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// emacs: this is -*- c++ -*-
// appl_igrid.h
// grid class header - all the functions needed to create and
// fill the grid from an NLO calculation program, based on the
// class from D.Clements and T.Carli.
// See contribution from T.Carli et al from the HERA-LHC
// workshop - working group 3
// Copyright (C) 2007 Mark Sutton (
// $Id: appl_igrid.h, v2.00 Fri Nov 2 05:31:03 GMT 2007 sutt $
// Fixme: this needs to be tidied up. eg there are too many different,
// and too many version of, accessors for x/y, Q2/tau etc there
// should be only one set, for x and Q2 *or* y and tau, but
// not both. In fact maybe they should be for x and Q2, since y
// and tau should perhaps be purely an internal grid issue of no
// concern for the user.
#ifndef __APPL_IGRID_H
#define __APPL_IGRID_H
#include <iostream>
#include <sstream>
#include <vector>
#include <map>
#include <string>
#include <cmath>
#include "appl_grid/Directory.h"
#include "appl_grid/appl_pdf.h"
#include "SparseMatrix3d.h"
#include "threadManager.h"
#include "Cache.h"
namespace appl {
class grid;
class igrid : public threadManager {
virtual void run_thread();
// grid error exception
class exception {
exception(const std::string& s) { std::cerr << s << std::endl; };
exception(std::stringstream& s) { std::cerr << s.str() << std::endl; };
typedef double (igrid::*transform_t)(double) const;
// structure to store the x<->y transform pairs for
struct transform_vec {
transform_vec() : mfx(0), mfy(0) { }
transform_vec( transform_t __fx, transform_t __fy) : mfx(__fx), mfy(__fy) { }
transform_t mfx;
transform_t mfy;
struct conv_param {
/// input parameters to the thread
int lo_order;
int _nloop;
double rscale_factor;
double fscale_factor;
double Escale;
double* sig;
double* H;
double* HA;
double* HB;
// spliited gen pdf at NNLO
double* HA2;
double* HB2;
appl_pdf* genpdf;
NodeCache* pdf0;
NodeCache* pdf1;
double (*alphas)(const double& );
/// output from thread
double dsigma;
double dsigmaNLO;
igrid(int NQ2, double Q2min=10000.0, double Q2max=25000000.0, int Q2order=5,
int Nx=50, double xmin=1e-5, double xmax=0.9, int xorder=5,
std::string transform="f", int Nproc=6, bool disflag=false);
igrid(const igrid& g);
// read grid from stored file
igrid(TFile& f, const std::string& s);
// optimise the grid dinemsions
void optimise() { optimise(m_Ntau, m_Ny1, m_Ny2); }
void optimise(int NQ2, int Nx1, int Nx2);
// formatted print
std::ostream& print(std::ostream& s=std::cout) const {
for ( int i=0 ; i<m_Nproc ; i++ ) {
s << "sub process " << i << std::endl;
return s;
// return the number of words used for storage
int size() const {
int _size = 0;
for ( int i=0 ; i<m_Nproc ; i++ ) _size += m_weight[i]->size();
return _size;
// trim unfilled elements
void trim() { for ( int i=0 ; i<m_Nproc ; i++ ) m_weight[i]->trim(); }
// inflate unfilled elements
void untrim() { for ( int i=0 ; i<m_Nproc ; i++ ) m_weight[i]->untrim(); }
// write to the current root directory
void write(const std::string& name);
// update grid with one set of event weights
void fill(const double x1, const double x2, const double Q2, const double* weight);
// fast filling with no interpolation for optimisation
void fill_phasespace(const double x1, const double x2, const double Q2, const double* weight);
void fill_index(const int ix1, const int ix2, const int iQ2, const double* weight);
// get the sparse structure for easier access
const SparseMatrix3d* weightgrid(int ip) { return m_weight[ip]; }
SparseMatrix3d** weightgrid() { return m_weight; }
// this section stores the available x<->y transforms.
// the function pairs are stored in a std::map with a (const std::string) tag - the tag can
// be saved to a root file to uniquely identify the transform pair.
// additional user defined transform pairs can *no longer* be added to the std::map since now
// only local class functions can be used
// transform
double fy(double x) const { return (this->*mfy)(x); }
double fx(double x) const { return (this->*mfx)(x); }
std::string transform() const { return m_transform; }
transform_t mfy;
transform_t mfx;
// initialise the transform map - no longer shared between class members
void init_fmap() {
if ( m_fmap.size()==0 ) {
add_transform( "f", &igrid::_fx, &igrid::_fy );
add_transform( "f0", &igrid::_fx0, &igrid::_fy0 );
add_transform( "f1", &igrid::_fx1, &igrid::_fy1 );
add_transform( "f2", &igrid::_fx2, &igrid::_fy2 );
add_transform( "f3", &igrid::_fx3, &igrid::_fy3 );
add_transform( "f4", &igrid::_fx4, &igrid::_fy4 );
/// add a transform
void add_transform(const std::string transform, transform_t __fx, transform_t __fy ) {
if ( m_fmap.find(transform)!=m_fmap.end() ) {
throw exception("igrid::add_fmap() transform "+transform+" already in std::map");
m_fmap[transform] = transform_vec( __fx, __fy );
// define all these so that ymin=fy(xmin) rather than ymin=fy(xmax)
double _fy(double x) const { return std::log(1/x-1); }
double _fx(double y) const { return 1/(1+std::exp(y)); }
double _fy0(double x) const { return -std::log(x); }
double _fx0(double y) const { return std::exp(-y); }
double _fy1(double x) const { return std::sqrt(-std::log(x)); }
double _fx1(double y) const { return std::exp(-y*y); }
double _fy2(double x) const { return -std::log(x)+m_transvar*(1-x); }
double _fx2(double y) const {
// use Newton-Raphson: y = ln(1/x)
// solve y - yp - a(1 - exp(-yp)) = 0
// deriv: - 1 -a exp(-yp)
if ( m_transvar==0 ) return std::exp(-y);
const double eps = 1e-12; // our accuracy goal
const int imax = 100; // for safety (avoid infinite loops)
double yp = y;
double x, delta, deriv;
for ( int iter=imax ; iter-- ; ) {
x = std::exp(-yp);
delta = y - yp - m_transvar*(1-x);
if ( std::fabs(delta)<eps ) return x; // we have found good solution
deriv = -1 - m_transvar*x;
yp -= delta/deriv;
// exceeded maximum iterations
std::cerr << "_fx2() iteration limit reached y=" << y << std::endl;
// std::cout << "_fx2() iteration limit reached y=" << y << std::endl;
return std::exp(-yp);
double _fy3(double x) const { return std::sqrt(-std::log10(x)); }
double _fx3(double y) const { return std::pow(10,-y*y); }
// fastnlo dis transform
double _fy4(double x) const { return -std::log10(x); }
double _fx4(double y) const { return std::pow(10,-y); }
// pdf weight function
// double _fun(double x) { return pow(x,0.65)*pow((1-0.99*x),-3.3); }
// double _fun(double x) { double n=(1-0.99*x); return sqrt(x)/(n*n*n); }
// double _fun(double x) { return 1; }
// this is significantly quicker than pow(x,1.5)*pow(1-0.99*x,3)
static double _fun(double x) { double n=(1-0.99*x); return std::sqrt(x*x*x)/(n*n*n); }
static double weightfun(double x) { return _fun(x); }
// using log(log(Q2/mLambda)) or just log(log(Q2)) makes
// little difference for the LHC range
static double ftau(double Q2) { return std::log(std::log(Q2/0.0625)); }
static double fQ2(double tau) { return 0.0625*std::exp(std::exp(tau)); }
// grid value accessors
double gety1(int iy) const { return m_weight[0]->yaxis()[iy]; }
double gety2(int iy) const { return m_weight[0]->zaxis()[iy]; }
// double gety(int iy) const { return gety1(iy); }
double gettau(int itau) const { return m_weight[0]->xaxis()[itau]; }
// number of subprocesses
int SubProcesses() const { return m_Nproc; }
// kinematic variable accessors
// y (x)
int Ny1() const { return m_weight[0]->yaxis().N(); }
double y1min() const { return m_weight[0]->yaxis().min(); }
double y1max() const { return m_weight[0]->yaxis().max(); }
double deltay1() const { return m_weight[0]->yaxis().delta(); }
int Ny2() const { return m_weight[0]->zaxis().N(); }
double y2min() const { return m_weight[0]->zaxis().min(); }
double y2max() const { return m_weight[0]->zaxis().max(); }
double deltay2() const { return m_weight[0]->zaxis().delta(); }
// int Ny() const { return Ny1(); }
// double ymin() const { return y1min(); }
// double ymax() const { return y2min(); }
// double deltay() const { return deltay1(); }
// int yorder(int i) { return m_yorder=i; }
int yorder() const { return m_yorder; }
// tau (Q2)
int Ntau() const { return m_weight[0]->xaxis().N(); }
double taumin() const { return m_weight[0]->xaxis().min(); }
double taumax() const { return m_weight[0]->xaxis().max(); }
double deltatau() const { return m_weight[0]->xaxis().delta(); }
// int tauorder(int i) { return m_tauorder=i; }
int tauorder() const { return m_tauorder; }
// maybe these are redundant and should be removed
int getNQ2() const { return m_weight[0]->xaxis().N(); }
double getQ2min() const { return fQ2(taumin()); }
double getQ2max() const { return fQ2(taumax()); }
int getNx1() const { return m_weight[0]->yaxis().N(); }
double getx1min() const { return fx(y1max()); }
double getx1max() const { return fx(y1min()); }
int getNx2() const { return m_weight[0]->zaxis().N(); }
double getx2min() const { return fx(y2max()); }
double getx2max() const { return fx(y2min()); }
/// limits on the *actual* filled nodes of the grids
int itaufilledmin() const { return m_taufilledmin; }
int itaufilledmax() const { return m_taufilledmax; }
int iy1filledmin() const { return m_y1filledmin; }
int iy1filledmax() const { return m_y1filledmax; }
int iy2filledmin() const { return m_y2filledmin; }
int iy2filledmax() const { return m_y2filledmax; }
/// tranformed the grid values back to x and Q2 limits
double x1filledmin() const { return getx1(iy1filledmax()); }
double x1filledmax() const { return getx1(iy1filledmin()); }
double x2filledmin() const { return getx2(iy2filledmax()); }
double x2filledmax() const { return getx2(iy2filledmin()); }
double Q2filledmin() const { return getQ2(itaufilledmax()); }
double Q2filledmax() const { return getQ2(itaufilledmin()); }
/// transforms from grid node, to actual Q2 or x1, x2 values
double getQ2( int itau ) const { return fQ2(gettau(itau)); }
double getx1( int iy ) const { return fx(gety1(iy)); }
double getx2( int iy ) const { return fx(gety2(iy)); }
/// these set the static class used to initialise the
/// local variables upon grid creation, since a value may
/// be needed by the constructor
static double transformvar() { return transvar; }
static double transformvar(double v) { return transvar=v; }
bool symmetrise(bool t=true) { return m_symmetrise=t; }
bool isSymmetric() const { return m_symmetrise; }
bool isOptimised() const { return m_optimised; }
bool setOptimised(bool t=true) { return m_optimised=t; }
bool isDISgrid() const { return m_DISgrid; }
bool seDISgrid(bool t=true) { return m_DISgrid=t; }
bool reweight(bool t=true) { return m_reweight=t; }
bool shrink(const std::vector<int>& keep);
// setup the pdf grid for calculating the pdf using
// interpolation - needed if you actually want
// the interpolated values for the pdf's or if you want
// the grid to calculate the cross section for you
void setuppdf(double (*alphas)(const double&),
// void (*pdf0)(const double& , const double&, double* ),
// void (*pdf1)(const double& , const double&, double* )=0,
NodeCache* pdf0,
NodeCache* pdf1=0,
int nloop=0,
double rscale_factor=1,
double fscale_factor=1,
double beam_scale=1 );
// get the interpolated pdf's
// void pdfinterp(double x1, double Q2, double* f);
void convolute_internal();
double convolute(NodeCache* pdf0,
NodeCache* pdf1,
// void (*pdf0)(const double& , const double&, double* ),
// void (*pdf1)(const double& , const double&, double* ),
appl_pdf* genpdf,
double (*alphas)(const double& ),
int lo_order=0,
int nloop=0,
double rscale_factor=1,
double fscale_factor=1,
double Escale=1 );
void amc_convolute_internal();
/// convolute method for amcatnlo grids
double amc_convolute(NodeCache* pdf0,
NodeCache* pdf1,
// void (*pdf0)(const double& , const double&, double* ),
// void (*pdf1)(const double& , const double&, double* ),
appl_pdf* genpdf,
double (*alphas)(const double& ),
int lo_order=0,
int nloop=0,
double rscale_factor=1,
double fscale_factor=1,
double Escale=1 );
// some useful algebraic operators
igrid& operator=(const igrid& g);
igrid& operator*=(const double& d) {
for ( int ip=0 ; ip<m_Nproc ; ip++ ) if ( m_weight[ip] ) (*m_weight[ip]) *= d;
return *this;
// should really check all the limits and *everything* is the same
igrid& operator+=(const igrid& g) {
for ( int ip=0 ; ip<m_Nproc ; ip++ ) {
if ( m_weight[ip] && g.m_weight[ip] ) {
//if ( (*m_weight[ip]) == (*g.m_weight[ip]) ) (*m_weight[ip]) += (*g.m_weight[ip]);
if ( m_weight[ip]->compare_axes( *g.m_weight[ip] ) ) (*m_weight[ip]) += (*g.m_weight[ip]);
else {
throw exception("igrid::operator+=() grids do not match");
return *this;
/// check that the grid axes match
bool compare_axes(const igrid& g) const {
for ( int ip=0 ; ip<m_Nproc ; ip++ ) {
if ( m_weight[ip] && g.m_weight[ip] ) {
if ( !m_weight[ip]->compare_axes( *g.m_weight[ip] ) ) return false;
// if ( (*m_weight[ip]) != (*g.m_weight[ip]) ) return false;
if ( m_weight[ip] && g.m_weight[ip]==0 ) return false;
if ( m_weight[ip]==0 && g.m_weight[ip] ) return false;
return true;
bool operator==(const igrid& g) const {
for ( int ip=0 ; ip<m_Nproc ; ip++ ) {
if ( m_weight[ip] && g.m_weight[ip] ) {
if ( (*m_weight[ip]) != (*g.m_weight[ip]) ) return false;
if ( m_weight[ip] && g.m_weight[ip]==0 ) return false;
if ( m_weight[ip]==0 && g.m_weight[ip] ) return false;
return true;
bool operator!=(const igrid& g) const { return !((*this)==g); }
// ouput header
std::ostream& header(std::ostream& s) const;
double xsec() const { return m_conv_param.dsigma; }
double xsecNLO() const { return m_conv_param.dsigmaNLO; }
/// is this grid actually empty
bool empty() const {
if ( m_weight==0 ) return true;
for ( int ip=0 ; ip<m_Nproc ; ip++ ) {
if ( m_weight[ip] ) if ( !m_weight[ip]->empty() ) return false;
return true;
void setlimits();
// internal common construct for the different types of constructor
void construct();
// cleanup
void deleteweights();
void deletepdftable();
// interpolation section - inline and static internals for calculation of the
// interpolation for storing on the grid nodes
// x (y) interpolation formula
int fk1(double x) const {
double y = fy(x);
// make sure we are in the range covered by our binning
if( y<y1min() || y>y1max() ) {
if ( y<y1min() ) std::cerr <<"\tWarning: x1 out of range: x=" << x << "\t(y=" << y << ")\tBelow Delx=" << x-fx(y1min());
else std::cerr <<"\tWarning: x1 out of range: x=" << x << "\t(y=" << y << ")\tAbove Delx=" << x-fx(y1min());
std::cerr << " ( " << fx(y1max()) << " - " << fx(y1min()) << " )"
<< "\ty=" << y << "\tDely=" << y-y1min() << " ( " << y1min() << " - " << y1max() << " )" << std::endl;
// cerr << "\t" << m_weight[0]->yaxis() << "\n\t"
// << m_weight[0]->yaxis().transform(fx) << std::endl;
int k = (int)((y-y1min())/deltay1() - (m_yorder>>1)); // fast integer divide by 2
if ( k<0 ) k=0;
// shift interpolation end nodes to enforce range
if(k+m_yorder>=Ny1()) k=Ny1()-1-m_yorder;
return k;
int fk2(double x) const {
double y = fy(x);
// make sure we are in the range covered by our binning
if( y<y2min() || y>y2max() ) {
if ( y<y2min() ) std::cerr <<"\tWarning: x2 out of range: x=" << x << "\t(y=" << y << ")\tBelow Delx=" << x-fx(y2min());
else std::cerr <<"\tWarning: x2 out of range: x=" << x << "\t(y=" << y << ")\tAbove Delx=" << x-fx(y2min());
std::cerr << " ( " << fx(y2max()) << " - " << fx(y2min()) << " )"
<< "\ty=" << y << "\tdely=" << y-y2min() << " ( " << y2min() << " - " << y2max() << " )" << std::endl;
// cerr << "\t" << m_weight[0]->yaxis() << "\n\t" << m_weight[0]->yaxis().transform(fx) << std::endl;
int k = (int)((y-y2min())/deltay2() - (m_yorder>>1)); // fast integer divide by 2
if ( k<0 ) k=0;
// shift interpolation end nodes to enforce range
if(k+m_yorder>=Ny2()) k=Ny2()-1-m_yorder;
return k;
// Q2 (tau) interpolation formula
int fkappa(double Q2) const {
double tau = ftau(Q2);
// make sure we are in the range covered by our binning
if( tau<taumin() || tau>taumax() ) {
std::cerr << "\tWarning: Q2 out of range Q2=" << Q2
<< "\t ( " << fQ2(taumin()) << " - " << fQ2(taumax()) << " )" << std::endl;
// cerr << "\t" << m_weight[0]->xaxis() << "\n\t" << m_weight[0]->xaxis().transform(fQ2) << std::endl;
int kappa = (int)((tau-taumin())/deltatau() - (m_tauorder>>1)); // fast integer divide by 2
// shift interpolation end nodes to enforce range
if(kappa+m_tauorder>=Ntau()) kappa=Ntau()-1-m_tauorder;
if(kappa<0) kappa=0;
return kappa;
// int _fk(double x) const { return fk(x); }
// int _fkappa(double Q2) const { return fkappa(Q2); }
// fast -1^i function
static int pow1(int i) { return ( 1&i ? -1 : 1 ); }
// fast factorial
static double fac(int i) {
int j;
static int ntop = 4;
static double f[34] = { 1, 1, 2, 6, 24 };
if ( i<0 ) { std::cerr << "igrid::fac() negative input" << std::endl; return 0; }
if ( i>33 ) { std::cerr << "igrid::fac() input too large" << std::endl; return 0; }
while ( ntop<i ) {
return f[i];
// although not the best way to calculate interpolation coefficients,
// it may be the best for our use, where the "y" values of the nodes
// are not yet defined at the time of evaluation.
static double fI(int i, int n, double u) {
if ( n==0 && i==0 ) return 1.0;
if ( std::fabs(u-i)<1e-8 ) return 1.0;
// if ( std::fabs(u-n)<u*1e-8 ) return 1.0;
double product = pow1(n-i) / ( fac(i)*fac(n-i)*(u-i) );
for( int z=0 ; z<=n ; z++ ) product *= (u-z);
return product;
void setparent( grid* parent ) { m_parent=parent; }
grid* parent() const { return m_parent; }
/// parent grid so that it can access parent
/// grid paremeters
grid* m_parent;
// ranges of interest
// x <-> y parameters
int m_Ny1;
double m_y1min;
double m_y1max;
double m_deltay1;
int m_Ny2;
double m_y2min;
double m_y2max;
double m_deltay2;
int m_yorder;
// tau <-> Q2 parameters
int m_Ntau;
double m_taumin;
double m_taumax;
double m_deltatau;
int m_tauorder;
int m_Nproc; // number of subprocesses
// grid state information
// useful transform information for storage in root file
std::string m_transform;
std::map<const std::string, transform_vec> m_fmap;
static double transvar; // transform function parameter
double m_transvar; // local copy transform function parameter
/// *don't* make m_reweight static!!! otherwise we can't mix
/// reweighted and non-reweighted grids!!!
bool m_reweight; // reweight the pdf?
bool m_symmetrise; // symmetrise the grid or not
bool m_optimised; // optimised?
// the actual weight grids
SparseMatrix3d** m_weight;
// pdf value table for convolution
// (NB: doesn't need to be a class variable)
double*** m_fg1;
double*** m_fg2;
// values from the splitting functions
double*** m_fsplit1;
double*** m_fsplit2;
// values from the splitting functions at NNLO
double*** m_fsplit12;
double*** m_fsplit22;
// alpha_s table
double* m_alphas;
// flag to emulate a 2d (Q2, x) grid of use the
// full 3d (Q2, x1, x2) grid
bool m_DISgrid;
/// communication with internal process
conv_param m_conv_param;
/// limits on *actual* *filled* occupancy for this grid
/// NOT just the limits of the grid itself, but the actual
/// limits of the filled portion as *indices* into the
/// grid rather than actual values
/// NB: calculate these when reading in grid, not defined
/// while filling grid
int m_taufilledmin;
int m_taufilledmax;
int m_y1filledmin;
int m_y1filledmax;
int m_y2filledmin;
int m_y2filledmax;
static void disable_threads(bool b=true) { threads_disabled = b; }
static bool threads_disabled;
std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& s, const appl::igrid& mygrid);
#endif // __APPL_IGRID_H

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Mime Type
Mon, Jan 20, 11:08 PM (1 d, 20 h)
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Storage Handle
Default Alt Text
appl_igrid.h (21 KB)

Event Timeline