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// AlphaStrong.h
// Copyright (C) 2010-2018 Tobias Toll and Thomas Ullrich
// This file is part of Sartre.
// This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but without any warranty; without even the implied warranty of
// merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. See the
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with this program. If not, see <>.
// Author: Thomas Ullrich
// Last update:
// $Date: 2018-07-25 12:00:36 +0100 (Wed, 25 Jul 2018) $
// $Author: ttoll $
// Stand-alone code for alpha_s cannibalised (with permission)
// from Andreas Vogt's QCD-PEGASUS package (hep-ph/0408244).
// The running coupling alpha_s is obtained at N^mLO (m = 0,1,2,3)
// by solving the renormalisation group equation in the MSbar scheme
// by a fourth-order Runge-Kutta integration. Transitions from
// n_f to n_f+1 flavours are made when the factorisation scale
// mu_f equals the pole masses m_h (h = c,b,t). At exactly
// the thresholds m_{c,b,t}, the number of flavours n_f = {3,4,5}.
// The top quark mass should be set to be very large to evolve with
// a maximum of five flavours. The factorisation scale mu_f may be
// a constant multiple of the renormalisation scale mu_r. The input
// factorisation scale mu_(f,0) should be less than or equal to
// the charm quark mass. However, if it is greater than the
// charm quark mass, the value of alpha_s at mu_(f,0) = 1 GeV will
// be found using a root-finding algorithm.
// This is a rewrite of the original alphaS.f code originally
// written in F77. The documentation is largely left as provided
// in the Fortran version but includes the updated variable and
// function names. Data originally stored in common
// blocks and several static variables turned into data members.
// Some relics of the original F77 code remained such as array
// indexing starting at 1 (arrays are size +1 here).
// The old root finder used was replaced by a call to a root
// finder from the ROOT Math library.
// Original author: Graeme Watt
// C++ version: Thomas Ullrich (BNL)
// Example of usage.
// The constructor takes the following arguments:
// order // perturbative order (N^mLO,m=0,1,2,3) - always 0 in Sartre
// fr2 // ratio of mu_f^2 to mu_r^2
// mur // input mu_r in GeV
// asmur // input value of alpha_s at mu_r
// mc // charm quark mass
// mb // bottom quark mass
// mt 10 // top quark mass
// AlphaStrong myAlphaS(order, fr2, mur, asmur, mc, mb, mt);
// Then get alpha_s at a renormalisation scale mu_r with:
// mu_r = 10.; // scale in GeV
// double result =*mu_r); // argument in GeV^2
// Note that the argument takes the square of the renormilaztion scale
// in units of GeV^2.
// The default arguments of the constructor are tailored for
// Sartre and work equally well with KMW and HMPZ parameters.
#ifndef AlphaStrong_h
#define AlphaStrong_h
#include <cmath>
#include "Math/IFunction.h"
using namespace std;
class AlphaStrong {
AlphaStrong(int order = 0, double fr2 = 1,
double mur = 91.1876, double asmur = 0.1183,
double mc = 1.3528, double mb = 4.75, double mt = 175);
double at(double Q2); // scale in GeV^2
int order() const; // used order
double massCharm() const; // used charm quark mass
double massBottom() const; // used bottom quark mass
double massTop() const; // used bottom quark mass
double ratioFR2() const; // used ratio of mu_f^2 to mu_r^2
double alphasAtMuR() const; // used input value of alpha_s at mu_r
void setMassCharm(double);
void setMassBottom(double);
class rootFinderFormula : public ROOT::Math::IBaseFunctionOneDim {
double DoEval(double v) const {return mParent->findR0(v);}
ROOT::Math::IBaseFunctionOneDim* Clone() const {return new rootFinderFormula();}
AlphaStrong* mParent;
double findR0(double asi);
double asnf1 (double asnf, double logrh, int nf);
double as(double r2, double r20, double as0, int nf);
double funBeta1(double, int);
double funBeta2(double, int);
double funBeta3(double, int);
double sign(double, double);
void evolution (double mc2, double mb2, double mt2);
void initR0(int order, double fr2, double r0, double asi, double mc, double mb, double mt);
void betaFunction();
double mFR2;
double mScale;
double mAsScale;
double mMassC;
double mMassB;
double mMassT;
double mR0;
double mOrder;
double mZeta[7];
double mCF;
double mCA;
double mTR;
double mAS0;
double mM20;
double mLogFR;
double mASC;
double mM2C;
double mASB;
double mM2B;
double mAST;
double mM2T;
double mBeta0[7];
double mBeta1[7];
double mBeta2[7];
double mBeta3[7];
double mCCMCoefficients[4][4];
double mCCMCoefficientsI30;
double mCCMCoefficientsI31;
double mCCMCoefficientsF30;
double mCCMCoefficientsF31;
int mWasCalled;
int mPertubativeOrder;
int mIntegrationSteps;
int mVarFlavourNumScheme;
int mNumFlavorsFFNS;
inline int AlphaStrong::order() const {return mOrder;}
inline double AlphaStrong::massCharm() const {return mMassC;}
inline double AlphaStrong::massBottom() const {return mMassB;}
inline double AlphaStrong::massTop() const {return mMassT;}
inline double AlphaStrong::ratioFR2() const {return mFR2;}
inline double AlphaStrong::alphasAtMuR() const {return mAsScale;}
inline double AlphaStrong::sign(double a, double b) {return ((b < 0) ? -fabs(a) : fabs(a));}

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Mime Type
Sat, Dec 21, 5:12 PM (15 h, 11 m)
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AlphaStrong.h (6 KB)

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