parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Read in an LHA format parameter card in a particular basis and write a new param card in the mass basis.")
parser.add_argument("-b","--blockin", metavar="BLOCKIN", type=str, default='newcoup', help="New coupling block to be read in. Default: newcoup")
parser.add_argument("-B","--blockout", metavar="BLOCKOUT", type=str, default='newcoup', help="New coupling block to be written out. Default: newcoup")
parser.add_argument("-t","--target", metavar="TARGETBASIS", type=str, default='mass', help="Basis into which to translate (one of: {}). Default: mass".format(', '.join(bases.keys())))
parser.add_argument("-w","--overwrite", action='store_true', help="Overwrite any pre-existing output file.")
+parser.add_argument("-e","--ehdecay", action='store_true', help="Interface with eHDECAY")