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// -*- C++ -*-
// ParVector.tcc is a part of ThePEG - Toolkit for HEP Event Generation
// Copyright (C) 1999-2017 Leif Lonnblad
// ThePEG is licenced under version 3 of the GPL, see COPYING for details.
// Please respect the MCnet academic guidelines, see GUIDELINES for details.
// This is the implementation of the non-inlined templated member
// functions of the ParVector and ParVectorTBase classes.
#include "ParVector.xh"
namespace ThePEG {
template <typename Type>
string ParVectorTBase<Type>::type() const {
if ( std::numeric_limits<Type>::is_integer ) return "Vi";
if ( typeid(Type) == typeid(string) ) return "Vs";
return "Vf";
template <typename Type>
string ParVectorTBase<Type>::doxygenType() const {
ostringstream os;
if ( size() <= 0 ) os << "Varying size ";
else os << "Fixed size (" << size() << ") ";
os << "vector of ";
string lim = "";
if ( !limited() ) lim = " unlimited";
if ( std::numeric_limits<Type>::is_integer ) os << lim << "integer ";
else if ( typeid(Type) == typeid(string) ) os << "string ";
else os << lim;
os << "parameters";
return os.str();
template <typename Type>
string ParVectorTBase<Type>::fullDescription(const InterfacedBase & ib) const {
return ParVectorBase::fullDescription(ib) + def() + "\n";
template <typename Type>
void ParVectorTBase<Type>::setDef(InterfacedBase & i, int place) const
if ( place >= 0 ) tset(i, tdef(i, place), place);
int sz = get(i).size();
for ( int j = 0; j < sz; ++j ) tset(i, tdef(i, j), j);
template <typename Type>
inline void ParVectorTBase<Type>::
setImpl(InterfacedBase & i, string newValue, int place, StandardT)
const {
istringstream is(newValue);
if ( unit() > Type() ) {
double t;
is >> t;
tset(i, Type(t*unit()), place);
} else {
Type t = Type();
is >> t;
tset(i, t, place);
inline void ParVectorTBase<bool>::
setImpl(InterfacedBase & i, string newValue, int place, StandardT)
const {
istringstream is(newValue);
bool t;
is >> t;
tset(i, t, place);
template <typename Type>
inline void ParVectorTBase<Type>::
setImpl(InterfacedBase & i, string newValue, int place, DimensionT)
const {
istringstream is(newValue);
double t;
is >> t;
tset(i, t*unit(), place);
template <typename T>
void ParVectorTBase<T>::
set(InterfacedBase & i, string newValue, int place) const
setImpl(i, newValue, place, typename TypeTraits<T>::DimType());
template <typename Type>
inline void ParVectorTBase<Type>::
insertImpl(InterfacedBase & i, string newValue, int place, StandardT)
const {
istringstream is(newValue);
if ( unit() > Type() ) {
double t;
is >> t;
tinsert(i, Type(t*unit()), place);
} else {
Type t = Type();
is >> t;
tinsert(i, t, place);
template <>
inline void ParVectorTBase<bool>::
insertImpl(InterfacedBase & i, string newValue, int place, StandardT)
const {
istringstream is(newValue);
bool t;
is >> t;
tinsert(i, t, place);
template <typename Type>
inline void ParVectorTBase<Type>::
insertImpl(InterfacedBase & i, string newValue, int place, DimensionT)
const {
istringstream is(newValue);
double t;
is >> t;
tinsert(i, t*unit(), place);
template <typename T>
void ParVectorTBase<T>::
insert(InterfacedBase & i, string newValue, int place) const
insertImpl(i, newValue, place, typename TypeTraits<T>::DimType());
template <typename Type>
typename ParVectorTBase<Type>::StringVector ParVectorTBase<Type>::
get(const InterfacedBase & i) const {
TypeVector tres = tget(i);
StringVector res;
for ( typename TypeVector::iterator it = tres.begin();
it != tres.end(); ++it ) {
ostringstream os;
putUnit(os, *it);
return res;
template <typename Type>
string ParVectorTBase<Type>::
minimum(const InterfacedBase & i, int place) const {
ostringstream os;
putUnit(os, tminimum(i,place));
return os.str();
template <typename Type>
string ParVectorTBase<Type>::
maximum(const InterfacedBase & i, int place) const {
ostringstream os;
putUnit(os, tmaximum(i, place));
return os.str();
template <typename Type>
string ParVectorTBase<Type>::
def(const InterfacedBase & i, int place) const {
ostringstream os;
putUnit(os, tdef(i,place));
return os.str();
template <typename Type>
string ParVectorTBase<Type>::def() const {
ostringstream os;
putUnit(os, tdef());
return os.str();
template <typename T, typename Type>
Type ParVector<T,Type>::tdef() const {
return theDef;
template <typename T, typename Type>
void ParVector<T,Type>::tset(InterfacedBase & i, Type newValue, int place) const
if ( InterfaceBase::readOnly() ) throw InterExReadOnly(*this, i);
T * t = dynamic_cast<T *>(&i);
if ( !t ) throw InterExClass(*this, i);
if ( ( ParVectorBase::lowerLimit() && newValue < tminimum(*t, place) ) ||
( ParVectorBase::upperLimit() && newValue > tmaximum(*t, place) ) )
throw ParVExLimit(*this, i, newValue);
TypeVector oldVector = tget(i);
if ( theSetFn ) {
try { (t->*theSetFn)(newValue, place); }
catch (InterfaceException & e) { throw e; }
catch ( ... ) { throw ParVExUnknown(*this, i, newValue, place, "set"); }
} else {
if ( !theMember ) throw InterExSetup(*this, i);
if ( place < 0 || unsigned(place) >= (t->*theMember).size() )
throw ParVExIndex(*this, i, place);
(t->*theMember)[place] = newValue;
if ( !InterfaceBase::dependencySafe() && oldVector != tget(i) ) i.touch();
template <typename T, typename Type>
void ParVector<T,Type>::
tinsert(InterfacedBase & i, Type newValue, int place) const
if ( InterfaceBase::readOnly() ) throw InterExReadOnly(*this, i);
if ( ParVectorBase::size() > 0 ) throw ParVExFixed(*this, i);
T * t = dynamic_cast<T *>(&i);
if ( !t ) throw InterExClass(*this, i);
if ( ( ParVectorBase::lowerLimit() && newValue < tminimum(*t, place) ) ||
( ParVectorBase::upperLimit() && newValue > tmaximum(*t, place) ) )
throw ParVExLimit(*this, i, newValue);
TypeVector oldVector = tget(i);
if ( theInsFn ) {
try { (t->*theInsFn)(newValue, place); }
catch (InterfaceException & e) { throw e; }
catch ( ... ) { throw ParVExUnknown(*this, i, newValue, place, "insert"); }
} else {
if ( !theMember ) throw InterExSetup(*this, i);
if ( place < 0 || unsigned(place) > (t->*theMember).size() )
throw ParVExIndex(*this, i, place);
(t->*theMember).insert((t->*theMember).begin()+place, newValue);
if ( !InterfaceBase::dependencySafe() && oldVector != tget(i) ) i.touch();
template <typename T, typename Type>
void ParVector<T,Type>::
erase(InterfacedBase & i, int place) const {
if ( InterfaceBase::readOnly() ) throw InterExReadOnly(*this, i);
if ( ParVectorBase::size() > 0 ) throw ParVExFixed(*this, i);
T * t = dynamic_cast<T *>(&i);
if ( !t ) throw InterExClass(*this, i);
TypeVector oldVector = tget(i);
if ( theDelFn ) {
try { (t->*theDelFn)(place); }
catch (InterfaceException & e) { throw e; }
catch ( ... ) { throw ParVExDelUnknown(*this, i, place); }
} else {
if ( !theMember ) throw InterExSetup(*this, i);
if ( place < 0 || unsigned(place) >= (t->*theMember).size() )
throw ParVExIndex(*this, i, place);
if ( !InterfaceBase::dependencySafe() && oldVector != tget(i) ) i.touch();
template <class T, class R>
void ParVector<T,R>::clear(InterfacedBase & i) const
if ( ParVectorBase::readOnly() ) throw InterExReadOnly(*this, i);
if ( ParVectorBase::size() > 0 ) throw ParVExFixed(*this, i);
T * t = dynamic_cast<T *>(&i);
if ( !t ) throw InterExClass(*this, i);
if ( !InterfaceBase::dependencySafe() ) i.touch();
template <typename T, typename Type>
typename ParVector<T,Type>::TypeVector ParVector<T,Type>::
tget(const InterfacedBase & i) const {
const T * t = dynamic_cast<const T *>(&i);
if ( !t ) throw InterExClass(*this, i);
if ( theGetFn ) {
try { return (t->*theGetFn)(); }
catch (InterfaceException & e) { throw e; }
catch ( ... ) { throw ParVExGetUnknown(*this, i, "current"); }
if ( theMember ) return t->*theMember;
throw InterExSetup(*this, i);
template <typename T, typename Type>
typename ParVector<T,Type>::StringVector ParVector<T,Type>::
get(const InterfacedBase & i) const {
if ( !theStringGetFn ) return ParVectorTBase<Type>::get(i);
const T * t = dynamic_cast<const T *>(&i);
if ( !t ) throw InterExClass(*this, i);
try { return (t->*theStringGetFn)(); }
catch (InterfaceException & e) { throw e; }
catch ( ... ) { throw ParVExGetUnknown(*this, i, "current"); }
template <typename T, typename Type>
Type ParVector<T,Type>::tdef(const InterfacedBase & i, int place) const
if ( place < 0 || !theDefFn ) return theMin;
const T * t = dynamic_cast<const T *>(&i);
if ( !t ) throw InterExClass(*this, i);
try { return (t->*theDefFn)(place); }
catch (InterfaceException & e) { throw e; }
catch ( ... ) { throw ParVExGetUnknown(*this, i, "default"); }
template <typename T, typename Type>
Type ParVector<T,Type>::tminimum(const InterfacedBase & i, int place) const
if ( place < 0 || !theMinFn ) return theMin;
const T * t = dynamic_cast<const T *>(&i);
if ( !t ) throw InterExClass(*this, i);
try { return (t->*theMinFn)(place); }
catch (InterfaceException & e) { throw e; }
catch ( ... ) { throw ParVExGetUnknown(*this, i, "minimum"); }
template <typename T, typename Type>
Type ParVector<T,Type>::tmaximum(const InterfacedBase & i, int place) const
if ( place < 0 || !theMaxFn ) return theMax;
const T * t = dynamic_cast<const T *>(&i);
if ( !t ) throw InterExClass(*this, i);
try { return (t->*theMaxFn)(place); }
catch (InterfaceException & e) { throw e; }
catch ( ... ) { throw ParVExGetUnknown(*this, i, "maximum"); }
template <typename T, typename Type>
void ParVector<T,Type>::doxygenDescription(ostream & os) const {
os << "<b>Default value:</b> ";
this->putUnit(os, theDef);
if ( theDefFn ) os << " (May be changed by member function.)";
if ( ParVectorBase::lowerLimit() ) {
os << "<br>\n<b>Minimum value:</b> ";
this->putUnit(os, theMin);
if ( theMinFn ) os << " (May be changed by member function.)";
if ( ParVectorBase::upperLimit() ) {
os << "<br>\n<b>Maximum value:</b> ";
this->putUnit(os, theMax);
if ( theMaxFn ) os << " (May be changed by member function.)";
os << "<br>\n";
namespace {
template <typename T>
void ostreamInsert2(ostream & os, T v, DimensionT) {
os << ounit(v, T::baseunit());
template <typename T>
void ostreamInsert2(ostream & os, T v, StandardT) {
os << v;
template <typename T>
ParVExLimit::ParVExLimit(const InterfaceBase & i,
const InterfacedBase & o, T v) {
theMessage << "Could not set/insert ";
ostreamInsert2(theMessage,v,typename TypeTraits<T>::DimType() );
theMessage << " in the parameter vector \""
<< << "\" for the object \"" <<
<< "\" because the value is outside the specified limits.";
template <typename T>
ParVExUnknown::ParVExUnknown(const InterfaceBase & i, const InterfacedBase & o,
T v, int j, const char * s) {
theMessage << "Could not " << s << " the value ";
ostreamInsert2(theMessage,v,typename TypeTraits<T>::DimType() );
theMessage << " at position "
<< j << " in the parameter vector \"" <<
<< "\" for the object \"" << << "\" because the "
<< s << " function threw an unknown exception.";
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Sat, Dec 21, 1:39 PM (19 h, 42 m)
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ParVector.tcc (11 KB)
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