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#include "ScannerSTools.h"
using namespace std;
//Overloaded output operator for the random number generator
ostream & operator<<(ostream & os,RandGen & rgen){
os << rgen.seed <<"\t" << rgen.T << "\t"<< rgen.r;
return os;
//Overloaded input operator for the VecTriplet class
istream & operator >>(istream & in, VecTriplet & T){
unsigned N;
double min,max;
in >> N; // read the number of fields
if(in){//If read is good...
for(size_t i=0;i!=N;++i){
in >>min>>max; // read next two lines with phimin[i], phimax[i]
if(in){//if read good, push back into vectors
T.Vec.push_back((min+max)/2.); //Create vector at the same time, initialised to middle point
cerr<< "ERROR in istream & operator >>(istream & in, VecTriplet & T): Bad read of VecTriplet. Check Dimensions in mathematica file." << endl;
exit(-1); // In case of error crash program
return in;
//Overloaded output operator for class VecTriplet
ostream & operator <<(ostream & os, const VecTriplet & T){
os<< T.Vecmin.size() << "\t"; // outupt number of fields
for(VecTriplet::const_iterator iter=T.Vec.begin(),itermin=T.Vecmin.begin(),itermax=T.Vecmax.begin();itermin!=T.Vecmin.end();)
os << *itermin++ << "\t" << *itermax++<<"\t" << *iter++ << "\t"; // output phimin and phimax ranges one by one
return os;
//Overloaded output operator for class Monomial
ostream & operator <<(ostream & os, const Monomial & M){
os<< M.coeff << " "; // outupt coefficient
Monomial::const_iterator beg=M.pows.begin(),end=M.pows.end();
for(Monomial::const_iterator iter=beg;iter!=end;++iter)
os <<"phi"<<iter-beg <<"^"<<*iter << " "; // output phimin and phimax ranges one by one
return os;
//Overloaded input operator for the Monomial class
istream & operator >>(istream & in, Monomial & M){
in >> M.coeff; // read the coefficient
if(in){//If read is good...
for(Monomial::iterator iter=M.pows.begin();iter!=M.pows.end();){
in >>*(iter++); // read monomial
if(not in){
cerr<< "ERROR in istream & operator >>(istream & in, Monomial & M): Bad read of Monomial. Check dimensions in mathematica file." << endl;
exit(-1); // In case of error crash program
cerr<< "ERROR in istream & operator >>(istream & in, Monomial & M): Bad read of Monomial. Check Dimensions in mathematica file." << endl;
exit(-1); // In case of error crash program
return in;

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Mime Type
Sat, Dec 21, 3:23 PM (1 d, 7 h)
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Raw Data
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Default Alt Text
ScannerSTools.cpp (2 KB)

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