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diff --git a/Models/Feynrules/python/ufo2peg/ b/Models/Feynrules/python/ufo2peg/
--- a/Models/Feynrules/python/ufo2peg/
+++ b/Models/Feynrules/python/ufo2peg/
@@ -1,608 +1,628 @@
import sys,pprint
from .helpers import CheckUnique,getTemplate,writeFile,qcd_qed_orders,def_from_model
from .lorentzparser import parse_lorentz
from .converter import py2cpp
from .collapse_vertices import collapse_vertices
from .check_lorentz import tensorCouplings,VVVordering,VVSCouplings,EWVVVVCouplings
# names of goldstone bosons
gsnames = ['goldstone','goldstoneboson','GoldstoneBoson']
# prefactors for vertices
lfactors = {
'FFV' : '-complex(0,1)', # ok
'VVV' : 'complex(0,1)', # changed to fix ttbar
'VVVS' : 'complex(0,1)', # should be as VVV
'VVVV' : 'complex(0,1)',
'VVS' : '-complex(0,1)',
'VSS' : '-complex(0,1)', # changed to minus to fix dL ->x1 W- d
'SSS' : '-complex(0,1)', # ok
'VVSS' : '-complex(0,1)', # ok
'VVT' : 'complex(0,2)',
'VVVT' : '-complex(0,2)',
'SSSS' : '-complex(0,1)', # ok
'FFS' : '-complex(0,1)', # ok
'SST' : 'complex(0,2)',
'FFT' : '-complex(0,8)',
'FFVT' : '-complex(0,4)',
# template for the header for a vertex
#include "ThePEG/Helicity/Vertex/{spindirectory}/{lorentztag}Vertex.h"
# template for the implmentation for a vertex
VERTEXCLASS = getTemplate('Vertex_class')
# template for the .cc file for vertices
VERTEX = getTemplate('')
vertexline = """\
create Herwig::{modelname}V_{vname} /Herwig/{modelname}/V_{vname}
insert {modelname}:ExtraVertices 0 /Herwig/{modelname}/V_{vname}
class SkipThisVertex(Exception):
def get_lorentztag(spin):
"""Produce a ThePEG spin tag for the given numeric FR spins."""
spins = { 1 : 'S', 2 : 'F', 3 : 'V', -1 : 'U', 5 : 'T' }
result = [ spins[s] for s in spin ]
def spinsort(a,b):
"""Helper function for ThePEG's FVST spin tag ordering."""
if a == b: return 0
for letter in 'UFVST':
if a == letter: return -1
if b == letter: return 1
result = sorted(result, cmp=spinsort)
return ''.join(result)
def unique_lorentztag(vertex):
"""Check and return the Lorentz tag of the vertex."""
unique = CheckUnique()
for l in vertex.lorentz:
lorentztag = get_lorentztag(l.spins)
unique( lorentztag )
lname =[:len(lorentztag)]
if sorted(lorentztag) != sorted(lname):
raise Exception("Lorentztags: %s is not %s in %s"
% (lorentztag,lname,vertex))
# if lorentztag != lname:
# sys.stderr.write("Warning: Lorentz tag ordering: %s is not %s in %s\n"
# % (lorentztag,lname,vertex))
return lorentztag
def colors(vertex) :
unique = CheckUnique()
for pl in vertex.particles_list:
struct = [ p.color for p in pl ]
struct = [ p.color for p in vertex.particles ]
pos = colorpositions(struct)
L = len(struct)
return (L,pos)
def colorfactor(vertex,L,pos):
def match(patterns):
result = [ p == t
for p,t in zip(patterns,vertex.color) ]
return all(result)
label = None
l = lambda c: len(pos[c])
if l(1) == L:
label = ('1',)
if match(label): return ('1',)
elif l(3) == l(-3) == 1 and l(1) == L-2:
nums = [pos[3][0], pos[-3][0]]
label = ('Identity({0},{1})'.format(*sorted(nums)),)
if match(label): return ('1',)
elif l(6) == l(-6) == 1 and l(1) == L-2:
nums = [pos[6][0], pos[-6][0]]
label = ('Identity({0},{1})'.format(*sorted(nums)),)
if match(label): return ('1',)
elif l(6) == l(-6) == 2 and L==4:
'Warning: Unknown colour structure 6 6 6~ 6~ ( {ps} ) in {name}.\n'
.format(, ps=' '.join(map(str,vertex.particles)))
raise SkipThisVertex()
elif l(8) == l(3) == l(-3) == 1 and l(1) == L-3:
label = ('T({g},{q},{qb})'.format(g=pos[8][0],q=pos[3][0],qb=pos[-3][0]),)
if match(label): return ('1',)
elif l(8) == l(6) == l(-6) == 1 and l(1) == L-3:
label = ('T6({g},{s},{sb})'.format(g=pos[8][0],s=pos[6][0],sb=pos[-6][0]),)
if match(label): return ('1',)
elif l(6) == 1 and l(-3) == 2 and L==3:
label = ('K6({s},{qb1},{qb2})'.format(s=pos[6][0],qb1=pos[-3][0],qb2=pos[-3][1]),)
if match(label): return ('1',)
elif l(-6) == 1 and l(3) == 2 and L==3:
label = ('K6Bar({sb},{q1},{q2})'.format(sb=pos[-6][0],q1=pos[3][0],q2=pos[3][1]),)
if match(label): return ('1',)
elif l(3) == L == 3:
label = ('Epsilon(1,2,3)',)
if match(label): return ('1',) # TODO check factor!
elif l(-3) == L == 3:
label = ('EpsilonBar(1,2,3)',)
if match(label): return ('1',) # TODO check factor!
elif l(8) == L == 3:
# if lorentz is FFV get extra minus sign
lorentztag = unique_lorentztag(vertex)
factor = '*(-1)' if lorentztag in ['FFV'] else ''
label = ('f(1,2,3)',)
if match(label): return ('-complex(0,1)%s'%factor,)
label = ('f(3,2,1)',)
if match(label): return ('complex(0,1)%s'%factor,)
label = ('f(2,1,3)',)
if match(label): return ('complex(0,1)%s'%factor,)
elif l(8) == L == 4:
label = ('f(-1,1,2)*f(3,4,-1)',
if match(label): return ('-1./3.','-1./3.','-1./3.')
elif l(8) == 2 and l(3) == l(-3) == 1 and L==4:
subs = {
'g1' : pos[8][0],
'g2' : pos[8][1],
'qq' : pos[3][0],
'qb' : pos[-3][0]
label = ('T({g1},-1,{qb})*T({g2},{qq},-1)'.format(**subs),
if match(label): return ('0.5','0.5')
elif l(8) == 2 and l(6) == l(-6) == 1 and L==4:
subs = {
'g1' : pos[8][0],
'g2' : pos[8][1],
'qq' : pos[6][0],
'qb' : pos[-6][0]
label = ('T6({g1},-1,{qb})*T6({g2},{qq},-1)'.format(**subs),
if match(label): return ('0.5','0.5')
elif l(8) == 2 and l(8)+l(1)==L :
subs = { 'g1' : pos[8][0], 'g2' : pos[8][1] }
label = ('Identity({g1},{g2})'.format(**subs),)
if match(label) : return ('1.',)
elif l(8) == 3 and l(1)==1 and L==4 :
label = ('f(1,2,3)',)
if match(label): return ('-complex(0,1)',)
label = ('f(3,2,1)',)
if match(label): return ('complex(0,1)',)
label = ('f(2,1,3)',)
if match(label): return ('complex(0,1)',)
"Warning: Unknown colour structure {color} ( {ps} ) in {name}.\n"
.format(color = ' '.join(vertex.color), name =,
ps = ' '.join(map(str,vertex.particles)))
raise SkipThisVertex()
def colorpositions(struct):
positions = {
1 : [],
3 : [],
-3 : [],
6 : [],
-6 : [],
8 : [],
for i,s in enumerate(struct,1):
return positions
def spindirectory(lt):
"""Return the spin directory name for a given Lorentz tag."""
if 'T' in lt:
spin_directory = 'Tensor'
elif 'S' in lt:
spin_directory = 'Scalar'
elif 'V' in lt:
spin_directory = 'Vector'
raise Exception("Unknown Lorentz tag {lt}.".format(lt=lt))
return spin_directory
def write_vertex_file(subs):
'Write the .cc file for some vertices'
newname = '' % (subs['ModelName'],subs['vertexnumber'])
subs['newname'] = newname
writeFile( newname, VERTEX.substitute(subs) )
def checkGhostGoldstoneVertex(lorentztag,vertex) :
'check if vertex has ghosts or goldstones'
# remove vertices involving ghost fields
if 'U' in lorentztag:
return True
# remove vertices involving goldstones
for p in vertex.particles:
def gstest(name):
return getattr(p,name)
except AttributeError:
return False
if any(map(gstest, gsnames)):
return True
return False
def calculatePrefactor(globalsign,lorentztag,lf,cf) :
if(globalsign!=1.) :
prefactors = '(%s) * (%s) * (%s)' \
% (globalsign**(len(lorentztag)-2),lf,cf)
else :
prefactors = '(%s) * (%s)' \
% (lf,cf)
return prefactors
# fact=[]
# if(globalsign!=1.) :
# fact.append(globalsign**(len(lorentztag)-2))
# if(lf!="1") :
# fact.append(lf)
# if(cf!="1") :
# fact.append(cf)
# if(len(fact)==0) : return "1"
# prefactor = '(%s)' % fact[0]
# for ix in range(1,len(fact)) :
# prefactor = '%s * (%s)' % (prefactor,fact[ix])
# return prefactor
+def couplingValue(coupling) :
+ if type(coupling) is not list:
+ value = coupling.value
+ else:
+ value = "("
+ for coup in coupling :
+ value += '+(%s)' % coup.value
+ value +=")"
+ return value
class VertexConverter:
'Convert the vertices in a FR model to extract the information ThePEG needs.'
def __init__(self,model) :
'Initialize the parameters'
self.all_vertices= []
self.no_generic_loop_vertices = False
def global_sign(self):
'Initial pass to find global sign at the moment does nothing'
return 1.0
# for v in self.model.all_vertices:
# pids = sorted([ p.pdg_code for p in v.particles ])
# if pids != [-11,11,22]: continue
# coup = v.couplings
# assert( len(coup) == 1 )
# val = coup.values()[0].value
# val = evaluate(val)
# assert( val.real == 0 )
# return 1 if val.imag > 0 else -1
def readArgs(self,args) :
'Extract the relevant command line arguments'
self.ignore_skipped = args.ignore_skipped
self.verbose = args.verbose
self.modelname =
self.no_generic_loop_vertices = args.no_generic_loop_vertices
def should_print(self) :
'Check if we should output the results'
return not self.vertex_skipped or self.ignore_skipped
def convert(self) :
'Convert the vertices'
if(self.verbose) :
print 'verbose mode on: printing all vertices'
print '-'*60
labels = ('vertex', 'particles', 'Lorentz', 'C_L', 'C_R', 'norm')
# check if we should merge vertices
if(self.ONE_EACH) :
self.all_vertices = self.model.all_vertices
self.all_vertices = collapse_vertices(self.model.all_vertices)
# convert the vertices
vertexclasses, vertexheaders = [], set()
for vertexnumber,vertex in enumerate(self.all_vertices,1) :
# process the vertex
(skip,vertexClass,vertexHeader) = \
# check it can be handled
if(skip) : continue
# add to the list
WRAP = 25
if vertexnumber % WRAP == 0:
write_vertex_file({'vertexnumber' : vertexnumber//WRAP,
'vertexclasses' : '\n'.join(vertexclasses),
'vertexheaders' : ''.join(vertexheaders),
'ModelName' : self.modelname})
vertexclasses = []
vertexheaders = set()
# exit if there's vertices we can't handle
if not self.should_print():
Error: The conversion was unsuccessful, some vertices could not be
generated. If you think the missing vertices are not important
and want to go ahead anyway, use --ignore-skipped.
Herwig may not give correct results, though.
# if still stuff to output it do it
if vertexclasses:
write_vertex_file({'vertexnumber' : vertexnumber//WRAP + 1,
'vertexclasses' : '\n'.join(vertexclasses),
'vertexheaders' : ''.join(vertexheaders),
'ModelName' : self.modelname})
print '='*60
def processVertex(self,vertexnumber,vertex) :
# get the Lorentz tag for the vertex
lorentztag = unique_lorentztag(vertex)
# check if we should skip the vertex
vertex.herwig_skip_vertex = checkGhostGoldstoneVertex(lorentztag,vertex)
if(vertex.herwig_skip_vertex) :
return (True,"","")
# get the factor for the vertex
lf = lfactors[lorentztag]
except KeyError:
msg = 'Warning: Lorentz structure {tag} ( {ps} ) in {name} ' \
'is not supported.\n'.format(tag=lorentztag,,
ps=' '.join(map(str,vertex.particles)))
vertex.herwig_skip_vertex = True
return (True,"","")
# get the ids of the particles at the vertex
if self.ONE_EACH:
plistarray = [ ','.join([ str(p.pdg_code) for p in vertex.particles ]) ]
plistarray = [ ','.join([ str(p.pdg_code) for p in pl ])
for pl in vertex.particles_list ]
# parse the colour structure for the vertex
L,pos = colors(vertex)
cf = colorfactor(vertex,L,pos)
except SkipThisVertex:
+ msg = 'Warning: Color structure for vertex ( {ps} ) in {name} ' \
+ 'is not supported.\n'.format(tag=lorentztag,,
+ ps=' '.join(map(str,vertex.particles)))
+ sys.stderr.write(msg)
vertex.herwig_skip_vertex = True
return (True,"","")
### classname
classname = 'V_%s' %
# try to extract the couplings
(coup_left,coup_right,coup_norm,couplings_VVS,kinematics,qcd,qed,ordering) = \
except SkipThisVertex:
+ msg = 'Warning: Lorentz structure {tag} ( {ps} ) in {name} ' \
+ 'is not supported, may have a non-perturbative form.\n'.format(tag=lorentztag,,
+ ps=' '.join(map(str,vertex.particles)))
+ sys.stderr.write(msg)
vertex.herwig_skip_vertex = True
return (True,"","")
leftcontent = ' + '.join(coup_left) if coup_left else '0'
rightcontent = ' + '.join(coup_right) if coup_right else '0'
normcontent = ' + '.join(coup_norm) if coup_norm else '1'
#print 'Left:',leftcontent
#print 'Right:',rightcontent
#print 'Norm:',normcontent
#print '---------------'
couplingptrs = [',tcPDPtr']*len(lorentztag)
if lorentztag == 'VSS':
couplingptrs[1] += ' p2'
elif lorentztag == 'FFV':
couplingptrs[0] += ' p1'
elif (lorentztag == 'VVV' or lorentztag == 'VVVS' ) \
and ordering != '':
couplingptrs[0] += ' p1'
couplingptrs[1] += ' p2'
couplingptrs[2] += ' p3'
elif lorentztag == 'VVVT' and ordering != '':
couplingptrs[0] += ' p1'
couplingptrs[1] += ' p2'
couplingptrs[2] += ' p3'
elif lorentztag == 'VVVV' and qcd != 2:
couplingptrs[0] += ' p1'
couplingptrs[1] += ' p2'
couplingptrs[2] += ' p3'
couplingptrs[3] += ' p4'
### do we need left/right?
symbols = set()
if 'FF' in lorentztag and lorentztag != "FFT":
#leftcalc = aStoStrongCoup(py2cpp(leftcontent)[0], paramstoreplace_, paramstoreplace_expressions_)
#rightcalc = aStoStrongCoup(py2cpp(rightcontent)[0], paramstoreplace_, paramstoreplace_expressions_)
leftcalc, sym = py2cpp(leftcontent)
symbols |= sym
rightcalc, sym = py2cpp(rightcontent)
symbols |= sym
left = 'left(' + leftcalc + ');'
right = 'right(' + rightcalc + ');'
elif lorentztag == 'VVS':
if(couplings_VVS[0]==0. and couplings_VVS[1]==0. and couplings_VVS[2]==0. and \
couplings_VVS[3]==0. and couplings_VVS[4]==0. and couplings_VVS[5]!=0) :
normcontent = couplings_VVS[5]
else :
for ix in range(0,len(couplings_VVS)) :
if(couplings_VVS[ix] !=0.) :
couplings_VVS[ix], sym = py2cpp(couplings_VVS[ix])
symbols |= sym
lorentztag = 'GeneralVVS'
# g_mu,nv piece of coupling
if(couplings_VVS[5]!=0.) :
left = 'a00( %s + Complex(( %s )* GeV2/invariant(1,2)));' % ( couplings_VVS[0],couplings_VVS[5])
else :
left = 'a00( %s );' % couplings_VVS[0]
# other couplings
right = 'a11( %s );\n a12( %s );\n a21( %s );\n a22( %s ); aEp( %s ); ' % \
( couplings_VVS[1],couplings_VVS[2],couplings_VVS[3],couplings_VVS[4],couplings_VVS[6] )
left = ''
right = ''
leftcalc = ''
rightcalc = ''
#normcalc = aStoStrongCoup(py2cpp(normcontent)[0], paramstoreplace_, paramstoreplace_expressions_)
normcalc, sym = py2cpp(normcontent)
symbols |= sym
# UFO is GeV by default (?)
if lorentztag in ['VVS','SSS']:
normcalc = 'Complex((%s) * GeV / UnitRemoval::E)' % normcalc
elif lorentztag in ['GeneralVVS']:
normcalc = 'Complex(-(%s) * UnitRemoval::E / GeV )' % normcalc
elif lorentztag in ['FFT','VVT', 'SST', 'FFVT', 'VVVT' , 'VVVS' ]:
normcalc = 'Complex((%s) / GeV * UnitRemoval::E)' % normcalc
norm = 'norm(' + normcalc + ');'
# define unkown symbols from the model
symboldefs = [ def_from_model(self.model,s) for s in symbols ]
### assemble dictionary and fill template
subs = { 'lorentztag' : lorentztag, # ok
'classname' : classname, # ok
'symbolrefs' : '\n '.join(symboldefs),
'left' : left, # doesn't always exist in base
'right' : right, # doesn't always exist in base
'norm' : norm, # needs norm, too
#################### need survey which different setter methods exist in base classes
'addToPlist' : '\n'.join([ 'addToList(%s);'%s for s in plistarray]),
'parameters' : '',
'setCouplings' : '',
'qedorder' : qed,
'qcdorder' : qcd,
'couplingptrs' : ''.join(couplingptrs),
'spindirectory' : spindirectory(lorentztag),
'ModelName' : self.modelname,
'ordering' : ordering,
'kinematics' : kinematics
} # ok
# print info if required
if self.verbose:
print '-'*60
pprint.pprint(( classname, plistarray, leftcalc, rightcalc, normcalc ))
return (False,VERTEXCLASS.substitute(subs),VERTEXHEADER.format(**subs))
def get_vertices(self,libname):
vlist = ['library %s\n' % libname]
for v in self.all_vertices:
if v.herwig_skip_vertex: continue
vlist.append( vertexline.format(modelname=self.modelname, )
if( not self.no_generic_loop_vertices) :
vlist.append('insert {modelname}:ExtraVertices 0 /Herwig/{modelname}/V_GenericHPP\n'.format(modelname=self.modelname) )
vlist.append('insert {modelname}:ExtraVertices 0 /Herwig/{modelname}/V_GenericHGG\n'.format(modelname=self.modelname) )
return ''.join(vlist)
def extractCouplings(self,lorentztag,pos,lf,cf,vertex) :
coup_left = []
coup_right = []
coup_norm = []
couplings_VVS = []
kinematics = "false"
unique_qcd = CheckUnique()
unique_qed = CheckUnique()
for (color_idx,lorentz_idx),coupling in vertex.couplings.iteritems():
for colour in range(0,maxColour+1) :
for (color_idx,lorentz_idx),coupling in vertex.couplings.iteritems():
if(color_idx!=colour) : continue
qcd, qed = qcd_qed_orders(vertex, coupling)
unique_qcd( qcd )
unique_qed( qed )
L = vertex.lorentz[lorentz_idx]
prefactors = calculatePrefactor(self.globalsign,lorentztag,lf,cf[color_idx])
ordering = ''
+ # calculate the value of the coupling
+ value = couplingValue(coupling)
+ # handling of the different types of couplings
if lorentztag in ['FFS','FFV']:
left,right = parse_lorentz(L.structure)
if left:
- coup_left.append('(%s) * (%s) * (%s)' % (prefactors,left,coupling.value))
+ coup_left.append('(%s) * (%s) * (%s)' % (prefactors,left,value))
if right:
- coup_right.append('(%s) * (%s) * (%s)' % (prefactors,right,coupling.value))
+ coup_right.append('(%s) * (%s) * (%s)' % (prefactors,right,value))
if lorentztag == 'FFV':
ordering = ('if(p1->id()!=%s) {Complex ltemp=left(), rtemp=right(); left(-rtemp); right(-ltemp);}'
% vertex.particles[0].pdg_code)
elif 'T' in lorentztag :
all_coup, left_coup, right_coup, ordering = \
coup_norm += all_coup
coup_left += left_coup
coup_right += right_coup
elif lorentztag == 'VVS' :
tc = VVSCouplings(vertex,coupling,prefactors,L,lorentztag)
if(len(couplings_VVS)==0) :
else :
for ix in range(0,len(couplings_VVS)) :
if(tc[ix] == 0.) :
elif(couplings_VVS[ix]==0.) :
else :
couplings_VVS[ix] = '(( %s ) + ( %s ) )' % (couplings_VVS[ix],tc[ix])
+ elif lorentztag == "SSS" or lorentztag == "SSSS" :
+ try :
+ val = int(L.structure)
+ except :
+ raise SkipThisVertex()
+ coup_norm.append('(%s) * (%s)' % (prefactors,value))
if lorentztag == 'VSS':
if L.structure == 'P(1,3) - P(1,2)':
prefactors += ' * (-1)'
ordering = 'if(p2->id()!=%s){norm(-norm());}' \
% vertex.particles[1].pdg_code
elif lorentztag == 'VVVV':
if qcd==2:
ordering = 'setType(1);\nsetOrder(0,1,2,3);'
ordering, factor = EWVVVVCouplings(vertex,L)
prefactors += ' * (%s)' % factor
elif lorentztag == 'VVV':
if len(pos[8]) != 3:
ordering = VVVordering(vertex)
elif lorentztag == 'VVVS' :
if len(pos[8]) == 0 :
ordering = VVVordering(vertex)
- if type(coupling) is not list:
- value = coupling.value
- else:
- value = "("
- for coup in coupling :
- value += '+(%s)' % coup.value
- value +=")"
coup_norm.append('(%s) * (%s)' % (prefactors,value))
#print 'Colour :',vertex.color[color_idx]
#print 'Lorentz %s:', L.spins, L.structure
#print 'Coupling %s:', C.value, '\nQED=%s'%qed, 'QCD=%s'%qcd
#print '---------------'
return (coup_left,coup_right,coup_norm,couplings_VVS,kinematics,qcd,qed,ordering)
File Metadata
Mime Type
Mon, Jan 20, 8:44 PM (22 h, 39 m)
Storage Engine
Storage Format
Raw Data
Storage Handle
Default Alt Text
(25 KB)
Attached To
rHERWIGHG herwighg
Event Timeline
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