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diff --git a/parameters/config.xml b/parameters/config.xml
index 0cb30c2..49dc841 100644
--- a/parameters/config.xml
+++ b/parameters/config.xml
@@ -1,211 +1,212 @@
<!-- # ###################################################### -->
<!-- # This file is read in by default at runtime -->
<!-- # If you want to override on a case by case bases use -q at runtime -->
<!-- # ###################################################### -->
<!-- # MAIN Configs -->
<!-- # ###################################################### -->
<!-- # Logger goes from -->
<!-- # 1 Quiet -->
<!-- # 2 Fitter -->
<!-- # 3 Samples -->
<!-- # 4 Reconfigure Loops -->
<!-- # 5 Every Event print out (SHOUT) -->
<!-- # -1 DEBUGGING -->
<config VERBOSITY='4'/>
<!-- # ERROR goes from -->
<!-- # 0 NONE -->
<!-- # 1 FATAL -->
<!-- # 2 WARN -->
<config ERROR='2'/>
<config TRACE='0'/>
<config cores='1' />
<config spline_test_throws='50' />
<config spline_cores='1' />
<config spline_chunks='20' />
<config spline_procchunk='-1' />
<config Electron_NThetaBins='4' />
<config Electron_NEnergyBins='4' />
<config Electron_ThetaWidth='1.0' />
<config Electron_EnergyWidth='0.10' />
<config RemoveFSIParticles='0' />
<config RemoveUndefParticles='0' />
<config RemoveNuclearParticles='0'/>
<config MINERvASaveExtraCCQE='0' />
<!-- # Input Configs -->
<!-- # ###################################################### -->
<!-- # Default Requirements file for the externalDataFitter Package -->
<!-- # MAX Events : -1 is no cut. Events will be scaled automatically to give good xsec predictions. -->
<config MAXEVENTS='-1'/>
-<config includeemptystackhists='1'/>
+<!-- Include empty stacks in the THStack -->
+<config includeemptystackhists='0'/>
<!-- # Turn on/off event manager -->
<!-- # EventManager enables us to only loop number of events once for multiple projections of the same measurements -->
<!-- # e.g. MiniBooNE CC1pi+ Q2 and MiniBooNE CC1pi+ Tmu would ordinarily require 2 reconfigures, but with this enabled it requires only one -->
<config EventManager='1'/>
<!-- # Event Directories -->
<!-- # Can setup default directories and use @EVENT_DIR/path to link to it -->
<config EVENT_DIR='/data2/stowell/NIWG/'/>
<config NEUT_EVENT_DIR='/data2/stowell/NIWG/neut/fit_samples_neut5.3.3/'/>
<config GENIE_EVENT_DIR='/data2/stowell/NIWG/genie/fit_samples_R.2.10.0/'/>
<config NUWRO_EVENT_DIR='/data2/stowell/NIWG/nuwro/fit_samples/'/>
<config GIBUU_EVENT_DIR='/data/GIBUU/DIR/'/>
<config SaveNuWroExtra='0' />
<!-- # In PrepareGENIE the reconstructed splines can be saved into the file -->
<config save_genie_splines='1'/>
<!-- # In InputHandler the option to regenerate NuWro flux/xsec plots is available -->
<!-- # Going to move this to its own app soon -->
<!-- # DEVEL CONFIG OPTION, don't touch! -->
<config CacheSize='0'/>
<!-- # ReWeighting Configuration Options -->
<!-- # ###################################################### -->
<!-- # Convert Dials in output statements using dial conversion card -->
<config convert_dials='0'/>
<!-- # Vetos can be used to specify RW dials NOT to be loaded in -->
<!-- # Useful if one specific one has an issue -->
<config FitWeight_fNIWGRW_veto=''/>
<config FitWeight_fNuwroRW_veto=''/>
<config FitWeight_fNeutRW_veto=''/>
<config FitWeight_fGenieRW_veto=''/>
<!-- # Output Options -->
<!-- # ###################################################### -->
<!-- # Save Nominal prediction with all rw engines at default -->
<config savenominal='0'/>
<!-- # Save prefit with values at starting values -->
<config saveprefit='0'/>
<!-- # Here's the full list of drawing options -->
-<!-- # See src/FitBase/Measurement1D::Write for more info -->
<!-- #config drawopts DATA/MC -->
<config InterpolateSigmaQ0Histogram='1' />
<config InterpolateSigmaQ0HistogramRes='100' />
<config InterpolateSigmaQ0HistogramThrow='1' />
<config InterpolateSigmaQ0HistogramNTHROWS='100000' />
<!-- # Save the shape scaling applied with option SHAPE into the main MC hist -->
<config saveshapescaling='0'/>
<config CorrectGENIEMECNorm='1'/>
<!-- # Set style of 1D output histograms -->
<config linecolour='1'/>
<config linestyle='1'/>
<config linewidth='1'/>
<!-- # For GenericFlux -->
<config isLiteMode='0'/>
<!-- # Statistical Options -->
<!-- # ###################################################### -->
<!-- # Add MC Statistical error to likelihoods -->
<config addmcerror='0'/>
<!-- # NUISMIN Configurations -->
<!-- # ###################################################### -->
<config MAXCALLS='1000000'/>
<config MAXITERATIONS='1000000'/>
<config TOLERANCE='0.001'/>
<!-- # Number of events required in low stats routines -->
<config LOWSTATEVENTS='25000'/>
<!-- # Error band generator configs -->
<!-- # ###################################################### -->
<!-- # For -f ErrorBands creates error bands for given measurements -->
<!-- # How many throws do we want (The higher the better precision) -->
<config error_throws='250'/>
<!-- # Are we throwing uniform or according to Gaussian? -->
<!-- # Only use uniform if wanting to study the limits of a dial. -->
<config error_uniform='0'/>
<config WriteSeperateStacks='1'/>
<!-- # Other Individual Case Configs -->
<!-- # ###################################################### -->
<!-- # Covariance throw options for fake data studies with MiniBooNE data. -->
<config thrown_covariance='FULL'/>
<config throw_mc_stat='0.0'/>
<config throw_diag_syst='0'/>
<config throw_corr_syst='0'/>
<config throw_mc_stat='0'/>
<!-- # Apply a shift to the muon momentum before calculation of Q2 -->
<config muon_momentum_shift='0.0'/>
<config muon_momentum_throw='0'/>
<!-- # MINERvA Specific Configs -->
<config MINERvA_CCinc_XSec_2DEavq3_nu_hadron_cut='0'/>
<config MINERvA_CCinc_XSec_2DEavq3_nu_useq3true='0'/>
<config Modes_split_PN_NN='0'/>
<config SignalReconfigures='0'/>
<!-- # SciBooNE specific -->
<config SciBarDensity='1.04'/>
<config SciBarRecoDist='12.0'/>
<config PenetratingMuonEnergy='1.4'/>
<config FlatEfficiency='1.0'/>
<config NumRangeSteps='50'/>
<config UseProton='true'/>
<config UseZackEff='false'/>
<config MINERvADensity='1.04'/>
<config MINERvARecoDist='10.0'/>
<!-- Different way of reweighting in GENIE -->
<config GENIEWeightEngine_CCRESMode="kModeMaMv"/>
<config GENIEWeightEngine_CCQEMode="kModeMa"/>
<!-- CCQE/2p2h/1pi Gaussian enhancement method -->
<!-- Apply tilt-shift weights or normal Gaussian parameters-->
<config Gaussian_Enhancement="Normal" />
<config Gaussian_Enhancement="Tilt-Shift" />
<config NToyThrows='100000' />
<config GENIEXSecModelCCRES="genie::ReinSehgalRESPXSec" />
<config GENIEXSecModelCOH="genie::ReinSehgalCOHPiPXSec" />
<config GENIEXSecModelCCQE="genie::LwlynSmithQELCCPXSec" />
<config GENIEXSecModelCCQE="genie::NievesQELCCPXSec" />
<config GENIEXSecModelCCRES="genie::BergerSehgalRESPXSec2014" />
<config GENIEXSecModelCOH="genie::BergerSehgalCOHPiPXSec2015" />
<config UseShapeCovar="0" />
<config CC0piNBINS="156" />

File Metadata

Mime Type
Sat, Dec 21, 4:38 PM (21 h, 48 m)
Storage Engine
Storage Format
Raw Data
Storage Handle
Default Alt Text
(7 KB)

Event Timeline