cout<<endl<<"**** HELP *****************************************"<<endl<<endl;
cout<<"To compile and run the program do:"<<endl<<"\t $ make"<<endl<<"\t $ ./ScannerS -i input_file_name"<<endl<<endl<<"To clean the compilation do"<<endl<<"\t $ make clean"<<endl<<endl;
cout<<"To run the program in verbose mode, uncomment the following line in the makefile:"<<endl<<" #MODE=-DVERBOSE"<<endl<<endl<<"by removing the hash, i.e."<<endl<<" MODE=-DVERBOSE"<<endl<<endl;
cout<<"Other runtime options are :"<<endl<<endl;
cout<<"-i input_file_name \t"<<endl<<" **************************************"<<endl<<" Specify the Mathematica produced input file name where to read the potential from."<<endl<<endl;
cout<<"-o output_file_name [this is optional] \t "<<endl<<" **************************************"<<endl<<" Redirect cout to write the results of the scan to the the output file specified. Otherwise the file model.out is created."<<endl<<endl;
cout<<"--nscan number_of_points_to_generate [this is optional] \t "<<endl<<" **************************************"<<endl<<" Specify the number of points to be generated. If not provided, 1 point will be generated."<<endl<<endl;
cout<<"--seed seed_value [this is optional] \t "<<endl<<" **************************************"<<endl<<" Specify the seed for the pseudo-random number generator. If not provided, 0 will be used."<<endl<<endl;
cout<<"--log log_file_name [this is optional] \t "<<endl<<" **************************************"<<endl<<" Redirect clog to write the information printed on screen for the user, to the the log file specified."<<endl<<endl;
cout<<"--err err_file_name [this is optional] \t "<<endl<<" **************************************"<<endl<<" Redirect cerr to write the errors printed on screen for the user, to the the error file specified."<<endl<<endl;
cout<<"NOTE: The default output file is created with the name model.out"<<endl<<endl;
cout<<"Compile in verbose mode: If you want to recompile the code in verbose mode with very detailed info of each point that was attempted, follow these steps:"<<endl;
cout<<" \t $make clean"<<endl;
cout<<" \t $make MODE=-DVERBOSE"<<endl<<endl;
cout<<"**** END OF HELP *****************************************"<<endl<<endl;