colourFactor(ids)/(1.-z);
double HalfHalfOneEWSplitFn::ratioP(const double z, const Energy2 t,
- const IdList & ids, const bool mass) const {
+ const IdList & ids, const bool mass, const RhoDMatrix & rho) const {
double gL(0.),gR(0.);
double val = 1. + sqr(z);
if(mass) {
Energy m = getParticleData(ids[2])->mass();
val -= (1.-z)*sqr(m)/t;
- val *= 0.5*(sqr(gL)+sqr(gR))/sqr(max(gL,gR));
+ val *= (sqr(gL)*norm(rho(0,0))+sqr(gR)*norm(rho(1,1)));
return val;
double HalfHalfOneEWSplitFn::integOverP(const double z,
const IdList & ids,
unsigned int PDFfactor) const {
double gL(0.),gR(0.);
double pre = colourFactor(ids)*sqr(max(gL,gR));
switch (PDFfactor) {
case 0:
return -2.*pre*Math::log1m(z);
case 1:
return 2.*pre*log(z/(1.-z));
case 2:
return 2.*pre/(1.-z);
case 3:
throw Exception() << "HalfHalfOneEWSplitFn::integOverP() invalid PDFfactor = "
<< PDFfactor << Exception::runerror;
double HalfHalfOneEWSplitFn::invIntegOverP(const double r, const IdList & ids,
unsigned int PDFfactor) const {
double gL(0.),gR(0.);
double pre = colourFactor(ids)*sqr(max(gL,gR));
switch (PDFfactor) {
case 0:
return 1. - exp(- 0.5*r/pre);
case 1:
return 1./(1.-exp(-0.5*r/pre));
case 2:
return 1.-2.*pre/r;
case 3:
throw Exception() << "HalfHalfOneEWSplitFn::invIntegOverP() invalid PDFfactor = "
<< PDFfactor << Exception::runerror;
bool HalfHalfOneEWSplitFn::accept(const IdList &ids) const {
if(ids.size()!=3) return false;
if(ids[2]==ParticleID::Z0) {
if(ids[0]==ids[1] &&
((ids[0]>=1 && ids[0]<=6) || (ids[0]>=11&&ids[0]<=16) )) return true;
else if(abs(ids[2])==ParticleID::Wplus) {
if(!((ids[0]>=1 && ids[0]<=6) || (ids[0]>=11&&ids[0]<=16) )) return false;
if(!((ids[1]>=1 && ids[1]<=6) || (ids[1]>=11&&ids[1]<=16) )) return false;
if(ids[0]+1!=ids[1] && ids[0]-1!=ids[1]) return false;
int out = getParticleData(ids[1])->iCharge()+getParticleData(ids[2])->iCharge();
if(getParticleData(ids[0])->iCharge()==out) return true;
return false;
vector<pair<int, Complex> >
HalfHalfOneEWSplitFn::generatePhiForward(const double, const Energy2, const IdList & ,
const RhoDMatrix &) {
// no dependence on the spin density matrix, dependence on off-diagonal terms cancels
// and rest = splitting function for Tr(rho)=1 as required by defn
return vector<pair<int, Complex> >(1,make_pair(0,1.));
vector<pair<int, Complex> >
HalfHalfOneEWSplitFn::generatePhiBackward(const double, const Energy2, const IdList & ,
const RhoDMatrix &) {
// no dependence on the spin density matrix, dependence on off-diagonal terms cancels
// and rest = splitting function for Tr(rho)=1 as required by defn
return vector<pair<int, Complex> >(1,make_pair(0,1.));
DecayMEPtr HalfHalfOneEWSplitFn::matrixElement(const double z, const Energy2 t,
const IdList & ids, const double phi,
bool) {
// calculate the kernal
DecayMEPtr kernal(new_ptr(TwoBodyDecayMatrixElement(PDT::Spin1Half,PDT::Spin1Half,PDT::Spin1)));
Energy m = getParticleData(ids[2])->mass();
double gL(0.),gR(0.);
double mt = m/sqrt(t);
double root = sqrt(1.-sqr(m)/t/(1-z));
double romz = sqrt(1.-z);
double rz = sqrt(z);
double r2 = sqrt(2.);
Complex phase = exp(Complex(0.,1.)*phi);
Complex cphase = conj(phase);
(*kernal)(0,0,0) = -phase*root*gL/romz;
(*kernal)(1,1,2) = cphase*root*gR/romz;
(*kernal)(0,0,2) = cphase*z*root*gL/romz;
(*kernal)(1,1,0) = -phase*z*root*gR/romz;
// long terms
(*kernal)(1,1,1) =-gR*mt*r2*rz/(1-z);
(*kernal)(0,0,1) =-gL*mt*r2*rz/(1-z);
// +- -+ terms zero due quark mass
for(unsigned int ix=0;ix<3;++ix) {
(*kernal)(1,0,ix) = 0.;
(*kernal)(0,1,ix) = 0.;
// return the answer
return kernal;
diff --git a/Shower/SplittingFunctions/HalfHalfOneEWSplitFn.h b/Shower/SplittingFunctions/HalfHalfOneEWSplitFn.h
--- a/Shower/SplittingFunctions/HalfHalfOneEWSplitFn.h
+++ b/Shower/SplittingFunctions/HalfHalfOneEWSplitFn.h
@@ -1,215 +1,217 @@
// -*- C++ -*-
#ifndef Herwig_HalfHalfOneEWSplitFn_H
#define Herwig_HalfHalfOneEWSplitFn_H
// This is the declaration of the HalfHalfOneEWSplitFn class.
#include "Herwig/Shower/SplittingFunctions/SplittingFunction.h"
namespace Herwig {
using namespace ThePEG;
* The HalfHalfOneEWSplitFn class implements the splitting function for
* \f$\frac12\to q\frac12 1\f$ where the spin-1 particle is a massive electroweak gauge boson.
* @see \ref HalfHalfOneEWSplitFnInterfaces "The interfaces"
* defined for HalfHalfOneEWSplitFn.
class HalfHalfOneEWSplitFn: public SplittingFunction {
* The default constructor.
HalfHalfOneEWSplitFn() : SplittingFunction(1) {}
* Concrete implementation of the method to determine whether this splitting
* function can be used for a given set of particles.
* @param ids The PDG codes for the particles in the splitting.
virtual bool accept(const IdList & ids) const;
* Methods to return the splitting function.
* The concrete implementation of the splitting function, \f$P(z,t)\f$.
* @param z The energy fraction.
* @param t The scale.
* @param ids The PDG codes for the particles in the splitting.
* @param mass Whether or not to include the mass dependent terms
+ * @param rho The spin density matrix
virtual double P(const double z, const Energy2 t, const IdList & ids,
- const bool mass) const;
+ const bool mass, const RhoDMatrix & rho) const;
* The concrete implementation of the overestimate of the splitting function,
* \f$P_{\rm over}\f$.
* @param z The energy fraction.
* @param ids The PDG codes for the particles in the splitting.
virtual double overestimateP(const double z, const IdList & ids) const;
* The concrete implementation of the
* the ratio of the splitting function to the overestimate, i.e.
* \f$P(z,t)/P_{\rm over}(z)\f$.
* @param z The energy fraction.
* @param t The scale.
* @param ids The PDG codes for the particles in the splitting.
* @param mass Whether or not to include the mass dependent terms
+ * @param rho The spin density matrix
virtual double ratioP(const double z, const Energy2 t, const IdList & ids,
- const bool mass) const;
+ const bool mass, const RhoDMatrix & rho) const;
* The concrete implementation of the indefinite integral of the
* overestimated splitting function, \f$P_{\rm over}\f$.
* @param z The energy fraction.
* @param ids The PDG codes for the particles in the splitting.
* @param PDFfactor Which additional factor to include for the PDF
* 0 is no additional factor,
* 1 is \f$1/z\f$, 2 is \f$1/(1-z)\f$ and 3 is \f$1/z/(1-z)\f$
virtual double integOverP(const double z, const IdList & ids,
unsigned int PDFfactor=0) const;
* The concrete implementation of the inverse of the indefinite integral.
* @param r Value of the splitting function to be inverted
* @param ids The PDG codes for the particles in the splitting.
* @param PDFfactor Which additional factor to include for the PDF
* 0 is no additional factor,
* 1 is \f$1/z\f$, 2 is \f$1/(1-z)\f$ and 3 is \f$1/z/(1-z)\f$
virtual double invIntegOverP(const double r, const IdList & ids,
unsigned int PDFfactor=0) const;
* Method to calculate the azimuthal angle
* @param z The energy fraction
* @param t The scale \f$t=2p_j\cdot p_k\f$.
* @param ids The PDG codes for the particles in the splitting.
* @param The azimuthal angle, \f$\phi\f$.
* @return The weight
virtual vector<pair<int,Complex> >
generatePhiForward(const double z, const Energy2 t, const IdList & ids,
const RhoDMatrix &);
* Method to calculate the azimuthal angle for backward evolution
* @param z The energy fraction
* @param t The scale \f$t=2p_j\cdot p_k\f$.
* @param ids The PDG codes for the particles in the splitting.
* @param The azimuthal angle, \f$\phi\f$.
* @return The weight
virtual vector<pair<int,Complex> >
generatePhiBackward(const double z, const Energy2 t, const IdList & ids,
const RhoDMatrix &);
* Calculate the matrix element for the splitting
* @param z The energy fraction
* @param t The scale \f$t=2p_j\cdot p_k\f$.
* @param ids The PDG codes for the particles in the splitting.
* @param The azimuthal angle, \f$\phi\f$.
virtual DecayMEPtr matrixElement(const double z, const Energy2 t,
const IdList & ids, const double phi, bool timeLike);
* Get the couplings
void getCouplings(double & gL, double & gR, const IdList & ids) const;
/** @name Functions used by the persistent I/O system. */
* Function used to write out object persistently.
* @param os the persistent output stream written to.
void persistentOutput(PersistentOStream & os) const;
* Function used to read in object persistently.
* @param is the persistent input stream read from.
* @param version the version number of the object when written.
void persistentInput(PersistentIStream & is, int version);
* The standard Init function used to initialize the interfaces.
* Called exactly once for each class by the class description system
* before the main function starts or
* when this class is dynamically loaded.
static void Init();
/** @name Clone Methods. */
* Make a simple clone of this object.
* @return a pointer to the new object.
virtual IBPtr clone() const;
/** Make a clone of this object, possibly modifying the cloned object
* to make it sane.
* @return a pointer to the new object.
virtual IBPtr fullclone() const;
/** @name Standard Interfaced functions. */
* Initialize this object after the setup phase before saving an
* EventGenerator to disk.
* @throws InitException if object could not be initialized properly.
virtual void doinit();
* The assignment operator is private and must never be called.
* In fact, it should not even be implemented.
HalfHalfOneEWSplitFn & operator=(const HalfHalfOneEWSplitFn &);
* Z couplings
map<long,pair<double,double> > gZ_;
* W couplings
double gWL_;
#endif /* Herwig_HalfHalfOneEWSplitFn_H */
diff --git a/Shower/SplittingFunctions/ b/Shower/SplittingFunctions/
--- a/Shower/SplittingFunctions/
+++ b/Shower/SplittingFunctions/
@@ -1,136 +1,136 @@
// -*- C++ -*-
// is a part of Herwig - A multi-purpose Monte Carlo event generator
// Copyright (C) 2002-2011 The Herwig Collaboration
// Herwig is licenced under version 2 of the GPL, see COPYING for details.
// Please respect the MCnet academic guidelines, see GUIDELINES for details.
// This is the implementation of the non-inlined, non-templated member
// functions of the HalfHalfOneSplitFn class.
#include "HalfHalfOneSplitFn.h"
#include "ThePEG/PDT/ParticleData.h"
#include "ThePEG/Interface/ClassDocumentation.h"
#include "ThePEG/Utilities/DescribeClass.h"
#include "Herwig/Decay/TwoBodyDecayMatrixElement.h"
using namespace Herwig;
describeHalfHalfOneSplitFn ("Herwig::HalfHalfOneSplitFn","");
void HalfHalfOneSplitFn::Init() {
static ClassDocumentation<HalfHalfOneSplitFn> documentation
("The HalfHalfOneSplitFn class implements the q -> qg splitting function");
double HalfHalfOneSplitFn::P(const double z, const Energy2 t,
- const IdList &ids, const bool mass) const {
+ const IdList &ids, const bool mass, const RhoDMatrix &) const {
double val = (1. + sqr(z))/(1.-z);
if(mass) {
Energy m = getParticleData(ids[0])->mass();
val -= 2.*sqr(m)/t;
return colourFactor(ids)*val;
double HalfHalfOneSplitFn::overestimateP(const double z,
const IdList & ids) const {
return 2.*colourFactor(ids)/(1.-z);
double HalfHalfOneSplitFn::ratioP(const double z, const Energy2 t,
- const IdList & ids, const bool mass) const {
+ const IdList & ids, const bool mass, const RhoDMatrix &) const {
double val = 1. + sqr(z);
if(mass) {
Energy m = getParticleData(ids[0])->mass();
val -= 2.*sqr(m)*(1.-z)/t;
return 0.5*val;
double HalfHalfOneSplitFn::integOverP(const double z,
const IdList & ids,
unsigned int PDFfactor) const {
switch (PDFfactor) {
case 0:
return -2.*colourFactor(ids)*Math::log1m(z);
case 1:
return 2.*colourFactor(ids)*log(z/(1.-z));
case 2:
return 2.*colourFactor(ids)/(1.-z);
case 3:
throw Exception() << "HalfHalfOneSplitFn::integOverP() invalid PDFfactor = "
<< PDFfactor << Exception::runerror;
double HalfHalfOneSplitFn::invIntegOverP(const double r, const IdList & ids,
unsigned int PDFfactor) const {
switch (PDFfactor) {
case 0:
return 1. - exp(- 0.5*r/colourFactor(ids));
case 1:
return 1./(1.-exp(-0.5*r/colourFactor(ids)));
case 2:
return 1.-2.*colourFactor(ids)/r;
case 3:
throw Exception() << "HalfHalfOneSplitFn::invIntegOverP() invalid PDFfactor = "
<< PDFfactor << Exception::runerror;
bool HalfHalfOneSplitFn::accept(const IdList &ids) const {
// 3 particles and in and out fermion same
if(ids.size()!=3 || ids[0]!=ids[1]) return false;
tcPDPtr q=getParticleData(ids[0]);
tcPDPtr g=getParticleData(ids[2]);
if(q->iSpin()!=PDT::Spin1Half ||
g->iSpin()!=PDT::Spin1) return false;
return checkColours(ids);
vector<pair<int, Complex> >
HalfHalfOneSplitFn::generatePhiForward(const double, const Energy2, const IdList & ,
const RhoDMatrix &) {
// no dependence on the spin density matrix, dependence on off-diagonal terms cancels
// and rest = splitting function for Tr(rho)=1 as required by defn
return vector<pair<int, Complex> >(1,make_pair(0,1.));
vector<pair<int, Complex> >
HalfHalfOneSplitFn::generatePhiBackward(const double, const Energy2, const IdList & ,
const RhoDMatrix &) {
// no dependence on the spin density matrix, dependence on off-diagonal terms cancels
// and rest = splitting function for Tr(rho)=1 as required by defn
return vector<pair<int, Complex> >(1,make_pair(0,1.));
DecayMEPtr HalfHalfOneSplitFn::matrixElement(const double z, const Energy2 t,
const IdList & ids, const double phi,
bool timeLike) {
// calculate the kernal
DecayMEPtr kernal(new_ptr(TwoBodyDecayMatrixElement(PDT::Spin1Half,PDT::Spin1Half,PDT::Spin1)));
Energy m = !timeLike ? ZERO : getParticleData(ids[0])->mass();
double mt = m/sqrt(t);
double root = sqrt(1.-(1.-z)*sqr(m)/z/t);
double romz = sqrt(1.-z);
double rz = sqrt(z);
Complex phase = exp(Complex(0.,1.)*phi);
(*kernal)(0,0,0) = -root/romz*phase;
(*kernal)(1,1,2) = -conj((*kernal)(0,0,0));
(*kernal)(0,0,2) = root/romz*z/phase;
(*kernal)(1,1,0) = -conj((*kernal)(0,0,2));
(*kernal)(1,0,2) = mt*(1.-z)/rz;
(*kernal)(0,1,0) = conj((*kernal)(1,0,2));
(*kernal)(0,1,2) = 0.;
(*kernal)(1,0,0) = 0.;
return kernal;
diff --git a/Shower/SplittingFunctions/HalfHalfOneSplitFn.h b/Shower/SplittingFunctions/HalfHalfOneSplitFn.h
--- a/Shower/SplittingFunctions/HalfHalfOneSplitFn.h
+++ b/Shower/SplittingFunctions/HalfHalfOneSplitFn.h
@@ -1,186 +1,188 @@
// -*- C++ -*-
// HalfHalfOneSplitFn.h is a part of Herwig - A multi-purpose Monte Carlo event generator
// Copyright (C) 2002-2011 The Herwig Collaboration
// Herwig is licenced under version 2 of the GPL, see COPYING for details.
// Please respect the MCnet academic guidelines, see GUIDELINES for details.
#ifndef HERWIG_HalfHalfOneSplitFn_H
#define HERWIG_HalfHalfOneSplitFn_H
// This is the declaration of the HalfHalfOneSplitFn class.
#include "SplittingFunction.h"
namespace Herwig {
using namespace ThePEG;
/**\ingroup Shower
* This class provides the concrete implementation of the exact leading-order
* splitting function for \f$\frac12\to q\frac12 1\f$.
* In this case the splitting function is given by
* \f[P(z,t) =C\left(\frac{1+z^2}{1-z}-2\frac{m^2_q}{t}\right),\f]
* where \f$C\f$ is the corresponding colour factor.
* Our choice for the overestimate is
* \f[P_{\rm over}(z) = \frac{2C}{1-z},\f]
* therefore the integral is
* \f[\int P_{\rm over}(z) {\rm d}z = -2C\ln(1-z),\f]
* and its inverse is
* \f[1-\exp\left(\frac{r}{2C}\right).\f]
* @see \ref HalfHalfOneSplitFnInterfaces "The interfaces"
* defined for HalfHalfOneSplitFn.
class HalfHalfOneSplitFn: public SplittingFunction {
* The default constructor.
HalfHalfOneSplitFn() : SplittingFunction(1) {}
* Concrete implementation of the method to determine whether this splitting
* function can be used for a given set of particles.
* @param ids The PDG codes for the particles in the splitting.
virtual bool accept(const IdList & ids) const;
* Methods to return the splitting function.
* The concrete implementation of the splitting function, \f$P(z,t)\f$.
* @param z The energy fraction.
* @param t The scale.
* @param ids The PDG codes for the particles in the splitting.
* @param mass Whether or not to include the mass dependent terms
+ * @param rho The spin density matrix
virtual double P(const double z, const Energy2 t, const IdList & ids,
- const bool mass) const;
+ const bool mass, const RhoDMatrix & rho) const;
* The concrete implementation of the overestimate of the splitting function,
* \f$P_{\rm over}\f$.
* @param z The energy fraction.
* @param ids The PDG codes for the particles in the splitting.
virtual double overestimateP(const double z, const IdList & ids) const;
* The concrete implementation of the
* the ratio of the splitting function to the overestimate, i.e.
* \f$P(z,t)/P_{\rm over}(z)\f$.
* @param z The energy fraction.
* @param t The scale.
* @param ids The PDG codes for the particles in the splitting.
* @param mass Whether or not to include the mass dependent terms
+ * @param rho The spin density matrix
virtual double ratioP(const double z, const Energy2 t, const IdList & ids,
- const bool mass) const;
+ const bool mass, const RhoDMatrix & rho) const;
* The concrete implementation of the indefinite integral of the
* overestimated splitting function, \f$P_{\rm over}\f$.
* @param z The energy fraction.
* @param ids The PDG codes for the particles in the splitting.
* @param PDFfactor Which additional factor to include for the PDF
* 0 is no additional factor,
* 1 is \f$1/z\f$, 2 is \f$1/(1-z)\f$ and 3 is \f$1/z/(1-z)\f$
virtual double integOverP(const double z, const IdList & ids,
unsigned int PDFfactor=0) const;
* The concrete implementation of the inverse of the indefinite integral.
* @param r Value of the splitting function to be inverted
* @param ids The PDG codes for the particles in the splitting.
* @param PDFfactor Which additional factor to include for the PDF
* 0 is no additional factor,
* 1 is \f$1/z\f$, 2 is \f$1/(1-z)\f$ and 3 is \f$1/z/(1-z)\f$
virtual double invIntegOverP(const double r, const IdList & ids,
unsigned int PDFfactor=0) const;
* Method to calculate the azimuthal angle
* @param z The energy fraction
* @param t The scale \f$t=2p_j\cdot p_k\f$.
* @param ids The PDG codes for the particles in the splitting.
* @param The azimuthal angle, \f$\phi\f$.
* @return The weight
virtual vector<pair<int,Complex> >
generatePhiForward(const double z, const Energy2 t, const IdList & ids,
const RhoDMatrix &);
* Method to calculate the azimuthal angle for backward evolution
* @param z The energy fraction
* @param t The scale \f$t=2p_j\cdot p_k\f$.
* @param ids The PDG codes for the particles in the splitting.
* @param The azimuthal angle, \f$\phi\f$.
* @return The weight
virtual vector<pair<int,Complex> >
generatePhiBackward(const double z, const Energy2 t, const IdList & ids,
const RhoDMatrix &);
* Calculate the matrix element for the splitting
* @param z The energy fraction
* @param t The scale \f$t=2p_j\cdot p_k\f$.
* @param ids The PDG codes for the particles in the splitting.
* @param The azimuthal angle, \f$\phi\f$.
virtual DecayMEPtr matrixElement(const double z, const Energy2 t,
const IdList & ids, const double phi, bool timeLike);
* The standard Init function used to initialize the interfaces.
* Called exactly once for each class by the class description system
* before the main function starts or
* when this class is dynamically loaded.
static void Init();
/** @name Clone Methods. */
* Make a simple clone of this object.
* @return a pointer to the new object.
virtual IBPtr clone() const {return new_ptr(*this);}
/** Make a clone of this object, possibly modifying the cloned object
* to make it sane.
* @return a pointer to the new object.
virtual IBPtr fullclone() const {return new_ptr(*this);}
* The assignment operator is private and must never be called.
* In fact, it should not even be implemented.
HalfHalfOneSplitFn & operator=(const HalfHalfOneSplitFn &);
#endif /* HERWIG_HalfHalfOneSplitFn_H */
diff --git a/Shower/SplittingFunctions/ b/Shower/SplittingFunctions/
--- a/Shower/SplittingFunctions/
+++ b/Shower/SplittingFunctions/
@@ -1,145 +1,145 @@
// -*- C++ -*-
// is a part of Herwig - A multi-purpose Monte Carlo event generator
// Copyright (C) 2002-2011 The Herwig Collaboration
// Herwig is licenced under version 2 of the GPL, see COPYING for details.
// Please respect the MCnet academic guidelines, see GUIDELINES for details.
// This is the implementation of the non-inlined, non-templated member
// functions of the HalfOneHalfSplitFn class.
#include "HalfOneHalfSplitFn.h"
#include "ThePEG/PDT/ParticleData.h"
#include "ThePEG/Interface/ClassDocumentation.h"
#include "ThePEG/Utilities/DescribeClass.h"
#include "Herwig/Decay/TwoBodyDecayMatrixElement.h"
using namespace Herwig;
describeHalfOneHalfSplitFn ("Herwig::HalfOneHalfSplitFn","");
void HalfOneHalfSplitFn::Init() {
static ClassDocumentation<HalfOneHalfSplitFn> documentation
("The HalfOneHalfSplitFn class implements the splitting "
"function for q -> g q");
double HalfOneHalfSplitFn::P(const double z, const Energy2 t,
- const IdList &ids, const bool mass) const {
+ const IdList &ids, const bool mass, const RhoDMatrix & ) const {
double val=(2.*(1.-z)+sqr(z))/z;
if(mass) {
Energy m = getParticleData(ids[0])->mass();
return colourFactor(ids)*val;
double HalfOneHalfSplitFn::overestimateP(const double z,
const IdList &ids) const {
return 2.*colourFactor(ids)/z;
double HalfOneHalfSplitFn::ratioP(const double z, const Energy2 t,
- const IdList &ids,const bool mass) const {
+ const IdList &ids,const bool mass, const RhoDMatrix & ) const {
double val=2.*(1.-z)+sqr(z);
if(mass) {
Energy m=getParticleData(ids[0])->mass();
val -=2.*sqr(m)*z/t;
return 0.5*val;
double HalfOneHalfSplitFn::integOverP(const double z, const IdList & ids,
unsigned int PDFfactor) const {
switch(PDFfactor) {
case 0:
return 2.*colourFactor(ids)*log(z);
case 1:
return -2.*colourFactor(ids)/z;
case 2:
return 2.*colourFactor(ids)*log(z/(1.-z));
case 3:
throw Exception() << "HalfOneHalfSplitFn::integOverP() invalid PDFfactor = "
<< PDFfactor << Exception::runerror;
double HalfOneHalfSplitFn::invIntegOverP(const double r,
const IdList & ids,
unsigned int PDFfactor) const {
switch(PDFfactor) {
case 0:
return exp(0.5*r/colourFactor(ids));
case 1:
return -2.*colourFactor(ids)/r;
case 2:
return 1./(1.+exp(-0.5*r/colourFactor(ids)));
case 3:
throw Exception() << "HalfOneHalfSplitFn::integOverP() invalid PDFfactor = "
<< PDFfactor << Exception::runerror;
bool HalfOneHalfSplitFn::accept(const IdList &ids) const {
// 3 particles and in and out fermion same
if(ids.size()!=3 || ids[0]!=ids[2]) return false;
tcPDPtr q=getParticleData(ids[0]);
tcPDPtr g=getParticleData(ids[1]);
if(q->iSpin()!=PDT::Spin1Half ||
g->iSpin()!=PDT::Spin1) return false;
return checkColours(ids);
vector<pair<int, Complex> >
HalfOneHalfSplitFn::generatePhiForward(const double, const Energy2, const IdList & ,
const RhoDMatrix &) {
// no dependence on the spin density matrix, dependence on off-diagonal terms cancels
// and rest = splitting function for Tr(rho)=1 as required by defn
return vector<pair<int, Complex> >(1,make_pair(0,1.));
vector<pair<int, Complex> >
HalfOneHalfSplitFn::generatePhiBackward(const double z, const Energy2 t, const IdList & ids,
const RhoDMatrix & rho) {
double mt = sqr(getParticleData(ids[0])->mass())/t;
double diag = (1.+sqr(1.-z))/z - 2.*mt;
double off = 2.*(1.-z)/z*(1.-mt*z/(1.-z));
double max = diag+2.*abs(rho(0,2))*off;
vector<pair<int, Complex> > output;
output.push_back(make_pair( 0, (rho(0,0)+rho(2,2))*diag/max));
output.push_back(make_pair( 2, -rho(0,2) * off/max));
output.push_back(make_pair(-2, -rho(2,0) * off/max));
return output;
DecayMEPtr HalfOneHalfSplitFn::matrixElement(const double z, const Energy2 t,
const IdList & ids, const double phi,
bool timeLike) {
// calculate the kernal
DecayMEPtr kernal(new_ptr(TwoBodyDecayMatrixElement(PDT::Spin1Half,PDT::Spin1,PDT::Spin1Half)));
Energy m = !timeLike ? ZERO : getParticleData(ids[0])->mass();
double mt = m/sqrt(t);
double root = sqrt(1.-z*sqr(m)/(1.-z)/t);
double romz = sqrt(1.-z);
double rz = sqrt(z);
Complex phase = exp(Complex(0.,1.)*phi);
(*kernal)(0,0,0) = -root/rz/phase;
(*kernal)(1,2,1) = -conj((*kernal)(0,0,0));
(*kernal)(0,2,0) = root/rz*(1.-z)*phase;
(*kernal)(1,0,1) = -conj((*kernal)(0,2,0));
(*kernal)(1,2,0) = mt*z/romz;
(*kernal)(0,0,1) = conj((*kernal)(1,2,0));
(*kernal)(0,2,1) = 0.;
(*kernal)(1,0,0) = 0.;
return kernal;
diff --git a/Shower/SplittingFunctions/HalfOneHalfSplitFn.h b/Shower/SplittingFunctions/HalfOneHalfSplitFn.h
--- a/Shower/SplittingFunctions/HalfOneHalfSplitFn.h
+++ b/Shower/SplittingFunctions/HalfOneHalfSplitFn.h
@@ -1,186 +1,188 @@
// -*- C++ -*-
// HalfOneHalfSplitFn.h is a part of Herwig - A multi-purpose Monte Carlo event generator
// Copyright (C) 2002-2011 The Herwig Collaboration
// Herwig is licenced under version 2 of the GPL, see COPYING for details.
// Please respect the MCnet academic guidelines, see GUIDELINES for details.
#ifndef HERWIG_HalfOneHalfSplitFn_H
#define HERWIG_HalfOneHalfSplitFn_H
// This is the declaration of the HalfOneHalfSplitFn class.
#include "SplittingFunction.h"
namespace Herwig {
using namespace ThePEG;
/** \ingroup Shower
* This classs provides the concrete implementation of the exact leading-order
* splitting function for \f$\frac12\to 1\frac12\f$.
* In this case the splitting function is given by
* \f[P(z,t) = C\left(\frac{2(1-z)+z^2}{z}-2\frac{m^2_q}t\right),\f]
* where \f$C\f$ is the corresponding colour factor.
* Our choice for the overestimate is
* \f[P_{\rm over}(z) = 2C\frac1z,\f]
* therefore the integral is
* \f[\int P_{\rm over}(z) {\rm d}z = 2C\ln z,\f]
* and its inverse is
* \f[\exp\left(\frac{r}{2C}\right).\f]
* @see SplittingFunction
class HalfOneHalfSplitFn: public SplittingFunction {
* The default constructor.
HalfOneHalfSplitFn() : SplittingFunction(1) {}
* Concrete implementation of the method to determine whether this splitting
* function can be used for a given set of particles.
* @param ids The PDG codes for the particles in the splitting.
virtual bool accept(const IdList & ids) const;
* Methods to return the splitting function.
* The concrete implementation of the splitting function, \f$P(z,t)\f$.
* @param z The energy fraction.
* @param t The scale.
* @param ids The PDG codes for the particles in the splitting.
* @param mass Whether or not to include the mass dependent terms
+ * @param rho The spin density matrix
virtual double P(const double z, const Energy2 t, const IdList & ids,
- const bool mass) const;
+ const bool mass, const RhoDMatrix & rho) const;
* The concrete implementation of the overestimate of the splitting function,
* \f$P_{\rm over}\f$.
* @param z The energy fraction.
* @param ids The PDG codes for the particles in the splitting.
virtual double overestimateP(const double z, const IdList & ids) const;
* The concrete implementation of the
* the ratio of the splitting function to the overestimate, i.e.
* \f$P(z,t)/P_{\rm over}(z)\f$.
* @param z The energy fraction.
* @param t The scale.
* @param ids The PDG codes for the particles in the splitting.
* @param mass Whether or not to include the mass dependent terms
+ * @param rho The spin density matrix
virtual double ratioP(const double z, const Energy2 t, const IdList & ids,
- const bool mass) const;
+ const bool mass, const RhoDMatrix & rho) const;
* The concrete implementation of the indefinite integral of the
* overestimated splitting function, \f$P_{\rm over}\f$.
* @param z The energy fraction.
* @param ids The PDG codes for the particles in the splitting.
* @param PDFfactor Which additional factor to include for the PDF
* 0 is no additional factor,
* 1 is \f$1/z\f$, 2 is \f$1/(1-z)\f$ and 3 is \f$1/z/(1-z)\f$
virtual double integOverP(const double z, const IdList & ids,
unsigned int PDFfactor=0) const;
* The concrete implementation of the inverse of the indefinite integral.
* @param r Value of the splitting function to be inverted
* @param ids The PDG codes for the particles in the splitting.
* @param PDFfactor Which additional factor to include for the PDF
* 0 is no additional factor,
* 1 is \f$1/z\f$, 2 is \f$1/(1-z)\f$ and 3 is \f$1/z/(1-z)\f$
virtual double invIntegOverP(const double r, const IdList & ids,
unsigned int PDFfactor=0) const;
* Method to calculate the azimuthal angle for forward evolution
* @param z The energy fraction
* @param t The scale \f$t=2p_j\cdot p_k\f$.
* @param ids The PDG codes for the particles in the splitting.
* @param The azimuthal angle, \f$\phi\f$.
* @return The weight
virtual vector<pair<int,Complex> >
generatePhiForward(const double z, const Energy2 t, const IdList & ids,
const RhoDMatrix &);
* Method to calculate the azimuthal angle for backward evolution
* @param z The energy fraction
* @param t The scale \f$t=2p_j\cdot p_k\f$.
* @param ids The PDG codes for the particles in the splitting.
* @param The azimuthal angle, \f$\phi\f$.
* @return The weight
virtual vector<pair<int,Complex> >
generatePhiBackward(const double z, const Energy2 t, const IdList & ids,
const RhoDMatrix &);
* Calculate the matrix element for the splitting
* @param z The energy fraction
* @param t The scale \f$t=2p_j\cdot p_k\f$.
* @param ids The PDG codes for the particles in the splitting.
* @param The azimuthal angle, \f$\phi\f$.
virtual DecayMEPtr matrixElement(const double z, const Energy2 t,
const IdList & ids, const double phi, bool timeLike);
* The standard Init function used to initialize the interfaces.
* Called exactly once for each class by the class description system
* before the main function starts or
* when this class is dynamically loaded.
static void Init();
/** @name Clone Methods. */
* Make a simple clone of this object.
* @return a pointer to the new object.
virtual IBPtr clone() const {return new_ptr(*this);}
/** Make a clone of this object, possibly modifying the cloned object
* to make it sane.
* @return a pointer to the new object.
virtual IBPtr fullclone() const {return new_ptr(*this);}
* The assignment operator is private and must never be called.
* In fact, it should not even be implemented.
HalfOneHalfSplitFn & operator=(const HalfOneHalfSplitFn &);
#endif /* HERWIG_HalfOneHalfSplitFn_H */
diff --git a/Shower/SplittingFunctions/ b/Shower/SplittingFunctions/
--- a/Shower/SplittingFunctions/
+++ b/Shower/SplittingFunctions/
@@ -1,144 +1,144 @@
// -*- C++ -*-
// is a part of Herwig - A multi-purpose Monte Carlo event generator
// Copyright (C) 2002-2011 The Herwig Collaboration
// Herwig is licenced under version 2 of the GPL, see COPYING for details.
// Please respect the MCnet academic guidelines, see GUIDELINES for details.
// This is the implementation of the non-inlined, non-templated member
// functions of the OneHalfHalfSplitFn class.
#include "OneHalfHalfSplitFn.h"
#include "ThePEG/PDT/ParticleData.h"
#include "ThePEG/Interface/ClassDocumentation.h"
#include "ThePEG/Utilities/DescribeClass.h"
#include "Herwig/Decay/TwoBodyDecayMatrixElement.h"
using namespace Herwig;
describeOneHalfHalfSplitFn ("Herwig::OneHalfHalfSplitFn","");
void OneHalfHalfSplitFn::Init() {
static ClassDocumentation<OneHalfHalfSplitFn> documentation
("The OneHalfHalfSplitFn class implements the splitting function for g->q qbar");
double OneHalfHalfSplitFn::P(const double z, const Energy2 t,
- const IdList &ids, const bool mass) const {
+ const IdList &ids, const bool mass, const RhoDMatrix &) const {
double zz = z*(1.-z);
double val=1.-2.*zz;
if(mass) {
Energy m = getParticleData(ids[1])->mass();
val +=2.*sqr(m)/t;
return colourFactor(ids)*val;
double OneHalfHalfSplitFn::overestimateP(const double,
const IdList &ids) const {
return colourFactor(ids);
double OneHalfHalfSplitFn::ratioP(const double z, const Energy2 t,
- const IdList &ids, const bool mass) const {
+ const IdList &ids, const bool mass, const RhoDMatrix &) const {
double zz = z*(1.-z);
double val = 1.-2.*zz;
if(mass) {
Energy m = getParticleData(ids[1])->mass();
val+= 2.*sqr(m)/t;
return val;
double OneHalfHalfSplitFn::integOverP(const double z, const IdList & ids,
unsigned int PDFfactor) const {
switch(PDFfactor) {
case 0:
return colourFactor(ids)*z;
case 1:
return colourFactor(ids)*log(z);
case 2:
return -colourFactor(ids)*log(1.-z);
case 3:
return colourFactor(ids)*log(z/(1.-z));
throw Exception() << "OneHalfHalfSplitFn::integOverP() invalid PDFfactor = "
<< PDFfactor << Exception::runerror;
double OneHalfHalfSplitFn::invIntegOverP(const double r,
const IdList & ids,
unsigned int PDFfactor) const {
switch(PDFfactor) {
case 0:
return r/colourFactor(ids);
case 1:
return exp(r/colourFactor(ids));
case 2:
return 1.-exp(-r/colourFactor(ids));
case 3:
return 1./(1.+exp(-r/colourFactor(ids)));
throw Exception() << "OneHalfHalfSplitFn::integOverP() invalid PDFfactor = "
<< PDFfactor << Exception::runerror;
bool OneHalfHalfSplitFn::accept(const IdList &ids) const {
if(ids.size()!=3) return false;
if(ids[1]!=-ids[2]) return false;
tcPDPtr q=getParticleData(ids[1]);
if(q->iSpin()!=PDT::Spin1Half) return false;
tcPDPtr g=getParticleData(ids[0]);
if(g->iSpin()!=PDT::Spin1) return false;
return checkColours(ids);
vector<pair<int, Complex> >
OneHalfHalfSplitFn::generatePhiForward(const double z, const Energy2 t, const IdList & ids,
const RhoDMatrix & rho) {
double modRho = abs(rho(0,2));
Energy mq = getParticleData(ids[1])->mass();
Energy2 mq2 = sqr(mq);
double fact = z*(1.-z)-mq2/t;
double max = 1.+2.*fact*(-1.+2.*modRho);
vector<pair<int, Complex> > output;
output.push_back(make_pair( 0,(rho(0,0)+rho(2,2))*(1.-2.*fact)/max));
output.push_back(make_pair( 2,2.*fact*rho(2,0)/max));
return output;
vector<pair<int, Complex> >
OneHalfHalfSplitFn::generatePhiBackward(const double, const Energy2, const IdList &,
const RhoDMatrix & ) {
// no dependance
return vector<pair<int, Complex> >(1,make_pair(0,1.));
DecayMEPtr OneHalfHalfSplitFn::matrixElement(const double z, const Energy2 t,
const IdList & ids, const double phi,
bool timeLike) {
static const Complex ii(0.,1.);
// calculate the kernal
DecayMEPtr kernal(new_ptr(TwoBodyDecayMatrixElement(PDT::Spin1,PDT::Spin1Half,PDT::Spin1Half)));
double mt = !timeLike ? ZERO : getParticleData(ids[1])->mass()/sqrt(t);
double root =sqrt(1.-sqr(mt)/z/(1.-z));
(*kernal)(0,0,0) = mt/sqrt(z*(1.-z));
(*kernal)(2,1,1) = (*kernal)(0,0,0);
(*kernal)(0,0,1) = -z*root*exp(-ii*phi);
(*kernal)(2,1,0) = -conj((*kernal)(0,0,1));
(*kernal)(0,1,0) = (1.-z)*exp(-ii*phi)*root;
(*kernal)(2,0,1) = -conj((*kernal)(0,1,0));
(*kernal)(0,1,1) = 0.;
(*kernal)(2,0,0) = 0.;
return kernal;
diff --git a/Shower/SplittingFunctions/OneHalfHalfSplitFn.h b/Shower/SplittingFunctions/OneHalfHalfSplitFn.h
--- a/Shower/SplittingFunctions/OneHalfHalfSplitFn.h
+++ b/Shower/SplittingFunctions/OneHalfHalfSplitFn.h
@@ -1,191 +1,193 @@
// -*- C++ -*-
// OneHalfHalfSplitFn.h is a part of Herwig - A multi-purpose Monte Carlo event generator
// Copyright (C) 2002-2011 The Herwig Collaboration
// Herwig is licenced under version 2 of the GPL, see COPYING for details.
// Please respect the MCnet academic guidelines, see GUIDELINES for details.
#ifndef HERWIG_OneHalfHalfSplitFn_H
#define HERWIG_OneHalfHalfSplitFn_H
// This is the declaration of the OneHalfHalfSplitFn class.
#include "SplittingFunction.h"
namespace Herwig {
using namespace ThePEG;
/**\ingroup Shower
* This class provides the concrete implementation of the exact leading-order
* splitting function for \f$1\to \frac12\frac12\f$.
* In this case the splitting function is given by
* \f[P(z,t) =C\left(1-2z(1-z)+2\frac{m_q^2}{t}\right),\f]
* where \f$C\f$ is the corresponding colour factor
* Our choice for the overestimate is
* \f[P_{\rm over}(z) = C,\f]
* therefore the integral is
* \f[\int P_{\rm over}(z) {\rm d}z =Cz,\f]
* and its inverse is
* \f[\frac{r}{C}\f]
* @see \ref OneHalfHalfSplitFnInterfaces "The interfaces"
* defined for OneHalfHalfSplitFn.
class OneHalfHalfSplitFn: public SplittingFunction {
* The default constructor.
OneHalfHalfSplitFn() : SplittingFunction(1) {}
* Concrete implementation of the method to determine whether this splitting
* function can be used for a given set of particles.
* @param ids The PDG codes for the particles in the splitting.
virtual bool accept(const IdList & ids) const;
* Methods to return the splitting function.
* The concrete implementation of the splitting function, \f$P\f$.
* @param z The energy fraction.
* @param t The scale.
* @param ids The PDG codes for the particles in the splitting.
* @param mass Whether or not to include the mass dependent terms
+ * @param rho The spin density matrix
virtual double P(const double z, const Energy2 t, const IdList & ids,
- const bool mass) const;
+ const bool mass, const RhoDMatrix & rho) const;
* The concrete implementation of the overestimate of the splitting function,
* \f$P_{\rm over}\f$.
* @param z The energy fraction.
* @param ids The PDG codes for the particles in the splitting.
virtual double overestimateP(const double z, const IdList & ids) const;
* The concrete implementation of the
* the ratio of the splitting function to the overestimate, i.e.
* \f$P(z,\tilde{q}^2)/P_{\rm over}(z)\f$.
* @param z The energy fraction.
* @param t The scale.
* @param ids The PDG codes for the particles in the splitting.
* @param mass Whether or not to include the mass dependent terms
+ * @param rho The spin density matrix
virtual double ratioP(const double z, const Energy2 t, const IdList & ids,
- const bool mass) const;
+ const bool mass, const RhoDMatrix & rho) const;
* The concrete implementation of the indefinite integral of the
* overestimated splitting function, \f$P_{\rm over}\f$.
* @param z The energy fraction.
* @param ids The PDG codes for the particles in the splitting.
* @param PDFfactor Which additional factor to include for the PDF
* 0 is no additional factor,
* 1 is \f$1/z\f$, 2 is \f$1/(1-z)\f$ and 3 is \f$1/z/(1-z)\f$
virtual double integOverP(const double z, const IdList & ids,
unsigned int PDFfactor=0) const;
* The concrete implementation of the inverse of the indefinite integral.
* @param r Value of the splitting function to be inverted
* @param ids The PDG codes for the particles in the splitting.
* @param PDFfactor Which additional factor to include for the PDF
* 0 is no additional factor,
* 1 is \f$1/z\f$, 2 is \f$1/(1-z)\f$ and 3 is \f$1/z/(1-z)\f$
virtual double invIntegOverP(const double r, const IdList & ids,
unsigned int PDFfactor=0) const;
* Method to calculate the azimuthal angle
* @param particle The particle which is branching
* @param showerkin The ShowerKinematics object
* @param z The energy fraction
* @param t The scale \f$t=2p_j\cdot p_k\f$.
* @param ids The PDG codes for the particles in the splitting.
* @param The azimuthal angle, \f$\phi\f$.
* @return The weight
virtual vector<pair<int,Complex> >
generatePhiForward(const double z, const Energy2 t, const IdList & ids,
const RhoDMatrix &);
* Method to calculate the azimuthal angle
* @param particle The particle which is branching
* @param showerkin The ShowerKinematics object
* @param z The energy fraction
* @param t The scale \f$t=2p_j\cdot p_k\f$.
* @param ids The PDG codes for the particles in the splitting.
* @param The azimuthal angle, \f$\phi\f$.
* @return The weight
virtual vector<pair<int,Complex> >
generatePhiBackward(const double z, const Energy2 t, const IdList & ids,
const RhoDMatrix &);
* Calculate the matrix element for the splitting
* @param z The energy fraction
* @param t The scale \f$t=2p_j\cdot p_k\f$.
* @param ids The PDG codes for the particles in the splitting.
* @param The azimuthal angle, \f$\phi\f$.
virtual DecayMEPtr matrixElement(const double z, const Energy2 t,
const IdList & ids, const double phi, bool timeLike);
* The standard Init function used to initialize the interfaces.
* Called exactly once for each class by the class description system
* before the main function starts or
* when this class is dynamically loaded.
static void Init();
/** @name Clone Methods. */
* Make a simple clone of this object.
* @return a pointer to the new object.
virtual IBPtr clone() const {return new_ptr(*this);}
/** Make a clone of this object, possibly modifying the cloned object
* to make it sane.
* @return a pointer to the new object.
virtual IBPtr fullclone() const {return new_ptr(*this);}
* The assignment operator is private and must never be called.
* In fact, it should not even be implemented.
OneHalfHalfSplitFn & operator=(const OneHalfHalfSplitFn &);
#endif /* HERWIG_OneHalfHalfSplitFn_H */
diff --git a/Shower/SplittingFunctions/ b/Shower/SplittingFunctions/
--- a/Shower/SplittingFunctions/
+++ b/Shower/SplittingFunctions/
@@ -1,134 +1,134 @@
// -*- C++ -*-
// is a part of Herwig - A multi-purpose Monte Carlo event generator
// Copyright (C) 2002-2011 The Herwig Collaboration
// Herwig is licenced under version 2 of the GPL, see COPYING for details.
// Please respect the MCnet academic guidelines, see GUIDELINES for details.
// This is the implementation of the non-inlined, non-templated member
// functions of the OneOneOneSplitFn class.
#include "OneOneOneSplitFn.h"
#include "ThePEG/PDT/ParticleData.h"
#include "ThePEG/Interface/ClassDocumentation.h"
#include "ThePEG/Utilities/DescribeClass.h"
#include "Herwig/Decay/TwoBodyDecayMatrixElement.h"
using namespace Herwig;
describeOneOneOneSplitFn ("Herwig::OneOneOneSplitFn","");
void OneOneOneSplitFn::Init() {
static ClassDocumentation<OneOneOneSplitFn> documentation
("The OneOneOneSplitFn class implements the g -> gg splitting function");
double OneOneOneSplitFn::P(const double z, const Energy2,
- const IdList & ids, const bool)const {
+ const IdList & ids, const bool, const RhoDMatrix &)const {
// (this is historically important! the first physics - two years
// after the birth of the project - in the Herwig shower! Alberto
// & Stefan, 25/04/2002).
return colourFactor(ids)*sqr(1.-z*(1.-z))/(z*(1.-z));
double OneOneOneSplitFn::overestimateP(const double z,
const IdList & ids) const {
return colourFactor(ids)*(1/z + 1/(1.-z));
double OneOneOneSplitFn::ratioP(const double z, const Energy2,
- const IdList & , const bool) const {
+ const IdList & , const bool, const RhoDMatrix &) const {
return sqr(1.-z*(1.-z));
double OneOneOneSplitFn::invIntegOverP(const double r,
const IdList & ids,
unsigned int PDFfactor) const {
switch(PDFfactor) {
case 0:
return 1./(1.+exp(-r/colourFactor(ids)));
case 1:
case 2:
case 3:
throw Exception() << "OneOneOneSplitFn::integOverP() invalid PDFfactor = "
<< PDFfactor << Exception::runerror;
double OneOneOneSplitFn::integOverP(const double z, const IdList & ids,
unsigned int PDFfactor) const {
switch(PDFfactor) {
case 0:
return colourFactor(ids)*log(z/(1.-z));
case 1:
case 2:
case 3:
throw Exception() << "OneOneOneSplitFn::integOverP() invalid PDFfactor = "
<< PDFfactor << Exception::runerror;
bool OneOneOneSplitFn::accept(const IdList & ids) const {
if(ids.size()!=3) return false;
for(unsigned int ix=0;ix<ids.size();++ix) {
tcPDPtr part = getParticleData(ids[ix]);
if(part->iSpin()!=PDT::Spin1) return false;
return checkColours(ids);
vector<pair<int, Complex> >
OneOneOneSplitFn::generatePhiForward(const double z, const Energy2, const IdList &,
const RhoDMatrix & rho) {
double modRho = abs(rho(0,2));
double max = 2.*z*modRho*(1.-z)+sqr(1.-(1.-z)*z)/(z*(1.-z));
vector<pair<int, Complex> > output;
output.push_back(make_pair( 0,(rho(0,0)+rho(2,2))*sqr(1.-(1.-z)*z)/(z*(1.-z))/max));
output.push_back(make_pair( 2,-rho(2,0)*z*(1.-z)/max));
return output;
vector<pair<int, Complex> >
OneOneOneSplitFn::generatePhiBackward(const double z, const Energy2, const IdList &,
const RhoDMatrix & rho) {
double diag = sqr(1 - (1 - z)*z)/(1 - z)/z;
double off = (1.-z)/z;
double max = 2.*abs(rho(0,2))*off+diag;
vector<pair<int, Complex> > output;
output.push_back(make_pair( 0, (rho(0,0)+rho(2,2))*diag/max));
output.push_back(make_pair( 2,-rho(0,2) * off/max));
output.push_back(make_pair(-2,-rho(2,0) * off/max));
return output;
DecayMEPtr OneOneOneSplitFn::matrixElement(const double z, const Energy2,
const IdList &, const double phi,
bool) {
// calculate the kernal
DecayMEPtr kernal(new_ptr(TwoBodyDecayMatrixElement(PDT::Spin1,PDT::Spin1,PDT::Spin1)));
double omz = 1.-z;
double root = sqrt(z*omz);
Complex phase = exp(Complex(0.,1.)*phi);
(*kernal)(0,0,0) = phase/root;
(*kernal)(2,2,2) = -conj((*kernal)(0,0,0));
(*kernal)(0,0,2) = -sqr(z)/root/phase;
(*kernal)(2,2,0) = -conj((*kernal)(0,0,2));
(*kernal)(0,2,0) = -sqr(omz)/root/phase;
(*kernal)(2,0,2) = -conj((*kernal)(0,2,0));
(*kernal)(0,2,2) = 0.;
(*kernal)(2,0,0) = 0.;
return kernal;
diff --git a/Shower/SplittingFunctions/OneOneOneSplitFn.h b/Shower/SplittingFunctions/OneOneOneSplitFn.h
--- a/Shower/SplittingFunctions/OneOneOneSplitFn.h
+++ b/Shower/SplittingFunctions/OneOneOneSplitFn.h
@@ -1,187 +1,189 @@
// -*- C++ -*-
// OneOneOneSplitFn.h is a part of Herwig - A multi-purpose Monte Carlo event generator
// Copyright (C) 2002-2011 The Herwig Collaboration
// Herwig is licenced under version 2 of the GPL, see COPYING for details.
// Please respect the MCnet academic guidelines, see GUIDELINES for details.
#ifndef HERWIG_OneOneOneSplitFn_H
#define HERWIG_OneOneOneSplitFn_H
// This is the declaration of the OneOneOneSplitFn class.
#include "SplittingFunction.h"
namespace Herwig {
using namespace ThePEG;
/** \ingroup Shower
* This class provides the concrete implementation of the exact leading-order
* splitting function for \f$1\to 11\f$.
* In this case the splitting function is given by
* \f[P(z) =2C*\left(\frac{z}{1-z}+\frac{1-z}{z}+z(1-z)\right),\f]
* where \f$C=\f$ is the corresponding colour factor.
* Our choice for the overestimate is
* \f[P_{\rm over}(z) = 2C\left(\frac1z+\frac1{1-z}\right),\f]
* therefore the integral is
* \f[\int P_{\rm over}(z) {\rm d}z =2C\ln\left(\frac{z}{1-z}\right),\f]
* and its inverse is
* \f[\frac{\exp\left(\frac{r}{2C}\right)}{(1+\exp\left(\frac{r}{2C}\right)}\f]
* @see \ref OneOneOneSplitFnInterfaces "The interfaces"
* defined for OneOneOneSplitFn.
class OneOneOneSplitFn: public SplittingFunction {
* The default constructor.
OneOneOneSplitFn() : SplittingFunction(1) {}
* Concrete implementation of the method to determine whether this splitting
* function can be used for a given set of particles.
* @param ids The PDG codes for the particles in the splitting.
virtual bool accept(const IdList & ids) const;
* Methods to return the splitting function.
* The concrete implementation of the splitting function, \f$P(z,t)\f$.
* @param z The energy fraction.
* @param t The scale.
* @param ids The PDG codes for the particles in the splitting.
* @param mass Whether or not to include the mass dependent terms
+ * @param rho The spin density matrix
virtual double P(const double z, const Energy2 t, const IdList & ids,
- const bool mass) const;
+ const bool mass, const RhoDMatrix & rho) const;
* The concrete implementation of the overestimate of the splitting function,
* \f$P_{\rm over}\f$.
* @param z The energy fraction.
* @param ids The PDG codes for the particles in the splitting.
virtual double overestimateP(const double z, const IdList & ids) const;
* The concrete implementation of the
* the ratio of the splitting function to the overestimate, i.e.
* \f$P(z,t)/P_{\rm over}(z)\f$.
* @param z The energy fraction.
* @param t The scale.
* @param ids The PDG codes for the particles in the splitting.
* @param mass Whether or not to include the mass dependent terms
+ * @param rho The spin density matrix
virtual double ratioP(const double z, const Energy2 t, const IdList & ids,
- const bool mass) const;
+ const bool mass, const RhoDMatrix & rho) const;
* The concrete implementation of the indefinite integral of the
* overestimated splitting function, \f$P_{\rm over}\f$.
* @param z The energy fraction.
* @param ids The PDG codes for the particles in the splitting.
* @param PDFfactor Which additional factor to include for the PDF
* 0 is no additional factor,
* 1 is \f$1/z\f$, 2 is \f$1/(1-z)\f$ and 3 is \f$1/z/(1-z)\f$
virtual double integOverP(const double z, const IdList & ids,
unsigned int PDFfactor=0) const;
* The concrete implementation of the inverse of the indefinite integral.
* @param r Value of the splitting function to be inverted
* @param ids The PDG codes for the particles in the splitting.
* @param PDFfactor Which additional factor to include for the PDF
* 0 is no additional factor,
* 1 is \f$1/z\f$, 2 is \f$1/(1-z)\f$ and 3 is \f$1/z/(1-z)\f$
virtual double invIntegOverP(const double r, const IdList & ids,
unsigned int PDFfactor=0) const;
* Method to calculate the azimuthal angle for forward evolution
* @param z The energy fraction
* @param t The scale \f$t=2p_j\cdot p_k\f$.
* @param ids The PDG codes for the particles in the splitting.
* @param The azimuthal angle, \f$\phi\f$.
* @return The weight
virtual vector<pair<int,Complex> >
generatePhiForward(const double z, const Energy2 t, const IdList & ids,
const RhoDMatrix &);
* Method to calculate the azimuthal angle for backward evolution
* @param z The energy fraction
* @param t The scale \f$t=2p_j\cdot p_k\f$.
* @param ids The PDG codes for the particles in the splitting.
* @param The azimuthal angle, \f$\phi\f$.
* @return The weight
virtual vector<pair<int,Complex> >
generatePhiBackward(const double z, const Energy2 t, const IdList & ids,
const RhoDMatrix &);
* Calculate the matrix element for the splitting
* @param z The energy fraction
* @param t The scale \f$t=2p_j\cdot p_k\f$.
* @param ids The PDG codes for the particles in the splitting.
* @param The azimuthal angle, \f$\phi\f$.
virtual DecayMEPtr matrixElement(const double z, const Energy2 t,
const IdList & ids, const double phi, bool timeLike);
* The standard Init function used to initialize the interfaces.
* Called exactly once for each class by the class description system
* before the main function starts or
* when this class is dynamically loaded.
static void Init();
/** @name Clone Methods. */
* Make a simple clone of this object.
* @return a pointer to the new object.
virtual IBPtr clone() const {return new_ptr(*this);}
/** Make a clone of this object, possibly modifying the cloned object
* to make it sane.
* @return a pointer to the new object.
virtual IBPtr fullclone() const {return new_ptr(*this);}
* The assignment operator is private and must never be called.
* In fact, it should not even be implemented.
OneOneOneSplitFn & operator=(const OneOneOneSplitFn &);
#endif /* HERWIG_OneOneOneSplitFn_H */
diff --git a/Shower/SplittingFunctions/SplittingFunction.h b/Shower/SplittingFunctions/SplittingFunction.h
--- a/Shower/SplittingFunctions/SplittingFunction.h
+++ b/Shower/SplittingFunctions/SplittingFunction.h
@@ -1,372 +1,374 @@
// -*- C++ -*-
// SplittingFunction.h is a part of Herwig - A multi-purpose Monte Carlo event generator
// Copyright (C) 2002-2011 The Herwig Collaboration
// Herwig is licenced under version 2 of the GPL, see COPYING for details.
// Please respect the MCnet academic guidelines, see GUIDELINES for details.
#ifndef HERWIG_SplittingFunction_H
#define HERWIG_SplittingFunction_H
// This is the declaration of the SplittingFunction class.
#include "ThePEG/Interface/Interfaced.h"
#include "Herwig/Shower/ShowerConfig.h"
#include "ThePEG/EventRecord/RhoDMatrix.h"
#include "Herwig/Decay/DecayMatrixElement.h"
#include "Herwig/Shower/Base/ShowerKinematics.fh"
#include "ThePEG/EventRecord/ColourLine.h"
#include "ThePEG/PDT/ParticleData.h"
#include "SplittingFunction.fh"
namespace Herwig {
using namespace ThePEG;
/** \ingroup Shower
* Enum to define the possible types of colour structure which can occur in
* the branching.
enum ColourStructure {Undefined=0,
TripletTripletOctet = 1,OctetOctetOctet =2,
OctetTripletTriplet = 3,TripletOctetTriplet=4,
SextetSextetOctet = 5,
/** \ingroup Shower
* This is an abstract class which defines the common interface
* for all \f$1\to2\f$ splitting functions, for both initial-state
* and final-state radiation.
* The SplittingFunction class contains a number of purely virtual members
* which must be implemented in the inheriting classes. The class also stores
* the interaction type of the spltting function.
* The inheriting classes need to specific the splitting function
* \f$P(z,2p_j\cdot p_k)\f$, in terms of the energy fraction \f$z\f$ and
* the evolution scale. In order to allow the splitting functions to be used
* with different choices of evolution functions the scale is given by
* \f[2p_j\cdot p_k=(p_j+p_k)^2-m_{jk}^2=Q^2-(p_j+p_k)^2=z(1-z)\tilde{q}^2=
* \frac{p_T^2}{z(1-z)}-m_{jk}^2+\frac{m_j^2}{z}+\frac{m_k^2}{1-z},\f]
* where \f$Q^2\f$ is the virtuality of the branching particle,
* $p_T$ is the relative transverse momentum of the branching products and
* \f$\tilde{q}^2\f$ is the angular variable described in hep-ph/0310083.
* In addition an overestimate of the
* splitting function, \f$P_{\rm over}(z)\f$ which only depends upon \f$z\f$,
* the integral, inverse of the integral for this overestimate and
* ratio of the true splitting function to the overestimate must be provided
* as they are necessary for the veto alogrithm used to implement the evolution.
* @see \ref SplittingFunctionInterfaces "The interfaces"
* defined for SplittingFunction.
class SplittingFunction: public Interfaced {
* The default constructor.
* @param b All splitting functions must have an interaction order
SplittingFunction(unsigned int b)
: Interfaced(), _interactionType(ShowerInteraction::UNDEFINED),
_colourStructure(Undefined), _colourFactor(-1.),
angularOrdered_(true) {}
* Methods to return the interaction type and order for the splitting function
* Return the type of the interaction
ShowerInteraction::Type interactionType() const {return _interactionType;}
* Return the order of the splitting function in the interaction
unsigned int interactionOrder() const {return _interactionOrder;}
* Return the colour structure
ColourStructure colourStructure() const {return _colourStructure;}
* Return the colour factor
double colourFactor(const IdList &ids) const {
return _colourFactor;
else if(_colourStructure<0) {
if(_colourStructure==ChargedChargedNeutral ||
_colourStructure==ChargedNeutralCharged) {
tPDPtr part=getParticleData(ids[0]);
return sqr(double(part->iCharge())/3.);
else {
tPDPtr part=getParticleData(ids[1]);
return sqr(double(part->iCharge())/3.);
* Purely virtual method which should determine whether this splitting
* function can be used for a given set of particles.
* @param ids The PDG codes for the particles in the splitting.
virtual bool accept(const IdList & ids) const = 0;
* Method to check the colours are correct
virtual bool checkColours(const IdList & ids) const;
* Methods to return the splitting function.
* Purely virtual method which should return the exact value of the splitting function,
* \f$P\f$ evaluated in terms of the energy fraction, \f$z\f$, and the evolution scale
* @param z The energy fraction.
* @param t The scale \f$t=2p_j\cdot p_k\f$.
* @param ids The PDG codes for the particles in the splitting.
* @param mass Whether or not to include the mass dependent terms
+ * @param rho The spin density matrix
virtual double P(const double z, const Energy2 t, const IdList & ids,
- const bool mass) const = 0;
+ const bool mass, const RhoDMatrix & rho) const = 0;
* Purely virtual method which should return
* an overestimate of the splitting function,
* \f$P_{\rm over}\f$ such that the result \f$P_{\rm over}\geq P\f$. This function
* should be simple enough that it does not depend on the evolution scale.
* @param z The energy fraction.
* @param ids The PDG codes for the particles in the splitting.
virtual double overestimateP(const double z, const IdList & ids) const = 0;
* Purely virtual method which should return
* the ratio of the splitting function to the overestimate, i.e.
* \f$P(z,\tilde{q}^2)/P_{\rm over}(z)\f$.
* @param z The energy fraction.
* @param t The scale \f$t=2p_j\cdot p_k\f$.
* @param ids The PDG codes for the particles in the splitting.
* @param mass Whether or not to include the mass dependent terms
+ * @param rho The spin density matrix
virtual double ratioP(const double z, const Energy2 t, const IdList & ids,
- const bool mass) const = 0;
+ const bool mass, const RhoDMatrix & rho) const = 0;
* Purely virtual method which should return the indefinite integral of the
* overestimated splitting function, \f$P_{\rm over}\f$.
* @param z The energy fraction.
* @param ids The PDG codes for the particles in the splitting.
* @param PDFfactor Which additional factor to include for the PDF
* 0 is no additional factor,
* 1 is \f$1/z\f$, 2 is \f$1/(1-z)\f$ and 3 is \f$1/z/(1-z)\f$
virtual double integOverP(const double z, const IdList & ids,
unsigned int PDFfactor=0) const = 0;
* Purely virtual method which should return the inverse of the
* indefinite integral of the
* overestimated splitting function, \f$P_{\rm over}\f$ which is used to
* generate the value of \f$z\f$.
* @param r Value of the splitting function to be inverted
* @param ids The PDG codes for the particles in the splitting.
* @param PDFfactor Which additional factor to include for the PDF
* 0 is no additional factor,
* 1 is \f$1/z\f$, 2 is \f$1/(1-z)\f$ and 3 is \f$1/z/(1-z)\f$
virtual double invIntegOverP(const double r, const IdList & ids,
unsigned int PDFfactor=0) const = 0;
* Purely virtual method which should make the proper colour connection
* between the emitting parent and the branching products.
* @param parent The parent for the branching
* @param first The first branching product
* @param second The second branching product
* @param partnerType The type of evolution partner
* @param back Whether this is foward or backward evolution.
virtual void colourConnection(tShowerParticlePtr parent,
tShowerParticlePtr first,
tShowerParticlePtr second,
ShowerPartnerType::Type partnerType,
const bool back) const;
* Method to calculate the azimuthal angle for forward evolution
* @param z The energy fraction
* @param t The scale \f$t=2p_j\cdot p_k\f$.
* @param ids The PDG codes for the particles in the splitting.
* @param The azimuthal angle, \f$\phi\f$.
* @return The weight
virtual vector<pair<int,Complex> >
generatePhiForward(const double z, const Energy2 t, const IdList & ids,
const RhoDMatrix &) = 0;
* Method to calculate the azimuthal angle for backward evolution
* @param z The energy fraction
* @param t The scale \f$t=2p_j\cdot p_k\f$.
* @param ids The PDG codes for the particles in the splitting.
* @return The weight
virtual vector<pair<int,Complex> >
generatePhiBackward(const double z, const Energy2 t, const IdList & ids,
const RhoDMatrix &) = 0;
* Calculate the matrix element for the splitting
* @param z The energy fraction
* @param t The scale \f$t=2p_j\cdot p_k\f$.
* @param ids The PDG codes for the particles in the splitting.
* @param phi The azimuthal angle, \f$\phi\f$.
* @param timeLike Whether timelike or spacelike, affects inclusive of mass terms
virtual DecayMEPtr matrixElement(const double z, const Energy2 t,
const IdList & ids, const double phi,
bool timeLike) = 0;
* Whether or not the interaction is angular ordered
bool angularOrdered() const {return angularOrdered_;}
* Functions to state scales after branching happens
* Sort out scales for final-state emission
void evaluateFinalStateScales(ShowerPartnerType::Type type,
Energy scale, double z,
tShowerParticlePtr parent,
tShowerParticlePtr first,
tShowerParticlePtr second);
* Sort out scales for initial-state emission
void evaluateInitialStateScales(ShowerPartnerType::Type type,
Energy scale, double z,
tShowerParticlePtr parent,
tShowerParticlePtr first,
tShowerParticlePtr second);
* Sort out scales for decay emission
void evaluateDecayScales(ShowerPartnerType::Type type,
Energy scale, double z,
tShowerParticlePtr parent,
tShowerParticlePtr first,
tShowerParticlePtr second);
/** @name Functions used by the persistent I/O system. */
* Function used to write out object persistently.
* @param os the persistent output stream written to.
void persistentOutput(PersistentOStream & os) const;
* Function used to read in object persistently.
* @param is the persistent input stream read from.
* @param version the version number of the object when written.
void persistentInput(PersistentIStream & is, int version);
* The standard Init function used to initialize the interfaces.
* Called exactly once for each class by the class description system
* before the main function starts or
* when this class is dynamically loaded.
static void Init();
/** @name Standard Interfaced functions. */
* Initialize this object after the setup phase before saving an
* EventGenerator to disk.
* @throws InitException if object could not be initialized properly.
virtual void doinit();
* Set the colour factor
void colourFactor(double in) {_colourFactor=in;}
* The assignment operator is private and must never be called.
* In fact, it should not even be implemented.
SplittingFunction & operator=(const SplittingFunction &);
* The interaction type for the splitting function.
ShowerInteraction::Type _interactionType;
* The order of the splitting function in the coupling
unsigned int _interactionOrder;
* The colour structure
ColourStructure _colourStructure;
* The colour factor
double _colourFactor;
* Whether or not this interaction is angular-ordered
bool angularOrdered_;
#endif /* HERWIG_SplittingFunction_H */
diff --git a/Shower/SplittingFunctions/ b/Shower/SplittingFunctions/
--- a/Shower/SplittingFunctions/
+++ b/Shower/SplittingFunctions/
@@ -1,611 +1,617 @@
// -*- C++ -*-
// is a part of Herwig - A multi-purpose Monte Carlo event generator
// Copyright (C) 2002-2011 The Herwig Collaboration
// Herwig is licenced under version 2 of the GPL, see COPYING for details.
// Please respect the MCnet academic guidelines, see GUIDELINES for details.
// This is the implementation of the non-inlined, non-templated member
// functions of the SplittingGenerator class.
#include "SplittingGenerator.h"
#include "ThePEG/Interface/ClassDocumentation.h"
#include "ThePEG/Persistency/PersistentOStream.h"
#include "ThePEG/Persistency/PersistentIStream.h"
#include "ThePEG/Interface/Switch.h"
#include "ThePEG/Interface/Command.h"
#include "ThePEG/Utilities/StringUtils.h"
#include "ThePEG/Repository/Repository.h"
#include "Herwig/Shower/Base/ShowerParticle.h"
#include "ThePEG/Utilities/Rebinder.h"
#include <cassert>
#include "ThePEG/Utilities/DescribeClass.h"
using namespace Herwig;
namespace {
bool checkInteraction(ShowerInteraction::Type allowed,
ShowerInteraction::Type splitting) {
return true;
else if(allowed==ShowerInteraction::QEDQCD &&
(splitting==ShowerInteraction::QED ||
splitting==ShowerInteraction::QCD ))
return true;
else if(allowed == splitting)
return true;
return false;
describeSplittingGenerator ("Herwig::SplittingGenerator","");
IBPtr SplittingGenerator::clone() const {
return new_ptr(*this);
IBPtr SplittingGenerator::fullclone() const {
return new_ptr(*this);
void SplittingGenerator::persistentOutput(PersistentOStream & os) const {
os << _isr_Mode << _fsr_Mode << _bbranchings << _fbranchings;
void SplittingGenerator::persistentInput(PersistentIStream & is, int) {
is >> _isr_Mode >> _fsr_Mode >> _bbranchings >> _fbranchings;
void SplittingGenerator::Init() {
static ClassDocumentation<SplittingGenerator> documentation
("There class is responsible for initializing the Sudakov form factors ",
"and generating splittings.");
static Switch<SplittingGenerator, bool> interfaceISRMode
"Include initial-state radiation?",
&SplittingGenerator::_isr_Mode, 1, false, false);
static SwitchOption interfaceISRMode0
(interfaceISRMode,"No","ISR (Initial State Radiation) is OFF", 0);
static SwitchOption interfaceISRMode1
(interfaceISRMode,"Yes","ISR (Initial State Radiation) is ON", 1);
static Switch<SplittingGenerator, bool> interfaceFSRMode
"Include final-state radiation?",
&SplittingGenerator::_fsr_Mode, 1, false, false);
static SwitchOption interfaceFSRMode0
(interfaceFSRMode,"No","FSR (Final State Radiation) is OFF", 0);
static SwitchOption interfaceFSRMode1
(interfaceFSRMode,"Yes","FSR (Final State Radiation) is ON", 1);
static Command<SplittingGenerator> interfaceAddSplitting
"Adds another splitting to the list of splittings considered "
"in the shower. Command is a->b,c; Sudakov",
static Command<SplittingGenerator> interfaceAddInitialSplitting
"Adds another splitting to the list of initial splittings to consider "
"in the shower. Command is a->b,c; Sudakov. Here the particle a is the "
"particle that is PRODUCED by the splitting. b is the initial state "
"particle that is splitting in the shower.",
static Command<SplittingGenerator> interfaceDeleteSplitting
"Deletes a splitting from the list of splittings considered "
"in the shower. Command is a->b,c; Sudakov",
static Command<SplittingGenerator> interfaceDeleteInitialSplitting
"Deletes a splitting from the list of initial splittings to consider "
"in the shower. Command is a->b,c; Sudakov. Here the particle a is the "
"particle that is PRODUCED by the splitting. b is the initial state "
"particle that is splitting in the shower.",
string SplittingGenerator::addSplitting(string arg, bool final) {
string partons = StringUtils::car(arg);
string sudakov = StringUtils::cdr(arg);
vector<tPDPtr> products;
string::size_type next = partons.find("->");
if(next == string::npos)
return "Error: Invalid string for splitting " + arg;
if(partons.find(';') == string::npos)
return "Error: Invalid string for splitting " + arg;
tPDPtr parent = Repository::findParticle(partons.substr(0,next));
partons = partons.substr(next+2);
do {
next = min(partons.find(','), partons.find(';'));
tPDPtr pdp = Repository::findParticle(partons.substr(0,next));
partons = partons.substr(next+1);
if(pdp) products.push_back(pdp);
else return "Error: Could not create splitting from " + arg;
} while(partons[0] != ';' && partons.size());
SudakovPtr s;
s = dynamic_ptr_cast<SudakovPtr>(Repository::TraceObject(sudakov));
if(!s) return "Error: Could not load Sudakov " + sudakov + '\n';
IdList ids;
for(vector<tPDPtr>::iterator it = products.begin(); it!=products.end(); ++it)
// check splitting can handle this
return "Error: Sudakov " + sudakov + "can't handle particles\n";
// add to map
return "";
string SplittingGenerator::deleteSplitting(string arg, bool final) {
string partons = StringUtils::car(arg);
string sudakov = StringUtils::cdr(arg);
vector<tPDPtr> products;
string::size_type next = partons.find("->");
if(next == string::npos)
return "Error: Invalid string for splitting " + arg;
if(partons.find(';') == string::npos)
return "Error: Invalid string for splitting " + arg;
tPDPtr parent = Repository::findParticle(partons.substr(0,next));
partons = partons.substr(next+2);
do {
next = min(partons.find(','), partons.find(';'));
tPDPtr pdp = Repository::findParticle(partons.substr(0,next));
partons = partons.substr(next+1);
if(pdp) products.push_back(pdp);
else return "Error: Could not create splitting from " + arg;
} while(partons[0] != ';' && partons.size());
SudakovPtr s;
s = dynamic_ptr_cast<SudakovPtr>(Repository::TraceObject(sudakov));
if(!s) return "Error: Could not load Sudakov " + sudakov + '\n';
IdList ids;
for(vector<tPDPtr>::iterator it = products.begin(); it!=products.end(); ++it)
// check splitting can handle this
return "Error: Sudakov " + sudakov + "can't handle particles\n";
// delete from map
return "";
void SplittingGenerator::addToMap(const IdList &ids, const SudakovPtr &s, bool final) {
if(isISRadiationON() && !final) {
if(isFSRadiationON() && final) {
void SplittingGenerator::deleteFromMap(const IdList &ids,
const SudakovPtr &s, bool final) {
if(isISRadiationON() && !final) {
range = _bbranchings.equal_range(ids[1]);
for(BranchingList::iterator it=range.first;
it!=range.second&&it!=_bbranchings.end()&&it->first==ids[1];++it) {
if(it->second.first==s&&it->second.second==ids) {
BranchingList::iterator it2=it;
if(isFSRadiationON() && final) {
range = _fbranchings.equal_range(ids[0]);
for(BranchingList::iterator it=range.first;
it!=range.second&&it!=_fbranchings.end()&&it->first==ids[0];++it) {
if(it->second.first==s&&it->second.second==ids) {
BranchingList::iterator it2 = it;
Branching SplittingGenerator::chooseForwardBranching(ShowerParticle &particle,
double enhance,
ShowerInteraction::Type type) const {
+ RhoDMatrix rho = particle.extractRhoMatrix(true);
Energy newQ = ZERO;
ShoKinPtr kinematics = ShoKinPtr();
ShowerPartnerType::Type partnerType(ShowerPartnerType::Undefined);
SudakovPtr sudakov = SudakovPtr();
IdList ids;
// First, find the eventual branching, corresponding to the highest scale.
long index = abs(;
// if no branchings return empty branching struct
if( _fbranchings.find(index) == _fbranchings.end() )
return Branching(ShoKinPtr(), IdList(),SudakovPtr(),ShowerPartnerType::Undefined);
// otherwise select branching
for(BranchingList::const_iterator cit = _fbranchings.lower_bound(index);
cit != _fbranchings.upper_bound(index); ++cit) {
// check either right interaction or doing both
if(!checkInteraction(type,cit->second.first->interactionType())) continue;
// whether or not this interaction should be angular ordered
bool angularOrdered = cit->second.first->splittingFn()->angularOrdered();
ShoKinPtr newKin;
ShowerPartnerType::Type type;
// work out which starting scale we need
if(cit->second.first->interactionType()==ShowerInteraction::QED) {
type = ShowerPartnerType::QED;
Energy startingScale = angularOrdered ? particle.scales().QED : particle.scales().QED_noAO;
newKin = cit->second.first->
else if(cit->second.first->interactionType()==ShowerInteraction::QCD) {
// special for octets
if(particle.dataPtr()->iColour()==PDT::Colour8) {
// octet -> octet octet
if(cit->second.first->splittingFn()->colourStructure()==OctetOctetOctet) {
type = ShowerPartnerType::QCDColourLine;
Energy startingScale = angularOrdered ? particle.scales().QCD_c : particle.scales().QCD_c_noAO;
newKin= cit->second.first->
startingScale = angularOrdered ? particle.scales().QCD_ac : particle.scales().QCD_ac_noAO;
ShoKinPtr newKin2 = cit->second.first->
// pick the one with the highest scale
if( ( newKin && newKin2 && newKin2->scale() > newKin->scale()) ||
(!newKin && newKin2) ) {
newKin = newKin2;
type = ShowerPartnerType::QCDAntiColourLine;
// other g -> q qbar
else {
Energy startingScale = angularOrdered ?
max(particle.scales().QCD_c , particle.scales().QCD_ac ) :
max(particle.scales().QCD_c_noAO, particle.scales().QCD_ac_noAO);
newKin= cit->second.first->
generateNextTimeBranching(startingScale, cit->second.second,
type = UseRandom::rndbool() ?
ShowerPartnerType::QCDColourLine : ShowerPartnerType::QCDAntiColourLine;
// everything else q-> qg etc
else {
Energy startingScale;
if(particle.hasColour()) {
type = ShowerPartnerType::QCDColourLine;
startingScale = angularOrdered ? particle.scales().QCD_c : particle.scales().QCD_c_noAO;
else {
type = ShowerPartnerType::QCDAntiColourLine;
startingScale = angularOrdered ? particle.scales().QCD_ac : particle.scales().QCD_ac_noAO;
newKin= cit->second.first->
else if(cit->second.first->interactionType()==ShowerInteraction::EW) {
type = ShowerPartnerType::EW;
Energy startingScale = particle.scales().EW;
newKin = cit->second.first->
// shouldn't be anything else
// if no kinematics contine
if(!newKin) continue;
// select highest scale
if( newKin->scale() > newQ ) {
kinematics = newKin;
newQ = newKin->scale();
ids = cit->second.second;
sudakov = cit->second.first;
partnerType = type;
// return empty branching if nothing happened
if(!kinematics) return Branching(ShoKinPtr(), IdList(),SudakovPtr(),
+ // and generate phi
+ // if not hard generate phi
+ kinematics->phi(sudakov->generatePhiForward(particle,ids,kinematics,rho));
// and return it
return Branching(kinematics, ids,sudakov,partnerType);
Branching SplittingGenerator::
chooseDecayBranching(ShowerParticle &particle,
const ShowerParticle::EvolutionScales & stoppingScales,
Energy minmass, double enhance,
ShowerInteraction::Type interaction) const {
+ RhoDMatrix rho(particle.dataPtr()->iSpin());
Energy newQ = Constants::MaxEnergy;
ShoKinPtr kinematics;
SudakovPtr sudakov;
ShowerPartnerType::Type partnerType(ShowerPartnerType::Undefined);
IdList ids;
// First, find the eventual branching, corresponding to the lowest scale.
long index = abs(;
// if no branchings return empty branching struct
if(_fbranchings.find(index) == _fbranchings.end())
return Branching(ShoKinPtr(), IdList(),SudakovPtr(),ShowerPartnerType::Undefined);
// otherwise select branching
for(BranchingList::const_iterator cit = _fbranchings.lower_bound(index);
cit != _fbranchings.upper_bound(index); ++cit) {
// check interaction doesn't change flavour
if(cit->second.second[1]!=index&&cit->second.second[2]!=index) continue;
// check either right interaction or doing both
if(!checkInteraction(interaction,cit->second.first->interactionType())) continue;
// whether or not this interaction should be angular ordered
bool angularOrdered = cit->second.first->splittingFn()->angularOrdered();
ShoKinPtr newKin;
ShowerPartnerType::Type type;
// work out which starting scale we need
if(cit->second.first->interactionType()==ShowerInteraction::QED) {
type = ShowerPartnerType::QED;
Energy stoppingScale = angularOrdered ? stoppingScales.QED : stoppingScales.QED_noAO;
Energy startingScale = angularOrdered ? particle.scales().QED : particle.scales().QED_noAO;
if(startingScale < stoppingScale ) {
newKin = cit->second.first->
else if(cit->second.first->interactionType()==ShowerInteraction::QCD) {
// special for octets
if(particle.dataPtr()->iColour()==PDT::Colour8) {
// octet -> octet octet
if(cit->second.first->splittingFn()->colourStructure()==OctetOctetOctet) {
Energy stoppingColour = angularOrdered ? stoppingScales.QCD_c : stoppingScales.QCD_c_noAO;
Energy stoppingAnti = angularOrdered ? stoppingScales.QCD_ac : stoppingScales.QCD_ac_noAO;
Energy startingColour = angularOrdered ? particle.scales().QCD_c : particle.scales().QCD_c_noAO;
Energy startingAnti = angularOrdered ? particle.scales().QCD_ac : particle.scales().QCD_ac_noAO;
type = ShowerPartnerType::QCDColourLine;
if(startingColour<stoppingColour) {
newKin= cit->second.first->
ShoKinPtr newKin2;
if(startingAnti<stoppingAnti) {
newKin2 = cit->second.first->
// pick the one with the lowest scale
if( (newKin&&newKin2&&newKin2->scale()<newKin->scale()) ||
(!newKin&&newKin2) ) {
newKin = newKin2;
type = ShowerPartnerType::QCDAntiColourLine;
// other
else {
// everything else
else {
Energy startingScale,stoppingScale;
if(particle.hasColour()) {
type = ShowerPartnerType::QCDColourLine;
stoppingScale = angularOrdered ? stoppingScales.QCD_c : stoppingScales.QCD_c_noAO;
startingScale = angularOrdered ? particle.scales().QCD_c : particle.scales().QCD_c_noAO;
else {
type = ShowerPartnerType::QCDAntiColourLine;
stoppingScale = angularOrdered ? stoppingScales.QCD_ac : stoppingScales.QCD_ac_noAO;
startingScale = angularOrdered ? particle.scales().QCD_ac : particle.scales().QCD_ac_noAO;
if(startingScale < stoppingScale ) {
newKin = cit->second.first->
else if(cit->second.first->interactionType()==ShowerInteraction::EW) {
type = ShowerPartnerType::EW;
Energy stoppingScale = stoppingScales.EW;
Energy startingScale = particle.scales().EW;
if(startingScale < stoppingScale ) {
newKin = cit->second.first->
// shouldn't be anything else
if(!newKin) continue;
// select highest scale
if(newKin->scale() < newQ ) {
newQ = newKin->scale();
ids = cit->second.second;
partnerType = type;
// return empty branching if nothing happened
if(!kinematics) return Branching(ShoKinPtr(), IdList(),SudakovPtr(),
// and generate phi
- kinematics->phi(sudakov->generatePhiDecay(particle,ids,kinematics));
+ kinematics->phi(sudakov->generatePhiDecay(particle,ids,kinematics,rho));
// and return it
return Branching(kinematics, ids,sudakov,partnerType);
Branching SplittingGenerator::
chooseBackwardBranching(ShowerParticle &particle,PPtr,
double enhance,
Ptr<BeamParticleData>::transient_const_pointer beam,
ShowerInteraction::Type type,
tcPDFPtr pdf, Energy freeze) const {
+ RhoDMatrix rho = particle.extractRhoMatrix(false);
Energy newQ=ZERO;
ShoKinPtr kinematics=ShoKinPtr();
ShowerPartnerType::Type partnerType(ShowerPartnerType::Undefined);
SudakovPtr sudakov;
IdList ids;
// First, find the eventual branching, corresponding to the highest scale.
long index = abs(;
// if no possible branching return
if(_bbranchings.find(index) == _bbranchings.end())
return Branching(ShoKinPtr(), IdList(),SudakovPtr(),ShowerPartnerType::Undefined);
// otherwise select branching
for(BranchingList::const_iterator cit = _bbranchings.lower_bound(index);
cit != _bbranchings.upper_bound(index); ++cit ) {
// check either right interaction or doing both
if(!checkInteraction(type,cit->second.first->interactionType())) continue;
// setup the PDF
// whether or not this interaction should be angular ordered
bool angularOrdered = cit->second.first->splittingFn()->angularOrdered();
ShoKinPtr newKin;
ShowerPartnerType::Type type;
if(cit->second.first->interactionType()==ShowerInteraction::QED) {
type = ShowerPartnerType::QED;
Energy startingScale = angularOrdered ? particle.scales().QED : particle.scales().QED_noAO;
generateNextSpaceBranching(startingScale,cit->second.second, particle.x(),
else if(cit->second.first->interactionType()==ShowerInteraction::QCD) {
// special for octets
if(particle.dataPtr()->iColour()==PDT::Colour8) {
// octet -> octet octet
if(cit->second.first->splittingFn()->colourStructure()==OctetOctetOctet) {
type = ShowerPartnerType::QCDColourLine;
Energy startingScale = angularOrdered ? particle.scales().QCD_c : particle.scales().QCD_c_noAO;
newKin = cit->second.first->
generateNextSpaceBranching(startingScale,cit->second.second, particle.x(),
startingScale = angularOrdered ? particle.scales().QCD_ac : particle.scales().QCD_ac_noAO;
ShoKinPtr newKin2 = cit->second.first->
generateNextSpaceBranching(startingScale,cit->second.second, particle.x(),
// pick the one with the highest scale
if( (newKin&&newKin2&&newKin2->scale()>newKin->scale()) ||
(!newKin&&newKin2) ) {
newKin = newKin2;
type = ShowerPartnerType::QCDAntiColourLine;
else {
Energy startingScale = angularOrdered ?
max(particle.scales().QCD_c , particle.scales().QCD_ac ) :
max(particle.scales().QCD_c_noAO, particle.scales().QCD_ac_noAO);
type = UseRandom::rndbool() ?
ShowerPartnerType::QCDColourLine : ShowerPartnerType::QCDAntiColourLine;
generateNextSpaceBranching(startingScale,cit->second.second, particle.x(),
// everything else
else {
Energy startingScale;
if(particle.hasColour()) {
type = ShowerPartnerType::QCDColourLine;
startingScale = angularOrdered ? particle.scales().QCD_c : particle.scales().QCD_c_noAO;
else {
type = ShowerPartnerType::QCDAntiColourLine;
startingScale = angularOrdered ? particle.scales().QCD_ac : particle.scales().QCD_ac_noAO;
generateNextSpaceBranching(startingScale,cit->second.second, particle.x(),
else if(cit->second.first->interactionType()==ShowerInteraction::EW) {
type = ShowerPartnerType::EW;
Energy startingScale = particle.scales().EW;
generateNextSpaceBranching(startingScale,cit->second.second, particle.x(),
// shouldn't be anything else
// if no kinematics contine
if(!newKin) continue;
// select highest scale
if(newKin->scale() > newQ) {
newQ = newKin->scale();
ids = cit->second.second;
partnerType = type;
// return empty branching if nothing happened
if(!kinematics) return Branching(ShoKinPtr(), IdList(),SudakovPtr(),
// initialize the ShowerKinematics
// and return it
// and generate phi
- kinematics->phi(sudakov->generatePhiBackward(particle,ids,kinematics));
+ kinematics->phi(sudakov->generatePhiBackward(particle,ids,kinematics,rho));
// return the answer
return Branching(kinematics, ids,sudakov,partnerType);
void SplittingGenerator::rebind(const TranslationMap & trans) {
BranchingList::iterator cit;
IVector SplittingGenerator::getReferences() {
IVector ret = Interfaced::getReferences();
BranchingList::iterator cit;
return ret;
void SplittingGenerator::factorizationScaleFactor(double f) {
BranchingList::iterator cit;
void SplittingGenerator::renormalizationScaleFactor(double f) {
BranchingList::iterator cit;
diff --git a/Shower/SplittingFunctions/ b/Shower/SplittingFunctions/
--- a/Shower/SplittingFunctions/
+++ b/Shower/SplittingFunctions/
@@ -1,120 +1,120 @@
// -*- C++ -*-
// is a part of Herwig - A multi-purpose Monte Carlo event generator
// Copyright (C) 2002-2011 The Herwig Collaboration
// Herwig is licenced under version 2 of the GPL, see COPYING for details.
// Please respect the MCnet academic guidelines, see GUIDELINES for details.
// This is the implementation of the non-inlined, non-templated member
// functions of the ZeroZeroOneSplitFn class.
#include "ZeroZeroOneSplitFn.h"
#include "ThePEG/PDT/ParticleData.h"
#include "ThePEG/Interface/ClassDocumentation.h"
#include "ThePEG/Utilities/DescribeClass.h"
#include "Herwig/Decay/TwoBodyDecayMatrixElement.h"
using namespace Herwig;
describeZeroZeroOneSplitFn ("Herwig::ZeroZeroOneSplitFn","");
void ZeroZeroOneSplitFn::Init() {
static ClassDocumentation<ZeroZeroOneSplitFn> documentation
("The ZeroZeroOneSplitFn class implements the splitting function for the "
"radiation of a gluon by a scalar coloured particle");
double ZeroZeroOneSplitFn::P(const double z, const Energy2 t,
- const IdList &ids, const bool mass) const {
+ const IdList &ids, const bool mass, const RhoDMatrix &) const {
double val = z/(1.-z);
if(mass) {
Energy m = getParticleData(ids[0])->mass();
val-= sqr(m)/t;
return 2.*colourFactor(ids)*val;
double ZeroZeroOneSplitFn::overestimateP(const double z,
const IdList &ids) const {
return 2.*colourFactor(ids)/(1.-z);
double ZeroZeroOneSplitFn::ratioP(const double z, const Energy2 t,
- const IdList &ids,const bool mass) const {
+ const IdList &ids,const bool mass, const RhoDMatrix &) const {
double val = z;
if(mass) {
Energy m = getParticleData(ids[0])->mass();
return val;
double ZeroZeroOneSplitFn::integOverP(const double z, const IdList & ids,
unsigned int PDFfactor) const {
switch(PDFfactor) {
case 0:
return -2.*colourFactor(ids)*log(1.-z);
case 1:
case 2:
case 3:
throw Exception() << "ZeroZeroOneSplitFn::integOverP() invalid PDFfactor = "
<< PDFfactor << Exception::runerror;
double ZeroZeroOneSplitFn::invIntegOverP(const double r, const IdList & ids,
unsigned int PDFfactor) const {
switch(PDFfactor) {
case 0:
return 1. - exp(- 0.5*r/colourFactor(ids));
case 1:
case 2:
case 3:
throw Exception() << "ZeroZeroOneSplitFn::integOverP() invalid PDFfactor = "
<< PDFfactor << Exception::runerror;
bool ZeroZeroOneSplitFn::accept(const IdList &ids) const {
if(ids.size()!=3) return false;
if(ids[0]!=ids[1]) return false;
tcPDPtr q=getParticleData(ids[0]);
tcPDPtr g=getParticleData(ids[2]);
if(q->iSpin()!=PDT::Spin0 ||
g->iSpin()!=PDT::Spin1) return false;
return checkColours(ids);
vector<pair<int, Complex> >
ZeroZeroOneSplitFn::generatePhiForward(const double, const Energy2, const IdList &,
const RhoDMatrix &) {
// scalar so no dependence
return vector<pair<int, Complex> >(1,make_pair(0,1.));
vector<pair<int, Complex> >
ZeroZeroOneSplitFn::generatePhiBackward(const double, const Energy2, const IdList &,
const RhoDMatrix &) {
// scalar so no dependence
return vector<pair<int, Complex> >(1,make_pair(0,1.));
DecayMEPtr ZeroZeroOneSplitFn::matrixElement(const double z, const Energy2 t,
const IdList & ids, const double phi,
bool timeLike) {
// calculate the kernal
DecayMEPtr kernal(new_ptr(TwoBodyDecayMatrixElement(PDT::Spin0,PDT::Spin0,PDT::Spin1)));
Energy m = timeLike ? getParticleData(ids[0])->mass() : ZERO;
(*kernal)(0,0,0) = -exp(Complex(0.,1.)*phi)*sqrt(1.-(1.-z)*sqr(m)/z/t)*sqrt(z/(1.-z));
(*kernal)(0,0,2) = -conj((*kernal)(0,0,0));
return kernal;
diff --git a/Shower/SplittingFunctions/ZeroZeroOneSplitFn.h b/Shower/SplittingFunctions/ZeroZeroOneSplitFn.h
--- a/Shower/SplittingFunctions/ZeroZeroOneSplitFn.h
+++ b/Shower/SplittingFunctions/ZeroZeroOneSplitFn.h
@@ -1,191 +1,193 @@
// -*- C++ -*-
// ZeroZeroOneSplitFn.h is a part of Herwig - A multi-purpose Monte Carlo event generator
// Copyright (C) 2002-2011 The Herwig Collaboration
// Herwig is licenced under version 2 of the GPL, see COPYING for details.
// Please respect the MCnet academic guidelines, see GUIDELINES for details.
#ifndef HERWIG_ZeroZeroOneSplitFn_H
#define HERWIG_ZeroZeroOneSplitFn_H
// This is the declaration of the ZeroZeroOneSplitFn class.
#include "SplittingFunction.h"
namespace Herwig {
using namespace ThePEG;
/** \ingroup Shower
* This class provides the concrete implementation of the exact leading-order
* splitting function for \f$\phi\to \phi g\f$.
* In this case the splitting function is given by
* \f[P(z,t) = 2C\left(\frac{z}{1-z}-\frac{m^2_\phi}{t}\right),\f]
* where \f$C\f$ is the corresponding colour factor.
* Our choice for the overestimate is
* \f[P_{\rm over}(z) = \frac{2C}{1-z},\f]
* therefore the integral is
* \f[\int P_{\rm over}(z) {\rm d}z = -2C\ln(1-z),\f]
* and its inverse is
* \f[1-\exp\left(\frac{r}{2C}\right).\f]
* @see \ref ZeroZeroOneSplitFnInterfaces "The interfaces"
* defined for ZeroZeroOneSplitFn.
class ZeroZeroOneSplitFn: public SplittingFunction {
* The default constructor.
ZeroZeroOneSplitFn() : SplittingFunction(1) {}
* Concrete implementation of the method to determine whether this splitting
* function can be used for a given set of particles.
* @param ids The PDG codes for the particles in the splitting.
virtual bool accept(const IdList & ids) const;
* Methods to return the splitting function.
* The concrete implementation of the splitting function, \f$P\f$.
* @param z The energy fraction.
* @param t The scale.
* @param ids The PDG codes for the particles in the splitting.
* @param mass Whether or not to include the mass dependent terms
+ * @param rho The spin density matrix
virtual double P(const double z, const Energy2 t, const IdList & ids,
- bool mass) const;
+ bool mass, const RhoDMatrix & rho) const;
* The concrete implementation of the overestimate of the splitting function,
* \f$P_{\rm over}\f$.
* @param z The energy fraction.
* @param ids The PDG codes for the particles in the splitting.
virtual double overestimateP(const double z, const IdList & ids) const;
* The concrete implementation of the
* the ratio of the splitting function to the overestimate, i.e.
* \f$P(z,\tilde{q}^2)/P_{\rm over}(z)\f$.
* @param z The energy fraction.
* @param t The scale.
* @param ids The PDG codes for the particles in the splitting.
* @param mass Whether or not to include the mass dependent terms
+ * @param rho The spin density matrix
virtual double ratioP(const double z, const Energy2 t, const IdList & ids,
- bool mass) const;
+ bool mass, const RhoDMatrix & rho) const;
* The concrete implementation of the indefinite integral of the
* overestimated splitting function, \f$P_{\rm over}\f$.
* @param z The energy fraction.
* @param ids The PDG codes for the particles in the splitting.
* @param PDFfactor Which additional factor to include for the PDF
* 0 is no additional factor,
* 1 is \f$1/z\f$, 2 is \f$1/(1-z)\f$ and 3 is \f$1/z/(1-z)\f$
virtual double integOverP(const double z, const IdList & ids,
unsigned int PDFfactor=0) const;
* The concrete implementation of the inverse of the indefinite integral.
* @param r Value of the splitting function to be inverted
* @param ids The PDG codes for the particles in the splitting.
* @param PDFfactor Which additional factor to include for the PDF
* 0 is no additional factor,
* 1 is \f$1/z\f$, 2 is \f$1/(1-z)\f$ and 3 is \f$1/z/(1-z)\f$
virtual double invIntegOverP(const double r, const IdList & ids,
unsigned int PDFfactor=0) const;
* Method to calculate the azimuthal angle for forward evolution
* @param particle The particle which is branching
* @param showerkin The ShowerKinematics object
* @param z The energy fraction
* @param t The scale \f$t=2p_j\cdot p_k\f$.
* @param ids The PDG codes for the particles in the splitting.
* @param The azimuthal angle, \f$\phi\f$.
* @return The weight
virtual vector<pair<int,Complex> >
generatePhiForward(const double z, const Energy2 t, const IdList & ids,
const RhoDMatrix &);
* Method to calculate the azimuthal angle for backward
* Shouldn't be needed and NOT IMPLEMENTED
* @param particle The particle which is branching
* @param showerkin The ShowerKinematics object
* @param z The energy fraction
* @param t The scale \f$t=2p_j\cdot p_k\f$.
* @param ids The PDG codes for the particles in the splitting.
* @param The azimuthal angle, \f$\phi\f$.
* @return The weight
virtual vector<pair<int,Complex> >
generatePhiBackward(const double z, const Energy2 t, const IdList & ids,
const RhoDMatrix &);
* Calculate the matrix element for the splitting
* @param particle The particle which is branching
* @param showerkin The ShowerKinematics object
* @param z The energy fraction
* @param t The scale \f$t=2p_j\cdot p_k\f$.
* @param ids The PDG codes for the particles in the splitting.
* @param The azimuthal angle, \f$\phi\f$.
virtual DecayMEPtr matrixElement(const double z, const Energy2 t,
const IdList & ids, const double phi, bool timeLike);
* The standard Init function used to initialize the interfaces.
* Called exactly once for each class by the class description system
* before the main function starts or
* when this class is dynamically loaded.
static void Init();
/** @name Clone Methods. */
* Make a simple clone of this object.
* @return a pointer to the new object.
virtual IBPtr clone() const {return new_ptr(*this);}
/** Make a clone of this object, possibly modifying the cloned object
* to make it sane.
* @return a pointer to the new object.
virtual IBPtr fullclone() const {return new_ptr(*this);}
* The assignment operator is private and must never be called.
* In fact, it should not even be implemented.
ZeroZeroOneSplitFn & operator=(const ZeroZeroOneSplitFn &);
#endif /* HERWIG_ZeroZeroOneSplitFn_H */

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Sat, Dec 21, 5:54 PM (9 h, 32 m)
Storage Engine
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Event Timeline