+ bool coherentProduction () const { return _coherentProduction.value(); } ///< returns whether production is coherent or incoherent
+ double incoherentFactor () const { return _incoherentFactor.value(); } ///< returns incoherent contribution in vector meson production
+ double deuteronSlopePar () const { return _deuteronSlopePar.value(); } ///< returns slope parameter for deuteron form factor [(GeV/c)^{-2}]
+ double maxPtInterference () const { return _maxPtInterference.value(); } ///< returns maximum p_T for interference calculation [GeV/c]
+ int nmbPtBinsInterference () const { return _nmbPtBinsInterference.value(); } ///< returns number of p_T bins for interference calculation
+ double ptBinWidthInterference() const { return _ptBinWidthInterference.value(); } ///< returns width of p_T bins for interference calculation [GeV/c]
+ double minGammaEnergy () const { return _minGammaEnergy.value(); } ///< returns minimum gamma energy in case of photo nuclear processes [GeV]
+ double maxGammaEnergy () const { return _maxGammaEnergy.value(); } ///< returns maximum gamma energy in case of photo nuclear processes [GeV]
+ std::string pythiaParams () const { return _pythiaParams.value(); } ///< returns parameters to be passed to pythia
+ bool pythiaFullEventRecord () const { return _pythiaFullEventRecord.value(); } ///< returns if the full pythia event record should be printed
+ int xsecCalcMethod () const { return _xsecCalcMethod.value(); } ///< returns the method used for the x-sec calculation
+ int nThreads () const { return _nThreads.value(); } ///< returns the number of threads in case method 1 is used for the x-sec calc
+ unsigned int nBinsQKniehl () const { return _nBinsQKniehl.value(); } ///< Number of bins in Q used for the transformation to the impact paramter space of the Kniehl function
+ unsigned int nBinsEKniehl () const { return _nBinsEKniehl.value(); } ///< Number of bins in photon energy used for the Kniehl function
+ unsigned int nBinsBKniehl () const { return _nBinsBKniehl.value(); } ///< Number of bins in impact parameter used for the Kniehl function
+ double qMaxKniehl () const { return _qMaxKniehl.value(); } ///< Max value of Q used for the Kniehl funcion
+ double eGammaMinKniehl () const { return _eGammaMinKniehl.value(); } ///< Min value of gamma energy used for the Kniehl funcion
+ double eGammaMaxKniehl () const { return _eGammaMaxKniehl.value(); } ///< Max value of gamma energy used for the Kniehl funcion
+ double bMinKniehl () const { return _bMinKniehl.value(); } ///< Min value of impact parameter used for the Kniehl funcion
+ double bMaxKniehl () const { return _bMaxKniehl.value(); } ///< Max value of impact parameter used for the Kniehl funcion
starlightConstants::particleTypeEnum prodParticleType () const { return _particleType; } ///< returns type of produced particle
starlightConstants::decayTypeEnum prodParticleDecayType() const { return _decayType; } ///< returns decay type of produced particle
+ void setCoherentProduction (bool v) { _coherentProduction = v; } ///< returns whether production is coherent or incoherent
+ void setIncoherentFactor (double v) { _incoherentFactor = v; } ///< returns incoherent contribution in vector meson production
+ void setDeuteronSlopePar (double v) { _deuteronSlopePar = v; } ///< returns slope parameter for deuteron form factor [(GeV/c)^{-2}]
+ void setMaxPtInterference (double v) { _maxPtInterference = v; } ///< returns maximum p_T for voiderference calculation [GeV/c]
+ void setNmbPtBinsInterference (int v) { _nmbPtBinsInterference = v; } ///< returns number of p_T bins for interference calculation
+ void setPtBinWidthInterference(double v) { _ptBinWidthInterference = v; } ///< returns width of p_T bins for voiderference calculation [GeV/c]
+ void setMinGammaEnergy (double v) { _minGammaEnergy = v; } ///< returns minimum gamma energy in case of photo nuclear processes [GeV]
+ void setMaxGammaEnergy (double v) { _maxGammaEnergy = v; } ///< returns maximum gamma energy in case of photo nuclear processes [GeV]
+ void setPythiaParams (std::string v) { _pythiaParams = v; } ///< returns parameters to be passed to pythia
+ void setPythiaFullEventRecord (bool v) { _pythiaFullEventRecord = v; } ///< returns if the full pythia event record should be prvoided
+ void setXsecCalcMethod (int v) { _xsecCalcMethod = v; } ///< returns the method used for the x-sec calculation
+ void setNThreads (int v) { _nThreads = v; } ///< returns the number of threads in case method 1 is used for the x-sec calc
+ void setNBinsQKniehl (unsigned int v) { _nBinsQKniehl = v; } ///< Number of bins in Q used for the transformation to the impact paramter space of the Kniehl function
+ void setNBinsEKniehl (unsigned int v) { _nBinsEKniehl = v; } ///< Number of bins in photon energy used for the Kniehl function
+ void setNBinsBKniehl (unsigned int v) { _nBinsBKniehl = v; } ///< Number of bins in impact parameter used for the Kniehl function
+ void setQMaxKniehl (double v) { _qMaxKniehl = v; } ///< Max value of Q used for the Kniehl funcion
+ void setEGammaMinKniehl (double v) { _eGammaMinKniehl = v; } ///< Min value of gamma energy used for the Kniehl funcion
+ void setEGammaMaxKniehl (double v) { _eGammaMaxKniehl = v; } ///< Max value of gamma energy used for the Kniehl funcion
+ void setBMinKniehl (double v) { _bMinKniehl = v; } ///< Min value of impact parameter used for the Kniehl funcion
+ void setBMaxKniehl (double v) { _bMaxKniehl = v; } ///< Max value of impact parameter used for the Kniehl funcion
+ void setProdParticleType (starlightConstants::particleTypeEnum v) { _particleType = v; } ///< returns type of produced particle
+ void setProdParticleDecayType (starlightConstants::decayTypeEnum v) { _decayType = v; } ///< returns decay type of produced particle
+ parameter<double, VALIDITY_CHECK> _minGammaEnergy; ///< minimum gamma energy in case of photo nuclear processes [GeV]
+ parameter<double, VALIDITY_CHECK> _maxGammaEnergy; ///< maximum gamma energy in case of photo nuclear processes [GeV]
+ parameter<std::string,NO_VALIDITY_CHECK> _pythiaParams; ///< semi-colon separated parameters to pass to pythia, e.g. "mstj(1)=0;paru(13)=0.1"
+ parameter<bool, NO_VALIDITY_CHECK> _pythiaFullEventRecord; ///< if the full pythia event record should be in the outputu
+ parameter<unsigned int, VALIDITY_CHECK> _xsecCalcMethod; ///< Select x-sec calc method. (0 is standard starlight method, 1 must be used for assym. collisions (e.g. p-A), but is slow)
+ parameter<unsigned int, NO_VALIDITY_CHECK> _nThreads; ///< Number of threads used in the case of using method 1 for calculating the x-sections
+ parameter<unsigned int, VALIDITY_CHECK> _nBinsQKniehl; ///< Number of bins in Q used for the transformation to the impact paramter space of the Kniehl function
+ parameter<unsigned int, VALIDITY_CHECK> _nBinsEKniehl; ///< Number of bins in photon energy used for the Kniehl function
+ parameter<unsigned int, VALIDITY_CHECK> _nBinsBKniehl; ///< Number of bins in impact parameter used for the Kniehl function
+ parameter<double, VALIDITY_CHECK> _qMaxKniehl; ///< Max value of Q used for the Kniehl funcion
+ parameter<double, VALIDITY_CHECK> _eGammaMinKniehl; ///< Min value of gamma energy used for the Kniehl funcion
+ parameter<double, VALIDITY_CHECK> _eGammaMaxKniehl; ///< Max value of gamma energy used for the Kniehl funcion
+ parameter<double, VALIDITY_CHECK> _bMinKniehl; ///< Min value of impact parameter used for the Kniehl funcion
+ parameter<double, VALIDITY_CHECK> _bMaxKniehl; ///< Max value of impact parameter used for the Kniehl funcion