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diff --git a/Decay/WeakCurrents/ b/Decay/WeakCurrents/
--- a/Decay/WeakCurrents/
+++ b/Decay/WeakCurrents/
@@ -1,377 +1,372 @@
// -*- C++ -*-
// This is the implementation of the non-inlined, non-templated member
// functions of the TwoPionCzyzCurrent class.
#include "TwoPionCzyzCurrent.h"
#include "ThePEG/Interface/ClassDocumentation.h"
#include "ThePEG/EventRecord/Particle.h"
#include "ThePEG/Repository/UseRandom.h"
#include "ThePEG/Repository/EventGenerator.h"
#include "ThePEG/Utilities/DescribeClass.h"
-#include "ThePEG/Utilities/Maths.h"
#include "Herwig/Decay/ResonanceHelpers.h"
#include "ThePEG/Persistency/PersistentOStream.h"
#include "ThePEG/Persistency/PersistentIStream.h"
using namespace Herwig;
: omegaMag_(18.7e-4), omegaPhase_(0.106),
omegaMass_(782.4*MeV),omegaWidth_(8.33*MeV), beta_(2.148),
nMax_(1000) {
// various parameters
rhoMag_ = {1.,1.,0.59,0.048,0.40,0.43};
rhoPhase_ = {0.,0.,-2.20,-2.0,-2.9,1.19};
rhoMasses_ = {773.37*MeV,1490*MeV, 1870*MeV,2120*MeV,2321*MeV,2567*MeV};
rhoWidths_ = { 147.1*MeV, 429*MeV, 357*MeV, 300*MeV, 444*MeV, 491*MeV};
// set up for the modes in the base class
IBPtr TwoPionCzyzCurrent::clone() const {
return new_ptr(*this);
IBPtr TwoPionCzyzCurrent::fullclone() const {
return new_ptr(*this);
void TwoPionCzyzCurrent::persistentOutput(PersistentOStream & os) const {
os << beta_ << omegaWgt_ << omegaMag_ << omegaPhase_
<< ounit(omegaMass_,GeV) << ounit(omegaWidth_,GeV)
<< rhoWgt_ << rhoMag_ << rhoPhase_
<< ounit(rhoMasses_,GeV) << ounit(rhoWidths_,GeV)
<< ounit(mass_,GeV) << ounit(width_,GeV) << coup_
- << dh_ << ounit(hres_,GeV2) << ounit(h0_,GeV2);
+ << dh_ << ounit(hres_,GeV2) << ounit(h0_,GeV2) << nMax_;
void TwoPionCzyzCurrent::persistentInput(PersistentIStream & is, int) {
is >> beta_ >> omegaWgt_ >> omegaMag_ >> omegaPhase_
>> iunit(omegaMass_,GeV) >> iunit(omegaWidth_,GeV)
>> rhoWgt_ >> rhoMag_ >> rhoPhase_
>> iunit(rhoMasses_,GeV) >> iunit(rhoWidths_,GeV)
>> iunit(mass_,GeV) >> iunit(width_,GeV) >> coup_
- >> dh_ >> iunit(hres_,GeV2) >> iunit(h0_,GeV2);
+ >> dh_ >> iunit(hres_,GeV2) >> iunit(h0_,GeV2) >> nMax_;
// The following static variable is needed for the type
// description system in ThePEG.
describeHerwigTwoPionCzyzCurrent("Herwig::TwoPionCzyzCurrent", "");
void TwoPionCzyzCurrent::Init() {
static ClassDocumentation<TwoPionCzyzCurrent> documentation
("The TwoPionCzyzCurrent class uses the currents from "
"PRD 81 094014 for the weak current with two pions",
"The current for two pions from \\cite{Czyz:2010hj} was used.",
"H.~Czyz, A.~Grzelinska and J.~H.~Kuhn,\n"
"%``Narrow resonances studies with the radiative return method,''\n"
"Phys.\\ Rev.\\ D {\\bf 81} (2010) 094014\n"
"[arXiv:1002.0279 [hep-ph]].\n"
"%%CITATION = doi:10.1103/PhysRevD.81.094014;%%\n"
"%28 citations counted in INSPIRE as of 30 Jul 2018\n");
static ParVector<TwoPionCzyzCurrent,Energy> interfaceRhoMasses
"The masses of the different rho resonances for the pi pi channel",
&TwoPionCzyzCurrent::rhoMasses_, MeV, -1, 775.8*MeV, ZERO, 10000.*MeV,
false, false, true);
static ParVector<TwoPionCzyzCurrent,Energy> interfaceRhoWidths
"The widths of the different rho resonances for the pi pi channel",
&TwoPionCzyzCurrent::rhoWidths_, MeV, -1, 150.3*MeV, ZERO, 1000.*MeV,
false, false, true);
static ParVector<TwoPionCzyzCurrent,double> interfaceRhoMagnitude
"Magnitude of the weight of the different resonances for the pi pi channel",
&TwoPionCzyzCurrent::rhoMag_, -1, 0., 0, 0,
false, false, Interface::nolimits);
static ParVector<TwoPionCzyzCurrent,double> interfaceRhoPhase
"Phase of the weight of the different resonances for the pi pi channel",
&TwoPionCzyzCurrent::rhoPhase_, -1, 0., 0, 0,
false, false, Interface::nolimits);
static Parameter<TwoPionCzyzCurrent,unsigned int> interfacenMax
"The maximum number of resonances to include in the sum,"
" should be approx infinity",
&TwoPionCzyzCurrent::nMax_, 1000, 10, 10000,
false, false, Interface::limited);
static Parameter<TwoPionCzyzCurrent,double> interfacebeta
"The beta parameter for the couplings",
&TwoPionCzyzCurrent::beta_, 2.148, 0.0, 100.,
false, false, Interface::limited);
static Parameter<TwoPionCzyzCurrent,Energy> interfaceOmegaMass
"The mass of the omega meson",
&TwoPionCzyzCurrent::omegaMass_, MeV,782.4*MeV, 0.0*MeV, 100.0*MeV,
false, false, Interface::limited);
static Parameter<TwoPionCzyzCurrent,Energy> interfaceOmegaWidth
"The mass of the omega meson",
&TwoPionCzyzCurrent::omegaWidth_, MeV, 8.33*MeV, 0.0*MeV, 100.0*MeV,
false, false, Interface::limited);
static Parameter<TwoPionCzyzCurrent,double> interfaceOmegaMagnitude
"The magnitude of the omega couplings",
&TwoPionCzyzCurrent::omegaMag_, 18.7e-4, 0.0, 10.0,
false, false, Interface::limited);
static Parameter<TwoPionCzyzCurrent,double> interfaceOmegaPhase
"The magnitude of the omega couplings",
&TwoPionCzyzCurrent::omegaPhase_, 0.106, 0.0, 2.*Constants::pi,
false, false, Interface::limited);
void TwoPionCzyzCurrent::doinit() {
// check consistency of parametrers
throw InitException() << "Inconsistent parameters in TwoPionCzyzCurrent"
<< "::doinit()" << Exception::abortnow;
- // the resonances (N.B. only3 rhos in Hw7)
- tPDPtr res[3]={getParticleData(-213 ),
- getParticleData(-100213),
- getParticleData(-30213 )};
// weights for the rho channels
throw InitException() << "The vectors containing the weights and phase for the"
<< " rho channel must be the same size in "
<< "TwoPionCzyzCurrent::doinit()" << Exception::runerror;
Complex rhoSum(0.);
for(unsigned int ix=0;ix<rhoMag_.size();++ix) {
if(ix>0) rhoSum +=rhoWgt_.back();
omegaWgt_ = omegaMag_*(cos(omegaPhase_)+Complex(0.,1.)*sin(omegaPhase_));
// set up the masses and widths of the rho resonances
- double gamB(Math::gamma(2.-beta_));
+ double gamB(tgamma(2.-beta_));
Complex cwgt(0.);
Energy mpi(getParticleData(ParticleID::piplus)->mass());
for(unsigned int ix=0;ix<nMax_;++ix) {
// this is gam(2-beta+n)/gam(n+1)
if(ix>0) {
gamB *= ((1.-beta_+double(ix)))/double(ix);
- Complex c_n = Math::gamma(beta_-0.5) /(0.5+double(ix)) / sqrt(Constants::pi) *
+ Complex c_n = tgamma(beta_-0.5) /(0.5+double(ix)) / sqrt(Constants::pi) *
if(ix%2!=0) c_n *= -1.;
// set the masses and widths
// calc for higher resonances
if(ix>=rhoMasses_.size()) {
mass_ .push_back(rhoMasses_[0]*sqrt(1.+2.*double(ix)));
// input for lower ones
else {
mass_ .push_back(rhoMasses_[ix]);
if(ix>0) cwgt += c_n;
// parameters for the gs propagators
dh_ .push_back(Resonance::dHhatds(mass_.back(),width_.back(),mpi,mpi));
// fix up the early weights
for(unsigned int ix=1;ix<rhoMasses_.size();++ix) {
coup_[ix] = rhoWgt_[ix]*cwgt/rhoSum;
// complete the construction of the decay mode for integration
bool TwoPionCzyzCurrent::createMode(int icharge, unsigned int imode,
DecayPhaseSpaceModePtr mode,
unsigned int iloc,unsigned int,
DecayPhaseSpaceChannelPtr phase,Energy upp) {
if((imode==0 && abs(icharge)!=3) ||
(imode>0 && icharge !=0)) return false;
// make sure that the decays are kinematically allowed
tPDPtr part[2];
if(imode==0) {
else {
Energy min(part[0]->massMin()+part[1]->massMin());
if(min>upp) return false;
DecayPhaseSpaceChannelPtr newchannel;
// set the resonances
tPDPtr res[3];
if(icharge==0) {
res[0] =getParticleData(113);
res[1] =getParticleData(100113);
res[2] =getParticleData(30113);
else {
res[0] =getParticleData(213);
res[1] =getParticleData(100213);
res[2] =getParticleData(30213);
if(icharge==-3) {
for(unsigned int ix=0;ix<3;++ix) {
if(res[ix]&&res[ix]->CC()) res[ix]=res[ix]->CC();
// create the channels
for(unsigned int ix=0;ix<3;++ix) {
if(res[ix]) {
// reset the masses in the intergrators
for(unsigned int ix=0;ix<3;++ix) {
if(ix<rhoMasses_.size()&&res[ix]) {
// return if successful
return true;
// the particles produced by the current
tPDVector TwoPionCzyzCurrent::particles(int icharge, unsigned int imode,
int,int) {
tPDVector output(2);
if(imode==0) {
else {
if(icharge==-3) {
for(unsigned int ix=0;ix<output.size();++ix) {
if(output[ix]->CC()) output[ix]=output[ix]->CC();
return output;
// hadronic current
TwoPionCzyzCurrent::current(const int imode, const int ichan,
Energy & scale,const ParticleVector & outpart,
DecayIntegrator::MEOption meopt) const {
if(meopt==DecayIntegrator::Terminate) {
for(unsigned int ix=0;ix<2;++ix)
return vector<LorentzPolarizationVectorE>(1,LorentzPolarizationVectorE());
// momentum difference and sum of the mesons
Lorentz5Momentum pdiff(outpart[0]->momentum()-outpart[1]->momentum());
Lorentz5Momentum psum (outpart[0]->momentum()+outpart[1]->momentum());
// mass2 of vector intermediate state
Energy2 q2(psum.m2());
double dot(psum*pdiff/q2);
psum *=dot;
LorentzPolarizationVector vect;
// calculate the current
Complex FPI(0.);
Energy ma = outpart[0]->mass();
Energy mb = outpart[1]->mass();
for(unsigned int ix=0;ix<coup_.size();++ix) {
if(ichan>=0&&ix!=abs(ichan)) continue;
Complex term = coup_[ix]*Resonance::BreitWignerGS(q2,mass_[ix],width_[ix],
// include rho-omega if needed
term *= 1./(1.+omegaWgt_)*(1.+omegaWgt_*Resonance::BreitWignerFW(q2,omegaMass_,omegaWidth_));
FPI += term;
// factor for cc mode
if(imode==0) FPI *= sqrt(2.0);
// compute the current
return vector<LorentzPolarizationVectorE>(1,FPI*pdiff);
bool TwoPionCzyzCurrent::accept(vector<int> id) {
// check there are only two particles
if(id.size()!=2) return false;
// pion modes
if((abs(id[0])==ParticleID::piplus && id[1] ==ParticleID::pi0 ) ||
( id[0] ==ParticleID::pi0 && abs(id[1])==ParticleID::piplus))
return true;
else if((id[0]==ParticleID::piminus && id[1]==ParticleID::piplus) ||
(id[0]==ParticleID::piplus && id[1]==ParticleID::piminus))
return true;
return false;
// the decay mode
unsigned int TwoPionCzyzCurrent::decayMode(vector<int> idout) {
unsigned int npi(0);
for(unsigned int ix=0;ix<idout.size();++ix) {
if(abs(idout[ix])==ParticleID::piplus) ++npi;
if(npi==2) return 1;
else return 0;
// output the information for the database
void TwoPionCzyzCurrent::dataBaseOutput(ofstream & output,bool header,
bool create) const {
if(header) output << "update decayers set parameters=\"";
if(create) output << "create Herwig::TwoPionCzyzCurrent "
<< name() << "\n";
unsigned int ix;
for(ix=0;ix<rhoMasses_.size();++ix) {
if(ix<6) output << "newdef ";
else output << "insert ";
output << name() << ":RhoMasses " << ix << " " << rhoMasses_[ix]/MeV << "\n";
for(ix=0;ix<rhoWidths_.size();++ix) {
if(ix<6) output << "newdef ";
else output << "insert ";
output << name() << ":RhoWidths " << ix << " " << rhoWidths_[ix]/MeV << "\n";
for(ix=0;ix<rhoWgt_.size();++ix) {
if(ix<6) output << "newdef ";
else output << "insert ";
output << name() << ":RhoMagnitude " << ix << " " << rhoMag_[ix] << "\n";
if(ix<6) output << "newdef ";
else output << "insert ";
output << name() << ":RhoPhase " << ix << " " << rhoPhase_[ix] << "\n";
output << "newdef " << name() << ":OmegaMass " << omegaMass_/MeV << "\n";
output << "newdef " << name() << ":OmegaWidth " << omegaWidth_/MeV << "\n";
output << "newdef " << name() << ":OmegaMagnitude " << omegaMag_ << "\n";
output << "newdef " << name() << ":OmegaPhase " << omegaPhase_ << "\n";
output << "newdef " << name() << ":nMax " << nMax_ << "\n";
output << "newdef " << name() << ":beta " << beta_ << "\n";
if(header) output << "\n\" where BINARY ThePEGName=\""
<< fullName() << "\";" << endl;

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Mime Type
Mon, Jan 20, 10:10 PM (1 d, 10 h)
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(14 KB)

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