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diff --git a/Hadronization/ b/Hadronization/
--- a/Hadronization/
+++ b/Hadronization/
@@ -1,494 +1,494 @@
// -*- C++ -*-
// is a part of Herwig - A multi-purpose Monte Carlo event generator
// Copyright (C) 2002-2019 The Herwig Collaboration
// Herwig is licenced under version 3 of the GPL, see COPYING for details.
// Please respect the MCnet academic guidelines, see GUIDELINES for details.
// This is the implementation of the non-inlined, non-templated member
// functions of the ClusterFinder class.
#include "ClusterFinder.h"
#include <ThePEG/Interface/ClassDocumentation.h>
#include <ThePEG/Interface/Switch.h>
#include <ThePEG/Interface/Reference.h>
#include <ThePEG/Persistency/PersistentOStream.h>
#include <ThePEG/Persistency/PersistentIStream.h>
#include <ThePEG/PDT/StandardMatchers.h>
#include <ThePEG/PDT/EnumParticles.h>
#include <ThePEG/Repository/EventGenerator.h>
#include <ThePEG/EventRecord/Collision.h>
#include "CheckId.h"
#include "Herwig/Utilities/EnumParticles.h"
#include "Herwig/Utilities/Kinematics.h"
#include "Cluster.h"
#include <ThePEG/Utilities/DescribeClass.h>
using namespace Herwig;
IBPtr ClusterFinder::clone() const {
return new_ptr(*this);
IBPtr ClusterFinder::fullclone() const {
return new_ptr(*this);
void ClusterFinder::persistentOutput(PersistentOStream & os) const {
os << heavyDiquarks_ << diQuarkSelection_
<< diQuarkOnShell_ << hadronSelector_;
void ClusterFinder::persistentInput(PersistentIStream & is, int) {
is >> heavyDiquarks_ >> diQuarkSelection_
>> diQuarkOnShell_ >> hadronSelector_;
void ClusterFinder::Init() {
static ClassDocumentation<ClusterFinder> documentation
("This class is responsible of finding clusters.");
static Switch<ClusterFinder,unsigned int> interfaceHeavyDiquarks
"How to treat heavy quarks in baryon number violating clusters",
&ClusterFinder::heavyDiquarks_, 2, false, false);
static SwitchOption interfaceHeavyDiquarksDefault
"No special treatment, allow both heavy and doubly heavy diquarks",
static SwitchOption interfaceHeavyDiquarksNoDoublyHeavy
"Avoid having diquarks with twoo heavy quarks",
static SwitchOption interfaceHeavyDiquarksNoHeavy
"Try and avoid diquarks contain c and b altogether",
static Switch<ClusterFinder,unsigned int> interfaceDiQuarkSelection
"Option controlling the selection of quarks to merge into a diquark in baryon-number violating clusters",
&ClusterFinder::diQuarkSelection_, 1, false, false);
static SwitchOption interfaceDiQuarkSelectionRandom
"Randomly pick a pair to combine",
static SwitchOption interfaceDiQuarkSelectionLowestMass
"Combine the lowest mass pair",
static Switch<ClusterFinder,bool> interfaceDiQuarkOnShell
"Force the diquark produced in baryon-number violating clusters to be on-shell",
&ClusterFinder::diQuarkOnShell_, false, false, false);
static SwitchOption interfaceDiQuarkOnShellYes
"Force to be on-shell",
static SwitchOption interfaceDiQuarkOnShellNo
"Leave off-shell",
static Reference<ClusterFinder,HadronSelector>
"A reference to the HadronSelector object",
false, false, true, false);
ClusterVector ClusterFinder::formClusters(const PVector & partons) {
set<tPPtr> examinedSet; // colour particles already included in a cluster
map<tColinePtr, pair<tPPtr,tPPtr> > quarkQuark; // quark quark
map<tColinePtr, pair<tPPtr,tPPtr> > aQuarkQuark; // anti quark anti quark
ParticleSet inputParticles(partons.begin(),partons.end());
ClusterVector clusters;
// Loop over all current particles.
for(PVector::const_iterator pit=partons.begin();pit!=partons.end();++pit){
// Skip to the next particle if it is not coloured or already examined.
|| examinedSet.find(*pit) != examinedSet.end()) {
// We assume that a cluster is made of, at most, 3 constituents although
// in most cases the number will be 2; however, for baryon violating decays
// (for example in Susy model without R parity conservation) we can have 3
// constituents. In the latter case, a quark (antiquark) do not have an
// anticolour (colour) partner as usual, but its colour line either stems
// from a colour source, or ends in a colour sink. In the case of double
// baryon violating decays, but with overall baryon conservation
// ( for instance:
// tilde_u_R -> dbar_1 + dbar_2
// tilde_u_R_star -> d1 + d2
// where tilde_u_R and tilde_u_R_star are colour connected )
// a special treatment is needed, because first we have to process all
// partons in the current step, and then for each left pair of quarks which
// stem from a colour source we have to find the corresponding pair of
// anti-quarks which ends in a colour sink and is connected with the
// above colour source. These special pairs are kept into the maps:
// spec/CluHadConfig.hialQuarkQuarkMap and specialAntiQuarkAntiQuarkMap.
tParticleVector connected(3);
int iElement = 0;
connected[iElement++] = *pit;
bool specialCase = false;
if((*pit)->hasColour()) {
tPPtr partner =
if(partner) {
connected[iElement++]= partner;
// colour source : baryon-violating process
else {
if((*pit)->colourLine()->sourceNeighbours() != tColinePair()) {
tColinePair sourcePair = (*pit)->colourLine()->sourceNeighbours();
tColinePtr intCL = tColinePtr();
for(int i = 0; i < 2; ++i) {
tColinePtr pLine = i==0 ? sourcePair.first : sourcePair.second;
int saveNumElements = iElement;
for(tPVector::const_iterator cit = pLine->coloured().begin();
cit != pLine->coloured().end(); ++cit ) {
ParticleSet::const_iterator cjt = inputParticles.find(*cit);
if(cjt!=inputParticles.end()) connected[iElement++]= (*cit);
if(iElement == saveNumElements) intCL = pLine;
if(intCL && iElement == 2) {
specialCase = true;
pair<tPPtr,tPPtr> qp=pair<tPPtr,tPPtr>(connected[0],connected[1]);
quarkQuark.insert(pair<tColinePtr,pair<tPPtr,tPPtr> >(intCL,qp));
else if(iElement != 3) {
throw Exception() << "Colour connections fail in the hadronization for "
<< **pit << "in ClusterFinder::formClusters"
<< " for a coloured particle."
<< " Failed to find particles from a source"
- << Exception::runerror;
+ << Exception::eventerror;
else {
throw Exception() << "Colour connections fail in the hadronization for "
<< **pit << "in ClusterFinder::formClusters for"
<< " a coloured particle"
- << Exception::runerror;
+ << Exception::eventerror;
if((*pit)->hasAntiColour()) {
tPPtr partner =
if(partner) {
// colour sink : baryon-violating process
else {
if((*pit)->antiColourLine()->sinkNeighbours() != tColinePair()) {
tColinePair sinkPair = (*pit)->antiColourLine()->sinkNeighbours();
tColinePtr intCL = tColinePtr();
for(int i = 0; i < 2; ++i) {
tColinePtr pLine = i==0 ? sinkPair.first : sinkPair.second;
int saveNumElements = iElement;
for(tPVector::const_iterator cit = pLine->antiColoured().begin();
cit != pLine->antiColoured().end(); ++cit ) {
ParticleSet::const_iterator cjt = inputParticles.find(*cit);
if(cjt!=inputParticles.end()) connected[iElement++]= (*cit);
if(iElement == saveNumElements) intCL = pLine;
if(intCL && iElement == 2) {
specialCase = true;
pair<tPPtr,tPPtr> aqp=pair<tPPtr,tPPtr>(connected[0],connected[1]);
aQuarkQuark.insert(pair<tColinePtr,pair<tPPtr,tPPtr> >(intCL,aqp));
else if( iElement !=3) {
throw Exception() << "Colour connections fail in the hadronization for "
<< **pit << "in ClusterFinder::formClusters for"
<< " an anti-coloured particle."
<< " Failed to find particles from a sink"
- << Exception::runerror;
+ << Exception::eventerror;
else {
throw Exception() << "Colour connections fail in the hadronization for "
<< **pit << "in ClusterFinder::formClusters for"
<< " an anti-coloured particle"
- << Exception::runerror;
+ << Exception::eventerror;
if(!specialCase) {
// Tag the components of the found cluster as already examined.
for (int i=0; i<iElement; ++i) examinedSet.insert(connected[i]);
// Create the cluster object with the colour connected particles
ClusterPtr cluPtr = new_ptr(Cluster(connected[0],connected[1],
// add to the step
if(connected[2]) connected[2]->addChild(cluPtr);
// Check if any of the components is a beam remnant, and if this
// is the case then inform the cluster.
// this will only work for baryon collisions
for (int i=0; i<iElement; ++i) {
bool fromRemnant = false;
tPPtr parent=connected[i];
while(parent) {
if(parent->id()==ParticleID::Remnant) {
fromRemnant = true;
parent = parent->parents().empty() ? tPPtr() : parent->parents()[0];
// Treat now the special cases, if any. The idea is to find for each pair
// of quarks coming from a common colour source the corresponding pair of
// antiquarks coming from a common colour sink, connected to the above
// colour source via the same colour line. Then, randomly couple one of
// the two quarks with one of the two antiquarks, and do the same with the
// quark and antiquark left.
for(map<tColinePtr, pair<tPPtr,tPPtr> >::const_iterator
cit = quarkQuark.begin(); cit != quarkQuark.end(); ++cit ) {
tColinePtr coline = cit->first;
pair<tPPtr,tPPtr> quarkPair = cit->second;
if(aQuarkQuark.find( coline ) != aQuarkQuark.end()) {
pair<tPPtr,tPPtr> antiQuarkPair = aQuarkQuark.find(coline)->second;
ClusterPtr cluPtr1, cluPtr2;
if ( UseRandom::rndbool() ) {
cluPtr1 = new_ptr(Cluster(quarkPair.first , antiQuarkPair.first));
cluPtr2 = new_ptr(Cluster(quarkPair.second , antiQuarkPair.second));
} else {
cluPtr1 = new_ptr(Cluster(quarkPair.first , antiQuarkPair.second));
cluPtr2 = new_ptr(Cluster(quarkPair.second , antiQuarkPair.first));
else {
throw Exception() << "ClusterFinder::formClusters : "
<< "***Skip event: unable to match pairs in "
<< "Baryon-violating processes***"
<< Exception::eventerror;
return clusters;
namespace {
bool PartOrdering(tPPtr p1,tPPtr p2) {
return abs(p1->id())<abs(p2->id());
void ClusterFinder::reduceToTwoComponents(ClusterVector & clusters) {
// In order to preserve all of the information, we do not modify the
// directly the 3-component clusters, but instead we define new clusters,
// which are related to the original ones by a child-parent relationship,
// by considering two randomly chosen components as a diquark (or anti-diquark).
// These new clusters are first added to the vector vecNewRedefinedCluPtr,
// and at the end, when all input clusters have been examined, the elements of
// this vector will be copied in collecCluPtr (the reason is that it is not
// allowed to modify a STL container while iterating over it).
vector<tClusterPtr> redefinedClusters;
for(ClusterVector::iterator cluIter = clusters.begin() ;
cluIter != clusters.end() ; ++cluIter) {
tParticleVector vec;
if ( (*cluIter)->numComponents() != 3 ||
! (*cluIter)->isAvailable() ) continue;
tPPtr other;
for(unsigned int i = 0; i<(*cluIter)->numComponents(); i++) {
tPPtr part = (*cluIter)->particle(i);
other = part;
if(vec.size()<2) {
throw Exception() << "Could not make a diquark for a baryonic cluster decay from "
<< (*cluIter)->particle(0)->PDGName() << " "
<< (*cluIter)->particle(1)->PDGName() << " "
<< (*cluIter)->particle(2)->PDGName() << " "
<< " in ClusterFinder::reduceToTwoComponents()."
<< Exception::eventerror;
// order the vector so heaviest at the end
// Special treatment of heavy quarks
// avoid doubly heavy diquarks
if(heavyDiquarks_>=1 && vec.size()>2 &&
abs(vec[1]->id())>3 && abs(vec[0]->id())<=3) {
if(UseRandom::rndbool()) swap(vec[1],vec[2]);
other = vec[2];
// avoid singly heavy diquarks
if(heavyDiquarks_==2 && vec.size()>2 &&
abs(vec[2]->id())>3 && abs(vec[1]->id())<=3) {
other = vec[2];
// if there's a choice pick the pair to make a diquark from
if(vec.size()>2) {
unsigned int ichoice(0);
// random choice
if(diQuarkSelection_==0) {
ichoice = UseRandom::rnd3(1.0, 1.0, 1.0);
// pick the lightest quark pair
else if(diQuarkSelection_==1) {
Energy m12 = (vec[0]->momentum()+vec[1]->momentum()).m();
Energy m13 = (vec[0]->momentum()+vec[2]->momentum()).m();
Energy m23 = (vec[1]->momentum()+vec[2]->momentum()).m();
if (m13<=m12&&m13<=m23) ichoice = 2;
else if(m23<=m12&&m23<=m13) ichoice = 1;
// make the swaps so select pair first
switch (ichoice) {
case 0:
case 1:
case 2:
// set up
tcPDPtr temp1 = vec[0]->dataPtr();
tcPDPtr temp2 = vec[1]->dataPtr();
if(!other) other = vec[2];
tcPDPtr dataDiquark = hadronSelector_->makeDiquark(temp1,temp2);
throw Exception() << "Could not make a diquark from"
<< temp1->PDGName() << " and "
<< temp2->PDGName()
<< " in ClusterFinder::reduceToTwoComponents()"
<< Exception::eventerror;
// Create the new cluster (with two components) and assign to it the same
// momentum and position of the original (with three components) one.
// Furthermore, assign to the diquark component a momentum given by the
// sum of the two original components from which has been formed; for the
// position, we are assuming, very simply, that the diquark position is
// the average positions of the two original components.
// Notice that the mass (5-th component of the 5-momentum) of the diquark
// is set by hand to the constituent mass of the diquark (which is equal
// to the sum of the constituent masses of the two quarks which form the
// diquark) because the sum of 5-component vectors do add only the "normal"
// 4-components, not the 5-th one. After that, the 5-momentum of the diquark
// is in an inconsistent state, because the mass (5-th component) is not
// equal to the invariant mass obtained from the 4-momemtum. This is not
// unique to this kind of component (all perturbative components are in
// a similar situation), but it is not harmful.
// construct the diquark
PPtr diquark = dataDiquark->produceParticle();
diquark->set5Momentum(Lorentz5Momentum(vec[0]->momentum() + vec[1]->momentum(),
// use the same method as for cluster to determine the diquark position
// put on-shell if required
if(diQuarkOnShell_) {
Lorentz5Momentum psum = diquark->momentum()+other->momentum();
Boost boost = psum.boostVector();
Lorentz5Momentum pother = other->momentum();
Lorentz5Momentum pdiquark = diquark->momentum();
Energy pcm = Kinematics::pstarTwoBodyDecay(psum.mass(),
if(pcm>ZERO) {
double fact = pcm/pother.vect().mag();
pother *= fact;
pdiquark *= fact;
pother .setMass(other->dataPtr()->constituentMass());
pdiquark.setMass(dataDiquark ->constituentMass());
pother .rescaleEnergy();
pother .boost(boost);
// make the new cluster
ClusterPtr nclus = new_ptr(Cluster(other,diquark));
// Set the parent/children relationship between the original cluster
// (the one with three components) with the new one (the one with two components)
// and add the latter to the vector of new redefined clusters.
// Add to collecCluPtr all of the redefined new clusters (indeed the
// pointers to them are added) contained in vecNewRedefinedCluPtr.
/// \todo why do we keep the original of the redefined clusters?
for (tClusterVector::const_iterator it = redefinedClusters.begin();
it != redefinedClusters.end(); ++it) {

File Metadata

Mime Type
Sat, Dec 21, 3:49 PM (1 d, 21 h)
Storage Engine
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Storage Handle
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(18 KB)

Event Timeline