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diff --git a/include/Rivet/HistoHandler.hh b/include/Rivet/HistoHandler.hh
deleted file mode 100644
--- a/include/Rivet/HistoHandler.hh
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,123 +0,0 @@
-// -*- C++ -*-
-#ifndef RIVET_HistoHandler_HH
-#define RIVET_HistoHandler_HH
-#include "Rivet/Rivet.hh"
-#include "Rivet/Tools/Logging.hh"
-namespace Rivet {
- // Forward declarations
- class Analysis;
- class AnalysisObject;
- /// @brief The projection handler is a central repository for histograms (and
- /// other analysis stats objects) to be used in a Rivet analysis run. This
- /// eliminates the need for analysis classes to contain large numbers of
- /// histogram pointer members, and allows histograms to be accessed via more
- /// user-friendly names than C++ variable names allow.
- ///
- /// The core of the HistoHandler design is that it is a singleton class,
- /// essentially a wrapper around a map of @c AnalysisObject*, indexed by a
- /// hash of the registering object and its local name for the registered
- /// projection.
- ///
- class HistoHandler {
- private:
- /// @name Construction. */
- //@{
- /// The standard constructor.
- HistoHandler() { }
- /// Private destructor means no inheritance from this class.
- ~HistoHandler();
- /// The assignment operator is hidden.
- HistoHandler& operator=(const HistoHandler&);
- /// The copy constructor is hidden.
- HistoHandler(const HistoHandler&);
- //@}
- public:
- /// Singleton getter function
- static HistoHandler& getInstance() {
- static HistoHandler _instance;
- return _instance;
- }
- ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- public:
- /// @name Histo registration. */
- //@{
- /// Copy an analysis object into a central collection and return the copy.
- const AnalysisObject* registerAnalysisObject(const Analysis& parent,
- const AnalysisObject& histo,
- const string& name);
- /// @name Histo retrieval. */
- //@{
- /// Retrieve a named histo for the given Analysis parent (const version).
- const AnalysisObject* getAnalysisObject(const Analysis& parent,
- const string& name) const {
- return _getAnalysisObject(parent, name);
- }
- /// Retrieve a named histo for the given Analysis parent (non-const version).
- AnalysisObject* getAnalysisObject(const Analysis& parent,
- const string& name) {
- return _getAnalysisObject(parent, name);
- }
- //@}
- /// Histo clearing method: deletes all known histos and empties the
- /// reference collections.
- void clear();
- private:
- AnalysisObject* _getAnalysisObject(const Analysis& parent,
- const string& name) const;
- /// Get a logger.
- Log& getLog() const;
- private:
- /// Typedef for histo pointer, to allow conversion to a smart pointer in this context.
- typedef const AnalysisObject* HistoHandle;
- /// Typedef for a vector of histo pointers.
- typedef vector<HistoHandle> HistoHandles;
- /// @brief Typedef for the structure used to contain named histos for a
- /// particular containing Analysis.
- typedef map<const string, HistoHandle> NamedHistos;
- /// Structure used to map a containing Analysis to its set of histos.
- typedef map<const Analysis*, NamedHistos> NamedHistosMap;
- /// Core data member, associating a given Analysis to its histos.
- NamedHistosMap _namedhistos;
- };
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Sat, Dec 21, 2:21 PM (12 h, 13 m)
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