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diff --git a/MatrixElement/DIS/ b/MatrixElement/DIS/
--- a/MatrixElement/DIS/
+++ b/MatrixElement/DIS/
@@ -1,1305 +1,1176 @@
// -*- C++ -*-
// This is the implementation of the non-inlined, non-templated member
// functions of the DISBase class.
#include "DISBase.h"
#include "ThePEG/Interface/ClassDocumentation.h"
#include "ThePEG/Interface/Switch.h"
#include "ThePEG/Interface/Reference.h"
#include "ThePEG/Interface/Parameter.h"
#include "ThePEG/Persistency/PersistentOStream.h"
#include "ThePEG/Persistency/PersistentIStream.h"
#include "ThePEG/PDT/EnumParticles.h"
#include "ThePEG/MatrixElement/Tree2toNDiagram.h"
#include "Herwig/Utilities/Maths.h"
#include "ThePEG/PDT/EnumParticles.h"
#include "ThePEG/PDT/StandardMatchers.h"
#include "ThePEG/Repository/EventGenerator.h"
#include "ThePEG/Repository/CurrentGenerator.h"
#include "ThePEG/Helicity/Vertex/AbstractFFVVertex.h"
#include "Herwig/PDT/StandardMatchers.h"
#include "Herwig/Models/StandardModel/StandardModel.h"
#include <numeric>
#include "Herwig/Shower/RealEmissionProcess.h"
#include "Herwig/Shower/QTilde/Base/ShowerProgenitor.h"
#include "Herwig/Shower/QTilde/Base/Branching.h"
using namespace Herwig;
using namespace ThePEG::Helicity;
// namespace {
// using namespace Herwig;
// using namespace ThePEG::Helicity;
// void debuggingMatrixElement(bool BGF,const Lorentz5Momentum & pin,
// const Lorentz5Momentum & p1,
// const Lorentz5Momentum & p2,
// tcPDPtr gluon,
// const Lorentz5Momentum & pl1,
// const Lorentz5Momentum & pl2,
// const Lorentz5Momentum & pq1,
// const Lorentz5Momentum & pq2,
// tcPDPtr lepton1,tcPDPtr lepton2,
// tcPDPtr quark1 ,tcPDPtr quark2,
// Energy2 Q2,double phi, double x2, double x3,
// double xperp, double zp, double xp,
// const vector<double> & azicoeff,
// bool normalize) {
// tcHwSMPtr hwsm=ThePEG::dynamic_ptr_cast<tcHwSMPtr>
// (CurrentGenerator::current().standardModel());
// assert(hwsm);
// vector<AbstractFFVVertexPtr> weakVertex;
// vector<PDPtr> bosons;
// AbstractFFVVertexPtr strongVertex = hwsm->vertexFFG();
// if(lepton1->id()==lepton2->id()) {
// weakVertex.push_back(hwsm->vertexFFZ());
// bosons.push_back(hwsm->getParticleData(ParticleID::Z0));
// weakVertex.push_back(hwsm->vertexFFP());
// bosons.push_back(hwsm->getParticleData(ParticleID::gamma));
// }
// else {
// weakVertex.push_back(hwsm->vertexFFW());
// bosons.push_back(hwsm->getParticleData(ParticleID::Wplus));
// }
// if(!BGF) {
// SpinorWaveFunction l1,q1,qp1;
// SpinorBarWaveFunction l2,q2,qp2;
// VectorWaveFunction gl(p2,gluon,outgoing);
// if(lepton1->id()>0) {
// l1 = SpinorWaveFunction (pl1,lepton1,incoming);
// l2 = SpinorBarWaveFunction(pl2,lepton2,outgoing);
// }
// else {
// l1 = SpinorWaveFunction (pl2,lepton2,outgoing);
// l2 = SpinorBarWaveFunction(pl1,lepton1,incoming);
// }
// if(quark1->id()>0) {
// q1 = SpinorWaveFunction (pq1,quark1,incoming);
// q2 = SpinorBarWaveFunction(pq2,quark2,outgoing);
// qp1 = SpinorWaveFunction (pin,quark1,incoming);
// qp2 = SpinorBarWaveFunction(p1 ,quark2,outgoing);
// }
// else {
// q1 = SpinorWaveFunction (pq2,quark2,outgoing);
// q2 = SpinorBarWaveFunction(pq1,quark1,incoming);
// qp1 = SpinorWaveFunction (p1 ,quark2,outgoing);
// qp2 = SpinorBarWaveFunction(pin,quark1,incoming);
// }
// double lome(0.),realme(0.);
// for(unsigned int lhel1=0;lhel1<2;++lhel1) {
// l1.reset(lhel1);
// for(unsigned int lhel2=0;lhel2<2;++lhel2) {
// l2.reset(lhel2);
// for(unsigned int qhel1=0;qhel1<2;++qhel1) {
// q1.reset(qhel1);
// qp1.reset(qhel1);
// for(unsigned int qhel2=0;qhel2<2;++qhel2) {
// q2.reset(qhel2);
// qp2.reset(qhel2);
// // leading order matrix element
// Complex diagLO(0.);
// for(unsigned int ix=0;ix<weakVertex.size();++ix) {
// VectorWaveFunction inter =
// weakVertex[ix]->evaluate(Q2,3,bosons[ix],l1,l2);
// diagLO += weakVertex[ix]->evaluate(Q2,q1,q2,inter);
// }
// lome += norm(diagLO);
// // real emission matrix element
// for(unsigned int ghel=0;ghel<2;++ghel) {
// gl.reset(2*ghel);
// Complex diagReal(0.);
// for(unsigned int ix=0;ix<weakVertex.size();++ix) {
// VectorWaveFunction inter =
// weakVertex[ix]->evaluate(Q2,3,bosons[ix],l1,l2);
// SpinorWaveFunction off1 =
// strongVertex->evaluate(Q2,5,qp1.particle(),qp1,gl);
// Complex diag1 = weakVertex[ix]->evaluate(Q2,off1,qp2,inter);
// SpinorBarWaveFunction off2 =
// strongVertex->evaluate(Q2,5,qp2.particle(),qp2,gl);
// Complex diag2 = weakVertex[ix]->evaluate(Q2,qp1,off2,inter);
// diagReal += diag1+diag2;
// }
// realme += norm(diagReal);
// }
// }
// }
// }
// }
// double test1 = realme/lome/hwsm->alphaS(Q2)*Q2*UnitRemoval::InvE2;
// double cphi(cos(phi));
// double test2;
// if(normalize) {
// test2 = 8.*Constants::pi/(1.-xp)/(1.-zp)*
// (azicoeff[0]+azicoeff[1]*cphi+azicoeff[2]*sqr(cphi))*
// (1.+sqr(xp)*(sqr(x2)+1.5*sqr(xperp)));
// }
// else {
// test2 = 8.*Constants::pi/(1.-xp)/(1.-zp)*
// (azicoeff[0]+azicoeff[1]*cphi+azicoeff[2]*sqr(cphi));
// }
// cerr << "testing RATIO A " << test1/test2 << "\n";
// }
// else {
// SpinorWaveFunction l1,q1,qp1;
// SpinorBarWaveFunction l2,q2,qp2;
// VectorWaveFunction gl(pin,gluon,incoming);
// if(lepton1->id()>0) {
// l1 = SpinorWaveFunction (pl1,lepton1,incoming);
// l2 = SpinorBarWaveFunction(pl2,lepton2,outgoing);
// }
// else {
// l1 = SpinorWaveFunction (pl2,lepton2,outgoing);
// l2 = SpinorBarWaveFunction(pl1,lepton1,incoming);
// }
// if(quark1->id()>0) {
// q1 = SpinorWaveFunction (pq1,quark1 ,incoming);
// q2 = SpinorBarWaveFunction(pq2,quark2 ,outgoing);
// qp2 = SpinorBarWaveFunction(p1 ,quark2 ,outgoing);
// qp1 = SpinorWaveFunction (p2 ,quark1->CC(),outgoing);
// }
// else {
// q1 = SpinorWaveFunction (pq2,quark2 ,outgoing);
// q2 = SpinorBarWaveFunction(pq1,quark1 ,incoming);
// qp2 = SpinorBarWaveFunction(p2 ,quark1->CC(),outgoing);
// qp1 = SpinorWaveFunction (p1 ,quark2 ,outgoing);
// }
// double lome(0.),realme(0.);
// for(unsigned int lhel1=0;lhel1<2;++lhel1) {
// l1.reset(lhel1);
// for(unsigned int lhel2=0;lhel2<2;++lhel2) {
// l2.reset(lhel2);
// for(unsigned int qhel1=0;qhel1<2;++qhel1) {
// q1.reset(qhel1);
// qp1.reset(qhel1);
// for(unsigned int qhel2=0;qhel2<2;++qhel2) {
// q2.reset(qhel2);
// qp2.reset(qhel2);
// // leading order matrix element
// Complex diagLO(0.);
// for(unsigned int ix=0;ix<weakVertex.size();++ix) {
// VectorWaveFunction inter =
// weakVertex[ix]->evaluate(Q2,3,bosons[ix],l1,l2);
// diagLO += weakVertex[ix]->evaluate(Q2,q1,q2,inter);
// }
// lome += norm(diagLO);
// // real emission matrix element
// for(unsigned int ghel=0;ghel<2;++ghel) {
// gl.reset(2*ghel);
// Complex diagReal(0.);
// for(unsigned int ix=0;ix<weakVertex.size();++ix) {
// VectorWaveFunction inter =
// weakVertex[ix]->evaluate(Q2,3,bosons[ix],l1,l2);
// SpinorWaveFunction off1 =
// strongVertex->evaluate(Q2,5,qp1.particle(),qp1,gl);
// Complex diag1 = weakVertex[ix]->evaluate(Q2,off1,qp2,inter);
// SpinorBarWaveFunction off2 =
// strongVertex->evaluate(Q2,5,qp2.particle(),qp2,gl);
// Complex diag2 = weakVertex[ix]->evaluate(Q2,qp1,off2,inter);
// diagReal += diag1+diag2;
// }
// realme += norm(diagReal);
// }
// }
// }
// }
// }
// double test1 = realme/lome/hwsm->alphaS(Q2)*Q2*UnitRemoval::InvE2;
// double cphi(cos(phi));
// double test2;
// if(normalize) {
// test2 = 8.*Constants::pi/zp/(1.-zp)*
// (azicoeff[0]+azicoeff[1]*cphi+azicoeff[2]*sqr(cphi))*
// sqr(xp)*(sqr(x3)+sqr(x2)+3.*sqr(xperp));
// }
// else {
// test2 = 8.*Constants::pi/zp/(1.-zp)*
// (azicoeff[0]+azicoeff[1]*cphi+azicoeff[2]*sqr(cphi));
// }
// cerr << "testing RATIO B " << test1/test2 << "\n";
// }
// }
// }
DISBase::DISBase() : initial_(6.), final_(3.),
comptonInt_(0.), bgfInt_(0.),
comptonWeight_(50.), BGFWeight_(150.),
scaleOpt_(1), muF_(100.*GeV), scaleFact_(1.),
contrib_(0), power_(0.1)
DISBase::~DISBase() {}
void DISBase::persistentOutput(PersistentOStream & os) const {
os << comptonInt_ << bgfInt_ << procProb_ << initial_ << final_ << alpha_
<< ounit(pTmin_,GeV) << comptonWeight_ << BGFWeight_ << gluon_
<< ounit(muF_,GeV) << scaleFact_ << scaleOpt_ << contrib_<< power_;
void DISBase::persistentInput(PersistentIStream & is, int) {
is >> comptonInt_ >> bgfInt_ >> procProb_ >> initial_ >> final_ >> alpha_
>> iunit(pTmin_,GeV) >> comptonWeight_ >> BGFWeight_ >> gluon_
>> iunit(muF_,GeV) >> scaleFact_ >> scaleOpt_ >> contrib_ >> power_;
AbstractClassDescription<DISBase> DISBase::initDISBase;
// Definition of the static class description member.
void DISBase::Init() {
static ClassDocumentation<DISBase> documentation
("The DISBase class provides the base class for the "
"implementation of DIS type processes including the "
"hard corrections in either the old-fashioned matrix "
"element correction of POWHEG approaches");
static Parameter<DISBase,double> interfaceProcessProbability
"The probabilty of the QCD compton process for the process selection",
&DISBase::procProb_, 0.3, 0.0, 1.,
false, false, Interface::limited);
static Reference<DISBase,ShowerAlpha> interfaceCoupling
"Pointer to the object to calculate the coupling for the correction",
&DISBase::alpha_, false, false, true, false, false);
static Parameter<DISBase,Energy> interfacepTMin
"The minimum pT",
&DISBase::pTmin_, GeV, 1.*GeV, 0.0*GeV, 10.0*GeV,
false, false, Interface::limited);
static Parameter<DISBase,double> interfaceComptonWeight
"Weight for the overestimate ofthe compton channel",
&DISBase::comptonWeight_, 50.0, 0.0, 100.0,
false, false, Interface::limited);
static Parameter<DISBase,double> interfaceBGFWeight
"Weight for the overestimate of the BGF channel",
&DISBase::BGFWeight_, 100.0, 0.0, 1000.0,
false, false, Interface::limited);
static Switch<DISBase,unsigned int> interfaceContribution
"Which contributions to the cross section to include",
&DISBase::contrib_, 0, false, false);
static SwitchOption interfaceContributionLeadingOrder
"Just generate the leading order cross section",
static SwitchOption interfaceContributionPositiveNLO
"Generate the positive contribution to the full NLO cross section",
static SwitchOption interfaceContributionNegativeNLO
"Generate the negative contribution to the full NLO cross section",
static Switch<DISBase,unsigned int> interfaceScaleOption
"Option for the choice of factorization (and renormalization) scale",
&DISBase::scaleOpt_, 1, false, false);
static SwitchOption interfaceDynamic
"Dynamic factorization scale equal to the current sqrt(sHat())",
static SwitchOption interfaceFixed
"Use a fixed factorization scale set with FactorizationScaleValue",
static Parameter<DISBase,Energy> interfaceFactorizationScale
"Value to use in the event of a fixed factorization scale",
&DISBase::muF_, GeV, 100.0*GeV, 1.0*GeV, 500.0*GeV,
true, false, Interface::limited);
static Parameter<DISBase,double> interfaceScaleFactor
"The factor used before Q2 if using a running scale",
&DISBase::scaleFact_, 1.0, 0.0, 10.0,
false, false, Interface::limited);
static Parameter<DISBase,double> interfaceSamplingPower
"Power for the sampling of xp",
&DISBase::power_, 0.6, 0.0, 1.,
false, false, Interface::limited);
void DISBase::doinit() {
// integrals of me over phase space
double r5=sqrt(5.),darg((r5-1.)/(r5+1.)),ath(0.5*log((1.+1./r5)/(1.-1./r5)));
comptonInt_ = 2.*(-21./20.-6./(5.*r5)*ath+sqr(Constants::pi)/3.
bgfInt_ = 121./9.-56./r5*ath;
// extract the gluon ParticleData objects
gluon_ = getParticleData(ParticleID::g);
void DISBase::initializeMECorrection(RealEmissionProcessPtr born, double & initial,
double & final) {
initial = initial_;
final = final_;
// incoming particles
for(unsigned int ix=0;ix<born->bornIncoming().size();++ix) {
if(QuarkMatcher::Check(born->bornIncoming()[ix]->data())) {
partons_[0] = born->bornIncoming()[ix]->dataPtr();
pq_[0] = born->bornIncoming()[ix]->momentum();
else if(LeptonMatcher::Check(born->bornIncoming()[ix]->data())) {
leptons_[0] = born->bornIncoming()[ix]->dataPtr();
pl_[0] = born->bornIncoming()[ix]->momentum();
// outgoing particles
for(unsigned int ix=0;ix<born->bornOutgoing().size();++ix) {
if(QuarkMatcher::Check(born->bornOutgoing()[ix]->data())) {
partons_[1] = born->bornOutgoing()[ix]->dataPtr();
pq_[1] = born->bornOutgoing()[ix]->momentum();
else if(LeptonMatcher::Check(born->bornOutgoing()[ix]->data())) {
leptons_[1] = born->bornOutgoing()[ix]->dataPtr();
pl_[1] = born->bornOutgoing()[ix]->momentum();
// extract the born variables
q_ =pl_[0]-pl_[1];
q2_ = -q_.m2();
double yB = (q_*pq_[0])/(pl_[0]*pq_[0]);
l_ = 2./yB-1.;
// calculate the A coefficient for the correlations
acoeff_ = A(leptons_[0],leptons_[1],
RealEmissionProcessPtr DISBase::applyHardMatrixElementCorrection(RealEmissionProcessPtr born) {
static const double eps=1e-6;
// find the incoming and outgoing quarks and leptons
PPtr quark[2],lepton[2];
PPtr hadron;
unsigned int iqIn(0),iqOut(0);
// incoming particles
for(unsigned int ix=0;ix<born->bornIncoming().size();++ix) {
if(QuarkMatcher::Check(born->bornIncoming()[ix]->data())) {
quark[0] = born->bornIncoming()[ix];
hadron = born->hadrons()[ix];
beam_ = dynamic_ptr_cast<tcBeamPtr>(hadron->dataPtr());
xB_ = quark[0]->momentum().rho()/hadron->momentum().rho();
else if(LeptonMatcher::Check(born->bornIncoming()[ix]->data())) {
lepton[0] = born->bornIncoming()[ix];
pdf_ = beam_->pdf();
// outgoing particles
for(unsigned int ix=0;ix<born->bornOutgoing().size();++ix) {
if(QuarkMatcher::Check(born->bornOutgoing()[ix]->data())) {
quark [1] = born->bornOutgoing()[ix];
else if(LeptonMatcher::Check(born->bornOutgoing()[ix]->data())) {
lepton[1] = born->bornOutgoing()[ix];
// momentum fraction
// calculate the matrix element
vector<double> azicoeff;
// select the type of process
bool BGF = UseRandom::rnd()>procProb_;
double xp,zp,wgt,x1,x2,x3,xperp;
// generate a QCD compton process
if(!BGF) {
wgt = generateComptonPoint(xp,zp);
if(xp<eps) return RealEmissionProcessPtr();
// common pieces
Energy2 scale = q2_*((1.-xp)*(1-zp)*zp/xp+1.);
wgt *= 2./3./Constants::pi*alpha_->value(scale)/procProb_;
// PDF piece
wgt *= pdf_->xfx(beam_,quark[0]->dataPtr(),scale,xB_/xp)/
pdf_->xfx(beam_,quark[0]->dataPtr(),q2_ ,xB_);
// other bits
xperp = sqrt(4.*(1.-xp)*(1.-zp)*zp/xp);
x1 = -1./xp;
x2 = 1.-(1.-zp)/xp;
x3 = 2.+x1-x2;
// matrix element pieces
azicoeff = ComptonME(xp,x2,xperp,true);
// generate a BGF process
else {
wgt = generateBGFPoint(xp,zp);
if(xp<eps) return RealEmissionProcessPtr();
// common pieces
Energy2 scale = q2_*((1.-xp)*(1-zp)*zp/xp+1);
wgt *= 0.25/Constants::pi*alpha_->value(scale)/(1.-procProb_);
// PDF piece
wgt *= pdf_->xfx(beam_,gluon_ ,scale,xB_/xp)/
pdf_->xfx(beam_,quark[0]->dataPtr(),q2_ ,xB_);
// other bits
xperp = sqrt(4.*(1.-xp)*(1.-zp)*zp/xp);
x1 = -1./xp;
x2 = 1.-(1.-zp)/xp;
x3 = 2.+x1-x2;
// matrix element pieces
azicoeff = BGFME(xp,x2,x3,xperp,true);
// compute the azimuthal average of the weight
wgt *= (azicoeff[0]+0.5*azicoeff[2]);
// decide whether or not to accept the weight
if(UseRandom::rnd()>wgt) return RealEmissionProcessPtr();
// if generate generate phi
unsigned int itry(0);
double phimax = std::accumulate(azicoeff.begin(),azicoeff.end(),0.);
double phiwgt,phi;
do {
phi = UseRandom::rnd()*Constants::twopi;
double cphi(cos(phi));
phiwgt = azicoeff[0]+azicoeff[1]*cphi+azicoeff[2]*sqr(cphi);
while (phimax*UseRandom::rnd() > phiwgt && itry<200);
if(itry==200) throw Exception() << "Too many tries in DISMECorrection"
<< "::applyHardMatrixElementCorrection() to"
<< " generate phi" << Exception::eventerror;
// construct lorentz transform from lab to breit frame
Lorentz5Momentum phadron = hadron->momentum();
Lorentz5Momentum pcmf = phadron+0.5/xB_*q_;
LorentzRotation rot(-pcmf.boostVector());
Lorentz5Momentum pbeam = rot*phadron;
Axis axis(pbeam.vect().unit());
double sinth(sqrt(sqr(axis.x())+sqr(axis.y())));
Lorentz5Momentum pl = rot*pl_[0];
pl_[0] *= rot;
pl_[1] *= rot;
pq_[0] *= rot;
pq_[1] *= rot;
// compute the new incoming and outgoing momenta
Energy Q(sqrt(q2_));
Lorentz5Momentum p1 = Lorentz5Momentum( 0.5*Q*xperp*cos(phi), 0.5*Q*xperp*sin(phi),
Lorentz5Momentum p2 = Lorentz5Momentum(-0.5*Q*xperp*cos(phi),-0.5*Q*xperp*sin(phi),
Lorentz5Momentum pin(0.*GeV,0.*GeV,-0.5*x1*Q,-0.5*x1*Q,0.*GeV);
// debuggingMatrixElement(BGF,pin,p1,p2,gluon_,pl_[0],pl_[1],pq_[0],pq_[1],
// lepton[0]->dataPtr(),lepton[1]->dataPtr(),
// quark [0]->dataPtr(),quark [1]->dataPtr(),
// q2_,phi,x2,x3,xperp,zp,xp,azicoeff,true);
// we need the Lorentz transform back to the lab
// transform the momenta to lab frame
pin *= rot;
p1 *= rot;
p2 *= rot;
// test to ensure outgoing particles can be put on-shell
if(!BGF) {
if(p1.e()<quark[1]->dataPtr()->constituentMass()) return RealEmissionProcessPtr();
if(p2.e()<gluon_ ->constituentMass()) return RealEmissionProcessPtr();
else {
if(p1.e()<quark[1]->dataPtr() ->constituentMass()) return RealEmissionProcessPtr();
if(p2.e()<quark[0]->dataPtr()->CC()->constituentMass()) return RealEmissionProcessPtr();
// create the new particles and real emission process
bool isQuark = quark[0]->colourLine();
bool FSR = false;
// incoming lepton if first
// outgoing lepton if first
PPtr newin,newout,emitted;
// radiating system
if(!BGF) {
newin = quark[0]->dataPtr()->produceParticle(pin);
emitted = gluon_ ->produceParticle(p2 );
newout = quark[1]->dataPtr()->produceParticle(p1 );
FSR = xp>zp;
else {
newin = gluon_ ->produceParticle(pin);
emitted = quark[0]->dataPtr()->CC()->produceParticle(p2 );
newout = quark[1]->dataPtr() ->produceParticle(p1 );
emitted->incomingColour(newin, isQuark);
newout ->incomingColour(newin,!isQuark);
FSR = false;
// set x
double x(xB_/xp);
if(FSR) {
else {
// radiating particles
born->incoming().push_back(newin );
// incoming lepton if second
// outgoing lepton if second
// radiated particle
return born;
bool DISBase::softMatrixElementVeto(ShowerProgenitorPtr initial,
ShowerParticlePtr parent, Branching br) {
bool veto = !UseRandom::rndbool(parent->isFinalState() ? 1./final_ : 1./initial_);
// check if me correction should be applied
long id[2]={initial->id(),parent->id()};
if(id[0]!=id[1]||id[1]==ParticleID::g) return veto;
// get the pT
Energy pT=br.kinematics->pT();
// check if hardest so far
if(pT<initial->highestpT()) return veto;
double kappa(sqr(br.kinematics->scale())/q2_),z(br.kinematics->z());
double zk((1.-z)*kappa);
// final-state
double wgt(0.);
if(parent->isFinalState()) {
double zp=z,xp=1./(1.+z*zk);
double xperp = sqrt(4.*(1.-xp)*(1.-zp)*zp/xp);
double x2 = 1.-(1.-zp)/xp;
vector<double> azicoeff = ComptonME(xp,x2,xperp,false);
wgt = (azicoeff[0]+0.5*azicoeff[2])*xp/(1.+sqr(z))/final_;
if(wgt<.0||wgt>1.) {
ostringstream wstring;
wstring << "Soft ME correction weight too large or "
<< "negative for FSR in DISBase::"
<< "softMatrixElementVeto() soft weight "
<< " xp = " << xp << " zp = " << zp
<< " weight = " << wgt << "\n";
generator()->logWarning( Exception(wstring.str(),
Exception::warning) );
else {
double xp = 2.*z/(1.+zk+sqrt(sqr(1.+zk)-4.*z*zk));
double zp = 0.5* (1.-zk+sqrt(sqr(1.+zk)-4.*z*zk));
double xperp = sqrt(4.*(1.-xp)*(1.-zp)*zp/xp);
double x1 = -1./xp, x2 = 1.-(1.-zp)/xp, x3 = 2.+x1-x2;
// compton
if(br.ids[0]->id()!=ParticleID::g) {
vector<double> azicoeff = ComptonME(xp,x2,xperp,false);
wgt = (azicoeff[0]+0.5*azicoeff[2])*xp*(1.-z)/(1.-xp)/(1.+sqr(z))/
// BGF
else {
vector<double> azicoeff = BGFME(xp,x2,x3,xperp,true);
wgt = (azicoeff[0]+0.5*azicoeff[2])*xp/(1.-zp+xp-2.*xp*(1.-zp))/(sqr(z)+sqr(1.-z));
wgt /=initial_;
if(wgt<.0||wgt>1.) {
ostringstream wstring;
wstring << "Soft ME correction weight too large or "
<< "negative for ISR in DISBase::"
<< "softMatrixElementVeto() soft weight "
<< " xp = " << xp << " zp = " << zp
<< " weight = " << wgt << "\n";
generator()->logWarning( Exception(wstring.str(),
Exception::warning) );
// if not vetoed
if(UseRandom::rndbool(wgt)) return false;
// otherwise
return true;
double DISBase::generateComptonPoint(double &xp, double & zp) {
static const double maxwgt = 1.;
double wgt;
do {
xp = UseRandom::rnd();
double zpmin = xp, zpmax = 1./(1.+xp*(1.-xp));
zp = 1.-pow((1.-zpmin)/(1.-zpmax),UseRandom::rnd())*(1.-zpmax);
wgt = log((1.-zpmin)/(1.-zpmax))*(1.-zp);
if(UseRandom::rndbool()) swap(xp,zp);
double xperp2 = 4.*(1.-xp)*(1.-zp)*zp/xp,x2=1.-(1.-zp)/xp;
wgt *= 2.*(1.+sqr(xp)*(sqr(x2)+1.5*xperp2))/(1.-xp)/(1.-zp);
if(wgt>maxwgt) {
ostringstream wstring;
wstring << "DISBase::generateComptonPoint "
<< "Weight greater than maximum "
<< "wgt = " << wgt << " maxwgt = 1\n";
generator()->logWarning( Exception(wstring.str(),
Exception::warning) );
return comptonInt_;
double DISBase::generateBGFPoint(double &xp, double & zp) {
static const double maxwgt = 25.;
double wgt;
do {
xp = UseRandom::rnd();
double zpmax = 1./(1.+xp*(1.-xp)), zpmin = 1.-zpmax;
zp = 1.-pow((1.-zpmin)/(1.-zpmax),UseRandom::rnd())*(1.-zpmax);
wgt = log((1.-zpmin)/(1.-zpmax))*(1.-zp);
double x1 = -1./xp;
double x2 = 1.-(1.-zp)/xp;
double x3 = 2.+x1-x2;
double xperp2 = 4.*(1.-xp)*(1.-zp)*zp/xp;
wgt *= sqr(xp)/(1.-zp)*(sqr(x3)+sqr(x2)+3.*xperp2);
if(wgt>maxwgt) {
ostringstream wstring;
wstring << "DISBase::generateBGFPoint "
<< "Weight greater than maximum "
<< "wgt = " << wgt << " maxwgt = 1\n";
generator()->logWarning( Exception(wstring.str(),
Exception::warning) );
return bgfInt_;
// static const double maxwgt = 2.,npow=0.34,ac=1.0;
// double wgt;
// do {
// double rho = UseRandom::rnd();
// xp = 1.-pow(rho,1./(1.-npow));
// wgt = (sqr(xp)+ac+sqr(1.-xp));
// if(wgt>1.+ac) cerr << "testing violates BGF maxA " << wgt << "\n";
// }
// while(wgt<UseRandom::rnd()*(1.+ac));
// double xpwgt = -((6.-5.*npow+sqr(npow))*ac-3.*npow+sqr(npow)+4)
// /(sqr(npow)*(npow-6.)+11.*npow-6.);
// xpwgt *= pow(1.-xp,npow)/wgt;
// double xp2(sqr(xp)),lxp(log(xp)),xp4(sqr(xp2)),lxp1(log(1.-xp));
// double zpwgt = (2.*xp4*(lxp+lxp1-3.)+4.*xp*xp2*(3.-lxp-lxp1)
// +xp2*(-13.+lxp+lxp1)+xp*(+7.+lxp+lxp1)-lxp-lxp1-1.)/(1.+xp-xp2);
// do {
// double zpmax = 1./(1.+xp*(1.-xp)), zpmin = 1.-zpmax;
// zp = 1.-pow((1.-zpmin)/(1.-zpmax),UseRandom::rnd())*(1.-zpmax);
// wgt = log((1.-zpmin)/(1.-zpmax))*(1.-zp);
// double x1 = -1./xp;
// double x2 = 1.-(1.-zp)/xp;
// double x3 = 2.+x1-x2;
// double xperp2 = 4.*(1.-xp)*(1.-zp)*zp/xp;
// wgt *= sqr(xp)/(1.-zp)*(sqr(x3)+sqr(x2)+3.*xperp2);
// if(wgt>maxwgt*zpwgt) cerr << "testing violates BGF maxB " << wgt/xpwgt << "\n";
// }
// while(wgt<UseRandom::rnd()*maxwgt);
// return zpwgt*xpwgt;
vector<double> DISBase::ComptonME(double xp, double x2, double xperp,
bool norm) {
vector<double> output(3,0.);
double cos2 = x2 /sqrt(sqr(x2)+sqr(xperp));
double sin2 = xperp/sqrt(sqr(x2)+sqr(xperp));
double root = sqrt(sqr(l_)-1.);
output[0] = sqr(cos2)+acoeff_*cos2*l_+sqr(l_);
output[1] = -acoeff_*cos2*root*sin2-2.*l_*root*sin2;
output[2] = sqr(root)*sqr(sin2);
double lo(1+acoeff_*l_+sqr(l_));
double denom = norm ? 1.+sqr(xp)*(sqr(x2)+1.5*sqr(xperp)) : 1.;
double fact = sqr(xp)*(sqr(x2)+sqr(xperp))/lo;
for(unsigned int ix=0;ix<output.size();++ix)
output[ix] = ((ix==0 ? 1. : 0.) +fact*output[ix])/denom;
return output;
vector<double> DISBase::BGFME(double xp, double x2, double x3,
double xperp, bool norm) {
vector<double> output(3,0.);
double cos2 = x2 /sqrt(sqr(x2)+sqr(xperp));
double sin2 = xperp/sqrt(sqr(x2)+sqr(xperp));
double fact2 = sqr(xp)*(sqr(x2)+sqr(xperp));
double cos3 = x3 /sqrt(sqr(x3)+sqr(xperp));
double sin3 = xperp/sqrt(sqr(x3)+sqr(xperp));
double fact3 = sqr(xp)*(sqr(x3)+sqr(xperp));
double root = sqrt(sqr(l_)-1.);
output[0] = fact2*(sqr(cos2)+acoeff_*cos2*l_+sqr(l_)) +
output[1] = - fact2*(acoeff_*cos2*root*sin2+2.*l_*root*sin2)
- fact3*(acoeff_*cos3*root*sin3-2.*l_*root*sin3);
output[2] = fact2*(sqr(root)*sqr(sin2)) +
double lo(1+acoeff_*l_+sqr(l_));
double denom = norm ? sqr(xp)*(sqr(x3)+sqr(x2)+3.*sqr(xperp))*lo : lo;
for(unsigned int ix=0;ix<output.size();++ix) output[ix] /= denom;
return output;
-RealEmissionProcessPtr DISBase::generateHardest(RealEmissionProcessPtr tree,
+RealEmissionProcessPtr DISBase::generateHardest(RealEmissionProcessPtr born,
ShowerInteraction::Type inter) {
- assert(false);
- return RealEmissionProcessPtr();
-// // check if generating QCD radiation
-// if(inter==ShowerInteraction::QED) return HardTreePtr();
-// ShowerParticlePtr quark[2],lepton[2];
-// PPtr hadron;
-// // incoming particles
-// for(map<ShowerProgenitorPtr,ShowerParticlePtr>::const_iterator
-// cit=tree->incomingLines().begin();cit!=tree->incomingLines().end();++cit) {
-// if(QuarkMatcher::Check(cit->first->progenitor()->data())) {
-// hadron = cit->first->original()->parents()[0];
-// quark [0] = cit->first->progenitor();
-// beam_ = cit->first->beam();
-// }
-// else if(LeptonMatcher::Check(cit->first->progenitor()->data())) {
-// lepton[0] = cit->first->progenitor();
-// leptons_[0] = lepton[0]->dataPtr();
-// }
-// }
-// pdf_=beam_->pdf();
-// assert(beam_&&pdf_&&quark[0]&&lepton[0]);
-// // outgoing particles
-// for(map<ShowerProgenitorPtr,tShowerParticlePtr>::const_iterator
-// cit=tree->outgoingLines().begin();cit!=tree->outgoingLines().end();++cit) {
-// if(QuarkMatcher::Check(cit->first->progenitor()->data()))
-// quark [1] = cit->first->progenitor();
-// else if(LeptonMatcher::Check(cit->first->progenitor()->data())) {
-// lepton[1] = cit->first->progenitor();
-// leptons_[1] = lepton[1]->dataPtr();
-// }
-// }
-// assert(quark[1]&&lepton[1]);
-// // Particle data objects
-// for(unsigned int ix=0;ix<2;++ix) partons_[ix] = quark[ix]->dataPtr();
-// // extract the born variables
-// q_ =lepton[0]->momentum()-lepton[1]->momentum();
-// q2_ = -q_.m2();
-// xB_ = quark[0]->x();
-// double yB =
-// ( q_*quark[0]->momentum())/
-// (lepton[0]->momentum()*quark[0]->momentum());
-// l_ = 2./yB-1.;
-// // construct lorentz transform from lab to breit frame
-// Lorentz5Momentum phadron = hadron->momentum();
-// phadron.setMass(0.*GeV);
-// phadron.rescaleRho();
-// Lorentz5Momentum pb = quark[0]->momentum();
-// Axis axis(q_.vect().unit());
-// double sinth(sqrt(sqr(axis.x())+sqr(axis.y())));
-// LorentzRotation rot_ = LorentzRotation();
-// if(axis.perp2()>1e-20) {
-// rot_.setRotate(-acos(axis.z()),Axis(-axis.y()/sinth,axis.x()/sinth,0.));
-// rot_.rotateX(Constants::pi);
-// }
-// if(abs(1.-q_.e()/q_.vect().mag())>1e-6) rot_.boostZ( q_.e()/q_.vect().mag());
-// pb *= rot_;
-// if(pb.perp2()/GeV2>1e-20) {
-// Boost trans = -1./pb.e()*pb.vect();
-// trans.setZ(0.);
-// rot_.boost(trans);
-// }
-// Lorentz5Momentum pl = rot_*lepton[0]->momentum();
-// rot_.rotateZ(-atan2(pl.y(),pl.x()));
-// // momenta of the particles
-// pl_[0]=rot_*lepton[0]->momentum();
-// pl_[1]=rot_*lepton[1]->momentum();
-// pq_[0]=rot_* quark[0]->momentum();
-// pq_[1]=rot_* quark[1]->momentum();
-// q_ *= rot_;
-// // coefficient for the matrix elements
-// acoeff_ = A(lepton[0]->dataPtr(),lepton[1]->dataPtr(),
-// quark [0]->dataPtr(),quark [1]->dataPtr(),q2_);
-// // generate a compton point
-// generateCompton();
-// generateBGF();
-// // no valid emission, return
-// if(pTCompton_<ZERO&&pTBGF_<ZERO) return HardTreePtr();
-// // type of emission, pick highest pT
-// bool isCompton=pTCompton_>pTBGF_;
-// // // find the sudakov for the branching
-// // SudakovPtr sudakov;
-// // // ISR
-// // if(ComptonISFS_||!isCompton) {
-// // BranchingList branchings=evolver()->splittingGenerator()->initialStateBranchings();
-// // long index = abs(partons_[0]->id());
-// // IdList br(3);
-// // if(isCompton) {
-// // br[0] = index;
-// // br[1] = index;
-// // br[2] = ParticleID::g;
-// // }
-// // else {
-// // br[0] = ParticleID::g;
-// // br[1] = abs(partons_[0]->id());
-// // br[2] = -abs(partons_[0]->id());
-// // }
-// // for(BranchingList::const_iterator cit = branchings.lower_bound(index);
-// // cit != branchings.upper_bound(index); ++cit ) {
-// // IdList ids = cit->second.second;
-// // if(ids[0]==br[0]&&ids[1]==br[1]&&ids[2]==br[2]) {
-// // sudakov=cit->second.first;
-// // break;
-// // }
-// // }
-// // }
-// // // FSR
-// // else {
-// // BranchingList branchings =
-// // evolver()->splittingGenerator()->finalStateBranchings();
-// // long index=abs(partons_[1]->id());
-// // for(BranchingList::const_iterator cit = branchings.lower_bound(index);
-// // cit != branchings.upper_bound(index); ++cit ) {
-// // IdList ids = cit->second.second;
-// // if(ids[0]==index&&ids[1]==index&&ids[2]==ParticleID::g) {
-// // sudakov = cit->second.first;
-// // break;
-// // }
-// // }
-// // }
-// // if(!sudakov) throw Exception() << "Can't find Sudakov for the hard emission in "
-// // << "DISBase::generateHardest()"
-// // << Exception::runerror;
-// // add the leptons
-// vector<HardBranchingPtr> spaceBranchings,allBranchings;
-// spaceBranchings.push_back(new_ptr(HardBranching(lepton[0],SudakovPtr(),
-// HardBranchingPtr(),
-// HardBranching::Incoming)));
-// allBranchings.push_back(spaceBranchings.back());
-// allBranchings.push_back(new_ptr(HardBranching(lepton[1],SudakovPtr(),
-// HardBranchingPtr(),
-// HardBranching::Outgoing)));
-// // compton hardest
-// if(isCompton) {
-// rot_.invert();
-// for(unsigned int ix=0;ix<ComptonMomenta_.size();++ix) {
-// ComptonMomenta_[ix].transform(rot_);
-// }
-// ShowerParticlePtr newqout (new_ptr(ShowerParticle(partons_[1],true)));
-// newqout->set5Momentum(ComptonMomenta_[1]);
-// ShowerParticlePtr newg(new_ptr(ShowerParticle(gluon_,true)));
-// newg->set5Momentum(ComptonMomenta_[2]);
-// ShowerParticlePtr newqin (new_ptr(ShowerParticle(partons_[0],false )));
-// newqin->set5Momentum(ComptonMomenta_[0]);
-// if(ComptonISFS_) {
-// ShowerParticlePtr newspace(new_ptr(ShowerParticle(partons_[0],false)));
-// newspace->set5Momentum(ComptonMomenta_[0]-ComptonMomenta_[2]);
-// HardBranchingPtr spaceBranch(new_ptr(HardBranching(newqin,SudakovPtr(),
-// HardBranchingPtr(),
-// HardBranching::Incoming)));
-// HardBranchingPtr offBranch(new_ptr(HardBranching(newspace,SudakovPtr(),
-// spaceBranch,
-// HardBranching::Incoming)));
-// spaceBranch->addChild(offBranch);
-// HardBranchingPtr g(new_ptr(HardBranching(newg,SudakovPtr(),spaceBranch,
-// HardBranching::Outgoing)));
-// spaceBranch->addChild(g);
-// spaceBranch->type(offBranch->branchingParticle()->id()>0 ?
-// ShowerPartnerType::QCDColourLine : ShowerPartnerType::QCDAntiColourLine);
-// HardBranchingPtr outBranch(new_ptr(HardBranching(newqout,SudakovPtr(),
-// HardBranchingPtr(),
-// HardBranching::Outgoing)));
-// spaceBranchings.push_back(spaceBranch);
-// allBranchings.push_back(offBranch);
-// allBranchings.push_back(outBranch);
-// ColinePtr newin(new_ptr(ColourLine())),newout(new_ptr(ColourLine()));
-// newin ->addColoured(newqin ,partons_[0]->id()<0);
-// newin ->addColoured(newg ,partons_[0]->id()<0);
-// newout->addColoured(newspace,partons_[0]->id()<0);
-// newout->addColoured(newqout ,partons_[1]->id()<0);
-// newout->addColoured(newg ,partons_[1]->id()>0);
-// }
-// else {
-// ShowerParticlePtr newtime(new_ptr(ShowerParticle(partons_[1],true)));
-// newtime->set5Momentum(ComptonMomenta_[1]+ComptonMomenta_[2]);
-// HardBranchingPtr spaceBranch(new_ptr(HardBranching(newqin,SudakovPtr(),
-// HardBranchingPtr(),
-// HardBranching::Incoming)));
-// HardBranchingPtr offBranch(new_ptr(HardBranching(newtime,SudakovPtr(),
-// HardBranchingPtr(),
-// HardBranching::Outgoing)));
-// HardBranchingPtr g(new_ptr(HardBranching(newg,SudakovPtr(),offBranch,
-// HardBranching::Outgoing)));
-// HardBranchingPtr outBranch(new_ptr(HardBranching(newqout,SudakovPtr(),offBranch,
-// HardBranching::Outgoing)));
-// offBranch->addChild(outBranch);
-// offBranch->addChild(g);
-// offBranch->type(offBranch->branchingParticle()->id()>0 ?
-// ShowerPartnerType::QCDColourLine : ShowerPartnerType::QCDAntiColourLine);
-// spaceBranchings.push_back(spaceBranch);
-// allBranchings.push_back(spaceBranch);
-// allBranchings.push_back(offBranch);
-// ColinePtr newin(new_ptr(ColourLine())),newout(new_ptr(ColourLine()));
-// newin ->addColoured(newqin ,newqin->dataPtr()->iColour()!=PDT::Colour3);
-// newin ->addColoured(newtime,newqin->dataPtr()->iColour()!=PDT::Colour3);
-// newin ->addColoured(newg ,newqin->dataPtr()->iColour()!=PDT::Colour3);
-// newout->addColoured(newg ,newqin->dataPtr()->iColour()==PDT::Colour3);
-// newout->addColoured(newqout,newqin->dataPtr()->iColour()!=PDT::Colour3);
-// }
-// }
-// // BGF hardest
-// else {
-// rot_.invert();
-// for(unsigned int ix=0;ix<BGFMomenta_.size();++ix) {
-// BGFMomenta_[ix].transform(rot_);
-// }
-// ShowerParticlePtr newq (new_ptr(ShowerParticle(partons_[1],true)));
-// newq->set5Momentum(BGFMomenta_[1]);
-// ShowerParticlePtr newqbar(new_ptr(ShowerParticle(partons_[0]->CC(),true)));
-// newqbar->set5Momentum(BGFMomenta_[2]);
-// ShowerParticlePtr newg (new_ptr(ShowerParticle(gluon_,false)));
-// newg->set5Momentum(BGFMomenta_[0]);
-// ShowerParticlePtr newspace(new_ptr(ShowerParticle(partons_[0],false)));
-// newspace->set5Momentum(BGFMomenta_[0]-BGFMomenta_[2]);
-// HardBranchingPtr spaceBranch(new_ptr(HardBranching(newg,SudakovPtr(),HardBranchingPtr(),
-// HardBranching::Incoming)));
-// HardBranchingPtr offBranch(new_ptr(HardBranching(newspace,SudakovPtr(),spaceBranch,
-// HardBranching::Incoming)));
-// HardBranchingPtr qbar(new_ptr(HardBranching(newqbar,SudakovPtr(),spaceBranch,
-// HardBranching::Outgoing)));
-// spaceBranch->addChild(offBranch);
-// spaceBranch->addChild(qbar);
-// spaceBranch->type(offBranch->branchingParticle()->id()>0 ?
-// ShowerPartnerType::QCDColourLine : ShowerPartnerType::QCDAntiColourLine);
-// HardBranchingPtr outBranch(new_ptr(HardBranching(newq,SudakovPtr(),
-// HardBranchingPtr(),
-// HardBranching::Outgoing)));
-// spaceBranchings.push_back(spaceBranch);
-// allBranchings.push_back(offBranch);
-// allBranchings.push_back(outBranch);
-// ColinePtr newin(new_ptr(ColourLine())),newout(new_ptr(ColourLine()));
-// newout->addColoured(newspace,newspace->dataPtr()->iColour()!=PDT::Colour3);
-// newout->addColoured(newq ,newspace->dataPtr()->iColour()!=PDT::Colour3);
-// newout->addColoured(newg ,newspace->dataPtr()->iColour()!=PDT::Colour3);
-// newin ->addColoured(newg ,newspace->dataPtr()->iColour()==PDT::Colour3);
-// newin ->addColoured(newqbar ,newspace->dataPtr()->iColour()==PDT::Colour3);
-// }
-// allBranchings[2]->colourPartner(allBranchings[3]);
-// allBranchings[3]->colourPartner(allBranchings[2]);
-// HardTreePtr newTree(new_ptr(HardTree(allBranchings,spaceBranchings,
-// ShowerInteraction::QCD)));
-// // Set the maximum pt for all other emissions and connect hard and shower tree
-// Energy pT = isCompton ? pTCompton_ : pTBGF_;
-// // incoming particles
-// for(map<ShowerProgenitorPtr,ShowerParticlePtr>::const_iterator
-// cit=tree->incomingLines().begin();cit!=tree->incomingLines().end();++cit) {
-// // set maximum pT
-// if(QuarkMatcher::Check(cit->first->progenitor()->data()))
-// cit->first->maximumpT(pT,ShowerInteraction::QCD);
-// for(set<HardBranchingPtr>::iterator cjt=newTree->branchings().begin();
-// cjt!=newTree->branchings().end();++cjt) {
-// if(!(*cjt)->branchingParticle()->isFinalState()&&
-// (*cjt)->branchingParticle()->id()==cit->first->progenitor()->id()) {
-// newTree->connect(cit->first->progenitor(),*cjt);
-// tPPtr beam =cit->first->original();
-// if(!beam->parents().empty()) beam=beam->parents()[0];
-// (*cjt)->beam(beam);
-// HardBranchingPtr parent=(*cjt)->parent();
-// while(parent) {
-// parent->beam(beam);
-// parent=parent->parent();
-// };
-// }
-// }
-// }
-// // outgoing particles
-// for(map<ShowerProgenitorPtr,tShowerParticlePtr>::const_iterator
-// cit=tree->outgoingLines().begin();cit!=tree->outgoingLines().end();++cit) {
-// // set maximum pT
-// if(QuarkMatcher::Check(cit->first->progenitor()->data()))
-// cit->first->maximumpT(pT,ShowerInteraction::QCD);
-// for(set<HardBranchingPtr>::iterator cjt=newTree->branchings().begin();
-// cjt!=newTree->branchings().end();++cjt) {
-// if((*cjt)->branchingParticle()->isFinalState()&&
-// (*cjt)->branchingParticle()->id()==cit->first->progenitor()->id()) {
-// newTree->connect(cit->first->progenitor(),*cjt);
-// }
-// }
-// }
-// return newTree;
+ // check if generating QCD radiation
+ if(inter==ShowerInteraction::QED) return RealEmissionProcessPtr();
+ PPtr quark[2],lepton[2];
+ PPtr hadron;
+ unsigned int iqIn(0),iqOut(0);
+ // incoming particles
+ for(unsigned int ix=0;ix<born->bornIncoming().size();++ix) {
+ if(QuarkMatcher::Check(born->bornIncoming()[ix]->data())) {
+ iqIn=ix;
+ hadron = born->hadrons()[ix];
+ quark [0] = born->bornIncoming()[ix];
+ beam_ = dynamic_ptr_cast<tcBeamPtr>(hadron->dataPtr());
+ xB_ = quark[0]->momentum().rho()/hadron->momentum().rho();
+ }
+ else if(LeptonMatcher::Check(born->bornIncoming()[ix]->data())) {
+ lepton[0] = born->bornIncoming()[ix];
+ leptons_[0] = lepton[0]->dataPtr();
+ }
+ }
+ pdf_=beam_->pdf();
+ assert(beam_&&pdf_&&quark[0]&&lepton[0]);
+ // outgoing particles
+ for(unsigned int ix=0;ix<born->bornOutgoing().size();++ix) {
+ if(QuarkMatcher::Check(born->bornOutgoing()[ix]->data())) {
+ iqOut=ix;
+ quark [1] = born->bornOutgoing()[ix];
+ }
+ else if(LeptonMatcher::Check(born->bornOutgoing()[ix]->data())) {
+ lepton[1] = born->bornOutgoing()[ix];
+ leptons_[1] = lepton[1]->dataPtr();
+ }
+ }
+ assert(quark[1]&&lepton[1]);
+ // Particle data objects
+ for(unsigned int ix=0;ix<2;++ix) partons_[ix] = quark[ix]->dataPtr();
+ // extract the born variables
+ q_ =lepton[0]->momentum()-lepton[1]->momentum();
+ q2_ = -q_.m2();
+ double yB =
+ ( q_*quark[0]->momentum())/
+ (lepton[0]->momentum()*quark[0]->momentum());
+ l_ = 2./yB-1.;
+ // construct lorentz transform from lab to breit frame
+ Lorentz5Momentum phadron = hadron->momentum();
+ phadron.setMass(0.*GeV);
+ phadron.rescaleRho();
+ Lorentz5Momentum pb = quark[0]->momentum();
+ Axis axis(q_.vect().unit());
+ double sinth(sqrt(sqr(axis.x())+sqr(axis.y())));
+ LorentzRotation rot_ = LorentzRotation();
+ if(axis.perp2()>1e-20) {
+ rot_.setRotate(-acos(axis.z()),Axis(-axis.y()/sinth,axis.x()/sinth,0.));
+ rot_.rotateX(Constants::pi);
+ }
+ if(abs(1.-q_.e()/q_.vect().mag())>1e-6) rot_.boostZ( q_.e()/q_.vect().mag());
+ pb *= rot_;
+ if(pb.perp2()/GeV2>1e-20) {
+ Boost trans = -1./pb.e()*pb.vect();
+ trans.setZ(0.);
+ rot_.boost(trans);
+ }
+ Lorentz5Momentum pl = rot_*lepton[0]->momentum();
+ rot_.rotateZ(-atan2(pl.y(),pl.x()));
+ // momenta of the particles
+ pl_[0]=rot_*lepton[0]->momentum();
+ pl_[1]=rot_*lepton[1]->momentum();
+ pq_[0]=rot_* quark[0]->momentum();
+ pq_[1]=rot_* quark[1]->momentum();
+ q_ *= rot_;
+ // coefficient for the matrix elements
+ acoeff_ = A(lepton[0]->dataPtr(),lepton[1]->dataPtr(),
+ quark [0]->dataPtr(),quark [1]->dataPtr(),q2_);
+ // generate a compton point
+ generateCompton();
+ generateBGF();
+ // no valid emission, return
+ if(pTCompton_<ZERO&&pTBGF_<ZERO) {
+ born->pT()[ShowerInteraction::QCD] = pTmin_;
+ return born;
+ }
+ // type of emission, pick highest pT
+ bool isCompton=pTCompton_>pTBGF_;
+ // create the process with real emission
+ bool isQuark = quark[0]->colourLine();
+ bool FSR = false;
+ // incoming lepton if first
+ if(iqIn==1)
+ born->incoming().push_back(born->bornIncoming()[0]->dataPtr()->
+ produceParticle(born->bornIncoming()[0]->momentum()));
+ // outgoing lepton if first
+ if(iqOut==1)
+ born->outgoing().push_back(born->bornOutgoing()[0]->dataPtr()->
+ produceParticle(born->bornOutgoing()[0]->momentum()));
+ PPtr newout,newin,emitted;
+ // compton hardest
+ if(isCompton) {
+ rot_.invert();
+ for(unsigned int ix=0;ix<ComptonMomenta_.size();++ix) {
+ ComptonMomenta_[ix].transform(rot_);
+ }
+ newout = partons_[1]->produceParticle(ComptonMomenta_[1]);
+ emitted = gluon_ ->produceParticle(ComptonMomenta_[2]);
+ newin = partons_[0]->produceParticle(ComptonMomenta_[0]);
+ emitted->incomingColour(newin,!isQuark);
+ emitted->colourConnect(newout,!isQuark);
+ FSR = !ComptonISFS_;
+ born->pT()[ShowerInteraction::QCD] = pTCompton_;
+ }
+ // BGF hardest
+ else {
+ rot_.invert();
+ for(unsigned int ix=0;ix<BGFMomenta_.size();++ix) {
+ BGFMomenta_[ix].transform(rot_);
+ }
+ newin = gluon_ ->produceParticle(BGFMomenta_[0]);
+ emitted = quark[0]->dataPtr()->CC()->produceParticle(BGFMomenta_[2]);
+ newout = quark[1]->dataPtr() ->produceParticle(BGFMomenta_[1]);
+ emitted->incomingColour(newin, isQuark);
+ newout ->incomingColour(newin,!isQuark);
+ FSR = false;
+ born->pT()[ShowerInteraction::QCD] = pTBGF_;
+ }
+ double x = newin->momentum().rho()/hadron->momentum().rho();
+ if(born->incoming().size()==0)
+ born->x(make_pair(x,1.));
+ else
+ born->x(make_pair(1.,x));
+ if(FSR) {
+ born->emitter(born->outgoing().size()+2);
+ born->spectator(born->incoming().size());
+ }
+ else {
+ born->emitter(born->incoming().size());
+ born->spectator(born->outgoing().size()+2);
+ }
+ born->emitted(4);
+ // radiating particles
+ born->incoming().push_back(newin );
+ born->outgoing().push_back(newout);
+ // incoming lepton if second
+ if(iqIn==0)
+ born->incoming().push_back(born->bornIncoming()[1]->dataPtr()->
+ produceParticle(born->bornIncoming()[1]->momentum()));
+ // outgoing lepton if second
+ if(iqOut==0)
+ born->outgoing().push_back(born->bornOutgoing()[1]->dataPtr()->
+ produceParticle(born->bornOutgoing()[1]->momentum()));
+ // radiated particle
+ born->outgoing().push_back(emitted);
+ return born;
void DISBase::generateCompton() {
// maximum value of the xT
double xT = sqrt((1.-xB_)/xB_);
double xTMin = 2.*pTmin_/sqrt(q2_);
double zp;
// prefactor
double a = alpha_->overestimateValue()*comptonWeight_/Constants::twopi;
// loop to generate kinematics
double wgt(0.),xp(0.);
vector<double> azicoeff;
do {
wgt = 0.;
// intergration variables dxT/xT^3
xT *= 1./sqrt(1.-2.*log(UseRandom::rnd())/a*sqr(xT));
// zp
zp = UseRandom::rnd();
xp = 1./(1.+0.25*sqr(xT)/zp/(1.-zp));
// check allowed
if(xp<xB_||xp>1.) continue;
// phase-space piece of the weight
wgt = 8.*(1.-xp)*zp/comptonWeight_;
// PDF piece of the weight
Energy2 scale = q2_*((1.-xp)*(1-zp)*zp/xp+1.);
wgt *= pdf_->xfx(beam_,partons_[0],scale,xB_/xp)/
pdf_->xfx(beam_,partons_[0],q2_ ,xB_);
// me piece of the weight
double x2 = 1.-(1.-zp)/xp;
azicoeff = ComptonME(xp,x2,xT,false);
wgt *= 4./3.*alpha_->ratio(0.25*q2_*sqr(xT))*(azicoeff[0]+0.5*azicoeff[2]);
if(wgt>1.||wgt<0.) {
ostringstream wstring;
wstring << "DISBase::generateCompton() "
<< "Weight greater than one or less than zero"
<< "wgt = " << wgt << "\n";
generator()->logWarning( Exception(wstring.str(),
Exception::warning) );
if(xT<=xTMin) {
// generate phi
unsigned int itry(0);
double phimax = std::accumulate(azicoeff.begin(),azicoeff.end(),0.);
double phiwgt,phi;
do {
phi = UseRandom::rnd()*Constants::twopi;
double cphi(cos(phi));
phiwgt = azicoeff[0]+azicoeff[1]*cphi+azicoeff[2]*sqr(cphi);
while (phimax*UseRandom::rnd() > phiwgt && itry<200);
if(itry==200) throw Exception() << "Too many tries in DISMECorrection"
<< "::generateCompton() to"
<< " generate phi" << Exception::eventerror;
// momenta for the configuration
Energy Q(sqrt(q2_));
double x1 = -1./xp;
double x2 = 1.-(1.-zp)/xp;
double x3 = 2.+x1-x2;
Lorentz5Momentum p1( 0.5*Q*xT*cos(phi), 0.5*Q*xT*sin(phi),
-0.5*Q*x2, 0.5*Q*sqrt(sqr(xT)+sqr(x2)));
Lorentz5Momentum p2(-0.5*Q*xT*cos(phi), -0.5*Q*xT*sin(phi),
-0.5*Q*x3, 0.5*Q*sqrt(sqr(xT)+sqr(x3)));
Lorentz5Momentum p0(ZERO,ZERO,-0.5*Q*x1,-0.5*Q*x1);
pTCompton_ = 0.5*Q*xT;
ComptonMomenta_[0] = p0;
ComptonMomenta_[1] = p1;
ComptonMomenta_[2] = p2;
ComptonISFS_ = zp>xp;
// debuggingMatrixElement(false,p0,p1,p2,gluon_,pl_[0],pl_[1],pq_[0],pq_[1],
// leptons_[0],leptons_[1],
// partons_[0],partons_[1],
// q2_,phi,x2,x3,xT,zp,xp,azicoeff,false);
void DISBase::generateBGF() {
// maximum value of the xT
double xT = (1.-xB_)/xB_;
double xTMin = 2.*max(pTmin_,pTCompton_)/sqrt(q2_);
double zp;
// prefactor
double a = alpha_->overestimateValue()*BGFWeight_/Constants::twopi;
// loop to generate kinematics
double wgt(0.),xp(0.);
vector<double> azicoeff;
do {
wgt = 0.;
// intergration variables dxT/xT^3
xT *= 1./sqrt(1.-2.*log(UseRandom::rnd())/a*sqr(xT));
// zp
zp = UseRandom::rnd();
xp = 1./(1.+0.25*sqr(xT)/zp/(1.-zp));
// check allowed
if(xp<xB_||xp>1.) continue;
// phase-space piece of the weight
wgt = 8.*sqr(1.-xp)*zp/BGFWeight_;
// PDF piece of the weight
Energy2 scale = q2_*((1.-xp)*(1-zp)*zp/xp+1.);
wgt *= pdf_->xfx(beam_,gluon_ ,scale,xB_/xp)/
pdf_->xfx(beam_,partons_[0],q2_ ,xB_);
// me piece of the weight
double x1 = -1./xp;
double x2 = 1.-(1.-zp)/xp;
double x3 = 2.+x1-x2;
azicoeff = BGFME(xp,x2,x3,xT,false);
wgt *= 0.5*alpha_->ratio(0.25*q2_*sqr(xT))*
if(wgt>1.||wgt<0.) {
ostringstream wstring;
wstring << "DISBase::generateBGF() "
<< "Weight greater than one or less than zero"
<< "wgt = " << wgt << "\n";
generator()->logWarning( Exception(wstring.str(),
Exception::warning) );
if(xT<=xTMin) {
// generate phi
unsigned int itry(0);
double phimax = std::accumulate(azicoeff.begin(),azicoeff.end(),0.);
double phiwgt,phi;
do {
phi = UseRandom::rnd()*Constants::twopi;
double cphi(cos(phi));
phiwgt = azicoeff[0]+azicoeff[1]*cphi+azicoeff[2]*sqr(cphi);
while (phimax*UseRandom::rnd() > phiwgt && itry<200);
if(itry==200) throw Exception() << "Too many tries in DISMECorrection"
<< "::generateBGF() to"
<< " generate phi" << Exception::eventerror;
// momenta for the configuration
Energy Q(sqrt(q2_));
double x1 = -1./xp;
double x2 = 1.-(1.-zp)/xp;
double x3 = 2.+x1-x2;
Lorentz5Momentum p1( 0.5*Q*xT*cos(phi), 0.5*Q*xT*sin(phi),
-0.5*Q*x2, 0.5*Q*sqrt(sqr(xT)+sqr(x2)));
Lorentz5Momentum p2(-0.5*Q*xT*cos(phi), -0.5*Q*xT*sin(phi),
-0.5*Q*x3, 0.5*Q*sqrt(sqr(xT)+sqr(x3)));
Lorentz5Momentum p0(ZERO,ZERO,-0.5*Q*x1,-0.5*Q*x1);
// debuggingMatrixElement(true,p0,p1,p2,gluon_,pl_[0],pl_[1],pq_[0],pq_[1],
// leptons_[0],leptons_[1],
// partons_[0],partons_[1],
// q2_,phi,x2,x3,xT,zp,xp,azicoeff,false);
int DISBase::nDim() const {
return HwMEBase::nDim() + (contrib_>0 ? 1 : 0 );
bool DISBase::generateKinematics(const double * r) {
// Born kinematics
if(!HwMEBase::generateKinematics(r)) return false;
if(contrib_!=0) {
// hadron and momentum fraction
if(HadronMatcher::Check(*lastParticles().first->dataPtr())) {
hadron_ = dynamic_ptr_cast<tcBeamPtr>(lastParticles().first->dataPtr());
xB_ = lastX1();
else {
hadron_ = dynamic_ptr_cast<tcBeamPtr>(lastParticles().second->dataPtr());
xB_ = lastX2();
// Q2
q2_ = -(meMomenta()[0]-meMomenta()[2]).m2();
// xp
int ndim=nDim();
double rhomin = pow(1.-xB_,1.-power_);
double rho = r[ndim-1]*rhomin;
xp_ = 1.-pow(rho,1./(1.-power_));
jac_ = rhomin/(1.-power_)*pow(1.-xp_,power_);
return true;
Energy2 DISBase::scale() const {
return scaleOpt_ == 1 ?
-sqr(scaleFact_)*tHat() : sqr(scaleFact_*muF_);
CrossSection DISBase::dSigHatDR() const {
return NLOWeight()*HwMEBase::dSigHatDR();
double DISBase::NLOWeight() const {
// If only leading order is required return 1:
if(contrib_==0) return 1.;
// scale and prefactors
Energy2 mu2(scale());
double aS = SM().alphaS(mu2);
double CFfact = 4./3.*aS/Constants::twopi;
double TRfact = 1./2.*aS/Constants::twopi;
// LO + dipole subtracted virtual + collinear quark bit with LO pdf
double virt = 1.+CFfact*(-4.5-1./3.*sqr(Constants::pi)+1.5*log(q2_/mu2/(1.-xB_))
virt /= jac_;
// PDF from leading-order
double loPDF = hadron_->pdf()->xfx(hadron_,mePartonData()[1],mu2,xB_)/xB_;
// NLO gluon PDF
tcPDPtr gluon = getParticleData(ParticleID::g);
double gPDF = hadron_->pdf()->xfx(hadron_,gluon,mu2,xB_/xp_)*xp_/xB_;
// NLO quark PDF
double qPDF = hadron_->pdf()->xfx(hadron_,mePartonData()[1],mu2,xB_/xp_)*xp_/xB_;
// collinear counterterms
// gluon
double collg =
// quark
double collq =
// calculate the A coefficient for the real pieces
double a(A(mePartonData()[0],mePartonData()[2],
// cacluate lepton kinematic variables
Lorentz5Momentum q = meMomenta()[0]-meMomenta()[2];
double yB = (q*meMomenta()[1])/(meMomenta()[0]*meMomenta()[1]);
double l = 2./yB-1.;
// q -> qg term
double realq = CFfact/xp_/(1.+a*l+sqr(l))*qPDF/loPDF*
// g -> q qbar term
double realg =-TRfact/xp_/(1.+a*l+sqr(l))*gPDF/loPDF*
// return the full result
double wgt = virt+((collq+collg)/loPDF+realq+realg);
// double f2g = gPDF/xp_*TRfact*((sqr(1-xp_)+sqr(xp_))*log((1-xp_)/xp_)+
// 8*xp_*(1.-xp_)-1.);
// double f2q =
// loPDF/jac_*(1.+CFfact*(-1.5*log(1.-xB_)+sqr(log(1.-xB_))
// -sqr(Constants::pi)/3.-4.5))
// +qPDF *CFfact/xp_*(3.+2.*xp_-(1.+xp_)*log(1.-xp_)
// -(1.+sqr(xp_))/(1.-xp_)*log(xp_))
// +(qPDF-xp_*loPDF)*CFfact/xp_*(2.*log(1.-xp_)/(1.-xp_)-1.5/(1.-xp_));
// double wgt = (f2g+f2q)/loPDF;
return contrib_ == 1 ? max(0.,wgt) : max(0.,-wgt);

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Tue, Nov 19, 8:41 PM (1 d, 3 h)
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Event Timeline