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diff --git a/src/MCStudies/Smearceptance_Tester.cxx b/src/MCStudies/Smearceptance_Tester.cxx
index 468278e..6110443 100644
--- a/src/MCStudies/Smearceptance_Tester.cxx
+++ b/src/MCStudies/Smearceptance_Tester.cxx
@@ -1,646 +1,690 @@
// Copyright 2016 L. Pickering, P Stowell, R. Terri, C. Wilkinson, C. Wret
* This file is part of NUISANCE.
* NUISANCE is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* NUISANCE is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with NUISANCE. If not, see <>.
#include "Smearceptance_Tester.h"
#include "SmearceptanceUtils.h"
#include "Smearcepterton.h"
/// @brief Class to perform smearceptance MC Studies on a custom measurement
Smearceptance_Tester::Smearceptance_Tester(std::string name,
std::string inputfile, FitWeight *rw,
std::string type,
std::string fakeDataFile) {
// Measurement Details
std::vector<std::string> splitName = GeneralUtils::ParseToStr(name, "_");
size_t firstUS = name.find_first_of("_");
std::string smearceptorName = name.substr(firstUS + 1);
fName = name.substr(0, firstUS);
eventVariables = NULL;
// Define our energy range for flux calcs
EnuMin = 0.;
EnuMax = 100.; // Arbritrarily high energy limit
// Set default fitter flags
fIsDiag = true;
fIsShape = false;
fIsRawEvents = false;
// This function will sort out the input files automatically and parse all the
// inputs,flags,etc.
// There may be complex cases where you have to do this by hand, but usually
// this will do.
Measurement1D::SetupMeasurement(inputfile, type, rw, fakeDataFile);
eventVariables = NULL;
// Setup fDataHist as a placeholder
this->fDataHist = new TH1D(("empty_data"), ("empty-data"), 1, 0, 1);
fFullCovar = StatUtils::MakeDiagonalCovarMatrix(fDataHist);
covar = StatUtils::GetInvert(fFullCovar);
this->fScaleFactor =
(GetEventHistogram()->Integral("width") * 1E-38 / (fNEvents + 0.)) /
LOG(SAM) << "Smearceptance Flux Scaling Factor = " << fScaleFactor
<< std::endl;
if (fScaleFactor <= 0.0) {
ERR(WRN) << "SCALE FACTOR TOO LOW " << std::endl;
// Setup our TTrees
smearceptor = &Smearcepterton::Get().GetSmearcepter(smearceptorName);
Int_t RecNBins = 20, TrueNBins = 20;
double RecBinL = 0, TrueBinL = 0, RecBinH = 10, TrueBinH = 10;
if (Config::Get().GetConfigNode("smear.reconstructed.binning")) {
std::vector<std::string> args = GeneralUtils::ParseToStr(
Config::Get().ConfS("smear.reconstructed.binning"), ",");
RecNBins = GeneralUtils::StrToInt(args[0]);
RecBinL = GeneralUtils::StrToDbl(args[1]);
RecBinH = GeneralUtils::StrToDbl(args[2]);
TrueNBins = RecNBins;
TrueBinL = RecBinL;
TrueBinH = RecBinH;
if (Config::Get().GetConfigNode("smear.true.binning")) {
std::vector<std::string> args = GeneralUtils::ParseToStr(
Config::Get().ConfS("smear.true.binning"), ",");
TrueNBins = GeneralUtils::StrToInt(args[0]);
TrueBinL = GeneralUtils::StrToDbl(args[1]);
TrueBinH = GeneralUtils::StrToDbl(args[2]);
SVDTruncation = 0;
if (Config::Get().GetConfigNode("smear.true.binning")) {
SVDTruncation = Config::Get().ConfI("smear.SVD.truncation");
QLOG(SAM, "Applying SVD truncation of: " << SVDTruncation)
QLOG(SAM, "Using binning True: " << TrueNBins << ", [" << TrueBinL << " -- "
<< TrueBinH << "], Rec: " << RecNBins
<< ", [" << RecBinL << " -- " << RecBinH
<< "]");
ETrueDistrib = new TH1D("ELep_rate", ";True E_{#nu};Count", TrueNBins,
TrueBinL, TrueBinH);
ERecDistrib = new TH1D("ELepRec_rate", ";Rec E_{#nu};Count", RecNBins,
RecBinL, RecBinH);
RecoSmear =
new TH2D("ELepHadVis_Recon", ";Recon. E_{#nu};True E_{#nu}", RecNBins,
RecBinL, RecBinH, TrueNBins, TrueBinL, TrueBinH);
void Smearceptance_Tester::AddEventVariablesToTree() {
// Setup the TTree to save everything
if (!eventVariables) {
eventVariables = new TTree((this->fName + "_VARS").c_str(),
(this->fName + "_VARS").c_str());
LOG(SAM) << "Adding Event Variables" << std::endl;
eventVariables->Branch("Omega_true", &Omega_true, "Omega_true/F");
eventVariables->Branch("Q2_true", &Q2_true, "Q2_true/F");
eventVariables->Branch("Mode_true", &Mode_true, "Mode_true/I");
eventVariables->Branch("EISLep_true", &EISLep_true, "EISLep_true/F");
+ eventVariables->Branch("HMFS_mu_true", &HMFS_mu_true);
+ eventVariables->Branch("HMFS_pip_true", &HMFS_pip_true);
+ eventVariables->Branch("HMFS_pim_true", &HMFS_pim_true);
+ eventVariables->Branch("HMFS_cpi_true", &HMFS_cpi_true);
+ eventVariables->Branch("HMFS_p_true", &HMFS_p_true);
eventVariables->Branch("KEFSHad_cpip_true", &KEFSHad_cpip_true,
eventVariables->Branch("KEFSHad_cpim_true", &KEFSHad_cpim_true,
eventVariables->Branch("KEFSHad_cpi_true", &KEFSHad_cpi_true,
eventVariables->Branch("TEFSHad_pi0_true", &TEFSHad_pi0_true,
eventVariables->Branch("KEFSHad_p_true", &KEFSHad_p_true, "KEFSHad_p_true/F");
eventVariables->Branch("KEFSHad_n_true", &KEFSHad_n_true, "KEFSHad_n_true/F");
eventVariables->Branch("EFSHad_true", &EFSHad_true, "EFSHad_true/F");
eventVariables->Branch("EFSChargedEMHad_true", &EFSChargedEMHad_true,
eventVariables->Branch("EFSLep_true", &EFSLep_true, "EFSLep_true/F");
eventVariables->Branch("EFSgamma_true", &EFSgamma_true, "EFSgamma_true/F");
eventVariables->Branch("PDGISLep_true", &PDGISLep_true, "PDGISLep_true/I");
eventVariables->Branch("PDGFSLep_true", &PDGFSLep_true, "PDGFSLep_true/I");
eventVariables->Branch("Nprotons_true", &Nprotons_true, "Nprotons_true/I");
eventVariables->Branch("Nneutrons_true", &Nneutrons_true, "Nneutrons_true/I");
eventVariables->Branch("Ncpiplus_true", &Ncpiplus_true, "Ncpiplus_true/I");
eventVariables->Branch("Ncpiminus_true", &Ncpiminus_true, "Ncpiminus_true/I");
eventVariables->Branch("Ncpi_true", &Ncpi_true, "Ncpi_true/I");
eventVariables->Branch("Npi0_true", &Npi0_true, "Npi0_true/I");
+ eventVariables->Branch("HMFS_mu_rec", &HMFS_mu_rec);
+ eventVariables->Branch("HMFS_pip_rec", &HMFS_pip_rec);
+ eventVariables->Branch("HMFS_pim_rec", &HMFS_pim_rec);
+ eventVariables->Branch("HMFS_cpi_rec", &HMFS_cpi_rec);
+ eventVariables->Branch("HMFS_p_rec", &HMFS_p_rec);
eventVariables->Branch("KEFSHad_cpip_rec", &KEFSHad_cpip_rec,
eventVariables->Branch("KEFSHad_cpim_rec", &KEFSHad_cpim_rec,
eventVariables->Branch("KEFSHad_cpi_rec", &KEFSHad_cpi_rec,
eventVariables->Branch("TEFSHad_pi0_rec", &TEFSHad_pi0_rec,
eventVariables->Branch("KEFSHad_p_rec", &KEFSHad_p_rec, "KEFSHad_p_rec/F");
eventVariables->Branch("KEFSHad_n_rec", &KEFSHad_n_rec, "KEFSHad_n_rec/F");
eventVariables->Branch("EFSHad_rec", &EFSHad_rec, "EFSHad_rec/F");
eventVariables->Branch("EFSLep_rec", &EFSLep_rec, "EFSLep_rec/F");
eventVariables->Branch("EFSVis_cpip", &EFSVis_cpip, "EFSVis_cpip/F");
eventVariables->Branch("EFSVis_cpim", &EFSVis_cpim, "EFSVis_cpim/F");
eventVariables->Branch("EFSVis_cpi", &EFSVis_cpi, "EFSVis_cpi/F");
eventVariables->Branch("EFSVis_pi0", &EFSVis_pi0, "EFSVis_pi0/F");
eventVariables->Branch("EFSVis_p", &EFSVis_p, "EFSVis_p/F");
eventVariables->Branch("EFSVis_n", &EFSVis_n, "EFSVis_n/F");
eventVariables->Branch("EFSVis_gamma", &EFSVis_gamma, "EFSVis_gamma/F");
eventVariables->Branch("EFSVis_other", &EFSVis_other, "EFSVis_other/F");
eventVariables->Branch("EFSVis", &EFSVis, "EFSVis/F");
eventVariables->Branch("FSCLep_seen", &FSCLep_seen, "FSCLep_seen/I");
eventVariables->Branch("Nprotons_seen", &Nprotons_seen, "Nprotons_seen/I");
eventVariables->Branch("Nneutrons_seen", &Nneutrons_seen, "Nneutrons_seen/I");
eventVariables->Branch("Ncpip_seen", &Ncpip_seen, "Ncpip_seen/I");
eventVariables->Branch("Ncpim_seen", &Ncpim_seen, "Ncpim_seen/I");
eventVariables->Branch("Ncpi_seen", &Ncpi_seen, "Ncpi_seen/I");
eventVariables->Branch("Npi0_seen", &Npi0_seen, "Npi0_seen/I");
eventVariables->Branch("Nothers_seen", &Nothers_seen, "Nothers_seen/I");
eventVariables->Branch("EISLep_QE_rec", &EISLep_QE_rec, "EISLep_QE_rec/F");
eventVariables->Branch("EISLep_LepHad_rec", &EISLep_LepHad_rec,
eventVariables->Branch("EISLep_LepHadVis_rec", &EISLep_LepHadVis_rec,
eventVariables->Branch("Nprotons_contributed", &Nprotons_contributed,
eventVariables->Branch("Nneutrons_contributed", &Nneutrons_contributed,
eventVariables->Branch("Ncpip_contributed", &Ncpip_contributed,
eventVariables->Branch("Ncpim_contributed", &Ncpim_contributed,
eventVariables->Branch("Ncpi_contributed", &Ncpi_contributed,
eventVariables->Branch("Npi0_contributed", &Npi0_contributed,
eventVariables->Branch("Ngamma_contributed", &Ngamma_contributed,
eventVariables->Branch("Nothers_contibuted", &Nothers_contibuted,
eventVariables->Branch("Weight", &Weight, "Weight/F");
eventVariables->Branch("RWWeight", &RWWeight, "RWWeight/F");
eventVariables->Branch("InputWeight", &InputWeight, "InputWeight/F");
eventVariables->Branch("FluxWeight", &FluxWeight, "FluxWeight/F");
eventVariables->Branch("EffWeight", &EffWeight, "EffWeight/F");
eventVariables->Branch("xsecScaling", &xsecScaling, "xsecScaling/F");
eventVariables->Branch("flagCCINC_true", &flagCCINC_true, "flagCCINC_true/O");
eventVariables->Branch("flagCC0Pi_true", &flagCC0Pi_true, "flagCC0Pi_true/O");
eventVariables->Branch("flagCCINC_rec", &flagCCINC_rec, "flagCCINC_rec/O");
eventVariables->Branch("flagCC0Pi_rec", &flagCC0Pi_rec, "flagCC0Pi_rec/O");
- eventVariables->Branch("FSMuon_True", &FSMuon_True);
- eventVariables->Branch("FSMuon_Smeared", &FSMuon_Smeared);
template <size_t N>
-int CountNPdgsSeen(RecoInfo ri, int (&pdgs)[N]) {
+int CountNPdgsSeen(RecoInfo ri, int const (&pdgs)[N]) {
int sum = 0;
for (size_t pdg_it = 0; pdg_it < N; ++pdg_it) {
sum +=
std::count(ri.RecObjClass.begin(), ri.RecObjClass.end(), pdgs[pdg_it]);
return sum;
template <size_t N>
-int CountNNotPdgsSeen(RecoInfo ri, int (&pdgs)[N]) {
+int CountNNotPdgsSeen(RecoInfo ri, int const (&pdgs)[N]) {
int sum = 0;
for (size_t pdg_it = 0; pdg_it < N; ++pdg_it) {
sum +=
(std::count(ri.RecObjClass.begin(), ri.RecObjClass.end(), pdgs[pdg_it])
? 0
: 1);
return sum;
template <size_t N>
-int CountNPdgsContributed(RecoInfo ri, int (&pdgs)[N]) {
+int CountNPdgsContributed(RecoInfo ri, int const (&pdgs)[N]) {
int sum = 0;
for (size_t pdg_it = 0; pdg_it < N; ++pdg_it) {
sum += std::count(ri.TrueContribPDGs.begin(), ri.TrueContribPDGs.end(),
return sum;
template <size_t N>
-int CountNNotPdgsContributed(RecoInfo ri, int (&pdgs)[N]) {
+int CountNNotPdgsContributed(RecoInfo ri, int const (&pdgs)[N]) {
int sum = 0;
for (size_t pdg_it = 0; pdg_it < N; ++pdg_it) {
sum += (std::count(ri.TrueContribPDGs.begin(), ri.TrueContribPDGs.end(),
? 0
: 1);
return sum;
-TVector3 GetHMFSRecParticles(RecoInfo ri, int pdg) {
- TVector3 mom(0, 0, 0);
+TLorentzVector GetHMFSRecParticles(RecoInfo ri, int pdg) {
+ TLorentzVector mom(0, 0, 0, 0);
for (size_t p_it = 0; p_it < ri.RecObjMom.size(); ++p_it) {
if ((ri.RecObjClass[p_it] == pdg) &&
(mom.Mag() < ri.RecObjMom[p_it].Mag())) {
- mom = ri.RecObjMom[p_it];
+ mom.SetXYZM(ri.RecObjMom[p_it].X(), ri.RecObjMom[p_it].Y(),
+ ri.RecObjMom[p_it].Z(),
+ PhysConst::GetMass(ri.RecObjClass[p_it]) * 1.0E3);
return mom;
template <size_t N>
-double SumKE_RecoInfo(RecoInfo ri, int (&pdgs)[N], double mass) {
+double SumKE_RecoInfo(RecoInfo ri, int const (&pdgs)[N], double mass) {
double sum = 0;
for (size_t p_it = 0; p_it < ri.RecObjMom.size(); ++p_it) {
if (!std::count(pdgs, pdgs + N,
ri.RecObjClass[p_it])) { // If we don't care about this
// particle type.
sum += sqrt(ri.RecObjMom[p_it].Mag2() + mass * mass) - mass;
return sum;
template <size_t N>
-double SumTE_RecoInfo(RecoInfo ri, int (&pdgs)[N], double mass) {
+double SumTE_RecoInfo(RecoInfo ri, int const (&pdgs)[N], double mass) {
double sum = 0;
for (size_t p_it = 0; p_it < ri.RecObjMom.size(); ++p_it) {
if (!std::count(pdgs, pdgs + N,
ri.RecObjClass[p_it])) { // If we don't care about this
// particle type.
sum += sqrt(ri.RecObjMom[p_it].Mag2() + mass * mass);
return sum;
template <size_t N>
-double SumVisE_RecoInfo(RecoInfo ri, int (&pdgs)[N]) {
+double SumVisE_RecoInfo(RecoInfo ri, int const (&pdgs)[N]) {
double sum = 0;
for (size_t p_it = 0; p_it < ri.RecVisibleEnergy.size(); ++p_it) {
if (!std::count(pdgs, pdgs + N,
ri.TrueContribPDGs[p_it])) { // If we don't care about this
// particle type.
sum += ri.RecVisibleEnergy[p_it];
return sum;
template <size_t N>
-double SumVisE_RecoInfo_NotPdgs(RecoInfo ri, int (&pdgs)[N]) {
+double SumVisE_RecoInfo_NotPdgs(RecoInfo ri, int const (&pdgs)[N]) {
double sum = 0;
for (size_t p_it = 0; p_it < ri.RecVisibleEnergy.size(); ++p_it) {
if (std::count(pdgs, pdgs + N,
ri.TrueContribPDGs[p_it])) { // If we know about this
// particle type.
sum += ri.RecVisibleEnergy[p_it];
return sum;
void Smearceptance_Tester::FillEventVariables(FitEvent *event) {
- int cpipPDG[] = {211};
- int cpimPDG[] = {-211};
- int pi0PDG[] = {111};
- int ProtonPDG[] = {2212};
- int NeutronPDG[] = {2112};
- int GammaPDG[] = {22};
- int CLeptonPDGs[] = {11, 13, 15};
- int ExplicitPDGs[] = {211, -211, 11, 2212, 2112, 22, 11, 13, 15, 12, 14, 16};
+ static int const cpipPDG[] = {211};
+ static int const cpimPDG[] = {-211};
+ static int const pi0PDG[] = {111};
+ static int const ProtonPDG[] = {2212};
+ static int const NeutronPDG[] = {2112};
+ static int const GammaPDG[] = {22};
+ static int const CLeptonPDGs[] = {11, 13, 15};
+ static int const ExplicitPDGs[] = {211, -211, 11, 2212, 2112, 22,
+ 11, 13, 15, 12, 14, 16};
RecoInfo *ri = smearceptor->Smearcept(event);
- FSMuon_True = TVector3(0, 0, 0);
- FSMuon_Smeared = TVector3(0, 0, 0);
+ HMFS_mu_true = TLorentzVector(0, 0, 0, 0);
+ HMFS_mu_rec = TLorentzVector(0, 0, 0, 0);
FitParticle *fsMu = event->GetHMFSMuon();
if (fsMu) {
- FSMuon_True = fsMu->P3();
- FSMuon_Smeared = GetHMFSRecParticles(*ri, 13);
+ HMFS_mu_true = fsMu->P4();
+ HMFS_mu_rec = GetHMFSRecParticles(*ri, 13);
+ }
+ HMFS_pip_true = TLorentzVector(0, 0, 0, 0);
+ HMFS_pip_rec = TLorentzVector(0, 0, 0, 0);
+ FitParticle *fsPip = event->GetHMFSPiPlus();
+ if (fsPip) {
+ HMFS_pip_true = fsPip->P4();
+ HMFS_pip_rec = GetHMFSRecParticles(*ri, 211);
+ }
+ HMFS_pim_true = TLorentzVector(0, 0, 0, 0);
+ HMFS_pim_rec = TLorentzVector(0, 0, 0, 0);
+ FitParticle *fsPim = event->GetHMFSPiMinus();
+ if (fsPim) {
+ HMFS_pim_true = fsPim->P4();
+ HMFS_pim_rec = GetHMFSRecParticles(*ri, -211);
+ }
+ HMFS_cpi_true = TLorentzVector(0, 0, 0, 0);
+ HMFS_cpi_rec = TLorentzVector(0, 0, 0, 0);
+ if (fsPip || fsPim) {
+ if (!fsPip) {
+ HMFS_cpi_true = HMFS_pim_true;
+ HMFS_cpi_rec = HMFS_pim_rec;
+ } else if (!fsPim) {
+ HMFS_cpi_true = HMFS_pip_true;
+ HMFS_cpi_rec = HMFS_pip_rec;
+ } else {
+ HMFS_cpi_true =
+ (fsPip->p2() > fsPim->p2()) ? HMFS_pip_true : HMFS_pim_true;
+ HMFS_cpi_rec = (fsPip->p2() > fsPim->p2()) ? HMFS_pip_rec : HMFS_pim_rec;
+ }
+ }
+ HMFS_p_true = TLorentzVector(0, 0, 0, 0);
+ HMFS_p_rec = TLorentzVector(0, 0, 0, 0);
+ FitParticle *fsP = event->GetHMFSProton();
+ if (fsP) {
+ HMFS_p_true = fsP->P4();
+ HMFS_p_rec = GetHMFSRecParticles(*ri, 2212);
TLorentzVector FourMomentumTransfer =
(event->GetHMISAnyLeptons()->P4() - event->GetHMFSAnyLeptons()->P4());
Omega_true = FourMomentumTransfer.E();
Q2_true = -1 * FourMomentumTransfer.Mag2();
Mode_true = event->Mode;
EISLep_true = event->GetHMISAnyLeptons()->E();
KEFSHad_cpip_true = FitUtils::SumTE_PartVect(event->GetAllFSPiPlus());
KEFSHad_cpim_true = FitUtils::SumTE_PartVect(event->GetAllFSPiMinus());
KEFSHad_cpi_true = KEFSHad_cpip_true + KEFSHad_cpim_true;
TEFSHad_pi0_true = FitUtils::SumTE_PartVect(event->GetAllFSPiZero());
KEFSHad_p_true = FitUtils::SumKE_PartVect(event->GetAllFSProton());
KEFSHad_n_true = FitUtils::SumKE_PartVect(event->GetAllFSNeutron());
EFSHad_true =
KEFSHad_cpi_true + TEFSHad_pi0_true + KEFSHad_p_true + KEFSHad_n_true;
EFSChargedEMHad_true = KEFSHad_cpi_true + TEFSHad_pi0_true + KEFSHad_p_true;
EFSLep_true = event->GetHMFSAnyLeptons()->E();
EFSgamma_true = FitUtils::SumTE_PartVect(event->GetAllFSPhoton());
PDGISLep_true = event->GetHMISAnyLeptons()->PDG();
PDGFSLep_true = event->GetHMFSAnyLeptons()->PDG();
Nprotons_true = event->GetAllFSProton().size();
Nneutrons_true = event->GetAllFSNeutron().size();
Ncpiplus_true = event->GetAllFSPiPlus().size();
Ncpiminus_true = event->GetAllFSPiMinus().size();
Ncpi_true = Ncpiplus_true + Ncpiminus_true;
Npi0_true = event->GetAllFSPiZero().size();
KEFSHad_cpip_rec =
SumKE_RecoInfo(*ri, cpipPDG, PhysConst::mass_cpi * PhysConst::mass_MeV);
KEFSHad_cpim_rec =
SumKE_RecoInfo(*ri, cpimPDG, PhysConst::mass_cpi * PhysConst::mass_MeV);
KEFSHad_cpi_rec = KEFSHad_cpip_rec + KEFSHad_cpim_rec;
TEFSHad_pi0_rec =
SumTE_RecoInfo(*ri, pi0PDG, PhysConst::mass_pi0 * PhysConst::mass_MeV);
KEFSHad_p_rec = SumKE_RecoInfo(*ri, ProtonPDG,
PhysConst::mass_proton * PhysConst::mass_MeV);
KEFSHad_n_rec = SumKE_RecoInfo(*ri, NeutronPDG,
PhysConst::mass_neutron * PhysConst::mass_MeV);
EFSHad_rec =
KEFSHad_cpi_rec + TEFSHad_pi0_rec + KEFSHad_p_rec + KEFSHad_n_rec;
- TVector3 FSLepMom_rec(0, 0, 0);
+ TLorentzVector FSLepMom_rec(0, 0, 0, 0);
if (event->GetHMFSAnyLeptons()) {
- double massLep = event->GetHMFSAnyLeptons()->M();
FSLepMom_rec = GetHMFSRecParticles(*ri, event->GetHMFSAnyLeptons()->PDG());
- EFSLep_rec = (FSLepMom_rec.Mag() > 1E-5)
- ? sqrt(FSLepMom_rec * FSLepMom_rec + massLep * massLep)
- : 0;
+ EFSLep_rec = FSLepMom_rec.E();
} else {
EFSLep_rec = 0;
EFSVis_cpip = SumVisE_RecoInfo(*ri, cpipPDG);
EFSVis_cpim = SumVisE_RecoInfo(*ri, cpimPDG);
EFSVis_cpi = EFSVis_cpip + EFSVis_cpim;
EFSVis_pi0 = SumVisE_RecoInfo(*ri, pi0PDG);
EFSVis_p = SumVisE_RecoInfo(*ri, ProtonPDG);
EFSVis_n = SumVisE_RecoInfo(*ri, NeutronPDG);
EFSVis_gamma = SumVisE_RecoInfo(*ri, GammaPDG);
EFSVis_other = SumVisE_RecoInfo_NotPdgs(*ri, ExplicitPDGs);
EFSVis = EFSVis_cpip + EFSVis_cpim + EFSVis_cpi + EFSVis_pi0 + EFSVis_p +
EFSVis_n + EFSVis_gamma;
FSCLep_seen = CountNPdgsSeen(*ri, CLeptonPDGs);
Nprotons_seen = CountNPdgsSeen(*ri, ProtonPDG);
Nneutrons_seen = CountNPdgsSeen(*ri, NeutronPDG);
Ncpip_seen = CountNPdgsSeen(*ri, cpipPDG);
Ncpim_seen = CountNPdgsSeen(*ri, cpimPDG);
Ncpi_seen = Ncpip_seen + Ncpim_seen;
Npi0_seen = CountNPdgsSeen(*ri, pi0PDG);
Nothers_seen = CountNNotPdgsSeen(*ri, ExplicitPDGs);
if (FSCLep_seen && (FSLepMom_rec.Mag() > 1E-8)) {
EISLep_QE_rec =
FitUtils::EnuQErec(FSLepMom_rec.Mag() / 1000.0, FSLepMom_rec.CosTheta(),
34, PDGFSLep_true > 0) *
} else {
EISLep_QE_rec = 0;
EISLep_LepHad_rec = EFSLep_rec + EFSHad_rec;
EISLep_LepHadVis_rec = EFSLep_rec + EFSHad_rec + EFSVis;
Nprotons_contributed = CountNPdgsContributed(*ri, ProtonPDG);
Nneutrons_contributed = CountNPdgsContributed(*ri, NeutronPDG);
Ncpip_contributed = CountNPdgsContributed(*ri, cpipPDG);
Ncpim_contributed = CountNPdgsContributed(*ri, cpimPDG);
Ncpi_contributed = Ncpip_contributed + Ncpim_contributed;
Npi0_contributed = CountNPdgsContributed(*ri, pi0PDG);
Ngamma_contributed = CountNPdgsContributed(*ri, GammaPDG);
Nothers_contibuted = CountNNotPdgsContributed(*ri, ExplicitPDGs);
Weight = event->RWWeight * event->InputWeight;
RWWeight = event->RWWeight;
InputWeight = event->InputWeight;
FluxWeight = GetFluxHistogram()->GetBinContent(
GetFluxHistogram()->FindBin(EISLep_true)) /
EffWeight = ri->Weight;
xsecScaling = fScaleFactor;
flagCCINC_true = PDGFSLep_true & 1;
flagCC0Pi_true = (Ncpi_true + Npi0_true) == 0;
flagCCINC_rec = FSCLep_seen && PDGFSLep_true & 1;
flagCC0Pi_rec = ((Ncpi_seen + Npi0_seen) == 0) && flagCCINC_rec;
// Fill the eventVariables Tree
RecoSmear->Fill(flagCCINC_rec ? EISLep_LepHadVis_rec / 1000.0 : -1,
EISLep_true / 1000.0, Weight);
ETrueDistrib->Fill(EISLep_true / 1000.0, flagCCINC_true ? Weight : 0);
ERecDistrib->Fill(EISLep_LepHadVis_rec / 1000.0, flagCCINC_rec ? Weight : 0);
void Smearceptance_Tester::Write(std::string drawOpt) {
// First save the TTree
// Save Flux and Event Histograms too
TH2D *SmearMatrix_ev =
static_cast<TH2D *>(RecoSmear->Clone("ELepHadVis_Smear_ev"));
for (Int_t trueAxis_it = 1;
trueAxis_it < RecoSmear->GetYaxis()->GetNbins() + 1; ++trueAxis_it) {
double NEISLep = ETrueDistrib->GetBinContent(trueAxis_it);
for (Int_t recoAxis_it = 1;
recoAxis_it < RecoSmear->GetXaxis()->GetNbins() + 1; ++recoAxis_it) {
if (NEISLep > std::numeric_limits<double>::epsilon()) {
recoAxis_it, trueAxis_it,
SmearMatrix_ev->GetBinContent(recoAxis_it, trueAxis_it) / NEISLep);
TH2D *ResponseMatrix_ev =
SmearceptanceUtils::SVDGetInverse(SmearMatrix_ev, SVDTruncation);
ResponseMatrix_ev = SmearceptanceUtils::SwapXYTH2D(ResponseMatrix_ev);
TMatrixD SmearMatrix_ev_md = SmearceptanceUtils::GetMatrix(
TH1D *SmearedEvt = static_cast<TH1D *>(ERecDistrib->Clone());
SmearedEvt->SetNameTitle("SmearedEvt", ";Rec E_{#nu}; count");
ETrueDistrib, SmearedEvt, SmearMatrix_ev_md, 5000, false);
SmearedEvt->Scale(1, "width");
TMatrixD ResponseMatrix_evt_md =
TH1D *Unfolded_enu_obs = static_cast<TH1D *>(ETrueDistrib->Clone());
Unfolded_enu_obs->SetNameTitle("UnfoldedENu_evt", ";True E_{#nu};count");
ERecDistrib, Unfolded_enu_obs, ResponseMatrix_evt_md, 5000, false);
Unfolded_enu_obs->Scale(1, "width");
ETrueDistrib->Scale(1, "width");
ERecDistrib->Scale(1, "width");
// -------------------------------------------------------------------
// Purely MC Plot
// Following functions are just overrides to handle this
// -------------------------------------------------------------------
/// Everything is classed as signal...
bool Smearceptance_Tester::isSignal(FitEvent *event) {
return true;
void Smearceptance_Tester::ScaleEvents() {
// Saving everything to a TTree so no scaling required
void Smearceptance_Tester::ApplyNormScale(float norm) {
// Saving everything to a TTree so no scaling required
this->fCurrentNorm = norm;
void Smearceptance_Tester::FillHistograms() {
// No Histograms need filling........
void Smearceptance_Tester::ResetAll() {
float Smearceptance_Tester::GetChi2() {
// No Likelihood to test, purely MC
return 0.0;
diff --git a/src/MCStudies/Smearceptance_Tester.h b/src/MCStudies/Smearceptance_Tester.h
index ef5a87f..f0abbaa 100644
--- a/src/MCStudies/Smearceptance_Tester.h
+++ b/src/MCStudies/Smearceptance_Tester.h
@@ -1,171 +1,176 @@
// Copyright 2016 L. Pickering, P Stowell, R. Terri, C. Wilkinson, C. Wret
* This file is part of NUISANCE.
* NUISANCE is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* NUISANCE is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with NUISANCE. If not, see <>.
#ifndef Smearceptance_Tester_H_SEEN
#define Smearceptance_Tester_H_SEEN
#include "Measurement1D.h"
#include "ISmearcepter.h"
#ifdef __PROB3PP_ENABLED__
#include "OscWeightEngine.h"
class Smearceptance_Tester : public Measurement1D {
Smearceptance_Tester(std::string name, std::string inputfile, FitWeight *rw,
std::string type, std::string fakeDataFile);
virtual ~Smearceptance_Tester(){};
//! Grab info from event
void FillEventVariables(FitEvent *event);
//! Fill Custom Histograms
void FillHistograms();
//! ResetAll
void ResetAll();
//! Scale
void ScaleEvents();
//! Norm
void ApplyNormScale(float norm);
//! Define this samples signal
bool isSignal(FitEvent *nvect);
//! Write Files
void Write(std::string drawOpt);
//! Get Chi2
float GetChi2();
void AddEventVariablesToTree();
ISmearcepter *smearceptor;
TTree *eventVariables;
float Omega_true;
float Q2_true;
int Mode_true;
float EISLep_true;
+ TLorentzVector HMFS_mu_true;
+ TLorentzVector HMFS_pip_true;
+ TLorentzVector HMFS_pim_true;
+ TLorentzVector HMFS_cpi_true;
+ TLorentzVector HMFS_p_true;
float KEFSHad_cpip_true;
float KEFSHad_cpim_true;
float KEFSHad_cpi_true;
float TEFSHad_pi0_true;
float KEFSHad_p_true;
float KEFSHad_n_true;
float EFSHad_true;
float EFSChargedEMHad_true;
float EFSLep_true;
float EFSgamma_true;
int PDGISLep_true;
int PDGFSLep_true;
int Nprotons_true;
int Nneutrons_true;
int Ncpiplus_true;
int Ncpiminus_true;
int Ncpi_true;
int Npi0_true;
+ TLorentzVector HMFS_mu_rec;
+ TLorentzVector HMFS_pip_rec;
+ TLorentzVector HMFS_pim_rec;
+ TLorentzVector HMFS_cpi_rec;
+ TLorentzVector HMFS_p_rec;
float KEFSHad_cpip_rec;
float KEFSHad_cpim_rec;
float KEFSHad_cpi_rec;
float TEFSHad_pi0_rec;
float KEFSHad_p_rec;
float KEFSHad_n_rec;
float EFSHad_rec;
float EFSLep_rec;
float EFSVis_cpip;
float EFSVis_cpim;
float EFSVis_cpi;
float EFSVis_pi0;
float EFSVis_p;
float EFSVis_n;
float EFSVis_gamma;
float EFSVis_other;
float EFSVis;
int FSCLep_seen;
int Nprotons_seen;
int Nneutrons_seen;
int Ncpip_seen;
int Ncpim_seen;
int Ncpi_seen;
int Npi0_seen;
int Nothers_seen;
float EISLep_QE_rec;
float EISLep_LepHad_rec;
float EISLep_LepHadVis_rec;
int Nprotons_contributed;
int Nneutrons_contributed;
int Ncpip_contributed;
int Ncpim_contributed;
int Ncpi_contributed;
int Npi0_contributed;
int Ngamma_contributed;
int Nothers_contibuted;
float Weight;
float RWWeight;
float InputWeight;
float FluxWeight;
float EffWeight;
float xsecScaling;
bool flagCCINC_true;
bool flagCC0Pi_true;
bool flagCCINC_rec;
bool flagCC0Pi_rec;
- TVector3 FSMuon_True;
- TVector3 FSMuon_Smeared;
int SVDTruncation;
TH2D *RecoSmear;
TH1D *ETrueDistrib;
TH1D *ERecDistrib;
diff --git a/src/Smearceptance/EfficiencyApplicator.cxx b/src/Smearceptance/EfficiencyApplicator.cxx
index 5c43594..b046cb5 100644
--- a/src/Smearceptance/EfficiencyApplicator.cxx
+++ b/src/Smearceptance/EfficiencyApplicator.cxx
@@ -1,325 +1,388 @@
// Copyright 2016 L. Pickering, P Stowell, R. Terri, C. Wilkinson, C. Wret
* This file is part of NUISANCE.
* NUISANCE is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* NUISANCE is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with NUISANCE. If not, see <>.
#include "EfficiencyApplicator.h"
#include "TEfficiency.h"
#include "TH2.h"
#include "TH3.h"
//#define DEBUG_EFFAPP
EfficiencyApplicator::DependVar GetVarType(std::string const &axisvar) {
if (axisvar == "kMomentum") {
return EfficiencyApplicator::kMomentum;
} else if (axisvar == "kKE") {
return EfficiencyApplicator::kKE;
} else if (axisvar == "kTheta") {
return EfficiencyApplicator::kTheta;
} else if (axisvar == "kCosTheta") {
return EfficiencyApplicator::kCosTheta;
} else if (axisvar == "kPhi") {
return EfficiencyApplicator::kPhi;
return EfficiencyApplicator::kNoAxis;
TH1 *GetEffHist(TFile *inputFile, std::string const &HistName) {
TH1 *hist = dynamic_cast<TH1 *>(inputFile->Get(HistName.c_str()));
if (hist) {
return hist;
TEfficiency *effHist =
dynamic_cast<TEfficiency *>(inputFile->Get(HistName.c_str()));
if (effHist) {
TH1D *numer = dynamic_cast<TH1D *>(effHist->GetCopyPassedHisto());
TH1D *denom = dynamic_cast<TH1D *>(effHist->GetCopyTotalHisto());
if (numer && denom) {
delete denom;
// Gonna be a memory leak, but I'll get over it
return numer;
ERROR(FTL, "TEfficiency internal histograms were not TH1Ds.");
THROW("Couldn't get appropriate efficiency object named "
<< HistName << " from input file " << inputFile->GetName());
/// Reads particle efficiency nodes
/// Nodes look like:
/// <EfficiencyApplicator Name="D00N_ND_LAr">
/// <EfficiencyCurve PDG="211,-211" InputFile="effs.root"
/// HistName="cpion_eff_mom_ctheta" NDims="2" XAxis="kMomentum"
/// YAxis="kCosTheta" Interpolate="false" />
/// <!-- Can also contain ThresholdAccepter elements as below-->
/// <RecoThreshold PDG="2212" RecoThresholdAbsCosTheta_Min="0" />
/// <VisThreshold PDG="2212" VisThresholdKE_MeV="10" Contrib="K" />
/// </EfficiencyApplicator>
void EfficiencyApplicator::SpecifcSetup(nuiskey &nk) {
new (&rand) TRandom3();
std::vector<nuiskey> effDescriptors =
for (size_t t_it = 0; t_it < effDescriptors.size(); ++t_it) {
std::string inputFileName = effDescriptors[t_it].GetS("InputFile");
std::string HistName = effDescriptors[t_it].GetS("HistName");
TFile inputFile(inputFileName.c_str());
if (!inputFile.IsOpen()) {
THROW("Couldn't open specified input root file: " << inputFileName);
TH1 *inpHist = GetEffHist(&inputFile, HistName);
if (!inpHist) {
THROW("Couldn't get TH1D named: " << HistName << " from input root file: "
<< inputFileName);
int NDims = effDescriptors[t_it].GetI("NDims");
if (NDims < 1 || NDims > 3) {
THROW("Read NDims attribute as: " << NDims << ", efficiency curve can "
"currently have between 1 "
"and 3 dimensions.");
EfficiencyApplicator::DependVar XVar =
double XAxisScale = effDescriptors[t_it].Has("XAxisScaleToInternal")
? effDescriptors[t_it].GetD("XAxisScaleToInternal")
: 1;
EfficiencyApplicator::DependVar YVar =
NDims > 1 ? GetVarType(effDescriptors[t_it].GetS("YAxis"))
: EfficiencyApplicator::kNoAxis;
double YAxisScale = effDescriptors[t_it].Has("YAxisScaleToInternal")
? effDescriptors[t_it].GetD("YAxisScaleToInternal")
: 1;
EfficiencyApplicator::DependVar ZVar =
NDims > 2 ? GetVarType(effDescriptors[t_it].GetS("ZAxis"))
: EfficiencyApplicator::kNoAxis;
double ZAxisScale = effDescriptors[t_it].Has("ZAxisScaleToInternal")
? effDescriptors[t_it].GetD("ZAxisScaleToInternal")
: 1;
bool Interpolate = effDescriptors[t_it].Has("Interpolate") &&
// bool ApplyAsWeight = effDescriptors[t_it].Has("ApplyAsWeight") &&
// effDescriptors[t_it].GetI("ApplyAsWeight");
std::string pdgs_s = effDescriptors[t_it].GetS("PDG");
std::vector<int> pdgs_i = GeneralUtils::ParseToInt(pdgs_s, ",");
for (size_t pdg_it = 0; pdg_it < pdgs_i.size(); ++pdg_it) {
if (Efficiencies.count(pdgs_i[pdg_it])) {
ERROR(WRN, "Smearceptor " << ElementName << ":" << InstanceName
<< " already has a efficiency for PDG: "
<< pdgs_i[pdg_it]);
EffMap em;
em.EffCurve = static_cast<TH1 *>(inpHist->Clone());
em.Interpolate = Interpolate;
// em.ApplyAsWeight = ApplyAsWeight;
em.NDims = NDims;
em.DependVars[0] = XVar;
em.DependVars[1] = YVar;
em.DependVars[2] = ZVar;
em.AxisScales[0] = XAxisScale;
em.AxisScales[1] = YAxisScale;
em.AxisScales[2] = ZAxisScale;
Efficiencies[pdgs_i[pdg_it]] = em;
"Added reconstruction efficiency curve for PDG: " << pdgs_i[pdg_it]);
RecoInfo *EfficiencyApplicator::Smearcept(FitEvent *fe) {
RecoInfo *ri = new RecoInfo();
for (size_t p_it = 0; p_it < fe->NParticles(); ++p_it) {
FitParticle *fp = fe->GetParticle(p_it);
std::cout << std::endl;
std::cout << "[" << p_it << "]: " << fp->PDG() << ", " << fp->Status()
<< ", " << fp->E() << " -- KE:" << fp->KE()
<< " Mom: " << fp->P3().Mag() << std::flush;
if (fp->Status() != kFinalState) {
std::cout << " -- Not final state." << std::flush;
if (!Efficiencies.count(fp->PDG())) {
SlaveTA.SmearceptOneParticle(ri, fp
EffMap &em = Efficiencies[fp->PDG()];
double kineProps[3];
for (Int_t dim_it = 0; dim_it < em.NDims; ++dim_it) {
switch (em.DependVars[dim_it]) {
case kMomentum: {
kineProps[dim_it] = fp->P3().Mag();
case kKE: {
kineProps[dim_it] = fp->KE();
case kTheta: {
kineProps[dim_it] = fp->P3().Theta();
case kCosTheta: {
kineProps[dim_it] = fp->P3().CosTheta();
case kPhi: {
kineProps[dim_it] = fp->P3().Phi();
default: { THROW("Trying to find particle value for a kNoAxis."); }
kineProps[dim_it] /= em.AxisScales[dim_it];
double effProb = 0;
switch (em.NDims) {
case 1: {
TH1 *hist = em.EffCurve;
if (em.Interpolate &&
(hist->GetXaxis()->GetBinCenter(1) < kineProps[0]) &&
(hist->GetXaxis()->GetBinCenter(hist->GetXaxis()->GetNbins()) >
kineProps[0])) {
effProb = hist->Interpolate(kineProps[0]);
} else {
Int_t xbin = hist->GetXaxis()->FindFixBin(kineProps[0]);
+ if (!xbin || ((hist->GetXaxis()->GetNbins() + 1) == xbin)) {
+ ERROR(WRN, "Tried to apply effiency but XBin: "
+ << xbin << " is outside range (/"
+ << hist->GetXaxis()->GetNbins() << "): Prop "
+ << kineProps[0] << ", ["
+ << hist->GetXaxis()->GetBinLowEdge(1) << " -- "
+ << hist->GetXaxis()->GetBinUpEdge(
+ hist->GetXaxis()->GetNbins()));
+ }
effProb = hist->GetBinContent(xbin);
case 2: {
TH2 *hist = static_cast<TH2 *>(em.EffCurve);
if (em.Interpolate &&
(hist->GetXaxis()->GetBinCenter(1) < kineProps[0]) &&
(hist->GetXaxis()->GetBinCenter(hist->GetXaxis()->GetNbins()) >
kineProps[0]) &&
(hist->GetYaxis()->GetBinCenter(1) < kineProps[1]) &&
(hist->GetYaxis()->GetBinCenter(hist->GetYaxis()->GetNbins()) >
kineProps[1])) {
effProb = hist->Interpolate(kineProps[0], kineProps[1]);
} else {
Int_t xbin = hist->GetXaxis()->FindFixBin(kineProps[0]);
Int_t ybin = hist->GetYaxis()->FindFixBin(kineProps[1]);
+ if (!xbin || ((hist->GetXaxis()->GetNbins() + 1) == xbin)) {
+ ERROR(WRN, "Tried to apply effiency but XBin: "
+ << xbin << " is outside range (/"
+ << hist->GetXaxis()->GetNbins() << "): Prop "
+ << kineProps[0] << ", ["
+ << hist->GetXaxis()->GetBinLowEdge(1) << " -- "
+ << hist->GetXaxis()->GetBinUpEdge(
+ hist->GetXaxis()->GetNbins()));
+ }
+ if (!ybin || ((hist->GetYaxis()->GetNbins() + 1) == ybin)) {
+ ERROR(WRN, "Tried to apply effiency but XBin: "
+ << ybin << " is outside range (/"
+ << hist->GetYaxis()->GetNbins() << "): Prop "
+ << kineProps[0] << ", ["
+ << hist->GetYaxis()->GetBinLowEdge(1) << " -- "
+ << hist->GetYaxis()->GetBinUpEdge(
+ hist->GetYaxis()->GetNbins()));
+ }
effProb = hist->GetBinContent(xbin, ybin);
std::cout << "\t\t: XProp: " << kineProps[0]
<< ", YProp: " << kineProps[1] << " x/y bins: " << xbin
<< "/" << ybin << ". Prop ? " << effProb << std::endl;
case 3: {
TH3 *hist = static_cast<TH3 *>(em.EffCurve);
if (em.Interpolate &&
(hist->GetXaxis()->GetBinCenter(1) < kineProps[0]) &&
(hist->GetXaxis()->GetBinCenter(hist->GetXaxis()->GetNbins()) >
kineProps[0]) &&
(hist->GetYaxis()->GetBinCenter(1) < kineProps[1]) &&
(hist->GetYaxis()->GetBinCenter(hist->GetYaxis()->GetNbins()) >
kineProps[2]) &&
(hist->GetZaxis()->GetBinCenter(hist->GetZaxis()->GetNbins()) >
kineProps[2])) {
effProb = hist->Interpolate(kineProps[0], kineProps[1], kineProps[2]);
} else {
Int_t xbin = hist->GetXaxis()->FindFixBin(kineProps[0]);
Int_t ybin = hist->GetYaxis()->FindFixBin(kineProps[1]);
Int_t zbin = hist->GetZaxis()->FindFixBin(kineProps[2]);
+ if (!xbin || ((hist->GetXaxis()->GetNbins() + 1) == xbin)) {
+ ERROR(WRN, "Tried to apply effiency but XBin: "
+ << xbin << " is outside range (/"
+ << hist->GetXaxis()->GetNbins() << "): Prop "
+ << kineProps[0] << ", ["
+ << hist->GetXaxis()->GetBinLowEdge(1) << " -- "
+ << hist->GetXaxis()->GetBinUpEdge(
+ hist->GetXaxis()->GetNbins()));
+ }
+ if (!ybin || ((hist->GetYaxis()->GetNbins() + 1) == ybin)) {
+ ERROR(WRN, "Tried to apply effiency but XBin: "
+ << ybin << " is outside range (/"
+ << hist->GetYaxis()->GetNbins() << "): Prop "
+ << kineProps[0] << ", ["
+ << hist->GetYaxis()->GetBinLowEdge(1) << " -- "
+ << hist->GetYaxis()->GetBinUpEdge(
+ hist->GetYaxis()->GetNbins()));
+ }
+ if (!zbin || ((hist->GetZaxis()->GetNbins() + 1) == zbin)) {
+ ERROR(WRN, "Tried to apply effiency but ZBin: "
+ << zbin << " is outside range (/"
+ << hist->GetZaxis()->GetNbins() << "): Prop "
+ << kineProps[0] << ", ["
+ << hist->GetZaxis()->GetBinLowEdge(1) << " -- "
+ << hist->GetZaxis()->GetBinUpEdge(
+ hist->GetZaxis()->GetNbins()));
+ }
effProb = hist->GetBinContent(xbin, ybin, zbin);
bool accepted = (rand.Uniform() < effProb);
if (accepted) {
std::cout << " -- Reconstructed with probability: " << effProb
<< std::flush;
std::cout << " -- Rejected with probability: " << effProb << std::flush;
SlaveTA.SmearceptOneParticle(ri, fp
std::cout << std::endl;
std::cout << "Reconstructed " << ri->RecObjMom.size() << " particles. "
<< std::endl;
return ri;
diff --git a/src/Smearceptance/GaussianSmearer.cxx b/src/Smearceptance/GaussianSmearer.cxx
index 61fecf3..5f57177 100644
--- a/src/Smearceptance/GaussianSmearer.cxx
+++ b/src/Smearceptance/GaussianSmearer.cxx
@@ -1,477 +1,529 @@
// Copyright 2016 L. Pickering, P Stowell, R. Terri, C. Wilkinson, C. Wret
* This file is part of NUISANCE.
* NUISANCE is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* NUISANCE is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with NUISANCE. If not, see <>.
#include "GaussianSmearer.h"
namespace {
GaussianSmearer::GSmearType GetVarType(std::string const &type) {
if (type == "Absolute") {
return GaussianSmearer::kAbsolute;
} else if (type == "Fractional") {
return GaussianSmearer::kFractional;
} else if (type == "Function") {
return GaussianSmearer::kFunction;
return GaussianSmearer::kNoType;
GaussianSmearer::DependVar GetKineType(std::string const &axisvar) {
if (axisvar == "Momentum") {
return GaussianSmearer::kMomentum;
} else if (axisvar == "KE") {
return GaussianSmearer::kKE;
} else if (axisvar == "TEVis") {
return GaussianSmearer::kTEVis;
} else if (axisvar == "KEVis") {
return GaussianSmearer::kKEVis;
} else if (axisvar == "CosTheta") {
return GaussianSmearer::kCosTheta;
} else if (axisvar == "Theta") {
return GaussianSmearer::kTheta;
THROW("Failed to parse smear type from \"" << axisvar << "\"");
std::string GetKineTypeName(GaussianSmearer::DependVar dv) {
switch (dv) {
case GaussianSmearer::kMomentum: {
return "Momentum";
case GaussianSmearer::kKE: {
return "KE";
case GaussianSmearer::kTEVis: {
return "TEVis";
case GaussianSmearer::kKEVis: {
return "KEVis";
case GaussianSmearer::kCosTheta: {
return "CosTheta";
case GaussianSmearer::kTheta: {
return "Theta";
default: { THROW("NO VAR!"); }
/// Nodes look like:
/// Function attribute is given to a TF1, where any "V"s are replaced with the
-/// selected kinematic property on an event-by-event basis. e.g Function="V +
-/// gaus(0.2*V),..." should give the same result as Type="kFractional"
-/// Width="0.2".
+/// selected kinematic property on an event-by-event basis. e.g Function="{V} +
+/// gaus({P1}),..." with P1="0.2", should give the same result as
+/// Type="kFractional" and Width="0.2".
/// <GaussianSmearer Name="D00N_ND_LAr">
-/// <Smear PDG="211" Type="[kAbsolute,kFractional,kFunction]"
-/// Width="2" Kinematics="[KE|Momentum|VisKE|VisTE]" Function="V +
-/// gaus(1/V),<lowlim>,<highlim>" />
+/// <Smear PDG="211" Type="[Absolute|Fractional|Function]"
+/// Kinematics="[KE|Momentum|VisKE|VisTE|CosTheta|Theta]" (Width="2")
+/// (Function="V +
+/// gaus(1/{V}),<lowlim>,<highlim>") (AllowNeg="0") />
/// </GaussianSmearer>
void GaussianSmearer::SpecifcSetup(nuiskey &nk) {
new (&rand) TRandom3();
std::vector<nuiskey> smearDescriptors = nk.GetListOfChildNodes("Smear");
for (size_t t_it = 0; t_it < smearDescriptors.size(); ++t_it) {
std::string pdgs_s = smearDescriptors[t_it].GetS("PDG");
std::vector<int> pdgs_i = GeneralUtils::ParseToInt(pdgs_s, ",");
double Width = smearDescriptors[t_it].Has("Width")
? smearDescriptors[t_it].GetD("Width")
: 0xdeadbeef;
GaussianSmearer::GSmearType Type =
GaussianSmearer::DependVar Kinematics =
bool IsVisSmear = (Kinematics == GaussianSmearer::kKEVis) ||
(Kinematics == GaussianSmearer::kTEVis);
TF1 *sf = NULL;
if (Type == GaussianSmearer::kFunction) {
std::string funcDescriptor = smearDescriptors[t_it].Has("Function")
? smearDescriptors[t_it].GetS("Function")
: "";
if (funcDescriptor.size()) {
std::vector<std::string> funcP =
- GeneralUtils::ParseToStr(funcDescriptor, ",");
+ GeneralUtils::ParseToStr(funcDescriptor, "$");
if (funcP.size() != 3) {
"Expected Function attribute to contain 3 comma separated "
- "entries. e.g. Function=\"1/x,<low lim>,<high lim>\". ");
+ "entries. e.g. Function=\"1/{V}$<low lim>$<high lim>\". ");
+ }
+ bool FoundParam;
+ int pCtr = 1;
+ std::map<std::string, std::string> PVals;
+ do {
+ std::stringstream pv_str("");
+ pv_str << "P" << pCtr++;
+ if (smearDescriptors[t_it].Has(pv_str.str())) {
+ PVals.insert(
+ std::make_pair(std::string("{") + pv_str.str() + "}",
+ smearDescriptors[t_it].GetS(pv_str.str())));
+ FoundParam = true;
+ } else {
+ FoundParam = false;
+ }
+ } while (FoundParam);
+ for (std::map<std::string, std::string>::iterator v_it = PVals.begin();
+ v_it != PVals.end(); ++v_it) {
+ funcP[0] =
+ GeneralUtils::ReplaceAll(funcP[0], v_it->first, v_it->second);
- funcP[0] = GeneralUtils::ReplaceAll(funcP[0], "V", "[0]");
- QLOG(FIT, "Added smearing func: " << funcP[0]);
+ funcP[0] = GeneralUtils::ReplaceAll(funcP[0], "{V}", "[0]");
+ QLOG(FIT, "Added smearing func: "
+ << funcP[0] << ", [" << GeneralUtils::StrToDbl(funcP[1])
+ << " -- " << GeneralUtils::StrToDbl(funcP[2]) << "].");
sf = new TF1("smear_dummy", funcP[0].c_str(),
} else {
"Expected Function attribute with 3 comma separated "
"entries. e.g. Function=\"1/x,<low lim>,<high lim>\". ");
for (size_t pdg_it = 0; pdg_it < pdgs_i.size(); ++pdg_it) {
if (IsVisSmear && VisGausSmears.count(pdgs_i[pdg_it])) {
"Smearceptor "
<< ElementName << ":" << InstanceName
<< " already has a Visible Energy smearing function for PDG: "
<< pdgs_i[pdg_it]);
GSmear gs;
gs.type = Type;
gs.smearVar = Kinematics;
gs.width = Width;
gs.func = sf ? static_cast<TF1 *>(sf->Clone()) : NULL;
if (sf) {
std::stringstream ss("");
ss << "GausSmear"
<< "_PDG" << pdgs_i[pdg_it];
if (IsVisSmear) {
VisGausSmears[pdgs_i[pdg_it]] = gs;
} else {
QLOG(SAM, "Added gaussian "
<< GetKineTypeName(gs.smearVar)
<< " smearing function for PDG: " << pdgs_i[pdg_it]);
delete sf;
-RecoInfo *GaussianSmearer::Smearcept(FitEvent *fe) {
- RecoInfo *ri = new RecoInfo();
- for (size_t p_it = 0; p_it < fe->NParticles(); ++p_it) {
- FitParticle *fp = fe->GetParticle(p_it);
- std::cout << std::endl;
- std::cout << "[" << p_it << "]: " << fp->PDG() << ", " << fp->Status()
- << ", " << fp->E() << " -- KE:" << fp->KE()
- << " Mom: " << fp->P3().Mag() << std::flush;
+void GaussianSmearer::SmearceptOneParticle(RecoInfo *ri, FitParticle *fp
+ ,
+ size_t p_it
- if (fp->Status() != kFinalState) {
- std::cout << " -- Not final state." << std::flush;
- continue;
- }
- if ((TrackedGausSmears.count(fp->PDG()) + VisGausSmears.count(fp->PDG())) ==
- 0) {
- std::cout << " -- Undetectable." << std::flush;
- continue;
- }
- if (TrackedGausSmears.count(fp->PDG())) {
- TVector3 ThreeMom = fp->P3();
- for (size_t sm_it = 0; sm_it < TrackedGausSmears[fp->PDG()].size();
- ++sm_it) {
- GSmear &sm = TrackedGausSmears[fp->PDG()][sm_it];
- double kineProp = 0;
- switch (sm.smearVar) {
- case GaussianSmearer::kMomentum: {
- kineProp = fp->P3().Mag();
- break;
- }
- case GaussianSmearer::kKE: {
- kineProp = fp->KE();
- break;
- }
- case GaussianSmearer::kCosTheta: {
- kineProp = fp->P3().CosTheta();
- break;
- }
- case GaussianSmearer::kTheta: {
- kineProp = fp->P3().Theta();
- break;
- }
- default: { THROW("Trying to find particle value for a kNoVar."); }
- }
- double Smeared;
- bool ok = false;
- while (!ok) {
- if (sm.type == GaussianSmearer::kFunction) {
- sm.func->SetParameter(0, kineProp);
- Smeared = sm.func->GetRandom();
- } else {
- double sThrow =
- rand.Gaus(0, sm.width * ((sm.type == GaussianSmearer::kAbsolute)
- ? 1
- : kineProp));
- Smeared = kineProp + sThrow;
- }
- switch (
- sm.smearVar) { // Different kinematics have different truncation.
- case GaussianSmearer::kMomentum:
- case GaussianSmearer::kKE: {
- ok = (Smeared > 0);
- break;
- }
- case GaussianSmearer::kCosTheta: {
- ok = ((Smeared >= -1) && (Smeared <= 1));
- break;
- }
- case GaussianSmearer::kTheta: {
- ok = true;
- break;
- }
- default: { THROW("SHOULDN'T BE HERE."); }
- }
- }
- switch (sm.smearVar) {
- case GaussianSmearer::kMomentum: {
- ThreeMom = (ThreeMom.Unit() * Smeared);
- break;
- }
- case GaussianSmearer::kKE: {
- double mass = fp->P4().M();
- double TE = mass + Smeared;
- double magP = sqrt(TE * TE - mass * mass);
- ThreeMom = (ThreeMom.Unit() * magP);
- break;
- }
- case GaussianSmearer::kCosTheta: {
- ThreeMom.SetTheta(acos(Smeared));
- break;
- }
- case GaussianSmearer::kTheta: {
- ThreeMom.SetTheta(Smeared);
- break;
- }
- default: {}
- }
- }
- std::cout << " -- momentum reconstructed as Mom: "
- << ri->RecObjMom.back().Mag()
- << ", CT: " << ri->RecObjMom.back().CosTheta() << " from "
- << ThreeMom.Mag() << ", " << fp->P3().CosTheta() << " true."
- << std::endl;
+ ) {
+ std::cout << std::endl;
+ std::cout << "[" << p_it << "]: " << fp->PDG() << ", " << fp->Status() << ", "
+ << fp->E() << " -- KE:" << fp->KE() << " Mom: " << fp->P3().Mag()
+ << std::flush;
- ri->RecObjMom.push_back(ThreeMom);
- ri->RecObjClass.push_back(fp->PDG());
- } else { // Smear to EVis
- GSmear &sm = VisGausSmears[fp->PDG()];
- double kineProp = 0;
- switch (sm.smearVar) {
- case GaussianSmearer::kKEVis: {
- kineProp = fp->KE();
- break;
- }
- case GaussianSmearer::kTEVis: {
- kineProp = fp->E();
- break;
- }
- default: { THROW("Trying to find particle value for a kNoVar."); }
- }
- double Smeared;
- if (sm.type == GaussianSmearer::kFunction) {
- sm.func->SetParameter(0, kineProp);
- Smeared = sm.func->GetRandom();
- } else {
- double sThrow = rand.Gaus(
- 0, sm.width *
- ((sm.type == GaussianSmearer::kAbsolute) ? 1.0 : kineProp));
- Smeared = kineProp + sThrow;
- }
- Smeared = (Smeared < 0) ? 0 : Smeared;
- std::cout << " -- Saw " << Smeared << " visible energy from " << kineProp
- << " available. [PDG: " << fp->PDG() << "]" << std::endl;
+ if (fp->Status() != kFinalState) {
+ std::cout << " -- Not final state." << std::flush;
+ return;
+ }
- ri->RecVisibleEnergy.push_back(Smeared);
- ri->TrueContribPDGs.push_back(fp->PDG());
- }
- std::cout << std::endl;
+ if ((TrackedGausSmears.count(fp->PDG()) + VisGausSmears.count(fp->PDG())) ==
+ 0) {
+ std::cout << " -- Undetectable." << std::flush;
+ return;
- return ri;
-void GaussianSmearer::SmearRecoInfo(RecoInfo *ri) {
- // Smear tracked particles
- for (size_t p_it = 0; p_it < ri->RecObjMom.size(); ++p_it) {
- if (!TrackedGausSmears.count(ri->RecObjClass[p_it])) {
- continue;
- }
- TVector3 ThreeMom = ri->RecObjMom[p_it];
- TVector3 OriginalKP = ThreeMom;
- for (size_t sm_it = 0;
- sm_it < TrackedGausSmears[ri->RecObjClass[p_it]].size(); ++sm_it) {
- GSmear &sm = TrackedGausSmears[ri->RecObjClass[p_it]][sm_it];
+ if (TrackedGausSmears.count(fp->PDG())) {
+ TVector3 ThreeMom = fp->P3();
+ for (size_t sm_it = 0; sm_it < TrackedGausSmears[fp->PDG()].size();
+ ++sm_it) {
+ GSmear &sm = TrackedGausSmears[fp->PDG()][sm_it];
double kineProp = 0;
switch (sm.smearVar) {
case GaussianSmearer::kMomentum: {
- kineProp = ri->RecObjMom[p_it].Mag();
+ kineProp = fp->P3().Mag();
case GaussianSmearer::kKE: {
- double mass = PhysConst::GetMass(ri->RecObjClass[p_it]) * 1.0E3;
- kineProp = sqrt(ri->RecObjMom[p_it].Mag2() + mass * mass) - mass;
+ kineProp = fp->KE();
case GaussianSmearer::kCosTheta: {
- kineProp = OriginalKP.CosTheta();
+ kineProp = fp->P3().CosTheta();
case GaussianSmearer::kTheta: {
- kineProp = OriginalKP.Theta();
+ kineProp = fp->P3().Theta();
default: { THROW("Trying to find particle value for a kNoVar."); }
double Smeared;
+ size_t attempt = 0;
bool ok = false;
- int attempt = 0;
while (!ok) {
if (sm.type == GaussianSmearer::kFunction) {
sm.func->SetParameter(0, kineProp);
Smeared = sm.func->GetRandom();
} else {
- double sThrow =
- rand.Gaus(0, sm.width * ((sm.type == GaussianSmearer::kAbsolute)
- ? 1.0
- : kineProp));
+ double sThrow = rand.Gaus(
+ 0, sm.width *
+ ((sm.type == GaussianSmearer::kAbsolute) ? 1 : kineProp));
Smeared = kineProp + sThrow;
- std::cout << "*** [" << attempt << "] Gaus(0,"
- << (sm.width * (sm.type == GaussianSmearer::kAbsolute)
- ? 1
- : kineProp)
- << "[" << sm.width << "]) = " << sThrow << ": " << kineProp
- << " -> " << Smeared << std::endl;
switch (
sm.smearVar) { // Different kinematics have different truncation.
case GaussianSmearer::kMomentum:
case GaussianSmearer::kKE: {
ok = (Smeared > 0);
case GaussianSmearer::kCosTheta: {
ok = ((Smeared >= -1) && (Smeared <= 1));
case GaussianSmearer::kTheta: {
ok = true;
default: { THROW("SHOULDN'T BE HERE."); }
+ if (attempt > 1000) {
+ THROW("Didn't get a good smeared value after " << attempt
+ << " attempts.");
+ }
switch (sm.smearVar) {
case GaussianSmearer::kMomentum: {
ThreeMom = (ThreeMom.Unit() * Smeared);
case GaussianSmearer::kKE: {
- double mass = PhysConst::GetMass(ri->RecObjClass[p_it]) * 1.0E3;
+ double mass = fp->P4().M();
double TE = mass + Smeared;
double magP = sqrt(TE * TE - mass * mass);
ThreeMom = (ThreeMom.Unit() * magP);
case GaussianSmearer::kCosTheta: {
case GaussianSmearer::kTheta: {
default: {}
- ri->RecObjMom[p_it] = ThreeMom;
std::cout << " -- momentum reconstructed as Mom: "
- << ri->RecObjMom[p_it].Mag()
- << ", CT: " << ri->RecObjMom[p_it].CosTheta() << " from "
- << OriginalKP.Mag() << ", " << OriginalKP.CosTheta() << " true."
+ << ri->RecObjMom.back().Mag()
+ << ", CT: " << ri->RecObjMom.back().CosTheta() << " from "
+ << ThreeMom.Mag() << ", " << fp->P3().CosTheta() << " true."
<< std::endl;
- }
+ ri->RecObjMom.push_back(ThreeMom);
+ ri->RecObjClass.push_back(fp->PDG());
+ } else { // Smear to EVis
- for (size_t ve_it = 0; ve_it < ri->RecVisibleEnergy.size(); ++ve_it) {
- if (!VisGausSmears.count(ri->TrueContribPDGs[ve_it])) {
- continue;
+ GSmear &sm = VisGausSmears[fp->PDG()];
+ double kineProp = 0;
+ switch (sm.smearVar) {
+ case GaussianSmearer::kKEVis: {
+ kineProp = fp->KE();
+ break;
+ }
+ case GaussianSmearer::kTEVis: {
+ kineProp = fp->E();
+ break;
+ }
+ default: { THROW("Trying to find particle value for a kNoVar."); }
- GSmear &sm = VisGausSmears[ri->TrueContribPDGs[ve_it]];
- double kineProp = ri->RecVisibleEnergy[ve_it];
double Smeared;
if (sm.type == GaussianSmearer::kFunction) {
sm.func->SetParameter(0, kineProp);
Smeared = sm.func->GetRandom();
} else {
double sThrow = rand.Gaus(
0, sm.width *
((sm.type == GaussianSmearer::kAbsolute) ? 1.0 : kineProp));
Smeared = kineProp + sThrow;
Smeared = (Smeared < 0) ? 0 : Smeared;
std::cout << " -- Saw " << Smeared << " visible energy from " << kineProp
- << " available. [PDG: " << ri->TrueContribPDGs[ve_it] << "]"
- << std::endl;
+ << " available. [PDG: " << fp->PDG() << "]" << std::endl;
+ ri->RecVisibleEnergy.push_back(Smeared);
+ ri->TrueContribPDGs.push_back(fp->PDG());
+ }
+ std::cout << std::endl;
+RecoInfo *GaussianSmearer::Smearcept(FitEvent *fe) {
+ RecoInfo *ri = new RecoInfo();
+ for (size_t p_it = 0; p_it < fe->NParticles(); ++p_it) {
+ FitParticle *fp = fe->GetParticle(p_it);
+ SmearceptOneParticle(ri, fp
+ ,
+ p_it
+ );
+ }
+ return ri;
+void GaussianSmearer::SmearceptOneParticle(TVector3 &RecObjMom,
+ int RecObjClass) {
+ if (!TrackedGausSmears.count(RecObjClass)) {
+ return;
+ }
+ TVector3 ThreeMom = RecObjMom;
+ TVector3 OriginalKP = ThreeMom;
+ for (size_t sm_it = 0; sm_it < TrackedGausSmears[RecObjClass].size();
+ ++sm_it) {
+ GSmear &sm = TrackedGausSmears[RecObjClass][sm_it];
+ double kineProp = 0;
+ switch (sm.smearVar) {
+ case GaussianSmearer::kMomentum: {
+ kineProp = RecObjMom.Mag();
+ break;
+ }
+ case GaussianSmearer::kKE: {
+ double mass = PhysConst::GetMass(RecObjClass) * 1.0E3;
+ kineProp = sqrt(RecObjMom.Mag2() + mass * mass) - mass;
+ break;
+ }
+ case GaussianSmearer::kCosTheta: {
+ kineProp = OriginalKP.CosTheta();
+ break;
+ }
+ case GaussianSmearer::kTheta: {
+ kineProp = OriginalKP.Theta();
+ break;
+ }
+ default: { THROW("Trying to find particle value for a kNoVar."); }
+ }
+ double Smeared;
+ bool ok = false;
+ int attempt = 0;
+ while (!ok) {
+ if (sm.type == GaussianSmearer::kFunction) {
+ sm.func->SetParameter(0, kineProp);
+ Smeared = sm.func->GetRandom();
+ } else {
+ double sThrow = rand.Gaus(
+ 0, sm.width *
+ ((sm.type == GaussianSmearer::kAbsolute) ? 1.0 : kineProp));
+ Smeared = kineProp + sThrow;
+ std::cout << "*** [" << attempt << "] Gaus(0,"
+ << (sm.width * (sm.type == GaussianSmearer::kAbsolute)
+ ? 1
+ : kineProp)
+ << "[" << sm.width << "]) = " << sThrow << ": " << kineProp
+ << " -> " << Smeared << std::endl;
+ }
+ switch (sm.smearVar) { // Different kinematics have different truncation.
+ case GaussianSmearer::kMomentum:
+ case GaussianSmearer::kKE: {
+ ok = (Smeared > 0);
+ break;
+ }
+ case GaussianSmearer::kCosTheta: {
+ ok = ((Smeared >= -1) && (Smeared <= 1));
+ break;
+ }
+ case GaussianSmearer::kTheta: {
+ ok = true;
+ break;
+ }
+ default: { THROW("SHOULDN'T BE HERE."); }
+ }
+ attempt++;
+ if (attempt > 1000) {
+ THROW("Didn't get a good smeared value after " << attempt
+ << " attempts.");
+ }
+ }
- ri->RecVisibleEnergy[ve_it] = Smeared;
+ switch (sm.smearVar) {
+ case GaussianSmearer::kMomentum: {
+ ThreeMom = (ThreeMom.Unit() * Smeared);
+ break;
+ }
+ case GaussianSmearer::kKE: {
+ double mass = PhysConst::GetMass(RecObjClass) * 1.0E3;
+ double TE = mass + Smeared;
+ double magP = sqrt(TE * TE - mass * mass);
+ ThreeMom = (ThreeMom.Unit() * magP);
+ break;
+ }
+ case GaussianSmearer::kCosTheta: {
+ ThreeMom.SetTheta(acos(Smeared));
+ break;
+ }
+ case GaussianSmearer::kTheta: {
+ ThreeMom.SetTheta(Smeared);
+ break;
+ }
+ default: {}
+ }
+ }
+ RecObjMom = ThreeMom;
+ std::cout << " -- momentum reconstructed as Mom: " << RecObjMom.Mag()
+ << ", CT: " << RecObjMom.CosTheta() << " from " << OriginalKP.Mag()
+ << ", " << OriginalKP.CosTheta() << " true." << std::endl;
+void GaussianSmearer::SmearceptOneParticle(double &RecVisibleEnergy,
+ int TrueContribPDG) {
+ if (!VisGausSmears.count(TrueContribPDG)) {
+ return;
+ }
+ GSmear &sm = VisGausSmears[TrueContribPDG];
+ double kineProp = RecVisibleEnergy;
+ double Smeared;
+ if (sm.type == GaussianSmearer::kFunction) {
+ sm.func->SetParameter(0, kineProp);
+ Smeared = sm.func->GetRandom();
+ } else {
+ double sThrow = rand.Gaus(
+ 0,
+ sm.width * ((sm.type == GaussianSmearer::kAbsolute) ? 1.0 : kineProp));
+ Smeared = kineProp + sThrow;
+ }
+ Smeared = (Smeared < 0) ? 0 : Smeared;
+ std::cout << " -- Saw " << Smeared << " visible energy from " << kineProp
+ << " available. [PDG: " << TrueContribPDG << "]" << std::endl;
+ RecVisibleEnergy = Smeared;
+void GaussianSmearer::SmearRecoInfo(RecoInfo *ri) {
+ // Smear tracked particles
+ for (size_t p_it = 0; p_it < ri->RecObjMom.size(); ++p_it) {
+ SmearceptOneParticle(ri->RecObjMom[p_it], ri->RecObjClass[p_it]);
+ }
+ for (size_t ve_it = 0; ve_it < ri->RecVisibleEnergy.size(); ++ve_it) {
+ SmearceptOneParticle(ri->RecVisibleEnergy[ve_it],
+ ri->TrueContribPDGs[ve_it]);
std::cout << std::endl;
diff --git a/src/Smearceptance/GaussianSmearer.h b/src/Smearceptance/GaussianSmearer.h
index 4b9a62a..8add0cf 100644
--- a/src/Smearceptance/GaussianSmearer.h
+++ b/src/Smearceptance/GaussianSmearer.h
@@ -1,55 +1,67 @@
// Copyright 2016 L. Pickering, P Stowell, R. Terri, C. Wilkinson, C. Wret
* This file is part of NUISANCE.
* NUISANCE is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* NUISANCE is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with NUISANCE. If not, see <>.
#include "ISmearcepter.h"
#include <map>
class GaussianSmearer : public ISmearcepter {
enum GSmearType { kAbsolute, kFractional, kFunction, kNoType };
enum DependVar { kMomentum, kKE, kKEVis, kTEVis, kCosTheta, kTheta, kNoVar };
struct GSmear {
GSmearType type;
DependVar smearVar;
double width;
TF1 *func;
- ~GSmear() { delete func; }
std::map<int, std::vector<GSmear> > TrackedGausSmears;
std::map<int, GSmear> VisGausSmears;
TRandom3 rand;
void SpecifcSetup(nuiskey &);
RecoInfo *Smearcept(FitEvent *);
+ void SmearceptOneParticle(RecoInfo *ri, FitParticle *fp
+ ,
+ size_t p_it
+ );
/// Helper method for using this class as a component in a more complex
/// smearer
void SmearRecoInfo(RecoInfo *);
+ void SmearceptOneParticle(TVector3 &RecObjMom, int RecObjClass);
+ void SmearceptOneParticle(double &RecVisibleEnergy, int TrueContribPDGs);
diff --git a/src/Smearceptance/TrackedMomentumMatrixSmearer.cxx b/src/Smearceptance/TrackedMomentumMatrixSmearer.cxx
index bb5251a..25f1f5f 100644
--- a/src/Smearceptance/TrackedMomentumMatrixSmearer.cxx
+++ b/src/Smearceptance/TrackedMomentumMatrixSmearer.cxx
@@ -1,289 +1,431 @@
// Copyright 2016 L. Pickering, P Stowell, R. Terri, C. Wilkinson, C. Wret
* This file is part of NUISANCE.
* NUISANCE is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* NUISANCE is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with NUISANCE. If not, see <>.
#include "TrackedMomentumMatrixSmearer.h"
-// #define DEBUG_EFFAPP
namespace {
TrackedMomentumMatrixSmearer::DependVar GetVarType(std::string const &axisvar) {
if (axisvar == "Momentum") {
return TrackedMomentumMatrixSmearer::kMomentum;
} else if (axisvar == "KE") {
return TrackedMomentumMatrixSmearer::kKE;
+ } else if (axisvar == "TE") {
+ return TrackedMomentumMatrixSmearer::kTE;
return TrackedMomentumMatrixSmearer::kNoVar;
TH1D const *TrackedMomentumMatrixSmearer::SmearMap::GetRecoSlice(double val) {
- // std::vector<std::pair<std::pair<double, double>, TH1D *> >
if ((val < RecoSlices.front().first.first) ||
(val > RecoSlices.back().first.second)) {
"Kinematic property: " << val << ", not within smearable range: ["
<< RecoSlices.front().first.first << " -- "
<< RecoSlices.back().first.second << "].");
return NULL;
int L = 0, U = RecoSlices.size();
+ std::cout << "\nBin search for " << val
+ << " within: " << RecoSlices.front().first.first << " -- "
+ << RecoSlices.back().first.second << std::endl;
while (true) {
+ std::cout << "\t\t U:" << U << ", L: " << L << " (/" << RecoSlices.size()
+ << ")" << std::endl;
if (U == L) {
+ std::cout << "Found: " << L << std::endl;
return RecoSlices[L].second;
int R = (U - L);
int m = L + (R / 2);
- if (val < RecoSlices[m].first.first) {
+ std::cout << "Bin: " << m << "[ " << RecoSlices[m].first.first << " -- "
+ << RecoSlices[m].first.second << "] (Search: " << val << ")"
+ << std::endl;
+ if (val <= RecoSlices[m].first.first) {
U = m - 1;
- if (val > RecoSlices[m].first.first) {
+ if (val > RecoSlices[m].first.second) {
L = m + 1;
if ((val > RecoSlices[m].first.first) &&
- (val < RecoSlices[m].first.first)) {
+ (val <= RecoSlices[m].first.second)) {
+ std::cout << "Found: " << m << std::endl;
return RecoSlices[m].second;
THROW("Binary smearing search failed. Check logic.");
TH1D *GetMapSlice(TH2D *mp, int SliceBin, bool AlongX) {
int NBins = (AlongX ? mp->GetXaxis() : mp->GetYaxis())->GetNbins();
int NOtherBins = (AlongX ? mp->GetYaxis() : mp->GetXaxis())->GetNbins();
if (SliceBin >= NOtherBins) {
THROW("Asked for slice " << SliceBin << " but the " << (AlongX ? 'Y' : 'X')
<< " axis only has " << NOtherBins);
- std::stringstream ss("");
+ if ((AlongX ? mp->GetXaxis() : mp->GetYaxis())->IsVariableBinSize() &&
+ ((NBins + 1) !=
+ (AlongX ? mp->GetXaxis() : mp->GetYaxis())->GetXbins()->GetSize())) {
+ "Attemping to take binning slice of variable binning, but NBins+1 != "
+ "NBinEdges: "
+ << (NBins + 1) << " != "
+ << (AlongX ? mp->GetXaxis() : mp->GetYaxis())->GetXbins()->GetSize());
+ }
+ std::stringstream ss("");
ss << mp->GetName() << (AlongX ? 'Y' : 'X') << "Slice_" << SliceBin;
- TH1D *Ret = new TH1D(
- ss.str().c_str(), mp->GetTitle(), NBins,
- (AlongX ? mp->GetXaxis() : mp->GetYaxis())->GetXbins()->GetArray());
+ std::stringstream st("");
+ st << mp->GetTitle() << ";"
+ << (AlongX ? mp->GetXaxis() : mp->GetYaxis())->GetTitle() << ";"
+ << "Count";
+ TH1D *Ret;
+ if ((AlongX ? mp->GetXaxis() : mp->GetYaxis())->IsVariableBinSize()) {
+ Ret = new TH1D(
+ ss.str().c_str(), st.str().c_str(), NBins,
+ (AlongX ? mp->GetXaxis() : mp->GetYaxis())->GetXbins()->GetArray());
+ } else {
+ Ret = new TH1D(ss.str().c_str(), st.str().c_str(), NBins,
+ (AlongX ? mp->GetXaxis() : mp->GetYaxis())->GetXmin(),
+ (AlongX ? mp->GetXaxis() : mp->GetYaxis())->GetXmax());
+ }
for (int bi_it = 0; bi_it < NBins + 2; ++bi_it) {
int X = AlongX ? bi_it : SliceBin + 1;
int Y = AlongX ? SliceBin + 1 : bi_it;
int GBin = mp->GetBin(X, Y);
Ret->SetBinContent(bi_it, mp->GetBinContent(GBin));
Ret->SetBinError(bi_it, mp->GetBinError(GBin));
+ std::cout << "Took slice: " << SliceBin << " spanning ["
+ << Ret->GetXaxis()->GetBinLowEdge(1) << " -- "
+ << Ret->GetXaxis()->GetBinUpEdge(Ret->GetXaxis()->GetNbins())
+ << "] (Orignal span ["
+ << (AlongX ? mp->GetXaxis() : mp->GetYaxis())->GetBinLowEdge(1)
+ << " -- "
+ << (AlongX ? mp->GetXaxis() : mp->GetYaxis())
+ ->GetBinUpEdge(
+ (AlongX ? mp->GetXaxis() : mp->GetYaxis())->GetNbins())
+ << "]) " << (AlongX ? mp->GetXaxis() : mp->GetYaxis())->GetXmin()
+ << " -- " << (AlongX ? mp->GetXaxis() : mp->GetYaxis())->GetXmax()
+ << " IsVBin: "
+ << (AlongX ? mp->GetXaxis() : mp->GetYaxis())->IsVariableBinSize()
+ << std::endl;
return Ret;
void TrackedMomentumMatrixSmearer::SmearMap::SetSlicesFromMap(TH2D *map,
bool TruthIsY) {
int NSlices = (TruthIsY ? map->GetYaxis() : map->GetXaxis())->GetNbins();
for (Int_t TrueSlice_it = 0; TrueSlice_it < NSlices; ++TrueSlice_it) {
std::pair<double, double> BinEdges;
BinEdges.first = (TruthIsY ? map->GetYaxis() : map->GetXaxis())
->GetBinLowEdge(TrueSlice_it + 1);
BinEdges.second = (TruthIsY ? map->GetYaxis() : map->GetXaxis())
->GetBinUpEdge(TrueSlice_it + 1);
TH1D *slice = GetMapSlice(map, TrueSlice_it, TruthIsY);
RecoSlices.push_back(std::make_pair(BinEdges, slice));
QLOG(FIT, "\tAdded " << RecoSlices.size() << " reco slices.");
/// Reads particle efficiency nodes
/// Nodes look like:
/// <TrackedMomentumMatrixSmearer Name="D00N_ND_LAr">
-/// <SmearMatrix PDG="211,-211" InputFile="effs.root"
-/// HistName="cpion_eff_mom_ctheta" Kinematics="[KE|Momentum]"
-/// GeVToMapUnits="1E3" YIsTrue="true"/>
+/// <SmearMatrix PDG="211,-211" InputFile="smear.root"
+/// HistName="cpion_mom_smear" Kinematics="[KE|Momentum]"
+/// MatrixToInternal="1E3" YIsTrue="true"/>
/// </TrackedMomentumMatrixSmearer>
void TrackedMomentumMatrixSmearer::SpecifcSetup(nuiskey &nk) {
std::vector<nuiskey> effDescriptors = nk.GetListOfChildNodes("SmearMatrix");
for (size_t t_it = 0; t_it < effDescriptors.size(); ++t_it) {
std::string inputFileName = effDescriptors[t_it].GetS("InputFile");
std::string HistName = effDescriptors[t_it].GetS("HistName");
bool YIsTrue = effDescriptors[t_it].Has("YIsTrue")
? effDescriptors[t_it].GetI("YIsTrue")
: true;
- double UnitsScale = effDescriptors[t_it].Has("GeVToMapUnits")
- ? effDescriptors[t_it].GetD("GeVToMapUnits")
+ double UnitsScale = effDescriptors[t_it].Has("MatrixToInternal")
+ ? effDescriptors[t_it].GetD("MatrixToInternal")
: 1;
TFile inputFile(inputFileName.c_str());
if (!inputFile.IsOpen()) {
THROW("Couldn't open specified input root file: " << inputFileName);
TH2D *inpHist = dynamic_cast<TH2D *>(inputFile.Get(HistName.c_str()));
if (!inpHist) {
THROW("Couldn't get TH2D named: " << HistName << " from input root file: "
<< inputFileName);
TrackedMomentumMatrixSmearer::DependVar var =
std::string pdgs_s = effDescriptors[t_it].GetS("PDG");
std::vector<int> pdgs_i = GeneralUtils::ParseToInt(pdgs_s, ",");
for (size_t pdg_it = 0; pdg_it < pdgs_i.size(); ++pdg_it) {
if (ParticleMappings.count(pdgs_i[pdg_it])) {
ERROR(WRN, "Smearceptor " << ElementName << ":" << InstanceName
- << " already has a efficiency for PDG: "
+ << " already has a smearing for PDG: "
<< pdgs_i[pdg_it]);
SmearMap sm;
sm.SetSlicesFromMap(inpHist, YIsTrue);
sm.SmearVar = var;
sm.UnitsScale = UnitsScale;
ParticleMappings[pdgs_i[pdg_it]] = sm;
QLOG(SAM, "Added smearing map for PDG: " << pdgs_i[pdg_it]);
+ SlaveGS.Setup(nk);
RecoInfo *TrackedMomentumMatrixSmearer::Smearcept(FitEvent *fe) {
RecoInfo *ri = new RecoInfo();
for (size_t p_it = 0; p_it < fe->NParticles(); ++p_it) {
FitParticle *fp = fe->GetParticle(p_it);
std::cout << std::endl;
std::cout << "[" << p_it << "]: " << fp->PDG() << ", " << fp->Status()
<< ", " << fp->E() << " -- KE:" << fp->KE()
<< " Mom: " << fp->P3().Mag() << std::flush;
if (fp->Status() != kFinalState) {
std::cout << " -- Not final state." << std::flush;
if (!ParticleMappings.count(fp->PDG())) {
- std::cout << " -- Undetectable." << std::flush;
+ SlaveGS.SmearceptOneParticle(ri, fp
+ ,
+ p_it
+ );
SmearMap &sm = ParticleMappings[fp->PDG()];
double kineProp = 0;
switch (sm.SmearVar) {
case kMomentum: {
kineProp = fp->P3().Mag();
case kKE: {
kineProp = fp->KE();
+ case kTE: {
+ kineProp = fp->E();
+ break;
+ }
default: { THROW("Trying to find particle value for a kNoAxis."); }
- TH1 const *recoDistrib = sm.GetRecoSlice(kineProp * sm.UnitsScale);
+ TH1 const *recoDistrib = sm.GetRecoSlice(kineProp / sm.UnitsScale);
+ std::cout << " -- Got slice spanning ["
+ << recoDistrib->GetXaxis()->GetBinLowEdge(1) << " -- "
+ << recoDistrib->GetXaxis()->GetBinUpEdge(
+ recoDistrib->GetXaxis()->GetNbins())
+ << "]" << std::endl;
if (!recoDistrib) {
std::cout << " -- outside smearable range." << std::flush;
- double Smeared = recoDistrib->GetRandom() / sm.UnitsScale;
+ if (recoDistrib->Integral() == 0) {
+ ERROR(WRN, "True slice has no reconstructed events. Not smearing.")
+ continue;
+ }
+ double Smeared = recoDistrib->GetRandom() * sm.UnitsScale;
+ std::cout << "GotRandom: " << Smeared << ", MPV: "
+ << recoDistrib->GetXaxis()->GetBinCenter(
+ recoDistrib->GetMaximumBin()) *
+ sm.UnitsScale
+ << std::endl;
switch (sm.SmearVar) {
case kMomentum: {
ri->RecObjMom.push_back(fp->P3().Unit() * Smeared);
+ std::cout << " -- Smeared: " << fp->p() << " -> " << Smeared << "."
+ << std::flush;
case kKE: {
double mass = fp->P4().M();
double TE = mass + Smeared;
double magP = sqrt(TE * TE - mass * mass);
ri->RecObjMom.push_back(fp->P3().Unit() * magP);
+ std::cout << " -- Smeared: " << fp->KE() << " (mass: " << mass
+ << ") -> " << Smeared
+ << ". Smear Mom: " << ri->RecObjMom.back().Mag() << "."
+ << std::flush;
+ break;
+ }
+ case kTE: {
+ double mass = fp->P4().M();
+ double TE = Smeared;
+ double magP = sqrt(TE * TE - mass * mass);
+ ri->RecObjMom.push_back(fp->P3().Unit() * magP);
+ std::cout << " -- Smeared: " << fp->E() << " (mass: " << mass
+ << ") -> " << Smeared
+ << ". Smear Mom: " << ri->RecObjMom.back().Mag() << "."
+ << std::flush;
default: {}
- std::cout << " -- momentum reconstructed as " << ri->RecObjMom.back() << "."
- << std::flush;
+ std::cout << " -- momentum reconstructed as " << ri->RecObjMom.back().Mag()
+ << "." << std::endl;
- ri->RecObjClass.push_back(fp->PDG());
+ if (ri->RecObjMom.back().Mag() != ri->RecObjMom.back().Mag()) {
+ ERROR(WRN, "Invalid particle built.");
+ ri->RecObjMom.pop_back();
+#include "TCanvas.h"
+ TCanvas *Test = new TCanvas("c1", "");
+ static_cast<TH1 *>(recoDistrib->Clone())->Draw();
+ Test->SaveAs("Fail.png");
+ delete Test;
+ } else {
+ ri->RecObjClass.push_back(fp->PDG());
+ }
std::cout << std::endl;
return ri;
void TrackedMomentumMatrixSmearer::SmearRecoInfo(RecoInfo *ri) {
for (size_t p_it = 0; p_it < ri->RecObjMom.size(); ++p_it) {
if (!ParticleMappings.count(ri->RecObjClass[p_it])) {
+ SlaveGS.SmearceptOneParticle(ri->RecObjMom[p_it], ri->RecObjClass[p_it]);
SmearMap &sm = ParticleMappings[ri->RecObjClass[p_it]];
double kineProp = 0;
switch (sm.SmearVar) {
case kMomentum: {
kineProp = ri->RecObjMom[p_it].Mag();
case kKE: {
double mass = PhysConst::GetMass(ri->RecObjClass[p_it]) * 1E3;
kineProp = sqrt(ri->RecObjMom[p_it].Mag2() + mass * mass) - mass;
+ case kTE: {
+ double mass = PhysConst::GetMass(ri->RecObjClass[p_it]) * 1E3;
+ kineProp = sqrt(ri->RecObjMom[p_it].Mag2() + mass * mass);
+ break;
+ }
default: { THROW("Trying to find particle value for a kNoAxis."); }
- TH1 const *recoDistrib = sm.GetRecoSlice(kineProp * sm.UnitsScale);
+ TH1 const *recoDistrib = sm.GetRecoSlice(kineProp / sm.UnitsScale);
if (!recoDistrib) {
- double Smeared = recoDistrib->GetRandom() / sm.UnitsScale;
+ double Smeared = recoDistrib->GetRandom() * sm.UnitsScale;
switch (sm.SmearVar) {
case kMomentum: {
ri->RecObjMom[p_it] = ri->RecObjMom[p_it].Unit() * Smeared;
case kKE: {
double mass = PhysConst::GetMass(ri->RecObjClass[p_it]) * 1E3;
double TE = mass + Smeared;
double magP = sqrt(TE * TE - mass * mass);
ri->RecObjMom[p_it] = ri->RecObjMom[p_it].Unit() * magP;
+ case kTE: {
+ double mass = PhysConst::GetMass(ri->RecObjClass[p_it]) * 1E3;
+ double TE = Smeared;
+ double magP = sqrt(TE * TE - mass * mass);
+ ri->RecObjMom[p_it] = ri->RecObjMom[p_it].Unit() * magP;
+ break;
+ }
default: {}
diff --git a/src/Smearceptance/TrackedMomentumMatrixSmearer.h b/src/Smearceptance/TrackedMomentumMatrixSmearer.h
index 0dfc9a3..c84698c 100644
--- a/src/Smearceptance/TrackedMomentumMatrixSmearer.h
+++ b/src/Smearceptance/TrackedMomentumMatrixSmearer.h
@@ -1,66 +1,72 @@
// Copyright 2016 L. Pickering, P Stowell, R. Terri, C. Wilkinson, C. Wret
* This file is part of NUISANCE.
* NUISANCE is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* NUISANCE is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with NUISANCE. If not, see <>.
#include "ISmearcepter.h"
+#include "GaussianSmearer.h"
#include "TRandom3.h"
#include "TH2D.h"
#include "TH1D.h"
#include <vector>
#include <utility>
+// #define DEBUG_MATSMEAR
class TrackedMomentumMatrixSmearer : public ISmearcepter {
- enum DependVar { kMomentum, kKE, kNoVar };
+ enum DependVar { kMomentum, kKE, kTE, kNoVar };
class SmearMap {
/// Input True -> Reco mapping.
std::vector<std::pair<std::pair<double, double>, TH1D *> > RecoSlices;
TH1D const *GetRecoSlice(double val);
void SetSlicesFromMap(TH2D *, bool TruthIsY);
/// Particle variable to smear: Momentum/KE
/// In the future should be able to smear multi-kinematic property
/// distributions, but requires the definition of axis mappings that I
/// cannot be bothered with at this second.
TrackedMomentumMatrixSmearer::DependVar SmearVar;
double UnitsScale;
std::map<int, SmearMap> ParticleMappings;
+ GaussianSmearer SlaveGS;
void SpecifcSetup(nuiskey &);
/// Will reject any particle that is not known about.
RecoInfo *Smearcept(FitEvent *);
/// Helper method for using this class as a component in a more complex
/// smearer
void SmearRecoInfo(RecoInfo *);
diff --git a/src/Smearceptance/ b/src/Smearceptance/
index a9875fa..d96cb7f 100644
--- a/src/Smearceptance/
+++ b/src/Smearceptance/
@@ -1,187 +1,262 @@
# NUISANCE Smearceptance
1. Introduction
2. Quickstart: Applying thresholds
3. Included smearcepters
4. Writing your own
## 1. Introduction
-A generalised 'Fast MC' interface for NUISANCE. Smearers, accepters, and
-smearcepters can be written and configured to mock up the effects of using a
-'realistic' detection techniques on any input event format that NUISANCE can
-read. A simple example of this would be a threshold accepter, which lets the
-user define charged particle tracking thresholds for different types of final
-state particles. These thresholds would be applied so that any downstream
+A generalised 'Fast MC' interface for NUISANCE. Smearers, accepters, and
+smearcepters can be written and configured to mock up the effects of using a
+'realistic' detection techniques on any input event format that NUISANCE can
+read. A simple example of this would be a threshold accepter, which lets the
+user define charged particle tracking thresholds for different types of final
+state particles. These thresholds would be applied so that any downstream
analysis can only see particles above threshold.
-The eventual aim of such a module would be to expand the use of NUISANCE as a
-data-release platform so that analysers could add their
-reconstruction-level/uncorrected results, along with the information to
-forward-fold, or 'smearcept' theory inputs for comparison and model tuning. It
-is not currently clear that this is feasible, but it is an interesting
+The eventual aim of such a module would be to expand the use of NUISANCE as a
+data-release platform so that analysers could add their
+reconstruction-level/uncorrected results, along with the information to
+forward-fold, or 'smearcept' theory inputs for comparison and model tuning. It
+is not currently clear that this is feasible, but it is an interesting
-The current use cases include generating fake data for different types of
-detector technology, running simple mock experiments as a first gauge of
-potential sensitivities, and simple model overlays for uncorrected data from
+The current use cases include generating fake data for different types of
+detector technology, running simple mock experiments as a first gauge of
+potential sensitivities, and simple model overlays for uncorrected data from
both nu-A and e-A scattering experiments.
-The interface is designed to be abstract, and very simple. With any real data
-and analyses, the devil is often in the detail and it is likely that tailored
-Smearcepters would have to be written for each analysis. However, a number of
-examples and simple smearcepters already exist and are useful for applying
-thresholds, multi-dimensional efficiency curves, and simple detector smearing
+The interface is designed to be abstract, and very simple. With any real data
+and analyses, the devil is often in the detail and it is likely that tailored
+Smearcepters would have to be written for each analysis. However, a number of
+examples and simple smearcepters already exist and are useful for applying
+thresholds, multi-dimensional efficiency curves, and simple detector smearing
## 2. Quickstart: Applying thresholds
Steps to acceptance:
* Write a smearcepter card file, `WaterCherenkovThresholds.xml`:
<ThresholdAccepter Name="WCThresh">
<RecoThreshold PDG="13" RecoThresholdMomentum_MeV="160" />
<RecoThreshold PDG="2212" RecoThresholdMomentum_MeV="1400" />
-* Produce a smeared event summary tree:
+* Produce a smeared event summary tree:
`$ nuissmear -i InputVector.root -c WaterCherenkovThresholds.xml -t WCThresh -o WaterCherenkov_summary.root`
-* Draw plots from the event tree:
+* Draw plots from the event tree:
`[root] FlatTree_VARS->Draw("EISLep_true:EISLep_LepHad_rec >> (100,0,2000,100,0,2000)","Weight*(flagCCINC_rec==1)","COLZ")`
-The branchs in the event summary tree are described in detail the class
+The branchs in the event summary tree are described in detail the class
documentation of `src/MCStudies/Smearceptance_Tester.cxx`
## 3. Included smearcepters
### General
-Smearcepters are defined in a NUISANCE xml configuration file within a tag of
-the `<nuisance>` root element named `<smearcepters>`. Any number can be defined,
-and each should be distinctly named with a `Name="<name>"` attribute.
+Smearcepters are defined in a NUISANCE xml configuration file within a tag of
+the `<nuisance>` root element named `<smearcepters>`. Any number can be defined,
+and each should be distinctly named with a `Name="<name>"` attribute.
-An example XML tag is shown below that highlights some of the notation used in
+An example XML tag is shown below that highlights some of the notation used in
this section.
<tag A[B|C]="<name>" (D="<value>") E="[F|G]" />
-* `AB` and `AC` are both valid attribute names, at least one of which is a
+* `AB` and `AC` are both valid attribute names, at least one of which is a
required attribute.
* `D` is an optional attribute.
* `<name>` is an example attribute value.
* The attribute `E` must take either the value `F` or `G`.
### ThresholdAccepter
Applies tracking and visible energy thresholds to an input vector.
#### Full example
<ThresholdAccepter Name="ForwardMuonHighHadronThresholdDetector">
<RecoThreshold PDG="13" RecoThresholdMomentum_MeV="300" />
<RecoThreshold PDG="13" RecoThresholdCosTheta_Min="0.5" />
<RecoThreshold PDG="2212" RecoThresholdMomentum_MeV="500" />
<RecoThreshold PDG="2212" RecoThresholdAbsCosTheta_Min="0.5" />
<RecoThreshold PDG="221,-211" RecoThresholdKE_MeV="120" />
<VisThreshold PDG="2212" VisThresholdKE_MeV="10" Contrib="K" />
<VisThreshold PDG="111" VisThresholdKE_MeV="0" Contrib="T" />
<VisThreshold PDG="221,-211" VisThresholdKE_MeV="30" Contrib="K" Fraction="0.9" />
#### Details
-A tracking threshold can be placed on a particles production zenith angle by
+A tracking threshold can be placed on a particles production zenith angle by
the element:
* `<RecoThreshold PDG="<211,-211,2212>" RecoThresholdCosTheta_[Min,Max]="<value>" />`
* `<RecoThreshold PDG="<X,Y,Z>" RecoThresholdAbsCosTheta_[Min,Max]="<value>" />`
-Tracking and visible energy threshold values can be applied by the following
+Tracking and visible energy threshold values can be applied by the following
* Particle momentum: Use `<[Reco|Vis]Threshold PDG="<X,Y,Z>" [Reco|Vis]ThresholdMomentum_MeV="<value>" (Contrib="[T|K]" Fraction="<value>") />`
-* Particle kinetic energy: Use `<[Reco|Vis]Threshold PDG="<X,Y,Z>" [Reco|Vis]ThresholdKE_MeV="<value>" (Contrib="[T|K]" Fraction="<value>") />`
+* Particle kinetic energy: Use `<[Reco|Vis]Threshold PDG="<X,Y,Z>" [Reco|Vis]ThresholdKE_MeV="<value>" (Contrib="[T|K]" Fraction="<value>") />`
-When defining visible energy thresholds, the additional attributes
-`Contrib="[<T>,K]"` and `Fraction="<value>"` can be specified to detail whether
-the energy deposit contribution comes from the particle total or kinetic energy
-only and what fraction of that deposit is visible. The deposited energy defaults
+When defining visible energy thresholds, the additional attributes
+`Contrib="[<T>,K]"` and `Fraction="<value>"` can be specified to detail whether
+the energy deposit contribution comes from the particle total or kinetic energy
+only and what fraction of that deposit is visible. The deposited energy defaults
to the particle total energy and the fraction defaults to 1.
-If a particle kinematics do not exceed a momentum or kinetic energy threshold
-for tracking they are tested against the visible energy deposit threshold. If a
-particle is rejected due to an angular threshold, it is not allowed to deposit
+If a particle kinematics do not exceed a momentum or kinetic energy threshold
+for tracking they are tested against the visible energy deposit threshold. If a
+particle is rejected due to an angular threshold, it is not allowed to deposit
-Multiple thresholds can target the same input PDG, however it is undefined
-behavior to use more than one energy/momentum tracking threshold, or use both
+Multiple thresholds can target the same input PDG, however it is undefined
+behavior to use more than one energy/momentum tracking threshold, or use both
`Abs` and non-`Abs` zenith angle cuts.
-*N.B.* If a PDG code is encountered for which there are no defined thresholds,
+*N.B.* If a PDG code is encountered for which there are no defined thresholds,
it is not accepted.
### GaussianSmearer
Documentation to follow. Sorry.
### EfficiencyApplicator
-Applies tracking efficiencies from one, two, or three dimensional efficiencies
+Applies tracking efficiencies from one, two, or three dimensional efficiencies
passed in as input.
#### Full example
<EfficiencyApplicator Name="SimpleLArLike">
<EfficiencyCurve PDG="13" InputFile="uBooNEEffs.root" HistName="Tracking/Muon/p_costheta" NDims="2" XAxis="kMomentum" YAxis="kCosTheta" Interpolate="false" XAxisScaleToMeV="1E3" />
<EfficiencyCurve PDG="211,-211" InputFile="uBooNEEffs.root" HistName="Tracking/Pion/p_costheta" NDims="2" XAxis="kMomentum" YAxis="kCosTheta" Interpolate="false" XAxisScaleToMeV="1E3" />
<EfficiencyCurve PDG="2212" InputFile="uBooNEEffs.root" HistName="Tracking/Proton/p_costheta" NDims="2" XAxis="kMomentum" YAxis="kCosTheta" Interpolate="false" XAxisScaleToMeV="1E3" />
<VisThreshold PDG="2212" VisThresholdKE_MeV="10" Contrib="K" />
<VisThreshold PDG="211,-211" VisThresholdKE_MeV="30" Contrib="K" />
<VisThreshold PDG="111" VisThresholdKE_MeV="0" Contrib="T" />
#### Details
Each `<EfficiencyCurve>` tag requires at least:
* `PDG="<211,-211>"`: The particle IDs to apply this efficiency to.
-* `InputFile="<file.root>"`: The location of the ROOT file containing the
+* `InputFile="<file.root>"`: The location of the ROOT file containing the
efficiency histogram.
-* `HistName="<histname>"`: The name (may include directories) of the `TH1` or
+* `HistName="<histname>"`: The name (may include directories) of the `TH1` or
`TEfficiency` that describes the efficiency.
* `NDims="[1|2|3]"`: The number of kinematic axes for the efficiency curve.
-* `XAxis="[kMomentum|kKE|kCosTheta|kTheta|kPhi]"`: The kinematic variable
+* `XAxis="[kMomentum|kKE|kCosTheta|kTheta|kPhi]"`: The kinematic variable
spanned by the first dimension of the efficiency histogram.
optional attributes:
-* `YAxis="[kMomentum|kKE|kCosTheta|kTheta|kPhi]"`: The kinematic variable
+* `YAxis="[kMomentum|kKE|kCosTheta|kTheta|kPhi]"`: The kinematic variable
spanned by the second dimension of the efficiency histogram.
-* `ZAxis="[kMomentum|kKE|kCosTheta|kTheta|kPhi]"`: The kinematic variable
+* `ZAxis="[kMomentum|kKE|kCosTheta|kTheta|kPhi]"`: The kinematic variable
spanned by the third dimension of the efficiency histogram.
-* `Interpolate="[true|false]"`: Whether to use TH1:Interpolate or to take the
+* `Interpolate="[true|false]"`: Whether to use TH1:Interpolate or to take the
bin-averaged efficiency.
-* `[X|Y|Z]AxisScaleToInternal="<value>"`: A scale factor to translate the axes
-to the internal NUISANCE units (MeV and radians). *e.g.* Use
-`XAxisScaleToInternal="1E3"` if the input histogram uses kinetic energy in units
+* `[X|Y|Z]AxisScaleToInternal="<value>"`: A scale factor to translate the axes
+to the internal NUISANCE units (MeV and radians). *e.g.* Use
+`XAxisScaleToInternal="1E3"` if the input histogram uses kinetic energy in units
of GeV.
-An `EfficiencyApplicator` Can also contain `<RecoThreshold>` and
-`<VisThreshold>` tags, as described in `ThresholdAccepter`. Particles that are
-rejected due to inefficiency get passed to a configured `ThresholdAccepter`
-instance. *N.B.* it is unlikely that you want to have an `<EfficiencyCurve>` tag
-and a `<RecoThreshold>` tag for the same PDG. However, it is possible that
-particles that failed to be tracked, left some visible energy.
+An `EfficiencyApplicator` Can also contain `<RecoThreshold>` and
+`<VisThreshold>` tags, as described in `ThresholdAccepter`. Particles that are
+rejected due to inefficiency get passed to a configured `ThresholdAccepter`
+instance. *N.B.* it is unlikely that you want to have an `<EfficiencyCurve>` tag
+and a `<RecoThreshold>` tag for the same PDG. However, it is possible that
+particles that failed to be tracked, left some visible energy.
+### GaussianSmearer
+Applies simple smearing to tracked particle kinematics or visible energy deposits.
+#### Full example
+<GaussianSmearer Name="D00N_ND_LAr">
+ <Smear PDG="211" Type="Fractional" Kinematics="KE" Width="0.1" />
+ <Smear PDG="13" Type="Absolute" Kinematics="Momentum" Width="0.025" />
+ <Smear PDG="2212" Type="Function" Kinematics="Momentum" Function="{P1}*TMath::Landau(x - {V})$0$1E4" P1="0.2" />
+#### Details
+Each `<Smear>` tag requires at least:
+* `PDG="<211,-211>"`: The particle IDs to apply this smearing to.
+* `Type="[Fractional|Absolute|Function]"`: The type of smearer to use. `Fractional` and `Absolute` use a Gaussian smearer. For `Fractional` the Gaussian width is set to `<WidthAttribute>*ParticleKinematicPropertyValue` and for Absolute it is simple `<WidthAttribute>`.
+* `Kinematics="[KE|Momentum|TEVis|KEVis|Theta|CosTheta]"`: The particle kinematics to smear. For the majority of practical uses, where an accepter is also in use, `TEVis` and `KEVis` produce the same results. As only a single property smearer can be used per PDG, the use of `Theta` and `CosTheta` are of very limited use.
+Additional attributes that depend on the value of the `Type` attribute are as follows:
+* `Width="<value>"`: The width of the Gaussian used for `Fractional` or `Absolute` type smearers.
+* `Function="<TMath::Gaus(x - {V},0,0.2*{V})>"`: The function to throw the smeared values from for `Function` type smearers. The example function here should give the same result as `<Smear Type="Fractional" Width="0.2" />`.
+* `P[1|2|3|...]="<value>"`: Extra parameters to replace in the `Function` attribute value. *e.g.*: `<Smear Function="{V} + TMath::Gaus(x - {V},0,{P1}*{V})" P1="0.2" />`. Mostly just for clarity. An element can contain any number of numbered parameters, but they must be numbered in increasing order.
### TrackedMomentumMatrixSmearer
-Documentation to follow. Sorry.
+Applies momentum or kinetic energy smearing to tracked particles.
+#### Full example
+<TrackedMomentumMatrixSmearer Name="D00N_ND_LAr">
+ <SmearMatrix PDG="211,-211" InputFile="smear.root" HistName="cpion_mom_smear" Kinematics="Momentum" MatrixToInternal="1E3" YIsTrue="true"/>
+ <Smear PDG="13" Type="Absolute" Kinematics="KEVis" Width="0.025" />
+#### Details
+Each `<Smear>` tag requires at least:
+* `PDG="<211,-211>"`: The particle IDs to apply this smearing to.
+* `InputFile="<ROOT file location>"`: The root file that contains the input smearing matrix.
+* `HistName="<TH1D name>"`: The name of the histogram within in the input root file. Can be located within a subdirectory of the TFile.
+* `Kinematics="[KE|TE|Momentum]"`: The kinematics to smear.
+* `MatrixToInternal="<value>"`: The scale factor used to scale the units used in the smearing matrix to MeV.
+* YIsTrue="[1|0]": Whether the Y or X axis of the input histogram denotes the true kinematic property axis.
+The `<TrackedMomentummatrixSmearer>` element can also contain any number of `<Smear>` element, which are used for PDG codes that do not have a `<SmearMatrix>` element. Their behavior is as in `<GaussianSmearer>`. As this smearer can only smear tracked particles, using `<Smear>` elements to add visible energy smearing is the expected use case.
+### VisECoalescer
+### EnergyShuffler
### MetaSimpleSmearcepter
+#### Full example
+<MetaSimpleSmearcepter Name="D00N_ND_LAr">
+ <EfficiencyApplicator>
+ <EfficiencyCurve PDG="13" InputFile="uBooNEEffs.root" HistName="Tracking/Muon/p_costheta" NDims="2" XAxis="kMomentum" YAxis="kCosTheta" Interpolate="false" XAxisScaleToMeV="1E3" />
+ <EfficiencyCurve PDG="211,-211" InputFile="uBooNEEffs.root" HistName="Tracking/Pion/p_costheta" NDims="2" XAxis="kMomentum" YAxis="kCosTheta" Interpolate="false" XAxisScaleToMeV="1E3" />
+ <EfficiencyCurve PDG="2212" InputFile="uBooNEEffs.root" HistName="Tracking/Proton/p_costheta" NDims="2" XAxis="kMomentum" YAxis="kCosTheta" Interpolate="false" XAxisScaleToMeV="1E3" />
+ <VisThreshold PDG="2212" VisThresholdKE_MeV="10" Contrib="K" />
+ <VisThreshold PDG="211,-211" VisThresholdKE_MeV="30" Contrib="K" />
+ <VisThreshold PDG="111" VisThresholdKE_MeV="0" Contrib="T" />
+ </EfficiencyApplicator>
+ <VisECoaslescer/> <!-- Obscure information about VisEContributor multiplicity >
+ <EnergyShuffler> <!-- Apply event-by-event energy shuffling outside the FSI/interaction model >
+ <Shuffle From="2212" To="2112" Amount="0.1" />
+ <Shuffle From="211,-211" Amount="0.05" />
+ <Shuffle From="111" Amount="0.25" />
+ </EnergyShuffler>
+ <TrackedMomentumMatrixSmearer>
+ <SmearMatrix PDG="211,-211" InputFile="smear.root" HistName="cpion_mom_smear" Kinematics="Momentum" MatrixToInternal="1E3" YIsTrue="true"/>
+ <SmearMatrix PDG="13" InputFile="smear.root" HistName="cpion_mom_smear" Kinematics="Momentum" MatrixToInternal="1E3" YIsTrue="true"/>
+ <Smear PDG="2212" Type="Absolute" Kinematics="KEVis" Width="0.025" />
+ <Smear PDG="111" Type="Fractional" Kinematics="KEVis" Width="0.1" />
+ </TrackedMomentumMatrixSmearer>
Documentation to follow. Sorry.

File Metadata

Mime Type
Sat, Dec 21, 3:53 PM (1 d, 20 h)
Storage Engine
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Raw Data
Storage Handle
Default Alt Text
(110 KB)

Event Timeline