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diff --git a/include/HEJ/Config.hh b/include/HEJ/Config.hh
index a2e1151..9c3a01f 100644
--- a/include/HEJ/Config.hh
+++ b/include/HEJ/Config.hh
@@ -1,264 +1,266 @@
/** \file
* \brief HEJ 2 configuration parameters
* \authors The HEJ collaboration (see AUTHORS for details)
* \date 2019-2020
* \copyright GPLv2 or later
#pragma once
#include <map>
#include <string>
#include <utility>
#include <vector>
#include "fastjet/JetDefinition.hh"
#include "yaml-cpp/yaml.h"
#include "HEJ/Constants.hh"
#include "HEJ/EWConstants.hh"
#include "HEJ/Fraction.hh"
#include "HEJ/HiggsCouplingSettings.hh"
#include "HEJ/ScaleFunction.hh"
#include "HEJ/event_types.hh"
#include "HEJ/optional.hh"
#include "HEJ/output_formats.hh"
namespace HEJ {
//! Jet parameters
struct JetParameters{
fastjet::JetDefinition def; /**< Jet Definition */
double min_pt{}; /**< Minimum Jet Transverse Momentum */
//! Settings for scale variation
struct ScaleConfig{
//! Base scale choices
std::vector<ScaleFunction> base;
//! Factors for multiplicative scale variation
std::vector<double> factors;
//! Maximum ratio between renormalisation and factorisation scale
double max_ratio{};
//! Settings for random number generator
struct RNGConfig {
//! Random number generator name
std::string name;
//! Optional initial seed
optional<std::string> seed;
//! Settings for partial unweighting
struct PartialUnweightConfig {
//! Number of trials for training
size_t trials;
//! Maximum distance in standard deviations from mean logarithmic weight
double max_dev;
/**! Possible treatments for fixed-order input events.
* The program will decide on how to treat an event based on
* the value of this enumeration.
enum class EventTreatment{
reweight, /**< Perform resummation */
keep, /**< Keep the event */
discard, /**< Discard the event */
//! Container to store the treatments for various event types
using EventTreatMap = std::map<event_type::EventType, EventTreatment>;
//! Possible setting for the event weight
enum class WeightType{
weighted, //!< weighted events
unweighted_resum, //!< unweighted only resummation part
partially_unweighted //!< mixed weighted and unweighted
/**! Input parameters.
* This struct handles stores all configuration parameters
* needed in a HEJ 2 run.
* \internal To add a new option:
* 1. Add a member to the Config struct.
* 2. Inside "src/":
* - Add the option name to the "supported" Node in
* get_supported_options.
* - Initialise the new Config member in to_Config.
* The functions set_from_yaml (for mandatory options) and
* set_from_yaml_if_defined (non-mandatory) may be helpful.
* 3. Add a new entry (with short description) to config.yaml
* 4. Update the user documentation in "doc/Sphinx/"
struct Config {
//! %Parameters for scale variation
ScaleConfig scales;
//! Resummation jet properties
JetParameters resummation_jets;
//! Fixed-order jet properties
JetParameters fixed_order_jets;
//! Minimum transverse momentum for extremal partons
//! \deprecated This will be removed in future versions.
//! Use \ref soft_pt_regulator instead.
double min_extparton_pt = 0.;
//! \deprecated This is equivalent to\ref soft_pt_regulator
//! and will be removed in future versions.
optional<Fraction<double>> max_ext_soft_pt_fraction{};
//! @brief Maximum transverse momentum fraction from soft radiation in any
//! tagging jet (e.g. extremal or qqbar jet)
Fraction<double> soft_pt_regulator{ DEFAULT_SOFT_PT_REGULATOR };
//! The regulator lambda for the subtraction terms
double regulator_lambda = CLAMBDA;
//! Number of resummation configurations to generate per fixed-order event
size_t trials{};
//! Maximal number of events
optional<size_t> max_events;
//! Whether to include the logarithmic correction from \f$\alpha_s\f$ running
bool log_correction{};
//! Event output files names and formats
std::vector<OutputFile> output;
//! Parameters for random number generation
RNGConfig rng;
//! Map to decide what to do for different event types
EventTreatMap treat;
//! %Parameters for custom analysis
//! @deprecated use analyses_parameters instead
YAML::Node analysis_parameters;
//! %Parameters for custom analyses
std::vector<YAML::Node> analyses_parameters;
//! Settings for effective Higgs-gluon coupling
HiggsCouplingSettings Higgs_coupling;
//! elector weak parameters
EWConstants ew_parameters;
//! Type of event weight e.g. (un)weighted
WeightType weight_type;
//! Settings for partial unweighting
optional<PartialUnweightConfig> unweight_config;
+ //! Settings for HEJ@NLO Truncation
+ optional<bool> hejnlo = false;
//! Configuration options for the PhaseSpacePoint class
struct PhaseSpacePointConfig {
PhaseSpacePointConfig() = default;
JetParameters jet_param,
double min_extparton_pt = 0.,
Fraction<double> soft_pt_regulator =
//! Properties of resummation jets
JetParameters jet_param;
//! Minimum transverse momentum for extremal partons
//! \deprecated This will be removed in future versions.
//! Use \ref soft_pt_regulator instead.
double min_extparton_pt = 0.;
//! \deprecated This is equivalent to\ref soft_pt_regulator
//! and will be removed in future versions.
optional<Fraction<double>> max_ext_soft_pt_fraction{};
//! @brief Maximum transverse momentum fraction from soft radiation in any
//! tagging jet (e.g. extremal or qqbar jet)
Fraction<double> soft_pt_regulator{ DEFAULT_SOFT_PT_REGULATOR };
//! Configuration options for the MatrixElement class
struct MatrixElementConfig {
MatrixElementConfig() = default;
bool log_correction,
HiggsCouplingSettings Higgs_coupling,
EWConstants ew_parameters,
Fraction<double> soft_pt_regulator = Fraction<double>{DEFAULT_SOFT_PT_REGULATOR},
double regulator_lambda = CLAMBDA
//! Whether to include the logarithmic correction from \f$\alpha_s\f$ running
bool log_correction{};
//! Settings for effective Higgs-gluon coupling
HiggsCouplingSettings Higgs_coupling;
//! elector weak parameters
EWConstants ew_parameters;
//! @brief Maximum transverse momentum fraction from soft radiation in any
//! tagging jet (e.g. extremal or qqbar jet)
Fraction<double> soft_pt_regulator{ DEFAULT_SOFT_PT_REGULATOR };
//! The regulator lambda for the subtraction terms
double regulator_lambda = CLAMBDA;
//! Configuration options for the EventReweighter class
struct EventReweighterConfig {
//! Settings for phase space point generation
PhaseSpacePointConfig psp_config;
//! Settings for matrix element calculation
MatrixElementConfig ME_config;
//! Access properties of resummation jets
JetParameters & jet_param() {
return psp_config.jet_param;}
//! Access properties of resummation jets (const version)
JetParameters const & jet_param() const {
return psp_config.jet_param;}
//! Treatment of the various event types
EventTreatMap treat;
/**! Extract PhaseSpacePointConfig from Config
* \internal We do not provide a PhaseSpacePointConfig constructor from Config
* so that PhaseSpacePointConfig remains an aggregate.
* This faciliates writing client code (e.g. the HEJ fixed-order generator)
* that creates a PhaseSpacePointConfig *without* a Config object.
* @see to_MatrixElementConfig, to_EventReweighterConfig
PhaseSpacePointConfig to_PhaseSpacePointConfig(Config const & conf) {
return {
/**! Extract MatrixElementConfig from Config
* @see to_PhaseSpacePointConfig, to_EventReweighterConfig
MatrixElementConfig to_MatrixElementConfig(Config const & conf) {
return {
/**! Extract EventReweighterConfig from Config
* @see to_PhaseSpacePointConfig, to_MatrixElementConfig
EventReweighterConfig to_EventReweighterConfig(Config const & conf) {
return {
} // namespace HEJ

File Metadata

Mime Type
Sat, Dec 21, 5:50 PM (9 h, 31 m)
Storage Engine
Storage Format
Raw Data
Storage Handle
Default Alt Text
(9 KB)

Event Timeline