+op.add_option("--ierr", dest="IERR", default="symm", help="Whether to interpolate MC errors: none, mean, median, symm (default: %default)") #< add rel, asymm
+op.add_option("--pname", "--pfile", dest="PNAME", default="params.dat", help="Name of the params file to be found in each run directory (default: %default)")
+op.add_option("-n", dest="NSAMPLES", type=int, default=1, help="Number of samples")
+op.add_option("-j", dest="MULTI", type=int, default=1, help="Number of threads to use")
+op.add_option("--minos", dest="MINOS", default=False, action="store_true", help="Run Minos algorithm after minimisation")
+op.add_option("--wfile", dest="WFILE", default=None, help="Path to a weight file, used to restrict ipol building to a subset of bins (default: %default)")
+op.add_option("--limits", dest="LIMITS", default=None, help="Simple text file with parameter limits and fixed parameters")
+Interpolate histo bin values as a function of the parameter space by loading
+run data and parameter lists from run directories in $runsdir (often "mc")
+ * Use weight file position matches to exclude some bins, as well as path matching
+ * Handle run combination file/string (write a hash of the run list into the ipol filename?)
+ * Support asymm error parameterisation
+import optparse, os, sys
+op = optparse.OptionParser(usage=__doc__)
+op.add_option("--ierr", dest="IERR", default="symm", help="Whether to interpolate MC errors: none, mean, median, symm (default: %default)") #< add rel, asymm
+op.add_option("-n", dest="NSAMPLES", type=int, default=1, help="Number of samples")
+op.add_option("-j", dest="MULTI", type=int, default=1, help="Number of threads to use")
+op.add_option("--minos", dest="MINOS", default=False, action="store_true", help="Run Minos algorithm after minimisation")
+op.add_option("--wfile", dest="WFILE", default=None, help="Path to a weight file, used to restrict ipol building to a subset of bins (default: %default)")
+op.add_option("--limits", dest="LIMITS", default=None, help="Simple text file with parameter limits and fixed parameters")
+#op.add_option("--ifile", dest="IFILE", default="ipol.dat", help="file from which to read the bin interpolations (default: %default)")
+op.add_option("--pname", "--pfile", dest="PNAME", default="params.dat", help="name of the params file to be found in each run directory (default: %default)")
+op.add_option("-j", dest="MULTI", type=int, default=1, help="Number of threads to use")
+op.add_option("--summ", dest="SUMMARY", default=None, help="Summary description to be written to the ipol output file")
+op.add_option("--wfile", dest="WFILE", default=None, help="Path to a weight file, used to restrict ipol building to a subset of bins (default: %default)")
+op.add_option("--limits", dest="LIMITS", default=None, help="Simple text file with parameter limits and fixed parameters")
+op.add_option("--tot-only", dest="ONLY_TOT", action="store_true", default=False, help="only make total residuals histograms, not per-observable (default: %default)")
+op.add_option("--logx", dest="LOG_BINS", action="store_true", default=False, help="use a symmetric log binning for better resolution around 0 (default: %default)")
+op.add_option("--log", dest="LOG", action="store_true", default=False, help="Compare with log values")