// Sets the scale of each particle in the dipole chains by finding the smallest of several upper bound energy scales: the CMEnergy of the event, the transverse mass of outgoing particles, the hardScale (maxPT or maxQ) calculated for each dipole (in both configurations) and the veto scale for each particle
// if the smallest veto scale (i.e. from all of the dipoles) is smaller than the scale calculated for a particular particle in a particular dipole, replace the scale with the veto scale
if ( !evolutionOrdering()->independentDipoles() &&
chainOrderVetoScales &&
minVetoScale >= ZERO ) {
for ( list<Dipole>::iterator dip = ch->dipoles().begin();
Energy Q_R=(history[0].node->legsize()==N0()?xiRenME:xiRenSh)*history[0].scale;
res *= pow(as(Q_R) / SM().alphaS(), history[0].node->nodeME()->orderInAlphaS());
res *= pow(SM().alphaEMME(history[0].node->nodeME()->factory()->scaleChoice()->renormalizationScaleQED())/ SM().alphaEMMZ(), history[0].node->nodeME()->orderInAlphaEW());
if (!(history[0].node->children().empty())){
res *=pow((theCMWScheme?(1.+((3.*(67./18.-1./6.*Constants::pi*Constants::pi)-5./9.*Nf(Q_R))*as(Q_R))/2./Constants::pi):1.),int(history[0].node->legsize()-N0()));
for (History::iterator it=history.begin();(it+1)!=history.end();it++){
if ((*it).node->parent()){
Energy q_i=xiRenSh* (*it).node->dipol()->lastPt();