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diff --git a/include/HEJ/event_types.hh b/include/HEJ/event_types.hh
index a9e3875..165a552 100644
--- a/include/HEJ/event_types.hh
+++ b/include/HEJ/event_types.hh
@@ -1,113 +1,119 @@
/** \file
* \brief Define different types of events.
* \authors The HEJ collaboration (see AUTHORS for details)
* \date 2019-2020
* \copyright GPLv2 or later
#pragma once
#include <string>
#include "HEJ/exceptions.hh"
namespace HEJ {
//! Namespace for event types
namespace event_type {
//! Possible event types
enum EventType: std::size_t {
non_resummable = 0, //!< event configuration not covered by All Order resummation
bad_final_state = 1, //!< event with an unsupported final state
not_enough_jets = 2, //!< event with less than two jets
FKL = 4, //!< FKL-type event
unordered_backward = 8, //!< event with unordered backward emission
unordered_forward = 16, //!< event with unordered forward emission
extremal_qqbar_backward = 32, //!< event with a backward extremal qqbar
extremal_qqbar_forward = 64, //!< event with a forward extremal qqbar
central_qqbar = 128, //!< event with a central qqbar
unob = unordered_backward, //!< alias for unordered_backward
unof = unordered_forward, //!< alias for unordered_forward
qqbar_exb = extremal_qqbar_backward, //!< alias for extremal_qqbar_backward
qqbar_exf = extremal_qqbar_forward, //!< alias for extremal_qqbar_forward
qqbar_mid = central_qqbar, //!< alias for central_qqbar
- first_type = non_resummable, //!< alias for non_resummable
- last_type = central_qqbar //!< alias for central_qqbar
+ invalid = 256, //!< unphysical event, e.g. violating conservation laws
+ unknown = 512, //!< configuration not considered by HEJ, e.g di-Higgs
+ first_type = non_resummable, //!< alias for numerically smallest enumerator
+ last_type = unknown //!< alias for numerically largest enumerator
constexpr std::size_t UNO = unordered_backward | unordered_forward;
constexpr std::size_t EXTREMAL_QQBAR =
extremal_qqbar_backward | extremal_qqbar_forward;
constexpr std::size_t QQBAR =
EXTREMAL_QQBAR | central_qqbar;
constexpr auto NLL = UNO | QQBAR;
constexpr auto RESUMMABLE = FKL | NLL;
constexpr auto VALID = RESUMMABLE | non_resummable;
//! Event type names
* For example, name(FKL) is the string "FKL"
std::string name(EventType type) {
switch(type) {
case FKL:
return "FKL";
case unordered_backward:
return "unordered backward";
case unordered_forward:
return "unordered forward";
case extremal_qqbar_backward:
return "extremal qqbar backward";
case extremal_qqbar_forward:
return "extremal qqbar forward";
case central_qqbar:
return "central qqbar";
case non_resummable:
return "non-resummable";
case not_enough_jets:
return "not enough jets";
case bad_final_state:
return "bad final state";
+ case invalid:
+ return "invalid";
+ case unknown:
+ return "unknown";
throw std::logic_error{"Unreachable"};
//! Returns True for a HEJ \ref event_type::EventType "EventType"
constexpr bool is_resummable(EventType type) {
return type & RESUMMABLE;
//! Returns True for an unordered \ref event_type::EventType "EventType"
constexpr bool is_uno(EventType type) {
return type & UNO;
//! Returns True for an extremal_qqbar \ref event_type::EventType "EventType"
constexpr bool is_ex_qqbar(EventType type) {
return type & EXTREMAL_QQBAR;
//! Returns True for an central_qqbar \ref event_type::EventType "EventType"
constexpr bool is_mid_qqbar(EventType type) {
return type == central_qqbar;
//! Returns True for any qqbar event \ref event_type::EventType "EventType"
constexpr bool is_qqbar(EventType type) {
return type & QQBAR;
} // namespace event_type
} // namespace HEJ

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Sun, Feb 23, 2:20 PM (8 h, 3 m)
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Event Timeline