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diff --git a/src/Projections/ b/src/Projections/
--- a/src/Projections/
+++ b/src/Projections/
@@ -1,166 +1,178 @@
// -*- C++ -*-
#include "Rivet/Projections/Sphericity.hh"
#include "Rivet/Jet.hh"
namespace Rivet {
Sphericity::Sphericity(const FinalState& fsp, double rparam)
: _regparam(rparam)
addProjection(fsp, "FS");
void Sphericity::clear() {
_lambdas = vector<double>(3, 0);
_sphAxes = vector<Vector3>(3, Vector3());
int Sphericity::compare(const Projection& p) const {
PCmp fscmp = mkNamedPCmp(p, "FS");
if (fscmp != EQUIVALENT) return fscmp;
const Sphericity& other = dynamic_cast<const Sphericity&>(p);
if (fuzzyEquals(_regparam, other._regparam)) return 0;
return cmp(_regparam, other._regparam);
void Sphericity::project(const Event& e) {
const Particles prts = applyProjection<FinalState>(e, "FS").particles();
void Sphericity::calc(const FinalState& fs) {
void Sphericity::calc(const Particles& particles) {
vector<Vector3> threeMomenta;
transform(particles, threeMomenta, p3);
void Sphericity::calc(const Jets& jets) {
vector<Vector3> threeMomenta;
transform(jets, threeMomenta, p3);
void Sphericity::calc(const vector<FourMomentum>& momenta) {
vector<Vector3> threeMomenta;
transform(momenta, threeMomenta, [](const FourMomentum& p4){return p4.vector3();});
Vector3 Sphericity::mkEigenVector(Matrix3 A, const double &lambda) {
const double b = A.get(0,1);
const double c = A.get(0,2);
const double d = A.get(1,1);
const double e = A.get(1,2);
const double f = A.get(2,2);
const double denom = b*e -c*d + c*lambda;
double x = e*(b*f -c*e - b*lambda)/denom/c + (lambda -f)/c;
double y = (c*e -b*f +b*lambda)/denom;
Vector3 E(x,y,1);
return E.unit();
void Sphericity::calc(const vector<Vector3>& momenta) {
MSG_DEBUG("Calculating sphericity with r = " << _regparam);
// Return (with "safe nonsense" sphericity params) if there are no final state particles
if (momenta.empty()) {
MSG_DEBUG("Not enough momenta given...");
// Iterate over all the final state particles.
Matrix3 mMom;
double totalMomentum = 0.0;
MSG_DEBUG("Number of particles = " << momenta.size());
for (const Vector3& p3 : momenta) {
// Build the (regulated) normalising factor.
totalMomentum += pow(p3.mod(), _regparam);
// Build (regulated) quadratic momentum components.
const double regfactor = pow(p3.mod(), _regparam-2);
if (!fuzzyEquals(regfactor, 1.0)) {
MSG_TRACE("Regfactor (r=" << _regparam << ") = " << regfactor);
Matrix3 mMomPart;
for (size_t i = 0; i < 3; ++i) {
for (size_t j = 0; j < 3; ++j) {
mMomPart.set(i,j, p3[i]*p3[j]);
mMom += regfactor * mMomPart;
+ if (mMom.get(2,0) == 0 && mMom.get(2,1) == 0 && mMom.get(2,2) == 0) {
+ MSG_DEBUG("No longitudinal momenta given...");
+ clear();
+ return;
+ }
// Normalise to total (regulated) momentum.
mMom /= totalMomentum;
MSG_DEBUG("Momentum tensor = " << "\n" << mMom);
// Check that the matrix is symmetric.
const bool isSymm = mMom.isSymm();
if (!isSymm) {
MSG_ERROR("Error: momentum tensor not symmetric (r=" << _regparam << ")");
MSG_ERROR("[0,1] vs. [1,0]: " << mMom.get(0,1) << ", " << mMom.get(1,0));
MSG_ERROR("[0,2] vs. [2,0]: " << mMom.get(0,2) << ", " << mMom.get(2,0));
MSG_ERROR("[1,2] vs. [2,1]: " << mMom.get(1,2) << ", " << mMom.get(2,1));
// If not symmetric, something's wrong (we made sure the error msg appeared first).
// Eigenvalues
const double q = mMom.trace()/3.;
const double p1 = mMom.get(0,1)*mMom.get(0,1) + mMom.get(0,2)*mMom.get(0,2) + mMom.get(1,2)*mMom.get(1,2);
const double p2 = (mMom.get(0,0) - q)*(mMom.get(0,0) - q)
+ (mMom.get(1,1) - q)*(mMom.get(1,1) - q) + (mMom.get(2,2) - q)*(mMom.get(2,2) - q) + 2.*p1;
const double p = sqrt(p2/6.);
Matrix3 I3 = Matrix3::mkIdentity();
const double r = ( 1./p * (mMom - q*I3)).det()/2.;
double phi(0);
if (r <= -1) phi = M_PI / 3.;
else if (r >= 1) phi = 0;
else phi = acos(r) / 3.;
const double l1 = q + 2 * p * cos(phi);
const double l3 = q + 2 * p * cos(phi + (2*M_PI/3.));
const double l2 = 3 * q - l1 - l3;
+ if (l1 == 0 || l2 == 0 || l3 == 0) {
+ MSG_DEBUG("Zero eigenvalue...");
+ clear();
+ return;
+ }
_sphAxes.push_back(mkEigenVector(mMom, l1));
_sphAxes.push_back(mkEigenVector(mMom, l2));
_sphAxes.push_back(mkEigenVector(mMom, l3));
// Debug output.
MSG_DEBUG("Lambdas = ("
<< lambda1() << ", " << lambda2() << ", " << lambda3() << ")");
MSG_DEBUG("Sum of lambdas = " << lambda1() + lambda2() + lambda3());
MSG_DEBUG("Vectors = "
<< sphericityAxis() << ", "
<< sphericityMajorAxis() << ", "
<< sphericityMinorAxis() << ")");

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Mon, Feb 24, 6:45 AM (1 d, 14 h)
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