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Index: trunk/src/hepmc/HepMC3Wrap.cpp
--- trunk/src/hepmc/HepMC3Wrap.cpp (revision 8916)
+++ trunk/src/hepmc/HepMC3Wrap.cpp (revision 8917)
@@ -1,549 +1,554 @@
// Interface for building HEPMC events
+#include "HepMC3/Version.h"
#include "HepMC3/GenEvent.h"
#include "HepMC3/GenParticle.h"
#include "HepMC3/GenCrossSection.h"
#include "HepMC3/Print.h"
#include "HepMC3/Units.h"
#include "HepMC3/ReaderAscii.h"
#include "HepMC3/WriterAscii.h"
#include "HepMC3/ReaderAsciiHepMC2.h"
#include "HepMC3/WriterAsciiHepMC2.h"
#include "HepMC3/ReaderHEPEVT.h"
#include "HepMC3/WriterHEPEVT.h"
#include "HepMC3_WHIZARD_Polarization.h"
using namespace HepMC3;
// Tell the caller that this is the true HepMC library
extern "C" bool hepmc_available() {
return true;
// Polarization functions (no longer existent (yet) in HepMC3
Polarization::Polarization( )
: m_theta( 0. ),
m_phi( 0. ),
m_defined( false )
{ }
Polarization::Polarization( double theta, double phi )
: m_theta( valid_theta(theta) ),
m_phi ( valid_phi(phi) ),
m_defined( true )
{ }
double Polarization::valid_theta( double theta ) {
// this is just absolute value.
theta = ( theta>0 ? theta : -theta );
// translate to 0 < theta < 2pi
theta = ( theta/(2*HepMC_pi) - int(theta/(2*HepMC_pi)) )
* 2*HepMC_pi;
// now translate to 0 < theta < pi
if ( theta > HepMC_pi ) theta = 2*HepMC_pi - theta;
return theta;
double Polarization::valid_phi( double phi ) {
// translate to -2pi < phi < 2pi
phi = ( phi/(2*HepMC_pi) - int(phi/(2*HepMC_pi)) ) * 2*HepMC_pi;
// translates to 0 < phi < 2pi
if ( phi < 0 ) phi = 2*HepMC_pi + phi;
return phi;
// GenEvent functions
extern "C" GenEvent* new_gen_event( int proc_id, int event_id ) {
GenEvent* evt = new GenEvent(Units::GEV,Units::MM);
make_shared<IntAttribute>( proc_id ));
return evt;
extern "C" int gen_event_get_n_particles( GenEvent* evt) {
return evt->particles().size();
extern "C" int gen_event_get_n_beams( GenEvent* evt) {
return evt->beams().size();
// Deletion leads to a segmentation fault in the hepmc_interface unit test (?)
extern "C" void gen_event_delete( GenEvent* evt) {
// delete evt;
// This seems also deprecated
extern "C" void gen_event_print( GenEvent* evt ) {
Print::listing (*evt);
extern "C" int gen_event_event_number( GenEvent* evt ) {
return evt->event_number();
// The following two are no standard attributes of the HepMC3
// event record any more
extern "C" void gen_event_set_signal_process_id( GenEvent* evt, int id ) {
make_shared<IntAttribute>( id ));
extern "C" int gen_event_signal_process_id( GenEvent* evt ) {
shared_ptr<IntAttribute> A_signal_process_id =
int signal_process_id=A_signal_process_id?(A_signal_process_id->value()):0;
return signal_process_id;
extern "C" void gen_event_set_event_scale( GenEvent* evt, double scale ) {
make_shared<DoubleAttribute>( scale ));
extern "C" double gen_event_event_scale( GenEvent* evt) {
shared_ptr<DoubleAttribute> A_event_scale =
double event_scale=A_event_scale?(A_event_scale->value()):0.0;
return event_scale;
extern "C" void gen_event_set_alpha_qcd( GenEvent* evt, double a ) {
make_shared<DoubleAttribute>( a ));
extern "C" double gen_event_alpha_qcd( GenEvent* evt) {
shared_ptr<DoubleAttribute> A_alpha_qcd =
double alpha_qcd=A_alpha_qcd?(A_alpha_qcd->value()):0.0;
return alpha_qcd;
extern "C" void gen_event_set_alpha_qed( GenEvent* evt, double a ) {
make_shared<DoubleAttribute>( a ));
extern "C" double gen_event_alpha_qed( GenEvent* evt) {
shared_ptr<DoubleAttribute> A_alpha_qed =
double alpha_qed=A_alpha_qed?(A_alpha_qed->value()):0.0;
return alpha_qed;
extern "C" void gen_event_clear_weights( GenEvent* evt ) {
extern "C" void gen_event_add_weight( GenEvent* evt, double w ) {
evt->weights().push_back( w );
extern "C" int gen_event_weights_size( GenEvent* evt ) {
return evt->weights().size();
extern "C" double gen_event_weight( GenEvent* evt, int i ) {
if (0 <= i && i <= evt->weights().size()) {
return evt->weights()[i];
} else {
return 0;
extern "C" void gen_event_add_vertex( GenEvent* evt, GenVertex* v ) {
evt->add_vertex( v );
extern "C" void gen_event_set_signal_process_vertex
( GenEvent* evt, GenVertex* v ) {
// No longer existent.
// evt->set_signal_process_vertex( v );
extern "C" GenVertex* gen_event_get_signal_process_vertex
( GenEvent* evt ) {
// No longer existent.
// return evt->signal_process_vertex();
+ return NULL;
extern "C" void gen_event_set_beam_particles
( GenEvent* evt, GenParticlePtr prt1, GenParticlePtr prt2) {
evt->set_beam_particles( prt1, prt2 );
extern "C" void gen_event_set_cross_section
( GenEvent* evt, double xs, double xs_err) {
shared_ptr<GenCrossSection> xsec = make_shared<GenCrossSection>();
xsec->set_cross_section (xs, xs_err);
evt->set_cross_section( xsec );
// GenEvent particle iterator functions
extern "C" GenEvent*
new_event_particle_const_iterator( GenEvent* evt ) {
- new GenEvent();
+ return new GenEvent();
extern "C" void event_particle_const_iterator_delete
( GenEvent* it ) {
delete it;
extern "C" void event_particle_const_iterator_advance
( GenEvent* it ) {
delete it;
extern "C" void event_particle_const_iterator_reset
( GenEvent* it, GenEvent* evt ) {
delete it;
extern "C" bool event_particle_const_iterator_is_valid
( GenEvent* it, GenEvent* evt ) {
return it != 0;
extern "C" GenParticlePtr event_particle_const_iterator_get
( GenEvent* it ) {
- new GenParticlePtr;
+ GenParticlePtr p = make_shared<GenParticle>();
+ return p;
// GenVertex functions
extern "C" GenVertex* new_gen_vertex() {
return new GenVertex( FourVector::ZERO_VECTOR() );
extern "C" GenVertex* new_gen_vertex_pos( FourVector* pos ) {
return new GenVertex( *pos );
extern "C" void gen_vertex_delete( GenVertex* v ) {
delete v;
extern "C" void gen_vertex_add_particle_in( GenVertex* v, GenParticle* p ) {
v->add_particle_in( p );
extern "C" void gen_vertex_add_particle_out( GenVertex* v, GenParticle* p ) {
v->add_particle_out( p );
extern "C" bool gen_vertex_is_valid( GenVertex* v ) {
return v != 0;
extern "C" int gen_vertex_particles_in_size( GenVertex* v ) {
return v->particles_in().size();
extern "C" int gen_vertex_particles_out_size( GenVertex* v ) {
return v->particles_out().size();
extern "C" double gen_vertex_pos_x( GenVertex* v ) {
return v->position().x();
extern "C" double gen_vertex_pos_y( GenVertex* v ) {
return v->position().y();
extern "C" double gen_vertex_pos_z( GenVertex* v ) {
return v->position().z();
extern "C" double gen_vertex_time( GenVertex* v ) {
return v->position().t();
// GenVertex iterator over in-particles
// iterators do not exist anymore in HepMCv3
// the following are all dummy routines
extern "C" GenVertex*
new_vertex_particles_in_const_iterator( GenVertex* v ) {
- new GenVertex();
+ return new GenVertex();
extern "C" void vertex_particles_in_const_iterator_delete
( GenVertex* it ) {
delete it;
extern "C" void vertex_particles_in_const_iterator_advance
( GenVertex* it ) {
delete it;
extern "C" void vertex_particles_in_const_iterator_reset
( GenVertex* it, GenVertex* v ) {
delete it;
extern "C" bool vertex_particles_in_const_iterator_is_valid
( GenVertex* it, GenVertex* v ) {
return it != 0;
extern "C" GenParticlePtr vertex_particles_in_const_iterator_get
( GenVertex* it ) {
- new GenParticlePtr();
+ GenParticlePtr p = make_shared<GenParticle>();
+ return p;
extern "C" GenParticle* vertex_get_nth_particle_in( GenVertex* vtx, int n) {
return vtx->particles_in()[n-1].get();
// GenVertex iterator over out-particles
// iterators do not exist anymore in HepMCv3
// the following are all dummy routines
extern "C" GenVertex*
new_vertex_particles_out_const_iterator( GenVertex* v ) {
- new GenVertex();
+ return new GenVertex();
extern "C" void vertex_particles_out_const_iterator_delete
( GenVertex* it ) {
delete it;
extern "C" void vertex_particles_out_const_iterator_advance
( GenVertex* it ) {
delete it;
extern "C" void vertex_particles_out_const_iterator_reset
( GenVertex* it, GenVertex* v ) {
delete it;
extern "C" bool vertex_particles_out_const_iterator_is_valid
( GenVertex* it, GenVertex* v ) {
return it != 0;
extern "C" GenParticlePtr vertex_particles_out_const_iterator_get
( GenVertex* it ) {
- new GenParticlePtr();
+ GenParticlePtr p = make_shared<GenParticle>();
+ return p;
extern "C" GenParticle* vertex_get_nth_particle_out( GenVertex* vtx, int n) {
return vtx->particles_out()[n-1].get();
extern "C" GenParticle* gen_event_get_nth_particle( GenEvent* evt, int n) {
return evt->particles()[n-1].get();
extern "C" int gen_event_get_nth_beam( GenEvent* evt, int n) {
return evt->beams()[n-1].get()->id();
// GenParticle functions
extern "C" GenParticle* new_gen_particle
(FourVector* momentum, int pdg_id, int status) {
return new GenParticle( *momentum, pdg_id, status );
extern "C" void gen_particle_delete( GenParticle* prt ) {
delete prt;
extern "C" void gen_particle_set_flow
( GenParticle* prt, int code_index, int code ) {
prt->add_attribute("flow"+to_string(code_index), make_shared<IntAttribute>( code ));
extern "C" void gen_particle_set_polarization
( GenParticle* prt, Polarization* pol) {
double theta = pol->theta ();
double phi = pol->phi ();
make_shared<DoubleAttribute>( theta ));
make_shared<DoubleAttribute>( phi ));
extern "C" int gen_particle_barcode( GenParticle* prt ) {
return prt->id();
extern "C" FourVector* gen_particle_momentum( GenParticle* prt ) {
return new FourVector( prt->momentum() );
extern "C" double gen_particle_generated_mass( GenParticle* prt ) {
return prt->generated_mass();
extern "C" int gen_particle_pdg_id( GenParticle* prt ) {
return prt->pdg_id();
extern "C" int gen_particle_get_n_children( GenParticle* prt ) {
return prt->children().size();
extern "C" int gen_particle_get_n_parents( GenParticle* prt ) {
return prt->parents().size();
extern "C" int gen_particle_status( GenParticle* prt ) {
return prt->status();
// No longer exists. Return false for now.
extern "C" bool gen_particle_is_beam( GenParticle* prt ) {
return false;
extern "C" GenVertex* gen_particle_production_vertex( GenParticle* prt ) {
return prt->production_vertex().get();
extern "C" GenVertex* gen_particle_end_vertex( GenParticle* prt ) {
return prt->end_vertex().get();
extern "C" Polarization* gen_particle_polarization( GenParticle* prt ) {
shared_ptr<DoubleAttribute> A_theta =
shared_ptr<DoubleAttribute> A_phi =
double theta=A_theta?(A_theta->value()):0.0;
double phi=A_phi?(A_phi->value()):0.0;
return new Polarization(theta, phi);
extern "C" int gen_particle_flow( GenParticle* prt, int code_index ) {
shared_ptr<IntAttribute> A_flow =
int flow=A_flow?(A_flow->value()):0;
return flow;
// FourVector functions
extern "C" FourVector* new_four_vector_xyzt
( double x, double y, double z, double t) {
return new FourVector( x, y, z, t);
extern "C" FourVector* new_four_vector_xyz( double x, double y, double z) {
return new FourVector( x, y, z, 0);
extern "C" void four_vector_delete( FourVector* p ) {
delete p;
extern "C" double four_vector_px( FourVector* p ) {
return p->px();
extern "C" double four_vector_py( FourVector* p ) {
return p->py();
extern "C" double four_vector_pz( FourVector* p ) {
return p->pz();
extern "C" double four_vector_e( FourVector* p ) {
return p->e();
// Polarization functions: the Polarization type does not exist in HepMC3!
// We inserted a stub here
extern "C" Polarization* new_polarization( double theta, double phi ) {
return new Polarization( theta, phi );
extern "C" void polarization_delete( Polarization* pol ) {
delete pol;
extern "C" double polarization_theta( Polarization* pol ) {
return pol->theta();
extern "C" double polarization_phi( Polarization* pol ) {
return pol->phi();
/// // IO_GenEvent functions
extern "C" Writer* new_io_gen_event_out( int* io_format, char* filename ) {
switch (*io_format) {
case 1:
return (Writer*)(new WriterAsciiHepMC2( filename ));
case 2:
return (Writer*)(new WriterAscii( filename));
case 4:
return (Writer*)(new WriterHEPEVT( filename));
return (Writer*)(new WriterAscii( filename));
extern "C" Reader* new_io_gen_event_in( int* io_format, char* filename ) {
switch (*io_format) {
case 1:
return (Reader*)(new ReaderAsciiHepMC2( filename));
case 2:
return (Reader*)(new ReaderAscii( filename));
case 4:
return (Reader*)(new ReaderHEPEVT( filename));
return (Reader*)(new ReaderAscii( filename));
extern "C" void io_gen_event_delete( Writer* iostream ) {
delete iostream;
extern "C" void io_gen_event_write_event
( Writer* writer, const GenEvent* evt) {
writer->write_event( *evt);
extern "C" bool io_gen_event_read_event
( Reader* reader, GenEvent* evt) {
bool ok;
ok = reader->read_event( *evt);
if (reader->failed()) {
return false;
else {
return ok;
Index: trunk/src/hepmc/HepMC3RootWrap.cpp
--- trunk/src/hepmc/HepMC3RootWrap.cpp (revision 8916)
+++ trunk/src/hepmc/HepMC3RootWrap.cpp (revision 8917)
@@ -1,561 +1,566 @@
// Interface for building HEPMC events
+#include "HepMC3/Version.h"
#include "HepMC3/GenEvent.h"
#include "HepMC3/GenParticle.h"
#include "HepMC3/GenCrossSection.h"
#include "HepMC3/Print.h"
#include "HepMC3/Units.h"
#include "HepMC3/ReaderAscii.h"
#include "HepMC3/WriterAscii.h"
#include "HepMC3/ReaderAsciiHepMC2.h"
#include "HepMC3/WriterAsciiHepMC2.h"
#include "HepMC3/ReaderRootTree.h"
#include "HepMC3/WriterRootTree.h"
#include "HepMC3/ReaderRoot.h"
#include "HepMC3/WriterRoot.h"
#include "HepMC3/ReaderHEPEVT.h"
#include "HepMC3/WriterHEPEVT.h"
#include "HepMC3_WHIZARD_Polarization.h"
using namespace HepMC3;
// Tell the caller that this is the true HepMC library
extern "C" bool hepmc_available() {
return true;
// Polarization functions (no longer existent (yet) in HepMC3
Polarization::Polarization( )
: m_theta( 0. ),
m_phi( 0. ),
m_defined( false )
{ }
Polarization::Polarization( double theta, double phi )
: m_theta( valid_theta(theta) ),
m_phi ( valid_phi(phi) ),
m_defined( true )
{ }
double Polarization::valid_theta( double theta ) {
// this is just absolute value.
theta = ( theta>0 ? theta : -theta );
// translate to 0 < theta < 2pi
theta = ( theta/(2*HepMC_pi) - int(theta/(2*HepMC_pi)) )
* 2*HepMC_pi;
// now translate to 0 < theta < pi
if ( theta > HepMC_pi ) theta = 2*HepMC_pi - theta;
return theta;
double Polarization::valid_phi( double phi ) {
// translate to -2pi < phi < 2pi
phi = ( phi/(2*HepMC_pi) - int(phi/(2*HepMC_pi)) ) * 2*HepMC_pi;
// translates to 0 < phi < 2pi
if ( phi < 0 ) phi = 2*HepMC_pi + phi;
return phi;
// GenEvent functions
extern "C" GenEvent* new_gen_event( int proc_id, int event_id ) {
GenEvent* evt = new GenEvent(Units::GEV,Units::MM);
make_shared<IntAttribute>( proc_id ));
return evt;
extern "C" int gen_event_get_n_particles( GenEvent* evt) {
return evt->particles().size();
extern "C" int gen_event_get_n_beams( GenEvent* evt) {
return evt->beams().size();
// Deletion leads to a segmentation fault in the hepmc_interface unit test (?)
extern "C" void gen_event_delete( GenEvent* evt) {
// delete evt;
// This seems also deprecated
extern "C" void gen_event_print( GenEvent* evt ) {
Print::listing (*evt);
extern "C" int gen_event_event_number( GenEvent* evt ) {
return evt->event_number();
// The following two are no standard attributes of the HepMC3
// event record any more
extern "C" void gen_event_set_signal_process_id( GenEvent* evt, int id ) {
make_shared<IntAttribute>( id ));
extern "C" int gen_event_signal_process_id( GenEvent* evt ) {
shared_ptr<IntAttribute> A_signal_process_id =
int signal_process_id=A_signal_process_id?(A_signal_process_id->value()):0;
return signal_process_id;
extern "C" void gen_event_set_event_scale( GenEvent* evt, double scale ) {
make_shared<DoubleAttribute>( scale ));
extern "C" double gen_event_event_scale( GenEvent* evt) {
shared_ptr<DoubleAttribute> A_event_scale =
double event_scale=A_event_scale?(A_event_scale->value()):0.0;
return event_scale;
extern "C" void gen_event_set_alpha_qcd( GenEvent* evt, double a ) {
make_shared<DoubleAttribute>( a ));
extern "C" double gen_event_alpha_qcd( GenEvent* evt) {
shared_ptr<DoubleAttribute> A_alpha_qcd =
double alpha_qcd=A_alpha_qcd?(A_alpha_qcd->value()):0.0;
return alpha_qcd;
extern "C" void gen_event_set_alpha_qed( GenEvent* evt, double a ) {
make_shared<DoubleAttribute>( a ));
extern "C" double gen_event_alpha_qed( GenEvent* evt) {
shared_ptr<DoubleAttribute> A_alpha_qed =
double alpha_qed=A_alpha_qed?(A_alpha_qed->value()):0.0;
return alpha_qed;
extern "C" void gen_event_clear_weights( GenEvent* evt ) {
extern "C" void gen_event_add_weight( GenEvent* evt, double w ) {
evt->weights().push_back( w );
extern "C" int gen_event_weights_size( GenEvent* evt ) {
return evt->weights().size();
extern "C" double gen_event_weight( GenEvent* evt, int i ) {
if (0 <= i && i <= evt->weights().size()) {
return evt->weights()[i];
} else {
return 0;
extern "C" void gen_event_add_vertex( GenEvent* evt, GenVertex* v ) {
evt->add_vertex( v );
extern "C" void gen_event_set_signal_process_vertex
( GenEvent* evt, GenVertex* v ) {
// No longer existent.
// evt->set_signal_process_vertex( v );
extern "C" GenVertex* gen_event_get_signal_process_vertex
( GenEvent* evt ) {
// No longer existent.
// return evt->signal_process_vertex();
+ return NULL;
extern "C" void gen_event_set_beam_particles
( GenEvent* evt, GenParticlePtr prt1, GenParticlePtr prt2) {
evt->set_beam_particles( prt1, prt2 );
extern "C" void gen_event_set_cross_section
( GenEvent* evt, double xs, double xs_err) {
shared_ptr<GenCrossSection> xsec = make_shared<GenCrossSection>();
xsec->set_cross_section (xs, xs_err);
evt->set_cross_section( xsec );
// GenEvent particle iterator functions
extern "C" GenEvent*
new_event_particle_const_iterator( GenEvent* evt ) {
- new GenEvent();
+ return new GenEvent();
extern "C" void event_particle_const_iterator_delete
( GenEvent* it ) {
delete it;
extern "C" void event_particle_const_iterator_advance
( GenEvent* it ) {
delete it;
extern "C" void event_particle_const_iterator_reset
( GenEvent* it, GenEvent* evt ) {
delete it;
extern "C" bool event_particle_const_iterator_is_valid
( GenEvent* it, GenEvent* evt ) {
return it != 0;
extern "C" GenParticlePtr event_particle_const_iterator_get
( GenEvent* it ) {
- new GenParticlePtr;
+ GenParticlePtr p = make_shared<GenParticle>();
+ return p;
// GenVertex functions
extern "C" GenVertex* new_gen_vertex() {
return new GenVertex( FourVector::ZERO_VECTOR() );
extern "C" GenVertex* new_gen_vertex_pos( FourVector* pos ) {
return new GenVertex( *pos );
extern "C" void gen_vertex_delete( GenVertex* v ) {
delete v;
extern "C" void gen_vertex_add_particle_in( GenVertex* v, GenParticle* p ) {
v->add_particle_in( p );
extern "C" void gen_vertex_add_particle_out( GenVertex* v, GenParticle* p ) {
v->add_particle_out( p );
extern "C" bool gen_vertex_is_valid( GenVertex* v ) {
return v != 0;
extern "C" int gen_vertex_particles_in_size( GenVertex* v ) {
return v->particles_in().size();
extern "C" int gen_vertex_particles_out_size( GenVertex* v ) {
return v->particles_out().size();
extern "C" double gen_vertex_pos_x( GenVertex* v ) {
return v->position().x();
extern "C" double gen_vertex_pos_y( GenVertex* v ) {
return v->position().y();
extern "C" double gen_vertex_pos_z( GenVertex* v ) {
return v->position().z();
extern "C" double gen_vertex_time( GenVertex* v ) {
return v->position().t();
// GenVertex iterator over in-particles
// iterators do not exist anymore in HepMCv3
// the following are all dummy routines
extern "C" GenVertex*
new_vertex_particles_in_const_iterator( GenVertex* v ) {
- new GenVertex();
+ return new GenVertex();
extern "C" void vertex_particles_in_const_iterator_delete
( GenVertex* it ) {
delete it;
extern "C" void vertex_particles_in_const_iterator_advance
( GenVertex* it ) {
delete it;
extern "C" void vertex_particles_in_const_iterator_reset
( GenVertex* it, GenVertex* v ) {
delete it;
extern "C" bool vertex_particles_in_const_iterator_is_valid
( GenVertex* it, GenVertex* v ) {
return it != 0;
extern "C" GenParticlePtr vertex_particles_in_const_iterator_get
( GenVertex* it ) {
- new GenParticlePtr();
+ GenParticlePtr p = make_shared<GenParticle>();
+ return p;
extern "C" GenParticle* vertex_get_nth_particle_in( GenVertex* vtx, int n) {
return vtx->particles_in()[n-1].get();
// GenVertex iterator over out-particles
// iterators do not exist anymore in HepMCv3
// the following are all dummy routines
extern "C" GenVertex*
new_vertex_particles_out_const_iterator( GenVertex* v ) {
- new GenVertex();
+ return new GenVertex();
extern "C" void vertex_particles_out_const_iterator_delete
( GenVertex* it ) {
delete it;
extern "C" void vertex_particles_out_const_iterator_advance
( GenVertex* it ) {
delete it;
extern "C" void vertex_particles_out_const_iterator_reset
( GenVertex* it, GenVertex* v ) {
delete it;
extern "C" bool vertex_particles_out_const_iterator_is_valid
( GenVertex* it, GenVertex* v ) {
return it != 0;
extern "C" GenParticlePtr vertex_particles_out_const_iterator_get
( GenVertex* it ) {
- new GenParticlePtr();
+ GenParticlePtr p = make_shared<GenParticle>();
+ return p;
extern "C" GenParticle* vertex_get_nth_particle_out( GenVertex* vtx, int n) {
return vtx->particles_out()[n-1].get();
extern "C" GenParticle* gen_event_get_nth_particle( GenEvent* evt, int n) {
return evt->particles()[n-1].get();
extern "C" int gen_event_get_nth_beam( GenEvent* evt, int n) {
return evt->beams()[n-1].get()->id();
// GenParticle functions
extern "C" GenParticle* new_gen_particle
(FourVector* momentum, int pdg_id, int status) {
return new GenParticle( *momentum, pdg_id, status );
extern "C" void gen_particle_delete( GenParticle* prt ) {
delete prt;
extern "C" void gen_particle_set_flow
( GenParticle* prt, int code_index, int code ) {
prt->add_attribute("flow"+to_string(code_index), make_shared<IntAttribute>( code ));
extern "C" void gen_particle_set_polarization
( GenParticle* prt, Polarization* pol) {
double theta = pol->theta ();
double phi = pol->phi ();
make_shared<DoubleAttribute>( theta ));
make_shared<DoubleAttribute>( phi ));
extern "C" int gen_particle_barcode( GenParticle* prt ) {
return prt->id();
extern "C" FourVector* gen_particle_momentum( GenParticle* prt ) {
return new FourVector( prt->momentum() );
extern "C" double gen_particle_generated_mass( GenParticle* prt ) {
return prt->generated_mass();
extern "C" int gen_particle_pdg_id( GenParticle* prt ) {
return prt->pdg_id();
extern "C" int gen_particle_get_n_children( GenParticle* prt ) {
return prt->children().size();
extern "C" int gen_particle_get_n_parents( GenParticle* prt ) {
return prt->parents().size();
extern "C" int gen_particle_status( GenParticle* prt ) {
return prt->status();
// No longer exists. Return false for now.
extern "C" bool gen_particle_is_beam( GenParticle* prt ) {
return false;
extern "C" GenVertex* gen_particle_production_vertex( GenParticle* prt ) {
return prt->production_vertex().get();
extern "C" GenVertex* gen_particle_end_vertex( GenParticle* prt ) {
return prt->end_vertex().get();
extern "C" Polarization* gen_particle_polarization( GenParticle* prt ) {
shared_ptr<DoubleAttribute> A_theta =
shared_ptr<DoubleAttribute> A_phi =
double theta=A_theta?(A_theta->value()):0.0;
double phi=A_phi?(A_phi->value()):0.0;
return new Polarization(theta, phi);
extern "C" int gen_particle_flow( GenParticle* prt, int code_index ) {
shared_ptr<IntAttribute> A_flow =
int flow=A_flow?(A_flow->value()):0;
return flow;
// FourVector functions
extern "C" FourVector* new_four_vector_xyzt
( double x, double y, double z, double t) {
return new FourVector( x, y, z, t);
extern "C" FourVector* new_four_vector_xyz( double x, double y, double z) {
return new FourVector( x, y, z, 0);
extern "C" void four_vector_delete( FourVector* p ) {
delete p;
extern "C" double four_vector_px( FourVector* p ) {
return p->px();
extern "C" double four_vector_py( FourVector* p ) {
return p->py();
extern "C" double four_vector_pz( FourVector* p ) {
return p->pz();
extern "C" double four_vector_e( FourVector* p ) {
return p->e();
// Polarization functions: the Polarization type does not exist in HepMC3!
// We inserted a stub here
extern "C" Polarization* new_polarization( double theta, double phi ) {
return new Polarization( theta, phi );
extern "C" void polarization_delete( Polarization* pol ) {
delete pol;
extern "C" double polarization_theta( Polarization* pol ) {
return pol->theta();
extern "C" double polarization_phi( Polarization* pol ) {
return pol->phi();
/// // IO_GenEvent functions
extern "C" Writer* new_io_gen_event_out( int* io_format, char* filename ) {
switch (*io_format) {
case 1:
return (Writer*)(new WriterAsciiHepMC2( filename ));
case 2:
return (Writer*)(new WriterAscii( filename));
case 3:
return (Writer*)(new WriterRoot( filename));
case 4:
return (Writer*)(new WriterRootTree( filename));
case 5:
return (Writer*)(new WriterHEPEVT( filename));
return (Writer*)(new WriterAscii( filename));
extern "C" Reader* new_io_gen_event_in( int* io_format, char* filename ) {
switch (*io_format) {
case 1:
return (Reader*)(new ReaderAsciiHepMC2( filename));
case 2:
return (Reader*)(new ReaderAscii( filename));
case 3:
return (Reader*)(new ReaderRoot( filename));
case 4:
return (Reader*)(new ReaderRootTree( filename));
case 5:
return (Reader*)(new ReaderHEPEVT( filename));
return (Reader*)(new ReaderAscii( filename));
extern "C" void io_gen_event_delete( Writer* iostream ) {
delete iostream;
extern "C" void io_gen_event_write_event
( Writer* writer, const GenEvent* evt) {
writer->write_event( *evt);
extern "C" bool io_gen_event_read_event
( Reader* reader, GenEvent* evt) {
bool ok;
ok = reader->read_event( *evt);
if (reader->failed()) {
return false;
else {
return ok;
File Metadata
Mime Type
Sun, Feb 23, 2:08 PM (2 h, 56 s)
Storage Engine
Storage Format
Raw Data
Storage Handle
Default Alt Text
(30 KB)
Attached To
rWHIZARDSVN whizardsvn
Event Timeline
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