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#include "CLevelDensity.h"
bool const normal = 1;
float const CLevelDensity::pi=acos(-1.);
float CLevelDensity::k0=7.3;
float CLevelDensity::kInfinity=12.;
float CLevelDensity::aKappa = 0.00517;
float CLevelDensity::cKappa = .0345;
float CLevelDensity::af_an = 1.036;
float CLevelDensity::aimf_an = 1.02;
float CLevelDensity::eFade = 18.52;
float CLevelDensity::jFade = 50.;
* Constructor
//constructor read in in level density parameter
string fileName("tbl/gemini.inp");
string fullName;
if (getenv("SARTRE_DIR") == NULL) fullName = fileName;
string dir(getenv("SARTRE_DIR"));
fullName = dir+string("/gemini/")+fileName;
ifstream ifFile (fullName.c_str());
if (
cout << "Gemini++: unable to open gemini.inp" << endl;
string line;
string text1;
string text2;
string text3;
string text4;
ifFile >> text1 >> k0 >> text2 >> aKappa >> text3 >> cKappa >> text4
>> kInfinity;
ifFile >> text1 >> eFade >> text2 >> jFade >> text3;
* Returns the level-density parameter in units of MeV-1
\param iA is the mass number
\param fU0 is the thermal excitation energy in MeV
\param fPairing is the pairing correction in MeV
\param fShell is the shell correction in MeV
\param fJ is the angular momentum in units of hbar
\param iFission is a short indicating we are detail with a saddle-point shape
float CLevelDensity::getLittleA(int iA, float fU0, float fPairing/*=0.*/,
float fShell/*=0.*/, float fJ/*=0.*/, short iFission/*=0*/)
//calculates the level density parameter
//iA is nucleus mass number
//fU is thermal excitation energy
//fPairing is the pairing energy
//fShell is the shell correction to the mass
fU = fU0;
if (fU <= 0.) return 0.;
//simple fade out of pairing
float shift;
float Ucrit = 0.;
if (fJ < 14) Ucrit = 9.*pow(1.-fJ/14.,2);
if (fU > Ucrit) shift = fPairing;
else shift = fPairing*(1.-pow(1.-fU/Ucrit,2));
fU += shift;
//fU += fShell*(1.0-exp(-fU/eFade-fJ/jFade));
fU += fShell*tanh(fU/eFade+fJ/jFade);
if (fU <=0.) return 0.;
float fA = (float)iA;
float kappa = 0.;
float daden_dU;
if (normal && fU/fA < 3.)
if (aKappa > 0.) kappa = aKappa*exp(cKappa*fA);
float expTerm = exp(-kappa*fU/fA/(kInfinity-k0));
aden = fA/(kInfinity - (kInfinity-k0)*expTerm);
daden_dU = -pow(aden/fA,2)*kappa*expTerm;
case 1:
aden *= af_an;
daden_dU *= af_an;
case 2:
aden *= aimf_an;
daden_dU *= aimf_an;
float r;
if (iFission == 1)r = 1.0696;
if (iFission == 2)r = 1.05;
else r = 1.0;
if (aKappa > 0.) kappa = aKappa*exp(cKappa*fA);
float fofr = ( kInfinity - ( kInfinity - k0 ) * r ) / (k0*r);
float expTerm = exp(-fofr*kappa*fU/fA/(kInfinity-k0));
aden = fA/(kInfinity - (kInfinity-k0)*r*expTerm);
daden_dU = -pow(aden/fA,2)*kappa*expTerm*fofr;
entropy = 2.*sqrt(aden*fU);
temp = sqrt(fU/aden)/(1.+fU/aden*daden_dU);
return aden;
* Returns the natural logrithm of the spin dependent level density in MeV-1
* if fJ < 0, then littleA is calculated taking into account the spin reduction
* of paring, but subsequentally the level density is calculated for
* zero spin. This is done when using Weisskopf formalism for evaporation.
\param iA is the mass number
\param fU0 is the thermal excitation energy in MeV
\param fPairing is the pairing energy in MeV
\param fShell is the shell correction in MeV
\param fJ is the spin in hbar
\param fMinertia is the moment of inertia in nucleon mass* fm^2
\param iFission indicates its for the saddle-point configuration
//spin dependent Fermi_gas level density
float CLevelDensity::getLogLevelDensitySpherical
(int iA, float fU0, float fPairing,
float fShell, float fJ, float fMinertia, short iFission/*=0*/)
//calculates the level density
//iA is nucleus mass number
//fU is thermal excitation energy
//fPairing is the pairing energy
//fShell is the shell correction to the mass
if (getLittleA(iA,fU0,fPairing,fShell,fabs(fJ),iFission) == 0.) return 0.;
if (fJ < 0.) fJ = 0.;
float sigma = fMinertia*temp/40.848;
float preExp = (2.*fJ+1.)/(1.+pow(fU,(float)(1.25))*pow(sigma,(float)1.5))
return entropy + log(preExp);
* Returns the temperature in MeV
* getLittleA must be called first
float CLevelDensity::getTemp()
return temp;
* Returns the entropy.
* getLittleA must be called first
float CLevelDensity::getEntropy()
return entropy;
* Returns the level-density parameter in MeV-1
float CLevelDensity::getAden()
return aden;
* Returns the spin independent Fermi-gas level density
\param iA is the mass number
\param fU0 is the thermal excitation energy in MeV
\param fPairing is the pairing correction in MeV
\param fShell is the shell correction in MeV
float CLevelDensity::getLogLevelDensitySpherical
(int iA, float fU0, float fPairing, float fShell)
//calculates the level density
//iA is nucleus mass number
//fU is thermal excitation energy
//fPairing is the pairing energy
//fShell is the shell correction to the mass
if (getLittleA(iA,fU0,fPairing,fShell)== 0.) return 0.;
float preExp = sqrt(pi)/12./pow(aden,(float)0.25)/
return entropy + log(preExp);
* Sets the constants for level-density parameter
* where \f$a=\frac{A}{k_{\infty} - \left(k_{\infty} -k_{0} \right) \exp\left( \frac{\kappa}{k_{\infty}-k_{0}}\frac{U}{A}\right)}\f$
* where \f$ \kappa = a_{\kappa} \exp\left(c_{\kappa} A\right) \f$.
* Note setLittleA(8.) is equivalent to \f$a=A/8\f$
\param k00 is \f$k_{0}\f$
\param aKappa0 is \f$a_{\kappa}\f$
\param cKappa0 is \f$c_{kappa}\f$
\param kInfinity0 is \f$k_{\infty}\f$
void CLevelDensity::setLittleA(float k00, float aKappa0/*=0.*/,
float cKappa0 /*=0.*/, float kInfinity0 /*=12.*/)
k0 = k00;
aKappa = aKappa0;
cKappa = cKappa0;
kInfinity = kInfinity0;
* returns the inverse level-density parameter at zero excitation energy
float CLevelDensity::getK0()
return k0;
* returns the inverse level-density parameter at infinite excitation
* energy
float CLevelDensity::getKInfinity()
return kInfinity;
* returns one of the coefficients used to calculate kappa
* \f$ \kappa = a_{\kappa} \exp\left(c_{\kappa} A\right) \f$
float CLevelDensity::getAKappa()
return aKappa;
* returns the other coefficients used to calculate kappa
* \f$ \kappa = a_{\kappa} \exp\left(c_{\kappa} A\right) \f$
float CLevelDensity::getCKappa()
return cKappa;
* returns the ration of saddle-point to equilibrium level-density parameter
* for symmetyric fission
float CLevelDensity::getAfAn()
return af_an;
* returns the ration of saddle-point to equilibrium level-density parameter
* for asymmetric fission
float CLevelDensity::getAimfAn()
return aimf_an;
* set the ration of level-density paramters at the saddle-point to
* equilibrium shape for symmetric fission
\param af_an0 is the level-density parameter ratio for saddle-point to equilibirum deformation
void CLevelDensity::setAfAn(float af_an0)
af_an = af_an0;
* set the ration of level-density paramters at the saddle-point to
* equilibrium shape for asymmetric fisison , ie. imf emission
\param aimf_an0 is the level-density parameter ratio for saddle-point to equilibirum deformation
void CLevelDensity::setAimfAn(float aimf_an0)
aimf_an = aimf_an0;
* writes out the values of the parameters
void CLevelDensity::printParameters()
cout << "k0 = " << k0 << " kInfinity= " << kInfinity << endl;
cout << "aKappa= " << aKappa << " cKappa= " << cKappa << endl;
cout << "af/an= " << af_an << " for symmetric fission" <<endl;
cout << "aimf/an= " << aimf_an << " for asymmetric fission" <<endl;
cout << "eFade= " << eFade << " jFade= " << jFade << endl;
* returns the level density for a scission configuration.
* This is used for evaporation from saddle to scission and
* for determining the fission mass asymmetry
\param iA is mass number of fissioning system
\param fU is thermal excitation of fission system
\param adenInv in the inverse level-density paramter in MeV, is \f$a=A/adenInv\f$
float CLevelDensity::getLogLevelDensityScission(int iA, float fU,
float adenInv/*=8.*/ )
aden = (float)iA/adenInv;
temp = sqrt(fU/aden);
entropy = 2.*sqrt(aden*fU);
float preExp = sqrt(pi)/12./pow(aden,(float)0.25)/
return entropy + log(preExp);

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Sat, Dec 21, 6:17 PM (8 h, 13 m)
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CLevelDensity.cpp (9 KB)

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